123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- exports.validateUsage = validateUsage;
- var _core = require("@babel/core");
- function validateUsage(path, state, tdzEnabled) {
- const dynamicTDZNames = [];
- for (const name of Object.keys(path.getBindingIdentifiers())) {
- const binding = path.scope.getBinding(name);
- if (!binding) continue;
- if (tdzEnabled) {
- if (injectTDZChecks(binding, state)) dynamicTDZNames.push(name);
- }
- if (path.node.kind === "const") {
- disallowConstantViolations(name, binding, state);
- }
- }
- return dynamicTDZNames;
- }
- function disallowConstantViolations(name, binding, state) {
- for (const violation of binding.constantViolations) {
- const readOnlyError = state.addHelper("readOnlyError");
- const throwNode = _core.types.callExpression(readOnlyError, [_core.types.stringLiteral(name)]);
- if (violation.isAssignmentExpression()) {
- const {
- operator,
- left,
- right
- } = violation.node;
- if (operator === "=") {
- const exprs = [right];
- exprs.push(throwNode);
- violation.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression(exprs));
- } else if (["&&=", "||=", "??="].includes(operator)) {
- violation.replaceWith(_core.types.logicalExpression(operator.slice(0, -1), left, _core.types.sequenceExpression([right, throwNode])));
- } else {
- violation.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression([_core.types.binaryExpression(operator.slice(0, -1), left, right), throwNode]));
- }
- } else if (violation.isUpdateExpression()) {
- violation.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression([_core.types.unaryExpression("+", violation.get("argument").node), throwNode]));
- } else if (violation.isForXStatement()) {
- violation.ensureBlock();
- violation.get("left").replaceWith(_core.types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core.types.variableDeclarator(violation.scope.generateUidIdentifier(name))]));
- violation.node.body.body.unshift(_core.types.expressionStatement(throwNode));
- }
- }
- }
- function getTDZStatus(refPath, bindingPath) {
- const executionStatus = bindingPath._guessExecutionStatusRelativeTo(refPath);
- if (executionStatus === "before") {
- return "outside";
- } else if (executionStatus === "after") {
- return "inside";
- } else {
- return "maybe";
- }
- }
- const skipTDZChecks = new WeakSet();
- function buildTDZAssert(status, node, state) {
- if (status === "maybe") {
- const clone = _core.types.cloneNode(node);
- skipTDZChecks.add(clone);
- return _core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper("temporalRef"), [clone, _core.types.stringLiteral(node.name)]);
- } else {
- return _core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper("tdz"), [_core.types.stringLiteral(node.name)]);
- }
- }
- function getTDZReplacement(path, state, id = path.node) {
- var _path$scope$getBindin;
- if (skipTDZChecks.has(id)) return;
- skipTDZChecks.add(id);
- const bindingPath = (_path$scope$getBindin = path.scope.getBinding(id.name)) == null ? void 0 : _path$scope$getBindin.path;
- if (!bindingPath || bindingPath.isFunctionDeclaration()) return;
- const status = getTDZStatus(path, bindingPath);
- if (status === "outside") return;
- if (status === "maybe") {
- bindingPath.parent._tdzThis = true;
- }
- return {
- status,
- node: buildTDZAssert(status, id, state)
- };
- }
- function injectTDZChecks(binding, state) {
- const allUsages = new Set(binding.referencePaths);
- binding.constantViolations.forEach(allUsages.add, allUsages);
- let dynamicTdz = false;
- for (const path of binding.constantViolations) {
- const {
- node
- } = path;
- if (skipTDZChecks.has(node)) continue;
- skipTDZChecks.add(node);
- if (path.isUpdateExpression()) {
- const arg = path.get("argument");
- const replacement = getTDZReplacement(path, state, arg.node);
- if (!replacement) continue;
- if (replacement.status === "maybe") {
- dynamicTdz = true;
- path.insertBefore(replacement.node);
- } else {
- path.replaceWith(replacement.node);
- }
- } else if (path.isAssignmentExpression()) {
- const nodes = [];
- const ids = path.getBindingIdentifiers();
- for (const name of Object.keys(ids)) {
- const replacement = getTDZReplacement(path, state, ids[name]);
- if (replacement) {
- nodes.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(replacement.node));
- if (replacement.status === "inside") break;
- if (replacement.status === "maybe") dynamicTdz = true;
- }
- }
- if (nodes.length > 0) path.insertBefore(nodes);
- }
- }
- for (const path of binding.referencePaths) {
- if (path.parentPath.isUpdateExpression()) continue;
- if (path.parentPath.isFor({
- left: path.node
- })) continue;
- const replacement = getTDZReplacement(path, state);
- if (!replacement) continue;
- if (replacement.status === "maybe") dynamicTdz = true;
- path.replaceWith(replacement.node);
- }
- return dynamicTdz;
- }
- //# sourceMappingURL=validation.js.map