123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194 |
- import { Ref, UnwrapRef, defineComponent, ComponentInternalInstance } from 'vue-demi';
- type Component = ReturnType<typeof defineComponent>;
- /*
- * Structure
- *
- * This package is mainly a validation engine. This engine requires 2
- * inputs: validation arguments and the state to be validated. The output
- * is a validation result.
- *
- * The structure of the validation object is constrained by the structure
- * of the validation arguments. These validation arguments also constraint
- * the type of the states that can be validated. And although the state does
- * not affect the structure of the validation result, it can narrow the
- * property "$model" in the validation result.
- *
- * Why do validation arguments constraint the type of the states that can
- * be validated? Because validation arguments make assumptions about the state.
- * For instance we expect a state `{ foo?: string }`, and we want to check
- * that `foo` is not empty, so we write `(foo?.length ?? 0) > 0`. If now we try
- * to validate the state `{ foo: [1] }` our validation result is meaningless.
- * This state would pass our test, but clearly it's not a valid object. This
- * situation was possible because that state violated our initial assumptions.
- *
- *
- * Validation Arguments
- * |
- * _____|____
- * / \
- * | |
- * | States to be validated
- * | |
- * | |
- * Validation Result
- *
- */
- export interface ValidatorResponse {
- $valid: boolean
- [key: string]: any
- }
- export type ValidatorFn <T = any, K = any, S = any> = (value: T, siblingState: K, vm: S) => boolean | ValidatorResponse | Promise<boolean | ValidatorResponse>;
- export interface ValidationRuleWithoutParams <T = any> {
- $validator: ValidatorFn<T>
- $message?: string | Ref<string> | (() => string)
- }
- export interface ValidationRuleWithParams<P extends object = object, T = any> {
- $validator: ValidatorFn<T>
- $message: (input: { $params: P }) => string
- $params: P
- }
- export type ValidationRule <T = any> = ValidationRuleWithParams<any, T> | ValidationRuleWithoutParams<T> | ValidatorFn<T>;
- export type ValidationRuleCollection <T = any> = Record<string, ValidationRule<T>>;
- export type ValidationArgs<T = unknown> = {
- [key in keyof T]: ValidationArgs<T[key]> | ValidationRuleCollection<T[key]> | ValidationRule<T[key]>
- }
- export interface RuleResultWithoutParams {
- readonly $message: string
- readonly $pending: boolean
- readonly $invalid: boolean
- readonly $response: any
- }
- export interface RuleResultWithParams <P extends object = object> extends RuleResultWithoutParams {
- readonly $params: P
- }
- export type RuleResult = RuleResultWithoutParams | RuleResultWithParams;
- type ExtractRuleResult <R extends ValidationRule> = R extends ValidationRuleWithParams<infer P> ? RuleResultWithParams<P> : RuleResultWithoutParams;
- type ExtractRulesResults <T, Vrules extends ValidationRuleCollection<T> | undefined> = {
- readonly [K in keyof Vrules]: Vrules[K] extends ValidationRule ? ExtractRuleResult<Vrules[K]> : undefined;
- };
- export interface ErrorObject {
- readonly $propertyPath: string
- readonly $property: string
- readonly $validator: string
- readonly $message: string | Ref<string>
- readonly $params: object
- readonly $pending: boolean
- readonly $response: any,
- readonly $uid: string,
- }
- export type BaseValidation <
- T = unknown,
- Vrules extends ValidationRuleCollection<T> | undefined = undefined,
- > = (
- Vrules extends ValidationRuleCollection<T>
- ? ExtractRulesResults<T, Vrules>
- : unknown) & {
- $model: T
- // const validationGetters
- readonly $dirty: boolean
- readonly $error: boolean
- readonly $errors: ErrorObject[]
- readonly $silentErrors: ErrorObject[]
- readonly $externalResults: ({ $validator: '$externalResults', $response: null, $pending: false, $params: {} } & ErrorObject)[]
- readonly $invalid: boolean
- readonly $anyDirty: boolean
- readonly $pending: boolean
- readonly $path: string
- // const validationMethods
- readonly $touch: () => void
- readonly $reset: () => void
- readonly $commit: () => void
- readonly $validate: () => Promise<boolean>
- // For accessing individual form properties on v$
- readonly [key: string]: any
- };
- export type NestedValidations <Vargs extends ValidationArgs = ValidationArgs, T = unknown> = {
- readonly [K in keyof Vargs]: BaseValidation<
- T extends Record<K, unknown> ? T[K] : unknown,
- Vargs[K] extends ValidationRuleCollection
- ? Vargs[K] : undefined
- > & (
- Vargs[K] extends Record<string, ValidationArgs>
- ? NestedValidations<Vargs[K], T extends Record<K, unknown> ? T[K] : unknown>
- : unknown
- )
- };
- interface ChildValidations {
- readonly $getResultsForChild: (key: string) => (BaseValidation & ChildValidations) | undefined
- readonly $clearExternalResults: () => void
- }
- export type Validation <Vargs extends ValidationArgs = ValidationArgs, T = unknown> =
- NestedValidations<Vargs, T> &
- BaseValidation<T, Vargs extends ValidationRuleCollection ? Vargs : any> &
- ChildValidations;
- export type ExtractStateLeaf <Vrules extends ValidationRuleCollection> =
- Vrules extends ValidationRuleCollection<infer T>
- ? T
- : unknown;
- export type ChildStateLeafs <Vargs extends ValidationArgs = ValidationArgs> = {
- [K in keyof Vargs]?: (
- Vargs[K] extends ValidationRuleCollection
- ? ExtractStateLeaf<Vargs[K]>
- : unknown
- ) & (
- Vargs[K] extends Record<string, ValidationArgs>
- ? ChildStateLeafs<Vargs[K]>
- : unknown
- )
- };
- export type ExtractState <Vargs extends ValidationArgs> = Vargs extends ValidationRuleCollection
- ? ExtractStateLeaf<Vargs> & ChildStateLeafs<Vargs>
- : ChildStateLeafs<Vargs>;
- type ToRefs <T> = { [K in keyof T]: Ref<T[K]> };
- export interface ServerErrors {
- [key: string]: string | string[] | ServerErrors
- }
- export interface GlobalConfig {
- $registerAs?: string
- $scope?: string | number | symbol | boolean
- $stopPropagation?: boolean
- $autoDirty?: boolean
- $lazy?: boolean,
- $externalResults?: ServerErrors | Ref<ServerErrors> | UnwrapRef<ServerErrors>,
- $rewardEarly?: boolean,
- currentVueInstance?: ComponentInternalInstance | null
- }
- export function useVuelidate(globalConfig?: GlobalConfig): Ref<Validation>;
- export function useVuelidate<
- T extends {[key in keyof Vargs]: any},
- Vargs extends ValidationArgs = ValidationArgs,
- EState extends ExtractState<Vargs> = ExtractState<Vargs>
- >(
- validationsArgs: Ref<Vargs> | Vargs,
- state: T | Ref<T> | ToRefs<T>,
- globalConfig?: GlobalConfig
- ): Ref<Validation<Vargs, T>>;
- export default useVuelidate;