System.Numerics.Vectors Represents a 3x2 matrix. Creates a 3x2 matrix from the specified components. The value to assign to the first element in the first row. The value to assign to the second element in the first row. The value to assign to the first element in the second row. The value to assign to the second element in the second row. The value to assign to the first element in the third row. The value to assign to the second element in the third row. Adds each element in one matrix with its corresponding element in a second matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The matrix that contains the summed values of value1 and value2. Creates a rotation matrix using the given rotation in radians. The amount of rotation, in radians. The rotation matrix. Creates a rotation matrix using the specified rotation in radians and a center point. The amount of rotation, in radians. The center point. The rotation matrix. Creates a scaling matrix from the specified X and Y components. The value to scale by on the X axis. The value to scale by on the Y axis. The scaling matrix. Creates a scaling matrix that scales uniformly with the specified scale with an offset from the specified center. The uniform scale to use. The center offset. The scaling matrix. Creates a scaling matrix that is offset by a given center point. The value to scale by on the X axis. The value to scale by on the Y axis. The center point. The scaling matrix. Creates a scaling matrix that scales uniformly with the given scale. The uniform scale to use. The scaling matrix. Creates a scaling matrix from the specified vector scale. The scale to use. The scaling matrix. Creates a scaling matrix from the specified vector scale with an offset from the specified center point. The scale to use. The center offset. The scaling matrix. Creates a skew matrix from the specified angles in radians. The X angle, in radians. The Y angle, in radians. The skew matrix. Creates a skew matrix from the specified angles in radians and a center point. The X angle, in radians. The Y angle, in radians. The center point. The skew matrix. Creates a translation matrix from the specified 2-dimensional vector. The translation position. The translation matrix. Creates a translation matrix from the specified X and Y components. The X position. The Y position. The translation matrix. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and another 3x2 matrix are equal. The other matrix. true if the two matrices are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current instance and obj are equal; otherwise, false```. If <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref">obj</code> isnull, the method returnsfalse`. Calculates the determinant for this matrix. The determinant. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code. Gets the multiplicative identity matrix. The multiplicative identify matrix. Inverts the specified matrix. The return value indicates whether the operation succeeded. The matrix to invert. When this method returns, contains the inverted matrix if the operation succeeded. true if matrix was converted successfully; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current matrix is the identity matrix. true if the current matrix is the identity matrix; otherwise, false. Performs a linear interpolation from one matrix to a second matrix based on a value that specifies the weighting of the second matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The relative weighting of matrix2. The interpolated matrix. The first element of the first row. The second element of the first row. The first element of the second row. The second element of the second row. The first element of the third row. The second element of the third row. Returns the matrix that results from multiplying two matrices together. The first matrix. The second matrix. The product matrix. Returns the matrix that results from scaling all the elements of a specified matrix by a scalar factor. The matrix to scale. The scaling value to use. The scaled matrix. Negates the specified matrix by multiplying all its values by -1. The matrix to negate. The negated matrix. Adds each element in one matrix with its corresponding element in a second matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The matrix that contains the summed values. Returns a value that indicates whether the specified matrices are equal. The first matrix to compare. The second matrix to compare. true if value1 and value2 are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether the specified matrices are not equal. The first matrix to compare. The second matrix to compare. true if value1 and value2 are not equal; otherwise, false. Returns the matrix that results from multiplying two matrices together. The first matrix. The second matrix. The product matrix. Returns the matrix that results from scaling all the elements of a specified matrix by a scalar factor. The matrix to scale. The scaling value to use. The scaled matrix. Subtracts each element in a second matrix from its corresponding element in a first matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The matrix containing the values that result from subtracting each element in value2 from its corresponding element in value1. Negates the specified matrix by multiplying all its values by -1. The matrix to negate. The negated matrix. Subtracts each element in a second matrix from its corresponding element in a first matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The matrix containing the values that result from subtracting each element in value2 from its corresponding element in value1. Returns a string that represents this matrix. The string representation of this matrix. Gets or sets the translation component of this matrix. The translation component of the current instance. Represents a 4x4 matrix. Creates a object from a specified object. A 3x2 matrix. Creates a 4x4 matrix from the specified components. The value to assign to the first element in the first row. The value to assign to the second element in the first row. The value to assign to the third element in the first row. The value to assign to the fourth element in the first row. The value to assign to the first element in the second row. The value to assign to the second element in the second row. The value to assign to the third element in the second row. The value to assign to the third element in the second row. The value to assign to the first element in the third row. The value to assign to the second element in the third row. The value to assign to the third element in the third row. The value to assign to the fourth element in the third row. The value to assign to the first element in the fourth row. The value to assign to the second element in the fourth row. The value to assign to the third element in the fourth row. The value to assign to the fourth element in the fourth row. Adds each element in one matrix with its corresponding element in a second matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The matrix that contains the summed values of value1 and value2. Creates a spherical billboard that rotates around a specified object position. The position of the object that the billboard will rotate around. The position of the camera. The up vector of the camera. The forward vector of the camera. The created billboard. Creates a cylindrical billboard that rotates around a specified axis. The position of the object that the billboard will rotate around. The position of the camera. The axis to rotate the billboard around. The forward vector of the camera. The forward vector of the object. The billboard matrix. Creates a matrix that rotates around an arbitrary vector. The axis to rotate around. The angle to rotate around axis, in radians. The rotation matrix. Creates a rotation matrix from the specified Quaternion rotation value. The source Quaternion. The rotation matrix. Creates a rotation matrix from the specified yaw, pitch, and roll. The angle of rotation, in radians, around the Y axis. The angle of rotation, in radians, around the X axis. The angle of rotation, in radians, around the Z axis. The rotation matrix. Creates a view matrix. The position of the camera. The target towards which the camera is pointing. The direction that is "up" from the camera's point of view. The view matrix. Creates an orthographic perspective matrix from the given view volume dimensions. The width of the view volume. The height of the view volume. The minimum Z-value of the view volume. The maximum Z-value of the view volume. The orthographic projection matrix. Creates a customized orthographic projection matrix. The minimum X-value of the view volume. The maximum X-value of the view volume. The minimum Y-value of the view volume. The maximum Y-value of the view volume. The minimum Z-value of the view volume. The maximum Z-value of the view volume. The orthographic projection matrix. Creates a perspective projection matrix from the given view volume dimensions. The width of the view volume at the near view plane. The height of the view volume at the near view plane. The distance to the near view plane. The distance to the far view plane. The perspective projection matrix. nearPlaneDistance is less than or equal to zero. -or- farPlaneDistance is less than or equal to zero. -or- nearPlaneDistance is greater than or equal to farPlaneDistance. Creates a perspective projection matrix based on a field of view, aspect ratio, and near and far view plane distances. The field of view in the y direction, in radians. The aspect ratio, defined as view space width divided by height. The distance to the near view plane. The distance to the far view plane. The perspective projection matrix. fieldOfView is less than or equal to zero. -or- fieldOfView is greater than or equal to . nearPlaneDistance is less than or equal to zero. -or- farPlaneDistance is less than or equal to zero. -or- nearPlaneDistance is greater than or equal to farPlaneDistance. Creates a customized perspective projection matrix. The minimum x-value of the view volume at the near view plane. The maximum x-value of the view volume at the near view plane. The minimum y-value of the view volume at the near view plane. The maximum y-value of the view volume at the near view plane. The distance to the near view plane. The distance to the far view plane. The perspective projection matrix. nearPlaneDistance is less than or equal to zero. -or- farPlaneDistance is less than or equal to zero. -or- nearPlaneDistance is greater than or equal to farPlaneDistance. Creates a matrix that reflects the coordinate system about a specified plane. The plane about which to create a reflection. A new matrix expressing the reflection. Creates a matrix for rotating points around the X axis. The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the X axis. The rotation matrix. Creates a matrix for rotating points around the X axis from a center point. The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the X axis. The center point. The rotation matrix. The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the Y axis from a center point. The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the Y-axis. The center point. The rotation matrix. Creates a matrix for rotating points around the Y axis. The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the Y-axis. The rotation matrix. Creates a matrix for rotating points around the Z axis. The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the Z-axis. The rotation matrix. Creates a matrix for rotating points around the Z axis from a center point. The amount, in radians, by which to rotate around the Z-axis. The center point. The rotation matrix. Creates a scaling matrix from the specified vector scale. The scale to use. The scaling matrix. Creates a uniform scaling matrix that scale equally on each axis. The uniform scaling factor. The scaling matrix. Creates a scaling matrix with a center point. The vector that contains the amount to scale on each axis. The center point. The scaling matrix. Creates a uniform scaling matrix that scales equally on each axis with a center point. The uniform scaling factor. The center point. The scaling matrix. Creates a scaling matrix from the specified X, Y, and Z components. The value to scale by on the X axis. The value to scale by on the Y axis. The value to scale by on the Z axis. The scaling matrix. Creates a scaling matrix that is offset by a given center point. The value to scale by on the X axis. The value to scale by on the Y axis. The value to scale by on the Z axis. The center point. The scaling matrix. Creates a matrix that flattens geometry into a specified plane as if casting a shadow from a specified light source. The direction from which the light that will cast the shadow is coming. The plane onto which the new matrix should flatten geometry so as to cast a shadow. A new matrix that can be used to flatten geometry onto the specified plane from the specified direction. Creates a translation matrix from the specified 3-dimensional vector. The amount to translate in each axis. The translation matrix. Creates a translation matrix from the specified X, Y, and Z components. The amount to translate on the X axis. The amount to translate on the Y axis. The amount to translate on the Z axis. The translation matrix. Creates a world matrix with the specified parameters. The position of the object. The forward direction of the object. The upward direction of the object. Its value is usually [0, 1, 0]. The world matrix. Attempts to extract the scale, translation, and rotation components from the given scale, rotation, or translation matrix. The return value indicates whether the operation succeeded. The source matrix. When this method returns, contains the scaling component of the transformation matrix if the operation succeeded. When this method returns, contains the rotation component of the transformation matrix if the operation succeeded. When the method returns, contains the translation component of the transformation matrix if the operation succeeded. true if matrix was decomposed successfully; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and another 4x4 matrix are equal. The other matrix. true if the two matrices are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current instance and obj are equal; otherwise, false```. If <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref">obj</code> isnull, the method returnsfalse`. Calculates the determinant of the current 4x4 matrix. The determinant. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code. Gets the multiplicative identity matrix. Gets the multiplicative identity matrix. Inverts the specified matrix. The return value indicates whether the operation succeeded. The matrix to invert. When this method returns, contains the inverted matrix if the operation succeeded. true if matrix was converted successfully; otherwise, false. Indicates whether the current matrix is the identity matrix. true if the current matrix is the identity matrix; otherwise, false. Performs a linear interpolation from one matrix to a second matrix based on a value that specifies the weighting of the second matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The relative weighting of matrix2. The interpolated matrix. The first element of the first row. The second element of the first row. The third element of the first row. The fourth element of the first row. The first element of the second row. The second element of the second row. The third element of the second row. The fourth element of the second row. The first element of the third row. The second element of the third row. The third element of the third row. The fourth element of the third row. The first element of the fourth row. The second element of the fourth row. The third element of the fourth row. The fourth element of the fourth row. Returns the matrix that results from multiplying two matrices together. The first matrix. The second matrix. The product matrix. Returns the matrix that results from scaling all the elements of a specified matrix by a scalar factor. The matrix to scale. The scaling value to use. The scaled matrix. Negates the specified matrix by multiplying all its values by -1. The matrix to negate. The negated matrix. Adds each element in one matrix with its corresponding element in a second matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The matrix that contains the summed values. Returns a value that indicates whether the specified matrices are equal. The first matrix to compare. The second matrix to care true if value1 and value2 are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether the specified matrices are not equal. The first matrix to compare. The second matrix to compare. true if value1 and value2 are not equal; otherwise, false. Returns the matrix that results from scaling all the elements of a specified matrix by a scalar factor. The matrix to scale. The scaling value to use. The scaled matrix. Returns the matrix that results from multiplying two matrices together. The first matrix. The second matrix. The product matrix. Subtracts each element in a second matrix from its corresponding element in a first matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The matrix containing the values that result from subtracting each element in value2 from its corresponding element in value1. Negates the specified matrix by multiplying all its values by -1. The matrix to negate. The negated matrix. Subtracts each element in a second matrix from its corresponding element in a first matrix. The first matrix. The second matrix. The matrix containing the values that result from subtracting each element in value2 from its corresponding element in value1. Returns a string that represents this matrix. The string representation of this matrix. Transforms the specified matrix by applying the specified Quaternion rotation. The matrix to transform. The rotation t apply. The transformed matrix. Gets or sets the translation component of this matrix. The translation component of the current instance. Transposes the rows and columns of a matrix. The matrix to transpose. The transposed matrix. Represents a three-dimensional plane. Creates a object from a specified four-dimensional vector. A vector whose first three elements describe the normal vector, and whose defines the distance along that normal from the origin. Creates a object from a specified normal and the distance along the normal from the origin. The plane's normal vector. The plane's distance from the origin along its normal vector. Creates a object from the X, Y, and Z components of its normal, and its distance from the origin on that normal. The X component of the normal. The Y component of the normal. The Z component of the normal. The distance of the plane along its normal from the origin. Creates a object that contains three specified points. The first point defining the plane. The second point defining the plane. The third point defining the plane. The plane containing the three points. The distance of the plane along its normal from the origin. Calculates the dot product of a plane and a 4-dimensional vector. The plane. The four-dimensional vector. The dot product. Returns the dot product of a specified three-dimensional vector and the normal vector of this plane plus the distance () value of the plane. The plane. The 3-dimensional vector. The dot product. Returns the dot product of a specified three-dimensional vector and the vector of this plane. The plane. The three-dimensional vector. The dot product. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current instance and obj are equal; otherwise, false```. If <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref">obj</code> isnull, the method returnsfalse`. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and another plane object are equal. The other plane. true if the two planes are equal; otherwise, false. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code. The normal vector of the plane. Creates a new object whose normal vector is the source plane's normal vector normalized. The source plane. The normalized plane. Returns a value that indicates whether two planes are equal. The first plane to compare. The second plane to compare. true if value1 and value2 are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether two planes are not equal. The first plane to compare. The second plane to compare. true if value1 and value2 are not equal; otherwise, false. Returns the string representation of this plane object. A string that represents this object. Transforms a normalized plane by a 4x4 matrix. The normalized plane to transform. The transformation matrix to apply to plane. The transformed plane. Transforms a normalized plane by a Quaternion rotation. The normalized plane to transform. The Quaternion rotation to apply to the plane. A new plane that results from applying the Quaternion rotation. Represents a vector that is used to encode three-dimensional physical rotations. Creates a quaternion from the specified vector and rotation parts. The vector part of the quaternion. The rotation part of the quaternion. Constructs a quaternion from the specified components. The value to assign to the X component of the quaternion. The value to assign to the Y component of the quaternion. The value to assign to the Z component of the quaternion. The value to assign to the W component of the quaternion. Adds each element in one quaternion with its corresponding element in a second quaternion. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The quaternion that contains the summed values of value1 and value2. Concatenates two quaternions. The first quaternion rotation in the series. The second quaternion rotation in the series. A new quaternion representing the concatenation of the value1 rotation followed by the value2 rotation. Returns the conjugate of a specified quaternion. The quaternion. A new quaternion that is the conjugate of value. Creates a quaternion from a vector and an angle to rotate about the vector. The vector to rotate around. The angle, in radians, to rotate around the vector. The newly created quaternion. Creates a quaternion from the specified rotation matrix. The rotation matrix. The newly created quaternion. Creates a new quaternion from the given yaw, pitch, and roll. The yaw angle, in radians, around the Y axis. The pitch angle, in radians, around the X axis. The roll angle, in radians, around the Z axis. The resulting quaternion. Divides one quaternion by a second quaternion. The dividend. The divisor. The quaternion that results from dividing value1 by value2. Calculates the dot product of two quaternions. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The dot product. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and another quaternion are equal. The other quaternion. true if the two quaternions are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current instance and obj are equal; otherwise, false```. If <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref">obj</code> isnull, the method returnsfalse`. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code. Gets a quaternion that represents no rotation. A quaternion whose values are (0, 0, 0, 1). Returns the inverse of a quaternion. The quaternion. The inverted quaternion. Gets a value that indicates whether the current instance is the identity quaternion. true if the current instance is the identity quaternion; otherwise, false. Calculates the length of the quaternion. The computed length of the quaternion. Calculates the squared length of the quaternion. The length squared of the quaternion. Performs a linear interpolation between two quaternions based on a value that specifies the weighting of the second quaternion. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The relative weight of quaternion2 in the interpolation. The interpolated quaternion. Returns the quaternion that results from multiplying two quaternions together. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The product quaternion. Returns the quaternion that results from scaling all the components of a specified quaternion by a scalar factor. The source quaternion. The scalar value. The scaled quaternion. Reverses the sign of each component of the quaternion. The quaternion to negate. The negated quaternion. Divides each component of a specified by its length. The quaternion to normalize. The normalized quaternion. Adds each element in one quaternion with its corresponding element in a second quaternion. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The quaternion that contains the summed values of value1 and value2. Divides one quaternion by a second quaternion. The dividend. The divisor. The quaternion that results from dividing value1 by value2. Returns a value that indicates whether two quaternions are equal. The first quaternion to compare. The second quaternion to compare. true if the two quaternions are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether two quaternions are not equal. The first quaternion to compare. The second quaternion to compare. true if value1 and value2 are not equal; otherwise, false. Returns the quaternion that results from scaling all the components of a specified quaternion by a scalar factor. The source quaternion. The scalar value. The scaled quaternion. Returns the quaternion that results from multiplying two quaternions together. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The product quaternion. Subtracts each element in a second quaternion from its corresponding element in a first quaternion. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The quaternion containing the values that result from subtracting each element in value2 from its corresponding element in value1. Reverses the sign of each component of the quaternion. The quaternion to negate. The negated quaternion. Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The relative weight of the second quaternion in the interpolation. The interpolated quaternion. Subtracts each element in a second quaternion from its corresponding element in a first quaternion. The first quaternion. The second quaternion. The quaternion containing the values that result from subtracting each element in value2 from its corresponding element in value1. Returns a string that represents this quaternion. The string representation of this quaternion. The rotation component of the quaternion. The X value of the vector component of the quaternion. The Y value of the vector component of the quaternion. The Z value of the vector component of the quaternion. Represents a single vector of a specified numeric type that is suitable for low-level optimization of parallel algorithms. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. Creates a vector whose components are of a specified type. The numeric type that defines the type of the components in the vector. Creates a vector from a specified array. A numeric array. values is null. Creates a vector from a specified array starting at a specified index position. A numeric array. The starting index position from which to create the vector. values is null. index is less than zero. -or- The length of values minus index is less than . Copies the vector instance to a specified destination array. The array to receive a copy of the vector values. destination is null. The number of elements in the current vector is greater than the number of elements available in the destination array. Copies the vector instance to a specified destination array starting at a specified index position. The array to receive a copy of the vector values. The starting index in destination at which to begin the copy operation. destination is null. The number of elements in the current instance is greater than the number of elements available from startIndex to the end of the destination array. index is less than zero or greater than the last index in destination. Returns the number of elements stored in the vector. The number of elements stored in the vector. Access to the property getter via reflection is not supported. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified vector. The vector to compare with this instance. true if the current instance and other are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance is equal to a specified object. The object to compare with this instance. true if the current instance and obj are equal; otherwise, false. The method returns false if obj is null, or if obj is a vector of a different type than the current instance. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code. Gets the element at a specified index. The index of the element to return. The element at index index. index is less than zero. -or- index is greater than or equal to . Returns a vector containing all ones. A vector containing all ones. Adds two vectors together. The first vector to add. The second vector to add. The summed vector. Returns a new vector by performing a bitwise And operation on each of the elements in two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from the bitwise And of left and right. Returns a new vector by performing a bitwise Or operation on each of the elements in two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from the bitwise Or of the elements in left and right. Divides the first vector by the second. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from dividing left by right. Returns a value that indicates whether each pair of elements in two specified vectors are equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. true if left and right are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a new vector by performing a bitwise XOr operation on each of the elements in two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from the bitwise XOr of the elements in left and right. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of the specified vector into a vector of type . The vector to reinterpret. The reinterpreted vector. Returns a value that indicates whether any single pair of elements in the specified vectors is equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. true if any element pairs in left and right are equal. false if no element pairs are equal. Multiplies two vectors together. The first vector. The second vector. The product vector. Multiplies a vector by a specified scalar value. The source vector. A scalar value. The scaled vector. Multiplies a vector by the given scalar. The scalar value. The source vector. The scaled vector. Returns a new vector whose elements are obtained by taking the one's complement of a specified vector's elements. The source vector. The one's complement vector. Subtracts the second vector from the first. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from subtracting right from left. Negates a given vector. The vector to negate. The negated vector. Returns the string representation of this vector using the specified format string to format individual elements and the specified format provider to define culture-specific formatting. A or that defines the format of individual elements. A format provider that supplies culture-specific formatting information. The string representation of the current instance. Returns the string representation of this vector using default formatting. The string representation of this vector. Returns the string representation of this vector using the specified format string to format individual elements. A or that defines the format of individual elements. The string representation of the current instance. Returns a vector containing all zeroes. A vector containing all zeroes. Provides a collection of static convenience methods for creating, manipulating, combining, and converting generic vectors. Returns a new vector whose elements are the absolute values of the given vector's elements. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The absolute value vector. Returns a new vector whose values are the sum of each pair of elements from two given vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The summed vector. Returns a new vector by performing a bitwise And Not operation on each pair of corresponding elements in two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a vector of unsigned bytes. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a double-precision floating-point vector. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a vector of 16-bit integers. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a vector of integers. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a vector of long integers. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a vector of signed bytes. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a single-precision floating-point vector. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a vector of unsigned 16-bit integers. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a vector of unsigned integers. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Reinterprets the bits of a specified vector into those of a vector of unsigned long integers. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The reinterpreted vector. Returns a new vector by performing a bitwise And operation on each pair of elements in two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Returns a new vector by performing a bitwise Or operation on each pair of elements in two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Creates a new single-precision vector with elements selected between two specified single-precision source vectors based on an integral mask vector. The integral mask vector used to drive selection. The first source vector. The second source vector. The new vector with elements selected based on the mask. Creates a new double-precision vector with elements selected between two specified double-precision source vectors based on an integral mask vector. The integral mask vector used to drive selection. The first source vector. The second source vector. The new vector with elements selected based on the mask. Creates a new vector of a specified type with elements selected between two specified source vectors of the same type based on an integral mask vector. The integral mask vector used to drive selection. The first source vector. The second source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The new vector with elements selected based on the mask. Returns a new vector whose values are the result of dividing the first vector's elements by the corresponding elements in the second vector. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The divided vector. Returns the dot product of two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The dot product. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in two specified double-precision vectors are equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in two specified integral vectors are equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new vector whose elements signal whether the elements in two specified long integer vectors are equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting long integer vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in two specified single-precision vectors are equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new vector of a specified type whose elements signal whether the elements in two specified vectors of the same type are equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Returns a value that indicates whether each pair of elements in the given vectors is equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if all elements in left and right are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether any single pair of elements in the given vectors is equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if any element pair in left and right is equal; otherwise, false. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one double-precision floating-point vector are greater than their corresponding elements in a second double-precision floating-point vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one integral vector are greater than their corresponding elements in a second integral vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new long integer vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one long integer vector are greater than their corresponding elements in a second long integer vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting long integer vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one single-precision floating-point vector are greater than their corresponding elements in a second single-precision floating-point vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one vector of a specified type are greater than their corresponding elements in the second vector of the same time. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Returns a value that indicates whether all elements in the first vector are greater than the corresponding elements in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if all elements in left are greater than the corresponding elements in right; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether any element in the first vector is greater than the corresponding element in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if any element in left is greater than the corresponding element in right; otherwise, false. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one vector are greater than or equal to their corresponding elements in the single-precision floating-point second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new long integer vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one long integer vector are greater than or equal to their corresponding elements in the second long integer vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting long integer vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one integral vector are greater than or equal to their corresponding elements in the second integral vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one vector are greater than or equal to their corresponding elements in the second double-precision floating-point vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one vector of a specified type are greater than or equal to their corresponding elements in the second vector of the same type. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Returns a value that indicates whether all elements in the first vector are greater than or equal to all the corresponding elements in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if all elements in left are greater than or equal to the corresponding elements in right; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether any element in the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding element in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if any element in left is greater than or equal to the corresponding element in right; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether vector operations are subject to hardware acceleration through JIT intrinsic support. true if vector operations are subject to hardware acceleration; otherwise, false. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one double-precision floating-point vector are less than their corresponding elements in a second double-precision floating-point vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one integral vector are less than their corresponding elements in a second integral vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector Returns a new long integer vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one long integer vector are less than their corresponding elements in a second long integer vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting long integer vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one single-precision vector are less than their corresponding elements in a second single-precision vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new vector of a specified type whose elements signal whether the elements in one vector are less than their corresponding elements in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Returns a value that indicates whether all of the elements in the first vector are less than their corresponding elements in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if all of the elements in left are less than the corresponding elements in right; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether any element in the first vector is less than the corresponding element in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if any element in left is less than the corresponding element in right; otherwise, false. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one double-precision floating-point vector are less than or equal to their corresponding elements in a second double-precision floating-point vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one integral vector are less than or equal to their corresponding elements in a second integral vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new long integer vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one long integer vector are less or equal to their corresponding elements in a second long integer vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting long integer vector. Returns a new integral vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one single-precision floating-point vector are less than or equal to their corresponding elements in a second single-precision floating-point vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The resulting integral vector. Returns a new vector whose elements signal whether the elements in one vector are less than or equal to their corresponding elements in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Returns a value that indicates whether all elements in the first vector are less than or equal to their corresponding elements in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if all of the elements in left are less than or equal to the corresponding elements in right; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether any element in the first vector is less than or equal to the corresponding element in the second vector. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. true if any element in left is less than or equal to the corresponding element in right; otherwise, false. Returns a new vector whose elements are the maximum of each pair of elements in the two given vectors. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The maximum vector. Returns a new vector whose elements are the minimum of each pair of elements in the two given vectors. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The minimum vector. Returns a new vector whose values are a scalar value multiplied by each of the values of a specified vector. The scalar value. The vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The scaled vector. Returns a new vector whose values are the product of each pair of elements in two specified vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The product vector. Returns a new vector whose values are the values of a specified vector each multiplied by a scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The scaled vector. Returns a new vector whose elements are the negation of the corresponding element in the specified vector. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The negated vector. Returns a new vector whose elements are obtained by taking the one's complement of a specified vector's elements. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Returns a new vector whose elements are the square roots of a specified vector's elements. The source vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The square root vector. Returns a new vector whose values are the difference between the elements in the second vector and their corresponding elements in the first vector. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The difference vector. Returns a new vector by performing a bitwise exclusive Or (XOr) operation on each pair of elements in two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The vector type. T can be any primitive numeric type. The resulting vector. Represents a vector with two single-precision floating-point values. Creates a new object whose two elements have the same value. The value to assign to both elements. Creates a vector whose elements have the specified values. The value to assign to the field. The value to assign to the field. Returns a vector whose elements are the absolute values of each of the specified vector's elements. A vector. The absolute value vector. Adds two vectors together. The first vector to add. The second vector to add. The summed vector. Restricts a vector between a minimum and a maximum value. The vector to restrict. The minimum value. The maximum value. The restricted vector. Copies the elements of the vector to a specified array. The destination array. array is null. The number of elements in the current instance is greater than in the array. array is multidimensional. Copies the elements of the vector to a specified array starting at a specified index position. The destination array. The index at which to copy the first element of the vector. array is null. The number of elements in the current instance is greater than in the array. index is less than zero. -or- index is greater than or equal to the array length. array is multidimensional. Computes the Euclidean distance between the two given points. The first point. The second point. The distance. Returns the Euclidean distance squared between two specified points. The first point. The second point. The distance squared. Divides the first vector by the second. The first vector. The second vector. The vector resulting from the division. Divides the specified vector by a specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The vector that results from the division. Returns the dot product of two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The dot product. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current instance and obj are equal; otherwise, false```. If <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref">obj</code> isnull, the method returnsfalse`. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and another vector are equal. The other vector. true if the two vectors are equal; otherwise, false. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code. Returns the length of the vector. The vector's length. Returns the length of the vector squared. The vector's length squared. Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors based on the given weighting. The first vector. The second vector. A value between 0 and 1 that indicates the weight of value2. The interpolated vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the maximum of each of the pairs of elements in two specified vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The maximized vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the minimum of each of the pairs of elements in two specified vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The minimized vector. Multiplies two vectors together. The first vector. The second vector. The product vector. Multiplies a vector by a specified scalar. The vector to multiply. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Multiplies a scalar value by a specified vector. The scaled value. The vector. The scaled vector. Negates a specified vector. The vector to negate. The negated vector. Returns a vector with the same direction as the specified vector, but with a length of one. The vector to normalize. The normalized vector. Gets a vector whose 2 elements are equal to one. A vector whose two elements are equal to one (that is, it returns the vector (1,1). Adds two vectors together. The first vector to add. The second vector to add. The summed vector. Divides the first vector by the second. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from dividing left by right. Divides the specified vector by a specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The result of the division. Returns a value that indicates whether each pair of elements in two specified vectors is equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. true if left and right are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether two specified vectors are not equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. true if left and right are not equal; otherwise, false. Multiplies two vectors together. The first vector. The second vector. The product vector. Multiples the specified vector by the specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Multiples the scalar value by the specified vector. The vector. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Subtracts the second vector from the first. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from subtracting right from left. Negates the specified vector. The vector to negate. The negated vector. Returns the reflection of a vector off a surface that has the specified normal. The source vector. The normal of the surface being reflected off. The reflected vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the square root of each of a specified vector's elements. A vector. The square root vector. Subtracts the second vector from the first. The first vector. The second vector. The difference vector. Returns the string representation of the current instance using default formatting. The string representation of the current instance. Returns the string representation of the current instance using the specified format string to format individual elements. A or that defines the format of individual elements. The string representation of the current instance. Returns the string representation of the current instance using the specified format string to format individual elements and the specified format provider to define culture-specific formatting. A or that defines the format of individual elements. A format provider that supplies culture-specific formatting information. The string representation of the current instance. Transforms a vector by a specified 3x2 matrix. The vector to transform. The transformation matrix. The transformed vector. Transforms a vector by a specified 4x4 matrix. The vector to transform. The transformation matrix. The transformed vector. Transforms a vector by the specified Quaternion rotation value. The vector to rotate. The rotation to apply. The transformed vector. Transforms a vector normal by the given 3x2 matrix. The source vector. The matrix. The transformed vector. Transforms a vector normal by the given 4x4 matrix. The source vector. The matrix. The transformed vector. Gets the vector (1,0). The vector (1,0). Gets the vector (0,1). The vector (0,1). The X component of the vector. The Y component of the vector. Returns a vector whose 2 elements are equal to zero. A vector whose two elements are equal to zero (that is, it returns the vector (0,0). Represents a vector with three single-precision floating-point values. Creates a new object whose three elements have the same value. The value to assign to all three elements. Creates a new object from the specified object and the specified value. The vector with two elements. The additional value to assign to the field. Creates a vector whose elements have the specified values. The value to assign to the field. The value to assign to the field. The value to assign to the field. Returns a vector whose elements are the absolute values of each of the specified vector's elements. A vector. The absolute value vector. Adds two vectors together. The first vector to add. The second vector to add. The summed vector. Restricts a vector between a minimum and a maximum value. The vector to restrict. The minimum value. The maximum value. The restricted vector. Copies the elements of the vector to a specified array. The destination array. array is null. The number of elements in the current instance is greater than in the array. array is multidimensional. Copies the elements of the vector to a specified array starting at a specified index position. The destination array. The index at which to copy the first element of the vector. array is null. The number of elements in the current instance is greater than in the array. index is less than zero. -or- index is greater than or equal to the array length. array is multidimensional. Computes the cross product of two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The cross product. Computes the Euclidean distance between the two given points. The first point. The second point. The distance. Returns the Euclidean distance squared between two specified points. The first point. The second point. The distance squared. Divides the specified vector by a specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The vector that results from the division. Divides the first vector by the second. The first vector. The second vector. The vector resulting from the division. Returns the dot product of two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The dot product. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and another vector are equal. The other vector. true if the two vectors are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current instance and obj are equal; otherwise, false```. If <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref">obj</code> isnull, the method returnsfalse`. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code. Returns the length of this vector object. The vector's length. Returns the length of the vector squared. The vector's length squared. Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors based on the given weighting. The first vector. The second vector. A value between 0 and 1 that indicates the weight of value2. The interpolated vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the maximum of each of the pairs of elements in two specified vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The maximized vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the minimum of each of the pairs of elements in two specified vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The minimized vector. Multiplies a scalar value by a specified vector. The scaled value. The vector. The scaled vector. Multiplies two vectors together. The first vector. The second vector. The product vector. Multiplies a vector by a specified scalar. The vector to multiply. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Negates a specified vector. The vector to negate. The negated vector. Returns a vector with the same direction as the specified vector, but with a length of one. The vector to normalize. The normalized vector. Gets a vector whose 3 elements are equal to one. A vector whose three elements are equal to one (that is, it returns the vector (1,1,1). Adds two vectors together. The first vector to add. The second vector to add. The summed vector. Divides the first vector by the second. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from dividing left by right. Divides the specified vector by a specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The result of the division. Returns a value that indicates whether each pair of elements in two specified vectors is equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. true if left and right are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether two specified vectors are not equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. true if left and right are not equal; otherwise, false. Multiplies two vectors together. The first vector. The second vector. The product vector. Multiples the specified vector by the specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Multiples the scalar value by the specified vector. The vector. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Subtracts the second vector from the first. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from subtracting right from left. Negates the specified vector. The vector to negate. The negated vector. Returns the reflection of a vector off a surface that has the specified normal. The source vector. The normal of the surface being reflected off. The reflected vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the square root of each of a specified vector's elements. A vector. The square root vector. Subtracts the second vector from the first. The first vector. The second vector. The difference vector. Returns the string representation of the current instance using default formatting. The string representation of the current instance. Returns the string representation of the current instance using the specified format string to format individual elements. A or that defines the format of individual elements. The string representation of the current instance. Returns the string representation of the current instance using the specified format string to format individual elements and the specified format provider to define culture-specific formatting. A or that defines the format of individual elements. A format provider that supplies culture-specific formatting information. The string representation of the current instance. Transforms a vector by a specified 4x4 matrix. The vector to transform. The transformation matrix. The transformed vector. Transforms a vector by the specified Quaternion rotation value. The vector to rotate. The rotation to apply. The transformed vector. Transforms a vector normal by the given 4x4 matrix. The source vector. The matrix. The transformed vector. Gets the vector (1,0,0). The vector (1,0,0). Gets the vector (0,1,0). The vector (0,1,0).. Gets the vector (0,0,1). The vector (0,0,1). The X component of the vector. The Y component of the vector. The Z component of the vector. Gets a vector whose 3 elements are equal to zero. A vector whose three elements are equal to zero (that is, it returns the vector (0,0,0). Represents a vector with four single-precision floating-point values. Creates a new object whose four elements have the same value. The value to assign to all four elements. Constructs a new object from the specified object and a W component. The vector to use for the X, Y, and Z components. The W component. Creates a new object from the specified object and a Z and a W component. The vector to use for the X and Y components. The Z component. The W component. Creates a vector whose elements have the specified values. The value to assign to the field. The value to assign to the field. The value to assign to the field. The value to assign to the field. Returns a vector whose elements are the absolute values of each of the specified vector's elements. A vector. The absolute value vector. Adds two vectors together. The first vector to add. The second vector to add. The summed vector. Restricts a vector between a minimum and a maximum value. The vector to restrict. The minimum value. The maximum value. The restricted vector. Copies the elements of the vector to a specified array. The destination array. array is null. The number of elements in the current instance is greater than in the array. array is multidimensional. Copies the elements of the vector to a specified array starting at a specified index position. The destination array. The index at which to copy the first element of the vector. array is null. The number of elements in the current instance is greater than in the array. index is less than zero. -or- index is greater than or equal to the array length. array is multidimensional. Computes the Euclidean distance between the two given points. The first point. The second point. The distance. Returns the Euclidean distance squared between two specified points. The first point. The second point. The distance squared. Divides the first vector by the second. The first vector. The second vector. The vector resulting from the division. Divides the specified vector by a specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The vector that results from the division. Returns the dot product of two vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The dot product. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and another vector are equal. The other vector. true if the two vectors are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. The object to compare with the current instance. true if the current instance and obj are equal; otherwise, false```. If <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref">obj</code> isnull, the method returnsfalse`. Returns the hash code for this instance. The hash code. Returns the length of this vector object. The vector's length. Returns the length of the vector squared. The vector's length squared. Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors based on the given weighting. The first vector. The second vector. A value between 0 and 1 that indicates the weight of value2. The interpolated vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the maximum of each of the pairs of elements in two specified vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The maximized vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the minimum of each of the pairs of elements in two specified vectors. The first vector. The second vector. The minimized vector. Multiplies two vectors together. The first vector. The second vector. The product vector. Multiplies a vector by a specified scalar. The vector to multiply. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Multiplies a scalar value by a specified vector. The scaled value. The vector. The scaled vector. Negates a specified vector. The vector to negate. The negated vector. Returns a vector with the same direction as the specified vector, but with a length of one. The vector to normalize. The normalized vector. Gets a vector whose 4 elements are equal to one. Returns . Adds two vectors together. The first vector to add. The second vector to add. The summed vector. Divides the first vector by the second. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from dividing left by right. Divides the specified vector by a specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The result of the division. Returns a value that indicates whether each pair of elements in two specified vectors is equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. true if left and right are equal; otherwise, false. Returns a value that indicates whether two specified vectors are not equal. The first vector to compare. The second vector to compare. true if left and right are not equal; otherwise, false. Multiplies two vectors together. The first vector. The second vector. The product vector. Multiples the specified vector by the specified scalar value. The vector. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Multiples the scalar value by the specified vector. The vector. The scalar value. The scaled vector. Subtracts the second vector from the first. The first vector. The second vector. The vector that results from subtracting right from left. Negates the specified vector. The vector to negate. The negated vector. Returns a vector whose elements are the square root of each of a specified vector's elements. A vector. The square root vector. Subtracts the second vector from the first. The first vector. The second vector. The difference vector. Returns the string representation of the current instance using default formatting. The string representation of the current instance. Returns the string representation of the current instance using the specified format string to format individual elements. A or that defines the format of individual elements. The string representation of the current instance. Returns the string representation of the current instance using the specified format string to format individual elements and the specified format provider to define culture-specific formatting. A or that defines the format of individual elements. A format provider that supplies culture-specific formatting information. The string representation of the current instance. Transforms a four-dimensional vector by the specified Quaternion rotation value. The vector to rotate. The rotation to apply. The transformed vector. Transforms a four-dimensional vector by a specified 4x4 matrix. The vector to transform. The transformation matrix. The transformed vector. Transforms a three-dimensional vector by the specified Quaternion rotation value. The vector to rotate. The rotation to apply. The transformed vector. Transforms a two-dimensional vector by a specified 4x4 matrix. The vector to transform. The transformation matrix. The transformed vector. Transforms a two-dimensional vector by the specified Quaternion rotation value. The vector to rotate. The rotation to apply. The transformed vector. Transforms a three-dimensional vector by a specified 4x4 matrix. The vector to transform. The transformation matrix. The transformed vector. Gets the vector (0,0,0,1). The vector (0,0,0,1). Gets the vector (1,0,0,0). The vector (1,0,0,0). Gets the vector (0,1,0,0). The vector (0,1,0,0).. Gets a vector whose 4 elements are equal to zero. The vector (0,0,1,0). The W component of the vector. The X component of the vector. The Y component of the vector. The Z component of the vector. Gets a vector whose 4 elements are equal to zero. A vector whose four elements are equal to zero (that is, it returns the vector (0,0,0,0).