var fs = require('fs'), mm = require('minimatch'), path = require('path'); /** * merge two objects by extending target object with source object * @param target object to merge * @param source object to merge * @param {Boolean} [modify] whether to modify the target * @returns {Object} extended object */ function extend(target, source, modify) { var result = target ? modify ? target : extend({}, target, true) : {}; if (!source) return result; for (var key in source) { if (source.hasOwnProperty(key) && source[key] !== undefined) { result[key] = source[key]; } } return result; } /** * determine if a string is contained within an array or matches a regular expression * @param {String} str string to match * @param {Array|Regex} match array or regular expression to match against * @returns {Boolean} whether there is a match */ function matches(str, match) { if (Array.isArray(match)) { var l = match.length; for( var s=0; s < l; s++) { if ( mm(str,match[s])) { return true; } } return false; } return match.test(str); } /** * read files and call a function with the contents of each file * @param {String} dir path of dir containing the files to be read * @param {String} encoding file encoding (default is 'utf8') * @param {Object} options options hash for encoding, recursive, and match/exclude * @param {Function(error, string)} callback callback for each files content * @param {Function(error)} complete fn to call when finished */ function readFilesStream(dir, options, callback, complete) { if (typeof options === 'function') { complete = callback; callback = options; options = {}; } if (typeof options === 'string') options = { encoding: options }; options = extend({ recursive: true, encoding: 'utf8', doneOnErr: true }, options); var files = []; var done = function(err) { if (typeof complete === 'function') { if (err) return complete(err); complete(null, files); } }; fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) { if (err)  { if (options.doneOnErr === true) { if (err.code === 'EACCES') return done(); return done(err); } } var i = 0; if (options.reverse === true || (typeof options.sort == 'string' && (/reverse|desc/i).test(options.sort))) { list = list.reverse(); } else if (options.sort !== false) list = list.sort(); (function next() { var filename = list[i++]; if (!filename) return done(null, files); var file = path.join(dir, filename); fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) { if (err && options.doneOnErr === true) return done(err); if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { if (options.recursive) { if (options.matchDir && !matches(filename, options.matchDir)) return next(); if (options.excludeDir && matches(filename, options.excludeDir)) return next(); readFilesStream(file, options, callback, function(err, sfiles) { if (err && options.doneOnErr === true) return done(err); files = files.concat(sfiles); next(); }); } else next(); } else if (stat && stat.isFile()) { if (options.match && !matches(filename, options.match)) return next(); if (options.exclude && matches(filename, options.exclude)) return next(); if (options.filter && !options.filter(filename)) return next(); if (options.shortName) files.push(filename); else files.push(file); var stream = fs.createReadStream(file); if (options.encoding !== null) { stream.setEncoding(options.encoding); } stream.on('error',function(err) { if (options.doneOnErr === true) return done(err); next(); }); if (callback.length > 3) if (options.shortName) callback(null, stream, filename, next); else callback(null, stream, file, next); else callback(null, stream, next); } else { next(); } }); })(); }); } module.exports = readFilesStream;