123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524 |
- const path = require('path')
- const debug = require('debug')
- const inquirer = require('inquirer')
- const EventEmitter = require('events')
- const Generator = require('./Generator')
- const cloneDeep = require('lodash.clonedeep')
- const sortObject = require('./util/sortObject')
- const getVersions = require('./util/getVersions')
- const PackageManager = require('./util/ProjectPackageManager')
- const { clearConsole } = require('./util/clearConsole')
- const PromptModuleAPI = require('./PromptModuleAPI')
- const writeFileTree = require('./util/writeFileTree')
- const { formatFeatures } = require('./util/features')
- const loadLocalPreset = require('./util/loadLocalPreset')
- const loadRemotePreset = require('./util/loadRemotePreset')
- const generateReadme = require('./util/generateReadme')
- const { resolvePkg } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
- const {
- defaults,
- saveOptions,
- loadOptions,
- savePreset,
- validatePreset
- } = require('./options')
- const {
- chalk,
- execa,
- log,
- warn,
- error,
- logWithSpinner,
- stopSpinner,
- hasGit,
- hasProjectGit,
- hasYarn,
- hasPnpm3OrLater,
- hasPnpmVersionOrLater,
- exit,
- loadModule
- } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
- const isManualMode = answers => answers.preset === '__manual__'
- module.exports = class Creator extends EventEmitter {
- constructor (name, context, promptModules) {
- super()
- this.name = name
- this.context = process.env.VUE_CLI_CONTEXT = context
- const { presetPrompt, featurePrompt } = this.resolveIntroPrompts()
- this.presetPrompt = presetPrompt
- this.featurePrompt = featurePrompt
- this.outroPrompts = this.resolveOutroPrompts()
- this.injectedPrompts = []
- this.promptCompleteCbs = []
- this.afterInvokeCbs = []
- this.afterAnyInvokeCbs = []
- this.run = this.run.bind(this)
- const promptAPI = new PromptModuleAPI(this)
- promptModules.forEach(m => m(promptAPI))
- }
- async create (cliOptions = {}, preset = null) {
- const isTestOrDebug = process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST || process.env.VUE_CLI_DEBUG
- const { run, name, context, afterInvokeCbs, afterAnyInvokeCbs } = this
- if (!preset) {
- if (cliOptions.preset) {
- // vue create foo --preset bar
- preset = await this.resolvePreset(cliOptions.preset, cliOptions.clone)
- } else if (cliOptions.default) {
- // vue create foo --default
- preset = defaults.presets.default
- } else if (cliOptions.inlinePreset) {
- // vue create foo --inlinePreset {...}
- try {
- preset = JSON.parse(cliOptions.inlinePreset)
- } catch (e) {
- error(`CLI inline preset is not valid JSON: ${cliOptions.inlinePreset}`)
- exit(1)
- }
- } else {
- preset = await this.promptAndResolvePreset()
- }
- }
- // clone before mutating
- preset = cloneDeep(preset)
- // inject core service
- preset.plugins['@vue/cli-service'] = Object.assign({
- projectName: name
- }, preset)
- if (cliOptions.bare) {
- preset.plugins['@vue/cli-service'].bare = true
- }
- // legacy support for router
- if (preset.router) {
- preset.plugins['@vue/cli-plugin-router'] = {}
- if (preset.routerHistoryMode) {
- preset.plugins['@vue/cli-plugin-router'].historyMode = true
- }
- }
- // legacy support for vuex
- if (preset.vuex) {
- preset.plugins['@vue/cli-plugin-vuex'] = {}
- }
- const packageManager = (
- cliOptions.packageManager ||
- loadOptions().packageManager ||
- (hasYarn() ? 'yarn' : null) ||
- (hasPnpm3OrLater() ? 'pnpm' : 'npm')
- )
- const pm = new PackageManager({ context, forcePackageManager: packageManager })
- await clearConsole()
- logWithSpinner(`✨`, `Creating project in ${chalk.yellow(context)}.`)
- this.emit('creation', { event: 'creating' })
- // get latest CLI plugin version
- const { latestMinor } = await getVersions()
- // generate package.json with plugin dependencies
- const pkg = {
- name,
- version: '0.1.0',
- private: true,
- devDependencies: {},
- ...resolvePkg(context)
- }
- const deps = Object.keys(preset.plugins)
- deps.forEach(dep => {
- if (preset.plugins[dep]._isPreset) {
- return
- }
- // Note: the default creator includes no more than `@vue/cli-*` & `@vue/babel-preset-env`,
- // so it is fine to only test `@vue` prefix.
- // Other `@vue/*` packages' version may not be in sync with the cli itself.
- pkg.devDependencies[dep] = (
- preset.plugins[dep].version ||
- ((/^@vue/.test(dep)) ? `~${latestMinor}` : `latest`)
- )
- })
- // write package.json
- await writeFileTree(context, {
- 'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)
- })
- // intilaize git repository before installing deps
- // so that vue-cli-service can setup git hooks.
- const shouldInitGit = this.shouldInitGit(cliOptions)
- if (shouldInitGit) {
- logWithSpinner(`🗃`, `Initializing git repository...`)
- this.emit('creation', { event: 'git-init' })
- await run('git init')
- }
- // install plugins
- stopSpinner()
- log(`⚙\u{fe0f} Installing CLI plugins. This might take a while...`)
- log()
- this.emit('creation', { event: 'plugins-install' })
- if (isTestOrDebug && !process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST_DO_INSTALL_PLUGIN) {
- // in development, avoid installation process
- await require('./util/setupDevProject')(context)
- } else {
- await pm.install()
- }
- // run generator
- log(`🚀 Invoking generators...`)
- this.emit('creation', { event: 'invoking-generators' })
- const plugins = await this.resolvePlugins(preset.plugins)
- const generator = new Generator(context, {
- pkg,
- plugins,
- afterInvokeCbs,
- afterAnyInvokeCbs
- })
- await generator.generate({
- extractConfigFiles: preset.useConfigFiles
- })
- // install additional deps (injected by generators)
- log(`📦 Installing additional dependencies...`)
- this.emit('creation', { event: 'deps-install' })
- log()
- if (!isTestOrDebug) {
- await pm.install()
- }
- // run complete cbs if any (injected by generators)
- logWithSpinner('⚓', `Running completion hooks...`)
- this.emit('creation', { event: 'completion-hooks' })
- for (const cb of afterInvokeCbs) {
- await cb()
- }
- for (const cb of afterAnyInvokeCbs) {
- await cb()
- }
- // generate README.md
- stopSpinner()
- log()
- logWithSpinner('📄', 'Generating README.md...')
- await writeFileTree(context, {
- 'README.md': generateReadme(generator.pkg, packageManager)
- })
- // generate a .npmrc file for pnpm, to persist the `shamefully-flatten` flag
- if (packageManager === 'pnpm') {
- const pnpmConfig = hasPnpmVersionOrLater('4.0.0')
- ? 'shamefully-hoist=true\n'
- : 'shamefully-flatten=true\n'
- await writeFileTree(context, {
- '.npmrc': pnpmConfig
- })
- }
- // commit initial state
- let gitCommitFailed = false
- if (shouldInitGit) {
- await run('git add -A')
- if (isTestOrDebug) {
- await run('git', ['config', 'user.name', 'test'])
- await run('git', ['config', 'user.email', 'test@test.com'])
- }
- const msg = typeof cliOptions.git === 'string' ? cliOptions.git : 'init'
- try {
- await run('git', ['commit', '-m', msg])
- } catch (e) {
- gitCommitFailed = true
- }
- }
- // log instructions
- stopSpinner()
- log()
- log(`🎉 Successfully created project ${chalk.yellow(name)}.`)
- if (!cliOptions.skipGetStarted) {
- log(
- `👉 Get started with the following commands:\n\n` +
- (this.context === process.cwd() ? `` : chalk.cyan(` ${chalk.gray('$')} cd ${name}\n`)) +
- chalk.cyan(` ${chalk.gray('$')} ${packageManager === 'yarn' ? 'yarn serve' : packageManager === 'pnpm' ? 'pnpm run serve' : 'npm run serve'}`)
- )
- }
- log()
- this.emit('creation', { event: 'done' })
- if (gitCommitFailed) {
- warn(
- `Skipped git commit due to missing username and email in git config.\n` +
- `You will need to perform the initial commit yourself.\n`
- )
- }
- generator.printExitLogs()
- }
- run (command, args) {
- if (!args) { [command, ...args] = command.split(/\s+/) }
- return execa(command, args, { cwd: this.context })
- }
- async promptAndResolvePreset (answers = null) {
- // prompt
- if (!answers) {
- await clearConsole(true)
- answers = await inquirer.prompt(this.resolveFinalPrompts())
- }
- debug('vue-cli:answers')(answers)
- if (answers.packageManager) {
- saveOptions({
- packageManager: answers.packageManager
- })
- }
- let preset
- if (answers.preset && answers.preset !== '__manual__') {
- preset = await this.resolvePreset(answers.preset)
- } else {
- // manual
- preset = {
- useConfigFiles: answers.useConfigFiles === 'files',
- plugins: {}
- }
- answers.features = answers.features || []
- // run cb registered by prompt modules to finalize the preset
- this.promptCompleteCbs.forEach(cb => cb(answers, preset))
- }
- // validate
- validatePreset(preset)
- // save preset
- if (answers.save && answers.saveName) {
- savePreset(answers.saveName, preset)
- }
- debug('vue-cli:preset')(preset)
- return preset
- }
- async resolvePreset (name, clone) {
- let preset
- const savedPresets = loadOptions().presets || {}
- if (name in savedPresets) {
- preset = savedPresets[name]
- } else if (name.endsWith('.json') || /^\./.test(name) || path.isAbsolute(name)) {
- preset = await loadLocalPreset(path.resolve(name))
- } else if (name.includes('/')) {
- logWithSpinner(`Fetching remote preset ${chalk.cyan(name)}...`)
- this.emit('creation', { event: 'fetch-remote-preset' })
- try {
- preset = await loadRemotePreset(name, clone)
- stopSpinner()
- } catch (e) {
- stopSpinner()
- error(`Failed fetching remote preset ${chalk.cyan(name)}:`)
- throw e
- }
- }
- // use default preset if user has not overwritten it
- if (name === 'default' && !preset) {
- preset = defaults.presets.default
- }
- if (!preset) {
- error(`preset "${name}" not found.`)
- const presets = Object.keys(savedPresets)
- if (presets.length) {
- log()
- log(`available presets:\n${presets.join(`\n`)}`)
- } else {
- log(`you don't seem to have any saved preset.`)
- log(`run vue-cli in manual mode to create a preset.`)
- }
- exit(1)
- }
- return preset
- }
- // { id: options } => [{ id, apply, options }]
- async resolvePlugins (rawPlugins) {
- // ensure cli-service is invoked first
- rawPlugins = sortObject(rawPlugins, ['@vue/cli-service'], true)
- const plugins = []
- for (const id of Object.keys(rawPlugins)) {
- const apply = loadModule(`${id}/generator`, this.context) || (() => {})
- let options = rawPlugins[id] || {}
- if (options.prompts) {
- const prompts = loadModule(`${id}/prompts`, this.context)
- if (prompts) {
- log()
- log(`${chalk.cyan(options._isPreset ? `Preset options:` : id)}`)
- options = await inquirer.prompt(prompts)
- }
- }
- plugins.push({ id, apply, options })
- }
- return plugins
- }
- getPresets () {
- const savedOptions = loadOptions()
- return Object.assign({}, savedOptions.presets, defaults.presets)
- }
- resolveIntroPrompts () {
- const presets = this.getPresets()
- const presetChoices = Object.keys(presets).map(name => {
- return {
- name: `${name} (${formatFeatures(presets[name])})`,
- value: name
- }
- })
- const presetPrompt = {
- name: 'preset',
- type: 'list',
- message: `Please pick a preset:`,
- choices: [
- ...presetChoices,
- {
- name: 'Manually select features',
- value: '__manual__'
- }
- ]
- }
- const featurePrompt = {
- name: 'features',
- when: isManualMode,
- type: 'checkbox',
- message: 'Check the features needed for your project:',
- choices: [],
- pageSize: 10
- }
- return {
- presetPrompt,
- featurePrompt
- }
- }
- resolveOutroPrompts () {
- const outroPrompts = [
- {
- name: 'useConfigFiles',
- when: isManualMode,
- type: 'list',
- message: 'Where do you prefer placing config for Babel, ESLint, etc.?',
- choices: [
- {
- name: 'In dedicated config files',
- value: 'files'
- },
- {
- name: 'In package.json',
- value: 'pkg'
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- name: 'save',
- when: isManualMode,
- type: 'confirm',
- message: 'Save this as a preset for future projects?',
- default: false
- },
- {
- name: 'saveName',
- when: answers => answers.save,
- type: 'input',
- message: 'Save preset as:'
- }
- ]
- // ask for packageManager once
- const savedOptions = loadOptions()
- if (!savedOptions.packageManager && (hasYarn() || hasPnpm3OrLater())) {
- const packageManagerChoices = []
- if (hasYarn()) {
- packageManagerChoices.push({
- name: 'Use Yarn',
- value: 'yarn',
- short: 'Yarn'
- })
- }
- if (hasPnpm3OrLater()) {
- packageManagerChoices.push({
- name: 'Use PNPM',
- value: 'pnpm',
- short: 'PNPM'
- })
- }
- packageManagerChoices.push({
- name: 'Use NPM',
- value: 'npm',
- short: 'NPM'
- })
- outroPrompts.push({
- name: 'packageManager',
- type: 'list',
- message: 'Pick the package manager to use when installing dependencies:',
- choices: packageManagerChoices
- })
- }
- return outroPrompts
- }
- resolveFinalPrompts () {
- // patch generator-injected prompts to only show in manual mode
- this.injectedPrompts.forEach(prompt => {
- const originalWhen = prompt.when || (() => true)
- prompt.when = answers => {
- return isManualMode(answers) && originalWhen(answers)
- }
- })
- const prompts = [
- this.presetPrompt,
- this.featurePrompt,
- ...this.injectedPrompts,
- ...this.outroPrompts
- ]
- debug('vue-cli:prompts')(prompts)
- return prompts
- }
- shouldInitGit (cliOptions) {
- if (!hasGit()) {
- return false
- }
- // --git
- if (cliOptions.forceGit) {
- return true
- }
- // --no-git
- if (cliOptions.git === false || cliOptions.git === 'false') {
- return false
- }
- // default: true unless already in a git repo
- return !hasProjectGit(this.context)
- }
- }