/** * @author Eduard Deisling * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. */ 'use strict' const utils = require('../utils') const MACROS_EMITS = 'defineEmits' const MACROS_PROPS = 'defineProps' const MACROS_OPTIONS = 'defineOptions' const MACROS_SLOTS = 'defineSlots' const MACROS_MODEL = 'defineModel' const MACROS_EXPOSE = 'defineExpose' const KNOWN_MACROS = new Set([ MACROS_EMITS, MACROS_PROPS, MACROS_OPTIONS, MACROS_SLOTS, MACROS_MODEL, MACROS_EXPOSE ]) const DEFAULT_ORDER = [MACROS_PROPS, MACROS_EMITS] /** * @param {VElement} scriptSetup * @param {ASTNode} node */ function inScriptSetup(scriptSetup, node) { return ( scriptSetup.range[0] <= node.range[0] && node.range[1] <= scriptSetup.range[1] ) } /** * @param {ASTNode} node */ function isUseStrictStatement(node) { return ( node.type === 'ExpressionStatement' && node.expression.type === 'Literal' && node.expression.value === 'use strict' ) } /** * Get an index of the first statement after imports and interfaces in order * to place defineEmits and defineProps before this statement * @param {VElement} scriptSetup * @param {Program} program */ function getTargetStatementPosition(scriptSetup, program) { const skipStatements = new Set([ 'ImportDeclaration', 'TSInterfaceDeclaration', 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration', 'DebuggerStatement', 'EmptyStatement', 'ExportNamedDeclaration' ]) for (const [index, item] of program.body.entries()) { if ( inScriptSetup(scriptSetup, item) && !skipStatements.has(item.type) && !isUseStrictStatement(item) ) { return index } } return -1 } /** * We need to handle cases like "const props = defineProps(...)" * Define macros must be used only on top, so we can look for "Program" type * inside node.parent.type * @param {CallExpression|ASTNode} node * @return {ASTNode} */ function getDefineMacrosStatement(node) { if (!node.parent) { throw new Error('Node has no parent') } if (node.parent.type === 'Program') { return node } return getDefineMacrosStatement(node.parent) } /** @param {RuleContext} context */ function create(context) { const scriptSetup = utils.getScriptSetupElement(context) if (!scriptSetup) { return {} } const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode() const options = context.options /** @type {[string, string]} */ const order = (options[0] && options[0].order) || DEFAULT_ORDER /** @type {boolean} */ const defineExposeLast = (options[0] && options[0].defineExposeLast) || false /** @type {Map} */ const macrosNodes = new Map() /** @type {ASTNode} */ let defineExposeNode if (order.includes(MACROS_EXPOSE) && defineExposeLast) { throw new Error( "`defineExpose` macro can't be in the `order` array if `defineExposeLast` is true." ) } return utils.compositingVisitors( utils.defineScriptSetupVisitor(context, { onDefinePropsExit(node) { macrosNodes.set(MACROS_PROPS, [getDefineMacrosStatement(node)]) }, onDefineEmitsExit(node) { macrosNodes.set(MACROS_EMITS, [getDefineMacrosStatement(node)]) }, onDefineOptionsExit(node) { macrosNodes.set(MACROS_OPTIONS, [getDefineMacrosStatement(node)]) }, onDefineSlotsExit(node) { macrosNodes.set(MACROS_SLOTS, [getDefineMacrosStatement(node)]) }, onDefineModelExit(node) { const currentModelMacros = macrosNodes.get(MACROS_MODEL) ?? [] currentModelMacros.push(getDefineMacrosStatement(node)) macrosNodes.set(MACROS_MODEL, currentModelMacros) }, onDefineExposeExit(node) { defineExposeNode = getDefineMacrosStatement(node) }, /** @param {CallExpression} node */ 'Program > ExpressionStatement > CallExpression, Program > VariableDeclaration > VariableDeclarator > CallExpression'( node ) { if ( node.callee && node.callee.type === 'Identifier' && order.includes(node.callee.name) && !KNOWN_MACROS.has(node.callee.name) ) { macrosNodes.set(node.callee.name, [getDefineMacrosStatement(node)]) } } }), { 'Program:exit'(program) { /** * @typedef {object} OrderedData * @property {string} name * @property {ASTNode} node */ const firstStatementIndex = getTargetStatementPosition( scriptSetup, program ) const orderedList = order .flatMap((name) => { const nodes = macrosNodes.get(name) ?? [] return nodes.map((node) => ({ name, node })) }) .filter( /** @returns {data is OrderedData} */ (data) => utils.isDef(data.node) ) // check last node if (defineExposeLast) { const lastNode = program.body[program.body.length - 1] if (defineExposeNode && lastNode !== defineExposeNode) { reportExposeNotOnBottom(defineExposeNode, lastNode) } } for (const [index, should] of orderedList.entries()) { const targetStatement = program.body[firstStatementIndex + index] if (should.node !== targetStatement) { let moveTargetNodes = orderedList .slice(index) .map(({ node }) => node) const targetStatementIndex = moveTargetNodes.indexOf(targetStatement) if (targetStatementIndex !== -1) { moveTargetNodes = moveTargetNodes.slice(0, targetStatementIndex) } reportNotOnTop(should.name, moveTargetNodes, targetStatement) return } } } } ) /** * @param {string} macro * @param {ASTNode[]} nodes * @param {ASTNode} before */ function reportNotOnTop(macro, nodes, before) { context.report({ node: nodes[0], loc: nodes[0].loc, messageId: 'macrosNotOnTop', data: { macro }, *fix(fixer) { for (const node of nodes) { yield* moveNodeBefore(fixer, node, before) } } }) } /** * @param {ASTNode} node * @param {ASTNode} lastNode */ function reportExposeNotOnBottom(node, lastNode) { context.report({ node, loc: node.loc, messageId: 'defineExposeNotTheLast', suggest: [ { messageId: 'putExposeAtTheLast', fix(fixer) { return moveNodeToLast(fixer, node, lastNode) } } ] }) } /** * Move all lines of "node" with its comments to after the "target" * @param {RuleFixer} fixer * @param {ASTNode} node * @param {ASTNode} target */ function moveNodeToLast(fixer, node, target) { // get comments under tokens(if any) const beforeNodeToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node) const nodeComment = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(beforeNodeToken, { includeComments: true }) const nextNodeComment = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node, { includeComments: true }) // remove position: node (and comments) to next node (and comments) const cutStart = getLineStartIndex(nodeComment, beforeNodeToken) const cutEnd = getLineStartIndex(nextNodeComment, node) // insert text: comment + node const textNode = sourceCode.getText( node, node.range[0] - beforeNodeToken.range[1] ) return [ fixer.insertTextAfter(target, textNode), fixer.removeRange([cutStart, cutEnd]) ] } /** * Move all lines of "node" with its comments to before the "target" * @param {RuleFixer} fixer * @param {ASTNode} node * @param {ASTNode} target */ function moveNodeBefore(fixer, node, target) { // get comments under tokens(if any) const beforeNodeToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node) const nodeComment = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(beforeNodeToken, { includeComments: true }) const nextNodeComment = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node, { includeComments: true }) // get positions of what we need to remove const cutStart = getLineStartIndex(nodeComment, beforeNodeToken) const cutEnd = getLineStartIndex(nextNodeComment, node) // get space before target const beforeTargetToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(target) const targetComment = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(beforeTargetToken, { includeComments: true }) // make insert text: comments + node + space before target const textNode = sourceCode.getText( node, node.range[0] - nodeComment.range[0] ) const insertText = getInsertText(textNode, target) return [ fixer.insertTextBefore(targetComment, insertText), fixer.removeRange([cutStart, cutEnd]) ] } /** * Get result text to insert * @param {string} textNode * @param {ASTNode} target */ function getInsertText(textNode, target) { const afterTargetComment = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(target, { includeComments: true }) const afterText = sourceCode.text.slice( target.range[1], afterTargetComment.range[0] ) // handle case when a();b() -> b()a(); const invalidResult = !textNode.endsWith(';') && !afterText.includes('\n') return textNode + afterText + (invalidResult ? ';' : '') } /** * Get position of the beginning of the token's line(or prevToken end if no line) * @param {ASTNode|Token} token * @param {ASTNode|Token} prevToken */ function getLineStartIndex(token, prevToken) { // if we have next token on the same line - get index right before that token if (token.loc.start.line === prevToken.loc.end.line) { return prevToken.range[1] } return sourceCode.getIndexFromLoc({ line: token.loc.start.line, column: 0 }) } } module.exports = { meta: { type: 'layout', docs: { description: 'enforce order of compiler macros (`defineProps`, `defineEmits`, etc.)', categories: undefined, url: 'https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/define-macros-order.html' }, fixable: 'code', hasSuggestions: true, schema: [ { type: 'object', properties: { order: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 }, uniqueItems: true, additionalItems: false }, defineExposeLast: { type: 'boolean' } }, additionalProperties: false } ], messages: { macrosNotOnTop: '{{macro}} should be the first statement in `