const { chalk, execa } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils') const EventEmitter = require('events') const readline = require('readline') const debug = require('debug')('vue-cli:install') class InstallProgress extends EventEmitter { constructor () { super() this._progress = -1 } get progress () { return this._progress } set progress (value) { this._progress = value this.emit('progress', value) } get enabled () { return this._progress !== -1 } set enabled (value) { this.progress = value ? 0 : -1 } log (value) { this.emit('log', value) } } function toStartOfLine (stream) { if (!chalk.supportsColor) { stream.write('\r') return } readline.cursorTo(stream, 0) } function renderProgressBar (curr, total) { const ratio = Math.min(Math.max(curr / total, 0), 1) const bar = ` ${curr}/${total}` const availableSpace = Math.max(0, process.stderr.columns - bar.length - 3) const width = Math.min(total, availableSpace) const completeLength = Math.round(width * ratio) const complete = `#`.repeat(completeLength) const incomplete = `-`.repeat(width - completeLength) toStartOfLine(process.stderr) process.stderr.write(`[${complete}${incomplete}]${bar}`) } const progress = exports.progress = new InstallProgress() exports.executeCommand = function executeCommand (command, args, cwd) { debug(`command: `, command) debug(`args: `, args) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const apiMode = process.env.VUE_CLI_API_MODE progress.enabled = false if (apiMode) { if (command === 'npm') { // TODO when this is supported } else if (command === 'yarn') { args.push('--json') } } const child = execa(command, args, { cwd, stdio: ['inherit', apiMode ? 'pipe' : 'inherit', !apiMode && command === 'yarn' ? 'pipe' : 'inherit'] }) if (apiMode) { let progressTotal = 0 let progressTime = child.stdout.on('data', buffer => { let str = buffer.toString().trim() if (str && command === 'yarn' && str.indexOf('"type":') !== -1) { const newLineIndex = str.lastIndexOf('\n') if (newLineIndex !== -1) { str = str.substr(newLineIndex) } try { const data = JSON.parse(str) if (data.type === 'step') { progress.enabled = false progress.log( } else if (data.type === 'progressStart') { progressTotal = } else if (data.type === 'progressTick') { const time = if (time - progressTime > 20) { progressTime = time progress.progress = / progressTotal } } else { progress.enabled = false } } catch (e) { console.error(e) console.log(str) } } else { process.stdout.write(buffer) } }) } else { // filter out unwanted yarn output if (command === 'yarn') { child.stderr.on('data', buf => { const str = buf.toString() if (/warning/.test(str)) { return } // progress bar const progressBarMatch = str.match(/\[.*\] (\d+)\/(\d+)/) if (progressBarMatch) { // since yarn is in a child process, it's unable to get the width of // the terminal. reimplement the progress bar ourselves! renderProgressBar(progressBarMatch[1], progressBarMatch[2]) return } process.stderr.write(buf) }) } } child.on('close', code => { if (code !== 0) { reject(`command failed: ${command} ${args.join(' ')}`) return } resolve() }) }) }