"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.determineApolloConfig = void 0; const createSHA_1 = __importDefault(require("./utils/createSHA")); function determineApolloConfig(input, engine, logger) { var _a, _b; if (input && engine !== undefined) { throw Error('Cannot pass both `apollo` and `engine`'); } const apolloConfig = {}; const { APOLLO_KEY, APOLLO_GRAPH_REF, APOLLO_GRAPH_ID, APOLLO_GRAPH_VARIANT, ENGINE_API_KEY, ENGINE_SCHEMA_TAG, } = process.env; if (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.key) { apolloConfig.key = input.key.trim(); } else if (typeof engine === 'object' && engine.apiKey) { apolloConfig.key = engine.apiKey.trim(); } else if (APOLLO_KEY) { if (ENGINE_API_KEY) { logger.warn('Using `APOLLO_KEY` since `ENGINE_API_KEY` (deprecated) is also set in the environment.'); } apolloConfig.key = APOLLO_KEY.trim(); } else if (ENGINE_API_KEY) { logger.warn('[deprecated] The `ENGINE_API_KEY` environment variable has been renamed to `APOLLO_KEY`.'); apolloConfig.key = ENGINE_API_KEY.trim(); } if (((_b = (_a = input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.key) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : APOLLO_KEY) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : ENGINE_API_KEY) !== apolloConfig.key) { logger.warn('The provided API key has unexpected leading or trailing whitespace. ' + 'Apollo Server will trim the key value before use.'); } if (apolloConfig.key) { assertValidHeaderValue(apolloConfig.key); } if (apolloConfig.key) { apolloConfig.keyHash = createSHA_1.default('sha512') .update(apolloConfig.key) .digest('hex'); } if (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.graphRef) { apolloConfig.graphRef = input.graphRef; } else if (APOLLO_GRAPH_REF) { apolloConfig.graphRef = APOLLO_GRAPH_REF; } if (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.graphId) { apolloConfig.graphId = input.graphId; } else if (APOLLO_GRAPH_ID) { apolloConfig.graphId = APOLLO_GRAPH_ID; } if (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.graphVariant) { apolloConfig.graphVariant = input.graphVariant; } else if (typeof engine === 'object' && engine.graphVariant) { if (engine.schemaTag) { throw new Error('Cannot set more than one of apollo.graphVariant, ' + 'engine.graphVariant, and engine.schemaTag. Please use apollo.graphVariant.'); } apolloConfig.graphVariant = engine.graphVariant; } else if (typeof engine === 'object' && engine.schemaTag) { logger.warn('[deprecated] The `engine.schemaTag` option has been renamed to `apollo.graphVariant` ' + '(or you may set it with the `APOLLO_GRAPH_VARIANT` environment variable).'); apolloConfig.graphVariant = engine.schemaTag; } else if (APOLLO_GRAPH_VARIANT) { if (ENGINE_SCHEMA_TAG) { throw new Error('`APOLLO_GRAPH_VARIANT` and `ENGINE_SCHEMA_TAG` (deprecated) environment variables must not both be set.'); } apolloConfig.graphVariant = APOLLO_GRAPH_VARIANT; } else if (ENGINE_SCHEMA_TAG) { logger.warn('[deprecated] The `ENGINE_SCHEMA_TAG` environment variable has been renamed to `APOLLO_GRAPH_VARIANT`.'); apolloConfig.graphVariant = ENGINE_SCHEMA_TAG; } if (apolloConfig.graphRef) { if (apolloConfig.graphId) { throw new Error('Cannot specify both graph ref and graph ID. Please use ' + '`apollo.graphRef` or `APOLLO_GRAPH_REF` without also setting the graph ID.'); } if (apolloConfig.graphVariant) { throw new Error('Cannot specify both graph ref and graph variant. Please use ' + '`apollo.graphRef` or `APOLLO_GRAPH_REF` without also setting the graph ID.'); } const at = apolloConfig.graphRef.indexOf('@'); if (at === -1) { apolloConfig.graphId = apolloConfig.graphRef; apolloConfig.graphVariant = 'current'; } else { apolloConfig.graphId = apolloConfig.graphRef.substring(0, at); apolloConfig.graphVariant = apolloConfig.graphRef.substring(at + 1); } } else { if (!apolloConfig.graphId && apolloConfig.key) { const parts = apolloConfig.key.split(':', 2); if (parts[0] === 'service') { apolloConfig.graphId = parts[1]; } else { throw Error('You have specified an API key in `apollo.key` or `APOLLO_KEY`, ' + 'but you have not specified your graph ref or graph ID and the key ' + 'does not start with `service:`. Please specify your graph ref; for ' + 'example, set `APOLLO_GRAPH_REF` to `my-graph-id@my-graph-variant`.'); } } if (!apolloConfig.graphVariant) { apolloConfig.graphVariant = 'current'; } if (apolloConfig.graphId) { apolloConfig.graphRef = `${apolloConfig.graphId}@${apolloConfig.graphVariant}`; } } return apolloConfig; } exports.determineApolloConfig = determineApolloConfig; function assertValidHeaderValue(value) { const invalidHeaderCharRegex = /[^\t\x20-\x7e\x80-\xff]/g; if (invalidHeaderCharRegex.test(value)) { const invalidChars = value.match(invalidHeaderCharRegex); throw new Error(`The API key provided to Apollo Server contains characters which are invalid as HTTP header values. The following characters found in the key are invalid: ${invalidChars.join(', ')}. Valid header values may only contain ASCII visible characters. If you think there is an issue with your key, please contact Apollo support.`); } } //# sourceMappingURL=determineApolloConfig.js.map