123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198 |
- "use strict";
- var child_process = require("child_process"),
- path = require("path"),
- fs = require("fs"),
- pkg = require("./package.json"),
- util = require("./util");
- util.setup();
- var minimist = require("minimist"),
- chalk = require("chalk"),
- glob = require("glob"),
- tmp = require("tmp");
- /**
- * Runs pbts programmatically.
- * @param {string[]} args Command line arguments
- * @param {function(?Error, string=)} [callback] Optional completion callback
- * @returns {number|undefined} Exit code, if known
- */
- exports.main = function(args, callback) {
- var argv = minimist(args, {
- alias: {
- name: "n",
- out : "o",
- main: "m",
- global: "g",
- import: "i"
- },
- string: [ "name", "out", "global", "import" ],
- boolean: [ "comments", "main" ],
- default: {
- comments: true,
- main: false
- }
- });
- var files = argv._;
- if (!files.length) {
- if (callback)
- callback(Error("usage")); // eslint-disable-line callback-return
- else
- process.stderr.write([
- "protobuf.js v" + pkg.version + " CLI for TypeScript",
- "",
- chalk.bold.white("Generates TypeScript definitions from annotated JavaScript files."),
- "",
- " -o, --out Saves to a file instead of writing to stdout.",
- "",
- " -g, --global Name of the global object in browser environments, if any.",
- "",
- " -i, --import Comma delimited list of imports. Local names will equal camelCase of the basename.",
- "",
- " --no-comments Does not output any JSDoc comments.",
- "",
- chalk.bold.gray(" Internal flags:"),
- "",
- " -n, --name Wraps everything in a module of the specified name.",
- "",
- " -m, --main Whether building the main library without any imports.",
- "",
- "usage: " + chalk.bold.green("pbts") + " [options] file1.js file2.js ..." + chalk.bold.gray(" (or) ") + "other | " + chalk.bold.green("pbts") + " [options] -",
- ""
- ].join("\n"));
- return 1;
- }
- // Resolve glob expressions
- for (var i = 0; i < files.length;) {
- if (glob.hasMagic(files[i])) {
- var matches = glob.sync(files[i]);
- Array.prototype.splice.apply(files, [i, 1].concat(matches));
- i += matches.length;
- } else
- ++i;
- }
- var cleanup = [];
- // Read from stdin (to a temporary file)
- if (files.length === 1 && files[0] === "-") {
- var data = [];
- process.stdin.on("data", function(chunk) {
- data.push(chunk);
- });
- process.stdin.on("end", function() {
- files[0] = tmp.tmpNameSync() + ".js";
- fs.writeFileSync(files[0], Buffer.concat(data));
- cleanup.push(files[0]);
- callJsdoc();
- });
- // Load from disk
- } else {
- callJsdoc();
- }
- function callJsdoc() {
- // There is no proper API for jsdoc, so this executes the CLI and pipes the output
- var basedir = path.join(__dirname, ".");
- var moduleName = argv.name || "null";
- var nodePath = process.execPath;
- var cmd = "\"" + nodePath + "\" \"" + require.resolve("jsdoc/jsdoc.js") + "\" -c \"" + path.join(basedir, "lib", "tsd-jsdoc.json") + "\" -q \"module=" + encodeURIComponent(moduleName) + "&comments=" + Boolean(argv.comments) + "\" " + files.map(function(file) { return "\"" + file + "\""; }).join(" ");
- var child = child_process.exec(cmd, {
- cwd: process.cwd(),
- argv0: "node",
- stdio: "pipe",
- maxBuffer: 1 << 24 // 16mb
- });
- var out = [];
- var ended = false;
- var closed = false;
- child.stdout.on("data", function(data) {
- out.push(data);
- });
- child.stdout.on("end", function() {
- if (closed) finish();
- else ended = true;
- });
- child.stderr.pipe(process.stderr);
- child.on("close", function(code) {
- // clean up temporary files, no matter what
- try { cleanup.forEach(fs.unlinkSync); } catch(e) {/**/} cleanup = [];
- if (code) {
- out = out.join("").replace(/\s*JSDoc \d+\.\d+\.\d+ [^$]+/, "");
- process.stderr.write(out);
- var err = Error("code " + code);
- if (callback)
- return callback(err);
- throw err;
- }
- if (ended) return finish();
- closed = true;
- return undefined;
- });
- function getImportName(importItem) {
- return path.basename(importItem, ".js").replace(/([-_~.+]\w)/g, function(match) {
- return match[1].toUpperCase();
- });
- }
- function finish() {
- var output = [];
- if (argv.main)
- output.push(
- "// DO NOT EDIT! This is a generated file. Edit the JSDoc in src/*.js instead and run 'npm run types'.",
- ""
- );
- if (argv.global)
- output.push(
- "export as namespace " + argv.global + ";",
- ""
- );
- if (!argv.main) {
- // Ensure we have a usable array of imports
- var importArray = typeof argv.import === "string" ? argv.import.split(",") : argv.import || [];
- // Build an object of imports and paths
- var imports = {
- $protobuf: "@apollo/protobufjs"
- };
- importArray.forEach(function(importItem) {
- imports[getImportName(importItem)] = importItem;
- });
- // Write out the imports
- Object.keys(imports).forEach(function(key) {
- output.push("import * as " + key + " from \"" + imports[key] + "\";");
- });
- }
- output = output.join("\n") + "\n" + out.join("");
- try {
- if (argv.out)
- fs.writeFileSync(argv.out, output, { encoding: "utf8" });
- else if (!callback)
- process.stdout.write(output, "utf8");
- return callback
- ? callback(null, output)
- : undefined;
- } catch (err) {
- if (callback)
- return callback(err);
- throw err;
- }
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- };