const ejs = require('ejs') const debug = require('debug') const GeneratorAPI = require('./GeneratorAPI') const PackageManager = require('./util/ProjectPackageManager') const sortObject = require('./util/sortObject') const writeFileTree = require('./util/writeFileTree') const inferRootOptions = require('./util/inferRootOptions') const normalizeFilePaths = require('./util/normalizeFilePaths') const runCodemod = require('./util/runCodemod') const { semver, isPlugin, toShortPluginId, matchesPluginId, loadModule } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') const ConfigTransform = require('./ConfigTransform') const logger = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils/lib/logger') const logTypes = { log: logger.log, info:, done: logger.done, warn: logger.warn, error: logger.error } const defaultConfigTransforms = { babel: new ConfigTransform({ file: { js: ['babel.config.js'] } }), postcss: new ConfigTransform({ file: { js: ['postcss.config.js'], json: ['.postcssrc.json', '.postcssrc'], yaml: ['.postcssrc.yaml', '.postcssrc.yml'] } }), eslintConfig: new ConfigTransform({ file: { js: ['.eslintrc.js'], json: ['.eslintrc', '.eslintrc.json'], yaml: ['.eslintrc.yaml', '.eslintrc.yml'] } }), jest: new ConfigTransform({ file: { js: ['jest.config.js'] } }), browserslist: new ConfigTransform({ file: { lines: ['.browserslistrc'] } }) } const reservedConfigTransforms = { vue: new ConfigTransform({ file: { js: ['vue.config.js'] } }) } const ensureEOL = str => { if (str.charAt(str.length - 1) !== '\n') { return str + '\n' } return str } module.exports = class Generator { constructor (context, { pkg = {}, plugins = [], afterInvokeCbs = [], afterAnyInvokeCbs = [], files = {}, invoking = false } = {}) { this.context = context this.plugins = plugins this.originalPkg = pkg this.pkg = Object.assign({}, pkg) = new PackageManager({ context }) this.imports = {} this.rootOptions = {} // we don't load the passed afterInvokes yet because we want to ignore them from other plugins this.passedAfterInvokeCbs = afterInvokeCbs this.afterInvokeCbs = [] this.afterAnyInvokeCbs = afterAnyInvokeCbs this.configTransforms = {} this.defaultConfigTransforms = defaultConfigTransforms this.reservedConfigTransforms = reservedConfigTransforms this.invoking = invoking // for conflict resolution this.depSources = {} // virtual file tree this.files = files this.fileMiddlewares = [] this.postProcessFilesCbs = [] // exit messages this.exitLogs = [] // load all the other plugins this.allPluginIds = Object.keys(this.pkg.dependencies || {}) .concat(Object.keys(this.pkg.devDependencies || {})) .filter(isPlugin) const cliService = plugins.find(p => === '@vue/cli-service') const rootOptions = cliService ? cliService.options : inferRootOptions(pkg) this.rootOptions = rootOptions } async initPlugins () { const { rootOptions, invoking } = this const pluginIds = => // apply hooks from all plugins for (const id of this.allPluginIds) { const api = new GeneratorAPI(id, this, {}, rootOptions) const pluginGenerator = loadModule(`${id}/generator`, this.context) if (pluginGenerator && pluginGenerator.hooks) { await pluginGenerator.hooks(api, {}, rootOptions, pluginIds) } } // We are doing save/load to make the hook order deterministic // save "any" hooks const afterAnyInvokeCbsFromPlugins = this.afterAnyInvokeCbs // reset hooks this.afterInvokeCbs = this.passedAfterInvokeCbs this.afterAnyInvokeCbs = [] this.postProcessFilesCbs = [] // apply generators from plugins for (const plugin of this.plugins) { const { id, apply, options } = plugin const api = new GeneratorAPI(id, this, options, rootOptions) await apply(api, options, rootOptions, invoking) if (apply.hooks) { // while we execute the entire `hooks` function, // only the `afterInvoke` hook is respected // because `afterAnyHooks` is already determined by the `allPluginIds` loop above await apply.hooks(api, options, rootOptions, pluginIds) } // restore "any" hooks this.afterAnyInvokeCbs = afterAnyInvokeCbsFromPlugins } } async generate ({ extractConfigFiles = false, checkExisting = false } = {}) { await this.initPlugins() // save the file system before applying plugin for comparison const initialFiles = Object.assign({}, this.files) // extract configs from package.json into dedicated files. this.extractConfigFiles(extractConfigFiles, checkExisting) // wait for file resolve await this.resolveFiles() // set package.json this.sortPkg() this.files['package.json'] = JSON.stringify(this.pkg, null, 2) + '\n' // write/update file tree to disk await writeFileTree(this.context, this.files, initialFiles) } extractConfigFiles (extractAll, checkExisting) { const configTransforms = Object.assign({}, defaultConfigTransforms, this.configTransforms, reservedConfigTransforms ) const extract = key => { if ( configTransforms[key] && this.pkg[key] && // do not extract if the field exists in original package.json !this.originalPkg[key] ) { const value = this.pkg[key] const configTransform = configTransforms[key] const res = configTransform.transform( value, checkExisting, this.files, this.context ) const { content, filename } = res this.files[filename] = ensureEOL(content) delete this.pkg[key] } } if (extractAll) { for (const key in this.pkg) { extract(key) } } else { if (!process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST) { // by default, always extract vue.config.js extract('vue') } // always extract babel.config.js as this is the only way to apply // project-wide configuration even to dependencies. // TODO: this can be removed when Babel supports root: true in package.json extract('babel') } } sortPkg () { // ensure package.json keys has readable order this.pkg.dependencies = sortObject(this.pkg.dependencies) this.pkg.devDependencies = sortObject(this.pkg.devDependencies) this.pkg.scripts = sortObject(this.pkg.scripts, [ 'serve', 'build', 'test:unit', 'test:e2e', 'lint', 'deploy' ]) this.pkg = sortObject(this.pkg, [ 'name', 'version', 'private', 'description', 'author', 'scripts', 'main', 'module', 'browser', 'jsDelivr', 'unpkg', 'files', 'dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'peerDependencies', 'vue', 'babel', 'eslintConfig', 'prettier', 'postcss', 'browserslist', 'jest' ]) debug('vue:cli-pkg')(this.pkg) } async resolveFiles () { const files = this.files for (const middleware of this.fileMiddlewares) { await middleware(files, ejs.render) } // normalize file paths on windows // all paths are converted to use / instead of \ normalizeFilePaths(files) // handle imports and root option injections Object.keys(files).forEach(file => { let imports = this.imports[file] imports = imports instanceof Set ? Array.from(imports) : imports if (imports && imports.length > 0) { files[file] = runCodemod( require('./util/codemods/injectImports'), { path: file, source: files[file] }, { imports } ) } let injections = this.rootOptions[file] injections = injections instanceof Set ? Array.from(injections) : injections if (injections && injections.length > 0) { files[file] = runCodemod( require('./util/codemods/injectOptions'), { path: file, source: files[file] }, { injections } ) } }) for (const postProcess of this.postProcessFilesCbs) { await postProcess(files) } debug('vue:cli-files')(this.files) } hasPlugin (_id, _version) { return [ =>, ...this.allPluginIds ].some(id => { if (!matchesPluginId(_id, id)) { return false } if (!_version) { return true } const version = return semver.satisfies(version, _version) }) } printExitLogs () { if (this.exitLogs.length) { this.exitLogs.forEach(({ id, msg, type }) => { const shortId = toShortPluginId(id) const logFn = logTypes[type] if (!logFn) { logger.error(`Invalid api.exitLog type '${type}'.`, shortId) } else { logFn(msg, msg && shortId) } }) logger.log() } } }