12345678910111213141516171819202122 |
- const path = require('path')
- const fs = require('fs-extra')
- module.exports = async function loadPresetFromDir (dir) {
- const presetPath = path.join(dir, 'preset.json')
- if (!fs.existsSync(presetPath)) {
- throw new Error('remote / local preset does not contain preset.json!')
- }
- const preset = await fs.readJson(presetPath)
- // if the preset dir contains generator.js or generator/index.js, we will inject it as a hidden
- // plugin so it will be invoked by the generator.
- const hasGenerator = fs.existsSync(path.join(dir, 'generator.js')) || fs.existsSync(path.join(dir, 'generator/index.js'))
- if (hasGenerator) {
- (preset.plugins || (preset.plugins = {}))[dir.replace(/[\/]$/, '')] = {
- _isPreset: true,
- prompts: true
- }
- }
- return preset
- }