const shortid = require('shortid') // Connectors const cwd = require('./cwd') const prompts = require('./prompts') // Utils const { log } = require('../util/logger') function getDefaultWidgets () { return [ { id: shortid(), definitionId: 'org.vue.widgets.welcome', x: 0, y: 0, width: 3, height: 4, configured: true, config: null }, { id: shortid(), definitionId: 'org.vue.widgets.kill-port', x: 3, y: 0, width: 2, height: 1, configured: true, config: null } ] } let widgetDefs = new Map() let widgetCount = new Map() let widgets = [] let currentWidget let loadPromise, loadResolve function reset (context) { widgetDefs = new Map() widgetCount = new Map() widgets = [] loadPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { loadResolve = () => { loadPromise = null resolve() log('Load Promise resolved') } }) } async function registerDefinition ({ definition, project }, context) { definition.hasConfigPrompts = !!definition.onConfigOpen // Default icon if (!definition.icon) { const plugins = require('./plugins') const plugin = plugins.findOne({ id: definition.pluginId, file: cwd.get() }, context) const logo = await plugins.getLogo(plugin, context) if (logo) { definition.icon = `${logo}?project=${}` } } widgetDefs.set(, definition) } function listDefinitions (context) { return widgetDefs.values() } function findDefinition ({ definitionId }, context) { const def = widgetDefs.get(definitionId) if (!def) { throw new Error(`Widget definition ${definitionId} not found`) } return def } async function list (context) { log('loadPromise', loadPromise) if (loadPromise) { await loadPromise } log('widgets', widgets) return widgets } function load (context) { const projects = require('./projects') const id = projects.getCurrent(context).id const project = context.db.get('projects').find({ id }).value() widgets = project.widgets if (!widgets) { widgets = getDefaultWidgets() } widgets.forEach(widget => { updateCount(widget.definitionId, 1) }) log('Widgets loaded', widgets.length) loadResolve() } function save (context) { const projects = require('./projects') const id = projects.getCurrent(context).id context.db.get('projects').find({ id }).assign({ widgets }).write() } function canAddMore (definition, context) { if (definition.maxCount) { return getCount( < definition.maxCount } return true } function add ({ definitionId }, context) { const definition = findDefinition({ definitionId }, context) const { x, y, width, height } = findValidPosition(definition) const widget = { id: shortid(), definitionId, x, y, width, height, config: null, configured: !definition.needsUserConfig } // Default config if (definition.defaultConfig) { widget.config = definition.defaultConfig({ definition }) } updateCount(definitionId, 1) widgets.push(widget) save(context) if (definition.onAdded) { definition.onAdded({ widget, definition }) } return widget } function getCount (definitionId) { if (widgetCount.has(definitionId)) { return widgetCount.get(definitionId) } else { return 0 } } function updateCount (definitionId, mod) { widgetCount.set(definitionId, getCount(definitionId) + mod) } function findValidPosition (definition, currentWidget = null) { // Find next available space const width = (currentWidget && currentWidget.width) || definition.defaultWidth || definition.minWidth const height = (currentWidget && currentWidget.height) || definition.defaultHeight || definition.minHeight // Mark occupied positions on the grid const grid = new Map() for (const widget of widgets) { if (widget !== currentWidget) { for (let x = widget.x; x < widget.x + widget.width; x++) { for (let y = widget.y; y < widget.y + widget.height; y++) { grid.set(`${x}:${y}`, true) } } } } // Go through the possible positions let x = 0 let y = 0 while (true) { // Virtual "line brak" if (x !== 0 && x + width >= 7) { x = 0 y++ } const { result, testX } = hasEnoughSpace(grid, x, y, width, height) if (!result) { x = testX + 1 continue } // Found! :) break } return { x, y, width, height } } function hasEnoughSpace (grid, x, y, width, height) { // Test if enough horizontal available space for (let testX = x; testX < x + width; testX++) { // Test if enough vertical available space for (let testY = y; testY < y + height; testY++) { if (grid.get(`${testX}:${testY}`)) { return { result: false, testX } } } } return { result: true } } function findById ({ id }, context) { return widgets.find(w => === id) } function remove ({ id }, context) { const index = widgets.findIndex(w => === id) if (index !== -1) { const widget = widgets[index] updateCount(widget.definitionId, -1) widgets.splice(index, 1) save(context) const definition = findDefinition(widget, context) if (definition.onAdded) { definition.onAdded({ widget, definition }) } return widget } } function move (input, context) { const widget = findById(input, context) if (widget) { widget.x = input.x widget.y = input.y const definition = findDefinition(widget, context) widget.width = input.width widget.height = input.height if (widget.width < definition.minWidth) widget.width = definition.minWidth if (widget.width > definition.maxWidth) widget.width = definition.maxWidth if (widget.height < definition.minHeight) widget.height = definition.minHeight if (widget.height > definition.maxHeight) widget.height = definition.maxHeight for (const otherWidget of widgets) { if (otherWidget !== widget) { if (areOverlapping(otherWidget, widget)) { const otherDefinition = findDefinition(otherWidget, context) Object.assign(otherWidget, findValidPosition(otherDefinition, otherWidget)) } } } save(context) } return widgets } function areOverlapping (widgetA, widgetB) { return ( widgetA.x + widgetA.width - 1 >= widgetB.x && widgetA.x <= widgetB.x + widgetB.width - 1 && widgetA.y + widgetA.height - 1 >= widgetB.y && widgetA.y <= widgetB.y + widgetB.height - 1 ) } async function openConfig ({ id }, context) { const widget = findById({ id }, context) const definition = findDefinition(widget, context) if (definition.onConfigOpen) { const result = await definition.onConfigOpen({ widget, definition, context }) await prompts.reset(widget.config || {}) result.prompts.forEach(prompts.add) await prompts.start() currentWidget = widget } return widget } function getConfigPrompts ({ id }, context) { return currentWidget && === id ? prompts.list() : [] } function saveConfig ({ id }, context) { const widget = findById({ id }, context) widget.config = prompts.getAnswers() widget.configured = true save(context) currentWidget = null return widget } function resetConfig ({ id }, context) { // const widget = findById({ id }, context) // TODO save(context) } module.exports = { reset, registerDefinition, listDefinitions, findDefinition, list, load, save, canAddMore, getCount, add, remove, move, openConfig, getConfigPrompts, saveConfig, resetConfig }