conversion.js 21 KB

  1. "use strict";
  2. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  3. value: true
  4. });
  5. exports.arrowFunctionToExpression = arrowFunctionToExpression;
  6. exports.ensureBlock = ensureBlock;
  7. exports.ensureFunctionName = ensureFunctionName;
  8. exports.splitExportDeclaration = splitExportDeclaration;
  9. exports.toComputedKey = toComputedKey;
  10. exports.unwrapFunctionEnvironment = unwrapFunctionEnvironment;
  11. var _t = require("@babel/types");
  12. var _template = require("@babel/template");
  13. var _visitors = require("../visitors.js");
  14. var _context = require("./context.js");
  15. const {
  16. arrowFunctionExpression,
  17. assignmentExpression,
  18. binaryExpression,
  19. blockStatement,
  20. callExpression,
  21. conditionalExpression,
  22. expressionStatement,
  23. identifier,
  24. isIdentifier,
  25. jsxIdentifier,
  26. logicalExpression,
  28. memberExpression,
  29. metaProperty,
  30. numericLiteral,
  31. objectExpression,
  32. restElement,
  33. returnStatement,
  34. sequenceExpression,
  35. spreadElement,
  36. stringLiteral,
  37. super: _super,
  38. thisExpression,
  39. toExpression,
  40. unaryExpression,
  41. toBindingIdentifierName,
  42. isFunction,
  43. isAssignmentPattern,
  44. isRestElement,
  45. getFunctionName,
  46. cloneNode,
  47. variableDeclaration,
  48. variableDeclarator,
  49. exportNamedDeclaration,
  50. exportSpecifier,
  51. inherits
  52. } = _t;
  53. function toComputedKey() {
  54. let key;
  55. if (this.isMemberExpression()) {
  56. key =;
  57. } else if (this.isProperty() || this.isMethod()) {
  58. key = this.node.key;
  59. } else {
  60. throw new ReferenceError("todo");
  61. }
  62. if (!this.node.computed) {
  63. if (isIdentifier(key)) key = stringLiteral(;
  64. }
  65. return key;
  66. }
  67. function ensureBlock() {
  68. const body = this.get("body");
  69. const bodyNode = body.node;
  70. if (Array.isArray(body)) {
  71. throw new Error("Can't convert array path to a block statement");
  72. }
  73. if (!bodyNode) {
  74. throw new Error("Can't convert node without a body");
  75. }
  76. if (body.isBlockStatement()) {
  77. return bodyNode;
  78. }
  79. const statements = [];
  80. let stringPath = "body";
  81. let key;
  82. let listKey;
  83. if (body.isStatement()) {
  84. listKey = "body";
  85. key = 0;
  86. statements.push(body.node);
  87. } else {
  88. stringPath += ".body.0";
  89. if (this.isFunction()) {
  90. key = "argument";
  91. statements.push(returnStatement(body.node));
  92. } else {
  93. key = "expression";
  94. statements.push(expressionStatement(body.node));
  95. }
  96. }
  97. this.node.body = blockStatement(statements);
  98. const parentPath = this.get(stringPath);
  99., parentPath, listKey ? parentPath.node[listKey] : parentPath.node, listKey, key);
  100. return this.node;
  101. }
  102. {
  103. exports.arrowFunctionToShadowed = function () {
  104. if (!this.isArrowFunctionExpression()) return;
  105. this.arrowFunctionToExpression();
  106. };
  107. }
  108. function unwrapFunctionEnvironment() {
  109. if (!this.isArrowFunctionExpression() && !this.isFunctionExpression() && !this.isFunctionDeclaration()) {
  110. throw this.buildCodeFrameError("Can only unwrap the environment of a function.");
  111. }
  112. hoistFunctionEnvironment(this);
  113. }
  114. function setType(path, type) {
  115. path.node.type = type;
  116. }
  117. function arrowFunctionToExpression({
  118. allowInsertArrow = true,
  119. allowInsertArrowWithRest = allowInsertArrow,
  120. noNewArrows = !(_arguments$ => (_arguments$ = arguments[0]) == null ? void 0 : _arguments$.specCompliant)()
  121. } = {}) {
  122. if (!this.isArrowFunctionExpression()) {
  123. throw this.buildCodeFrameError("Cannot convert non-arrow function to a function expression.");
  124. }
  125. let self = this;
  126. if (!noNewArrows) {
  127. var _self$ensureFunctionN;
  128. self = (_self$ensureFunctionN = self.ensureFunctionName(false)) != null ? _self$ensureFunctionN : self;
  129. }
  130. const {
  131. thisBinding,
  132. fnPath: fn
  133. } = hoistFunctionEnvironment(self, noNewArrows, allowInsertArrow, allowInsertArrowWithRest);
  134. fn.ensureBlock();
  135. setType(fn, "FunctionExpression");
  136. if (!noNewArrows) {
  137. const checkBinding = thisBinding ? null : fn.scope.generateUidIdentifier("arrowCheckId");
  138. if (checkBinding) {
  139. fn.parentPath.scope.push({
  140. id: checkBinding,
  141. init: objectExpression([])
  142. });
  143. }
  144. fn.get("body").unshiftContainer("body", expressionStatement(callExpression(this.hub.addHelper("newArrowCheck"), [thisExpression(), checkBinding ? identifier( : identifier(thisBinding)])));
  145. fn.replaceWith(callExpression(memberExpression(fn.node, identifier("bind")), [checkBinding ? identifier( : thisExpression()]));
  146. return fn.get("callee.object");
  147. }
  148. return fn;
  149. }
  150. const getSuperCallsVisitor = (0, _visitors.environmentVisitor)({
  151. CallExpression(child, {
  152. allSuperCalls
  153. }) {
  154. if (!child.get("callee").isSuper()) return;
  155. allSuperCalls.push(child);
  156. }
  157. });
  158. function hoistFunctionEnvironment(fnPath, noNewArrows = true, allowInsertArrow = true, allowInsertArrowWithRest = true) {
  159. let arrowParent;
  160. let thisEnvFn = fnPath.findParent(p => {
  161. if (p.isArrowFunctionExpression()) {
  162. var _arrowParent;
  163. (_arrowParent = arrowParent) != null ? _arrowParent : arrowParent = p;
  164. return false;
  165. }
  166. return p.isFunction() || p.isProgram() || p.isClassProperty({
  167. static: false
  168. }) || p.isClassPrivateProperty({
  169. static: false
  170. });
  171. });
  172. const inConstructor = thisEnvFn.isClassMethod({
  173. kind: "constructor"
  174. });
  175. if (thisEnvFn.isClassProperty() || thisEnvFn.isClassPrivateProperty()) {
  176. if (arrowParent) {
  177. thisEnvFn = arrowParent;
  178. } else if (allowInsertArrow) {
  179. fnPath.replaceWith(callExpression(arrowFunctionExpression([], toExpression(fnPath.node)), []));
  180. thisEnvFn = fnPath.get("callee");
  181. fnPath = thisEnvFn.get("body");
  182. } else {
  183. throw fnPath.buildCodeFrameError("Unable to transform arrow inside class property");
  184. }
  185. }
  186. const {
  187. thisPaths,
  188. argumentsPaths,
  189. newTargetPaths,
  190. superProps,
  191. superCalls
  192. } = getScopeInformation(fnPath);
  193. if (inConstructor && superCalls.length > 0) {
  194. if (!allowInsertArrow) {
  195. throw superCalls[0].buildCodeFrameError("When using '@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions', " + "it's not possible to compile `super()` in an arrow function without compiling classes.\n" + "Please add '@babel/plugin-transform-classes' to your Babel configuration.");
  196. }
  197. if (!allowInsertArrowWithRest) {
  198. throw superCalls[0].buildCodeFrameError("When using '@babel/plugin-transform-parameters', " + "it's not possible to compile `super()` in an arrow function with default or rest parameters without compiling classes.\n" + "Please add '@babel/plugin-transform-classes' to your Babel configuration.");
  199. }
  200. const allSuperCalls = [];
  201. thisEnvFn.traverse(getSuperCallsVisitor, {
  202. allSuperCalls
  203. });
  204. const superBinding = getSuperBinding(thisEnvFn);
  205. allSuperCalls.forEach(superCall => {
  206. const callee = identifier(superBinding);
  207. callee.loc = superCall.node.callee.loc;
  208. superCall.get("callee").replaceWith(callee);
  209. });
  210. }
  211. if (argumentsPaths.length > 0) {
  212. const argumentsBinding = getBinding(thisEnvFn, "arguments", () => {
  213. const args = () => identifier("arguments");
  214. if (thisEnvFn.scope.path.isProgram()) {
  215. return conditionalExpression(binaryExpression("===", unaryExpression("typeof", args()), stringLiteral("undefined")), thisEnvFn.scope.buildUndefinedNode(), args());
  216. } else {
  217. return args();
  218. }
  219. });
  220. argumentsPaths.forEach(argumentsChild => {
  221. const argsRef = identifier(argumentsBinding);
  222. argsRef.loc = argumentsChild.node.loc;
  223. argumentsChild.replaceWith(argsRef);
  224. });
  225. }
  226. if (newTargetPaths.length > 0) {
  227. const newTargetBinding = getBinding(thisEnvFn, "newtarget", () => metaProperty(identifier("new"), identifier("target")));
  228. newTargetPaths.forEach(targetChild => {
  229. const targetRef = identifier(newTargetBinding);
  230. targetRef.loc = targetChild.node.loc;
  231. targetChild.replaceWith(targetRef);
  232. });
  233. }
  234. if (superProps.length > 0) {
  235. if (!allowInsertArrow) {
  236. throw superProps[0].buildCodeFrameError("When using '@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions', " + "it's not possible to compile `super.prop` in an arrow function without compiling classes.\n" + "Please add '@babel/plugin-transform-classes' to your Babel configuration.");
  237. }
  238. const flatSuperProps = superProps.reduce((acc, superProp) => acc.concat(standardizeSuperProperty(superProp)), []);
  239. flatSuperProps.forEach(superProp => {
  240. const key = superProp.node.computed ? "" : superProp.get("property");
  241. const superParentPath = superProp.parentPath;
  242. const isAssignment = superParentPath.isAssignmentExpression({
  243. left: superProp.node
  244. });
  245. const isCall = superParentPath.isCallExpression({
  246. callee: superProp.node
  247. });
  248. const isTaggedTemplate = superParentPath.isTaggedTemplateExpression({
  249. tag: superProp.node
  250. });
  251. const superBinding = getSuperPropBinding(thisEnvFn, isAssignment, key);
  252. const args = [];
  253. if (superProp.node.computed) {
  254. args.push(superProp.get("property").node);
  255. }
  256. if (isAssignment) {
  257. const value = superParentPath.node.right;
  258. args.push(value);
  259. }
  260. const call = callExpression(identifier(superBinding), args);
  261. if (isCall) {
  262. superParentPath.unshiftContainer("arguments", thisExpression());
  263. superProp.replaceWith(memberExpression(call, identifier("call")));
  264. thisPaths.push(superParentPath.get("arguments.0"));
  265. } else if (isAssignment) {
  266. superParentPath.replaceWith(call);
  267. } else if (isTaggedTemplate) {
  268. superProp.replaceWith(callExpression(memberExpression(call, identifier("bind"), false), [thisExpression()]));
  269. thisPaths.push(superProp.get("arguments.0"));
  270. } else {
  271. superProp.replaceWith(call);
  272. }
  273. });
  274. }
  275. let thisBinding;
  276. if (thisPaths.length > 0 || !noNewArrows) {
  277. thisBinding = getThisBinding(thisEnvFn, inConstructor);
  278. if (noNewArrows || inConstructor && hasSuperClass(thisEnvFn)) {
  279. thisPaths.forEach(thisChild => {
  280. const thisRef = thisChild.isJSX() ? jsxIdentifier(thisBinding) : identifier(thisBinding);
  281. thisRef.loc = thisChild.node.loc;
  282. thisChild.replaceWith(thisRef);
  283. });
  284. if (!noNewArrows) thisBinding = null;
  285. }
  286. }
  287. return {
  288. thisBinding,
  289. fnPath
  290. };
  291. }
  292. function isLogicalOp(op) {
  293. return LOGICAL_OPERATORS.includes(op);
  294. }
  295. function standardizeSuperProperty(superProp) {
  296. if (superProp.parentPath.isAssignmentExpression() && superProp.parentPath.node.operator !== "=") {
  297. const assignmentPath = superProp.parentPath;
  298. const op = assignmentPath.node.operator.slice(0, -1);
  299. const value = assignmentPath.node.right;
  300. const isLogicalAssignment = isLogicalOp(op);
  301. if (superProp.node.computed) {
  302. const tmp = superProp.scope.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("tmp");
  303. const object = superProp.node.object;
  304. const property =;
  305. assignmentPath.get("left").replaceWith(memberExpression(object, assignmentExpression("=", tmp, property), true));
  306. assignmentPath.get("right").replaceWith(rightExpression(isLogicalAssignment ? "=" : op, memberExpression(object, identifier(, true), value));
  307. } else {
  308. const object = superProp.node.object;
  309. const property =;
  310. assignmentPath.get("left").replaceWith(memberExpression(object, property));
  311. assignmentPath.get("right").replaceWith(rightExpression(isLogicalAssignment ? "=" : op, memberExpression(object, identifier(, value));
  312. }
  313. if (isLogicalAssignment) {
  314. assignmentPath.replaceWith(logicalExpression(op, assignmentPath.node.left, assignmentPath.node.right));
  315. } else {
  316. assignmentPath.node.operator = "=";
  317. }
  318. return [assignmentPath.get("left"), assignmentPath.get("right").get("left")];
  319. } else if (superProp.parentPath.isUpdateExpression()) {
  320. const updateExpr = superProp.parentPath;
  321. const tmp = superProp.scope.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("tmp");
  322. const computedKey = superProp.node.computed ? superProp.scope.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("prop") : null;
  323. const parts = [assignmentExpression("=", tmp, memberExpression(superProp.node.object, computedKey ? assignmentExpression("=", computedKey, :, superProp.node.computed)), assignmentExpression("=", memberExpression(superProp.node.object, computedKey ? identifier( :, superProp.node.computed), binaryExpression(superProp.parentPath.node.operator[0], identifier(, numericLiteral(1)))];
  324. if (!superProp.parentPath.node.prefix) {
  325. parts.push(identifier(;
  326. }
  327. updateExpr.replaceWith(sequenceExpression(parts));
  328. const left = updateExpr.get("expressions.0.right");
  329. const right = updateExpr.get("expressions.1.left");
  330. return [left, right];
  331. }
  332. return [superProp];
  333. function rightExpression(op, left, right) {
  334. if (op === "=") {
  335. return assignmentExpression("=", left, right);
  336. } else {
  337. return binaryExpression(op, left, right);
  338. }
  339. }
  340. }
  341. function hasSuperClass(thisEnvFn) {
  342. return thisEnvFn.isClassMethod() && !!thisEnvFn.parentPath.parentPath.node.superClass;
  343. }
  344. const assignSuperThisVisitor = (0, _visitors.environmentVisitor)({
  345. CallExpression(child, {
  346. supers,
  347. thisBinding
  348. }) {
  349. if (!child.get("callee").isSuper()) return;
  350. if (supers.has(child.node)) return;
  351. supers.add(child.node);
  352. child.replaceWithMultiple([child.node, assignmentExpression("=", identifier(thisBinding), identifier("this"))]);
  353. }
  354. });
  355. function getThisBinding(thisEnvFn, inConstructor) {
  356. return getBinding(thisEnvFn, "this", thisBinding => {
  357. if (!inConstructor || !hasSuperClass(thisEnvFn)) return thisExpression();
  358. thisEnvFn.traverse(assignSuperThisVisitor, {
  359. supers: new WeakSet(),
  360. thisBinding
  361. });
  362. });
  363. }
  364. function getSuperBinding(thisEnvFn) {
  365. return getBinding(thisEnvFn, "supercall", () => {
  366. const argsBinding = thisEnvFn.scope.generateUidIdentifier("args");
  367. return arrowFunctionExpression([restElement(argsBinding)], callExpression(_super(), [spreadElement(identifier(]));
  368. });
  369. }
  370. function getSuperPropBinding(thisEnvFn, isAssignment, propName) {
  371. const op = isAssignment ? "set" : "get";
  372. return getBinding(thisEnvFn, `superprop_${op}:${propName || ""}`, () => {
  373. const argsList = [];
  374. let fnBody;
  375. if (propName) {
  376. fnBody = memberExpression(_super(), identifier(propName));
  377. } else {
  378. const method = thisEnvFn.scope.generateUidIdentifier("prop");
  379. argsList.unshift(method);
  380. fnBody = memberExpression(_super(), identifier(, true);
  381. }
  382. if (isAssignment) {
  383. const valueIdent = thisEnvFn.scope.generateUidIdentifier("value");
  384. argsList.push(valueIdent);
  385. fnBody = assignmentExpression("=", fnBody, identifier(;
  386. }
  387. return arrowFunctionExpression(argsList, fnBody);
  388. });
  389. }
  390. function getBinding(thisEnvFn, key, init) {
  391. const cacheKey = "binding:" + key;
  392. let data = thisEnvFn.getData(cacheKey);
  393. if (!data) {
  394. const id = thisEnvFn.scope.generateUidIdentifier(key);
  395. data =;
  396. thisEnvFn.setData(cacheKey, data);
  397. thisEnvFn.scope.push({
  398. id: id,
  399. init: init(data)
  400. });
  401. }
  402. return data;
  403. }
  404. const getScopeInformationVisitor = (0, _visitors.environmentVisitor)({
  405. ThisExpression(child, {
  406. thisPaths
  407. }) {
  408. thisPaths.push(child);
  409. },
  410. JSXIdentifier(child, {
  411. thisPaths
  412. }) {
  413. if ( !== "this") return;
  414. if (!child.parentPath.isJSXMemberExpression({
  415. object: child.node
  416. }) && !child.parentPath.isJSXOpeningElement({
  417. name: child.node
  418. })) {
  419. return;
  420. }
  421. thisPaths.push(child);
  422. },
  423. CallExpression(child, {
  424. superCalls
  425. }) {
  426. if (child.get("callee").isSuper()) superCalls.push(child);
  427. },
  428. MemberExpression(child, {
  429. superProps
  430. }) {
  431. if (child.get("object").isSuper()) superProps.push(child);
  432. },
  433. Identifier(child, {
  434. argumentsPaths
  435. }) {
  436. if (!child.isReferencedIdentifier({
  437. name: "arguments"
  438. })) return;
  439. let curr = child.scope;
  440. do {
  441. if (curr.hasOwnBinding("arguments")) {
  442. curr.rename("arguments");
  443. return;
  444. }
  445. if (curr.path.isFunction() && !curr.path.isArrowFunctionExpression()) {
  446. break;
  447. }
  448. } while (curr = curr.parent);
  449. argumentsPaths.push(child);
  450. },
  451. MetaProperty(child, {
  452. newTargetPaths
  453. }) {
  454. if (!child.get("meta").isIdentifier({
  455. name: "new"
  456. })) return;
  457. if (!child.get("property").isIdentifier({
  458. name: "target"
  459. })) return;
  460. newTargetPaths.push(child);
  461. }
  462. });
  463. function getScopeInformation(fnPath) {
  464. const thisPaths = [];
  465. const argumentsPaths = [];
  466. const newTargetPaths = [];
  467. const superProps = [];
  468. const superCalls = [];
  469. fnPath.traverse(getScopeInformationVisitor, {
  470. thisPaths,
  471. argumentsPaths,
  472. newTargetPaths,
  473. superProps,
  474. superCalls
  475. });
  476. return {
  477. thisPaths,
  478. argumentsPaths,
  479. newTargetPaths,
  480. superProps,
  481. superCalls
  482. };
  483. }
  484. function splitExportDeclaration() {
  485. if (!this.isExportDeclaration() || this.isExportAllDeclaration()) {
  486. throw new Error("Only default and named export declarations can be split.");
  487. }
  488. if (this.isExportNamedDeclaration() && this.get("specifiers").length > 0) {
  489. throw new Error("It doesn't make sense to split exported specifiers.");
  490. }
  491. const declaration = this.get("declaration");
  492. if (this.isExportDefaultDeclaration()) {
  493. const standaloneDeclaration = declaration.isFunctionDeclaration() || declaration.isClassDeclaration();
  494. const exportExpr = declaration.isFunctionExpression() || declaration.isClassExpression();
  495. const scope = declaration.isScope() ? declaration.scope.parent : declaration.scope;
  496. let id =;
  497. let needBindingRegistration = false;
  498. if (!id) {
  499. needBindingRegistration = true;
  500. id = scope.generateUidIdentifier("default");
  501. if (standaloneDeclaration || exportExpr) {
  502. = cloneNode(id);
  503. }
  504. } else if (exportExpr && scope.hasBinding( {
  505. needBindingRegistration = true;
  506. id = scope.generateUidIdentifier(;
  507. }
  508. const updatedDeclaration = standaloneDeclaration ? declaration.node : variableDeclaration("var", [variableDeclarator(cloneNode(id), declaration.node)]);
  509. const updatedExportDeclaration = exportNamedDeclaration(null, [exportSpecifier(cloneNode(id), identifier("default"))]);
  510. this.insertAfter(updatedExportDeclaration);
  511. this.replaceWith(updatedDeclaration);
  512. if (needBindingRegistration) {
  513. scope.registerDeclaration(this);
  514. }
  515. return this;
  516. } else if (this.get("specifiers").length > 0) {
  517. throw new Error("It doesn't make sense to split exported specifiers.");
  518. }
  519. const bindingIdentifiers = declaration.getOuterBindingIdentifiers();
  520. const specifiers = Object.keys(bindingIdentifiers).map(name => {
  521. return exportSpecifier(identifier(name), identifier(name));
  522. });
  523. const aliasDeclar = exportNamedDeclaration(null, specifiers);
  524. this.insertAfter(aliasDeclar);
  525. this.replaceWith(declaration.node);
  526. return this;
  527. }
  528. const refersOuterBindingVisitor = {
  529. "ReferencedIdentifier|BindingIdentifier"(path, state) {
  530. if ( !== return;
  531. state.needsRename = true;
  532. path.stop();
  533. },
  534. Scope(path, state) {
  535. if (path.scope.hasOwnBinding( {
  536. path.skip();
  537. }
  538. }
  539. };
  540. function ensureFunctionName(supportUnicodeId) {
  541. if ( return this;
  542. const res = getFunctionName(this.node, this.parent);
  543. if (res == null) return this;
  544. let {
  545. name
  546. } = res;
  547. if (!supportUnicodeId && /[\uD800-\uDFFF]/.test(name)) {
  548. return null;
  549. }
  550. if (name.startsWith("get ") || name.startsWith("set ")) {
  551. return null;
  552. }
  553. name = toBindingIdentifierName(name.replace(/[/ ]/g, "_"));
  554. const id = identifier(name);
  555. inherits(id, res.originalNode);
  556. const state = {
  557. needsRename: false,
  558. name
  559. };
  560. const {
  561. scope
  562. } = this;
  563. const binding = scope.getOwnBinding(name);
  564. if (binding) {
  565. if (binding.kind === "param") {
  566. state.needsRename = true;
  567. } else {}
  568. } else if (scope.parent.hasBinding(name) || scope.hasGlobal(name)) {
  569. this.traverse(refersOuterBindingVisitor, state);
  570. }
  571. if (!state.needsRename) {
  572. = id;
  573. scope.getProgramParent().references[] = true;
  574. return this;
  575. }
  576. if (scope.hasBinding( && !scope.hasGlobal( {
  577. scope.rename(;
  578. = id;
  579. scope.getProgramParent().references[] = true;
  580. return this;
  581. }
  582. if (!isFunction(this.node)) return null;
  583. const key = scope.generateUidIdentifier(;
  584. const params = [];
  585. for (let i = 0, len = getFunctionArity(this.node); i < len; i++) {
  586. params.push(scope.generateUidIdentifier("x"));
  587. }
  588. const call = _template.default.expression.ast`
  589. (function (${key}) {
  590. function ${id}(${params}) {
  591. return ${cloneNode(key)}.apply(this, arguments);
  592. }
  593. ${cloneNode(id)}.toString = function () {
  594. return ${cloneNode(key)}.toString();
  595. }
  596. return ${cloneNode(id)};
  597. })(${toExpression(this.node)})
  598. `;
  599. return this.replaceWith(call)[0].get("arguments.0");
  600. }
  601. function getFunctionArity(node) {
  602. const count = node.params.findIndex(param => isAssignmentPattern(param) || isRestElement(param));
  603. return count === -1 ? node.params.length : count;
  604. }
  605. //#