module.exports = cli => { const { chalk, hasGit } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') cli.injectFeature({ name: 'Linter / Formatter', value: 'linter', short: 'Linter', description: 'Check and enforce code quality with ESLint or Prettier', link: '', plugins: ['eslint'], checked: true }) cli.injectPrompt({ name: 'eslintConfig', when: answers => answers.features.includes('linter'), type: 'list', message: 'Pick a linter / formatter config:', description: 'Checking code errors and enforcing an homogeoneous code style is recommended.', choices: answers => [ { name: 'ESLint with error prevention only', value: 'base', short: 'Basic' }, { name: 'ESLint + Airbnb config', value: 'airbnb', short: 'Airbnb' }, { name: 'ESLint + Standard config', value: 'standard', short: 'Standard' }, { name: 'ESLint + Prettier', value: 'prettier', short: 'Prettier' }, ...( answers.features.includes('ts') ? [{ name: `TSLint (deprecated)`, value: 'tslint', short: 'TSLint' }] : [] ) ] }) cli.injectPrompt({ name: 'lintOn', message: 'Pick additional lint features:', when: answers => answers.features.includes('linter'), type: 'checkbox', choices: [ { name: 'Lint on save', value: 'save', checked: true }, { name: 'Lint and fix on commit' + (hasGit() ? '' :' (requires Git)')), value: 'commit' } ] }) cli.onPromptComplete((answers, options) => { if (answers.features.includes('linter') && answers.eslintConfig !== 'tslint') { options.plugins['@vue/cli-plugin-eslint'] = { config: answers.eslintConfig, lintOn: answers.lintOn } } }) }