123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990 |
- const invoke = require('./invoke')
- const inquirer = require('inquirer')
- const {
- chalk,
- semver,
- resolveModule,
- loadModule
- } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
- const getVersions = require('./util/getVersions')
- const PackageManager = require('./util/ProjectPackageManager')
- const {
- log,
- error,
- resolvePluginId,
- isOfficialPlugin
- } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
- const confirmIfGitDirty = require('./util/confirmIfGitDirty')
- async function add (pluginName, options = {}, context = process.cwd()) {
- if (!(await confirmIfGitDirty(context))) {
- return
- }
- // for `vue add` command in 3.x projects
- const servicePkg = loadModule('@vue/cli-service/package.json', context)
- if (servicePkg && semver.satisfies(servicePkg.version, '3.x')) {
- // special internal "plugins"
- if (/^(@vue\/)?router$/.test(pluginName)) {
- return addRouter(context)
- }
- if (/^(@vue\/)?vuex$/.test(pluginName)) {
- return addVuex(context)
- }
- }
- const packageName = resolvePluginId(pluginName)
- log()
- log(`📦 Installing ${chalk.cyan(packageName)}...`)
- log()
- const pm = new PackageManager({ context })
- const { latestMinor } = await getVersions()
- if (isOfficialPlugin(packageName)) {
- await pm.add(`${packageName}@~${latestMinor}`)
- } else {
- await pm.add(packageName, { tilde: true })
- }
- log(`${chalk.green('✔')} Successfully installed plugin: ${chalk.cyan(packageName)}`)
- log()
- const generatorPath = resolveModule(`${packageName}/generator`, context)
- if (generatorPath) {
- invoke(pluginName, options, context)
- } else {
- log(`Plugin ${packageName} does not have a generator to invoke`)
- }
- }
- module.exports = (...args) => {
- return add(...args).catch(err => {
- error(err)
- if (!process.env.VUE_CLI_TEST) {
- process.exit(1)
- }
- })
- }
- async function addRouter (context) {
- const options = await inquirer.prompt([{
- name: 'routerHistoryMode',
- type: 'confirm',
- message: `Use history mode for router? ${chalk.yellow(`(Requires proper server setup for index fallback in production)`)}`
- }])
- invoke.runGenerator(context, {
- id: 'core:router',
- apply: loadModule('@vue/cli-service/generator/router', context),
- options
- })
- }
- async function addVuex (context) {
- invoke.runGenerator(context, {
- id: 'core:vuex',
- apply: loadModule('@vue/cli-service/generator/vuex', context)
- })
- }