"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.dateToProtoTimestamp = exports.TraceTreeBuilder = void 0; const graphql_1 = require("graphql"); const apollo_reporting_protobuf_1 = require("apollo-reporting-protobuf"); function internalError(message) { return new Error(`[internal apollo-server error] ${message}`); } class TraceTreeBuilder { constructor(options) { this.rootNode = new apollo_reporting_protobuf_1.Trace.Node(); this.logger = console; this.trace = new apollo_reporting_protobuf_1.Trace({ root: this.rootNode }); this.stopped = false; this.nodes = new Map([ [responsePathAsString(), this.rootNode], ]); this.rewriteError = options.rewriteError; if (options.logger) this.logger = options.logger; } startTiming() { if (this.startHrTime) { throw internalError('startTiming called twice!'); } if (this.stopped) { throw internalError('startTiming called after stopTiming!'); } this.trace.startTime = dateToProtoTimestamp(new Date()); this.startHrTime = process.hrtime(); } stopTiming() { if (!this.startHrTime) { throw internalError('stopTiming called before startTiming!'); } if (this.stopped) { throw internalError('stopTiming called twice!'); } this.trace.durationNs = durationHrTimeToNanos(process.hrtime(this.startHrTime)); this.trace.endTime = dateToProtoTimestamp(new Date()); this.stopped = true; } willResolveField(info) { if (!this.startHrTime) { throw internalError('willResolveField called before startTiming!'); } if (this.stopped) { throw internalError('willResolveField called after stopTiming!'); } const path = info.path; const node = this.newNode(path); node.type = info.returnType.toString(); node.parentType = info.parentType.toString(); node.startTime = durationHrTimeToNanos(process.hrtime(this.startHrTime)); if (typeof path.key === 'string' && path.key !== info.fieldName) { node.originalFieldName = info.fieldName; } return () => { node.endTime = durationHrTimeToNanos(process.hrtime(this.startHrTime)); }; } didEncounterErrors(errors) { errors.forEach((err) => { if (err.extensions && err.extensions.serviceName) { return; } const errorForReporting = this.rewriteAndNormalizeError(err); if (errorForReporting === null) { return; } this.addProtobufError(errorForReporting.path, errorToProtobufError(errorForReporting)); }); } addProtobufError(path, error) { if (!this.startHrTime) { throw internalError('addProtobufError called before startTiming!'); } if (this.stopped) { throw internalError('addProtobufError called after stopTiming!'); } let node = this.rootNode; if (Array.isArray(path)) { const specificNode = this.nodes.get(path.join('.')); if (specificNode) { node = specificNode; } else { this.logger.warn(`Could not find node with path ${path.join('.')}; defaulting to put errors on root node.`); } } node.error.push(error); } newNode(path) { const node = new apollo_reporting_protobuf_1.Trace.Node(); const id = path.key; if (typeof id === 'number') { node.index = id; } else { node.responseName = id; } this.nodes.set(responsePathAsString(path), node); const parentNode = this.ensureParentNode(path); parentNode.child.push(node); return node; } ensureParentNode(path) { const parentPath = responsePathAsString(path.prev); const parentNode = this.nodes.get(parentPath); if (parentNode) { return parentNode; } return this.newNode(path.prev); } rewriteAndNormalizeError(err) { if (this.rewriteError) { const clonedError = Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(err)), err); const rewrittenError = this.rewriteError(clonedError); if (rewrittenError === null) { return null; } if (!(rewrittenError instanceof graphql_1.GraphQLError)) { return err; } return new graphql_1.GraphQLError(rewrittenError.message, err.nodes, err.source, err.positions, err.path, err.originalError, rewrittenError.extensions || err.extensions); } return err; } } exports.TraceTreeBuilder = TraceTreeBuilder; function durationHrTimeToNanos(hrtime) { return hrtime[0] * 1e9 + hrtime[1]; } function responsePathAsString(p) { if (p === undefined) { return ''; } let res = String(p.key); while ((p = p.prev) !== undefined) { res = `${p.key}.${res}`; } return res; } function errorToProtobufError(error) { return new apollo_reporting_protobuf_1.Trace.Error({ message: error.message, location: (error.locations || []).map(({ line, column }) => new apollo_reporting_protobuf_1.Trace.Location({ line, column })), json: JSON.stringify(error), }); } function dateToProtoTimestamp(date) { const totalMillis = +date; const millis = totalMillis % 1000; return new apollo_reporting_protobuf_1.google.protobuf.Timestamp({ seconds: (totalMillis - millis) / 1000, nanos: millis * 1e6, }); } exports.dateToProtoTimestamp = dateToProtoTimestamp; //# sourceMappingURL=traceTreeBuilder.js.map