const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const shortId = require('shortid') const Creator = require('@vue/cli/lib/Creator') const { getPromptModules } = require('@vue/cli/lib/util/createTools') const { getFeatures } = require('@vue/cli/lib/util/features') const { defaults } = require('@vue/cli/lib/options') const { toShortPluginId, execa } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') const { progress: installProgress } = require('@vue/cli/lib/util/executeCommand') const parseGitConfig = require('parse-git-config') // Connectors const progress = require('./progress') const cwd = require('./cwd') const prompts = require('./prompts') const folders = require('./folders') const plugins = require('./plugins') const locales = require('./locales') const logs = require('./logs') // Context const getContext = require('../context') // Utils const { log } = require('../util/logger') const { notify } = require('../util/notification') const { getHttpsGitURL } = require('../util/strings') const PROGRESS_ID = 'project-create' let lastProject = null let currentProject = null let creator = null let presets = [] let features = [] let onCreationEvent = null let onInstallProgress = null let onInstallLog = null function list (context) { let projects = context.db.get('projects').value() projects = autoClean(projects, context) return projects } function findOne (id, context) { return context.db.get('projects').find({ id }).value() } function findByPath (file, context) { return context.db.get('projects').find({ path: file }).value() } function autoClean (projects, context) { const result = [] for (const project of projects) { if (fs.existsSync(project.path)) { result.push(project) } } if (result.length !== projects.length) { console.log(`Auto cleaned ${projects.length - result.length} projects (folder not found).`) context.db.set('projects', result).write() } return result } function getCurrent (context) { if (currentProject && !fs.existsSync(currentProject.path)) { log('Project folder not found',, currentProject.path) return null } return currentProject } function getLast (context) { return lastProject } function generatePresetDescription (preset) { let description = `[Vue ${preset.raw.vueVersion || 2}] ` description += preset.features.join(', ') if (preset.raw.useConfigFiles) { description += ' (Use config files)' } return description } function generateProjectCreation (creator) { return { presets, features, prompts: prompts.list() } } async function initCreator (context) { const creator = new Creator('', cwd.get(), getPromptModules()) /* Event listeners */ // Creator emits creation events (the project creation steps) onCreationEvent = ({ event }) => { progress.set({ id: PROGRESS_ID, status: event, info: null }, context) } creator.on('creation', onCreationEvent) // Progress bar onInstallProgress = value => { if (progress.get(PROGRESS_ID)) { progress.set({ id: PROGRESS_ID, progress: value }, context) } } installProgress.on('progress', onInstallProgress) // Package manager steps onInstallLog = message => { if (progress.get(PROGRESS_ID)) { progress.set({ id: PROGRESS_ID, info: message }, context) } } installProgress.on('log', onInstallLog) // Presets const manualPreset = { id: '__manual__', name: '', description: 'org.vue.views.project-create.tabs.presets.manual.description', link: null, features: [] } const presetsData = creator.getPresets() presets = [ ...Object.keys(presetsData).map( key => { const preset = presetsData[key] const features = getFeatures(preset).map( f => toShortPluginId(f) ) let name = key if (key === 'default') { name = 'org.vue.views.project-create.tabs.presets.default-preset' } else if (key === '__default_vue_3__') { name = 'org.vue.views.project-create.tabs.presets.default-preset-vue-3' } const info = { id: key, name, features, link: null, raw: preset } info.description = generatePresetDescription(info) return info } ), manualPreset ] // Features const featuresData = creator.featurePrompt.choices features = [ data => ({ id: data.value, name:, description: data.description || null, link: || null, plugins: data.plugins || null, enabled: !!data.checked }) ), { id: 'use-config-files', name: '', description: 'org.vue.views.project-create.tabs.features.userConfigFiles.description', link: null, plugins: null, enabled: false } ] manualPreset.features = features.filter( f => f.enabled ).map( f => ) // Prompts await prompts.reset() creator.injectedPrompts.forEach(prompts.add) await updatePromptsFeatures() await prompts.start() return creator } function removeCreator (context) { if (creator) { creator.removeListener('creation', onCreationEvent) installProgress.removeListener('progress', onInstallProgress) installProgress.removeListener('log', onInstallLog) creator = null } return true } async function getCreation (context) { if (!creator) { creator = await initCreator(context) } return generateProjectCreation(creator) } async function updatePromptsFeatures () { await prompts.changeAnswers(answers => { answers.features = features.filter( f => f.enabled ).map( f => ) }) } async function setFeatureEnabled ({ id, enabled, updatePrompts = true }, context) { const feature = features.find(f => === id) if (feature) { feature.enabled = enabled } else { console.warn(`Feature '${id}' not found`) } if (updatePrompts) await updatePromptsFeatures() return feature } async function applyPreset (id, context) { const preset = presets.find(p => === id) if (preset) { for (const feature of features) { feature.enabled = !!( preset.features.includes( || (feature.plugins && preset.features.some(f => feature.plugins.includes(f))) ) } if (preset.raw) { if (preset.raw.router) { await setFeatureEnabled({ id: 'router', enabled: true, updatePrompts: false }, context) } if (preset.raw.vuex) { await setFeatureEnabled({ id: 'vuex', enabled: true, updatePrompts: false }, context) } if (preset.raw.cssPreprocessor) { await setFeatureEnabled({ id: 'css-preprocessor', enabled: true, updatePrompts: false }, context) } if (preset.raw.useConfigFiles) { await setFeatureEnabled({ id: 'use-config-files', enabled: true, updatePrompts: false }, context) } } await updatePromptsFeatures() } else { console.warn(`Preset '${id}' not found`) } return generateProjectCreation(creator) } async function create (input, context) { return progress.wrap(PROGRESS_ID, context, async setProgress => { setProgress({ status: 'creating' }) const targetDir = path.join(cwd.get(), input.folder) cwd.set(targetDir, context) creator.context = targetDir const inCurrent = input.folder === '.' const name = = (inCurrent ? path.relative('../', process.cwd()) : input.folder).toLowerCase() // Answers const answers = prompts.getAnswers() await prompts.reset() // Config files let index if ((index = answers.features.indexOf('use-config-files')) !== -1) { answers.features.splice(index, 1) answers.useConfigFiles = 'files' } // Preset answers.preset = input.preset if ( { = true answers.saveName = } setProgress({ info: 'Resolving preset...' }) let preset if (input.preset === '__remote__' && input.remote) { // vue create foo --preset bar preset = await creator.resolvePreset(input.remote, input.clone) } else if (input.preset === 'default') { // vue create foo --default preset = defaults.presets.default } else { preset = await creator.promptAndResolvePreset(answers) } setProgress({ info: null }) // Create const args = [ '--skipGetStarted' ] if (input.packageManager) args.push('--packageManager', input.packageManager) if ( args.push('--bare') if (input.force) args.push('--force') // Git if (input.enableGit && input.gitCommitMessage) { args.push('--git', input.gitCommitMessage) } else if (!input.enableGit) { args.push('--no-git') } // Preset args.push('--inlinePreset', JSON.stringify(preset)) log('create', name, args) const child = execa('vue', [ 'create', name, ...args ], { cwd: cwd.get(), stdio: ['inherit', 'pipe', 'inherit'] }) const onData = buffer => { const text = buffer.toString().trim() if (text) { setProgress({ info: text }) logs.add({ type: 'info', message: text }, context) } } child.stdout.on('data', onData) await child removeCreator() notify({ title: 'Project created', message: `Project ${cwd.get()} created`, icon: 'done' }) return importProject({ path: targetDir }, context) }) } async function importProject (input, context) { if (!input.force && !fs.existsSync(path.join(input.path, 'node_modules'))) { throw new Error('NO_MODULES') } const project = { id: shortId.generate(), path: input.path, favorite: 0, type: folders.isVueProject(input.path) ? 'vue' : 'unknown' } const packageData = folders.readPackage(project.path, context) = context.db.get('projects').push(project).write() return open(, context) } async function open (id, context) { const project = findOne(id, context) if (!project) { log('Project not found', id) return null } if (!fs.existsSync(project.path)) { log('Project folder not found', id, project.path) return null } lastProject = currentProject currentProject = project cwd.set(project.path, context) // Reset locales locales.reset(context) // Load plugins await plugins.list(project.path, context) // Date context.db.get('projects').find({ id }).assign({ openDate: }).write() // Save for next time context.db.set('config.lastOpenProject', id).write() log('Project open', id, project.path) return project } async function remove (id, context) { if (currentProject && === id) { currentProject = null } context.db.get('projects').remove({ id }).write() if (context.db.get('config.lastOpenProject').value() === id) { context.db.set('config.lastOpenProject', undefined).write() } return true } function resetCwd (context) { if (currentProject) { cwd.set(currentProject.path, context) } } function setFavorite ({ id, favorite }, context) { context.db.get('projects').find({ id }).assign({ favorite }).write() return findOne(id, context) } function rename ({ id, name }, context) { context.db.get('projects').find({ id }).assign({ name }).write() return findOne(id, context) } function getType (project, context) { if (typeof project === 'string') { project = findByPath(project, context) } if (!project) return 'unknown' return !project.type ? 'vue' : project.type } function getHomepage (project, context) { const gitConfigPath = path.join(project.path, '.git', 'config') if (fs.existsSync(gitConfigPath)) { const gitConfig = parseGitConfig.sync({ path: gitConfigPath }) const gitRemoteUrl = gitConfig['remote "origin"'] if (gitRemoteUrl) { return getHttpsGitURL(gitRemoteUrl.url) } } const pkg = folders.readPackage(project.path, context) return pkg.homepage } // Open last project async function autoOpenLastProject () { const context = getContext() const id = context.db.get('config.lastOpenProject').value() if (id) { try { await open(id, context) } catch (e) { log('Project can\'t be auto-opened', id) } } } autoOpenLastProject() module.exports = { list, findOne, findByPath, getCurrent, getLast, getCreation, applyPreset, setFeatureEnabled, create, import: importProject, open, remove, resetCwd, setFavorite, rename, initCreator, removeCreator, getType, getHomepage }