const fs = require('fs') const ejs = require('ejs') const path = require('path') const deepmerge = require('deepmerge') const resolve = require('resolve') const { isBinaryFileSync } = require('isbinaryfile') const mergeDeps = require('./util/mergeDeps') const runCodemod = require('./util/runCodemod') const stringifyJS = require('./util/stringifyJS') const ConfigTransform = require('./ConfigTransform') const { semver, getPluginLink, toShortPluginId, loadModule } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') const isString = val => typeof val === 'string' const isFunction = val => typeof val === 'function' const isObject = val => val && typeof val === 'object' const mergeArrayWithDedupe = (a, b) => Array.from(new Set([...a, ...b])) function pruneObject (obj) { if (typeof obj === 'object') { for (const k in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue } if (obj[k] == null) { delete obj[k] } else { obj[k] = pruneObject(obj[k]) } } } return obj } class GeneratorAPI { /** * @param {string} id - Id of the owner plugin * @param {Generator} generator - The invoking Generator instance * @param {object} options - generator options passed to this plugin * @param {object} rootOptions - root options (the entire preset) */ constructor (id, generator, options, rootOptions) { = id this.generator = generator this.options = options this.rootOptions = rootOptions /* eslint-disable no-shadow */ this.pluginsData = generator.plugins .filter(({ id }) => id !== `@vue/cli-service`) .map(({ id }) => ({ name: toShortPluginId(id), link: getPluginLink(id) })) /* eslint-enable no-shadow */ this._entryFile = undefined } /** * Resolves the data when rendering templates. * * @private */ _resolveData (additionalData) { return Object.assign({ options: this.options, rootOptions: this.rootOptions, plugins: this.pluginsData }, additionalData) } /** * Inject a file processing middleware. * * @private * @param {FileMiddleware} middleware - A middleware function that receives the * virtual files tree object, and an ejs render function. Can be async. */ _injectFileMiddleware (middleware) { this.generator.fileMiddlewares.push(middleware) } /** * Resolve path for a project. * * @param {string} _paths - A sequence of relative paths or path segments * @return {string} The resolved absolute path, caculated based on the current project root. */ resolve (..._paths) { return path.resolve(this.generator.context, ..._paths) } get cliVersion () { return require('../package.json').version } assertCliVersion (range) { if (typeof range === 'number') { if (!Number.isInteger(range)) { throw new Error('Expected string or integer value.') } range = `^${range}.0.0-0` } if (typeof range !== 'string') { throw new Error('Expected string or integer value.') } if (semver.satisfies(this.cliVersion, range, { includePrerelease: true })) return throw new Error( `Require global @vue/cli "${range}", but was invoked by "${this.cliVersion}".` ) } get cliServiceVersion () { // In generator unit tests, we don't write the actual file back to the disk. // So there is no cli-service module to load. // In that case, just return the cli version. if (process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST && process.env.VUE_CLI_SKIP_WRITE) { return this.cliVersion } const servicePkg = loadModule( '@vue/cli-service/package.json', this.generator.context ) return servicePkg.version } assertCliServiceVersion (range) { if (typeof range === 'number') { if (!Number.isInteger(range)) { throw new Error('Expected string or integer value.') } range = `^${range}.0.0-0` } if (typeof range !== 'string') { throw new Error('Expected string or integer value.') } if (semver.satisfies(this.cliServiceVersion, range, { includePrerelease: true })) return throw new Error( `Require @vue/cli-service "${range}", but was loaded with "${this.cliServiceVersion}".` ) } /** * Check if the project has a given plugin. * * @param {string} id - Plugin id, can omit the (@vue/|vue-|@scope/vue)-cli-plugin- prefix * @param {string} version - Plugin version. Defaults to '' * @return {boolean} */ hasPlugin (id, version) { return this.generator.hasPlugin(id, version) } /** * Configure how config files are extracted. * * @param {string} key - Config key in package.json * @param {object} options - Options * @param {object} options.file - File descriptor * Used to search for existing file. * Each key is a file type (possible values: ['js', 'json', 'yaml', 'lines']). * The value is a list of filenames. * Example: * { * js: ['.eslintrc.js'], * json: ['.eslintrc.json', '.eslintrc'] * } * By default, the first filename will be used to create the config file. */ addConfigTransform (key, options) { const hasReserved = Object.keys(this.generator.reservedConfigTransforms).includes(key) if ( hasReserved || !options || !options.file ) { if (hasReserved) { const { warn } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') warn(`Reserved config transform '${key}'`) } return } this.generator.configTransforms[key] = new ConfigTransform(options) } /** * Extend the package.json of the project. * Also resolves dependency conflicts between plugins. * Tool configuration fields may be extracted into standalone files before * files are written to disk. * * @param {object | () => object} fields - Fields to merge. * @param {object} [options] - Options for extending / merging fields. * @param {boolean} [options.prune=false] - Remove null or undefined fields * from the object after merging. * @param {boolean} [options.merge=true] deep-merge nested fields, note * that dependency fields are always deep merged regardless of this option. * @param {boolean} [options.warnIncompatibleVersions=true] Output warning * if two dependency version ranges don't intersect. */ extendPackage (fields, options = {}) { const extendOptions = { prune: false, merge: true, warnIncompatibleVersions: true } // this condition statement is added for compatiblity reason, because // in version 4.0.0 to 4.1.2, there's no `options` object, but a `forceNewVersion` flag if (typeof options === 'boolean') { extendOptions.warnIncompatibleVersions = !options } else { Object.assign(extendOptions, options) } const pkg = this.generator.pkg const toMerge = isFunction(fields) ? fields(pkg) : fields for (const key in toMerge) { const value = toMerge[key] const existing = pkg[key] if (isObject(value) && (key === 'dependencies' || key === 'devDependencies')) { // use special version resolution merge pkg[key] = mergeDeps(, existing || {}, value, this.generator.depSources, extendOptions ) } else if (!extendOptions.merge || !(key in pkg)) { pkg[key] = value } else if (Array.isArray(value) && Array.isArray(existing)) { pkg[key] = mergeArrayWithDedupe(existing, value) } else if (isObject(value) && isObject(existing)) { pkg[key] = deepmerge(existing, value, { arrayMerge: mergeArrayWithDedupe }) } else { pkg[key] = value } } if (extendOptions.prune) { pruneObject(pkg) } } /** * Render template files into the virtual files tree object. * * @param {string | object | FileMiddleware} source - * Can be one of: * - relative path to a directory; * - Object hash of { sourceTemplate: targetFile } mappings; * - a custom file middleware function. * @param {object} [additionalData] - additional data available to templates. * @param {object} [ejsOptions] - options for ejs. */ render (source, additionalData = {}, ejsOptions = {}) { const baseDir = extractCallDir() if (isString(source)) { source = path.resolve(baseDir, source) this._injectFileMiddleware(async (files) => { const data = this._resolveData(additionalData) const globby = require('globby') const _files = await globby(['**/*'], { cwd: source }) for (const rawPath of _files) { const targetPath = rawPath.split('/').map(filename => { // dotfiles are ignored when published to npm, therefore in templates // we need to use underscore instead (e.g. "_gitignore") if (filename.charAt(0) === '_' && filename.charAt(1) !== '_') { return `.${filename.slice(1)}` } if (filename.charAt(0) === '_' && filename.charAt(1) === '_') { return `${filename.slice(1)}` } return filename }).join('/') const sourcePath = path.resolve(source, rawPath) const content = renderFile(sourcePath, data, ejsOptions) // only set file if it's not all whitespace, or is a Buffer (binary files) if (Buffer.isBuffer(content) || /[^\s]/.test(content)) { files[targetPath] = content } } }) } else if (isObject(source)) { this._injectFileMiddleware(files => { const data = this._resolveData(additionalData) for (const targetPath in source) { const sourcePath = path.resolve(baseDir, source[targetPath]) const content = renderFile(sourcePath, data, ejsOptions) if (Buffer.isBuffer(content) || content.trim()) { files[targetPath] = content } } }) } else if (isFunction(source)) { this._injectFileMiddleware(source) } } /** * Push a file middleware that will be applied after all normal file * middelwares have been applied. * * @param {FileMiddleware} cb */ postProcessFiles (cb) { this.generator.postProcessFilesCbs.push(cb) } /** * Push a callback to be called when the files have been written to disk. * * @param {function} cb */ onCreateComplete (cb) { this.afterInvoke(cb) } afterInvoke (cb) { this.generator.afterInvokeCbs.push(cb) } /** * Push a callback to be called when the files have been written to disk * from non invoked plugins * * @param {function} cb */ afterAnyInvoke (cb) { this.generator.afterAnyInvokeCbs.push(cb) } /** * Add a message to be printed when the generator exits (after any other standard messages). * * @param {} msg String or value to print after the generation is completed * @param {('log'|'info'|'done'|'warn'|'error')} [type='log'] Type of message */ exitLog (msg, type = 'log') { this.generator.exitLogs.push({ id:, msg, type }) } /** * convenience method for generating a js config file from json */ genJSConfig (value) { return `module.exports = ${stringifyJS(value, null, 2)}` } /** * Turns a string expression into executable JS for JS configs. * @param {*} str JS expression as a string */ makeJSOnlyValue (str) { const fn = () => {} fn.__expression = str return fn } /** * Run codemod on a script file or the script part of a .vue file * @param {string} file the path to the file to transform * @param {Codemod} codemod the codemod module to run * @param {object} options additional options for the codemod */ transformScript (file, codemod, options) { this._injectFileMiddleware(files => { files[file] = runCodemod( codemod, { path: this.resolve(file), source: files[file] }, options ) }) } /** * Add import statements to a file. */ injectImports (file, imports) { const _imports = ( this.generator.imports[file] || (this.generator.imports[file] = new Set()) ) ;(Array.isArray(imports) ? imports : [imports]).forEach(imp => { _imports.add(imp) }) } /** * Add options to the root Vue instance (detected by `new Vue`). */ injectRootOptions (file, options) { const _options = ( this.generator.rootOptions[file] || (this.generator.rootOptions[file] = new Set()) ) ;(Array.isArray(options) ? options : [options]).forEach(opt => { _options.add(opt) }) } /** * Get the entry file taking into account typescript. * * @readonly */ get entryFile () { if (this._entryFile) return this._entryFile return (this._entryFile = fs.existsSync(this.resolve('src/main.ts')) ? 'src/main.ts' : 'src/main.js') } /** * Is the plugin being invoked? * * @readonly */ get invoking () { return this.generator.invoking } } function extractCallDir () { // extract api.render() callsite file location using error stack const obj = {} Error.captureStackTrace(obj) const callSite = obj.stack.split('\n')[3] const fileName = callSite.match(/\s\((.*):\d+:\d+\)$/)[1] return path.dirname(fileName) } const replaceBlockRE = /<%# REPLACE %>([^]*?)<%# END_REPLACE %>/g function renderFile (name, data, ejsOptions) { if (isBinaryFileSync(name)) { return fs.readFileSync(name) // return buffer } const template = fs.readFileSync(name, 'utf-8') // custom template inheritance via yaml front matter. // --- // extend: 'source-file' // replace: !!js/regexp /some-regex/ // OR // replace: // - !!js/regexp /foo/ // - !!js/regexp /bar/ // --- const yaml = require('yaml-front-matter') const parsed = yaml.loadFront(template) const content = parsed.__content let finalTemplate = content.trim() + `\n` if (parsed.when) { finalTemplate = ( `<%_ if (${parsed.when}) { _%>` + finalTemplate + `<%_ } _%>` ) // use ejs.render to test the conditional expression // if evaluated to falsy value, return early to avoid extra cost for extend expression const result = ejs.render(finalTemplate, data, ejsOptions) if (!result) { return '' } } if (parsed.extend) { const extendPath = path.isAbsolute(parsed.extend) ? parsed.extend : resolve.sync(parsed.extend, { basedir: path.dirname(name) }) finalTemplate = fs.readFileSync(extendPath, 'utf-8') if (parsed.replace) { if (Array.isArray(parsed.replace)) { const replaceMatch = content.match(replaceBlockRE) if (replaceMatch) { const replaces = => { return m.replace(replaceBlockRE, '$1').trim() }) parsed.replace.forEach((r, i) => { finalTemplate = finalTemplate.replace(r, replaces[i]) }) } } else { finalTemplate = finalTemplate.replace(parsed.replace, content.trim()) } } } return ejs.render(finalTemplate, data, ejsOptions) } module.exports = GeneratorAPI