/** * @fileoverview Rule to disallow unsafe optional chaining * @author Yeon JuAn */ "use strict"; const UNSAFE_ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS = new Set(["+", "-", "/", "*", "%", "**"]); const UNSAFE_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS = new Set(["+=", "-=", "/=", "*=", "%=", "**="]); const UNSAFE_RELATIONAL_OPERATORS = new Set(["in", "instanceof"]); /** * Checks whether a node is a destructuring pattern or not * @param {ASTNode} node node to check * @returns {boolean} `true` if a node is a destructuring pattern, otherwise `false` */ function isDestructuringPattern(node) { return node.type === "ObjectPattern" || node.type === "ArrayPattern"; } /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */ module.exports = { meta: { type: "problem", docs: { description: "Disallow use of optional chaining in contexts where the `undefined` value is not allowed", recommended: true, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-unsafe-optional-chaining" }, schema: [{ type: "object", properties: { disallowArithmeticOperators: { type: "boolean", default: false } }, additionalProperties: false }], fixable: null, messages: { unsafeOptionalChain: "Unsafe usage of optional chaining. If it short-circuits with 'undefined' the evaluation will throw TypeError.", unsafeArithmetic: "Unsafe arithmetic operation on optional chaining. It can result in NaN." } }, create(context) { const options = context.options[0] || {}; const disallowArithmeticOperators = (options.disallowArithmeticOperators) || false; /** * Reports unsafe usage of optional chaining * @param {ASTNode} node node to report * @returns {void} */ function reportUnsafeUsage(node) { context.report({ messageId: "unsafeOptionalChain", node }); } /** * Reports unsafe arithmetic operation on optional chaining * @param {ASTNode} node node to report * @returns {void} */ function reportUnsafeArithmetic(node) { context.report({ messageId: "unsafeArithmetic", node }); } /** * Checks and reports if a node can short-circuit with `undefined` by optional chaining. * @param {ASTNode} [node] node to check * @param {Function} reportFunc report function * @returns {void} */ function checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node, reportFunc) { if (!node) { return; } switch (node.type) { case "LogicalExpression": if (node.operator === "||" || node.operator === "??") { checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node.right, reportFunc); } else if (node.operator === "&&") { checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node.left, reportFunc); checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node.right, reportFunc); } break; case "SequenceExpression": checkUndefinedShortCircuit( node.expressions.at(-1), reportFunc ); break; case "ConditionalExpression": checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node.consequent, reportFunc); checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node.alternate, reportFunc); break; case "AwaitExpression": checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node.argument, reportFunc); break; case "ChainExpression": reportFunc(node); break; default: break; } } /** * Checks unsafe usage of optional chaining * @param {ASTNode} node node to check * @returns {void} */ function checkUnsafeUsage(node) { checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node, reportUnsafeUsage); } /** * Checks unsafe arithmetic operations on optional chaining * @param {ASTNode} node node to check * @returns {void} */ function checkUnsafeArithmetic(node) { checkUndefinedShortCircuit(node, reportUnsafeArithmetic); } return { "AssignmentExpression, AssignmentPattern"(node) { if (isDestructuringPattern(node.left)) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.right); } }, "ClassDeclaration, ClassExpression"(node) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.superClass); }, CallExpression(node) { if (!node.optional) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.callee); } }, NewExpression(node) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.callee); }, VariableDeclarator(node) { if (isDestructuringPattern(node.id)) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.init); } }, MemberExpression(node) { if (!node.optional) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.object); } }, TaggedTemplateExpression(node) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.tag); }, ForOfStatement(node) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.right); }, SpreadElement(node) { if (node.parent && node.parent.type !== "ObjectExpression") { checkUnsafeUsage(node.argument); } }, BinaryExpression(node) { if (UNSAFE_RELATIONAL_OPERATORS.has(node.operator)) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.right); } if ( disallowArithmeticOperators && UNSAFE_ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS.has(node.operator) ) { checkUnsafeArithmetic(node.right); checkUnsafeArithmetic(node.left); } }, WithStatement(node) { checkUnsafeUsage(node.object); }, UnaryExpression(node) { if ( disallowArithmeticOperators && UNSAFE_ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS.has(node.operator) ) { checkUnsafeArithmetic(node.argument); } }, AssignmentExpression(node) { if ( disallowArithmeticOperators && UNSAFE_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS.has(node.operator) ) { checkUnsafeArithmetic(node.right); } } }; } };