123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- "use strict";
- exports.__esModule = true;
- exports.default = void 0;
- /**
- * Edge 16 & 17 do not infer function.name from variable assignment.
- * All other `function.name` behavior works fine, so we can skip most of @babel/transform-function-name.
- * @see https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/#test-function_name_property_variables_(function)
- *
- * Note: contrary to various Github issues, Edge 16+ *does* correctly infer the name of Arrow Functions.
- * The variable declarator name inference issue only affects function expressions, so that's all we fix here.
- *
- * A Note on Minification: Terser undoes this transform *by default* unless `keep_fnames` is set to true.
- * There is by design - if Function.name is critical to your application, you must configure
- * your minifier to preserve function names.
- */
- var _default = ({
- types: t
- }) => ({
- name: "transform-edge-function-name",
- visitor: {
- FunctionExpression: {
- exit(path) {
- if (!path.node.id && t.isIdentifier(path.parent.id)) {
- const id = t.cloneNode(path.parent.id);
- const binding = path.scope.getBinding(id.name); // if the binding gets reassigned anywhere, rename it
- if (binding == null ? void 0 : binding.constantViolations.length) {
- path.scope.rename(id.name);
- }
- path.node.id = id;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- exports.default = _default;
- module.exports = exports.default;