'use strict'; var Document = require('../doc/Document.js'); var composeNode = require('./compose-node.js'); var resolveEnd = require('./resolve-end.js'); var resolveProps = require('./resolve-props.js'); function composeDoc(options, directives, { offset, start, value, end }, onError) { const opts = Object.assign({ _directives: directives }, options); const doc = new Document.Document(undefined, opts); const ctx = { atKey: false, atRoot: true, directives: doc.directives, options: doc.options, schema: doc.schema }; const props = resolveProps.resolveProps(start, { indicator: 'doc-start', next: value ?? end?.[0], offset, onError, parentIndent: 0, startOnNewline: true }); if (props.found) { doc.directives.docStart = true; if (value && (value.type === 'block-map' || value.type === 'block-seq') && !props.hasNewline) onError(props.end, 'MISSING_CHAR', 'Block collection cannot start on same line with directives-end marker'); } // @ts-expect-error If Contents is set, let's trust the user doc.contents = value ? composeNode.composeNode(ctx, value, props, onError) : composeNode.composeEmptyNode(ctx, props.end, start, null, props, onError); const contentEnd = doc.contents.range[2]; const re = resolveEnd.resolveEnd(end, contentEnd, false, onError); if (re.comment) doc.comment = re.comment; doc.range = [offset, contentEnd, re.offset]; return doc; } exports.composeDoc = composeDoc;