const { hasProjectYarn, hasProjectPnpm, execa } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') const severity = { critical: 0, high: 1, moderate: 2, low: 3 } exports.auditProject = async function (cwd) { try { if (hasProjectYarn(cwd)) { const child = await execa('yarn', [ 'audit', '--json', '--non-interactive', '--no-progress' ], { cwd, reject: false }) if (child.stderr) { const errLines = child.stderr.split('\n').map(l => l.trim()).filter(l => l) const error = errLines.find(l => l.startsWith('Error:')) if (error) { throw new Error(error.substr('Error:'.length).trim()) } } const data = child.stdout const auditAdvisories = [] const ids = {} const lines = data.split('\n').filter(l => l.trim()).map(l => JSON.parse(l)) for (const line of lines) { if (line.type === 'auditAdvisory') { if (!ids[]) { auditAdvisories.push(line) ids[] = true } } } const details = { vulnerabilities: [], summary: { critical: 0, high: 0, moderate: 0, low: 0 } } auditAdvisories.sort((a, b) => severity[] - severity[]) let id = 0 for (const { data: { advisory } } of auditAdvisories) { for (const finding of advisory.findings) { // const [finding] = advisory.findings const detail = { id: id++, name: advisory.module_name, version: finding.version, parents: finding.paths.sort( (a, b) => a.length - b.length ).map( parents => parents.split('>').slice(0, parents.length - 2).map(p => ({ name: p })) ), moreInfo: advisory.url, severity: advisory.severity, title: advisory.title, message: advisory.overview, versions: { vulnerable: advisory.vulnerable_versions, patched: advisory.patched_versions }, recommendation: advisory.recommendation } details.vulnerabilities.push(detail) details.summary[advisory.severity]++ } } const status = { status: 'ok', count: details.vulnerabilities.length, message: null } if (status.count) { status.status = 'attention' } for (const n in details.summary) { if (details.summary) { status.severity = n break } } return { status, details } } else if (hasProjectPnpm(cwd)) { // TODO pnpm audit return { status: { status: 'error', message: 'Not implemented for PNPM projects yet' }, details: null } } else { // TODO NPM audit return { status: { status: 'error', message: 'Not implemented for NPM projects yet' }, details: null } } } catch (e) { return { status: { status: 'error', message: e.message }, details: null } } }