corePlugins.js 132 KB

  1. "use strict";
  2. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  3. value: true
  4. });
  5. function _export(target, all) {
  6. for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, {
  7. enumerable: true,
  8. get: all[name]
  9. });
  10. }
  11. _export(exports, {
  12. variantPlugins: function() {
  13. return variantPlugins;
  14. },
  15. corePlugins: function() {
  16. return corePlugins;
  17. }
  18. });
  19. const _fs = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("fs"));
  20. const _path = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_wildcard(require("path"));
  21. const _postcss = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("postcss"));
  22. const _createUtilityPlugin = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/createUtilityPlugin"));
  23. const _buildMediaQuery = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/buildMediaQuery"));
  24. const _escapeClassName = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/escapeClassName"));
  25. const _parseAnimationValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/parseAnimationValue"));
  26. const _flattenColorPalette = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/flattenColorPalette"));
  27. const _withAlphaVariable = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_wildcard(require("./util/withAlphaVariable"));
  28. const _toColorValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/toColorValue"));
  29. const _isPlainObject = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/isPlainObject"));
  30. const _transformThemeValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/transformThemeValue"));
  31. const _packagejson = require("../package.json");
  32. const _log = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./util/log"));
  33. const _normalizeScreens = require("./util/normalizeScreens");
  34. const _parseBoxShadowValue = require("./util/parseBoxShadowValue");
  35. const _removeAlphaVariables = require("./util/removeAlphaVariables");
  36. const _featureFlags = require("./featureFlags");
  37. const _dataTypes = require("./util/dataTypes");
  38. const _setupContextUtils = require("./lib/setupContextUtils");
  39. function _interop_require_default(obj) {
  40. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {
  41. default: obj
  42. };
  43. }
  44. function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) {
  45. if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null;
  46. var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap();
  47. var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap();
  48. return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function(nodeInterop) {
  49. return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop;
  50. })(nodeInterop);
  51. }
  52. function _interop_require_wildcard(obj, nodeInterop) {
  53. if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) {
  54. return obj;
  55. }
  56. if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") {
  57. return {
  58. default: obj
  59. };
  60. }
  61. var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop);
  62. if (cache && cache.has(obj)) {
  63. return cache.get(obj);
  64. }
  65. var newObj = {};
  66. var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  67. for(var key in obj){
  68. if (key !== "default" &&, key)) {
  69. var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
  70. if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) {
  71. Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc);
  72. } else {
  73. newObj[key] = obj[key];
  74. }
  75. }
  76. }
  77. newObj.default = obj;
  78. if (cache) {
  79. cache.set(obj, newObj);
  80. }
  81. return newObj;
  82. }
  83. let variantPlugins = {
  84. childVariant: ({ addVariant })=>{
  85. addVariant("*", "& > *");
  86. },
  87. pseudoElementVariants: ({ addVariant })=>{
  88. addVariant("first-letter", "&::first-letter");
  89. addVariant("first-line", "&::first-line");
  90. addVariant("marker", [
  91. ({ container })=>{
  92. (0, _removeAlphaVariables.removeAlphaVariables)(container, [
  93. "--tw-text-opacity"
  94. ]);
  95. return "& *::marker";
  96. },
  97. ({ container })=>{
  98. (0, _removeAlphaVariables.removeAlphaVariables)(container, [
  99. "--tw-text-opacity"
  100. ]);
  101. return "&::marker";
  102. }
  103. ]);
  104. addVariant("selection", [
  105. "& *::selection",
  106. "&::selection"
  107. ]);
  108. addVariant("file", "&::file-selector-button");
  109. addVariant("placeholder", "&::placeholder");
  110. addVariant("backdrop", "&::backdrop");
  111. addVariant("before", ({ container })=>{
  112. container.walkRules((rule)=>{
  113. let foundContent = false;
  114. rule.walkDecls("content", ()=>{
  115. foundContent = true;
  116. });
  117. if (!foundContent) {
  118. rule.prepend(_postcss.default.decl({
  119. prop: "content",
  120. value: "var(--tw-content)"
  121. }));
  122. }
  123. });
  124. return "&::before";
  125. });
  126. addVariant("after", ({ container })=>{
  127. container.walkRules((rule)=>{
  128. let foundContent = false;
  129. rule.walkDecls("content", ()=>{
  130. foundContent = true;
  131. });
  132. if (!foundContent) {
  133. rule.prepend(_postcss.default.decl({
  134. prop: "content",
  135. value: "var(--tw-content)"
  136. }));
  137. }
  138. });
  139. return "&::after";
  140. });
  141. },
  142. pseudoClassVariants: ({ addVariant , matchVariant , config , prefix })=>{
  143. let pseudoVariants = [
  144. // Positional
  145. [
  146. "first",
  147. "&:first-child"
  148. ],
  149. [
  150. "last",
  151. "&:last-child"
  152. ],
  153. [
  154. "only",
  155. "&:only-child"
  156. ],
  157. [
  158. "odd",
  159. "&:nth-child(odd)"
  160. ],
  161. [
  162. "even",
  163. "&:nth-child(even)"
  164. ],
  165. "first-of-type",
  166. "last-of-type",
  167. "only-of-type",
  168. // State
  169. [
  170. "visited",
  171. ({ container })=>{
  172. (0, _removeAlphaVariables.removeAlphaVariables)(container, [
  173. "--tw-text-opacity",
  174. "--tw-border-opacity",
  175. "--tw-bg-opacity"
  176. ]);
  177. return "&:visited";
  178. }
  179. ],
  180. "target",
  181. [
  182. "open",
  183. "&[open]"
  184. ],
  185. // Forms
  186. "default",
  187. "checked",
  188. "indeterminate",
  189. "placeholder-shown",
  190. "autofill",
  191. "optional",
  192. "required",
  193. "valid",
  194. "invalid",
  195. "in-range",
  196. "out-of-range",
  197. "read-only",
  198. // Content
  199. "empty",
  200. // Interactive
  201. "focus-within",
  202. [
  203. "hover",
  204. !(0, _featureFlags.flagEnabled)(config(), "hoverOnlyWhenSupported") ? "&:hover" : "@media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) { &:hover }"
  205. ],
  206. "focus",
  207. "focus-visible",
  208. "active",
  209. "enabled",
  210. "disabled"
  211. ].map((variant)=>Array.isArray(variant) ? variant : [
  212. variant,
  213. `&:${variant}`
  214. ]);
  215. for (let [variantName, state] of pseudoVariants){
  216. addVariant(variantName, (ctx)=>{
  217. let result = typeof state === "function" ? state(ctx) : state;
  218. return result;
  219. });
  220. }
  221. let variants = {
  222. group: (_, { modifier })=>modifier ? [
  223. `:merge(${prefix(".group")}\\/${(0, _escapeClassName.default)(modifier)})`,
  224. " &"
  225. ] : [
  226. `:merge(${prefix(".group")})`,
  227. " &"
  228. ],
  229. peer: (_, { modifier })=>modifier ? [
  230. `:merge(${prefix(".peer")}\\/${(0, _escapeClassName.default)(modifier)})`,
  231. " ~ &"
  232. ] : [
  233. `:merge(${prefix(".peer")})`,
  234. " ~ &"
  235. ]
  236. };
  237. for (let [name, fn] of Object.entries(variants)){
  238. matchVariant(name, (value = "", extra)=>{
  239. let result = (0, _dataTypes.normalize)(typeof value === "function" ? value(extra) : value);
  240. if (!result.includes("&")) result = "&" + result;
  241. let [a, b] = fn("", extra);
  242. let start = null;
  243. let end = null;
  244. let quotes = 0;
  245. for(let i = 0; i < result.length; ++i){
  246. let c = result[i];
  247. if (c === "&") {
  248. start = i;
  249. } else if (c === "'" || c === '"') {
  250. quotes += 1;
  251. } else if (start !== null && c === " " && !quotes) {
  252. end = i;
  253. }
  254. }
  255. if (start !== null && end === null) {
  256. end = result.length;
  257. }
  258. // Basically this but can handle quotes:
  259. // result.replace(/&(\S+)?/g, (_, pseudo = '') => a + pseudo + b)
  260. return result.slice(0, start) + a + result.slice(start + 1, end) + b + result.slice(end);
  261. }, {
  262. values: Object.fromEntries(pseudoVariants),
  263. [_setupContextUtils.INTERNAL_FEATURES]: {
  264. respectPrefix: false
  265. }
  266. });
  267. }
  268. },
  269. directionVariants: ({ addVariant })=>{
  270. addVariant("ltr", '&:where([dir="ltr"], [dir="ltr"] *)');
  271. addVariant("rtl", '&:where([dir="rtl"], [dir="rtl"] *)');
  272. },
  273. reducedMotionVariants: ({ addVariant })=>{
  274. addVariant("motion-safe", "@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)");
  275. addVariant("motion-reduce", "@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)");
  276. },
  277. darkVariants: ({ config , addVariant })=>{
  278. let [mode, selector = ".dark"] = [].concat(config("darkMode", "media"));
  279. if (mode === false) {
  280. mode = "media";
  281. _log.default.warn("darkmode-false", [
  282. "The `darkMode` option in your Tailwind CSS configuration is set to `false`, which now behaves the same as `media`.",
  283. "Change `darkMode` to `media` or remove it entirely.",
  284. ""
  285. ]);
  286. }
  287. if (mode === "variant") {
  288. let formats;
  289. if (Array.isArray(selector)) {
  290. formats = selector;
  291. } else if (typeof selector === "function") {
  292. formats = selector;
  293. } else if (typeof selector === "string") {
  294. formats = [
  295. selector
  296. ];
  297. }
  298. // TODO: We could also add these warnings if the user passes a function that returns string | string[]
  299. // But this is an advanced enough use case that it's probably not necessary
  300. if (Array.isArray(formats)) {
  301. for (let format of formats){
  302. if (format === ".dark") {
  303. mode = false;
  304. _log.default.warn("darkmode-variant-without-selector", [
  305. "When using `variant` for `darkMode`, you must provide a selector.",
  306. 'Example: `darkMode: ["variant", ".your-selector &"]`'
  307. ]);
  308. } else if (!format.includes("&")) {
  309. mode = false;
  310. _log.default.warn("darkmode-variant-without-ampersand", [
  311. "When using `variant` for `darkMode`, your selector must contain `&`.",
  312. 'Example `darkMode: ["variant", ".your-selector &"]`'
  313. ]);
  314. }
  315. }
  316. }
  317. selector = formats;
  318. }
  319. if (mode === "selector") {
  320. // New preferred behavior
  321. addVariant("dark", `&:where(${selector}, ${selector} *)`);
  322. } else if (mode === "media") {
  323. addVariant("dark", "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
  324. } else if (mode === "variant") {
  325. addVariant("dark", selector);
  326. } else if (mode === "class") {
  327. // Old behavior
  328. addVariant("dark", `&:is(${selector} *)`);
  329. }
  330. },
  331. printVariant: ({ addVariant })=>{
  332. addVariant("print", "@media print");
  333. },
  334. screenVariants: ({ theme , addVariant , matchVariant })=>{
  335. var _theme;
  336. let rawScreens = (_theme = theme("screens")) !== null && _theme !== void 0 ? _theme : {};
  337. let areSimpleScreens = Object.values(rawScreens).every((v)=>typeof v === "string");
  338. let screens = (0, _normalizeScreens.normalizeScreens)(theme("screens"));
  339. /** @type {Set<string>} */ let unitCache = new Set([]);
  340. /** @param {string} value */ function units(value) {
  341. var _value_match;
  342. var _value_match_;
  343. return (_value_match_ = (_value_match = value.match(/(\D+)$/)) === null || _value_match === void 0 ? void 0 : _value_match[1]) !== null && _value_match_ !== void 0 ? _value_match_ : "(none)";
  344. }
  345. /** @param {string} value */ function recordUnits(value) {
  346. if (value !== undefined) {
  347. unitCache.add(units(value));
  348. }
  349. }
  350. /** @param {string} value */ function canUseUnits(value) {
  351. recordUnits(value);
  352. // If the cache was empty it'll become 1 because we've just added the current unit
  353. // If the cache was not empty and the units are the same the size doesn't change
  354. // Otherwise, if the units are different from what is already known the size will always be > 1
  355. return unitCache.size === 1;
  356. }
  357. for (const screen of screens){
  358. for (const value of screen.values){
  359. recordUnits(value.min);
  360. recordUnits(value.max);
  361. }
  362. }
  363. let screensUseConsistentUnits = unitCache.size <= 1;
  364. /**
  365. * @typedef {import('./util/normalizeScreens').Screen} Screen
  366. */ /**
  367. * @param {'min' | 'max'} type
  368. * @returns {Record<string, Screen>}
  369. */ function buildScreenValues(type) {
  370. return Object.fromEntries(screens.filter((screen)=>(0, _normalizeScreens.isScreenSortable)(screen).result).map((screen)=>{
  371. let { min , max } = screen.values[0];
  372. if (type === "min" && min !== undefined) {
  373. return screen;
  374. } else if (type === "min" && max !== undefined) {
  375. return {
  376. ...screen,
  377. not: !screen.not
  378. };
  379. } else if (type === "max" && max !== undefined) {
  380. return screen;
  381. } else if (type === "max" && min !== undefined) {
  382. return {
  383. ...screen,
  384. not: !screen.not
  385. };
  386. }
  387. }).map((screen)=>[
  389. screen
  390. ]));
  391. }
  392. /**
  393. * @param {'min' | 'max'} type
  394. * @returns {(a: { value: string | Screen }, z: { value: string | Screen }) => number}
  395. */ function buildSort(type) {
  396. return (a, z)=>(0, _normalizeScreens.compareScreens)(type, a.value, z.value);
  397. }
  398. let maxSort = buildSort("max");
  399. let minSort = buildSort("min");
  400. /** @param {'min'|'max'} type */ function buildScreenVariant(type) {
  401. return (value)=>{
  402. if (!areSimpleScreens) {
  403. _log.default.warn("complex-screen-config", [
  404. "The `min-*` and `max-*` variants are not supported with a `screens` configuration containing objects."
  405. ]);
  406. return [];
  407. } else if (!screensUseConsistentUnits) {
  408. _log.default.warn("mixed-screen-units", [
  409. "The `min-*` and `max-*` variants are not supported with a `screens` configuration containing mixed units."
  410. ]);
  411. return [];
  412. } else if (typeof value === "string" && !canUseUnits(value)) {
  413. _log.default.warn("minmax-have-mixed-units", [
  414. "The `min-*` and `max-*` variants are not supported with a `screens` configuration containing mixed units."
  415. ]);
  416. return [];
  417. }
  418. return [
  419. `@media ${(0, _buildMediaQuery.default)((0, _normalizeScreens.toScreen)(value, type))}`
  420. ];
  421. };
  422. }
  423. matchVariant("max", buildScreenVariant("max"), {
  424. sort: maxSort,
  425. values: areSimpleScreens ? buildScreenValues("max") : {}
  426. });
  427. // screens and min-* are sorted together when they can be
  428. let id = "min-screens";
  429. for (let screen of screens){
  430. addVariant(, `@media ${(0, _buildMediaQuery.default)(screen)}`, {
  431. id,
  432. sort: areSimpleScreens && screensUseConsistentUnits ? minSort : undefined,
  433. value: screen
  434. });
  435. }
  436. matchVariant("min", buildScreenVariant("min"), {
  437. id,
  438. sort: minSort
  439. });
  440. },
  441. supportsVariants: ({ matchVariant , theme })=>{
  442. var _theme;
  443. matchVariant("supports", (value = "")=>{
  444. let check = (0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value);
  445. let isRaw = /^\w*\s*\(/.test(check);
  446. // Chrome has a bug where `(condition1)or(condition2)` is not valid
  447. // But `(condition1) or (condition2)` is supported.
  448. check = isRaw ? check.replace(/\b(and|or|not)\b/g, " $1 ") : check;
  449. if (isRaw) {
  450. return `@supports ${check}`;
  451. }
  452. if (!check.includes(":")) {
  453. check = `${check}: var(--tw)`;
  454. }
  455. if (!(check.startsWith("(") && check.endsWith(")"))) {
  456. check = `(${check})`;
  457. }
  458. return `@supports ${check}`;
  459. }, {
  460. values: (_theme = theme("supports")) !== null && _theme !== void 0 ? _theme : {}
  461. });
  462. },
  463. hasVariants: ({ matchVariant , prefix })=>{
  464. matchVariant("has", (value)=>`&:has(${(0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value)})`, {
  465. values: {},
  466. [_setupContextUtils.INTERNAL_FEATURES]: {
  467. respectPrefix: false
  468. }
  469. });
  470. matchVariant("group-has", (value, { modifier })=>modifier ? `:merge(${prefix(".group")}\\/${modifier}):has(${(0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value)}) &` : `:merge(${prefix(".group")}):has(${(0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value)}) &`, {
  471. values: {},
  472. [_setupContextUtils.INTERNAL_FEATURES]: {
  473. respectPrefix: false
  474. }
  475. });
  476. matchVariant("peer-has", (value, { modifier })=>modifier ? `:merge(${prefix(".peer")}\\/${modifier}):has(${(0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value)}) ~ &` : `:merge(${prefix(".peer")}):has(${(0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value)}) ~ &`, {
  477. values: {},
  478. [_setupContextUtils.INTERNAL_FEATURES]: {
  479. respectPrefix: false
  480. }
  481. });
  482. },
  483. ariaVariants: ({ matchVariant , theme })=>{
  484. var _theme;
  485. matchVariant("aria", (value)=>`&[aria-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}]`, {
  486. values: (_theme = theme("aria")) !== null && _theme !== void 0 ? _theme : {}
  487. });
  488. var _theme1;
  489. matchVariant("group-aria", (value, { modifier })=>modifier ? `:merge(.group\\/${modifier})[aria-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}] &` : `:merge(.group)[aria-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}] &`, {
  490. values: (_theme1 = theme("aria")) !== null && _theme1 !== void 0 ? _theme1 : {}
  491. });
  492. var _theme2;
  493. matchVariant("peer-aria", (value, { modifier })=>modifier ? `:merge(.peer\\/${modifier})[aria-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}] ~ &` : `:merge(.peer)[aria-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}] ~ &`, {
  494. values: (_theme2 = theme("aria")) !== null && _theme2 !== void 0 ? _theme2 : {}
  495. });
  496. },
  497. dataVariants: ({ matchVariant , theme })=>{
  498. var _theme;
  499. matchVariant("data", (value)=>`&[data-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}]`, {
  500. values: (_theme = theme("data")) !== null && _theme !== void 0 ? _theme : {}
  501. });
  502. var _theme1;
  503. matchVariant("group-data", (value, { modifier })=>modifier ? `:merge(.group\\/${modifier})[data-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}] &` : `:merge(.group)[data-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}] &`, {
  504. values: (_theme1 = theme("data")) !== null && _theme1 !== void 0 ? _theme1 : {}
  505. });
  506. var _theme2;
  507. matchVariant("peer-data", (value, { modifier })=>modifier ? `:merge(.peer\\/${modifier})[data-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}] ~ &` : `:merge(.peer)[data-${(0, _dataTypes.normalizeAttributeSelectors)((0, _dataTypes.normalize)(value))}] ~ &`, {
  508. values: (_theme2 = theme("data")) !== null && _theme2 !== void 0 ? _theme2 : {}
  509. });
  510. },
  511. orientationVariants: ({ addVariant })=>{
  512. addVariant("portrait", "@media (orientation: portrait)");
  513. addVariant("landscape", "@media (orientation: landscape)");
  514. },
  515. prefersContrastVariants: ({ addVariant })=>{
  516. addVariant("contrast-more", "@media (prefers-contrast: more)");
  517. addVariant("contrast-less", "@media (prefers-contrast: less)");
  518. },
  519. forcedColorsVariants: ({ addVariant })=>{
  520. addVariant("forced-colors", "@media (forced-colors: active)");
  521. }
  522. };
  523. let cssTransformValue = [
  524. "translate(var(--tw-translate-x), var(--tw-translate-y))",
  525. "rotate(var(--tw-rotate))",
  526. "skewX(var(--tw-skew-x))",
  527. "skewY(var(--tw-skew-y))",
  528. "scaleX(var(--tw-scale-x))",
  529. "scaleY(var(--tw-scale-y))"
  530. ].join(" ");
  531. let cssFilterValue = [
  532. "var(--tw-blur)",
  533. "var(--tw-brightness)",
  534. "var(--tw-contrast)",
  535. "var(--tw-grayscale)",
  536. "var(--tw-hue-rotate)",
  537. "var(--tw-invert)",
  538. "var(--tw-saturate)",
  539. "var(--tw-sepia)",
  540. "var(--tw-drop-shadow)"
  541. ].join(" ");
  542. let cssBackdropFilterValue = [
  543. "var(--tw-backdrop-blur)",
  544. "var(--tw-backdrop-brightness)",
  545. "var(--tw-backdrop-contrast)",
  546. "var(--tw-backdrop-grayscale)",
  547. "var(--tw-backdrop-hue-rotate)",
  548. "var(--tw-backdrop-invert)",
  549. "var(--tw-backdrop-opacity)",
  550. "var(--tw-backdrop-saturate)",
  551. "var(--tw-backdrop-sepia)"
  552. ].join(" ");
  553. let corePlugins = {
  554. preflight: ({ addBase })=>{
  555. let preflightStyles = _postcss.default.parse(_fs.default.readFileSync(_path.join(__dirname, "./css/preflight.css"), "utf8"));
  556. addBase([
  557. _postcss.default.comment({
  558. text: `! tailwindcss v${_packagejson.version} | MIT License |`
  559. }),
  560. ...preflightStyles.nodes
  561. ]);
  562. },
  563. container: (()=>{
  564. function extractMinWidths(breakpoints = []) {
  565. return breakpoints.flatMap((breakpoint)=>>breakpoint.min)).filter((v)=>v !== undefined);
  566. }
  567. function mapMinWidthsToPadding(minWidths, screens, paddings) {
  568. if (typeof paddings === "undefined") {
  569. return [];
  570. }
  571. if (!(typeof paddings === "object" && paddings !== null)) {
  572. return [
  573. {
  574. screen: "DEFAULT",
  575. minWidth: 0,
  576. padding: paddings
  577. }
  578. ];
  579. }
  580. let mapping = [];
  581. if (paddings.DEFAULT) {
  582. mapping.push({
  583. screen: "DEFAULT",
  584. minWidth: 0,
  585. padding: paddings.DEFAULT
  586. });
  587. }
  588. for (let minWidth of minWidths){
  589. for (let screen of screens){
  590. for (let { min } of screen.values){
  591. if (min === minWidth) {
  592. mapping.push({
  593. minWidth,
  594. padding: paddings[]
  595. });
  596. }
  597. }
  598. }
  599. }
  600. return mapping;
  601. }
  602. return function({ addComponents , theme }) {
  603. let screens = (0, _normalizeScreens.normalizeScreens)(theme("container.screens", theme("screens")));
  604. let minWidths = extractMinWidths(screens);
  605. let paddings = mapMinWidthsToPadding(minWidths, screens, theme("container.padding"));
  606. let generatePaddingFor = (minWidth)=>{
  607. let paddingConfig = paddings.find((padding)=>padding.minWidth === minWidth);
  608. if (!paddingConfig) {
  609. return {};
  610. }
  611. return {
  612. paddingRight: paddingConfig.padding,
  613. paddingLeft: paddingConfig.padding
  614. };
  615. };
  616. let atRules = Array.from(new Set(minWidths.slice().sort((a, z)=>parseInt(a) - parseInt(z)))).map((minWidth)=>({
  617. [`@media (min-width: ${minWidth})`]: {
  618. ".container": {
  619. "max-width": minWidth,
  620. ...generatePaddingFor(minWidth)
  621. }
  622. }
  623. }));
  624. addComponents([
  625. {
  626. ".container": Object.assign({
  627. width: "100%"
  628. }, theme("", false) ? {
  629. marginRight: "auto",
  630. marginLeft: "auto"
  631. } : {}, generatePaddingFor(0))
  632. },
  633. ...atRules
  634. ]);
  635. };
  636. })(),
  637. accessibility: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  643. padding: "0",
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  646. clip: "rect(0, 0, 0, 0)",
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  648. borderWidth: "0"
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  651. position: "static",
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  655. margin: "0",
  656. overflow: "visible",
  657. clip: "auto",
  658. whiteSpace: "normal"
  659. }
  660. });
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  668. "pointer-events": "auto"
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  670. });
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  675. visibility: "visible"
  676. },
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  678. visibility: "hidden"
  679. },
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  681. visibility: "collapse"
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  683. });
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  689. },
  690. ".fixed": {
  691. position: "fixed"
  692. },
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  694. position: "absolute"
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  697. position: "relative"
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  700. position: "sticky"
  701. }
  702. });
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  761. "left"
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  764. ]
  765. ], {
  766. supportsNegativeValues: true
  767. }),
  768. isolation: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  769. addUtilities({
  770. ".isolate": {
  771. isolation: "isolate"
  772. },
  773. ".isolation-auto": {
  774. isolation: "auto"
  775. }
  776. });
  777. },
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  782. "zIndex"
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  784. ]
  785. ], {
  786. supportsNegativeValues: true
  787. }),
  788. order: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("order", undefined, {
  789. supportsNegativeValues: true
  790. }),
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  793. "col",
  794. [
  795. "gridColumn"
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  797. ]
  798. ]),
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  803. "gridColumnStart"
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  805. ]
  806. ], {
  807. supportsNegativeValues: true
  808. }),
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  811. "col-end",
  812. [
  813. "gridColumnEnd"
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  815. ]
  816. ], {
  817. supportsNegativeValues: true
  818. }),
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  820. [
  821. "row",
  822. [
  823. "gridRow"
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  825. ]
  826. ]),
  827. gridRowStart: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("gridRowStart", [
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  829. "row-start",
  830. [
  831. "gridRowStart"
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  833. ]
  834. ], {
  835. supportsNegativeValues: true
  836. }),
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  845. supportsNegativeValues: true
  846. }),
  847. float: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  850. float: "inline-start"
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  854. },
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  860. },
  861. ".float-none": {
  862. float: "none"
  863. }
  864. });
  865. },
  866. clear: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  867. addUtilities({
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  869. clear: "inline-start"
  870. },
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  872. clear: "inline-end"
  873. },
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  875. clear: "left"
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  878. clear: "right"
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  881. clear: "both"
  882. },
  883. ".clear-none": {
  884. clear: "none"
  885. }
  886. });
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  892. "margin"
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  906. "margin-top",
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  937. "mb",
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  949. ], {
  950. supportsNegativeValues: true
  951. }),
  952. boxSizing: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  953. addUtilities({
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  965. overflow: "hidden",
  966. display: "-webkit-box",
  967. "-webkit-box-orient": "vertical",
  968. "-webkit-line-clamp": `${value}`
  969. })
  970. }, {
  971. values: theme("lineClamp")
  972. });
  973. addUtilities({
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  975. overflow: "visible",
  976. display: "block",
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  986. },
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  988. display: "inline-block"
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  1064. ]
  1065. ]),
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  1080. ]
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  1184. "--tw-border-spacing-y": 0
  1185. });
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  1190. "--tw-border-spacing-y": value,
  1191. "@defaults border-spacing": {},
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  1199. "border-spacing": "var(--tw-border-spacing-x) var(--tw-border-spacing-y)"
  1200. };
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  1203. return {
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  1205. "@defaults border-spacing": {},
  1206. "border-spacing": "var(--tw-border-spacing-x) var(--tw-border-spacing-y)"
  1207. };
  1208. }
  1209. }, {
  1210. values: theme("borderSpacing")
  1211. });
  1212. },
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  1215. "origin",
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  1217. "transformOrigin"
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  1219. ]
  1220. ]),
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  1223. [
  1224. "translate-x",
  1225. [
  1226. [
  1227. "@defaults transform",
  1228. {}
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  1233. cssTransformValue
  1234. ]
  1235. ]
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  1238. "translate-y",
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  1240. [
  1241. "@defaults transform",
  1242. {}
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  1246. "transform",
  1247. cssTransformValue
  1248. ]
  1249. ]
  1250. ]
  1251. ]
  1252. ], {
  1253. supportsNegativeValues: true
  1254. }),
  1255. rotate: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("rotate", [
  1256. [
  1257. "rotate",
  1258. [
  1259. [
  1260. "@defaults transform",
  1261. {}
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  1266. cssTransformValue
  1267. ]
  1268. ]
  1269. ]
  1270. ], {
  1271. supportsNegativeValues: true
  1272. }),
  1273. skew: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("skew", [
  1274. [
  1275. [
  1276. "skew-x",
  1277. [
  1278. [
  1279. "@defaults transform",
  1280. {}
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  1282. "--tw-skew-x",
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  1284. "transform",
  1285. cssTransformValue
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  1292. [
  1293. "@defaults transform",
  1294. {}
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  1298. "transform",
  1299. cssTransformValue
  1300. ]
  1301. ]
  1302. ]
  1303. ]
  1304. ], {
  1305. supportsNegativeValues: true
  1306. }),
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  1308. [
  1309. "scale",
  1310. [
  1311. [
  1312. "@defaults transform",
  1313. {}
  1314. ],
  1315. "--tw-scale-x",
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  1318. "transform",
  1319. cssTransformValue
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  1324. [
  1325. "scale-x",
  1326. [
  1327. [
  1328. "@defaults transform",
  1329. {}
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  1331. "--tw-scale-x",
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  1333. "transform",
  1334. cssTransformValue
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  1339. "scale-y",
  1340. [
  1341. [
  1342. "@defaults transform",
  1343. {}
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  1345. "--tw-scale-y",
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  1347. "transform",
  1348. cssTransformValue
  1349. ]
  1350. ]
  1351. ]
  1352. ]
  1353. ], {
  1354. supportsNegativeValues: true
  1355. }),
  1356. transform: ({ addDefaults , addUtilities })=>{
  1357. addDefaults("transform", {
  1358. "--tw-translate-x": "0",
  1359. "--tw-translate-y": "0",
  1360. "--tw-rotate": "0",
  1361. "--tw-skew-x": "0",
  1362. "--tw-skew-y": "0",
  1363. "--tw-scale-x": "1",
  1364. "--tw-scale-y": "1"
  1365. });
  1366. addUtilities({
  1367. ".transform": {
  1368. "@defaults transform": {},
  1369. transform: cssTransformValue
  1370. },
  1371. ".transform-cpu": {
  1372. transform: cssTransformValue
  1373. },
  1374. ".transform-gpu": {
  1375. transform: cssTransformValue.replace("translate(var(--tw-translate-x), var(--tw-translate-y))", "translate3d(var(--tw-translate-x), var(--tw-translate-y), 0)")
  1376. },
  1377. ".transform-none": {
  1378. transform: "none"
  1379. }
  1380. });
  1381. },
  1382. animation: ({ matchUtilities , theme , config })=>{
  1383. let prefixName = (name)=>(0, _escapeClassName.default)(config("prefix") + name);
  1384. var _theme;
  1385. let keyframes = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries((_theme = theme("keyframes")) !== null && _theme !== void 0 ? _theme : {}).map(([key, value])=>{
  1386. return [
  1387. key,
  1388. {
  1389. [`@keyframes ${prefixName(key)}`]: value
  1390. }
  1391. ];
  1392. }));
  1393. matchUtilities({
  1394. animate: (value)=>{
  1395. let animations = (0, _parseAnimationValue.default)(value);
  1396. return [
  1397. ...animations.flatMap((animation)=>keyframes[]),
  1398. {
  1399. animation:{ name , value })=>{
  1400. if (name === undefined || keyframes[name] === undefined) {
  1401. return value;
  1402. }
  1403. return value.replace(name, prefixName(name));
  1404. }).join(", ")
  1405. }
  1406. ];
  1407. }
  1408. }, {
  1409. values: theme("animation")
  1410. });
  1411. },
  1412. cursor: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("cursor"),
  1413. touchAction: ({ addDefaults , addUtilities })=>{
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  1416. "--tw-pan-y": " ",
  1417. "--tw-pinch-zoom": " "
  1418. });
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  1422. "touch-action": "auto"
  1423. },
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  1425. "touch-action": "none"
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  1430. "touch-action": cssTouchActionValue
  1431. },
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  1435. "touch-action": cssTouchActionValue
  1436. },
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  1439. "--tw-pan-x": "pan-right",
  1440. "touch-action": cssTouchActionValue
  1441. },
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  1443. "@defaults touch-action": {},
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  1445. "touch-action": cssTouchActionValue
  1446. },
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  1451. },
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  1456. },
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  1461. },
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  1463. "touch-action": "manipulation"
  1464. }
  1465. });
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  1467. userSelect: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  1471. },
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  1473. "user-select": "text"
  1474. },
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  1477. },
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  1480. }
  1481. });
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  1486. resize: "none"
  1487. },
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  1502. });
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  1614. ], {
  1615. supportsNegativeValues: true
  1616. }),
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  1703. ]
  1704. ]),
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  1708. appearance: "none"
  1709. },
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  1723. breakBefore: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  1727. },
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  1767. breakAfter: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  1771. },
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  1773. "break-after": "avoid"
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  1799. "gridAutoColumns"
  1800. ]
  1801. ]
  1802. ]),
  1803. gridAutoFlow: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  1806. gridAutoFlow: "row"
  1807. },
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  1809. gridAutoFlow: "column"
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  1812. gridAutoFlow: "dense"
  1813. },
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  1815. gridAutoFlow: "row dense"
  1816. },
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  1818. gridAutoFlow: "column dense"
  1819. }
  1820. });
  1821. },
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  1828. ]
  1829. ]),
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  1837. ]),
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  1850. },
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  1852. "flex-direction": "row-reverse"
  1853. },
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  1856. },
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  1859. }
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  1894. },
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  1896. "place-content": "baseline"
  1897. },
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  1899. "place-content": "stretch"
  1900. }
  1901. });
  1902. },
  1903. placeItems: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  1904. addUtilities({
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  1906. "place-items": "start"
  1907. },
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  1910. },
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  1913. },
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  1916. },
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  1918. "place-items": "stretch"
  1919. }
  1920. });
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  1932. },
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  1935. },
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  1938. },
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  1941. },
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  1944. },
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  1946. "align-content": "baseline"
  1947. },
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  1949. "align-content": "stretch"
  1950. }
  1951. });
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  1953. alignItems: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  1957. },
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  1960. },
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  1963. },
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  1965. "align-items": "baseline"
  1966. },
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  1968. "align-items": "stretch"
  1969. }
  1970. });
  1971. },
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  1976. },
  1977. ".justify-start": {
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  1979. },
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  1982. },
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  1984. "justify-content": "center"
  1985. },
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  1987. "justify-content": "space-between"
  1988. },
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  1990. "justify-content": "space-around"
  1991. },
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  1993. "justify-content": "space-evenly"
  1994. },
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  1996. "justify-content": "stretch"
  1997. }
  1998. });
  1999. },
  2000. justifyItems: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  2004. },
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  2006. "justify-items": "end"
  2007. },
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  2009. "justify-items": "center"
  2010. },
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  2012. "justify-items": "stretch"
  2013. }
  2014. });
  2015. },
  2016. gap: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("gap", [
  2017. [
  2018. "gap",
  2019. [
  2020. "gap"
  2021. ]
  2022. ],
  2023. [
  2024. [
  2025. "gap-x",
  2026. [
  2027. "columnGap"
  2028. ]
  2029. ],
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  2031. "gap-y",
  2032. [
  2033. "rowGap"
  2034. ]
  2035. ]
  2036. ]
  2037. ]),
  2038. space: ({ matchUtilities , addUtilities , theme })=>{
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  2041. value = value === "0" ? "0px" : value;
  2042. return {
  2043. "& > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2044. "--tw-space-x-reverse": "0",
  2045. "margin-right": `calc(${value} * var(--tw-space-x-reverse))`,
  2046. "margin-left": `calc(${value} * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-x-reverse)))`
  2047. }
  2048. };
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  2050. "space-y": (value)=>{
  2051. value = value === "0" ? "0px" : value;
  2052. return {
  2053. "& > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
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  2055. "margin-top": `calc(${value} * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-y-reverse)))`,
  2056. "margin-bottom": `calc(${value} * var(--tw-space-y-reverse))`
  2057. }
  2058. };
  2059. }
  2060. }, {
  2061. values: theme("space"),
  2062. supportsNegativeValues: true
  2063. });
  2064. addUtilities({
  2065. ".space-y-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2066. "--tw-space-y-reverse": "1"
  2067. },
  2068. ".space-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2069. "--tw-space-x-reverse": "1"
  2070. }
  2071. });
  2072. },
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  2074. matchUtilities({
  2075. "divide-x": (value)=>{
  2076. value = value === "0" ? "0px" : value;
  2077. return {
  2078. "& > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2079. "@defaults border-width": {},
  2080. "--tw-divide-x-reverse": "0",
  2081. "border-right-width": `calc(${value} * var(--tw-divide-x-reverse))`,
  2082. "border-left-width": `calc(${value} * calc(1 - var(--tw-divide-x-reverse)))`
  2083. }
  2084. };
  2085. },
  2086. "divide-y": (value)=>{
  2087. value = value === "0" ? "0px" : value;
  2088. return {
  2089. "& > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2090. "@defaults border-width": {},
  2091. "--tw-divide-y-reverse": "0",
  2092. "border-top-width": `calc(${value} * calc(1 - var(--tw-divide-y-reverse)))`,
  2093. "border-bottom-width": `calc(${value} * var(--tw-divide-y-reverse))`
  2094. }
  2095. };
  2096. }
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  2098. values: theme("divideWidth"),
  2099. type: [
  2100. "line-width",
  2101. "length",
  2102. "any"
  2103. ]
  2104. });
  2105. addUtilities({
  2106. ".divide-y-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2107. "@defaults border-width": {},
  2108. "--tw-divide-y-reverse": "1"
  2109. },
  2110. ".divide-x-reverse > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2111. "@defaults border-width": {},
  2112. "--tw-divide-x-reverse": "1"
  2113. }
  2114. });
  2115. },
  2116. divideStyle: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2117. addUtilities({
  2118. ".divide-solid > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2119. "border-style": "solid"
  2120. },
  2121. ".divide-dashed > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2122. "border-style": "dashed"
  2123. },
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  2125. "border-style": "dotted"
  2126. },
  2127. ".divide-double > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2128. "border-style": "double"
  2129. },
  2130. ".divide-none > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])": {
  2131. "border-style": "none"
  2132. }
  2133. });
  2134. },
  2135. divideColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme , corePlugins })=>{
  2136. matchUtilities({
  2137. divide: (value)=>{
  2138. if (!corePlugins("divideOpacity")) {
  2139. return {
  2140. ["& > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])"]: {
  2141. "border-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2142. }
  2143. };
  2144. }
  2145. return {
  2146. ["& > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])"]: (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2147. color: value,
  2148. property: "border-color",
  2149. variable: "--tw-divide-opacity"
  2150. })
  2151. };
  2152. }
  2153. }, {
  2154. values: (({ DEFAULT: _ , ...colors })=>colors)((0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("divideColor"))),
  2155. type: [
  2156. "color",
  2157. "any"
  2158. ]
  2159. });
  2160. },
  2161. divideOpacity: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  2162. matchUtilities({
  2163. "divide-opacity": (value)=>{
  2164. return {
  2165. [`& > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])`]: {
  2166. "--tw-divide-opacity": value
  2167. }
  2168. };
  2169. }
  2170. }, {
  2171. values: theme("divideOpacity")
  2172. });
  2173. },
  2174. placeSelf: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2175. addUtilities({
  2176. ".place-self-auto": {
  2177. "place-self": "auto"
  2178. },
  2179. ".place-self-start": {
  2180. "place-self": "start"
  2181. },
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  2183. "place-self": "end"
  2184. },
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  2186. "place-self": "center"
  2187. },
  2188. ".place-self-stretch": {
  2189. "place-self": "stretch"
  2190. }
  2191. });
  2192. },
  2193. alignSelf: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2194. addUtilities({
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  2196. "align-self": "auto"
  2197. },
  2198. ".self-start": {
  2199. "align-self": "flex-start"
  2200. },
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  2202. "align-self": "flex-end"
  2203. },
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  2205. "align-self": "center"
  2206. },
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  2208. "align-self": "stretch"
  2209. },
  2210. ".self-baseline": {
  2211. "align-self": "baseline"
  2212. }
  2213. });
  2214. },
  2215. justifySelf: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2216. addUtilities({
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  2218. "justify-self": "auto"
  2219. },
  2220. ".justify-self-start": {
  2221. "justify-self": "start"
  2222. },
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  2224. "justify-self": "end"
  2225. },
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  2227. "justify-self": "center"
  2228. },
  2229. ".justify-self-stretch": {
  2230. "justify-self": "stretch"
  2231. }
  2232. });
  2233. },
  2234. overflow: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2235. addUtilities({
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  2237. overflow: "auto"
  2238. },
  2239. ".overflow-hidden": {
  2240. overflow: "hidden"
  2241. },
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  2243. overflow: "clip"
  2244. },
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  2246. overflow: "visible"
  2247. },
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  2249. overflow: "scroll"
  2250. },
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  2253. },
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  2255. "overflow-y": "auto"
  2256. },
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  2258. "overflow-x": "hidden"
  2259. },
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  2262. },
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  2264. "overflow-x": "clip"
  2265. },
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  2268. },
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  2270. "overflow-x": "visible"
  2271. },
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  2273. "overflow-y": "visible"
  2274. },
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  2276. "overflow-x": "scroll"
  2277. },
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  2279. "overflow-y": "scroll"
  2280. }
  2281. });
  2282. },
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  2286. "overscroll-behavior": "auto"
  2287. },
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  2289. "overscroll-behavior": "contain"
  2290. },
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  2293. },
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  2296. },
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  2298. "overscroll-behavior-y": "contain"
  2299. },
  2300. ".overscroll-y-none": {
  2301. "overscroll-behavior-y": "none"
  2302. },
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  2304. "overscroll-behavior-x": "auto"
  2305. },
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  2307. "overscroll-behavior-x": "contain"
  2308. },
  2309. ".overscroll-x-none": {
  2310. "overscroll-behavior-x": "none"
  2311. }
  2312. });
  2313. },
  2314. scrollBehavior: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2315. addUtilities({
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  2317. "scroll-behavior": "auto"
  2318. },
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  2320. "scroll-behavior": "smooth"
  2321. }
  2322. });
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  2327. overflow: "hidden",
  2328. "text-overflow": "ellipsis",
  2329. "white-space": "nowrap"
  2330. },
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  2333. },
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  2335. "text-overflow": "ellipsis"
  2336. },
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  2338. "text-overflow": "clip"
  2339. }
  2340. });
  2341. },
  2342. hyphens: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  2345. hyphens: "none"
  2346. },
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  2348. hyphens: "manual"
  2349. },
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  2351. hyphens: "auto"
  2352. }
  2353. });
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  2355. whitespace: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2356. addUtilities({
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  2358. "white-space": "normal"
  2359. },
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  2361. "white-space": "nowrap"
  2362. },
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  2364. "white-space": "pre"
  2365. },
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  2368. },
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  2371. },
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  2373. "white-space": "break-spaces"
  2374. }
  2375. });
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  2377. textWrap: ({ addUtilities })=>{
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  2380. "text-wrap": "wrap"
  2381. },
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  2389. "text-wrap": "pretty"
  2390. }
  2391. });
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  2393. wordBreak: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2394. addUtilities({
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  2396. "overflow-wrap": "normal",
  2397. "word-break": "normal"
  2398. },
  2399. ".break-words": {
  2400. "overflow-wrap": "break-word"
  2401. },
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  2403. "word-break": "break-all"
  2404. },
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  2406. "word-break": "keep-all"
  2407. }
  2408. });
  2409. },
  2410. borderRadius: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("borderRadius", [
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  2412. "rounded",
  2413. [
  2414. "border-radius"
  2415. ]
  2416. ],
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  2418. [
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  2423. ]
  2424. ],
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  2430. ]
  2431. ],
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  2437. ]
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  2444. ]
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  2451. ]
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  2458. ]
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  2462. [
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  2466. ]
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  2500. [
  2501. "border-bottom-right-radius"
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  2510. ]
  2511. ]),
  2512. borderWidth: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("borderWidth", [
  2513. [
  2514. "border",
  2515. [
  2516. [
  2517. "@defaults border-width",
  2518. {}
  2519. ],
  2520. "border-width"
  2521. ]
  2522. ],
  2523. [
  2524. [
  2525. "border-x",
  2526. [
  2527. [
  2528. "@defaults border-width",
  2529. {}
  2530. ],
  2531. "border-left-width",
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  2533. ]
  2534. ],
  2535. [
  2536. "border-y",
  2537. [
  2538. [
  2539. "@defaults border-width",
  2540. {}
  2541. ],
  2542. "border-top-width",
  2543. "border-bottom-width"
  2544. ]
  2545. ]
  2546. ],
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  2548. [
  2549. "border-s",
  2550. [
  2551. [
  2552. "@defaults border-width",
  2553. {}
  2554. ],
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  2556. ]
  2557. ],
  2558. [
  2559. "border-e",
  2560. [
  2561. [
  2562. "@defaults border-width",
  2563. {}
  2564. ],
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  2566. ]
  2567. ],
  2568. [
  2569. "border-t",
  2570. [
  2571. [
  2572. "@defaults border-width",
  2573. {}
  2574. ],
  2575. "border-top-width"
  2576. ]
  2577. ],
  2578. [
  2579. "border-r",
  2580. [
  2581. [
  2582. "@defaults border-width",
  2583. {}
  2584. ],
  2585. "border-right-width"
  2586. ]
  2587. ],
  2588. [
  2589. "border-b",
  2590. [
  2591. [
  2592. "@defaults border-width",
  2593. {}
  2594. ],
  2595. "border-bottom-width"
  2596. ]
  2597. ],
  2598. [
  2599. "border-l",
  2600. [
  2601. [
  2602. "@defaults border-width",
  2603. {}
  2604. ],
  2605. "border-left-width"
  2606. ]
  2607. ]
  2608. ]
  2609. ], {
  2610. type: [
  2611. "line-width",
  2612. "length"
  2613. ]
  2614. }),
  2615. borderStyle: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2616. addUtilities({
  2617. ".border-solid": {
  2618. "border-style": "solid"
  2619. },
  2620. ".border-dashed": {
  2621. "border-style": "dashed"
  2622. },
  2623. ".border-dotted": {
  2624. "border-style": "dotted"
  2625. },
  2626. ".border-double": {
  2627. "border-style": "double"
  2628. },
  2629. ".border-hidden": {
  2630. "border-style": "hidden"
  2631. },
  2632. ".border-none": {
  2633. "border-style": "none"
  2634. }
  2635. });
  2636. },
  2637. borderColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme , corePlugins })=>{
  2638. matchUtilities({
  2639. border: (value)=>{
  2640. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2641. return {
  2642. "border-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2643. };
  2644. }
  2645. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2646. color: value,
  2647. property: "border-color",
  2648. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2649. });
  2650. }
  2651. }, {
  2652. values: (({ DEFAULT: _ , ...colors })=>colors)((0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("borderColor"))),
  2653. type: [
  2654. "color",
  2655. "any"
  2656. ]
  2657. });
  2658. matchUtilities({
  2659. "border-x": (value)=>{
  2660. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2661. return {
  2662. "border-left-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value),
  2663. "border-right-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2664. };
  2665. }
  2666. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2667. color: value,
  2668. property: [
  2669. "border-left-color",
  2670. "border-right-color"
  2671. ],
  2672. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2673. });
  2674. },
  2675. "border-y": (value)=>{
  2676. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2677. return {
  2678. "border-top-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value),
  2679. "border-bottom-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2680. };
  2681. }
  2682. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2683. color: value,
  2684. property: [
  2685. "border-top-color",
  2686. "border-bottom-color"
  2687. ],
  2688. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2689. });
  2690. }
  2691. }, {
  2692. values: (({ DEFAULT: _ , ...colors })=>colors)((0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("borderColor"))),
  2693. type: [
  2694. "color",
  2695. "any"
  2696. ]
  2697. });
  2698. matchUtilities({
  2699. "border-s": (value)=>{
  2700. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2701. return {
  2702. "border-inline-start-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2703. };
  2704. }
  2705. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2706. color: value,
  2707. property: "border-inline-start-color",
  2708. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2709. });
  2710. },
  2711. "border-e": (value)=>{
  2712. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2713. return {
  2714. "border-inline-end-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2715. };
  2716. }
  2717. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2718. color: value,
  2719. property: "border-inline-end-color",
  2720. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2721. });
  2722. },
  2723. "border-t": (value)=>{
  2724. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2725. return {
  2726. "border-top-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2727. };
  2728. }
  2729. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2730. color: value,
  2731. property: "border-top-color",
  2732. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2733. });
  2734. },
  2735. "border-r": (value)=>{
  2736. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2737. return {
  2738. "border-right-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2739. };
  2740. }
  2741. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2742. color: value,
  2743. property: "border-right-color",
  2744. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2745. });
  2746. },
  2747. "border-b": (value)=>{
  2748. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2749. return {
  2750. "border-bottom-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2751. };
  2752. }
  2753. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2754. color: value,
  2755. property: "border-bottom-color",
  2756. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2757. });
  2758. },
  2759. "border-l": (value)=>{
  2760. if (!corePlugins("borderOpacity")) {
  2761. return {
  2762. "border-left-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2763. };
  2764. }
  2765. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2766. color: value,
  2767. property: "border-left-color",
  2768. variable: "--tw-border-opacity"
  2769. });
  2770. }
  2771. }, {
  2772. values: (({ DEFAULT: _ , ...colors })=>colors)((0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("borderColor"))),
  2773. type: [
  2774. "color",
  2775. "any"
  2776. ]
  2777. });
  2778. },
  2779. borderOpacity: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("borderOpacity", [
  2780. [
  2781. "border-opacity",
  2782. [
  2783. "--tw-border-opacity"
  2784. ]
  2785. ]
  2786. ]),
  2787. backgroundColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme , corePlugins })=>{
  2788. matchUtilities({
  2789. bg: (value)=>{
  2790. if (!corePlugins("backgroundOpacity")) {
  2791. return {
  2792. "background-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  2793. };
  2794. }
  2795. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  2796. color: value,
  2797. property: "background-color",
  2798. variable: "--tw-bg-opacity"
  2799. });
  2800. }
  2801. }, {
  2802. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("backgroundColor")),
  2803. type: [
  2804. "color",
  2805. "any"
  2806. ]
  2807. });
  2808. },
  2809. backgroundOpacity: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("backgroundOpacity", [
  2810. [
  2811. "bg-opacity",
  2812. [
  2813. "--tw-bg-opacity"
  2814. ]
  2815. ]
  2816. ]),
  2817. backgroundImage: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("backgroundImage", [
  2818. [
  2819. "bg",
  2820. [
  2821. "background-image"
  2822. ]
  2823. ]
  2824. ], {
  2825. type: [
  2826. "lookup",
  2827. "image",
  2828. "url"
  2829. ]
  2830. }),
  2831. gradientColorStops: (()=>{
  2832. function transparentTo(value) {
  2833. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.withAlphaValue)(value, 0, "rgb(255 255 255 / 0)");
  2834. }
  2835. return function({ matchUtilities , theme , addDefaults }) {
  2836. addDefaults("gradient-color-stops", {
  2837. "--tw-gradient-from-position": " ",
  2838. "--tw-gradient-via-position": " ",
  2839. "--tw-gradient-to-position": " "
  2840. });
  2841. let options = {
  2842. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("gradientColorStops")),
  2843. type: [
  2844. "color",
  2845. "any"
  2846. ]
  2847. };
  2848. let positionOptions = {
  2849. values: theme("gradientColorStopPositions"),
  2850. type: [
  2851. "length",
  2852. "percentage"
  2853. ]
  2854. };
  2855. matchUtilities({
  2856. from: (value)=>{
  2857. let transparentToValue = transparentTo(value);
  2858. return {
  2859. "@defaults gradient-color-stops": {},
  2860. "--tw-gradient-from": `${(0, _toColorValue.default)(value)} var(--tw-gradient-from-position)`,
  2861. "--tw-gradient-to": `${transparentToValue} var(--tw-gradient-to-position)`,
  2862. "--tw-gradient-stops": `var(--tw-gradient-from), var(--tw-gradient-to)`
  2863. };
  2864. }
  2865. }, options);
  2866. matchUtilities({
  2867. from: (value)=>{
  2868. return {
  2869. "--tw-gradient-from-position": value
  2870. };
  2871. }
  2872. }, positionOptions);
  2873. matchUtilities({
  2874. via: (value)=>{
  2875. let transparentToValue = transparentTo(value);
  2876. return {
  2877. "@defaults gradient-color-stops": {},
  2878. "--tw-gradient-to": `${transparentToValue} var(--tw-gradient-to-position)`,
  2879. "--tw-gradient-stops": `var(--tw-gradient-from), ${(0, _toColorValue.default)(value)} var(--tw-gradient-via-position), var(--tw-gradient-to)`
  2880. };
  2881. }
  2882. }, options);
  2883. matchUtilities({
  2884. via: (value)=>{
  2885. return {
  2886. "--tw-gradient-via-position": value
  2887. };
  2888. }
  2889. }, positionOptions);
  2890. matchUtilities({
  2891. to: (value)=>({
  2892. "@defaults gradient-color-stops": {},
  2893. "--tw-gradient-to": `${(0, _toColorValue.default)(value)} var(--tw-gradient-to-position)`
  2894. })
  2895. }, options);
  2896. matchUtilities({
  2897. to: (value)=>{
  2898. return {
  2899. "--tw-gradient-to-position": value
  2900. };
  2901. }
  2902. }, positionOptions);
  2903. };
  2904. })(),
  2905. boxDecorationBreak: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2906. addUtilities({
  2907. ".decoration-slice": {
  2908. "box-decoration-break": "slice"
  2909. },
  2910. ".decoration-clone": {
  2911. "box-decoration-break": "clone"
  2912. },
  2913. ".box-decoration-slice": {
  2914. "box-decoration-break": "slice"
  2915. },
  2916. ".box-decoration-clone": {
  2917. "box-decoration-break": "clone"
  2918. }
  2919. });
  2920. },
  2921. backgroundSize: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("backgroundSize", [
  2922. [
  2923. "bg",
  2924. [
  2925. "background-size"
  2926. ]
  2927. ]
  2928. ], {
  2929. type: [
  2930. "lookup",
  2931. "length",
  2932. "percentage",
  2933. "size"
  2934. ]
  2935. }),
  2936. backgroundAttachment: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2937. addUtilities({
  2938. ".bg-fixed": {
  2939. "background-attachment": "fixed"
  2940. },
  2941. ".bg-local": {
  2942. "background-attachment": "local"
  2943. },
  2944. ".bg-scroll": {
  2945. "background-attachment": "scroll"
  2946. }
  2947. });
  2948. },
  2949. backgroundClip: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2950. addUtilities({
  2951. ".bg-clip-border": {
  2952. "background-clip": "border-box"
  2953. },
  2954. ".bg-clip-padding": {
  2955. "background-clip": "padding-box"
  2956. },
  2957. ".bg-clip-content": {
  2958. "background-clip": "content-box"
  2959. },
  2960. ".bg-clip-text": {
  2961. "background-clip": "text"
  2962. }
  2963. });
  2964. },
  2965. backgroundPosition: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("backgroundPosition", [
  2966. [
  2967. "bg",
  2968. [
  2969. "background-position"
  2970. ]
  2971. ]
  2972. ], {
  2973. type: [
  2974. "lookup",
  2975. [
  2976. "position",
  2977. {
  2978. preferOnConflict: true
  2979. }
  2980. ]
  2981. ]
  2982. }),
  2983. backgroundRepeat: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  2984. addUtilities({
  2985. ".bg-repeat": {
  2986. "background-repeat": "repeat"
  2987. },
  2988. ".bg-no-repeat": {
  2989. "background-repeat": "no-repeat"
  2990. },
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  2992. "background-repeat": "repeat-x"
  2993. },
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  2995. "background-repeat": "repeat-y"
  2996. },
  2997. ".bg-repeat-round": {
  2998. "background-repeat": "round"
  2999. },
  3000. ".bg-repeat-space": {
  3001. "background-repeat": "space"
  3002. }
  3003. });
  3004. },
  3005. backgroundOrigin: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3006. addUtilities({
  3007. ".bg-origin-border": {
  3008. "background-origin": "border-box"
  3009. },
  3010. ".bg-origin-padding": {
  3011. "background-origin": "padding-box"
  3012. },
  3013. ".bg-origin-content": {
  3014. "background-origin": "content-box"
  3015. }
  3016. });
  3017. },
  3018. fill: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3019. matchUtilities({
  3020. fill: (value)=>{
  3021. return {
  3022. fill: (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3023. };
  3024. }
  3025. }, {
  3026. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("fill")),
  3027. type: [
  3028. "color",
  3029. "any"
  3030. ]
  3031. });
  3032. },
  3033. stroke: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3034. matchUtilities({
  3035. stroke: (value)=>{
  3036. return {
  3037. stroke: (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3038. };
  3039. }
  3040. }, {
  3041. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("stroke")),
  3042. type: [
  3043. "color",
  3044. "url",
  3045. "any"
  3046. ]
  3047. });
  3048. },
  3049. strokeWidth: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("strokeWidth", [
  3050. [
  3051. "stroke",
  3052. [
  3053. "stroke-width"
  3054. ]
  3055. ]
  3056. ], {
  3057. type: [
  3058. "length",
  3059. "number",
  3060. "percentage"
  3061. ]
  3062. }),
  3063. objectFit: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3064. addUtilities({
  3065. ".object-contain": {
  3066. "object-fit": "contain"
  3067. },
  3068. ".object-cover": {
  3069. "object-fit": "cover"
  3070. },
  3071. ".object-fill": {
  3072. "object-fit": "fill"
  3073. },
  3074. ".object-none": {
  3075. "object-fit": "none"
  3076. },
  3077. ".object-scale-down": {
  3078. "object-fit": "scale-down"
  3079. }
  3080. });
  3081. },
  3082. objectPosition: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("objectPosition", [
  3083. [
  3084. "object",
  3085. [
  3086. "object-position"
  3087. ]
  3088. ]
  3089. ]),
  3090. padding: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("padding", [
  3091. [
  3092. "p",
  3093. [
  3094. "padding"
  3095. ]
  3096. ],
  3097. [
  3098. [
  3099. "px",
  3100. [
  3101. "padding-left",
  3102. "padding-right"
  3103. ]
  3104. ],
  3105. [
  3106. "py",
  3107. [
  3108. "padding-top",
  3109. "padding-bottom"
  3110. ]
  3111. ]
  3112. ],
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  3114. [
  3115. "ps",
  3116. [
  3117. "padding-inline-start"
  3118. ]
  3119. ],
  3120. [
  3121. "pe",
  3122. [
  3123. "padding-inline-end"
  3124. ]
  3125. ],
  3126. [
  3127. "pt",
  3128. [
  3129. "padding-top"
  3130. ]
  3131. ],
  3132. [
  3133. "pr",
  3134. [
  3135. "padding-right"
  3136. ]
  3137. ],
  3138. [
  3139. "pb",
  3140. [
  3141. "padding-bottom"
  3142. ]
  3143. ],
  3144. [
  3145. "pl",
  3146. [
  3147. "padding-left"
  3148. ]
  3149. ]
  3150. ]
  3151. ]),
  3152. textAlign: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3153. addUtilities({
  3154. ".text-left": {
  3155. "text-align": "left"
  3156. },
  3157. ".text-center": {
  3158. "text-align": "center"
  3159. },
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  3161. "text-align": "right"
  3162. },
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  3164. "text-align": "justify"
  3165. },
  3166. ".text-start": {
  3167. "text-align": "start"
  3168. },
  3169. ".text-end": {
  3170. "text-align": "end"
  3171. }
  3172. });
  3173. },
  3174. textIndent: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("textIndent", [
  3175. [
  3176. "indent",
  3177. [
  3178. "text-indent"
  3179. ]
  3180. ]
  3181. ], {
  3182. supportsNegativeValues: true
  3183. }),
  3184. verticalAlign: ({ addUtilities , matchUtilities })=>{
  3185. addUtilities({
  3186. ".align-baseline": {
  3187. "vertical-align": "baseline"
  3188. },
  3189. ".align-top": {
  3190. "vertical-align": "top"
  3191. },
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  3193. "vertical-align": "middle"
  3194. },
  3195. ".align-bottom": {
  3196. "vertical-align": "bottom"
  3197. },
  3198. ".align-text-top": {
  3199. "vertical-align": "text-top"
  3200. },
  3201. ".align-text-bottom": {
  3202. "vertical-align": "text-bottom"
  3203. },
  3204. ".align-sub": {
  3205. "vertical-align": "sub"
  3206. },
  3207. ".align-super": {
  3208. "vertical-align": "super"
  3209. }
  3210. });
  3211. matchUtilities({
  3212. align: (value)=>({
  3213. "vertical-align": value
  3214. })
  3215. });
  3216. },
  3217. fontFamily: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3218. matchUtilities({
  3219. font: (value)=>{
  3220. let [families, options = {}] = Array.isArray(value) && (0, _isPlainObject.default)(value[1]) ? value : [
  3221. value
  3222. ];
  3223. let { fontFeatureSettings , fontVariationSettings } = options;
  3224. return {
  3225. "font-family": Array.isArray(families) ? families.join(", ") : families,
  3226. ...fontFeatureSettings === undefined ? {} : {
  3227. "font-feature-settings": fontFeatureSettings
  3228. },
  3229. ...fontVariationSettings === undefined ? {} : {
  3230. "font-variation-settings": fontVariationSettings
  3231. }
  3232. };
  3233. }
  3234. }, {
  3235. values: theme("fontFamily"),
  3236. type: [
  3237. "lookup",
  3238. "generic-name",
  3239. "family-name"
  3240. ]
  3241. });
  3242. },
  3243. fontSize: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3244. matchUtilities({
  3245. text: (value, { modifier })=>{
  3246. let [fontSize, options] = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [
  3247. value
  3248. ];
  3249. if (modifier) {
  3250. return {
  3251. "font-size": fontSize,
  3252. "line-height": modifier
  3253. };
  3254. }
  3255. let { lineHeight , letterSpacing , fontWeight } = (0, _isPlainObject.default)(options) ? options : {
  3256. lineHeight: options
  3257. };
  3258. return {
  3259. "font-size": fontSize,
  3260. ...lineHeight === undefined ? {} : {
  3261. "line-height": lineHeight
  3262. },
  3263. ...letterSpacing === undefined ? {} : {
  3264. "letter-spacing": letterSpacing
  3265. },
  3266. ...fontWeight === undefined ? {} : {
  3267. "font-weight": fontWeight
  3268. }
  3269. };
  3270. }
  3271. }, {
  3272. values: theme("fontSize"),
  3273. modifiers: theme("lineHeight"),
  3274. type: [
  3275. "absolute-size",
  3276. "relative-size",
  3277. "length",
  3278. "percentage"
  3279. ]
  3280. });
  3281. },
  3282. fontWeight: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("fontWeight", [
  3283. [
  3284. "font",
  3285. [
  3286. "fontWeight"
  3287. ]
  3288. ]
  3289. ], {
  3290. type: [
  3291. "lookup",
  3292. "number",
  3293. "any"
  3294. ]
  3295. }),
  3296. textTransform: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3297. addUtilities({
  3298. ".uppercase": {
  3299. "text-transform": "uppercase"
  3300. },
  3301. ".lowercase": {
  3302. "text-transform": "lowercase"
  3303. },
  3304. ".capitalize": {
  3305. "text-transform": "capitalize"
  3306. },
  3307. ".normal-case": {
  3308. "text-transform": "none"
  3309. }
  3310. });
  3311. },
  3312. fontStyle: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3313. addUtilities({
  3314. ".italic": {
  3315. "font-style": "italic"
  3316. },
  3317. ".not-italic": {
  3318. "font-style": "normal"
  3319. }
  3320. });
  3321. },
  3322. fontVariantNumeric: ({ addDefaults , addUtilities })=>{
  3323. let cssFontVariantNumericValue = "var(--tw-ordinal) var(--tw-slashed-zero) var(--tw-numeric-figure) var(--tw-numeric-spacing) var(--tw-numeric-fraction)";
  3324. addDefaults("font-variant-numeric", {
  3325. "--tw-ordinal": " ",
  3326. "--tw-slashed-zero": " ",
  3327. "--tw-numeric-figure": " ",
  3328. "--tw-numeric-spacing": " ",
  3329. "--tw-numeric-fraction": " "
  3330. });
  3331. addUtilities({
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  3333. "font-variant-numeric": "normal"
  3334. },
  3335. ".ordinal": {
  3336. "@defaults font-variant-numeric": {},
  3337. "--tw-ordinal": "ordinal",
  3338. "font-variant-numeric": cssFontVariantNumericValue
  3339. },
  3340. ".slashed-zero": {
  3341. "@defaults font-variant-numeric": {},
  3342. "--tw-slashed-zero": "slashed-zero",
  3343. "font-variant-numeric": cssFontVariantNumericValue
  3344. },
  3345. ".lining-nums": {
  3346. "@defaults font-variant-numeric": {},
  3347. "--tw-numeric-figure": "lining-nums",
  3348. "font-variant-numeric": cssFontVariantNumericValue
  3349. },
  3350. ".oldstyle-nums": {
  3351. "@defaults font-variant-numeric": {},
  3352. "--tw-numeric-figure": "oldstyle-nums",
  3353. "font-variant-numeric": cssFontVariantNumericValue
  3354. },
  3355. ".proportional-nums": {
  3356. "@defaults font-variant-numeric": {},
  3357. "--tw-numeric-spacing": "proportional-nums",
  3358. "font-variant-numeric": cssFontVariantNumericValue
  3359. },
  3360. ".tabular-nums": {
  3361. "@defaults font-variant-numeric": {},
  3362. "--tw-numeric-spacing": "tabular-nums",
  3363. "font-variant-numeric": cssFontVariantNumericValue
  3364. },
  3365. ".diagonal-fractions": {
  3366. "@defaults font-variant-numeric": {},
  3367. "--tw-numeric-fraction": "diagonal-fractions",
  3368. "font-variant-numeric": cssFontVariantNumericValue
  3369. },
  3370. ".stacked-fractions": {
  3371. "@defaults font-variant-numeric": {},
  3372. "--tw-numeric-fraction": "stacked-fractions",
  3373. "font-variant-numeric": cssFontVariantNumericValue
  3374. }
  3375. });
  3376. },
  3377. lineHeight: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("lineHeight", [
  3378. [
  3379. "leading",
  3380. [
  3381. "lineHeight"
  3382. ]
  3383. ]
  3384. ]),
  3385. letterSpacing: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("letterSpacing", [
  3386. [
  3387. "tracking",
  3388. [
  3389. "letterSpacing"
  3390. ]
  3391. ]
  3392. ], {
  3393. supportsNegativeValues: true
  3394. }),
  3395. textColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme , corePlugins })=>{
  3396. matchUtilities({
  3397. text: (value)=>{
  3398. if (!corePlugins("textOpacity")) {
  3399. return {
  3400. color: (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3401. };
  3402. }
  3403. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  3404. color: value,
  3405. property: "color",
  3406. variable: "--tw-text-opacity"
  3407. });
  3408. }
  3409. }, {
  3410. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("textColor")),
  3411. type: [
  3412. "color",
  3413. "any"
  3414. ]
  3415. });
  3416. },
  3417. textOpacity: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("textOpacity", [
  3418. [
  3419. "text-opacity",
  3420. [
  3421. "--tw-text-opacity"
  3422. ]
  3423. ]
  3424. ]),
  3425. textDecoration: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3426. addUtilities({
  3427. ".underline": {
  3428. "text-decoration-line": "underline"
  3429. },
  3430. ".overline": {
  3431. "text-decoration-line": "overline"
  3432. },
  3433. ".line-through": {
  3434. "text-decoration-line": "line-through"
  3435. },
  3436. ".no-underline": {
  3437. "text-decoration-line": "none"
  3438. }
  3439. });
  3440. },
  3441. textDecorationColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3442. matchUtilities({
  3443. decoration: (value)=>{
  3444. return {
  3445. "text-decoration-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3446. };
  3447. }
  3448. }, {
  3449. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("textDecorationColor")),
  3450. type: [
  3451. "color",
  3452. "any"
  3453. ]
  3454. });
  3455. },
  3456. textDecorationStyle: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3457. addUtilities({
  3458. ".decoration-solid": {
  3459. "text-decoration-style": "solid"
  3460. },
  3461. ".decoration-double": {
  3462. "text-decoration-style": "double"
  3463. },
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  3465. "text-decoration-style": "dotted"
  3466. },
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  3468. "text-decoration-style": "dashed"
  3469. },
  3470. ".decoration-wavy": {
  3471. "text-decoration-style": "wavy"
  3472. }
  3473. });
  3474. },
  3475. textDecorationThickness: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("textDecorationThickness", [
  3476. [
  3477. "decoration",
  3478. [
  3479. "text-decoration-thickness"
  3480. ]
  3481. ]
  3482. ], {
  3483. type: [
  3484. "length",
  3485. "percentage"
  3486. ]
  3487. }),
  3488. textUnderlineOffset: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("textUnderlineOffset", [
  3489. [
  3490. "underline-offset",
  3491. [
  3492. "text-underline-offset"
  3493. ]
  3494. ]
  3495. ], {
  3496. type: [
  3497. "length",
  3498. "percentage",
  3499. "any"
  3500. ]
  3501. }),
  3502. fontSmoothing: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3503. addUtilities({
  3504. ".antialiased": {
  3505. "-webkit-font-smoothing": "antialiased",
  3506. "-moz-osx-font-smoothing": "grayscale"
  3507. },
  3508. ".subpixel-antialiased": {
  3509. "-webkit-font-smoothing": "auto",
  3510. "-moz-osx-font-smoothing": "auto"
  3511. }
  3512. });
  3513. },
  3514. placeholderColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme , corePlugins })=>{
  3515. matchUtilities({
  3516. placeholder: (value)=>{
  3517. if (!corePlugins("placeholderOpacity")) {
  3518. return {
  3519. "&::placeholder": {
  3520. color: (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3521. }
  3522. };
  3523. }
  3524. return {
  3525. "&::placeholder": (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  3526. color: value,
  3527. property: "color",
  3528. variable: "--tw-placeholder-opacity"
  3529. })
  3530. };
  3531. }
  3532. }, {
  3533. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("placeholderColor")),
  3534. type: [
  3535. "color",
  3536. "any"
  3537. ]
  3538. });
  3539. },
  3540. placeholderOpacity: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3541. matchUtilities({
  3542. "placeholder-opacity": (value)=>{
  3543. return {
  3544. ["&::placeholder"]: {
  3545. "--tw-placeholder-opacity": value
  3546. }
  3547. };
  3548. }
  3549. }, {
  3550. values: theme("placeholderOpacity")
  3551. });
  3552. },
  3553. caretColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3554. matchUtilities({
  3555. caret: (value)=>{
  3556. return {
  3557. "caret-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3558. };
  3559. }
  3560. }, {
  3561. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("caretColor")),
  3562. type: [
  3563. "color",
  3564. "any"
  3565. ]
  3566. });
  3567. },
  3568. accentColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3569. matchUtilities({
  3570. accent: (value)=>{
  3571. return {
  3572. "accent-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3573. };
  3574. }
  3575. }, {
  3576. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("accentColor")),
  3577. type: [
  3578. "color",
  3579. "any"
  3580. ]
  3581. });
  3582. },
  3583. opacity: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("opacity", [
  3584. [
  3585. "opacity",
  3586. [
  3587. "opacity"
  3588. ]
  3589. ]
  3590. ]),
  3591. backgroundBlendMode: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3592. addUtilities({
  3593. ".bg-blend-normal": {
  3594. "background-blend-mode": "normal"
  3595. },
  3596. ".bg-blend-multiply": {
  3597. "background-blend-mode": "multiply"
  3598. },
  3599. ".bg-blend-screen": {
  3600. "background-blend-mode": "screen"
  3601. },
  3602. ".bg-blend-overlay": {
  3603. "background-blend-mode": "overlay"
  3604. },
  3605. ".bg-blend-darken": {
  3606. "background-blend-mode": "darken"
  3607. },
  3608. ".bg-blend-lighten": {
  3609. "background-blend-mode": "lighten"
  3610. },
  3611. ".bg-blend-color-dodge": {
  3612. "background-blend-mode": "color-dodge"
  3613. },
  3614. ".bg-blend-color-burn": {
  3615. "background-blend-mode": "color-burn"
  3616. },
  3617. ".bg-blend-hard-light": {
  3618. "background-blend-mode": "hard-light"
  3619. },
  3620. ".bg-blend-soft-light": {
  3621. "background-blend-mode": "soft-light"
  3622. },
  3623. ".bg-blend-difference": {
  3624. "background-blend-mode": "difference"
  3625. },
  3626. ".bg-blend-exclusion": {
  3627. "background-blend-mode": "exclusion"
  3628. },
  3629. ".bg-blend-hue": {
  3630. "background-blend-mode": "hue"
  3631. },
  3632. ".bg-blend-saturation": {
  3633. "background-blend-mode": "saturation"
  3634. },
  3635. ".bg-blend-color": {
  3636. "background-blend-mode": "color"
  3637. },
  3638. ".bg-blend-luminosity": {
  3639. "background-blend-mode": "luminosity"
  3640. }
  3641. });
  3642. },
  3643. mixBlendMode: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3644. addUtilities({
  3645. ".mix-blend-normal": {
  3646. "mix-blend-mode": "normal"
  3647. },
  3648. ".mix-blend-multiply": {
  3649. "mix-blend-mode": "multiply"
  3650. },
  3651. ".mix-blend-screen": {
  3652. "mix-blend-mode": "screen"
  3653. },
  3654. ".mix-blend-overlay": {
  3655. "mix-blend-mode": "overlay"
  3656. },
  3657. ".mix-blend-darken": {
  3658. "mix-blend-mode": "darken"
  3659. },
  3660. ".mix-blend-lighten": {
  3661. "mix-blend-mode": "lighten"
  3662. },
  3663. ".mix-blend-color-dodge": {
  3664. "mix-blend-mode": "color-dodge"
  3665. },
  3666. ".mix-blend-color-burn": {
  3667. "mix-blend-mode": "color-burn"
  3668. },
  3669. ".mix-blend-hard-light": {
  3670. "mix-blend-mode": "hard-light"
  3671. },
  3672. ".mix-blend-soft-light": {
  3673. "mix-blend-mode": "soft-light"
  3674. },
  3675. ".mix-blend-difference": {
  3676. "mix-blend-mode": "difference"
  3677. },
  3678. ".mix-blend-exclusion": {
  3679. "mix-blend-mode": "exclusion"
  3680. },
  3681. ".mix-blend-hue": {
  3682. "mix-blend-mode": "hue"
  3683. },
  3684. ".mix-blend-saturation": {
  3685. "mix-blend-mode": "saturation"
  3686. },
  3687. ".mix-blend-color": {
  3688. "mix-blend-mode": "color"
  3689. },
  3690. ".mix-blend-luminosity": {
  3691. "mix-blend-mode": "luminosity"
  3692. },
  3693. ".mix-blend-plus-darker": {
  3694. "mix-blend-mode": "plus-darker"
  3695. },
  3696. ".mix-blend-plus-lighter": {
  3697. "mix-blend-mode": "plus-lighter"
  3698. }
  3699. });
  3700. },
  3701. boxShadow: (()=>{
  3702. let transformValue = (0, _transformThemeValue.default)("boxShadow");
  3703. let defaultBoxShadow = [
  3704. `var(--tw-ring-offset-shadow, 0 0 #0000)`,
  3705. `var(--tw-ring-shadow, 0 0 #0000)`,
  3706. `var(--tw-shadow)`
  3707. ].join(", ");
  3708. return function({ matchUtilities , addDefaults , theme }) {
  3709. addDefaults("box-shadow", {
  3710. "--tw-ring-offset-shadow": "0 0 #0000",
  3711. "--tw-ring-shadow": "0 0 #0000",
  3712. "--tw-shadow": "0 0 #0000",
  3713. "--tw-shadow-colored": "0 0 #0000"
  3714. });
  3715. matchUtilities({
  3716. shadow: (value)=>{
  3717. value = transformValue(value);
  3718. let ast = (0, _parseBoxShadowValue.parseBoxShadowValue)(value);
  3719. for (let shadow of ast){
  3720. // Don't override color if the whole shadow is a variable
  3721. if (!shadow.valid) {
  3722. continue;
  3723. }
  3724. shadow.color = "var(--tw-shadow-color)";
  3725. }
  3726. return {
  3727. "@defaults box-shadow": {},
  3728. "--tw-shadow": value === "none" ? "0 0 #0000" : value,
  3729. "--tw-shadow-colored": value === "none" ? "0 0 #0000" : (0, _parseBoxShadowValue.formatBoxShadowValue)(ast),
  3730. "box-shadow": defaultBoxShadow
  3731. };
  3732. }
  3733. }, {
  3734. values: theme("boxShadow"),
  3735. type: [
  3736. "shadow"
  3737. ]
  3738. });
  3739. };
  3740. })(),
  3741. boxShadowColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3742. matchUtilities({
  3743. shadow: (value)=>{
  3744. return {
  3745. "--tw-shadow-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value),
  3746. "--tw-shadow": "var(--tw-shadow-colored)"
  3747. };
  3748. }
  3749. }, {
  3750. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("boxShadowColor")),
  3751. type: [
  3752. "color",
  3753. "any"
  3754. ]
  3755. });
  3756. },
  3757. outlineStyle: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  3758. addUtilities({
  3759. ".outline-none": {
  3760. outline: "2px solid transparent",
  3761. "outline-offset": "2px"
  3762. },
  3763. ".outline": {
  3764. "outline-style": "solid"
  3765. },
  3766. ".outline-dashed": {
  3767. "outline-style": "dashed"
  3768. },
  3769. ".outline-dotted": {
  3770. "outline-style": "dotted"
  3771. },
  3772. ".outline-double": {
  3773. "outline-style": "double"
  3774. }
  3775. });
  3776. },
  3777. outlineWidth: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("outlineWidth", [
  3778. [
  3779. "outline",
  3780. [
  3781. "outline-width"
  3782. ]
  3783. ]
  3784. ], {
  3785. type: [
  3786. "length",
  3787. "number",
  3788. "percentage"
  3789. ]
  3790. }),
  3791. outlineOffset: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("outlineOffset", [
  3792. [
  3793. "outline-offset",
  3794. [
  3795. "outline-offset"
  3796. ]
  3797. ]
  3798. ], {
  3799. type: [
  3800. "length",
  3801. "number",
  3802. "percentage",
  3803. "any"
  3804. ],
  3805. supportsNegativeValues: true
  3806. }),
  3807. outlineColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3808. matchUtilities({
  3809. outline: (value)=>{
  3810. return {
  3811. "outline-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3812. };
  3813. }
  3814. }, {
  3815. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("outlineColor")),
  3816. type: [
  3817. "color",
  3818. "any"
  3819. ]
  3820. });
  3821. },
  3822. ringWidth: ({ matchUtilities , addDefaults , addUtilities , theme , config })=>{
  3823. let ringColorDefault = (()=>{
  3824. var _theme, _theme1;
  3825. if ((0, _featureFlags.flagEnabled)(config(), "respectDefaultRingColorOpacity")) {
  3826. return theme("ringColor.DEFAULT");
  3827. }
  3828. let ringOpacityDefault = theme("ringOpacity.DEFAULT", "0.5");
  3829. if (!((_theme = theme("ringColor")) === null || _theme === void 0 ? void 0 : _theme.DEFAULT)) {
  3830. return `rgb(147 197 253 / ${ringOpacityDefault})`;
  3831. }
  3832. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.withAlphaValue)((_theme1 = theme("ringColor")) === null || _theme1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _theme1.DEFAULT, ringOpacityDefault, `rgb(147 197 253 / ${ringOpacityDefault})`);
  3833. })();
  3834. addDefaults("ring-width", {
  3835. "--tw-ring-inset": " ",
  3836. "--tw-ring-offset-width": theme("ringOffsetWidth.DEFAULT", "0px"),
  3837. "--tw-ring-offset-color": theme("ringOffsetColor.DEFAULT", "#fff"),
  3838. "--tw-ring-color": ringColorDefault,
  3839. "--tw-ring-offset-shadow": "0 0 #0000",
  3840. "--tw-ring-shadow": "0 0 #0000",
  3841. "--tw-shadow": "0 0 #0000",
  3842. "--tw-shadow-colored": "0 0 #0000"
  3843. });
  3844. matchUtilities({
  3845. ring: (value)=>{
  3846. return {
  3847. "@defaults ring-width": {},
  3848. "--tw-ring-offset-shadow": `var(--tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 var(--tw-ring-offset-width) var(--tw-ring-offset-color)`,
  3849. "--tw-ring-shadow": `var(--tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(${value} + var(--tw-ring-offset-width)) var(--tw-ring-color)`,
  3850. "box-shadow": [
  3851. `var(--tw-ring-offset-shadow)`,
  3852. `var(--tw-ring-shadow)`,
  3853. `var(--tw-shadow, 0 0 #0000)`
  3854. ].join(", ")
  3855. };
  3856. }
  3857. }, {
  3858. values: theme("ringWidth"),
  3859. type: "length"
  3860. });
  3861. addUtilities({
  3862. ".ring-inset": {
  3863. "@defaults ring-width": {},
  3864. "--tw-ring-inset": "inset"
  3865. }
  3866. });
  3867. },
  3868. ringColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme , corePlugins })=>{
  3869. matchUtilities({
  3870. ring: (value)=>{
  3871. if (!corePlugins("ringOpacity")) {
  3872. return {
  3873. "--tw-ring-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3874. };
  3875. }
  3876. return (0, _withAlphaVariable.default)({
  3877. color: value,
  3878. property: "--tw-ring-color",
  3879. variable: "--tw-ring-opacity"
  3880. });
  3881. }
  3882. }, {
  3883. values: Object.fromEntries(Object.entries((0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("ringColor"))).filter(([modifier])=>modifier !== "DEFAULT")),
  3884. type: [
  3885. "color",
  3886. "any"
  3887. ]
  3888. });
  3889. },
  3890. ringOpacity: (helpers)=>{
  3891. let { config } = helpers;
  3892. return (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("ringOpacity", [
  3893. [
  3894. "ring-opacity",
  3895. [
  3896. "--tw-ring-opacity"
  3897. ]
  3898. ]
  3899. ], {
  3900. filterDefault: !(0, _featureFlags.flagEnabled)(config(), "respectDefaultRingColorOpacity")
  3901. })(helpers);
  3902. },
  3903. ringOffsetWidth: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("ringOffsetWidth", [
  3904. [
  3905. "ring-offset",
  3906. [
  3907. "--tw-ring-offset-width"
  3908. ]
  3909. ]
  3910. ], {
  3911. type: "length"
  3912. }),
  3913. ringOffsetColor: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3914. matchUtilities({
  3915. "ring-offset": (value)=>{
  3916. return {
  3917. "--tw-ring-offset-color": (0, _toColorValue.default)(value)
  3918. };
  3919. }
  3920. }, {
  3921. values: (0, _flattenColorPalette.default)(theme("ringOffsetColor")),
  3922. type: [
  3923. "color",
  3924. "any"
  3925. ]
  3926. });
  3927. },
  3928. blur: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3929. matchUtilities({
  3930. blur: (value)=>{
  3931. return {
  3932. "--tw-blur": value.trim() === "" ? " " : `blur(${value})`,
  3933. "@defaults filter": {},
  3934. filter: cssFilterValue
  3935. };
  3936. }
  3937. }, {
  3938. values: theme("blur")
  3939. });
  3940. },
  3941. brightness: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3942. matchUtilities({
  3943. brightness: (value)=>{
  3944. return {
  3945. "--tw-brightness": `brightness(${value})`,
  3946. "@defaults filter": {},
  3947. filter: cssFilterValue
  3948. };
  3949. }
  3950. }, {
  3951. values: theme("brightness")
  3952. });
  3953. },
  3954. contrast: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3955. matchUtilities({
  3956. contrast: (value)=>{
  3957. return {
  3958. "--tw-contrast": `contrast(${value})`,
  3959. "@defaults filter": {},
  3960. filter: cssFilterValue
  3961. };
  3962. }
  3963. }, {
  3964. values: theme("contrast")
  3965. });
  3966. },
  3967. dropShadow: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3968. matchUtilities({
  3969. "drop-shadow": (value)=>{
  3970. return {
  3971. "--tw-drop-shadow": Array.isArray(value) ?>`drop-shadow(${v})`).join(" ") : `drop-shadow(${value})`,
  3972. "@defaults filter": {},
  3973. filter: cssFilterValue
  3974. };
  3975. }
  3976. }, {
  3977. values: theme("dropShadow")
  3978. });
  3979. },
  3980. grayscale: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3981. matchUtilities({
  3982. grayscale: (value)=>{
  3983. return {
  3984. "--tw-grayscale": `grayscale(${value})`,
  3985. "@defaults filter": {},
  3986. filter: cssFilterValue
  3987. };
  3988. }
  3989. }, {
  3990. values: theme("grayscale")
  3991. });
  3992. },
  3993. hueRotate: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  3994. matchUtilities({
  3995. "hue-rotate": (value)=>{
  3996. return {
  3997. "--tw-hue-rotate": `hue-rotate(${value})`,
  3998. "@defaults filter": {},
  3999. filter: cssFilterValue
  4000. };
  4001. }
  4002. }, {
  4003. values: theme("hueRotate"),
  4004. supportsNegativeValues: true
  4005. });
  4006. },
  4007. invert: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4008. matchUtilities({
  4009. invert: (value)=>{
  4010. return {
  4011. "--tw-invert": `invert(${value})`,
  4012. "@defaults filter": {},
  4013. filter: cssFilterValue
  4014. };
  4015. }
  4016. }, {
  4017. values: theme("invert")
  4018. });
  4019. },
  4020. saturate: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4021. matchUtilities({
  4022. saturate: (value)=>{
  4023. return {
  4024. "--tw-saturate": `saturate(${value})`,
  4025. "@defaults filter": {},
  4026. filter: cssFilterValue
  4027. };
  4028. }
  4029. }, {
  4030. values: theme("saturate")
  4031. });
  4032. },
  4033. sepia: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4034. matchUtilities({
  4035. sepia: (value)=>{
  4036. return {
  4037. "--tw-sepia": `sepia(${value})`,
  4038. "@defaults filter": {},
  4039. filter: cssFilterValue
  4040. };
  4041. }
  4042. }, {
  4043. values: theme("sepia")
  4044. });
  4045. },
  4046. filter: ({ addDefaults , addUtilities })=>{
  4047. addDefaults("filter", {
  4048. "--tw-blur": " ",
  4049. "--tw-brightness": " ",
  4050. "--tw-contrast": " ",
  4051. "--tw-grayscale": " ",
  4052. "--tw-hue-rotate": " ",
  4053. "--tw-invert": " ",
  4054. "--tw-saturate": " ",
  4055. "--tw-sepia": " ",
  4056. "--tw-drop-shadow": " "
  4057. });
  4058. addUtilities({
  4059. ".filter": {
  4060. "@defaults filter": {},
  4061. filter: cssFilterValue
  4062. },
  4063. ".filter-none": {
  4064. filter: "none"
  4065. }
  4066. });
  4067. },
  4068. backdropBlur: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4069. matchUtilities({
  4070. "backdrop-blur": (value)=>{
  4071. return {
  4072. "--tw-backdrop-blur": value.trim() === "" ? " " : `blur(${value})`,
  4073. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4074. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4075. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4076. };
  4077. }
  4078. }, {
  4079. values: theme("backdropBlur")
  4080. });
  4081. },
  4082. backdropBrightness: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4083. matchUtilities({
  4084. "backdrop-brightness": (value)=>{
  4085. return {
  4086. "--tw-backdrop-brightness": `brightness(${value})`,
  4087. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4088. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4089. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4090. };
  4091. }
  4092. }, {
  4093. values: theme("backdropBrightness")
  4094. });
  4095. },
  4096. backdropContrast: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4097. matchUtilities({
  4098. "backdrop-contrast": (value)=>{
  4099. return {
  4100. "--tw-backdrop-contrast": `contrast(${value})`,
  4101. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4102. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4103. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4104. };
  4105. }
  4106. }, {
  4107. values: theme("backdropContrast")
  4108. });
  4109. },
  4110. backdropGrayscale: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4111. matchUtilities({
  4112. "backdrop-grayscale": (value)=>{
  4113. return {
  4114. "--tw-backdrop-grayscale": `grayscale(${value})`,
  4115. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4116. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4117. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4118. };
  4119. }
  4120. }, {
  4121. values: theme("backdropGrayscale")
  4122. });
  4123. },
  4124. backdropHueRotate: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4125. matchUtilities({
  4126. "backdrop-hue-rotate": (value)=>{
  4127. return {
  4128. "--tw-backdrop-hue-rotate": `hue-rotate(${value})`,
  4129. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4130. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4131. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4132. };
  4133. }
  4134. }, {
  4135. values: theme("backdropHueRotate"),
  4136. supportsNegativeValues: true
  4137. });
  4138. },
  4139. backdropInvert: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4140. matchUtilities({
  4141. "backdrop-invert": (value)=>{
  4142. return {
  4143. "--tw-backdrop-invert": `invert(${value})`,
  4144. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4145. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4146. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4147. };
  4148. }
  4149. }, {
  4150. values: theme("backdropInvert")
  4151. });
  4152. },
  4153. backdropOpacity: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4154. matchUtilities({
  4155. "backdrop-opacity": (value)=>{
  4156. return {
  4157. "--tw-backdrop-opacity": `opacity(${value})`,
  4158. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4159. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4160. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4161. };
  4162. }
  4163. }, {
  4164. values: theme("backdropOpacity")
  4165. });
  4166. },
  4167. backdropSaturate: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4168. matchUtilities({
  4169. "backdrop-saturate": (value)=>{
  4170. return {
  4171. "--tw-backdrop-saturate": `saturate(${value})`,
  4172. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4173. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4174. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4175. };
  4176. }
  4177. }, {
  4178. values: theme("backdropSaturate")
  4179. });
  4180. },
  4181. backdropSepia: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4182. matchUtilities({
  4183. "backdrop-sepia": (value)=>{
  4184. return {
  4185. "--tw-backdrop-sepia": `sepia(${value})`,
  4186. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4187. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4188. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4189. };
  4190. }
  4191. }, {
  4192. values: theme("backdropSepia")
  4193. });
  4194. },
  4195. backdropFilter: ({ addDefaults , addUtilities })=>{
  4196. addDefaults("backdrop-filter", {
  4197. "--tw-backdrop-blur": " ",
  4198. "--tw-backdrop-brightness": " ",
  4199. "--tw-backdrop-contrast": " ",
  4200. "--tw-backdrop-grayscale": " ",
  4201. "--tw-backdrop-hue-rotate": " ",
  4202. "--tw-backdrop-invert": " ",
  4203. "--tw-backdrop-opacity": " ",
  4204. "--tw-backdrop-saturate": " ",
  4205. "--tw-backdrop-sepia": " "
  4206. });
  4207. addUtilities({
  4208. ".backdrop-filter": {
  4209. "@defaults backdrop-filter": {},
  4210. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue,
  4211. "backdrop-filter": cssBackdropFilterValue
  4212. },
  4213. ".backdrop-filter-none": {
  4214. "-webkit-backdrop-filter": "none",
  4215. "backdrop-filter": "none"
  4216. }
  4217. });
  4218. },
  4219. transitionProperty: ({ matchUtilities , theme })=>{
  4220. let defaultTimingFunction = theme("transitionTimingFunction.DEFAULT");
  4221. let defaultDuration = theme("transitionDuration.DEFAULT");
  4222. matchUtilities({
  4223. transition: (value)=>{
  4224. return {
  4225. "transition-property": value,
  4226. ...value === "none" ? {} : {
  4227. "transition-timing-function": defaultTimingFunction,
  4228. "transition-duration": defaultDuration
  4229. }
  4230. };
  4231. }
  4232. }, {
  4233. values: theme("transitionProperty")
  4234. });
  4235. },
  4236. transitionDelay: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("transitionDelay", [
  4237. [
  4238. "delay",
  4239. [
  4240. "transitionDelay"
  4241. ]
  4242. ]
  4243. ]),
  4244. transitionDuration: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("transitionDuration", [
  4245. [
  4246. "duration",
  4247. [
  4248. "transitionDuration"
  4249. ]
  4250. ]
  4251. ], {
  4252. filterDefault: true
  4253. }),
  4254. transitionTimingFunction: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("transitionTimingFunction", [
  4255. [
  4256. "ease",
  4257. [
  4258. "transitionTimingFunction"
  4259. ]
  4260. ]
  4261. ], {
  4262. filterDefault: true
  4263. }),
  4264. willChange: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("willChange", [
  4265. [
  4266. "will-change",
  4267. [
  4268. "will-change"
  4269. ]
  4270. ]
  4271. ]),
  4272. contain: ({ addDefaults , addUtilities })=>{
  4273. let cssContainValue = "var(--tw-contain-size) var(--tw-contain-layout) var(--tw-contain-paint) var(--tw-contain-style)";
  4274. addDefaults("contain", {
  4275. "--tw-contain-size": " ",
  4276. "--tw-contain-layout": " ",
  4277. "--tw-contain-paint": " ",
  4278. "--tw-contain-style": " "
  4279. });
  4280. addUtilities({
  4281. ".contain-none": {
  4282. contain: "none"
  4283. },
  4284. ".contain-content": {
  4285. contain: "content"
  4286. },
  4287. ".contain-strict": {
  4288. contain: "strict"
  4289. },
  4290. ".contain-size": {
  4291. "@defaults contain": {},
  4292. "--tw-contain-size": "size",
  4293. contain: cssContainValue
  4294. },
  4295. ".contain-inline-size": {
  4296. "@defaults contain": {},
  4297. "--tw-contain-size": "inline-size",
  4298. contain: cssContainValue
  4299. },
  4300. ".contain-layout": {
  4301. "@defaults contain": {},
  4302. "--tw-contain-layout": "layout",
  4303. contain: cssContainValue
  4304. },
  4305. ".contain-paint": {
  4306. "@defaults contain": {},
  4307. "--tw-contain-paint": "paint",
  4308. contain: cssContainValue
  4309. },
  4310. ".contain-style": {
  4311. "@defaults contain": {},
  4312. "--tw-contain-style": "style",
  4313. contain: cssContainValue
  4314. }
  4315. });
  4316. },
  4317. content: (0, _createUtilityPlugin.default)("content", [
  4318. [
  4319. "content",
  4320. [
  4321. "--tw-content",
  4322. [
  4323. "content",
  4324. "var(--tw-content)"
  4325. ]
  4326. ]
  4327. ]
  4328. ]),
  4329. forcedColorAdjust: ({ addUtilities })=>{
  4330. addUtilities({
  4331. ".forced-color-adjust-auto": {
  4332. "forced-color-adjust": "auto"
  4333. },
  4334. ".forced-color-adjust-none": {
  4335. "forced-color-adjust": "none"
  4336. }
  4337. });
  4338. }
  4339. };