index.js 4.3 MB

  1. "use strict";
  2. var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
  3. var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
  4. return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
  5. };
  6. // node_modules/picocolors/picocolors.js
  7. var require_picocolors = __commonJS({
  8. "node_modules/picocolors/picocolors.js"(exports2, module2) {
  9. var argv = process.argv || [];
  10. var env = process.env;
  11. var isColorSupported = !("NO_COLOR" in env || argv.includes("--no-color")) && ("FORCE_COLOR" in env || argv.includes("--color") || process.platform === "win32" || require != null && require("tty").isatty(1) && env.TERM !== "dumb" || "CI" in env);
  12. var formatter = (open, close, replace = open) => (input) => {
  13. let string = "" + input;
  14. let index = string.indexOf(close, open.length);
  15. return ~index ? open + replaceClose(string, close, replace, index) + close : open + string + close;
  16. };
  17. var replaceClose = (string, close, replace, index) => {
  18. let result = "";
  19. let cursor = 0;
  20. do {
  21. result += string.substring(cursor, index) + replace;
  22. cursor = index + close.length;
  23. index = string.indexOf(close, cursor);
  24. } while (~index);
  25. return result + string.substring(cursor);
  26. };
  27. var createColors = (enabled = isColorSupported) => {
  28. let init = enabled ? formatter : () => String;
  29. return {
  30. isColorSupported: enabled,
  31. reset: init("\x1B[0m", "\x1B[0m"),
  32. bold: init("\x1B[1m", "\x1B[22m", "\x1B[22m\x1B[1m"),
  33. dim: init("\x1B[2m", "\x1B[22m", "\x1B[22m\x1B[2m"),
  34. italic: init("\x1B[3m", "\x1B[23m"),
  35. underline: init("\x1B[4m", "\x1B[24m"),
  36. inverse: init("\x1B[7m", "\x1B[27m"),
  37. hidden: init("\x1B[8m", "\x1B[28m"),
  38. strikethrough: init("\x1B[9m", "\x1B[29m"),
  39. black: init("\x1B[30m", "\x1B[39m"),
  40. red: init("\x1B[31m", "\x1B[39m"),
  41. green: init("\x1B[32m", "\x1B[39m"),
  42. yellow: init("\x1B[33m", "\x1B[39m"),
  43. blue: init("\x1B[34m", "\x1B[39m"),
  44. magenta: init("\x1B[35m", "\x1B[39m"),
  45. cyan: init("\x1B[36m", "\x1B[39m"),
  46. white: init("\x1B[37m", "\x1B[39m"),
  47. gray: init("\x1B[90m", "\x1B[39m"),
  48. bgBlack: init("\x1B[40m", "\x1B[49m"),
  49. bgRed: init("\x1B[41m", "\x1B[49m"),
  50. bgGreen: init("\x1B[42m", "\x1B[49m"),
  51. bgYellow: init("\x1B[43m", "\x1B[49m"),
  52. bgBlue: init("\x1B[44m", "\x1B[49m"),
  53. bgMagenta: init("\x1B[45m", "\x1B[49m"),
  54. bgCyan: init("\x1B[46m", "\x1B[49m"),
  55. bgWhite: init("\x1B[47m", "\x1B[49m")
  56. };
  57. };
  58. module2.exports = createColors();
  59. module2.exports.createColors = createColors;
  60. }
  61. });
  62. // node_modules/postcss/lib/tokenize.js
  63. var require_tokenize = __commonJS({
  64. "node_modules/postcss/lib/tokenize.js"(exports2, module2) {
  65. "use strict";
  66. var SINGLE_QUOTE = "'".charCodeAt(0);
  67. var DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"'.charCodeAt(0);
  68. var BACKSLASH = "\\".charCodeAt(0);
  69. var SLASH = "/".charCodeAt(0);
  70. var NEWLINE = "\n".charCodeAt(0);
  71. var SPACE = " ".charCodeAt(0);
  72. var FEED = "\f".charCodeAt(0);
  73. var TAB = " ".charCodeAt(0);
  74. var CR = "\r".charCodeAt(0);
  75. var OPEN_SQUARE = "[".charCodeAt(0);
  76. var CLOSE_SQUARE = "]".charCodeAt(0);
  77. var OPEN_PARENTHESES = "(".charCodeAt(0);
  78. var CLOSE_PARENTHESES = ")".charCodeAt(0);
  79. var OPEN_CURLY = "{".charCodeAt(0);
  80. var CLOSE_CURLY = "}".charCodeAt(0);
  81. var SEMICOLON = ";".charCodeAt(0);
  82. var ASTERISK = "*".charCodeAt(0);
  83. var COLON = ":".charCodeAt(0);
  84. var AT = "@".charCodeAt(0);
  85. var RE_AT_END = /[\t\n\f\r "#'()/;[\\\]{}]/g;
  86. var RE_WORD_END = /[\t\n\f\r !"#'():;@[\\\]{}]|\/(?=\*)/g;
  87. var RE_BAD_BRACKET = /.[\r\n"'(/\\]/;
  88. var RE_HEX_ESCAPE = /[\da-f]/i;
  89. module2.exports = function tokenizer(input, options = {}) {
  90. let css = input.css.valueOf();
  91. let ignore = options.ignoreErrors;
  92. let code, next, quote, content, escape;
  93. let escaped, escapePos, prev, n, currentToken;
  94. let length = css.length;
  95. let pos = 0;
  96. let buffer = [];
  97. let returned = [];
  98. function position() {
  99. return pos;
  100. }
  101. function unclosed(what) {
  102. throw input.error("Unclosed " + what, pos);
  103. }
  104. function endOfFile() {
  105. return returned.length === 0 && pos >= length;
  106. }
  107. function nextToken(opts) {
  108. if (returned.length)
  109. return returned.pop();
  110. if (pos >= length)
  111. return;
  112. let ignoreUnclosed = opts ? opts.ignoreUnclosed : false;
  113. code = css.charCodeAt(pos);
  114. switch (code) {
  115. case NEWLINE:
  116. case SPACE:
  117. case TAB:
  118. case CR:
  119. case FEED: {
  120. next = pos;
  121. do {
  122. next += 1;
  123. code = css.charCodeAt(next);
  124. } while (code === SPACE || code === NEWLINE || code === TAB || code === CR || code === FEED);
  125. currentToken = ["space", css.slice(pos, next)];
  126. pos = next - 1;
  127. break;
  128. }
  129. case OPEN_SQUARE:
  130. case CLOSE_SQUARE:
  131. case OPEN_CURLY:
  132. case CLOSE_CURLY:
  133. case COLON:
  134. case SEMICOLON:
  135. case CLOSE_PARENTHESES: {
  136. let controlChar = String.fromCharCode(code);
  137. currentToken = [controlChar, controlChar, pos];
  138. break;
  139. }
  140. case OPEN_PARENTHESES: {
  141. prev = buffer.length ? buffer.pop()[1] : "";
  142. n = css.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
  143. if (prev === "url" && n !== SINGLE_QUOTE && n !== DOUBLE_QUOTE && n !== SPACE && n !== NEWLINE && n !== TAB && n !== FEED && n !== CR) {
  144. next = pos;
  145. do {
  146. escaped = false;
  147. next = css.indexOf(")", next + 1);
  148. if (next === -1) {
  149. if (ignore || ignoreUnclosed) {
  150. next = pos;
  151. break;
  152. } else {
  153. unclosed("bracket");
  154. }
  155. }
  156. escapePos = next;
  157. while (css.charCodeAt(escapePos - 1) === BACKSLASH) {
  158. escapePos -= 1;
  159. escaped = !escaped;
  160. }
  161. } while (escaped);
  162. currentToken = ["brackets", css.slice(pos, next + 1), pos, next];
  163. pos = next;
  164. } else {
  165. next = css.indexOf(")", pos + 1);
  166. content = css.slice(pos, next + 1);
  167. if (next === -1 || RE_BAD_BRACKET.test(content)) {
  168. currentToken = ["(", "(", pos];
  169. } else {
  170. currentToken = ["brackets", content, pos, next];
  171. pos = next;
  172. }
  173. }
  174. break;
  175. }
  176. case SINGLE_QUOTE:
  177. case DOUBLE_QUOTE: {
  178. quote = code === SINGLE_QUOTE ? "'" : '"';
  179. next = pos;
  180. do {
  181. escaped = false;
  182. next = css.indexOf(quote, next + 1);
  183. if (next === -1) {
  184. if (ignore || ignoreUnclosed) {
  185. next = pos + 1;
  186. break;
  187. } else {
  188. unclosed("string");
  189. }
  190. }
  191. escapePos = next;
  192. while (css.charCodeAt(escapePos - 1) === BACKSLASH) {
  193. escapePos -= 1;
  194. escaped = !escaped;
  195. }
  196. } while (escaped);
  197. currentToken = ["string", css.slice(pos, next + 1), pos, next];
  198. pos = next;
  199. break;
  200. }
  201. case AT: {
  202. RE_AT_END.lastIndex = pos + 1;
  203. RE_AT_END.test(css);
  204. if (RE_AT_END.lastIndex === 0) {
  205. next = css.length - 1;
  206. } else {
  207. next = RE_AT_END.lastIndex - 2;
  208. }
  209. currentToken = ["at-word", css.slice(pos, next + 1), pos, next];
  210. pos = next;
  211. break;
  212. }
  213. case BACKSLASH: {
  214. next = pos;
  215. escape = true;
  216. while (css.charCodeAt(next + 1) === BACKSLASH) {
  217. next += 1;
  218. escape = !escape;
  219. }
  220. code = css.charCodeAt(next + 1);
  221. if (escape && code !== SLASH && code !== SPACE && code !== NEWLINE && code !== TAB && code !== CR && code !== FEED) {
  222. next += 1;
  223. if (RE_HEX_ESCAPE.test(css.charAt(next))) {
  224. while (RE_HEX_ESCAPE.test(css.charAt(next + 1))) {
  225. next += 1;
  226. }
  227. if (css.charCodeAt(next + 1) === SPACE) {
  228. next += 1;
  229. }
  230. }
  231. }
  232. currentToken = ["word", css.slice(pos, next + 1), pos, next];
  233. pos = next;
  234. break;
  235. }
  236. default: {
  237. if (code === SLASH && css.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === ASTERISK) {
  238. next = css.indexOf("*/", pos + 2) + 1;
  239. if (next === 0) {
  240. if (ignore || ignoreUnclosed) {
  241. next = css.length;
  242. } else {
  243. unclosed("comment");
  244. }
  245. }
  246. currentToken = ["comment", css.slice(pos, next + 1), pos, next];
  247. pos = next;
  248. } else {
  249. RE_WORD_END.lastIndex = pos + 1;
  250. RE_WORD_END.test(css);
  251. if (RE_WORD_END.lastIndex === 0) {
  252. next = css.length - 1;
  253. } else {
  254. next = RE_WORD_END.lastIndex - 2;
  255. }
  256. currentToken = ["word", css.slice(pos, next + 1), pos, next];
  257. buffer.push(currentToken);
  258. pos = next;
  259. }
  260. break;
  261. }
  262. }
  263. pos++;
  264. return currentToken;
  265. }
  266. function back(token) {
  267. returned.push(token);
  268. }
  269. return {
  270. back,
  271. endOfFile,
  272. nextToken,
  273. position
  274. };
  275. };
  276. }
  277. });
  278. // node_modules/postcss/lib/terminal-highlight.js
  279. var require_terminal_highlight = __commonJS({
  280. "node_modules/postcss/lib/terminal-highlight.js"(exports2, module2) {
  281. "use strict";
  282. var pico = require_picocolors();
  283. var tokenizer = require_tokenize();
  284. var Input;
  285. function registerInput(dependant) {
  286. Input = dependant;
  287. }
  288. var HIGHLIGHT_THEME = {
  289. ";": pico.yellow,
  290. ":": pico.yellow,
  291. "(": pico.cyan,
  292. ")": pico.cyan,
  293. "[": pico.yellow,
  294. "]": pico.yellow,
  295. "{": pico.yellow,
  296. "}": pico.yellow,
  297. "at-word": pico.cyan,
  298. "brackets": pico.cyan,
  299. "call": pico.cyan,
  300. "class": pico.yellow,
  301. "comment": pico.gray,
  302. "hash": pico.magenta,
  303. "string":
  304. };
  305. function getTokenType([type, value], processor) {
  306. if (type === "word") {
  307. if (value[0] === ".") {
  308. return "class";
  309. }
  310. if (value[0] === "#") {
  311. return "hash";
  312. }
  313. }
  314. if (!processor.endOfFile()) {
  315. let next = processor.nextToken();
  316. processor.back(next);
  317. if (next[0] === "brackets" || next[0] === "(")
  318. return "call";
  319. }
  320. return type;
  321. }
  322. function terminalHighlight(css) {
  323. let processor = tokenizer(new Input(css), { ignoreErrors: true });
  324. let result = "";
  325. while (!processor.endOfFile()) {
  326. let token = processor.nextToken();
  327. let color = HIGHLIGHT_THEME[getTokenType(token, processor)];
  328. if (color) {
  329. result += token[1].split(/\r?\n/).map((i) => color(i)).join("\n");
  330. } else {
  331. result += token[1];
  332. }
  333. }
  334. return result;
  335. }
  336. terminalHighlight.registerInput = registerInput;
  337. module2.exports = terminalHighlight;
  338. }
  339. });
  340. // node_modules/postcss/lib/css-syntax-error.js
  341. var require_css_syntax_error = __commonJS({
  342. "node_modules/postcss/lib/css-syntax-error.js"(exports2, module2) {
  343. "use strict";
  344. var pico = require_picocolors();
  345. var terminalHighlight = require_terminal_highlight();
  346. var CssSyntaxError = class _CssSyntaxError extends Error {
  347. constructor(message, line, column, source, file, plugin) {
  348. super(message);
  349. = "CssSyntaxError";
  350. this.reason = message;
  351. if (file) {
  352. this.file = file;
  353. }
  354. if (source) {
  355. this.source = source;
  356. }
  357. if (plugin) {
  358. this.plugin = plugin;
  359. }
  360. if (typeof line !== "undefined" && typeof column !== "undefined") {
  361. if (typeof line === "number") {
  362. this.line = line;
  363. this.column = column;
  364. } else {
  365. this.line = line.line;
  366. this.column = line.column;
  367. this.endLine = column.line;
  368. this.endColumn = column.column;
  369. }
  370. }
  371. this.setMessage();
  372. if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
  373. Error.captureStackTrace(this, _CssSyntaxError);
  374. }
  375. }
  376. setMessage() {
  377. this.message = this.plugin ? this.plugin + ": " : "";
  378. this.message += this.file ? this.file : "<css input>";
  379. if (typeof this.line !== "undefined") {
  380. this.message += ":" + this.line + ":" + this.column;
  381. }
  382. this.message += ": " + this.reason;
  383. }
  384. showSourceCode(color) {
  385. if (!this.source)
  386. return "";
  387. let css = this.source;
  388. if (color == null)
  389. color = pico.isColorSupported;
  390. if (terminalHighlight) {
  391. if (color)
  392. css = terminalHighlight(css);
  393. }
  394. let lines = css.split(/\r?\n/);
  395. let start = Math.max(this.line - 3, 0);
  396. let end = Math.min(this.line + 2, lines.length);
  397. let maxWidth = String(end).length;
  398. let mark, aside;
  399. if (color) {
  400. let { bold, gray, red } = pico.createColors(true);
  401. mark = (text) => bold(red(text));
  402. aside = (text) => gray(text);
  403. } else {
  404. mark = aside = (str) => str;
  405. }
  406. return lines.slice(start, end).map((line, index) => {
  407. let number = start + 1 + index;
  408. let gutter = " " + (" " + number).slice(-maxWidth) + " | ";
  409. if (number === this.line) {
  410. let spacing = aside(gutter.replace(/\d/g, " ")) + line.slice(0, this.column - 1).replace(/[^\t]/g, " ");
  411. return mark(">") + aside(gutter) + line + "\n " + spacing + mark("^");
  412. }
  413. return " " + aside(gutter) + line;
  414. }).join("\n");
  415. }
  416. toString() {
  417. let code = this.showSourceCode();
  418. if (code) {
  419. code = "\n\n" + code + "\n";
  420. }
  421. return + ": " + this.message + code;
  422. }
  423. };
  424. module2.exports = CssSyntaxError;
  425. CssSyntaxError.default = CssSyntaxError;
  426. }
  427. });
  428. // node_modules/postcss/lib/symbols.js
  429. var require_symbols = __commonJS({
  430. "node_modules/postcss/lib/symbols.js"(exports2, module2) {
  431. "use strict";
  432. module2.exports.isClean = Symbol("isClean");
  433. = Symbol("my");
  434. }
  435. });
  436. // node_modules/postcss/lib/stringifier.js
  437. var require_stringifier = __commonJS({
  438. "node_modules/postcss/lib/stringifier.js"(exports2, module2) {
  439. "use strict";
  440. var DEFAULT_RAW = {
  441. after: "\n",
  442. beforeClose: "\n",
  443. beforeComment: "\n",
  444. beforeDecl: "\n",
  445. beforeOpen: " ",
  446. beforeRule: "\n",
  447. colon: ": ",
  448. commentLeft: " ",
  449. commentRight: " ",
  450. emptyBody: "",
  451. indent: " ",
  452. semicolon: false
  453. };
  454. function capitalize(str) {
  455. return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
  456. }
  457. var Stringifier = class {
  458. constructor(builder) {
  459. this.builder = builder;
  460. }
  461. atrule(node, semicolon) {
  462. let name = "@" +;
  463. let params = node.params ? this.rawValue(node, "params") : "";
  464. if (typeof node.raws.afterName !== "undefined") {
  465. name += node.raws.afterName;
  466. } else if (params) {
  467. name += " ";
  468. }
  469. if (node.nodes) {
  470. this.block(node, name + params);
  471. } else {
  472. let end = (node.raws.between || "") + (semicolon ? ";" : "");
  473. this.builder(name + params + end, node);
  474. }
  475. }
  476. beforeAfter(node, detect) {
  477. let value;
  478. if (node.type === "decl") {
  479. value = this.raw(node, null, "beforeDecl");
  480. } else if (node.type === "comment") {
  481. value = this.raw(node, null, "beforeComment");
  482. } else if (detect === "before") {
  483. value = this.raw(node, null, "beforeRule");
  484. } else {
  485. value = this.raw(node, null, "beforeClose");
  486. }
  487. let buf = node.parent;
  488. let depth = 0;
  489. while (buf && buf.type !== "root") {
  490. depth += 1;
  491. buf = buf.parent;
  492. }
  493. if (value.includes("\n")) {
  494. let indent = this.raw(node, null, "indent");
  495. if (indent.length) {
  496. for (let step = 0; step < depth; step++)
  497. value += indent;
  498. }
  499. }
  500. return value;
  501. }
  502. block(node, start) {
  503. let between = this.raw(node, "between", "beforeOpen");
  504. this.builder(start + between + "{", node, "start");
  505. let after;
  506. if (node.nodes && node.nodes.length) {
  507. this.body(node);
  508. after = this.raw(node, "after");
  509. } else {
  510. after = this.raw(node, "after", "emptyBody");
  511. }
  512. if (after)
  513. this.builder(after);
  514. this.builder("}", node, "end");
  515. }
  516. body(node) {
  517. let last = node.nodes.length - 1;
  518. while (last > 0) {
  519. if (node.nodes[last].type !== "comment")
  520. break;
  521. last -= 1;
  522. }
  523. let semicolon = this.raw(node, "semicolon");
  524. for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) {
  525. let child = node.nodes[i];
  526. let before = this.raw(child, "before");
  527. if (before)
  528. this.builder(before);
  529. this.stringify(child, last !== i || semicolon);
  530. }
  531. }
  532. comment(node) {
  533. let left = this.raw(node, "left", "commentLeft");
  534. let right = this.raw(node, "right", "commentRight");
  535. this.builder("/*" + left + node.text + right + "*/", node);
  536. }
  537. decl(node, semicolon) {
  538. let between = this.raw(node, "between", "colon");
  539. let string = node.prop + between + this.rawValue(node, "value");
  540. if (node.important) {
  541. string += node.raws.important || " !important";
  542. }
  543. if (semicolon)
  544. string += ";";
  545. this.builder(string, node);
  546. }
  547. document(node) {
  548. this.body(node);
  549. }
  550. raw(node, own, detect) {
  551. let value;
  552. if (!detect)
  553. detect = own;
  554. if (own) {
  555. value = node.raws[own];
  556. if (typeof value !== "undefined")
  557. return value;
  558. }
  559. let parent = node.parent;
  560. if (detect === "before") {
  561. if (!parent || parent.type === "root" && parent.first === node) {
  562. return "";
  563. }
  564. if (parent && parent.type === "document") {
  565. return "";
  566. }
  567. }
  568. if (!parent)
  569. return DEFAULT_RAW[detect];
  570. let root = node.root();
  571. if (!root.rawCache)
  572. root.rawCache = {};
  573. if (typeof root.rawCache[detect] !== "undefined") {
  574. return root.rawCache[detect];
  575. }
  576. if (detect === "before" || detect === "after") {
  577. return this.beforeAfter(node, detect);
  578. } else {
  579. let method = "raw" + capitalize(detect);
  580. if (this[method]) {
  581. value = this[method](root, node);
  582. } else {
  583. root.walk((i) => {
  584. value = i.raws[own];
  585. if (typeof value !== "undefined")
  586. return false;
  587. });
  588. }
  589. }
  590. if (typeof value === "undefined")
  591. value = DEFAULT_RAW[detect];
  592. root.rawCache[detect] = value;
  593. return value;
  594. }
  595. rawBeforeClose(root) {
  596. let value;
  597. root.walk((i) => {
  598. if (i.nodes && i.nodes.length > 0) {
  599. if (typeof i.raws.after !== "undefined") {
  600. value = i.raws.after;
  601. if (value.includes("\n")) {
  602. value = value.replace(/[^\n]+$/, "");
  603. }
  604. return false;
  605. }
  606. }
  607. });
  608. if (value)
  609. value = value.replace(/\S/g, "");
  610. return value;
  611. }
  612. rawBeforeComment(root, node) {
  613. let value;
  614. root.walkComments((i) => {
  615. if (typeof i.raws.before !== "undefined") {
  616. value = i.raws.before;
  617. if (value.includes("\n")) {
  618. value = value.replace(/[^\n]+$/, "");
  619. }
  620. return false;
  621. }
  622. });
  623. if (typeof value === "undefined") {
  624. value = this.raw(node, null, "beforeDecl");
  625. } else if (value) {
  626. value = value.replace(/\S/g, "");
  627. }
  628. return value;
  629. }
  630. rawBeforeDecl(root, node) {
  631. let value;
  632. root.walkDecls((i) => {
  633. if (typeof i.raws.before !== "undefined") {
  634. value = i.raws.before;
  635. if (value.includes("\n")) {
  636. value = value.replace(/[^\n]+$/, "");
  637. }
  638. return false;
  639. }
  640. });
  641. if (typeof value === "undefined") {
  642. value = this.raw(node, null, "beforeRule");
  643. } else if (value) {
  644. value = value.replace(/\S/g, "");
  645. }
  646. return value;
  647. }
  648. rawBeforeOpen(root) {
  649. let value;
  650. root.walk((i) => {
  651. if (i.type !== "decl") {
  652. value = i.raws.between;
  653. if (typeof value !== "undefined")
  654. return false;
  655. }
  656. });
  657. return value;
  658. }
  659. rawBeforeRule(root) {
  660. let value;
  661. root.walk((i) => {
  662. if (i.nodes && (i.parent !== root || root.first !== i)) {
  663. if (typeof i.raws.before !== "undefined") {
  664. value = i.raws.before;
  665. if (value.includes("\n")) {
  666. value = value.replace(/[^\n]+$/, "");
  667. }
  668. return false;
  669. }
  670. }
  671. });
  672. if (value)
  673. value = value.replace(/\S/g, "");
  674. return value;
  675. }
  676. rawColon(root) {
  677. let value;
  678. root.walkDecls((i) => {
  679. if (typeof i.raws.between !== "undefined") {
  680. value = i.raws.between.replace(/[^\s:]/g, "");
  681. return false;
  682. }
  683. });
  684. return value;
  685. }
  686. rawEmptyBody(root) {
  687. let value;
  688. root.walk((i) => {
  689. if (i.nodes && i.nodes.length === 0) {
  690. value = i.raws.after;
  691. if (typeof value !== "undefined")
  692. return false;
  693. }
  694. });
  695. return value;
  696. }
  697. rawIndent(root) {
  698. if (root.raws.indent)
  699. return root.raws.indent;
  700. let value;
  701. root.walk((i) => {
  702. let p = i.parent;
  703. if (p && p !== root && p.parent && p.parent === root) {
  704. if (typeof i.raws.before !== "undefined") {
  705. let parts = i.raws.before.split("\n");
  706. value = parts[parts.length - 1];
  707. value = value.replace(/\S/g, "");
  708. return false;
  709. }
  710. }
  711. });
  712. return value;
  713. }
  714. rawSemicolon(root) {
  715. let value;
  716. root.walk((i) => {
  717. if (i.nodes && i.nodes.length && i.last.type === "decl") {
  718. value = i.raws.semicolon;
  719. if (typeof value !== "undefined")
  720. return false;
  721. }
  722. });
  723. return value;
  724. }
  725. rawValue(node, prop) {
  726. let value = node[prop];
  727. let raw = node.raws[prop];
  728. if (raw && raw.value === value) {
  729. return raw.raw;
  730. }
  731. return value;
  732. }
  733. root(node) {
  734. this.body(node);
  735. if (node.raws.after)
  736. this.builder(node.raws.after);
  737. }
  738. rule(node) {
  739. this.block(node, this.rawValue(node, "selector"));
  740. if (node.raws.ownSemicolon) {
  741. this.builder(node.raws.ownSemicolon, node, "end");
  742. }
  743. }
  744. stringify(node, semicolon) {
  745. if (!this[node.type]) {
  746. throw new Error(
  747. "Unknown AST node type " + node.type + ". Maybe you need to change PostCSS stringifier."
  748. );
  749. }
  750. this[node.type](node, semicolon);
  751. }
  752. };
  753. module2.exports = Stringifier;
  754. Stringifier.default = Stringifier;
  755. }
  756. });
  757. // node_modules/postcss/lib/stringify.js
  758. var require_stringify = __commonJS({
  759. "node_modules/postcss/lib/stringify.js"(exports2, module2) {
  760. "use strict";
  761. var Stringifier = require_stringifier();
  762. function stringify(node, builder) {
  763. let str = new Stringifier(builder);
  764. str.stringify(node);
  765. }
  766. module2.exports = stringify;
  767. stringify.default = stringify;
  768. }
  769. });
  770. // node_modules/postcss/lib/node.js
  771. var require_node = __commonJS({
  772. "node_modules/postcss/lib/node.js"(exports2, module2) {
  773. "use strict";
  774. var { isClean, my } = require_symbols();
  775. var CssSyntaxError = require_css_syntax_error();
  776. var Stringifier = require_stringifier();
  777. var stringify = require_stringify();
  778. function cloneNode(obj, parent) {
  779. let cloned = new obj.constructor();
  780. for (let i in obj) {
  781. if (!, i)) {
  782. continue;
  783. }
  784. if (i === "proxyCache")
  785. continue;
  786. let value = obj[i];
  787. let type = typeof value;
  788. if (i === "parent" && type === "object") {
  789. if (parent)
  790. cloned[i] = parent;
  791. } else if (i === "source") {
  792. cloned[i] = value;
  793. } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
  794. cloned[i] = => cloneNode(j, cloned));
  795. } else {
  796. if (type === "object" && value !== null)
  797. value = cloneNode(value);
  798. cloned[i] = value;
  799. }
  800. }
  801. return cloned;
  802. }
  803. var Node = class {
  804. constructor(defaults = {}) {
  805. this.raws = {};
  806. this[isClean] = false;
  807. this[my] = true;
  808. for (let name in defaults) {
  809. if (name === "nodes") {
  810. this.nodes = [];
  811. for (let node of defaults[name]) {
  812. if (typeof node.clone === "function") {
  813. this.append(node.clone());
  814. } else {
  815. this.append(node);
  816. }
  817. }
  818. } else {
  819. this[name] = defaults[name];
  820. }
  821. }
  822. }
  823. addToError(error) {
  824. error.postcssNode = this;
  825. if (error.stack && this.source && /\n\s{4}at /.test(error.stack)) {
  826. let s = this.source;
  827. error.stack = error.stack.replace(
  828. /\n\s{4}at /,
  829. `$&${s.input.from}:${s.start.line}:${s.start.column}$&`
  830. );
  831. }
  832. return error;
  833. }
  834. after(add) {
  835. this.parent.insertAfter(this, add);
  836. return this;
  837. }
  838. assign(overrides = {}) {
  839. for (let name in overrides) {
  840. this[name] = overrides[name];
  841. }
  842. return this;
  843. }
  844. before(add) {
  845. this.parent.insertBefore(this, add);
  846. return this;
  847. }
  848. cleanRaws(keepBetween) {
  849. delete this.raws.before;
  850. delete this.raws.after;
  851. if (!keepBetween)
  852. delete this.raws.between;
  853. }
  854. clone(overrides = {}) {
  855. let cloned = cloneNode(this);
  856. for (let name in overrides) {
  857. cloned[name] = overrides[name];
  858. }
  859. return cloned;
  860. }
  861. cloneAfter(overrides = {}) {
  862. let cloned = this.clone(overrides);
  863. this.parent.insertAfter(this, cloned);
  864. return cloned;
  865. }
  866. cloneBefore(overrides = {}) {
  867. let cloned = this.clone(overrides);
  868. this.parent.insertBefore(this, cloned);
  869. return cloned;
  870. }
  871. error(message, opts = {}) {
  872. if (this.source) {
  873. let { end, start } = this.rangeBy(opts);
  874. return this.source.input.error(
  875. message,
  876. { column: start.column, line: start.line },
  877. { column: end.column, line: end.line },
  878. opts
  879. );
  880. }
  881. return new CssSyntaxError(message);
  882. }
  883. getProxyProcessor() {
  884. return {
  885. get(node, prop) {
  886. if (prop === "proxyOf") {
  887. return node;
  888. } else if (prop === "root") {
  889. return () => node.root().toProxy();
  890. } else {
  891. return node[prop];
  892. }
  893. },
  894. set(node, prop, value) {
  895. if (node[prop] === value)
  896. return true;
  897. node[prop] = value;
  898. if (prop === "prop" || prop === "value" || prop === "name" || prop === "params" || prop === "important" || /* c8 ignore next */
  899. prop === "text") {
  900. node.markDirty();
  901. }
  902. return true;
  903. }
  904. };
  905. }
  906. markDirty() {
  907. if (this[isClean]) {
  908. this[isClean] = false;
  909. let next = this;
  910. while (next = next.parent) {
  911. next[isClean] = false;
  912. }
  913. }
  914. }
  915. next() {
  916. if (!this.parent)
  917. return void 0;
  918. let index = this.parent.index(this);
  919. return this.parent.nodes[index + 1];
  920. }
  921. positionBy(opts, stringRepresentation) {
  922. let pos = this.source.start;
  923. if (opts.index) {
  924. pos = this.positionInside(opts.index, stringRepresentation);
  925. } else if (opts.word) {
  926. stringRepresentation = this.toString();
  927. let index = stringRepresentation.indexOf(opts.word);
  928. if (index !== -1)
  929. pos = this.positionInside(index, stringRepresentation);
  930. }
  931. return pos;
  932. }
  933. positionInside(index, stringRepresentation) {
  934. let string = stringRepresentation || this.toString();
  935. let column = this.source.start.column;
  936. let line = this.source.start.line;
  937. for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
  938. if (string[i] === "\n") {
  939. column = 1;
  940. line += 1;
  941. } else {
  942. column += 1;
  943. }
  944. }
  945. return { column, line };
  946. }
  947. prev() {
  948. if (!this.parent)
  949. return void 0;
  950. let index = this.parent.index(this);
  951. return this.parent.nodes[index - 1];
  952. }
  953. rangeBy(opts) {
  954. let start = {
  955. column: this.source.start.column,
  956. line: this.source.start.line
  957. };
  958. let end = this.source.end ? {
  959. column: this.source.end.column + 1,
  960. line: this.source.end.line
  961. } : {
  962. column: start.column + 1,
  963. line: start.line
  964. };
  965. if (opts.word) {
  966. let stringRepresentation = this.toString();
  967. let index = stringRepresentation.indexOf(opts.word);
  968. if (index !== -1) {
  969. start = this.positionInside(index, stringRepresentation);
  970. end = this.positionInside(index + opts.word.length, stringRepresentation);
  971. }
  972. } else {
  973. if (opts.start) {
  974. start = {
  975. column: opts.start.column,
  976. line: opts.start.line
  977. };
  978. } else if (opts.index) {
  979. start = this.positionInside(opts.index);
  980. }
  981. if (opts.end) {
  982. end = {
  983. column: opts.end.column,
  984. line: opts.end.line
  985. };
  986. } else if (typeof opts.endIndex === "number") {
  987. end = this.positionInside(opts.endIndex);
  988. } else if (opts.index) {
  989. end = this.positionInside(opts.index + 1);
  990. }
  991. }
  992. if (end.line < start.line || end.line === start.line && end.column <= start.column) {
  993. end = { column: start.column + 1, line: start.line };
  994. }
  995. return { end, start };
  996. }
  997. raw(prop, defaultType) {
  998. let str = new Stringifier();
  999. return str.raw(this, prop, defaultType);
  1000. }
  1001. remove() {
  1002. if (this.parent) {
  1003. this.parent.removeChild(this);
  1004. }
  1005. this.parent = void 0;
  1006. return this;
  1007. }
  1008. replaceWith(...nodes) {
  1009. if (this.parent) {
  1010. let bookmark = this;
  1011. let foundSelf = false;
  1012. for (let node of nodes) {
  1013. if (node === this) {
  1014. foundSelf = true;
  1015. } else if (foundSelf) {
  1016. this.parent.insertAfter(bookmark, node);
  1017. bookmark = node;
  1018. } else {
  1019. this.parent.insertBefore(bookmark, node);
  1020. }
  1021. }
  1022. if (!foundSelf) {
  1023. this.remove();
  1024. }
  1025. }
  1026. return this;
  1027. }
  1028. root() {
  1029. let result = this;
  1030. while (result.parent && result.parent.type !== "document") {
  1031. result = result.parent;
  1032. }
  1033. return result;
  1034. }
  1035. toJSON(_, inputs) {
  1036. let fixed = {};
  1037. let emitInputs = inputs == null;
  1038. inputs = inputs || /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  1039. let inputsNextIndex = 0;
  1040. for (let name in this) {
  1041. if (!, name)) {
  1042. continue;
  1043. }
  1044. if (name === "parent" || name === "proxyCache")
  1045. continue;
  1046. let value = this[name];
  1047. if (Array.isArray(value)) {
  1048. fixed[name] = => {
  1049. if (typeof i === "object" && i.toJSON) {
  1050. return i.toJSON(null, inputs);
  1051. } else {
  1052. return i;
  1053. }
  1054. });
  1055. } else if (typeof value === "object" && value.toJSON) {
  1056. fixed[name] = value.toJSON(null, inputs);
  1057. } else if (name === "source") {
  1058. let inputId = inputs.get(value.input);
  1059. if (inputId == null) {
  1060. inputId = inputsNextIndex;
  1061. inputs.set(value.input, inputsNextIndex);
  1062. inputsNextIndex++;
  1063. }
  1064. fixed[name] = {
  1065. end: value.end,
  1066. inputId,
  1067. start: value.start
  1068. };
  1069. } else {
  1070. fixed[name] = value;
  1071. }
  1072. }
  1073. if (emitInputs) {
  1074. fixed.inputs = [...inputs.keys()].map((input) => input.toJSON());
  1075. }
  1076. return fixed;
  1077. }
  1078. toProxy() {
  1079. if (!this.proxyCache) {
  1080. this.proxyCache = new Proxy(this, this.getProxyProcessor());
  1081. }
  1082. return this.proxyCache;
  1083. }
  1084. toString(stringifier = stringify) {
  1085. if (stringifier.stringify)
  1086. stringifier = stringifier.stringify;
  1087. let result = "";
  1088. stringifier(this, (i) => {
  1089. result += i;
  1090. });
  1091. return result;
  1092. }
  1093. warn(result, text, opts) {
  1094. let data = { node: this };
  1095. for (let i in opts)
  1096. data[i] = opts[i];
  1097. return result.warn(text, data);
  1098. }
  1099. get proxyOf() {
  1100. return this;
  1101. }
  1102. };
  1103. module2.exports = Node;
  1104. Node.default = Node;
  1105. }
  1106. });
  1107. // node_modules/postcss/lib/declaration.js
  1108. var require_declaration = __commonJS({
  1109. "node_modules/postcss/lib/declaration.js"(exports2, module2) {
  1110. "use strict";
  1111. var Node = require_node();
  1112. var Declaration = class extends Node {
  1113. constructor(defaults) {
  1114. if (defaults && typeof defaults.value !== "undefined" && typeof defaults.value !== "string") {
  1115. defaults = { ...defaults, value: String(defaults.value) };
  1116. }
  1117. super(defaults);
  1118. this.type = "decl";
  1119. }
  1120. get variable() {
  1121. return this.prop.startsWith("--") || this.prop[0] === "$";
  1122. }
  1123. };
  1124. module2.exports = Declaration;
  1125. Declaration.default = Declaration;
  1126. }
  1127. });
  1128. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/base64.js
  1129. var require_base64 = __commonJS({
  1130. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/base64.js"(exports2) {
  1131. var intToCharMap = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split("");
  1132. exports2.encode = function(number) {
  1133. if (0 <= number && number < intToCharMap.length) {
  1134. return intToCharMap[number];
  1135. }
  1136. throw new TypeError("Must be between 0 and 63: " + number);
  1137. };
  1138. exports2.decode = function(charCode) {
  1139. var bigA = 65;
  1140. var bigZ = 90;
  1141. var littleA = 97;
  1142. var littleZ = 122;
  1143. var zero = 48;
  1144. var nine = 57;
  1145. var plus = 43;
  1146. var slash = 47;
  1147. var littleOffset = 26;
  1148. var numberOffset = 52;
  1149. if (bigA <= charCode && charCode <= bigZ) {
  1150. return charCode - bigA;
  1151. }
  1152. if (littleA <= charCode && charCode <= littleZ) {
  1153. return charCode - littleA + littleOffset;
  1154. }
  1155. if (zero <= charCode && charCode <= nine) {
  1156. return charCode - zero + numberOffset;
  1157. }
  1158. if (charCode == plus) {
  1159. return 62;
  1160. }
  1161. if (charCode == slash) {
  1162. return 63;
  1163. }
  1164. return -1;
  1165. };
  1166. }
  1167. });
  1168. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/base64-vlq.js
  1169. var require_base64_vlq = __commonJS({
  1170. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/base64-vlq.js"(exports2) {
  1171. var base64 = require_base64();
  1172. var VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5;
  1173. var VLQ_BASE = 1 << VLQ_BASE_SHIFT;
  1174. var VLQ_BASE_MASK = VLQ_BASE - 1;
  1176. function toVLQSigned(aValue) {
  1177. return aValue < 0 ? (-aValue << 1) + 1 : (aValue << 1) + 0;
  1178. }
  1179. function fromVLQSigned(aValue) {
  1180. var isNegative = (aValue & 1) === 1;
  1181. var shifted = aValue >> 1;
  1182. return isNegative ? -shifted : shifted;
  1183. }
  1184. exports2.encode = function base64VLQ_encode(aValue) {
  1185. var encoded = "";
  1186. var digit;
  1187. var vlq = toVLQSigned(aValue);
  1188. do {
  1189. digit = vlq & VLQ_BASE_MASK;
  1190. vlq >>>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT;
  1191. if (vlq > 0) {
  1192. digit |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT;
  1193. }
  1194. encoded += base64.encode(digit);
  1195. } while (vlq > 0);
  1196. return encoded;
  1197. };
  1198. exports2.decode = function base64VLQ_decode(aStr, aIndex, aOutParam) {
  1199. var strLen = aStr.length;
  1200. var result = 0;
  1201. var shift = 0;
  1202. var continuation, digit;
  1203. do {
  1204. if (aIndex >= strLen) {
  1205. throw new Error("Expected more digits in base 64 VLQ value.");
  1206. }
  1207. digit = base64.decode(aStr.charCodeAt(aIndex++));
  1208. if (digit === -1) {
  1209. throw new Error("Invalid base64 digit: " + aStr.charAt(aIndex - 1));
  1210. }
  1211. continuation = !!(digit & VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT);
  1212. digit &= VLQ_BASE_MASK;
  1213. result = result + (digit << shift);
  1214. shift += VLQ_BASE_SHIFT;
  1215. } while (continuation);
  1216. aOutParam.value = fromVLQSigned(result);
  1217. = aIndex;
  1218. };
  1219. }
  1220. });
  1221. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/util.js
  1222. var require_util = __commonJS({
  1223. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/util.js"(exports2) {
  1224. function getArg(aArgs, aName, aDefaultValue) {
  1225. if (aName in aArgs) {
  1226. return aArgs[aName];
  1227. } else if (arguments.length === 3) {
  1228. return aDefaultValue;
  1229. } else {
  1230. throw new Error('"' + aName + '" is a required argument.');
  1231. }
  1232. }
  1233. exports2.getArg = getArg;
  1234. var urlRegexp = /^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.-]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/;
  1235. var dataUrlRegexp = /^data:.+\,.+$/;
  1236. function urlParse(aUrl) {
  1237. var match = aUrl.match(urlRegexp);
  1238. if (!match) {
  1239. return null;
  1240. }
  1241. return {
  1242. scheme: match[1],
  1243. auth: match[2],
  1244. host: match[3],
  1245. port: match[4],
  1246. path: match[5]
  1247. };
  1248. }
  1249. exports2.urlParse = urlParse;
  1250. function urlGenerate(aParsedUrl) {
  1251. var url = "";
  1252. if (aParsedUrl.scheme) {
  1253. url += aParsedUrl.scheme + ":";
  1254. }
  1255. url += "//";
  1256. if (aParsedUrl.auth) {
  1257. url += aParsedUrl.auth + "@";
  1258. }
  1259. if ( {
  1260. url +=;
  1261. }
  1262. if (aParsedUrl.port) {
  1263. url += ":" + aParsedUrl.port;
  1264. }
  1265. if (aParsedUrl.path) {
  1266. url += aParsedUrl.path;
  1267. }
  1268. return url;
  1269. }
  1270. exports2.urlGenerate = urlGenerate;
  1271. var MAX_CACHED_INPUTS = 32;
  1272. function lruMemoize(f) {
  1273. var cache = [];
  1274. return function(input) {
  1275. for (var i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
  1276. if (cache[i].input === input) {
  1277. var temp = cache[0];
  1278. cache[0] = cache[i];
  1279. cache[i] = temp;
  1280. return cache[0].result;
  1281. }
  1282. }
  1283. var result = f(input);
  1284. cache.unshift({
  1285. input,
  1286. result
  1287. });
  1288. if (cache.length > MAX_CACHED_INPUTS) {
  1289. cache.pop();
  1290. }
  1291. return result;
  1292. };
  1293. }
  1294. var normalize = lruMemoize(function normalize2(aPath) {
  1295. var path = aPath;
  1296. var url = urlParse(aPath);
  1297. if (url) {
  1298. if (!url.path) {
  1299. return aPath;
  1300. }
  1301. path = url.path;
  1302. }
  1303. var isAbsolute = exports2.isAbsolute(path);
  1304. var parts = [];
  1305. var start = 0;
  1306. var i = 0;
  1307. while (true) {
  1308. start = i;
  1309. i = path.indexOf("/", start);
  1310. if (i === -1) {
  1311. parts.push(path.slice(start));
  1312. break;
  1313. } else {
  1314. parts.push(path.slice(start, i));
  1315. while (i < path.length && path[i] === "/") {
  1316. i++;
  1317. }
  1318. }
  1319. }
  1320. for (var part, up = 0, i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  1321. part = parts[i];
  1322. if (part === ".") {
  1323. parts.splice(i, 1);
  1324. } else if (part === "..") {
  1325. up++;
  1326. } else if (up > 0) {
  1327. if (part === "") {
  1328. parts.splice(i + 1, up);
  1329. up = 0;
  1330. } else {
  1331. parts.splice(i, 2);
  1332. up--;
  1333. }
  1334. }
  1335. }
  1336. path = parts.join("/");
  1337. if (path === "") {
  1338. path = isAbsolute ? "/" : ".";
  1339. }
  1340. if (url) {
  1341. url.path = path;
  1342. return urlGenerate(url);
  1343. }
  1344. return path;
  1345. });
  1346. exports2.normalize = normalize;
  1347. function join(aRoot, aPath) {
  1348. if (aRoot === "") {
  1349. aRoot = ".";
  1350. }
  1351. if (aPath === "") {
  1352. aPath = ".";
  1353. }
  1354. var aPathUrl = urlParse(aPath);
  1355. var aRootUrl = urlParse(aRoot);
  1356. if (aRootUrl) {
  1357. aRoot = aRootUrl.path || "/";
  1358. }
  1359. if (aPathUrl && !aPathUrl.scheme) {
  1360. if (aRootUrl) {
  1361. aPathUrl.scheme = aRootUrl.scheme;
  1362. }
  1363. return urlGenerate(aPathUrl);
  1364. }
  1365. if (aPathUrl || aPath.match(dataUrlRegexp)) {
  1366. return aPath;
  1367. }
  1368. if (aRootUrl && ! && !aRootUrl.path) {
  1369. = aPath;
  1370. return urlGenerate(aRootUrl);
  1371. }
  1372. var joined = aPath.charAt(0) === "/" ? aPath : normalize(aRoot.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/" + aPath);
  1373. if (aRootUrl) {
  1374. aRootUrl.path = joined;
  1375. return urlGenerate(aRootUrl);
  1376. }
  1377. return joined;
  1378. }
  1379. exports2.join = join;
  1380. exports2.isAbsolute = function(aPath) {
  1381. return aPath.charAt(0) === "/" || urlRegexp.test(aPath);
  1382. };
  1383. function relative(aRoot, aPath) {
  1384. if (aRoot === "") {
  1385. aRoot = ".";
  1386. }
  1387. aRoot = aRoot.replace(/\/$/, "");
  1388. var level = 0;
  1389. while (aPath.indexOf(aRoot + "/") !== 0) {
  1390. var index = aRoot.lastIndexOf("/");
  1391. if (index < 0) {
  1392. return aPath;
  1393. }
  1394. aRoot = aRoot.slice(0, index);
  1395. if (aRoot.match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/)) {
  1396. return aPath;
  1397. }
  1398. ++level;
  1399. }
  1400. return Array(level + 1).join("../") + aPath.substr(aRoot.length + 1);
  1401. }
  1402. exports2.relative = relative;
  1403. var supportsNullProto = function() {
  1404. var obj = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  1405. return !("__proto__" in obj);
  1406. }();
  1407. function identity(s) {
  1408. return s;
  1409. }
  1410. function toSetString(aStr) {
  1411. if (isProtoString(aStr)) {
  1412. return "$" + aStr;
  1413. }
  1414. return aStr;
  1415. }
  1416. exports2.toSetString = supportsNullProto ? identity : toSetString;
  1417. function fromSetString(aStr) {
  1418. if (isProtoString(aStr)) {
  1419. return aStr.slice(1);
  1420. }
  1421. return aStr;
  1422. }
  1423. exports2.fromSetString = supportsNullProto ? identity : fromSetString;
  1424. function isProtoString(s) {
  1425. if (!s) {
  1426. return false;
  1427. }
  1428. var length = s.length;
  1429. if (length < 9) {
  1430. return false;
  1431. }
  1432. if (s.charCodeAt(length - 1) !== 95 || s.charCodeAt(length - 2) !== 95 || s.charCodeAt(length - 3) !== 111 || s.charCodeAt(length - 4) !== 116 || s.charCodeAt(length - 5) !== 111 || s.charCodeAt(length - 6) !== 114 || s.charCodeAt(length - 7) !== 112 || s.charCodeAt(length - 8) !== 95 || s.charCodeAt(length - 9) !== 95) {
  1433. return false;
  1434. }
  1435. for (var i = length - 10; i >= 0; i--) {
  1436. if (s.charCodeAt(i) !== 36) {
  1437. return false;
  1438. }
  1439. }
  1440. return true;
  1441. }
  1442. function compareByOriginalPositions(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareOriginal) {
  1443. var cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source);
  1444. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1445. return cmp;
  1446. }
  1447. cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine;
  1448. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1449. return cmp;
  1450. }
  1451. cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn;
  1452. if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareOriginal) {
  1453. return cmp;
  1454. }
  1455. cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn;
  1456. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1457. return cmp;
  1458. }
  1459. cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine;
  1460. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1461. return cmp;
  1462. }
  1463. return strcmp(,;
  1464. }
  1465. exports2.compareByOriginalPositions = compareByOriginalPositions;
  1466. function compareByOriginalPositionsNoSource(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareOriginal) {
  1467. var cmp;
  1468. cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine;
  1469. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1470. return cmp;
  1471. }
  1472. cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn;
  1473. if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareOriginal) {
  1474. return cmp;
  1475. }
  1476. cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn;
  1477. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1478. return cmp;
  1479. }
  1480. cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine;
  1481. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1482. return cmp;
  1483. }
  1484. return strcmp(,;
  1485. }
  1486. exports2.compareByOriginalPositionsNoSource = compareByOriginalPositionsNoSource;
  1487. function compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareGenerated) {
  1488. var cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine;
  1489. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1490. return cmp;
  1491. }
  1492. cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn;
  1493. if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareGenerated) {
  1494. return cmp;
  1495. }
  1496. cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source);
  1497. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1498. return cmp;
  1499. }
  1500. cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine;
  1501. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1502. return cmp;
  1503. }
  1504. cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn;
  1505. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1506. return cmp;
  1507. }
  1508. return strcmp(,;
  1509. }
  1510. exports2.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated;
  1511. function compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflatedNoLine(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareGenerated) {
  1512. var cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn;
  1513. if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareGenerated) {
  1514. return cmp;
  1515. }
  1516. cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source);
  1517. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1518. return cmp;
  1519. }
  1520. cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine;
  1521. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1522. return cmp;
  1523. }
  1524. cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn;
  1525. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1526. return cmp;
  1527. }
  1528. return strcmp(,;
  1529. }
  1530. exports2.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflatedNoLine = compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflatedNoLine;
  1531. function strcmp(aStr1, aStr2) {
  1532. if (aStr1 === aStr2) {
  1533. return 0;
  1534. }
  1535. if (aStr1 === null) {
  1536. return 1;
  1537. }
  1538. if (aStr2 === null) {
  1539. return -1;
  1540. }
  1541. if (aStr1 > aStr2) {
  1542. return 1;
  1543. }
  1544. return -1;
  1545. }
  1546. function compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mappingA, mappingB) {
  1547. var cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine;
  1548. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1549. return cmp;
  1550. }
  1551. cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn;
  1552. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1553. return cmp;
  1554. }
  1555. cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source);
  1556. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1557. return cmp;
  1558. }
  1559. cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine;
  1560. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1561. return cmp;
  1562. }
  1563. cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn;
  1564. if (cmp !== 0) {
  1565. return cmp;
  1566. }
  1567. return strcmp(,;
  1568. }
  1569. exports2.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated;
  1570. function parseSourceMapInput(str) {
  1571. return JSON.parse(str.replace(/^\)]}'[^\n]*\n/, ""));
  1572. }
  1573. exports2.parseSourceMapInput = parseSourceMapInput;
  1574. function computeSourceURL(sourceRoot, sourceURL, sourceMapURL) {
  1575. sourceURL = sourceURL || "";
  1576. if (sourceRoot) {
  1577. if (sourceRoot[sourceRoot.length - 1] !== "/" && sourceURL[0] !== "/") {
  1578. sourceRoot += "/";
  1579. }
  1580. sourceURL = sourceRoot + sourceURL;
  1581. }
  1582. if (sourceMapURL) {
  1583. var parsed = urlParse(sourceMapURL);
  1584. if (!parsed) {
  1585. throw new Error("sourceMapURL could not be parsed");
  1586. }
  1587. if (parsed.path) {
  1588. var index = parsed.path.lastIndexOf("/");
  1589. if (index >= 0) {
  1590. parsed.path = parsed.path.substring(0, index + 1);
  1591. }
  1592. }
  1593. sourceURL = join(urlGenerate(parsed), sourceURL);
  1594. }
  1595. return normalize(sourceURL);
  1596. }
  1597. exports2.computeSourceURL = computeSourceURL;
  1598. }
  1599. });
  1600. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/array-set.js
  1601. var require_array_set = __commonJS({
  1602. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/array-set.js"(exports2) {
  1603. var util = require_util();
  1604. var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  1605. var hasNativeMap = typeof Map !== "undefined";
  1606. function ArraySet() {
  1607. this._array = [];
  1608. this._set = hasNativeMap ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  1609. }
  1610. ArraySet.fromArray = function ArraySet_fromArray(aArray, aAllowDuplicates) {
  1611. var set = new ArraySet();
  1612. for (var i = 0, len = aArray.length; i < len; i++) {
  1613. set.add(aArray[i], aAllowDuplicates);
  1614. }
  1615. return set;
  1616. };
  1617. ArraySet.prototype.size = function ArraySet_size() {
  1618. return hasNativeMap ? this._set.size : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this._set).length;
  1619. };
  1620. ArraySet.prototype.add = function ArraySet_add(aStr, aAllowDuplicates) {
  1621. var sStr = hasNativeMap ? aStr : util.toSetString(aStr);
  1622. var isDuplicate = hasNativeMap ? this.has(aStr) :, sStr);
  1623. var idx = this._array.length;
  1624. if (!isDuplicate || aAllowDuplicates) {
  1625. this._array.push(aStr);
  1626. }
  1627. if (!isDuplicate) {
  1628. if (hasNativeMap) {
  1629. this._set.set(aStr, idx);
  1630. } else {
  1631. this._set[sStr] = idx;
  1632. }
  1633. }
  1634. };
  1635. ArraySet.prototype.has = function ArraySet_has(aStr) {
  1636. if (hasNativeMap) {
  1637. return this._set.has(aStr);
  1638. } else {
  1639. var sStr = util.toSetString(aStr);
  1640. return, sStr);
  1641. }
  1642. };
  1643. ArraySet.prototype.indexOf = function ArraySet_indexOf(aStr) {
  1644. if (hasNativeMap) {
  1645. var idx = this._set.get(aStr);
  1646. if (idx >= 0) {
  1647. return idx;
  1648. }
  1649. } else {
  1650. var sStr = util.toSetString(aStr);
  1651. if (, sStr)) {
  1652. return this._set[sStr];
  1653. }
  1654. }
  1655. throw new Error('"' + aStr + '" is not in the set.');
  1656. };
  1657. = function ArraySet_at(aIdx) {
  1658. if (aIdx >= 0 && aIdx < this._array.length) {
  1659. return this._array[aIdx];
  1660. }
  1661. throw new Error("No element indexed by " + aIdx);
  1662. };
  1663. ArraySet.prototype.toArray = function ArraySet_toArray() {
  1664. return this._array.slice();
  1665. };
  1666. exports2.ArraySet = ArraySet;
  1667. }
  1668. });
  1669. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/mapping-list.js
  1670. var require_mapping_list = __commonJS({
  1671. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/mapping-list.js"(exports2) {
  1672. var util = require_util();
  1673. function generatedPositionAfter(mappingA, mappingB) {
  1674. var lineA = mappingA.generatedLine;
  1675. var lineB = mappingB.generatedLine;
  1676. var columnA = mappingA.generatedColumn;
  1677. var columnB = mappingB.generatedColumn;
  1678. return lineB > lineA || lineB == lineA && columnB >= columnA || util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mappingA, mappingB) <= 0;
  1679. }
  1680. function MappingList() {
  1681. this._array = [];
  1682. this._sorted = true;
  1683. this._last = { generatedLine: -1, generatedColumn: 0 };
  1684. }
  1685. MappingList.prototype.unsortedForEach = function MappingList_forEach(aCallback, aThisArg) {
  1686. this._array.forEach(aCallback, aThisArg);
  1687. };
  1688. MappingList.prototype.add = function MappingList_add(aMapping) {
  1689. if (generatedPositionAfter(this._last, aMapping)) {
  1690. this._last = aMapping;
  1691. this._array.push(aMapping);
  1692. } else {
  1693. this._sorted = false;
  1694. this._array.push(aMapping);
  1695. }
  1696. };
  1697. MappingList.prototype.toArray = function MappingList_toArray() {
  1698. if (!this._sorted) {
  1699. this._array.sort(util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated);
  1700. this._sorted = true;
  1701. }
  1702. return this._array;
  1703. };
  1704. exports2.MappingList = MappingList;
  1705. }
  1706. });
  1707. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/source-map-generator.js
  1708. var require_source_map_generator = __commonJS({
  1709. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/source-map-generator.js"(exports2) {
  1710. var base64VLQ = require_base64_vlq();
  1711. var util = require_util();
  1712. var ArraySet = require_array_set().ArraySet;
  1713. var MappingList = require_mapping_list().MappingList;
  1714. function SourceMapGenerator(aArgs) {
  1715. if (!aArgs) {
  1716. aArgs = {};
  1717. }
  1718. this._file = util.getArg(aArgs, "file", null);
  1719. this._sourceRoot = util.getArg(aArgs, "sourceRoot", null);
  1720. this._skipValidation = util.getArg(aArgs, "skipValidation", false);
  1721. this._ignoreInvalidMapping = util.getArg(aArgs, "ignoreInvalidMapping", false);
  1722. this._sources = new ArraySet();
  1723. this._names = new ArraySet();
  1724. this._mappings = new MappingList();
  1725. this._sourcesContents = null;
  1726. }
  1727. SourceMapGenerator.prototype._version = 3;
  1728. SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap = function SourceMapGenerator_fromSourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer, generatorOps) {
  1729. var sourceRoot = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceRoot;
  1730. var generator = new SourceMapGenerator(Object.assign(generatorOps || {}, {
  1731. file: aSourceMapConsumer.file,
  1732. sourceRoot
  1733. }));
  1734. aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function(mapping) {
  1735. var newMapping = {
  1736. generated: {
  1737. line: mapping.generatedLine,
  1738. column: mapping.generatedColumn
  1739. }
  1740. };
  1741. if (mapping.source != null) {
  1742. newMapping.source = mapping.source;
  1743. if (sourceRoot != null) {
  1744. newMapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, newMapping.source);
  1745. }
  1746. newMapping.original = {
  1747. line: mapping.originalLine,
  1748. column: mapping.originalColumn
  1749. };
  1750. if ( != null) {
  1751. =;
  1752. }
  1753. }
  1754. generator.addMapping(newMapping);
  1755. });
  1756. aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile) {
  1757. var sourceRelative = sourceFile;
  1758. if (sourceRoot !== null) {
  1759. sourceRelative = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile);
  1760. }
  1761. if (!generator._sources.has(sourceRelative)) {
  1762. generator._sources.add(sourceRelative);
  1763. }
  1764. var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile);
  1765. if (content != null) {
  1766. generator.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content);
  1767. }
  1768. });
  1769. return generator;
  1770. };
  1771. SourceMapGenerator.prototype.addMapping = function SourceMapGenerator_addMapping(aArgs) {
  1772. var generated = util.getArg(aArgs, "generated");
  1773. var original = util.getArg(aArgs, "original", null);
  1774. var source = util.getArg(aArgs, "source", null);
  1775. var name = util.getArg(aArgs, "name", null);
  1776. if (!this._skipValidation) {
  1777. if (this._validateMapping(generated, original, source, name) === false) {
  1778. return;
  1779. }
  1780. }
  1781. if (source != null) {
  1782. source = String(source);
  1783. if (!this._sources.has(source)) {
  1784. this._sources.add(source);
  1785. }
  1786. }
  1787. if (name != null) {
  1788. name = String(name);
  1789. if (!this._names.has(name)) {
  1790. this._names.add(name);
  1791. }
  1792. }
  1793. this._mappings.add({
  1794. generatedLine: generated.line,
  1795. generatedColumn: generated.column,
  1796. originalLine: original != null && original.line,
  1797. originalColumn: original != null && original.column,
  1798. source,
  1799. name
  1800. });
  1801. };
  1802. SourceMapGenerator.prototype.setSourceContent = function SourceMapGenerator_setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) {
  1803. var source = aSourceFile;
  1804. if (this._sourceRoot != null) {
  1805. source = util.relative(this._sourceRoot, source);
  1806. }
  1807. if (aSourceContent != null) {
  1808. if (!this._sourcesContents) {
  1809. this._sourcesContents = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  1810. }
  1811. this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)] = aSourceContent;
  1812. } else if (this._sourcesContents) {
  1813. delete this._sourcesContents[util.toSetString(source)];
  1814. if (Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length === 0) {
  1815. this._sourcesContents = null;
  1816. }
  1817. }
  1818. };
  1819. SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap = function SourceMapGenerator_applySourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer, aSourceFile, aSourceMapPath) {
  1820. var sourceFile = aSourceFile;
  1821. if (aSourceFile == null) {
  1822. if (aSourceMapConsumer.file == null) {
  1823. throw new Error(
  1824. `SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, or the source map's "file" property. Both were omitted.`
  1825. );
  1826. }
  1827. sourceFile = aSourceMapConsumer.file;
  1828. }
  1829. var sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot;
  1830. if (sourceRoot != null) {
  1831. sourceFile = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile);
  1832. }
  1833. var newSources = new ArraySet();
  1834. var newNames = new ArraySet();
  1835. this._mappings.unsortedForEach(function(mapping) {
  1836. if (mapping.source === sourceFile && mapping.originalLine != null) {
  1837. var original = aSourceMapConsumer.originalPositionFor({
  1838. line: mapping.originalLine,
  1839. column: mapping.originalColumn
  1840. });
  1841. if (original.source != null) {
  1842. mapping.source = original.source;
  1843. if (aSourceMapPath != null) {
  1844. mapping.source = util.join(aSourceMapPath, mapping.source);
  1845. }
  1846. if (sourceRoot != null) {
  1847. mapping.source = util.relative(sourceRoot, mapping.source);
  1848. }
  1849. mapping.originalLine = original.line;
  1850. mapping.originalColumn = original.column;
  1851. if ( != null) {
  1852. =;
  1853. }
  1854. }
  1855. }
  1856. var source = mapping.source;
  1857. if (source != null && !newSources.has(source)) {
  1858. newSources.add(source);
  1859. }
  1860. var name =;
  1861. if (name != null && !newNames.has(name)) {
  1862. newNames.add(name);
  1863. }
  1864. }, this);
  1865. this._sources = newSources;
  1866. this._names = newNames;
  1867. aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile2) {
  1868. var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile2);
  1869. if (content != null) {
  1870. if (aSourceMapPath != null) {
  1871. sourceFile2 = util.join(aSourceMapPath, sourceFile2);
  1872. }
  1873. if (sourceRoot != null) {
  1874. sourceFile2 = util.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile2);
  1875. }
  1876. this.setSourceContent(sourceFile2, content);
  1877. }
  1878. }, this);
  1879. };
  1880. SourceMapGenerator.prototype._validateMapping = function SourceMapGenerator_validateMapping(aGenerated, aOriginal, aSource, aName) {
  1881. if (aOriginal && typeof aOriginal.line !== "number" && typeof aOriginal.column !== "number") {
  1882. var message = "original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values.";
  1883. if (this._ignoreInvalidMapping) {
  1884. if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) {
  1885. console.warn(message);
  1886. }
  1887. return false;
  1888. } else {
  1889. throw new Error(message);
  1890. }
  1891. }
  1892. if (aGenerated && "line" in aGenerated && "column" in aGenerated && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && !aOriginal && !aSource && !aName) {
  1893. return;
  1894. } else if (aGenerated && "line" in aGenerated && "column" in aGenerated && aOriginal && "line" in aOriginal && "column" in aOriginal && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && aOriginal.line > 0 && aOriginal.column >= 0 && aSource) {
  1895. return;
  1896. } else {
  1897. var message = "Invalid mapping: " + JSON.stringify({
  1898. generated: aGenerated,
  1899. source: aSource,
  1900. original: aOriginal,
  1901. name: aName
  1902. });
  1903. if (this._ignoreInvalidMapping) {
  1904. if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) {
  1905. console.warn(message);
  1906. }
  1907. return false;
  1908. } else {
  1909. throw new Error(message);
  1910. }
  1911. }
  1912. };
  1913. SourceMapGenerator.prototype._serializeMappings = function SourceMapGenerator_serializeMappings() {
  1914. var previousGeneratedColumn = 0;
  1915. var previousGeneratedLine = 1;
  1916. var previousOriginalColumn = 0;
  1917. var previousOriginalLine = 0;
  1918. var previousName = 0;
  1919. var previousSource = 0;
  1920. var result = "";
  1921. var next;
  1922. var mapping;
  1923. var nameIdx;
  1924. var sourceIdx;
  1925. var mappings = this._mappings.toArray();
  1926. for (var i = 0, len = mappings.length; i < len; i++) {
  1927. mapping = mappings[i];
  1928. next = "";
  1929. if (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) {
  1930. previousGeneratedColumn = 0;
  1931. while (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) {
  1932. next += ";";
  1933. previousGeneratedLine++;
  1934. }
  1935. } else {
  1936. if (i > 0) {
  1937. if (!util.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mapping, mappings[i - 1])) {
  1938. continue;
  1939. }
  1940. next += ",";
  1941. }
  1942. }
  1943. next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.generatedColumn - previousGeneratedColumn);
  1944. previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn;
  1945. if (mapping.source != null) {
  1946. sourceIdx = this._sources.indexOf(mapping.source);
  1947. next += base64VLQ.encode(sourceIdx - previousSource);
  1948. previousSource = sourceIdx;
  1949. next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalLine - 1 - previousOriginalLine);
  1950. previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine - 1;
  1951. next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalColumn - previousOriginalColumn);
  1952. previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn;
  1953. if ( != null) {
  1954. nameIdx = this._names.indexOf(;
  1955. next += base64VLQ.encode(nameIdx - previousName);
  1956. previousName = nameIdx;
  1957. }
  1958. }
  1959. result += next;
  1960. }
  1961. return result;
  1962. };
  1963. SourceMapGenerator.prototype._generateSourcesContent = function SourceMapGenerator_generateSourcesContent(aSources, aSourceRoot) {
  1964. return {
  1965. if (!this._sourcesContents) {
  1966. return null;
  1967. }
  1968. if (aSourceRoot != null) {
  1969. source = util.relative(aSourceRoot, source);
  1970. }
  1971. var key = util.toSetString(source);
  1972. return, key) ? this._sourcesContents[key] : null;
  1973. }, this);
  1974. };
  1975. SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toJSON = function SourceMapGenerator_toJSON() {
  1976. var map = {
  1977. version: this._version,
  1978. sources: this._sources.toArray(),
  1979. names: this._names.toArray(),
  1980. mappings: this._serializeMappings()
  1981. };
  1982. if (this._file != null) {
  1983. map.file = this._file;
  1984. }
  1985. if (this._sourceRoot != null) {
  1986. map.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot;
  1987. }
  1988. if (this._sourcesContents) {
  1989. map.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(map.sources, map.sourceRoot);
  1990. }
  1991. return map;
  1992. };
  1993. SourceMapGenerator.prototype.toString = function SourceMapGenerator_toString() {
  1994. return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON());
  1995. };
  1996. exports2.SourceMapGenerator = SourceMapGenerator;
  1997. }
  1998. });
  1999. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/binary-search.js
  2000. var require_binary_search = __commonJS({
  2001. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/binary-search.js"(exports2) {
  2002. exports2.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1;
  2003. exports2.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2;
  2004. function recursiveSearch(aLow, aHigh, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias) {
  2005. var mid = Math.floor((aHigh - aLow) / 2) + aLow;
  2006. var cmp = aCompare(aNeedle, aHaystack[mid], true);
  2007. if (cmp === 0) {
  2008. return mid;
  2009. } else if (cmp > 0) {
  2010. if (aHigh - mid > 1) {
  2011. return recursiveSearch(mid, aHigh, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias);
  2012. }
  2013. if (aBias == exports2.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND) {
  2014. return aHigh < aHaystack.length ? aHigh : -1;
  2015. } else {
  2016. return mid;
  2017. }
  2018. } else {
  2019. if (mid - aLow > 1) {
  2020. return recursiveSearch(aLow, mid, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias);
  2021. }
  2022. if (aBias == exports2.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND) {
  2023. return mid;
  2024. } else {
  2025. return aLow < 0 ? -1 : aLow;
  2026. }
  2027. }
  2028. }
  2029. = function search(aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias) {
  2030. if (aHaystack.length === 0) {
  2031. return -1;
  2032. }
  2033. var index = recursiveSearch(
  2034. -1,
  2035. aHaystack.length,
  2036. aNeedle,
  2037. aHaystack,
  2038. aCompare,
  2039. aBias || exports2.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND
  2040. );
  2041. if (index < 0) {
  2042. return -1;
  2043. }
  2044. while (index - 1 >= 0) {
  2045. if (aCompare(aHaystack[index], aHaystack[index - 1], true) !== 0) {
  2046. break;
  2047. }
  2048. --index;
  2049. }
  2050. return index;
  2051. };
  2052. }
  2053. });
  2054. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/quick-sort.js
  2055. var require_quick_sort = __commonJS({
  2056. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/quick-sort.js"(exports2) {
  2057. function SortTemplate(comparator) {
  2058. function swap(ary, x, y) {
  2059. var temp = ary[x];
  2060. ary[x] = ary[y];
  2061. ary[y] = temp;
  2062. }
  2063. function randomIntInRange(low, high) {
  2064. return Math.round(low + Math.random() * (high - low));
  2065. }
  2066. function doQuickSort(ary, comparator2, p, r) {
  2067. if (p < r) {
  2068. var pivotIndex = randomIntInRange(p, r);
  2069. var i = p - 1;
  2070. swap(ary, pivotIndex, r);
  2071. var pivot = ary[r];
  2072. for (var j = p; j < r; j++) {
  2073. if (comparator2(ary[j], pivot, false) <= 0) {
  2074. i += 1;
  2075. swap(ary, i, j);
  2076. }
  2077. }
  2078. swap(ary, i + 1, j);
  2079. var q = i + 1;
  2080. doQuickSort(ary, comparator2, p, q - 1);
  2081. doQuickSort(ary, comparator2, q + 1, r);
  2082. }
  2083. }
  2084. return doQuickSort;
  2085. }
  2086. function cloneSort(comparator) {
  2087. let template = SortTemplate.toString();
  2088. let templateFn = new Function(`return ${template}`)();
  2089. return templateFn(comparator);
  2090. }
  2091. var sortCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  2092. exports2.quickSort = function(ary, comparator, start = 0) {
  2093. let doQuickSort = sortCache.get(comparator);
  2094. if (doQuickSort === void 0) {
  2095. doQuickSort = cloneSort(comparator);
  2096. sortCache.set(comparator, doQuickSort);
  2097. }
  2098. doQuickSort(ary, comparator, start, ary.length - 1);
  2099. };
  2100. }
  2101. });
  2102. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/source-map-consumer.js
  2103. var require_source_map_consumer = __commonJS({
  2104. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/source-map-consumer.js"(exports2) {
  2105. var util = require_util();
  2106. var binarySearch = require_binary_search();
  2107. var ArraySet = require_array_set().ArraySet;
  2108. var base64VLQ = require_base64_vlq();
  2109. var quickSort = require_quick_sort().quickSort;
  2110. function SourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) {
  2111. var sourceMap = aSourceMap;
  2112. if (typeof aSourceMap === "string") {
  2113. sourceMap = util.parseSourceMapInput(aSourceMap);
  2114. }
  2115. return sourceMap.sections != null ? new IndexedSourceMapConsumer(sourceMap, aSourceMapURL) : new BasicSourceMapConsumer(sourceMap, aSourceMapURL);
  2116. }
  2117. SourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap = function(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) {
  2118. return BasicSourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL);
  2119. };
  2120. SourceMapConsumer.prototype._version = 3;
  2121. SourceMapConsumer.prototype.__generatedMappings = null;
  2122. Object.defineProperty(SourceMapConsumer.prototype, "_generatedMappings", {
  2123. configurable: true,
  2124. enumerable: true,
  2125. get: function() {
  2126. if (!this.__generatedMappings) {
  2127. this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot);
  2128. }
  2129. return this.__generatedMappings;
  2130. }
  2131. });
  2132. SourceMapConsumer.prototype.__originalMappings = null;
  2133. Object.defineProperty(SourceMapConsumer.prototype, "_originalMappings", {
  2134. configurable: true,
  2135. enumerable: true,
  2136. get: function() {
  2137. if (!this.__originalMappings) {
  2138. this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot);
  2139. }
  2140. return this.__originalMappings;
  2141. }
  2142. });
  2143. SourceMapConsumer.prototype._charIsMappingSeparator = function SourceMapConsumer_charIsMappingSeparator(aStr, index) {
  2144. var c = aStr.charAt(index);
  2145. return c === ";" || c === ",";
  2146. };
  2147. SourceMapConsumer.prototype._parseMappings = function SourceMapConsumer_parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) {
  2148. throw new Error("Subclasses must implement _parseMappings");
  2149. };
  2150. SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER = 1;
  2151. SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER = 2;
  2152. SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1;
  2153. SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2;
  2154. SourceMapConsumer.prototype.eachMapping = function SourceMapConsumer_eachMapping(aCallback, aContext, aOrder) {
  2155. var context = aContext || null;
  2156. var order = aOrder || SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER;
  2157. var mappings;
  2158. switch (order) {
  2159. case SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER:
  2160. mappings = this._generatedMappings;
  2161. break;
  2162. case SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER:
  2163. mappings = this._originalMappings;
  2164. break;
  2165. default:
  2166. throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration.");
  2167. }
  2168. var sourceRoot = this.sourceRoot;
  2169. var boundCallback = aCallback.bind(context);
  2170. var names = this._names;
  2171. var sources = this._sources;
  2172. var sourceMapURL = this._sourceMapURL;
  2173. for (var i = 0, n = mappings.length; i < n; i++) {
  2174. var mapping = mappings[i];
  2175. var source = mapping.source === null ? null :;
  2176. source = util.computeSourceURL(sourceRoot, source, sourceMapURL);
  2177. boundCallback({
  2178. source,
  2179. generatedLine: mapping.generatedLine,
  2180. generatedColumn: mapping.generatedColumn,
  2181. originalLine: mapping.originalLine,
  2182. originalColumn: mapping.originalColumn,
  2183. name: === null ? null :
  2184. });
  2185. }
  2186. };
  2187. SourceMapConsumer.prototype.allGeneratedPositionsFor = function SourceMapConsumer_allGeneratedPositionsFor(aArgs) {
  2188. var line = util.getArg(aArgs, "line");
  2189. var needle = {
  2190. source: util.getArg(aArgs, "source"),
  2191. originalLine: line,
  2192. originalColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, "column", 0)
  2193. };
  2194. needle.source = this._findSourceIndex(needle.source);
  2195. if (needle.source < 0) {
  2196. return [];
  2197. }
  2198. var mappings = [];
  2199. var index = this._findMapping(
  2200. needle,
  2201. this._originalMappings,
  2202. "originalLine",
  2203. "originalColumn",
  2204. util.compareByOriginalPositions,
  2205. binarySearch.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND
  2206. );
  2207. if (index >= 0) {
  2208. var mapping = this._originalMappings[index];
  2209. if (aArgs.column === void 0) {
  2210. var originalLine = mapping.originalLine;
  2211. while (mapping && mapping.originalLine === originalLine) {
  2212. mappings.push({
  2213. line: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedLine", null),
  2214. column: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedColumn", null),
  2215. lastColumn: util.getArg(mapping, "lastGeneratedColumn", null)
  2216. });
  2217. mapping = this._originalMappings[++index];
  2218. }
  2219. } else {
  2220. var originalColumn = mapping.originalColumn;
  2221. while (mapping && mapping.originalLine === line && mapping.originalColumn == originalColumn) {
  2222. mappings.push({
  2223. line: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedLine", null),
  2224. column: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedColumn", null),
  2225. lastColumn: util.getArg(mapping, "lastGeneratedColumn", null)
  2226. });
  2227. mapping = this._originalMappings[++index];
  2228. }
  2229. }
  2230. }
  2231. return mappings;
  2232. };
  2233. exports2.SourceMapConsumer = SourceMapConsumer;
  2234. function BasicSourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) {
  2235. var sourceMap = aSourceMap;
  2236. if (typeof aSourceMap === "string") {
  2237. sourceMap = util.parseSourceMapInput(aSourceMap);
  2238. }
  2239. var version = util.getArg(sourceMap, "version");
  2240. var sources = util.getArg(sourceMap, "sources");
  2241. var names = util.getArg(sourceMap, "names", []);
  2242. var sourceRoot = util.getArg(sourceMap, "sourceRoot", null);
  2243. var sourcesContent = util.getArg(sourceMap, "sourcesContent", null);
  2244. var mappings = util.getArg(sourceMap, "mappings");
  2245. var file = util.getArg(sourceMap, "file", null);
  2246. if (version != this._version) {
  2247. throw new Error("Unsupported version: " + version);
  2248. }
  2249. if (sourceRoot) {
  2250. sourceRoot = util.normalize(sourceRoot);
  2251. }
  2252. sources = {
  2253. return sourceRoot && util.isAbsolute(sourceRoot) && util.isAbsolute(source) ? util.relative(sourceRoot, source) : source;
  2254. });
  2255. this._names = ArraySet.fromArray(, true);
  2256. this._sources = ArraySet.fromArray(sources, true);
  2257. this._absoluteSources = this._sources.toArray().map(function(s) {
  2258. return util.computeSourceURL(sourceRoot, s, aSourceMapURL);
  2259. });
  2260. this.sourceRoot = sourceRoot;
  2261. this.sourcesContent = sourcesContent;
  2262. this._mappings = mappings;
  2263. this._sourceMapURL = aSourceMapURL;
  2264. this.file = file;
  2265. }
  2266. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype = Object.create(SourceMapConsumer.prototype);
  2267. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype.consumer = SourceMapConsumer;
  2268. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype._findSourceIndex = function(aSource) {
  2269. var relativeSource = aSource;
  2270. if (this.sourceRoot != null) {
  2271. relativeSource = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, relativeSource);
  2272. }
  2273. if (this._sources.has(relativeSource)) {
  2274. return this._sources.indexOf(relativeSource);
  2275. }
  2276. var i;
  2277. for (i = 0; i < this._absoluteSources.length; ++i) {
  2278. if (this._absoluteSources[i] == aSource) {
  2279. return i;
  2280. }
  2281. }
  2282. return -1;
  2283. };
  2284. BasicSourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap = function SourceMapConsumer_fromSourceMap(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) {
  2285. var smc = Object.create(BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype);
  2286. var names = smc._names = ArraySet.fromArray(aSourceMap._names.toArray(), true);
  2287. var sources = smc._sources = ArraySet.fromArray(aSourceMap._sources.toArray(), true);
  2288. smc.sourceRoot = aSourceMap._sourceRoot;
  2289. smc.sourcesContent = aSourceMap._generateSourcesContent(
  2290. smc._sources.toArray(),
  2291. smc.sourceRoot
  2292. );
  2293. smc.file = aSourceMap._file;
  2294. smc._sourceMapURL = aSourceMapURL;
  2295. smc._absoluteSources = smc._sources.toArray().map(function(s) {
  2296. return util.computeSourceURL(smc.sourceRoot, s, aSourceMapURL);
  2297. });
  2298. var generatedMappings = aSourceMap._mappings.toArray().slice();
  2299. var destGeneratedMappings = smc.__generatedMappings = [];
  2300. var destOriginalMappings = smc.__originalMappings = [];
  2301. for (var i = 0, length = generatedMappings.length; i < length; i++) {
  2302. var srcMapping = generatedMappings[i];
  2303. var destMapping = new Mapping();
  2304. destMapping.generatedLine = srcMapping.generatedLine;
  2305. destMapping.generatedColumn = srcMapping.generatedColumn;
  2306. if (srcMapping.source) {
  2307. destMapping.source = sources.indexOf(srcMapping.source);
  2308. destMapping.originalLine = srcMapping.originalLine;
  2309. destMapping.originalColumn = srcMapping.originalColumn;
  2310. if ( {
  2311. = names.indexOf(;
  2312. }
  2313. destOriginalMappings.push(destMapping);
  2314. }
  2315. destGeneratedMappings.push(destMapping);
  2316. }
  2317. quickSort(smc.__originalMappings, util.compareByOriginalPositions);
  2318. return smc;
  2319. };
  2320. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype._version = 3;
  2321. Object.defineProperty(BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype, "sources", {
  2322. get: function() {
  2323. return this._absoluteSources.slice();
  2324. }
  2325. });
  2326. function Mapping() {
  2327. this.generatedLine = 0;
  2328. this.generatedColumn = 0;
  2329. this.source = null;
  2330. this.originalLine = null;
  2331. this.originalColumn = null;
  2332. = null;
  2333. }
  2334. var compareGenerated = util.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflatedNoLine;
  2335. function sortGenerated(array, start) {
  2336. let l = array.length;
  2337. let n = array.length - start;
  2338. if (n <= 1) {
  2339. return;
  2340. } else if (n == 2) {
  2341. let a = array[start];
  2342. let b = array[start + 1];
  2343. if (compareGenerated(a, b) > 0) {
  2344. array[start] = b;
  2345. array[start + 1] = a;
  2346. }
  2347. } else if (n < 20) {
  2348. for (let i = start; i < l; i++) {
  2349. for (let j = i; j > start; j--) {
  2350. let a = array[j - 1];
  2351. let b = array[j];
  2352. if (compareGenerated(a, b) <= 0) {
  2353. break;
  2354. }
  2355. array[j - 1] = b;
  2356. array[j] = a;
  2357. }
  2358. }
  2359. } else {
  2360. quickSort(array, compareGenerated, start);
  2361. }
  2362. }
  2363. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype._parseMappings = function SourceMapConsumer_parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) {
  2364. var generatedLine = 1;
  2365. var previousGeneratedColumn = 0;
  2366. var previousOriginalLine = 0;
  2367. var previousOriginalColumn = 0;
  2368. var previousSource = 0;
  2369. var previousName = 0;
  2370. var length = aStr.length;
  2371. var index = 0;
  2372. var cachedSegments = {};
  2373. var temp = {};
  2374. var originalMappings = [];
  2375. var generatedMappings = [];
  2376. var mapping, str, segment, end, value;
  2377. let subarrayStart = 0;
  2378. while (index < length) {
  2379. if (aStr.charAt(index) === ";") {
  2380. generatedLine++;
  2381. index++;
  2382. previousGeneratedColumn = 0;
  2383. sortGenerated(generatedMappings, subarrayStart);
  2384. subarrayStart = generatedMappings.length;
  2385. } else if (aStr.charAt(index) === ",") {
  2386. index++;
  2387. } else {
  2388. mapping = new Mapping();
  2389. mapping.generatedLine = generatedLine;
  2390. for (end = index; end < length; end++) {
  2391. if (this._charIsMappingSeparator(aStr, end)) {
  2392. break;
  2393. }
  2394. }
  2395. str = aStr.slice(index, end);
  2396. segment = [];
  2397. while (index < end) {
  2398. base64VLQ.decode(aStr, index, temp);
  2399. value = temp.value;
  2400. index =;
  2401. segment.push(value);
  2402. }
  2403. if (segment.length === 2) {
  2404. throw new Error("Found a source, but no line and column");
  2405. }
  2406. if (segment.length === 3) {
  2407. throw new Error("Found a source and line, but no column");
  2408. }
  2409. mapping.generatedColumn = previousGeneratedColumn + segment[0];
  2410. previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn;
  2411. if (segment.length > 1) {
  2412. mapping.source = previousSource + segment[1];
  2413. previousSource += segment[1];
  2414. mapping.originalLine = previousOriginalLine + segment[2];
  2415. previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine;
  2416. mapping.originalLine += 1;
  2417. mapping.originalColumn = previousOriginalColumn + segment[3];
  2418. previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn;
  2419. if (segment.length > 4) {
  2420. = previousName + segment[4];
  2421. previousName += segment[4];
  2422. }
  2423. }
  2424. generatedMappings.push(mapping);
  2425. if (typeof mapping.originalLine === "number") {
  2426. let currentSource = mapping.source;
  2427. while (originalMappings.length <= currentSource) {
  2428. originalMappings.push(null);
  2429. }
  2430. if (originalMappings[currentSource] === null) {
  2431. originalMappings[currentSource] = [];
  2432. }
  2433. originalMappings[currentSource].push(mapping);
  2434. }
  2435. }
  2436. }
  2437. sortGenerated(generatedMappings, subarrayStart);
  2438. this.__generatedMappings = generatedMappings;
  2439. for (var i = 0; i < originalMappings.length; i++) {
  2440. if (originalMappings[i] != null) {
  2441. quickSort(originalMappings[i], util.compareByOriginalPositionsNoSource);
  2442. }
  2443. }
  2444. this.__originalMappings = [].concat(...originalMappings);
  2445. };
  2446. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype._findMapping = function SourceMapConsumer_findMapping(aNeedle, aMappings, aLineName, aColumnName, aComparator, aBias) {
  2447. if (aNeedle[aLineName] <= 0) {
  2448. throw new TypeError("Line must be greater than or equal to 1, got " + aNeedle[aLineName]);
  2449. }
  2450. if (aNeedle[aColumnName] < 0) {
  2451. throw new TypeError("Column must be greater than or equal to 0, got " + aNeedle[aColumnName]);
  2452. }
  2453. return, aMappings, aComparator, aBias);
  2454. };
  2455. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype.computeColumnSpans = function SourceMapConsumer_computeColumnSpans() {
  2456. for (var index = 0; index < this._generatedMappings.length; ++index) {
  2457. var mapping = this._generatedMappings[index];
  2458. if (index + 1 < this._generatedMappings.length) {
  2459. var nextMapping = this._generatedMappings[index + 1];
  2460. if (mapping.generatedLine === nextMapping.generatedLine) {
  2461. mapping.lastGeneratedColumn = nextMapping.generatedColumn - 1;
  2462. continue;
  2463. }
  2464. }
  2465. mapping.lastGeneratedColumn = Infinity;
  2466. }
  2467. };
  2468. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype.originalPositionFor = function SourceMapConsumer_originalPositionFor(aArgs) {
  2469. var needle = {
  2470. generatedLine: util.getArg(aArgs, "line"),
  2471. generatedColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, "column")
  2472. };
  2473. var index = this._findMapping(
  2474. needle,
  2475. this._generatedMappings,
  2476. "generatedLine",
  2477. "generatedColumn",
  2478. util.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated,
  2479. util.getArg(aArgs, "bias", SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND)
  2480. );
  2481. if (index >= 0) {
  2482. var mapping = this._generatedMappings[index];
  2483. if (mapping.generatedLine === needle.generatedLine) {
  2484. var source = util.getArg(mapping, "source", null);
  2485. if (source !== null) {
  2486. source =;
  2487. source = util.computeSourceURL(this.sourceRoot, source, this._sourceMapURL);
  2488. }
  2489. var name = util.getArg(mapping, "name", null);
  2490. if (name !== null) {
  2491. name =;
  2492. }
  2493. return {
  2494. source,
  2495. line: util.getArg(mapping, "originalLine", null),
  2496. column: util.getArg(mapping, "originalColumn", null),
  2497. name
  2498. };
  2499. }
  2500. }
  2501. return {
  2502. source: null,
  2503. line: null,
  2504. column: null,
  2505. name: null
  2506. };
  2507. };
  2508. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources = function BasicSourceMapConsumer_hasContentsOfAllSources() {
  2509. if (!this.sourcesContent) {
  2510. return false;
  2511. }
  2512. return this.sourcesContent.length >= this._sources.size() && !this.sourcesContent.some(function(sc) {
  2513. return sc == null;
  2514. });
  2515. };
  2516. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor = function SourceMapConsumer_sourceContentFor(aSource, nullOnMissing) {
  2517. if (!this.sourcesContent) {
  2518. return null;
  2519. }
  2520. var index = this._findSourceIndex(aSource);
  2521. if (index >= 0) {
  2522. return this.sourcesContent[index];
  2523. }
  2524. var relativeSource = aSource;
  2525. if (this.sourceRoot != null) {
  2526. relativeSource = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, relativeSource);
  2527. }
  2528. var url;
  2529. if (this.sourceRoot != null && (url = util.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))) {
  2530. var fileUriAbsPath = relativeSource.replace(/^file:\/\//, "");
  2531. if (url.scheme == "file" && this._sources.has(fileUriAbsPath)) {
  2532. return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(fileUriAbsPath)];
  2533. }
  2534. if ((!url.path || url.path == "/") && this._sources.has("/" + relativeSource)) {
  2535. return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf("/" + relativeSource)];
  2536. }
  2537. }
  2538. if (nullOnMissing) {
  2539. return null;
  2540. } else {
  2541. throw new Error('"' + relativeSource + '" is not in the SourceMap.');
  2542. }
  2543. };
  2544. BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function SourceMapConsumer_generatedPositionFor(aArgs) {
  2545. var source = util.getArg(aArgs, "source");
  2546. source = this._findSourceIndex(source);
  2547. if (source < 0) {
  2548. return {
  2549. line: null,
  2550. column: null,
  2551. lastColumn: null
  2552. };
  2553. }
  2554. var needle = {
  2555. source,
  2556. originalLine: util.getArg(aArgs, "line"),
  2557. originalColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, "column")
  2558. };
  2559. var index = this._findMapping(
  2560. needle,
  2561. this._originalMappings,
  2562. "originalLine",
  2563. "originalColumn",
  2564. util.compareByOriginalPositions,
  2565. util.getArg(aArgs, "bias", SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND)
  2566. );
  2567. if (index >= 0) {
  2568. var mapping = this._originalMappings[index];
  2569. if (mapping.source === needle.source) {
  2570. return {
  2571. line: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedLine", null),
  2572. column: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedColumn", null),
  2573. lastColumn: util.getArg(mapping, "lastGeneratedColumn", null)
  2574. };
  2575. }
  2576. }
  2577. return {
  2578. line: null,
  2579. column: null,
  2580. lastColumn: null
  2581. };
  2582. };
  2583. exports2.BasicSourceMapConsumer = BasicSourceMapConsumer;
  2584. function IndexedSourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) {
  2585. var sourceMap = aSourceMap;
  2586. if (typeof aSourceMap === "string") {
  2587. sourceMap = util.parseSourceMapInput(aSourceMap);
  2588. }
  2589. var version = util.getArg(sourceMap, "version");
  2590. var sections = util.getArg(sourceMap, "sections");
  2591. if (version != this._version) {
  2592. throw new Error("Unsupported version: " + version);
  2593. }
  2594. this._sources = new ArraySet();
  2595. this._names = new ArraySet();
  2596. var lastOffset = {
  2597. line: -1,
  2598. column: 0
  2599. };
  2600. this._sections = {
  2601. if (s.url) {
  2602. throw new Error("Support for url field in sections not implemented.");
  2603. }
  2604. var offset = util.getArg(s, "offset");
  2605. var offsetLine = util.getArg(offset, "line");
  2606. var offsetColumn = util.getArg(offset, "column");
  2607. if (offsetLine < lastOffset.line || offsetLine === lastOffset.line && offsetColumn < lastOffset.column) {
  2608. throw new Error("Section offsets must be ordered and non-overlapping.");
  2609. }
  2610. lastOffset = offset;
  2611. return {
  2612. generatedOffset: {
  2613. // The offset fields are 0-based, but we use 1-based indices when
  2614. // encoding/decoding from VLQ.
  2615. generatedLine: offsetLine + 1,
  2616. generatedColumn: offsetColumn + 1
  2617. },
  2618. consumer: new SourceMapConsumer(util.getArg(s, "map"), aSourceMapURL)
  2619. };
  2620. });
  2621. }
  2622. IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype = Object.create(SourceMapConsumer.prototype);
  2623. IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype.constructor = SourceMapConsumer;
  2624. IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype._version = 3;
  2625. Object.defineProperty(IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype, "sources", {
  2626. get: function() {
  2627. var sources = [];
  2628. for (var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++) {
  2629. for (var j = 0; j < this._sections[i].consumer.sources.length; j++) {
  2630. sources.push(this._sections[i].consumer.sources[j]);
  2631. }
  2632. }
  2633. return sources;
  2634. }
  2635. });
  2636. IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype.originalPositionFor = function IndexedSourceMapConsumer_originalPositionFor(aArgs) {
  2637. var needle = {
  2638. generatedLine: util.getArg(aArgs, "line"),
  2639. generatedColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, "column")
  2640. };
  2641. var sectionIndex =
  2642. needle,
  2643. this._sections,
  2644. function(needle2, section2) {
  2645. var cmp = needle2.generatedLine - section2.generatedOffset.generatedLine;
  2646. if (cmp) {
  2647. return cmp;
  2648. }
  2649. return needle2.generatedColumn - section2.generatedOffset.generatedColumn;
  2650. }
  2651. );
  2652. var section = this._sections[sectionIndex];
  2653. if (!section) {
  2654. return {
  2655. source: null,
  2656. line: null,
  2657. column: null,
  2658. name: null
  2659. };
  2660. }
  2661. return section.consumer.originalPositionFor({
  2662. line: needle.generatedLine - (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1),
  2663. column: needle.generatedColumn - (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine === needle.generatedLine ? section.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0),
  2664. bias: aArgs.bias
  2665. });
  2666. };
  2667. IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype.hasContentsOfAllSources = function IndexedSourceMapConsumer_hasContentsOfAllSources() {
  2668. return this._sections.every(function(s) {
  2669. return s.consumer.hasContentsOfAllSources();
  2670. });
  2671. };
  2672. IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor = function IndexedSourceMapConsumer_sourceContentFor(aSource, nullOnMissing) {
  2673. for (var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++) {
  2674. var section = this._sections[i];
  2675. var content = section.consumer.sourceContentFor(aSource, true);
  2676. if (content || content === "") {
  2677. return content;
  2678. }
  2679. }
  2680. if (nullOnMissing) {
  2681. return null;
  2682. } else {
  2683. throw new Error('"' + aSource + '" is not in the SourceMap.');
  2684. }
  2685. };
  2686. IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype.generatedPositionFor = function IndexedSourceMapConsumer_generatedPositionFor(aArgs) {
  2687. for (var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++) {
  2688. var section = this._sections[i];
  2689. if (section.consumer._findSourceIndex(util.getArg(aArgs, "source")) === -1) {
  2690. continue;
  2691. }
  2692. var generatedPosition = section.consumer.generatedPositionFor(aArgs);
  2693. if (generatedPosition) {
  2694. var ret = {
  2695. line: generatedPosition.line + (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1),
  2696. column: generatedPosition.column + (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine === generatedPosition.line ? section.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0)
  2697. };
  2698. return ret;
  2699. }
  2700. }
  2701. return {
  2702. line: null,
  2703. column: null
  2704. };
  2705. };
  2706. IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype._parseMappings = function IndexedSourceMapConsumer_parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) {
  2707. this.__generatedMappings = [];
  2708. this.__originalMappings = [];
  2709. for (var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++) {
  2710. var section = this._sections[i];
  2711. var sectionMappings = section.consumer._generatedMappings;
  2712. for (var j = 0; j < sectionMappings.length; j++) {
  2713. var mapping = sectionMappings[j];
  2714. var source =;
  2715. source = util.computeSourceURL(section.consumer.sourceRoot, source, this._sourceMapURL);
  2716. this._sources.add(source);
  2717. source = this._sources.indexOf(source);
  2718. var name = null;
  2719. if ( {
  2720. name =;
  2721. this._names.add(name);
  2722. name = this._names.indexOf(name);
  2723. }
  2724. var adjustedMapping = {
  2725. source,
  2726. generatedLine: mapping.generatedLine + (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1),
  2727. generatedColumn: mapping.generatedColumn + (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine === mapping.generatedLine ? section.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0),
  2728. originalLine: mapping.originalLine,
  2729. originalColumn: mapping.originalColumn,
  2730. name
  2731. };
  2732. this.__generatedMappings.push(adjustedMapping);
  2733. if (typeof adjustedMapping.originalLine === "number") {
  2734. this.__originalMappings.push(adjustedMapping);
  2735. }
  2736. }
  2737. }
  2738. quickSort(this.__generatedMappings, util.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated);
  2739. quickSort(this.__originalMappings, util.compareByOriginalPositions);
  2740. };
  2741. exports2.IndexedSourceMapConsumer = IndexedSourceMapConsumer;
  2742. }
  2743. });
  2744. // node_modules/source-map-js/lib/source-node.js
  2745. var require_source_node = __commonJS({
  2746. "node_modules/source-map-js/lib/source-node.js"(exports2) {
  2747. var SourceMapGenerator = require_source_map_generator().SourceMapGenerator;
  2748. var util = require_util();
  2749. var REGEX_NEWLINE = /(\r?\n)/;
  2750. var NEWLINE_CODE = 10;
  2751. var isSourceNode = "$$$isSourceNode$$$";
  2752. function SourceNode(aLine, aColumn, aSource, aChunks, aName) {
  2753. this.children = [];
  2754. this.sourceContents = {};
  2755. this.line = aLine == null ? null : aLine;
  2756. this.column = aColumn == null ? null : aColumn;
  2757. this.source = aSource == null ? null : aSource;
  2758. = aName == null ? null : aName;
  2759. this[isSourceNode] = true;
  2760. if (aChunks != null)
  2761. this.add(aChunks);
  2762. }
  2763. SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap = function SourceNode_fromStringWithSourceMap(aGeneratedCode, aSourceMapConsumer, aRelativePath) {
  2764. var node = new SourceNode();
  2765. var remainingLines = aGeneratedCode.split(REGEX_NEWLINE);
  2766. var remainingLinesIndex = 0;
  2767. var shiftNextLine = function() {
  2768. var lineContents = getNextLine();
  2769. var newLine = getNextLine() || "";
  2770. return lineContents + newLine;
  2771. function getNextLine() {
  2772. return remainingLinesIndex < remainingLines.length ? remainingLines[remainingLinesIndex++] : void 0;
  2773. }
  2774. };
  2775. var lastGeneratedLine = 1, lastGeneratedColumn = 0;
  2776. var lastMapping = null;
  2777. aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function(mapping) {
  2778. if (lastMapping !== null) {
  2779. if (lastGeneratedLine < mapping.generatedLine) {
  2780. addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, shiftNextLine());
  2781. lastGeneratedLine++;
  2782. lastGeneratedColumn = 0;
  2783. } else {
  2784. var nextLine = remainingLines[remainingLinesIndex] || "";
  2785. var code = nextLine.substr(0, mapping.generatedColumn - lastGeneratedColumn);
  2786. remainingLines[remainingLinesIndex] = nextLine.substr(mapping.generatedColumn - lastGeneratedColumn);
  2787. lastGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn;
  2788. addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, code);
  2789. lastMapping = mapping;
  2790. return;
  2791. }
  2792. }
  2793. while (lastGeneratedLine < mapping.generatedLine) {
  2794. node.add(shiftNextLine());
  2795. lastGeneratedLine++;
  2796. }
  2797. if (lastGeneratedColumn < mapping.generatedColumn) {
  2798. var nextLine = remainingLines[remainingLinesIndex] || "";
  2799. node.add(nextLine.substr(0, mapping.generatedColumn));
  2800. remainingLines[remainingLinesIndex] = nextLine.substr(mapping.generatedColumn);
  2801. lastGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn;
  2802. }
  2803. lastMapping = mapping;
  2804. }, this);
  2805. if (remainingLinesIndex < remainingLines.length) {
  2806. if (lastMapping) {
  2807. addMappingWithCode(lastMapping, shiftNextLine());
  2808. }
  2809. node.add(remainingLines.splice(remainingLinesIndex).join(""));
  2810. }
  2811. aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile) {
  2812. var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile);
  2813. if (content != null) {
  2814. if (aRelativePath != null) {
  2815. sourceFile = util.join(aRelativePath, sourceFile);
  2816. }
  2817. node.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content);
  2818. }
  2819. });
  2820. return node;
  2821. function addMappingWithCode(mapping, code) {
  2822. if (mapping === null || mapping.source === void 0) {
  2823. node.add(code);
  2824. } else {
  2825. var source = aRelativePath ? util.join(aRelativePath, mapping.source) : mapping.source;
  2826. node.add(new SourceNode(
  2827. mapping.originalLine,
  2828. mapping.originalColumn,
  2829. source,
  2830. code,
  2832. ));
  2833. }
  2834. }
  2835. };
  2836. SourceNode.prototype.add = function SourceNode_add(aChunk) {
  2837. if (Array.isArray(aChunk)) {
  2838. aChunk.forEach(function(chunk) {
  2839. this.add(chunk);
  2840. }, this);
  2841. } else if (aChunk[isSourceNode] || typeof aChunk === "string") {
  2842. if (aChunk) {
  2843. this.children.push(aChunk);
  2844. }
  2845. } else {
  2846. throw new TypeError(
  2847. "Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got " + aChunk
  2848. );
  2849. }
  2850. return this;
  2851. };
  2852. SourceNode.prototype.prepend = function SourceNode_prepend(aChunk) {
  2853. if (Array.isArray(aChunk)) {
  2854. for (var i = aChunk.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  2855. this.prepend(aChunk[i]);
  2856. }
  2857. } else if (aChunk[isSourceNode] || typeof aChunk === "string") {
  2858. this.children.unshift(aChunk);
  2859. } else {
  2860. throw new TypeError(
  2861. "Expected a SourceNode, string, or an array of SourceNodes and strings. Got " + aChunk
  2862. );
  2863. }
  2864. return this;
  2865. };
  2866. SourceNode.prototype.walk = function SourceNode_walk(aFn) {
  2867. var chunk;
  2868. for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) {
  2869. chunk = this.children[i];
  2870. if (chunk[isSourceNode]) {
  2871. chunk.walk(aFn);
  2872. } else {
  2873. if (chunk !== "") {
  2874. aFn(chunk, {
  2875. source: this.source,
  2876. line: this.line,
  2877. column: this.column,
  2878. name:
  2879. });
  2880. }
  2881. }
  2882. }
  2883. };
  2884. SourceNode.prototype.join = function SourceNode_join(aSep) {
  2885. var newChildren;
  2886. var i;
  2887. var len = this.children.length;
  2888. if (len > 0) {
  2889. newChildren = [];
  2890. for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
  2891. newChildren.push(this.children[i]);
  2892. newChildren.push(aSep);
  2893. }
  2894. newChildren.push(this.children[i]);
  2895. this.children = newChildren;
  2896. }
  2897. return this;
  2898. };
  2899. SourceNode.prototype.replaceRight = function SourceNode_replaceRight(aPattern, aReplacement) {
  2900. var lastChild = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
  2901. if (lastChild[isSourceNode]) {
  2902. lastChild.replaceRight(aPattern, aReplacement);
  2903. } else if (typeof lastChild === "string") {
  2904. this.children[this.children.length - 1] = lastChild.replace(aPattern, aReplacement);
  2905. } else {
  2906. this.children.push("".replace(aPattern, aReplacement));
  2907. }
  2908. return this;
  2909. };
  2910. SourceNode.prototype.setSourceContent = function SourceNode_setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) {
  2911. this.sourceContents[util.toSetString(aSourceFile)] = aSourceContent;
  2912. };
  2913. SourceNode.prototype.walkSourceContents = function SourceNode_walkSourceContents(aFn) {
  2914. for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) {
  2915. if (this.children[i][isSourceNode]) {
  2916. this.children[i].walkSourceContents(aFn);
  2917. }
  2918. }
  2919. var sources = Object.keys(this.sourceContents);
  2920. for (var i = 0, len = sources.length; i < len; i++) {
  2921. aFn(util.fromSetString(sources[i]), this.sourceContents[sources[i]]);
  2922. }
  2923. };
  2924. SourceNode.prototype.toString = function SourceNode_toString() {
  2925. var str = "";
  2926. this.walk(function(chunk) {
  2927. str += chunk;
  2928. });
  2929. return str;
  2930. };
  2931. SourceNode.prototype.toStringWithSourceMap = function SourceNode_toStringWithSourceMap(aArgs) {
  2932. var generated = {
  2933. code: "",
  2934. line: 1,
  2935. column: 0
  2936. };
  2937. var map = new SourceMapGenerator(aArgs);
  2938. var sourceMappingActive = false;
  2939. var lastOriginalSource = null;
  2940. var lastOriginalLine = null;
  2941. var lastOriginalColumn = null;
  2942. var lastOriginalName = null;
  2943. this.walk(function(chunk, original) {
  2944. generated.code += chunk;
  2945. if (original.source !== null && original.line !== null && original.column !== null) {
  2946. if (lastOriginalSource !== original.source || lastOriginalLine !== original.line || lastOriginalColumn !== original.column || lastOriginalName !== {
  2947. map.addMapping({
  2948. source: original.source,
  2949. original: {
  2950. line: original.line,
  2951. column: original.column
  2952. },
  2953. generated: {
  2954. line: generated.line,
  2955. column: generated.column
  2956. },
  2957. name:
  2958. });
  2959. }
  2960. lastOriginalSource = original.source;
  2961. lastOriginalLine = original.line;
  2962. lastOriginalColumn = original.column;
  2963. lastOriginalName =;
  2964. sourceMappingActive = true;
  2965. } else if (sourceMappingActive) {
  2966. map.addMapping({
  2967. generated: {
  2968. line: generated.line,
  2969. column: generated.column
  2970. }
  2971. });
  2972. lastOriginalSource = null;
  2973. sourceMappingActive = false;
  2974. }
  2975. for (var idx = 0, length = chunk.length; idx < length; idx++) {
  2976. if (chunk.charCodeAt(idx) === NEWLINE_CODE) {
  2977. generated.line++;
  2978. generated.column = 0;
  2979. if (idx + 1 === length) {
  2980. lastOriginalSource = null;
  2981. sourceMappingActive = false;
  2982. } else if (sourceMappingActive) {
  2983. map.addMapping({
  2984. source: original.source,
  2985. original: {
  2986. line: original.line,
  2987. column: original.column
  2988. },
  2989. generated: {
  2990. line: generated.line,
  2991. column: generated.column
  2992. },
  2993. name:
  2994. });
  2995. }
  2996. } else {
  2997. generated.column++;
  2998. }
  2999. }
  3000. });
  3001. this.walkSourceContents(function(sourceFile, sourceContent) {
  3002. map.setSourceContent(sourceFile, sourceContent);
  3003. });
  3004. return { code: generated.code, map };
  3005. };
  3006. exports2.SourceNode = SourceNode;
  3007. }
  3008. });
  3009. // node_modules/source-map-js/source-map.js
  3010. var require_source_map = __commonJS({
  3011. "node_modules/source-map-js/source-map.js"(exports2) {
  3012. exports2.SourceMapGenerator = require_source_map_generator().SourceMapGenerator;
  3013. exports2.SourceMapConsumer = require_source_map_consumer().SourceMapConsumer;
  3014. exports2.SourceNode = require_source_node().SourceNode;
  3015. }
  3016. });
  3017. // node_modules/nanoid/non-secure/index.cjs
  3018. var require_non_secure = __commonJS({
  3019. "node_modules/nanoid/non-secure/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  3020. var urlAlphabet = "useandom-26T198340PX75pxJACKVERYMINDBUSHWOLF_GQZbfghjklqvwyzrict";
  3021. var customAlphabet = (alphabet, defaultSize = 21) => {
  3022. return (size = defaultSize) => {
  3023. let id = "";
  3024. let i = size;
  3025. while (i--) {
  3026. id += alphabet[Math.random() * alphabet.length | 0];
  3027. }
  3028. return id;
  3029. };
  3030. };
  3031. var nanoid = (size = 21) => {
  3032. let id = "";
  3033. let i = size;
  3034. while (i--) {
  3035. id += urlAlphabet[Math.random() * 64 | 0];
  3036. }
  3037. return id;
  3038. };
  3039. module2.exports = { nanoid, customAlphabet };
  3040. }
  3041. });
  3042. // node_modules/postcss/lib/previous-map.js
  3043. var require_previous_map = __commonJS({
  3044. "node_modules/postcss/lib/previous-map.js"(exports2, module2) {
  3045. "use strict";
  3046. var { SourceMapConsumer, SourceMapGenerator } = require_source_map();
  3047. var { existsSync, readFileSync } = require("fs");
  3048. var { dirname, join } = require("path");
  3049. function fromBase64(str) {
  3050. if (Buffer) {
  3051. return Buffer.from(str, "base64").toString();
  3052. } else {
  3053. return window.atob(str);
  3054. }
  3055. }
  3056. var PreviousMap = class {
  3057. constructor(css, opts) {
  3058. if ( === false)
  3059. return;
  3060. this.loadAnnotation(css);
  3061. this.inline = this.startWith(this.annotation, "data:");
  3062. let prev = ? : void 0;
  3063. let text = this.loadMap(opts.from, prev);
  3064. if (!this.mapFile && opts.from) {
  3065. this.mapFile = opts.from;
  3066. }
  3067. if (this.mapFile)
  3068. this.root = dirname(this.mapFile);
  3069. if (text)
  3070. this.text = text;
  3071. }
  3072. consumer() {
  3073. if (!this.consumerCache) {
  3074. this.consumerCache = new SourceMapConsumer(this.text);
  3075. }
  3076. return this.consumerCache;
  3077. }
  3078. decodeInline(text) {
  3079. let baseCharsetUri = /^data:application\/json;charset=utf-?8;base64,/;
  3080. let baseUri = /^data:application\/json;base64,/;
  3081. let charsetUri = /^data:application\/json;charset=utf-?8,/;
  3082. let uri = /^data:application\/json,/;
  3083. if (charsetUri.test(text) || uri.test(text)) {
  3084. return decodeURIComponent(text.substr(RegExp.lastMatch.length));
  3085. }
  3086. if (baseCharsetUri.test(text) || baseUri.test(text)) {
  3087. return fromBase64(text.substr(RegExp.lastMatch.length));
  3088. }
  3089. let encoding = text.match(/data:application\/json;([^,]+),/)[1];
  3090. throw new Error("Unsupported source map encoding " + encoding);
  3091. }
  3092. getAnnotationURL(sourceMapString) {
  3093. return sourceMapString.replace(/^\/\*\s*# sourceMappingURL=/, "").trim();
  3094. }
  3095. isMap(map) {
  3096. if (typeof map !== "object")
  3097. return false;
  3098. return typeof map.mappings === "string" || typeof map._mappings === "string" || Array.isArray(map.sections);
  3099. }
  3100. loadAnnotation(css) {
  3101. let comments = css.match(/\/\*\s*# sourceMappingURL=/gm);
  3102. if (!comments)
  3103. return;
  3104. let start = css.lastIndexOf(comments.pop());
  3105. let end = css.indexOf("*/", start);
  3106. if (start > -1 && end > -1) {
  3107. this.annotation = this.getAnnotationURL(css.substring(start, end));
  3108. }
  3109. }
  3110. loadFile(path) {
  3111. this.root = dirname(path);
  3112. if (existsSync(path)) {
  3113. this.mapFile = path;
  3114. return readFileSync(path, "utf-8").toString().trim();
  3115. }
  3116. }
  3117. loadMap(file, prev) {
  3118. if (prev === false)
  3119. return false;
  3120. if (prev) {
  3121. if (typeof prev === "string") {
  3122. return prev;
  3123. } else if (typeof prev === "function") {
  3124. let prevPath = prev(file);
  3125. if (prevPath) {
  3126. let map = this.loadFile(prevPath);
  3127. if (!map) {
  3128. throw new Error(
  3129. "Unable to load previous source map: " + prevPath.toString()
  3130. );
  3131. }
  3132. return map;
  3133. }
  3134. } else if (prev instanceof SourceMapConsumer) {
  3135. return SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(prev).toString();
  3136. } else if (prev instanceof SourceMapGenerator) {
  3137. return prev.toString();
  3138. } else if (this.isMap(prev)) {
  3139. return JSON.stringify(prev);
  3140. } else {
  3141. throw new Error(
  3142. "Unsupported previous source map format: " + prev.toString()
  3143. );
  3144. }
  3145. } else if (this.inline) {
  3146. return this.decodeInline(this.annotation);
  3147. } else if (this.annotation) {
  3148. let map = this.annotation;
  3149. if (file)
  3150. map = join(dirname(file), map);
  3151. return this.loadFile(map);
  3152. }
  3153. }
  3154. startWith(string, start) {
  3155. if (!string)
  3156. return false;
  3157. return string.substr(0, start.length) === start;
  3158. }
  3159. withContent() {
  3160. return !!(this.consumer().sourcesContent && this.consumer().sourcesContent.length > 0);
  3161. }
  3162. };
  3163. module2.exports = PreviousMap;
  3164. PreviousMap.default = PreviousMap;
  3165. }
  3166. });
  3167. // node_modules/postcss/lib/input.js
  3168. var require_input = __commonJS({
  3169. "node_modules/postcss/lib/input.js"(exports2, module2) {
  3170. "use strict";
  3171. var { SourceMapConsumer, SourceMapGenerator } = require_source_map();
  3172. var { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } = require("url");
  3173. var { isAbsolute, resolve } = require("path");
  3174. var { nanoid } = require_non_secure();
  3175. var terminalHighlight = require_terminal_highlight();
  3176. var CssSyntaxError = require_css_syntax_error();
  3177. var PreviousMap = require_previous_map();
  3178. var fromOffsetCache = Symbol("fromOffsetCache");
  3179. var sourceMapAvailable = Boolean(SourceMapConsumer && SourceMapGenerator);
  3180. var pathAvailable = Boolean(resolve && isAbsolute);
  3181. var Input = class {
  3182. constructor(css, opts = {}) {
  3183. if (css === null || typeof css === "undefined" || typeof css === "object" && !css.toString) {
  3184. throw new Error(`PostCSS received ${css} instead of CSS string`);
  3185. }
  3186. this.css = css.toString();
  3187. if (this.css[0] === "\uFEFF" || this.css[0] === "\uFFFE") {
  3188. this.hasBOM = true;
  3189. this.css = this.css.slice(1);
  3190. } else {
  3191. this.hasBOM = false;
  3192. }
  3193. if (opts.from) {
  3194. if (!pathAvailable || /^\w+:\/\//.test(opts.from) || isAbsolute(opts.from)) {
  3195. this.file = opts.from;
  3196. } else {
  3197. this.file = resolve(opts.from);
  3198. }
  3199. }
  3200. if (pathAvailable && sourceMapAvailable) {
  3201. let map = new PreviousMap(this.css, opts);
  3202. if (map.text) {
  3203. = map;
  3204. let file = map.consumer().file;
  3205. if (!this.file && file)
  3206. this.file = this.mapResolve(file);
  3207. }
  3208. }
  3209. if (!this.file) {
  3210. = "<input css " + nanoid(6) + ">";
  3211. }
  3212. if (
  3213. = this.from;
  3214. }
  3215. error(message, line, column, opts = {}) {
  3216. let result, endLine, endColumn;
  3217. if (line && typeof line === "object") {
  3218. let start = line;
  3219. let end = column;
  3220. if (typeof start.offset === "number") {
  3221. let pos = this.fromOffset(start.offset);
  3222. line = pos.line;
  3223. column = pos.col;
  3224. } else {
  3225. line = start.line;
  3226. column = start.column;
  3227. }
  3228. if (typeof end.offset === "number") {
  3229. let pos = this.fromOffset(end.offset);
  3230. endLine = pos.line;
  3231. endColumn = pos.col;
  3232. } else {
  3233. endLine = end.line;
  3234. endColumn = end.column;
  3235. }
  3236. } else if (!column) {
  3237. let pos = this.fromOffset(line);
  3238. line = pos.line;
  3239. column = pos.col;
  3240. }
  3241. let origin = this.origin(line, column, endLine, endColumn);
  3242. if (origin) {
  3243. result = new CssSyntaxError(
  3244. message,
  3245. origin.endLine === void 0 ? origin.line : { column: origin.column, line: origin.line },
  3246. origin.endLine === void 0 ? origin.column : { column: origin.endColumn, line: origin.endLine },
  3247. origin.source,
  3248. origin.file,
  3249. opts.plugin
  3250. );
  3251. } else {
  3252. result = new CssSyntaxError(
  3253. message,
  3254. endLine === void 0 ? line : { column, line },
  3255. endLine === void 0 ? column : { column: endColumn, line: endLine },
  3256. this.css,
  3257. this.file,
  3258. opts.plugin
  3259. );
  3260. }
  3261. result.input = { column, endColumn, endLine, line, source: this.css };
  3262. if (this.file) {
  3263. if (pathToFileURL) {
  3264. result.input.url = pathToFileURL(this.file).toString();
  3265. }
  3266. result.input.file = this.file;
  3267. }
  3268. return result;
  3269. }
  3270. fromOffset(offset) {
  3271. let lastLine, lineToIndex;
  3272. if (!this[fromOffsetCache]) {
  3273. let lines = this.css.split("\n");
  3274. lineToIndex = new Array(lines.length);
  3275. let prevIndex = 0;
  3276. for (let i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {
  3277. lineToIndex[i] = prevIndex;
  3278. prevIndex += lines[i].length + 1;
  3279. }
  3280. this[fromOffsetCache] = lineToIndex;
  3281. } else {
  3282. lineToIndex = this[fromOffsetCache];
  3283. }
  3284. lastLine = lineToIndex[lineToIndex.length - 1];
  3285. let min = 0;
  3286. if (offset >= lastLine) {
  3287. min = lineToIndex.length - 1;
  3288. } else {
  3289. let max = lineToIndex.length - 2;
  3290. let mid;
  3291. while (min < max) {
  3292. mid = min + (max - min >> 1);
  3293. if (offset < lineToIndex[mid]) {
  3294. max = mid - 1;
  3295. } else if (offset >= lineToIndex[mid + 1]) {
  3296. min = mid + 1;
  3297. } else {
  3298. min = mid;
  3299. break;
  3300. }
  3301. }
  3302. }
  3303. return {
  3304. col: offset - lineToIndex[min] + 1,
  3305. line: min + 1
  3306. };
  3307. }
  3308. mapResolve(file) {
  3309. if (/^\w+:\/\//.test(file)) {
  3310. return file;
  3311. }
  3312. return resolve( || || ".", file);
  3313. }
  3314. origin(line, column, endLine, endColumn) {
  3315. if (!
  3316. return false;
  3317. let consumer =;
  3318. let from = consumer.originalPositionFor({ column, line });
  3319. if (!from.source)
  3320. return false;
  3321. let to;
  3322. if (typeof endLine === "number") {
  3323. to = consumer.originalPositionFor({ column: endColumn, line: endLine });
  3324. }
  3325. let fromUrl;
  3326. if (isAbsolute(from.source)) {
  3327. fromUrl = pathToFileURL(from.source);
  3328. } else {
  3329. fromUrl = new URL(
  3330. from.source,
  3331. || pathToFileURL(
  3332. );
  3333. }
  3334. let result = {
  3335. column: from.column,
  3336. endColumn: to && to.column,
  3337. endLine: to && to.line,
  3338. line: from.line,
  3339. url: fromUrl.toString()
  3340. };
  3341. if (fromUrl.protocol === "file:") {
  3342. if (fileURLToPath) {
  3343. result.file = fileURLToPath(fromUrl);
  3344. } else {
  3345. throw new Error(`file: protocol is not available in this PostCSS build`);
  3346. }
  3347. }
  3348. let source = consumer.sourceContentFor(from.source);
  3349. if (source)
  3350. result.source = source;
  3351. return result;
  3352. }
  3353. toJSON() {
  3354. let json = {};
  3355. for (let name of ["hasBOM", "css", "file", "id"]) {
  3356. if (this[name] != null) {
  3357. json[name] = this[name];
  3358. }
  3359. }
  3360. if ( {
  3361. = { };
  3362. if ( {
  3363. = void 0;
  3364. }
  3365. }
  3366. return json;
  3367. }
  3368. get from() {
  3369. return this.file ||;
  3370. }
  3371. };
  3372. module2.exports = Input;
  3373. Input.default = Input;
  3374. if (terminalHighlight && terminalHighlight.registerInput) {
  3375. terminalHighlight.registerInput(Input);
  3376. }
  3377. }
  3378. });
  3379. // node_modules/postcss/lib/map-generator.js
  3380. var require_map_generator = __commonJS({
  3381. "node_modules/postcss/lib/map-generator.js"(exports2, module2) {
  3382. "use strict";
  3383. var { SourceMapConsumer, SourceMapGenerator } = require_source_map();
  3384. var { dirname, relative, resolve, sep } = require("path");
  3385. var { pathToFileURL } = require("url");
  3386. var Input = require_input();
  3387. var sourceMapAvailable = Boolean(SourceMapConsumer && SourceMapGenerator);
  3388. var pathAvailable = Boolean(dirname && resolve && relative && sep);
  3389. var MapGenerator = class {
  3390. constructor(stringify, root, opts, cssString) {
  3391. this.stringify = stringify;
  3392. this.mapOpts = || {};
  3393. this.root = root;
  3394. this.opts = opts;
  3395. this.css = cssString;
  3396. this.originalCSS = cssString;
  3397. this.usesFileUrls = !this.mapOpts.from && this.mapOpts.absolute;
  3398. this.memoizedFileURLs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  3399. this.memoizedPaths = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  3400. this.memoizedURLs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  3401. }
  3402. addAnnotation() {
  3403. let content;
  3404. if (this.isInline()) {
  3405. content = "data:application/json;base64," + this.toBase64(;
  3406. } else if (typeof this.mapOpts.annotation === "string") {
  3407. content = this.mapOpts.annotation;
  3408. } else if (typeof this.mapOpts.annotation === "function") {
  3409. content = this.mapOpts.annotation(, this.root);
  3410. } else {
  3411. content = this.outputFile() + ".map";
  3412. }
  3413. let eol = "\n";
  3414. if (this.css.includes("\r\n"))
  3415. eol = "\r\n";
  3416. this.css += eol + "/*# sourceMappingURL=" + content + " */";
  3417. }
  3418. applyPrevMaps() {
  3419. for (let prev of this.previous()) {
  3420. let from = this.toUrl(this.path(prev.file));
  3421. let root = prev.root || dirname(prev.file);
  3422. let map;
  3423. if (this.mapOpts.sourcesContent === false) {
  3424. map = new SourceMapConsumer(prev.text);
  3425. if (map.sourcesContent) {
  3426. map.sourcesContent = null;
  3427. }
  3428. } else {
  3429. map = prev.consumer();
  3430. }
  3431., from, this.toUrl(this.path(root)));
  3432. }
  3433. }
  3434. clearAnnotation() {
  3435. if (this.mapOpts.annotation === false)
  3436. return;
  3437. if (this.root) {
  3438. let node;
  3439. for (let i = this.root.nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  3440. node = this.root.nodes[i];
  3441. if (node.type !== "comment")
  3442. continue;
  3443. if (node.text.indexOf("# sourceMappingURL=") === 0) {
  3444. this.root.removeChild(i);
  3445. }
  3446. }
  3447. } else if (this.css) {
  3448. this.css = this.css.replace(/\n*?\/\*#[\S\s]*?\*\/$/gm, "");
  3449. }
  3450. }
  3451. generate() {
  3452. this.clearAnnotation();
  3453. if (pathAvailable && sourceMapAvailable && this.isMap()) {
  3454. return this.generateMap();
  3455. } else {
  3456. let result = "";
  3457. this.stringify(this.root, (i) => {
  3458. result += i;
  3459. });
  3460. return [result];
  3461. }
  3462. }
  3463. generateMap() {
  3464. if (this.root) {
  3465. this.generateString();
  3466. } else if (this.previous().length === 1) {
  3467. let prev = this.previous()[0].consumer();
  3468. prev.file = this.outputFile();
  3469. = SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(prev, {
  3470. ignoreInvalidMapping: true
  3471. });
  3472. } else {
  3473. = new SourceMapGenerator({
  3474. file: this.outputFile(),
  3475. ignoreInvalidMapping: true
  3476. });
  3478. generated: { column: 0, line: 1 },
  3479. original: { column: 0, line: 1 },
  3480. source: this.opts.from ? this.toUrl(this.path(this.opts.from)) : "<no source>"
  3481. });
  3482. }
  3483. if (this.isSourcesContent())
  3484. this.setSourcesContent();
  3485. if (this.root && this.previous().length > 0)
  3486. this.applyPrevMaps();
  3487. if (this.isAnnotation())
  3488. this.addAnnotation();
  3489. if (this.isInline()) {
  3490. return [this.css];
  3491. } else {
  3492. return [this.css,];
  3493. }
  3494. }
  3495. generateString() {
  3496. this.css = "";
  3497. = new SourceMapGenerator({
  3498. file: this.outputFile(),
  3499. ignoreInvalidMapping: true
  3500. });
  3501. let line = 1;
  3502. let column = 1;
  3503. let noSource = "<no source>";
  3504. let mapping = {
  3505. generated: { column: 0, line: 0 },
  3506. original: { column: 0, line: 0 },
  3507. source: ""
  3508. };
  3509. let lines, last;
  3510. this.stringify(this.root, (str, node, type) => {
  3511. this.css += str;
  3512. if (node && type !== "end") {
  3513. mapping.generated.line = line;
  3514. mapping.generated.column = column - 1;
  3515. if (node.source && node.source.start) {
  3516. mapping.source = this.sourcePath(node);
  3517. mapping.original.line = node.source.start.line;
  3518. mapping.original.column = node.source.start.column - 1;
  3520. } else {
  3521. mapping.source = noSource;
  3522. mapping.original.line = 1;
  3523. mapping.original.column = 0;
  3525. }
  3526. }
  3527. lines = str.match(/\n/g);
  3528. if (lines) {
  3529. line += lines.length;
  3530. last = str.lastIndexOf("\n");
  3531. column = str.length - last;
  3532. } else {
  3533. column += str.length;
  3534. }
  3535. if (node && type !== "start") {
  3536. let p = node.parent || { raws: {} };
  3537. let childless = node.type === "decl" || node.type === "atrule" && !node.nodes;
  3538. if (!childless || node !== p.last || p.raws.semicolon) {
  3539. if (node.source && node.source.end) {
  3540. mapping.source = this.sourcePath(node);
  3541. mapping.original.line = node.source.end.line;
  3542. mapping.original.column = node.source.end.column - 1;
  3543. mapping.generated.line = line;
  3544. mapping.generated.column = column - 2;
  3546. } else {
  3547. mapping.source = noSource;
  3548. mapping.original.line = 1;
  3549. mapping.original.column = 0;
  3550. mapping.generated.line = line;
  3551. mapping.generated.column = column - 1;
  3553. }
  3554. }
  3555. }
  3556. });
  3557. }
  3558. isAnnotation() {
  3559. if (this.isInline()) {
  3560. return true;
  3561. }
  3562. if (typeof this.mapOpts.annotation !== "undefined") {
  3563. return this.mapOpts.annotation;
  3564. }
  3565. if (this.previous().length) {
  3566. return this.previous().some((i) => i.annotation);
  3567. }
  3568. return true;
  3569. }
  3570. isInline() {
  3571. if (typeof this.mapOpts.inline !== "undefined") {
  3572. return this.mapOpts.inline;
  3573. }
  3574. let annotation = this.mapOpts.annotation;
  3575. if (typeof annotation !== "undefined" && annotation !== true) {
  3576. return false;
  3577. }
  3578. if (this.previous().length) {
  3579. return this.previous().some((i) => i.inline);
  3580. }
  3581. return true;
  3582. }
  3583. isMap() {
  3584. if (typeof !== "undefined") {
  3585. return !!;
  3586. }
  3587. return this.previous().length > 0;
  3588. }
  3589. isSourcesContent() {
  3590. if (typeof this.mapOpts.sourcesContent !== "undefined") {
  3591. return this.mapOpts.sourcesContent;
  3592. }
  3593. if (this.previous().length) {
  3594. return this.previous().some((i) => i.withContent());
  3595. }
  3596. return true;
  3597. }
  3598. outputFile() {
  3599. if ( {
  3600. return this.path(;
  3601. } else if (this.opts.from) {
  3602. return this.path(this.opts.from);
  3603. } else {
  3604. return "to.css";
  3605. }
  3606. }
  3607. path(file) {
  3608. if (this.mapOpts.absolute)
  3609. return file;
  3610. if (file.charCodeAt(0) === 60)
  3611. return file;
  3612. if (/^\w+:\/\//.test(file))
  3613. return file;
  3614. let cached = this.memoizedPaths.get(file);
  3615. if (cached)
  3616. return cached;
  3617. let from = ? dirname( : ".";
  3618. if (typeof this.mapOpts.annotation === "string") {
  3619. from = dirname(resolve(from, this.mapOpts.annotation));
  3620. }
  3621. let path = relative(from, file);
  3622. this.memoizedPaths.set(file, path);
  3623. return path;
  3624. }
  3625. previous() {
  3626. if (!this.previousMaps) {
  3627. this.previousMaps = [];
  3628. if (this.root) {
  3629. this.root.walk((node) => {
  3630. if (node.source && {
  3631. let map =;
  3632. if (!this.previousMaps.includes(map)) {
  3633. this.previousMaps.push(map);
  3634. }
  3635. }
  3636. });
  3637. } else {
  3638. let input = new Input(this.originalCSS, this.opts);
  3639. if (
  3640. this.previousMaps.push(;
  3641. }
  3642. }
  3643. return this.previousMaps;
  3644. }
  3645. setSourcesContent() {
  3646. let already = {};
  3647. if (this.root) {
  3648. this.root.walk((node) => {
  3649. if (node.source) {
  3650. let from = node.source.input.from;
  3651. if (from && !already[from]) {
  3652. already[from] = true;
  3653. let fromUrl = this.usesFileUrls ? this.toFileUrl(from) : this.toUrl(this.path(from));
  3654., node.source.input.css);
  3655. }
  3656. }
  3657. });
  3658. } else if (this.css) {
  3659. let from = this.opts.from ? this.toUrl(this.path(this.opts.from)) : "<no source>";
  3660., this.css);
  3661. }
  3662. }
  3663. sourcePath(node) {
  3664. if (this.mapOpts.from) {
  3665. return this.toUrl(this.mapOpts.from);
  3666. } else if (this.usesFileUrls) {
  3667. return this.toFileUrl(node.source.input.from);
  3668. } else {
  3669. return this.toUrl(this.path(node.source.input.from));
  3670. }
  3671. }
  3672. toBase64(str) {
  3673. if (Buffer) {
  3674. return Buffer.from(str).toString("base64");
  3675. } else {
  3676. return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str)));
  3677. }
  3678. }
  3679. toFileUrl(path) {
  3680. let cached = this.memoizedFileURLs.get(path);
  3681. if (cached)
  3682. return cached;
  3683. if (pathToFileURL) {
  3684. let fileURL = pathToFileURL(path).toString();
  3685. this.memoizedFileURLs.set(path, fileURL);
  3686. return fileURL;
  3687. } else {
  3688. throw new Error(
  3689. "`map.absolute` option is not available in this PostCSS build"
  3690. );
  3691. }
  3692. }
  3693. toUrl(path) {
  3694. let cached = this.memoizedURLs.get(path);
  3695. if (cached)
  3696. return cached;
  3697. if (sep === "\\") {
  3698. path = path.replace(/\\/g, "/");
  3699. }
  3700. let url = encodeURI(path).replace(/[#?]/g, encodeURIComponent);
  3701. this.memoizedURLs.set(path, url);
  3702. return url;
  3703. }
  3704. };
  3705. module2.exports = MapGenerator;
  3706. }
  3707. });
  3708. // node_modules/postcss/lib/comment.js
  3709. var require_comment = __commonJS({
  3710. "node_modules/postcss/lib/comment.js"(exports2, module2) {
  3711. "use strict";
  3712. var Node = require_node();
  3713. var Comment = class extends Node {
  3714. constructor(defaults) {
  3715. super(defaults);
  3716. this.type = "comment";
  3717. }
  3718. };
  3719. module2.exports = Comment;
  3720. Comment.default = Comment;
  3721. }
  3722. });
  3723. // node_modules/postcss/lib/container.js
  3724. var require_container = __commonJS({
  3725. "node_modules/postcss/lib/container.js"(exports2, module2) {
  3726. "use strict";
  3727. var { isClean, my } = require_symbols();
  3728. var Declaration = require_declaration();
  3729. var Comment = require_comment();
  3730. var Node = require_node();
  3731. var parse;
  3732. var Rule;
  3733. var AtRule;
  3734. var Root;
  3735. function cleanSource(nodes) {
  3736. return => {
  3737. if (i.nodes)
  3738. i.nodes = cleanSource(i.nodes);
  3739. delete i.source;
  3740. return i;
  3741. });
  3742. }
  3743. function markDirtyUp(node) {
  3744. node[isClean] = false;
  3745. if (node.proxyOf.nodes) {
  3746. for (let i of node.proxyOf.nodes) {
  3747. markDirtyUp(i);
  3748. }
  3749. }
  3750. }
  3751. var Container = class _Container extends Node {
  3752. append(...children) {
  3753. for (let child of children) {
  3754. let nodes = this.normalize(child, this.last);
  3755. for (let node of nodes)
  3756. this.proxyOf.nodes.push(node);
  3757. }
  3758. this.markDirty();
  3759. return this;
  3760. }
  3761. cleanRaws(keepBetween) {
  3762. super.cleanRaws(keepBetween);
  3763. if (this.nodes) {
  3764. for (let node of this.nodes)
  3765. node.cleanRaws(keepBetween);
  3766. }
  3767. }
  3768. each(callback) {
  3769. if (!this.proxyOf.nodes)
  3770. return void 0;
  3771. let iterator = this.getIterator();
  3772. let index, result;
  3773. while (this.indexes[iterator] < this.proxyOf.nodes.length) {
  3774. index = this.indexes[iterator];
  3775. result = callback(this.proxyOf.nodes[index], index);
  3776. if (result === false)
  3777. break;
  3778. this.indexes[iterator] += 1;
  3779. }
  3780. delete this.indexes[iterator];
  3781. return result;
  3782. }
  3783. every(condition) {
  3784. return this.nodes.every(condition);
  3785. }
  3786. getIterator() {
  3787. if (!this.lastEach)
  3788. this.lastEach = 0;
  3789. if (!this.indexes)
  3790. this.indexes = {};
  3791. this.lastEach += 1;
  3792. let iterator = this.lastEach;
  3793. this.indexes[iterator] = 0;
  3794. return iterator;
  3795. }
  3796. getProxyProcessor() {
  3797. return {
  3798. get(node, prop) {
  3799. if (prop === "proxyOf") {
  3800. return node;
  3801. } else if (!node[prop]) {
  3802. return node[prop];
  3803. } else if (prop === "each" || typeof prop === "string" && prop.startsWith("walk")) {
  3804. return (...args) => {
  3805. return node[prop](
  3806. => {
  3807. if (typeof i === "function") {
  3808. return (child, index) => i(child.toProxy(), index);
  3809. } else {
  3810. return i;
  3811. }
  3812. })
  3813. );
  3814. };
  3815. } else if (prop === "every" || prop === "some") {
  3816. return (cb) => {
  3817. return node[prop](
  3818. (child, ...other) => cb(child.toProxy(), ...other)
  3819. );
  3820. };
  3821. } else if (prop === "root") {
  3822. return () => node.root().toProxy();
  3823. } else if (prop === "nodes") {
  3824. return => i.toProxy());
  3825. } else if (prop === "first" || prop === "last") {
  3826. return node[prop].toProxy();
  3827. } else {
  3828. return node[prop];
  3829. }
  3830. },
  3831. set(node, prop, value) {
  3832. if (node[prop] === value)
  3833. return true;
  3834. node[prop] = value;
  3835. if (prop === "name" || prop === "params" || prop === "selector") {
  3836. node.markDirty();
  3837. }
  3838. return true;
  3839. }
  3840. };
  3841. }
  3842. index(child) {
  3843. if (typeof child === "number")
  3844. return child;
  3845. if (child.proxyOf)
  3846. child = child.proxyOf;
  3847. return this.proxyOf.nodes.indexOf(child);
  3848. }
  3849. insertAfter(exist, add) {
  3850. let existIndex = this.index(exist);
  3851. let nodes = this.normalize(add, this.proxyOf.nodes[existIndex]).reverse();
  3852. existIndex = this.index(exist);
  3853. for (let node of nodes)
  3854. this.proxyOf.nodes.splice(existIndex + 1, 0, node);
  3855. let index;
  3856. for (let id in this.indexes) {
  3857. index = this.indexes[id];
  3858. if (existIndex < index) {
  3859. this.indexes[id] = index + nodes.length;
  3860. }
  3861. }
  3862. this.markDirty();
  3863. return this;
  3864. }
  3865. insertBefore(exist, add) {
  3866. let existIndex = this.index(exist);
  3867. let type = existIndex === 0 ? "prepend" : false;
  3868. let nodes = this.normalize(add, this.proxyOf.nodes[existIndex], type).reverse();
  3869. existIndex = this.index(exist);
  3870. for (let node of nodes)
  3871. this.proxyOf.nodes.splice(existIndex, 0, node);
  3872. let index;
  3873. for (let id in this.indexes) {
  3874. index = this.indexes[id];
  3875. if (existIndex <= index) {
  3876. this.indexes[id] = index + nodes.length;
  3877. }
  3878. }
  3879. this.markDirty();
  3880. return this;
  3881. }
  3882. normalize(nodes, sample) {
  3883. if (typeof nodes === "string") {
  3884. nodes = cleanSource(parse(nodes).nodes);
  3885. } else if (typeof nodes === "undefined") {
  3886. nodes = [];
  3887. } else if (Array.isArray(nodes)) {
  3888. nodes = nodes.slice(0);
  3889. for (let i of nodes) {
  3890. if (i.parent)
  3891. i.parent.removeChild(i, "ignore");
  3892. }
  3893. } else if (nodes.type === "root" && this.type !== "document") {
  3894. nodes = nodes.nodes.slice(0);
  3895. for (let i of nodes) {
  3896. if (i.parent)
  3897. i.parent.removeChild(i, "ignore");
  3898. }
  3899. } else if (nodes.type) {
  3900. nodes = [nodes];
  3901. } else if (nodes.prop) {
  3902. if (typeof nodes.value === "undefined") {
  3903. throw new Error("Value field is missed in node creation");
  3904. } else if (typeof nodes.value !== "string") {
  3905. nodes.value = String(nodes.value);
  3906. }
  3907. nodes = [new Declaration(nodes)];
  3908. } else if (nodes.selector) {
  3909. nodes = [new Rule(nodes)];
  3910. } else if ( {
  3911. nodes = [new AtRule(nodes)];
  3912. } else if (nodes.text) {
  3913. nodes = [new Comment(nodes)];
  3914. } else {
  3915. throw new Error("Unknown node type in node creation");
  3916. }
  3917. let processed = => {
  3918. if (!i[my])
  3919. _Container.rebuild(i);
  3920. i = i.proxyOf;
  3921. if (i.parent)
  3922. i.parent.removeChild(i);
  3923. if (i[isClean])
  3924. markDirtyUp(i);
  3925. if (typeof i.raws.before === "undefined") {
  3926. if (sample && typeof sample.raws.before !== "undefined") {
  3927. i.raws.before = sample.raws.before.replace(/\S/g, "");
  3928. }
  3929. }
  3930. i.parent = this.proxyOf;
  3931. return i;
  3932. });
  3933. return processed;
  3934. }
  3935. prepend(...children) {
  3936. children = children.reverse();
  3937. for (let child of children) {
  3938. let nodes = this.normalize(child, this.first, "prepend").reverse();
  3939. for (let node of nodes)
  3940. this.proxyOf.nodes.unshift(node);
  3941. for (let id in this.indexes) {
  3942. this.indexes[id] = this.indexes[id] + nodes.length;
  3943. }
  3944. }
  3945. this.markDirty();
  3946. return this;
  3947. }
  3948. push(child) {
  3949. child.parent = this;
  3950. this.proxyOf.nodes.push(child);
  3951. return this;
  3952. }
  3953. removeAll() {
  3954. for (let node of this.proxyOf.nodes)
  3955. node.parent = void 0;
  3956. this.proxyOf.nodes = [];
  3957. this.markDirty();
  3958. return this;
  3959. }
  3960. removeChild(child) {
  3961. child = this.index(child);
  3962. this.proxyOf.nodes[child].parent = void 0;
  3963. this.proxyOf.nodes.splice(child, 1);
  3964. let index;
  3965. for (let id in this.indexes) {
  3966. index = this.indexes[id];
  3967. if (index >= child) {
  3968. this.indexes[id] = index - 1;
  3969. }
  3970. }
  3971. this.markDirty();
  3972. return this;
  3973. }
  3974. replaceValues(pattern, opts, callback) {
  3975. if (!callback) {
  3976. callback = opts;
  3977. opts = {};
  3978. }
  3979. this.walkDecls((decl) => {
  3980. if (opts.props && !opts.props.includes(decl.prop))
  3981. return;
  3982. if ( && !decl.value.includes(
  3983. return;
  3984. decl.value = decl.value.replace(pattern, callback);
  3985. });
  3986. this.markDirty();
  3987. return this;
  3988. }
  3989. some(condition) {
  3990. return this.nodes.some(condition);
  3991. }
  3992. walk(callback) {
  3993. return this.each((child, i) => {
  3994. let result;
  3995. try {
  3996. result = callback(child, i);
  3997. } catch (e) {
  3998. throw child.addToError(e);
  3999. }
  4000. if (result !== false && child.walk) {
  4001. result = child.walk(callback);
  4002. }
  4003. return result;
  4004. });
  4005. }
  4006. walkAtRules(name, callback) {
  4007. if (!callback) {
  4008. callback = name;
  4009. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4010. if (child.type === "atrule") {
  4011. return callback(child, i);
  4012. }
  4013. });
  4014. }
  4015. if (name instanceof RegExp) {
  4016. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4017. if (child.type === "atrule" && name.test( {
  4018. return callback(child, i);
  4019. }
  4020. });
  4021. }
  4022. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4023. if (child.type === "atrule" && === name) {
  4024. return callback(child, i);
  4025. }
  4026. });
  4027. }
  4028. walkComments(callback) {
  4029. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4030. if (child.type === "comment") {
  4031. return callback(child, i);
  4032. }
  4033. });
  4034. }
  4035. walkDecls(prop, callback) {
  4036. if (!callback) {
  4037. callback = prop;
  4038. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4039. if (child.type === "decl") {
  4040. return callback(child, i);
  4041. }
  4042. });
  4043. }
  4044. if (prop instanceof RegExp) {
  4045. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4046. if (child.type === "decl" && prop.test(child.prop)) {
  4047. return callback(child, i);
  4048. }
  4049. });
  4050. }
  4051. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4052. if (child.type === "decl" && child.prop === prop) {
  4053. return callback(child, i);
  4054. }
  4055. });
  4056. }
  4057. walkRules(selector, callback) {
  4058. if (!callback) {
  4059. callback = selector;
  4060. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4061. if (child.type === "rule") {
  4062. return callback(child, i);
  4063. }
  4064. });
  4065. }
  4066. if (selector instanceof RegExp) {
  4067. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4068. if (child.type === "rule" && selector.test(child.selector)) {
  4069. return callback(child, i);
  4070. }
  4071. });
  4072. }
  4073. return this.walk((child, i) => {
  4074. if (child.type === "rule" && child.selector === selector) {
  4075. return callback(child, i);
  4076. }
  4077. });
  4078. }
  4079. get first() {
  4080. if (!this.proxyOf.nodes)
  4081. return void 0;
  4082. return this.proxyOf.nodes[0];
  4083. }
  4084. get last() {
  4085. if (!this.proxyOf.nodes)
  4086. return void 0;
  4087. return this.proxyOf.nodes[this.proxyOf.nodes.length - 1];
  4088. }
  4089. };
  4090. Container.registerParse = (dependant) => {
  4091. parse = dependant;
  4092. };
  4093. Container.registerRule = (dependant) => {
  4094. Rule = dependant;
  4095. };
  4096. Container.registerAtRule = (dependant) => {
  4097. AtRule = dependant;
  4098. };
  4099. Container.registerRoot = (dependant) => {
  4100. Root = dependant;
  4101. };
  4102. module2.exports = Container;
  4103. Container.default = Container;
  4104. Container.rebuild = (node) => {
  4105. if (node.type === "atrule") {
  4106. Object.setPrototypeOf(node, AtRule.prototype);
  4107. } else if (node.type === "rule") {
  4108. Object.setPrototypeOf(node, Rule.prototype);
  4109. } else if (node.type === "decl") {
  4110. Object.setPrototypeOf(node, Declaration.prototype);
  4111. } else if (node.type === "comment") {
  4112. Object.setPrototypeOf(node, Comment.prototype);
  4113. } else if (node.type === "root") {
  4114. Object.setPrototypeOf(node, Root.prototype);
  4115. }
  4116. node[my] = true;
  4117. if (node.nodes) {
  4118. node.nodes.forEach((child) => {
  4119. Container.rebuild(child);
  4120. });
  4121. }
  4122. };
  4123. }
  4124. });
  4125. // node_modules/postcss/lib/document.js
  4126. var require_document = __commonJS({
  4127. "node_modules/postcss/lib/document.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4128. "use strict";
  4129. var Container = require_container();
  4130. var LazyResult;
  4131. var Processor;
  4132. var Document = class extends Container {
  4133. constructor(defaults) {
  4134. super({ type: "document", ...defaults });
  4135. if (!this.nodes) {
  4136. this.nodes = [];
  4137. }
  4138. }
  4139. toResult(opts = {}) {
  4140. let lazy = new LazyResult(new Processor(), this, opts);
  4141. return lazy.stringify();
  4142. }
  4143. };
  4144. Document.registerLazyResult = (dependant) => {
  4145. LazyResult = dependant;
  4146. };
  4147. Document.registerProcessor = (dependant) => {
  4148. Processor = dependant;
  4149. };
  4150. module2.exports = Document;
  4151. Document.default = Document;
  4152. }
  4153. });
  4154. // node_modules/postcss/lib/warn-once.js
  4155. var require_warn_once = __commonJS({
  4156. "node_modules/postcss/lib/warn-once.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4157. "use strict";
  4158. var printed = {};
  4159. module2.exports = function warnOnce(message) {
  4160. if (printed[message])
  4161. return;
  4162. printed[message] = true;
  4163. if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) {
  4164. console.warn(message);
  4165. }
  4166. };
  4167. }
  4168. });
  4169. // node_modules/postcss/lib/warning.js
  4170. var require_warning = __commonJS({
  4171. "node_modules/postcss/lib/warning.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4172. "use strict";
  4173. var Warning = class {
  4174. constructor(text, opts = {}) {
  4175. this.type = "warning";
  4176. this.text = text;
  4177. if (opts.node && opts.node.source) {
  4178. let range = opts.node.rangeBy(opts);
  4179. this.line = range.start.line;
  4180. this.column = range.start.column;
  4181. this.endLine = range.end.line;
  4182. this.endColumn = range.end.column;
  4183. }
  4184. for (let opt in opts)
  4185. this[opt] = opts[opt];
  4186. }
  4187. toString() {
  4188. if (this.node) {
  4189. return this.node.error(this.text, {
  4190. index: this.index,
  4191. plugin: this.plugin,
  4192. word: this.word
  4193. }).message;
  4194. }
  4195. if (this.plugin) {
  4196. return this.plugin + ": " + this.text;
  4197. }
  4198. return this.text;
  4199. }
  4200. };
  4201. module2.exports = Warning;
  4202. Warning.default = Warning;
  4203. }
  4204. });
  4205. // node_modules/postcss/lib/result.js
  4206. var require_result = __commonJS({
  4207. "node_modules/postcss/lib/result.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4208. "use strict";
  4209. var Warning = require_warning();
  4210. var Result = class {
  4211. constructor(processor, root, opts) {
  4212. this.processor = processor;
  4213. this.messages = [];
  4214. this.root = root;
  4215. this.opts = opts;
  4216. this.css = void 0;
  4217. = void 0;
  4218. }
  4219. toString() {
  4220. return this.css;
  4221. }
  4222. warn(text, opts = {}) {
  4223. if (!opts.plugin) {
  4224. if (this.lastPlugin && this.lastPlugin.postcssPlugin) {
  4225. opts.plugin = this.lastPlugin.postcssPlugin;
  4226. }
  4227. }
  4228. let warning = new Warning(text, opts);
  4229. this.messages.push(warning);
  4230. return warning;
  4231. }
  4232. warnings() {
  4233. return this.messages.filter((i) => i.type === "warning");
  4234. }
  4235. get content() {
  4236. return this.css;
  4237. }
  4238. };
  4239. module2.exports = Result;
  4240. Result.default = Result;
  4241. }
  4242. });
  4243. // node_modules/postcss/lib/at-rule.js
  4244. var require_at_rule = __commonJS({
  4245. "node_modules/postcss/lib/at-rule.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4246. "use strict";
  4247. var Container = require_container();
  4248. var AtRule = class extends Container {
  4249. constructor(defaults) {
  4250. super(defaults);
  4251. this.type = "atrule";
  4252. }
  4253. append(...children) {
  4254. if (!this.proxyOf.nodes)
  4255. this.nodes = [];
  4256. return super.append(...children);
  4257. }
  4258. prepend(...children) {
  4259. if (!this.proxyOf.nodes)
  4260. this.nodes = [];
  4261. return super.prepend(...children);
  4262. }
  4263. };
  4264. module2.exports = AtRule;
  4265. AtRule.default = AtRule;
  4266. Container.registerAtRule(AtRule);
  4267. }
  4268. });
  4269. // node_modules/postcss/lib/root.js
  4270. var require_root = __commonJS({
  4271. "node_modules/postcss/lib/root.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4272. "use strict";
  4273. var Container = require_container();
  4274. var LazyResult;
  4275. var Processor;
  4276. var Root = class extends Container {
  4277. constructor(defaults) {
  4278. super(defaults);
  4279. this.type = "root";
  4280. if (!this.nodes)
  4281. this.nodes = [];
  4282. }
  4283. normalize(child, sample, type) {
  4284. let nodes = super.normalize(child);
  4285. if (sample) {
  4286. if (type === "prepend") {
  4287. if (this.nodes.length > 1) {
  4288. sample.raws.before = this.nodes[1].raws.before;
  4289. } else {
  4290. delete sample.raws.before;
  4291. }
  4292. } else if (this.first !== sample) {
  4293. for (let node of nodes) {
  4294. node.raws.before = sample.raws.before;
  4295. }
  4296. }
  4297. }
  4298. return nodes;
  4299. }
  4300. removeChild(child, ignore) {
  4301. let index = this.index(child);
  4302. if (!ignore && index === 0 && this.nodes.length > 1) {
  4303. this.nodes[1].raws.before = this.nodes[index].raws.before;
  4304. }
  4305. return super.removeChild(child);
  4306. }
  4307. toResult(opts = {}) {
  4308. let lazy = new LazyResult(new Processor(), this, opts);
  4309. return lazy.stringify();
  4310. }
  4311. };
  4312. Root.registerLazyResult = (dependant) => {
  4313. LazyResult = dependant;
  4314. };
  4315. Root.registerProcessor = (dependant) => {
  4316. Processor = dependant;
  4317. };
  4318. module2.exports = Root;
  4319. Root.default = Root;
  4320. Container.registerRoot(Root);
  4321. }
  4322. });
  4323. // node_modules/postcss/lib/list.js
  4324. var require_list = __commonJS({
  4325. "node_modules/postcss/lib/list.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4326. "use strict";
  4327. var list = {
  4328. comma(string) {
  4329. return list.split(string, [","], true);
  4330. },
  4331. space(string) {
  4332. let spaces = [" ", "\n", " "];
  4333. return list.split(string, spaces);
  4334. },
  4335. split(string, separators, last) {
  4336. let array = [];
  4337. let current = "";
  4338. let split = false;
  4339. let func = 0;
  4340. let inQuote = false;
  4341. let prevQuote = "";
  4342. let escape = false;
  4343. for (let letter of string) {
  4344. if (escape) {
  4345. escape = false;
  4346. } else if (letter === "\\") {
  4347. escape = true;
  4348. } else if (inQuote) {
  4349. if (letter === prevQuote) {
  4350. inQuote = false;
  4351. }
  4352. } else if (letter === '"' || letter === "'") {
  4353. inQuote = true;
  4354. prevQuote = letter;
  4355. } else if (letter === "(") {
  4356. func += 1;
  4357. } else if (letter === ")") {
  4358. if (func > 0)
  4359. func -= 1;
  4360. } else if (func === 0) {
  4361. if (separators.includes(letter))
  4362. split = true;
  4363. }
  4364. if (split) {
  4365. if (current !== "")
  4366. array.push(current.trim());
  4367. current = "";
  4368. split = false;
  4369. } else {
  4370. current += letter;
  4371. }
  4372. }
  4373. if (last || current !== "")
  4374. array.push(current.trim());
  4375. return array;
  4376. }
  4377. };
  4378. module2.exports = list;
  4379. list.default = list;
  4380. }
  4381. });
  4382. // node_modules/postcss/lib/rule.js
  4383. var require_rule = __commonJS({
  4384. "node_modules/postcss/lib/rule.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4385. "use strict";
  4386. var Container = require_container();
  4387. var list = require_list();
  4388. var Rule = class extends Container {
  4389. constructor(defaults) {
  4390. super(defaults);
  4391. this.type = "rule";
  4392. if (!this.nodes)
  4393. this.nodes = [];
  4394. }
  4395. get selectors() {
  4396. return list.comma(this.selector);
  4397. }
  4398. set selectors(values) {
  4399. let match = this.selector ? this.selector.match(/,\s*/) : null;
  4400. let sep = match ? match[0] : "," + this.raw("between", "beforeOpen");
  4401. this.selector = values.join(sep);
  4402. }
  4403. };
  4404. module2.exports = Rule;
  4405. Rule.default = Rule;
  4406. Container.registerRule(Rule);
  4407. }
  4408. });
  4409. // node_modules/postcss/lib/parser.js
  4410. var require_parser = __commonJS({
  4411. "node_modules/postcss/lib/parser.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4412. "use strict";
  4413. var Declaration = require_declaration();
  4414. var tokenizer = require_tokenize();
  4415. var Comment = require_comment();
  4416. var AtRule = require_at_rule();
  4417. var Root = require_root();
  4418. var Rule = require_rule();
  4420. empty: true,
  4421. space: true
  4422. };
  4423. function findLastWithPosition(tokens) {
  4424. for (let i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  4425. let token = tokens[i];
  4426. let pos = token[3] || token[2];
  4427. if (pos)
  4428. return pos;
  4429. }
  4430. }
  4431. var Parser = class {
  4432. constructor(input) {
  4433. this.input = input;
  4434. this.root = new Root();
  4435. this.current = this.root;
  4436. this.spaces = "";
  4437. this.semicolon = false;
  4438. this.createTokenizer();
  4439. this.root.source = { input, start: { column: 1, line: 1, offset: 0 } };
  4440. }
  4441. atrule(token) {
  4442. let node = new AtRule();
  4443. = token[1].slice(1);
  4444. if ( === "") {
  4445. this.unnamedAtrule(node, token);
  4446. }
  4447. this.init(node, token[2]);
  4448. let type;
  4449. let prev;
  4450. let shift;
  4451. let last = false;
  4452. let open = false;
  4453. let params = [];
  4454. let brackets = [];
  4455. while (!this.tokenizer.endOfFile()) {
  4456. token = this.tokenizer.nextToken();
  4457. type = token[0];
  4458. if (type === "(" || type === "[") {
  4459. brackets.push(type === "(" ? ")" : "]");
  4460. } else if (type === "{" && brackets.length > 0) {
  4461. brackets.push("}");
  4462. } else if (type === brackets[brackets.length - 1]) {
  4463. brackets.pop();
  4464. }
  4465. if (brackets.length === 0) {
  4466. if (type === ";") {
  4467. node.source.end = this.getPosition(token[2]);
  4468. node.source.end.offset++;
  4469. this.semicolon = true;
  4470. break;
  4471. } else if (type === "{") {
  4472. open = true;
  4473. break;
  4474. } else if (type === "}") {
  4475. if (params.length > 0) {
  4476. shift = params.length - 1;
  4477. prev = params[shift];
  4478. while (prev && prev[0] === "space") {
  4479. prev = params[--shift];
  4480. }
  4481. if (prev) {
  4482. node.source.end = this.getPosition(prev[3] || prev[2]);
  4483. node.source.end.offset++;
  4484. }
  4485. }
  4486. this.end(token);
  4487. break;
  4488. } else {
  4489. params.push(token);
  4490. }
  4491. } else {
  4492. params.push(token);
  4493. }
  4494. if (this.tokenizer.endOfFile()) {
  4495. last = true;
  4496. break;
  4497. }
  4498. }
  4499. node.raws.between = this.spacesAndCommentsFromEnd(params);
  4500. if (params.length) {
  4501. node.raws.afterName = this.spacesAndCommentsFromStart(params);
  4502. this.raw(node, "params", params);
  4503. if (last) {
  4504. token = params[params.length - 1];
  4505. node.source.end = this.getPosition(token[3] || token[2]);
  4506. node.source.end.offset++;
  4507. this.spaces = node.raws.between;
  4508. node.raws.between = "";
  4509. }
  4510. } else {
  4511. node.raws.afterName = "";
  4512. node.params = "";
  4513. }
  4514. if (open) {
  4515. node.nodes = [];
  4516. this.current = node;
  4517. }
  4518. }
  4519. checkMissedSemicolon(tokens) {
  4520. let colon = this.colon(tokens);
  4521. if (colon === false)
  4522. return;
  4523. let founded = 0;
  4524. let token;
  4525. for (let j = colon - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
  4526. token = tokens[j];
  4527. if (token[0] !== "space") {
  4528. founded += 1;
  4529. if (founded === 2)
  4530. break;
  4531. }
  4532. }
  4533. throw this.input.error(
  4534. "Missed semicolon",
  4535. token[0] === "word" ? token[3] + 1 : token[2]
  4536. );
  4537. }
  4538. colon(tokens) {
  4539. let brackets = 0;
  4540. let token, type, prev;
  4541. for (let [i, element] of tokens.entries()) {
  4542. token = element;
  4543. type = token[0];
  4544. if (type === "(") {
  4545. brackets += 1;
  4546. }
  4547. if (type === ")") {
  4548. brackets -= 1;
  4549. }
  4550. if (brackets === 0 && type === ":") {
  4551. if (!prev) {
  4552. this.doubleColon(token);
  4553. } else if (prev[0] === "word" && prev[1] === "progid") {
  4554. continue;
  4555. } else {
  4556. return i;
  4557. }
  4558. }
  4559. prev = token;
  4560. }
  4561. return false;
  4562. }
  4563. comment(token) {
  4564. let node = new Comment();
  4565. this.init(node, token[2]);
  4566. node.source.end = this.getPosition(token[3] || token[2]);
  4567. node.source.end.offset++;
  4568. let text = token[1].slice(2, -2);
  4569. if (/^\s*$/.test(text)) {
  4570. node.text = "";
  4571. node.raws.left = text;
  4572. node.raws.right = "";
  4573. } else {
  4574. let match = text.match(/^(\s*)([^]*\S)(\s*)$/);
  4575. node.text = match[2];
  4576. node.raws.left = match[1];
  4577. node.raws.right = match[3];
  4578. }
  4579. }
  4580. createTokenizer() {
  4581. this.tokenizer = tokenizer(this.input);
  4582. }
  4583. decl(tokens, customProperty) {
  4584. let node = new Declaration();
  4585. this.init(node, tokens[0][2]);
  4586. let last = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
  4587. if (last[0] === ";") {
  4588. this.semicolon = true;
  4589. tokens.pop();
  4590. }
  4591. node.source.end = this.getPosition(
  4592. last[3] || last[2] || findLastWithPosition(tokens)
  4593. );
  4594. node.source.end.offset++;
  4595. while (tokens[0][0] !== "word") {
  4596. if (tokens.length === 1)
  4597. this.unknownWord(tokens);
  4598. node.raws.before += tokens.shift()[1];
  4599. }
  4600. node.source.start = this.getPosition(tokens[0][2]);
  4601. node.prop = "";
  4602. while (tokens.length) {
  4603. let type = tokens[0][0];
  4604. if (type === ":" || type === "space" || type === "comment") {
  4605. break;
  4606. }
  4607. node.prop += tokens.shift()[1];
  4608. }
  4609. node.raws.between = "";
  4610. let token;
  4611. while (tokens.length) {
  4612. token = tokens.shift();
  4613. if (token[0] === ":") {
  4614. node.raws.between += token[1];
  4615. break;
  4616. } else {
  4617. if (token[0] === "word" && /\w/.test(token[1])) {
  4618. this.unknownWord([token]);
  4619. }
  4620. node.raws.between += token[1];
  4621. }
  4622. }
  4623. if (node.prop[0] === "_" || node.prop[0] === "*") {
  4624. node.raws.before += node.prop[0];
  4625. node.prop = node.prop.slice(1);
  4626. }
  4627. let firstSpaces = [];
  4628. let next;
  4629. while (tokens.length) {
  4630. next = tokens[0][0];
  4631. if (next !== "space" && next !== "comment")
  4632. break;
  4633. firstSpaces.push(tokens.shift());
  4634. }
  4635. this.precheckMissedSemicolon(tokens);
  4636. for (let i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  4637. token = tokens[i];
  4638. if (token[1].toLowerCase() === "!important") {
  4639. node.important = true;
  4640. let string = this.stringFrom(tokens, i);
  4641. string = this.spacesFromEnd(tokens) + string;
  4642. if (string !== " !important")
  4643. node.raws.important = string;
  4644. break;
  4645. } else if (token[1].toLowerCase() === "important") {
  4646. let cache = tokens.slice(0);
  4647. let str = "";
  4648. for (let j = i; j > 0; j--) {
  4649. let type = cache[j][0];
  4650. if (str.trim().indexOf("!") === 0 && type !== "space") {
  4651. break;
  4652. }
  4653. str = cache.pop()[1] + str;
  4654. }
  4655. if (str.trim().indexOf("!") === 0) {
  4656. node.important = true;
  4657. node.raws.important = str;
  4658. tokens = cache;
  4659. }
  4660. }
  4661. if (token[0] !== "space" && token[0] !== "comment") {
  4662. break;
  4663. }
  4664. }
  4665. let hasWord = tokens.some((i) => i[0] !== "space" && i[0] !== "comment");
  4666. if (hasWord) {
  4667. node.raws.between += => i[1]).join("");
  4668. firstSpaces = [];
  4669. }
  4670. this.raw(node, "value", firstSpaces.concat(tokens), customProperty);
  4671. if (node.value.includes(":") && !customProperty) {
  4672. this.checkMissedSemicolon(tokens);
  4673. }
  4674. }
  4675. doubleColon(token) {
  4676. throw this.input.error(
  4677. "Double colon",
  4678. { offset: token[2] },
  4679. { offset: token[2] + token[1].length }
  4680. );
  4681. }
  4682. emptyRule(token) {
  4683. let node = new Rule();
  4684. this.init(node, token[2]);
  4685. node.selector = "";
  4686. node.raws.between = "";
  4687. this.current = node;
  4688. }
  4689. end(token) {
  4690. if (this.current.nodes && this.current.nodes.length) {
  4691. this.current.raws.semicolon = this.semicolon;
  4692. }
  4693. this.semicolon = false;
  4694. this.current.raws.after = (this.current.raws.after || "") + this.spaces;
  4695. this.spaces = "";
  4696. if (this.current.parent) {
  4697. this.current.source.end = this.getPosition(token[2]);
  4698. this.current.source.end.offset++;
  4699. this.current = this.current.parent;
  4700. } else {
  4701. this.unexpectedClose(token);
  4702. }
  4703. }
  4704. endFile() {
  4705. if (this.current.parent)
  4706. this.unclosedBlock();
  4707. if (this.current.nodes && this.current.nodes.length) {
  4708. this.current.raws.semicolon = this.semicolon;
  4709. }
  4710. this.current.raws.after = (this.current.raws.after || "") + this.spaces;
  4711. this.root.source.end = this.getPosition(this.tokenizer.position());
  4712. }
  4713. freeSemicolon(token) {
  4714. this.spaces += token[1];
  4715. if (this.current.nodes) {
  4716. let prev = this.current.nodes[this.current.nodes.length - 1];
  4717. if (prev && prev.type === "rule" && !prev.raws.ownSemicolon) {
  4718. prev.raws.ownSemicolon = this.spaces;
  4719. this.spaces = "";
  4720. }
  4721. }
  4722. }
  4723. // Helpers
  4724. getPosition(offset) {
  4725. let pos = this.input.fromOffset(offset);
  4726. return {
  4727. column: pos.col,
  4728. line: pos.line,
  4729. offset
  4730. };
  4731. }
  4732. init(node, offset) {
  4733. this.current.push(node);
  4734. node.source = {
  4735. input: this.input,
  4736. start: this.getPosition(offset)
  4737. };
  4738. node.raws.before = this.spaces;
  4739. this.spaces = "";
  4740. if (node.type !== "comment")
  4741. this.semicolon = false;
  4742. }
  4743. other(start) {
  4744. let end = false;
  4745. let type = null;
  4746. let colon = false;
  4747. let bracket = null;
  4748. let brackets = [];
  4749. let customProperty = start[1].startsWith("--");
  4750. let tokens = [];
  4751. let token = start;
  4752. while (token) {
  4753. type = token[0];
  4754. tokens.push(token);
  4755. if (type === "(" || type === "[") {
  4756. if (!bracket)
  4757. bracket = token;
  4758. brackets.push(type === "(" ? ")" : "]");
  4759. } else if (customProperty && colon && type === "{") {
  4760. if (!bracket)
  4761. bracket = token;
  4762. brackets.push("}");
  4763. } else if (brackets.length === 0) {
  4764. if (type === ";") {
  4765. if (colon) {
  4766. this.decl(tokens, customProperty);
  4767. return;
  4768. } else {
  4769. break;
  4770. }
  4771. } else if (type === "{") {
  4772. this.rule(tokens);
  4773. return;
  4774. } else if (type === "}") {
  4775. this.tokenizer.back(tokens.pop());
  4776. end = true;
  4777. break;
  4778. } else if (type === ":") {
  4779. colon = true;
  4780. }
  4781. } else if (type === brackets[brackets.length - 1]) {
  4782. brackets.pop();
  4783. if (brackets.length === 0)
  4784. bracket = null;
  4785. }
  4786. token = this.tokenizer.nextToken();
  4787. }
  4788. if (this.tokenizer.endOfFile())
  4789. end = true;
  4790. if (brackets.length > 0)
  4791. this.unclosedBracket(bracket);
  4792. if (end && colon) {
  4793. if (!customProperty) {
  4794. while (tokens.length) {
  4795. token = tokens[tokens.length - 1][0];
  4796. if (token !== "space" && token !== "comment")
  4797. break;
  4798. this.tokenizer.back(tokens.pop());
  4799. }
  4800. }
  4801. this.decl(tokens, customProperty);
  4802. } else {
  4803. this.unknownWord(tokens);
  4804. }
  4805. }
  4806. parse() {
  4807. let token;
  4808. while (!this.tokenizer.endOfFile()) {
  4809. token = this.tokenizer.nextToken();
  4810. switch (token[0]) {
  4811. case "space":
  4812. this.spaces += token[1];
  4813. break;
  4814. case ";":
  4815. this.freeSemicolon(token);
  4816. break;
  4817. case "}":
  4818. this.end(token);
  4819. break;
  4820. case "comment":
  4821. this.comment(token);
  4822. break;
  4823. case "at-word":
  4824. this.atrule(token);
  4825. break;
  4826. case "{":
  4827. this.emptyRule(token);
  4828. break;
  4829. default:
  4830. this.other(token);
  4831. break;
  4832. }
  4833. }
  4834. this.endFile();
  4835. }
  4836. precheckMissedSemicolon() {
  4837. }
  4838. raw(node, prop, tokens, customProperty) {
  4839. let token, type;
  4840. let length = tokens.length;
  4841. let value = "";
  4842. let clean = true;
  4843. let next, prev;
  4844. for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
  4845. token = tokens[i];
  4846. type = token[0];
  4847. if (type === "space" && i === length - 1 && !customProperty) {
  4848. clean = false;
  4849. } else if (type === "comment") {
  4850. prev = tokens[i - 1] ? tokens[i - 1][0] : "empty";
  4851. next = tokens[i + 1] ? tokens[i + 1][0] : "empty";
  4853. if (value.slice(-1) === ",") {
  4854. clean = false;
  4855. } else {
  4856. value += token[1];
  4857. }
  4858. } else {
  4859. clean = false;
  4860. }
  4861. } else {
  4862. value += token[1];
  4863. }
  4864. }
  4865. if (!clean) {
  4866. let raw = tokens.reduce((all, i) => all + i[1], "");
  4867. node.raws[prop] = { raw, value };
  4868. }
  4869. node[prop] = value;
  4870. }
  4871. rule(tokens) {
  4872. tokens.pop();
  4873. let node = new Rule();
  4874. this.init(node, tokens[0][2]);
  4875. node.raws.between = this.spacesAndCommentsFromEnd(tokens);
  4876. this.raw(node, "selector", tokens);
  4877. this.current = node;
  4878. }
  4879. spacesAndCommentsFromEnd(tokens) {
  4880. let lastTokenType;
  4881. let spaces = "";
  4882. while (tokens.length) {
  4883. lastTokenType = tokens[tokens.length - 1][0];
  4884. if (lastTokenType !== "space" && lastTokenType !== "comment")
  4885. break;
  4886. spaces = tokens.pop()[1] + spaces;
  4887. }
  4888. return spaces;
  4889. }
  4890. // Errors
  4891. spacesAndCommentsFromStart(tokens) {
  4892. let next;
  4893. let spaces = "";
  4894. while (tokens.length) {
  4895. next = tokens[0][0];
  4896. if (next !== "space" && next !== "comment")
  4897. break;
  4898. spaces += tokens.shift()[1];
  4899. }
  4900. return spaces;
  4901. }
  4902. spacesFromEnd(tokens) {
  4903. let lastTokenType;
  4904. let spaces = "";
  4905. while (tokens.length) {
  4906. lastTokenType = tokens[tokens.length - 1][0];
  4907. if (lastTokenType !== "space")
  4908. break;
  4909. spaces = tokens.pop()[1] + spaces;
  4910. }
  4911. return spaces;
  4912. }
  4913. stringFrom(tokens, from) {
  4914. let result = "";
  4915. for (let i = from; i < tokens.length; i++) {
  4916. result += tokens[i][1];
  4917. }
  4918. tokens.splice(from, tokens.length - from);
  4919. return result;
  4920. }
  4921. unclosedBlock() {
  4922. let pos = this.current.source.start;
  4923. throw this.input.error("Unclosed block", pos.line, pos.column);
  4924. }
  4925. unclosedBracket(bracket) {
  4926. throw this.input.error(
  4927. "Unclosed bracket",
  4928. { offset: bracket[2] },
  4929. { offset: bracket[2] + 1 }
  4930. );
  4931. }
  4932. unexpectedClose(token) {
  4933. throw this.input.error(
  4934. "Unexpected }",
  4935. { offset: token[2] },
  4936. { offset: token[2] + 1 }
  4937. );
  4938. }
  4939. unknownWord(tokens) {
  4940. throw this.input.error(
  4941. "Unknown word",
  4942. { offset: tokens[0][2] },
  4943. { offset: tokens[0][2] + tokens[0][1].length }
  4944. );
  4945. }
  4946. unnamedAtrule(node, token) {
  4947. throw this.input.error(
  4948. "At-rule without name",
  4949. { offset: token[2] },
  4950. { offset: token[2] + token[1].length }
  4951. );
  4952. }
  4953. };
  4954. module2.exports = Parser;
  4955. }
  4956. });
  4957. // node_modules/postcss/lib/parse.js
  4958. var require_parse = __commonJS({
  4959. "node_modules/postcss/lib/parse.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4960. "use strict";
  4961. var Container = require_container();
  4962. var Parser = require_parser();
  4963. var Input = require_input();
  4964. function parse(css, opts) {
  4965. let input = new Input(css, opts);
  4966. let parser = new Parser(input);
  4967. try {
  4968. parser.parse();
  4969. } catch (e) {
  4970. if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
  4971. if ( === "CssSyntaxError" && opts && opts.from) {
  4972. if (/\.scss$/i.test(opts.from)) {
  4973. e.message += "\nYou tried to parse SCSS with the standard CSS parser; try again with the postcss-scss parser";
  4974. } else if (/\.sass/i.test(opts.from)) {
  4975. e.message += "\nYou tried to parse Sass with the standard CSS parser; try again with the postcss-sass parser";
  4976. } else if (/\.less$/i.test(opts.from)) {
  4977. e.message += "\nYou tried to parse Less with the standard CSS parser; try again with the postcss-less parser";
  4978. }
  4979. }
  4980. }
  4981. throw e;
  4982. }
  4983. return parser.root;
  4984. }
  4985. module2.exports = parse;
  4986. parse.default = parse;
  4987. Container.registerParse(parse);
  4988. }
  4989. });
  4990. // node_modules/postcss/lib/lazy-result.js
  4991. var require_lazy_result = __commonJS({
  4992. "node_modules/postcss/lib/lazy-result.js"(exports2, module2) {
  4993. "use strict";
  4994. var { isClean, my } = require_symbols();
  4995. var MapGenerator = require_map_generator();
  4996. var stringify = require_stringify();
  4997. var Container = require_container();
  4998. var Document = require_document();
  4999. var warnOnce = require_warn_once();
  5000. var Result = require_result();
  5001. var parse = require_parse();
  5002. var Root = require_root();
  5003. var TYPE_TO_CLASS_NAME = {
  5004. atrule: "AtRule",
  5005. comment: "Comment",
  5006. decl: "Declaration",
  5007. document: "Document",
  5008. root: "Root",
  5009. rule: "Rule"
  5010. };
  5011. var PLUGIN_PROPS = {
  5012. AtRule: true,
  5013. AtRuleExit: true,
  5014. Comment: true,
  5015. CommentExit: true,
  5016. Declaration: true,
  5017. DeclarationExit: true,
  5018. Document: true,
  5019. DocumentExit: true,
  5020. Once: true,
  5021. OnceExit: true,
  5022. postcssPlugin: true,
  5023. prepare: true,
  5024. Root: true,
  5025. RootExit: true,
  5026. Rule: true,
  5027. RuleExit: true
  5028. };
  5029. var NOT_VISITORS = {
  5030. Once: true,
  5031. postcssPlugin: true,
  5032. prepare: true
  5033. };
  5034. var CHILDREN = 0;
  5035. function isPromise(obj) {
  5036. return typeof obj === "object" && typeof obj.then === "function";
  5037. }
  5038. function getEvents(node) {
  5039. let key = false;
  5040. let type = TYPE_TO_CLASS_NAME[node.type];
  5041. if (node.type === "decl") {
  5042. key = node.prop.toLowerCase();
  5043. } else if (node.type === "atrule") {
  5044. key =;
  5045. }
  5046. if (key && node.append) {
  5047. return [
  5048. type,
  5049. type + "-" + key,
  5050. CHILDREN,
  5051. type + "Exit",
  5052. type + "Exit-" + key
  5053. ];
  5054. } else if (key) {
  5055. return [type, type + "-" + key, type + "Exit", type + "Exit-" + key];
  5056. } else if (node.append) {
  5057. return [type, CHILDREN, type + "Exit"];
  5058. } else {
  5059. return [type, type + "Exit"];
  5060. }
  5061. }
  5062. function toStack(node) {
  5063. let events;
  5064. if (node.type === "document") {
  5065. events = ["Document", CHILDREN, "DocumentExit"];
  5066. } else if (node.type === "root") {
  5067. events = ["Root", CHILDREN, "RootExit"];
  5068. } else {
  5069. events = getEvents(node);
  5070. }
  5071. return {
  5072. eventIndex: 0,
  5073. events,
  5074. iterator: 0,
  5075. node,
  5076. visitorIndex: 0,
  5077. visitors: []
  5078. };
  5079. }
  5080. function cleanMarks(node) {
  5081. node[isClean] = false;
  5082. if (node.nodes)
  5083. node.nodes.forEach((i) => cleanMarks(i));
  5084. return node;
  5085. }
  5086. var postcss = {};
  5087. var LazyResult = class _LazyResult {
  5088. constructor(processor, css, opts) {
  5089. this.stringified = false;
  5090. this.processed = false;
  5091. let root;
  5092. if (typeof css === "object" && css !== null && (css.type === "root" || css.type === "document")) {
  5093. root = cleanMarks(css);
  5094. } else if (css instanceof _LazyResult || css instanceof Result) {
  5095. root = cleanMarks(css.root);
  5096. if ( {
  5097. if (typeof === "undefined")
  5098. = {};
  5099. if (!
  5100. = false;
  5101. =;
  5102. }
  5103. } else {
  5104. let parser = parse;
  5105. if (opts.syntax)
  5106. parser = opts.syntax.parse;
  5107. if (opts.parser)
  5108. parser = opts.parser;
  5109. if (parser.parse)
  5110. parser = parser.parse;
  5111. try {
  5112. root = parser(css, opts);
  5113. } catch (error) {
  5114. this.processed = true;
  5115. this.error = error;
  5116. }
  5117. if (root && !root[my]) {
  5118. Container.rebuild(root);
  5119. }
  5120. }
  5121. this.result = new Result(processor, root, opts);
  5122. this.helpers = { ...postcss, postcss, result: this.result };
  5123. this.plugins = => {
  5124. if (typeof plugin === "object" && plugin.prepare) {
  5125. return { ...plugin, ...plugin.prepare(this.result) };
  5126. } else {
  5127. return plugin;
  5128. }
  5129. });
  5130. }
  5131. async() {
  5132. if (this.error)
  5133. return Promise.reject(this.error);
  5134. if (this.processed)
  5135. return Promise.resolve(this.result);
  5136. if (!this.processing) {
  5137. this.processing = this.runAsync();
  5138. }
  5139. return this.processing;
  5140. }
  5141. catch(onRejected) {
  5142. return this.async().catch(onRejected);
  5143. }
  5144. finally(onFinally) {
  5145. return this.async().then(onFinally, onFinally);
  5146. }
  5147. getAsyncError() {
  5148. throw new Error("Use process(css).then(cb) to work with async plugins");
  5149. }
  5150. handleError(error, node) {
  5151. let plugin = this.result.lastPlugin;
  5152. try {
  5153. if (node)
  5154. node.addToError(error);
  5155. this.error = error;
  5156. if ( === "CssSyntaxError" && !error.plugin) {
  5157. error.plugin = plugin.postcssPlugin;
  5158. error.setMessage();
  5159. } else if (plugin.postcssVersion) {
  5160. if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
  5161. let pluginName = plugin.postcssPlugin;
  5162. let pluginVer = plugin.postcssVersion;
  5163. let runtimeVer = this.result.processor.version;
  5164. let a = pluginVer.split(".");
  5165. let b = runtimeVer.split(".");
  5166. if (a[0] !== b[0] || parseInt(a[1]) > parseInt(b[1])) {
  5167. console.error(
  5168. "Unknown error from PostCSS plugin. Your current PostCSS version is " + runtimeVer + ", but " + pluginName + " uses " + pluginVer + ". Perhaps this is the source of the error below."
  5169. );
  5170. }
  5171. }
  5172. }
  5173. } catch (err) {
  5174. if (console && console.error)
  5175. console.error(err);
  5176. }
  5177. return error;
  5178. }
  5179. prepareVisitors() {
  5180. this.listeners = {};
  5181. let add = (plugin, type, cb) => {
  5182. if (!this.listeners[type])
  5183. this.listeners[type] = [];
  5184. this.listeners[type].push([plugin, cb]);
  5185. };
  5186. for (let plugin of this.plugins) {
  5187. if (typeof plugin === "object") {
  5188. for (let event in plugin) {
  5189. if (!PLUGIN_PROPS[event] && /^[A-Z]/.test(event)) {
  5190. throw new Error(
  5191. `Unknown event ${event} in ${plugin.postcssPlugin}. Try to update PostCSS (${this.processor.version} now).`
  5192. );
  5193. }
  5194. if (!NOT_VISITORS[event]) {
  5195. if (typeof plugin[event] === "object") {
  5196. for (let filter in plugin[event]) {
  5197. if (filter === "*") {
  5198. add(plugin, event, plugin[event][filter]);
  5199. } else {
  5200. add(
  5201. plugin,
  5202. event + "-" + filter.toLowerCase(),
  5203. plugin[event][filter]
  5204. );
  5205. }
  5206. }
  5207. } else if (typeof plugin[event] === "function") {
  5208. add(plugin, event, plugin[event]);
  5209. }
  5210. }
  5211. }
  5212. }
  5213. }
  5214. this.hasListener = Object.keys(this.listeners).length > 0;
  5215. }
  5216. async runAsync() {
  5217. this.plugin = 0;
  5218. for (let i = 0; i < this.plugins.length; i++) {
  5219. let plugin = this.plugins[i];
  5220. let promise = this.runOnRoot(plugin);
  5221. if (isPromise(promise)) {
  5222. try {
  5223. await promise;
  5224. } catch (error) {
  5225. throw this.handleError(error);
  5226. }
  5227. }
  5228. }
  5229. this.prepareVisitors();
  5230. if (this.hasListener) {
  5231. let root = this.result.root;
  5232. while (!root[isClean]) {
  5233. root[isClean] = true;
  5234. let stack = [toStack(root)];
  5235. while (stack.length > 0) {
  5236. let promise = this.visitTick(stack);
  5237. if (isPromise(promise)) {
  5238. try {
  5239. await promise;
  5240. } catch (e) {
  5241. let node = stack[stack.length - 1].node;
  5242. throw this.handleError(e, node);
  5243. }
  5244. }
  5245. }
  5246. }
  5247. if (this.listeners.OnceExit) {
  5248. for (let [plugin, visitor] of this.listeners.OnceExit) {
  5249. this.result.lastPlugin = plugin;
  5250. try {
  5251. if (root.type === "document") {
  5252. let roots =
  5253. (subRoot) => visitor(subRoot, this.helpers)
  5254. );
  5255. await Promise.all(roots);
  5256. } else {
  5257. await visitor(root, this.helpers);
  5258. }
  5259. } catch (e) {
  5260. throw this.handleError(e);
  5261. }
  5262. }
  5263. }
  5264. }
  5265. this.processed = true;
  5266. return this.stringify();
  5267. }
  5268. runOnRoot(plugin) {
  5269. this.result.lastPlugin = plugin;
  5270. try {
  5271. if (typeof plugin === "object" && plugin.Once) {
  5272. if (this.result.root.type === "document") {
  5273. let roots =
  5274. (root) => plugin.Once(root, this.helpers)
  5275. );
  5276. if (isPromise(roots[0])) {
  5277. return Promise.all(roots);
  5278. }
  5279. return roots;
  5280. }
  5281. return plugin.Once(this.result.root, this.helpers);
  5282. } else if (typeof plugin === "function") {
  5283. return plugin(this.result.root, this.result);
  5284. }
  5285. } catch (error) {
  5286. throw this.handleError(error);
  5287. }
  5288. }
  5289. stringify() {
  5290. if (this.error)
  5291. throw this.error;
  5292. if (this.stringified)
  5293. return this.result;
  5294. this.stringified = true;
  5295. this.sync();
  5296. let opts = this.result.opts;
  5297. let str = stringify;
  5298. if (opts.syntax)
  5299. str = opts.syntax.stringify;
  5300. if (opts.stringifier)
  5301. str = opts.stringifier;
  5302. if (str.stringify)
  5303. str = str.stringify;
  5304. let map = new MapGenerator(str, this.result.root, this.result.opts);
  5305. let data = map.generate();
  5306. this.result.css = data[0];
  5307. = data[1];
  5308. return this.result;
  5309. }
  5310. sync() {
  5311. if (this.error)
  5312. throw this.error;
  5313. if (this.processed)
  5314. return this.result;
  5315. this.processed = true;
  5316. if (this.processing) {
  5317. throw this.getAsyncError();
  5318. }
  5319. for (let plugin of this.plugins) {
  5320. let promise = this.runOnRoot(plugin);
  5321. if (isPromise(promise)) {
  5322. throw this.getAsyncError();
  5323. }
  5324. }
  5325. this.prepareVisitors();
  5326. if (this.hasListener) {
  5327. let root = this.result.root;
  5328. while (!root[isClean]) {
  5329. root[isClean] = true;
  5330. this.walkSync(root);
  5331. }
  5332. if (this.listeners.OnceExit) {
  5333. if (root.type === "document") {
  5334. for (let subRoot of root.nodes) {
  5335. this.visitSync(this.listeners.OnceExit, subRoot);
  5336. }
  5337. } else {
  5338. this.visitSync(this.listeners.OnceExit, root);
  5339. }
  5340. }
  5341. }
  5342. return this.result;
  5343. }
  5344. then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
  5345. if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
  5346. if (!("from" in this.opts)) {
  5347. warnOnce(
  5348. "Without `from` option PostCSS could generate wrong source map and will not find Browserslist config. Set it to CSS file path or to `undefined` to prevent this warning."
  5349. );
  5350. }
  5351. }
  5352. return this.async().then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
  5353. }
  5354. toString() {
  5355. return this.css;
  5356. }
  5357. visitSync(visitors, node) {
  5358. for (let [plugin, visitor] of visitors) {
  5359. this.result.lastPlugin = plugin;
  5360. let promise;
  5361. try {
  5362. promise = visitor(node, this.helpers);
  5363. } catch (e) {
  5364. throw this.handleError(e, node.proxyOf);
  5365. }
  5366. if (node.type !== "root" && node.type !== "document" && !node.parent) {
  5367. return true;
  5368. }
  5369. if (isPromise(promise)) {
  5370. throw this.getAsyncError();
  5371. }
  5372. }
  5373. }
  5374. visitTick(stack) {
  5375. let visit = stack[stack.length - 1];
  5376. let { node, visitors } = visit;
  5377. if (node.type !== "root" && node.type !== "document" && !node.parent) {
  5378. stack.pop();
  5379. return;
  5380. }
  5381. if (visitors.length > 0 && visit.visitorIndex < visitors.length) {
  5382. let [plugin, visitor] = visitors[visit.visitorIndex];
  5383. visit.visitorIndex += 1;
  5384. if (visit.visitorIndex === visitors.length) {
  5385. visit.visitors = [];
  5386. visit.visitorIndex = 0;
  5387. }
  5388. this.result.lastPlugin = plugin;
  5389. try {
  5390. return visitor(node.toProxy(), this.helpers);
  5391. } catch (e) {
  5392. throw this.handleError(e, node);
  5393. }
  5394. }
  5395. if (visit.iterator !== 0) {
  5396. let iterator = visit.iterator;
  5397. let child;
  5398. while (child = node.nodes[node.indexes[iterator]]) {
  5399. node.indexes[iterator] += 1;
  5400. if (!child[isClean]) {
  5401. child[isClean] = true;
  5402. stack.push(toStack(child));
  5403. return;
  5404. }
  5405. }
  5406. visit.iterator = 0;
  5407. delete node.indexes[iterator];
  5408. }
  5409. let events =;
  5410. while (visit.eventIndex < events.length) {
  5411. let event = events[visit.eventIndex];
  5412. visit.eventIndex += 1;
  5413. if (event === CHILDREN) {
  5414. if (node.nodes && node.nodes.length) {
  5415. node[isClean] = true;
  5416. visit.iterator = node.getIterator();
  5417. }
  5418. return;
  5419. } else if (this.listeners[event]) {
  5420. visit.visitors = this.listeners[event];
  5421. return;
  5422. }
  5423. }
  5424. stack.pop();
  5425. }
  5426. walkSync(node) {
  5427. node[isClean] = true;
  5428. let events = getEvents(node);
  5429. for (let event of events) {
  5430. if (event === CHILDREN) {
  5431. if (node.nodes) {
  5432. node.each((child) => {
  5433. if (!child[isClean])
  5434. this.walkSync(child);
  5435. });
  5436. }
  5437. } else {
  5438. let visitors = this.listeners[event];
  5439. if (visitors) {
  5440. if (this.visitSync(visitors, node.toProxy()))
  5441. return;
  5442. }
  5443. }
  5444. }
  5445. }
  5446. warnings() {
  5447. return this.sync().warnings();
  5448. }
  5449. get content() {
  5450. return this.stringify().content;
  5451. }
  5452. get css() {
  5453. return this.stringify().css;
  5454. }
  5455. get map() {
  5456. return this.stringify().map;
  5457. }
  5458. get messages() {
  5459. return this.sync().messages;
  5460. }
  5461. get opts() {
  5462. return this.result.opts;
  5463. }
  5464. get processor() {
  5465. return this.result.processor;
  5466. }
  5467. get root() {
  5468. return this.sync().root;
  5469. }
  5470. get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
  5471. return "LazyResult";
  5472. }
  5473. };
  5474. LazyResult.registerPostcss = (dependant) => {
  5475. postcss = dependant;
  5476. };
  5477. module2.exports = LazyResult;
  5478. LazyResult.default = LazyResult;
  5479. Root.registerLazyResult(LazyResult);
  5480. Document.registerLazyResult(LazyResult);
  5481. }
  5482. });
  5483. // node_modules/postcss/lib/no-work-result.js
  5484. var require_no_work_result = __commonJS({
  5485. "node_modules/postcss/lib/no-work-result.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5486. "use strict";
  5487. var MapGenerator = require_map_generator();
  5488. var stringify = require_stringify();
  5489. var warnOnce = require_warn_once();
  5490. var parse = require_parse();
  5491. var Result = require_result();
  5492. var NoWorkResult = class {
  5493. constructor(processor, css, opts) {
  5494. css = css.toString();
  5495. this.stringified = false;
  5496. this._processor = processor;
  5497. this._css = css;
  5498. this._opts = opts;
  5499. this._map = void 0;
  5500. let root;
  5501. let str = stringify;
  5502. this.result = new Result(this._processor, root, this._opts);
  5503. this.result.css = css;
  5504. let self2 = this;
  5505. Object.defineProperty(this.result, "root", {
  5506. get() {
  5507. return self2.root;
  5508. }
  5509. });
  5510. let map = new MapGenerator(str, root, this._opts, css);
  5511. if (map.isMap()) {
  5512. let [generatedCSS, generatedMap] = map.generate();
  5513. if (generatedCSS) {
  5514. this.result.css = generatedCSS;
  5515. }
  5516. if (generatedMap) {
  5517. = generatedMap;
  5518. }
  5519. } else {
  5520. map.clearAnnotation();
  5521. this.result.css = map.css;
  5522. }
  5523. }
  5524. async() {
  5525. if (this.error)
  5526. return Promise.reject(this.error);
  5527. return Promise.resolve(this.result);
  5528. }
  5529. catch(onRejected) {
  5530. return this.async().catch(onRejected);
  5531. }
  5532. finally(onFinally) {
  5533. return this.async().then(onFinally, onFinally);
  5534. }
  5535. sync() {
  5536. if (this.error)
  5537. throw this.error;
  5538. return this.result;
  5539. }
  5540. then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
  5541. if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
  5542. if (!("from" in this._opts)) {
  5543. warnOnce(
  5544. "Without `from` option PostCSS could generate wrong source map and will not find Browserslist config. Set it to CSS file path or to `undefined` to prevent this warning."
  5545. );
  5546. }
  5547. }
  5548. return this.async().then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
  5549. }
  5550. toString() {
  5551. return this._css;
  5552. }
  5553. warnings() {
  5554. return [];
  5555. }
  5556. get content() {
  5557. return this.result.css;
  5558. }
  5559. get css() {
  5560. return this.result.css;
  5561. }
  5562. get map() {
  5563. return;
  5564. }
  5565. get messages() {
  5566. return [];
  5567. }
  5568. get opts() {
  5569. return this.result.opts;
  5570. }
  5571. get processor() {
  5572. return this.result.processor;
  5573. }
  5574. get root() {
  5575. if (this._root) {
  5576. return this._root;
  5577. }
  5578. let root;
  5579. let parser = parse;
  5580. try {
  5581. root = parser(this._css, this._opts);
  5582. } catch (error) {
  5583. this.error = error;
  5584. }
  5585. if (this.error) {
  5586. throw this.error;
  5587. } else {
  5588. this._root = root;
  5589. return root;
  5590. }
  5591. }
  5592. get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
  5593. return "NoWorkResult";
  5594. }
  5595. };
  5596. module2.exports = NoWorkResult;
  5597. NoWorkResult.default = NoWorkResult;
  5598. }
  5599. });
  5600. // node_modules/postcss/lib/processor.js
  5601. var require_processor = __commonJS({
  5602. "node_modules/postcss/lib/processor.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5603. "use strict";
  5604. var NoWorkResult = require_no_work_result();
  5605. var LazyResult = require_lazy_result();
  5606. var Document = require_document();
  5607. var Root = require_root();
  5608. var Processor = class {
  5609. constructor(plugins = []) {
  5610. this.version = "8.4.38";
  5611. this.plugins = this.normalize(plugins);
  5612. }
  5613. normalize(plugins) {
  5614. let normalized = [];
  5615. for (let i of plugins) {
  5616. if (i.postcss === true) {
  5617. i = i();
  5618. } else if (i.postcss) {
  5619. i = i.postcss;
  5620. }
  5621. if (typeof i === "object" && Array.isArray(i.plugins)) {
  5622. normalized = normalized.concat(i.plugins);
  5623. } else if (typeof i === "object" && i.postcssPlugin) {
  5624. normalized.push(i);
  5625. } else if (typeof i === "function") {
  5626. normalized.push(i);
  5627. } else if (typeof i === "object" && (i.parse || i.stringify)) {
  5628. if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
  5629. throw new Error(
  5630. "PostCSS syntaxes cannot be used as plugins. Instead, please use one of the syntax/parser/stringifier options as outlined in your PostCSS runner documentation."
  5631. );
  5632. }
  5633. } else {
  5634. throw new Error(i + " is not a PostCSS plugin");
  5635. }
  5636. }
  5637. return normalized;
  5638. }
  5639. process(css, opts = {}) {
  5640. if (!this.plugins.length && !opts.parser && !opts.stringifier && !opts.syntax) {
  5641. return new NoWorkResult(this, css, opts);
  5642. } else {
  5643. return new LazyResult(this, css, opts);
  5644. }
  5645. }
  5646. use(plugin) {
  5647. this.plugins = this.plugins.concat(this.normalize([plugin]));
  5648. return this;
  5649. }
  5650. };
  5651. module2.exports = Processor;
  5652. Processor.default = Processor;
  5653. Root.registerProcessor(Processor);
  5654. Document.registerProcessor(Processor);
  5655. }
  5656. });
  5657. // node_modules/postcss/lib/fromJSON.js
  5658. var require_fromJSON = __commonJS({
  5659. "node_modules/postcss/lib/fromJSON.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5660. "use strict";
  5661. var Declaration = require_declaration();
  5662. var PreviousMap = require_previous_map();
  5663. var Comment = require_comment();
  5664. var AtRule = require_at_rule();
  5665. var Input = require_input();
  5666. var Root = require_root();
  5667. var Rule = require_rule();
  5668. function fromJSON(json, inputs) {
  5669. if (Array.isArray(json))
  5670. return => fromJSON(n));
  5671. let { inputs: ownInputs, ...defaults } = json;
  5672. if (ownInputs) {
  5673. inputs = [];
  5674. for (let input of ownInputs) {
  5675. let inputHydrated = { ...input, __proto__: Input.prototype };
  5676. if ( {
  5677. = {
  5679. __proto__: PreviousMap.prototype
  5680. };
  5681. }
  5682. inputs.push(inputHydrated);
  5683. }
  5684. }
  5685. if (defaults.nodes) {
  5686. defaults.nodes = => fromJSON(n, inputs));
  5687. }
  5688. if (defaults.source) {
  5689. let { inputId, ...source } = defaults.source;
  5690. defaults.source = source;
  5691. if (inputId != null) {
  5692. defaults.source.input = inputs[inputId];
  5693. }
  5694. }
  5695. if (defaults.type === "root") {
  5696. return new Root(defaults);
  5697. } else if (defaults.type === "decl") {
  5698. return new Declaration(defaults);
  5699. } else if (defaults.type === "rule") {
  5700. return new Rule(defaults);
  5701. } else if (defaults.type === "comment") {
  5702. return new Comment(defaults);
  5703. } else if (defaults.type === "atrule") {
  5704. return new AtRule(defaults);
  5705. } else {
  5706. throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + json.type);
  5707. }
  5708. }
  5709. module2.exports = fromJSON;
  5710. fromJSON.default = fromJSON;
  5711. }
  5712. });
  5713. // node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.js
  5714. var require_postcss = __commonJS({
  5715. "node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5716. "use strict";
  5717. var CssSyntaxError = require_css_syntax_error();
  5718. var Declaration = require_declaration();
  5719. var LazyResult = require_lazy_result();
  5720. var Container = require_container();
  5721. var Processor = require_processor();
  5722. var stringify = require_stringify();
  5723. var fromJSON = require_fromJSON();
  5724. var Document = require_document();
  5725. var Warning = require_warning();
  5726. var Comment = require_comment();
  5727. var AtRule = require_at_rule();
  5728. var Result = require_result();
  5729. var Input = require_input();
  5730. var parse = require_parse();
  5731. var list = require_list();
  5732. var Rule = require_rule();
  5733. var Root = require_root();
  5734. var Node = require_node();
  5735. function postcss(...plugins) {
  5736. if (plugins.length === 1 && Array.isArray(plugins[0])) {
  5737. plugins = plugins[0];
  5738. }
  5739. return new Processor(plugins);
  5740. }
  5741. postcss.plugin = function plugin(name, initializer) {
  5742. let warningPrinted = false;
  5743. function creator(...args) {
  5744. if (console && console.warn && !warningPrinted) {
  5745. warningPrinted = true;
  5746. console.warn(
  5747. name + ": postcss.plugin was deprecated. Migration guide:\n"
  5748. );
  5749. if (process.env.LANG && process.env.LANG.startsWith("cn")) {
  5750. console.warn(
  5751. name + ": \u91CC\u9762 postcss.plugin \u88AB\u5F03\u7528. \u8FC1\u79FB\u6307\u5357:\n"
  5752. );
  5753. }
  5754. }
  5755. let transformer = initializer(...args);
  5756. transformer.postcssPlugin = name;
  5757. transformer.postcssVersion = new Processor().version;
  5758. return transformer;
  5759. }
  5760. let cache;
  5761. Object.defineProperty(creator, "postcss", {
  5762. get() {
  5763. if (!cache)
  5764. cache = creator();
  5765. return cache;
  5766. }
  5767. });
  5768. creator.process = function(css, processOpts, pluginOpts) {
  5769. return postcss([creator(pluginOpts)]).process(css, processOpts);
  5770. };
  5771. return creator;
  5772. };
  5773. postcss.stringify = stringify;
  5774. postcss.parse = parse;
  5775. postcss.fromJSON = fromJSON;
  5776. postcss.list = list;
  5777. postcss.comment = (defaults) => new Comment(defaults);
  5778. postcss.atRule = (defaults) => new AtRule(defaults);
  5779. postcss.decl = (defaults) => new Declaration(defaults);
  5780. postcss.rule = (defaults) => new Rule(defaults);
  5781. postcss.root = (defaults) => new Root(defaults);
  5782. postcss.document = (defaults) => new Document(defaults);
  5783. postcss.CssSyntaxError = CssSyntaxError;
  5784. postcss.Declaration = Declaration;
  5785. postcss.Container = Container;
  5786. postcss.Processor = Processor;
  5787. postcss.Document = Document;
  5788. postcss.Comment = Comment;
  5789. postcss.Warning = Warning;
  5790. postcss.AtRule = AtRule;
  5791. postcss.Result = Result;
  5792. postcss.Input = Input;
  5793. postcss.Rule = Rule;
  5794. postcss.Root = Root;
  5795. postcss.Node = Node;
  5796. LazyResult.registerPostcss(postcss);
  5797. module2.exports = postcss;
  5798. postcss.default = postcss;
  5799. }
  5800. });
  5801. // node_modules/postcss-import/lib/join-media.js
  5802. var require_join_media = __commonJS({
  5803. "node_modules/postcss-import/lib/join-media.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5804. "use strict";
  5805. var startsWithKeywordRegexp = /^(all|not|only|print|screen)/i;
  5806. module2.exports = function(parentMedia, childMedia) {
  5807. if (!parentMedia.length && childMedia.length)
  5808. return childMedia;
  5809. if (parentMedia.length && !childMedia.length)
  5810. return parentMedia;
  5811. if (!parentMedia.length && !childMedia.length)
  5812. return [];
  5813. const media = [];
  5814. parentMedia.forEach((parentItem) => {
  5815. const parentItemStartsWithKeyword = startsWithKeywordRegexp.test(parentItem);
  5816. childMedia.forEach((childItem) => {
  5817. const childItemStartsWithKeyword = startsWithKeywordRegexp.test(childItem);
  5818. if (parentItem !== childItem) {
  5819. if (childItemStartsWithKeyword && !parentItemStartsWithKeyword) {
  5820. media.push(`${childItem} and ${parentItem}`);
  5821. } else {
  5822. media.push(`${parentItem} and ${childItem}`);
  5823. }
  5824. }
  5825. });
  5826. });
  5827. return media;
  5828. };
  5829. }
  5830. });
  5831. // node_modules/postcss-import/lib/join-layer.js
  5832. var require_join_layer = __commonJS({
  5833. "node_modules/postcss-import/lib/join-layer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5834. "use strict";
  5835. module2.exports = function(parentLayer, childLayer) {
  5836. if (!parentLayer.length && childLayer.length)
  5837. return childLayer;
  5838. if (parentLayer.length && !childLayer.length)
  5839. return parentLayer;
  5840. if (!parentLayer.length && !childLayer.length)
  5841. return [];
  5842. return parentLayer.concat(childLayer);
  5843. };
  5844. }
  5845. });
  5846. // node_modules/resolve/lib/homedir.js
  5847. var require_homedir = __commonJS({
  5848. "node_modules/resolve/lib/homedir.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5849. "use strict";
  5850. var os = require("os");
  5851. module2.exports = os.homedir || function homedir() {
  5852. var home = process.env.HOME;
  5853. var user = process.env.LOGNAME || process.env.USER || process.env.LNAME || process.env.USERNAME;
  5854. if (process.platform === "win32") {
  5855. return process.env.USERPROFILE || process.env.HOMEDRIVE + process.env.HOMEPATH || home || null;
  5856. }
  5857. if (process.platform === "darwin") {
  5858. return home || (user ? "/Users/" + user : null);
  5859. }
  5860. if (process.platform === "linux") {
  5861. return home || (process.getuid() === 0 ? "/root" : user ? "/home/" + user : null);
  5862. }
  5863. return home || null;
  5864. };
  5865. }
  5866. });
  5867. // node_modules/resolve/lib/caller.js
  5868. var require_caller = __commonJS({
  5869. "node_modules/resolve/lib/caller.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5870. module2.exports = function() {
  5871. var origPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
  5872. Error.prepareStackTrace = function(_, stack2) {
  5873. return stack2;
  5874. };
  5875. var stack = new Error().stack;
  5876. Error.prepareStackTrace = origPrepareStackTrace;
  5877. return stack[2].getFileName();
  5878. };
  5879. }
  5880. });
  5881. // node_modules/path-parse/index.js
  5882. var require_path_parse = __commonJS({
  5883. "node_modules/path-parse/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5884. "use strict";
  5885. var isWindows = process.platform === "win32";
  5886. var splitWindowsRe = /^(((?:[a-zA-Z]:|[\\\/]{2}[^\\\/]+[\\\/]+[^\\\/]+)?[\\\/]?)(?:[^\\\/]*[\\\/])*)((\.{1,2}|[^\\\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/\\]*|))[\\\/]*$/;
  5887. var win32 = {};
  5888. function win32SplitPath(filename) {
  5889. return splitWindowsRe.exec(filename).slice(1);
  5890. }
  5891. win32.parse = function(pathString) {
  5892. if (typeof pathString !== "string") {
  5893. throw new TypeError(
  5894. "Parameter 'pathString' must be a string, not " + typeof pathString
  5895. );
  5896. }
  5897. var allParts = win32SplitPath(pathString);
  5898. if (!allParts || allParts.length !== 5) {
  5899. throw new TypeError("Invalid path '" + pathString + "'");
  5900. }
  5901. return {
  5902. root: allParts[1],
  5903. dir: allParts[0] === allParts[1] ? allParts[0] : allParts[0].slice(0, -1),
  5904. base: allParts[2],
  5905. ext: allParts[4],
  5906. name: allParts[3]
  5907. };
  5908. };
  5909. var splitPathRe = /^((\/?)(?:[^\/]*\/)*)((\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))[\/]*$/;
  5910. var posix = {};
  5911. function posixSplitPath(filename) {
  5912. return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1);
  5913. }
  5914. posix.parse = function(pathString) {
  5915. if (typeof pathString !== "string") {
  5916. throw new TypeError(
  5917. "Parameter 'pathString' must be a string, not " + typeof pathString
  5918. );
  5919. }
  5920. var allParts = posixSplitPath(pathString);
  5921. if (!allParts || allParts.length !== 5) {
  5922. throw new TypeError("Invalid path '" + pathString + "'");
  5923. }
  5924. return {
  5925. root: allParts[1],
  5926. dir: allParts[0].slice(0, -1),
  5927. base: allParts[2],
  5928. ext: allParts[4],
  5929. name: allParts[3]
  5930. };
  5931. };
  5932. if (isWindows)
  5933. module2.exports = win32.parse;
  5934. else
  5935. module2.exports = posix.parse;
  5936. module2.exports.posix = posix.parse;
  5937. module2.exports.win32 = win32.parse;
  5938. }
  5939. });
  5940. // node_modules/resolve/lib/node-modules-paths.js
  5941. var require_node_modules_paths = __commonJS({
  5942. "node_modules/resolve/lib/node-modules-paths.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5943. var path = require("path");
  5944. var parse = path.parse || require_path_parse();
  5945. var getNodeModulesDirs = function getNodeModulesDirs2(absoluteStart, modules) {
  5946. var prefix = "/";
  5947. if (/^([A-Za-z]:)/.test(absoluteStart)) {
  5948. prefix = "";
  5949. } else if (/^\\\\/.test(absoluteStart)) {
  5950. prefix = "\\\\";
  5951. }
  5952. var paths = [absoluteStart];
  5953. var parsed = parse(absoluteStart);
  5954. while (parsed.dir !== paths[paths.length - 1]) {
  5955. paths.push(parsed.dir);
  5956. parsed = parse(parsed.dir);
  5957. }
  5958. return paths.reduce(function(dirs, aPath) {
  5959. return dirs.concat( {
  5960. return path.resolve(prefix, aPath, moduleDir);
  5961. }));
  5962. }, []);
  5963. };
  5964. module2.exports = function nodeModulesPaths(start, opts, request) {
  5965. var modules = opts && opts.moduleDirectory ? [].concat(opts.moduleDirectory) : ["node_modules"];
  5966. if (opts && typeof opts.paths === "function") {
  5967. return opts.paths(
  5968. request,
  5969. start,
  5970. function() {
  5971. return getNodeModulesDirs(start, modules);
  5972. },
  5973. opts
  5974. );
  5975. }
  5976. var dirs = getNodeModulesDirs(start, modules);
  5977. return opts && opts.paths ? dirs.concat(opts.paths) : dirs;
  5978. };
  5979. }
  5980. });
  5981. // node_modules/resolve/lib/normalize-options.js
  5982. var require_normalize_options = __commonJS({
  5983. "node_modules/resolve/lib/normalize-options.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5984. module2.exports = function(x, opts) {
  5985. return opts || {};
  5986. };
  5987. }
  5988. });
  5989. // node_modules/function-bind/implementation.js
  5990. var require_implementation = __commonJS({
  5991. "node_modules/function-bind/implementation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  5992. "use strict";
  5993. var ERROR_MESSAGE = "Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ";
  5994. var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
  5995. var toStr = Object.prototype.toString;
  5996. var funcType = "[object Function]";
  5997. module2.exports = function bind(that) {
  5998. var target = this;
  5999. if (typeof target !== "function" || !== funcType) {
  6000. throw new TypeError(ERROR_MESSAGE + target);
  6001. }
  6002. var args =, 1);
  6003. var bound;
  6004. var binder = function() {
  6005. if (this instanceof bound) {
  6006. var result = target.apply(
  6007. this,
  6008. args.concat(
  6009. );
  6010. if (Object(result) === result) {
  6011. return result;
  6012. }
  6013. return this;
  6014. } else {
  6015. return target.apply(
  6016. that,
  6017. args.concat(
  6018. );
  6019. }
  6020. };
  6021. var boundLength = Math.max(0, target.length - args.length);
  6022. var boundArgs = [];
  6023. for (var i = 0; i < boundLength; i++) {
  6024. boundArgs.push("$" + i);
  6025. }
  6026. bound = Function("binder", "return function (" + boundArgs.join(",") + "){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }")(binder);
  6027. if (target.prototype) {
  6028. var Empty = function Empty2() {
  6029. };
  6030. Empty.prototype = target.prototype;
  6031. bound.prototype = new Empty();
  6032. Empty.prototype = null;
  6033. }
  6034. return bound;
  6035. };
  6036. }
  6037. });
  6038. // node_modules/function-bind/index.js
  6039. var require_function_bind = __commonJS({
  6040. "node_modules/function-bind/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  6041. "use strict";
  6042. var implementation = require_implementation();
  6043. module2.exports = Function.prototype.bind || implementation;
  6044. }
  6045. });
  6046. // node_modules/has/src/index.js
  6047. var require_src = __commonJS({
  6048. "node_modules/has/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  6049. "use strict";
  6050. var bind = require_function_bind();
  6051. module2.exports =, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty);
  6052. }
  6053. });
  6054. // node_modules/is-core-module/core.json
  6055. var require_core = __commonJS({
  6056. "node_modules/is-core-module/core.json"(exports2, module2) {
  6057. module2.exports = {
  6058. assert: true,
  6059. "node:assert": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6060. "assert/strict": ">= 15",
  6061. "node:assert/strict": ">= 16",
  6062. async_hooks: ">= 8",
  6063. "node:async_hooks": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6064. buffer_ieee754: ">= 0.5 && < 0.9.7",
  6065. buffer: true,
  6066. "node:buffer": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6067. child_process: true,
  6068. "node:child_process": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6069. cluster: ">= 0.5",
  6070. "node:cluster": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6071. console: true,
  6072. "node:console": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6073. constants: true,
  6074. "node:constants": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6075. crypto: true,
  6076. "node:crypto": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6077. _debug_agent: ">= 1 && < 8",
  6078. _debugger: "< 8",
  6079. dgram: true,
  6080. "node:dgram": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6081. diagnostics_channel: [">= 14.17 && < 15", ">= 15.1"],
  6082. "node:diagnostics_channel": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6083. dns: true,
  6084. "node:dns": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6085. "dns/promises": ">= 15",
  6086. "node:dns/promises": ">= 16",
  6087. domain: ">= 0.7.12",
  6088. "node:domain": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6089. events: true,
  6090. "node:events": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6091. freelist: "< 6",
  6092. fs: true,
  6093. "node:fs": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6094. "fs/promises": [">= 10 && < 10.1", ">= 14"],
  6095. "node:fs/promises": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6096. _http_agent: ">= 0.11.1",
  6097. "node:_http_agent": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6098. _http_client: ">= 0.11.1",
  6099. "node:_http_client": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6100. _http_common: ">= 0.11.1",
  6101. "node:_http_common": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6102. _http_incoming: ">= 0.11.1",
  6103. "node:_http_incoming": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6104. _http_outgoing: ">= 0.11.1",
  6105. "node:_http_outgoing": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6106. _http_server: ">= 0.11.1",
  6107. "node:_http_server": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6108. http: true,
  6109. "node:http": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6110. http2: ">= 8.8",
  6111. "node:http2": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6112. https: true,
  6113. "node:https": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6114. inspector: ">= 8",
  6115. "node:inspector": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6116. "inspector/promises": [">= 19"],
  6117. "node:inspector/promises": [">= 19"],
  6118. _linklist: "< 8",
  6119. module: true,
  6120. "node:module": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6121. net: true,
  6122. "node:net": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6123. "node-inspect/lib/_inspect": ">= 7.6 && < 12",
  6124. "node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client": ">= 7.6 && < 12",
  6125. "node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl": ">= 7.6 && < 12",
  6126. os: true,
  6127. "node:os": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6128. path: true,
  6129. "node:path": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6130. "path/posix": ">= 15.3",
  6131. "node:path/posix": ">= 16",
  6132. "path/win32": ">= 15.3",
  6133. "node:path/win32": ">= 16",
  6134. perf_hooks: ">= 8.5",
  6135. "node:perf_hooks": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6136. process: ">= 1",
  6137. "node:process": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6138. punycode: ">= 0.5",
  6139. "node:punycode": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6140. querystring: true,
  6141. "node:querystring": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6142. readline: true,
  6143. "node:readline": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6144. "readline/promises": ">= 17",
  6145. "node:readline/promises": ">= 17",
  6146. repl: true,
  6147. "node:repl": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6148. smalloc: ">= 0.11.5 && < 3",
  6149. _stream_duplex: ">= 0.9.4",
  6150. "node:_stream_duplex": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6151. _stream_transform: ">= 0.9.4",
  6152. "node:_stream_transform": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6153. _stream_wrap: ">= 1.4.1",
  6154. "node:_stream_wrap": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6155. _stream_passthrough: ">= 0.9.4",
  6156. "node:_stream_passthrough": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6157. _stream_readable: ">= 0.9.4",
  6158. "node:_stream_readable": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6159. _stream_writable: ">= 0.9.4",
  6160. "node:_stream_writable": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6161. stream: true,
  6162. "node:stream": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6163. "stream/consumers": ">= 16.7",
  6164. "node:stream/consumers": ">= 16.7",
  6165. "stream/promises": ">= 15",
  6166. "node:stream/promises": ">= 16",
  6167. "stream/web": ">= 16.5",
  6168. "node:stream/web": ">= 16.5",
  6169. string_decoder: true,
  6170. "node:string_decoder": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6171. sys: [">= 0.4 && < 0.7", ">= 0.8"],
  6172. "node:sys": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6173. "test/reporters": [">= 19.9", ">= 20"],
  6174. "node:test/reporters": [">= 19.9", ">= 20"],
  6175. "node:test": [">= 16.17 && < 17", ">= 18"],
  6176. timers: true,
  6177. "node:timers": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6178. "timers/promises": ">= 15",
  6179. "node:timers/promises": ">= 16",
  6180. _tls_common: ">= 0.11.13",
  6181. "node:_tls_common": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6182. _tls_legacy: ">= 0.11.3 && < 10",
  6183. _tls_wrap: ">= 0.11.3",
  6184. "node:_tls_wrap": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6185. tls: true,
  6186. "node:tls": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6187. trace_events: ">= 10",
  6188. "node:trace_events": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6189. tty: true,
  6190. "node:tty": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6191. url: true,
  6192. "node:url": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6193. util: true,
  6194. "node:util": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6195. "util/types": ">= 15.3",
  6196. "node:util/types": ">= 16",
  6197. "v8/tools/arguments": ">= 10 && < 12",
  6198. "v8/tools/codemap": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6199. "v8/tools/consarray": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6200. "v8/tools/csvparser": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6201. "v8/tools/logreader": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6202. "v8/tools/profile_view": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6203. "v8/tools/splaytree": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6204. v8: ">= 1",
  6205. "node:v8": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6206. vm: true,
  6207. "node:vm": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6208. wasi: [">= 13.4 && < 13.5", ">= 20"],
  6209. "node:wasi": ">= 20",
  6210. worker_threads: ">= 11.7",
  6211. "node:worker_threads": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6212. zlib: ">= 0.5",
  6213. "node:zlib": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"]
  6214. };
  6215. }
  6216. });
  6217. // node_modules/is-core-module/index.js
  6218. var require_is_core_module = __commonJS({
  6219. "node_modules/is-core-module/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  6220. "use strict";
  6221. var has = require_src();
  6222. function specifierIncluded(current, specifier) {
  6223. var nodeParts = current.split(".");
  6224. var parts = specifier.split(" ");
  6225. var op = parts.length > 1 ? parts[0] : "=";
  6226. var versionParts = (parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : parts[0]).split(".");
  6227. for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
  6228. var cur = parseInt(nodeParts[i] || 0, 10);
  6229. var ver = parseInt(versionParts[i] || 0, 10);
  6230. if (cur === ver) {
  6231. continue;
  6232. }
  6233. if (op === "<") {
  6234. return cur < ver;
  6235. }
  6236. if (op === ">=") {
  6237. return cur >= ver;
  6238. }
  6239. return false;
  6240. }
  6241. return op === ">=";
  6242. }
  6243. function matchesRange(current, range) {
  6244. var specifiers = range.split(/ ?&& ?/);
  6245. if (specifiers.length === 0) {
  6246. return false;
  6247. }
  6248. for (var i = 0; i < specifiers.length; ++i) {
  6249. if (!specifierIncluded(current, specifiers[i])) {
  6250. return false;
  6251. }
  6252. }
  6253. return true;
  6254. }
  6255. function versionIncluded(nodeVersion, specifierValue) {
  6256. if (typeof specifierValue === "boolean") {
  6257. return specifierValue;
  6258. }
  6259. var current = typeof nodeVersion === "undefined" ? process.versions && process.versions.node : nodeVersion;
  6260. if (typeof current !== "string") {
  6261. throw new TypeError(typeof nodeVersion === "undefined" ? "Unable to determine current node version" : "If provided, a valid node version is required");
  6262. }
  6263. if (specifierValue && typeof specifierValue === "object") {
  6264. for (var i = 0; i < specifierValue.length; ++i) {
  6265. if (matchesRange(current, specifierValue[i])) {
  6266. return true;
  6267. }
  6268. }
  6269. return false;
  6270. }
  6271. return matchesRange(current, specifierValue);
  6272. }
  6273. var data = require_core();
  6274. module2.exports = function isCore(x, nodeVersion) {
  6275. return has(data, x) && versionIncluded(nodeVersion, data[x]);
  6276. };
  6277. }
  6278. });
  6279. // node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js
  6280. var require_async = __commonJS({
  6281. "node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js"(exports2, module2) {
  6282. var fs = require("fs");
  6283. var getHomedir = require_homedir();
  6284. var path = require("path");
  6285. var caller = require_caller();
  6286. var nodeModulesPaths = require_node_modules_paths();
  6287. var normalizeOptions = require_normalize_options();
  6288. var isCore = require_is_core_module();
  6289. var realpathFS = process.platform !== "win32" && fs.realpath && typeof fs.realpath.native === "function" ? fs.realpath.native : fs.realpath;
  6290. var homedir = getHomedir();
  6291. var defaultPaths = function() {
  6292. return [
  6293. path.join(homedir, ".node_modules"),
  6294. path.join(homedir, ".node_libraries")
  6295. ];
  6296. };
  6297. var defaultIsFile = function isFile(file, cb) {
  6298. fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) {
  6299. if (!err) {
  6300. return cb(null, stat.isFile() || stat.isFIFO());
  6301. }
  6302. if (err.code === "ENOENT" || err.code === "ENOTDIR")
  6303. return cb(null, false);
  6304. return cb(err);
  6305. });
  6306. };
  6307. var defaultIsDir = function isDirectory(dir, cb) {
  6308. fs.stat(dir, function(err, stat) {
  6309. if (!err) {
  6310. return cb(null, stat.isDirectory());
  6311. }
  6312. if (err.code === "ENOENT" || err.code === "ENOTDIR")
  6313. return cb(null, false);
  6314. return cb(err);
  6315. });
  6316. };
  6317. var defaultRealpath = function realpath(x, cb) {
  6318. realpathFS(x, function(realpathErr, realPath) {
  6319. if (realpathErr && realpathErr.code !== "ENOENT")
  6320. cb(realpathErr);
  6321. else
  6322. cb(null, realpathErr ? x : realPath);
  6323. });
  6324. };
  6325. var maybeRealpath = function maybeRealpath2(realpath, x, opts, cb) {
  6326. if (opts && opts.preserveSymlinks === false) {
  6327. realpath(x, cb);
  6328. } else {
  6329. cb(null, x);
  6330. }
  6331. };
  6332. var defaultReadPackage = function defaultReadPackage2(readFile, pkgfile, cb) {
  6333. readFile(pkgfile, function(readFileErr, body) {
  6334. if (readFileErr)
  6335. cb(readFileErr);
  6336. else {
  6337. try {
  6338. var pkg = JSON.parse(body);
  6339. cb(null, pkg);
  6340. } catch (jsonErr) {
  6341. cb(null);
  6342. }
  6343. }
  6344. });
  6345. };
  6346. var getPackageCandidates = function getPackageCandidates2(x, start, opts) {
  6347. var dirs = nodeModulesPaths(start, opts, x);
  6348. for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
  6349. dirs[i] = path.join(dirs[i], x);
  6350. }
  6351. return dirs;
  6352. };
  6353. module2.exports = function resolve(x, options, callback) {
  6354. var cb = callback;
  6355. var opts = options;
  6356. if (typeof options === "function") {
  6357. cb = opts;
  6358. opts = {};
  6359. }
  6360. if (typeof x !== "string") {
  6361. var err = new TypeError("Path must be a string.");
  6362. return process.nextTick(function() {
  6363. cb(err);
  6364. });
  6365. }
  6366. opts = normalizeOptions(x, opts);
  6367. var isFile = opts.isFile || defaultIsFile;
  6368. var isDirectory = opts.isDirectory || defaultIsDir;
  6369. var readFile = opts.readFile || fs.readFile;
  6370. var realpath = opts.realpath || defaultRealpath;
  6371. var readPackage = opts.readPackage || defaultReadPackage;
  6372. if (opts.readFile && opts.readPackage) {
  6373. var conflictErr = new TypeError("`readFile` and `readPackage` are mutually exclusive.");
  6374. return process.nextTick(function() {
  6375. cb(conflictErr);
  6376. });
  6377. }
  6378. var packageIterator = opts.packageIterator;
  6379. var extensions = opts.extensions || [".js"];
  6380. var includeCoreModules = opts.includeCoreModules !== false;
  6381. var basedir = opts.basedir || path.dirname(caller());
  6382. var parent = opts.filename || basedir;
  6383. opts.paths = opts.paths || defaultPaths();
  6384. var absoluteStart = path.resolve(basedir);
  6385. maybeRealpath(
  6386. realpath,
  6387. absoluteStart,
  6388. opts,
  6389. function(err2, realStart) {
  6390. if (err2)
  6391. cb(err2);
  6392. else
  6393. init(realStart);
  6394. }
  6395. );
  6396. var res;
  6397. function init(basedir2) {
  6398. if (/^(?:\.\.?(?:\/|$)|\/|([A-Za-z]:)?[/\\])/.test(x)) {
  6399. res = path.resolve(basedir2, x);
  6400. if (x === "." || x === ".." || x.slice(-1) === "/")
  6401. res += "/";
  6402. if (/\/$/.test(x) && res === basedir2) {
  6403. loadAsDirectory(res, opts.package, onfile);
  6404. } else
  6405. loadAsFile(res, opts.package, onfile);
  6406. } else if (includeCoreModules && isCore(x)) {
  6407. return cb(null, x);
  6408. } else
  6409. loadNodeModules(x, basedir2, function(err2, n, pkg) {
  6410. if (err2)
  6411. cb(err2);
  6412. else if (n) {
  6413. return maybeRealpath(realpath, n, opts, function(err3, realN) {
  6414. if (err3) {
  6415. cb(err3);
  6416. } else {
  6417. cb(null, realN, pkg);
  6418. }
  6419. });
  6420. } else {
  6421. var moduleError = new Error("Cannot find module '" + x + "' from '" + parent + "'");
  6422. moduleError.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND";
  6423. cb(moduleError);
  6424. }
  6425. });
  6426. }
  6427. function onfile(err2, m, pkg) {
  6428. if (err2)
  6429. cb(err2);
  6430. else if (m)
  6431. cb(null, m, pkg);
  6432. else
  6433. loadAsDirectory(res, function(err3, d, pkg2) {
  6434. if (err3)
  6435. cb(err3);
  6436. else if (d) {
  6437. maybeRealpath(realpath, d, opts, function(err4, realD) {
  6438. if (err4) {
  6439. cb(err4);
  6440. } else {
  6441. cb(null, realD, pkg2);
  6442. }
  6443. });
  6444. } else {
  6445. var moduleError = new Error("Cannot find module '" + x + "' from '" + parent + "'");
  6446. moduleError.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND";
  6447. cb(moduleError);
  6448. }
  6449. });
  6450. }
  6451. function loadAsFile(x2, thePackage, callback2) {
  6452. var loadAsFilePackage = thePackage;
  6453. var cb2 = callback2;
  6454. if (typeof loadAsFilePackage === "function") {
  6455. cb2 = loadAsFilePackage;
  6456. loadAsFilePackage = void 0;
  6457. }
  6458. var exts = [""].concat(extensions);
  6459. load(exts, x2, loadAsFilePackage);
  6460. function load(exts2, x3, loadPackage) {
  6461. if (exts2.length === 0)
  6462. return cb2(null, void 0, loadPackage);
  6463. var file = x3 + exts2[0];
  6464. var pkg = loadPackage;
  6465. if (pkg)
  6466. onpkg(null, pkg);
  6467. else
  6468. loadpkg(path.dirname(file), onpkg);
  6469. function onpkg(err2, pkg_, dir) {
  6470. pkg = pkg_;
  6471. if (err2)
  6472. return cb2(err2);
  6473. if (dir && pkg && opts.pathFilter) {
  6474. var rfile = path.relative(dir, file);
  6475. var rel = rfile.slice(0, rfile.length - exts2[0].length);
  6476. var r = opts.pathFilter(pkg, x3, rel);
  6477. if (r)
  6478. return load(
  6479. [""].concat(extensions.slice()),
  6480. path.resolve(dir, r),
  6481. pkg
  6482. );
  6483. }
  6484. isFile(file, onex);
  6485. }
  6486. function onex(err2, ex) {
  6487. if (err2)
  6488. return cb2(err2);
  6489. if (ex)
  6490. return cb2(null, file, pkg);
  6491. load(exts2.slice(1), x3, pkg);
  6492. }
  6493. }
  6494. }
  6495. function loadpkg(dir, cb2) {
  6496. if (dir === "" || dir === "/")
  6497. return cb2(null);
  6498. if (process.platform === "win32" && /^\w:[/\\]*$/.test(dir)) {
  6499. return cb2(null);
  6500. }
  6501. if (/[/\\]node_modules[/\\]*$/.test(dir))
  6502. return cb2(null);
  6503. maybeRealpath(realpath, dir, opts, function(unwrapErr, pkgdir) {
  6504. if (unwrapErr)
  6505. return loadpkg(path.dirname(dir), cb2);
  6506. var pkgfile = path.join(pkgdir, "package.json");
  6507. isFile(pkgfile, function(err2, ex) {
  6508. if (!ex)
  6509. return loadpkg(path.dirname(dir), cb2);
  6510. readPackage(readFile, pkgfile, function(err3, pkgParam) {
  6511. if (err3)
  6512. cb2(err3);
  6513. var pkg = pkgParam;
  6514. if (pkg && opts.packageFilter) {
  6515. pkg = opts.packageFilter(pkg, pkgfile);
  6516. }
  6517. cb2(null, pkg, dir);
  6518. });
  6519. });
  6520. });
  6521. }
  6522. function loadAsDirectory(x2, loadAsDirectoryPackage, callback2) {
  6523. var cb2 = callback2;
  6524. var fpkg = loadAsDirectoryPackage;
  6525. if (typeof fpkg === "function") {
  6526. cb2 = fpkg;
  6527. fpkg = opts.package;
  6528. }
  6529. maybeRealpath(realpath, x2, opts, function(unwrapErr, pkgdir) {
  6530. if (unwrapErr)
  6531. return cb2(unwrapErr);
  6532. var pkgfile = path.join(pkgdir, "package.json");
  6533. isFile(pkgfile, function(err2, ex) {
  6534. if (err2)
  6535. return cb2(err2);
  6536. if (!ex)
  6537. return loadAsFile(path.join(x2, "index"), fpkg, cb2);
  6538. readPackage(readFile, pkgfile, function(err3, pkgParam) {
  6539. if (err3)
  6540. return cb2(err3);
  6541. var pkg = pkgParam;
  6542. if (pkg && opts.packageFilter) {
  6543. pkg = opts.packageFilter(pkg, pkgfile);
  6544. }
  6545. if (pkg && pkg.main) {
  6546. if (typeof pkg.main !== "string") {
  6547. var mainError = new TypeError("package \u201C" + + "\u201D `main` must be a string");
  6548. mainError.code = "INVALID_PACKAGE_MAIN";
  6549. return cb2(mainError);
  6550. }
  6551. if (pkg.main === "." || pkg.main === "./") {
  6552. pkg.main = "index";
  6553. }
  6554. loadAsFile(path.resolve(x2, pkg.main), pkg, function(err4, m, pkg2) {
  6555. if (err4)
  6556. return cb2(err4);
  6557. if (m)
  6558. return cb2(null, m, pkg2);
  6559. if (!pkg2)
  6560. return loadAsFile(path.join(x2, "index"), pkg2, cb2);
  6561. var dir = path.resolve(x2, pkg2.main);
  6562. loadAsDirectory(dir, pkg2, function(err5, n, pkg3) {
  6563. if (err5)
  6564. return cb2(err5);
  6565. if (n)
  6566. return cb2(null, n, pkg3);
  6567. loadAsFile(path.join(x2, "index"), pkg3, cb2);
  6568. });
  6569. });
  6570. return;
  6571. }
  6572. loadAsFile(path.join(x2, "/index"), pkg, cb2);
  6573. });
  6574. });
  6575. });
  6576. }
  6577. function processDirs(cb2, dirs) {
  6578. if (dirs.length === 0)
  6579. return cb2(null, void 0);
  6580. var dir = dirs[0];
  6581. isDirectory(path.dirname(dir), isdir);
  6582. function isdir(err2, isdir2) {
  6583. if (err2)
  6584. return cb2(err2);
  6585. if (!isdir2)
  6586. return processDirs(cb2, dirs.slice(1));
  6587. loadAsFile(dir, opts.package, onfile2);
  6588. }
  6589. function onfile2(err2, m, pkg) {
  6590. if (err2)
  6591. return cb2(err2);
  6592. if (m)
  6593. return cb2(null, m, pkg);
  6594. loadAsDirectory(dir, opts.package, ondir);
  6595. }
  6596. function ondir(err2, n, pkg) {
  6597. if (err2)
  6598. return cb2(err2);
  6599. if (n)
  6600. return cb2(null, n, pkg);
  6601. processDirs(cb2, dirs.slice(1));
  6602. }
  6603. }
  6604. function loadNodeModules(x2, start, cb2) {
  6605. var thunk = function() {
  6606. return getPackageCandidates(x2, start, opts);
  6607. };
  6608. processDirs(
  6609. cb2,
  6610. packageIterator ? packageIterator(x2, start, thunk, opts) : thunk()
  6611. );
  6612. }
  6613. };
  6614. }
  6615. });
  6616. // node_modules/resolve/lib/core.json
  6617. var require_core2 = __commonJS({
  6618. "node_modules/resolve/lib/core.json"(exports2, module2) {
  6619. module2.exports = {
  6620. assert: true,
  6621. "node:assert": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6622. "assert/strict": ">= 15",
  6623. "node:assert/strict": ">= 16",
  6624. async_hooks: ">= 8",
  6625. "node:async_hooks": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6626. buffer_ieee754: ">= 0.5 && < 0.9.7",
  6627. buffer: true,
  6628. "node:buffer": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6629. child_process: true,
  6630. "node:child_process": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6631. cluster: ">= 0.5",
  6632. "node:cluster": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6633. console: true,
  6634. "node:console": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6635. constants: true,
  6636. "node:constants": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6637. crypto: true,
  6638. "node:crypto": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6639. _debug_agent: ">= 1 && < 8",
  6640. _debugger: "< 8",
  6641. dgram: true,
  6642. "node:dgram": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6643. diagnostics_channel: [">= 14.17 && < 15", ">= 15.1"],
  6644. "node:diagnostics_channel": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6645. dns: true,
  6646. "node:dns": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6647. "dns/promises": ">= 15",
  6648. "node:dns/promises": ">= 16",
  6649. domain: ">= 0.7.12",
  6650. "node:domain": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6651. events: true,
  6652. "node:events": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6653. freelist: "< 6",
  6654. fs: true,
  6655. "node:fs": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6656. "fs/promises": [">= 10 && < 10.1", ">= 14"],
  6657. "node:fs/promises": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6658. _http_agent: ">= 0.11.1",
  6659. "node:_http_agent": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6660. _http_client: ">= 0.11.1",
  6661. "node:_http_client": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6662. _http_common: ">= 0.11.1",
  6663. "node:_http_common": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6664. _http_incoming: ">= 0.11.1",
  6665. "node:_http_incoming": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6666. _http_outgoing: ">= 0.11.1",
  6667. "node:_http_outgoing": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6668. _http_server: ">= 0.11.1",
  6669. "node:_http_server": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6670. http: true,
  6671. "node:http": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6672. http2: ">= 8.8",
  6673. "node:http2": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6674. https: true,
  6675. "node:https": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6676. inspector: ">= 8",
  6677. "node:inspector": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6678. "inspector/promises": [">= 19"],
  6679. "node:inspector/promises": [">= 19"],
  6680. _linklist: "< 8",
  6681. module: true,
  6682. "node:module": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6683. net: true,
  6684. "node:net": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6685. "node-inspect/lib/_inspect": ">= 7.6 && < 12",
  6686. "node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_client": ">= 7.6 && < 12",
  6687. "node-inspect/lib/internal/inspect_repl": ">= 7.6 && < 12",
  6688. os: true,
  6689. "node:os": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6690. path: true,
  6691. "node:path": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6692. "path/posix": ">= 15.3",
  6693. "node:path/posix": ">= 16",
  6694. "path/win32": ">= 15.3",
  6695. "node:path/win32": ">= 16",
  6696. perf_hooks: ">= 8.5",
  6697. "node:perf_hooks": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6698. process: ">= 1",
  6699. "node:process": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6700. punycode: ">= 0.5",
  6701. "node:punycode": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6702. querystring: true,
  6703. "node:querystring": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6704. readline: true,
  6705. "node:readline": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6706. "readline/promises": ">= 17",
  6707. "node:readline/promises": ">= 17",
  6708. repl: true,
  6709. "node:repl": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6710. smalloc: ">= 0.11.5 && < 3",
  6711. _stream_duplex: ">= 0.9.4",
  6712. "node:_stream_duplex": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6713. _stream_transform: ">= 0.9.4",
  6714. "node:_stream_transform": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6715. _stream_wrap: ">= 1.4.1",
  6716. "node:_stream_wrap": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6717. _stream_passthrough: ">= 0.9.4",
  6718. "node:_stream_passthrough": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6719. _stream_readable: ">= 0.9.4",
  6720. "node:_stream_readable": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6721. _stream_writable: ">= 0.9.4",
  6722. "node:_stream_writable": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6723. stream: true,
  6724. "node:stream": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6725. "stream/consumers": ">= 16.7",
  6726. "node:stream/consumers": ">= 16.7",
  6727. "stream/promises": ">= 15",
  6728. "node:stream/promises": ">= 16",
  6729. "stream/web": ">= 16.5",
  6730. "node:stream/web": ">= 16.5",
  6731. string_decoder: true,
  6732. "node:string_decoder": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6733. sys: [">= 0.4 && < 0.7", ">= 0.8"],
  6734. "node:sys": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6735. "node:test": [">= 16.17 && < 17", ">= 18"],
  6736. timers: true,
  6737. "node:timers": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6738. "timers/promises": ">= 15",
  6739. "node:timers/promises": ">= 16",
  6740. _tls_common: ">= 0.11.13",
  6741. "node:_tls_common": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6742. _tls_legacy: ">= 0.11.3 && < 10",
  6743. _tls_wrap: ">= 0.11.3",
  6744. "node:_tls_wrap": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6745. tls: true,
  6746. "node:tls": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6747. trace_events: ">= 10",
  6748. "node:trace_events": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6749. tty: true,
  6750. "node:tty": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6751. url: true,
  6752. "node:url": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6753. util: true,
  6754. "node:util": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6755. "util/types": ">= 15.3",
  6756. "node:util/types": ">= 16",
  6757. "v8/tools/arguments": ">= 10 && < 12",
  6758. "v8/tools/codemap": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6759. "v8/tools/consarray": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6760. "v8/tools/csvparser": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6761. "v8/tools/logreader": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6762. "v8/tools/profile_view": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6763. "v8/tools/splaytree": [">= 4.4 && < 5", ">= 5.2 && < 12"],
  6764. v8: ">= 1",
  6765. "node:v8": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6766. vm: true,
  6767. "node:vm": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6768. wasi: ">= 13.4 && < 13.5",
  6769. worker_threads: ">= 11.7",
  6770. "node:worker_threads": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"],
  6771. zlib: ">= 0.5",
  6772. "node:zlib": [">= 14.18 && < 15", ">= 16"]
  6773. };
  6774. }
  6775. });
  6776. // node_modules/resolve/lib/core.js
  6777. var require_core3 = __commonJS({
  6778. "node_modules/resolve/lib/core.js"(exports2, module2) {
  6779. "use strict";
  6780. var isCoreModule = require_is_core_module();
  6781. var data = require_core2();
  6782. var core = {};
  6783. for (mod in data) {
  6784. if (, mod)) {
  6785. core[mod] = isCoreModule(mod);
  6786. }
  6787. }
  6788. var mod;
  6789. module2.exports = core;
  6790. }
  6791. });
  6792. // node_modules/resolve/lib/is-core.js
  6793. var require_is_core = __commonJS({
  6794. "node_modules/resolve/lib/is-core.js"(exports2, module2) {
  6795. var isCoreModule = require_is_core_module();
  6796. module2.exports = function isCore(x) {
  6797. return isCoreModule(x);
  6798. };
  6799. }
  6800. });
  6801. // node_modules/resolve/lib/sync.js
  6802. var require_sync = __commonJS({
  6803. "node_modules/resolve/lib/sync.js"(exports2, module2) {
  6804. var isCore = require_is_core_module();
  6805. var fs = require("fs");
  6806. var path = require("path");
  6807. var getHomedir = require_homedir();
  6808. var caller = require_caller();
  6809. var nodeModulesPaths = require_node_modules_paths();
  6810. var normalizeOptions = require_normalize_options();
  6811. var realpathFS = process.platform !== "win32" && fs.realpathSync && typeof fs.realpathSync.native === "function" ? fs.realpathSync.native : fs.realpathSync;
  6812. var homedir = getHomedir();
  6813. var defaultPaths = function() {
  6814. return [
  6815. path.join(homedir, ".node_modules"),
  6816. path.join(homedir, ".node_libraries")
  6817. ];
  6818. };
  6819. var defaultIsFile = function isFile(file) {
  6820. try {
  6821. var stat = fs.statSync(file, { throwIfNoEntry: false });
  6822. } catch (e) {
  6823. if (e && (e.code === "ENOENT" || e.code === "ENOTDIR"))
  6824. return false;
  6825. throw e;
  6826. }
  6827. return !!stat && (stat.isFile() || stat.isFIFO());
  6828. };
  6829. var defaultIsDir = function isDirectory(dir) {
  6830. try {
  6831. var stat = fs.statSync(dir, { throwIfNoEntry: false });
  6832. } catch (e) {
  6833. if (e && (e.code === "ENOENT" || e.code === "ENOTDIR"))
  6834. return false;
  6835. throw e;
  6836. }
  6837. return !!stat && stat.isDirectory();
  6838. };
  6839. var defaultRealpathSync = function realpathSync(x) {
  6840. try {
  6841. return realpathFS(x);
  6842. } catch (realpathErr) {
  6843. if (realpathErr.code !== "ENOENT") {
  6844. throw realpathErr;
  6845. }
  6846. }
  6847. return x;
  6848. };
  6849. var maybeRealpathSync = function maybeRealpathSync2(realpathSync, x, opts) {
  6850. if (opts && opts.preserveSymlinks === false) {
  6851. return realpathSync(x);
  6852. }
  6853. return x;
  6854. };
  6855. var defaultReadPackageSync = function defaultReadPackageSync2(readFileSync, pkgfile) {
  6856. var body = readFileSync(pkgfile);
  6857. try {
  6858. var pkg = JSON.parse(body);
  6859. return pkg;
  6860. } catch (jsonErr) {
  6861. }
  6862. };
  6863. var getPackageCandidates = function getPackageCandidates2(x, start, opts) {
  6864. var dirs = nodeModulesPaths(start, opts, x);
  6865. for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
  6866. dirs[i] = path.join(dirs[i], x);
  6867. }
  6868. return dirs;
  6869. };
  6870. module2.exports = function resolveSync(x, options) {
  6871. if (typeof x !== "string") {
  6872. throw new TypeError("Path must be a string.");
  6873. }
  6874. var opts = normalizeOptions(x, options);
  6875. var isFile = opts.isFile || defaultIsFile;
  6876. var readFileSync = opts.readFileSync || fs.readFileSync;
  6877. var isDirectory = opts.isDirectory || defaultIsDir;
  6878. var realpathSync = opts.realpathSync || defaultRealpathSync;
  6879. var readPackageSync = opts.readPackageSync || defaultReadPackageSync;
  6880. if (opts.readFileSync && opts.readPackageSync) {
  6881. throw new TypeError("`readFileSync` and `readPackageSync` are mutually exclusive.");
  6882. }
  6883. var packageIterator = opts.packageIterator;
  6884. var extensions = opts.extensions || [".js"];
  6885. var includeCoreModules = opts.includeCoreModules !== false;
  6886. var basedir = opts.basedir || path.dirname(caller());
  6887. var parent = opts.filename || basedir;
  6888. opts.paths = opts.paths || defaultPaths();
  6889. var absoluteStart = maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, path.resolve(basedir), opts);
  6890. if (/^(?:\.\.?(?:\/|$)|\/|([A-Za-z]:)?[/\\])/.test(x)) {
  6891. var res = path.resolve(absoluteStart, x);
  6892. if (x === "." || x === ".." || x.slice(-1) === "/")
  6893. res += "/";
  6894. var m = loadAsFileSync(res) || loadAsDirectorySync(res);
  6895. if (m)
  6896. return maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, m, opts);
  6897. } else if (includeCoreModules && isCore(x)) {
  6898. return x;
  6899. } else {
  6900. var n = loadNodeModulesSync(x, absoluteStart);
  6901. if (n)
  6902. return maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, n, opts);
  6903. }
  6904. var err = new Error("Cannot find module '" + x + "' from '" + parent + "'");
  6905. err.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND";
  6906. throw err;
  6907. function loadAsFileSync(x2) {
  6908. var pkg = loadpkg(path.dirname(x2));
  6909. if (pkg && pkg.dir && pkg.pkg && opts.pathFilter) {
  6910. var rfile = path.relative(pkg.dir, x2);
  6911. var r = opts.pathFilter(pkg.pkg, x2, rfile);
  6912. if (r) {
  6913. x2 = path.resolve(pkg.dir, r);
  6914. }
  6915. }
  6916. if (isFile(x2)) {
  6917. return x2;
  6918. }
  6919. for (var i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
  6920. var file = x2 + extensions[i];
  6921. if (isFile(file)) {
  6922. return file;
  6923. }
  6924. }
  6925. }
  6926. function loadpkg(dir) {
  6927. if (dir === "" || dir === "/")
  6928. return;
  6929. if (process.platform === "win32" && /^\w:[/\\]*$/.test(dir)) {
  6930. return;
  6931. }
  6932. if (/[/\\]node_modules[/\\]*$/.test(dir))
  6933. return;
  6934. var pkgfile = path.join(maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, dir, opts), "package.json");
  6935. if (!isFile(pkgfile)) {
  6936. return loadpkg(path.dirname(dir));
  6937. }
  6938. var pkg = readPackageSync(readFileSync, pkgfile);
  6939. if (pkg && opts.packageFilter) {
  6940. pkg = opts.packageFilter(
  6941. pkg,
  6942. /*pkgfile,*/
  6943. dir
  6944. );
  6945. }
  6946. return { pkg, dir };
  6947. }
  6948. function loadAsDirectorySync(x2) {
  6949. var pkgfile = path.join(maybeRealpathSync(realpathSync, x2, opts), "/package.json");
  6950. if (isFile(pkgfile)) {
  6951. try {
  6952. var pkg = readPackageSync(readFileSync, pkgfile);
  6953. } catch (e) {
  6954. }
  6955. if (pkg && opts.packageFilter) {
  6956. pkg = opts.packageFilter(
  6957. pkg,
  6958. /*pkgfile,*/
  6959. x2
  6960. );
  6961. }
  6962. if (pkg && pkg.main) {
  6963. if (typeof pkg.main !== "string") {
  6964. var mainError = new TypeError("package \u201C" + + "\u201D `main` must be a string");
  6965. mainError.code = "INVALID_PACKAGE_MAIN";
  6966. throw mainError;
  6967. }
  6968. if (pkg.main === "." || pkg.main === "./") {
  6969. pkg.main = "index";
  6970. }
  6971. try {
  6972. var m2 = loadAsFileSync(path.resolve(x2, pkg.main));
  6973. if (m2)
  6974. return m2;
  6975. var n2 = loadAsDirectorySync(path.resolve(x2, pkg.main));
  6976. if (n2)
  6977. return n2;
  6978. } catch (e) {
  6979. }
  6980. }
  6981. }
  6982. return loadAsFileSync(path.join(x2, "/index"));
  6983. }
  6984. function loadNodeModulesSync(x2, start) {
  6985. var thunk = function() {
  6986. return getPackageCandidates(x2, start, opts);
  6987. };
  6988. var dirs = packageIterator ? packageIterator(x2, start, thunk, opts) : thunk();
  6989. for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
  6990. var dir = dirs[i];
  6991. if (isDirectory(path.dirname(dir))) {
  6992. var m2 = loadAsFileSync(dir);
  6993. if (m2)
  6994. return m2;
  6995. var n2 = loadAsDirectorySync(dir);
  6996. if (n2)
  6997. return n2;
  6998. }
  6999. }
  7000. }
  7001. };
  7002. }
  7003. });
  7004. // node_modules/resolve/index.js
  7005. var require_resolve = __commonJS({
  7006. "node_modules/resolve/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7007. var async = require_async();
  7008. async.core = require_core3();
  7009. async.isCore = require_is_core();
  7010. async.sync = require_sync();
  7011. module2.exports = async;
  7012. }
  7013. });
  7014. // node_modules/postcss-import/lib/resolve-id.js
  7015. var require_resolve_id = __commonJS({
  7016. "node_modules/postcss-import/lib/resolve-id.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7017. "use strict";
  7018. var resolve = require_resolve();
  7019. var moduleDirectories = ["web_modules", "node_modules"];
  7020. function resolveModule(id, opts) {
  7021. return new Promise((res, rej) => {
  7022. resolve(id, opts, (err, path) => err ? rej(err) : res(path));
  7023. });
  7024. }
  7025. module2.exports = function(id, base, options) {
  7026. const paths = options.path;
  7027. const resolveOpts = {
  7028. basedir: base,
  7029. moduleDirectory: moduleDirectories.concat(options.addModulesDirectories),
  7030. paths,
  7031. extensions: [".css"],
  7032. packageFilter: function processPackage(pkg) {
  7033. if (
  7034. pkg.main =;
  7035. else if (!pkg.main || !/\.css$/.test(pkg.main))
  7036. pkg.main = "index.css";
  7037. return pkg;
  7038. },
  7039. preserveSymlinks: false
  7040. };
  7041. return resolveModule(`./${id}`, resolveOpts).catch(() => resolveModule(id, resolveOpts)).catch(() => {
  7042. if (paths.indexOf(base) === -1)
  7043. paths.unshift(base);
  7044. throw new Error(
  7045. `Failed to find '${id}'
  7046. in [
  7047. ${paths.join(",\n ")}
  7048. ]`
  7049. );
  7050. });
  7051. };
  7052. }
  7053. });
  7054. // node_modules/pify/index.js
  7055. var require_pify = __commonJS({
  7056. "node_modules/pify/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7057. "use strict";
  7058. var processFn = function(fn, P, opts) {
  7059. return function() {
  7060. var that = this;
  7061. var args = new Array(arguments.length);
  7062. for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  7063. args[i] = arguments[i];
  7064. }
  7065. return new P(function(resolve, reject) {
  7066. args.push(function(err, result) {
  7067. if (err) {
  7068. reject(err);
  7069. } else if (opts.multiArgs) {
  7070. var results = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
  7071. for (var i2 = 1; i2 < arguments.length; i2++) {
  7072. results[i2 - 1] = arguments[i2];
  7073. }
  7074. resolve(results);
  7075. } else {
  7076. resolve(result);
  7077. }
  7078. });
  7079. fn.apply(that, args);
  7080. });
  7081. };
  7082. };
  7083. var pify = module2.exports = function(obj, P, opts) {
  7084. if (typeof P !== "function") {
  7085. opts = P;
  7086. P = Promise;
  7087. }
  7088. opts = opts || {};
  7089. opts.exclude = opts.exclude || [/.+Sync$/];
  7090. var filter = function(key) {
  7091. var match = function(pattern) {
  7092. return typeof pattern === "string" ? key === pattern : pattern.test(key);
  7093. };
  7094. return opts.include ? opts.include.some(match) : !opts.exclude.some(match);
  7095. };
  7096. var ret = typeof obj === "function" ? function() {
  7097. if (opts.excludeMain) {
  7098. return obj.apply(this, arguments);
  7099. }
  7100. return processFn(obj, P, opts).apply(this, arguments);
  7101. } : {};
  7102. return Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(ret2, key) {
  7103. var x = obj[key];
  7104. ret2[key] = typeof x === "function" && filter(key) ? processFn(x, P, opts) : x;
  7105. return ret2;
  7106. }, ret);
  7107. };
  7108. pify.all = pify;
  7109. }
  7110. });
  7111. // node_modules/read-cache/index.js
  7112. var require_read_cache = __commonJS({
  7113. "node_modules/read-cache/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7114. var fs = require("fs");
  7115. var path = require("path");
  7116. var pify = require_pify();
  7117. var stat = pify(fs.stat);
  7118. var readFile = pify(fs.readFile);
  7119. var resolve = path.resolve;
  7120. var cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  7121. function convert(content, encoding) {
  7122. if (Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) {
  7123. return content.toString(encoding);
  7124. }
  7125. return content;
  7126. }
  7127. module2.exports = function(path2, encoding) {
  7128. path2 = resolve(path2);
  7129. return stat(path2).then(function(stats) {
  7130. var item = cache[path2];
  7131. if (item && item.mtime.getTime() === stats.mtime.getTime()) {
  7132. return convert(item.content, encoding);
  7133. }
  7134. return readFile(path2).then(function(data) {
  7135. cache[path2] = {
  7136. mtime: stats.mtime,
  7137. content: data
  7138. };
  7139. return convert(data, encoding);
  7140. });
  7141. }).catch(function(err) {
  7142. cache[path2] = null;
  7143. return Promise.reject(err);
  7144. });
  7145. };
  7146. module2.exports.sync = function(path2, encoding) {
  7147. path2 = resolve(path2);
  7148. try {
  7149. var stats = fs.statSync(path2);
  7150. var item = cache[path2];
  7151. if (item && item.mtime.getTime() === stats.mtime.getTime()) {
  7152. return convert(item.content, encoding);
  7153. }
  7154. var data = fs.readFileSync(path2);
  7155. cache[path2] = {
  7156. mtime: stats.mtime,
  7157. content: data
  7158. };
  7159. return convert(data, encoding);
  7160. } catch (err) {
  7161. cache[path2] = null;
  7162. throw err;
  7163. }
  7164. };
  7165. module2.exports.get = function(path2, encoding) {
  7166. path2 = resolve(path2);
  7167. if (cache[path2]) {
  7168. return convert(cache[path2].content, encoding);
  7169. }
  7170. return null;
  7171. };
  7172. module2.exports.clear = function() {
  7173. cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  7174. };
  7175. }
  7176. });
  7177. // node_modules/postcss-import/lib/data-url.js
  7178. var require_data_url = __commonJS({
  7179. "node_modules/postcss-import/lib/data-url.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7180. "use strict";
  7181. var dataURLRegexp = /^data:text\/css;base64,/i;
  7182. function isValid(url) {
  7183. return dataURLRegexp.test(url);
  7184. }
  7185. function contents(url) {
  7186. return Buffer.from(url.slice(21), "base64").toString();
  7187. }
  7188. module2.exports = {
  7189. isValid,
  7190. contents
  7191. };
  7192. }
  7193. });
  7194. // node_modules/postcss-import/lib/load-content.js
  7195. var require_load_content = __commonJS({
  7196. "node_modules/postcss-import/lib/load-content.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7197. "use strict";
  7198. var readCache = require_read_cache();
  7199. var dataURL = require_data_url();
  7200. module2.exports = (filename) => {
  7201. if (dataURL.isValid(filename)) {
  7202. return dataURL.contents(filename);
  7203. }
  7204. return readCache(filename, "utf-8");
  7205. };
  7206. }
  7207. });
  7208. // node_modules/postcss-import/lib/process-content.js
  7209. var require_process_content = __commonJS({
  7210. "node_modules/postcss-import/lib/process-content.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7211. "use strict";
  7212. var path = require("path");
  7213. var sugarss;
  7214. module2.exports = function processContent(result, content, filename, options, postcss) {
  7215. const { plugins } = options;
  7216. const ext = path.extname(filename);
  7217. const parserList = [];
  7218. if (ext === ".sss") {
  7219. if (!sugarss) {
  7220. try {
  7221. sugarss = require("sugarss");
  7222. } catch {
  7223. }
  7224. }
  7225. if (sugarss)
  7226. return runPostcss(postcss, content, filename, plugins, [sugarss]);
  7227. }
  7228. if (result.opts.syntax?.parse) {
  7229. parserList.push(result.opts.syntax.parse);
  7230. }
  7231. if (result.opts.parser)
  7232. parserList.push(result.opts.parser);
  7233. parserList.push(null);
  7234. return runPostcss(postcss, content, filename, plugins, parserList);
  7235. };
  7236. function runPostcss(postcss, content, filename, plugins, parsers, index) {
  7237. if (!index)
  7238. index = 0;
  7239. return postcss(plugins).process(content, {
  7240. from: filename,
  7241. parser: parsers[index]
  7242. }).catch((err) => {
  7243. index++;
  7244. if (index === parsers.length)
  7245. throw err;
  7246. return runPostcss(postcss, content, filename, plugins, parsers, index);
  7247. });
  7248. }
  7249. }
  7250. });
  7251. // node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/parse.js
  7252. var require_parse2 = __commonJS({
  7253. "node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/parse.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7254. var openParentheses = "(".charCodeAt(0);
  7255. var closeParentheses = ")".charCodeAt(0);
  7256. var singleQuote = "'".charCodeAt(0);
  7257. var doubleQuote = '"'.charCodeAt(0);
  7258. var backslash = "\\".charCodeAt(0);
  7259. var slash = "/".charCodeAt(0);
  7260. var comma = ",".charCodeAt(0);
  7261. var colon = ":".charCodeAt(0);
  7262. var star = "*".charCodeAt(0);
  7263. var uLower = "u".charCodeAt(0);
  7264. var uUpper = "U".charCodeAt(0);
  7265. var plus = "+".charCodeAt(0);
  7266. var isUnicodeRange = /^[a-f0-9?-]+$/i;
  7267. module2.exports = function(input) {
  7268. var tokens = [];
  7269. var value = input;
  7270. var next, quote, prev, token, escape, escapePos, whitespacePos, parenthesesOpenPos;
  7271. var pos = 0;
  7272. var code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7273. var max = value.length;
  7274. var stack = [{ nodes: tokens }];
  7275. var balanced = 0;
  7276. var parent;
  7277. var name = "";
  7278. var before = "";
  7279. var after = "";
  7280. while (pos < max) {
  7281. if (code <= 32) {
  7282. next = pos;
  7283. do {
  7284. next += 1;
  7285. code = value.charCodeAt(next);
  7286. } while (code <= 32);
  7287. token = value.slice(pos, next);
  7288. prev = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
  7289. if (code === closeParentheses && balanced) {
  7290. after = token;
  7291. } else if (prev && prev.type === "div") {
  7292. prev.after = token;
  7293. prev.sourceEndIndex += token.length;
  7294. } else if (code === comma || code === colon || code === slash && value.charCodeAt(next + 1) !== star && (!parent || parent && parent.type === "function" && parent.value !== "calc")) {
  7295. before = token;
  7296. } else {
  7297. tokens.push({
  7298. type: "space",
  7299. sourceIndex: pos,
  7300. sourceEndIndex: next,
  7301. value: token
  7302. });
  7303. }
  7304. pos = next;
  7305. } else if (code === singleQuote || code === doubleQuote) {
  7306. next = pos;
  7307. quote = code === singleQuote ? "'" : '"';
  7308. token = {
  7309. type: "string",
  7310. sourceIndex: pos,
  7311. quote
  7312. };
  7313. do {
  7314. escape = false;
  7315. next = value.indexOf(quote, next + 1);
  7316. if (~next) {
  7317. escapePos = next;
  7318. while (value.charCodeAt(escapePos - 1) === backslash) {
  7319. escapePos -= 1;
  7320. escape = !escape;
  7321. }
  7322. } else {
  7323. value += quote;
  7324. next = value.length - 1;
  7325. token.unclosed = true;
  7326. }
  7327. } while (escape);
  7328. token.value = value.slice(pos + 1, next);
  7329. token.sourceEndIndex = token.unclosed ? next : next + 1;
  7330. tokens.push(token);
  7331. pos = next + 1;
  7332. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7333. } else if (code === slash && value.charCodeAt(pos + 1) === star) {
  7334. next = value.indexOf("*/", pos);
  7335. token = {
  7336. type: "comment",
  7337. sourceIndex: pos,
  7338. sourceEndIndex: next + 2
  7339. };
  7340. if (next === -1) {
  7341. token.unclosed = true;
  7342. next = value.length;
  7343. token.sourceEndIndex = next;
  7344. }
  7345. token.value = value.slice(pos + 2, next);
  7346. tokens.push(token);
  7347. pos = next + 2;
  7348. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7349. } else if ((code === slash || code === star) && parent && parent.type === "function" && parent.value === "calc") {
  7350. token = value[pos];
  7351. tokens.push({
  7352. type: "word",
  7353. sourceIndex: pos - before.length,
  7354. sourceEndIndex: pos + token.length,
  7355. value: token
  7356. });
  7357. pos += 1;
  7358. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7359. } else if (code === slash || code === comma || code === colon) {
  7360. token = value[pos];
  7361. tokens.push({
  7362. type: "div",
  7363. sourceIndex: pos - before.length,
  7364. sourceEndIndex: pos + token.length,
  7365. value: token,
  7366. before,
  7367. after: ""
  7368. });
  7369. before = "";
  7370. pos += 1;
  7371. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7372. } else if (openParentheses === code) {
  7373. next = pos;
  7374. do {
  7375. next += 1;
  7376. code = value.charCodeAt(next);
  7377. } while (code <= 32);
  7378. parenthesesOpenPos = pos;
  7379. token = {
  7380. type: "function",
  7381. sourceIndex: pos - name.length,
  7382. value: name,
  7383. before: value.slice(parenthesesOpenPos + 1, next)
  7384. };
  7385. pos = next;
  7386. if (name === "url" && code !== singleQuote && code !== doubleQuote) {
  7387. next -= 1;
  7388. do {
  7389. escape = false;
  7390. next = value.indexOf(")", next + 1);
  7391. if (~next) {
  7392. escapePos = next;
  7393. while (value.charCodeAt(escapePos - 1) === backslash) {
  7394. escapePos -= 1;
  7395. escape = !escape;
  7396. }
  7397. } else {
  7398. value += ")";
  7399. next = value.length - 1;
  7400. token.unclosed = true;
  7401. }
  7402. } while (escape);
  7403. whitespacePos = next;
  7404. do {
  7405. whitespacePos -= 1;
  7406. code = value.charCodeAt(whitespacePos);
  7407. } while (code <= 32);
  7408. if (parenthesesOpenPos < whitespacePos) {
  7409. if (pos !== whitespacePos + 1) {
  7410. token.nodes = [
  7411. {
  7412. type: "word",
  7413. sourceIndex: pos,
  7414. sourceEndIndex: whitespacePos + 1,
  7415. value: value.slice(pos, whitespacePos + 1)
  7416. }
  7417. ];
  7418. } else {
  7419. token.nodes = [];
  7420. }
  7421. if (token.unclosed && whitespacePos + 1 !== next) {
  7422. token.after = "";
  7423. token.nodes.push({
  7424. type: "space",
  7425. sourceIndex: whitespacePos + 1,
  7426. sourceEndIndex: next,
  7427. value: value.slice(whitespacePos + 1, next)
  7428. });
  7429. } else {
  7430. token.after = value.slice(whitespacePos + 1, next);
  7431. token.sourceEndIndex = next;
  7432. }
  7433. } else {
  7434. token.after = "";
  7435. token.nodes = [];
  7436. }
  7437. pos = next + 1;
  7438. token.sourceEndIndex = token.unclosed ? next : pos;
  7439. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7440. tokens.push(token);
  7441. } else {
  7442. balanced += 1;
  7443. token.after = "";
  7444. token.sourceEndIndex = pos + 1;
  7445. tokens.push(token);
  7446. stack.push(token);
  7447. tokens = token.nodes = [];
  7448. parent = token;
  7449. }
  7450. name = "";
  7451. } else if (closeParentheses === code && balanced) {
  7452. pos += 1;
  7453. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7454. parent.after = after;
  7455. parent.sourceEndIndex += after.length;
  7456. after = "";
  7457. balanced -= 1;
  7458. stack[stack.length - 1].sourceEndIndex = pos;
  7459. stack.pop();
  7460. parent = stack[balanced];
  7461. tokens = parent.nodes;
  7462. } else {
  7463. next = pos;
  7464. do {
  7465. if (code === backslash) {
  7466. next += 1;
  7467. }
  7468. next += 1;
  7469. code = value.charCodeAt(next);
  7470. } while (next < max && !(code <= 32 || code === singleQuote || code === doubleQuote || code === comma || code === colon || code === slash || code === openParentheses || code === star && parent && parent.type === "function" && parent.value === "calc" || code === slash && parent.type === "function" && parent.value === "calc" || code === closeParentheses && balanced));
  7471. token = value.slice(pos, next);
  7472. if (openParentheses === code) {
  7473. name = token;
  7474. } else if ((uLower === token.charCodeAt(0) || uUpper === token.charCodeAt(0)) && plus === token.charCodeAt(1) && isUnicodeRange.test(token.slice(2))) {
  7475. tokens.push({
  7476. type: "unicode-range",
  7477. sourceIndex: pos,
  7478. sourceEndIndex: next,
  7479. value: token
  7480. });
  7481. } else {
  7482. tokens.push({
  7483. type: "word",
  7484. sourceIndex: pos,
  7485. sourceEndIndex: next,
  7486. value: token
  7487. });
  7488. }
  7489. pos = next;
  7490. }
  7491. }
  7492. for (pos = stack.length - 1; pos; pos -= 1) {
  7493. stack[pos].unclosed = true;
  7494. stack[pos].sourceEndIndex = value.length;
  7495. }
  7496. return stack[0].nodes;
  7497. };
  7498. }
  7499. });
  7500. // node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/walk.js
  7501. var require_walk = __commonJS({
  7502. "node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/walk.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7503. module2.exports = function walk(nodes, cb, bubble) {
  7504. var i, max, node, result;
  7505. for (i = 0, max = nodes.length; i < max; i += 1) {
  7506. node = nodes[i];
  7507. if (!bubble) {
  7508. result = cb(node, i, nodes);
  7509. }
  7510. if (result !== false && node.type === "function" && Array.isArray(node.nodes)) {
  7511. walk(node.nodes, cb, bubble);
  7512. }
  7513. if (bubble) {
  7514. cb(node, i, nodes);
  7515. }
  7516. }
  7517. };
  7518. }
  7519. });
  7520. // node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/stringify.js
  7521. var require_stringify2 = __commonJS({
  7522. "node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/stringify.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7523. function stringifyNode(node, custom) {
  7524. var type = node.type;
  7525. var value = node.value;
  7526. var buf;
  7527. var customResult;
  7528. if (custom && (customResult = custom(node)) !== void 0) {
  7529. return customResult;
  7530. } else if (type === "word" || type === "space") {
  7531. return value;
  7532. } else if (type === "string") {
  7533. buf = node.quote || "";
  7534. return buf + value + (node.unclosed ? "" : buf);
  7535. } else if (type === "comment") {
  7536. return "/*" + value + (node.unclosed ? "" : "*/");
  7537. } else if (type === "div") {
  7538. return (node.before || "") + value + (node.after || "");
  7539. } else if (Array.isArray(node.nodes)) {
  7540. buf = stringify(node.nodes, custom);
  7541. if (type !== "function") {
  7542. return buf;
  7543. }
  7544. return value + "(" + (node.before || "") + buf + (node.after || "") + (node.unclosed ? "" : ")");
  7545. }
  7546. return value;
  7547. }
  7548. function stringify(nodes, custom) {
  7549. var result, i;
  7550. if (Array.isArray(nodes)) {
  7551. result = "";
  7552. for (i = nodes.length - 1; ~i; i -= 1) {
  7553. result = stringifyNode(nodes[i], custom) + result;
  7554. }
  7555. return result;
  7556. }
  7557. return stringifyNode(nodes, custom);
  7558. }
  7559. module2.exports = stringify;
  7560. }
  7561. });
  7562. // node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/unit.js
  7563. var require_unit = __commonJS({
  7564. "node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/unit.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7565. var minus = "-".charCodeAt(0);
  7566. var plus = "+".charCodeAt(0);
  7567. var dot = ".".charCodeAt(0);
  7568. var exp = "e".charCodeAt(0);
  7569. var EXP = "E".charCodeAt(0);
  7570. function likeNumber(value) {
  7571. var code = value.charCodeAt(0);
  7572. var nextCode;
  7573. if (code === plus || code === minus) {
  7574. nextCode = value.charCodeAt(1);
  7575. if (nextCode >= 48 && nextCode <= 57) {
  7576. return true;
  7577. }
  7578. var nextNextCode = value.charCodeAt(2);
  7579. if (nextCode === dot && nextNextCode >= 48 && nextNextCode <= 57) {
  7580. return true;
  7581. }
  7582. return false;
  7583. }
  7584. if (code === dot) {
  7585. nextCode = value.charCodeAt(1);
  7586. if (nextCode >= 48 && nextCode <= 57) {
  7587. return true;
  7588. }
  7589. return false;
  7590. }
  7591. if (code >= 48 && code <= 57) {
  7592. return true;
  7593. }
  7594. return false;
  7595. }
  7596. module2.exports = function(value) {
  7597. var pos = 0;
  7598. var length = value.length;
  7599. var code;
  7600. var nextCode;
  7601. var nextNextCode;
  7602. if (length === 0 || !likeNumber(value)) {
  7603. return false;
  7604. }
  7605. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7606. if (code === plus || code === minus) {
  7607. pos++;
  7608. }
  7609. while (pos < length) {
  7610. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7611. if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
  7612. break;
  7613. }
  7614. pos += 1;
  7615. }
  7616. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7617. nextCode = value.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
  7618. if (code === dot && nextCode >= 48 && nextCode <= 57) {
  7619. pos += 2;
  7620. while (pos < length) {
  7621. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7622. if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
  7623. break;
  7624. }
  7625. pos += 1;
  7626. }
  7627. }
  7628. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7629. nextCode = value.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
  7630. nextNextCode = value.charCodeAt(pos + 2);
  7631. if ((code === exp || code === EXP) && (nextCode >= 48 && nextCode <= 57 || (nextCode === plus || nextCode === minus) && nextNextCode >= 48 && nextNextCode <= 57)) {
  7632. pos += nextCode === plus || nextCode === minus ? 3 : 2;
  7633. while (pos < length) {
  7634. code = value.charCodeAt(pos);
  7635. if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
  7636. break;
  7637. }
  7638. pos += 1;
  7639. }
  7640. }
  7641. return {
  7642. number: value.slice(0, pos),
  7643. unit: value.slice(pos)
  7644. };
  7645. };
  7646. }
  7647. });
  7648. // node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/index.js
  7649. var require_lib = __commonJS({
  7650. "node_modules/postcss-value-parser/lib/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7651. var parse = require_parse2();
  7652. var walk = require_walk();
  7653. var stringify = require_stringify2();
  7654. function ValueParser(value) {
  7655. if (this instanceof ValueParser) {
  7656. this.nodes = parse(value);
  7657. return this;
  7658. }
  7659. return new ValueParser(value);
  7660. }
  7661. ValueParser.prototype.toString = function() {
  7662. return Array.isArray(this.nodes) ? stringify(this.nodes) : "";
  7663. };
  7664. ValueParser.prototype.walk = function(cb, bubble) {
  7665. walk(this.nodes, cb, bubble);
  7666. return this;
  7667. };
  7668. ValueParser.unit = require_unit();
  7669. ValueParser.walk = walk;
  7670. ValueParser.stringify = stringify;
  7671. module2.exports = ValueParser;
  7672. }
  7673. });
  7674. // node_modules/postcss-import/lib/parse-statements.js
  7675. var require_parse_statements = __commonJS({
  7676. "node_modules/postcss-import/lib/parse-statements.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7677. "use strict";
  7678. var valueParser = require_lib();
  7679. var { stringify } = valueParser;
  7680. function split(params, start) {
  7681. const list = [];
  7682. const last = params.reduce((item, node, index) => {
  7683. if (index < start)
  7684. return "";
  7685. if (node.type === "div" && node.value === ",") {
  7686. list.push(item);
  7687. return "";
  7688. }
  7689. return item + stringify(node);
  7690. }, "");
  7691. list.push(last);
  7692. return list;
  7693. }
  7694. module2.exports = function(result, styles) {
  7695. const statements = [];
  7696. let nodes = [];
  7697. styles.each((node) => {
  7698. let stmt;
  7699. if (node.type === "atrule") {
  7700. if ( === "import")
  7701. stmt = parseImport(result, node);
  7702. else if ( === "media")
  7703. stmt = parseMedia(result, node);
  7704. else if ( === "charset")
  7705. stmt = parseCharset(result, node);
  7706. }
  7707. if (stmt) {
  7708. if (nodes.length) {
  7709. statements.push({
  7710. type: "nodes",
  7711. nodes,
  7712. media: [],
  7713. layer: []
  7714. });
  7715. nodes = [];
  7716. }
  7717. statements.push(stmt);
  7718. } else
  7719. nodes.push(node);
  7720. });
  7721. if (nodes.length) {
  7722. statements.push({
  7723. type: "nodes",
  7724. nodes,
  7725. media: [],
  7726. layer: []
  7727. });
  7728. }
  7729. return statements;
  7730. };
  7731. function parseMedia(result, atRule) {
  7732. const params = valueParser(atRule.params).nodes;
  7733. return {
  7734. type: "media",
  7735. node: atRule,
  7736. media: split(params, 0),
  7737. layer: []
  7738. };
  7739. }
  7740. function parseCharset(result, atRule) {
  7741. if (atRule.prev()) {
  7742. return result.warn("@charset must precede all other statements", {
  7743. node: atRule
  7744. });
  7745. }
  7746. return {
  7747. type: "charset",
  7748. node: atRule,
  7749. media: [],
  7750. layer: []
  7751. };
  7752. }
  7753. function parseImport(result, atRule) {
  7754. let prev = atRule.prev();
  7755. if (prev) {
  7756. do {
  7757. if (prev.type !== "comment" && (prev.type !== "atrule" || !== "import" && !== "charset" && !( === "layer" && !prev.nodes))) {
  7758. return result.warn(
  7759. "@import must precede all other statements (besides @charset or empty @layer)",
  7760. { node: atRule }
  7761. );
  7762. }
  7763. prev = prev.prev();
  7764. } while (prev);
  7765. }
  7766. if (atRule.nodes) {
  7767. return result.warn(
  7768. "It looks like you didn't end your @import statement correctly. Child nodes are attached to it.",
  7769. { node: atRule }
  7770. );
  7771. }
  7772. const params = valueParser(atRule.params).nodes;
  7773. const stmt = {
  7774. type: "import",
  7775. node: atRule,
  7776. media: [],
  7777. layer: []
  7778. };
  7779. if (!params.length || (params[0].type !== "string" || !params[0].value) && (params[0].type !== "function" || params[0].value !== "url" || !params[0].nodes.length || !params[0].nodes[0].value)) {
  7780. return result.warn(`Unable to find uri in '${atRule.toString()}'`, {
  7781. node: atRule
  7782. });
  7783. }
  7784. if (params[0].type === "string")
  7785. stmt.uri = params[0].value;
  7786. else
  7787. stmt.uri = params[0].nodes[0].value;
  7788. stmt.fullUri = stringify(params[0]);
  7789. let remainder = params;
  7790. if (remainder.length > 2) {
  7791. if ((remainder[2].type === "word" || remainder[2].type === "function") && remainder[2].value === "layer") {
  7792. if (remainder[1].type !== "space") {
  7793. return result.warn("Invalid import layer statement", { node: atRule });
  7794. }
  7795. if (remainder[2].nodes) {
  7796. stmt.layer = [stringify(remainder[2].nodes)];
  7797. } else {
  7798. stmt.layer = [""];
  7799. }
  7800. remainder = remainder.slice(2);
  7801. }
  7802. }
  7803. if (remainder.length > 2) {
  7804. if (remainder[1].type !== "space") {
  7805. return result.warn("Invalid import media statement", { node: atRule });
  7806. }
  7807. = split(remainder, 2);
  7808. }
  7809. return stmt;
  7810. }
  7811. }
  7812. });
  7813. // node_modules/postcss-import/lib/assign-layer-names.js
  7814. var require_assign_layer_names = __commonJS({
  7815. "node_modules/postcss-import/lib/assign-layer-names.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7816. "use strict";
  7817. module2.exports = function(layer, node, state, options) {
  7818. layer.forEach((layerPart, i) => {
  7819. if (layerPart.trim() === "") {
  7820. if (options.nameLayer) {
  7821. layer[i] = options.nameLayer(state.anonymousLayerCounter++, state.rootFilename).toString();
  7822. } else {
  7823. throw node.error(
  7824. `When using anonymous layers in @import you must also set the "nameLayer" plugin option`
  7825. );
  7826. }
  7827. }
  7828. });
  7829. };
  7830. }
  7831. });
  7832. // node_modules/postcss-import/index.js
  7833. var require_postcss_import = __commonJS({
  7834. "node_modules/postcss-import/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  7835. "use strict";
  7836. var path = require("path");
  7837. var joinMedia = require_join_media();
  7838. var joinLayer = require_join_layer();
  7839. var resolveId = require_resolve_id();
  7840. var loadContent = require_load_content();
  7841. var processContent = require_process_content();
  7842. var parseStatements = require_parse_statements();
  7843. var assignLayerNames = require_assign_layer_names();
  7844. var dataURL = require_data_url();
  7845. function AtImport(options) {
  7846. options = {
  7847. root: process.cwd(),
  7848. path: [],
  7849. skipDuplicates: true,
  7850. resolve: resolveId,
  7851. load: loadContent,
  7852. plugins: [],
  7853. addModulesDirectories: [],
  7854. nameLayer: null,
  7855. ...options
  7856. };
  7857. options.root = path.resolve(options.root);
  7858. if (typeof options.path === "string")
  7859. options.path = [options.path];
  7860. if (!Array.isArray(options.path))
  7861. options.path = [];
  7862. options.path = => path.resolve(options.root, p));
  7863. return {
  7864. postcssPlugin: "postcss-import",
  7865. Once(styles, { result, atRule, postcss }) {
  7866. const state = {
  7867. importedFiles: {},
  7868. hashFiles: {},
  7869. rootFilename: null,
  7870. anonymousLayerCounter: 0
  7871. };
  7872. if (styles.source?.input?.file) {
  7873. state.rootFilename = styles.source.input.file;
  7874. state.importedFiles[styles.source.input.file] = {};
  7875. }
  7876. if (options.plugins && !Array.isArray(options.plugins)) {
  7877. throw new Error("plugins option must be an array");
  7878. }
  7879. if (options.nameLayer && typeof options.nameLayer !== "function") {
  7880. throw new Error("nameLayer option must be a function");
  7881. }
  7882. return parseStyles(result, styles, options, state, [], []).then(
  7883. (bundle) => {
  7884. applyRaws(bundle);
  7885. applyMedia(bundle);
  7886. applyStyles(bundle, styles);
  7887. }
  7888. );
  7889. function applyRaws(bundle) {
  7890. bundle.forEach((stmt, index) => {
  7891. if (index === 0)
  7892. return;
  7893. if (stmt.parent) {
  7894. const { before } = stmt.parent.node.raws;
  7895. if (stmt.type === "nodes")
  7896. stmt.nodes[0].raws.before = before;
  7897. else
  7898. stmt.node.raws.before = before;
  7899. } else if (stmt.type === "nodes") {
  7900. stmt.nodes[0].raws.before = stmt.nodes[0].raws.before || "\n";
  7901. }
  7902. });
  7903. }
  7904. function applyMedia(bundle) {
  7905. bundle.forEach((stmt) => {
  7906. if (! && !stmt.layer.length || stmt.type === "charset") {
  7907. return;
  7908. }
  7909. if (stmt.layer.length > 1) {
  7910. assignLayerNames(stmt.layer, stmt.node, state, options);
  7911. }
  7912. if (stmt.type === "import") {
  7913. const parts = [stmt.fullUri];
  7914. const media =", ");
  7915. if (stmt.layer.length) {
  7916. const layerName = stmt.layer.join(".");
  7917. let layerParams = "layer";
  7918. if (layerName) {
  7919. layerParams = `layer(${layerName})`;
  7920. }
  7921. parts.push(layerParams);
  7922. }
  7923. if (media) {
  7924. parts.push(media);
  7925. }
  7926. stmt.node.params = parts.join(" ");
  7927. } else if (stmt.type === "media") {
  7928. if (stmt.layer.length) {
  7929. const layerNode = atRule({
  7930. name: "layer",
  7931. params: stmt.layer.join("."),
  7932. source: stmt.node.source
  7933. });
  7934. if (stmt.parentMedia?.length) {
  7935. const mediaNode = atRule({
  7936. name: "media",
  7937. params: stmt.parentMedia.join(", "),
  7938. source: stmt.node.source
  7939. });
  7940. mediaNode.append(layerNode);
  7941. layerNode.append(stmt.node);
  7942. stmt.node = mediaNode;
  7943. } else {
  7944. layerNode.append(stmt.node);
  7945. stmt.node = layerNode;
  7946. }
  7947. } else {
  7948. stmt.node.params =", ");
  7949. }
  7950. } else {
  7951. const { nodes } = stmt;
  7952. const { parent } = nodes[0];
  7953. let outerAtRule;
  7954. let innerAtRule;
  7955. if ( && stmt.layer.length) {
  7956. const mediaNode = atRule({
  7957. name: "media",
  7958. params:", "),
  7959. source: parent.source
  7960. });
  7961. const layerNode = atRule({
  7962. name: "layer",
  7963. params: stmt.layer.join("."),
  7964. source: parent.source
  7965. });
  7966. mediaNode.append(layerNode);
  7967. innerAtRule = layerNode;
  7968. outerAtRule = mediaNode;
  7969. } else if ( {
  7970. const mediaNode = atRule({
  7971. name: "media",
  7972. params:", "),
  7973. source: parent.source
  7974. });
  7975. innerAtRule = mediaNode;
  7976. outerAtRule = mediaNode;
  7977. } else if (stmt.layer.length) {
  7978. const layerNode = atRule({
  7979. name: "layer",
  7980. params: stmt.layer.join("."),
  7981. source: parent.source
  7982. });
  7983. innerAtRule = layerNode;
  7984. outerAtRule = layerNode;
  7985. }
  7986. parent.insertBefore(nodes[0], outerAtRule);
  7987. nodes.forEach((node) => {
  7988. node.parent = void 0;
  7989. });
  7990. nodes[0].raws.before = nodes[0].raws.before || "\n";
  7991. innerAtRule.append(nodes);
  7992. stmt.type = "media";
  7993. stmt.node = outerAtRule;
  7994. delete stmt.nodes;
  7995. }
  7996. });
  7997. }
  7998. function applyStyles(bundle, styles2) {
  7999. styles2.nodes = [];
  8000. bundle.forEach((stmt) => {
  8001. if (["charset", "import", "media"].includes(stmt.type)) {
  8002. stmt.node.parent = void 0;
  8003. styles2.append(stmt.node);
  8004. } else if (stmt.type === "nodes") {
  8005. stmt.nodes.forEach((node) => {
  8006. node.parent = void 0;
  8007. styles2.append(node);
  8008. });
  8009. }
  8010. });
  8011. }
  8012. function parseStyles(result2, styles2, options2, state2, media, layer) {
  8013. const statements = parseStatements(result2, styles2);
  8014. return Promise.resolve(statements).then((stmts) => {
  8015. return stmts.reduce((promise, stmt) => {
  8016. return promise.then(() => {
  8017. = joinMedia(media, || []);
  8018. stmt.parentMedia = media;
  8019. stmt.layer = joinLayer(layer, stmt.layer || []);
  8020. if (stmt.type !== "import" || /^(?:[a-z]+:)?\/\//i.test(stmt.uri)) {
  8021. return;
  8022. }
  8023. if (options2.filter && !options2.filter(stmt.uri)) {
  8024. return;
  8025. }
  8026. return resolveImportId(result2, stmt, options2, state2);
  8027. });
  8028. }, Promise.resolve());
  8029. }).then(() => {
  8030. let charset;
  8031. const imports = [];
  8032. const bundle = [];
  8033. function handleCharset(stmt) {
  8034. if (!charset)
  8035. charset = stmt;
  8036. else if (stmt.node.params.toLowerCase() !== charset.node.params.toLowerCase()) {
  8037. throw new Error(
  8038. `Incompatable @charset statements:
  8039. ${stmt.node.params} specified in ${stmt.node.source.input.file}
  8040. ${charset.node.params} specified in ${charset.node.source.input.file}`
  8041. );
  8042. }
  8043. }
  8044. statements.forEach((stmt) => {
  8045. if (stmt.type === "charset")
  8046. handleCharset(stmt);
  8047. else if (stmt.type === "import") {
  8048. if (stmt.children) {
  8049. stmt.children.forEach((child, index) => {
  8050. if (child.type === "import")
  8051. imports.push(child);
  8052. else if (child.type === "charset")
  8053. handleCharset(child);
  8054. else
  8055. bundle.push(child);
  8056. if (index === 0)
  8057. child.parent = stmt;
  8058. });
  8059. } else
  8060. imports.push(stmt);
  8061. } else if (stmt.type === "media" || stmt.type === "nodes") {
  8062. bundle.push(stmt);
  8063. }
  8064. });
  8065. return charset ? [charset, ...imports.concat(bundle)] : imports.concat(bundle);
  8066. });
  8067. }
  8068. function resolveImportId(result2, stmt, options2, state2) {
  8069. if (dataURL.isValid(stmt.uri)) {
  8070. return loadImportContent(result2, stmt, stmt.uri, options2, state2).then(
  8071. (result3) => {
  8072. stmt.children = result3;
  8073. }
  8074. );
  8075. }
  8076. const atRule2 = stmt.node;
  8077. let sourceFile;
  8078. if (atRule2.source?.input?.file) {
  8079. sourceFile = atRule2.source.input.file;
  8080. }
  8081. const base = sourceFile ? path.dirname(atRule2.source.input.file) : options2.root;
  8082. return Promise.resolve(options2.resolve(stmt.uri, base, options2)).then((paths) => {
  8083. if (!Array.isArray(paths))
  8084. paths = [paths];
  8085. return Promise.all(
  8086. => {
  8087. return !path.isAbsolute(file) ? resolveId(file, base, options2) : file;
  8088. })
  8089. );
  8090. }).then((resolved) => {
  8091. resolved.forEach((file) => {
  8092. result2.messages.push({
  8093. type: "dependency",
  8094. plugin: "postcss-import",
  8095. file,
  8096. parent: sourceFile
  8097. });
  8098. });
  8099. return Promise.all(
  8100. => {
  8101. return loadImportContent(result2, stmt, file, options2, state2);
  8102. })
  8103. );
  8104. }).then((result3) => {
  8105. stmt.children = result3.reduce((result4, statements) => {
  8106. return statements ? result4.concat(statements) : result4;
  8107. }, []);
  8108. });
  8109. }
  8110. function loadImportContent(result2, stmt, filename, options2, state2) {
  8111. const atRule2 = stmt.node;
  8112. const { media, layer } = stmt;
  8113. assignLayerNames(layer, atRule2, state2, options2);
  8114. if (options2.skipDuplicates) {
  8115. if (state2.importedFiles[filename]?.[media]?.[layer]) {
  8116. return;
  8117. }
  8118. if (!state2.importedFiles[filename]) {
  8119. state2.importedFiles[filename] = {};
  8120. }
  8121. if (!state2.importedFiles[filename][media]) {
  8122. state2.importedFiles[filename][media] = {};
  8123. }
  8124. state2.importedFiles[filename][media][layer] = true;
  8125. }
  8126. return Promise.resolve(options2.load(filename, options2)).then(
  8127. (content) => {
  8128. if (content.trim() === "") {
  8129. result2.warn(`${filename} is empty`, { node: atRule2 });
  8130. return;
  8131. }
  8132. if (state2.hashFiles[content]?.[media]?.[layer]) {
  8133. return;
  8134. }
  8135. return processContent(
  8136. result2,
  8137. content,
  8138. filename,
  8139. options2,
  8140. postcss
  8141. ).then((importedResult) => {
  8142. const styles2 = importedResult.root;
  8143. result2.messages = result2.messages.concat(importedResult.messages);
  8144. if (options2.skipDuplicates) {
  8145. const hasImport = styles2.some((child) => {
  8146. return child.type === "atrule" && === "import";
  8147. });
  8148. if (!hasImport) {
  8149. if (!state2.hashFiles[content]) {
  8150. state2.hashFiles[content] = {};
  8151. }
  8152. if (!state2.hashFiles[content][media]) {
  8153. state2.hashFiles[content][media] = {};
  8154. }
  8155. state2.hashFiles[content][media][layer] = true;
  8156. }
  8157. }
  8158. return parseStyles(result2, styles2, options2, state2, media, layer);
  8159. });
  8160. }
  8161. );
  8162. }
  8163. }
  8164. };
  8165. }
  8166. AtImport.postcss = true;
  8167. module2.exports = AtImport;
  8168. }
  8169. });
  8170. // node_modules/node-releases/data/processed/envs.json
  8171. var require_envs = __commonJS({
  8172. "node_modules/node-releases/data/processed/envs.json"(exports2, module2) {
  8173. module2.exports = [{ name: "nodejs", version: "0.2.0", date: "2011-08-26", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.3.0", date: "2011-08-26", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.4.0", date: "2011-08-26", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.5.0", date: "2011-08-26", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.6.0", date: "2011-11-04", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.7.0", date: "2012-01-17", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.8.0", date: "2012-06-22", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.9.0", date: "2012-07-20", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.10.0", date: "2013-03-11", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.11.0", date: "2013-03-28", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "0.12.0", date: "2015-02-06", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.0.0", date: "2015-09-08", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.1.0", date: "2015-09-17", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.2.0", date: "2015-10-12", lts: "Argon", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.3.0", date: "2016-02-09", lts: "Argon", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.4.0", date: "2016-03-08", lts: "Argon", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.5.0", date: "2016-08-16", lts: "Argon", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.6.0", date: "2016-09-27", lts: "Argon", security: true, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.7.0", date: "2016-12-06", lts: "Argon", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.8.0", date: "2017-02-21", lts: "Argon", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "4.9.0", date: "2018-03-28", lts: "Argon", security: true, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.0.0", date: "2015-10-29", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.1.0", date: "2015-11-17", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.2.0", date: "2015-12-09", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.3.0", date: "2015-12-15", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.4.0", date: "2016-01-06", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.5.0", date: "2016-01-21", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.6.0", date: "2016-02-09", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.7.0", date: "2016-02-23", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.8.0", date: "2016-03-09", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.9.0", date: "2016-03-16", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.10.0", date: "2016-04-01", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.11.0", date: "2016-04-21", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "5.12.0", date: "2016-06-23", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "6.0.0", date: "2016-04-26", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "6.1.0", date: "2016-05-05", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "6.2.0", date: "2016-05-17", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "6.3.0", date: "2016-07-06", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "6.4.0", date: "2016-08-12", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "6.5.0", date: "2016-08-26", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "6.6.0", date: "2016-09-14", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "6.7.0", date: 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false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "20.8.0", date: "2023-09-28", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "20.9.0", date: "2023-10-24", lts: "Iron", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "20.10.0", date: "2023-11-22", lts: "Iron", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "20.11.0", date: "2024-01-09", lts: "Iron", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "20.12.0", date: "2024-03-26", lts: "Iron", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "20.13.0", date: "2024-05-07", lts: "Iron", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "20.14.0", date: "2024-05-28", lts: "Iron", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "20.15.0", date: "2024-06-20", lts: "Iron", security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "21.0.0", date: "2023-10-17", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "21.1.0", date: "2023-10-24", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "21.2.0", date: "2023-11-14", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "21.3.0", date: "2023-11-30", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "21.4.0", date: "2023-12-05", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "21.5.0", date: "2023-12-19", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "21.6.0", date: "2024-01-14", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "21.7.0", date: "2024-03-06", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "22.0.0", date: "2024-04-24", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "22.1.0", date: "2024-05-02", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "22.2.0", date: "2024-05-15", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "22.3.0", date: "2024-06-11", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "22.4.0", date: "2024-07-02", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }, { name: "nodejs", version: "22.5.0", date: "2024-07-17", lts: false, security: false, v8: "" }];
  8174. }
  8175. });
  8176. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/browsers.js
  8177. var require_browsers = __commonJS({
  8178. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/browsers.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  8180. }
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  8182. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/browsers.js
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  8184. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/browsers.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8185. module2.exports.browsers = require_browsers();
  8186. }
  8187. });
  8188. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/browserVersions.js
  8189. var require_browserVersions = __commonJS({
  8190. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/browserVersions.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  8192. }
  8193. });
  8194. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/browserVersions.js
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  8196. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/browserVersions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8197. module2.exports.browserVersions = require_browserVersions();
  8198. }
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0, V: 0, W: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, a: 0, b: 0.011355, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0, f: 0, g: 0, h: 0, i: 0, j: 0, k: 0, l: 0, m: 0, n: 0, o: 0, p: 0, q: 3785e-6, r: 757e-5, s: 0.064345, t: 3785e-6, u: 757e-5, AB: 0.026495, BB: 0.064345, CB: 0.16654, DB: 2.88417, EB: 1.57834, FB: 757e-5, D: 0 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "C", "L", "M", "H", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "I", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "AB", "BB", "CB", "DB", "EB", "FB", "D", "", "", ""], E: "Edge", F: { "1": 1680825600, "2": 1683158400, "3": 1685664e3, "4": 1689897600, "5": 1692576e3, "6": 1694649600, "7": 1697155200, "8": 1698969600, "9": 1701993600, C: 1438128e3, L: 1447286400, M: 1470096e3, H: 1491868800, N: 1508198400, O: 1525046400, P: 1542067200, Q: 1579046400, I: 1581033600, R: 1586736e3, S: 1590019200, T: 1594857600, U: 1598486400, V: 1602201600, W: 1605830400, X: 161136e4, Y: 1614816e3, Z: 1618358400, a: 1622073600, b: 1626912e3, c: 1630627200, d: 1632441600, e: 1634774400, f: 1637539200, g: 1641427200, h: 1643932800, i: 1646265600, j: 1649635200, k: 1651190400, l: 1653955200, m: 1655942400, n: 1659657600, o: 1661990400, p: 1664755200, q: 1666915200, r: 1670198400, s: 1673481600, t: 1675900800, u: 1678665600, AB: 1706227200, BB: 1708732800, CB: 1711152e3, DB: 1713398400, EB: 1715990400, FB: 1718841600, D: 1721865600 }, D: { C: "ms", L: "ms", M: "ms", H: "ms", N: "ms", O: "ms", P: "ms" } }, C: { A: { "0": 0, "1": 0, "2": 0.011355, "3": 0, "4": 0.397425, "5": 0, "6": 757e-5, "7": 0.079485, "8": 0, "9": 757e-5, cC: 0, DC: 0, J: 3785e-6, GB: 0, K: 0, E: 0, F: 0, G: 0, A: 0, B: 0.018925, C: 0, L: 0, M: 0, H: 0, N: 0, O: 0, P: 0, HB: 0, v: 0, w: 0, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, IB: 0, JB: 0, KB: 0, LB: 0, MB: 0, NB: 0, OB: 0, PB: 0, QB: 0, RB: 0, SB: 0, TB: 0, UB: 0, VB: 0, WB: 0, XB: 0, YB: 0, ZB: 757e-5, aB: 757e-5, bB: 757e-5, cB: 0, dB: 0, eB: 0, fB: 0, gB: 757e-5, hB: 0, iB: 0.05299, jB: 3785e-6, kB: 3785e-6, lB: 0, mB: 0.02271, nB: 0, oB: 0, EC: 3785e-6, pB: 0, FC: 0, qB: 0, rB: 0, sB: 0, tB: 0, uB: 0, vB: 0, wB: 0, xB: 0, yB: 0, zB: 0, "0B": 0, "1B": 0, "2B": 0, "3B": 0, "4B": 0, "5B": 0, "6B": 0.01514, Q: 0, I: 0, R: 0, GC: 0, S: 0, T: 0, U: 0, V: 0, W: 0, X: 0.011355, Y: 0, Z: 0, a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 3785e-6, e: 0, f: 0, g: 0, h: 0, i: 0, j: 0, k: 0, l: 0.011355, m: 0.011355, n: 0, o: 0, p: 0, q: 0, r: 3785e-6, s: 757e-5, t: 0, u: 0, AB: 757e-5, BB: 0.011355, CB: 0.01514, DB: 0.06813, EB: 0.844055, FB: 0.738075, D: 3785e-6, HC: 0, IC: 0, JC: 0, dC: 0, eC: 0, fC: 0 }, B: "moz", C: ["cC", "DC", "eC", "fC", "J", "GB", "K", "E", "F", "G", "A", "B", "C", "L", "M", "H", "N", "O", "P", "HB", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "IB", "JB", "KB", "LB", "MB", "NB", "OB", "PB", "QB", "RB", "SB", "TB", "UB", "VB", "WB", "XB", "YB", "ZB", "aB", "bB", "cB", "dB", "eB", "fB", "gB", "hB", "iB", "jB", "kB", "lB", "mB", "nB", "oB", "EC", "pB", "FC", "qB", "rB", "sB", "tB", "uB", "vB", "wB", "xB", "yB", "zB", "0B", "1B", "2B", "3B", "4B", "5B", "6B", "Q", "I", "R", "GC", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "AB", "BB", "CB", "DB", "EB", "FB", "D", "HC", "IC", "JC", "dC"], E: "Firefox", F: { "0": 1379376e3, "1": 1681171200, "2": 1683590400, "3": 1686009600, "4": 1688428800, "5": 1690848e3, "6": 1693267200, "7": 1695686400, "8": 1698105600, "9": 1700524800, cC: 1161648e3, DC: 1213660800, eC: 124632e4, fC: 1264032e3, J: 1300752e3, GB: 1308614400, K: 1313452800, E: 1317081600, F: 1317081600, G: 1320710400, A: 1324339200, B: 1327968e3, C: 1331596800, L: 1335225600, M: 1338854400, H: 1342483200, N: 1346112e3, O: 1349740800, P: 1353628800, HB: 1357603200, v: 1361232e3, w: 1364860800, x: 1368489600, y: 1372118400, z: 1375747200, IB: 1386633600, JB: 1391472e3, KB: 1395100800, LB: 1398729600, MB: 1402358400, NB: 1405987200, OB: 1409616e3, PB: 1413244800, QB: 1417392e3, RB: 1421107200, SB: 1424736e3, TB: 1428278400, UB: 1431475200, VB: 1435881600, WB: 1439251200, XB: 144288e4, YB: 1446508800, ZB: 1450137600, aB: 1453852800, bB: 1457395200, cB: 1461628800, dB: 1465257600, eB: 1470096e3, fB: 1474329600, gB: 1479168e3, hB: 1485216e3, iB: 1488844800, jB: 149256e4, kB: 1497312e3, lB: 1502150400, mB: 1506556800, nB: 1510617600, oB: 1516665600, EC: 1520985600, pB: 1525824e3, FC: 1529971200, qB: 1536105600, rB: 1540252800, sB: 1544486400, tB: 154872e4, uB: 1552953600, vB: 1558396800, wB: 1562630400, xB: 1567468800, yB: 1571788800, zB: 1575331200, "0B": 1578355200, "1B": 1581379200, "2B": 1583798400, "3B": 1586304e3, "4B": 1588636800, "5B": 1591056e3, "6B": 1593475200, Q: 1595894400, I: 1598313600, R: 1600732800, GC: 1603152e3, S: 1605571200, T: 1607990400, U: 1611619200, V: 1614038400, W: 1616457600, X: 1618790400, Y: 1622505600, Z: 1626134400, a: 1628553600, b: 1630972800, c: 1633392e3, d: 1635811200, e: 1638835200, f: 1641859200, g: 1644364800, h: 1646697600, i: 1649116800, j: 1651536e3, k: 1653955200, l: 1656374400, m: 1658793600, n: 1661212800, o: 1663632e3, p: 1666051200, q: 1668470400, r: 1670889600, s: 1673913600, t: 1676332800, u: 1678752e3, AB: 1702944e3, BB: 1705968e3, CB: 1708387200, DB: 1710806400, EB: 1713225600, FB: 1715644800, D: 1718064e3, HC: 1720483200, IC: null, JC: null, dC: null } }, D: { A: { "0": 0, "1": 0.041635, "2": 0.09841, "3": 0.109765, "4": 0.04542, "5": 0.230885, "6": 0.102195, "7": 0.08327, "8": 0.09084, "9": 0.185465, J: 0, GB: 0, K: 0, E: 0, F: 0, G: 0, A: 0, B: 0, C: 0, L: 0, M: 0, H: 0, N: 0, O: 0, P: 0, HB: 0, v: 0, w: 0, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, IB: 0, JB: 0, KB: 0, LB: 0, MB: 0, NB: 0, OB: 0, PB: 0, QB: 757e-5, RB: 0, SB: 0, TB: 0, UB: 0.01514, VB: 0, WB: 0, XB: 0, YB: 0, ZB: 0, aB: 0, bB: 3785e-6, cB: 0, dB: 3785e-6, eB: 0.02271, fB: 0.026495, gB: 0.011355, hB: 0, iB: 3785e-6, jB: 3785e-6, kB: 0, lB: 0, mB: 0.011355, nB: 0, oB: 3785e-6, EC: 0, pB: 0, FC: 3785e-6, qB: 0, rB: 3785e-6, sB: 0, tB: 0, uB: 0.02271, vB: 757e-5, wB: 0, xB: 0.03028, yB: 0.064345, zB: 3785e-6, "0B": 3785e-6, "1B": 0.011355, "2B": 757e-5, "3B": 757e-5, "4B": 757e-5, "5B": 757e-5, "6B": 0.01514, Q: 0.12112, I: 0.011355, R: 0.02271, S: 0.041635, T: 757e-5, U: 0.011355, V: 0.049205, W: 0.06813, X: 0.01514, Y: 0.011355, Z: 0.011355, a: 0.03785, b: 0.018925, c: 0.03028, d: 0.041635, e: 0.011355, f: 0.011355, g: 0.01514, h: 0.071915, i: 0.034065, j: 0.04542, k: 0.06813, l: 0.049205, m: 0.170325, n: 0.094625, o: 0.03028, p: 0.03785, q: 0.03028, r: 0.04542, s: 1.49507, t: 0.026495, u: 0.03785, AB: 0.389855, BB: 0.29523, CB: 1.11279, DB: 12.6116, EB: 4.62527, FB: 0.018925, D: 757e-5, HC: 0, IC: 0, JC: 0 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "J", "GB", "K", "E", "F", "G", "A", "B", "C", "L", "M", "H", "N", "O", "P", "HB", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "IB", "JB", "KB", "LB", "MB", "NB", "OB", "PB", "QB", "RB", "SB", "TB", "UB", "VB", "WB", "XB", "YB", "ZB", "aB", "bB", "cB", "dB", "eB", "fB", "gB", "hB", "iB", "jB", "kB", "lB", "mB", "nB", "oB", "EC", "pB", "FC", "qB", "rB", "sB", "tB", "uB", "vB", "wB", "xB", "yB", "zB", "0B", "1B", "2B", "3B", "4B", "5B", "6B", "Q", "I", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "AB", "BB", "CB", "DB", "EB", "FB", "D", "HC", "IC", "JC"], E: "Chrome", F: { "0": 1357862400, "1": 1680566400, "2": 1682985600, "3": 1685404800, "4": 1689724800, "5": 1692057600, "6": 1694476800, "7": 1696896e3, "8": 1698710400, "9": 1701993600, J: 1264377600, GB: 1274745600, K: 1283385600, E: 1287619200, F: 1291248e3, G: 1296777600, A: 1299542400, B: 1303862400, C: 1307404800, L: 1312243200, M: 1316131200, H: 1316131200, N: 1319500800, O: 1323734400, P: 1328659200, HB: 1332892800, v: 133704e4, w: 1340668800, x: 1343692800, y: 1348531200, z: 1352246400, IB: 1361404800, JB: 1364428800, KB: 1369094400, LB: 1374105600, MB: 1376956800, NB: 1384214400, OB: 1389657600, PB: 1392940800, QB: 1397001600, RB: 1400544e3, SB: 1405468800, TB: 1409011200, UB: 141264e4, VB: 1416268800, WB: 1421798400, XB: 1425513600, YB: 1429401600, ZB: 143208e4, aB: 1437523200, bB: 1441152e3, cB: 1444780800, dB: 1449014400, eB: 1453248e3, fB: 1456963200, gB: 1460592e3, hB: 1464134400, iB: 1469059200, jB: 1472601600, kB: 1476230400, lB: 1480550400, mB: 1485302400, nB: 1489017600, oB: 149256e4, EC: 1496707200, pB: 1500940800, FC: 1504569600, qB: 1508198400, rB: 1512518400, sB: 1516752e3, tB: 1520294400, uB: 1523923200, vB: 1527552e3, wB: 1532390400, xB: 1536019200, yB: 1539648e3, zB: 1543968e3, "0B": 154872e4, "1B": 1552348800, "2B": 1555977600, "3B": 1559606400, "4B": 1564444800, "5B": 1568073600, "6B": 1571702400, Q: 1575936e3, I: 1580860800, R: 1586304e3, S: 1589846400, T: 1594684800, U: 1598313600, V: 1601942400, W: 1605571200, X: 1611014400, Y: 1614556800, Z: 1618272e3, a: 1621987200, b: 1626739200, c: 1630368e3, d: 1632268800, e: 1634601600, f: 1637020800, g: 1641340800, h: 1643673600, i: 1646092800, j: 1648512e3, k: 1650931200, l: 1653350400, m: 1655769600, n: 1659398400, o: 1661817600, p: 1664236800, q: 1666656e3, r: 166968e4, s: 1673308800, t: 1675728e3, u: 1678147200, AB: 1705968e3, BB: 1708387200, CB: 1710806400, DB: 1713225600, EB: 1715644800, FB: 1718064e3, D: 1721174400, HC: null, IC: null, JC: null } }, E: { A: { J: 0, GB: 0, K: 0, E: 0, F: 0.01514, G: 3785e-6, A: 0, B: 0, C: 0, L: 757e-5, M: 0.034065, H: 757e-5, gC: 0, KC: 0, hC: 0, iC: 0, jC: 0, kC: 0, LC: 0, "7B": 757e-5, "8B": 0.01514, lC: 0.064345, mC: 0.09084, nC: 0.034065, MC: 0.011355, NC: 0.026495, "9B": 0.034065, oC: 0.246025, AC: 0.03028, OC: 0.049205, PC: 0.03785, QC: 0.09841, RC: 0.03028, SC: 0.06056, pC: 0.34065, BC: 0.03785, TC: 0.06813, UC: 0.08327, VC: 0.09841, WC: 1.5405, XC: 0.185465, YC: 0, CC: 0, qC: 0 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "gC", "KC", "J", "GB", "hC", "K", "iC", "E", "jC", "F", "G", "kC", "A", "LC", "B", "7B", "C", "8B", "L", "lC", "M", "mC", "H", "nC", "MC", "NC", "9B", "oC", "AC", "OC", "PC", "QC", "RC", "SC", "pC", "BC", "TC", "UC", "VC", "WC", "XC", "YC", "CC", "qC"], E: "Safari", F: { gC: 1205798400, KC: 1226534400, J: 1244419200, GB: 1275868800, hC: 131112e4, K: 1343174400, iC: 13824e5, E: 13824e5, jC: 1410998400, F: 1413417600, G: 1443657600, kC: 1458518400, A: 1474329600, LC: 1490572800, B: 1505779200, "7B": 1522281600, C: 1537142400, "8B": 1553472e3, L: 1568851200, lC: 1585008e3, M: 1600214400, mC: 1619395200, H: 1632096e3, nC: 1635292800, MC: 1639353600, NC: 1647216e3, "9B": 1652745600, oC: 1658275200, AC: 1662940800, OC: 1666569600, PC: 1670889600, QC: 1674432e3, RC: 1679875200, SC: 1684368e3, pC: 1690156800, BC: 1695686400, TC: 1698192e3, UC: 1702252800, VC: 1705881600, WC: 1709596800, XC: 1715558400, YC: null, CC: null, qC: null } }, F: { A: { "0": 0, G: 0, B: 0, C: 0, H: 0, N: 0, O: 0, P: 0, HB: 0, v: 0, w: 0, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, IB: 0, JB: 0, KB: 0, LB: 0, MB: 0, NB: 0, OB: 0, PB: 0, QB: 0, RB: 0, SB: 0, TB: 0, UB: 0, VB: 0, WB: 0, XB: 0, YB: 0, ZB: 0, aB: 0, bB: 0, cB: 0.01514, dB: 0, eB: 0, fB: 0, gB: 0, hB: 0, iB: 0, jB: 0, kB: 0, lB: 0, mB: 0, nB: 0, oB: 0, pB: 0, qB: 0, rB: 0, sB: 0, tB: 0, uB: 0, vB: 0, wB: 0, xB: 0, yB: 0, zB: 0, "0B": 0, "1B": 0, "2B": 0, "3B": 0, "4B": 0, "5B": 0, "6B": 0, Q: 0, I: 0, R: 0, GC: 0, S: 0, T: 0, U: 0, V: 0, W: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0.041635, f: 0, g: 0, h: 0, i: 0, j: 0, k: 0, l: 0.071915, m: 0, n: 0, o: 0, p: 757e-5, q: 0.185465, r: 0.01514, s: 0.738075, t: 0.04542, u: 0, rC: 0, sC: 0, tC: 0, uC: 0, "7B": 0, ZC: 0, vC: 0, "8B": 0 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "G", "rC", "sC", "tC", "uC", "B", "7B", "ZC", "vC", "C", "8B", "H", "N", "O", "P", "HB", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "IB", "JB", "KB", "LB", "MB", "NB", "OB", "PB", "QB", "RB", "SB", "TB", "UB", "VB", "WB", "XB", "YB", "ZB", "aB", "bB", "cB", "dB", "eB", "fB", "gB", "hB", "iB", "jB", "kB", "lB", "mB", "nB", "oB", "pB", "qB", "rB", "sB", "tB", "uB", "vB", "wB", "xB", "yB", "zB", "0B", "1B", "2B", "3B", "4B", "5B", "6B", "Q", "I", "R", "GC", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "", "", ""], E: "Opera", F: { "0": 1413331200, G: 1150761600, rC: 1223424e3, sC: 1251763200, tC: 1267488e3, uC: 1277942400, B: 1292457600, "7B": 1302566400, ZC: 1309219200, vC: 1323129600, C: 1323129600, "8B": 1352073600, H: 1372723200, N: 1377561600, O: 1381104e3, P: 1386288e3, HB: 1390867200, v: 1393891200, w: 1399334400, x: 1401753600, y: 1405987200, z: 1409616e3, IB: 1417132800, JB: 1422316800, KB: 1425945600, LB: 1430179200, MB: 1433808e3, NB: 1438646400, OB: 1442448e3, PB: 1445904e3, QB: 1449100800, RB: 1454371200, SB: 1457308800, TB: 146232e4, UB: 1465344e3, VB: 1470096e3, WB: 1474329600, XB: 1477267200, YB: 1481587200, ZB: 1486425600, aB: 1490054400, bB: 1494374400, cB: 1498003200, dB: 1502236800, eB: 1506470400, fB: 1510099200, gB: 1515024e3, hB: 1517961600, iB: 1521676800, jB: 1525910400, kB: 1530144e3, lB: 1534982400, mB: 1537833600, nB: 1543363200, oB: 1548201600, pB: 1554768e3, qB: 1561593600, rB: 1566259200, sB: 1570406400, tB: 1573689600, uB: 1578441600, vB: 1583971200, wB: 1587513600, xB: 1592956800, yB: 1595894400, zB: 1600128e3, "0B": 1603238400, "1B": 161352e4, "2B": 1612224e3, "3B": 1616544e3, "4B": 1619568e3, "5B": 1623715200, "6B": 1627948800, Q: 1631577600, I: 1633392e3, R: 1635984e3, GC: 1638403200, S: 1642550400, T: 1644969600, U: 1647993600, V: 1650412800, W: 1652745600, X: 1654646400, Y: 1657152e3, Z: 1660780800, a: 1663113600, b: 1668816e3, c: 1668643200, d: 1671062400, e: 1675209600, f: 1677024e3, g: 1679529600, h: 1681948800, i: 1684195200, j: 1687219200, k: 1690329600, l: 1692748800, m: 1696204800, n: 169992e4, o: 169992e4, p: 1702944e3, q: 1707264e3, r: 1710115200, s: 1711497600, t: 1716336e3, u: 1719273600 }, D: { G: "o", B: "o", C: "o", rC: "o", sC: "o", tC: "o", uC: "o", "7B": "o", ZC: "o", vC: "o", "8B": "o" } }, G: { A: { F: 0, KC: 0, wC: 0, aC: 289868e-8, xC: 289868e-8, yC: 724669e-8, zC: 0.0115947, "0C": 289868e-8, "1C": 724669e-8, "2C": 0.0333348, "3C": 579735e-8, "4C": 0.0521762, "5C": 0.0768149, "6C": 0.0144934, "7C": 869603e-8, "8C": 0.210154, "9C": 434801e-8, AD: 0.0217401, BD: 0.0101454, CD: 0.0463788, DD: 0.100004, ED: 0.123194, FD: 0.0594229, MC: 0.0652202, NC: 0.0739162, "9B": 0.0927576, GD: 0.83192, AC: 0.189863, OC: 0.389872, PC: 0.189863, QC: 0.329, RC: 0.0695682, SC: 0.140586, HD: 1.11744, BC: 0.121744, TC: 0.198559, UC: 0.207255, VC: 0.382625, WC: 8.67429, XC: 0.61307, YC: 0, CC: 0 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "KC", "wC", "aC", "xC", "yC", "zC", "F", "0C", "1C", "2C", "3C", "4C", "5C", "6C", "7C", "8C", "9C", "AD", "BD", "CD", "DD", "ED", "FD", "MC", "NC", "9B", "GD", "AC", "OC", "PC", "QC", "RC", "SC", "HD", "BC", "TC", "UC", "VC", "WC", "XC", "YC", "CC", ""], E: "Safari on iOS", F: { KC: 1270252800, wC: 1283904e3, aC: 1299628800, xC: 1331078400, yC: 1359331200, zC: 1394409600, F: 1410912e3, "0C": 1413763200, "1C": 1442361600, "2C": 1458518400, "3C": 1473724800, "4C": 1490572800, "5C": 1505779200, "6C": 1522281600, "7C": 1537142400, "8C": 1553472e3, "9C": 1568851200, AD: 1572220800, BD: 1580169600, CD: 1585008e3, DD: 1600214400, ED: 1619395200, FD: 1632096e3, MC: 1639353600, NC: 1647216e3, "9B": 1652659200, GD: 1658275200, AC: 1662940800, OC: 1666569600, PC: 1670889600, QC: 1674432e3, RC: 1679875200, SC: 1684368e3, HD: 1690156800, BC: 1694995200, TC: 1698192e3, UC: 1702252800, VC: 1705881600, WC: 1709596800, XC: 1715558400, YC: null, CC: null } }, H: { A: { ID: 0.1 }, B: "o", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "ID", "", "", ""], E: "Opera Mini", F: { ID: 1426464e3 } }, I: { A: { DC: 0, J: 65879e-9, D: 0.656352, JD: 0, KD: 0, LD: 0, MD: 131758e-9, aC: 395274e-9, ND: 0, OD: 144934e-8 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "JD", "KD", "LD", "DC", "J", "MD", "aC", "ND", "OD", "D", "", "", ""], E: "Android Browser", F: { JD: 1256515200, KD: 1274313600, LD: 1291593600, DC: 1298332800, J: 1318896e3, MD: 1341792e3, aC: 1374624e3, ND: 1386547200, OD: 1401667200, D: 1721692800 } }, J: { A: { E: 0, A: 0 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "E", "A", "", "", ""], E: "Blackberry Browser", F: { E: 1325376e3, A: 1359504e3 } }, K: { A: { A: 0, B: 0, C: 0, I: 1.2238, "7B": 0, ZC: 0, "8B": 0 }, B: "o", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "A", "B", "7B", "ZC", "C", "8B", "I", "", "", ""], E: "Opera Mobile", F: { A: 1287100800, B: 1300752e3, "7B": 1314835200, ZC: 1318291200, C: 1330300800, "8B": 1349740800, I: 1709769600 }, D: { I: "webkit" } }, L: { A: { D: 42.0636 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "D", "", "", ""], E: "Chrome for Android", F: { D: 1721692800 } }, M: { A: { D: 0.31075 }, B: "moz", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "D", "", "", ""], E: "Firefox for Android", F: { D: 1718064e3 } }, N: { A: { A: 0, B: 0 }, B: "ms", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "A", "B", "", "", ""], E: "IE Mobile", F: { A: 1340150400, B: 1353456e3 } }, O: { A: { "9B": 0.913605 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "9B", "", "", ""], E: "UC Browser for Android", F: { "9B": 1710115200 }, D: { "9B": "webkit" } }, P: { A: { "0": 1.98584, J: 0.141071, v: 0.0217032, w: 0.0542579, x: 0.0651095, y: 0.119367, z: 0.227883, PD: 0.0108516, QD: 0, RD: 0.0325548, SD: 0, TD: 0, LC: 0, UD: 0.0108516, VD: 0, WD: 0.0108516, XD: 0, YD: 0, AC: 0, BC: 0.0217032, CC: 0.0108516, ZD: 0.0217032 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "J", "PD", "QD", "RD", "SD", "TD", "LC", "UD", "VD", "WD", "XD", "YD", "AC", "BC", "CC", "ZD", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "", "", ""], E: "Samsung Internet", F: { "0": 1715126400, J: 1461024e3, PD: 1481846400, QD: 1509408e3, RD: 1528329600, SD: 1546128e3, TD: 1554163200, LC: 1567900800, UD: 1582588800, VD: 1593475200, WD: 1605657600, XD: 1618531200, YD: 1629072e3, AC: 1640736e3, BC: 1651708800, CC: 1659657600, ZD: 1667260800, v: 1677369600, w: 1684454400, x: 1689292800, y: 1697587200, z: 1711497600 } }, Q: { A: { aD: 0.292105 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "aD", "", "", ""], E: "QQ Browser", F: { aD: 1710288e3 } }, R: { A: { bD: 0 }, B: "webkit", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "bD", "", "", ""], E: "Baidu Browser", F: { bD: 1710201600 } }, S: { A: { cD: 0.08701, dD: 0 }, B: "moz", C: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "cD", "dD", "", "", ""], E: "KaiOS Browser", F: { cD: 1527811200, dD: 1631664e3 } } };
  8204. }
  8205. });
  8206. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/agents.js
  8207. var require_agents2 = __commonJS({
  8208. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/agents.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8209. "use strict";
  8210. var browsers = require_browsers2().browsers;
  8211. var versions = require_browserVersions2().browserVersions;
  8212. var agentsData = require_agents();
  8213. function unpackBrowserVersions(versionsData) {
  8214. return Object.keys(versionsData).reduce((usage, version) => {
  8215. usage[versions[version]] = versionsData[version];
  8216. return usage;
  8217. }, {});
  8218. }
  8219. module2.exports.agents = Object.keys(agentsData).reduce((map, key) => {
  8220. let versionsData = agentsData[key];
  8221. map[browsers[key]] = Object.keys(versionsData).reduce((data, entry) => {
  8222. if (entry === "A") {
  8223. data.usage_global = unpackBrowserVersions(versionsData[entry]);
  8224. } else if (entry === "C") {
  8225. data.versions = versionsData[entry].reduce((list, version) => {
  8226. if (version === "") {
  8227. list.push(null);
  8228. } else {
  8229. list.push(versions[version]);
  8230. }
  8231. return list;
  8232. }, []);
  8233. } else if (entry === "D") {
  8234. data.prefix_exceptions = unpackBrowserVersions(versionsData[entry]);
  8235. } else if (entry === "E") {
  8236. data.browser = versionsData[entry];
  8237. } else if (entry === "F") {
  8238. data.release_date = Object.keys(versionsData[entry]).reduce(
  8239. (map2, key2) => {
  8240. map2[versions[key2]] = versionsData[entry][key2];
  8241. return map2;
  8242. },
  8243. {}
  8244. );
  8245. } else {
  8246. data.prefix = versionsData[entry];
  8247. }
  8248. return data;
  8249. }, {});
  8250. return map;
  8251. }, {});
  8252. }
  8253. });
  8254. // node_modules/node-releases/data/release-schedule/release-schedule.json
  8255. var require_release_schedule = __commonJS({
  8256. "node_modules/node-releases/data/release-schedule/release-schedule.json"(exports2, module2) {
  8257. module2.exports = { "v0.8": { start: "2012-06-25", end: "2014-07-31" }, "v0.10": { start: "2013-03-11", end: "2016-10-31" }, "v0.12": { start: "2015-02-06", end: "2016-12-31" }, v4: { start: "2015-09-08", lts: "2015-10-12", maintenance: "2017-04-01", end: "2018-04-30", codename: "Argon" }, v5: { start: "2015-10-29", maintenance: "2016-04-30", end: "2016-06-30" }, v6: { start: "2016-04-26", lts: "2016-10-18", maintenance: "2018-04-30", end: "2019-04-30", codename: "Boron" }, v7: { start: "2016-10-25", maintenance: "2017-04-30", end: "2017-06-30" }, v8: { start: "2017-05-30", lts: "2017-10-31", maintenance: "2019-01-01", end: "2019-12-31", codename: "Carbon" }, v9: { start: "2017-10-01", maintenance: "2018-04-01", end: "2018-06-30" }, v10: { start: "2018-04-24", lts: "2018-10-30", maintenance: "2020-05-19", end: "2021-04-30", codename: "Dubnium" }, v11: { start: "2018-10-23", maintenance: "2019-04-22", end: "2019-06-01" }, v12: { start: "2019-04-23", lts: "2019-10-21", maintenance: "2020-11-30", end: "2022-04-30", codename: "Erbium" }, v13: { start: "2019-10-22", maintenance: "2020-04-01", end: "2020-06-01" }, v14: { start: "2020-04-21", lts: "2020-10-27", maintenance: "2021-10-19", end: "2023-04-30", codename: "Fermium" }, v15: { start: "2020-10-20", maintenance: "2021-04-01", end: "2021-06-01" }, v16: { start: "2021-04-20", lts: "2021-10-26", maintenance: "2022-10-18", end: "2023-09-11", codename: "Gallium" }, v17: { start: "2021-10-19", maintenance: "2022-04-01", end: "2022-06-01" }, v18: { start: "2022-04-19", lts: "2022-10-25", maintenance: "2023-10-18", end: "2025-04-30", codename: "Hydrogen" }, v19: { start: "2022-10-18", maintenance: "2023-04-01", end: "2023-06-01" }, v20: { start: "2023-04-18", lts: "2023-10-24", maintenance: "2024-10-22", end: "2026-04-30", codename: "Iron" }, v21: { start: "2023-10-17", maintenance: "2024-04-01", end: "2024-06-01" }, v22: { start: "2024-04-24", lts: "2024-10-29", maintenance: "2025-10-21", end: "2027-04-30", codename: "" }, v23: { start: "2024-10-15", maintenance: "2025-04-01", end: "2025-06-01" }, v24: { start: "2025-04-22", lts: "2025-10-28", maintenance: "2026-10-20", end: "2028-04-30", codename: "" } };
  8258. }
  8259. });
  8260. // node_modules/electron-to-chromium/versions.js
  8261. var require_versions = __commonJS({
  8262. "node_modules/electron-to-chromium/versions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8263. module2.exports = {
  8264. "0.20": "39",
  8265. "0.21": "41",
  8266. "0.22": "41",
  8267. "0.23": "41",
  8268. "0.24": "41",
  8269. "0.25": "42",
  8270. "0.26": "42",
  8271. "0.27": "43",
  8272. "0.28": "43",
  8273. "0.29": "43",
  8274. "0.30": "44",
  8275. "0.31": "45",
  8276. "0.32": "45",
  8277. "0.33": "45",
  8278. "0.34": "45",
  8279. "0.35": "45",
  8280. "0.36": "47",
  8281. "0.37": "49",
  8282. "1.0": "49",
  8283. "1.1": "50",
  8284. "1.2": "51",
  8285. "1.3": "52",
  8286. "1.4": "53",
  8287. "1.5": "54",
  8288. "1.6": "56",
  8289. "1.7": "58",
  8290. "1.8": "59",
  8291. "2.0": "61",
  8292. "2.1": "61",
  8293. "3.0": "66",
  8294. "3.1": "66",
  8295. "4.0": "69",
  8296. "4.1": "69",
  8297. "4.2": "69",
  8298. "5.0": "73",
  8299. "6.0": "76",
  8300. "6.1": "76",
  8301. "7.0": "78",
  8302. "7.1": "78",
  8303. "7.2": "78",
  8304. "7.3": "78",
  8305. "8.0": "80",
  8306. "8.1": "80",
  8307. "8.2": "80",
  8308. "8.3": "80",
  8309. "8.4": "80",
  8310. "8.5": "80",
  8311. "9.0": "83",
  8312. "9.1": "83",
  8313. "9.2": "83",
  8314. "9.3": "83",
  8315. "9.4": "83",
  8316. "10.0": "85",
  8317. "10.1": "85",
  8318. "10.2": "85",
  8319. "10.3": "85",
  8320. "10.4": "85",
  8321. "11.0": "87",
  8322. "11.1": "87",
  8323. "11.2": "87",
  8324. "11.3": "87",
  8325. "11.4": "87",
  8326. "11.5": "87",
  8327. "12.0": "89",
  8328. "12.1": "89",
  8329. "12.2": "89",
  8330. "13.0": "91",
  8331. "13.1": "91",
  8332. "13.2": "91",
  8333. "13.3": "91",
  8334. "13.4": "91",
  8335. "13.5": "91",
  8336. "13.6": "91",
  8337. "14.0": "93",
  8338. "14.1": "93",
  8339. "14.2": "93",
  8340. "15.0": "94",
  8341. "15.1": "94",
  8342. "15.2": "94",
  8343. "15.3": "94",
  8344. "15.4": "94",
  8345. "15.5": "94",
  8346. "16.0": "96",
  8347. "16.1": "96",
  8348. "16.2": "96",
  8349. "17.0": "98",
  8350. "17.1": "98",
  8351. "17.2": "98",
  8352. "17.3": "98",
  8353. "17.4": "98",
  8354. "18.0": "100",
  8355. "18.1": "100",
  8356. "18.2": "100",
  8357. "18.3": "100",
  8358. "19.0": "102",
  8359. "19.1": "102",
  8360. "20.0": "104",
  8361. "20.1": "104",
  8362. "20.2": "104",
  8363. "20.3": "104",
  8364. "21.0": "106",
  8365. "21.1": "106",
  8366. "21.2": "106",
  8367. "21.3": "106",
  8368. "21.4": "106",
  8369. "22.0": "108",
  8370. "22.1": "108",
  8371. "22.2": "108",
  8372. "22.3": "108",
  8373. "23.0": "110",
  8374. "23.1": "110",
  8375. "23.2": "110",
  8376. "23.3": "110",
  8377. "24.0": "112",
  8378. "24.1": "112",
  8379. "24.2": "112",
  8380. "24.3": "112",
  8381. "24.4": "112",
  8382. "24.5": "112",
  8383. "24.6": "112",
  8384. "24.7": "112",
  8385. "24.8": "112",
  8386. "25.0": "114",
  8387. "25.1": "114",
  8388. "25.2": "114",
  8389. "25.3": "114",
  8390. "25.4": "114",
  8391. "25.5": "114",
  8392. "25.6": "114",
  8393. "25.7": "114",
  8394. "25.8": "114",
  8395. "25.9": "114",
  8396. "26.0": "116",
  8397. "26.1": "116",
  8398. "26.2": "116",
  8399. "26.3": "116",
  8400. "26.4": "116",
  8401. "26.5": "116",
  8402. "26.6": "116",
  8403. "27.0": "118",
  8404. "27.1": "118",
  8405. "27.2": "118",
  8406. "27.3": "118",
  8407. "28.0": "120",
  8408. "28.1": "120",
  8409. "28.2": "120",
  8410. "28.3": "120",
  8411. "29.0": "122",
  8412. "29.1": "122",
  8413. "29.2": "122",
  8414. "29.3": "122",
  8415. "29.4": "122",
  8416. "30.0": "124",
  8417. "30.1": "124",
  8418. "30.2": "124",
  8419. "30.3": "124",
  8420. "31.0": "126",
  8421. "31.1": "126",
  8422. "31.2": "126",
  8423. "31.3": "126",
  8424. "32.0": "128"
  8425. };
  8426. }
  8427. });
  8428. // node_modules/browserslist/error.js
  8429. var require_error = __commonJS({
  8430. "node_modules/browserslist/error.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8431. function BrowserslistError(message) {
  8432. = "BrowserslistError";
  8433. this.message = message;
  8434. this.browserslist = true;
  8435. if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
  8436. Error.captureStackTrace(this, BrowserslistError);
  8437. }
  8438. }
  8439. BrowserslistError.prototype = Error.prototype;
  8440. module2.exports = BrowserslistError;
  8441. }
  8442. });
  8443. // node_modules/browserslist/parse.js
  8444. var require_parse3 = __commonJS({
  8445. "node_modules/browserslist/parse.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8446. var AND_REGEXP = /^\s+and\s+(.*)/i;
  8447. var OR_REGEXP = /^(?:,\s*|\s+or\s+)(.*)/i;
  8448. function flatten(array) {
  8449. if (!Array.isArray(array))
  8450. return [array];
  8451. return array.reduce(function(a, b) {
  8452. return a.concat(flatten(b));
  8453. }, []);
  8454. }
  8455. function find(string, predicate) {
  8456. for (var n = 1, max = string.length; n <= max; n++) {
  8457. var parsed = string.substr(-n, n);
  8458. if (predicate(parsed, n, max)) {
  8459. return string.slice(0, -n);
  8460. }
  8461. }
  8462. return "";
  8463. }
  8464. function matchQuery(all, query) {
  8465. var node = { query };
  8466. if (query.indexOf("not ") === 0) {
  8467. node.not = true;
  8468. query = query.slice(4);
  8469. }
  8470. for (var name in all) {
  8471. var type = all[name];
  8472. var match = query.match(type.regexp);
  8473. if (match) {
  8474. node.type = name;
  8475. for (var i = 0; i < type.matches.length; i++) {
  8476. node[type.matches[i]] = match[i + 1];
  8477. }
  8478. return node;
  8479. }
  8480. }
  8481. node.type = "unknown";
  8482. return node;
  8483. }
  8484. function matchBlock(all, string, qs) {
  8485. var node;
  8486. return find(string, function(parsed, n, max) {
  8487. if (AND_REGEXP.test(parsed)) {
  8488. node = matchQuery(all, parsed.match(AND_REGEXP)[1]);
  8489. node.compose = "and";
  8490. qs.unshift(node);
  8491. return true;
  8492. } else if (OR_REGEXP.test(parsed)) {
  8493. node = matchQuery(all, parsed.match(OR_REGEXP)[1]);
  8494. node.compose = "or";
  8495. qs.unshift(node);
  8496. return true;
  8497. } else if (n === max) {
  8498. node = matchQuery(all, parsed.trim());
  8499. node.compose = "or";
  8500. qs.unshift(node);
  8501. return true;
  8502. }
  8503. return false;
  8504. });
  8505. }
  8506. module2.exports = function parse(all, queries) {
  8507. if (!Array.isArray(queries))
  8508. queries = [queries];
  8509. return flatten(
  8510. {
  8511. var qs = [];
  8512. do {
  8513. block = matchBlock(all, block, qs);
  8514. } while (block);
  8515. return qs;
  8516. })
  8517. );
  8518. };
  8519. }
  8520. });
  8521. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/lib/statuses.js
  8522. var require_statuses = __commonJS({
  8523. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/lib/statuses.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8524. module2.exports = {
  8525. 1: "ls",
  8526. // WHATWG Living Standard
  8527. 2: "rec",
  8528. // W3C Recommendation
  8529. 3: "pr",
  8530. // W3C Proposed Recommendation
  8531. 4: "cr",
  8532. // W3C Candidate Recommendation
  8533. 5: "wd",
  8534. // W3C Working Draft
  8535. 6: "other",
  8536. // Non-W3C, but reputable
  8537. 7: "unoff"
  8538. // Unofficial, Editor's Draft or W3C "Note"
  8539. };
  8540. }
  8541. });
  8542. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/lib/supported.js
  8543. var require_supported = __commonJS({
  8544. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/lib/supported.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8545. module2.exports = {
  8546. y: 1 << 0,
  8547. n: 1 << 1,
  8548. a: 1 << 2,
  8549. p: 1 << 3,
  8550. u: 1 << 4,
  8551. x: 1 << 5,
  8552. d: 1 << 6
  8553. };
  8554. }
  8555. });
  8556. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/feature.js
  8557. var require_feature = __commonJS({
  8558. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/feature.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8559. "use strict";
  8560. var statuses = require_statuses();
  8561. var supported = require_supported();
  8562. var browsers = require_browsers2().browsers;
  8563. var versions = require_browserVersions2().browserVersions;
  8564. var MATH2LOG = Math.log(2);
  8565. function unpackSupport(cipher) {
  8566. let stats = Object.keys(supported).reduce((list, support) => {
  8567. if (cipher & supported[support])
  8568. list.push(support);
  8569. return list;
  8570. }, []);
  8571. let notes = cipher >> 7;
  8572. let notesArray = [];
  8573. while (notes) {
  8574. let note = Math.floor(Math.log(notes) / MATH2LOG) + 1;
  8575. notesArray.unshift(`#${note}`);
  8576. notes -= Math.pow(2, note - 1);
  8577. }
  8578. return stats.concat(notesArray).join(" ");
  8579. }
  8580. function unpackFeature(packed) {
  8581. let unpacked = {
  8582. status: statuses[packed.B],
  8583. title: packed.C,
  8584. shown: packed.D
  8585. };
  8586. unpacked.stats = Object.keys(packed.A).reduce((browserStats, key) => {
  8587. let browser = packed.A[key];
  8588. browserStats[browsers[key]] = Object.keys(browser).reduce(
  8589. (stats, support) => {
  8590. let packedVersions = browser[support].split(" ");
  8591. let unpacked2 = unpackSupport(support);
  8592. packedVersions.forEach((v) => stats[versions[v]] = unpacked2);
  8593. return stats;
  8594. },
  8595. {}
  8596. );
  8597. return browserStats;
  8598. }, {});
  8599. return unpacked;
  8600. }
  8601. module2.exports = unpackFeature;
  8602. module2.exports.default = unpackFeature;
  8603. }
  8604. });
  8605. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/region.js
  8606. var require_region = __commonJS({
  8607. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/region.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8608. "use strict";
  8609. var browsers = require_browsers2().browsers;
  8610. function unpackRegion(packed) {
  8611. return Object.keys(packed).reduce((list, browser) => {
  8612. let data = packed[browser];
  8613. list[browsers[browser]] = Object.keys(data).reduce((memo, key) => {
  8614. let stats = data[key];
  8615. if (key === "_") {
  8616. stats.split(" ").forEach((version) => memo[version] = null);
  8617. } else {
  8618. memo[key] = stats;
  8619. }
  8620. return memo;
  8621. }, {});
  8622. return list;
  8623. }, {});
  8624. }
  8625. module2.exports = unpackRegion;
  8626. module2.exports.default = unpackRegion;
  8627. }
  8628. });
  8629. // node_modules/browserslist/node.js
  8630. var require_node2 = __commonJS({
  8631. "node_modules/browserslist/node.js"(exports2, module2) {
  8632. var feature = require_feature().default;
  8633. var region = require_region().default;
  8634. var path = require("path");
  8635. var fs = require("fs");
  8636. var BrowserslistError = require_error();
  8637. var IS_SECTION = /^\s*\[(.+)]\s*$/;
  8638. var CONFIG_PATTERN = /^browserslist-config-/;
  8639. var SCOPED_CONFIG__PATTERN = /@[^/]+(?:\/[^/]+)?\/browserslist-config(?:-|$|\/)/;
  8640. var TIME_TO_UPDATE_CANIUSE = 6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3;
  8641. var FORMAT = "Browserslist config should be a string or an array of strings with browser queries";
  8642. var dataTimeChecked = false;
  8643. var filenessCache = {};
  8644. var configCache = {};
  8645. function checkExtend(name) {
  8646. var use = " Use `dangerousExtend` option to disable.";
  8647. if (!CONFIG_PATTERN.test(name) && !SCOPED_CONFIG__PATTERN.test(name)) {
  8648. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8649. "Browserslist config needs `browserslist-config-` prefix. " + use
  8650. );
  8651. }
  8652. if (name.replace(/^@[^/]+\//, "").indexOf(".") !== -1) {
  8653. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8654. "`.` not allowed in Browserslist config name. " + use
  8655. );
  8656. }
  8657. if (name.indexOf("node_modules") !== -1) {
  8658. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8659. "`node_modules` not allowed in Browserslist config." + use
  8660. );
  8661. }
  8662. }
  8663. function isFile(file) {
  8664. if (file in filenessCache) {
  8665. return filenessCache[file];
  8666. }
  8667. var result = fs.existsSync(file) && fs.statSync(file).isFile();
  8668. if (!process.env.BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE) {
  8669. filenessCache[file] = result;
  8670. }
  8671. return result;
  8672. }
  8673. function eachParent(file, callback) {
  8674. var dir = isFile(file) ? path.dirname(file) : file;
  8675. var loc = path.resolve(dir);
  8676. do {
  8677. if (!pathInRoot(loc))
  8678. break;
  8679. var result = callback(loc);
  8680. if (typeof result !== "undefined")
  8681. return result;
  8682. } while (loc !== (loc = path.dirname(loc)));
  8683. return void 0;
  8684. }
  8685. function pathInRoot(p) {
  8686. if (!process.env.BROWSERSLIST_ROOT_PATH)
  8687. return true;
  8688. var rootPath = path.resolve(process.env.BROWSERSLIST_ROOT_PATH);
  8689. if (path.relative(rootPath, p).substring(0, 2) === "..") {
  8690. return false;
  8691. }
  8692. return true;
  8693. }
  8694. function check(section) {
  8695. if (Array.isArray(section)) {
  8696. for (var i = 0; i < section.length; i++) {
  8697. if (typeof section[i] !== "string") {
  8698. throw new BrowserslistError(FORMAT);
  8699. }
  8700. }
  8701. } else if (typeof section !== "string") {
  8702. throw new BrowserslistError(FORMAT);
  8703. }
  8704. }
  8705. function pickEnv(config, opts) {
  8706. if (typeof config !== "object")
  8707. return config;
  8708. var name;
  8709. if (typeof opts.env === "string") {
  8710. name = opts.env;
  8711. } else if (process.env.BROWSERSLIST_ENV) {
  8712. name = process.env.BROWSERSLIST_ENV;
  8713. } else if (process.env.NODE_ENV) {
  8714. name = process.env.NODE_ENV;
  8715. } else {
  8716. name = "production";
  8717. }
  8718. if (opts.throwOnMissing) {
  8719. if (name && name !== "defaults" && !config[name]) {
  8720. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8721. "Missing config for Browserslist environment `" + name + "`"
  8722. );
  8723. }
  8724. }
  8725. return config[name] || config.defaults;
  8726. }
  8727. function parsePackage(file) {
  8728. var config = JSON.parse(
  8729. fs.readFileSync(file).toString().replace(/^\uFEFF/m, "")
  8730. );
  8731. if (config.browserlist && !config.browserslist) {
  8732. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8733. "`browserlist` key instead of `browserslist` in " + file
  8734. );
  8735. }
  8736. var list = config.browserslist;
  8737. if (Array.isArray(list) || typeof list === "string") {
  8738. list = { defaults: list };
  8739. }
  8740. for (var i in list) {
  8741. check(list[i]);
  8742. }
  8743. return list;
  8744. }
  8745. function latestReleaseTime(agents) {
  8746. var latest = 0;
  8747. for (var name in agents) {
  8748. var dates = agents[name].releaseDate || {};
  8749. for (var key in dates) {
  8750. if (latest < dates[key]) {
  8751. latest = dates[key];
  8752. }
  8753. }
  8754. }
  8755. return latest * 1e3;
  8756. }
  8757. function normalizeStats(data, stats) {
  8758. if (!data) {
  8759. data = {};
  8760. }
  8761. if (stats && "dataByBrowser" in stats) {
  8762. stats = stats.dataByBrowser;
  8763. }
  8764. if (typeof stats !== "object")
  8765. return void 0;
  8766. var normalized = {};
  8767. for (var i in stats) {
  8768. var versions = Object.keys(stats[i]);
  8769. if (versions.length === 1 && data[i] && data[i].versions.length === 1) {
  8770. var normal = data[i].versions[0];
  8771. normalized[i] = {};
  8772. normalized[i][normal] = stats[i][versions[0]];
  8773. } else {
  8774. normalized[i] = stats[i];
  8775. }
  8776. }
  8777. return normalized;
  8778. }
  8779. function normalizeUsageData(usageData, data) {
  8780. for (var browser in usageData) {
  8781. var browserUsage = usageData[browser];
  8782. if ("0" in browserUsage) {
  8783. var versions = data[browser].versions;
  8784. browserUsage[versions[versions.length - 1]] = browserUsage[0];
  8785. delete browserUsage[0];
  8786. }
  8787. }
  8788. }
  8789. module2.exports = {
  8790. loadQueries: function loadQueries(ctx, name) {
  8791. if (!ctx.dangerousExtend && !process.env.BROWSERSLIST_DANGEROUS_EXTEND) {
  8792. checkExtend(name);
  8793. }
  8794. var queries = require(require.resolve(name, { paths: [".", ctx.path] }));
  8795. if (queries) {
  8796. if (Array.isArray(queries)) {
  8797. return queries;
  8798. } else if (typeof queries === "object") {
  8799. if (!queries.defaults)
  8800. queries.defaults = [];
  8801. return pickEnv(queries, ctx, name);
  8802. }
  8803. }
  8804. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8805. "`" + name + "` config exports not an array of queries or an object of envs"
  8806. );
  8807. },
  8808. loadStat: function loadStat(ctx, name, data) {
  8809. if (!ctx.dangerousExtend && !process.env.BROWSERSLIST_DANGEROUS_EXTEND) {
  8810. checkExtend(name);
  8811. }
  8812. var stats = require(require.resolve(
  8813. path.join(name, "browserslist-stats.json"),
  8814. { paths: ["."] }
  8815. ));
  8816. return normalizeStats(data, stats);
  8817. },
  8818. getStat: function getStat(opts, data) {
  8819. var stats;
  8820. if (opts.stats) {
  8821. stats = opts.stats;
  8822. } else if (process.env.BROWSERSLIST_STATS) {
  8823. stats = process.env.BROWSERSLIST_STATS;
  8824. } else if (opts.path && path.resolve && fs.existsSync) {
  8825. stats = eachParent(opts.path, function(dir) {
  8826. var file = path.join(dir, "browserslist-stats.json");
  8827. return isFile(file) ? file : void 0;
  8828. });
  8829. }
  8830. if (typeof stats === "string") {
  8831. try {
  8832. stats = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(stats));
  8833. } catch (e) {
  8834. throw new BrowserslistError("Can't read " + stats);
  8835. }
  8836. }
  8837. return normalizeStats(data, stats);
  8838. },
  8839. loadConfig: function loadConfig(opts) {
  8840. if (process.env.BROWSERSLIST) {
  8841. return process.env.BROWSERSLIST;
  8842. } else if (opts.config || process.env.BROWSERSLIST_CONFIG) {
  8843. var file = opts.config || process.env.BROWSERSLIST_CONFIG;
  8844. if (path.basename(file) === "package.json") {
  8845. return pickEnv(parsePackage(file), opts);
  8846. } else {
  8847. return pickEnv(module2.exports.readConfig(file), opts);
  8848. }
  8849. } else if (opts.path) {
  8850. return pickEnv(module2.exports.findConfig(opts.path), opts);
  8851. } else {
  8852. return void 0;
  8853. }
  8854. },
  8855. loadCountry: function loadCountry(usage, country, data) {
  8856. var code = country.replace(/[^\w-]/g, "");
  8857. if (!usage[code]) {
  8858. var compressed;
  8859. try {
  8860. compressed = require("caniuse-lite/data/regions/" + code + ".js");
  8861. } catch (e) {
  8862. throw new BrowserslistError("Unknown region name `" + code + "`.");
  8863. }
  8864. var usageData = region(compressed);
  8865. normalizeUsageData(usageData, data);
  8866. usage[country] = {};
  8867. for (var i in usageData) {
  8868. for (var j in usageData[i]) {
  8869. usage[country][i + " " + j] = usageData[i][j];
  8870. }
  8871. }
  8872. }
  8873. },
  8874. loadFeature: function loadFeature(features, name) {
  8875. name = name.replace(/[^\w-]/g, "");
  8876. if (features[name])
  8877. return;
  8878. var compressed;
  8879. try {
  8880. compressed = require("caniuse-lite/data/features/" + name + ".js");
  8881. } catch (e) {
  8882. throw new BrowserslistError("Unknown feature name `" + name + "`.");
  8883. }
  8884. var stats = feature(compressed).stats;
  8885. features[name] = {};
  8886. for (var i in stats) {
  8887. features[name][i] = {};
  8888. for (var j in stats[i]) {
  8889. features[name][i][j] = stats[i][j];
  8890. }
  8891. }
  8892. },
  8893. parseConfig: function parseConfig(string) {
  8894. var result = { defaults: [] };
  8895. var sections = ["defaults"];
  8896. string.toString().replace(/#[^\n]*/g, "").split(/\n|,/).map(function(line) {
  8897. return line.trim();
  8898. }).filter(function(line) {
  8899. return line !== "";
  8900. }).forEach(function(line) {
  8901. if (IS_SECTION.test(line)) {
  8902. sections = line.match(IS_SECTION)[1].trim().split(" ");
  8903. sections.forEach(function(section) {
  8904. if (result[section]) {
  8905. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8906. "Duplicate section " + section + " in Browserslist config"
  8907. );
  8908. }
  8909. result[section] = [];
  8910. });
  8911. } else {
  8912. sections.forEach(function(section) {
  8913. result[section].push(line);
  8914. });
  8915. }
  8916. });
  8917. return result;
  8918. },
  8919. readConfig: function readConfig(file) {
  8920. if (!isFile(file)) {
  8921. throw new BrowserslistError("Can't read " + file + " config");
  8922. }
  8923. return module2.exports.parseConfig(fs.readFileSync(file));
  8924. },
  8925. findConfig: function findConfig(from) {
  8926. from = path.resolve(from);
  8927. var passed = [];
  8928. var resolved = eachParent(from, function(dir) {
  8929. if (dir in configCache) {
  8930. return configCache[dir];
  8931. }
  8932. passed.push(dir);
  8933. var config = path.join(dir, "browserslist");
  8934. var pkg = path.join(dir, "package.json");
  8935. var rc = path.join(dir, ".browserslistrc");
  8936. var pkgBrowserslist;
  8937. if (isFile(pkg)) {
  8938. try {
  8939. pkgBrowserslist = parsePackage(pkg);
  8940. } catch (e) {
  8941. if ( === "BrowserslistError")
  8942. throw e;
  8943. console.warn(
  8944. "[Browserslist] Could not parse " + pkg + ". Ignoring it."
  8945. );
  8946. }
  8947. }
  8948. if (isFile(config) && pkgBrowserslist) {
  8949. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8950. dir + " contains both browserslist and package.json with browsers"
  8951. );
  8952. } else if (isFile(rc) && pkgBrowserslist) {
  8953. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8954. dir + " contains both .browserslistrc and package.json with browsers"
  8955. );
  8956. } else if (isFile(config) && isFile(rc)) {
  8957. throw new BrowserslistError(
  8958. dir + " contains both .browserslistrc and browserslist"
  8959. );
  8960. } else if (isFile(config)) {
  8961. return module2.exports.readConfig(config);
  8962. } else if (isFile(rc)) {
  8963. return module2.exports.readConfig(rc);
  8964. } else {
  8965. return pkgBrowserslist;
  8966. }
  8967. });
  8968. if (!process.env.BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE) {
  8969. passed.forEach(function(dir) {
  8970. configCache[dir] = resolved;
  8971. });
  8972. }
  8973. return resolved;
  8974. },
  8975. clearCaches: function clearCaches() {
  8976. dataTimeChecked = false;
  8977. filenessCache = {};
  8978. configCache = {};
  8979. this.cache = {};
  8980. },
  8981. oldDataWarning: function oldDataWarning(agentsObj) {
  8982. if (dataTimeChecked)
  8983. return;
  8984. dataTimeChecked = true;
  8985. if (process.env.BROWSERSLIST_IGNORE_OLD_DATA)
  8986. return;
  8987. var latest = latestReleaseTime(agentsObj);
  8988. var halfYearAgo = - TIME_TO_UPDATE_CANIUSE;
  8989. if (latest !== 0 && latest < halfYearAgo) {
  8990. console.warn(
  8991. "Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:\n npx update-browserslist-db@latest\n Why you should do it regularly:"
  8992. );
  8993. }
  8994. },
  8995. currentNode: function currentNode() {
  8996. return "node " + process.versions.node;
  8997. },
  8998. env: process.env
  8999. };
  9000. }
  9001. });
  9002. // node_modules/browserslist/index.js
  9003. var require_browserslist = __commonJS({
  9004. "node_modules/browserslist/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  9005. var jsReleases = require_envs();
  9006. var agents = require_agents2().agents;
  9007. var jsEOL = require_release_schedule();
  9008. var path = require("path");
  9009. var e2c = require_versions();
  9010. var BrowserslistError = require_error();
  9011. var parse = require_parse3();
  9012. var env = require_node2();
  9013. var YEAR = 365.259641 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3;
  9014. var ANDROID_EVERGREEN_FIRST = "37";
  9015. var OP_MOB_BLINK_FIRST = 14;
  9016. function isVersionsMatch(versionA, versionB) {
  9017. return (versionA + ".").indexOf(versionB + ".") === 0;
  9018. }
  9019. function isEolReleased(name) {
  9020. var version = name.slice(1);
  9021. return browserslist.nodeVersions.some(function(i) {
  9022. return isVersionsMatch(i, version);
  9023. });
  9024. }
  9025. function normalize(versions) {
  9026. return versions.filter(function(version) {
  9027. return typeof version === "string";
  9028. });
  9029. }
  9030. function normalizeElectron(version) {
  9031. var versionToUse = version;
  9032. if (version.split(".").length === 3) {
  9033. versionToUse = version.split(".").slice(0, -1).join(".");
  9034. }
  9035. return versionToUse;
  9036. }
  9037. function nameMapper(name) {
  9038. return function mapName(version) {
  9039. return name + " " + version;
  9040. };
  9041. }
  9042. function getMajor(version) {
  9043. return parseInt(version.split(".")[0]);
  9044. }
  9045. function getMajorVersions(released, number) {
  9046. if (released.length === 0)
  9047. return [];
  9048. var majorVersions = uniq(;
  9049. var minimum = majorVersions[majorVersions.length - number];
  9050. if (!minimum) {
  9051. return released;
  9052. }
  9053. var selected = [];
  9054. for (var i = released.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  9055. if (minimum > getMajor(released[i]))
  9056. break;
  9057. selected.unshift(released[i]);
  9058. }
  9059. return selected;
  9060. }
  9061. function uniq(array) {
  9062. var filtered = [];
  9063. for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  9064. if (filtered.indexOf(array[i]) === -1)
  9065. filtered.push(array[i]);
  9066. }
  9067. return filtered;
  9068. }
  9069. function fillUsage(result, name, data) {
  9070. for (var i in data) {
  9071. result[name + " " + i] = data[i];
  9072. }
  9073. }
  9074. function generateFilter(sign, version) {
  9075. version = parseFloat(version);
  9076. if (sign === ">") {
  9077. return function(v) {
  9078. return parseFloat(v) > version;
  9079. };
  9080. } else if (sign === ">=") {
  9081. return function(v) {
  9082. return parseFloat(v) >= version;
  9083. };
  9084. } else if (sign === "<") {
  9085. return function(v) {
  9086. return parseFloat(v) < version;
  9087. };
  9088. } else {
  9089. return function(v) {
  9090. return parseFloat(v) <= version;
  9091. };
  9092. }
  9093. }
  9094. function generateSemverFilter(sign, version) {
  9095. version = version.split(".").map(parseSimpleInt);
  9096. version[1] = version[1] || 0;
  9097. version[2] = version[2] || 0;
  9098. if (sign === ">") {
  9099. return function(v) {
  9100. v = v.split(".").map(parseSimpleInt);
  9101. return compareSemver(v, version) > 0;
  9102. };
  9103. } else if (sign === ">=") {
  9104. return function(v) {
  9105. v = v.split(".").map(parseSimpleInt);
  9106. return compareSemver(v, version) >= 0;
  9107. };
  9108. } else if (sign === "<") {
  9109. return function(v) {
  9110. v = v.split(".").map(parseSimpleInt);
  9111. return compareSemver(version, v) > 0;
  9112. };
  9113. } else {
  9114. return function(v) {
  9115. v = v.split(".").map(parseSimpleInt);
  9116. return compareSemver(version, v) >= 0;
  9117. };
  9118. }
  9119. }
  9120. function parseSimpleInt(x) {
  9121. return parseInt(x);
  9122. }
  9123. function compare(a, b) {
  9124. if (a < b)
  9125. return -1;
  9126. if (a > b)
  9127. return 1;
  9128. return 0;
  9129. }
  9130. function compareSemver(a, b) {
  9131. return compare(parseInt(a[0]), parseInt(b[0])) || compare(parseInt(a[1] || "0"), parseInt(b[1] || "0")) || compare(parseInt(a[2] || "0"), parseInt(b[2] || "0"));
  9132. }
  9133. function semverFilterLoose(operator, range) {
  9134. range = range.split(".").map(parseSimpleInt);
  9135. if (typeof range[1] === "undefined") {
  9136. range[1] = "x";
  9137. }
  9138. switch (operator) {
  9139. case "<=":
  9140. return function(version) {
  9141. version = version.split(".").map(parseSimpleInt);
  9142. return compareSemverLoose(version, range) <= 0;
  9143. };
  9144. case ">=":
  9145. default:
  9146. return function(version) {
  9147. version = version.split(".").map(parseSimpleInt);
  9148. return compareSemverLoose(version, range) >= 0;
  9149. };
  9150. }
  9151. }
  9152. function compareSemverLoose(version, range) {
  9153. if (version[0] !== range[0]) {
  9154. return version[0] < range[0] ? -1 : 1;
  9155. }
  9156. if (range[1] === "x") {
  9157. return 0;
  9158. }
  9159. if (version[1] !== range[1]) {
  9160. return version[1] < range[1] ? -1 : 1;
  9161. }
  9162. return 0;
  9163. }
  9164. function resolveVersion(data, version) {
  9165. if (data.versions.indexOf(version) !== -1) {
  9166. return version;
  9167. } else if (browserslist.versionAliases[][version]) {
  9168. return browserslist.versionAliases[][version];
  9169. } else {
  9170. return false;
  9171. }
  9172. }
  9173. function normalizeVersion(data, version) {
  9174. var resolved = resolveVersion(data, version);
  9175. if (resolved) {
  9176. return resolved;
  9177. } else if (data.versions.length === 1) {
  9178. return data.versions[0];
  9179. } else {
  9180. return false;
  9181. }
  9182. }
  9183. function filterByYear(since, context) {
  9184. since = since / 1e3;
  9185. return Object.keys(agents).reduce(function(selected, name) {
  9186. var data = byName(name, context);
  9187. if (!data)
  9188. return selected;
  9189. var versions = Object.keys(data.releaseDate).filter(function(v) {
  9190. var date = data.releaseDate[v];
  9191. return date !== null && date >= since;
  9192. });
  9193. return selected.concat(;
  9194. }, []);
  9195. }
  9196. function cloneData(data) {
  9197. return {
  9198. name:,
  9199. versions: data.versions,
  9200. released: data.released,
  9201. releaseDate: data.releaseDate
  9202. };
  9203. }
  9204. function byName(name, context) {
  9205. name = name.toLowerCase();
  9206. name = browserslist.aliases[name] || name;
  9207. if (context.mobileToDesktop && browserslist.desktopNames[name]) {
  9208. var desktop =[browserslist.desktopNames[name]];
  9209. if (name === "android") {
  9210. return normalizeAndroidData(cloneData([name]), desktop);
  9211. } else {
  9212. var cloned = cloneData(desktop);
  9213. = name;
  9214. return cloned;
  9215. }
  9216. }
  9217. return[name];
  9218. }
  9219. function normalizeAndroidVersions(androidVersions, chromeVersions) {
  9220. var iFirstEvergreen = chromeVersions.indexOf(ANDROID_EVERGREEN_FIRST);
  9221. return androidVersions.filter(function(version) {
  9222. return /^(?:[2-4]\.|[34]$)/.test(version);
  9223. }).concat(chromeVersions.slice(iFirstEvergreen));
  9224. }
  9225. function copyObject(obj) {
  9226. var copy = {};
  9227. for (var key in obj) {
  9228. copy[key] = obj[key];
  9229. }
  9230. return copy;
  9231. }
  9232. function normalizeAndroidData(android, chrome) {
  9233. android.released = normalizeAndroidVersions(android.released, chrome.released);
  9234. android.versions = normalizeAndroidVersions(android.versions, chrome.versions);
  9235. android.releaseDate = copyObject(android.releaseDate);
  9236. android.released.forEach(function(v) {
  9237. if (android.releaseDate[v] === void 0) {
  9238. android.releaseDate[v] = chrome.releaseDate[v];
  9239. }
  9240. });
  9241. return android;
  9242. }
  9243. function checkName(name, context) {
  9244. var data = byName(name, context);
  9245. if (!data)
  9246. throw new BrowserslistError("Unknown browser " + name);
  9247. return data;
  9248. }
  9249. function unknownQuery(query) {
  9250. return new BrowserslistError(
  9251. "Unknown browser query `" + query + "`. Maybe you are using old Browserslist or made typo in query."
  9252. );
  9253. }
  9254. function filterJumps(list, name, nVersions, context) {
  9255. var jump = 1;
  9256. switch (name) {
  9257. case "android":
  9258. if (context.mobileToDesktop)
  9259. return list;
  9260. var released =;
  9261. jump = released.length - released.indexOf(ANDROID_EVERGREEN_FIRST);
  9262. break;
  9263. case "op_mob":
  9264. var latest =[0];
  9265. jump = getMajor(latest) - OP_MOB_BLINK_FIRST + 1;
  9266. break;
  9267. default:
  9268. return list;
  9269. }
  9270. if (nVersions <= jump) {
  9271. return list.slice(-1);
  9272. }
  9273. return list.slice(jump - 1 - nVersions);
  9274. }
  9275. function isSupported(flags, withPartial) {
  9276. return typeof flags === "string" && (flags.indexOf("y") >= 0 || withPartial && flags.indexOf("a") >= 0);
  9277. }
  9278. function resolve(queries, context) {
  9279. return parse(QUERIES, queries).reduce(function(result, node, index) {
  9280. if (node.not && index === 0) {
  9281. throw new BrowserslistError(
  9282. "Write any browsers query (for instance, `defaults`) before `" + node.query + "`"
  9283. );
  9284. }
  9285. var type = QUERIES[node.type];
  9286. var array =, context, node).map(function(j) {
  9287. var parts = j.split(" ");
  9288. if (parts[1] === "0") {
  9289. return parts[0] + " " + byName(parts[0], context).versions[0];
  9290. } else {
  9291. return j;
  9292. }
  9293. });
  9294. if (node.compose === "and") {
  9295. if (node.not) {
  9296. return result.filter(function(j) {
  9297. return array.indexOf(j) === -1;
  9298. });
  9299. } else {
  9300. return result.filter(function(j) {
  9301. return array.indexOf(j) !== -1;
  9302. });
  9303. }
  9304. } else {
  9305. if (node.not) {
  9306. var filter = {};
  9307. array.forEach(function(j) {
  9308. filter[j] = true;
  9309. });
  9310. return result.filter(function(j) {
  9311. return !filter[j];
  9312. });
  9313. }
  9314. return result.concat(array);
  9315. }
  9316. }, []);
  9317. }
  9318. function prepareOpts(opts) {
  9319. if (typeof opts === "undefined")
  9320. opts = {};
  9321. if (typeof opts.path === "undefined") {
  9322. opts.path = path.resolve ? path.resolve(".") : ".";
  9323. }
  9324. return opts;
  9325. }
  9326. function prepareQueries(queries, opts) {
  9327. if (typeof queries === "undefined" || queries === null) {
  9328. var config = browserslist.loadConfig(opts);
  9329. if (config) {
  9330. queries = config;
  9331. } else {
  9332. queries = browserslist.defaults;
  9333. }
  9334. }
  9335. return queries;
  9336. }
  9337. function checkQueries(queries) {
  9338. if (!(typeof queries === "string" || Array.isArray(queries))) {
  9339. throw new BrowserslistError(
  9340. "Browser queries must be an array or string. Got " + typeof queries + "."
  9341. );
  9342. }
  9343. }
  9344. var cache = {};
  9345. function browserslist(queries, opts) {
  9346. opts = prepareOpts(opts);
  9347. queries = prepareQueries(queries, opts);
  9348. checkQueries(queries);
  9349. var context = {
  9350. ignoreUnknownVersions: opts.ignoreUnknownVersions,
  9351. dangerousExtend: opts.dangerousExtend,
  9352. mobileToDesktop: opts.mobileToDesktop,
  9353. path: opts.path,
  9354. env: opts.env
  9355. };
  9356. env.oldDataWarning(;
  9357. var stats = env.getStat(opts,;
  9358. if (stats) {
  9359. context.customUsage = {};
  9360. for (var browser in stats) {
  9361. fillUsage(context.customUsage, browser, stats[browser]);
  9362. }
  9363. }
  9364. var cacheKey = JSON.stringify([queries, context]);
  9365. if (cache[cacheKey])
  9366. return cache[cacheKey];
  9367. var result = uniq(resolve(queries, context)).sort(function(name1, name2) {
  9368. name1 = name1.split(" ");
  9369. name2 = name2.split(" ");
  9370. if (name1[0] === name2[0]) {
  9371. var version1 = name1[1].split("-")[0];
  9372. var version2 = name2[1].split("-")[0];
  9373. return compareSemver(version2.split("."), version1.split("."));
  9374. } else {
  9375. return compare(name1[0], name2[0]);
  9376. }
  9377. });
  9378. if (!env.env.BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE) {
  9379. cache[cacheKey] = result;
  9380. }
  9381. return result;
  9382. }
  9383. browserslist.parse = function(queries, opts) {
  9384. opts = prepareOpts(opts);
  9385. queries = prepareQueries(queries, opts);
  9386. checkQueries(queries);
  9387. return parse(QUERIES, queries);
  9388. };
  9389. browserslist.cache = {};
  9390. = {};
  9391. browserslist.usage = {
  9392. global: {},
  9393. custom: null
  9394. };
  9395. browserslist.defaults = ["> 0.5%", "last 2 versions", "Firefox ESR", "not dead"];
  9396. browserslist.aliases = {
  9397. fx: "firefox",
  9398. ff: "firefox",
  9399. ios: "ios_saf",
  9400. explorer: "ie",
  9401. blackberry: "bb",
  9402. explorermobile: "ie_mob",
  9403. operamini: "op_mini",
  9404. operamobile: "op_mob",
  9405. chromeandroid: "and_chr",
  9406. firefoxandroid: "and_ff",
  9407. ucandroid: "and_uc",
  9408. qqandroid: "and_qq"
  9409. };
  9410. browserslist.desktopNames = {
  9411. and_chr: "chrome",
  9412. and_ff: "firefox",
  9413. ie_mob: "ie",
  9414. android: "chrome"
  9415. // has extra processing logic
  9416. };
  9417. browserslist.versionAliases = {};
  9418. browserslist.clearCaches = env.clearCaches;
  9419. browserslist.parseConfig = env.parseConfig;
  9420. browserslist.readConfig = env.readConfig;
  9421. browserslist.findConfig = env.findConfig;
  9422. browserslist.loadConfig = env.loadConfig;
  9423. browserslist.coverage = function(browsers, stats) {
  9424. var data;
  9425. if (typeof stats === "undefined") {
  9426. data =;
  9427. } else if (stats === "my stats") {
  9428. var opts = {};
  9429. opts.path = path.resolve ? path.resolve(".") : ".";
  9430. var customStats = env.getStat(opts);
  9431. if (!customStats) {
  9432. throw new BrowserslistError("Custom usage statistics was not provided");
  9433. }
  9434. data = {};
  9435. for (var browser in customStats) {
  9436. fillUsage(data, browser, customStats[browser]);
  9437. }
  9438. } else if (typeof stats === "string") {
  9439. if (stats.length > 2) {
  9440. stats = stats.toLowerCase();
  9441. } else {
  9442. stats = stats.toUpperCase();
  9443. }
  9444. env.loadCountry(browserslist.usage, stats,;
  9445. data = browserslist.usage[stats];
  9446. } else {
  9447. if ("dataByBrowser" in stats) {
  9448. stats = stats.dataByBrowser;
  9449. }
  9450. data = {};
  9451. for (var name in stats) {
  9452. for (var version in stats[name]) {
  9453. data[name + " " + version] = stats[name][version];
  9454. }
  9455. }
  9456. }
  9457. return browsers.reduce(function(all, i) {
  9458. var usage = data[i];
  9459. if (usage === void 0) {
  9460. usage = data[i.replace(/ \S+$/, " 0")];
  9461. }
  9462. return all + (usage || 0);
  9463. }, 0);
  9464. };
  9465. function nodeQuery(context, node) {
  9466. var matched = browserslist.nodeVersions.filter(function(i) {
  9467. return isVersionsMatch(i, node.version);
  9468. });
  9469. if (matched.length === 0) {
  9470. if (context.ignoreUnknownVersions) {
  9471. return [];
  9472. } else {
  9473. throw new BrowserslistError(
  9474. "Unknown version " + node.version + " of Node.js"
  9475. );
  9476. }
  9477. }
  9478. return ["node " + matched[matched.length - 1]];
  9479. }
  9480. function sinceQuery(context, node) {
  9481. var year = parseInt(node.year);
  9482. var month = parseInt(node.month || "01") - 1;
  9483. var day = parseInt( || "01");
  9484. return filterByYear(Date.UTC(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0), context);
  9485. }
  9486. function coverQuery(context, node) {
  9487. var coverage = parseFloat(node.coverage);
  9488. var usage =;
  9489. if ( {
  9490. if (^my\s+stats$/i)) {
  9491. if (!context.customUsage) {
  9492. throw new BrowserslistError("Custom usage statistics was not provided");
  9493. }
  9494. usage = context.customUsage;
  9495. } else {
  9496. var place;
  9497. if ( === 2) {
  9498. place =;
  9499. } else {
  9500. place =;
  9501. }
  9502. env.loadCountry(browserslist.usage, place,;
  9503. usage = browserslist.usage[place];
  9504. }
  9505. }
  9506. var versions = Object.keys(usage).sort(function(a, b) {
  9507. return usage[b] - usage[a];
  9508. });
  9509. var coveraged = 0;
  9510. var result = [];
  9511. var version;
  9512. for (var i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
  9513. version = versions[i];
  9514. if (usage[version] === 0)
  9515. break;
  9516. coveraged += usage[version];
  9517. result.push(version);
  9518. if (coveraged >= coverage)
  9519. break;
  9520. }
  9521. return result;
  9522. }
  9523. var QUERIES = {
  9524. last_major_versions: {
  9525. matches: ["versions"],
  9526. regexp: /^last\s+(\d+)\s+major\s+versions?$/i,
  9527. select: function(context, node) {
  9528. return Object.keys(agents).reduce(function(selected, name) {
  9529. var data = byName(name, context);
  9530. if (!data)
  9531. return selected;
  9532. var list = getMajorVersions(data.released, node.versions);
  9533. list =;
  9534. list = filterJumps(list,, node.versions, context);
  9535. return selected.concat(list);
  9536. }, []);
  9537. }
  9538. },
  9539. last_versions: {
  9540. matches: ["versions"],
  9541. regexp: /^last\s+(\d+)\s+versions?$/i,
  9542. select: function(context, node) {
  9543. return Object.keys(agents).reduce(function(selected, name) {
  9544. var data = byName(name, context);
  9545. if (!data)
  9546. return selected;
  9547. var list = data.released.slice(-node.versions);
  9548. list =;
  9549. list = filterJumps(list,, node.versions, context);
  9550. return selected.concat(list);
  9551. }, []);
  9552. }
  9553. },
  9554. last_electron_major_versions: {
  9555. matches: ["versions"],
  9556. regexp: /^last\s+(\d+)\s+electron\s+major\s+versions?$/i,
  9557. select: function(context, node) {
  9558. var validVersions = getMajorVersions(Object.keys(e2c), node.versions);
  9559. return {
  9560. return "chrome " + e2c[i];
  9561. });
  9562. }
  9563. },
  9564. last_node_major_versions: {
  9565. matches: ["versions"],
  9566. regexp: /^last\s+(\d+)\s+node\s+major\s+versions?$/i,
  9567. select: function(context, node) {
  9568. return getMajorVersions(browserslist.nodeVersions, node.versions).map(
  9569. function(version) {
  9570. return "node " + version;
  9571. }
  9572. );
  9573. }
  9574. },
  9575. last_browser_major_versions: {
  9576. matches: ["versions", "browser"],
  9577. regexp: /^last\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+major\s+versions?$/i,
  9578. select: function(context, node) {
  9579. var data = checkName(node.browser, context);
  9580. var validVersions = getMajorVersions(data.released, node.versions);
  9581. var list =;
  9582. list = filterJumps(list,, node.versions, context);
  9583. return list;
  9584. }
  9585. },
  9586. last_electron_versions: {
  9587. matches: ["versions"],
  9588. regexp: /^last\s+(\d+)\s+electron\s+versions?$/i,
  9589. select: function(context, node) {
  9590. return Object.keys(e2c).slice(-node.versions).map(function(i) {
  9591. return "chrome " + e2c[i];
  9592. });
  9593. }
  9594. },
  9595. last_node_versions: {
  9596. matches: ["versions"],
  9597. regexp: /^last\s+(\d+)\s+node\s+versions?$/i,
  9598. select: function(context, node) {
  9599. return browserslist.nodeVersions.slice(-node.versions).map(function(version) {
  9600. return "node " + version;
  9601. });
  9602. }
  9603. },
  9604. last_browser_versions: {
  9605. matches: ["versions", "browser"],
  9606. regexp: /^last\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+versions?$/i,
  9607. select: function(context, node) {
  9608. var data = checkName(node.browser, context);
  9609. var list = data.released.slice(-node.versions).map(nameMapper(;
  9610. list = filterJumps(list,, node.versions, context);
  9611. return list;
  9612. }
  9613. },
  9614. unreleased_versions: {
  9615. matches: [],
  9616. regexp: /^unreleased\s+versions$/i,
  9617. select: function(context) {
  9618. return Object.keys(agents).reduce(function(selected, name) {
  9619. var data = byName(name, context);
  9620. if (!data)
  9621. return selected;
  9622. var list = data.versions.filter(function(v) {
  9623. return data.released.indexOf(v) === -1;
  9624. });
  9625. list =;
  9626. return selected.concat(list);
  9627. }, []);
  9628. }
  9629. },
  9630. unreleased_electron_versions: {
  9631. matches: [],
  9632. regexp: /^unreleased\s+electron\s+versions?$/i,
  9633. select: function() {
  9634. return [];
  9635. }
  9636. },
  9637. unreleased_browser_versions: {
  9638. matches: ["browser"],
  9639. regexp: /^unreleased\s+(\w+)\s+versions?$/i,
  9640. select: function(context, node) {
  9641. var data = checkName(node.browser, context);
  9642. return data.versions.filter(function(v) {
  9643. return data.released.indexOf(v) === -1;
  9644. }).map(nameMapper(;
  9645. }
  9646. },
  9647. last_years: {
  9648. matches: ["years"],
  9649. regexp: /^last\s+(\d*.?\d+)\s+years?$/i,
  9650. select: function(context, node) {
  9651. return filterByYear( - YEAR * node.years, context);
  9652. }
  9653. },
  9654. since_y: {
  9655. matches: ["year"],
  9656. regexp: /^since (\d+)$/i,
  9657. select: sinceQuery
  9658. },
  9659. since_y_m: {
  9660. matches: ["year", "month"],
  9661. regexp: /^since (\d+)-(\d+)$/i,
  9662. select: sinceQuery
  9663. },
  9664. since_y_m_d: {
  9665. matches: ["year", "month", "day"],
  9666. regexp: /^since (\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/i,
  9667. select: sinceQuery
  9668. },
  9669. popularity: {
  9670. matches: ["sign", "popularity"],
  9671. regexp: /^(>=?|<=?)\s*(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)%$/,
  9672. select: function(context, node) {
  9673. var popularity = parseFloat(node.popularity);
  9674. var usage =;
  9675. return Object.keys(usage).reduce(function(result, version) {
  9676. if (node.sign === ">") {
  9677. if (usage[version] > popularity) {
  9678. result.push(version);
  9679. }
  9680. } else if (node.sign === "<") {
  9681. if (usage[version] < popularity) {
  9682. result.push(version);
  9683. }
  9684. } else if (node.sign === "<=") {
  9685. if (usage[version] <= popularity) {
  9686. result.push(version);
  9687. }
  9688. } else if (usage[version] >= popularity) {
  9689. result.push(version);
  9690. }
  9691. return result;
  9692. }, []);
  9693. }
  9694. },
  9695. popularity_in_my_stats: {
  9696. matches: ["sign", "popularity"],
  9697. regexp: /^(>=?|<=?)\s*(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)%\s+in\s+my\s+stats$/,
  9698. select: function(context, node) {
  9699. var popularity = parseFloat(node.popularity);
  9700. if (!context.customUsage) {
  9701. throw new BrowserslistError("Custom usage statistics was not provided");
  9702. }
  9703. var usage = context.customUsage;
  9704. return Object.keys(usage).reduce(function(result, version) {
  9705. var percentage = usage[version];
  9706. if (percentage == null) {
  9707. return result;
  9708. }
  9709. if (node.sign === ">") {
  9710. if (percentage > popularity) {
  9711. result.push(version);
  9712. }
  9713. } else if (node.sign === "<") {
  9714. if (percentage < popularity) {
  9715. result.push(version);
  9716. }
  9717. } else if (node.sign === "<=") {
  9718. if (percentage <= popularity) {
  9719. result.push(version);
  9720. }
  9721. } else if (percentage >= popularity) {
  9722. result.push(version);
  9723. }
  9724. return result;
  9725. }, []);
  9726. }
  9727. },
  9728. popularity_in_config_stats: {
  9729. matches: ["sign", "popularity", "config"],
  9730. regexp: /^(>=?|<=?)\s*(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)%\s+in\s+(\S+)\s+stats$/,
  9731. select: function(context, node) {
  9732. var popularity = parseFloat(node.popularity);
  9733. var stats = env.loadStat(context, node.config,;
  9734. if (stats) {
  9735. context.customUsage = {};
  9736. for (var browser in stats) {
  9737. fillUsage(context.customUsage, browser, stats[browser]);
  9738. }
  9739. }
  9740. if (!context.customUsage) {
  9741. throw new BrowserslistError("Custom usage statistics was not provided");
  9742. }
  9743. var usage = context.customUsage;
  9744. return Object.keys(usage).reduce(function(result, version) {
  9745. var percentage = usage[version];
  9746. if (percentage == null) {
  9747. return result;
  9748. }
  9749. if (node.sign === ">") {
  9750. if (percentage > popularity) {
  9751. result.push(version);
  9752. }
  9753. } else if (node.sign === "<") {
  9754. if (percentage < popularity) {
  9755. result.push(version);
  9756. }
  9757. } else if (node.sign === "<=") {
  9758. if (percentage <= popularity) {
  9759. result.push(version);
  9760. }
  9761. } else if (percentage >= popularity) {
  9762. result.push(version);
  9763. }
  9764. return result;
  9765. }, []);
  9766. }
  9767. },
  9768. popularity_in_place: {
  9769. matches: ["sign", "popularity", "place"],
  9770. regexp: /^(>=?|<=?)\s*(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)%\s+in\s+((alt-)?\w\w)$/,
  9771. select: function(context, node) {
  9772. var popularity = parseFloat(node.popularity);
  9773. var place =;
  9774. if (place.length === 2) {
  9775. place = place.toUpperCase();
  9776. } else {
  9777. place = place.toLowerCase();
  9778. }
  9779. env.loadCountry(browserslist.usage, place,;
  9780. var usage = browserslist.usage[place];
  9781. return Object.keys(usage).reduce(function(result, version) {
  9782. var percentage = usage[version];
  9783. if (percentage == null) {
  9784. return result;
  9785. }
  9786. if (node.sign === ">") {
  9787. if (percentage > popularity) {
  9788. result.push(version);
  9789. }
  9790. } else if (node.sign === "<") {
  9791. if (percentage < popularity) {
  9792. result.push(version);
  9793. }
  9794. } else if (node.sign === "<=") {
  9795. if (percentage <= popularity) {
  9796. result.push(version);
  9797. }
  9798. } else if (percentage >= popularity) {
  9799. result.push(version);
  9800. }
  9801. return result;
  9802. }, []);
  9803. }
  9804. },
  9805. cover: {
  9806. matches: ["coverage"],
  9807. regexp: /^cover\s+(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)%$/i,
  9808. select: coverQuery
  9809. },
  9810. cover_in: {
  9811. matches: ["coverage", "place"],
  9812. regexp: /^cover\s+(\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+)%\s+in\s+(my\s+stats|(alt-)?\w\w)$/i,
  9813. select: coverQuery
  9814. },
  9815. supports: {
  9816. matches: ["supportType", "feature"],
  9817. regexp: /^(?:(fully|partially)\s+)?supports\s+([\w-]+)$/,
  9818. select: function(context, node) {
  9819. env.loadFeature(browserslist.cache, node.feature);
  9820. var withPartial = node.supportType !== "fully";
  9821. var features = browserslist.cache[node.feature];
  9822. var result = [];
  9823. for (var name in features) {
  9824. var data = byName(name, context);
  9825. var iMax = data.released.length - 1;
  9826. while (iMax >= 0) {
  9827. if (data.released[iMax] in features[name])
  9828. break;
  9829. iMax--;
  9830. }
  9831. var checkDesktop = context.mobileToDesktop && name in browserslist.desktopNames && isSupported(features[name][data.released[iMax]], withPartial);
  9832. data.versions.forEach(function(version) {
  9833. var flags = features[name][version];
  9834. if (flags === void 0 && checkDesktop) {
  9835. flags = features[browserslist.desktopNames[name]][version];
  9836. }
  9837. if (isSupported(flags, withPartial)) {
  9838. result.push(name + " " + version);
  9839. }
  9840. });
  9841. }
  9842. return result;
  9843. }
  9844. },
  9845. electron_range: {
  9846. matches: ["from", "to"],
  9847. regexp: /^electron\s+([\d.]+)\s*-\s*([\d.]+)$/i,
  9848. select: function(context, node) {
  9849. var fromToUse = normalizeElectron(node.from);
  9850. var toToUse = normalizeElectron(;
  9851. var from = parseFloat(node.from);
  9852. var to = parseFloat(;
  9853. if (!e2c[fromToUse]) {
  9854. throw new BrowserslistError("Unknown version " + from + " of electron");
  9855. }
  9856. if (!e2c[toToUse]) {
  9857. throw new BrowserslistError("Unknown version " + to + " of electron");
  9858. }
  9859. return Object.keys(e2c).filter(function(i) {
  9860. var parsed = parseFloat(i);
  9861. return parsed >= from && parsed <= to;
  9862. }).map(function(i) {
  9863. return "chrome " + e2c[i];
  9864. });
  9865. }
  9866. },
  9867. node_range: {
  9868. matches: ["from", "to"],
  9869. regexp: /^node\s+([\d.]+)\s*-\s*([\d.]+)$/i,
  9870. select: function(context, node) {
  9871. return browserslist.nodeVersions.filter(semverFilterLoose(">=", node.from)).filter(semverFilterLoose("<=", {
  9872. return "node " + v;
  9873. });
  9874. }
  9875. },
  9876. browser_range: {
  9877. matches: ["browser", "from", "to"],
  9878. regexp: /^(\w+)\s+([\d.]+)\s*-\s*([\d.]+)$/i,
  9879. select: function(context, node) {
  9880. var data = checkName(node.browser, context);
  9881. var from = parseFloat(normalizeVersion(data, node.from) || node.from);
  9882. var to = parseFloat(normalizeVersion(data, ||;
  9883. function filter(v) {
  9884. var parsed = parseFloat(v);
  9885. return parsed >= from && parsed <= to;
  9886. }
  9887. return data.released.filter(filter).map(nameMapper(;
  9888. }
  9889. },
  9890. electron_ray: {
  9891. matches: ["sign", "version"],
  9892. regexp: /^electron\s*(>=?|<=?)\s*([\d.]+)$/i,
  9893. select: function(context, node) {
  9894. var versionToUse = normalizeElectron(node.version);
  9895. return Object.keys(e2c).filter(generateFilter(node.sign, versionToUse)).map(function(i) {
  9896. return "chrome " + e2c[i];
  9897. });
  9898. }
  9899. },
  9900. node_ray: {
  9901. matches: ["sign", "version"],
  9902. regexp: /^node\s*(>=?|<=?)\s*([\d.]+)$/i,
  9903. select: function(context, node) {
  9904. return browserslist.nodeVersions.filter(generateSemverFilter(node.sign, node.version)).map(function(v) {
  9905. return "node " + v;
  9906. });
  9907. }
  9908. },
  9909. browser_ray: {
  9910. matches: ["browser", "sign", "version"],
  9911. regexp: /^(\w+)\s*(>=?|<=?)\s*([\d.]+)$/,
  9912. select: function(context, node) {
  9913. var version = node.version;
  9914. var data = checkName(node.browser, context);
  9915. var alias = browserslist.versionAliases[][version];
  9916. if (alias)
  9917. version = alias;
  9918. return data.released.filter(generateFilter(node.sign, version)).map(function(v) {
  9919. return + " " + v;
  9920. });
  9921. }
  9922. },
  9923. firefox_esr: {
  9924. matches: [],
  9925. regexp: /^(firefox|ff|fx)\s+esr$/i,
  9926. select: function() {
  9927. return ["firefox 115", "firefox 128"];
  9928. }
  9929. },
  9930. opera_mini_all: {
  9931. matches: [],
  9932. regexp: /(operamini|op_mini)\s+all/i,
  9933. select: function() {
  9934. return ["op_mini all"];
  9935. }
  9936. },
  9937. electron_version: {
  9938. matches: ["version"],
  9939. regexp: /^electron\s+([\d.]+)$/i,
  9940. select: function(context, node) {
  9941. var versionToUse = normalizeElectron(node.version);
  9942. var chrome = e2c[versionToUse];
  9943. if (!chrome) {
  9944. throw new BrowserslistError(
  9945. "Unknown version " + node.version + " of electron"
  9946. );
  9947. }
  9948. return ["chrome " + chrome];
  9949. }
  9950. },
  9951. node_major_version: {
  9952. matches: ["version"],
  9953. regexp: /^node\s+(\d+)$/i,
  9954. select: nodeQuery
  9955. },
  9956. node_minor_version: {
  9957. matches: ["version"],
  9958. regexp: /^node\s+(\d+\.\d+)$/i,
  9959. select: nodeQuery
  9960. },
  9961. node_patch_version: {
  9962. matches: ["version"],
  9963. regexp: /^node\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/i,
  9964. select: nodeQuery
  9965. },
  9966. current_node: {
  9967. matches: [],
  9968. regexp: /^current\s+node$/i,
  9969. select: function(context) {
  9970. return [env.currentNode(resolve, context)];
  9971. }
  9972. },
  9973. maintained_node: {
  9974. matches: [],
  9975. regexp: /^maintained\s+node\s+versions$/i,
  9976. select: function(context) {
  9977. var now =;
  9978. var queries = Object.keys(jsEOL).filter(function(key) {
  9979. return now < Date.parse(jsEOL[key].end) && now > Date.parse(jsEOL[key].start) && isEolReleased(key);
  9980. }).map(function(key) {
  9981. return "node " + key.slice(1);
  9982. });
  9983. return resolve(queries, context);
  9984. }
  9985. },
  9986. phantomjs_1_9: {
  9987. matches: [],
  9988. regexp: /^phantomjs\s+1.9$/i,
  9989. select: function() {
  9990. return ["safari 5"];
  9991. }
  9992. },
  9993. phantomjs_2_1: {
  9994. matches: [],
  9995. regexp: /^phantomjs\s+2.1$/i,
  9996. select: function() {
  9997. return ["safari 6"];
  9998. }
  9999. },
  10000. browser_version: {
  10001. matches: ["browser", "version"],
  10002. regexp: /^(\w+)\s+(tp|[\d.]+)$/i,
  10003. select: function(context, node) {
  10004. var version = node.version;
  10005. if (/^tp$/i.test(version))
  10006. version = "TP";
  10007. var data = checkName(node.browser, context);
  10008. var alias = normalizeVersion(data, version);
  10009. if (alias) {
  10010. version = alias;
  10011. } else {
  10012. if (version.indexOf(".") === -1) {
  10013. alias = version + ".0";
  10014. } else {
  10015. alias = version.replace(/\.0$/, "");
  10016. }
  10017. alias = normalizeVersion(data, alias);
  10018. if (alias) {
  10019. version = alias;
  10020. } else if (context.ignoreUnknownVersions) {
  10021. return [];
  10022. } else {
  10023. throw new BrowserslistError(
  10024. "Unknown version " + version + " of " + node.browser
  10025. );
  10026. }
  10027. }
  10028. return [ + " " + version];
  10029. }
  10030. },
  10031. browserslist_config: {
  10032. matches: [],
  10033. regexp: /^browserslist config$/i,
  10034. select: function(context) {
  10035. return browserslist(void 0, context);
  10036. }
  10037. },
  10038. extends: {
  10039. matches: ["config"],
  10040. regexp: /^extends (.+)$/i,
  10041. select: function(context, node) {
  10042. return resolve(env.loadQueries(context, node.config), context);
  10043. }
  10044. },
  10045. defaults: {
  10046. matches: [],
  10047. regexp: /^defaults$/i,
  10048. select: function(context) {
  10049. return resolve(browserslist.defaults, context);
  10050. }
  10051. },
  10052. dead: {
  10053. matches: [],
  10054. regexp: /^dead$/i,
  10055. select: function(context) {
  10056. var dead = [
  10057. "Baidu >= 0",
  10058. "ie <= 11",
  10059. "ie_mob <= 11",
  10060. "bb <= 10",
  10061. "op_mob <= 12.1",
  10062. "samsung 4"
  10063. ];
  10064. return resolve(dead, context);
  10065. }
  10066. },
  10067. unknown: {
  10068. matches: [],
  10069. regexp: /^(\w+)$/i,
  10070. select: function(context, node) {
  10071. if (byName(node.query, context)) {
  10072. throw new BrowserslistError(
  10073. "Specify versions in Browserslist query for browser " + node.query
  10074. );
  10075. } else {
  10076. throw unknownQuery(node.query);
  10077. }
  10078. }
  10079. }
  10080. };
  10081. (function() {
  10082. for (var name in agents) {
  10083. var browser = agents[name];
  10084.[name] = {
  10085. name,
  10086. versions: normalize(agents[name].versions),
  10087. released: normalize(agents[name].versions.slice(0, -3)),
  10088. releaseDate: agents[name].release_date
  10089. };
  10090. fillUsage(, name, browser.usage_global);
  10091. browserslist.versionAliases[name] = {};
  10092. for (var i = 0; i < browser.versions.length; i++) {
  10093. var full = browser.versions[i];
  10094. if (!full)
  10095. continue;
  10096. if (full.indexOf("-") !== -1) {
  10097. var interval = full.split("-");
  10098. for (var j = 0; j < interval.length; j++) {
  10099. browserslist.versionAliases[name][interval[j]] = full;
  10100. }
  10101. }
  10102. }
  10103. }
  10104. browserslist.nodeVersions = {
  10105. return release.version;
  10106. });
  10107. })();
  10108. module2.exports = browserslist;
  10109. }
  10110. });
  10111. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/utils.js
  10112. var require_utils = __commonJS({
  10113. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/utils.js"(exports2, module2) {
  10114. var { list } = require_postcss();
  10115. module2.exports.error = function(text) {
  10116. let err = new Error(text);
  10117. err.autoprefixer = true;
  10118. throw err;
  10119. };
  10120. module2.exports.uniq = function(array) {
  10121. return [ Set(array)];
  10122. };
  10123. module2.exports.removeNote = function(string) {
  10124. if (!string.includes(" ")) {
  10125. return string;
  10126. }
  10127. return string.split(" ")[0];
  10128. };
  10129. module2.exports.escapeRegexp = function(string) {
  10130. return string.replace(/[$()*+-.?[\\\]^{|}]/g, "\\$&");
  10131. };
  10132. module2.exports.regexp = function(word, escape = true) {
  10133. if (escape) {
  10134. word = this.escapeRegexp(word);
  10135. }
  10136. return new RegExp(`(^|[\\s,(])(${word}($|[\\s(,]))`, "gi");
  10137. };
  10138. module2.exports.editList = function(value, callback) {
  10139. let origin = list.comma(value);
  10140. let changed = callback(origin, []);
  10141. if (origin === changed) {
  10142. return value;
  10143. }
  10144. let join = value.match(/,\s*/);
  10145. join = join ? join[0] : ", ";
  10146. return changed.join(join);
  10147. };
  10148. module2.exports.splitSelector = function(selector) {
  10149. return list.comma(selector).map((i) => {
  10150. return => {
  10151. return k.split(/(?=\.|#)/g);
  10152. });
  10153. });
  10154. };
  10155. module2.exports.isPureNumber = function(value) {
  10156. if (typeof value === "number") {
  10157. return true;
  10158. }
  10159. if (typeof value === "string") {
  10160. return /^[0-9]+$/.test(value);
  10161. }
  10162. return false;
  10163. };
  10164. }
  10165. });
  10166. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/browsers.js
  10167. var require_browsers3 = __commonJS({
  10168. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/browsers.js"(exports2, module2) {
  10169. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  10170. var { agents } = require_agents2();
  10171. var utils = require_utils();
  10172. var Browsers = class {
  10173. /**
  10174. * Return all prefixes for default browser data
  10175. */
  10176. static prefixes() {
  10177. if (this.prefixesCache) {
  10178. return this.prefixesCache;
  10179. }
  10180. this.prefixesCache = [];
  10181. for (let name in agents) {
  10182. this.prefixesCache.push(`-${agents[name].prefix}-`);
  10183. }
  10184. this.prefixesCache = utils.uniq(this.prefixesCache).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);
  10185. return this.prefixesCache;
  10186. }
  10187. /**
  10188. * Check is value contain any possible prefix
  10189. */
  10190. static withPrefix(value) {
  10191. if (!this.prefixesRegexp) {
  10192. this.prefixesRegexp = new RegExp(this.prefixes().join("|"));
  10193. }
  10194. return this.prefixesRegexp.test(value);
  10195. }
  10196. constructor(data, requirements, options, browserslistOpts) {
  10197. = data;
  10198. this.options = options || {};
  10199. this.browserslistOpts = browserslistOpts || {};
  10200. this.selected = this.parse(requirements);
  10201. }
  10202. /**
  10203. * Return browsers selected by requirements
  10204. */
  10205. parse(requirements) {
  10206. let opts = {};
  10207. for (let i in this.browserslistOpts) {
  10208. opts[i] = this.browserslistOpts[i];
  10209. }
  10210. opts.path = this.options.from;
  10211. return browserslist(requirements, opts);
  10212. }
  10213. /**
  10214. * Return prefix for selected browser
  10215. */
  10216. prefix(browser) {
  10217. let [name, version] = browser.split(" ");
  10218. let data =[name];
  10219. let prefix = data.prefix_exceptions && data.prefix_exceptions[version];
  10220. if (!prefix) {
  10221. prefix = data.prefix;
  10222. }
  10223. return `-${prefix}-`;
  10224. }
  10225. /**
  10226. * Is browser is selected by requirements
  10227. */
  10228. isSelected(browser) {
  10229. return this.selected.includes(browser);
  10230. }
  10231. };
  10232. module2.exports = Browsers;
  10233. }
  10234. });
  10235. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/vendor.js
  10236. var require_vendor = __commonJS({
  10237. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/vendor.js"(exports2, module2) {
  10238. module2.exports = {
  10239. prefix(prop) {
  10240. let match = prop.match(/^(-\w+-)/);
  10241. if (match) {
  10242. return match[0];
  10243. }
  10244. return "";
  10245. },
  10246. unprefixed(prop) {
  10247. return prop.replace(/^-\w+-/, "");
  10248. }
  10249. };
  10250. }
  10251. });
  10252. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/prefixer.js
  10253. var require_prefixer = __commonJS({
  10254. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/prefixer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  10255. var Browsers = require_browsers3();
  10256. var vendor = require_vendor();
  10257. var utils = require_utils();
  10258. function clone(obj, parent) {
  10259. let cloned = new obj.constructor();
  10260. for (let i of Object.keys(obj || {})) {
  10261. let value = obj[i];
  10262. if (i === "parent" && typeof value === "object") {
  10263. if (parent) {
  10264. cloned[i] = parent;
  10265. }
  10266. } else if (i === "source" || i === null) {
  10267. cloned[i] = value;
  10268. } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
  10269. cloned[i] = => clone(x, cloned));
  10270. } else if (i !== "_autoprefixerPrefix" && i !== "_autoprefixerValues" && i !== "proxyCache") {
  10271. if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
  10272. value = clone(value, cloned);
  10273. }
  10274. cloned[i] = value;
  10275. }
  10276. }
  10277. return cloned;
  10278. }
  10279. var Prefixer = class _Prefixer {
  10280. /**
  10281. * Add hack to selected names
  10282. */
  10283. static hack(klass) {
  10284. if (!this.hacks) {
  10285. this.hacks = {};
  10286. }
  10287. return => {
  10288. this.hacks[name] = klass;
  10289. return this.hacks[name];
  10290. });
  10291. }
  10292. /**
  10293. * Load hacks for some names
  10294. */
  10295. static load(name, prefixes, all) {
  10296. let Klass = this.hacks && this.hacks[name];
  10297. if (Klass) {
  10298. return new Klass(name, prefixes, all);
  10299. } else {
  10300. return new this(name, prefixes, all);
  10301. }
  10302. }
  10303. /**
  10304. * Clone node and clean autprefixer custom caches
  10305. */
  10306. static clone(node, overrides) {
  10307. let cloned = clone(node);
  10308. for (let name in overrides) {
  10309. cloned[name] = overrides[name];
  10310. }
  10311. return cloned;
  10312. }
  10313. constructor(name, prefixes, all) {
  10314. this.prefixes = prefixes;
  10315. = name;
  10316. this.all = all;
  10317. }
  10318. /**
  10319. * Find prefix in node parents
  10320. */
  10321. parentPrefix(node) {
  10322. let prefix;
  10323. if (typeof node._autoprefixerPrefix !== "undefined") {
  10324. prefix = node._autoprefixerPrefix;
  10325. } else if (node.type === "decl" && node.prop[0] === "-") {
  10326. prefix = vendor.prefix(node.prop);
  10327. } else if (node.type === "root") {
  10328. prefix = false;
  10329. } else if (node.type === "rule" && node.selector.includes(":-") && /:(-\w+-)/.test(node.selector)) {
  10330. prefix = node.selector.match(/:(-\w+-)/)[1];
  10331. } else if (node.type === "atrule" &&[0] === "-") {
  10332. prefix = vendor.prefix(;
  10333. } else {
  10334. prefix = this.parentPrefix(node.parent);
  10335. }
  10336. if (!Browsers.prefixes().includes(prefix)) {
  10337. prefix = false;
  10338. }
  10339. node._autoprefixerPrefix = prefix;
  10340. return node._autoprefixerPrefix;
  10341. }
  10342. /**
  10343. * Clone node with prefixes
  10344. */
  10345. process(node, result) {
  10346. if (!this.check(node)) {
  10347. return void 0;
  10348. }
  10349. let parent = this.parentPrefix(node);
  10350. let prefixes = this.prefixes.filter(
  10351. (prefix) => !parent || parent === utils.removeNote(prefix)
  10352. );
  10353. let added = [];
  10354. for (let prefix of prefixes) {
  10355. if (this.add(node, prefix, added.concat([prefix]), result)) {
  10356. added.push(prefix);
  10357. }
  10358. }
  10359. return added;
  10360. }
  10361. /**
  10362. * Shortcut for Prefixer.clone
  10363. */
  10364. clone(node, overrides) {
  10365. return _Prefixer.clone(node, overrides);
  10366. }
  10367. };
  10368. module2.exports = Prefixer;
  10369. }
  10370. });
  10371. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/declaration.js
  10372. var require_declaration2 = __commonJS({
  10373. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/declaration.js"(exports2, module2) {
  10374. var Prefixer = require_prefixer();
  10375. var Browsers = require_browsers3();
  10376. var utils = require_utils();
  10377. var Declaration = class extends Prefixer {
  10378. /**
  10379. * Always true, because we already get prefixer by property name
  10380. */
  10381. check() {
  10382. return true;
  10383. }
  10384. /**
  10385. * Return prefixed version of property
  10386. */
  10387. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  10388. return prefix + prop;
  10389. }
  10390. /**
  10391. * Return unprefixed version of property
  10392. */
  10393. normalize(prop) {
  10394. return prop;
  10395. }
  10396. /**
  10397. * Check `value`, that it contain other prefixes, rather than `prefix`
  10398. */
  10399. otherPrefixes(value, prefix) {
  10400. for (let other of Browsers.prefixes()) {
  10401. if (other === prefix) {
  10402. continue;
  10403. }
  10404. if (value.includes(other)) {
  10405. return value.replace(/var\([^)]+\)/, "").includes(other);
  10406. }
  10407. }
  10408. return false;
  10409. }
  10410. /**
  10411. * Set prefix to declaration
  10412. */
  10413. set(decl, prefix) {
  10414. decl.prop = this.prefixed(decl.prop, prefix);
  10415. return decl;
  10416. }
  10417. /**
  10418. * Should we use visual cascade for prefixes
  10419. */
  10420. needCascade(decl) {
  10421. if (!decl._autoprefixerCascade) {
  10422. decl._autoprefixerCascade = this.all.options.cascade !== false && decl.raw("before").includes("\n");
  10423. }
  10424. return decl._autoprefixerCascade;
  10425. }
  10426. /**
  10427. * Return maximum length of possible prefixed property
  10428. */
  10429. maxPrefixed(prefixes, decl) {
  10430. if (decl._autoprefixerMax) {
  10431. return decl._autoprefixerMax;
  10432. }
  10433. let max = 0;
  10434. for (let prefix of prefixes) {
  10435. prefix = utils.removeNote(prefix);
  10436. if (prefix.length > max) {
  10437. max = prefix.length;
  10438. }
  10439. }
  10440. decl._autoprefixerMax = max;
  10441. return decl._autoprefixerMax;
  10442. }
  10443. /**
  10444. * Calculate indentation to create visual cascade
  10445. */
  10446. calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix = "") {
  10447. let max = this.maxPrefixed(prefixes, decl);
  10448. let diff = max - utils.removeNote(prefix).length;
  10449. let before = decl.raw("before");
  10450. if (diff > 0) {
  10451. before += Array(diff).fill(" ").join("");
  10452. }
  10453. return before;
  10454. }
  10455. /**
  10456. * Remove visual cascade
  10457. */
  10458. restoreBefore(decl) {
  10459. let lines = decl.raw("before").split("\n");
  10460. let min = lines[lines.length - 1];
  10461. => {
  10462. let array = prefixed.raw("before").split("\n");
  10463. let last = array[array.length - 1];
  10464. if (last.length < min.length) {
  10465. min = last;
  10466. }
  10467. });
  10468. lines[lines.length - 1] = min;
  10469. decl.raws.before = lines.join("\n");
  10470. }
  10471. /**
  10472. * Clone and insert new declaration
  10473. */
  10474. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  10475. let cloned = this.set(this.clone(decl), prefix);
  10476. if (!cloned)
  10477. return void 0;
  10478. let already = decl.parent.some(
  10479. (i) => i.prop === cloned.prop && i.value === cloned.value
  10480. );
  10481. if (already) {
  10482. return void 0;
  10483. }
  10484. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  10485. cloned.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  10486. }
  10487. return decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, cloned);
  10488. }
  10489. /**
  10490. * Did this declaration has this prefix above
  10491. */
  10492. isAlready(decl, prefixed) {
  10493. let already = => i.prop === prefixed);
  10494. if (!already) {
  10495. already = => i.prop === prefixed);
  10496. }
  10497. return already;
  10498. }
  10499. /**
  10500. * Clone and add prefixes for declaration
  10501. */
  10502. add(decl, prefix, prefixes, result) {
  10503. let prefixed = this.prefixed(decl.prop, prefix);
  10504. if (this.isAlready(decl, prefixed) || this.otherPrefixes(decl.value, prefix)) {
  10505. return void 0;
  10506. }
  10507. return this.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes, result);
  10508. }
  10509. /**
  10510. * Add spaces for visual cascade
  10511. */
  10512. process(decl, result) {
  10513. if (!this.needCascade(decl)) {
  10514. super.process(decl, result);
  10515. return;
  10516. }
  10517. let prefixes = super.process(decl, result);
  10518. if (!prefixes || !prefixes.length) {
  10519. return;
  10520. }
  10521. this.restoreBefore(decl);
  10522. decl.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl);
  10523. }
  10524. /**
  10525. * Return list of prefixed properties to clean old prefixes
  10526. */
  10527. old(prop, prefix) {
  10528. return [this.prefixed(prop, prefix)];
  10529. }
  10530. };
  10531. module2.exports = Declaration;
  10532. }
  10533. });
  10534. // node_modules/fraction.js/fraction.js
  10535. var require_fraction = __commonJS({
  10536. "node_modules/fraction.js/fraction.js"(exports2, module2) {
  10537. (function(root) {
  10538. "use strict";
  10539. var MAX_CYCLE_LEN = 2e3;
  10540. var P = {
  10541. "s": 1,
  10542. "n": 0,
  10543. "d": 1
  10544. };
  10545. function assign(n, s) {
  10546. if (isNaN(n = parseInt(n, 10))) {
  10547. throw Fraction["InvalidParameter"];
  10548. }
  10549. return n * s;
  10550. }
  10551. function newFraction(n, d) {
  10552. if (d === 0) {
  10553. throw Fraction["DivisionByZero"];
  10554. }
  10555. var f = Object.create(Fraction.prototype);
  10556. f["s"] = n < 0 ? -1 : 1;
  10557. n = n < 0 ? -n : n;
  10558. var a = gcd(n, d);
  10559. f["n"] = n / a;
  10560. f["d"] = d / a;
  10561. return f;
  10562. }
  10563. function factorize(num) {
  10564. var factors = {};
  10565. var n = num;
  10566. var i = 2;
  10567. var s = 4;
  10568. while (s <= n) {
  10569. while (n % i === 0) {
  10570. n /= i;
  10571. factors[i] = (factors[i] || 0) + 1;
  10572. }
  10573. s += 1 + 2 * i++;
  10574. }
  10575. if (n !== num) {
  10576. if (n > 1)
  10577. factors[n] = (factors[n] || 0) + 1;
  10578. } else {
  10579. factors[num] = (factors[num] || 0) + 1;
  10580. }
  10581. return factors;
  10582. }
  10583. var parse = function(p1, p2) {
  10584. var n = 0, d = 1, s = 1;
  10585. var v = 0, w = 0, x = 0, y = 1, z = 1;
  10586. var A = 0, B = 1;
  10587. var C = 1, D = 1;
  10588. var N = 1e7;
  10589. var M;
  10590. if (p1 === void 0 || p1 === null) {
  10591. } else if (p2 !== void 0) {
  10592. n = p1;
  10593. d = p2;
  10594. s = n * d;
  10595. if (n % 1 !== 0 || d % 1 !== 0) {
  10596. throw Fraction["NonIntegerParameter"];
  10597. }
  10598. } else
  10599. switch (typeof p1) {
  10600. case "object": {
  10601. if ("d" in p1 && "n" in p1) {
  10602. n = p1["n"];
  10603. d = p1["d"];
  10604. if ("s" in p1)
  10605. n *= p1["s"];
  10606. } else if (0 in p1) {
  10607. n = p1[0];
  10608. if (1 in p1)
  10609. d = p1[1];
  10610. } else {
  10611. throw Fraction["InvalidParameter"];
  10612. }
  10613. s = n * d;
  10614. break;
  10615. }
  10616. case "number": {
  10617. if (p1 < 0) {
  10618. s = p1;
  10619. p1 = -p1;
  10620. }
  10621. if (p1 % 1 === 0) {
  10622. n = p1;
  10623. } else if (p1 > 0) {
  10624. if (p1 >= 1) {
  10625. z = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(1 + Math.log(p1) / Math.LN10));
  10626. p1 /= z;
  10627. }
  10628. while (B <= N && D <= N) {
  10629. M = (A + C) / (B + D);
  10630. if (p1 === M) {
  10631. if (B + D <= N) {
  10632. n = A + C;
  10633. d = B + D;
  10634. } else if (D > B) {
  10635. n = C;
  10636. d = D;
  10637. } else {
  10638. n = A;
  10639. d = B;
  10640. }
  10641. break;
  10642. } else {
  10643. if (p1 > M) {
  10644. A += C;
  10645. B += D;
  10646. } else {
  10647. C += A;
  10648. D += B;
  10649. }
  10650. if (B > N) {
  10651. n = C;
  10652. d = D;
  10653. } else {
  10654. n = A;
  10655. d = B;
  10656. }
  10657. }
  10658. }
  10659. n *= z;
  10660. } else if (isNaN(p1) || isNaN(p2)) {
  10661. d = n = NaN;
  10662. }
  10663. break;
  10664. }
  10665. case "string": {
  10666. B = p1.match(/\d+|./g);
  10667. if (B === null)
  10668. throw Fraction["InvalidParameter"];
  10669. if (B[A] === "-") {
  10670. s = -1;
  10671. A++;
  10672. } else if (B[A] === "+") {
  10673. A++;
  10674. }
  10675. if (B.length === A + 1) {
  10676. w = assign(B[A++], s);
  10677. } else if (B[A + 1] === "." || B[A] === ".") {
  10678. if (B[A] !== ".") {
  10679. v = assign(B[A++], s);
  10680. }
  10681. A++;
  10682. if (A + 1 === B.length || B[A + 1] === "(" && B[A + 3] === ")" || B[A + 1] === "'" && B[A + 3] === "'") {
  10683. w = assign(B[A], s);
  10684. y = Math.pow(10, B[A].length);
  10685. A++;
  10686. }
  10687. if (B[A] === "(" && B[A + 2] === ")" || B[A] === "'" && B[A + 2] === "'") {
  10688. x = assign(B[A + 1], s);
  10689. z = Math.pow(10, B[A + 1].length) - 1;
  10690. A += 3;
  10691. }
  10692. } else if (B[A + 1] === "/" || B[A + 1] === ":") {
  10693. w = assign(B[A], s);
  10694. y = assign(B[A + 2], 1);
  10695. A += 3;
  10696. } else if (B[A + 3] === "/" && B[A + 1] === " ") {
  10697. v = assign(B[A], s);
  10698. w = assign(B[A + 2], s);
  10699. y = assign(B[A + 4], 1);
  10700. A += 5;
  10701. }
  10702. if (B.length <= A) {
  10703. d = y * z;
  10704. s = /* void */
  10705. n = x + d * v + z * w;
  10706. break;
  10707. }
  10708. }
  10709. default:
  10710. throw Fraction["InvalidParameter"];
  10711. }
  10712. if (d === 0) {
  10713. throw Fraction["DivisionByZero"];
  10714. }
  10715. P["s"] = s < 0 ? -1 : 1;
  10716. P["n"] = Math.abs(n);
  10717. P["d"] = Math.abs(d);
  10718. };
  10719. function modpow(b, e, m) {
  10720. var r = 1;
  10721. for (; e > 0; b = b * b % m, e >>= 1) {
  10722. if (e & 1) {
  10723. r = r * b % m;
  10724. }
  10725. }
  10726. return r;
  10727. }
  10728. function cycleLen(n, d) {
  10729. for (; d % 2 === 0; d /= 2) {
  10730. }
  10731. for (; d % 5 === 0; d /= 5) {
  10732. }
  10733. if (d === 1)
  10734. return 0;
  10735. var rem = 10 % d;
  10736. var t = 1;
  10737. for (; rem !== 1; t++) {
  10738. rem = rem * 10 % d;
  10739. if (t > MAX_CYCLE_LEN)
  10740. return 0;
  10741. }
  10742. return t;
  10743. }
  10744. function cycleStart(n, d, len) {
  10745. var rem1 = 1;
  10746. var rem2 = modpow(10, len, d);
  10747. for (var t = 0; t < 300; t++) {
  10748. if (rem1 === rem2)
  10749. return t;
  10750. rem1 = rem1 * 10 % d;
  10751. rem2 = rem2 * 10 % d;
  10752. }
  10753. return 0;
  10754. }
  10755. function gcd(a, b) {
  10756. if (!a)
  10757. return b;
  10758. if (!b)
  10759. return a;
  10760. while (1) {
  10761. a %= b;
  10762. if (!a)
  10763. return b;
  10764. b %= a;
  10765. if (!b)
  10766. return a;
  10767. }
  10768. }
  10769. ;
  10770. function Fraction(a, b) {
  10771. parse(a, b);
  10772. if (this instanceof Fraction) {
  10773. a = gcd(P["d"], P["n"]);
  10774. this["s"] = P["s"];
  10775. this["n"] = P["n"] / a;
  10776. this["d"] = P["d"] / a;
  10777. } else {
  10778. return newFraction(P["s"] * P["n"], P["d"]);
  10779. }
  10780. }
  10781. Fraction["DivisionByZero"] = new Error("Division by Zero");
  10782. Fraction["InvalidParameter"] = new Error("Invalid argument");
  10783. Fraction["NonIntegerParameter"] = new Error("Parameters must be integer");
  10784. Fraction.prototype = {
  10785. "s": 1,
  10786. "n": 0,
  10787. "d": 1,
  10788. /**
  10789. * Calculates the absolute value
  10790. *
  10791. * Ex: new Fraction(-4).abs() => 4
  10792. **/
  10793. "abs": function() {
  10794. return newFraction(this["n"], this["d"]);
  10795. },
  10796. /**
  10797. * Inverts the sign of the current fraction
  10798. *
  10799. * Ex: new Fraction(-4).neg() => 4
  10800. **/
  10801. "neg": function() {
  10802. return newFraction(-this["s"] * this["n"], this["d"]);
  10803. },
  10804. /**
  10805. * Adds two rational numbers
  10806. *
  10807. * Ex: new Fraction({n: 2, d: 3}).add("14.9") => 467 / 30
  10808. **/
  10809. "add": function(a, b) {
  10810. parse(a, b);
  10811. return newFraction(
  10812. this["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"] + P["s"] * this["d"] * P["n"],
  10813. this["d"] * P["d"]
  10814. );
  10815. },
  10816. /**
  10817. * Subtracts two rational numbers
  10818. *
  10819. * Ex: new Fraction({n: 2, d: 3}).add("14.9") => -427 / 30
  10820. **/
  10821. "sub": function(a, b) {
  10822. parse(a, b);
  10823. return newFraction(
  10824. this["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"] - P["s"] * this["d"] * P["n"],
  10825. this["d"] * P["d"]
  10826. );
  10827. },
  10828. /**
  10829. * Multiplies two rational numbers
  10830. *
  10831. * Ex: new Fraction("-17.(345)").mul(3) => 5776 / 111
  10832. **/
  10833. "mul": function(a, b) {
  10834. parse(a, b);
  10835. return newFraction(
  10836. this["s"] * P["s"] * this["n"] * P["n"],
  10837. this["d"] * P["d"]
  10838. );
  10839. },
  10840. /**
  10841. * Divides two rational numbers
  10842. *
  10843. * Ex: new Fraction("-17.(345)").inverse().div(3)
  10844. **/
  10845. "div": function(a, b) {
  10846. parse(a, b);
  10847. return newFraction(
  10848. this["s"] * P["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"],
  10849. this["d"] * P["n"]
  10850. );
  10851. },
  10852. /**
  10853. * Clones the actual object
  10854. *
  10855. * Ex: new Fraction("-17.(345)").clone()
  10856. **/
  10857. "clone": function() {
  10858. return newFraction(this["s"] * this["n"], this["d"]);
  10859. },
  10860. /**
  10861. * Calculates the modulo of two rational numbers - a more precise fmod
  10862. *
  10863. * Ex: new Fraction('4.(3)').mod([7, 8]) => (13/3) % (7/8) = (5/6)
  10864. **/
  10865. "mod": function(a, b) {
  10866. if (isNaN(this["n"]) || isNaN(this["d"])) {
  10867. return new Fraction(NaN);
  10868. }
  10869. if (a === void 0) {
  10870. return newFraction(this["s"] * this["n"] % this["d"], 1);
  10871. }
  10872. parse(a, b);
  10873. if (0 === P["n"] && 0 === this["d"]) {
  10874. throw Fraction["DivisionByZero"];
  10875. }
  10876. return newFraction(
  10877. this["s"] * (P["d"] * this["n"]) % (P["n"] * this["d"]),
  10878. P["d"] * this["d"]
  10879. );
  10880. },
  10881. /**
  10882. * Calculates the fractional gcd of two rational numbers
  10883. *
  10884. * Ex: new Fraction(5,8).gcd(3,7) => 1/56
  10885. */
  10886. "gcd": function(a, b) {
  10887. parse(a, b);
  10888. return newFraction(gcd(P["n"], this["n"]) * gcd(P["d"], this["d"]), P["d"] * this["d"]);
  10889. },
  10890. /**
  10891. * Calculates the fractional lcm of two rational numbers
  10892. *
  10893. * Ex: new Fraction(5,8).lcm(3,7) => 15
  10894. */
  10895. "lcm": function(a, b) {
  10896. parse(a, b);
  10897. if (P["n"] === 0 && this["n"] === 0) {
  10898. return newFraction(0, 1);
  10899. }
  10900. return newFraction(P["n"] * this["n"], gcd(P["n"], this["n"]) * gcd(P["d"], this["d"]));
  10901. },
  10902. /**
  10903. * Calculates the ceil of a rational number
  10904. *
  10905. * Ex: new Fraction('4.(3)').ceil() => (5 / 1)
  10906. **/
  10907. "ceil": function(places) {
  10908. places = Math.pow(10, places || 0);
  10909. if (isNaN(this["n"]) || isNaN(this["d"])) {
  10910. return new Fraction(NaN);
  10911. }
  10912. return newFraction(Math.ceil(places * this["s"] * this["n"] / this["d"]), places);
  10913. },
  10914. /**
  10915. * Calculates the floor of a rational number
  10916. *
  10917. * Ex: new Fraction('4.(3)').floor() => (4 / 1)
  10918. **/
  10919. "floor": function(places) {
  10920. places = Math.pow(10, places || 0);
  10921. if (isNaN(this["n"]) || isNaN(this["d"])) {
  10922. return new Fraction(NaN);
  10923. }
  10924. return newFraction(Math.floor(places * this["s"] * this["n"] / this["d"]), places);
  10925. },
  10926. /**
  10927. * Rounds a rational numbers
  10928. *
  10929. * Ex: new Fraction('4.(3)').round() => (4 / 1)
  10930. **/
  10931. "round": function(places) {
  10932. places = Math.pow(10, places || 0);
  10933. if (isNaN(this["n"]) || isNaN(this["d"])) {
  10934. return new Fraction(NaN);
  10935. }
  10936. return newFraction(Math.round(places * this["s"] * this["n"] / this["d"]), places);
  10937. },
  10938. /**
  10939. * Gets the inverse of the fraction, means numerator and denominator are exchanged
  10940. *
  10941. * Ex: new Fraction([-3, 4]).inverse() => -4 / 3
  10942. **/
  10943. "inverse": function() {
  10944. return newFraction(this["s"] * this["d"], this["n"]);
  10945. },
  10946. /**
  10947. * Calculates the fraction to some rational exponent, if possible
  10948. *
  10949. * Ex: new Fraction(-1,2).pow(-3) => -8
  10950. */
  10951. "pow": function(a, b) {
  10952. parse(a, b);
  10953. if (P["d"] === 1) {
  10954. if (P["s"] < 0) {
  10955. return newFraction(Math.pow(this["s"] * this["d"], P["n"]), Math.pow(this["n"], P["n"]));
  10956. } else {
  10957. return newFraction(Math.pow(this["s"] * this["n"], P["n"]), Math.pow(this["d"], P["n"]));
  10958. }
  10959. }
  10960. if (this["s"] < 0)
  10961. return null;
  10962. var N = factorize(this["n"]);
  10963. var D = factorize(this["d"]);
  10964. var n = 1;
  10965. var d = 1;
  10966. for (var k in N) {
  10967. if (k === "1")
  10968. continue;
  10969. if (k === "0") {
  10970. n = 0;
  10971. break;
  10972. }
  10973. N[k] *= P["n"];
  10974. if (N[k] % P["d"] === 0) {
  10975. N[k] /= P["d"];
  10976. } else
  10977. return null;
  10978. n *= Math.pow(k, N[k]);
  10979. }
  10980. for (var k in D) {
  10981. if (k === "1")
  10982. continue;
  10983. D[k] *= P["n"];
  10984. if (D[k] % P["d"] === 0) {
  10985. D[k] /= P["d"];
  10986. } else
  10987. return null;
  10988. d *= Math.pow(k, D[k]);
  10989. }
  10990. if (P["s"] < 0) {
  10991. return newFraction(d, n);
  10992. }
  10993. return newFraction(n, d);
  10994. },
  10995. /**
  10996. * Check if two rational numbers are the same
  10997. *
  10998. * Ex: new Fraction(19.6).equals([98, 5]);
  10999. **/
  11000. "equals": function(a, b) {
  11001. parse(a, b);
  11002. return this["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"] === P["s"] * P["n"] * this["d"];
  11003. },
  11004. /**
  11005. * Check if two rational numbers are the same
  11006. *
  11007. * Ex: new Fraction(19.6).equals([98, 5]);
  11008. **/
  11009. "compare": function(a, b) {
  11010. parse(a, b);
  11011. var t = this["s"] * this["n"] * P["d"] - P["s"] * P["n"] * this["d"];
  11012. return (0 < t) - (t < 0);
  11013. },
  11014. "simplify": function(eps) {
  11015. if (isNaN(this["n"]) || isNaN(this["d"])) {
  11016. return this;
  11017. }
  11018. eps = eps || 1e-3;
  11019. var thisABS = this["abs"]();
  11020. var cont = thisABS["toContinued"]();
  11021. for (var i = 1; i < cont.length; i++) {
  11022. var s = newFraction(cont[i - 1], 1);
  11023. for (var k = i - 2; k >= 0; k--) {
  11024. s = s["inverse"]()["add"](cont[k]);
  11025. }
  11026. if (s["sub"](thisABS)["abs"]().valueOf() < eps) {
  11027. return s["mul"](this["s"]);
  11028. }
  11029. }
  11030. return this;
  11031. },
  11032. /**
  11033. * Check if two rational numbers are divisible
  11034. *
  11035. * Ex: new Fraction(19.6).divisible(1.5);
  11036. */
  11037. "divisible": function(a, b) {
  11038. parse(a, b);
  11039. return !(!(P["n"] * this["d"]) || this["n"] * P["d"] % (P["n"] * this["d"]));
  11040. },
  11041. /**
  11042. * Returns a decimal representation of the fraction
  11043. *
  11044. * Ex: new Fraction("100.'91823'").valueOf() => 100.91823918239183
  11045. **/
  11046. "valueOf": function() {
  11047. return this["s"] * this["n"] / this["d"];
  11048. },
  11049. /**
  11050. * Returns a string-fraction representation of a Fraction object
  11051. *
  11052. * Ex: new Fraction("1.'3'").toFraction(true) => "4 1/3"
  11053. **/
  11054. "toFraction": function(excludeWhole) {
  11055. var whole, str = "";
  11056. var n = this["n"];
  11057. var d = this["d"];
  11058. if (this["s"] < 0) {
  11059. str += "-";
  11060. }
  11061. if (d === 1) {
  11062. str += n;
  11063. } else {
  11064. if (excludeWhole && (whole = Math.floor(n / d)) > 0) {
  11065. str += whole;
  11066. str += " ";
  11067. n %= d;
  11068. }
  11069. str += n;
  11070. str += "/";
  11071. str += d;
  11072. }
  11073. return str;
  11074. },
  11075. /**
  11076. * Returns a latex representation of a Fraction object
  11077. *
  11078. * Ex: new Fraction("1.'3'").toLatex() => "\frac{4}{3}"
  11079. **/
  11080. "toLatex": function(excludeWhole) {
  11081. var whole, str = "";
  11082. var n = this["n"];
  11083. var d = this["d"];
  11084. if (this["s"] < 0) {
  11085. str += "-";
  11086. }
  11087. if (d === 1) {
  11088. str += n;
  11089. } else {
  11090. if (excludeWhole && (whole = Math.floor(n / d)) > 0) {
  11091. str += whole;
  11092. n %= d;
  11093. }
  11094. str += "\\frac{";
  11095. str += n;
  11096. str += "}{";
  11097. str += d;
  11098. str += "}";
  11099. }
  11100. return str;
  11101. },
  11102. /**
  11103. * Returns an array of continued fraction elements
  11104. *
  11105. * Ex: new Fraction("7/8").toContinued() => [0,1,7]
  11106. */
  11107. "toContinued": function() {
  11108. var t;
  11109. var a = this["n"];
  11110. var b = this["d"];
  11111. var res = [];
  11112. if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) {
  11113. return res;
  11114. }
  11115. do {
  11116. res.push(Math.floor(a / b));
  11117. t = a % b;
  11118. a = b;
  11119. b = t;
  11120. } while (a !== 1);
  11121. return res;
  11122. },
  11123. /**
  11124. * Creates a string representation of a fraction with all digits
  11125. *
  11126. * Ex: new Fraction("100.'91823'").toString() => "100.(91823)"
  11127. **/
  11128. "toString": function(dec) {
  11129. var N = this["n"];
  11130. var D = this["d"];
  11131. if (isNaN(N) || isNaN(D)) {
  11132. return "NaN";
  11133. }
  11134. dec = dec || 15;
  11135. var cycLen = cycleLen(N, D);
  11136. var cycOff = cycleStart(N, D, cycLen);
  11137. var str = this["s"] < 0 ? "-" : "";
  11138. str += N / D | 0;
  11139. N %= D;
  11140. N *= 10;
  11141. if (N)
  11142. str += ".";
  11143. if (cycLen) {
  11144. for (var i = cycOff; i--; ) {
  11145. str += N / D | 0;
  11146. N %= D;
  11147. N *= 10;
  11148. }
  11149. str += "(";
  11150. for (var i = cycLen; i--; ) {
  11151. str += N / D | 0;
  11152. N %= D;
  11153. N *= 10;
  11154. }
  11155. str += ")";
  11156. } else {
  11157. for (var i = dec; N && i--; ) {
  11158. str += N / D | 0;
  11159. N %= D;
  11160. N *= 10;
  11161. }
  11162. }
  11163. return str;
  11164. }
  11165. };
  11166. if (typeof define === "function" && define["amd"]) {
  11167. define([], function() {
  11168. return Fraction;
  11169. });
  11170. } else if (typeof exports2 === "object") {
  11171. Object.defineProperty(Fraction, "__esModule", { "value": true });
  11172. Fraction["default"] = Fraction;
  11173. Fraction["Fraction"] = Fraction;
  11174. module2["exports"] = Fraction;
  11175. } else {
  11176. root["Fraction"] = Fraction;
  11177. }
  11178. })(exports2);
  11179. }
  11180. });
  11181. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/resolution.js
  11182. var require_resolution = __commonJS({
  11183. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/resolution.js"(exports2, module2) {
  11184. var FractionJs = require_fraction();
  11185. var Prefixer = require_prefixer();
  11186. var utils = require_utils();
  11187. var REGEXP = /(min|max)-resolution\s*:\s*\d*\.?\d+(dppx|dpcm|dpi|x)/gi;
  11188. var SPLIT = /(min|max)-resolution(\s*:\s*)(\d*\.?\d+)(dppx|dpcm|dpi|x)/i;
  11189. var Resolution = class extends Prefixer {
  11190. /**
  11191. * Return prefixed query name
  11192. */
  11193. prefixName(prefix, name) {
  11194. if (prefix === "-moz-") {
  11195. return name + "--moz-device-pixel-ratio";
  11196. } else {
  11197. return prefix + name + "-device-pixel-ratio";
  11198. }
  11199. }
  11200. /**
  11201. * Return prefixed query
  11202. */
  11203. prefixQuery(prefix, name, colon, value, units) {
  11204. value = new FractionJs(value);
  11205. if (units === "dpi") {
  11206. value = value.div(96);
  11207. } else if (units === "dpcm") {
  11208. value = value.mul(2.54).div(96);
  11209. }
  11210. value = value.simplify();
  11211. if (prefix === "-o-") {
  11212. value = value.n + "/" + value.d;
  11213. }
  11214. return this.prefixName(prefix, name) + colon + value;
  11215. }
  11216. /**
  11217. * Remove prefixed queries
  11218. */
  11219. clean(rule) {
  11220. if (!this.bad) {
  11221. this.bad = [];
  11222. for (let prefix of this.prefixes) {
  11223. this.bad.push(this.prefixName(prefix, "min"));
  11224. this.bad.push(this.prefixName(prefix, "max"));
  11225. }
  11226. }
  11227. rule.params = utils.editList(rule.params, (queries) => {
  11228. return queries.filter((query) => this.bad.every((i) => !query.includes(i)));
  11229. });
  11230. }
  11231. /**
  11232. * Add prefixed queries
  11233. */
  11234. process(rule) {
  11235. let parent = this.parentPrefix(rule);
  11236. let prefixes = parent ? [parent] : this.prefixes;
  11237. rule.params = utils.editList(rule.params, (origin, prefixed) => {
  11238. for (let query of origin) {
  11239. if (!query.includes("min-resolution") && !query.includes("max-resolution")) {
  11240. prefixed.push(query);
  11241. continue;
  11242. }
  11243. for (let prefix of prefixes) {
  11244. let processed = query.replace(REGEXP, (str) => {
  11245. let parts = str.match(SPLIT);
  11246. return this.prefixQuery(
  11247. prefix,
  11248. parts[1],
  11249. parts[2],
  11250. parts[3],
  11251. parts[4]
  11252. );
  11253. });
  11254. prefixed.push(processed);
  11255. }
  11256. prefixed.push(query);
  11257. }
  11258. return utils.uniq(prefixed);
  11259. });
  11260. }
  11261. };
  11262. module2.exports = Resolution;
  11263. }
  11264. });
  11265. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/transition.js
  11266. var require_transition = __commonJS({
  11267. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/transition.js"(exports2, module2) {
  11268. var { list } = require_postcss();
  11269. var parser = require_lib();
  11270. var Browsers = require_browsers3();
  11271. var vendor = require_vendor();
  11272. var Transition = class {
  11273. constructor(prefixes) {
  11274. this.props = ["transition", "transition-property"];
  11275. this.prefixes = prefixes;
  11276. }
  11277. /**
  11278. * Process transition and add prefixes for all necessary properties
  11279. */
  11280. add(decl, result) {
  11281. let prefix, prop;
  11282. let add = this.prefixes.add[decl.prop];
  11283. let vendorPrefixes = this.ruleVendorPrefixes(decl);
  11284. let declPrefixes = vendorPrefixes || add && add.prefixes || [];
  11285. let params = this.parse(decl.value);
  11286. let names = => this.findProp(i));
  11287. let added = [];
  11288. if (names.some((i) => i[0] === "-")) {
  11289. return;
  11290. }
  11291. for (let param of params) {
  11292. prop = this.findProp(param);
  11293. if (prop[0] === "-")
  11294. continue;
  11295. let prefixer = this.prefixes.add[prop];
  11296. if (!prefixer || !prefixer.prefixes)
  11297. continue;
  11298. for (prefix of prefixer.prefixes) {
  11299. if (vendorPrefixes && !vendorPrefixes.some((p) => prefix.includes(p))) {
  11300. continue;
  11301. }
  11302. let prefixed = this.prefixes.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  11303. if (prefixed !== "-ms-transform" && !names.includes(prefixed)) {
  11304. if (!this.disabled(prop, prefix)) {
  11305. added.push(this.clone(prop, prefixed, param));
  11306. }
  11307. }
  11308. }
  11309. }
  11310. params = params.concat(added);
  11311. let value = this.stringify(params);
  11312. let webkitClean = this.stringify(
  11313. this.cleanFromUnprefixed(params, "-webkit-")
  11314. );
  11315. if (declPrefixes.includes("-webkit-")) {
  11316. this.cloneBefore(decl, `-webkit-${decl.prop}`, webkitClean);
  11317. }
  11318. this.cloneBefore(decl, decl.prop, webkitClean);
  11319. if (declPrefixes.includes("-o-")) {
  11320. let operaClean = this.stringify(this.cleanFromUnprefixed(params, "-o-"));
  11321. this.cloneBefore(decl, `-o-${decl.prop}`, operaClean);
  11322. }
  11323. for (prefix of declPrefixes) {
  11324. if (prefix !== "-webkit-" && prefix !== "-o-") {
  11325. let prefixValue = this.stringify(
  11326. this.cleanOtherPrefixes(params, prefix)
  11327. );
  11328. this.cloneBefore(decl, prefix + decl.prop, prefixValue);
  11329. }
  11330. }
  11331. if (value !== decl.value && !this.already(decl, decl.prop, value)) {
  11332. this.checkForWarning(result, decl);
  11333. decl.cloneBefore();
  11334. decl.value = value;
  11335. }
  11336. }
  11337. /**
  11338. * Find property name
  11339. */
  11340. findProp(param) {
  11341. let prop = param[0].value;
  11342. if (/^\d/.test(prop)) {
  11343. for (let [i, token] of param.entries()) {
  11344. if (i !== 0 && token.type === "word") {
  11345. return token.value;
  11346. }
  11347. }
  11348. }
  11349. return prop;
  11350. }
  11351. /**
  11352. * Does we already have this declaration
  11353. */
  11354. already(decl, prop, value) {
  11355. return decl.parent.some((i) => i.prop === prop && i.value === value);
  11356. }
  11357. /**
  11358. * Add declaration if it is not exist
  11359. */
  11360. cloneBefore(decl, prop, value) {
  11361. if (!this.already(decl, prop, value)) {
  11362. decl.cloneBefore({ prop, value });
  11363. }
  11364. }
  11365. /**
  11366. * Show transition-property warning
  11367. */
  11368. checkForWarning(result, decl) {
  11369. if (decl.prop !== "transition-property") {
  11370. return;
  11371. }
  11372. let isPrefixed = false;
  11373. let hasAssociatedProp = false;
  11374. decl.parent.each((i) => {
  11375. if (i.type !== "decl") {
  11376. return void 0;
  11377. }
  11378. if (i.prop.indexOf("transition-") !== 0) {
  11379. return void 0;
  11380. }
  11381. let values = list.comma(i.value);
  11382. if (i.prop === "transition-property") {
  11383. values.forEach((value) => {
  11384. let lookup = this.prefixes.add[value];
  11385. if (lookup && lookup.prefixes && lookup.prefixes.length > 0) {
  11386. isPrefixed = true;
  11387. }
  11388. });
  11389. return void 0;
  11390. }
  11391. hasAssociatedProp = hasAssociatedProp || values.length > 1;
  11392. return false;
  11393. });
  11394. if (isPrefixed && hasAssociatedProp) {
  11395. decl.warn(
  11396. result,
  11397. "Replace transition-property to transition, because Autoprefixer could not support any cases of transition-property and other transition-*"
  11398. );
  11399. }
  11400. }
  11401. /**
  11402. * Process transition and remove all unnecessary properties
  11403. */
  11404. remove(decl) {
  11405. let params = this.parse(decl.value);
  11406. params = params.filter((i) => {
  11407. let prop = this.prefixes.remove[this.findProp(i)];
  11408. return !prop || !prop.remove;
  11409. });
  11410. let value = this.stringify(params);
  11411. if (decl.value === value) {
  11412. return;
  11413. }
  11414. if (params.length === 0) {
  11415. decl.remove();
  11416. return;
  11417. }
  11418. let double = decl.parent.some((i) => {
  11419. return i.prop === decl.prop && i.value === value;
  11420. });
  11421. let smaller = decl.parent.some((i) => {
  11422. return i !== decl && i.prop === decl.prop && i.value.length > value.length;
  11423. });
  11424. if (double || smaller) {
  11425. decl.remove();
  11426. return;
  11427. }
  11428. decl.value = value;
  11429. }
  11430. /**
  11431. * Parse properties list to array
  11432. */
  11433. parse(value) {
  11434. let ast = parser(value);
  11435. let result = [];
  11436. let param = [];
  11437. for (let node of ast.nodes) {
  11438. param.push(node);
  11439. if (node.type === "div" && node.value === ",") {
  11440. result.push(param);
  11441. param = [];
  11442. }
  11443. }
  11444. result.push(param);
  11445. return result.filter((i) => i.length > 0);
  11446. }
  11447. /**
  11448. * Return properties string from array
  11449. */
  11450. stringify(params) {
  11451. if (params.length === 0) {
  11452. return "";
  11453. }
  11454. let nodes = [];
  11455. for (let param of params) {
  11456. if (param[param.length - 1].type !== "div") {
  11457. param.push(this.div(params));
  11458. }
  11459. nodes = nodes.concat(param);
  11460. }
  11461. if (nodes[0].type === "div") {
  11462. nodes = nodes.slice(1);
  11463. }
  11464. if (nodes[nodes.length - 1].type === "div") {
  11465. nodes = nodes.slice(0, -2 + 1 || void 0);
  11466. }
  11467. return parser.stringify({ nodes });
  11468. }
  11469. /**
  11470. * Return new param array with different name
  11471. */
  11472. clone(origin, name, param) {
  11473. let result = [];
  11474. let changed = false;
  11475. for (let i of param) {
  11476. if (!changed && i.type === "word" && i.value === origin) {
  11477. result.push({ type: "word", value: name });
  11478. changed = true;
  11479. } else {
  11480. result.push(i);
  11481. }
  11482. }
  11483. return result;
  11484. }
  11485. /**
  11486. * Find or create separator
  11487. */
  11488. div(params) {
  11489. for (let param of params) {
  11490. for (let node of param) {
  11491. if (node.type === "div" && node.value === ",") {
  11492. return node;
  11493. }
  11494. }
  11495. }
  11496. return { type: "div", value: ",", after: " " };
  11497. }
  11498. cleanOtherPrefixes(params, prefix) {
  11499. return params.filter((param) => {
  11500. let current = vendor.prefix(this.findProp(param));
  11501. return current === "" || current === prefix;
  11502. });
  11503. }
  11504. /**
  11505. * Remove all non-webkit prefixes and unprefixed params if we have prefixed
  11506. */
  11507. cleanFromUnprefixed(params, prefix) {
  11508. let remove = => this.findProp(i)).filter((i) => i.slice(0, prefix.length) === prefix).map((i) => this.prefixes.unprefixed(i));
  11509. let result = [];
  11510. for (let param of params) {
  11511. let prop = this.findProp(param);
  11512. let p = vendor.prefix(prop);
  11513. if (!remove.includes(prop) && (p === prefix || p === "")) {
  11514. result.push(param);
  11515. }
  11516. }
  11517. return result;
  11518. }
  11519. /**
  11520. * Check property for disabled by option
  11521. */
  11522. disabled(prop, prefix) {
  11523. let other = ["order", "justify-content", "align-self", "align-content"];
  11524. if (prop.includes("flex") || other.includes(prop)) {
  11525. if (this.prefixes.options.flexbox === false) {
  11526. return true;
  11527. }
  11528. if (this.prefixes.options.flexbox === "no-2009") {
  11529. return prefix.includes("2009");
  11530. }
  11531. }
  11532. return void 0;
  11533. }
  11534. /**
  11535. * Check if transition prop is inside vendor specific rule
  11536. */
  11537. ruleVendorPrefixes(decl) {
  11538. let { parent } = decl;
  11539. if (parent.type !== "rule") {
  11540. return false;
  11541. } else if (!parent.selector.includes(":-")) {
  11542. return false;
  11543. }
  11544. let selectors = Browsers.prefixes().filter(
  11545. (s) => parent.selector.includes(":" + s)
  11546. );
  11547. return selectors.length > 0 ? selectors : false;
  11548. }
  11549. };
  11550. module2.exports = Transition;
  11551. }
  11552. });
  11553. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/old-value.js
  11554. var require_old_value = __commonJS({
  11555. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/old-value.js"(exports2, module2) {
  11556. var utils = require_utils();
  11557. var OldValue = class {
  11558. constructor(unprefixed, prefixed, string, regexp) {
  11559. this.unprefixed = unprefixed;
  11560. this.prefixed = prefixed;
  11561. this.string = string || prefixed;
  11562. this.regexp = regexp || utils.regexp(prefixed);
  11563. }
  11564. /**
  11565. * Check, that value contain old value
  11566. */
  11567. check(value) {
  11568. if (value.includes(this.string)) {
  11569. return !!value.match(this.regexp);
  11570. }
  11571. return false;
  11572. }
  11573. };
  11574. module2.exports = OldValue;
  11575. }
  11576. });
  11577. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/value.js
  11578. var require_value = __commonJS({
  11579. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/value.js"(exports2, module2) {
  11580. var Prefixer = require_prefixer();
  11581. var OldValue = require_old_value();
  11582. var vendor = require_vendor();
  11583. var utils = require_utils();
  11584. var Value = class extends Prefixer {
  11585. /**
  11586. * Clone decl for each prefixed values
  11587. */
  11588. static save(prefixes, decl) {
  11589. let prop = decl.prop;
  11590. let result = [];
  11591. for (let prefix in decl._autoprefixerValues) {
  11592. let value = decl._autoprefixerValues[prefix];
  11593. if (value === decl.value) {
  11594. continue;
  11595. }
  11596. let item;
  11597. let propPrefix = vendor.prefix(prop);
  11598. if (propPrefix === "-pie-") {
  11599. continue;
  11600. }
  11601. if (propPrefix === prefix) {
  11602. item = decl.value = value;
  11603. result.push(item);
  11604. continue;
  11605. }
  11606. let prefixed = prefixes.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  11607. let rule = decl.parent;
  11608. if (!rule.every((i) => i.prop !== prefixed)) {
  11609. result.push(item);
  11610. continue;
  11611. }
  11612. let trimmed = value.replace(/\s+/, " ");
  11613. let already = rule.some(
  11614. (i) => i.prop === decl.prop && i.value.replace(/\s+/, " ") === trimmed
  11615. );
  11616. if (already) {
  11617. result.push(item);
  11618. continue;
  11619. }
  11620. let cloned = this.clone(decl, { value });
  11621. item = decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, cloned);
  11622. result.push(item);
  11623. }
  11624. return result;
  11625. }
  11626. /**
  11627. * Is declaration need to be prefixed
  11628. */
  11629. check(decl) {
  11630. let value = decl.value;
  11631. if (!value.includes( {
  11632. return false;
  11633. }
  11634. return !!value.match(this.regexp());
  11635. }
  11636. /**
  11637. * Lazy regexp loading
  11638. */
  11639. regexp() {
  11640. return this.regexpCache || (this.regexpCache = utils.regexp(;
  11641. }
  11642. /**
  11643. * Add prefix to values in string
  11644. */
  11645. replace(string, prefix) {
  11646. return string.replace(this.regexp(), `$1${prefix}$2`);
  11647. }
  11648. /**
  11649. * Get value with comments if it was not changed
  11650. */
  11651. value(decl) {
  11652. if (decl.raws.value && decl.raws.value.value === decl.value) {
  11653. return decl.raws.value.raw;
  11654. } else {
  11655. return decl.value;
  11656. }
  11657. }
  11658. /**
  11659. * Save values with next prefixed token
  11660. */
  11661. add(decl, prefix) {
  11662. if (!decl._autoprefixerValues) {
  11663. decl._autoprefixerValues = {};
  11664. }
  11665. let value = decl._autoprefixerValues[prefix] || this.value(decl);
  11666. let before;
  11667. do {
  11668. before = value;
  11669. value = this.replace(value, prefix);
  11670. if (value === false)
  11671. return;
  11672. } while (value !== before);
  11673. decl._autoprefixerValues[prefix] = value;
  11674. }
  11675. /**
  11676. * Return function to fast find prefixed value
  11677. */
  11678. old(prefix) {
  11679. return new OldValue(, prefix +;
  11680. }
  11681. };
  11682. module2.exports = Value;
  11683. }
  11684. });
  11685. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-utils.js
  11686. var require_grid_utils = __commonJS({
  11687. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-utils.js"(exports2) {
  11688. var parser = require_lib();
  11689. var list = require_postcss().list;
  11690. var uniq = require_utils().uniq;
  11691. var escapeRegexp = require_utils().escapeRegexp;
  11692. var splitSelector = require_utils().splitSelector;
  11693. function convert(value) {
  11694. if (value && value.length === 2 && value[0] === "span" && parseInt(value[1], 10) > 0) {
  11695. return [false, parseInt(value[1], 10)];
  11696. }
  11697. if (value && value.length === 1 && parseInt(value[0], 10) > 0) {
  11698. return [parseInt(value[0], 10), false];
  11699. }
  11700. return [false, false];
  11701. }
  11702. exports2.translate = translate;
  11703. function translate(values, startIndex, endIndex) {
  11704. let startValue = values[startIndex];
  11705. let endValue = values[endIndex];
  11706. if (!startValue) {
  11707. return [false, false];
  11708. }
  11709. let [start, spanStart] = convert(startValue);
  11710. let [end, spanEnd] = convert(endValue);
  11711. if (start && !endValue) {
  11712. return [start, false];
  11713. }
  11714. if (spanStart && end) {
  11715. return [end - spanStart, spanStart];
  11716. }
  11717. if (start && spanEnd) {
  11718. return [start, spanEnd];
  11719. }
  11720. if (start && end) {
  11721. return [start, end - start];
  11722. }
  11723. return [false, false];
  11724. }
  11725. exports2.parse = parse;
  11726. function parse(decl) {
  11727. let node = parser(decl.value);
  11728. let values = [];
  11729. let current = 0;
  11730. values[current] = [];
  11731. for (let i of node.nodes) {
  11732. if (i.type === "div") {
  11733. current += 1;
  11734. values[current] = [];
  11735. } else if (i.type === "word") {
  11736. values[current].push(i.value);
  11737. }
  11738. }
  11739. return values;
  11740. }
  11741. exports2.insertDecl = insertDecl;
  11742. function insertDecl(decl, prop, value) {
  11743. if (value && !decl.parent.some((i) => i.prop === `-ms-${prop}`)) {
  11744. decl.cloneBefore({
  11745. prop: `-ms-${prop}`,
  11746. value: value.toString()
  11747. });
  11748. }
  11749. }
  11750. exports2.prefixTrackProp = prefixTrackProp;
  11751. function prefixTrackProp({ prop, prefix }) {
  11752. return prefix + prop.replace("template-", "");
  11753. }
  11754. function transformRepeat({ nodes }, { gap }) {
  11755. let { count, size } = nodes.reduce(
  11756. (result, node) => {
  11757. if (node.type === "div" && node.value === ",") {
  11758. result.key = "size";
  11759. } else {
  11760. result[result.key].push(parser.stringify(node));
  11761. }
  11762. return result;
  11763. },
  11764. {
  11765. key: "count",
  11766. size: [],
  11767. count: []
  11768. }
  11769. );
  11770. if (gap) {
  11771. size = size.filter((i) => i.trim());
  11772. let val = [];
  11773. for (let i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
  11774. size.forEach((item, index) => {
  11775. if (index > 0 || i > 1) {
  11776. val.push(gap);
  11777. }
  11778. val.push(item);
  11779. });
  11780. }
  11781. return val.join(" ");
  11782. }
  11783. return `(${size.join("")})[${count.join("")}]`;
  11784. }
  11785. exports2.prefixTrackValue = prefixTrackValue;
  11786. function prefixTrackValue({ value, gap }) {
  11787. let result = parser(value).nodes.reduce((nodes, node) => {
  11788. if (node.type === "function" && node.value === "repeat") {
  11789. return nodes.concat({
  11790. type: "word",
  11791. value: transformRepeat(node, { gap })
  11792. });
  11793. }
  11794. if (gap && node.type === "space") {
  11795. return nodes.concat(
  11796. {
  11797. type: "space",
  11798. value: " "
  11799. },
  11800. {
  11801. type: "word",
  11802. value: gap
  11803. },
  11804. node
  11805. );
  11806. }
  11807. return nodes.concat(node);
  11808. }, []);
  11809. return parser.stringify(result);
  11810. }
  11811. var DOTS = /^\.+$/;
  11812. function track(start, end) {
  11813. return { start, end, span: end - start };
  11814. }
  11815. function getColumns(line) {
  11816. return line.trim().split(/\s+/g);
  11817. }
  11818. exports2.parseGridAreas = parseGridAreas;
  11819. function parseGridAreas({ rows, gap }) {
  11820. return rows.reduce((areas, line, rowIndex) => {
  11821. if (gap.row)
  11822. rowIndex *= 2;
  11823. if (line.trim() === "")
  11824. return areas;
  11825. getColumns(line).forEach((area, columnIndex) => {
  11826. if (DOTS.test(area))
  11827. return;
  11828. if (gap.column)
  11829. columnIndex *= 2;
  11830. if (typeof areas[area] === "undefined") {
  11831. areas[area] = {
  11832. column: track(columnIndex + 1, columnIndex + 2),
  11833. row: track(rowIndex + 1, rowIndex + 2)
  11834. };
  11835. } else {
  11836. let { column, row } = areas[area];
  11837. column.start = Math.min(column.start, columnIndex + 1);
  11838. column.end = Math.max(column.end, columnIndex + 2);
  11839. column.span = column.end - column.start;
  11840. row.start = Math.min(row.start, rowIndex + 1);
  11841. row.end = Math.max(row.end, rowIndex + 2);
  11842. row.span = row.end - row.start;
  11843. }
  11844. });
  11845. return areas;
  11846. }, {});
  11847. }
  11848. function testTrack(node) {
  11849. return node.type === "word" && /^\[.+]$/.test(node.value);
  11850. }
  11851. function verifyRowSize(result) {
  11852. if (result.areas.length > result.rows.length) {
  11853. result.rows.push("auto");
  11854. }
  11855. return result;
  11856. }
  11857. exports2.parseTemplate = parseTemplate;
  11858. function parseTemplate({ decl, gap }) {
  11859. let gridTemplate = parser(decl.value).nodes.reduce(
  11860. (result, node) => {
  11861. let { type, value } = node;
  11862. if (testTrack(node) || type === "space")
  11863. return result;
  11864. if (type === "string") {
  11865. result = verifyRowSize(result);
  11866. result.areas.push(value);
  11867. }
  11868. if (type === "word" || type === "function") {
  11869. result[result.key].push(parser.stringify(node));
  11870. }
  11871. if (type === "div" && value === "/") {
  11872. result.key = "columns";
  11873. result = verifyRowSize(result);
  11874. }
  11875. return result;
  11876. },
  11877. {
  11878. key: "rows",
  11879. columns: [],
  11880. rows: [],
  11881. areas: []
  11882. }
  11883. );
  11884. return {
  11885. areas: parseGridAreas({
  11886. rows: gridTemplate.areas,
  11887. gap
  11888. }),
  11889. columns: prefixTrackValue({
  11890. value: gridTemplate.columns.join(" "),
  11891. gap: gap.column
  11892. }),
  11893. rows: prefixTrackValue({
  11894. value: gridTemplate.rows.join(" "),
  11895. gap: gap.row
  11896. })
  11897. };
  11898. }
  11899. function getMSDecls(area, addRowSpan = false, addColumnSpan = false) {
  11900. let result = [
  11901. {
  11902. prop: "-ms-grid-row",
  11903. value: String(area.row.start)
  11904. }
  11905. ];
  11906. if (area.row.span > 1 || addRowSpan) {
  11907. result.push({
  11908. prop: "-ms-grid-row-span",
  11909. value: String(area.row.span)
  11910. });
  11911. }
  11912. result.push({
  11913. prop: "-ms-grid-column",
  11914. value: String(area.column.start)
  11915. });
  11916. if (area.column.span > 1 || addColumnSpan) {
  11917. result.push({
  11918. prop: "-ms-grid-column-span",
  11919. value: String(area.column.span)
  11920. });
  11921. }
  11922. return result;
  11923. }
  11924. function getParentMedia(parent) {
  11925. if (parent.type === "atrule" && === "media") {
  11926. return parent;
  11927. }
  11928. if (!parent.parent) {
  11929. return false;
  11930. }
  11931. return getParentMedia(parent.parent);
  11932. }
  11933. function changeDuplicateAreaSelectors(ruleSelectors, templateSelectors) {
  11934. ruleSelectors = => {
  11935. let selectorBySpace =;
  11936. let selectorByComma = list.comma(selector);
  11937. if (selectorBySpace.length > selectorByComma.length) {
  11938. selector = selectorBySpace.slice(-1).join("");
  11939. }
  11940. return selector;
  11941. });
  11942. return => {
  11943. let newSelector =, index) => {
  11944. let space = index === 0 ? "" : " ";
  11945. return `${space}${tplSelector} > ${ruleSelector}`;
  11946. });
  11947. return newSelector;
  11948. });
  11949. }
  11950. function selectorsEqual(ruleA, ruleB) {
  11951. return ruleA.selectors.some((sel) => {
  11952. return ruleB.selectors.includes(sel);
  11953. });
  11954. }
  11955. function parseGridTemplatesData(css) {
  11956. let parsed = [];
  11957. css.walkDecls(/grid-template(-areas)?$/, (d) => {
  11958. let rule = d.parent;
  11959. let media = getParentMedia(rule);
  11960. let gap = getGridGap(d);
  11961. let inheritedGap = inheritGridGap(d, gap);
  11962. let { areas } = parseTemplate({ decl: d, gap: inheritedGap || gap });
  11963. let areaNames = Object.keys(areas);
  11964. if (areaNames.length === 0) {
  11965. return true;
  11966. }
  11967. let index = parsed.reduce((acc, { allAreas }, idx) => {
  11968. let hasAreas = allAreas && areaNames.some((area) => allAreas.includes(area));
  11969. return hasAreas ? idx : acc;
  11970. }, null);
  11971. if (index !== null) {
  11972. let { allAreas, rules } = parsed[index];
  11973. let hasNoDuplicates = rules.some((r) => {
  11974. return r.hasDuplicates === false && selectorsEqual(r, rule);
  11975. });
  11976. let duplicatesFound = false;
  11977. let duplicateAreaNames = rules.reduce((acc, r) => {
  11978. if (!r.params && selectorsEqual(r, rule)) {
  11979. duplicatesFound = true;
  11980. return r.duplicateAreaNames;
  11981. }
  11982. if (!duplicatesFound) {
  11983. areaNames.forEach((name) => {
  11984. if (r.areas[name]) {
  11985. acc.push(name);
  11986. }
  11987. });
  11988. }
  11989. return uniq(acc);
  11990. }, []);
  11991. rules.forEach((r) => {
  11992. areaNames.forEach((name) => {
  11993. let area = r.areas[name];
  11994. if (area && area.row.span !== areas[name].row.span) {
  11995. areas[name].row.updateSpan = true;
  11996. }
  11997. if (area && area.column.span !== areas[name].column.span) {
  11998. areas[name].column.updateSpan = true;
  11999. }
  12000. });
  12001. });
  12002. parsed[index].allAreas = uniq([...allAreas, ...areaNames]);
  12003. parsed[index].rules.push({
  12004. hasDuplicates: !hasNoDuplicates,
  12005. params: media.params,
  12006. selectors: rule.selectors,
  12007. node: rule,
  12008. duplicateAreaNames,
  12009. areas
  12010. });
  12011. } else {
  12012. parsed.push({
  12013. allAreas: areaNames,
  12014. areasCount: 0,
  12015. rules: [
  12016. {
  12017. hasDuplicates: false,
  12018. duplicateRules: [],
  12019. params: media.params,
  12020. selectors: rule.selectors,
  12021. node: rule,
  12022. duplicateAreaNames: [],
  12023. areas
  12024. }
  12025. ]
  12026. });
  12027. }
  12028. return void 0;
  12029. });
  12030. return parsed;
  12031. }
  12032. exports2.insertAreas = insertAreas;
  12033. function insertAreas(css, isDisabled) {
  12034. let gridTemplatesData = parseGridTemplatesData(css);
  12035. if (gridTemplatesData.length === 0) {
  12036. return void 0;
  12037. }
  12038. let rulesToInsert = {};
  12039. css.walkDecls("grid-area", (gridArea) => {
  12040. let gridAreaRule = gridArea.parent;
  12041. let hasPrefixedRow = gridAreaRule.first.prop === "-ms-grid-row";
  12042. let gridAreaMedia = getParentMedia(gridAreaRule);
  12043. if (isDisabled(gridArea)) {
  12044. return void 0;
  12045. }
  12046. let gridAreaRuleIndex = css.index(gridAreaMedia || gridAreaRule);
  12047. let value = gridArea.value;
  12048. let data = gridTemplatesData.filter((d) => d.allAreas.includes(value))[0];
  12049. if (!data) {
  12050. return true;
  12051. }
  12052. let lastArea = data.allAreas[data.allAreas.length - 1];
  12053. let selectorBySpace =;
  12054. let selectorByComma = list.comma(gridAreaRule.selector);
  12055. let selectorIsComplex = selectorBySpace.length > 1 && selectorBySpace.length > selectorByComma.length;
  12056. if (hasPrefixedRow) {
  12057. return false;
  12058. }
  12059. if (!rulesToInsert[lastArea]) {
  12060. rulesToInsert[lastArea] = {};
  12061. }
  12062. let lastRuleIsSet = false;
  12063. for (let rule of data.rules) {
  12064. let area = rule.areas[value];
  12065. let hasDuplicateName = rule.duplicateAreaNames.includes(value);
  12066. if (!area) {
  12067. let lastRule = rulesToInsert[lastArea].lastRule;
  12068. let lastRuleIndex;
  12069. if (lastRule) {
  12070. lastRuleIndex = css.index(lastRule);
  12071. } else {
  12072. lastRuleIndex = -1;
  12073. }
  12074. if (gridAreaRuleIndex > lastRuleIndex) {
  12075. rulesToInsert[lastArea].lastRule = gridAreaMedia || gridAreaRule;
  12076. }
  12077. continue;
  12078. }
  12079. if (rule.params && !rulesToInsert[lastArea][rule.params]) {
  12080. rulesToInsert[lastArea][rule.params] = [];
  12081. }
  12082. if ((!rule.hasDuplicates || !hasDuplicateName) && !rule.params) {
  12083. getMSDecls(area, false, false).reverse().forEach(
  12084. (i) => gridAreaRule.prepend(
  12085. Object.assign(i, {
  12086. raws: {
  12087. between: gridArea.raws.between
  12088. }
  12089. })
  12090. )
  12091. );
  12092. rulesToInsert[lastArea].lastRule = gridAreaRule;
  12093. lastRuleIsSet = true;
  12094. } else if (rule.hasDuplicates && !rule.params && !selectorIsComplex) {
  12095. let cloned = gridAreaRule.clone();
  12096. cloned.removeAll();
  12097. getMSDecls(area, area.row.updateSpan, area.column.updateSpan).reverse().forEach(
  12098. (i) => cloned.prepend(
  12099. Object.assign(i, {
  12100. raws: {
  12101. between: gridArea.raws.between
  12102. }
  12103. })
  12104. )
  12105. );
  12106. cloned.selectors = changeDuplicateAreaSelectors(
  12107. cloned.selectors,
  12108. rule.selectors
  12109. );
  12110. if (rulesToInsert[lastArea].lastRule) {
  12111. rulesToInsert[lastArea].lastRule.after(cloned);
  12112. }
  12113. rulesToInsert[lastArea].lastRule = cloned;
  12114. lastRuleIsSet = true;
  12115. } else if (rule.hasDuplicates && !rule.params && selectorIsComplex && gridAreaRule.selector.includes(rule.selectors[0])) {
  12116. gridAreaRule.walkDecls(/-ms-grid-(row|column)/, (d) => d.remove());
  12117. getMSDecls(area, area.row.updateSpan, area.column.updateSpan).reverse().forEach(
  12118. (i) => gridAreaRule.prepend(
  12119. Object.assign(i, {
  12120. raws: {
  12121. between: gridArea.raws.between
  12122. }
  12123. })
  12124. )
  12125. );
  12126. } else if (rule.params) {
  12127. let cloned = gridAreaRule.clone();
  12128. cloned.removeAll();
  12129. getMSDecls(area, area.row.updateSpan, area.column.updateSpan).reverse().forEach(
  12130. (i) => cloned.prepend(
  12131. Object.assign(i, {
  12132. raws: {
  12133. between: gridArea.raws.between
  12134. }
  12135. })
  12136. )
  12137. );
  12138. if (rule.hasDuplicates && hasDuplicateName) {
  12139. cloned.selectors = changeDuplicateAreaSelectors(
  12140. cloned.selectors,
  12141. rule.selectors
  12142. );
  12143. }
  12144. cloned.raws = rule.node.raws;
  12145. if (css.index(rule.node.parent) > gridAreaRuleIndex) {
  12146. rule.node.parent.append(cloned);
  12147. } else {
  12148. rulesToInsert[lastArea][rule.params].push(cloned);
  12149. }
  12150. if (!lastRuleIsSet) {
  12151. rulesToInsert[lastArea].lastRule = gridAreaMedia || gridAreaRule;
  12152. }
  12153. }
  12154. }
  12155. return void 0;
  12156. });
  12157. Object.keys(rulesToInsert).forEach((area) => {
  12158. let data = rulesToInsert[area];
  12159. let lastRule = data.lastRule;
  12160. Object.keys(data).reverse().filter((p) => p !== "lastRule").forEach((params) => {
  12161. if (data[params].length > 0 && lastRule) {
  12162. lastRule.after({ name: "media", params });
  12164. }
  12165. });
  12166. });
  12167. return void 0;
  12168. }
  12169. exports2.warnMissedAreas = warnMissedAreas;
  12170. function warnMissedAreas(areas, decl, result) {
  12171. let missed = Object.keys(areas);
  12172. decl.root().walkDecls("grid-area", (gridArea) => {
  12173. missed = missed.filter((e) => e !== gridArea.value);
  12174. });
  12175. if (missed.length > 0) {
  12176. decl.warn(result, "Can not find grid areas: " + missed.join(", "));
  12177. }
  12178. return void 0;
  12179. }
  12180. exports2.warnTemplateSelectorNotFound = warnTemplateSelectorNotFound;
  12181. function warnTemplateSelectorNotFound(decl, result) {
  12182. let rule = decl.parent;
  12183. let root = decl.root();
  12184. let duplicatesFound = false;
  12185. let slicedSelectorArr = => str !== ">").slice(0, -1);
  12186. if (slicedSelectorArr.length > 0) {
  12187. let gridTemplateFound = false;
  12188. let foundAreaSelector = null;
  12189. root.walkDecls(/grid-template(-areas)?$/, (d) => {
  12190. let parent = d.parent;
  12191. let templateSelectors = parent.selectors;
  12192. let { areas } = parseTemplate({ decl: d, gap: getGridGap(d) });
  12193. let hasArea = areas[decl.value];
  12194. for (let tplSelector of templateSelectors) {
  12195. if (gridTemplateFound) {
  12196. break;
  12197. }
  12198. let tplSelectorArr = => str !== ">");
  12199. gridTemplateFound = tplSelectorArr.every(
  12200. (item, idx) => item === slicedSelectorArr[idx]
  12201. );
  12202. }
  12203. if (gridTemplateFound || !hasArea) {
  12204. return true;
  12205. }
  12206. if (!foundAreaSelector) {
  12207. foundAreaSelector = parent.selector;
  12208. }
  12209. if (foundAreaSelector && foundAreaSelector !== parent.selector) {
  12210. duplicatesFound = true;
  12211. }
  12212. return void 0;
  12213. });
  12214. if (!gridTemplateFound && duplicatesFound) {
  12215. decl.warn(
  12216. result,
  12217. `Autoprefixer cannot find a grid-template containing the duplicate grid-area "${decl.value}" with full selector matching: ${slicedSelectorArr.join(" ")}`
  12218. );
  12219. }
  12220. }
  12221. }
  12222. exports2.warnIfGridRowColumnExists = warnIfGridRowColumnExists;
  12223. function warnIfGridRowColumnExists(decl, result) {
  12224. let rule = decl.parent;
  12225. let decls = [];
  12226. rule.walkDecls(/^grid-(row|column)/, (d) => {
  12227. if (!d.prop.endsWith("-end") && !d.value.startsWith("span") && !d.prop.endsWith("-gap")) {
  12228. decls.push(d);
  12229. }
  12230. });
  12231. if (decls.length > 0) {
  12232. decls.forEach((d) => {
  12233. d.warn(
  12234. result,
  12235. `You already have a grid-area declaration present in the rule. You should use either grid-area or ${d.prop}, not both`
  12236. );
  12237. });
  12238. }
  12239. return void 0;
  12240. }
  12241. exports2.getGridGap = getGridGap;
  12242. function getGridGap(decl) {
  12243. let gap = {};
  12244. let testGap = /^(grid-)?((row|column)-)?gap$/;
  12245. decl.parent.walkDecls(testGap, ({ prop, value }) => {
  12246. if (/^(grid-)?gap$/.test(prop)) {
  12247. let [row, , column] = parser(value).nodes;
  12248. gap.row = row && parser.stringify(row);
  12249. gap.column = column ? parser.stringify(column) : gap.row;
  12250. }
  12251. if (/^(grid-)?row-gap$/.test(prop))
  12252. gap.row = value;
  12253. if (/^(grid-)?column-gap$/.test(prop))
  12254. gap.column = value;
  12255. });
  12256. return gap;
  12257. }
  12258. function parseMediaParams(params) {
  12259. if (!params) {
  12260. return [];
  12261. }
  12262. let parsed = parser(params);
  12263. let prop;
  12264. let value;
  12265. parsed.walk((node) => {
  12266. if (node.type === "word" && /min|max/g.test(node.value)) {
  12267. prop = node.value;
  12268. } else if (node.value.includes("px")) {
  12269. value = parseInt(node.value.replace(/\D/g, ""));
  12270. }
  12271. });
  12272. return [prop, value];
  12273. }
  12274. function shouldInheritGap(selA, selB) {
  12275. let result;
  12276. let splitSelectorArrA = splitSelector(selA);
  12277. let splitSelectorArrB = splitSelector(selB);
  12278. if (splitSelectorArrA[0].length < splitSelectorArrB[0].length) {
  12279. return false;
  12280. } else if (splitSelectorArrA[0].length > splitSelectorArrB[0].length) {
  12281. let idx = splitSelectorArrA[0].reduce((res, [item], index) => {
  12282. let firstSelectorPart = splitSelectorArrB[0][0][0];
  12283. if (item === firstSelectorPart) {
  12284. return index;
  12285. }
  12286. return false;
  12287. }, false);
  12288. if (idx) {
  12289. result = splitSelectorArrB[0].every((arr, index) => {
  12290. return arr.every(
  12291. (part, innerIndex) => (
  12292. // because selectorA has more space elements, we need to slice
  12293. // selectorA array by 'idx' number to compare them
  12294. splitSelectorArrA[0].slice(idx)[index][innerIndex] === part
  12295. )
  12296. );
  12297. });
  12298. }
  12299. } else {
  12300. result = splitSelectorArrB.some((byCommaArr) => {
  12301. return byCommaArr.every((bySpaceArr, index) => {
  12302. return bySpaceArr.every(
  12303. (part, innerIndex) => splitSelectorArrA[0][index][innerIndex] === part
  12304. );
  12305. });
  12306. });
  12307. }
  12308. return result;
  12309. }
  12310. exports2.inheritGridGap = inheritGridGap;
  12311. function inheritGridGap(decl, gap) {
  12312. let rule = decl.parent;
  12313. let mediaRule = getParentMedia(rule);
  12314. let root = rule.root();
  12315. let splitSelectorArr = splitSelector(rule.selector);
  12316. if (Object.keys(gap).length > 0) {
  12317. return false;
  12318. }
  12319. let [prop] = parseMediaParams(mediaRule.params);
  12320. let lastBySpace = splitSelectorArr[0];
  12321. let escaped = escapeRegexp(lastBySpace[lastBySpace.length - 1][0]);
  12322. let regexp = new RegExp(`(${escaped}$)|(${escaped}[,.])`);
  12323. let closestRuleGap;
  12324. root.walkRules(regexp, (r) => {
  12325. let gridGap;
  12326. if (rule.toString() === r.toString()) {
  12327. return false;
  12328. }
  12329. r.walkDecls("grid-gap", (d) => gridGap = getGridGap(d));
  12330. if (!gridGap || Object.keys(gridGap).length === 0) {
  12331. return true;
  12332. }
  12333. if (!shouldInheritGap(rule.selector, r.selector)) {
  12334. return true;
  12335. }
  12336. let media = getParentMedia(r);
  12337. if (media) {
  12338. let propToCompare = parseMediaParams(media.params)[0];
  12339. if (propToCompare === prop) {
  12340. closestRuleGap = gridGap;
  12341. return true;
  12342. }
  12343. } else {
  12344. closestRuleGap = gridGap;
  12345. return true;
  12346. }
  12347. return void 0;
  12348. });
  12349. if (closestRuleGap && Object.keys(closestRuleGap).length > 0) {
  12350. return closestRuleGap;
  12351. }
  12352. return false;
  12353. }
  12354. exports2.warnGridGap = warnGridGap;
  12355. function warnGridGap({ gap, hasColumns, decl, result }) {
  12356. let hasBothGaps = gap.row && gap.column;
  12357. if (!hasColumns && (hasBothGaps || gap.column && !gap.row)) {
  12358. delete gap.column;
  12359. decl.warn(
  12360. result,
  12361. "Can not implement grid-gap without grid-template-columns"
  12362. );
  12363. }
  12364. }
  12365. function normalizeRowColumn(str) {
  12366. let normalized = parser(str).nodes.reduce((result, node) => {
  12367. if (node.type === "function" && node.value === "repeat") {
  12368. let key = "count";
  12369. let [count, value] = node.nodes.reduce(
  12370. (acc, n) => {
  12371. if (n.type === "word" && key === "count") {
  12372. acc[0] = Math.abs(parseInt(n.value));
  12373. return acc;
  12374. }
  12375. if (n.type === "div" && n.value === ",") {
  12376. key = "value";
  12377. return acc;
  12378. }
  12379. if (key === "value") {
  12380. acc[1] += parser.stringify(n);
  12381. }
  12382. return acc;
  12383. },
  12384. [0, ""]
  12385. );
  12386. if (count) {
  12387. for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  12388. result.push(value);
  12389. }
  12390. }
  12391. return result;
  12392. }
  12393. if (node.type === "space") {
  12394. return result;
  12395. }
  12396. return result.concat(parser.stringify(node));
  12397. }, []);
  12398. return normalized;
  12399. }
  12400. exports2.autoplaceGridItems = autoplaceGridItems;
  12401. function autoplaceGridItems(decl, result, gap, autoflowValue = "row") {
  12402. let { parent } = decl;
  12403. let rowDecl = parent.nodes.find((i) => i.prop === "grid-template-rows");
  12404. let rows = normalizeRowColumn(rowDecl.value);
  12405. let columns = normalizeRowColumn(decl.value);
  12406. let filledRows =, rowIndex) => {
  12407. return Array.from(
  12408. { length: columns.length },
  12409. (v, k) => k + rowIndex * columns.length + 1
  12410. ).join(" ");
  12411. });
  12412. let areas = parseGridAreas({ rows: filledRows, gap });
  12413. let keys = Object.keys(areas);
  12414. let items = => areas[i]);
  12415. if (autoflowValue.includes("column")) {
  12416. items = items.sort((a, b) => a.column.start - b.column.start);
  12417. }
  12418. items.reverse().forEach((item, index) => {
  12419. let { column, row } = item;
  12420. let nodeSelector = => sel + ` > *:nth-child(${keys.length - index})`).join(", ");
  12421. let node = parent.clone().removeAll();
  12422. node.selector = nodeSelector;
  12423. node.append({ prop: "-ms-grid-row", value: row.start });
  12424. node.append({ prop: "-ms-grid-column", value: column.start });
  12425. parent.after(node);
  12426. });
  12427. return void 0;
  12428. }
  12429. }
  12430. });
  12431. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/processor.js
  12432. var require_processor2 = __commonJS({
  12433. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/processor.js"(exports2, module2) {
  12434. var parser = require_lib();
  12435. var Value = require_value();
  12436. var insertAreas = require_grid_utils().insertAreas;
  12437. var OLD_LINEAR = /(^|[^-])linear-gradient\(\s*(top|left|right|bottom)/i;
  12438. var OLD_RADIAL = /(^|[^-])radial-gradient\(\s*\d+(\w*|%)\s+\d+(\w*|%)\s*,/i;
  12439. var IGNORE_NEXT = /(!\s*)?autoprefixer:\s*ignore\s+next/i;
  12440. var GRID_REGEX = /(!\s*)?autoprefixer\s*grid:\s*(on|off|(no-)?autoplace)/i;
  12441. var SIZES = [
  12442. "width",
  12443. "height",
  12444. "min-width",
  12445. "max-width",
  12446. "min-height",
  12447. "max-height",
  12448. "inline-size",
  12449. "min-inline-size",
  12450. "max-inline-size",
  12451. "block-size",
  12452. "min-block-size",
  12453. "max-block-size"
  12454. ];
  12455. function hasGridTemplate(decl) {
  12456. return decl.parent.some(
  12457. (i) => i.prop === "grid-template" || i.prop === "grid-template-areas"
  12458. );
  12459. }
  12460. function hasRowsAndColumns(decl) {
  12461. let hasRows = decl.parent.some((i) => i.prop === "grid-template-rows");
  12462. let hasColumns = decl.parent.some((i) => i.prop === "grid-template-columns");
  12463. return hasRows && hasColumns;
  12464. }
  12465. var Processor = class {
  12466. constructor(prefixes) {
  12467. this.prefixes = prefixes;
  12468. }
  12469. /**
  12470. * Add necessary prefixes
  12471. */
  12472. add(css, result) {
  12473. let resolution = this.prefixes.add["@resolution"];
  12474. let keyframes = this.prefixes.add["@keyframes"];
  12475. let viewport = this.prefixes.add["@viewport"];
  12476. let supports = this.prefixes.add["@supports"];
  12477. css.walkAtRules((rule) => {
  12478. if ( === "keyframes") {
  12479. if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
  12480. return keyframes && keyframes.process(rule);
  12481. }
  12482. } else if ( === "viewport") {
  12483. if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
  12484. return viewport && viewport.process(rule);
  12485. }
  12486. } else if ( === "supports") {
  12487. if (this.prefixes.options.supports !== false && !this.disabled(rule, result)) {
  12488. return supports.process(rule);
  12489. }
  12490. } else if ( === "media" && rule.params.includes("-resolution")) {
  12491. if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
  12492. return resolution && resolution.process(rule);
  12493. }
  12494. }
  12495. return void 0;
  12496. });
  12497. css.walkRules((rule) => {
  12498. if (this.disabled(rule, result))
  12499. return void 0;
  12500. return => {
  12501. return selector.process(rule, result);
  12502. });
  12503. });
  12504. function insideGrid(decl) {
  12505. return decl.parent.nodes.some((node) => {
  12506. if (node.type !== "decl")
  12507. return false;
  12508. let displayGrid = node.prop === "display" && /(inline-)?grid/.test(node.value);
  12509. let gridTemplate = node.prop.startsWith("grid-template");
  12510. let gridGap = /^grid-([A-z]+-)?gap/.test(node.prop);
  12511. return displayGrid || gridTemplate || gridGap;
  12512. });
  12513. }
  12514. function insideFlex(decl) {
  12515. return decl.parent.some((node) => {
  12516. return node.prop === "display" && /(inline-)?flex/.test(node.value);
  12517. });
  12518. }
  12519. let gridPrefixes = this.gridStatus(css, result) && this.prefixes.add["grid-area"] && this.prefixes.add["grid-area"].prefixes;
  12520. css.walkDecls((decl) => {
  12521. if (this.disabledDecl(decl, result))
  12522. return void 0;
  12523. let parent = decl.parent;
  12524. let prop = decl.prop;
  12525. let value = decl.value;
  12526. if (prop === "color-adjust") {
  12527. if (parent.every((i) => i.prop !== "print-color-adjust")) {
  12528. result.warn(
  12529. "Replace color-adjust to print-color-adjust. The color-adjust shorthand is currently deprecated.",
  12530. { node: decl }
  12531. );
  12532. }
  12533. } else if (prop === "grid-row-span") {
  12534. result.warn(
  12535. "grid-row-span is not part of final Grid Layout. Use grid-row.",
  12536. { node: decl }
  12537. );
  12538. return void 0;
  12539. } else if (prop === "grid-column-span") {
  12540. result.warn(
  12541. "grid-column-span is not part of final Grid Layout. Use grid-column.",
  12542. { node: decl }
  12543. );
  12544. return void 0;
  12545. } else if (prop === "display" && value === "box") {
  12546. result.warn(
  12547. "You should write display: flex by final spec instead of display: box",
  12548. { node: decl }
  12549. );
  12550. return void 0;
  12551. } else if (prop === "text-emphasis-position") {
  12552. if (value === "under" || value === "over") {
  12553. result.warn(
  12554. "You should use 2 values for text-emphasis-position For example, `under left` instead of just `under`.",
  12555. { node: decl }
  12556. );
  12557. }
  12558. } else if (/^(align|justify|place)-(items|content)$/.test(prop) && insideFlex(decl)) {
  12559. if (value === "start" || value === "end") {
  12560. result.warn(
  12561. `${value} value has mixed support, consider using flex-${value} instead`,
  12562. { node: decl }
  12563. );
  12564. }
  12565. } else if (prop === "text-decoration-skip" && value === "ink") {
  12566. result.warn(
  12567. "Replace text-decoration-skip: ink to text-decoration-skip-ink: auto, because spec had been changed",
  12568. { node: decl }
  12569. );
  12570. } else {
  12571. if (gridPrefixes && this.gridStatus(decl, result)) {
  12572. if (decl.value === "subgrid") {
  12573. result.warn("IE does not support subgrid", { node: decl });
  12574. }
  12575. if (/^(align|justify|place)-items$/.test(prop) && insideGrid(decl)) {
  12576. let fixed = prop.replace("-items", "-self");
  12577. result.warn(
  12578. `IE does not support ${prop} on grid containers. Try using ${fixed} on child elements instead: ${decl.parent.selector} > * { ${fixed}: ${decl.value} }`,
  12579. { node: decl }
  12580. );
  12581. } else if (/^(align|justify|place)-content$/.test(prop) && insideGrid(decl)) {
  12582. result.warn(`IE does not support ${decl.prop} on grid containers`, {
  12583. node: decl
  12584. });
  12585. } else if (prop === "display" && decl.value === "contents") {
  12586. result.warn(
  12587. "Please do not use display: contents; if you have grid setting enabled",
  12588. { node: decl }
  12589. );
  12590. return void 0;
  12591. } else if (decl.prop === "grid-gap") {
  12592. let status = this.gridStatus(decl, result);
  12593. if (status === "autoplace" && !hasRowsAndColumns(decl) && !hasGridTemplate(decl)) {
  12594. result.warn(
  12595. "grid-gap only works if grid-template(-areas) is being used or both rows and columns have been declared and cells have not been manually placed inside the explicit grid",
  12596. { node: decl }
  12597. );
  12598. } else if ((status === true || status === "no-autoplace") && !hasGridTemplate(decl)) {
  12599. result.warn(
  12600. "grid-gap only works if grid-template(-areas) is being used",
  12601. { node: decl }
  12602. );
  12603. }
  12604. } else if (prop === "grid-auto-columns") {
  12605. result.warn("grid-auto-columns is not supported by IE", {
  12606. node: decl
  12607. });
  12608. return void 0;
  12609. } else if (prop === "grid-auto-rows") {
  12610. result.warn("grid-auto-rows is not supported by IE", { node: decl });
  12611. return void 0;
  12612. } else if (prop === "grid-auto-flow") {
  12613. let hasRows = parent.some((i) => i.prop === "grid-template-rows");
  12614. let hasCols = parent.some((i) => i.prop === "grid-template-columns");
  12615. if (hasGridTemplate(decl)) {
  12616. result.warn("grid-auto-flow is not supported by IE", {
  12617. node: decl
  12618. });
  12619. } else if (value.includes("dense")) {
  12620. result.warn("grid-auto-flow: dense is not supported by IE", {
  12621. node: decl
  12622. });
  12623. } else if (!hasRows && !hasCols) {
  12624. result.warn(
  12625. "grid-auto-flow works only if grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns are present in the same rule",
  12626. { node: decl }
  12627. );
  12628. }
  12629. return void 0;
  12630. } else if (value.includes("auto-fit")) {
  12631. result.warn("auto-fit value is not supported by IE", {
  12632. node: decl,
  12633. word: "auto-fit"
  12634. });
  12635. return void 0;
  12636. } else if (value.includes("auto-fill")) {
  12637. result.warn("auto-fill value is not supported by IE", {
  12638. node: decl,
  12639. word: "auto-fill"
  12640. });
  12641. return void 0;
  12642. } else if (prop.startsWith("grid-template") && value.includes("[")) {
  12643. result.warn(
  12644. "Autoprefixer currently does not support line names. Try using grid-template-areas instead.",
  12645. { node: decl, word: "[" }
  12646. );
  12647. }
  12648. }
  12649. if (value.includes("radial-gradient")) {
  12650. if (OLD_RADIAL.test(decl.value)) {
  12651. result.warn(
  12652. "Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like `closest-side at 0 0` instead of `0 0, closest-side`.",
  12653. { node: decl }
  12654. );
  12655. } else {
  12656. let ast = parser(value);
  12657. for (let i of ast.nodes) {
  12658. if (i.type === "function" && i.value === "radial-gradient") {
  12659. for (let word of i.nodes) {
  12660. if (word.type === "word") {
  12661. if (word.value === "cover") {
  12662. result.warn(
  12663. "Gradient has outdated direction syntax. Replace `cover` to `farthest-corner`.",
  12664. { node: decl }
  12665. );
  12666. } else if (word.value === "contain") {
  12667. result.warn(
  12668. "Gradient has outdated direction syntax. Replace `contain` to `closest-side`.",
  12669. { node: decl }
  12670. );
  12671. }
  12672. }
  12673. }
  12674. }
  12675. }
  12676. }
  12677. }
  12678. if (value.includes("linear-gradient")) {
  12679. if (OLD_LINEAR.test(value)) {
  12680. result.warn(
  12681. "Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like `to left` instead of `right`.",
  12682. { node: decl }
  12683. );
  12684. }
  12685. }
  12686. }
  12687. if (SIZES.includes(decl.prop)) {
  12688. if (!decl.value.includes("-fill-available")) {
  12689. if (decl.value.includes("fill-available")) {
  12690. result.warn(
  12691. "Replace fill-available to stretch, because spec had been changed",
  12692. { node: decl }
  12693. );
  12694. } else if (decl.value.includes("fill")) {
  12695. let ast = parser(value);
  12696. if (ast.nodes.some((i) => i.type === "word" && i.value === "fill")) {
  12697. result.warn(
  12698. "Replace fill to stretch, because spec had been changed",
  12699. { node: decl }
  12700. );
  12701. }
  12702. }
  12703. }
  12704. }
  12705. let prefixer;
  12706. if (decl.prop === "transition" || decl.prop === "transition-property") {
  12707. return this.prefixes.transition.add(decl, result);
  12708. } else if (decl.prop === "align-self") {
  12709. let display = this.displayType(decl);
  12710. if (display !== "grid" && this.prefixes.options.flexbox !== false) {
  12711. prefixer = this.prefixes.add["align-self"];
  12712. if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes) {
  12713. prefixer.process(decl);
  12714. }
  12715. }
  12716. if (this.gridStatus(decl, result) !== false) {
  12717. prefixer = this.prefixes.add["grid-row-align"];
  12718. if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes) {
  12719. return prefixer.process(decl, result);
  12720. }
  12721. }
  12722. } else if (decl.prop === "justify-self") {
  12723. if (this.gridStatus(decl, result) !== false) {
  12724. prefixer = this.prefixes.add["grid-column-align"];
  12725. if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes) {
  12726. return prefixer.process(decl, result);
  12727. }
  12728. }
  12729. } else if (decl.prop === "place-self") {
  12730. prefixer = this.prefixes.add["place-self"];
  12731. if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes && this.gridStatus(decl, result) !== false) {
  12732. return prefixer.process(decl, result);
  12733. }
  12734. } else {
  12735. prefixer = this.prefixes.add[decl.prop];
  12736. if (prefixer && prefixer.prefixes) {
  12737. return prefixer.process(decl, result);
  12738. }
  12739. }
  12740. return void 0;
  12741. });
  12742. if (this.gridStatus(css, result)) {
  12743. insertAreas(css, this.disabled);
  12744. }
  12745. return css.walkDecls((decl) => {
  12746. if (this.disabledValue(decl, result))
  12747. return;
  12748. let unprefixed = this.prefixes.unprefixed(decl.prop);
  12749. let list = this.prefixes.values("add", unprefixed);
  12750. if (Array.isArray(list)) {
  12751. for (let value of list) {
  12752. if (value.process)
  12753. value.process(decl, result);
  12754. }
  12755. }
  12756., decl);
  12757. });
  12758. }
  12759. /**
  12760. * Remove unnecessary pefixes
  12761. */
  12762. remove(css, result) {
  12763. let resolution = this.prefixes.remove["@resolution"];
  12764. css.walkAtRules((rule, i) => {
  12765. if (this.prefixes.remove[`@${}`]) {
  12766. if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
  12767. rule.parent.removeChild(i);
  12768. }
  12769. } else if ( === "media" && rule.params.includes("-resolution") && resolution) {
  12770. resolution.clean(rule);
  12771. }
  12772. });
  12773. for (let checker of this.prefixes.remove.selectors) {
  12774. css.walkRules((rule, i) => {
  12775. if (checker.check(rule)) {
  12776. if (!this.disabled(rule, result)) {
  12777. rule.parent.removeChild(i);
  12778. }
  12779. }
  12780. });
  12781. }
  12782. return css.walkDecls((decl, i) => {
  12783. if (this.disabled(decl, result))
  12784. return;
  12785. let rule = decl.parent;
  12786. let unprefixed = this.prefixes.unprefixed(decl.prop);
  12787. if (decl.prop === "transition" || decl.prop === "transition-property") {
  12788. this.prefixes.transition.remove(decl);
  12789. }
  12790. if (this.prefixes.remove[decl.prop] && this.prefixes.remove[decl.prop].remove) {
  12791. let notHack = => {
  12792. return this.prefixes.normalize(other.prop) === unprefixed;
  12793. });
  12794. if (unprefixed === "flex-flow") {
  12795. notHack = true;
  12796. }
  12797. if (decl.prop === "-webkit-box-orient") {
  12798. let hacks = { "flex-direction": true, "flex-flow": true };
  12799. if (!decl.parent.some((j) => hacks[j.prop]))
  12800. return;
  12801. }
  12802. if (notHack && !this.withHackValue(decl)) {
  12803. if (decl.raw("before").includes("\n")) {
  12804. this.reduceSpaces(decl);
  12805. }
  12806. rule.removeChild(i);
  12807. return;
  12808. }
  12809. }
  12810. for (let checker of this.prefixes.values("remove", unprefixed)) {
  12811. if (!checker.check)
  12812. continue;
  12813. if (!checker.check(decl.value))
  12814. continue;
  12815. unprefixed = checker.unprefixed;
  12816. let notHack = => {
  12817. return other.value.includes(unprefixed);
  12818. });
  12819. if (notHack) {
  12820. rule.removeChild(i);
  12821. return;
  12822. }
  12823. }
  12824. });
  12825. }
  12826. /**
  12827. * Some rare old values, which is not in standard
  12828. */
  12829. withHackValue(decl) {
  12830. return decl.prop === "-webkit-background-clip" && decl.value === "text";
  12831. }
  12832. /**
  12833. * Check for grid/flexbox options.
  12834. */
  12835. disabledValue(node, result) {
  12836. if (this.gridStatus(node, result) === false && node.type === "decl") {
  12837. if (node.prop === "display" && node.value.includes("grid")) {
  12838. return true;
  12839. }
  12840. }
  12841. if (this.prefixes.options.flexbox === false && node.type === "decl") {
  12842. if (node.prop === "display" && node.value.includes("flex")) {
  12843. return true;
  12844. }
  12845. }
  12846. if (node.type === "decl" && node.prop === "content") {
  12847. return true;
  12848. }
  12849. return this.disabled(node, result);
  12850. }
  12851. /**
  12852. * Check for grid/flexbox options.
  12853. */
  12854. disabledDecl(node, result) {
  12855. if (this.gridStatus(node, result) === false && node.type === "decl") {
  12856. if (node.prop.includes("grid") || node.prop === "justify-items") {
  12857. return true;
  12858. }
  12859. }
  12860. if (this.prefixes.options.flexbox === false && node.type === "decl") {
  12861. let other = ["order", "justify-content", "align-items", "align-content"];
  12862. if (node.prop.includes("flex") || other.includes(node.prop)) {
  12863. return true;
  12864. }
  12865. }
  12866. return this.disabled(node, result);
  12867. }
  12868. /**
  12869. * Check for control comment and global options
  12870. */
  12871. disabled(node, result) {
  12872. if (!node)
  12873. return false;
  12874. if (node._autoprefixerDisabled !== void 0) {
  12875. return node._autoprefixerDisabled;
  12876. }
  12877. if (node.parent) {
  12878. let p = node.prev();
  12879. if (p && p.type === "comment" && IGNORE_NEXT.test(p.text)) {
  12880. node._autoprefixerDisabled = true;
  12881. node._autoprefixerSelfDisabled = true;
  12882. return true;
  12883. }
  12884. }
  12885. let value = null;
  12886. if (node.nodes) {
  12887. let status;
  12888. node.each((i) => {
  12889. if (i.type !== "comment")
  12890. return;
  12891. if (/(!\s*)?autoprefixer:\s*(off|on)/i.test(i.text)) {
  12892. if (typeof status !== "undefined") {
  12893. result.warn(
  12894. "Second Autoprefixer control comment was ignored. Autoprefixer applies control comment to whole block, not to next rules.",
  12895. { node: i }
  12896. );
  12897. } else {
  12898. status = /on/i.test(i.text);
  12899. }
  12900. }
  12901. });
  12902. if (status !== void 0) {
  12903. value = !status;
  12904. }
  12905. }
  12906. if (!node.nodes || value === null) {
  12907. if (node.parent) {
  12908. let isParentDisabled = this.disabled(node.parent, result);
  12909. if (node.parent._autoprefixerSelfDisabled === true) {
  12910. value = false;
  12911. } else {
  12912. value = isParentDisabled;
  12913. }
  12914. } else {
  12915. value = false;
  12916. }
  12917. }
  12918. node._autoprefixerDisabled = value;
  12919. return value;
  12920. }
  12921. /**
  12922. * Normalize spaces in cascade declaration group
  12923. */
  12924. reduceSpaces(decl) {
  12925. let stop = false;
  12926. => {
  12927. stop = true;
  12928. return true;
  12929. });
  12930. if (stop) {
  12931. return;
  12932. }
  12933. let parts = decl.raw("before").split("\n");
  12934. let prevMin = parts[parts.length - 1].length;
  12935. let diff = false;
  12936. => {
  12937. parts = other.raw("before").split("\n");
  12938. let last = parts.length - 1;
  12939. if (parts[last].length > prevMin) {
  12940. if (diff === false) {
  12941. diff = parts[last].length - prevMin;
  12942. }
  12943. parts[last] = parts[last].slice(0, -diff);
  12944. other.raws.before = parts.join("\n");
  12945. }
  12946. });
  12947. }
  12948. /**
  12949. * Is it flebox or grid rule
  12950. */
  12951. displayType(decl) {
  12952. for (let i of decl.parent.nodes) {
  12953. if (i.prop !== "display") {
  12954. continue;
  12955. }
  12956. if (i.value.includes("flex")) {
  12957. return "flex";
  12958. }
  12959. if (i.value.includes("grid")) {
  12960. return "grid";
  12961. }
  12962. }
  12963. return false;
  12964. }
  12965. /**
  12966. * Set grid option via control comment
  12967. */
  12968. gridStatus(node, result) {
  12969. if (!node)
  12970. return false;
  12971. if (node._autoprefixerGridStatus !== void 0) {
  12972. return node._autoprefixerGridStatus;
  12973. }
  12974. let value = null;
  12975. if (node.nodes) {
  12976. let status;
  12977. node.each((i) => {
  12978. if (i.type !== "comment")
  12979. return;
  12980. if (GRID_REGEX.test(i.text)) {
  12981. let hasAutoplace = /:\s*autoplace/i.test(i.text);
  12982. let noAutoplace = /no-autoplace/i.test(i.text);
  12983. if (typeof status !== "undefined") {
  12984. result.warn(
  12985. "Second Autoprefixer grid control comment was ignored. Autoprefixer applies control comments to the whole block, not to the next rules.",
  12986. { node: i }
  12987. );
  12988. } else if (hasAutoplace) {
  12989. status = "autoplace";
  12990. } else if (noAutoplace) {
  12991. status = true;
  12992. } else {
  12993. status = /on/i.test(i.text);
  12994. }
  12995. }
  12996. });
  12997. if (status !== void 0) {
  12998. value = status;
  12999. }
  13000. }
  13001. if (node.type === "atrule" && === "supports") {
  13002. let params = node.params;
  13003. if (params.includes("grid") && params.includes("auto")) {
  13004. value = false;
  13005. }
  13006. }
  13007. if (!node.nodes || value === null) {
  13008. if (node.parent) {
  13009. let isParentGrid = this.gridStatus(node.parent, result);
  13010. if (node.parent._autoprefixerSelfDisabled === true) {
  13011. value = false;
  13012. } else {
  13013. value = isParentGrid;
  13014. }
  13015. } else if (typeof this.prefixes.options.grid !== "undefined") {
  13016. value = this.prefixes.options.grid;
  13017. } else if (typeof process.env.AUTOPREFIXER_GRID !== "undefined") {
  13018. if (process.env.AUTOPREFIXER_GRID === "autoplace") {
  13019. value = "autoplace";
  13020. } else {
  13021. value = true;
  13022. }
  13023. } else {
  13024. value = false;
  13025. }
  13026. }
  13027. node._autoprefixerGridStatus = value;
  13028. return value;
  13029. }
  13030. };
  13031. module2.exports = Processor;
  13032. }
  13033. });
  13034. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-featurequeries.js
  13035. var require_css_featurequeries = __commonJS({
  13036. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-featurequeries.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13037. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Feature Queries", D: true };
  13038. }
  13039. });
  13040. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/brackets.js
  13041. var require_brackets = __commonJS({
  13042. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/brackets.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13043. function last(array) {
  13044. return array[array.length - 1];
  13045. }
  13046. var brackets = {
  13047. /**
  13048. * Parse string to nodes tree
  13049. */
  13050. parse(str) {
  13051. let current = [""];
  13052. let stack = [current];
  13053. for (let sym of str) {
  13054. if (sym === "(") {
  13055. current = [""];
  13056. last(stack).push(current);
  13057. stack.push(current);
  13058. continue;
  13059. }
  13060. if (sym === ")") {
  13061. stack.pop();
  13062. current = last(stack);
  13063. current.push("");
  13064. continue;
  13065. }
  13066. current[current.length - 1] += sym;
  13067. }
  13068. return stack[0];
  13069. },
  13070. /**
  13071. * Generate output string by nodes tree
  13072. */
  13073. stringify(ast) {
  13074. let result = "";
  13075. for (let i of ast) {
  13076. if (typeof i === "object") {
  13077. result += `(${brackets.stringify(i)})`;
  13078. continue;
  13079. }
  13080. result += i;
  13081. }
  13082. return result;
  13083. }
  13084. };
  13085. module2.exports = brackets;
  13086. }
  13087. });
  13088. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/supports.js
  13089. var require_supports = __commonJS({
  13090. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/supports.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13091. var featureQueries = require_css_featurequeries();
  13092. var feature = require_feature();
  13093. var { parse } = require_postcss();
  13094. var Browsers = require_browsers3();
  13095. var brackets = require_brackets();
  13096. var Value = require_value();
  13097. var utils = require_utils();
  13098. var data = feature(featureQueries);
  13099. var supported = [];
  13100. for (let browser in data.stats) {
  13101. let versions = data.stats[browser];
  13102. for (let version in versions) {
  13103. let support = versions[version];
  13104. if (/y/.test(support)) {
  13105. supported.push(browser + " " + version);
  13106. }
  13107. }
  13108. }
  13109. var Supports = class {
  13110. constructor(Prefixes, all) {
  13111. this.Prefixes = Prefixes;
  13112. this.all = all;
  13113. }
  13114. /**
  13115. * Return prefixer only with @supports supported browsers
  13116. */
  13117. prefixer() {
  13118. if (this.prefixerCache) {
  13119. return this.prefixerCache;
  13120. }
  13121. let filtered = this.all.browsers.selected.filter((i) => {
  13122. return supported.includes(i);
  13123. });
  13124. let browsers = new Browsers(
  13126. filtered,
  13127. this.all.options
  13128. );
  13129. this.prefixerCache = new this.Prefixes(
  13131. browsers,
  13132. this.all.options
  13133. );
  13134. return this.prefixerCache;
  13135. }
  13136. /**
  13137. * Parse string into declaration property and value
  13138. */
  13139. parse(str) {
  13140. let parts = str.split(":");
  13141. let prop = parts[0];
  13142. let value = parts[1];
  13143. if (!value)
  13144. value = "";
  13145. return [prop.trim(), value.trim()];
  13146. }
  13147. /**
  13148. * Create virtual rule to process it by prefixer
  13149. */
  13150. virtual(str) {
  13151. let [prop, value] = this.parse(str);
  13152. let rule = parse("a{}").first;
  13153. rule.append({ prop, value, raws: { before: "" } });
  13154. return rule;
  13155. }
  13156. /**
  13157. * Return array of Declaration with all necessary prefixes
  13158. */
  13159. prefixed(str) {
  13160. let rule = this.virtual(str);
  13161. if (this.disabled(rule.first)) {
  13162. return rule.nodes;
  13163. }
  13164. let result = { warn: () => null };
  13165. let prefixer = this.prefixer().add[rule.first.prop];
  13166. prefixer && prefixer.process && prefixer.process(rule.first, result);
  13167. for (let decl of rule.nodes) {
  13168. for (let value of this.prefixer().values("add", rule.first.prop)) {
  13169. value.process(decl);
  13170. }
  13171., decl);
  13172. }
  13173. return rule.nodes;
  13174. }
  13175. /**
  13176. * Return true if brackets node is "not" word
  13177. */
  13178. isNot(node) {
  13179. return typeof node === "string" && /not\s*/i.test(node);
  13180. }
  13181. /**
  13182. * Return true if brackets node is "or" word
  13183. */
  13184. isOr(node) {
  13185. return typeof node === "string" && /\s*or\s*/i.test(node);
  13186. }
  13187. /**
  13188. * Return true if brackets node is (prop: value)
  13189. */
  13190. isProp(node) {
  13191. return typeof node === "object" && node.length === 1 && typeof node[0] === "string";
  13192. }
  13193. /**
  13194. * Return true if prefixed property has no unprefixed
  13195. */
  13196. isHack(all, unprefixed) {
  13197. let check = new RegExp(`(\\(|\\s)${utils.escapeRegexp(unprefixed)}:`);
  13198. return !check.test(all);
  13199. }
  13200. /**
  13201. * Return true if we need to remove node
  13202. */
  13203. toRemove(str, all) {
  13204. let [prop, value] = this.parse(str);
  13205. let unprefixed = this.all.unprefixed(prop);
  13206. let cleaner = this.all.cleaner();
  13207. if (cleaner.remove[prop] && cleaner.remove[prop].remove && !this.isHack(all, unprefixed)) {
  13208. return true;
  13209. }
  13210. for (let checker of cleaner.values("remove", unprefixed)) {
  13211. if (checker.check(value)) {
  13212. return true;
  13213. }
  13214. }
  13215. return false;
  13216. }
  13217. /**
  13218. * Remove all unnecessary prefixes
  13219. */
  13220. remove(nodes, all) {
  13221. let i = 0;
  13222. while (i < nodes.length) {
  13223. if (!this.isNot(nodes[i - 1]) && this.isProp(nodes[i]) && this.isOr(nodes[i + 1])) {
  13224. if (this.toRemove(nodes[i][0], all)) {
  13225. nodes.splice(i, 2);
  13226. continue;
  13227. }
  13228. i += 2;
  13229. continue;
  13230. }
  13231. if (typeof nodes[i] === "object") {
  13232. nodes[i] = this.remove(nodes[i], all);
  13233. }
  13234. i += 1;
  13235. }
  13236. return nodes;
  13237. }
  13238. /**
  13239. * Clean brackets with one child
  13240. */
  13241. cleanBrackets(nodes) {
  13242. return => {
  13243. if (typeof i !== "object") {
  13244. return i;
  13245. }
  13246. if (i.length === 1 && typeof i[0] === "object") {
  13247. return this.cleanBrackets(i[0]);
  13248. }
  13249. return this.cleanBrackets(i);
  13250. });
  13251. }
  13252. /**
  13253. * Add " or " between properties and convert it to brackets format
  13254. */
  13255. convert(progress) {
  13256. let result = [""];
  13257. for (let i of progress) {
  13258. result.push([`${i.prop}: ${i.value}`]);
  13259. result.push(" or ");
  13260. }
  13261. result[result.length - 1] = "";
  13262. return result;
  13263. }
  13264. /**
  13265. * Compress value functions into a string nodes
  13266. */
  13267. normalize(nodes) {
  13268. if (typeof nodes !== "object") {
  13269. return nodes;
  13270. }
  13271. nodes = nodes.filter((i) => i !== "");
  13272. if (typeof nodes[0] === "string") {
  13273. let firstNode = nodes[0].trim();
  13274. if (firstNode.includes(":") || firstNode === "selector" || firstNode === "not selector") {
  13275. return [brackets.stringify(nodes)];
  13276. }
  13277. }
  13278. return => this.normalize(i));
  13279. }
  13280. /**
  13281. * Add prefixes
  13282. */
  13283. add(nodes, all) {
  13284. return => {
  13285. if (this.isProp(i)) {
  13286. let prefixed = this.prefixed(i[0]);
  13287. if (prefixed.length > 1) {
  13288. return this.convert(prefixed);
  13289. }
  13290. return i;
  13291. }
  13292. if (typeof i === "object") {
  13293. return this.add(i, all);
  13294. }
  13295. return i;
  13296. });
  13297. }
  13298. /**
  13299. * Add prefixed declaration
  13300. */
  13301. process(rule) {
  13302. let ast = brackets.parse(rule.params);
  13303. ast = this.normalize(ast);
  13304. ast = this.remove(ast, rule.params);
  13305. ast = this.add(ast, rule.params);
  13306. ast = this.cleanBrackets(ast);
  13307. rule.params = brackets.stringify(ast);
  13308. }
  13309. /**
  13310. * Check global options
  13311. */
  13312. disabled(node) {
  13313. if (!this.all.options.grid) {
  13314. if (node.prop === "display" && node.value.includes("grid")) {
  13315. return true;
  13316. }
  13317. if (node.prop.includes("grid") || node.prop === "justify-items") {
  13318. return true;
  13319. }
  13320. }
  13321. if (this.all.options.flexbox === false) {
  13322. if (node.prop === "display" && node.value.includes("flex")) {
  13323. return true;
  13324. }
  13325. let other = ["order", "justify-content", "align-items", "align-content"];
  13326. if (node.prop.includes("flex") || other.includes(node.prop)) {
  13327. return true;
  13328. }
  13329. }
  13330. return false;
  13331. }
  13332. };
  13333. module2.exports = Supports;
  13334. }
  13335. });
  13336. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/old-selector.js
  13337. var require_old_selector = __commonJS({
  13338. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/old-selector.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13339. var OldSelector = class {
  13340. constructor(selector, prefix) {
  13341. this.prefix = prefix;
  13342. this.prefixed = selector.prefixed(this.prefix);
  13343. this.regexp = selector.regexp(this.prefix);
  13344. this.prefixeds = selector.possible().map((x) => [selector.prefixed(x), selector.regexp(x)]);
  13345. this.unprefixed =;
  13346. this.nameRegexp = selector.regexp();
  13347. }
  13348. /**
  13349. * Is rule a hack without unprefixed version bottom
  13350. */
  13351. isHack(rule) {
  13352. let index = rule.parent.index(rule) + 1;
  13353. let rules = rule.parent.nodes;
  13354. while (index < rules.length) {
  13355. let before = rules[index].selector;
  13356. if (!before) {
  13357. return true;
  13358. }
  13359. if (before.includes(this.unprefixed) && before.match(this.nameRegexp)) {
  13360. return false;
  13361. }
  13362. let some = false;
  13363. for (let [string, regexp] of this.prefixeds) {
  13364. if (before.includes(string) && before.match(regexp)) {
  13365. some = true;
  13366. break;
  13367. }
  13368. }
  13369. if (!some) {
  13370. return true;
  13371. }
  13372. index += 1;
  13373. }
  13374. return true;
  13375. }
  13376. /**
  13377. * Does rule contain an unnecessary prefixed selector
  13378. */
  13379. check(rule) {
  13380. if (!rule.selector.includes(this.prefixed)) {
  13381. return false;
  13382. }
  13383. if (!rule.selector.match(this.regexp)) {
  13384. return false;
  13385. }
  13386. if (this.isHack(rule)) {
  13387. return false;
  13388. }
  13389. return true;
  13390. }
  13391. };
  13392. module2.exports = OldSelector;
  13393. }
  13394. });
  13395. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/selector.js
  13396. var require_selector = __commonJS({
  13397. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/selector.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13398. var { list } = require_postcss();
  13399. var OldSelector = require_old_selector();
  13400. var Prefixer = require_prefixer();
  13401. var Browsers = require_browsers3();
  13402. var utils = require_utils();
  13403. var Selector = class extends Prefixer {
  13404. constructor(name, prefixes, all) {
  13405. super(name, prefixes, all);
  13406. this.regexpCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  13407. }
  13408. /**
  13409. * Is rule selectors need to be prefixed
  13410. */
  13411. check(rule) {
  13412. if (rule.selector.includes( {
  13413. return !!rule.selector.match(this.regexp());
  13414. }
  13415. return false;
  13416. }
  13417. /**
  13418. * Return prefixed version of selector
  13419. */
  13420. prefixed(prefix) {
  13421. return^(\W*)/, `$1${prefix}`);
  13422. }
  13423. /**
  13424. * Lazy loadRegExp for name
  13425. */
  13426. regexp(prefix) {
  13427. if (!this.regexpCache.has(prefix)) {
  13428. let name = prefix ? this.prefixed(prefix) :;
  13429. this.regexpCache.set(
  13430. prefix,
  13431. new RegExp(`(^|[^:"'=])${utils.escapeRegexp(name)}`, "gi")
  13432. );
  13433. }
  13434. return this.regexpCache.get(prefix);
  13435. }
  13436. /**
  13437. * All possible prefixes
  13438. */
  13439. possible() {
  13440. return Browsers.prefixes();
  13441. }
  13442. /**
  13443. * Return all possible selector prefixes
  13444. */
  13445. prefixeds(rule) {
  13446. if (rule._autoprefixerPrefixeds) {
  13447. if (rule._autoprefixerPrefixeds[]) {
  13448. return rule._autoprefixerPrefixeds;
  13449. }
  13450. } else {
  13451. rule._autoprefixerPrefixeds = {};
  13452. }
  13453. let prefixeds = {};
  13454. if (rule.selector.includes(",")) {
  13455. let ruleParts = list.comma(rule.selector);
  13456. let toProcess = ruleParts.filter((el) => el.includes(;
  13457. for (let prefix of this.possible()) {
  13458. prefixeds[prefix] = => this.replace(el, prefix)).join(", ");
  13459. }
  13460. } else {
  13461. for (let prefix of this.possible()) {
  13462. prefixeds[prefix] = this.replace(rule.selector, prefix);
  13463. }
  13464. }
  13465. rule._autoprefixerPrefixeds[] = prefixeds;
  13466. return rule._autoprefixerPrefixeds;
  13467. }
  13468. /**
  13469. * Is rule already prefixed before
  13470. */
  13471. already(rule, prefixeds, prefix) {
  13472. let index = rule.parent.index(rule) - 1;
  13473. while (index >= 0) {
  13474. let before = rule.parent.nodes[index];
  13475. if (before.type !== "rule") {
  13476. return false;
  13477. }
  13478. let some = false;
  13479. for (let key in prefixeds[]) {
  13480. let prefixed = prefixeds[][key];
  13481. if (before.selector === prefixed) {
  13482. if (prefix === key) {
  13483. return true;
  13484. } else {
  13485. some = true;
  13486. break;
  13487. }
  13488. }
  13489. }
  13490. if (!some) {
  13491. return false;
  13492. }
  13493. index -= 1;
  13494. }
  13495. return false;
  13496. }
  13497. /**
  13498. * Replace selectors by prefixed one
  13499. */
  13500. replace(selector, prefix) {
  13501. return selector.replace(this.regexp(), `$1${this.prefixed(prefix)}`);
  13502. }
  13503. /**
  13504. * Clone and add prefixes for at-rule
  13505. */
  13506. add(rule, prefix) {
  13507. let prefixeds = this.prefixeds(rule);
  13508. if (this.already(rule, prefixeds, prefix)) {
  13509. return;
  13510. }
  13511. let cloned = this.clone(rule, { selector: prefixeds[][prefix] });
  13512. rule.parent.insertBefore(rule, cloned);
  13513. }
  13514. /**
  13515. * Return function to fast find prefixed selector
  13516. */
  13517. old(prefix) {
  13518. return new OldSelector(this, prefix);
  13519. }
  13520. };
  13521. module2.exports = Selector;
  13522. }
  13523. });
  13524. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/at-rule.js
  13525. var require_at_rule2 = __commonJS({
  13526. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/at-rule.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13527. var Prefixer = require_prefixer();
  13528. var AtRule = class extends Prefixer {
  13529. /**
  13530. * Clone and add prefixes for at-rule
  13531. */
  13532. add(rule, prefix) {
  13533. let prefixed = prefix +;
  13534. let already = rule.parent.some(
  13535. (i) => === prefixed && i.params === rule.params
  13536. );
  13537. if (already) {
  13538. return void 0;
  13539. }
  13540. let cloned = this.clone(rule, { name: prefixed });
  13541. return rule.parent.insertBefore(rule, cloned);
  13542. }
  13543. /**
  13544. * Clone node with prefixes
  13545. */
  13546. process(node) {
  13547. let parent = this.parentPrefix(node);
  13548. for (let prefix of this.prefixes) {
  13549. if (!parent || parent === prefix) {
  13550. this.add(node, prefix);
  13551. }
  13552. }
  13553. }
  13554. };
  13555. module2.exports = AtRule;
  13556. }
  13557. });
  13558. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/fullscreen.js
  13559. var require_fullscreen = __commonJS({
  13560. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/fullscreen.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13561. var Selector = require_selector();
  13562. var Fullscreen = class extends Selector {
  13563. /**
  13564. * Return different selectors depend on prefix
  13565. */
  13566. prefixed(prefix) {
  13567. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  13568. return ":-webkit-full-screen";
  13569. }
  13570. if (prefix === "-moz-") {
  13571. return ":-moz-full-screen";
  13572. }
  13573. return `:${prefix}fullscreen`;
  13574. }
  13575. };
  13576. Fullscreen.names = [":fullscreen"];
  13577. module2.exports = Fullscreen;
  13578. }
  13579. });
  13580. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/placeholder.js
  13581. var require_placeholder = __commonJS({
  13582. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/placeholder.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13583. var Selector = require_selector();
  13584. var Placeholder = class extends Selector {
  13585. /**
  13586. * Add old mozilla to possible prefixes
  13587. */
  13588. possible() {
  13589. return super.possible().concat(["-moz- old", "-ms- old"]);
  13590. }
  13591. /**
  13592. * Return different selectors depend on prefix
  13593. */
  13594. prefixed(prefix) {
  13595. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  13596. return "::-webkit-input-placeholder";
  13597. }
  13598. if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  13599. return "::-ms-input-placeholder";
  13600. }
  13601. if (prefix === "-ms- old") {
  13602. return ":-ms-input-placeholder";
  13603. }
  13604. if (prefix === "-moz- old") {
  13605. return ":-moz-placeholder";
  13606. }
  13607. return `::${prefix}placeholder`;
  13608. }
  13609. };
  13610. Placeholder.names = ["::placeholder"];
  13611. module2.exports = Placeholder;
  13612. }
  13613. });
  13614. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/placeholder-shown.js
  13615. var require_placeholder_shown = __commonJS({
  13616. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/placeholder-shown.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13617. var Selector = require_selector();
  13618. var PlaceholderShown = class extends Selector {
  13619. /**
  13620. * Return different selectors depend on prefix
  13621. */
  13622. prefixed(prefix) {
  13623. if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  13624. return ":-ms-input-placeholder";
  13625. }
  13626. return `:${prefix}placeholder-shown`;
  13627. }
  13628. };
  13629. PlaceholderShown.names = [":placeholder-shown"];
  13630. module2.exports = PlaceholderShown;
  13631. }
  13632. });
  13633. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/file-selector-button.js
  13634. var require_file_selector_button = __commonJS({
  13635. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/file-selector-button.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13636. var Selector = require_selector();
  13637. var utils = require_utils();
  13638. var FileSelectorButton = class extends Selector {
  13639. constructor(name, prefixes, all) {
  13640. super(name, prefixes, all);
  13641. if (this.prefixes) {
  13642. this.prefixes = utils.uniq( => "-webkit-"));
  13643. }
  13644. }
  13645. /**
  13646. * Return different selectors depend on prefix
  13647. */
  13648. prefixed(prefix) {
  13649. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  13650. return "::-webkit-file-upload-button";
  13651. }
  13652. return `::${prefix}file-selector-button`;
  13653. }
  13654. };
  13655. FileSelectorButton.names = ["::file-selector-button"];
  13656. module2.exports = FileSelectorButton;
  13657. }
  13658. });
  13659. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-spec.js
  13660. var require_flex_spec = __commonJS({
  13661. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-spec.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13662. module2.exports = function(prefix) {
  13663. let spec;
  13664. if (prefix === "-webkit- 2009" || prefix === "-moz-") {
  13665. spec = 2009;
  13666. } else if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  13667. spec = 2012;
  13668. } else if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  13669. spec = "final";
  13670. }
  13671. if (prefix === "-webkit- 2009") {
  13672. prefix = "-webkit-";
  13673. }
  13674. return [spec, prefix];
  13675. };
  13676. }
  13677. });
  13678. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex.js
  13679. var require_flex = __commonJS({
  13680. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13681. var list = require_postcss().list;
  13682. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  13683. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13684. var Flex = class _Flex extends Declaration {
  13685. /**
  13686. * Change property name for 2009 spec
  13687. */
  13688. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  13689. let spec;
  13690. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  13691. if (spec === 2009) {
  13692. return prefix + "box-flex";
  13693. }
  13694. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  13695. }
  13696. /**
  13697. * Return property name by final spec
  13698. */
  13699. normalize() {
  13700. return "flex";
  13701. }
  13702. /**
  13703. * Spec 2009 supports only first argument
  13704. * Spec 2012 disallows unitless basis
  13705. */
  13706. set(decl, prefix) {
  13707. let spec = flexSpec(prefix)[0];
  13708. if (spec === 2009) {
  13709. decl.value =[0];
  13710. decl.value = _Flex.oldValues[decl.value] || decl.value;
  13711. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  13712. }
  13713. if (spec === 2012) {
  13714. let components =;
  13715. if (components.length === 3 && components[2] === "0") {
  13716. decl.value = components.slice(0, 2).concat("0px").join(" ");
  13717. }
  13718. }
  13719. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  13720. }
  13721. };
  13722. Flex.names = ["flex", "box-flex"];
  13723. Flex.oldValues = {
  13724. auto: "1",
  13725. none: "0"
  13726. };
  13727. module2.exports = Flex;
  13728. }
  13729. });
  13730. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/order.js
  13731. var require_order = __commonJS({
  13732. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/order.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13733. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  13734. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13735. var Order = class extends Declaration {
  13736. /**
  13737. * Change property name for 2009 and 2012 specs
  13738. */
  13739. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  13740. let spec;
  13741. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  13742. if (spec === 2009) {
  13743. return prefix + "box-ordinal-group";
  13744. }
  13745. if (spec === 2012) {
  13746. return prefix + "flex-order";
  13747. }
  13748. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  13749. }
  13750. /**
  13751. * Return property name by final spec
  13752. */
  13753. normalize() {
  13754. return "order";
  13755. }
  13756. /**
  13757. * Fix value for 2009 spec
  13758. */
  13759. set(decl, prefix) {
  13760. let spec = flexSpec(prefix)[0];
  13761. if (spec === 2009 && /\d/.test(decl.value)) {
  13762. decl.value = (parseInt(decl.value) + 1).toString();
  13763. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  13764. }
  13765. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  13766. }
  13767. };
  13768. Order.names = ["order", "flex-order", "box-ordinal-group"];
  13769. module2.exports = Order;
  13770. }
  13771. });
  13772. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/filter.js
  13773. var require_filter = __commonJS({
  13774. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/filter.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13775. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13776. var Filter = class extends Declaration {
  13777. /**
  13778. * Check is it Internet Explorer filter
  13779. */
  13780. check(decl) {
  13781. let v = decl.value;
  13782. return !v.toLowerCase().includes("alpha(") && !v.includes("DXImageTransform.Microsoft") && !v.includes("data:image/svg+xml");
  13783. }
  13784. };
  13785. Filter.names = ["filter"];
  13786. module2.exports = Filter;
  13787. }
  13788. });
  13789. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-end.js
  13790. var require_grid_end = __commonJS({
  13791. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-end.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13792. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13793. var { isPureNumber } = require_utils();
  13794. var GridEnd = class extends Declaration {
  13795. /**
  13796. * Change repeating syntax for IE
  13797. */
  13798. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes, result) {
  13799. if (prefix !== "-ms-")
  13800. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  13801. let clonedDecl = this.clone(decl);
  13802. let startProp = decl.prop.replace(/end$/, "start");
  13803. let spanProp = prefix + decl.prop.replace(/end$/, "span");
  13804. if (decl.parent.some((i) => i.prop === spanProp)) {
  13805. return void 0;
  13806. }
  13807. clonedDecl.prop = spanProp;
  13808. if (decl.value.includes("span")) {
  13809. clonedDecl.value = decl.value.replace(/span\s/i, "");
  13810. } else {
  13811. let startDecl;
  13812. decl.parent.walkDecls(startProp, (d) => {
  13813. startDecl = d;
  13814. });
  13815. if (startDecl) {
  13816. if (isPureNumber(startDecl.value)) {
  13817. let value = Number(decl.value) - Number(startDecl.value) + "";
  13818. clonedDecl.value = value;
  13819. } else {
  13820. return void 0;
  13821. }
  13822. } else {
  13823. decl.warn(
  13824. result,
  13825. `Can not prefix ${decl.prop} (${startProp} is not found)`
  13826. );
  13827. }
  13828. }
  13829. decl.cloneBefore(clonedDecl);
  13830. return void 0;
  13831. }
  13832. };
  13833. GridEnd.names = ["grid-row-end", "grid-column-end"];
  13834. module2.exports = GridEnd;
  13835. }
  13836. });
  13837. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/animation.js
  13838. var require_animation = __commonJS({
  13839. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/animation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13840. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13841. var Animation = class extends Declaration {
  13842. /**
  13843. * Don’t add prefixes for modern values.
  13844. */
  13845. check(decl) {
  13846. return !decl.value.split(/\s+/).some((i) => {
  13847. let lower = i.toLowerCase();
  13848. return lower === "reverse" || lower === "alternate-reverse";
  13849. });
  13850. }
  13851. };
  13852. Animation.names = ["animation", "animation-direction"];
  13853. module2.exports = Animation;
  13854. }
  13855. });
  13856. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-flow.js
  13857. var require_flex_flow = __commonJS({
  13858. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-flow.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13859. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  13860. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13861. var FlexFlow = class extends Declaration {
  13862. /**
  13863. * Use two properties for 2009 spec
  13864. */
  13865. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  13866. let spec;
  13867. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  13868. if (spec !== 2009) {
  13869. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  13870. }
  13871. let values = decl.value.split(/\s+/).filter((i) => i !== "wrap" && i !== "nowrap" && "wrap-reverse");
  13872. if (values.length === 0) {
  13873. return void 0;
  13874. }
  13875. let already = decl.parent.some(
  13876. (i) => i.prop === prefix + "box-orient" || i.prop === prefix + "box-direction"
  13877. );
  13878. if (already) {
  13879. return void 0;
  13880. }
  13881. let value = values[0];
  13882. let orient = value.includes("row") ? "horizontal" : "vertical";
  13883. let dir = value.includes("reverse") ? "reverse" : "normal";
  13884. let cloned = this.clone(decl);
  13885. cloned.prop = prefix + "box-orient";
  13886. cloned.value = orient;
  13887. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  13888. cloned.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  13889. }
  13890. decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, cloned);
  13891. cloned = this.clone(decl);
  13892. cloned.prop = prefix + "box-direction";
  13893. cloned.value = dir;
  13894. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  13895. cloned.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  13896. }
  13897. return decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, cloned);
  13898. }
  13899. };
  13900. FlexFlow.names = ["flex-flow", "box-direction", "box-orient"];
  13901. module2.exports = FlexFlow;
  13902. }
  13903. });
  13904. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-grow.js
  13905. var require_flex_grow = __commonJS({
  13906. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-grow.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13907. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  13908. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13909. var Flex = class extends Declaration {
  13910. /**
  13911. * Return property name by final spec
  13912. */
  13913. normalize() {
  13914. return "flex";
  13915. }
  13916. /**
  13917. * Return flex property for 2009 and 2012 specs
  13918. */
  13919. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  13920. let spec;
  13921. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  13922. if (spec === 2009) {
  13923. return prefix + "box-flex";
  13924. }
  13925. if (spec === 2012) {
  13926. return prefix + "flex-positive";
  13927. }
  13928. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  13929. }
  13930. };
  13931. Flex.names = ["flex-grow", "flex-positive"];
  13932. module2.exports = Flex;
  13933. }
  13934. });
  13935. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-wrap.js
  13936. var require_flex_wrap = __commonJS({
  13937. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-wrap.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13938. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  13939. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13940. var FlexWrap = class extends Declaration {
  13941. /**
  13942. * Don't add prefix for 2009 spec
  13943. */
  13944. set(decl, prefix) {
  13945. let spec = flexSpec(prefix)[0];
  13946. if (spec !== 2009) {
  13947. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  13948. }
  13949. return void 0;
  13950. }
  13951. };
  13952. FlexWrap.names = ["flex-wrap"];
  13953. module2.exports = FlexWrap;
  13954. }
  13955. });
  13956. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-area.js
  13957. var require_grid_area = __commonJS({
  13958. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-area.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13959. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13960. var utils = require_grid_utils();
  13961. var GridArea = class extends Declaration {
  13962. /**
  13963. * Translate grid-area to separate -ms- prefixed properties
  13964. */
  13965. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes, result) {
  13966. if (prefix !== "-ms-")
  13967. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  13968. let values = utils.parse(decl);
  13969. let [rowStart, rowSpan] = utils.translate(values, 0, 2);
  13970. let [columnStart, columnSpan] = utils.translate(values, 1, 3);
  13971. [
  13972. ["grid-row", rowStart],
  13973. ["grid-row-span", rowSpan],
  13974. ["grid-column", columnStart],
  13975. ["grid-column-span", columnSpan]
  13976. ].forEach(([prop, value]) => {
  13977. utils.insertDecl(decl, prop, value);
  13978. });
  13979. utils.warnTemplateSelectorNotFound(decl, result);
  13980. utils.warnIfGridRowColumnExists(decl, result);
  13981. return void 0;
  13982. }
  13983. };
  13984. GridArea.names = ["grid-area"];
  13985. module2.exports = GridArea;
  13986. }
  13987. });
  13988. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/place-self.js
  13989. var require_place_self = __commonJS({
  13990. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/place-self.js"(exports2, module2) {
  13991. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  13992. var utils = require_grid_utils();
  13993. var PlaceSelf = class extends Declaration {
  13994. /**
  13995. * Translate place-self to separate -ms- prefixed properties
  13996. */
  13997. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  13998. if (prefix !== "-ms-")
  13999. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14000. if (decl.parent.some((i) => i.prop === "-ms-grid-row-align")) {
  14001. return void 0;
  14002. }
  14003. let [[first, second]] = utils.parse(decl);
  14004. if (second) {
  14005. utils.insertDecl(decl, "grid-row-align", first);
  14006. utils.insertDecl(decl, "grid-column-align", second);
  14007. } else {
  14008. utils.insertDecl(decl, "grid-row-align", first);
  14009. utils.insertDecl(decl, "grid-column-align", first);
  14010. }
  14011. return void 0;
  14012. }
  14013. };
  14014. PlaceSelf.names = ["place-self"];
  14015. module2.exports = PlaceSelf;
  14016. }
  14017. });
  14018. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-start.js
  14019. var require_grid_start = __commonJS({
  14020. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-start.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14021. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14022. var GridStart = class extends Declaration {
  14023. /**
  14024. * Do not add prefix for unsupported value in IE
  14025. */
  14026. check(decl) {
  14027. let value = decl.value;
  14028. return !value.includes("/") && !value.includes("span");
  14029. }
  14030. /**
  14031. * Return a final spec property
  14032. */
  14033. normalize(prop) {
  14034. return prop.replace("-start", "");
  14035. }
  14036. /**
  14037. * Change property name for IE
  14038. */
  14039. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14040. let result = super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14041. if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  14042. result = result.replace("-start", "");
  14043. }
  14044. return result;
  14045. }
  14046. };
  14047. GridStart.names = ["grid-row-start", "grid-column-start"];
  14048. module2.exports = GridStart;
  14049. }
  14050. });
  14051. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/align-self.js
  14052. var require_align_self = __commonJS({
  14053. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/align-self.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14054. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  14055. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14056. var AlignSelf = class _AlignSelf extends Declaration {
  14057. check(decl) {
  14058. return decl.parent && !decl.parent.some((i) => {
  14059. return i.prop && i.prop.startsWith("grid-");
  14060. });
  14061. }
  14062. /**
  14063. * Change property name for 2012 specs
  14064. */
  14065. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14066. let spec;
  14067. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14068. if (spec === 2012) {
  14069. return prefix + "flex-item-align";
  14070. }
  14071. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14072. }
  14073. /**
  14074. * Return property name by final spec
  14075. */
  14076. normalize() {
  14077. return "align-self";
  14078. }
  14079. /**
  14080. * Change value for 2012 spec and ignore prefix for 2009
  14081. */
  14082. set(decl, prefix) {
  14083. let spec = flexSpec(prefix)[0];
  14084. if (spec === 2012) {
  14085. decl.value = _AlignSelf.oldValues[decl.value] || decl.value;
  14086. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14087. }
  14088. if (spec === "final") {
  14089. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14090. }
  14091. return void 0;
  14092. }
  14093. };
  14094. AlignSelf.names = ["align-self", "flex-item-align"];
  14095. AlignSelf.oldValues = {
  14096. "flex-end": "end",
  14097. "flex-start": "start"
  14098. };
  14099. module2.exports = AlignSelf;
  14100. }
  14101. });
  14102. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/appearance.js
  14103. var require_appearance = __commonJS({
  14104. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/appearance.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14105. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14106. var utils = require_utils();
  14107. var Appearance = class extends Declaration {
  14108. constructor(name, prefixes, all) {
  14109. super(name, prefixes, all);
  14110. if (this.prefixes) {
  14111. this.prefixes = utils.uniq(
  14112. => {
  14113. if (i === "-ms-") {
  14114. return "-webkit-";
  14115. }
  14116. return i;
  14117. })
  14118. );
  14119. }
  14120. }
  14121. };
  14122. Appearance.names = ["appearance"];
  14123. module2.exports = Appearance;
  14124. }
  14125. });
  14126. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-basis.js
  14127. var require_flex_basis = __commonJS({
  14128. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-basis.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14129. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  14130. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14131. var FlexBasis = class extends Declaration {
  14132. /**
  14133. * Return property name by final spec
  14134. */
  14135. normalize() {
  14136. return "flex-basis";
  14137. }
  14138. /**
  14139. * Return flex property for 2012 spec
  14140. */
  14141. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14142. let spec;
  14143. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14144. if (spec === 2012) {
  14145. return prefix + "flex-preferred-size";
  14146. }
  14147. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14148. }
  14149. /**
  14150. * Ignore 2009 spec and use flex property for 2012
  14151. */
  14152. set(decl, prefix) {
  14153. let spec;
  14154. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14155. if (spec === 2012 || spec === "final") {
  14156. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14157. }
  14158. return void 0;
  14159. }
  14160. };
  14161. FlexBasis.names = ["flex-basis", "flex-preferred-size"];
  14162. module2.exports = FlexBasis;
  14163. }
  14164. });
  14165. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/mask-border.js
  14166. var require_mask_border = __commonJS({
  14167. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/mask-border.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14168. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14169. var MaskBorder = class extends Declaration {
  14170. /**
  14171. * Return property name by final spec
  14172. */
  14173. normalize() {
  14174. return"box-image", "border");
  14175. }
  14176. /**
  14177. * Return flex property for 2012 spec
  14178. */
  14179. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14180. let result = super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14181. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  14182. result = result.replace("border", "box-image");
  14183. }
  14184. return result;
  14185. }
  14186. };
  14187. MaskBorder.names = [
  14188. "mask-border",
  14189. "mask-border-source",
  14190. "mask-border-slice",
  14191. "mask-border-width",
  14192. "mask-border-outset",
  14193. "mask-border-repeat",
  14194. "mask-box-image",
  14195. "mask-box-image-source",
  14196. "mask-box-image-slice",
  14197. "mask-box-image-width",
  14198. "mask-box-image-outset",
  14199. "mask-box-image-repeat"
  14200. ];
  14201. module2.exports = MaskBorder;
  14202. }
  14203. });
  14204. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/mask-composite.js
  14205. var require_mask_composite = __commonJS({
  14206. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/mask-composite.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14207. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14208. var MaskComposite = class _MaskComposite extends Declaration {
  14209. /**
  14210. * Prefix mask-composite for webkit
  14211. */
  14212. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  14213. let isCompositeProp = decl.prop === "mask-composite";
  14214. let compositeValues;
  14215. if (isCompositeProp) {
  14216. compositeValues = decl.value.split(",");
  14217. } else {
  14218. compositeValues = decl.value.match(_MaskComposite.regexp) || [];
  14219. }
  14220. compositeValues = => el.trim()).filter((el) => el);
  14221. let hasCompositeValues = compositeValues.length;
  14222. let compositeDecl;
  14223. if (hasCompositeValues) {
  14224. compositeDecl = this.clone(decl);
  14225. compositeDecl.value = => _MaskComposite.oldValues[value] || value).join(", ");
  14226. if (compositeValues.includes("intersect")) {
  14227. compositeDecl.value += ", xor";
  14228. }
  14229. compositeDecl.prop = prefix + "mask-composite";
  14230. }
  14231. if (isCompositeProp) {
  14232. if (!hasCompositeValues) {
  14233. return void 0;
  14234. }
  14235. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  14236. compositeDecl.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  14237. }
  14238. return decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, compositeDecl);
  14239. }
  14240. let cloned = this.clone(decl);
  14241. cloned.prop = prefix + cloned.prop;
  14242. if (hasCompositeValues) {
  14243. cloned.value = cloned.value.replace(_MaskComposite.regexp, "");
  14244. }
  14245. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  14246. cloned.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  14247. }
  14248. decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, cloned);
  14249. if (!hasCompositeValues) {
  14250. return decl;
  14251. }
  14252. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  14253. compositeDecl.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  14254. }
  14255. return decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, compositeDecl);
  14256. }
  14257. };
  14258. MaskComposite.names = ["mask", "mask-composite"];
  14259. MaskComposite.oldValues = {
  14260. add: "source-over",
  14261. subtract: "source-out",
  14262. intersect: "source-in",
  14263. exclude: "xor"
  14264. };
  14265. MaskComposite.regexp = new RegExp(
  14266. `\\s+(${Object.keys(MaskComposite.oldValues).join(
  14267. "|"
  14268. )})\\b(?!\\))\\s*(?=[,])`,
  14269. "ig"
  14270. );
  14271. module2.exports = MaskComposite;
  14272. }
  14273. });
  14274. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/align-items.js
  14275. var require_align_items = __commonJS({
  14276. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/align-items.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14277. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  14278. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14279. var AlignItems = class _AlignItems extends Declaration {
  14280. /**
  14281. * Change property name for 2009 and 2012 specs
  14282. */
  14283. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14284. let spec;
  14285. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14286. if (spec === 2009) {
  14287. return prefix + "box-align";
  14288. }
  14289. if (spec === 2012) {
  14290. return prefix + "flex-align";
  14291. }
  14292. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14293. }
  14294. /**
  14295. * Return property name by final spec
  14296. */
  14297. normalize() {
  14298. return "align-items";
  14299. }
  14300. /**
  14301. * Change value for 2009 and 2012 specs
  14302. */
  14303. set(decl, prefix) {
  14304. let spec = flexSpec(prefix)[0];
  14305. if (spec === 2009 || spec === 2012) {
  14306. decl.value = _AlignItems.oldValues[decl.value] || decl.value;
  14307. }
  14308. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14309. }
  14310. };
  14311. AlignItems.names = ["align-items", "flex-align", "box-align"];
  14312. AlignItems.oldValues = {
  14313. "flex-end": "end",
  14314. "flex-start": "start"
  14315. };
  14316. module2.exports = AlignItems;
  14317. }
  14318. });
  14319. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/user-select.js
  14320. var require_user_select = __commonJS({
  14321. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/user-select.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14322. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14323. var UserSelect = class extends Declaration {
  14324. /**
  14325. * Change prefixed value for IE
  14326. */
  14327. set(decl, prefix) {
  14328. if (prefix === "-ms-" && decl.value === "contain") {
  14329. decl.value = "element";
  14330. }
  14331. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14332. }
  14333. /**
  14334. * Avoid prefixing all in IE
  14335. */
  14336. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  14337. if (decl.value === "all" && prefix === "-ms-") {
  14338. return void 0;
  14339. } else {
  14340. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14341. }
  14342. }
  14343. };
  14344. UserSelect.names = ["user-select"];
  14345. module2.exports = UserSelect;
  14346. }
  14347. });
  14348. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-shrink.js
  14349. var require_flex_shrink = __commonJS({
  14350. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-shrink.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14351. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  14352. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14353. var FlexShrink = class extends Declaration {
  14354. /**
  14355. * Return property name by final spec
  14356. */
  14357. normalize() {
  14358. return "flex-shrink";
  14359. }
  14360. /**
  14361. * Return flex property for 2012 spec
  14362. */
  14363. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14364. let spec;
  14365. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14366. if (spec === 2012) {
  14367. return prefix + "flex-negative";
  14368. }
  14369. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14370. }
  14371. /**
  14372. * Ignore 2009 spec and use flex property for 2012
  14373. */
  14374. set(decl, prefix) {
  14375. let spec;
  14376. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14377. if (spec === 2012 || spec === "final") {
  14378. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14379. }
  14380. return void 0;
  14381. }
  14382. };
  14383. FlexShrink.names = ["flex-shrink", "flex-negative"];
  14384. module2.exports = FlexShrink;
  14385. }
  14386. });
  14387. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/break-props.js
  14388. var require_break_props = __commonJS({
  14389. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/break-props.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14390. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14391. var BreakProps = class extends Declaration {
  14392. /**
  14393. * Change name for -webkit- and -moz- prefix
  14394. */
  14395. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14396. return `${prefix}column-${prop}`;
  14397. }
  14398. /**
  14399. * Return property name by final spec
  14400. */
  14401. normalize(prop) {
  14402. if (prop.includes("inside")) {
  14403. return "break-inside";
  14404. }
  14405. if (prop.includes("before")) {
  14406. return "break-before";
  14407. }
  14408. return "break-after";
  14409. }
  14410. /**
  14411. * Change prefixed value for avoid-column and avoid-page
  14412. */
  14413. set(decl, prefix) {
  14414. if (decl.prop === "break-inside" && decl.value === "avoid-column" || decl.value === "avoid-page") {
  14415. decl.value = "avoid";
  14416. }
  14417. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14418. }
  14419. /**
  14420. * Don’t prefix some values
  14421. */
  14422. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  14423. if (decl.prop !== "break-inside") {
  14424. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14425. }
  14426. if (/region/i.test(decl.value) || /page/i.test(decl.value)) {
  14427. return void 0;
  14428. }
  14429. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14430. }
  14431. };
  14432. BreakProps.names = [
  14433. "break-inside",
  14434. "page-break-inside",
  14435. "column-break-inside",
  14436. "break-before",
  14437. "page-break-before",
  14438. "column-break-before",
  14439. "break-after",
  14440. "page-break-after",
  14441. "column-break-after"
  14442. ];
  14443. module2.exports = BreakProps;
  14444. }
  14445. });
  14446. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/writing-mode.js
  14447. var require_writing_mode = __commonJS({
  14448. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/writing-mode.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14449. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14450. var WritingMode = class _WritingMode extends Declaration {
  14451. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  14452. if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  14453. let cloned = this.set(this.clone(decl), prefix);
  14454. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  14455. cloned.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  14456. }
  14457. let direction = "ltr";
  14458. decl.parent.nodes.forEach((i) => {
  14459. if (i.prop === "direction") {
  14460. if (i.value === "rtl" || i.value === "ltr")
  14461. direction = i.value;
  14462. }
  14463. });
  14464. cloned.value = _WritingMode.msValues[direction][decl.value] || decl.value;
  14465. return decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, cloned);
  14466. }
  14467. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14468. }
  14469. };
  14470. WritingMode.names = ["writing-mode"];
  14471. WritingMode.msValues = {
  14472. ltr: {
  14473. "horizontal-tb": "lr-tb",
  14474. "vertical-rl": "tb-rl",
  14475. "vertical-lr": "tb-lr"
  14476. },
  14477. rtl: {
  14478. "horizontal-tb": "rl-tb",
  14479. "vertical-rl": "bt-rl",
  14480. "vertical-lr": "bt-lr"
  14481. }
  14482. };
  14483. module2.exports = WritingMode;
  14484. }
  14485. });
  14486. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/border-image.js
  14487. var require_border_image = __commonJS({
  14488. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/border-image.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14489. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14490. var BorderImage = class extends Declaration {
  14491. /**
  14492. * Remove fill parameter for prefixed declarations
  14493. */
  14494. set(decl, prefix) {
  14495. decl.value = decl.value.replace(/\s+fill(\s)/, "$1");
  14496. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14497. }
  14498. };
  14499. BorderImage.names = ["border-image"];
  14500. module2.exports = BorderImage;
  14501. }
  14502. });
  14503. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/align-content.js
  14504. var require_align_content = __commonJS({
  14505. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/align-content.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14506. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  14507. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14508. var AlignContent = class _AlignContent extends Declaration {
  14509. /**
  14510. * Change property name for 2012 spec
  14511. */
  14512. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14513. let spec;
  14514. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14515. if (spec === 2012) {
  14516. return prefix + "flex-line-pack";
  14517. }
  14518. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14519. }
  14520. /**
  14521. * Return property name by final spec
  14522. */
  14523. normalize() {
  14524. return "align-content";
  14525. }
  14526. /**
  14527. * Change value for 2012 spec and ignore prefix for 2009
  14528. */
  14529. set(decl, prefix) {
  14530. let spec = flexSpec(prefix)[0];
  14531. if (spec === 2012) {
  14532. decl.value = _AlignContent.oldValues[decl.value] || decl.value;
  14533. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14534. }
  14535. if (spec === "final") {
  14536. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14537. }
  14538. return void 0;
  14539. }
  14540. };
  14541. AlignContent.names = ["align-content", "flex-line-pack"];
  14542. AlignContent.oldValues = {
  14543. "flex-end": "end",
  14544. "flex-start": "start",
  14545. "space-between": "justify",
  14546. "space-around": "distribute"
  14547. };
  14548. module2.exports = AlignContent;
  14549. }
  14550. });
  14551. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/border-radius.js
  14552. var require_border_radius = __commonJS({
  14553. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/border-radius.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14554. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14555. var BorderRadius = class _BorderRadius extends Declaration {
  14556. /**
  14557. * Change syntax, when add Mozilla prefix
  14558. */
  14559. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14560. if (prefix === "-moz-") {
  14561. return prefix + (_BorderRadius.toMozilla[prop] || prop);
  14562. }
  14563. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14564. }
  14565. /**
  14566. * Return unprefixed version of property
  14567. */
  14568. normalize(prop) {
  14569. return _BorderRadius.toNormal[prop] || prop;
  14570. }
  14571. };
  14572. BorderRadius.names = ["border-radius"];
  14573. BorderRadius.toMozilla = {};
  14574. BorderRadius.toNormal = {};
  14575. for (let ver of ["top", "bottom"]) {
  14576. for (let hor of ["left", "right"]) {
  14577. let normal = `border-${ver}-${hor}-radius`;
  14578. let mozilla = `border-radius-${ver}${hor}`;
  14579. BorderRadius.names.push(normal);
  14580. BorderRadius.names.push(mozilla);
  14581. BorderRadius.toMozilla[normal] = mozilla;
  14582. BorderRadius.toNormal[mozilla] = normal;
  14583. }
  14584. }
  14585. module2.exports = BorderRadius;
  14586. }
  14587. });
  14588. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/block-logical.js
  14589. var require_block_logical = __commonJS({
  14590. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/block-logical.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14591. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14592. var BlockLogical = class extends Declaration {
  14593. /**
  14594. * Use old syntax for -moz- and -webkit-
  14595. */
  14596. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14597. if (prop.includes("-start")) {
  14598. return prefix + prop.replace("-block-start", "-before");
  14599. }
  14600. return prefix + prop.replace("-block-end", "-after");
  14601. }
  14602. /**
  14603. * Return property name by spec
  14604. */
  14605. normalize(prop) {
  14606. if (prop.includes("-before")) {
  14607. return prop.replace("-before", "-block-start");
  14608. }
  14609. return prop.replace("-after", "-block-end");
  14610. }
  14611. };
  14612. BlockLogical.names = [
  14613. "border-block-start",
  14614. "border-block-end",
  14615. "margin-block-start",
  14616. "margin-block-end",
  14617. "padding-block-start",
  14618. "padding-block-end",
  14619. "border-before",
  14620. "border-after",
  14621. "margin-before",
  14622. "margin-after",
  14623. "padding-before",
  14624. "padding-after"
  14625. ];
  14626. module2.exports = BlockLogical;
  14627. }
  14628. });
  14629. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-template.js
  14630. var require_grid_template = __commonJS({
  14631. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-template.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14632. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14633. var {
  14634. parseTemplate,
  14635. warnMissedAreas,
  14636. getGridGap,
  14637. warnGridGap,
  14638. inheritGridGap
  14639. } = require_grid_utils();
  14640. var GridTemplate = class extends Declaration {
  14641. /**
  14642. * Translate grid-template to separate -ms- prefixed properties
  14643. */
  14644. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes, result) {
  14645. if (prefix !== "-ms-")
  14646. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14647. if (decl.parent.some((i) => i.prop === "-ms-grid-rows")) {
  14648. return void 0;
  14649. }
  14650. let gap = getGridGap(decl);
  14651. let inheritedGap = inheritGridGap(decl, gap);
  14652. let { rows, columns, areas } = parseTemplate({
  14653. decl,
  14654. gap: inheritedGap || gap
  14655. });
  14656. let hasAreas = Object.keys(areas).length > 0;
  14657. let hasRows = Boolean(rows);
  14658. let hasColumns = Boolean(columns);
  14659. warnGridGap({
  14660. gap,
  14661. hasColumns,
  14662. decl,
  14663. result
  14664. });
  14665. warnMissedAreas(areas, decl, result);
  14666. if (hasRows && hasColumns || hasAreas) {
  14667. decl.cloneBefore({
  14668. prop: "-ms-grid-rows",
  14669. value: rows,
  14670. raws: {}
  14671. });
  14672. }
  14673. if (hasColumns) {
  14674. decl.cloneBefore({
  14675. prop: "-ms-grid-columns",
  14676. value: columns,
  14677. raws: {}
  14678. });
  14679. }
  14680. return decl;
  14681. }
  14682. };
  14683. GridTemplate.names = ["grid-template"];
  14684. module2.exports = GridTemplate;
  14685. }
  14686. });
  14687. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/inline-logical.js
  14688. var require_inline_logical = __commonJS({
  14689. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/inline-logical.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14690. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14691. var InlineLogical = class extends Declaration {
  14692. /**
  14693. * Use old syntax for -moz- and -webkit-
  14694. */
  14695. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14696. return prefix + prop.replace("-inline", "");
  14697. }
  14698. /**
  14699. * Return property name by spec
  14700. */
  14701. normalize(prop) {
  14702. return prop.replace(/(margin|padding|border)-(start|end)/, "$1-inline-$2");
  14703. }
  14704. };
  14705. InlineLogical.names = [
  14706. "border-inline-start",
  14707. "border-inline-end",
  14708. "margin-inline-start",
  14709. "margin-inline-end",
  14710. "padding-inline-start",
  14711. "padding-inline-end",
  14712. "border-start",
  14713. "border-end",
  14714. "margin-start",
  14715. "margin-end",
  14716. "padding-start",
  14717. "padding-end"
  14718. ];
  14719. module2.exports = InlineLogical;
  14720. }
  14721. });
  14722. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-row-align.js
  14723. var require_grid_row_align = __commonJS({
  14724. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-row-align.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14725. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14726. var GridRowAlign = class extends Declaration {
  14727. /**
  14728. * Do not prefix flexbox values
  14729. */
  14730. check(decl) {
  14731. return !decl.value.includes("flex-") && decl.value !== "baseline";
  14732. }
  14733. /**
  14734. * Change property name for IE
  14735. */
  14736. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14737. return prefix + "grid-row-align";
  14738. }
  14739. /**
  14740. * Change IE property back
  14741. */
  14742. normalize() {
  14743. return "align-self";
  14744. }
  14745. };
  14746. GridRowAlign.names = ["grid-row-align"];
  14747. module2.exports = GridRowAlign;
  14748. }
  14749. });
  14750. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/transform-decl.js
  14751. var require_transform_decl = __commonJS({
  14752. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/transform-decl.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14753. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14754. var TransformDecl = class _TransformDecl extends Declaration {
  14755. /**
  14756. * Recursively check all parents for @keyframes
  14757. */
  14758. keyframeParents(decl) {
  14759. let { parent } = decl;
  14760. while (parent) {
  14761. if (parent.type === "atrule" && === "keyframes") {
  14762. return true;
  14763. }
  14764. ;
  14765. ({ parent } = parent);
  14766. }
  14767. return false;
  14768. }
  14769. /**
  14770. * Is transform contain 3D commands
  14771. */
  14772. contain3d(decl) {
  14773. if (decl.prop === "transform-origin") {
  14774. return false;
  14775. }
  14776. for (let func of _TransformDecl.functions3d) {
  14777. if (decl.value.includes(`${func}(`)) {
  14778. return true;
  14779. }
  14780. }
  14781. return false;
  14782. }
  14783. /**
  14784. * Replace rotateZ to rotate for IE 9
  14785. */
  14786. set(decl, prefix) {
  14787. decl = super.set(decl, prefix);
  14788. if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  14789. decl.value = decl.value.replace(/rotatez/gi, "rotate");
  14790. }
  14791. return decl;
  14792. }
  14793. /**
  14794. * Don't add prefix for IE in keyframes
  14795. */
  14796. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  14797. if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  14798. if (!this.contain3d(decl) && !this.keyframeParents(decl)) {
  14799. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14800. }
  14801. } else if (prefix === "-o-") {
  14802. if (!this.contain3d(decl)) {
  14803. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14804. }
  14805. } else {
  14806. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14807. }
  14808. return void 0;
  14809. }
  14810. };
  14811. TransformDecl.names = ["transform", "transform-origin"];
  14812. TransformDecl.functions3d = [
  14813. "matrix3d",
  14814. "translate3d",
  14815. "translateZ",
  14816. "scale3d",
  14817. "scaleZ",
  14818. "rotate3d",
  14819. "rotateX",
  14820. "rotateY",
  14821. "perspective"
  14822. ];
  14823. module2.exports = TransformDecl;
  14824. }
  14825. });
  14826. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-direction.js
  14827. var require_flex_direction = __commonJS({
  14828. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/flex-direction.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14829. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  14830. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14831. var FlexDirection = class extends Declaration {
  14832. /**
  14833. * Return property name by final spec
  14834. */
  14835. normalize() {
  14836. return "flex-direction";
  14837. }
  14838. /**
  14839. * Use two properties for 2009 spec
  14840. */
  14841. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  14842. let spec;
  14843. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14844. if (spec !== 2009) {
  14845. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  14846. }
  14847. let already = decl.parent.some(
  14848. (i) => i.prop === prefix + "box-orient" || i.prop === prefix + "box-direction"
  14849. );
  14850. if (already) {
  14851. return void 0;
  14852. }
  14853. let v = decl.value;
  14854. let orient, dir;
  14855. if (v === "inherit" || v === "initial" || v === "unset") {
  14856. orient = v;
  14857. dir = v;
  14858. } else {
  14859. orient = v.includes("row") ? "horizontal" : "vertical";
  14860. dir = v.includes("reverse") ? "reverse" : "normal";
  14861. }
  14862. let cloned = this.clone(decl);
  14863. cloned.prop = prefix + "box-orient";
  14864. cloned.value = orient;
  14865. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  14866. cloned.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  14867. }
  14868. decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, cloned);
  14869. cloned = this.clone(decl);
  14870. cloned.prop = prefix + "box-direction";
  14871. cloned.value = dir;
  14872. if (this.needCascade(decl)) {
  14873. cloned.raws.before = this.calcBefore(prefixes, decl, prefix);
  14874. }
  14875. return decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, cloned);
  14876. }
  14877. /**
  14878. * Clean two properties for 2009 spec
  14879. */
  14880. old(prop, prefix) {
  14881. let spec;
  14882. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  14883. if (spec === 2009) {
  14884. return [prefix + "box-orient", prefix + "box-direction"];
  14885. } else {
  14886. return super.old(prop, prefix);
  14887. }
  14888. }
  14889. };
  14890. FlexDirection.names = ["flex-direction", "box-direction", "box-orient"];
  14891. module2.exports = FlexDirection;
  14892. }
  14893. });
  14894. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/image-rendering.js
  14895. var require_image_rendering = __commonJS({
  14896. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/image-rendering.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14897. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14898. var ImageRendering = class extends Declaration {
  14899. /**
  14900. * Add hack only for crisp-edges
  14901. */
  14902. check(decl) {
  14903. return decl.value === "pixelated";
  14904. }
  14905. /**
  14906. * Change property name for IE
  14907. */
  14908. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  14909. if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  14910. return "-ms-interpolation-mode";
  14911. }
  14912. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  14913. }
  14914. /**
  14915. * Change property and value for IE
  14916. */
  14917. set(decl, prefix) {
  14918. if (prefix !== "-ms-")
  14919. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  14920. decl.prop = "-ms-interpolation-mode";
  14921. decl.value = "nearest-neighbor";
  14922. return decl;
  14923. }
  14924. /**
  14925. * Return property name by spec
  14926. */
  14927. normalize() {
  14928. return "image-rendering";
  14929. }
  14930. /**
  14931. * Warn on old value
  14932. */
  14933. process(node, result) {
  14934. return super.process(node, result);
  14935. }
  14936. };
  14937. ImageRendering.names = ["image-rendering", "interpolation-mode"];
  14938. module2.exports = ImageRendering;
  14939. }
  14940. });
  14941. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/backdrop-filter.js
  14942. var require_backdrop_filter = __commonJS({
  14943. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/backdrop-filter.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14944. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14945. var utils = require_utils();
  14946. var BackdropFilter = class extends Declaration {
  14947. constructor(name, prefixes, all) {
  14948. super(name, prefixes, all);
  14949. if (this.prefixes) {
  14950. this.prefixes = utils.uniq(
  14951. => {
  14952. return i === "-ms-" ? "-webkit-" : i;
  14953. })
  14954. );
  14955. }
  14956. }
  14957. };
  14958. BackdropFilter.names = ["backdrop-filter"];
  14959. module2.exports = BackdropFilter;
  14960. }
  14961. });
  14962. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/background-clip.js
  14963. var require_background_clip = __commonJS({
  14964. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/background-clip.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14965. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14966. var utils = require_utils();
  14967. var BackgroundClip = class extends Declaration {
  14968. constructor(name, prefixes, all) {
  14969. super(name, prefixes, all);
  14970. if (this.prefixes) {
  14971. this.prefixes = utils.uniq(
  14972. => {
  14973. return i === "-ms-" ? "-webkit-" : i;
  14974. })
  14975. );
  14976. }
  14977. }
  14978. check(decl) {
  14979. return decl.value.toLowerCase() === "text";
  14980. }
  14981. };
  14982. BackgroundClip.names = ["background-clip"];
  14983. module2.exports = BackgroundClip;
  14984. }
  14985. });
  14986. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/text-decoration.js
  14987. var require_text_decoration = __commonJS({
  14988. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/text-decoration.js"(exports2, module2) {
  14989. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  14990. var BASIC = [
  14991. "none",
  14992. "underline",
  14993. "overline",
  14994. "line-through",
  14995. "blink",
  14996. "inherit",
  14997. "initial",
  14998. "unset"
  14999. ];
  15000. var TextDecoration = class extends Declaration {
  15001. /**
  15002. * Do not add prefixes for basic values.
  15003. */
  15004. check(decl) {
  15005. return decl.value.split(/\s+/).some((i) => !BASIC.includes(i));
  15006. }
  15007. };
  15008. TextDecoration.names = ["text-decoration"];
  15009. module2.exports = TextDecoration;
  15010. }
  15011. });
  15012. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/justify-content.js
  15013. var require_justify_content = __commonJS({
  15014. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/justify-content.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15015. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  15016. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15017. var JustifyContent = class _JustifyContent extends Declaration {
  15018. /**
  15019. * Change property name for 2009 and 2012 specs
  15020. */
  15021. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  15022. let spec;
  15023. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  15024. if (spec === 2009) {
  15025. return prefix + "box-pack";
  15026. }
  15027. if (spec === 2012) {
  15028. return prefix + "flex-pack";
  15029. }
  15030. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  15031. }
  15032. /**
  15033. * Return property name by final spec
  15034. */
  15035. normalize() {
  15036. return "justify-content";
  15037. }
  15038. /**
  15039. * Change value for 2009 and 2012 specs
  15040. */
  15041. set(decl, prefix) {
  15042. let spec = flexSpec(prefix)[0];
  15043. if (spec === 2009 || spec === 2012) {
  15044. let value = _JustifyContent.oldValues[decl.value] || decl.value;
  15045. decl.value = value;
  15046. if (spec !== 2009 || value !== "distribute") {
  15047. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  15048. }
  15049. } else if (spec === "final") {
  15050. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  15051. }
  15052. return void 0;
  15053. }
  15054. };
  15055. JustifyContent.names = ["justify-content", "flex-pack", "box-pack"];
  15056. JustifyContent.oldValues = {
  15057. "flex-end": "end",
  15058. "flex-start": "start",
  15059. "space-between": "justify",
  15060. "space-around": "distribute"
  15061. };
  15062. module2.exports = JustifyContent;
  15063. }
  15064. });
  15065. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/background-size.js
  15066. var require_background_size = __commonJS({
  15067. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/background-size.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15068. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15069. var BackgroundSize = class extends Declaration {
  15070. /**
  15071. * Duplication parameter for -webkit- browsers
  15072. */
  15073. set(decl, prefix) {
  15074. let value = decl.value.toLowerCase();
  15075. if (prefix === "-webkit-" && !value.includes(" ") && value !== "contain" && value !== "cover") {
  15076. decl.value = decl.value + " " + decl.value;
  15077. }
  15078. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  15079. }
  15080. };
  15081. BackgroundSize.names = ["background-size"];
  15082. module2.exports = BackgroundSize;
  15083. }
  15084. });
  15085. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-row-column.js
  15086. var require_grid_row_column = __commonJS({
  15087. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-row-column.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15088. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15089. var utils = require_grid_utils();
  15090. var GridRowColumn = class extends Declaration {
  15091. /**
  15092. * Translate grid-row / grid-column to separate -ms- prefixed properties
  15093. */
  15094. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes) {
  15095. if (prefix !== "-ms-")
  15096. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  15097. let values = utils.parse(decl);
  15098. let [start, span] = utils.translate(values, 0, 1);
  15099. let hasStartValueSpan = values[0] && values[0].includes("span");
  15100. if (hasStartValueSpan) {
  15101. span = values[0].join("").replace(/\D/g, "");
  15102. }
  15103. ;
  15104. [
  15105. [decl.prop, start],
  15106. [`${decl.prop}-span`, span]
  15107. ].forEach(([prop, value]) => {
  15108. utils.insertDecl(decl, prop, value);
  15109. });
  15110. return void 0;
  15111. }
  15112. };
  15113. GridRowColumn.names = ["grid-row", "grid-column"];
  15114. module2.exports = GridRowColumn;
  15115. }
  15116. });
  15117. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-rows-columns.js
  15118. var require_grid_rows_columns = __commonJS({
  15119. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-rows-columns.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15120. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15121. var {
  15122. prefixTrackProp,
  15123. prefixTrackValue,
  15124. autoplaceGridItems,
  15125. getGridGap,
  15126. inheritGridGap
  15127. } = require_grid_utils();
  15128. var Processor = require_processor2();
  15129. var GridRowsColumns = class extends Declaration {
  15130. /**
  15131. * Change property name for IE
  15132. */
  15133. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  15134. if (prefix === "-ms-") {
  15135. return prefixTrackProp({ prop, prefix });
  15136. }
  15137. return super.prefixed(prop, prefix);
  15138. }
  15139. /**
  15140. * Change IE property back
  15141. */
  15142. normalize(prop) {
  15143. return prop.replace(/^grid-(rows|columns)/, "grid-template-$1");
  15144. }
  15145. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes, result) {
  15146. if (prefix !== "-ms-")
  15147. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  15148. let { parent, prop, value } = decl;
  15149. let isRowProp = prop.includes("rows");
  15150. let isColumnProp = prop.includes("columns");
  15151. let hasGridTemplate = parent.some(
  15152. (i) => i.prop === "grid-template" || i.prop === "grid-template-areas"
  15153. );
  15154. if (hasGridTemplate && isRowProp) {
  15155. return false;
  15156. }
  15157. let processor = new Processor({ options: {} });
  15158. let status = processor.gridStatus(parent, result);
  15159. let gap = getGridGap(decl);
  15160. gap = inheritGridGap(decl, gap) || gap;
  15161. let gapValue = isRowProp ? gap.row : gap.column;
  15162. if ((status === "no-autoplace" || status === true) && !hasGridTemplate) {
  15163. gapValue = null;
  15164. }
  15165. let prefixValue = prefixTrackValue({
  15166. value,
  15167. gap: gapValue
  15168. });
  15169. decl.cloneBefore({
  15170. prop: prefixTrackProp({ prop, prefix }),
  15171. value: prefixValue
  15172. });
  15173. let autoflow = parent.nodes.find((i) => i.prop === "grid-auto-flow");
  15174. let autoflowValue = "row";
  15175. if (autoflow && !processor.disabled(autoflow, result)) {
  15176. autoflowValue = autoflow.value.trim();
  15177. }
  15178. if (status === "autoplace") {
  15179. let rowDecl = parent.nodes.find((i) => i.prop === "grid-template-rows");
  15180. if (!rowDecl && hasGridTemplate) {
  15181. return void 0;
  15182. } else if (!rowDecl && !hasGridTemplate) {
  15183. decl.warn(
  15184. result,
  15185. "Autoplacement does not work without grid-template-rows property"
  15186. );
  15187. return void 0;
  15188. }
  15189. let columnDecl = parent.nodes.find((i) => {
  15190. return i.prop === "grid-template-columns";
  15191. });
  15192. if (!columnDecl && !hasGridTemplate) {
  15193. decl.warn(
  15194. result,
  15195. "Autoplacement does not work without grid-template-columns property"
  15196. );
  15197. }
  15198. if (isColumnProp && !hasGridTemplate) {
  15199. autoplaceGridItems(decl, result, gap, autoflowValue);
  15200. }
  15201. }
  15202. return void 0;
  15203. }
  15204. };
  15205. GridRowsColumns.names = [
  15206. "grid-template-rows",
  15207. "grid-template-columns",
  15208. "grid-rows",
  15209. "grid-columns"
  15210. ];
  15211. module2.exports = GridRowsColumns;
  15212. }
  15213. });
  15214. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-column-align.js
  15215. var require_grid_column_align = __commonJS({
  15216. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-column-align.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15217. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15218. var GridColumnAlign = class extends Declaration {
  15219. /**
  15220. * Do not prefix flexbox values
  15221. */
  15222. check(decl) {
  15223. return !decl.value.includes("flex-") && decl.value !== "baseline";
  15224. }
  15225. /**
  15226. * Change property name for IE
  15227. */
  15228. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  15229. return prefix + "grid-column-align";
  15230. }
  15231. /**
  15232. * Change IE property back
  15233. */
  15234. normalize() {
  15235. return "justify-self";
  15236. }
  15237. };
  15238. GridColumnAlign.names = ["grid-column-align"];
  15239. module2.exports = GridColumnAlign;
  15240. }
  15241. });
  15242. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/print-color-adjust.js
  15243. var require_print_color_adjust = __commonJS({
  15244. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/print-color-adjust.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15245. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15246. var PrintColorAdjust = class extends Declaration {
  15247. /**
  15248. * Change property name for WebKit-based browsers
  15249. */
  15250. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  15251. if (prefix === "-moz-") {
  15252. return "color-adjust";
  15253. } else {
  15254. return prefix + "print-color-adjust";
  15255. }
  15256. }
  15257. /**
  15258. * Return property name by spec
  15259. */
  15260. normalize() {
  15261. return "print-color-adjust";
  15262. }
  15263. };
  15264. PrintColorAdjust.names = ["print-color-adjust", "color-adjust"];
  15265. module2.exports = PrintColorAdjust;
  15266. }
  15267. });
  15268. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/overscroll-behavior.js
  15269. var require_overscroll_behavior = __commonJS({
  15270. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/overscroll-behavior.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15271. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15272. var OverscrollBehavior = class extends Declaration {
  15273. /**
  15274. * Change property name for IE
  15275. */
  15276. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  15277. return prefix + "scroll-chaining";
  15278. }
  15279. /**
  15280. * Return property name by spec
  15281. */
  15282. normalize() {
  15283. return "overscroll-behavior";
  15284. }
  15285. /**
  15286. * Change value for IE
  15287. */
  15288. set(decl, prefix) {
  15289. if (decl.value === "auto") {
  15290. decl.value = "chained";
  15291. } else if (decl.value === "none" || decl.value === "contain") {
  15292. decl.value = "none";
  15293. }
  15294. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  15295. }
  15296. };
  15297. OverscrollBehavior.names = ["overscroll-behavior", "scroll-chaining"];
  15298. module2.exports = OverscrollBehavior;
  15299. }
  15300. });
  15301. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-template-areas.js
  15302. var require_grid_template_areas = __commonJS({
  15303. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/grid-template-areas.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15304. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15305. var {
  15306. parseGridAreas,
  15307. warnMissedAreas,
  15308. prefixTrackProp,
  15309. prefixTrackValue,
  15310. getGridGap,
  15311. warnGridGap,
  15312. inheritGridGap
  15313. } = require_grid_utils();
  15314. function getGridRows(tpl) {
  15315. return tpl.trim().slice(1, -1).split(/["']\s*["']?/g);
  15316. }
  15317. var GridTemplateAreas = class extends Declaration {
  15318. /**
  15319. * Translate grid-template-areas to separate -ms- prefixed properties
  15320. */
  15321. insert(decl, prefix, prefixes, result) {
  15322. if (prefix !== "-ms-")
  15323. return super.insert(decl, prefix, prefixes);
  15324. let hasColumns = false;
  15325. let hasRows = false;
  15326. let parent = decl.parent;
  15327. let gap = getGridGap(decl);
  15328. gap = inheritGridGap(decl, gap) || gap;
  15329. parent.walkDecls(/-ms-grid-rows/, (i) => i.remove());
  15330. parent.walkDecls(/grid-template-(rows|columns)/, (trackDecl) => {
  15331. if (trackDecl.prop === "grid-template-rows") {
  15332. hasRows = true;
  15333. let { prop, value } = trackDecl;
  15334. trackDecl.cloneBefore({
  15335. prop: prefixTrackProp({ prop, prefix }),
  15336. value: prefixTrackValue({ value, gap: gap.row })
  15337. });
  15338. } else {
  15339. hasColumns = true;
  15340. }
  15341. });
  15342. let gridRows = getGridRows(decl.value);
  15343. if (hasColumns && !hasRows && gap.row && gridRows.length > 1) {
  15344. decl.cloneBefore({
  15345. prop: "-ms-grid-rows",
  15346. value: prefixTrackValue({
  15347. value: `repeat(${gridRows.length}, auto)`,
  15348. gap: gap.row
  15349. }),
  15350. raws: {}
  15351. });
  15352. }
  15353. warnGridGap({
  15354. gap,
  15355. hasColumns,
  15356. decl,
  15357. result
  15358. });
  15359. let areas = parseGridAreas({
  15360. rows: gridRows,
  15361. gap
  15362. });
  15363. warnMissedAreas(areas, decl, result);
  15364. return decl;
  15365. }
  15366. };
  15367. GridTemplateAreas.names = ["grid-template-areas"];
  15368. module2.exports = GridTemplateAreas;
  15369. }
  15370. });
  15371. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/text-emphasis-position.js
  15372. var require_text_emphasis_position = __commonJS({
  15373. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/text-emphasis-position.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15374. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15375. var TextEmphasisPosition = class extends Declaration {
  15376. set(decl, prefix) {
  15377. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  15378. decl.value = decl.value.replace(/\s*(right|left)\s*/i, "");
  15379. }
  15380. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  15381. }
  15382. };
  15383. TextEmphasisPosition.names = ["text-emphasis-position"];
  15384. module2.exports = TextEmphasisPosition;
  15385. }
  15386. });
  15387. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/text-decoration-skip-ink.js
  15388. var require_text_decoration_skip_ink = __commonJS({
  15389. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/text-decoration-skip-ink.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15390. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  15391. var TextDecorationSkipInk = class extends Declaration {
  15392. /**
  15393. * Change prefix for ink value
  15394. */
  15395. set(decl, prefix) {
  15396. if (decl.prop === "text-decoration-skip-ink" && decl.value === "auto") {
  15397. decl.prop = prefix + "text-decoration-skip";
  15398. decl.value = "ink";
  15399. return decl;
  15400. } else {
  15401. return super.set(decl, prefix);
  15402. }
  15403. }
  15404. };
  15405. TextDecorationSkipInk.names = [
  15406. "text-decoration-skip-ink",
  15407. "text-decoration-skip"
  15408. ];
  15409. module2.exports = TextDecorationSkipInk;
  15410. }
  15411. });
  15412. // node_modules/normalize-range/index.js
  15413. var require_normalize_range = __commonJS({
  15414. "node_modules/normalize-range/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15415. "use strict";
  15416. module2.exports = {
  15417. wrap: wrapRange,
  15418. limit: limitRange,
  15419. validate: validateRange,
  15420. test: testRange,
  15421. curry,
  15422. name
  15423. };
  15424. function wrapRange(min, max, value) {
  15425. var maxLessMin = max - min;
  15426. return ((value - min) % maxLessMin + maxLessMin) % maxLessMin + min;
  15427. }
  15428. function limitRange(min, max, value) {
  15429. return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value));
  15430. }
  15431. function validateRange(min, max, value, minExclusive, maxExclusive) {
  15432. if (!testRange(min, max, value, minExclusive, maxExclusive)) {
  15433. throw new Error(value + " is outside of range [" + min + "," + max + ")");
  15434. }
  15435. return value;
  15436. }
  15437. function testRange(min, max, value, minExclusive, maxExclusive) {
  15438. return !(value < min || value > max || maxExclusive && value === max || minExclusive && value === min);
  15439. }
  15440. function name(min, max, minExcl, maxExcl) {
  15441. return (minExcl ? "(" : "[") + min + "," + max + (maxExcl ? ")" : "]");
  15442. }
  15443. function curry(min, max, minExclusive, maxExclusive) {
  15444. var boundNameFn = name.bind(null, min, max, minExclusive, maxExclusive);
  15445. return {
  15446. wrap: wrapRange.bind(null, min, max),
  15447. limit: limitRange.bind(null, min, max),
  15448. validate: function(value) {
  15449. return validateRange(min, max, value, minExclusive, maxExclusive);
  15450. },
  15451. test: function(value) {
  15452. return testRange(min, max, value, minExclusive, maxExclusive);
  15453. },
  15454. toString: boundNameFn,
  15455. name: boundNameFn
  15456. };
  15457. }
  15458. }
  15459. });
  15460. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/gradient.js
  15461. var require_gradient = __commonJS({
  15462. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/gradient.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15463. var parser = require_lib();
  15464. var range = require_normalize_range();
  15465. var OldValue = require_old_value();
  15466. var Value = require_value();
  15467. var utils = require_utils();
  15468. var IS_DIRECTION = /top|left|right|bottom/gi;
  15469. var Gradient = class _Gradient extends Value {
  15470. /**
  15471. * Change degrees for webkit prefix
  15472. */
  15473. replace(string, prefix) {
  15474. let ast = parser(string);
  15475. for (let node of ast.nodes) {
  15476. let gradientName =;
  15477. if (node.type === "function" && node.value === gradientName) {
  15478. node.nodes = this.newDirection(node.nodes);
  15479. node.nodes = this.normalize(node.nodes, gradientName);
  15480. if (prefix === "-webkit- old") {
  15481. let changes = this.oldWebkit(node);
  15482. if (!changes) {
  15483. return false;
  15484. }
  15485. } else {
  15486. node.nodes = this.convertDirection(node.nodes);
  15487. node.value = prefix + node.value;
  15488. }
  15489. }
  15490. }
  15491. return ast.toString();
  15492. }
  15493. /**
  15494. * Replace first token
  15495. */
  15496. replaceFirst(params, ...words) {
  15497. let prefix = => {
  15498. if (i === " ") {
  15499. return { type: "space", value: i };
  15500. }
  15501. return { type: "word", value: i };
  15502. });
  15503. return prefix.concat(params.slice(1));
  15504. }
  15505. /**
  15506. * Convert angle unit to deg
  15507. */
  15508. normalizeUnit(str, full) {
  15509. let num = parseFloat(str);
  15510. let deg = num / full * 360;
  15511. return `${deg}deg`;
  15512. }
  15513. /**
  15514. * Normalize angle
  15515. */
  15516. normalize(nodes, gradientName) {
  15517. if (!nodes[0])
  15518. return nodes;
  15519. if (/-?\d+(.\d+)?grad/.test(nodes[0].value)) {
  15520. nodes[0].value = this.normalizeUnit(nodes[0].value, 400);
  15521. } else if (/-?\d+(.\d+)?rad/.test(nodes[0].value)) {
  15522. nodes[0].value = this.normalizeUnit(nodes[0].value, 2 * Math.PI);
  15523. } else if (/-?\d+(.\d+)?turn/.test(nodes[0].value)) {
  15524. nodes[0].value = this.normalizeUnit(nodes[0].value, 1);
  15525. } else if (nodes[0].value.includes("deg")) {
  15526. let num = parseFloat(nodes[0].value);
  15527. num = range.wrap(0, 360, num);
  15528. nodes[0].value = `${num}deg`;
  15529. }
  15530. if (gradientName === "linear-gradient" || gradientName === "repeating-linear-gradient") {
  15531. let direction = nodes[0].value;
  15532. if (direction === "0deg" || direction === "0") {
  15533. nodes = this.replaceFirst(nodes, "to", " ", "top");
  15534. } else if (direction === "90deg") {
  15535. nodes = this.replaceFirst(nodes, "to", " ", "right");
  15536. } else if (direction === "180deg") {
  15537. nodes = this.replaceFirst(nodes, "to", " ", "bottom");
  15538. } else if (direction === "270deg") {
  15539. nodes = this.replaceFirst(nodes, "to", " ", "left");
  15540. }
  15541. }
  15542. return nodes;
  15543. }
  15544. /**
  15545. * Replace old direction to new
  15546. */
  15547. newDirection(params) {
  15548. if (params[0].value === "to") {
  15549. return params;
  15550. }
  15551. IS_DIRECTION.lastIndex = 0;
  15552. if (!IS_DIRECTION.test(params[0].value)) {
  15553. return params;
  15554. }
  15555. params.unshift(
  15556. {
  15557. type: "word",
  15558. value: "to"
  15559. },
  15560. {
  15561. type: "space",
  15562. value: " "
  15563. }
  15564. );
  15565. for (let i = 2; i < params.length; i++) {
  15566. if (params[i].type === "div") {
  15567. break;
  15568. }
  15569. if (params[i].type === "word") {
  15570. params[i].value = this.revertDirection(params[i].value);
  15571. }
  15572. }
  15573. return params;
  15574. }
  15575. /**
  15576. * Look for at word
  15577. */
  15578. isRadial(params) {
  15579. let state = "before";
  15580. for (let param of params) {
  15581. if (state === "before" && param.type === "space") {
  15582. state = "at";
  15583. } else if (state === "at" && param.value === "at") {
  15584. state = "after";
  15585. } else if (state === "after" && param.type === "space") {
  15586. return true;
  15587. } else if (param.type === "div") {
  15588. break;
  15589. } else {
  15590. state = "before";
  15591. }
  15592. }
  15593. return false;
  15594. }
  15595. /**
  15596. * Change new direction to old
  15597. */
  15598. convertDirection(params) {
  15599. if (params.length > 0) {
  15600. if (params[0].value === "to") {
  15601. this.fixDirection(params);
  15602. } else if (params[0].value.includes("deg")) {
  15603. this.fixAngle(params);
  15604. } else if (this.isRadial(params)) {
  15605. this.fixRadial(params);
  15606. }
  15607. }
  15608. return params;
  15609. }
  15610. /**
  15611. * Replace `to top left` to `bottom right`
  15612. */
  15613. fixDirection(params) {
  15614. params.splice(0, 2);
  15615. for (let param of params) {
  15616. if (param.type === "div") {
  15617. break;
  15618. }
  15619. if (param.type === "word") {
  15620. param.value = this.revertDirection(param.value);
  15621. }
  15622. }
  15623. }
  15624. /**
  15625. * Add 90 degrees
  15626. */
  15627. fixAngle(params) {
  15628. let first = params[0].value;
  15629. first = parseFloat(first);
  15630. first = Math.abs(450 - first) % 360;
  15631. first = this.roundFloat(first, 3);
  15632. params[0].value = `${first}deg`;
  15633. }
  15634. /**
  15635. * Fix radial direction syntax
  15636. */
  15637. fixRadial(params) {
  15638. let first = [];
  15639. let second = [];
  15640. let a, b, c, i, next;
  15641. for (i = 0; i < params.length - 2; i++) {
  15642. a = params[i];
  15643. b = params[i + 1];
  15644. c = params[i + 2];
  15645. if (a.type === "space" && b.value === "at" && c.type === "space") {
  15646. next = i + 3;
  15647. break;
  15648. } else {
  15649. first.push(a);
  15650. }
  15651. }
  15652. let div;
  15653. for (i = next; i < params.length; i++) {
  15654. if (params[i].type === "div") {
  15655. div = params[i];
  15656. break;
  15657. } else {
  15658. second.push(params[i]);
  15659. }
  15660. }
  15661. params.splice(0, i, ...second, div, ...first);
  15662. }
  15663. revertDirection(word) {
  15664. return _Gradient.directions[word.toLowerCase()] || word;
  15665. }
  15666. /**
  15667. * Round float and save digits under dot
  15668. */
  15669. roundFloat(float, digits) {
  15670. return parseFloat(float.toFixed(digits));
  15671. }
  15672. /**
  15673. * Convert to old webkit syntax
  15674. */
  15675. oldWebkit(node) {
  15676. let { nodes } = node;
  15677. let string = parser.stringify(node.nodes);
  15678. if ( !== "linear-gradient") {
  15679. return false;
  15680. }
  15681. if (nodes[0] && nodes[0].value.includes("deg")) {
  15682. return false;
  15683. }
  15684. if (string.includes("px") || string.includes("-corner") || string.includes("-side")) {
  15685. return false;
  15686. }
  15687. let params = [[]];
  15688. for (let i of nodes) {
  15689. params[params.length - 1].push(i);
  15690. if (i.type === "div" && i.value === ",") {
  15691. params.push([]);
  15692. }
  15693. }
  15694. this.oldDirection(params);
  15695. this.colorStops(params);
  15696. node.nodes = [];
  15697. for (let param of params) {
  15698. node.nodes = node.nodes.concat(param);
  15699. }
  15700. node.nodes.unshift(
  15701. { type: "word", value: "linear" },
  15702. this.cloneDiv(node.nodes)
  15703. );
  15704. node.value = "-webkit-gradient";
  15705. return true;
  15706. }
  15707. /**
  15708. * Change direction syntax to old webkit
  15709. */
  15710. oldDirection(params) {
  15711. let div = this.cloneDiv(params[0]);
  15712. if (params[0][0].value !== "to") {
  15713. return params.unshift([
  15714. { type: "word", value: _Gradient.oldDirections.bottom },
  15715. div
  15716. ]);
  15717. } else {
  15718. let words = [];
  15719. for (let node of params[0].slice(2)) {
  15720. if (node.type === "word") {
  15721. words.push(node.value.toLowerCase());
  15722. }
  15723. }
  15724. words = words.join(" ");
  15725. let old = _Gradient.oldDirections[words] || words;
  15726. params[0] = [{ type: "word", value: old }, div];
  15727. return params[0];
  15728. }
  15729. }
  15730. /**
  15731. * Get div token from exists parameters
  15732. */
  15733. cloneDiv(params) {
  15734. for (let i of params) {
  15735. if (i.type === "div" && i.value === ",") {
  15736. return i;
  15737. }
  15738. }
  15739. return { type: "div", value: ",", after: " " };
  15740. }
  15741. /**
  15742. * Change colors syntax to old webkit
  15743. */
  15744. colorStops(params) {
  15745. let result = [];
  15746. for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
  15747. let pos;
  15748. let param = params[i];
  15749. let item;
  15750. if (i === 0) {
  15751. continue;
  15752. }
  15753. let color = parser.stringify(param[0]);
  15754. if (param[1] && param[1].type === "word") {
  15755. pos = param[1].value;
  15756. } else if (param[2] && param[2].type === "word") {
  15757. pos = param[2].value;
  15758. }
  15759. let stop;
  15760. if (i === 1 && (!pos || pos === "0%")) {
  15761. stop = `from(${color})`;
  15762. } else if (i === params.length - 1 && (!pos || pos === "100%")) {
  15763. stop = `to(${color})`;
  15764. } else if (pos) {
  15765. stop = `color-stop(${pos}, ${color})`;
  15766. } else {
  15767. stop = `color-stop(${color})`;
  15768. }
  15769. let div = param[param.length - 1];
  15770. params[i] = [{ type: "word", value: stop }];
  15771. if (div.type === "div" && div.value === ",") {
  15772. item = params[i].push(div);
  15773. }
  15774. result.push(item);
  15775. }
  15776. return result;
  15777. }
  15778. /**
  15779. * Remove old WebKit gradient too
  15780. */
  15781. old(prefix) {
  15782. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  15783. let type;
  15784. if ( === "linear-gradient") {
  15785. type = "linear";
  15786. } else if ( === "repeating-linear-gradient") {
  15787. type = "repeating-linear";
  15788. } else if ( === "repeating-radial-gradient") {
  15789. type = "repeating-radial";
  15790. } else {
  15791. type = "radial";
  15792. }
  15793. let string = "-gradient";
  15794. let regexp = utils.regexp(
  15795. `-webkit-(${type}-gradient|gradient\\(\\s*${type})`,
  15796. false
  15797. );
  15798. return new OldValue(, prefix +, string, regexp);
  15799. } else {
  15800. return super.old(prefix);
  15801. }
  15802. }
  15803. /**
  15804. * Do not add non-webkit prefixes for list-style and object
  15805. */
  15806. add(decl, prefix) {
  15807. let p = decl.prop;
  15808. if (p.includes("mask")) {
  15809. if (prefix === "-webkit-" || prefix === "-webkit- old") {
  15810. return super.add(decl, prefix);
  15811. }
  15812. } else if (p === "list-style" || p === "list-style-image" || p === "content") {
  15813. if (prefix === "-webkit-" || prefix === "-webkit- old") {
  15814. return super.add(decl, prefix);
  15815. }
  15816. } else {
  15817. return super.add(decl, prefix);
  15818. }
  15819. return void 0;
  15820. }
  15821. };
  15822. Gradient.names = [
  15823. "linear-gradient",
  15824. "repeating-linear-gradient",
  15825. "radial-gradient",
  15826. "repeating-radial-gradient"
  15827. ];
  15828. Gradient.directions = {
  15829. top: "bottom",
  15830. // default value
  15831. left: "right",
  15832. bottom: "top",
  15833. right: "left"
  15834. };
  15835. Gradient.oldDirections = {
  15836. "top": "left bottom, left top",
  15837. "left": "right top, left top",
  15838. "bottom": "left top, left bottom",
  15839. "right": "left top, right top",
  15840. "top right": "left bottom, right top",
  15841. "top left": "right bottom, left top",
  15842. "right top": "left bottom, right top",
  15843. "right bottom": "left top, right bottom",
  15844. "bottom right": "left top, right bottom",
  15845. "bottom left": "right top, left bottom",
  15846. "left top": "right bottom, left top",
  15847. "left bottom": "right top, left bottom"
  15848. };
  15849. module2.exports = Gradient;
  15850. }
  15851. });
  15852. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/intrinsic.js
  15853. var require_intrinsic = __commonJS({
  15854. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/intrinsic.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15855. var OldValue = require_old_value();
  15856. var Value = require_value();
  15857. function regexp(name) {
  15858. return new RegExp(`(^|[\\s,(])(${name}($|[\\s),]))`, "gi");
  15859. }
  15860. var Intrinsic = class extends Value {
  15861. regexp() {
  15862. if (!this.regexpCache)
  15863. this.regexpCache = regexp(;
  15864. return this.regexpCache;
  15865. }
  15866. isStretch() {
  15867. return === "stretch" || === "fill" || === "fill-available";
  15868. }
  15869. replace(string, prefix) {
  15870. if (prefix === "-moz-" && this.isStretch()) {
  15871. return string.replace(this.regexp(), "$1-moz-available$3");
  15872. }
  15873. if (prefix === "-webkit-" && this.isStretch()) {
  15874. return string.replace(this.regexp(), "$1-webkit-fill-available$3");
  15875. }
  15876. return super.replace(string, prefix);
  15877. }
  15878. old(prefix) {
  15879. let prefixed = prefix +;
  15880. if (this.isStretch()) {
  15881. if (prefix === "-moz-") {
  15882. prefixed = "-moz-available";
  15883. } else if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  15884. prefixed = "-webkit-fill-available";
  15885. }
  15886. }
  15887. return new OldValue(, prefixed, prefixed, regexp(prefixed));
  15888. }
  15889. add(decl, prefix) {
  15890. if (decl.prop.includes("grid") && prefix !== "-webkit-") {
  15891. return void 0;
  15892. }
  15893. return super.add(decl, prefix);
  15894. }
  15895. };
  15896. Intrinsic.names = [
  15897. "max-content",
  15898. "min-content",
  15899. "fit-content",
  15900. "fill",
  15901. "fill-available",
  15902. "stretch"
  15903. ];
  15904. module2.exports = Intrinsic;
  15905. }
  15906. });
  15907. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/pixelated.js
  15908. var require_pixelated = __commonJS({
  15909. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/pixelated.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15910. var OldValue = require_old_value();
  15911. var Value = require_value();
  15912. var Pixelated = class extends Value {
  15913. /**
  15914. * Use non-standard name for WebKit and Firefox
  15915. */
  15916. replace(string, prefix) {
  15917. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  15918. return string.replace(this.regexp(), "$1-webkit-optimize-contrast");
  15919. }
  15920. if (prefix === "-moz-") {
  15921. return string.replace(this.regexp(), "$1-moz-crisp-edges");
  15922. }
  15923. return super.replace(string, prefix);
  15924. }
  15925. /**
  15926. * Different name for WebKit and Firefox
  15927. */
  15928. old(prefix) {
  15929. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  15930. return new OldValue(, "-webkit-optimize-contrast");
  15931. }
  15932. if (prefix === "-moz-") {
  15933. return new OldValue(, "-moz-crisp-edges");
  15934. }
  15935. return super.old(prefix);
  15936. }
  15937. };
  15938. Pixelated.names = ["pixelated"];
  15939. module2.exports = Pixelated;
  15940. }
  15941. });
  15942. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/image-set.js
  15943. var require_image_set = __commonJS({
  15944. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/image-set.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15945. var Value = require_value();
  15946. var ImageSet = class extends Value {
  15947. /**
  15948. * Use non-standard name for WebKit and Firefox
  15949. */
  15950. replace(string, prefix) {
  15951. let fixed = super.replace(string, prefix);
  15952. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  15953. fixed = fixed.replace(/("[^"]+"|'[^']+')(\s+\d+\w)/gi, "url($1)$2");
  15954. }
  15955. return fixed;
  15956. }
  15957. };
  15958. ImageSet.names = ["image-set"];
  15959. module2.exports = ImageSet;
  15960. }
  15961. });
  15962. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/cross-fade.js
  15963. var require_cross_fade = __commonJS({
  15964. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/cross-fade.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15965. var list = require_postcss().list;
  15966. var Value = require_value();
  15967. var CrossFade = class extends Value {
  15968. replace(string, prefix) {
  15969. return => {
  15970. if (value.slice(0, + 1) !== + "(") {
  15971. return value;
  15972. }
  15973. let close = value.lastIndexOf(")");
  15974. let after = value.slice(close + 1);
  15975. let args = value.slice( + 1, close);
  15976. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  15977. let match = args.match(/\d*.?\d+%?/);
  15978. if (match) {
  15979. args = args.slice(match[0].length).trim();
  15980. args += `, ${match[0]}`;
  15981. } else {
  15982. args += ", 0.5";
  15983. }
  15984. }
  15985. return prefix + + "(" + args + ")" + after;
  15986. }).join(" ");
  15987. }
  15988. };
  15989. CrossFade.names = ["cross-fade"];
  15990. module2.exports = CrossFade;
  15991. }
  15992. });
  15993. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/display-flex.js
  15994. var require_display_flex = __commonJS({
  15995. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/display-flex.js"(exports2, module2) {
  15996. var flexSpec = require_flex_spec();
  15997. var OldValue = require_old_value();
  15998. var Value = require_value();
  15999. var DisplayFlex = class extends Value {
  16000. constructor(name, prefixes) {
  16001. super(name, prefixes);
  16002. if (name === "display-flex") {
  16003. = "flex";
  16004. }
  16005. }
  16006. /**
  16007. * Faster check for flex value
  16008. */
  16009. check(decl) {
  16010. return decl.prop === "display" && decl.value ===;
  16011. }
  16012. /**
  16013. * Return value by spec
  16014. */
  16015. prefixed(prefix) {
  16016. let spec, value;
  16017. [spec, prefix] = flexSpec(prefix);
  16018. if (spec === 2009) {
  16019. if ( === "flex") {
  16020. value = "box";
  16021. } else {
  16022. value = "inline-box";
  16023. }
  16024. } else if (spec === 2012) {
  16025. if ( === "flex") {
  16026. value = "flexbox";
  16027. } else {
  16028. value = "inline-flexbox";
  16029. }
  16030. } else if (spec === "final") {
  16031. value =;
  16032. }
  16033. return prefix + value;
  16034. }
  16035. /**
  16036. * Add prefix to value depend on flebox spec version
  16037. */
  16038. replace(string, prefix) {
  16039. return this.prefixed(prefix);
  16040. }
  16041. /**
  16042. * Change value for old specs
  16043. */
  16044. old(prefix) {
  16045. let prefixed = this.prefixed(prefix);
  16046. if (!prefixed)
  16047. return void 0;
  16048. return new OldValue(, prefixed);
  16049. }
  16050. };
  16051. DisplayFlex.names = ["display-flex", "inline-flex"];
  16052. module2.exports = DisplayFlex;
  16053. }
  16054. });
  16055. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/display-grid.js
  16056. var require_display_grid = __commonJS({
  16057. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/display-grid.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16058. var Value = require_value();
  16059. var DisplayGrid = class extends Value {
  16060. constructor(name, prefixes) {
  16061. super(name, prefixes);
  16062. if (name === "display-grid") {
  16063. = "grid";
  16064. }
  16065. }
  16066. /**
  16067. * Faster check for flex value
  16068. */
  16069. check(decl) {
  16070. return decl.prop === "display" && decl.value ===;
  16071. }
  16072. };
  16073. DisplayGrid.names = ["display-grid", "inline-grid"];
  16074. module2.exports = DisplayGrid;
  16075. }
  16076. });
  16077. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/filter-value.js
  16078. var require_filter_value = __commonJS({
  16079. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/filter-value.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16080. var Value = require_value();
  16081. var FilterValue = class extends Value {
  16082. constructor(name, prefixes) {
  16083. super(name, prefixes);
  16084. if (name === "filter-function") {
  16085. = "filter";
  16086. }
  16087. }
  16088. };
  16089. FilterValue.names = ["filter", "filter-function"];
  16090. module2.exports = FilterValue;
  16091. }
  16092. });
  16093. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/autofill.js
  16094. var require_autofill = __commonJS({
  16095. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/hacks/autofill.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16096. var Selector = require_selector();
  16097. var utils = require_utils();
  16098. var Autofill = class extends Selector {
  16099. constructor(name, prefixes, all) {
  16100. super(name, prefixes, all);
  16101. if (this.prefixes) {
  16102. this.prefixes = utils.uniq( => "-webkit-"));
  16103. }
  16104. }
  16105. /**
  16106. * Return different selectors depend on prefix
  16107. */
  16108. prefixed(prefix) {
  16109. if (prefix === "-webkit-") {
  16110. return ":-webkit-autofill";
  16111. }
  16112. return `:${prefix}autofill`;
  16113. }
  16114. };
  16115. Autofill.names = [":autofill"];
  16116. module2.exports = Autofill;
  16117. }
  16118. });
  16119. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/prefixes.js
  16120. var require_prefixes = __commonJS({
  16121. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/prefixes.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16122. var vendor = require_vendor();
  16123. var Declaration = require_declaration2();
  16124. var Resolution = require_resolution();
  16125. var Transition = require_transition();
  16126. var Processor = require_processor2();
  16127. var Supports = require_supports();
  16128. var Browsers = require_browsers3();
  16129. var Selector = require_selector();
  16130. var AtRule = require_at_rule2();
  16131. var Value = require_value();
  16132. var utils = require_utils();
  16133. var hackFullscreen = require_fullscreen();
  16134. var hackPlaceholder = require_placeholder();
  16135. var hackPlaceholderShown = require_placeholder_shown();
  16136. var hackFileSelectorButton = require_file_selector_button();
  16137. var hackFlex = require_flex();
  16138. var hackOrder = require_order();
  16139. var hackFilter = require_filter();
  16140. var hackGridEnd = require_grid_end();
  16141. var hackAnimation = require_animation();
  16142. var hackFlexFlow = require_flex_flow();
  16143. var hackFlexGrow = require_flex_grow();
  16144. var hackFlexWrap = require_flex_wrap();
  16145. var hackGridArea = require_grid_area();
  16146. var hackPlaceSelf = require_place_self();
  16147. var hackGridStart = require_grid_start();
  16148. var hackAlignSelf = require_align_self();
  16149. var hackAppearance = require_appearance();
  16150. var hackFlexBasis = require_flex_basis();
  16151. var hackMaskBorder = require_mask_border();
  16152. var hackMaskComposite = require_mask_composite();
  16153. var hackAlignItems = require_align_items();
  16154. var hackUserSelect = require_user_select();
  16155. var hackFlexShrink = require_flex_shrink();
  16156. var hackBreakProps = require_break_props();
  16157. var hackWritingMode = require_writing_mode();
  16158. var hackBorderImage = require_border_image();
  16159. var hackAlignContent = require_align_content();
  16160. var hackBorderRadius = require_border_radius();
  16161. var hackBlockLogical = require_block_logical();
  16162. var hackGridTemplate = require_grid_template();
  16163. var hackInlineLogical = require_inline_logical();
  16164. var hackGridRowAlign = require_grid_row_align();
  16165. var hackTransformDecl = require_transform_decl();
  16166. var hackFlexDirection = require_flex_direction();
  16167. var hackImageRendering = require_image_rendering();
  16168. var hackBackdropFilter = require_backdrop_filter();
  16169. var hackBackgroundClip = require_background_clip();
  16170. var hackTextDecoration = require_text_decoration();
  16171. var hackJustifyContent = require_justify_content();
  16172. var hackBackgroundSize = require_background_size();
  16173. var hackGridRowColumn = require_grid_row_column();
  16174. var hackGridRowsColumns = require_grid_rows_columns();
  16175. var hackGridColumnAlign = require_grid_column_align();
  16176. var hackPrintColorAdjust = require_print_color_adjust();
  16177. var hackOverscrollBehavior = require_overscroll_behavior();
  16178. var hackGridTemplateAreas = require_grid_template_areas();
  16179. var hackTextEmphasisPosition = require_text_emphasis_position();
  16180. var hackTextDecorationSkipInk = require_text_decoration_skip_ink();
  16181. var hackGradient = require_gradient();
  16182. var hackIntrinsic = require_intrinsic();
  16183. var hackPixelated = require_pixelated();
  16184. var hackImageSet = require_image_set();
  16185. var hackCrossFade = require_cross_fade();
  16186. var hackDisplayFlex = require_display_flex();
  16187. var hackDisplayGrid = require_display_grid();
  16188. var hackFilterValue = require_filter_value();
  16189. var hackAutofill = require_autofill();
  16190. Selector.hack(hackAutofill);
  16191. Selector.hack(hackFullscreen);
  16192. Selector.hack(hackPlaceholder);
  16193. Selector.hack(hackPlaceholderShown);
  16194. Selector.hack(hackFileSelectorButton);
  16195. Declaration.hack(hackFlex);
  16196. Declaration.hack(hackOrder);
  16197. Declaration.hack(hackFilter);
  16198. Declaration.hack(hackGridEnd);
  16199. Declaration.hack(hackAnimation);
  16200. Declaration.hack(hackFlexFlow);
  16201. Declaration.hack(hackFlexGrow);
  16202. Declaration.hack(hackFlexWrap);
  16203. Declaration.hack(hackGridArea);
  16204. Declaration.hack(hackPlaceSelf);
  16205. Declaration.hack(hackGridStart);
  16206. Declaration.hack(hackAlignSelf);
  16207. Declaration.hack(hackAppearance);
  16208. Declaration.hack(hackFlexBasis);
  16209. Declaration.hack(hackMaskBorder);
  16210. Declaration.hack(hackMaskComposite);
  16211. Declaration.hack(hackAlignItems);
  16212. Declaration.hack(hackUserSelect);
  16213. Declaration.hack(hackFlexShrink);
  16214. Declaration.hack(hackBreakProps);
  16215. Declaration.hack(hackWritingMode);
  16216. Declaration.hack(hackBorderImage);
  16217. Declaration.hack(hackAlignContent);
  16218. Declaration.hack(hackBorderRadius);
  16219. Declaration.hack(hackBlockLogical);
  16220. Declaration.hack(hackGridTemplate);
  16221. Declaration.hack(hackInlineLogical);
  16222. Declaration.hack(hackGridRowAlign);
  16223. Declaration.hack(hackTransformDecl);
  16224. Declaration.hack(hackFlexDirection);
  16225. Declaration.hack(hackImageRendering);
  16226. Declaration.hack(hackBackdropFilter);
  16227. Declaration.hack(hackBackgroundClip);
  16228. Declaration.hack(hackTextDecoration);
  16229. Declaration.hack(hackJustifyContent);
  16230. Declaration.hack(hackBackgroundSize);
  16231. Declaration.hack(hackGridRowColumn);
  16232. Declaration.hack(hackGridRowsColumns);
  16233. Declaration.hack(hackGridColumnAlign);
  16234. Declaration.hack(hackOverscrollBehavior);
  16235. Declaration.hack(hackGridTemplateAreas);
  16236. Declaration.hack(hackPrintColorAdjust);
  16237. Declaration.hack(hackTextEmphasisPosition);
  16238. Declaration.hack(hackTextDecorationSkipInk);
  16239. Value.hack(hackGradient);
  16240. Value.hack(hackIntrinsic);
  16241. Value.hack(hackPixelated);
  16242. Value.hack(hackImageSet);
  16243. Value.hack(hackCrossFade);
  16244. Value.hack(hackDisplayFlex);
  16245. Value.hack(hackDisplayGrid);
  16246. Value.hack(hackFilterValue);
  16247. var declsCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  16248. var Prefixes = class _Prefixes {
  16249. constructor(data, browsers, options = {}) {
  16250. = data;
  16251. this.browsers = browsers;
  16252. this.options = options;
  16253. [this.add, this.remove] = this.preprocess(;
  16254. this.transition = new Transition(this);
  16255. this.processor = new Processor(this);
  16256. }
  16257. /**
  16258. * Return clone instance to remove all prefixes
  16259. */
  16260. cleaner() {
  16261. if (this.cleanerCache) {
  16262. return this.cleanerCache;
  16263. }
  16264. if (this.browsers.selected.length) {
  16265. let empty = new Browsers(, []);
  16266. this.cleanerCache = new _Prefixes(, empty, this.options);
  16267. } else {
  16268. return this;
  16269. }
  16270. return this.cleanerCache;
  16271. }
  16272. /**
  16273. * Select prefixes from data, which is necessary for selected browsers
  16274. */
  16275. select(list) {
  16276. let selected = { add: {}, remove: {} };
  16277. for (let name in list) {
  16278. let data = list[name];
  16279. let add = => {
  16280. let params = i.split(" ");
  16281. return {
  16282. browser: `${params[0]} ${params[1]}`,
  16283. note: params[2]
  16284. };
  16285. });
  16286. let notes = add.filter((i) => i.note).map((i) => `${this.browsers.prefix(i.browser)} ${i.note}`);
  16287. notes = utils.uniq(notes);
  16288. add = add.filter((i) => this.browsers.isSelected(i.browser)).map((i) => {
  16289. let prefix = this.browsers.prefix(i.browser);
  16290. if (i.note) {
  16291. return `${prefix} ${i.note}`;
  16292. } else {
  16293. return prefix;
  16294. }
  16295. });
  16296. add = this.sort(utils.uniq(add));
  16297. if (this.options.flexbox === "no-2009") {
  16298. add = add.filter((i) => !i.includes("2009"));
  16299. }
  16300. let all = => this.browsers.prefix(i));
  16301. if (data.mistakes) {
  16302. all = all.concat(data.mistakes);
  16303. }
  16304. all = all.concat(notes);
  16305. all = utils.uniq(all);
  16306. if (add.length) {
  16307. selected.add[name] = add;
  16308. if (add.length < all.length) {
  16309. selected.remove[name] = all.filter((i) => !add.includes(i));
  16310. }
  16311. } else {
  16312. selected.remove[name] = all;
  16313. }
  16314. }
  16315. return selected;
  16316. }
  16317. /**
  16318. * Sort vendor prefixes
  16319. */
  16320. sort(prefixes) {
  16321. return prefixes.sort((a, b) => {
  16322. let aLength = utils.removeNote(a).length;
  16323. let bLength = utils.removeNote(b).length;
  16324. if (aLength === bLength) {
  16325. return b.length - a.length;
  16326. } else {
  16327. return bLength - aLength;
  16328. }
  16329. });
  16330. }
  16331. /**
  16332. * Cache prefixes data to fast CSS processing
  16333. */
  16334. preprocess(selected) {
  16335. let add = {
  16336. "selectors": [],
  16337. "@supports": new Supports(_Prefixes, this)
  16338. };
  16339. for (let name in selected.add) {
  16340. let prefixes = selected.add[name];
  16341. if (name === "@keyframes" || name === "@viewport") {
  16342. add[name] = new AtRule(name, prefixes, this);
  16343. } else if (name === "@resolution") {
  16344. add[name] = new Resolution(name, prefixes, this);
  16345. } else if ([name].selector) {
  16346. add.selectors.push(Selector.load(name, prefixes, this));
  16347. } else {
  16348. let props =[name].props;
  16349. if (props) {
  16350. let value = Value.load(name, prefixes, this);
  16351. for (let prop of props) {
  16352. if (!add[prop]) {
  16353. add[prop] = { values: [] };
  16354. }
  16355. add[prop].values.push(value);
  16356. }
  16357. } else {
  16358. let values = add[name] && add[name].values || [];
  16359. add[name] = Declaration.load(name, prefixes, this);
  16360. add[name].values = values;
  16361. }
  16362. }
  16363. }
  16364. let remove = { selectors: [] };
  16365. for (let name in selected.remove) {
  16366. let prefixes = selected.remove[name];
  16367. if ([name].selector) {
  16368. let selector = Selector.load(name, prefixes);
  16369. for (let prefix of prefixes) {
  16370. remove.selectors.push(selector.old(prefix));
  16371. }
  16372. } else if (name === "@keyframes" || name === "@viewport") {
  16373. for (let prefix of prefixes) {
  16374. let prefixed = `@${prefix}${name.slice(1)}`;
  16375. remove[prefixed] = { remove: true };
  16376. }
  16377. } else if (name === "@resolution") {
  16378. remove[name] = new Resolution(name, prefixes, this);
  16379. } else {
  16380. let props =[name].props;
  16381. if (props) {
  16382. let value = Value.load(name, [], this);
  16383. for (let prefix of prefixes) {
  16384. let old = value.old(prefix);
  16385. if (old) {
  16386. for (let prop of props) {
  16387. if (!remove[prop]) {
  16388. remove[prop] = {};
  16389. }
  16390. if (!remove[prop].values) {
  16391. remove[prop].values = [];
  16392. }
  16393. remove[prop].values.push(old);
  16394. }
  16395. }
  16396. }
  16397. } else {
  16398. for (let p of prefixes) {
  16399. let olds = this.decl(name).old(name, p);
  16400. if (name === "align-self") {
  16401. let a = add[name] && add[name].prefixes;
  16402. if (a) {
  16403. if (p === "-webkit- 2009" && a.includes("-webkit-")) {
  16404. continue;
  16405. } else if (p === "-webkit-" && a.includes("-webkit- 2009")) {
  16406. continue;
  16407. }
  16408. }
  16409. }
  16410. for (let prefixed of olds) {
  16411. if (!remove[prefixed]) {
  16412. remove[prefixed] = {};
  16413. }
  16414. remove[prefixed].remove = true;
  16415. }
  16416. }
  16417. }
  16418. }
  16419. }
  16420. return [add, remove];
  16421. }
  16422. /**
  16423. * Declaration loader with caching
  16424. */
  16425. decl(prop) {
  16426. if (!declsCache.has(prop)) {
  16427. declsCache.set(prop, Declaration.load(prop));
  16428. }
  16429. return declsCache.get(prop);
  16430. }
  16431. /**
  16432. * Return unprefixed version of property
  16433. */
  16434. unprefixed(prop) {
  16435. let value = this.normalize(vendor.unprefixed(prop));
  16436. if (value === "flex-direction") {
  16437. value = "flex-flow";
  16438. }
  16439. return value;
  16440. }
  16441. /**
  16442. * Normalize prefix for remover
  16443. */
  16444. normalize(prop) {
  16445. return this.decl(prop).normalize(prop);
  16446. }
  16447. /**
  16448. * Return prefixed version of property
  16449. */
  16450. prefixed(prop, prefix) {
  16451. prop = vendor.unprefixed(prop);
  16452. return this.decl(prop).prefixed(prop, prefix);
  16453. }
  16454. /**
  16455. * Return values, which must be prefixed in selected property
  16456. */
  16457. values(type, prop) {
  16458. let data = this[type];
  16459. let global2 = data["*"] && data["*"].values;
  16460. let values = data[prop] && data[prop].values;
  16461. if (global2 && values) {
  16462. return utils.uniq(global2.concat(values));
  16463. } else {
  16464. return global2 || values || [];
  16465. }
  16466. }
  16467. /**
  16468. * Group declaration by unprefixed property to check them
  16469. */
  16470. group(decl) {
  16471. let rule = decl.parent;
  16472. let index = rule.index(decl);
  16473. let { length } = rule.nodes;
  16474. let unprefixed = this.unprefixed(decl.prop);
  16475. let checker = (step, callback) => {
  16476. index += step;
  16477. while (index >= 0 && index < length) {
  16478. let other = rule.nodes[index];
  16479. if (other.type === "decl") {
  16480. if (step === -1 && other.prop === unprefixed) {
  16481. if (!Browsers.withPrefix(other.value)) {
  16482. break;
  16483. }
  16484. }
  16485. if (this.unprefixed(other.prop) !== unprefixed) {
  16486. break;
  16487. } else if (callback(other) === true) {
  16488. return true;
  16489. }
  16490. if (step === 1 && other.prop === unprefixed) {
  16491. if (!Browsers.withPrefix(other.value)) {
  16492. break;
  16493. }
  16494. }
  16495. }
  16496. index += step;
  16497. }
  16498. return false;
  16499. };
  16500. return {
  16501. up(callback) {
  16502. return checker(-1, callback);
  16503. },
  16504. down(callback) {
  16505. return checker(1, callback);
  16506. }
  16507. };
  16508. }
  16509. };
  16510. module2.exports = Prefixes;
  16511. }
  16512. });
  16513. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/border-radius.js
  16514. var require_border_radius2 = __commonJS({
  16515. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/border-radius.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16516. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "257": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "289": "DC eC fC", "292": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "J" }, E: { "1": "GB E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "J gC KC", "129": "K hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D KD LD MD aC ND OD", "33": "JD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "257": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 Border-radius (rounded corners)", D: true };
  16517. }
  16518. });
  16519. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-boxshadow.js
  16520. var require_css_boxshadow = __commonJS({
  16521. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-boxshadow.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16522. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "33": "eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "J GB K E F G" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "GB", "164": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "wC aC", "164": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "164": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "33": "E" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 Box-shadow", D: true };
  16523. }
  16524. });
  16525. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-animation.js
  16526. var require_css_animation = __commonJS({
  16527. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-animation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16528. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J eC fC", "33": "GB K E F G A B C L M H" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC", "33": "K E F hC iC jC", "292": "J GB" }, F: { "1": "MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "33": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "F yC zC 0C", "164": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "33": "J MD aC ND OD", "164": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Animation", D: true };
  16529. }
  16530. });
  16531. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-transitions.js
  16532. var require_css_transitions = __commonJS({
  16533. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-transitions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16534. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "33": "GB K E F G A B C L M H", "164": "J" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "K hC", "164": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G rC sC", "33": "C", "164": "B tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "yC", "164": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "33": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "33": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "33": "C", "164": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS3 Transitions", D: true };
  16535. }
  16536. });
  16537. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/transforms2d.js
  16538. var require_transforms2d = __commonJS({
  16539. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/transforms2d.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16540. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "bC", "8": "K E F", "129": "A B", "161": "G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "129": "C L M H N" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G rC sC", "33": "B C H N O P HB v w x tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "33": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 2D Transforms", D: true };
  16541. }
  16542. });
  16543. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/transforms3d.js
  16544. var require_transforms3d = __commonJS({
  16545. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/transforms3d.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16546. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "132": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G eC fC", "33": "A B C L M H" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B", "33": "0 C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC", "33": "J GB K E F hC iC jC", "257": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "H N O P HB v w x" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "257": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "JD KD LD", "33": "DC J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS3 3D Transforms", D: true };
  16547. }
  16548. });
  16549. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-gradients.js
  16550. var require_css_gradients = __commonJS({
  16551. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-gradients.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16552. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC", "260": "0 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB", "292": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z", "548": "J GB K E F G" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC", "260": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC", "292": "K hC", "804": "J GB" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC", "33": "C vC", "164": "7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "260": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC", "292": "xC yC", "804": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "33": "J MD aC", "548": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "548": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B", "33": "C", "164": "7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Gradients", D: true };
  16553. }
  16554. });
  16555. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-boxsizing.js
  16556. var require_css3_boxsizing = __commonJS({
  16557. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-boxsizing.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16558. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "8": "K E bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "33": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "J GB K E F G" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "33": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "33": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS3 Box-sizing", D: true };
  16559. }
  16560. });
  16561. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-filters.js
  16562. var require_css_filters = __commonJS({
  16563. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-filters.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16564. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "1028": "L M H N O P", "1346": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC", "196": "QB", "516": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O", "33": "0 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "33": "K E F G iC jC" }, F: { "1": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB" }, G: { "1": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "F yC zC 0C 1C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "33": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Filter Effects", D: true };
  16565. }
  16566. });
  16567. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-filter-function.js
  16568. var require_css_filter_function = __commonJS({
  16569. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-filter-function.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16570. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC", "33": "G" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "33": "1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS filter() function", D: true };
  16571. }
  16572. });
  16573. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-backdrop-filter.js
  16574. var require_css_backdrop_filter = __commonJS({
  16575. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-backdrop-filter.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16576. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N", "257": "O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB eC fC", "578": "yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB", "194": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B" }, E: { "1": "CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC", "33": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB" }, G: { "1": "CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "33": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "194": "PD QD RD SD TD LC UD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS Backdrop Filter", D: true };
  16577. }
  16578. });
  16579. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-element-function.js
  16580. var require_css_element_function = __commonJS({
  16581. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-element-function.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16582. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "164": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "33": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "33": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS element() function", D: true };
  16583. }
  16584. });
  16585. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/multicolumn.js
  16586. var require_multicolumn = __commonJS({
  16587. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/multicolumn.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16588. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "516": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "132": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB", "164": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB eC fC", "516": "tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "420": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "516": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "132": "G kC", "164": "E F jC", "420": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "C 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC", "420": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB", "516": "TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "132": "1C 2C", "164": "F zC 0C", "420": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "420": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "516": "D" }, J: { "420": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A B", "516": "I" }, L: { "516": "D" }, M: { "1028": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "516": "9B" }, P: { "420": "J", "516": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "516": "aD" }, R: { "516": "bD" }, S: { "164": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 Multiple column layout", D: true };
  16589. }
  16590. });
  16591. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/user-select-none.js
  16592. var require_user_select_none = __commonJS({
  16593. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/user-select-none.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16594. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "33": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "33": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "33": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB" }, E: { "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, G: { "33": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "33": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "33": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "33": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS user-select: none", D: true };
  16595. }
  16596. });
  16597. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/flexbox.js
  16598. var require_flexbox = __commonJS({
  16599. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/flexbox.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16600. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "1028": "B", "1316": "A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "164": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC", "516": "0 x y z IB JB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 w x y z IB JB KB", "164": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "E F iC jC", "164": "J GB K gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "33": "H N" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "F zC 0C", "164": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "164": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "164": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "292": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Flexible Box Layout Module", D: true };
  16601. }
  16602. });
  16603. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/calc.js
  16604. var require_calc = __commonJS({
  16605. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/calc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16606. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "260": "G", "516": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P", "33": "0 HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "33": "K" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "132": "ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "calc() as CSS unit value", D: true };
  16607. }
  16608. });
  16609. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-img-opts.js
  16610. var require_background_img_opts = __commonJS({
  16611. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-img-opts.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16612. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC", "36": "fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "516": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "772": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC", "36": "sC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "4": "KC wC aC yC", "516": "xC" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "36": "JD", "516": "DC J MD aC", "548": "KD LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 Background-image options", D: true };
  16613. }
  16614. });
  16615. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-clip-text.js
  16616. var require_background_clip_text = __commonJS({
  16617. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-clip-text.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16618. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "H N O P", "33": "C L M", "132": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "164": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB eC fC" }, D: { "132": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "164": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "16": "gC KC", "132": "9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "388": "M H mC nC MC NC", "420": "J GB K E F G A B C L hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "p q r s t u", "164": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o" }, G: { "16": "KC wC aC xC", "132": "9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "388": "DD ED FD MC NC", "420": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "16": "DC JD KD LD", "132": "D", "164": "J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "164": "E A" }, K: { "16": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "132": "I" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "164": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0", "164": "J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "164": "aD" }, R: { "164": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Background-clip: text", D: true };
  16619. }
  16620. });
  16621. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-feature.js
  16622. var require_font_feature = __commonJS({
  16623. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-feature.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16624. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB", "164": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H", "33": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB", "292": "N O P HB v" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "E F G gC KC iC jC", "4": "J GB K hC" }, F: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, G: { "1": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F zC 0C 1C", "4": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "33": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS font-feature-settings", D: true };
  16625. }
  16626. });
  16627. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-kerning.js
  16628. var require_font_kerning = __commonJS({
  16629. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-kerning.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16630. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y eC fC", "194": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB", "33": "LB MB NB OB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC", "33": "E F G jC" }, F: { "1": "0 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "N O P HB" }, G: { "1": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "33": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND" }, J: { "2": "E", "33": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 font-kerning", D: true };
  16631. }
  16632. });
  16633. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/border-image.js
  16634. var require_border_image2 = __commonJS({
  16635. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/border-image.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16636. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "129": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "260": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "804": "J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "260": "hB iB jB kB lB", "388": "MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "1412": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB", "1956": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "129": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC", "1412": "K E F G iC jC", "1956": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G rC sC", "260": "UB VB WB XB YB", "388": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB", "1796": "tC uC", "1828": "B C 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "129": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC", "1412": "F yC zC 0C 1C", "1956": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "1828": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "388": "ND OD", "1956": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1412": "A", "1924": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A", "1828": "B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "260": "PD QD", "388": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "260": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 Border images", D: true };
  16637. }
  16638. });
  16639. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-selection.js
  16640. var require_css_selection = __commonJS({
  16641. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-selection.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16642. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "33": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "C I ZC 8B", "16": "A B 7B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "33": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "::selection CSS pseudo-element", D: true };
  16643. }
  16644. });
  16645. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-placeholder.js
  16646. var require_css_placeholder = __commonJS({
  16647. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-placeholder.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16648. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "36": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "33": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "130": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "36": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "36": "GB K E F G A hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "36": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC", "36": "F aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "36": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "36": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "36": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "36": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "33": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "::placeholder CSS pseudo-element", D: true };
  16649. }
  16650. });
  16651. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-placeholder-shown.js
  16652. var require_css_placeholder_shown = __commonJS({
  16653. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-placeholder-shown.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16654. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "292": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "164": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "164": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: ":placeholder-shown CSS pseudo-class", D: true };
  16655. }
  16656. });
  16657. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-hyphens.js
  16658. var require_css_hyphens = __commonJS({
  16659. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-hyphens.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16660. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "33": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "33": "C L M H N O P", "132": "Q I R S T U V W", "260": "X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "33": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB", "132": "lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W" }, E: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "33": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC" }, F: { "1": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z" }, G: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC", "33": "F aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "132": "PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Hyphenation", D: true };
  16661. }
  16662. });
  16663. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/fullscreen.js
  16664. var require_fullscreen2 = __commonJS({
  16665. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/fullscreen.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16666. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "548": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "516": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G eC fC", "676": "0 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB", "1700": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "676": "H N O P HB", "804": "0 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "548": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC", "676": "hC", "804": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "804": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C", "2052": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "292": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A", "548": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "804": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Fullscreen API", D: true };
  16667. }
  16668. });
  16669. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-file-selector-button.js
  16670. var require_css_file_selector_button = __commonJS({
  16671. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-file-selector-button.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16672. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X" }, L: { "1": "D" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "33": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R eC fC" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "33": "A B" }, F: { "1": "3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, E: { "1": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "qC", "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "::file-selector-button CSS pseudo-element", D: void 0 };
  16673. }
  16674. });
  16675. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-autofill.js
  16676. var require_css_autofill = __commonJS({
  16677. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-autofill.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16678. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s" }, L: { "1": "D" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "33": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U eC fC" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, F: { "1": "f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "qC", "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, P: { "1": "0 w x y z", "33": "J v PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: ":autofill CSS pseudo-class", D: void 0 };
  16679. }
  16680. });
  16681. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-tabsize.js
  16682. var require_css3_tabsize = __commonJS({
  16683. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-tabsize.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16684. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "33": "jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z", "164": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v", "132": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC", "132": "E F G A B C L iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G rC sC tC", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB", "164": "B C uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "132": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD" }, H: { "164": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "132": "ND OD" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A", "164": "B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "164": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 tab-size", D: true };
  16685. }
  16686. });
  16687. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/intrinsic-width.js
  16688. var require_intrinsic_width = __commonJS({
  16689. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/intrinsic-width.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16690. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "1537": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c" }, C: { "2": "cC", "932": "0 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB eC fC", "2308": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w", "545": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "1537": "cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC", "516": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC", "548": "G A kC LC", "676": "E F iC jC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "513": "QB", "545": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB", "1025": "e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "1537": "PB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "516": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD", "548": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD", "676": "F zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "545": "ND OD", "1025": "D" }, J: { "2": "E", "545": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "1025": "I" }, L: { "1025": "D" }, M: { "2308": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1537": "9B" }, P: { "545": "J", "1025": "0 v w x y z BC CC ZD", "1537": "PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC" }, Q: { "1537": "aD" }, R: { "1537": "bD" }, S: { "932": "cD", "2308": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing", D: true };
  16691. }
  16692. });
  16693. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-width-stretch.js
  16694. var require_css_width_stretch = __commonJS({
  16695. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-width-stretch.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16696. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w", "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, L: { "33": "D" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC", "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, M: { "33": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "33": "I" }, E: { "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC qC", "33": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "33": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, P: { "2": "J", "33": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "D ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "width: stretch property", D: void 0 };
  16697. }
  16698. });
  16699. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-cursors-newer.js
  16700. var require_css3_cursors_newer = __commonJS({
  16701. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-cursors-newer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16702. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "33": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 C z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "33": "H N O P HB v w x y" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS3 Cursors: zoom-in & zoom-out", D: true };
  16703. }
  16704. });
  16705. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-cursors-grab.js
  16706. var require_css3_cursors_grab = __commonJS({
  16707. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-cursors-grab.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16708. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "33": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "C lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS grab & grabbing cursors", D: true };
  16709. }
  16710. });
  16711. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-sticky.js
  16712. var require_css_sticky = __commonJS({
  16713. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-sticky.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16714. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H", "1028": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z", "4100": "N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC", "194": "IB JB KB LB MB NB", "516": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "322": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB iB jB kB lB", "1028": "mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC", "33": "F G A B C jC kC LC 7B 8B", "2084": "E iC" }, F: { "1": "6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "VB WB XB", "1028": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C", "2084": "yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD" }, Q: { "1028": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "516": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS position:sticky", D: true };
  16715. }
  16716. });
  16717. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pointer.js
  16718. var require_pointer = __commonJS({
  16719. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pointer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16720. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G bC", "164": "A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "8": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "328": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w", "8": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "584": "iB jB kB" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC", "8": "E F G A B C iC jC kC LC 7B", "1096": "8B" }, F: { "1": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "8": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB", "584": "VB WB XB" }, G: { "1": "AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C", "6148": "9C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "8": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "8": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A", "8": "B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "36": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "PD", "8": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "328": "cD" } }, B: 2, C: "Pointer events", D: true };
  16721. }
  16722. });
  16723. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-decoration.js
  16724. var require_text_decoration2 = __commonJS({
  16725. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-decoration.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16726. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "2052": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "1060": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z", "226": "IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB", "2052": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "772": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "804": "F G A B C kC LC 7B", "1316": "jC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "226": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB", "2052": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "292": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "2052": "I" }, L: { "2052": "D" }, M: { "1028": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2052": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD", "2052": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2052": "aD" }, R: { "2052": "bD" }, S: { "1028": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "text-decoration styling", D: true };
  16727. }
  16728. });
  16729. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-text-decoration-shorthand.js
  16730. var require_mdn_text_decoration_shorthand = __commonJS({
  16731. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-text-decoration-shorthand.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16732. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB" }, L: { "1": "D" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, F: { "1": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC qC", "33": "F G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "33": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "text-decoration shorthand property", D: void 0 };
  16733. }
  16734. });
  16735. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-text-decoration-color.js
  16736. var require_mdn_text_decoration_color = __commonJS({
  16737. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-text-decoration-color.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  16739. }
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  16741. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-text-decoration-line.js
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  16743. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-text-decoration-line.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16744. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB" }, L: { "1": "D" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "33": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, F: { "1": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, E: { "1": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC qC", "33": "F G A B C kC LC 7B" }, G: { "1": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "33": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "text-decoration-line property", D: void 0 };
  16745. }
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  16747. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-text-decoration-style.js
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  16751. }
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  16753. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-size-adjust.js
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  16757. }
  16758. });
  16759. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-masks.js
  16760. var require_css_masks = __commonJS({
  16761. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-masks.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16762. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N", "164": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "3138": "O", "12292": "P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "260": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "164": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC", "164": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "164": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "164": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "164": "ND OD", "676": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "164": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "164": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0", "164": "J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "164": "aD" }, R: { "164": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "260": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Masks", D: true };
  16763. }
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  16765. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-clip-path.js
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  16767. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-clip-path.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  16769. }
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  16771. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-boxdecorationbreak.js
  16772. var require_css_boxdecorationbreak = __commonJS({
  16773. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-boxdecorationbreak.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16774. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "164": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB eC fC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w", "164": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K gC KC hC", "164": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "129": "B C 7B ZC vC 8B", "164": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "164": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "164": "D ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "164": "A" }, K: { "2": "A", "129": "B C 7B ZC 8B", "164": "I" }, L: { "164": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "164": "9B" }, P: { "164": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "164": "aD" }, R: { "164": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS box-decoration-break", D: true };
  16775. }
  16776. });
  16777. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/object-fit.js
  16778. var require_object_fit = __commonJS({
  16779. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/object-fit.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16780. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H", "260": "N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "132": "F G jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G H N O P rC sC tC", "33": "B C uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "132": "F 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "33": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A", "33": "B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 object-fit/object-position", D: true };
  16781. }
  16782. });
  16783. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-shapes.js
  16784. var require_css_shapes = __commonJS({
  16785. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-shapes.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16786. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB eC fC", "322": "hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB", "194": "QB RB SB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "33": "F G A jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "33": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Shapes Level 1", D: true };
  16787. }
  16788. });
  16789. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-overflow.js
  16790. var require_text_overflow = __commonJS({
  16791. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-overflow.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16792. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "2": "bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "8": "cC DC J GB K eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "G rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "33": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS3 Text-overflow", D: true };
  16793. }
  16794. });
  16795. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-deviceadaptation.js
  16796. var require_css_deviceadaptation = __commonJS({
  16797. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-deviceadaptation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16798. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "164": "A B" }, B: { "66": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "164": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB", "66": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "292": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A I", "292": "B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "164": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "66": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Device Adaptation", D: true };
  16799. }
  16800. });
  16801. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-resolution.js
  16802. var require_css_media_resolution = __commonJS({
  16803. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-resolution.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16804. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "132": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "1028": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "260": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H eC fC", "1028": "0 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "548": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB", "1028": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC", "548": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G", "548": "B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "1028": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC", "548": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "JD KD", "548": "DC J LD MD aC", "1028": "ND OD" }, J: { "548": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "548": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "1028": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Media Queries: resolution feature", D: true };
  16805. }
  16806. });
  16807. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-align-last.js
  16808. var require_css_text_align_last = __commonJS({
  16809. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-align-last.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16810. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "132": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "4": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B eC fC", "33": "0 C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB", "322": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "578": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "33": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 text-align-last", D: true };
  16811. }
  16812. });
  16813. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-crisp-edges.js
  16814. var require_css_crisp_edges = __commonJS({
  16815. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-crisp-edges.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16816. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K bC", "2340": "E F G A B" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC", "513": "tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b", "545": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "164": "K", "4644": "E F G iC jC kC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "545": "C vC 8B", "1025": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC", "4260": "xC yC", "4644": "F zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "1025": "D" }, J: { "2": "E", "4260": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B 7B ZC", "545": "C 8B", "1025": "I" }, L: { "1025": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2340": "A B" }, O: { "1025": "9B" }, P: { "1025": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1025": "aD" }, R: { "1025": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "4097": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "Crisp edges/pixelated images", D: true };
  16817. }
  16818. });
  16819. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-logical-props.js
  16820. var require_css_logical_props = __commonJS({
  16821. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-logical-props.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16822. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "1028": "W X", "1540": "Q I R S T U V" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC", "164": "0 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB eC fC", "1540": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "292": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB", "1028": "W X", "1540": "xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "292": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "1540": "L M 8B lC", "3076": "mC" }, F: { "1": "4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "292": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB", "1028": "2B 3B", "1540": "mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "292": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C", "1540": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD", "3076": "ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "292": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "292": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD", "292": "J PD QD RD SD TD", "1540": "LC UD VD WD XD" }, Q: { "1540": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "1540": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Logical Properties", D: true };
  16823. }
  16824. });
  16825. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-appearance.js
  16826. var require_css_appearance = __commonJS({
  16827. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-appearance.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16828. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "33": "S", "164": "Q I R", "388": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "164": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q", "676": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "S", "164": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "164": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "yB zB 0B", "164": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "164": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "164": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "164": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A", "388": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "164": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "164": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "164": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Appearance", D: true };
  16829. }
  16830. });
  16831. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-snappoints.js
  16832. var require_css_snappoints = __commonJS({
  16833. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-snappoints.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16834. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "6308": "A", "6436": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "6436": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB eC fC", "2052": "VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB", "8258": "uB vB wB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC", "3108": "G A kC LC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "8258": "kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "3108": "1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2052": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Scroll Snap", D: true };
  16835. }
  16836. });
  16837. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-regions.js
  16838. var require_css_regions = __commonJS({
  16839. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-regions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16840. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "420": "A B" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "420": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "36": "H N O P", "66": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K C L M H gC KC hC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "33": "E F G A B iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "33": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "420": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Regions", D: true };
  16841. }
  16842. });
  16843. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-image-set.js
  16844. var require_css_image_set = __commonJS({
  16845. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-image-set.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16846. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "164": "1 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2049": "2" }, C: { "1": "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U eC fC", "66": "V W", "2305": "1 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2820": "X" }, D: { "1": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v", "164": "0 1 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2049": "2" }, E: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "132": "A B C L LC 7B 8B lC", "164": "K E F G iC jC kC", "1540": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC" }, F: { "1": "j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "164": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h", "2049": "i" }, G: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "132": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD", "164": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C", "1540": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "164": "ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "164": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "164": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 y z", "164": "J v w x PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "164": "aD" }, R: { "164": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS image-set", D: true };
  16847. }
  16848. });
  16849. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-writing-mode.js
  16850. var require_css_writing_mode = __commonJS({
  16851. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-writing-mode.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16852. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "132": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB eC fC", "322": "SB TB UB VB WB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K", "16": "E", "33": "0 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "16": "GB", "33": "K E F G A hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC", "33": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "JD KD LD", "33": "DC J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "36": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS writing-mode property", D: true };
  16853. }
  16854. });
  16855. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-cross-fade.js
  16856. var require_css_cross_fade = __commonJS({
  16857. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-cross-fade.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16858. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N", "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "33": "K E F G hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC", "33": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "D ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "33": "I" }, L: { "33": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "33": "9B" }, P: { "33": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "33": "aD" }, R: { "33": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Cross-Fade Function", D: true };
  16859. }
  16860. });
  16861. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-read-only-write.js
  16862. var require_css_read_only_write = __commonJS({
  16863. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-read-only-write.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16864. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "16": "cC", "33": "0 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC KC", "132": "J GB K E F hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B", "132": "C H N O P HB v w x ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC", "132": "F aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "JD KD", "132": "DC J LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "132": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B 7B", "132": "C ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "33": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "CSS :read-only and :read-write selectors", D: true };
  16865. }
  16866. });
  16867. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-emphasis.js
  16868. var require_text_emphasis = __commonJS({
  16869. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-emphasis.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16870. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "164": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB eC fC", "322": "bB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z", "164": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC", "164": "E iC" }, F: { "1": "V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "164": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "164": "ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "164": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z CC ZD", "164": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC" }, Q: { "164": "aD" }, R: { "164": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "text-emphasis styling", D: true };
  16871. }
  16872. });
  16873. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-grid.js
  16874. var require_css_grid = __commonJS({
  16875. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-grid.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16876. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "8": "G", "292": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "292": "C L M H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P eC fC", "8": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB", "584": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "1025": "iB jB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z", "8": "0 IB JB KB", "200": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB", "1025": "nB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "8": "K E F G A iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "200": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "8": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD", "8": "aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "292": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "PD", "8": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Grid Layout (level 1)", D: true };
  16877. }
  16878. });
  16879. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-spacing.js
  16880. var require_css_text_spacing = __commonJS({
  16881. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-spacing.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16882. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E bC", "161": "F G A B" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "161": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "16": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Text 4 text-spacing", D: false };
  16883. }
  16884. });
  16885. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-any-link.js
  16886. var require_css_any_link = __commonJS({
  16887. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-any-link.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16888. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "16": "cC", "33": "0 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB K gC KC hC", "33": "E F iC jC" }, F: { "1": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "F yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "16": "J", "33": "PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "33": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS :any-link selector", D: true };
  16889. }
  16890. });
  16891. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-css-unicode-bidi-isolate.js
  16892. var require_mdn_css_unicode_bidi_isolate = __commonJS({
  16893. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-css-unicode-bidi-isolate.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16894. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H", "33": "0 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, L: { "1": "D" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G eC fC", "33": "0 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, F: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC qC", "33": "K E F G A iC jC kC LC" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "isolate from unicode-bidi", D: void 0 };
  16895. }
  16896. });
  16897. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-css-unicode-bidi-plaintext.js
  16898. var require_mdn_css_unicode_bidi_plaintext = __commonJS({
  16899. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-css-unicode-bidi-plaintext.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16900. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, L: { "1": "D" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G eC fC", "33": "0 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, F: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC qC", "33": "K E F G A iC jC kC LC" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "plaintext from unicode-bidi", D: void 0 };
  16901. }
  16902. });
  16903. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-css-unicode-bidi-isolate-override.js
  16904. var require_mdn_css_unicode_bidi_isolate_override = __commonJS({
  16905. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-css-unicode-bidi-isolate-override.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16906. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, L: { "1": "D" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N eC fC", "33": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, F: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC qC", "33": "E F G A jC kC LC" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "33": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "isolate-override from unicode-bidi", D: void 0 };
  16907. }
  16908. });
  16909. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overscroll-behavior.js
  16910. var require_css_overscroll_behavior = __commonJS({
  16911. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overscroll-behavior.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16912. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "132": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C L M H N O", "516": "P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB", "260": "rB sB" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC", "1090": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "260": "gB hB" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD", "1090": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS overscroll-behavior", D: true };
  16913. }
  16914. });
  16915. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-orientation.js
  16916. var require_css_text_orientation = __commonJS({
  16917. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-orientation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16918. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB eC fC", "194": "UB VB WB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, E: { "1": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC", "16": "A", "33": "B C L LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS text-orientation", D: true };
  16919. }
  16920. });
  16921. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-print-color-adjust.js
  16922. var require_css_print_color_adjust = __commonJS({
  16923. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-print-color-adjust.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16924. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N", "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, L: { "33": "D" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eC fC", "33": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "33": "I" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC qC", "33": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, P: { "33": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "D ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "print-color-adjust property", D: void 0 };
  16925. }
  16926. });
  16927. // node_modules/autoprefixer/data/prefixes.js
  16928. var require_prefixes2 = __commonJS({
  16929. "node_modules/autoprefixer/data/prefixes.js"(exports2, module2) {
  16930. var unpack = require_feature();
  16931. function browsersSort(a, b) {
  16932. a = a.split(" ");
  16933. b = b.split(" ");
  16934. if (a[0] > b[0]) {
  16935. return 1;
  16936. } else if (a[0] < b[0]) {
  16937. return -1;
  16938. } else {
  16939. return Math.sign(parseFloat(a[1]) - parseFloat(b[1]));
  16940. }
  16941. }
  16942. function f(data, opts, callback) {
  16943. data = unpack(data);
  16944. if (!callback) {
  16945. ;
  16946. [callback, opts] = [opts, {}];
  16947. }
  16948. let match = opts.match || /\sx($|\s)/;
  16949. let need = [];
  16950. for (let browser in data.stats) {
  16951. let versions = data.stats[browser];
  16952. for (let version in versions) {
  16953. let support = versions[version];
  16954. if (support.match(match)) {
  16955. need.push(browser + " " + version);
  16956. }
  16957. }
  16958. }
  16959. callback(need.sort(browsersSort));
  16960. }
  16961. var result = {};
  16962. function prefix(names, data) {
  16963. for (let name of names) {
  16964. result[name] = Object.assign({}, data);
  16965. }
  16966. }
  16967. function add(names, data) {
  16968. for (let name of names) {
  16969. result[name].browsers = result[name].browsers.concat(data.browsers).sort(browsersSort);
  16970. }
  16971. }
  16972. module2.exports = result;
  16973. var prefixBorderRadius = require_border_radius2();
  16974. f(
  16975. prefixBorderRadius,
  16976. (browsers) => prefix(
  16977. [
  16978. "border-radius",
  16979. "border-top-left-radius",
  16980. "border-top-right-radius",
  16981. "border-bottom-right-radius",
  16982. "border-bottom-left-radius"
  16983. ],
  16984. {
  16985. mistakes: ["-khtml-", "-ms-", "-o-"],
  16986. feature: "border-radius",
  16987. browsers
  16988. }
  16989. )
  16990. );
  16991. var prefixBoxshadow = require_css_boxshadow();
  16992. f(
  16993. prefixBoxshadow,
  16994. (browsers) => prefix(["box-shadow"], {
  16995. mistakes: ["-khtml-"],
  16996. feature: "css-boxshadow",
  16997. browsers
  16998. })
  16999. );
  17000. var prefixAnimation = require_css_animation();
  17001. f(
  17002. prefixAnimation,
  17003. (browsers) => prefix(
  17004. [
  17005. "animation",
  17006. "animation-name",
  17007. "animation-duration",
  17008. "animation-delay",
  17009. "animation-direction",
  17010. "animation-fill-mode",
  17011. "animation-iteration-count",
  17012. "animation-play-state",
  17013. "animation-timing-function",
  17014. "@keyframes"
  17015. ],
  17016. {
  17017. mistakes: ["-khtml-", "-ms-"],
  17018. feature: "css-animation",
  17019. browsers
  17020. }
  17021. )
  17022. );
  17023. var prefixTransition = require_css_transitions();
  17024. f(
  17025. prefixTransition,
  17026. (browsers) => prefix(
  17027. [
  17028. "transition",
  17029. "transition-property",
  17030. "transition-duration",
  17031. "transition-delay",
  17032. "transition-timing-function"
  17033. ],
  17034. {
  17035. mistakes: ["-khtml-", "-ms-"],
  17036. browsers,
  17037. feature: "css-transitions"
  17038. }
  17039. )
  17040. );
  17041. var prefixTransform2d = require_transforms2d();
  17042. f(
  17043. prefixTransform2d,
  17044. (browsers) => prefix(["transform", "transform-origin"], {
  17045. feature: "transforms2d",
  17046. browsers
  17047. })
  17048. );
  17049. var prefixTransforms3d = require_transforms3d();
  17050. f(prefixTransforms3d, (browsers) => {
  17051. prefix(["perspective", "perspective-origin"], {
  17052. feature: "transforms3d",
  17053. browsers
  17054. });
  17055. return prefix(["transform-style"], {
  17056. mistakes: ["-ms-", "-o-"],
  17057. browsers,
  17058. feature: "transforms3d"
  17059. });
  17060. });
  17061. f(
  17062. prefixTransforms3d,
  17063. { match: /y\sx|y\s#2/ },
  17064. (browsers) => prefix(["backface-visibility"], {
  17065. mistakes: ["-ms-", "-o-"],
  17066. feature: "transforms3d",
  17067. browsers
  17068. })
  17069. );
  17070. var prefixGradients = require_css_gradients();
  17071. f(
  17072. prefixGradients,
  17073. { match: /y\sx/ },
  17074. (browsers) => prefix(
  17075. [
  17076. "linear-gradient",
  17077. "repeating-linear-gradient",
  17078. "radial-gradient",
  17079. "repeating-radial-gradient"
  17080. ],
  17081. {
  17082. props: [
  17083. "background",
  17084. "background-image",
  17085. "border-image",
  17086. "mask",
  17087. "list-style",
  17088. "list-style-image",
  17089. "content",
  17090. "mask-image"
  17091. ],
  17092. mistakes: ["-ms-"],
  17093. feature: "css-gradients",
  17094. browsers
  17095. }
  17096. )
  17097. );
  17098. f(prefixGradients, { match: /a\sx/ }, (browsers) => {
  17099. browsers = => {
  17100. if (/firefox|op/.test(i)) {
  17101. return i;
  17102. } else {
  17103. return `${i} old`;
  17104. }
  17105. });
  17106. return add(
  17107. [
  17108. "linear-gradient",
  17109. "repeating-linear-gradient",
  17110. "radial-gradient",
  17111. "repeating-radial-gradient"
  17112. ],
  17113. {
  17114. feature: "css-gradients",
  17115. browsers
  17116. }
  17117. );
  17118. });
  17119. var prefixBoxsizing = require_css3_boxsizing();
  17120. f(
  17121. prefixBoxsizing,
  17122. (browsers) => prefix(["box-sizing"], {
  17123. feature: "css3-boxsizing",
  17124. browsers
  17125. })
  17126. );
  17127. var prefixFilters = require_css_filters();
  17128. f(
  17129. prefixFilters,
  17130. (browsers) => prefix(["filter"], {
  17131. feature: "css-filters",
  17132. browsers
  17133. })
  17134. );
  17135. var prefixFilterFunction = require_css_filter_function();
  17136. f(
  17137. prefixFilterFunction,
  17138. (browsers) => prefix(["filter-function"], {
  17139. props: [
  17140. "background",
  17141. "background-image",
  17142. "border-image",
  17143. "mask",
  17144. "list-style",
  17145. "list-style-image",
  17146. "content",
  17147. "mask-image"
  17148. ],
  17149. feature: "css-filter-function",
  17150. browsers
  17151. })
  17152. );
  17153. var prefixBackdrop = require_css_backdrop_filter();
  17154. f(
  17155. prefixBackdrop,
  17156. { match: /y\sx|y\s#2/ },
  17157. (browsers) => prefix(["backdrop-filter"], {
  17158. feature: "css-backdrop-filter",
  17159. browsers
  17160. })
  17161. );
  17162. var prefixElementFunction = require_css_element_function();
  17163. f(
  17164. prefixElementFunction,
  17165. (browsers) => prefix(["element"], {
  17166. props: [
  17167. "background",
  17168. "background-image",
  17169. "border-image",
  17170. "mask",
  17171. "list-style",
  17172. "list-style-image",
  17173. "content",
  17174. "mask-image"
  17175. ],
  17176. feature: "css-element-function",
  17177. browsers
  17178. })
  17179. );
  17180. var prefixMulticolumns = require_multicolumn();
  17181. f(prefixMulticolumns, (browsers) => {
  17182. prefix(
  17183. [
  17184. "columns",
  17185. "column-width",
  17186. "column-gap",
  17187. "column-rule",
  17188. "column-rule-color",
  17189. "column-rule-width",
  17190. "column-count",
  17191. "column-rule-style",
  17192. "column-span",
  17193. "column-fill"
  17194. ],
  17195. {
  17196. feature: "multicolumn",
  17197. browsers
  17198. }
  17199. );
  17200. let noff = browsers.filter((i) => !/firefox/.test(i));
  17201. prefix(["break-before", "break-after", "break-inside"], {
  17202. feature: "multicolumn",
  17203. browsers: noff
  17204. });
  17205. });
  17206. var prefixUserSelect = require_user_select_none();
  17207. f(
  17208. prefixUserSelect,
  17209. (browsers) => prefix(["user-select"], {
  17210. mistakes: ["-khtml-"],
  17211. feature: "user-select-none",
  17212. browsers
  17213. })
  17214. );
  17215. var prefixFlexbox = require_flexbox();
  17216. f(prefixFlexbox, { match: /a\sx/ }, (browsers) => {
  17217. browsers = => {
  17218. if (/ie|firefox/.test(i)) {
  17219. return i;
  17220. } else {
  17221. return `${i} 2009`;
  17222. }
  17223. });
  17224. prefix(["display-flex", "inline-flex"], {
  17225. props: ["display"],
  17226. feature: "flexbox",
  17227. browsers
  17228. });
  17229. prefix(["flex", "flex-grow", "flex-shrink", "flex-basis"], {
  17230. feature: "flexbox",
  17231. browsers
  17232. });
  17233. prefix(
  17234. [
  17235. "flex-direction",
  17236. "flex-wrap",
  17237. "flex-flow",
  17238. "justify-content",
  17239. "order",
  17240. "align-items",
  17241. "align-self",
  17242. "align-content"
  17243. ],
  17244. {
  17245. feature: "flexbox",
  17246. browsers
  17247. }
  17248. );
  17249. });
  17250. f(prefixFlexbox, { match: /y\sx/ }, (browsers) => {
  17251. add(["display-flex", "inline-flex"], {
  17252. feature: "flexbox",
  17253. browsers
  17254. });
  17255. add(["flex", "flex-grow", "flex-shrink", "flex-basis"], {
  17256. feature: "flexbox",
  17257. browsers
  17258. });
  17259. add(
  17260. [
  17261. "flex-direction",
  17262. "flex-wrap",
  17263. "flex-flow",
  17264. "justify-content",
  17265. "order",
  17266. "align-items",
  17267. "align-self",
  17268. "align-content"
  17269. ],
  17270. {
  17271. feature: "flexbox",
  17272. browsers
  17273. }
  17274. );
  17275. });
  17276. var prefixCalc = require_calc();
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  17278. prefixCalc,
  17279. (browsers) => prefix(["calc"], {
  17280. props: ["*"],
  17281. feature: "calc",
  17282. browsers
  17283. })
  17284. );
  17285. var prefixBackgroundOptions = require_background_img_opts();
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  17287. prefixBackgroundOptions,
  17288. (browsers) => prefix(["background-origin", "background-size"], {
  17289. feature: "background-img-opts",
  17290. browsers
  17291. })
  17292. );
  17293. var prefixBackgroundClipText = require_background_clip_text();
  17294. f(
  17295. prefixBackgroundClipText,
  17296. (browsers) => prefix(["background-clip"], {
  17297. feature: "background-clip-text",
  17298. browsers
  17299. })
  17300. );
  17301. var prefixFontFeature = require_font_feature();
  17302. f(
  17303. prefixFontFeature,
  17304. (browsers) => prefix(
  17305. [
  17306. "font-feature-settings",
  17307. "font-variant-ligatures",
  17308. "font-language-override"
  17309. ],
  17310. {
  17311. feature: "font-feature",
  17312. browsers
  17313. }
  17314. )
  17315. );
  17316. var prefixFontKerning = require_font_kerning();
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  17318. prefixFontKerning,
  17319. (browsers) => prefix(["font-kerning"], {
  17320. feature: "font-kerning",
  17321. browsers
  17322. })
  17323. );
  17324. var prefixBorderImage = require_border_image2();
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  17326. prefixBorderImage,
  17327. (browsers) => prefix(["border-image"], {
  17328. feature: "border-image",
  17329. browsers
  17330. })
  17331. );
  17332. var prefixSelection = require_css_selection();
  17333. f(
  17334. prefixSelection,
  17335. (browsers) => prefix(["::selection"], {
  17336. selector: true,
  17337. feature: "css-selection",
  17338. browsers
  17339. })
  17340. );
  17341. var prefixPlaceholder = require_css_placeholder();
  17342. f(prefixPlaceholder, (browsers) => {
  17343. prefix(["::placeholder"], {
  17344. selector: true,
  17345. feature: "css-placeholder",
  17346. browsers: browsers.concat(["ie 10 old", "ie 11 old", "firefox 18 old"])
  17347. });
  17348. });
  17349. var prefixPlaceholderShown = require_css_placeholder_shown();
  17350. f(prefixPlaceholderShown, (browsers) => {
  17351. prefix([":placeholder-shown"], {
  17352. selector: true,
  17353. feature: "css-placeholder-shown",
  17354. browsers
  17355. });
  17356. });
  17357. var prefixHyphens = require_css_hyphens();
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  17359. prefixHyphens,
  17360. (browsers) => prefix(["hyphens"], {
  17361. feature: "css-hyphens",
  17362. browsers
  17363. })
  17364. );
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  17367. prefixFullscreen,
  17368. (browsers) => prefix([":fullscreen"], {
  17369. selector: true,
  17370. feature: "fullscreen",
  17371. browsers
  17372. })
  17373. );
  17374. f(
  17375. prefixFullscreen,
  17376. { match: /x(\s#2|$)/ },
  17377. (browsers) => prefix(["::backdrop"], {
  17378. selector: true,
  17379. feature: "fullscreen",
  17380. browsers
  17381. })
  17382. );
  17383. var prefixFileSelectorButton = require_css_file_selector_button();
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  17385. prefixFileSelectorButton,
  17386. (browsers) => prefix(["::file-selector-button"], {
  17387. selector: true,
  17388. feature: "file-selector-button",
  17389. browsers
  17390. })
  17391. );
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  17394. prefixAutofill,
  17395. (browsers) => prefix([":autofill"], {
  17396. selector: true,
  17397. feature: "css-autofill",
  17398. browsers
  17399. })
  17400. );
  17401. var prefixTabsize = require_css3_tabsize();
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  17403. prefixTabsize,
  17404. (browsers) => prefix(["tab-size"], {
  17405. feature: "css3-tabsize",
  17406. browsers
  17407. })
  17408. );
  17409. var prefixIntrinsic = require_intrinsic_width();
  17410. var sizeProps = [
  17411. "width",
  17412. "min-width",
  17413. "max-width",
  17414. "height",
  17415. "min-height",
  17416. "max-height",
  17417. "inline-size",
  17418. "min-inline-size",
  17419. "max-inline-size",
  17420. "block-size",
  17421. "min-block-size",
  17422. "max-block-size",
  17423. "grid",
  17424. "grid-template",
  17425. "grid-template-rows",
  17426. "grid-template-columns",
  17427. "grid-auto-columns",
  17428. "grid-auto-rows"
  17429. ];
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  17431. prefixIntrinsic,
  17432. (browsers) => prefix(["max-content", "min-content"], {
  17433. props: sizeProps,
  17434. feature: "intrinsic-width",
  17435. browsers
  17436. })
  17437. );
  17438. f(
  17439. prefixIntrinsic,
  17440. { match: /x|\s#4/ },
  17441. (browsers) => prefix(["fill", "fill-available"], {
  17442. props: sizeProps,
  17443. feature: "intrinsic-width",
  17444. browsers
  17445. })
  17446. );
  17447. f(
  17448. prefixIntrinsic,
  17449. { match: /x|\s#5/ },
  17450. (browsers) => prefix(["fit-content"], {
  17451. props: sizeProps,
  17452. feature: "intrinsic-width",
  17453. browsers
  17454. })
  17455. );
  17456. var prefixStretch = require_css_width_stretch();
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  17458. prefixStretch,
  17459. (browsers) => prefix(["stretch"], {
  17460. props: sizeProps,
  17461. feature: "css-width-stretch",
  17462. browsers
  17463. })
  17464. );
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  17467. prefixCursorsNewer,
  17468. (browsers) => prefix(["zoom-in", "zoom-out"], {
  17469. props: ["cursor"],
  17470. feature: "css3-cursors-newer",
  17471. browsers
  17472. })
  17473. );
  17474. var prefixCursorsGrab = require_css3_cursors_grab();
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  17476. prefixCursorsGrab,
  17477. (browsers) => prefix(["grab", "grabbing"], {
  17478. props: ["cursor"],
  17479. feature: "css3-cursors-grab",
  17480. browsers
  17481. })
  17482. );
  17483. var prefixSticky = require_css_sticky();
  17484. f(
  17485. prefixSticky,
  17486. (browsers) => prefix(["sticky"], {
  17487. props: ["position"],
  17488. feature: "css-sticky",
  17489. browsers
  17490. })
  17491. );
  17492. var prefixPointer = require_pointer();
  17493. f(
  17494. prefixPointer,
  17495. (browsers) => prefix(["touch-action"], {
  17496. feature: "pointer",
  17497. browsers
  17498. })
  17499. );
  17500. var prefixDecoration = require_text_decoration2();
  17501. f(
  17502. prefixDecoration,
  17503. { match: /x.*#[235]/ },
  17504. (browsers) => prefix(["text-decoration-skip", "text-decoration-skip-ink"], {
  17505. feature: "text-decoration",
  17506. browsers
  17507. })
  17508. );
  17509. var prefixDecorationShorthand = require_mdn_text_decoration_shorthand();
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  17511. prefixDecorationShorthand,
  17512. (browsers) => prefix(["text-decoration"], {
  17513. feature: "text-decoration",
  17514. browsers
  17515. })
  17516. );
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  17519. prefixDecorationColor,
  17520. (browsers) => prefix(["text-decoration-color"], {
  17521. feature: "text-decoration",
  17522. browsers
  17523. })
  17524. );
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  17527. prefixDecorationLine,
  17528. (browsers) => prefix(["text-decoration-line"], {
  17529. feature: "text-decoration",
  17530. browsers
  17531. })
  17532. );
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  17534. f(
  17535. prefixDecorationStyle,
  17536. (browsers) => prefix(["text-decoration-style"], {
  17537. feature: "text-decoration",
  17538. browsers
  17539. })
  17540. );
  17541. var prefixTextSizeAdjust = require_text_size_adjust();
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  17543. prefixTextSizeAdjust,
  17544. (browsers) => prefix(["text-size-adjust"], {
  17545. feature: "text-size-adjust",
  17546. browsers
  17547. })
  17548. );
  17549. var prefixCssMasks = require_css_masks();
  17550. f(prefixCssMasks, (browsers) => {
  17551. prefix(
  17552. [
  17553. "mask-clip",
  17554. "mask-composite",
  17555. "mask-image",
  17556. "mask-origin",
  17557. "mask-repeat",
  17558. "mask-border-repeat",
  17559. "mask-border-source"
  17560. ],
  17561. {
  17562. feature: "css-masks",
  17563. browsers
  17564. }
  17565. );
  17566. prefix(
  17567. [
  17568. "mask",
  17569. "mask-position",
  17570. "mask-size",
  17571. "mask-border",
  17572. "mask-border-outset",
  17573. "mask-border-width",
  17574. "mask-border-slice"
  17575. ],
  17576. {
  17577. feature: "css-masks",
  17578. browsers
  17579. }
  17580. );
  17581. });
  17582. var prefixClipPath = require_css_clip_path();
  17583. f(
  17584. prefixClipPath,
  17585. (browsers) => prefix(["clip-path"], {
  17586. feature: "css-clip-path",
  17587. browsers
  17588. })
  17589. );
  17590. var prefixBoxdecoration = require_css_boxdecorationbreak();
  17591. f(
  17592. prefixBoxdecoration,
  17593. (browsers) => prefix(["box-decoration-break"], {
  17594. feature: "css-boxdecorationbreak",
  17595. browsers
  17596. })
  17597. );
  17598. var prefixObjectFit = require_object_fit();
  17599. f(
  17600. prefixObjectFit,
  17601. (browsers) => prefix(["object-fit", "object-position"], {
  17602. feature: "object-fit",
  17603. browsers
  17604. })
  17605. );
  17606. var prefixShapes = require_css_shapes();
  17607. f(
  17608. prefixShapes,
  17609. (browsers) => prefix(["shape-margin", "shape-outside", "shape-image-threshold"], {
  17610. feature: "css-shapes",
  17611. browsers
  17612. })
  17613. );
  17614. var prefixTextOverflow = require_text_overflow();
  17615. f(
  17616. prefixTextOverflow,
  17617. (browsers) => prefix(["text-overflow"], {
  17618. feature: "text-overflow",
  17619. browsers
  17620. })
  17621. );
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  17624. prefixDeviceadaptation,
  17625. (browsers) => prefix(["@viewport"], {
  17626. feature: "css-deviceadaptation",
  17627. browsers
  17628. })
  17629. );
  17630. var prefixResolut = require_css_media_resolution();
  17631. f(
  17632. prefixResolut,
  17633. { match: /( x($| )|a #2)/ },
  17634. (browsers) => prefix(["@resolution"], {
  17635. feature: "css-media-resolution",
  17636. browsers
  17637. })
  17638. );
  17639. var prefixTextAlignLast = require_css_text_align_last();
  17640. f(
  17641. prefixTextAlignLast,
  17642. (browsers) => prefix(["text-align-last"], {
  17643. feature: "css-text-align-last",
  17644. browsers
  17645. })
  17646. );
  17647. var prefixCrispedges = require_css_crisp_edges();
  17648. f(
  17649. prefixCrispedges,
  17650. { match: /y x|a x #1/ },
  17651. (browsers) => prefix(["pixelated"], {
  17652. props: ["image-rendering"],
  17653. feature: "css-crisp-edges",
  17654. browsers
  17655. })
  17656. );
  17657. f(
  17658. prefixCrispedges,
  17659. { match: /a x #2/ },
  17660. (browsers) => prefix(["image-rendering"], {
  17661. feature: "css-crisp-edges",
  17662. browsers
  17663. })
  17664. );
  17665. var prefixLogicalProps = require_css_logical_props();
  17666. f(
  17667. prefixLogicalProps,
  17668. (browsers) => prefix(
  17669. [
  17670. "border-inline-start",
  17671. "border-inline-end",
  17672. "margin-inline-start",
  17673. "margin-inline-end",
  17674. "padding-inline-start",
  17675. "padding-inline-end"
  17676. ],
  17677. {
  17678. feature: "css-logical-props",
  17679. browsers
  17680. }
  17681. )
  17682. );
  17683. f(
  17684. prefixLogicalProps,
  17685. { match: /x\s#2/ },
  17686. (browsers) => prefix(
  17687. [
  17688. "border-block-start",
  17689. "border-block-end",
  17690. "margin-block-start",
  17691. "margin-block-end",
  17692. "padding-block-start",
  17693. "padding-block-end"
  17694. ],
  17695. {
  17696. feature: "css-logical-props",
  17697. browsers
  17698. }
  17699. )
  17700. );
  17701. var prefixAppearance = require_css_appearance();
  17702. f(
  17703. prefixAppearance,
  17704. { match: /#2|x/ },
  17705. (browsers) => prefix(["appearance"], {
  17706. feature: "css-appearance",
  17707. browsers
  17708. })
  17709. );
  17710. var prefixSnappoints = require_css_snappoints();
  17711. f(
  17712. prefixSnappoints,
  17713. (browsers) => prefix(
  17714. [
  17715. "scroll-snap-type",
  17716. "scroll-snap-coordinate",
  17717. "scroll-snap-destination",
  17718. "scroll-snap-points-x",
  17719. "scroll-snap-points-y"
  17720. ],
  17721. {
  17722. feature: "css-snappoints",
  17723. browsers
  17724. }
  17725. )
  17726. );
  17727. var prefixRegions = require_css_regions();
  17728. f(
  17729. prefixRegions,
  17730. (browsers) => prefix(["flow-into", "flow-from", "region-fragment"], {
  17731. feature: "css-regions",
  17732. browsers
  17733. })
  17734. );
  17735. var prefixImageSet = require_css_image_set();
  17736. f(
  17737. prefixImageSet,
  17738. (browsers) => prefix(["image-set"], {
  17739. props: [
  17740. "background",
  17741. "background-image",
  17742. "border-image",
  17743. "cursor",
  17744. "mask",
  17745. "mask-image",
  17746. "list-style",
  17747. "list-style-image",
  17748. "content"
  17749. ],
  17750. feature: "css-image-set",
  17751. browsers
  17752. })
  17753. );
  17754. var prefixWritingMode = require_css_writing_mode();
  17755. f(
  17756. prefixWritingMode,
  17757. { match: /a|x/ },
  17758. (browsers) => prefix(["writing-mode"], {
  17759. feature: "css-writing-mode",
  17760. browsers
  17761. })
  17762. );
  17763. var prefixCrossFade = require_css_cross_fade();
  17764. f(
  17765. prefixCrossFade,
  17766. (browsers) => prefix(["cross-fade"], {
  17767. props: [
  17768. "background",
  17769. "background-image",
  17770. "border-image",
  17771. "mask",
  17772. "list-style",
  17773. "list-style-image",
  17774. "content",
  17775. "mask-image"
  17776. ],
  17777. feature: "css-cross-fade",
  17778. browsers
  17779. })
  17780. );
  17781. var prefixReadOnly = require_css_read_only_write();
  17782. f(
  17783. prefixReadOnly,
  17784. (browsers) => prefix([":read-only", ":read-write"], {
  17785. selector: true,
  17786. feature: "css-read-only-write",
  17787. browsers
  17788. })
  17789. );
  17790. var prefixTextEmphasis = require_text_emphasis();
  17791. f(
  17792. prefixTextEmphasis,
  17793. (browsers) => prefix(
  17794. [
  17795. "text-emphasis",
  17796. "text-emphasis-position",
  17797. "text-emphasis-style",
  17798. "text-emphasis-color"
  17799. ],
  17800. {
  17801. feature: "text-emphasis",
  17802. browsers
  17803. }
  17804. )
  17805. );
  17806. var prefixGrid = require_css_grid();
  17807. f(prefixGrid, (browsers) => {
  17808. prefix(["display-grid", "inline-grid"], {
  17809. props: ["display"],
  17810. feature: "css-grid",
  17811. browsers
  17812. });
  17813. prefix(
  17814. [
  17815. "grid-template-columns",
  17816. "grid-template-rows",
  17817. "grid-row-start",
  17818. "grid-column-start",
  17819. "grid-row-end",
  17820. "grid-column-end",
  17821. "grid-row",
  17822. "grid-column",
  17823. "grid-area",
  17824. "grid-template",
  17825. "grid-template-areas",
  17826. "place-self"
  17827. ],
  17828. {
  17829. feature: "css-grid",
  17830. browsers
  17831. }
  17832. );
  17833. });
  17834. f(
  17835. prefixGrid,
  17836. { match: /a x/ },
  17837. (browsers) => prefix(["grid-column-align", "grid-row-align"], {
  17838. feature: "css-grid",
  17839. browsers
  17840. })
  17841. );
  17842. var prefixTextSpacing = require_css_text_spacing();
  17843. f(
  17844. prefixTextSpacing,
  17845. (browsers) => prefix(["text-spacing"], {
  17846. feature: "css-text-spacing",
  17847. browsers
  17848. })
  17849. );
  17850. var prefixAnyLink = require_css_any_link();
  17851. f(
  17852. prefixAnyLink,
  17853. (browsers) => prefix([":any-link"], {
  17854. selector: true,
  17855. feature: "css-any-link",
  17856. browsers
  17857. })
  17858. );
  17859. var bidiIsolate = require_mdn_css_unicode_bidi_isolate();
  17860. f(
  17861. bidiIsolate,
  17862. (browsers) => prefix(["isolate"], {
  17863. props: ["unicode-bidi"],
  17864. feature: "css-unicode-bidi",
  17865. browsers
  17866. })
  17867. );
  17868. var bidiPlaintext = require_mdn_css_unicode_bidi_plaintext();
  17869. f(
  17870. bidiPlaintext,
  17871. (browsers) => prefix(["plaintext"], {
  17872. props: ["unicode-bidi"],
  17873. feature: "css-unicode-bidi",
  17874. browsers
  17875. })
  17876. );
  17877. var bidiOverride = require_mdn_css_unicode_bidi_isolate_override();
  17878. f(
  17879. bidiOverride,
  17880. { match: /y x/ },
  17881. (browsers) => prefix(["isolate-override"], {
  17882. props: ["unicode-bidi"],
  17883. feature: "css-unicode-bidi",
  17884. browsers
  17885. })
  17886. );
  17887. var prefixOverscroll = require_css_overscroll_behavior();
  17888. f(
  17889. prefixOverscroll,
  17890. { match: /a #1/ },
  17891. (browsers) => prefix(["overscroll-behavior"], {
  17892. feature: "css-overscroll-behavior",
  17893. browsers
  17894. })
  17895. );
  17896. var prefixTextOrientation = require_css_text_orientation();
  17897. f(
  17898. prefixTextOrientation,
  17899. (browsers) => prefix(["text-orientation"], {
  17900. feature: "css-text-orientation",
  17901. browsers
  17902. })
  17903. );
  17904. var prefixPrintAdjust = require_css_print_color_adjust();
  17905. f(
  17906. prefixPrintAdjust,
  17907. (browsers) => prefix(["print-color-adjust", "color-adjust"], {
  17908. feature: "css-print-color-adjust",
  17909. browsers
  17910. })
  17911. );
  17912. }
  17913. });
  17914. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/info.js
  17915. var require_info = __commonJS({
  17916. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/info.js"(exports2, module2) {
  17917. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  17918. function capitalize(str) {
  17919. return str.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
  17920. }
  17921. var NAMES = {
  17922. ie: "IE",
  17923. ie_mob: "IE Mobile",
  17924. ios_saf: "iOS Safari",
  17925. op_mini: "Opera Mini",
  17926. op_mob: "Opera Mobile",
  17927. and_chr: "Chrome for Android",
  17928. and_ff: "Firefox for Android",
  17929. and_uc: "UC for Android",
  17930. and_qq: "QQ Browser",
  17931. kaios: "KaiOS Browser",
  17932. baidu: "Baidu Browser",
  17933. samsung: "Samsung Internet"
  17934. };
  17935. function prefix(name, prefixes, note) {
  17936. let out = ` ${name}`;
  17937. if (note)
  17938. out += " *";
  17939. out += ": ";
  17940. out += => i.replace(/^-(.*)-$/g, "$1")).join(", ");
  17941. out += "\n";
  17942. return out;
  17943. }
  17944. module2.exports = function(prefixes) {
  17945. if (prefixes.browsers.selected.length === 0) {
  17946. return "No browsers selected";
  17947. }
  17948. let versions = {};
  17949. for (let browser of prefixes.browsers.selected) {
  17950. let parts = browser.split(" ");
  17951. let name = parts[0];
  17952. let version = parts[1];
  17953. name = NAMES[name] || capitalize(name);
  17954. if (versions[name]) {
  17955. versions[name].push(version);
  17956. } else {
  17957. versions[name] = [version];
  17958. }
  17959. }
  17960. let out = "Browsers:\n";
  17961. for (let browser in versions) {
  17962. let list = versions[browser];
  17963. list = list.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(b) - parseFloat(a));
  17964. out += ` ${browser}: ${list.join(", ")}
  17965. `;
  17966. }
  17967. let coverage = browserslist.coverage(prefixes.browsers.selected);
  17968. let round = Math.round(coverage * 100) / 100;
  17969. out += `
  17970. These browsers account for ${round}% of all users globally
  17971. `;
  17972. let atrules = [];
  17973. for (let name in prefixes.add) {
  17974. let data = prefixes.add[name];
  17975. if (name[0] === "@" && data.prefixes) {
  17976. atrules.push(prefix(name, data.prefixes));
  17977. }
  17978. }
  17979. if (atrules.length > 0) {
  17980. out += `
  17981. At-Rules:
  17982. ${atrules.sort().join("")}`;
  17983. }
  17984. let selectors = [];
  17985. for (let selector of prefixes.add.selectors) {
  17986. if (selector.prefixes) {
  17987. selectors.push(prefix(, selector.prefixes));
  17988. }
  17989. }
  17990. if (selectors.length > 0) {
  17991. out += `
  17992. Selectors:
  17993. ${selectors.sort().join("")}`;
  17994. }
  17995. let values = [];
  17996. let props = [];
  17997. let hadGrid = false;
  17998. for (let name in prefixes.add) {
  17999. let data = prefixes.add[name];
  18000. if (name[0] !== "@" && data.prefixes) {
  18001. let grid = name.indexOf("grid-") === 0;
  18002. if (grid)
  18003. hadGrid = true;
  18004. props.push(prefix(name, data.prefixes, grid));
  18005. }
  18006. if (!Array.isArray(data.values)) {
  18007. continue;
  18008. }
  18009. for (let value of data.values) {
  18010. let grid ="grid");
  18011. if (grid)
  18012. hadGrid = true;
  18013. let string = prefix(, value.prefixes, grid);
  18014. if (!values.includes(string)) {
  18015. values.push(string);
  18016. }
  18017. }
  18018. }
  18019. if (props.length > 0) {
  18020. out += `
  18021. Properties:
  18022. ${props.sort().join("")}`;
  18023. }
  18024. if (values.length > 0) {
  18025. out += `
  18026. Values:
  18027. ${values.sort().join("")}`;
  18028. }
  18029. if (hadGrid) {
  18030. out += "\n* - Prefixes will be added only on grid: true option.\n";
  18031. }
  18032. if (!atrules.length && !selectors.length && !props.length && !values.length) {
  18033. out += "\nAwesome! Your browsers don't require any vendor prefixes.\nNow you can remove Autoprefixer from build steps.";
  18034. }
  18035. return out;
  18036. };
  18037. }
  18038. });
  18039. // node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/autoprefixer.js
  18040. var require_autoprefixer = __commonJS({
  18041. "node_modules/autoprefixer/lib/autoprefixer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  18042. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  18043. var { agents } = require_agents2();
  18044. var pico = require_picocolors();
  18045. var Browsers = require_browsers3();
  18046. var Prefixes = require_prefixes();
  18047. var dataPrefixes = require_prefixes2();
  18048. var getInfo = require_info();
  18049. var autoprefixerData = { browsers: agents, prefixes: dataPrefixes };
  18050. var WARNING = "\n Replace Autoprefixer `browsers` option to Browserslist config.\n Use `browserslist` key in `package.json` or `.browserslistrc` file.\n\n Using `browsers` option can cause errors. Browserslist config can\n be used for Babel, Autoprefixer, postcss-normalize and other tools.\n\n If you really need to use option, rename it to `overrideBrowserslist`.\n\n Learn more at:\n\n\n\n";
  18051. function isPlainObject(obj) {
  18052. return Object.prototype.toString.apply(obj) === "[object Object]";
  18053. }
  18054. var cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  18055. function timeCapsule(result, prefixes) {
  18056. if (prefixes.browsers.selected.length === 0) {
  18057. return;
  18058. }
  18059. if (prefixes.add.selectors.length > 0) {
  18060. return;
  18061. }
  18062. if (Object.keys(prefixes.add).length > 2) {
  18063. return;
  18064. }
  18065. result.warn(
  18066. "Autoprefixer target browsers do not need any prefixes.You do not need Autoprefixer anymore.\nCheck your Browserslist config to be sure that your targets are set up correctly.\n\n Learn more at:\n\n\n\n"
  18067. );
  18068. }
  18069. module2.exports = plugin;
  18070. function plugin(...reqs) {
  18071. let options;
  18072. if (reqs.length === 1 && isPlainObject(reqs[0])) {
  18073. options = reqs[0];
  18074. reqs = void 0;
  18075. } else if (reqs.length === 0 || reqs.length === 1 && !reqs[0]) {
  18076. reqs = void 0;
  18077. } else if (reqs.length <= 2 && (Array.isArray(reqs[0]) || !reqs[0])) {
  18078. options = reqs[1];
  18079. reqs = reqs[0];
  18080. } else if (typeof reqs[reqs.length - 1] === "object") {
  18081. options = reqs.pop();
  18082. }
  18083. if (!options) {
  18084. options = {};
  18085. }
  18086. if (options.browser) {
  18087. throw new Error(
  18088. "Change `browser` option to `overrideBrowserslist` in Autoprefixer"
  18089. );
  18090. } else if (options.browserslist) {
  18091. throw new Error(
  18092. "Change `browserslist` option to `overrideBrowserslist` in Autoprefixer"
  18093. );
  18094. }
  18095. if (options.overrideBrowserslist) {
  18096. reqs = options.overrideBrowserslist;
  18097. } else if (options.browsers) {
  18098. if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) {
  18099. console.warn(
  18100.`[^`]+`/g, (i) => pico.yellow(i.slice(1, -1))))
  18101. );
  18102. }
  18103. reqs = options.browsers;
  18104. }
  18105. let brwlstOpts = {
  18106. ignoreUnknownVersions: options.ignoreUnknownVersions,
  18107. stats: options.stats,
  18108. env: options.env
  18109. };
  18110. function loadPrefixes(opts) {
  18111. let d = autoprefixerData;
  18112. let browsers = new Browsers(d.browsers, reqs, opts, brwlstOpts);
  18113. let key = browsers.selected.join(", ") + JSON.stringify(options);
  18114. if (!cache.has(key)) {
  18115. cache.set(key, new Prefixes(d.prefixes, browsers, options));
  18116. }
  18117. return cache.get(key);
  18118. }
  18119. return {
  18120. postcssPlugin: "autoprefixer",
  18121. prepare(result) {
  18122. let prefixes = loadPrefixes({
  18123. from: result.opts.from,
  18124. env: options.env
  18125. });
  18126. return {
  18127. OnceExit(root) {
  18128. timeCapsule(result, prefixes);
  18129. if (options.remove !== false) {
  18130. prefixes.processor.remove(root, result);
  18131. }
  18132. if (options.add !== false) {
  18133. prefixes.processor.add(root, result);
  18134. }
  18135. }
  18136. };
  18137. },
  18138. info(opts) {
  18139. opts = opts || {};
  18140. opts.from = opts.from || process.cwd();
  18141. return getInfo(loadPrefixes(opts));
  18142. },
  18143. options,
  18144. browsers: reqs
  18145. };
  18146. }
  18147. plugin.postcss = true;
  18148. = autoprefixerData;
  18149. plugin.defaults = browserslist.defaults;
  18150. = () => plugin().info();
  18151. }
  18152. });
  18153. // node_modules/cssnano/node_modules/lilconfig/src/index.js
  18154. var require_src2 = __commonJS({
  18155. "node_modules/cssnano/node_modules/lilconfig/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  18156. var path = require("path");
  18157. var fs = require("fs");
  18158. var os = require("os");
  18159. var fsReadFileAsync = fs.promises.readFile;
  18160. function getDefaultSearchPlaces(name, sync) {
  18161. return [
  18162. "package.json",
  18163. `.${name}rc.json`,
  18164. `.${name}rc.js`,
  18165. `.${name}rc.cjs`,
  18166. ...sync ? [] : [`.${name}rc.mjs`],
  18167. `.config/${name}rc`,
  18168. `.config/${name}rc.json`,
  18169. `.config/${name}rc.js`,
  18170. `.config/${name}rc.cjs`,
  18171. ...sync ? [] : [`.config/${name}rc.mjs`],
  18172. `${name}.config.js`,
  18173. `${name}.config.cjs`,
  18174. ...sync ? [] : [`${name}.config.mjs`]
  18175. ];
  18176. }
  18177. function parentDir(p) {
  18178. return path.dirname(p) || path.sep;
  18179. }
  18180. var jsonLoader = (_, content) => JSON.parse(content);
  18181. var requireFunc = typeof __webpack_require__ === "function" ? __non_webpack_require__ : require;
  18182. var defaultLoadersSync = Object.freeze({
  18183. ".js": requireFunc,
  18184. ".json": requireFunc,
  18185. ".cjs": requireFunc,
  18186. noExt: jsonLoader
  18187. });
  18188. module2.exports.defaultLoadersSync = defaultLoadersSync;
  18189. var dynamicImport = async (id) => {
  18190. try {
  18191. const mod = await import(
  18192. /* webpackIgnore: true */
  18193. id
  18194. );
  18195. return mod.default;
  18196. } catch (e) {
  18197. try {
  18198. return requireFunc(id);
  18199. } catch (requireE) {
  18200. if (requireE.code === "ERR_REQUIRE_ESM" || requireE instanceof SyntaxError && requireE.toString().includes("Cannot use import statement outside a module")) {
  18201. throw e;
  18202. }
  18203. throw requireE;
  18204. }
  18205. }
  18206. };
  18207. var defaultLoaders = Object.freeze({
  18208. ".js": dynamicImport,
  18209. ".mjs": dynamicImport,
  18210. ".cjs": dynamicImport,
  18211. ".json": jsonLoader,
  18212. noExt: jsonLoader
  18213. });
  18214. module2.exports.defaultLoaders = defaultLoaders;
  18215. function getOptions(name, options, sync) {
  18216. const conf = {
  18217. stopDir: os.homedir(),
  18218. searchPlaces: getDefaultSearchPlaces(name, sync),
  18219. ignoreEmptySearchPlaces: true,
  18220. cache: true,
  18221. transform: (x) => x,
  18222. packageProp: [name],
  18223. ...options,
  18224. loaders: {
  18225. ...sync ? defaultLoadersSync : defaultLoaders,
  18226. ...options.loaders
  18227. }
  18228. };
  18229. conf.searchPlaces.forEach((place) => {
  18230. const key = path.extname(place) || "noExt";
  18231. const loader = conf.loaders[key];
  18232. if (!loader) {
  18233. throw new Error(`Missing loader for extension "${place}"`);
  18234. }
  18235. if (typeof loader !== "function") {
  18236. throw new Error(
  18237. `Loader for extension "${place}" is not a function: Received ${typeof loader}.`
  18238. );
  18239. }
  18240. });
  18241. return conf;
  18242. }
  18243. function getPackageProp(props, obj) {
  18244. if (typeof props === "string" && props in obj)
  18245. return obj[props];
  18246. return (Array.isArray(props) ? props : props.split(".")).reduce(
  18247. (acc, prop) => acc === void 0 ? acc : acc[prop],
  18248. obj
  18249. ) || null;
  18250. }
  18251. function validateFilePath(filepath) {
  18252. if (!filepath)
  18253. throw new Error("load must pass a non-empty string");
  18254. }
  18255. function validateLoader(loader, ext) {
  18256. if (!loader)
  18257. throw new Error(`No loader specified for extension "${ext}"`);
  18258. if (typeof loader !== "function")
  18259. throw new Error("loader is not a function");
  18260. }
  18261. var makeEmplace = (enableCache) => (c, filepath, res) => {
  18262. if (enableCache)
  18263. c.set(filepath, res);
  18264. return res;
  18265. };
  18266. module2.exports.lilconfig = function lilconfig(name, options) {
  18267. const {
  18268. ignoreEmptySearchPlaces,
  18269. loaders,
  18270. packageProp,
  18271. searchPlaces,
  18272. stopDir,
  18273. transform,
  18274. cache
  18275. } = getOptions(name, options ?? {}, false);
  18276. const searchCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  18277. const loadCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  18278. const emplace = makeEmplace(cache);
  18279. return {
  18280. async search(searchFrom = process.cwd()) {
  18281. const result = {
  18282. config: null,
  18283. filepath: ""
  18284. };
  18285. const visited = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  18286. let dir = searchFrom;
  18287. dirLoop:
  18288. while (true) {
  18289. if (cache) {
  18290. const r = searchCache.get(dir);
  18291. if (r !== void 0) {
  18292. for (const p of visited)
  18293. searchCache.set(p, r);
  18294. return r;
  18295. }
  18296. visited.add(dir);
  18297. }
  18298. for (const searchPlace of searchPlaces) {
  18299. const filepath = path.join(dir, searchPlace);
  18300. try {
  18301. await fs.promises.access(filepath);
  18302. } catch {
  18303. continue;
  18304. }
  18305. const content = String(await fsReadFileAsync(filepath));
  18306. const loaderKey = path.extname(searchPlace) || "noExt";
  18307. const loader = loaders[loaderKey];
  18308. if (searchPlace === "package.json") {
  18309. const pkg = await loader(filepath, content);
  18310. const maybeConfig = getPackageProp(packageProp, pkg);
  18311. if (maybeConfig != null) {
  18312. result.config = maybeConfig;
  18313. result.filepath = filepath;
  18314. break dirLoop;
  18315. }
  18316. continue;
  18317. }
  18318. const isEmpty = content.trim() === "";
  18319. if (isEmpty && ignoreEmptySearchPlaces)
  18320. continue;
  18321. if (isEmpty) {
  18322. result.isEmpty = true;
  18323. result.config = void 0;
  18324. } else {
  18325. validateLoader(loader, loaderKey);
  18326. result.config = await loader(filepath, content);
  18327. }
  18328. result.filepath = filepath;
  18329. break dirLoop;
  18330. }
  18331. if (dir === stopDir || dir === parentDir(dir))
  18332. break dirLoop;
  18333. dir = parentDir(dir);
  18334. }
  18335. const transformed = (
  18336. // not found
  18337. result.filepath === "" && result.config === null ? transform(null) : transform(result)
  18338. );
  18339. if (cache) {
  18340. for (const p of visited)
  18341. searchCache.set(p, transformed);
  18342. }
  18343. return transformed;
  18344. },
  18345. async load(filepath) {
  18346. validateFilePath(filepath);
  18347. const absPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), filepath);
  18348. if (cache && loadCache.has(absPath)) {
  18349. return loadCache.get(absPath);
  18350. }
  18351. const { base, ext } = path.parse(absPath);
  18352. const loaderKey = ext || "noExt";
  18353. const loader = loaders[loaderKey];
  18354. validateLoader(loader, loaderKey);
  18355. const content = String(await fsReadFileAsync(absPath));
  18356. if (base === "package.json") {
  18357. const pkg = await loader(absPath, content);
  18358. return emplace(
  18359. loadCache,
  18360. absPath,
  18361. transform({
  18362. config: getPackageProp(packageProp, pkg),
  18363. filepath: absPath
  18364. })
  18365. );
  18366. }
  18367. const result = {
  18368. config: null,
  18369. filepath: absPath
  18370. };
  18371. const isEmpty = content.trim() === "";
  18372. if (isEmpty && ignoreEmptySearchPlaces)
  18373. return emplace(
  18374. loadCache,
  18375. absPath,
  18376. transform({
  18377. config: void 0,
  18378. filepath: absPath,
  18379. isEmpty: true
  18380. })
  18381. );
  18382. result.config = isEmpty ? void 0 : await loader(absPath, content);
  18383. return emplace(
  18384. loadCache,
  18385. absPath,
  18386. transform(isEmpty ? { ...result, isEmpty, config: void 0 } : result)
  18387. );
  18388. },
  18389. clearLoadCache() {
  18390. if (cache)
  18391. loadCache.clear();
  18392. },
  18393. clearSearchCache() {
  18394. if (cache)
  18395. searchCache.clear();
  18396. },
  18397. clearCaches() {
  18398. if (cache) {
  18399. loadCache.clear();
  18400. searchCache.clear();
  18401. }
  18402. }
  18403. };
  18404. };
  18405. module2.exports.lilconfigSync = function lilconfigSync(name, options) {
  18406. const {
  18407. ignoreEmptySearchPlaces,
  18408. loaders,
  18409. packageProp,
  18410. searchPlaces,
  18411. stopDir,
  18412. transform,
  18413. cache
  18414. } = getOptions(name, options ?? {}, true);
  18415. const searchCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  18416. const loadCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  18417. const emplace = makeEmplace(cache);
  18418. return {
  18419. search(searchFrom = process.cwd()) {
  18420. const result = {
  18421. config: null,
  18422. filepath: ""
  18423. };
  18424. const visited = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  18425. let dir = searchFrom;
  18426. dirLoop:
  18427. while (true) {
  18428. if (cache) {
  18429. const r = searchCache.get(dir);
  18430. if (r !== void 0) {
  18431. for (const p of visited)
  18432. searchCache.set(p, r);
  18433. return r;
  18434. }
  18435. visited.add(dir);
  18436. }
  18437. for (const searchPlace of searchPlaces) {
  18438. const filepath = path.join(dir, searchPlace);
  18439. try {
  18440. fs.accessSync(filepath);
  18441. } catch {
  18442. continue;
  18443. }
  18444. const loaderKey = path.extname(searchPlace) || "noExt";
  18445. const loader = loaders[loaderKey];
  18446. const content = String(fs.readFileSync(filepath));
  18447. if (searchPlace === "package.json") {
  18448. const pkg = loader(filepath, content);
  18449. const maybeConfig = getPackageProp(packageProp, pkg);
  18450. if (maybeConfig != null) {
  18451. result.config = maybeConfig;
  18452. result.filepath = filepath;
  18453. break dirLoop;
  18454. }
  18455. continue;
  18456. }
  18457. const isEmpty = content.trim() === "";
  18458. if (isEmpty && ignoreEmptySearchPlaces)
  18459. continue;
  18460. if (isEmpty) {
  18461. result.isEmpty = true;
  18462. result.config = void 0;
  18463. } else {
  18464. validateLoader(loader, loaderKey);
  18465. result.config = loader(filepath, content);
  18466. }
  18467. result.filepath = filepath;
  18468. break dirLoop;
  18469. }
  18470. if (dir === stopDir || dir === parentDir(dir))
  18471. break dirLoop;
  18472. dir = parentDir(dir);
  18473. }
  18474. const transformed = (
  18475. // not found
  18476. result.filepath === "" && result.config === null ? transform(null) : transform(result)
  18477. );
  18478. if (cache) {
  18479. for (const p of visited)
  18480. searchCache.set(p, transformed);
  18481. }
  18482. return transformed;
  18483. },
  18484. load(filepath) {
  18485. validateFilePath(filepath);
  18486. const absPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), filepath);
  18487. if (cache && loadCache.has(absPath)) {
  18488. return loadCache.get(absPath);
  18489. }
  18490. const { base, ext } = path.parse(absPath);
  18491. const loaderKey = ext || "noExt";
  18492. const loader = loaders[loaderKey];
  18493. validateLoader(loader, loaderKey);
  18494. const content = String(fs.readFileSync(absPath));
  18495. if (base === "package.json") {
  18496. const pkg = loader(absPath, content);
  18497. return transform({
  18498. config: getPackageProp(packageProp, pkg),
  18499. filepath: absPath
  18500. });
  18501. }
  18502. const result = {
  18503. config: null,
  18504. filepath: absPath
  18505. };
  18506. const isEmpty = content.trim() === "";
  18507. if (isEmpty && ignoreEmptySearchPlaces)
  18508. return emplace(
  18509. loadCache,
  18510. absPath,
  18511. transform({
  18512. filepath: absPath,
  18513. config: void 0,
  18514. isEmpty: true
  18515. })
  18516. );
  18517. result.config = isEmpty ? void 0 : loader(absPath, content);
  18518. return emplace(
  18519. loadCache,
  18520. absPath,
  18521. transform(isEmpty ? { ...result, isEmpty, config: void 0 } : result)
  18522. );
  18523. },
  18524. clearLoadCache() {
  18525. if (cache)
  18526. loadCache.clear();
  18527. },
  18528. clearSearchCache() {
  18529. if (cache)
  18530. searchCache.clear();
  18531. },
  18532. clearCaches() {
  18533. if (cache) {
  18534. loadCache.clear();
  18535. searchCache.clear();
  18536. }
  18537. }
  18538. };
  18539. };
  18540. }
  18541. });
  18542. // node_modules/css-declaration-sorter/dist/main.cjs
  18543. var require_main = __commonJS({
  18544. "node_modules/css-declaration-sorter/dist/main.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  18545. "use strict";
  18546. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  18547. var shorthandData = {
  18548. "animation": [
  18549. "animation-name",
  18550. "animation-duration",
  18551. "animation-timing-function",
  18552. "animation-delay",
  18553. "animation-iteration-count",
  18554. "animation-direction",
  18555. "animation-fill-mode",
  18556. "animation-play-state"
  18557. ],
  18558. "background": [
  18559. "background-image",
  18560. "background-size",
  18561. "background-position",
  18562. "background-repeat",
  18563. "background-origin",
  18564. "background-clip",
  18565. "background-attachment",
  18566. "background-color"
  18567. ],
  18568. "columns": [
  18569. "column-width",
  18570. "column-count"
  18571. ],
  18572. "column-rule": [
  18573. "column-rule-width",
  18574. "column-rule-style",
  18575. "column-rule-color"
  18576. ],
  18577. "flex": [
  18578. "flex-grow",
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  18999. ]
  19000. };
  19001. function bubbleSort(list, comparator) {
  19002. let upperIndex = list.length - 1;
  19003. while (upperIndex > 0) {
  19004. let swapIndex = 0;
  19005. for (let i = 0; i < upperIndex; i += 1) {
  19006. if (comparator(list[i], list[i + 1]) > 0) {
  19007. const temp = list[i + 1];
  19008. list[i + 1] = list[i];
  19009. list[i] = temp;
  19010. swapIndex = i;
  19011. }
  19012. }
  19013. upperIndex = swapIndex;
  19014. }
  19015. return list;
  19016. }
  19017. function __variableDynamicImportRuntime0__(path) {
  19018. switch (path) {
  19019. case "../orders/alphabetical.mjs":
  19020. return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
  19021. return alphabetical;
  19022. });
  19023. case "../orders/concentric-css.mjs":
  19024. return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
  19025. return concentricCss;
  19026. });
  19027. case "../orders/smacss.mjs":
  19028. return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
  19029. return smacss;
  19030. });
  19031. default:
  19032. return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  19033. (typeof queueMicrotask === "function" ? queueMicrotask : setTimeout)(
  19034. reject.bind(null, new Error("Unknown variable dynamic import: " + path))
  19035. );
  19036. });
  19037. }
  19038. }
  19039. var builtInOrders = [
  19040. "alphabetical",
  19041. "concentric-css",
  19042. "smacss"
  19043. ];
  19044. var cssDeclarationSorter = ({ order = "alphabetical", keepOverrides = false } = {}) => ({
  19045. postcssPlugin: "css-declaration-sorter",
  19046. OnceExit(css) {
  19047. let withKeepOverrides = (comparator) => comparator;
  19048. if (keepOverrides) {
  19049. withKeepOverrides = withOverridesComparator(shorthandData);
  19050. }
  19051. if (typeof order === "function") {
  19052. return processCss({ css, comparator: withKeepOverrides(order) });
  19053. }
  19054. if (!builtInOrders.includes(order))
  19055. return Promise.reject(
  19056. Error([
  19057. `Invalid built-in order '${order}' provided.`,
  19058. `Available built-in orders are: ${builtInOrders}`
  19059. ].join("\n"))
  19060. );
  19061. return __variableDynamicImportRuntime0__(`../orders/${order}.mjs`).then(({ properties: properties2 }) => processCss({
  19062. css,
  19063. comparator: withKeepOverrides(orderComparator(properties2))
  19064. }));
  19065. }
  19066. });
  19067. cssDeclarationSorter.postcss = true;
  19068. function processCss({ css, comparator }) {
  19069. const comments = [];
  19070. const rulesCache = [];
  19071. css.walk((node) => {
  19072. const nodes = node.nodes;
  19073. const type = node.type;
  19074. if (type === "comment") {
  19075. const isNewlineNode = node.raws.before && node.raws.before.includes("\n");
  19076. const lastNewlineNode = isNewlineNode && !;
  19077. const onlyNode = !node.prev() && ! || !node.parent;
  19078. if (lastNewlineNode || onlyNode || node.parent.type === "root") {
  19079. return;
  19080. }
  19081. if (isNewlineNode) {
  19082. const pairedNode = || node.prev();
  19083. if (pairedNode) {
  19084. comments.unshift({
  19085. "comment": node,
  19086. "pairedNode": pairedNode,
  19087. "insertPosition": ? "Before" : "After"
  19088. });
  19089. node.remove();
  19090. }
  19091. } else {
  19092. const pairedNode = node.prev() ||;
  19093. if (pairedNode) {
  19094. comments.push({
  19095. "comment": node,
  19096. "pairedNode": pairedNode,
  19097. "insertPosition": "After"
  19098. });
  19099. node.remove();
  19100. }
  19101. }
  19102. return;
  19103. }
  19104. const isRule = type === "rule" || type === "atrule";
  19105. if (isRule && nodes && nodes.length > 1) {
  19106. rulesCache.push(nodes);
  19107. }
  19108. });
  19109. rulesCache.forEach((nodes) => {
  19110. sortCssDeclarations({ nodes, comparator });
  19111. });
  19112. comments.forEach((node) => {
  19113. const pairedNode = node.pairedNode;
  19114. node.comment.remove();
  19115. pairedNode.parent && pairedNode.parent["insert" + node.insertPosition](pairedNode, node.comment);
  19116. });
  19117. }
  19118. function sortCssDeclarations({ nodes, comparator }) {
  19119. bubbleSort(nodes, (a, b) => {
  19120. if (a.type === "decl" && b.type === "decl") {
  19121. return comparator(a.prop, b.prop);
  19122. } else {
  19123. return compareDifferentType(a, b);
  19124. }
  19125. });
  19126. }
  19127. function withOverridesComparator(shorthandData2) {
  19128. return function(comparator) {
  19129. return function(a, b) {
  19130. a = removeVendorPrefix(a);
  19131. b = removeVendorPrefix(b);
  19132. if (shorthandData2[a] && shorthandData2[a].includes(b))
  19133. return 0;
  19134. if (shorthandData2[b] && shorthandData2[b].includes(a))
  19135. return 0;
  19136. return comparator(a, b);
  19137. };
  19138. };
  19139. }
  19140. function orderComparator(order) {
  19141. return function(a, b) {
  19142. const bIndex = order.indexOf(b);
  19143. if (bIndex === -1) {
  19144. return 0;
  19145. }
  19146. return order.indexOf(a) - bIndex;
  19147. };
  19148. }
  19149. function compareDifferentType(a, b) {
  19150. if (b.type === "atrule" || a.type === "atrule") {
  19151. return 0;
  19152. }
  19153. return a.type === "decl" ? -1 : b.type === "decl" ? 1 : 0;
  19154. }
  19155. function removeVendorPrefix(property) {
  19156. return property.replace(/^-\w+-/, "");
  19157. }
  19158. var properties$2 = [
  19159. "all",
  19160. "-webkit-line-clamp",
  19161. "-webkit-text-fill-color",
  19162. "-webkit-text-stroke",
  19163. "-webkit-text-stroke-color",
  19164. "-webkit-text-stroke-width",
  19165. "accent-color",
  19166. "align-content",
  19167. "align-items",
  19168. "align-self",
  19169. "animation",
  19170. "animation-composition",
  19171. "animation-delay",
  19172. "animation-direction",
  19173. "animation-duration",
  19174. "animation-fill-mode",
  19175. "animation-iteration-count",
  19176. "animation-name",
  19177. "animation-play-state",
  19178. "animation-timing-function",
  19179. "appearance",
  19180. "ascent-override",
  19181. "aspect-ratio",
  19182. "backdrop-filter",
  19183. "backface-visibility",
  19184. "background",
  19185. "background-attachment",
  19186. "background-blend-mode",
  19187. "background-clip",
  19188. "background-color",
  19189. "background-image",
  19190. "background-origin",
  19191. "background-position",
  19192. "background-position-x",
  19193. "background-position-y",
  19194. "background-repeat",
  19195. "background-size",
  19196. "baseline-source",
  19197. "block-size",
  19198. "border",
  19199. "border-block",
  19200. "border-block-color",
  19201. "border-block-end",
  19202. "border-block-end-color",
  19203. "border-block-end-style",
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  19225. "border-image-source",
  19226. "border-image-width",
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  19231. "border-inline-end-style",
  19232. "border-inline-end-width",
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  20380. "will-change",
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  20386. ];
  20387. var smacss = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
  20388. __proto__: null,
  20389. properties
  20390. });
  20391. exports2.cssDeclarationSorter = cssDeclarationSorter;
  20392. exports2.default = cssDeclarationSorter;
  20393. module2.exports = cssDeclarationSorter;
  20394. }
  20395. });
  20396. // node_modules/postcss-discard-comments/src/lib/commentRemover.js
  20397. var require_commentRemover = __commonJS({
  20398. "node_modules/postcss-discard-comments/src/lib/commentRemover.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20399. "use strict";
  20400. function CommentRemover(options) {
  20401. this.options = options;
  20402. }
  20403. CommentRemover.prototype.canRemove = function(comment) {
  20404. const remove = this.options.remove;
  20405. if (remove) {
  20406. return remove(comment);
  20407. } else {
  20408. const isImportant = comment.indexOf("!") === 0;
  20409. if (!isImportant) {
  20410. return true;
  20411. }
  20412. if (this.options.removeAll || this._hasFirst) {
  20413. return true;
  20414. } else if (this.options.removeAllButFirst && !this._hasFirst) {
  20415. this._hasFirst = true;
  20416. return false;
  20417. }
  20418. }
  20419. };
  20420. module2.exports = CommentRemover;
  20421. }
  20422. });
  20423. // node_modules/postcss-discard-comments/src/lib/commentParser.js
  20424. var require_commentParser = __commonJS({
  20425. "node_modules/postcss-discard-comments/src/lib/commentParser.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20426. "use strict";
  20427. module2.exports = function commentParser(input) {
  20428. const tokens = [];
  20429. const length = input.length;
  20430. let pos = 0;
  20431. let next;
  20432. while (pos < length) {
  20433. next = input.indexOf("/*", pos);
  20434. if (~next) {
  20435. tokens.push([0, pos, next]);
  20436. pos = next;
  20437. next = input.indexOf("*/", pos + 2);
  20438. tokens.push([1, pos + 2, next]);
  20439. pos = next + 2;
  20440. } else {
  20441. tokens.push([0, pos, length]);
  20442. pos = length;
  20443. }
  20444. }
  20445. return tokens;
  20446. };
  20447. }
  20448. });
  20449. // node_modules/postcss-discard-comments/src/index.js
  20450. var require_src3 = __commonJS({
  20451. "node_modules/postcss-discard-comments/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20452. "use strict";
  20453. var CommentRemover = require_commentRemover();
  20454. var commentParser = require_commentParser();
  20455. function pluginCreator(opts = {}) {
  20456. const remover = new CommentRemover(opts);
  20457. const matcherCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  20458. const replacerCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  20459. function matchesComments(source) {
  20460. if (matcherCache.has(source)) {
  20461. return matcherCache.get(source);
  20462. }
  20463. const result = commentParser(source).filter(([type]) => type);
  20464. matcherCache.set(source, result);
  20465. return result;
  20466. }
  20467. function replaceComments(source, space, separator = " ") {
  20468. const key = source + "@|@" + separator;
  20469. if (replacerCache.has(key)) {
  20470. return replacerCache.get(key);
  20471. }
  20472. const parsed = commentParser(source).reduce((value, [type, start, end]) => {
  20473. const contents = source.slice(start, end);
  20474. if (!type) {
  20475. return value + contents;
  20476. }
  20477. if (remover.canRemove(contents)) {
  20478. return value + separator;
  20479. }
  20480. return `${value}/*${contents}*/`;
  20481. }, "");
  20482. const result = space(parsed).join(" ");
  20483. replacerCache.set(key, result);
  20484. return result;
  20485. }
  20486. return {
  20487. postcssPlugin: "postcss-discard-comments",
  20488. OnceExit(css, { list }) {
  20489. css.walk((node) => {
  20490. if (node.type === "comment" && remover.canRemove(node.text)) {
  20491. node.remove();
  20492. return;
  20493. }
  20494. if (typeof node.raws.between === "string") {
  20495. node.raws.between = replaceComments(node.raws.between,;
  20496. }
  20497. if (node.type === "decl") {
  20498. if (node.raws.value && node.raws.value.raw) {
  20499. if (node.raws.value.value === node.value) {
  20500. node.value = replaceComments(node.raws.value.raw,;
  20501. } else {
  20502. node.value = replaceComments(node.value,;
  20503. }
  20504. node.raws.value = null;
  20505. }
  20506. if (node.raws.important) {
  20507. node.raws.important = replaceComments(
  20508. node.raws.important,
  20510. );
  20511. const b = matchesComments(node.raws.important);
  20512. node.raws.important = b.length ? node.raws.important : "!important";
  20513. } else {
  20514. node.value = replaceComments(node.value,;
  20515. }
  20516. return;
  20517. }
  20518. if (node.type === "rule" && node.raws.selector && node.raws.selector.raw) {
  20519. node.raws.selector.raw = replaceComments(
  20520. node.raws.selector.raw,
  20522. ""
  20523. );
  20524. return;
  20525. }
  20526. if (node.type === "atrule") {
  20527. if (node.raws.afterName) {
  20528. const commentsReplaced = replaceComments(
  20529. node.raws.afterName,
  20531. );
  20532. if (!commentsReplaced.length) {
  20533. node.raws.afterName = commentsReplaced + " ";
  20534. } else {
  20535. node.raws.afterName = " " + commentsReplaced + " ";
  20536. }
  20537. }
  20538. if (node.raws.params && node.raws.params.raw) {
  20539. node.raws.params.raw = replaceComments(
  20540. node.raws.params.raw,
  20542. );
  20543. }
  20544. }
  20545. });
  20546. }
  20547. };
  20548. }
  20549. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  20550. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  20551. }
  20552. });
  20553. // node_modules/lodash.memoize/index.js
  20554. var require_lodash = __commonJS({
  20555. "node_modules/lodash.memoize/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20556. var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function";
  20557. var HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
  20558. var funcTag = "[object Function]";
  20559. var genTag = "[object GeneratorFunction]";
  20560. var reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g;
  20561. var reIsHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/;
  20562. var freeGlobal = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global;
  20563. var freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self;
  20564. var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function("return this")();
  20565. function getValue(object, key) {
  20566. return object == null ? void 0 : object[key];
  20567. }
  20568. function isHostObject(value) {
  20569. var result = false;
  20570. if (value != null && typeof value.toString != "function") {
  20571. try {
  20572. result = !!(value + "");
  20573. } catch (e) {
  20574. }
  20575. }
  20576. return result;
  20577. }
  20578. var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
  20579. var funcProto = Function.prototype;
  20580. var objectProto = Object.prototype;
  20581. var coreJsData = root["__core-js_shared__"];
  20582. var maskSrcKey = function() {
  20583. var uid = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData && coreJsData.keys && coreJsData.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
  20584. return uid ? "Symbol(src)_1." + uid : "";
  20585. }();
  20586. var funcToString = funcProto.toString;
  20587. var hasOwnProperty2 = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
  20588. var objectToString = objectProto.toString;
  20589. var reIsNative = RegExp(
  20590. "^" +, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
  20591. );
  20592. var splice = arrayProto.splice;
  20593. var Map2 = getNative(root, "Map");
  20594. var nativeCreate = getNative(Object, "create");
  20595. function Hash(entries) {
  20596. var index = -1, length = entries ? entries.length : 0;
  20597. this.clear();
  20598. while (++index < length) {
  20599. var entry = entries[index];
  20600. this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
  20601. }
  20602. }
  20603. function hashClear() {
  20604. this.__data__ = nativeCreate ? nativeCreate(null) : {};
  20605. }
  20606. function hashDelete(key) {
  20607. return this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key];
  20608. }
  20609. function hashGet(key) {
  20610. var data = this.__data__;
  20611. if (nativeCreate) {
  20612. var result = data[key];
  20613. return result === HASH_UNDEFINED ? void 0 : result;
  20614. }
  20615. return, key) ? data[key] : void 0;
  20616. }
  20617. function hashHas(key) {
  20618. var data = this.__data__;
  20619. return nativeCreate ? data[key] !== void 0 :, key);
  20620. }
  20621. function hashSet(key, value) {
  20622. var data = this.__data__;
  20623. data[key] = nativeCreate && value === void 0 ? HASH_UNDEFINED : value;
  20624. return this;
  20625. }
  20626. Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear;
  20627. Hash.prototype["delete"] = hashDelete;
  20628. Hash.prototype.get = hashGet;
  20629. Hash.prototype.has = hashHas;
  20630. Hash.prototype.set = hashSet;
  20631. function ListCache(entries) {
  20632. var index = -1, length = entries ? entries.length : 0;
  20633. this.clear();
  20634. while (++index < length) {
  20635. var entry = entries[index];
  20636. this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
  20637. }
  20638. }
  20639. function listCacheClear() {
  20640. this.__data__ = [];
  20641. }
  20642. function listCacheDelete(key) {
  20643. var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
  20644. if (index < 0) {
  20645. return false;
  20646. }
  20647. var lastIndex = data.length - 1;
  20648. if (index == lastIndex) {
  20649. data.pop();
  20650. } else {
  20651., index, 1);
  20652. }
  20653. return true;
  20654. }
  20655. function listCacheGet(key) {
  20656. var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
  20657. return index < 0 ? void 0 : data[index][1];
  20658. }
  20659. function listCacheHas(key) {
  20660. return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1;
  20661. }
  20662. function listCacheSet(key, value) {
  20663. var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
  20664. if (index < 0) {
  20665. data.push([key, value]);
  20666. } else {
  20667. data[index][1] = value;
  20668. }
  20669. return this;
  20670. }
  20671. ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear;
  20672. ListCache.prototype["delete"] = listCacheDelete;
  20673. ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet;
  20674. ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas;
  20675. ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet;
  20676. function MapCache(entries) {
  20677. var index = -1, length = entries ? entries.length : 0;
  20678. this.clear();
  20679. while (++index < length) {
  20680. var entry = entries[index];
  20681. this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
  20682. }
  20683. }
  20684. function mapCacheClear() {
  20685. this.__data__ = {
  20686. "hash": new Hash(),
  20687. "map": new (Map2 || ListCache)(),
  20688. "string": new Hash()
  20689. };
  20690. }
  20691. function mapCacheDelete(key) {
  20692. return getMapData(this, key)["delete"](key);
  20693. }
  20694. function mapCacheGet(key) {
  20695. return getMapData(this, key).get(key);
  20696. }
  20697. function mapCacheHas(key) {
  20698. return getMapData(this, key).has(key);
  20699. }
  20700. function mapCacheSet(key, value) {
  20701. getMapData(this, key).set(key, value);
  20702. return this;
  20703. }
  20704. MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear;
  20705. MapCache.prototype["delete"] = mapCacheDelete;
  20706. MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet;
  20707. MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas;
  20708. MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet;
  20709. function assocIndexOf(array, key) {
  20710. var length = array.length;
  20711. while (length--) {
  20712. if (eq(array[length][0], key)) {
  20713. return length;
  20714. }
  20715. }
  20716. return -1;
  20717. }
  20718. function baseIsNative(value) {
  20719. if (!isObject(value) || isMasked(value)) {
  20720. return false;
  20721. }
  20722. var pattern = isFunction(value) || isHostObject(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor;
  20723. return pattern.test(toSource(value));
  20724. }
  20725. function getMapData(map, key) {
  20726. var data = map.__data__;
  20727. return isKeyable(key) ? data[typeof key == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :;
  20728. }
  20729. function getNative(object, key) {
  20730. var value = getValue(object, key);
  20731. return baseIsNative(value) ? value : void 0;
  20732. }
  20733. function isKeyable(value) {
  20734. var type = typeof value;
  20735. return type == "string" || type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" ? value !== "__proto__" : value === null;
  20736. }
  20737. function isMasked(func) {
  20738. return !!maskSrcKey && maskSrcKey in func;
  20739. }
  20740. function toSource(func) {
  20741. if (func != null) {
  20742. try {
  20743. return;
  20744. } catch (e) {
  20745. }
  20746. try {
  20747. return func + "";
  20748. } catch (e) {
  20749. }
  20750. }
  20751. return "";
  20752. }
  20753. function memoize(func, resolver) {
  20754. if (typeof func != "function" || resolver && typeof resolver != "function") {
  20755. throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
  20756. }
  20757. var memoized = function() {
  20758. var args = arguments, key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0], cache = memoized.cache;
  20759. if (cache.has(key)) {
  20760. return cache.get(key);
  20761. }
  20762. var result = func.apply(this, args);
  20763. memoized.cache = cache.set(key, result);
  20764. return result;
  20765. };
  20766. memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache)();
  20767. return memoized;
  20768. }
  20769. memoize.Cache = MapCache;
  20770. function eq(value, other) {
  20771. return value === other || value !== value && other !== other;
  20772. }
  20773. function isFunction(value) {
  20774. var tag = isObject(value) ? : "";
  20775. return tag == funcTag || tag == genTag;
  20776. }
  20777. function isObject(value) {
  20778. var type = typeof value;
  20779. return !!value && (type == "object" || type == "function");
  20780. }
  20781. module2.exports = memoize;
  20782. }
  20783. });
  20784. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/aac.js
  20785. var require_aac = __commonJS({
  20786. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/aac.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20787. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC", "132": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G", "16": "A B" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "132": "D" }, N: { "1": "A", "2": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "AAC audio file format", D: true };
  20788. }
  20789. });
  20790. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/abortcontroller.js
  20791. var require_abortcontroller = __commonJS({
  20792. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/abortcontroller.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20793. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB" }, E: { "1": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "130": "C 7B" }, F: { "1": "jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "AbortController & AbortSignal", D: true };
  20794. }
  20795. });
  20796. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ac3-ec3.js
  20797. var require_ac3_ec3 = __commonJS({
  20798. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ac3-ec3.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20799. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "132": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "132": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC", "132": "8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "AC-3 (Dolby Digital) and EC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus) codecs", D: false };
  20800. }
  20801. });
  20802. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/accelerometer.js
  20803. var require_accelerometer = __commonJS({
  20804. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/accelerometer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20805. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB", "194": "oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Accelerometer", D: true };
  20806. }
  20807. });
  20808. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/addeventlistener.js
  20809. var require_addeventlistener = __commonJS({
  20810. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/addeventlistener.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20811. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "130": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "257": "cC DC J GB K eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "EventTarget.addEventListener()", D: true };
  20812. }
  20813. });
  20814. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/alternate-stylesheet.js
  20815. var require_alternate_stylesheet = __commonJS({
  20816. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/alternate-stylesheet.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20817. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "2": "K E bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "16": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "2": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "16": "D" }, M: { "16": "D" }, N: { "16": "A B" }, O: { "16": "9B" }, P: { "16": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Alternate stylesheet", D: false };
  20818. }
  20819. });
  20820. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ambient-light.js
  20821. var require_ambient_light = __commonJS({
  20822. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ambient-light.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20823. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L", "132": "M H N O P", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC", "132": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Ambient Light Sensor", D: true };
  20824. }
  20825. });
  20826. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/apng.js
  20827. var require_apng = __commonJS({
  20828. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/apng.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20829. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "B C cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "0 G H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Animated PNG (APNG)", D: true };
  20830. }
  20831. });
  20832. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/array-find-index.js
  20833. var require_array_find_index = __commonJS({
  20834. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/array-find-index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20835. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "16": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Array.prototype.findIndex", D: true };
  20836. }
  20837. });
  20838. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/array-find.js
  20839. var require_array_find = __commonJS({
  20840. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/array-find.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20841. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "16": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "16": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Array.prototype.find", D: true };
  20842. }
  20843. });
  20844. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/array-flat.js
  20845. var require_array_flat = __commonJS({
  20846. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/array-flat.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20847. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "flat & flatMap array methods", D: true };
  20848. }
  20849. });
  20850. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/array-includes.js
  20851. var require_array_includes = __commonJS({
  20852. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/array-includes.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20853. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Array.prototype.includes", D: true };
  20854. }
  20855. });
  20856. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/arrow-functions.js
  20857. var require_arrow_functions = __commonJS({
  20858. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/arrow-functions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20859. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Arrow functions", D: true };
  20860. }
  20861. });
  20862. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/asmjs.js
  20863. var require_asmjs = __commonJS({
  20864. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/asmjs.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20865. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "L M H N O P", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "322": "C" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "132": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "132": "I" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "132": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J", "132": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "132": "aD" }, R: { "132": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "asm.js", D: true };
  20866. }
  20867. });
  20868. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/async-clipboard.js
  20869. var require_async_clipboard = __commonJS({
  20870. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/async-clipboard.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20871. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB eC fC", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB", "516": "EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "260": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "516": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0", "2": "J PD QD RD SD", "260": "v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "132": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Asynchronous Clipboard API", D: true };
  20872. }
  20873. });
  20874. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/async-functions.js
  20875. var require_async_functions = __commonJS({
  20876. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/async-functions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20877. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L", "194": "M" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC", "258": "LC" }, F: { "1": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C", "258": "4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "Async functions", D: true };
  20878. }
  20879. });
  20880. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/atob-btoa.js
  20881. var require_atob_btoa = __commonJS({
  20882. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/atob-btoa.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20883. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC", "16": "tC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "16": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Base64 encoding and decoding", D: true };
  20884. }
  20885. });
  20886. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/audio-api.js
  20887. var require_audio_api = __commonJS({
  20888. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/audio-api.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20889. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L", "33": "0 M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB" }, E: { "1": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "33": "K E F G A B C L M iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "H N O P HB v w" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Web Audio API", D: true };
  20890. }
  20891. });
  20892. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/audio.js
  20893. var require_audio = __commonJS({
  20894. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/audio.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20895. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G", "4": "rC sC" }, G: { "260": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Audio element", D: true };
  20896. }
  20897. });
  20898. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/audiotracks.js
  20899. var require_audiotracks = __commonJS({
  20900. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/audiotracks.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20901. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB eC fC", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "322": "I" }, L: { "322": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "322": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "322": "aD" }, R: { "322": "bD" }, S: { "194": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Audio Tracks", D: true };
  20902. }
  20903. });
  20904. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/autofocus.js
  20905. var require_autofocus = __commonJS({
  20906. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/autofocus.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20907. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "Autofocus attribute", D: true };
  20908. }
  20909. });
  20910. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/auxclick.js
  20911. var require_auxclick = __commonJS({
  20912. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/auxclick.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20913. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB eC fC", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Auxclick", D: true };
  20914. }
  20915. });
  20916. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/av1.js
  20917. var require_av1 = __commonJS({
  20918. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/av1.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20919. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O", "194": "1 2 3 4 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB eC fC", "66": "lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB", "260": "tB", "516": "uB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB", "66": "vB wB xB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC", "1028": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD", "1028": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "AV1 video format", D: true };
  20920. }
  20921. });
  20922. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/avif.js
  20923. var require_avif = __commonJS({
  20924. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/avif.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20925. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "1 2 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "4162": "3 4 5 6" }, C: { "1": "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B eC fC", "194": "5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b", "257": "c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t", "2049": "1 u" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC", "1796": "OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD", "257": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "1281": "AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "AVIF image format", D: true };
  20926. }
  20927. });
  20928. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-attachment.js
  20929. var require_background_attachment = __commonJS({
  20930. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-attachment.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20931. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "132": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "132": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "132": "J L gC KC lC", "2050": "M H mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "G rC sC" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC", "772": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C", "2050": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD ND OD", "132": "MD aC" }, J: { "260": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "132": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J", "1028": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS background-attachment", D: true };
  20932. }
  20933. });
  20934. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-position-x-y.js
  20935. var require_background_position_x_y = __commonJS({
  20936. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-position-x-y.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20937. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 7, C: "background-position-x & background-position-y", D: true };
  20938. }
  20939. });
  20940. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-repeat-round-space.js
  20941. var require_background_repeat_round_space = __commonJS({
  20942. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-repeat-round-space.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20943. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F bC", "132": "G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G H N O P rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS background-repeat round and space", D: true };
  20944. }
  20945. });
  20946. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-sync.js
  20947. var require_background_sync = __commonJS({
  20948. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/background-sync.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20949. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC eC fC", "16": "IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Background Sync API", D: true };
  20950. }
  20951. });
  20952. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/battery-status.js
  20953. var require_battery_status = __commonJS({
  20954. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/battery-status.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20955. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "132": "0 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB", "164": "A B C L M H" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB", "66": "TB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "2": "dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Battery Status API", D: true };
  20956. }
  20957. });
  20958. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/beacon.js
  20959. var require_beacon = __commonJS({
  20960. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/beacon.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20961. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Beacon API", D: true };
  20962. }
  20963. });
  20964. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/beforeafterprint.js
  20965. var require_beforeafterprint = __commonJS({
  20966. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/beforeafterprint.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20967. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "16": "bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "16": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "16": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Printing Events", D: true };
  20968. }
  20969. });
  20970. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/bigint.js
  20971. var require_bigint = __commonJS({
  20972. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/bigint.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20973. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB eC fC", "194": "tB uB vB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB" }, E: { "1": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "BigInt", D: true };
  20974. }
  20975. });
  20976. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/blobbuilder.js
  20977. var require_blobbuilder = __commonJS({
  20978. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/blobbuilder.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20979. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "36": "K E F G A B C" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E", "36": "F G A B C L M H N O P HB" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "JD KD LD", "36": "DC J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Blob constructing", D: true };
  20980. }
  20981. });
  20982. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/bloburls.js
  20983. var require_bloburls = __commonJS({
  20984. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/bloburls.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20985. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "129": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "129": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E", "33": "F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "33": "K" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD", "33": "J MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Blob URLs", D: true };
  20986. }
  20987. });
  20988. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/broadcastchannel.js
  20989. var require_broadcastchannel = __commonJS({
  20990. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/broadcastchannel.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20991. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "BroadcastChannel", D: true };
  20992. }
  20993. });
  20994. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/brotli.js
  20995. var require_brotli = __commonJS({
  20996. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/brotli.js"(exports2, module2) {
  20997. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB", "194": "fB", "257": "gB" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "513": "B C 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "SB TB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Brotli Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding", D: true };
  20998. }
  20999. });
  21000. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/canvas-blending.js
  21001. var require_canvas_blending = __commonJS({
  21002. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/canvas-blending.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21003. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Canvas blend modes", D: true };
  21004. }
  21005. });
  21006. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/canvas-text.js
  21007. var require_canvas_text = __commonJS({
  21008. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/canvas-text.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21009. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "8": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "8": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "8": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Text API for Canvas", D: true };
  21010. }
  21011. });
  21012. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/canvas.js
  21013. var require_canvas = __commonJS({
  21014. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/canvas.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21015. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "132": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "132": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "260": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "132": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Canvas (basic support)", D: true };
  21016. }
  21017. });
  21018. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ch-unit.js
  21019. var require_ch_unit = __commonJS({
  21020. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ch-unit.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21021. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "132": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "ch (character) unit", D: true };
  21022. }
  21023. });
  21024. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/chacha20-poly1305.js
  21025. var require_chacha20_poly1305 = __commonJS({
  21026. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/chacha20-poly1305.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21027. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB", "129": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND", "16": "OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suites for TLS", D: true };
  21028. }
  21029. });
  21030. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/channel-messaging.js
  21031. var require_channel_messaging = __commonJS({
  21032. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/channel-messaging.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21033. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC", "194": "IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC", "16": "tC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Channel messaging", D: true };
  21034. }
  21035. });
  21036. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/childnode-remove.js
  21037. var require_childnode_remove = __commonJS({
  21038. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/childnode-remove.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21039. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "16": "C" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "16": "K" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "ChildNode.remove()", D: true };
  21040. }
  21041. });
  21042. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/classlist.js
  21043. var require_classlist = __commonJS({
  21044. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/classlist.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21045. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "8": "K E F G bC", "1924": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "8": "cC DC eC", "516": "0 z", "772": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "8": "J GB K E", "516": "0 z IB JB", "772": "y", "900": "F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J GB gC KC", "900": "K hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "8": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B", "900": "C ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "KC wC aC", "900": "xC yC" }, H: { "900": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "8": "JD KD LD", "900": "DC J MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "900": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "8": "A B", "900": "C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "900": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "classList (DOMTokenList)", D: true };
  21046. }
  21047. });
  21048. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/client-hints-dpr-width-viewport.js
  21049. var require_client_hints_dpr_width_viewport = __commonJS({
  21050. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/client-hints-dpr-width-viewport.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21051. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Client Hints: DPR, Width, Viewport-Width", D: true };
  21052. }
  21053. });
  21054. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/clipboard.js
  21055. var require_clipboard = __commonJS({
  21056. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/clipboard.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21057. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2436": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "260": "O P", "2436": "C L M H N", "8196": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC", "772": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "4100": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C", "2564": "0 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB", "8196": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "10244": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC KC", "2308": "A B LC 7B", "2820": "J GB K E F G hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "16": "C", "516": "8B", "2564": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB", "8196": "bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "10244": "MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB" }, G: { "1": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC", "2820": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "260": "D", "2308": "ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "2308": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC", "16": "8B", "8196": "I" }, L: { "8196": "D" }, M: { "1028": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "8196": "9B" }, P: { "2052": "PD QD", "2308": "J", "8196": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "8196": "aD" }, R: { "8196": "bD" }, S: { "4100": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Synchronous Clipboard API", D: true };
  21058. }
  21059. });
  21060. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/colr-v1.js
  21061. var require_colr_v1 = __commonJS({
  21062. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/colr-v1.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21063. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g eC fC", "258": "h i j k l m n", "578": "o p" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y", "194": "Z a b c d e f g" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "16": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "COLR/CPAL(v1) Font Formats", D: true };
  21064. }
  21065. });
  21066. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/colr.js
  21067. var require_colr = __commonJS({
  21068. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/colr.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21069. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "257": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "513": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB", "513": "zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s" }, E: { "1": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "129": "B C L 7B 8B lC", "1026": "BC TC" }, F: { "1": "f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "513": "oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "1026": "BC TC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "16": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "COLR/CPAL(v0) Font Formats", D: true };
  21070. }
  21071. });
  21072. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/comparedocumentposition.js
  21073. var require_comparedocumentposition = __commonJS({
  21074. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/comparedocumentposition.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21075. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "16": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB K gC KC", "132": "E F G iC jC kC", "260": "hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "16": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "132": "H N" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC", "132": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "16": "JD KD", "132": "DC J LD MD aC" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "16": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Node.compareDocumentPosition()", D: true };
  21076. }
  21077. });
  21078. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/console-basic.js
  21079. var require_console_basic = __commonJS({
  21080. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/console-basic.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21081. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E bC", "132": "F G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "KC wC aC xC", "513": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "4097": "ID" }, I: { "1025": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "258": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A", "258": "B C 7B ZC 8B", "1025": "I" }, L: { "1025": "D" }, M: { "2049": "D" }, N: { "258": "A B" }, O: { "258": "9B" }, P: { "1025": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1025": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Basic console logging functions", D: true };
  21082. }
  21083. });
  21084. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/console-time.js
  21085. var require_console_time = __commonJS({
  21086. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/console-time.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21087. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "16": "B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "console.time and console.timeEnd", D: true };
  21088. }
  21089. });
  21090. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/const.js
  21091. var require_const = __commonJS({
  21092. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/const.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21093. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "2052": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "132": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C eC fC", "260": "0 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "260": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v", "772": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "1028": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "260": "J GB A gC KC LC", "772": "K E F G hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G rC", "132": "B sC tC uC 7B ZC", "644": "C vC 8B", "772": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB", "1028": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "260": "KC wC aC 3C 4C", "772": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "644": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "JD KD", "260": "LD", "772": "DC J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "772": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "132": "A B 7B ZC", "644": "C 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "1028": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "const", D: true };
  21094. }
  21095. });
  21096. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/constraint-validation.js
  21097. var require_constraint_validation = __commonJS({
  21098. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/constraint-validation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21099. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "900": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "388": "M H N", "900": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "260": "fB gB", "388": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB", "900": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "388": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB", "900": "H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC", "388": "F G jC kC", "900": "K E hC iC" }, F: { "1": "JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "388": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB", "900": "C vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC", "388": "F zC 0C 1C 2C", "900": "xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "DC JD KD LD", "388": "ND OD", "900": "J MD aC" }, J: { "16": "E", "388": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B 7B ZC", "900": "C 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "900": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "388": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "Constraint Validation API", D: true };
  21100. }
  21101. });
  21102. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/contenteditable.js
  21103. var require_contenteditable = __commonJS({
  21104. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/contenteditable.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21105. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC", "4": "DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "contenteditable attribute (basic support)", D: true };
  21106. }
  21107. });
  21108. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/contentsecuritypolicy.js
  21109. var require_contentsecuritypolicy = __commonJS({
  21110. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/contentsecuritypolicy.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21111. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "132": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "129": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L", "257": "M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "257": "K iC", "260": "hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC", "257": "yC", "260": "xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E", "257": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Content Security Policy 1.0", D: true };
  21112. }
  21113. });
  21114. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/contentsecuritypolicy2.js
  21115. var require_contentsecuritypolicy2 = __commonJS({
  21116. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/contentsecuritypolicy2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21117. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M", "4100": "H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB eC fC", "132": "NB OB PB QB", "260": "RB", "516": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB", "1028": "SB TB UB", "2052": "VB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "1028": "0 y z", "2052": "IB" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Content Security Policy Level 2", D: true };
  21118. }
  21119. });
  21120. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/cookie-store-api.js
  21121. var require_cookie_store_api = __commonJS({
  21122. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/cookie-store-api.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21123. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "194": "Q I R S T U V" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB", "194": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Cookie Store API", D: true };
  21124. }
  21125. });
  21126. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/cors.js
  21127. var require_cors = __commonJS({
  21128. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/cors.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21129. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E bC", "132": "A", "260": "F G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC DC", "1025": "FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C" }, E: { "2": "gC KC", "513": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "644": "J GB hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "513": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "644": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "132": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "132": "E" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "132": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing", D: true };
  21130. }
  21131. });
  21132. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/createimagebitmap.js
  21133. var require_createimagebitmap = __commonJS({
  21134. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/createimagebitmap.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21135. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB eC fC", "1028": "c d e f g", "3076": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b", "8196": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "132": "gB hB", "260": "iB jB", "516": "kB lB mB nB oB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC", "4100": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "TB UB", "260": "VB WB", "516": "XB YB ZB aB bB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED", "4100": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "8196": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "16": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "3076": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "createImageBitmap", D: true };
  21136. }
  21137. });
  21138. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/credential-management.js
  21139. var require_credential_management = __commonJS({
  21140. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/credential-management.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21141. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB", "66": "eB fB gB", "129": "hB iB jB kB lB mB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Credential Management API", D: true };
  21142. }
  21143. });
  21144. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/cryptography.js
  21145. var require_cryptography = __commonJS({
  21146. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/cryptography.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21147. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "bC", "8": "K E F G A", "164": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "513": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "8": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB eC fC", "66": "OB PB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "8": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "289": "F G A jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "8": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "289": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "8": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "8": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "8": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "8": "A", "164": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Web Cryptography", D: true };
  21148. }
  21149. });
  21150. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-all.js
  21151. var require_css_all = __commonJS({
  21152. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-all.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21153. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS all property", D: true };
  21154. }
  21155. });
  21156. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-anchor-positioning.js
  21157. var require_css_anchor_positioning = __commonJS({
  21158. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-anchor-positioning.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21159. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "EB FB D", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "194": "6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "194": "6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "m n o p q r s t" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Anchor Positioning", D: true };
  21160. }
  21161. });
  21162. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-at-counter-style.js
  21163. var require_css_at_counter_style = __commonJS({
  21164. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-at-counter-style.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21165. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB eC fC", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC", "4": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD", "4": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "132": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "132": "I" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "132": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD", "132": "0 v w x y z AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "132": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Counter Styles", D: true };
  21166. }
  21167. });
  21168. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-background-offsets.js
  21169. var require_css_background_offsets = __commonJS({
  21170. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-background-offsets.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21171. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS background-position edge offsets", D: true };
  21172. }
  21173. });
  21174. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-backgroundblendmode.js
  21175. var require_css_backgroundblendmode = __commonJS({
  21176. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-backgroundblendmode.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21177. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB", "260": "cB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "132": "F G A jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "260": "PB" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "132": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS background-blend-mode", D: true };
  21178. }
  21179. });
  21180. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-canvas.js
  21181. var require_css_canvas = __commonJS({
  21182. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-canvas.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21183. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, E: { "2": "gC KC", "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, G: { "33": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "D", "33": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS Canvas Drawings", D: true };
  21184. }
  21185. });
  21186. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-caret-color.js
  21187. var require_css_caret_color = __commonJS({
  21188. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-caret-color.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21189. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS caret-color", D: true };
  21190. }
  21191. });
  21192. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-cascade-layers.js
  21193. var require_css_cascade_layers = __commonJS({
  21194. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-cascade-layers.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21195. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e", "322": "f g h" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c eC fC", "194": "d e f" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e", "322": "f g h" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Cascade Layers", D: true };
  21196. }
  21197. });
  21198. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-cascade-scope.js
  21199. var require_css_cascade_scope = __commonJS({
  21200. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-cascade-scope.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21201. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "1": "WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC" }, F: { "1": "p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o" }, G: { "1": "WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0", "2": "J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Scoped Styles: the @scope rule", D: true };
  21202. }
  21203. });
  21204. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-case-insensitive.js
  21205. var require_css_case_insensitive = __commonJS({
  21206. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-case-insensitive.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21207. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Case-insensitive CSS attribute selectors", D: true };
  21208. }
  21209. });
  21210. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-color-adjust.js
  21211. var require_css_color_adjust = __commonJS({
  21212. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-color-adjust.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21213. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eC fC" }, D: { "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P", "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "33": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "16": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "33": "D" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "33": "I" }, L: { "16": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "16": "A B" }, O: { "16": "9B" }, P: { "16": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "33": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS print-color-adjust", D: true };
  21214. }
  21215. });
  21216. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-color-function.js
  21217. var require_css_color_function = __commonJS({
  21218. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-color-function.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21219. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q", "322": "r s t" }, C: { "1": "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t eC fC", "578": "1 u" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q", "322": "r s t" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC", "132": "B C L M LC 7B 8B lC mC" }, F: { "1": "h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "e f g" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C", "132": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 x y z", "2": "J v w PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS color() function", D: true };
  21220. }
  21221. });
  21222. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-conic-gradients.js
  21223. var require_css_conic_gradients = __commonJS({
  21224. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-conic-gradients.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21225. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B eC fC", "578": "3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB", "257": "xB yB", "450": "EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB" }, E: { "1": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "257": "mB nB", "450": "cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB" }, G: { "1": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Conical Gradients", D: true };
  21226. }
  21227. });
  21228. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-container-queries-style.js
  21229. var require_css_container_queries_style = __commonJS({
  21230. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-container-queries-style.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21231. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p", "194": "q r s t", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p", "194": "q r s t", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC", "260": "CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "c d e f g", "260": "h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC", "260": "CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "260": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "260": "I" }, L: { "260": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J v w PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "260": "0 x y z" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Container Style Queries", D: true };
  21232. }
  21233. });
  21234. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-container-queries.js
  21235. var require_css_container_queries = __commonJS({
  21236. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-container-queries.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21237. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n", "516": "o" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a", "194": "c d e f g h i j k l m n", "450": "b", "516": "o" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z", "516": "a b c" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Container Queries (Size)", D: true };
  21238. }
  21239. });
  21240. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-container-query-units.js
  21241. var require_css_container_query_units = __commonJS({
  21242. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-container-query-units.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21243. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b", "194": "k l m n", "450": "c d e f g h i j" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Container Query Units", D: true };
  21244. }
  21245. });
  21246. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-containment.js
  21247. var require_css_containment = __commonJS({
  21248. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-containment.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21249. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB eC fC", "194": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "66": "hB" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "UB VB" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "194": "cD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS Containment", D: true };
  21250. }
  21251. });
  21252. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-content-visibility.js
  21253. var require_css_content_visibility = __commonJS({
  21254. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-content-visibility.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21255. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T" }, C: { "1": "EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r eC fC", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 s t u AB BB CB DB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T" }, E: { "1": "CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC" }, F: { "1": "zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS content-visibility", D: true };
  21256. }
  21257. });
  21258. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-counters.js
  21259. var require_css_counters = __commonJS({
  21260. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-counters.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21261. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "2": "K E bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS Counters", D: true };
  21262. }
  21263. });
  21264. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-default-pseudo.js
  21265. var require_css_default_pseudo = __commonJS({
  21266. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-default-pseudo.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21267. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "16": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC", "132": "K E F G A hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB", "260": "C vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC xC yC", "132": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "260": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "DC JD KD LD", "132": "J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E", "132": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC", "260": "8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "132": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: ":default CSS pseudo-class", D: true };
  21268. }
  21269. });
  21270. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-descendant-gtgt.js
  21271. var require_css_descendant_gtgt = __commonJS({
  21272. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-descendant-gtgt.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21273. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "16": "Q" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "B", "2": "J GB K E F G A C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Explicit descendant combinator >>", D: true };
  21274. }
  21275. });
  21276. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-dir-pseudo.js
  21277. var require_css_dir_pseudo = __commonJS({
  21278. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-dir-pseudo.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21279. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o p q r s t u" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N eC fC", "33": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, D: { "1": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0", "2": "J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "33": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: ":dir() CSS pseudo-class", D: true };
  21280. }
  21281. });
  21282. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-display-contents.js
  21283. var require_css_display_contents = __commonJS({
  21284. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-display-contents.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21285. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "132": "Q I R S T U V W X", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB eC fC", "132": "TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB", "132": "tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X", "194": "oB EC pB FC qB rB sB", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "132": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC", "260": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "772": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B", "260": "4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C", "132": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD", "260": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD", "516": "OC PC QC RC SC HD", "772": "AC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "260": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "260": "I" }, L: { "260": "D" }, M: { "260": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "132": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD RD SD", "132": "TD LC UD VD WD XD", "260": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "132": "aD" }, R: { "260": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD", "260": "dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS display: contents", D: true };
  21286. }
  21287. });
  21288. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-env-function.js
  21289. var require_css_env_function = __commonJS({
  21290. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-env-function.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21291. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "132": "B" }, F: { "1": "mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "132": "5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS Environment Variables env()", D: true };
  21292. }
  21293. });
  21294. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-exclusions.js
  21295. var require_css_exclusions = __commonJS({
  21296. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-exclusions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21297. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "33": "A B" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "33": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "33": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Exclusions Level 1", D: true };
  21298. }
  21299. });
  21300. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-first-letter.js
  21301. var require_css_first_letter = __commonJS({
  21302. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-first-letter.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21303. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "16": "bC", "516": "F", "1540": "K E" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "132": "DC", "260": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "GB K E F", "132": "J" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "GB gC", "132": "J KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "16": "G rC", "260": "B sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD", "132": "LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "260": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selector", D: true };
  21304. }
  21305. });
  21306. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-first-line.js
  21307. var require_css_first_line = __commonJS({
  21308. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-first-line.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21309. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "132": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS first-line pseudo-element", D: true };
  21310. }
  21311. });
  21312. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-fixed.js
  21313. var require_css_fixed = __commonJS({
  21314. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-fixed.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21315. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "E F G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "1025": "kC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC", "132": "xC yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC D ND OD", "260": "JD KD LD", "513": "J MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS position:fixed", D: true };
  21316. }
  21317. });
  21318. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-focus-visible.js
  21319. var require_css_focus_visible = __commonJS({
  21320. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-focus-visible.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21321. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "328": "Q I R S T U" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "161": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB", "328": "vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC", "578": "H nC MC" }, F: { "1": "0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "328": "uB vB wB xB yB zB" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED", "578": "FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "161": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: ":focus-visible CSS pseudo-class", D: true };
  21322. }
  21323. });
  21324. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-focus-within.js
  21325. var require_css_focus_within = __commonJS({
  21326. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-focus-within.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  21328. }
  21329. });
  21330. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-font-palette.js
  21331. var require_css_font_palette = __commonJS({
  21332. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-font-palette.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21333. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS font-palette", D: true };
  21334. }
  21335. });
  21336. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-font-rendering-controls.js
  21337. var require_css_font_rendering_controls = __commonJS({
  21338. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-font-rendering-controls.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21339. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB eC fC", "194": "cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB", "66": "fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "66": "PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "194": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS font-display", D: true };
  21340. }
  21341. });
  21342. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-font-stretch.js
  21343. var require_css_font_stretch = __commonJS({
  21344. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-font-stretch.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21345. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS font-stretch", D: true };
  21346. }
  21347. });
  21348. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-gencontent.js
  21349. var require_css_gencontent = __commonJS({
  21350. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-gencontent.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21351. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E bC", "132": "F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS Generated content for pseudo-elements", D: true };
  21352. }
  21353. });
  21354. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-grid-animation.js
  21355. var require_css_grid_animation = __commonJS({
  21356. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-grid-animation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21357. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Grid animation", D: false };
  21358. }
  21359. });
  21360. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-hanging-punctuation.js
  21361. var require_css_hanging_punctuation = __commonJS({
  21362. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-hanging-punctuation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21363. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS hanging-punctuation", D: true };
  21364. }
  21365. });
  21366. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-has.js
  21367. var require_css_has = __commonJS({
  21368. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-has.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21369. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n" }, C: { "1": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l eC fC", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 m n o p q r s t u" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j", "194": "k l m n" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: ":has() CSS relational pseudo-class", D: true };
  21370. }
  21371. });
  21372. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-image-orientation.js
  21373. var require_css_image_orientation = __commonJS({
  21374. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-image-orientation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21375. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I", "257": "R S T U V W X" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I", "257": "R S T U V W X" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "257": "wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B" }, G: { "1": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "132": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD", "257": "WD XD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 image-orientation", D: true };
  21376. }
  21377. });
  21378. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-in-out-of-range.js
  21379. var require_css_in_out_of_range = __commonJS({
  21380. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-in-out-of-range.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21381. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C", "260": "L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC", "516": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J", "16": "GB K E F G A B C L M", "260": "iB", "772": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "16": "GB", "772": "K E F G A hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G rC", "260": "B C VB sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "772": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC", "772": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC JD KD LD", "260": "J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "260": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "260": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "260": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "516": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: ":in-range and :out-of-range CSS pseudo-classes", D: true };
  21382. }
  21383. });
  21384. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-indeterminate-pseudo.js
  21385. var require_css_indeterminate_pseudo = __commonJS({
  21386. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-indeterminate-pseudo.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21387. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "132": "A B", "388": "G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "16": "cC DC eC fC", "132": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "388": "J GB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB K gC KC", "132": "E F G A iC jC kC", "388": "hC" }, F: { "1": "IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z", "516": "C vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC xC yC", "132": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "516": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "DC JD KD LD OD", "132": "ND", "388": "J MD aC" }, J: { "16": "E", "132": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC", "516": "8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "132": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: ":indeterminate CSS pseudo-class", D: true };
  21388. }
  21389. });
  21390. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-initial-letter.js
  21391. var require_css_initial_letter = __commonJS({
  21392. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-initial-letter.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21393. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC", "260": "G", "420": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "260": "h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "420": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "260": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "260": "I" }, L: { "260": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J v PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "260": "0 w x y z" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Initial Letter", D: true };
  21394. }
  21395. });
  21396. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-initial-value.js
  21397. var require_css_initial_value = __commonJS({
  21398. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-initial-value.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21399. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P eC fC", "164": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS initial value", D: true };
  21400. }
  21401. });
  21402. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-lch-lab.js
  21403. var require_css_lch_lab = __commonJS({
  21404. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-lch-lab.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21405. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s", "322": "t" }, C: { "1": "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t eC fC", "194": "1 u" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s", "322": "t" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC" }, F: { "1": "h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 x y z", "2": "J v w PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "LCH and Lab color values", D: true };
  21406. }
  21407. });
  21408. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-letter-spacing.js
  21409. var require_css_letter_spacing = __commonJS({
  21410. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-letter-spacing.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21411. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "16": "bC", "132": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC", "132": "J GB K KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G rC", "132": "B C H N sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "16": "JD KD", "132": "DC J LD MD aC" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "132": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "letter-spacing CSS property", D: true };
  21412. }
  21413. });
  21414. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-line-clamp.js
  21415. var require_css_line_clamp = __commonJS({
  21416. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-line-clamp.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21417. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "129": "O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB eC fC", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L", "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J gC KC", "33": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC", "33": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "16": "JD KD", "33": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "33": "I" }, L: { "33": "D" }, M: { "33": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "33": "9B" }, P: { "33": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "33": "aD" }, R: { "33": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "33": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS line-clamp", D: true };
  21418. }
  21419. });
  21420. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-marker-pseudo.js
  21421. var require_css_marker_pseudo = __commonJS({
  21422. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-marker-pseudo.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21423. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U" }, E: { "1": "qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "129": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, F: { "1": "0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS ::marker pseudo-element", D: true };
  21424. }
  21425. });
  21426. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-matches-pseudo.js
  21427. var require_css_matches_pseudo = __commonJS({
  21428. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-matches-pseudo.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21429. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "1220": "Q I R S T U V W" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "548": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "164": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB", "196": "tB uB vB", "1220": "wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W" }, E: { "1": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "16": "GB", "164": "K E F hC iC jC", "260": "G A B C L kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "164": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "196": "iB jB kB", "1220": "lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B" }, G: { "1": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC xC yC", "164": "F zC 0C", "260": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "DC JD KD LD", "164": "J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E", "164": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD", "164": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD" }, Q: { "1220": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "548": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: ":is() CSS pseudo-class", D: true };
  21430. }
  21431. });
  21432. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-math-functions.js
  21433. var require_css_math_functions = __commonJS({
  21434. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-math-functions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21435. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "132": "C L 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C", "132": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS math functions min(), max() and clamp()", D: true };
  21436. }
  21437. });
  21438. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-interaction.js
  21439. var require_css_media_interaction = __commonJS({
  21440. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-interaction.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21441. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "Media Queries: interaction media features", D: true };
  21442. }
  21443. });
  21444. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-range-syntax.js
  21445. var require_css_media_range_syntax = __commonJS({
  21446. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-range-syntax.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21447. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "Media Queries: Range Syntax", D: true };
  21448. }
  21449. });
  21450. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-scripting.js
  21451. var require_css_media_scripting = __commonJS({
  21452. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-media-scripting.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21453. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Media Queries: scripting media feature", D: false };
  21454. }
  21455. });
  21456. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-mediaqueries.js
  21457. var require_css_mediaqueries = __commonJS({
  21458. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-mediaqueries.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21459. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "8": "K E F bC", "129": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "129": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "129": "J GB K hC", "388": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "129": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "129": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "129": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS3 Media Queries", D: true };
  21460. }
  21461. });
  21462. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-mixblendmode.js
  21463. var require_css_mixblendmode = __commonJS({
  21464. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-mixblendmode.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21465. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB", "194": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "260": "F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "260": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Blending of HTML/SVG elements", D: true };
  21466. }
  21467. });
  21468. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-module-scripts.js
  21469. var require_css_module_scripts = __commonJS({
  21470. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-module-scripts.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21471. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "16": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "194": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "CSS Module Scripts", D: false };
  21472. }
  21473. });
  21474. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-motion-paths.js
  21475. var require_css_motion_paths = __commonJS({
  21476. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-motion-paths.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21477. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB", "194": "ZB aB bB" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "MB NB OB" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Motion Path", D: true };
  21478. }
  21479. });
  21480. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-namespaces.js
  21481. var require_css_namespaces = __commonJS({
  21482. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-namespaces.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21483. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS namespaces", D: true };
  21484. }
  21485. });
  21486. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-nesting.js
  21487. var require_css_nesting = __commonJS({
  21488. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-nesting.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21489. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r", "194": "s t u", "516": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" }, C: { "1": "6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC", "322": "4 5" }, D: { "1": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r", "194": "s t u", "516": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" }, E: { "1": "UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC", "516": "SC pC BC TC" }, F: { "1": "p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "e f g", "516": "h i j k l m n o" }, G: { "1": "UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC", "516": "SC HD BC TC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J v w x PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "516": "0 y z" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Nesting", D: true };
  21490. }
  21491. });
  21492. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-not-sel-list.js
  21493. var require_css_not_sel_list = __commonJS({
  21494. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-not-sel-list.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21495. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P I R S T U V W", "16": "Q" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "selector list argument of :not()", D: true };
  21496. }
  21497. });
  21498. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-nth-child-of.js
  21499. var require_css_nth_child_of = __commonJS({
  21500. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-nth-child-of.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21501. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t" }, C: { "1": "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 x y z", "2": "J v w PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "selector list argument of :nth-child and :nth-last-child CSS pseudo-classes", D: true };
  21502. }
  21503. });
  21504. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-opacity.js
  21505. var require_css_opacity = __commonJS({
  21506. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-opacity.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21507. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "4": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS3 Opacity", D: true };
  21508. }
  21509. });
  21510. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-optional-pseudo.js
  21511. var require_css_optional_pseudo = __commonJS({
  21512. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-optional-pseudo.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21513. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G rC", "132": "B C sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "132": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: ":optional CSS pseudo-class", D: true };
  21514. }
  21515. });
  21516. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overflow-anchor.js
  21517. var require_css_overflow_anchor = __commonJS({
  21518. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overflow-anchor.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21519. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS overflow-anchor (Scroll Anchoring)", D: true };
  21520. }
  21521. });
  21522. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overflow-overlay.js
  21523. var require_css_overflow_overlay = __commonJS({
  21524. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overflow-overlay.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21525. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "C L M H N O P", "130": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "130": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "16": "gC KC", "130": "C L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "130": "j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C", "16": "KC", "130": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "130": "D" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "130": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS overflow: overlay", D: true };
  21526. }
  21527. });
  21528. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overflow.js
  21529. var require_css_overflow = __commonJS({
  21530. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-overflow.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21531. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "388": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "Q I R S T U V W X Y", "388": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "260": "FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I", "388": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "260": "wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y", "388": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "260": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC", "388": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "260": "lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B", "388": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "260": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD", "388": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD" }, H: { "388": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "388": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "388": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "388": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "388": "A B" }, O: { "388": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD", "388": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD" }, Q: { "388": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "388": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS overflow property", D: true };
  21532. }
  21533. });
  21534. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-page-break.js
  21535. var require_css_page_break = __commonJS({
  21536. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-page-break.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  21538. }
  21539. });
  21540. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-paged-media.js
  21541. var require_css_paged_media = __commonJS({
  21542. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-paged-media.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21543. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E bC", "132": "F G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P eC fC", "132": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "132": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "16": "ID" }, I: { "16": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "258": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Paged Media (@page)", D: true };
  21544. }
  21545. });
  21546. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-paint-api.js
  21547. var require_css_paint_api = __commonJS({
  21548. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-paint-api.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21549. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "194": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Painting API", D: true };
  21550. }
  21551. });
  21552. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-rebeccapurple.js
  21553. var require_css_rebeccapurple = __commonJS({
  21554. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-rebeccapurple.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21555. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC", "16": "iC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Rebeccapurple color", D: true };
  21556. }
  21557. });
  21558. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-reflections.js
  21559. var require_css_reflections = __commonJS({
  21560. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-reflections.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21561. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "gC KC", "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "33": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "33": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "33": "I" }, L: { "33": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "33": "9B" }, P: { "33": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "33": "aD" }, R: { "33": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS Reflections", D: true };
  21562. }
  21563. });
  21564. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-relative-colors.js
  21565. var require_css_relative_colors = __commonJS({
  21566. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-relative-colors.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21567. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "194": "7", "260": "8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D eC fC", "260": "HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "194": "7", "260": "8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC", "260": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "n o", "260": "p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC", "260": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "260": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "260": "I" }, L: { "260": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "260": "0" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Relative color syntax", D: true };
  21568. }
  21569. });
  21570. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-repeating-gradients.js
  21571. var require_css_repeating_gradients = __commonJS({
  21572. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-repeating-gradients.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21573. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC", "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G", "33": "0 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "33": "K hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC", "33": "C vC", "36": "7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC", "33": "xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD", "33": "J MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B", "33": "C", "36": "7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Repeating Gradients", D: true };
  21574. }
  21575. });
  21576. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-resize.js
  21577. var require_css_resize = __commonJS({
  21578. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-resize.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21579. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "33": "J" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "132": "8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS resize property", D: true };
  21580. }
  21581. });
  21582. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-revert-value.js
  21583. var require_css_revert_value = __commonJS({
  21584. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-revert-value.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21585. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS revert value", D: true };
  21586. }
  21587. });
  21588. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-rrggbbaa.js
  21589. var require_css_rrggbbaa = __commonJS({
  21590. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-rrggbbaa.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21591. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "194": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "194": "PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "#rrggbbaa hex color notation", D: true };
  21592. }
  21593. });
  21594. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-scroll-behavior.js
  21595. var require_css_scroll_behavior = __commonJS({
  21596. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-scroll-behavior.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21597. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "450": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC", "578": "M H mC nC MC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "129": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "450": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD", "578": "ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "129": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "129": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Scroll-behavior", D: true };
  21598. }
  21599. });
  21600. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-scroll-timeline.js
  21601. var require_css_scroll_timeline = __commonJS({
  21602. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-scroll-timeline.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21603. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "322": "U V W" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "322": "1B 2B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS @scroll-timeline", D: true };
  21604. }
  21605. });
  21606. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-scrollbar.js
  21607. var require_css_scrollbar = __commonJS({
  21608. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-scrollbar.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21609. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "132": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "292": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB eC fC", "3138": "rB" }, D: { "1": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "292": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "16": "J GB gC KC", "292": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "292": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p" }, G: { "2": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC xC yC", "292": "zC", "804": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "16": "JD KD", "292": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "292": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "292": "I" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "292": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0", "292": "J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "292": "aD" }, R: { "292": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS scrollbar styling", D: true };
  21610. }
  21611. });
  21612. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-sel2.js
  21613. var require_css_sel2 = __commonJS({
  21614. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-sel2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21615. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "E F G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS 2.1 selectors", D: true };
  21616. }
  21617. });
  21618. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-sel3.js
  21619. var require_css_sel3 = __commonJS({
  21620. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-sel3.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  21622. }
  21623. });
  21624. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-subgrid.js
  21625. var require_css_subgrid = __commonJS({
  21626. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-subgrid.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  21628. }
  21629. });
  21630. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-supports-api.js
  21631. var require_css_supports_api = __commonJS({
  21632. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-supports-api.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21633. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB eC fC", "66": "v w", "260": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB", "260": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "132": "8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC", "132": "8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS.supports() API", D: true };
  21634. }
  21635. });
  21636. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-table.js
  21637. var require_css_table = __commonJS({
  21638. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-table.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21639. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "2": "K E bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "132": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS Table display", D: true };
  21640. }
  21641. });
  21642. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-box-trim.js
  21643. var require_css_text_box_trim = __commonJS({
  21644. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-box-trim.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21645. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "322": "HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC", "194": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC", "194": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS text-box-trim & text-box-edge", D: true };
  21646. }
  21647. });
  21648. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-indent.js
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  21650. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-indent.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21651. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "132": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "132": "C L M H N O P", "388": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "132": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC" }, D: { "132": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB", "388": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "132": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "388": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "132": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "132": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "388": "D" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "132": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "388": "I" }, L: { "388": "D" }, M: { "132": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "388": "9B" }, P: { "132": "J", "388": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "388": "aD" }, R: { "388": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS text-indent", D: true };
  21652. }
  21653. });
  21654. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-justify.js
  21655. var require_css_text_justify = __commonJS({
  21656. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-justify.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  21658. }
  21659. });
  21660. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-text-wrap-balance.js
  21661. var require_css_text_wrap_balance = __commonJS({
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  21664. }
  21665. });
  21666. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-textshadow.js
  21667. var require_css_textshadow = __commonJS({
  21668. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-textshadow.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  21670. }
  21671. });
  21672. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-touch-action.js
  21673. var require_css_touch_action = __commonJS({
  21674. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-touch-action.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21675. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G bC", "289": "A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC", "194": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "1025": "iB jB kB lB mB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C", "516": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "289": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "194": "cD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS touch-action property", D: true };
  21676. }
  21677. });
  21678. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-unicode-bidi.js
  21679. var require_css_unicode_bidi = __commonJS({
  21680. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-unicode-bidi.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21681. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "132": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "33": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "132": "cC DC J GB K E F G eC fC", "292": "A B C L M H N" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N", "548": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, E: { "132": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC", "548": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "132": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "132": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "548": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "16": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "16": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "33": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS unicode-bidi property", D: false };
  21682. }
  21683. });
  21684. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-unset-value.js
  21685. var require_css_unset_value = __commonJS({
  21686. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-unset-value.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21687. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS unset value", D: true };
  21688. }
  21689. });
  21690. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-variables.js
  21691. var require_css_variables = __commonJS({
  21692. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-variables.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21693. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M", "260": "H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB", "194": "eB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC", "260": "kC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "RB" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C", "260": "2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS Variables (Custom Properties)", D: true };
  21694. }
  21695. });
  21696. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-when-else.js
  21697. var require_css_when_else = __commonJS({
  21698. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-when-else.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21699. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS @when / @else conditional rules", D: true };
  21700. }
  21701. });
  21702. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-widows-orphans.js
  21703. var require_css_widows_orphans = __commonJS({
  21704. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-widows-orphans.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21705. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E bC", "129": "F G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "129": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS widows & orphans", D: true };
  21706. }
  21707. });
  21708. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-zoom.js
  21709. var require_css_zoom = __commonJS({
  21710. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css-zoom.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21711. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E bC", "129": "F G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "129": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS zoom", D: true };
  21712. }
  21713. });
  21714. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-attr.js
  21715. var require_css3_attr = __commonJS({
  21716. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-attr.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21717. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS3 attr() function for all properties", D: true };
  21718. }
  21719. });
  21720. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-colors.js
  21721. var require_css3_colors = __commonJS({
  21722. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-colors.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21723. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "4": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G", "4": "rC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS3 Colors", D: true };
  21724. }
  21725. });
  21726. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-cursors.js
  21727. var require_css3_cursors = __commonJS({
  21728. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/css3-cursors.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21729. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "132": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "4": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "4": "J" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "4": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "260": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "16": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS3 Cursors (original values)", D: true };
  21730. }
  21731. });
  21732. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/currentcolor.js
  21733. var require_currentcolor = __commonJS({
  21734. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/currentcolor.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21735. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS currentColor value", D: true };
  21736. }
  21737. });
  21738. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/custom-elements.js
  21739. var require_custom_elements = __commonJS({
  21740. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/custom-elements.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21741. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "8": "A B" }, B: { "1": "Q", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "8": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "66": "0 y z IB JB KB LB", "72": "MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB" }, D: { "1": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "66": "JB KB LB MB NB OB" }, E: { "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "8": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB", "2": "G B C vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "H N O P HB" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "8": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "OD", "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD", "2": "0 v w x y z WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "dD", "72": "cD" } }, B: 7, C: "Custom Elements (deprecated V0 spec)", D: true };
  21742. }
  21743. });
  21744. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/custom-elementsv1.js
  21745. var require_custom_elementsv1 = __commonJS({
  21746. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/custom-elementsv1.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21747. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "8": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "8": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB eC fC", "8": "MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "456": "gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB", "712": "EC pB FC qB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "8": "iB jB", "132": "kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC", "8": "F G A kC", "132": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C", "132": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "132": "PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "8": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "Custom Elements (V1)", D: true };
  21748. }
  21749. });
  21750. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/customevent.js
  21751. var require_customevent = __commonJS({
  21752. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/customevent.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21753. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "132": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "132": "K E F G A" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J", "16": "GB K E F L M", "388": "G A B C" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "16": "GB K", "388": "hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "132": "B 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "wC", "16": "KC aC", "388": "xC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD", "388": "DC J MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "388": "E" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "2": "A", "132": "B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "CustomEvent", D: true };
  21754. }
  21755. });
  21756. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/datalist.js
  21757. var require_datalist = __commonJS({
  21758. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/datalist.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21759. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "bC", "8": "K E F G", "260": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M H", "1284": "N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "8": "cC DC eC fC", "516": "l m n o p q r s", "4612": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "8": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB", "132": "0 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB" }, E: { "1": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "G B C sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB" }, G: { "8": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C", "2049": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "8": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND" }, J: { "1": "A", "8": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "8": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Datalist element", D: true };
  21760. }
  21761. });
  21762. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dataset.js
  21763. var require_dataset = __commonJS({
  21764. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dataset.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21765. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "4": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "4": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB", "4": "J GB K", "129": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "4": "J GB gC KC", "129": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "C OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB 7B ZC vC 8B", "4": "G B rC sC tC uC", "129": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "4": "KC wC aC", "129": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "4": "ID" }, I: { "4": "JD KD LD", "129": "DC J D MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "129": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C 7B ZC 8B", "4": "A B", "129": "I" }, L: { "129": "D" }, M: { "129": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "4": "A" }, O: { "129": "9B" }, P: { "129": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "129": "aD" }, R: { "129": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "129": "dD" } }, B: 1, C: "dataset & data-* attributes", D: true };
  21766. }
  21767. });
  21768. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/datauri.js
  21769. var require_datauri = __commonJS({
  21770. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/datauri.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21771. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E bC", "132": "F", "260": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L H N O P", "772": "M" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "260": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Data URIs", D: true };
  21772. }
  21773. });
  21774. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/date-tolocaledatestring.js
  21775. var require_date_tolocaledatestring = __commonJS({
  21776. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/date-tolocaledatestring.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21777. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "16": "bC", "132": "K E F G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C L M H N O" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "132": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC", "260": "iB jB kB lB", "772": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y", "260": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB", "772": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC", "132": "K E F G A hC iC jC kC", "260": "B LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "132": "8B", "260": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB", "772": "H N O P HB v w x y z" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC xC", "132": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "DC JD KD LD", "132": "J MD aC", "772": "ND OD" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC", "132": "8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "260": "J PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "132": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString", D: true };
  21778. }
  21779. });
  21780. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/declarative-shadow-dom.js
  21781. var require_declarative_shadow_dom = __commonJS({
  21782. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/declarative-shadow-dom.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21783. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z", "132": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t" }, C: { "1": "CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T", "66": "U V W X Y", "132": "Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 x y z", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD", "16": "YD", "132": "v w AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Declarative Shadow DOM", D: true };
  21784. }
  21785. });
  21786. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/decorators.js
  21787. var require_decorators = __commonJS({
  21788. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/decorators.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21789. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Decorators", D: true };
  21790. }
  21791. });
  21792. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/details.js
  21793. var require_details = __commonJS({
  21794. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/details.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21795. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "G A B bC", "8": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC", "8": "0 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB eC fC", "194": "dB eB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "8": "J GB K E F G A B", "257": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB", "769": "C L M H N O P" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J GB gC KC hC", "257": "K E F G A iC jC kC", "1025": "B LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "C 7B ZC vC 8B", "8": "G B rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "KC wC aC xC", "1025": "3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "8": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "8": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "8": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "8": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Details & Summary elements", D: true };
  21796. }
  21797. });
  21798. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/deviceorientation.js
  21799. var require_deviceorientation = __commonJS({
  21800. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/deviceorientation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21801. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "4": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC eC", "4": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "8": "J GB fC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K", "4": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "4": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "KC wC", "4": "F aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "JD KD LD", "4": "DC J D MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "4": "A" }, K: { "1": "C 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC", "4": "I" }, L: { "4": "D" }, M: { "4": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "4": "9B" }, P: { "4": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "4": "aD" }, R: { "4": "bD" }, S: { "4": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "DeviceOrientation & DeviceMotion events", D: true };
  21802. }
  21803. });
  21804. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/devicepixelratio.js
  21805. var require_devicepixelratio = __commonJS({
  21806. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/devicepixelratio.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21807. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Window.devicePixelRatio", D: true };
  21808. }
  21809. });
  21810. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dialog.js
  21811. var require_dialog = __commonJS({
  21812. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dialog.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21813. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB eC fC", "194": "jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q", "1218": "I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB", "322": "OB PB QB RB SB" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "578": "HB v w x y" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Dialog element", D: true };
  21814. }
  21815. });
  21816. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dispatchevent.js
  21817. var require_dispatchevent = __commonJS({
  21818. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dispatchevent.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21819. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "16": "bC", "129": "G A", "130": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "129": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "EventTarget.dispatchEvent", D: true };
  21820. }
  21821. });
  21822. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dnssec.js
  21823. var require_dnssec = __commonJS({
  21824. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dnssec.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21825. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "132": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "132": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "388": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB" }, E: { "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "132": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "132": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "132": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "132": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "132": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "132": "9B" }, P: { "132": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "132": "aD" }, R: { "132": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "DNSSEC and DANE", D: true };
  21826. }
  21827. });
  21828. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/do-not-track.js
  21829. var require_do_not_track = __commonJS({
  21830. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/do-not-track.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21831. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "164": "G A", "260": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M H N" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F eC fC", "516": "0 G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x" }, E: { "1": "K A B C hC kC LC 7B", "2": "J GB L M H gC KC 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "1028": "E F G iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "1028": "F zC 0C" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "16": "E", "1028": "A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "16": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "164": "A", "260": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Do Not Track API", D: true };
  21832. }
  21833. });
  21834. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/document-currentscript.js
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  21836. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/document-currentscript.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  21838. }
  21839. });
  21840. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/document-evaluate-xpath.js
  21841. var require_document_evaluate_xpath = __commonJS({
  21842. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/document-evaluate-xpath.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21843. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "16": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "document.evaluate & XPath", D: true };
  21844. }
  21845. });
  21846. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/document-execcommand.js
  21847. var require_document_execcommand = __commonJS({
  21848. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/document-execcommand.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21849. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G rC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC", "16": "aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D MD aC ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Document.execCommand()", D: true };
  21850. }
  21851. });
  21852. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/document-policy.js
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  21856. }
  21857. });
  21858. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/document-scrollingelement.js
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  21862. }
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  21864. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/documenthead.js
  21865. var require_documenthead = __commonJS({
  21866. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/documenthead.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21867. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "16": "GB" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "document.head", D: true };
  21868. }
  21869. });
  21870. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dom-manip-convenience.js
  21871. var require_dom_manip_convenience = __commonJS({
  21872. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dom-manip-convenience.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21873. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "194": "iB jB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "WB" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "DOM manipulation convenience methods", D: true };
  21874. }
  21875. });
  21876. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dom-range.js
  21877. var require_dom_range = __commonJS({
  21878. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dom-range.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21879. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Document Object Model Range", D: true };
  21880. }
  21881. });
  21882. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/domcontentloaded.js
  21883. var require_domcontentloaded = __commonJS({
  21884. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/domcontentloaded.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21885. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "DOMContentLoaded", D: true };
  21886. }
  21887. });
  21888. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dommatrix.js
  21889. var require_dommatrix = __commonJS({
  21890. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dommatrix.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21891. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "132": "A B" }, B: { "132": "C L M H N O P", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB eC fC", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2564": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB", "3076": "fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB" }, D: { "16": "J GB K E", "132": "0 G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB", "388": "F", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "16": "J gC KC", "132": "GB K E F G A hC iC jC kC LC", "1028": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB", "1028": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "16": "KC wC aC", "132": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "1028": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "132": "J MD aC ND OD", "292": "DC JD KD LD", "1028": "D" }, J: { "16": "E", "132": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "1028": "I" }, L: { "1028": "D" }, M: { "1028": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1028": "9B" }, P: { "132": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1028": "aD" }, R: { "1028": "bD" }, S: { "1028": "dD", "2564": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "DOMMatrix", D: true };
  21892. }
  21893. });
  21894. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/download.js
  21895. var require_download = __commonJS({
  21896. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/download.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21897. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Download attribute", D: true };
  21898. }
  21899. });
  21900. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dragndrop.js
  21901. var require_dragndrop = __commonJS({
  21902. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/dragndrop.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21903. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "644": "K E F G bC", "772": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M H N O" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "8": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "8": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "1025": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "8B", "8": "A B C 7B ZC", "1025": "I" }, L: { "1025": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1025": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Drag and Drop", D: true };
  21904. }
  21905. });
  21906. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/element-closest.js
  21907. var require_element_closest = __commonJS({
  21908. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/element-closest.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21909. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Element.closest()", D: true };
  21910. }
  21911. });
  21912. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/element-from-point.js
  21913. var require_element_from_point = __commonJS({
  21914. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/element-from-point.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21915. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "16": "bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "16": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "16": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "document.elementFromPoint()", D: true };
  21916. }
  21917. });
  21918. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/element-scroll-methods.js
  21919. var require_element_scroll_methods = __commonJS({
  21920. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/element-scroll-methods.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21921. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, E: { "1": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC", "132": "A B C L LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C", "132": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Scroll methods on elements (scroll, scrollTo, scrollBy)", D: true };
  21922. }
  21923. });
  21924. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/eme.js
  21925. var require_eme = __commonJS({
  21926. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/eme.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21927. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "164": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB", "132": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC", "164": "E F G A B jC kC LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "0 x y z IB JB KB" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Encrypted Media Extensions", D: true };
  21928. }
  21929. });
  21930. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/eot.js
  21931. var require_eot = __commonJS({
  21932. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/eot.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21933. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "2": "bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "EOT - Embedded OpenType fonts", D: true };
  21934. }
  21935. });
  21936. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es5.js
  21937. var require_es5 = __commonJS({
  21938. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es5.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21939. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E bC", "260": "G", "1026": "F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "4": "cC DC eC fC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "4": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P", "132": "HB v w x" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "4": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "4": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "132": "8B" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "4": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "4": "DC JD KD LD", "132": "MD aC", "900": "J" }, J: { "1": "A", "4": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "4": "A B C 7B ZC", "132": "8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "ECMAScript 5", D: true };
  21940. }
  21941. });
  21942. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-class.js
  21943. var require_es6_class = __commonJS({
  21944. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-class.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21945. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB", "132": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "ES6 classes", D: true };
  21946. }
  21947. });
  21948. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-generators.js
  21949. var require_es6_generators = __commonJS({
  21950. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-generators.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21951. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "ES6 Generators", D: true };
  21952. }
  21953. });
  21954. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-module-dynamic-import.js
  21955. var require_es6_module_dynamic_import = __commonJS({
  21956. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-module-dynamic-import.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21957. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB eC fC", "194": "uB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "JavaScript modules: dynamic import()", D: true };
  21958. }
  21959. });
  21960. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-module.js
  21961. var require_es6_module = __commonJS({
  21962. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-module.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21963. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M", "2049": "N O P", "2242": "H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB eC fC", "322": "kB lB mB nB oB EC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC", "194": "pB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC", "1540": "LC" }, F: { "1": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "dB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C", "1540": "4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "JavaScript modules via script tag", D: true };
  21964. }
  21965. });
  21966. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-number.js
  21967. var require_es6_number = __commonJS({
  21968. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-number.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21969. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H eC fC", "132": "N O P HB v w x y z", "260": "0 IB JB KB LB MB", "516": "NB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P", "1028": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "1028": "H N O P HB v" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD", "1028": "MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "ES6 Number", D: true };
  21970. }
  21971. });
  21972. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-string-includes.js
  21973. var require_es6_string_includes = __commonJS({
  21974. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6-string-includes.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21975. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "String.prototype.includes", D: true };
  21976. }
  21977. });
  21978. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6.js
  21979. var require_es6 = __commonJS({
  21980. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/es6.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21981. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "388": "B" }, B: { "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M", "769": "H N O P" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "4": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB", "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v", "4": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "4": "F G jC kC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "4": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB", "257": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "4": "F zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "4": "ND OD", "257": "D" }, J: { "2": "E", "4": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "257": "I" }, L: { "257": "D" }, M: { "257": "D" }, N: { "2": "A", "388": "B" }, O: { "257": "9B" }, P: { "4": "J", "257": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "257": "aD" }, R: { "257": "bD" }, S: { "4": "cD", "257": "dD" } }, B: 6, C: "ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)", D: true };
  21982. }
  21983. });
  21984. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/eventsource.js
  21985. var require_eventsource = __commonJS({
  21986. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/eventsource.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21987. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "4": "G rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 7B ZC 8B", "4": "A B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Server-sent events", D: true };
  21988. }
  21989. });
  21990. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/extended-system-fonts.js
  21991. var require_extended_system_fonts = __commonJS({
  21992. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/extended-system-fonts.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21993. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "ui-serif, ui-sans-serif, ui-monospace and ui-rounded values for font-family", D: true };
  21994. }
  21995. });
  21996. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/feature-policy.js
  21997. var require_feature_policy = __commonJS({
  21998. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/feature-policy.js"(exports2, module2) {
  21999. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "Q I R S T U V W", "2": "C L M H N O P", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B eC fC", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC", "132": "pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "772": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB", "1025": "3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C", "772": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "1025": "I" }, L: { "1025": "D" }, M: { "260": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD", "132": "SD TD LC" }, Q: { "132": "aD" }, R: { "1025": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "260": "dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Feature Policy", D: true };
  22000. }
  22001. });
  22002. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/fetch.js
  22003. var require_fetch = __commonJS({
  22004. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/fetch.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22005. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB eC fC", "1025": "VB", "1218": "QB RB SB TB UB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB", "260": "WB", "772": "XB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "260": "JB", "772": "KB" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Fetch", D: true };
  22006. }
  22007. });
  22008. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/fieldset-disabled.js
  22009. var require_fieldset_disabled = __commonJS({
  22010. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/fieldset-disabled.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22011. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "16": "bC", "132": "F G", "388": "K E A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H", "16": "N O P HB" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G rC" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "388": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A", "260": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "disabled attribute of the fieldset element", D: true };
  22012. }
  22013. });
  22014. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/fileapi.js
  22015. var require_fileapi = __commonJS({
  22016. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/fileapi.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22017. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "260": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC", "260": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB", "260": "0 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB", "388": "K E F G A B C" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "260": "K E F G iC jC kC", "388": "hC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC", "260": "C H N O P HB v w x y z 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "260": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "2": "JD KD LD", "260": "ND", "388": "DC J MD aC" }, J: { "260": "A", "388": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B", "260": "C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A", "260": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "File API", D: true };
  22018. }
  22019. });
  22020. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/filereader.js
  22021. var require_filereader = __commonJS({
  22022. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/filereader.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22023. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "132": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "2": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "FileReader API", D: true };
  22024. }
  22025. });
  22026. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/filereadersync.js
  22027. var require_filereadersync = __commonJS({
  22028. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/filereadersync.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22029. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC", "16": "B tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "C I ZC 8B", "2": "A", "16": "B 7B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "FileReaderSync", D: true };
  22030. }
  22031. });
  22032. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/filesystem.js
  22033. var require_filesystem = __commonJS({
  22034. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/filesystem.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22035. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E", "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "36": "F G A B C" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "33": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "33": "I" }, L: { "33": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "33": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J", "33": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "33": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Filesystem & FileWriter API", D: true };
  22036. }
  22037. });
  22038. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/flac.js
  22039. var require_flac = __commonJS({
  22040. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/flac.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22041. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB", "16": "aB bB cB", "388": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "516": "B C 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "JD KD LD", "16": "DC J MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "16": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "129": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "FLAC audio format", D: true };
  22042. }
  22043. });
  22044. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/flexbox-gap.js
  22045. var require_flexbox_gap = __commonJS({
  22046. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/flexbox-gap.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22047. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S" }, E: { "1": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "gap property for Flexbox", D: true };
  22048. }
  22049. });
  22050. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/flow-root.js
  22051. var require_flow_root = __commonJS({
  22052. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/flow-root.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22053. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "display: flow-root", D: true };
  22054. }
  22055. });
  22056. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/focusin-focusout-events.js
  22057. var require_focusin_focusout_events = __commonJS({
  22058. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/focusin-focusout-events.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22059. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "2": "bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "16": "B 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD", "16": "DC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "2": "A", "16": "B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "focusin & focusout events", D: true };
  22060. }
  22061. });
  22062. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-family-system-ui.js
  22063. var require_font_family_system_ui = __commonJS({
  22064. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-family-system-ui.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22065. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB eC fC", "132": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB", "260": "jB kB lB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC", "16": "G", "132": "A kC LC" }, F: { "1": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "132": "1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "system-ui value for font-family", D: true };
  22066. }
  22067. });
  22068. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-loading.js
  22069. var require_font_loading = __commonJS({
  22070. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-loading.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22071. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB eC fC", "194": "RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS Font Loading", D: true };
  22072. }
  22073. });
  22074. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-size-adjust.js
  22075. var require_font_size_adjust = __commonJS({
  22076. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-size-adjust.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  22092. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-variant-alternates.js
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  22098. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/font-variant-numeric.js
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  22116. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/form-submit-attributes.js
  22117. var require_form_submit_attributes = __commonJS({
  22118. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/form-submit-attributes.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22119. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC", "16": "sC tC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD", "16": "DC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "16": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Attributes for form submission", D: true };
  22120. }
  22121. });
  22122. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/form-validation.js
  22123. var require_form_validation = __commonJS({
  22124. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/form-validation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22125. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "132": "GB K E F G A hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC", "132": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "516": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD", "132": "J MD aC ND" }, J: { "1": "A", "132": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "260": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "132": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "Form validation", D: true };
  22126. }
  22127. });
  22128. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/forms.js
  22129. var require_forms = __commonJS({
  22130. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/forms.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22131. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "bC", "4": "A B", "8": "K E F G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "4": "C L M H" }, C: { "4": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "8": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "4": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, E: { "4": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "G B C iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "4": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, G: { "2": "KC", "4": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "4": "ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "4": "A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "4": "D" }, N: { "4": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "4": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "4": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "HTML5 form features", D: false };
  22132. }
  22133. });
  22134. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/gamepad.js
  22135. var require_gamepad = __commonJS({
  22136. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/gamepad.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22137. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v", "33": "w x y z" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "Gamepad API", D: true };
  22138. }
  22139. });
  22140. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/geolocation.js
  22141. var require_geolocation = __commonJS({
  22142. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/geolocation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22143. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB eC fC", "8": "cC DC", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "4": "J", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J gC KC", "129": "A" }, F: { "1": "0 B C N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G H rC", "8": "sC tC", "129": "VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C", "129": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "129": "D" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C 7B ZC 8B", "8": "A", "129": "I" }, L: { "129": "D" }, M: { "129": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "129": "9B" }, P: { "1": "J", "129": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "129": "aD" }, R: { "129": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "129": "dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Geolocation", D: true };
  22144. }
  22145. });
  22146. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/getboundingclientrect.js
  22147. var require_getboundingclientrect = __commonJS({
  22148. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/getboundingclientrect.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22149. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "644": "K E bC", "2049": "G A B", "2692": "F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2049": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC", "260": "J GB K E F G A B", "1156": "DC", "1284": "eC", "1796": "fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G rC", "132": "sC tC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "132": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2049": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Element.getBoundingClientRect()", D: true };
  22150. }
  22151. });
  22152. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/getcomputedstyle.js
  22153. var require_getcomputedstyle = __commonJS({
  22154. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/getcomputedstyle.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22155. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC", "132": "DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "260": "J GB K E F G A" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "260": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "260": "G rC sC tC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "260": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "260": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "260": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "260": "E" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "260": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "getComputedStyle", D: true };
  22156. }
  22157. });
  22158. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/getelementsbyclassname.js
  22159. var require_getelementsbyclassname = __commonJS({
  22160. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/getelementsbyclassname.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22161. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "8": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "getElementsByClassName", D: true };
  22162. }
  22163. });
  22164. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/getrandomvalues.js
  22165. var require_getrandomvalues = __commonJS({
  22166. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/getrandomvalues.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22167. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "33": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A", "33": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "crypto.getRandomValues()", D: true };
  22168. }
  22169. });
  22170. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/gyroscope.js
  22171. var require_gyroscope = __commonJS({
  22172. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/gyroscope.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22173. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB", "194": "oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Gyroscope", D: true };
  22174. }
  22175. });
  22176. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/hardwareconcurrency.js
  22177. var require_hardwareconcurrency = __commonJS({
  22178. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/hardwareconcurrency.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22179. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC", "129": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "194": "F G A kC" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "129": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "194": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "navigator.hardwareConcurrency", D: true };
  22180. }
  22181. });
  22182. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/hashchange.js
  22183. var require_hashchange = __commonJS({
  22184. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/hashchange.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22185. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "8": "K E bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "8": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "8": "J" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "8": "G rC sC tC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D KD LD MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "8": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Hashchange event", D: true };
  22186. }
  22187. });
  22188. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/heif.js
  22189. var require_heif = __commonJS({
  22190. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/heif.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22191. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "130": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C HD", "130": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "HEIF/HEIC image format", D: true };
  22192. }
  22193. });
  22194. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/hevc.js
  22195. var require_hevc = __commonJS({
  22196. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/hevc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22197. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "132": "C L M H N O P", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC", "4098": "9", "8258": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p", "2052": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "516": "B C 7B 8B" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2052": "d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "2052": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "258": "I" }, L: { "2052": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 w x y z", "2": "J", "258": "v PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "HEVC/H.265 video format", D: true };
  22198. }
  22199. });
  22200. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/hidden.js
  22201. var require_hidden = __commonJS({
  22202. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/hidden.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22203. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "hidden attribute", D: true };
  22204. }
  22205. });
  22206. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/high-resolution-time.js
  22207. var require_high_resolution_time = __commonJS({
  22208. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/high-resolution-time.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22209. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC", "129": "lB mB nB", "769": "oB EC", "1281": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB", "33": "v w x y" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "High Resolution Time API", D: true };
  22210. }
  22211. });
  22212. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/history.js
  22213. var require_history = __commonJS({
  22214. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/history.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22215. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "4": "GB hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u ZC vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC", "4": "aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D KD LD aC ND OD", "2": "DC J JD MD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Session history management", D: true };
  22216. }
  22217. });
  22218. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/html-media-capture.js
  22219. var require_html_media_capture = __commonJS({
  22220. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/html-media-capture.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22221. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC", "129": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD", "257": "KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "16": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "516": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "HTML Media Capture", D: true };
  22222. }
  22223. });
  22224. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/html5semantic.js
  22225. var require_html5semantic = __commonJS({
  22226. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/html5semantic.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22227. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "bC", "8": "K E F", "260": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC", "132": "DC eC fC", "260": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "J GB", "260": "0 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "132": "J gC KC", "260": "GB K hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "132": "G B rC sC tC uC", "260": "C 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "132": "KC", "260": "wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "132": "JD", "260": "DC J KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "260": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "132": "A", "260": "B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "260": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "HTML5 semantic elements", D: true };
  22228. }
  22229. });
  22230. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/http-live-streaming.js
  22231. var require_http_live_streaming = __commonJS({
  22232. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/http-live-streaming.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22233. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)", D: true };
  22234. }
  22235. });
  22236. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/http2.js
  22237. var require_http2 = __commonJS({
  22238. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/http2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22239. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB eC fC", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC", "260": "G A kC LC" }, F: { "1": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "513": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "513": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "513": "I" }, L: { "513": "D" }, M: { "513": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "513": "9B" }, P: { "1": "J", "513": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "513": "aD" }, R: { "513": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "513": "dD" } }, B: 6, C: "HTTP/2 protocol", D: true };
  22240. }
  22241. });
  22242. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/http3.js
  22243. var require_http3 = __commonJS({
  22244. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/http3.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22245. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "322": "Q I R S T", "578": "U V" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB eC fC", "194": "0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B", "322": "Q I R S T", "578": "U V" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC", "2052": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2116": "AC OC PC QC", "3140": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "578": "1B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD", "2052": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2116": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "HTTP/3 protocol", D: true };
  22246. }
  22247. });
  22248. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/iframe-sandbox.js
  22249. var require_iframe_sandbox = __commonJS({
  22250. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/iframe-sandbox.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22251. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N eC fC", "4": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D KD LD MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "sandbox attribute for iframes", D: true };
  22252. }
  22253. });
  22254. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/iframe-seamless.js
  22255. var require_iframe_seamless = __commonJS({
  22256. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/iframe-seamless.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22257. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "66": "0 v w x y z IB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "130": "E jC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "130": "zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "seamless attribute for iframes", D: true };
  22258. }
  22259. });
  22260. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/iframe-srcdoc.js
  22261. var require_iframe_srcdoc = __commonJS({
  22262. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/iframe-srcdoc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22263. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "bC", "8": "K E F G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "8": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC", "8": "DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L", "8": "M H N O P HB" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC", "8": "J GB hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC", "8": "C 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC", "8": "wC aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "8": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "8": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B", "8": "C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "8": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "srcdoc attribute for iframes", D: true };
  22264. }
  22265. });
  22266. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/imagecapture.js
  22267. var require_imagecapture = __commonJS({
  22268. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/imagecapture.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22269. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB eC fC", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB", "322": "jB kB lB mB nB oB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "194": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "ImageCapture API", D: true };
  22270. }
  22271. });
  22272. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ime.js
  22273. var require_ime = __commonJS({
  22274. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ime.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22275. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "161": "B" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "161": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A", "161": "B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Input Method Editor API", D: true };
  22276. }
  22277. });
  22278. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/img-naturalwidth-naturalheight.js
  22279. var require_img_naturalwidth_naturalheight = __commonJS({
  22280. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/img-naturalwidth-naturalheight.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22281. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "naturalWidth & naturalHeight image properties", D: true };
  22282. }
  22283. });
  22284. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/import-maps.js
  22285. var require_import_maps = __commonJS({
  22286. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/import-maps.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22287. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "194": "Q I R S T U V W X" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k eC fC", "322": "l m n o p q" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B", "194": "2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Import maps", D: true };
  22288. }
  22289. });
  22290. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/imports.js
  22291. var require_imports = __commonJS({
  22292. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/imports.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22293. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "8": "A B" }, B: { "1": "Q", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "8": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB eC fC", "8": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "72": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB" }, D: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "66": "MB NB OB PB QB", "72": "RB" }, E: { "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "8": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB", "2": "G B C H N vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "O P HB v w", "72": "x" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "8": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "8": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD", "2": "0 v w x y z WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "8": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "HTML Imports", D: true };
  22294. }
  22295. });
  22296. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/indeterminate-checkbox.js
  22297. var require_indeterminate_checkbox = __commonJS({
  22298. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/indeterminate-checkbox.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22299. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "16": "bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "2": "cC DC", "16": "eC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "indeterminate checkbox", D: true };
  22300. }
  22301. });
  22302. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/indexeddb.js
  22303. var require_indexeddb = __commonJS({
  22304. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/indexeddb.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22305. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "132": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "33": "A B C L M H", "36": "J GB K E F G" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "A", "8": "J GB K E F G", "33": "y", "36": "B C L M H N O P HB v w x" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "260": "F G jC kC", "516": "mC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G rC sC", "8": "B C tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "260": "F 0C 1C 2C", "516": "ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "8": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "8": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A", "8": "B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "IndexedDB", D: true };
  22306. }
  22307. });
  22308. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/indexeddb2.js
  22309. var require_indexeddb2 = __commonJS({
  22310. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/indexeddb2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22311. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB eC fC", "132": "aB bB cB", "260": "dB eB fB gB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB", "132": "eB fB gB hB", "260": "iB jB kB lB mB nB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "RB SB TB UB", "260": "VB WB XB YB ZB aB" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C", "16": "3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "260": "PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "260": "cD" } }, B: 2, C: "IndexedDB 2.0", D: true };
  22312. }
  22313. });
  22314. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/inline-block.js
  22315. var require_inline_block = __commonJS({
  22316. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/inline-block.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22317. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "4": "bC", "132": "K E" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "36": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS inline-block", D: true };
  22318. }
  22319. });
  22320. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/innertext.js
  22321. var require_innertext = __commonJS({
  22322. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/innertext.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22323. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "16": "bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "HTMLElement.innerText", D: true };
  22324. }
  22325. });
  22326. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-autocomplete-onoff.js
  22327. var require_input_autocomplete_onoff = __commonJS({
  22328. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-autocomplete-onoff.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22329. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "132": "C L M H N O P", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB eC fC", "516": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N", "132": "JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "K hC iC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "2052": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC", "1025": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1025": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2052": "A B" }, O: { "1025": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "260": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "516": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "autocomplete attribute: on & off values", D: true };
  22330. }
  22331. });
  22332. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-color.js
  22333. var require_input_color = __commonJS({
  22334. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-color.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22335. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB" }, E: { "1": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "0 B C O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G H N rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C", "129": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "Color input type", D: true };
  22336. }
  22337. });
  22338. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-datetime.js
  22339. var require_input_datetime = __commonJS({
  22340. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-datetime.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22341. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB eC fC", "1090": "jB kB lB mB", "2052": "nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b", "4100": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB", "2052": "v w x y z" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC", "4100": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC", "260": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD", "514": "J MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "4100": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2052": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Date and time input types", D: true };
  22342. }
  22343. });
  22344. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-email-tel-url.js
  22345. var require_input_email_tel_url = __commonJS({
  22346. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-email-tel-url.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22347. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "132": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "132": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Email, telephone & URL input types", D: true };
  22348. }
  22349. });
  22350. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-event.js
  22351. var require_input_event = __commonJS({
  22352. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-event.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22353. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "2561": "A B", "2692": "G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2561": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "16": "cC", "1537": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fC", "1796": "DC eC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "1025": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB", "1537": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB K gC KC", "1025": "E F G A B C iC jC kC LC 7B", "1537": "hC", "4097": "L 8B" }, F: { "1": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "16": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "260": "vC", "1025": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "1537": "H N O P HB v w" }, G: { "1": "AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC", "1025": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C", "1537": "xC yC zC", "4097": "8C 9C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "16": "JD KD", "1025": "D OD", "1537": "DC J LD MD aC ND" }, J: { "1025": "A", "1537": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2561": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1025": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "1537": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "input event", D: true };
  22354. }
  22355. });
  22356. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-file-accept.js
  22357. var require_input_file_accept = __commonJS({
  22358. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-file-accept.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22359. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "132": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J", "16": "0 GB K E F w x y z", "132": "G A B C L M H N O P HB v" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "132": "K E F G A B iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "yC zC", "132": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "514": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "JD KD LD", "260": "DC J MD aC", "514": "D ND OD" }, J: { "132": "A", "260": "E" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "514": "I" }, L: { "260": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "514": "A", "1028": "B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "260": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "260": "aD" }, R: { "260": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "accept attribute for file input", D: true };
  22360. }
  22361. });
  22362. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-file-directory.js
  22363. var require_input_file_directory = __commonJS({
  22364. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-file-directory.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22365. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Directory selection from file input", D: true };
  22366. }
  22367. });
  22368. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-file-multiple.js
  22369. var require_input_file_multiple = __commonJS({
  22370. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-file-multiple.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22371. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "2": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "130": "ID" }, I: { "130": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "130": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "130": "9B" }, P: { "130": "J", "132": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "132": "aD" }, R: { "132": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "Multiple file selection", D: true };
  22372. }
  22373. });
  22374. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-inputmode.js
  22375. var require_input_inputmode = __commonJS({
  22376. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-inputmode.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22377. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N eC fC", "4": "O P HB v", "194": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB", "66": "mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB" }, G: { "1": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "194": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "inputmode attribute", D: true };
  22378. }
  22379. });
  22380. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-minlength.js
  22381. var require_input_minlength = __commonJS({
  22382. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-minlength.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22383. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "Minimum length attribute for input fields", D: true };
  22384. }
  22385. });
  22386. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-number.js
  22387. var require_input_number = __commonJS({
  22388. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-number.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22389. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "129": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "129": "C L", "1025": "M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "388": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC JD KD LD", "388": "J D MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "388": "A" }, K: { "1": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "388": "I" }, L: { "388": "D" }, M: { "641": "D" }, N: { "388": "A B" }, O: { "388": "9B" }, P: { "388": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "388": "aD" }, R: { "388": "bD" }, S: { "513": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Number input type", D: true };
  22390. }
  22391. });
  22392. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-pattern.js
  22393. var require_input_pattern = __commonJS({
  22394. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-pattern.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22395. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "16": "GB", "388": "K E F G A hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC", "388": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Pattern attribute for input fields", D: true };
  22396. }
  22397. });
  22398. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-placeholder.js
  22399. var require_input_placeholder = __commonJS({
  22400. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-placeholder.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22401. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "132": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "132": "B 7B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC D JD KD LD aC ND OD", "4": "J MD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "input placeholder attribute", D: true };
  22402. }
  22403. });
  22404. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-range.js
  22405. var require_input_range = __commonJS({
  22406. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-range.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22407. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D aC ND OD", "4": "DC J JD KD LD MD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Range input type", D: true };
  22408. }
  22409. });
  22410. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-search.js
  22411. var require_input_search = __commonJS({
  22412. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-search.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22413. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "129": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "129": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "cC DC eC fC", "129": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M w x y z", "129": "H N O P HB v" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "16": "B 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "129": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "16": "JD KD", "129": "DC J LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E", "129": "A" }, K: { "1": "C I", "2": "A", "16": "B 7B ZC", "129": "8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "129": "D" }, N: { "129": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "129": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Search input type", D: true };
  22414. }
  22415. });
  22416. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-selection.js
  22417. var require_input_selection = __commonJS({
  22418. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/input-selection.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22419. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G rC sC tC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Selection controls for input & textarea", D: true };
  22420. }
  22421. });
  22422. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/insert-adjacent.js
  22423. var require_insert_adjacent = __commonJS({
  22424. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/insert-adjacent.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22425. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "16": "bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Element.insertAdjacentElement() & Element.insertAdjacentText()", D: true };
  22426. }
  22427. });
  22428. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/insertadjacenthtml.js
  22429. var require_insertadjacenthtml = __commonJS({
  22430. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/insertadjacenthtml.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22431. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "16": "bC", "132": "K E F G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G rC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Element.insertAdjacentHTML()", D: true };
  22432. }
  22433. });
  22434. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/internationalization.js
  22435. var require_internationalization = __commonJS({
  22436. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/internationalization.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22437. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "Internationalization API", D: true };
  22438. }
  22439. });
  22440. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/intersectionobserver-v2.js
  22441. var require_intersectionobserver_v2 = __commonJS({
  22442. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/intersectionobserver-v2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22443. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "IntersectionObserver V2", D: true };
  22444. }
  22445. });
  22446. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/intersectionobserver.js
  22447. var require_intersectionobserver = __commonJS({
  22448. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/intersectionobserver.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22449. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "N O P", "2": "C L M", "260": "H", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB eC fC", "194": "iB jB kB" }, D: { "1": "oB EC pB FC qB rB sB", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "260": "hB iB jB kB lB mB nB", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "260": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB", "513": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "513": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "513": "I" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "260": "PD QD" }, Q: { "513": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "IntersectionObserver", D: true };
  22450. }
  22451. });
  22452. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/intl-pluralrules.js
  22453. var require_intl_pluralrules = __commonJS({
  22454. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/intl-pluralrules.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22455. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O", "130": "P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "Intl.PluralRules API", D: true };
  22456. }
  22457. });
  22458. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/jpeg2000.js
  22459. var require_jpeg2000 = __commonJS({
  22460. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/jpeg2000.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22461. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC", "2": "J gC KC CC qC", "129": "GB hC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC", "2": "KC wC aC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "JPEG 2000 image format", D: true };
  22462. }
  22463. });
  22464. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/jpegxl.js
  22465. var require_jpegxl = __commonJS({
  22466. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/jpegxl.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22467. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "578": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y eC fC", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "194": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC", "1025": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD", "1025": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "JPEG XL image format", D: true };
  22468. }
  22469. });
  22470. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/jpegxr.js
  22471. var require_jpegxr = __commonJS({
  22472. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/jpegxr.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22473. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "JPEG XR image format", D: true };
  22474. }
  22475. });
  22476. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/js-regexp-lookbehind.js
  22477. var require_js_regexp_lookbehind = __commonJS({
  22478. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/js-regexp-lookbehind.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22479. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "Lookbehind in JS regular expressions", D: true };
  22480. }
  22481. });
  22482. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/json.js
  22483. var require_json = __commonJS({
  22484. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/json.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22485. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E bC", "129": "F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "JSON parsing", D: true };
  22486. }
  22487. });
  22488. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/justify-content-space-evenly.js
  22489. var require_justify_content_space_evenly = __commonJS({
  22490. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/justify-content-space-evenly.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22491. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H", "132": "N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB", "132": "nB oB EC" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC", "132": "LC" }, F: { "1": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "aB bB cB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C", "132": "4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD", "132": "RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "132": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "CSS justify-content: space-evenly", D: true };
  22492. }
  22493. });
  22494. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/kerning-pairs-ligatures.js
  22495. var require_kerning_pairs_ligatures = __commonJS({
  22496. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/kerning-pairs-ligatures.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22497. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD", "132": "DC J MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "High-quality kerning pairs & ligatures", D: true };
  22498. }
  22499. });
  22500. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-charcode.js
  22501. var require_keyboardevent_charcode = __commonJS({
  22502. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-charcode.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22503. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "16": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "16": "C" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC", "16": "C" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "130": "D" }, N: { "130": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "KeyboardEvent.charCode", D: true };
  22504. }
  22505. });
  22506. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-code.js
  22507. var require_keyboardevent_code = __commonJS({
  22508. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-code.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22509. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB", "194": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "194": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J", "194": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "194": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "KeyboardEvent.code", D: true };
  22510. }
  22511. });
  22512. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-getmodifierstate.js
  22513. var require_keyboardevent_getmodifierstate = __commonJS({
  22514. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-getmodifierstate.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22515. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B H N rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "16": "C" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC", "16": "C" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "KeyboardEvent.getModifierState()", D: true };
  22516. }
  22517. });
  22518. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-key.js
  22519. var require_keyboardevent_key = __commonJS({
  22520. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-key.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22521. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "260": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x eC fC", "132": "0 y z IB JB KB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "0 G B H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "16": "C" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC", "16": "C" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "260": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "KeyboardEvent.key", D: true };
  22522. }
  22523. });
  22524. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-location.js
  22525. var require_keyboardevent_location = __commonJS({
  22526. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-location.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22527. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "K gC KC", "132": "J GB hC" }, F: { "1": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "16": "C", "132": "H N" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC", "132": "xC yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "16": "JD KD", "132": "DC J LD MD aC" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC", "16": "C" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "KeyboardEvent.location", D: true };
  22528. }
  22529. });
  22530. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-which.js
  22531. var require_keyboardevent_which = __commonJS({
  22532. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/keyboardevent-which.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22533. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "16": "GB" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G rC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC", "16": "JD KD", "132": "ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "132": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J", "132": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "132": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "KeyboardEvent.which", D: true };
  22534. }
  22535. });
  22536. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/lazyload.js
  22537. var require_lazyload = __commonJS({
  22538. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/lazyload.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22539. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Resource Hints: Lazyload", D: true };
  22540. }
  22541. });
  22542. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/let.js
  22543. var require_let = __commonJS({
  22544. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/let.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22545. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "2052": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "194": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P", "322": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "516": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC", "1028": "A LC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB", "516": "KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C", "1028": "3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "516": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "let", D: true };
  22546. }
  22547. });
  22548. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-icon-png.js
  22549. var require_link_icon_png = __commonJS({
  22550. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-icon-png.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22551. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "130": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C" }, H: { "130": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E", "130": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "130": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "130": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "PNG favicons", D: true };
  22552. }
  22553. });
  22554. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-icon-svg.js
  22555. var require_link_icon_svg = __commonJS({
  22556. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-icon-svg.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22557. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P Q", "1537": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC eC fC", "260": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q", "1537": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "1537": "vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "130": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C" }, H: { "130": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "130": "A" }, K: { "130": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "1537": "I" }, L: { "1537": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "130": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD", "1537": "0 v w x y z WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1537": "bD" }, S: { "513": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "SVG favicons", D: true };
  22558. }
  22559. });
  22560. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-dns-prefetch.js
  22561. var require_link_rel_dns_prefetch = __commonJS({
  22562. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-dns-prefetch.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22563. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F bC", "132": "G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "260": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "16": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "16": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "16": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Resource Hints: dns-prefetch", D: true };
  22564. }
  22565. });
  22566. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-modulepreload.js
  22567. var require_link_rel_modulepreload = __commonJS({
  22568. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-modulepreload.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22569. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB" }, E: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC" }, F: { "1": "jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Resource Hints: modulepreload", D: true };
  22570. }
  22571. });
  22572. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-preconnect.js
  22573. var require_link_rel_preconnect = __commonJS({
  22574. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-preconnect.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22575. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M", "260": "H N O P" }, C: { "1": "4 5 6 7 8 9 WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB eC fC", "129": "VB", "514": "1 2 3 zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Resource Hints: preconnect", D: true };
  22576. }
  22577. });
  22578. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-prefetch.js
  22579. var require_link_rel_prefetch = __commonJS({
  22580. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-prefetch.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22581. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B", "194": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD", "194": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Resource Hints: prefetch", D: true };
  22582. }
  22583. });
  22584. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-preload.js
  22585. var require_link_rel_preload = __commonJS({
  22586. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-preload.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22587. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N", "1028": "O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB eC fC", "132": "mB", "578": "nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "322": "B" }, F: { "1": "TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "322": "5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Resource Hints: preload", D: true };
  22588. }
  22589. });
  22590. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-prerender.js
  22591. var require_link_rel_prerender = __commonJS({
  22592. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/link-rel-prerender.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22593. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Resource Hints: prerender", D: true };
  22594. }
  22595. });
  22596. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/loading-lazy-attr.js
  22597. var require_loading_lazy_attr = __commonJS({
  22598. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/loading-lazy-attr.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22599. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B eC fC", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B", "66": "3B 4B" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B", "322": "M H lC mC nC MC", "580": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "qB rB" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD", "322": "CD DD ED FD MC", "580": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "132": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "132": "dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Lazy loading via attribute for images & iframes", D: true };
  22600. }
  22601. });
  22602. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/localecompare.js
  22603. var require_localecompare = __commonJS({
  22604. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/localecompare.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22605. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "16": "bC", "132": "K E F G A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "132": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "132": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "132": "8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "132": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "132": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC", "132": "8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "132": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "132": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "4": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "localeCompare()", D: true };
  22606. }
  22607. });
  22608. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/magnetometer.js
  22609. var require_magnetometer = __commonJS({
  22610. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/magnetometer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22611. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB", "194": "oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "194": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Magnetometer", D: true };
  22612. }
  22613. });
  22614. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/matchesselector.js
  22615. var require_matchesselector = __commonJS({
  22616. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/matchesselector.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22617. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "36": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "36": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC", "36": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "36": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "36": "GB K E hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B", "36": "C H N O P HB v ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC", "36": "wC aC xC yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "JD", "36": "DC J KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "36": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B", "36": "C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "36": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "36": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "matches() DOM method", D: true };
  22618. }
  22619. });
  22620. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/matchmedia.js
  22621. var require_matchmedia = __commonJS({
  22622. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/matchmedia.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22623. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "matchMedia", D: true };
  22624. }
  22625. });
  22626. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mathml.js
  22627. var require_mathml = __commonJS({
  22628. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mathml.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22629. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "G A B bC", "8": "K E F" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "8": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f", "584": "g h i j k l m n o p q r", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "129": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "z", "8": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f", "584": "g h i j k l m n o p q r", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "260": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "2": "G", "8": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC", "584": "S T U V W X Y Z a b c d", "1025": "e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2052": "B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "8": "ID" }, I: { "8": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "1025": "D" }, J: { "1": "A", "8": "E" }, K: { "8": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "1025": "I" }, L: { "1025": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "8": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 w x y z", "8": "J v PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "8": "aD" }, R: { "8": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "MathML", D: true };
  22630. }
  22631. });
  22632. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/maxlength.js
  22633. var require_maxlength = __commonJS({
  22634. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/maxlength.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22635. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "16": "bC", "900": "K E F G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "1025": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "900": "cC DC eC fC", "1025": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "GB gC", "900": "J KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G", "132": "B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "wC aC xC yC zC 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC", "2052": "F 0C" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD", "4097": "D" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "132": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "4097": "I" }, L: { "4097": "D" }, M: { "4097": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "4097": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1025": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "maxlength attribute for input and textarea elements", D: true };
  22636. }
  22637. });
  22638. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-css-backdrop-pseudo-element.js
  22639. var require_mdn_css_backdrop_pseudo_element = __commonJS({
  22640. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mdn-css-backdrop-pseudo-element.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22641. module2.exports = { A: { D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB", "33": "OB PB QB RB SB" }, L: { "1": "D" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "33": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB eC fC" }, M: { "1": "D" }, A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "33": "B" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "HB v w x y" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC qC" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND OD" } }, B: 6, C: "CSS ::backdrop pseudo-element", D: void 0 };
  22642. }
  22643. });
  22644. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/media-fragments.js
  22645. var require_media_fragments = __commonJS({
  22646. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/media-fragments.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22647. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB eC fC", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O", "132": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "132": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "132": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "132": "D ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "132": "I" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "132": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "132": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD", "132": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "132": "aD" }, R: { "132": "bD" }, S: { "132": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Media Fragments", D: true };
  22648. }
  22649. });
  22650. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mediacapture-fromelement.js
  22651. var require_mediacapture_fromelement = __commonJS({
  22652. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mediacapture-fromelement.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22653. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB eC fC", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "324": "hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "132": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "324": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "260": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "132": "PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "260": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Media Capture from DOM Elements API", D: true };
  22654. }
  22655. });
  22656. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mediarecorder.js
  22657. var require_mediarecorder = __commonJS({
  22658. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mediarecorder.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22659. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB", "194": "dB eB" }, E: { "1": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "322": "L M 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "QB RB" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C", "578": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "MediaRecorder API", D: true };
  22660. }
  22661. });
  22662. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mediasource.js
  22663. var require_mediasource = __commonJS({
  22664. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mediasource.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22665. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC", "66": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N", "33": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB", "66": "O P HB v w x" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C", "260": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Media Source Extensions", D: true };
  22666. }
  22667. });
  22668. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/menu.js
  22669. var require_menu = __commonJS({
  22670. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/menu.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22671. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB K E eC fC", "132": "0 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T", "450": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "66": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "450": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Context menu item (menuitem element)", D: true };
  22672. }
  22673. });
  22674. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/meta-theme-color.js
  22675. var require_meta_theme_color = __commonJS({
  22676. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/meta-theme-color.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22677. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "258": "VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "513": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "16": "PD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "theme-color Meta Tag", D: true };
  22678. }
  22679. });
  22680. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/meter.js
  22681. var require_meter = __commonJS({
  22682. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/meter.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22683. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "meter element", D: true };
  22684. }
  22685. });
  22686. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/midi.js
  22687. var require_midi = __commonJS({
  22688. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/midi.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22689. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Web MIDI API", D: true };
  22690. }
  22691. });
  22692. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/minmaxwh.js
  22693. var require_minmaxwh = __commonJS({
  22694. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/minmaxwh.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22695. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "8": "K bC", "129": "E", "257": "F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "CSS min/max-width/height", D: true };
  22696. }
  22697. });
  22698. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mp3.js
  22699. var require_mp3 = __commonJS({
  22700. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mp3.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22701. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "MP3 audio format", D: true };
  22702. }
  22703. });
  22704. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mpeg-dash.js
  22705. var require_mpeg_dash = __commonJS({
  22706. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mpeg-dash.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22707. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "386": "w x" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH)", D: true };
  22708. }
  22709. });
  22710. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mpeg4.js
  22711. var require_mpeg4 = __commonJS({
  22712. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mpeg4.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22713. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v eC fC", "4": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "4": "DC J JD KD MD aC", "132": "LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "MPEG-4/H.264 video format", D: true };
  22714. }
  22715. });
  22716. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/multibackgrounds.js
  22717. var require_multibackgrounds = __commonJS({
  22718. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/multibackgrounds.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22719. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "2": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 Multiple backgrounds", D: true };
  22720. }
  22721. });
  22722. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mutation-events.js
  22723. var require_mutation_events = __commonJS({
  22724. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mutation-events.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22725. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "260": "G A B" }, B: { "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC", "260": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "132": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "16": "gC KC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "C vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "16": "B 7B ZC", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "16": "KC wC", "132": "F aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "16": "JD KD", "132": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C 8B", "2": "A", "16": "B 7B ZC", "132": "I" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "260": "D" }, N: { "260": "A B" }, O: { "132": "9B" }, P: { "132": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "132": "aD" }, R: { "132": "bD" }, S: { "260": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Mutation events", D: true };
  22726. }
  22727. });
  22728. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mutationobserver.js
  22729. var require_mutationobserver = __commonJS({
  22730. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/mutationobserver.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22731. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F bC", "8": "G A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O", "33": "0 P HB v w x y z IB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "33": "K" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD", "8": "J MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "8": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Mutation Observer", D: true };
  22732. }
  22733. });
  22734. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/namevalue-storage.js
  22735. var require_namevalue_storage = __commonJS({
  22736. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/namevalue-storage.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22737. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K E" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "4": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Web Storage - name/value pairs", D: true };
  22738. }
  22739. });
  22740. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/native-filesystem-api.js
  22741. var require_native_filesystem_api = __commonJS({
  22742. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/native-filesystem-api.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22743. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "194": "Q I R S T U", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t eC fC", "516": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B", "194": "2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U", "260": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC", "516": "MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB", "260": "0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD", "516": "MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "516": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "260": "I" }, L: { "516": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "File System Access API", D: true };
  22744. }
  22745. });
  22746. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/nav-timing.js
  22747. var require_nav_timing = __commonJS({
  22748. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/nav-timing.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22749. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB", "33": "K E F G A B C" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Navigation Timing API", D: true };
  22750. }
  22751. });
  22752. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/netinfo.js
  22753. var require_netinfo = __commonJS({
  22754. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/netinfo.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22755. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "1028": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "JD ND OD", "132": "DC J KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "132": "J", "516": "PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "dD", "260": "cD" } }, B: 7, C: "Network Information API", D: true };
  22756. }
  22757. });
  22758. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/notifications.js
  22759. var require_notifications = __commonJS({
  22760. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/notifications.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22761. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J", "36": "GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC", "516": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "36": "D ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "36": "I" }, L: { "257": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "36": "J", "130": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "130": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Web Notifications", D: true };
  22762. }
  22763. });
  22764. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/object-entries.js
  22765. var require_object_entries = __commonJS({
  22766. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/object-entries.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22767. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "16": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Object.entries", D: true };
  22768. }
  22769. });
  22770. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/object-observe.js
  22771. var require_object_observe = __commonJS({
  22772. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/object-observe.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22773. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "J", "2": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Object.observe data binding", D: true };
  22774. }
  22775. });
  22776. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/object-values.js
  22777. var require_object_values = __commonJS({
  22778. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/object-values.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22779. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "8": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "8": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "8": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "8": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "8": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "8": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "8": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "8": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "8": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "8": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Object.values method", D: true };
  22780. }
  22781. });
  22782. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/objectrtc.js
  22783. var require_objectrtc = __commonJS({
  22784. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/objectrtc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22785. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "L M H N O P", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Object RTC (ORTC) API for WebRTC", D: true };
  22786. }
  22787. });
  22788. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/offline-apps.js
  22789. var require_offline_apps = __commonJS({
  22790. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/offline-apps.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22791. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "G bC", "8": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S eC fC", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "4": "DC", "8": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC", "2": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC", "8": "sC tC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED", "2": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "2": "D" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A I" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "2": "dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Offline web applications", D: true };
  22792. }
  22793. });
  22794. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/offscreencanvas.js
  22795. var require_offscreencanvas = __commonJS({
  22796. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/offscreencanvas.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22797. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB eC fC", "194": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB", "322": "oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB" }, E: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC", "516": "PC QC RC SC pC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB" }, G: { "1": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC", "516": "PC QC RC SC HD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "194": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "OffscreenCanvas", D: true };
  22798. }
  22799. });
  22800. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ogg-vorbis.js
  22801. var require_ogg_vorbis = __commonJS({
  22802. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ogg-vorbis.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22803. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC", "260": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "388": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC", "260": "WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Ogg Vorbis audio format", D: true };
  22804. }
  22805. });
  22806. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ogv.js
  22807. var require_ogv = __commonJS({
  22808. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ogv.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22809. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "8": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB", "8": "C L M H N", "194": "BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "194": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC", "194": "p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "8": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Ogg/Theora video format", D: true };
  22810. }
  22811. });
  22812. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ol-reversed.js
  22813. var require_ol_reversed = __commonJS({
  22814. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ol-reversed.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22815. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H", "16": "N O P HB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "16": "K" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "16": "C" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Reversed attribute of ordered lists", D: true };
  22816. }
  22817. });
  22818. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/once-event-listener.js
  22819. var require_once_event_listener = __commonJS({
  22820. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/once-event-listener.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22821. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: '"once" event listener option', D: true };
  22822. }
  22823. });
  22824. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/online-status.js
  22825. var require_online_status = __commonJS({
  22826. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/online-status.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22827. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E bC", "260": "F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC DC", "516": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L" }, E: { "1": "GB K F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "1025": "E" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "4": "8B" }, G: { "1": "F aC xC yC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC", "1025": "zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "A", "132": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Online/offline status", D: true };
  22828. }
  22829. });
  22830. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/opus.js
  22831. var require_opus = __commonJS({
  22832. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/opus.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22833. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "132": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC", "260": "WC", "516": "XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "132": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC", "260": "WC", "516": "XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Opus audio format", D: true };
  22834. }
  22835. });
  22836. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/orientation-sensor.js
  22837. var require_orientation_sensor = __commonJS({
  22838. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/orientation-sensor.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22839. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB", "194": "oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Orientation Sensor", D: true };
  22840. }
  22841. });
  22842. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/outline.js
  22843. var require_outline = __commonJS({
  22844. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/outline.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22845. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E bC", "260": "F", "388": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "388": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC", "129": "8B", "260": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "260": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "388": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS outline properties", D: true };
  22846. }
  22847. });
  22848. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pad-start-end.js
  22849. var require_pad_start_end = __commonJS({
  22850. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pad-start-end.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22851. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "String.prototype.padStart(), String.prototype.padEnd()", D: true };
  22852. }
  22853. });
  22854. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/page-transition-events.js
  22855. var require_page_transition_events = __commonJS({
  22856. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/page-transition-events.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22857. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "PageTransitionEvent", D: true };
  22858. }
  22859. });
  22860. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pagevisibility.js
  22861. var require_pagevisibility = __commonJS({
  22862. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pagevisibility.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22863. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G eC fC", "33": "A B C L M H N O" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L", "33": "0 M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "33": "H N O P HB" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Page Visibility", D: true };
  22864. }
  22865. });
  22866. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/passive-event-listener.js
  22867. var require_passive_event_listener = __commonJS({
  22868. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/passive-event-listener.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22869. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "Passive event listeners", D: true };
  22870. }
  22871. });
  22872. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/passkeys.js
  22873. var require_passkeys = __commonJS({
  22874. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/passkeys.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22875. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q" }, C: { "1": "BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q" }, E: { "1": "OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC" }, F: { "1": "g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 w x y z", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "16": "v" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Passkeys", D: true };
  22876. }
  22877. });
  22878. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/passwordrules.js
  22879. var require_passwordrules = __commonJS({
  22880. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/passwordrules.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22881. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "16": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC eC fC", "16": "IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "16": "HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "C L 8B", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "16": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "16": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "D" }, J: { "2": "E", "16": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "16": "I" }, L: { "16": "D" }, M: { "16": "D" }, N: { "2": "A", "16": "B" }, O: { "16": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD", "16": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Password Rules", D: false };
  22882. }
  22883. });
  22884. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/path2d.js
  22885. var require_path2d = __commonJS({
  22886. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/path2d.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22887. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L", "132": "M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB eC fC", "132": "NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB", "132": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "132": "F G jC" }, F: { "1": "lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "16": "F", "132": "0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "132": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Path2D", D: true };
  22888. }
  22889. });
  22890. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/payment-request.js
  22891. var require_payment_request = __commonJS({
  22892. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/payment-request.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22893. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L", "322": "M", "8196": "H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB eC fC", "4162": "lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB", "16452": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB", "194": "jB kB lB mB nB oB", "1090": "EC pB", "8196": "FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B" }, E: { "1": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC", "514": "A B LC", "8196": "C 7B" }, F: { "1": "uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB", "8196": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB" }, G: { "1": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C", "514": "3C 4C 5C", "8196": "6C 7C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2049": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "8196": "PD QD RD SD TD LC UD" }, Q: { "8196": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Payment Request API", D: true };
  22894. }
  22895. });
  22896. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pdf-viewer.js
  22897. var require_pdf_viewer = __commonJS({
  22898. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pdf-viewer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22899. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "16": "C L M" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "16": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Built-in PDF viewer", D: true };
  22900. }
  22901. });
  22902. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/permissions-api.js
  22903. var require_permissions_api = __commonJS({
  22904. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/permissions-api.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22905. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Permissions API", D: true };
  22906. }
  22907. });
  22908. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/permissions-policy.js
  22909. var require_permissions_policy = __commonJS({
  22910. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/permissions-policy.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22911. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "258": "Q I R S T U", "322": "V W", "388": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B eC fC", "258": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC", "258": "pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U", "322": "V W", "388": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "258": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "258": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB", "322": "0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d", "388": "e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C", "258": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "258": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "388": "I" }, L: { "388": "D" }, M: { "258": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD RD", "258": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "258": "aD" }, R: { "388": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "258": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Permissions Policy", D: true };
  22912. }
  22913. });
  22914. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/picture-in-picture.js
  22915. var require_picture_in_picture = __commonJS({
  22916. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/picture-in-picture.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22917. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB eC fC", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "1090": "vB", "1412": "zB", "1668": "wB xB yB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB", "2114": "xB" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC", "4100": "A B C L LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "8196": "TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B" }, G: { "1": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "4100": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "16388": "D" }, M: { "16388": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Picture-in-Picture", D: true };
  22918. }
  22919. });
  22920. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/picture.js
  22921. var require_picture = __commonJS({
  22922. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/picture.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22923. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB eC fC", "578": "QB RB SB TB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB", "194": "TB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "z" }, G: { "1": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Picture element", D: true };
  22924. }
  22925. });
  22926. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ping.js
  22927. var require_ping = __commonJS({
  22928. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ping.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22929. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N" }, C: { "2": "cC", "194": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "194": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "194": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Ping attribute", D: true };
  22930. }
  22931. });
  22932. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/png-alpha.js
  22933. var require_png_alpha = __commonJS({
  22934. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/png-alpha.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22935. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "E F G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "PNG alpha transparency", D: true };
  22936. }
  22937. });
  22938. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pointer-events.js
  22939. var require_pointer_events = __commonJS({
  22940. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pointer-events.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22941. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "2": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS pointer-events (for HTML)", D: true };
  22942. }
  22943. });
  22944. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pointerlock.js
  22945. var require_pointerlock = __commonJS({
  22946. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/pointerlock.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22947. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L eC fC", "33": "0 M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H", "33": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB", "66": "N O P HB v w" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "H N O P HB v w x y" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "16": "I" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "16": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Pointer Lock API", D: true };
  22948. }
  22949. });
  22950. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/portals.js
  22951. var require_portals = __commonJS({
  22952. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/portals.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22953. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "450": "U V W X Y" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B", "194": "3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "450": "U" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B", "322": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "450": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Portals", D: true };
  22954. }
  22955. });
  22956. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/prefers-color-scheme.js
  22957. var require_prefers_color_scheme = __commonJS({
  22958. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/prefers-color-scheme.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22959. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B" }, E: { "1": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "prefers-color-scheme media query", D: true };
  22960. }
  22961. });
  22962. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/prefers-reduced-motion.js
  22963. var require_prefers_reduced_motion = __commonJS({
  22964. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/prefers-reduced-motion.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22965. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "prefers-reduced-motion media query", D: true };
  22966. }
  22967. });
  22968. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/progress.js
  22969. var require_progress = __commonJS({
  22970. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/progress.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22971. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "132": "zC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "progress element", D: true };
  22972. }
  22973. });
  22974. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/promise-finally.js
  22975. var require_promise_finally = __commonJS({
  22976. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/promise-finally.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22977. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "Promise.prototype.finally", D: true };
  22978. }
  22979. });
  22980. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/promises.js
  22981. var require_promises = __commonJS({
  22982. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/promises.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22983. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "8": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "4": "JB KB", "8": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "4": "OB", "8": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "4": "HB", "8": "G B C H N O P rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "KC wC aC xC yC zC" }, H: { "8": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "8": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND" }, J: { "8": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "8": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "8": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Promises", D: true };
  22984. }
  22985. });
  22986. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/proximity.js
  22987. var require_proximity = __commonJS({
  22988. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/proximity.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22989. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Proximity API", D: true };
  22990. }
  22991. });
  22992. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/proxy.js
  22993. var require_proxy = __commonJS({
  22994. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/proxy.js"(exports2, module2) {
  22995. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB", "66": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "H N O P HB v w x y z" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Proxy object", D: true };
  22996. }
  22997. });
  22998. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/publickeypinning.js
  22999. var require_publickeypinning = __commonJS({
  23000. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/publickeypinning.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23001. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB", "2": "G B C H N O P HB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "4": "y", "16": "v w x z" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC", "2": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "2": "dD" } }, B: 6, C: "HTTP Public Key Pinning", D: true };
  23002. }
  23003. });
  23004. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/push-api.js
  23005. var require_push_api = __commonJS({
  23006. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/push-api.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23007. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "O P", "2": "C L M H N", "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB eC fC", "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 aB cB dB eB fB gB hB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "1281": "bB iB pB" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB", "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "388": "aB bB cB dB eB fB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC", "514": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC", "2564": "OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "TB UB VB WB XB", "257": "YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC", "4100": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "257": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Push API", D: true };
  23008. }
  23009. });
  23010. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/queryselector.js
  23011. var require_queryselector = __commonJS({
  23012. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/queryselector.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23013. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K E", "132": "F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "8": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "8": "G rC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "querySelector/querySelectorAll", D: true };
  23014. }
  23015. });
  23016. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/readonly-attr.js
  23017. var require_readonly_attr = __commonJS({
  23018. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/readonly-attr.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23019. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B", "16": "bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "16": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G rC", "132": "B C sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "132": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "257": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "readonly attribute of input and textarea elements", D: true };
  23020. }
  23021. });
  23022. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/referrer-policy.js
  23023. var require_referrer_policy = __commonJS({
  23024. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/referrer-policy.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23025. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C L M H N O P", "513": "Q I R S T" }, C: { "1": "W X Y Z a", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB eC fC", "513": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V", "2049": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v", "260": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB", "513": "FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "132": "F G A B jC kC LC", "513": "C 7B 8B", "1025": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "1537": "L M lC mC" }, F: { "1": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "513": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "132": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C", "513": "7C 8C 9C AD", "1025": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "1537": "BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2049": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "513": "PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "513": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Referrer Policy", D: true };
  23026. }
  23027. });
  23028. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/registerprotocolhandler.js
  23029. var require_registerprotocolhandler = __commonJS({
  23030. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/registerprotocolhandler.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23031. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C", "129": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC", "129": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "129": "A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Custom protocol handling", D: true };
  23032. }
  23033. });
  23034. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rel-noopener.js
  23035. var require_rel_noopener = __commonJS({
  23036. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rel-noopener.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23037. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "rel=noopener", D: true };
  23038. }
  23039. });
  23040. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rel-noreferrer.js
  23041. var require_rel_noreferrer = __commonJS({
  23042. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rel-noreferrer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23043. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "132": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "16": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: 'Link type "noreferrer"', D: true };
  23044. }
  23045. });
  23046. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rellist.js
  23047. var require_rellist = __commonJS({
  23048. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rellist.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23049. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N", "132": "O" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "132": "gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "132": "PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "relList (DOMTokenList)", D: true };
  23050. }
  23051. });
  23052. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rem.js
  23053. var require_rem = __commonJS({
  23054. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rem.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23055. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F bC", "132": "G A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "2": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC", "260": "xC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "rem (root em) units", D: true };
  23056. }
  23057. });
  23058. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/requestanimationframe.js
  23059. var require_requestanimationframe = __commonJS({
  23060. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/requestanimationframe.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23061. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "33": "B C L M H N O P HB v w x", "164": "J GB K E F G A" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G", "33": "x y", "164": "P HB v w", "420": "A B C L M H N O" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "33": "K" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "33": "yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "requestAnimationFrame", D: true };
  23062. }
  23063. });
  23064. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/requestidlecallback.js
  23065. var require_requestidlecallback = __commonJS({
  23066. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/requestidlecallback.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23067. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB eC fC", "194": "jB kB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB" }, E: { "1": "qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B", "322": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, F: { "1": "QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD", "322": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "requestIdleCallback", D: true };
  23068. }
  23069. });
  23070. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/resizeobserver.js
  23071. var require_resizeobserver = __commonJS({
  23072. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/resizeobserver.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23073. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB", "194": "kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B", "66": "L" }, F: { "1": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, G: { "1": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "Resize Observer", D: true };
  23074. }
  23075. });
  23076. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/resource-timing.js
  23077. var require_resource_timing = __commonJS({
  23078. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/resource-timing.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23079. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB eC fC", "194": "NB OB PB QB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "260": "B" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Resource Timing (basic support)", D: true };
  23080. }
  23081. });
  23082. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rest-parameters.js
  23083. var require_rest_parameters = __commonJS({
  23084. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rest-parameters.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23085. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB", "194": "aB bB cB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "NB OB PB" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Rest parameters", D: true };
  23086. }
  23087. });
  23088. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rtcpeerconnection.js
  23089. var require_rtcpeerconnection = __commonJS({
  23090. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/rtcpeerconnection.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23091. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M", "260": "H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC", "33": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x", "33": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "130": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebRTC Peer-to-peer connections", D: true };
  23092. }
  23093. });
  23094. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ruby.js
  23095. var require_ruby = __commonJS({
  23096. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ruby.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23097. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "4": "K E F bC", "132": "G A B" }, B: { "4": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "8": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB eC fC" }, D: { "4": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "8": "J" }, E: { "4": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "J gC KC" }, F: { "4": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "8": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "4": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "8": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "8": "ID" }, I: { "4": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "8": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "4": "A", "8": "E" }, K: { "4": "I", "8": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "4": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "4": "9B" }, P: { "4": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "4": "aD" }, R: { "4": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Ruby annotation", D: true };
  23098. }
  23099. });
  23100. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/run-in.js
  23101. var require_run_in = __commonJS({
  23102. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/run-in.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23103. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "2": "K E bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K hC", "2": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "iC", "129": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "G B C H N O P rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "wC aC xC yC zC", "2": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "129": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND", "2": "D OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "2": "I" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "display: run-in", D: true };
  23104. }
  23105. });
  23106. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/same-site-cookie-attribute.js
  23107. var require_same_site_cookie_attribute = __commonJS({
  23108. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/same-site-cookie-attribute.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23109. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "388": "B" }, B: { "1": "P Q I R S T U", "2": "C L M H", "129": "N O", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "2052": "M mC", "3076": "C L 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "513": "zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C", "2052": "7C 8C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "513": "I" }, L: { "513": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "513": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "'SameSite' cookie attribute", D: true };
  23110. }
  23111. });
  23112. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/screen-orientation.js
  23113. var require_screen_orientation = __commonJS({
  23114. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/screen-orientation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23115. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "164": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "36": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O eC fC", "36": "0 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A", "36": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "16": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Screen Orientation", D: true };
  23116. }
  23117. });
  23118. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/script-async.js
  23119. var require_script_async = __commonJS({
  23120. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/script-async.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23121. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "2": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "132": "GB" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "async attribute for external scripts", D: true };
  23122. }
  23123. });
  23124. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/script-defer.js
  23125. var require_script_defer = __commonJS({
  23126. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/script-defer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23127. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "132": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "257": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "defer attribute for external scripts", D: true };
  23128. }
  23129. });
  23130. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/scrollintoview.js
  23131. var require_scrollintoview = __commonJS({
  23132. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/scrollintoview.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23133. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E bC", "132": "F G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "132": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "132": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "132": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "16": "B 7B ZC", "132": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC", "132": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "16": "JD KD", "132": "DC J LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "132": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "132": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "scrollIntoView", D: true };
  23134. }
  23135. });
  23136. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/scrollintoviewifneeded.js
  23137. var require_scrollintoviewifneeded = __commonJS({
  23138. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/scrollintoviewifneeded.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23139. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded()", D: true };
  23140. }
  23141. });
  23142. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sdch.js
  23143. var require_sdch = __commonJS({
  23144. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sdch.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23145. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B", "2": "G B C 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "SDCH Accept-Encoding/Content-Encoding", D: true };
  23146. }
  23147. });
  23148. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/selection-api.js
  23149. var require_selection_api = __commonJS({
  23150. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/selection-api.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23151. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "16": "bC", "260": "K E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "132": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB eC fC", "2180": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "132": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "16": "aC", "132": "KC wC", "516": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "16": "DC J JD KD LD MD", "1025": "aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "16": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC", "132": "8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "16": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2180": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "Selection API", D: true };
  23152. }
  23153. });
  23154. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/selectlist.js
  23155. var require_selectlist = __commonJS({
  23156. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/selectlist.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23157. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "194": "I" }, L: { "194": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Selectlist - Customizable select element", D: true };
  23158. }
  23159. });
  23160. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/server-timing.js
  23161. var require_server_timing = __commonJS({
  23162. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/server-timing.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23163. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC", "196": "pB FC qB rB", "324": "sB" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "516": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "Server Timing", D: true };
  23164. }
  23165. });
  23166. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/serviceworkers.js
  23167. var require_serviceworkers = __commonJS({
  23168. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/serviceworkers.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23169. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M", "322": "H N" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 aB cB dB eB fB gB hB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC FC qB rB sB tB uB vB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB eC fC", "194": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB", "513": "bB iB pB wB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB", "4": "WB XB YB ZB aB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "4": "JB KB LB MB NB" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "4": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "Service Workers", D: true };
  23170. }
  23171. });
  23172. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/setimmediate.js
  23173. var require_setimmediate = __commonJS({
  23174. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/setimmediate.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23175. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Efficient Script Yielding: setImmediate()", D: true };
  23176. }
  23177. });
  23178. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/shadowdom.js
  23179. var require_shadowdom = __commonJS({
  23180. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/shadowdom.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23181. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "Q", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "66": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, D: { "1": "RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "33": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB", "2": "G B C vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "H N O P HB v w" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC", "33": "ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD", "2": "0 v w x y z WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "33": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "2": "dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Shadow DOM (deprecated V0 spec)", D: true };
  23182. }
  23183. });
  23184. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/shadowdomv1.js
  23185. var require_shadowdomv1 = __commonJS({
  23186. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/shadowdomv1.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23187. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB eC fC", "322": "oB", "578": "EC pB FC qB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C", "132": "3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "4": "PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "Shadow DOM (V1)", D: true };
  23188. }
  23189. });
  23190. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sharedarraybuffer.js
  23191. var require_sharedarraybuffer = __commonJS({
  23192. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sharedarraybuffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23193. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z", "2": "C L M H", "194": "N O P", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB eC fC", "194": "nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B", "450": "2B 3B 4B 5B 6B", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC", "194": "pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB", "513": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC", "194": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC", "513": "MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB", "513": "6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C", "194": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD", "513": "MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "513": "I" }, L: { "513": "D" }, M: { "513": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD", "513": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "513": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "513": "dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Shared Array Buffer", D: true };
  23194. }
  23195. });
  23196. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sharedworkers.js
  23197. var require_sharedworkers = __commonJS({
  23198. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sharedworkers.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23199. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "GB K hC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J E F G A B C L M H gC KC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC" }, G: { "1": "xC yC AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C 7B ZC 8B", "2": "I", "16": "A" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "J", "2": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Shared Web Workers", D: true };
  23200. }
  23201. });
  23202. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sni.js
  23203. var require_sni = __commonJS({
  23204. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sni.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23205. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K bC", "132": "E F" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Server Name Indication", D: true };
  23206. }
  23207. });
  23208. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/spdy.js
  23209. var require_spdy = __commonJS({
  23210. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/spdy.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23211. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G A bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C kC LC 7B", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC jC", "129": "L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB YB aB 8B", "2": "G B C WB XB ZB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "257": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J MD aC ND OD", "2": "D JD KD LD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "8B", "2": "A B C I 7B ZC" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "J", "2": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "2": "dD" } }, B: 7, C: "SPDY protocol", D: true };
  23212. }
  23213. });
  23214. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/speech-recognition.js
  23215. var require_speech_recognition = __commonJS({
  23216. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/speech-recognition.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23217. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "514": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC", "322": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z", "164": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC", "1060": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "514": "JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD", "1060": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "164": "I" }, L: { "164": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "164": "9B" }, P: { "164": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "164": "aD" }, R: { "164": "bD" }, S: { "322": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Speech Recognition API", D: true };
  23218. }
  23219. });
  23220. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/speech-synthesis.js
  23221. var require_speech_synthesis = __commonJS({
  23222. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/speech-synthesis.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23223. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "M H N O P", "2": "C L", "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB eC fC", "194": "NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, D: { "1": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB", "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "257": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Speech Synthesis API", D: true };
  23224. }
  23225. });
  23226. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/spellcheck-attribute.js
  23227. var require_spellcheck_attribute = __commonJS({
  23228. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/spellcheck-attribute.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23229. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "4": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "4": "ID" }, I: { "4": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "4": "E" }, K: { "4": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "4": "D" }, M: { "4": "D" }, N: { "4": "A B" }, O: { "4": "9B" }, P: { "4": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "4": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Spellcheck attribute", D: true };
  23230. }
  23231. });
  23232. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sql-storage.js
  23233. var require_sql_storage = __commonJS({
  23234. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sql-storage.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23235. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j", "2": "C L M H N O P DB EB FB D", "129": "k l m n o p q r s", "385": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t u AB BB CB" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j", "2": "DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "129": "k l m n o p q r s", "385": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t u", "897": "8 9 AB BB CB" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B", "2": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G t u rC sC", "257": "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C", "2": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "2": "D" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A", "257": "I" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Web SQL Database", D: true };
  23236. }
  23237. });
  23238. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/srcset.js
  23239. var require_srcset = __commonJS({
  23240. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/srcset.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23241. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C", "514": "L M H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB eC fC", "194": "OB PB QB RB SB TB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB", "260": "QB RB SB TB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC", "260": "F jC", "1028": "G A kC LC", "3076": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "260": "w x y z" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "260": "F 0C", "1028": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Srcset and sizes attributes", D: true };
  23242. }
  23243. });
  23244. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/stream.js
  23245. var require_stream = __commonJS({
  23246. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/stream.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23247. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N eC fC", "129": "SB TB UB VB WB XB", "420": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v", "420": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B H N O rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "420": "0 C P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "513": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "1537": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E", "420": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B 7B ZC", "420": "C 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "420": "J PD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "getUserMedia/Stream API", D: true };
  23248. }
  23249. });
  23250. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/streams.js
  23251. var require_streams = __commonJS({
  23252. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/streams.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23253. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "130": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "16": "C L", "260": "M H", "1028": "Q I R S T U V W X", "5124": "N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB eC fC", "5124": "j k", "7172": "tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i", "7746": "nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB", "260": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB", "1028": "EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC", "1028": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "3076": "A B C L M LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "260": "VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB", "1028": "cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C", "16": "3C", "1028": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD", "1028": "RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD" }, Q: { "1028": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Streams", D: true };
  23254. }
  23255. });
  23256. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/stricttransportsecurity.js
  23257. var require_stricttransportsecurity = __commonJS({
  23258. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/stricttransportsecurity.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23259. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A bC", "129": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Strict Transport Security", D: true };
  23260. }
  23261. });
  23262. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/style-scoped.js
  23263. var require_style_scoped = __commonJS({
  23264. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/style-scoped.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23265. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "322": "lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, D: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "194": "0 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "2": "dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Scoped attribute", D: true };
  23266. }
  23267. });
  23268. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/subresource-bundling.js
  23269. var require_subresource_bundling = __commonJS({
  23270. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/subresource-bundling.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23271. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Subresource Loading with Web Bundles", D: false };
  23272. }
  23273. });
  23274. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/subresource-integrity.js
  23275. var require_subresource_integrity = __commonJS({
  23276. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/subresource-integrity.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23277. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "194": "5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Subresource Integrity", D: true };
  23278. }
  23279. });
  23280. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-css.js
  23281. var require_svg_css = __commonJS({
  23282. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-css.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23283. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "516": "C L M H" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "260": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "4": "J" }, E: { "1": "GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC", "132": "J KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "1": "F aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "132": "KC wC" }, H: { "260": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "260": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "SVG in CSS backgrounds", D: true };
  23284. }
  23285. });
  23286. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-filters.js
  23287. var require_svg_filters = __commonJS({
  23288. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-filters.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23289. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J", "4": "GB K E" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "SVG filters", D: true };
  23290. }
  23291. });
  23292. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-fonts.js
  23293. var require_svg_fonts = __commonJS({
  23294. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-fonts.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  23296. }
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  23298. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-fragment.js
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  23300. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-fragment.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  23310. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-html5.js
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  23316. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-img.js
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  23318. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-img.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  23320. }
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  23322. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg-smil.js
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  23326. }
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  23328. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/svg.js
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  23334. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sxg.js
  23335. var require_sxg = __commonJS({
  23336. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/sxg.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23337. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB", "132": "zB 0B" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Signed HTTP Exchanges (SXG)", D: true };
  23338. }
  23339. });
  23340. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/tabindex-attr.js
  23341. var require_tabindex_attr = __commonJS({
  23342. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/tabindex-attr.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23343. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "E F G A B", "16": "K bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "16": "cC DC eC fC", "129": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "16": "J GB gC KC", "257": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G" }, G: { "769": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "16": "ID" }, I: { "16": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "16": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "16": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "129": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "tabindex global attribute", D: true };
  23344. }
  23345. });
  23346. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/template-literals.js
  23347. var require_template_literals = __commonJS({
  23348. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/template-literals.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23349. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "16": "C" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB" }, E: { "1": "A B L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC", "129": "C" }, F: { "1": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C", "129": "7C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "ES6 Template Literals (Template Strings)", D: true };
  23350. }
  23351. });
  23352. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/template.js
  23353. var require_template = __commonJS({
  23354. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/template.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23355. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C", "388": "L M" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z", "132": "IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E gC KC hC", "388": "F jC", "514": "iC" }, F: { "1": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "H N O P HB v w" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC", "388": "F 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "HTML templates", D: true };
  23356. }
  23357. });
  23358. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/temporal.js
  23359. var require_temporal = __commonJS({
  23360. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/temporal.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23361. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Temporal", D: true };
  23362. }
  23363. });
  23364. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/testfeat.js
  23365. var require_testfeat = __commonJS({
  23366. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/testfeat.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23367. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F A B bC", "16": "G" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "16": "J GB" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "B C" }, E: { "2": "J K gC KC hC", "16": "GB E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC ZC vC 8B", "16": "7B" }, G: { "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "16": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD MD aC ND OD", "16": "LD" }, J: { "2": "A", "16": "E" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Test feature - updated", D: false };
  23368. }
  23369. });
  23370. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-stroke.js
  23371. var require_text_stroke = __commonJS({
  23372. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/text-stroke.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23373. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M", "33": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "161": "H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eC fC", "161": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "450": "eB" }, D: { "33": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "33": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "33": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "33": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "36": "KC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC", "33": "J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "33": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "33": "I" }, L: { "33": "D" }, M: { "161": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "33": "9B" }, P: { "33": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "33": "aD" }, R: { "33": "bD" }, S: { "161": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS text-stroke and text-fill", D: true };
  23374. }
  23375. });
  23376. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/textcontent.js
  23377. var require_textcontent = __commonJS({
  23378. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/textcontent.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23379. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G" }, G: { "1": "F wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Node.textContent", D: true };
  23380. }
  23381. });
  23382. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/textencoder.js
  23383. var require_textencoder = __commonJS({
  23384. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/textencoder.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23385. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P eC fC", "132": "HB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "TextEncoder & TextDecoder", D: true };
  23386. }
  23387. });
  23388. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/tls1-1.js
  23389. var require_tls1_1 = __commonJS({
  23390. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/tls1-1.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23391. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E bC", "66": "F G A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x eC fC", "66": "y", "129": "wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B", "388": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w", "1540": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L jC kC LC 7B 8B", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC", "513": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 8B", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "1540": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "129": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "66": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "TLS 1.1", D: true };
  23392. }
  23393. });
  23394. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/tls1-2.js
  23395. var require_tls1_2 = __commonJS({
  23396. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/tls1-2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23397. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E bC", "66": "F G A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y eC fC", "66": "0 z IB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G H rC", "66": "B C sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "66": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "TLS 1.2", D: true };
  23398. }
  23399. });
  23400. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/tls1-3.js
  23401. var require_tls1_3 = __commonJS({
  23402. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/tls1-3.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23403. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB eC fC", "132": "pB FC qB", "450": "hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB", "706": "kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB" }, E: { "1": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "1028": "L 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "706": "kB lB mB" }, G: { "1": "8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "TLS 1.3", D: true };
  23404. }
  23405. });
  23406. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/touch.js
  23407. var require_touch = __commonJS({
  23408. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/touch.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23409. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "8": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "578": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P HB v w x y z iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "4": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O", "194": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "8": "A", "260": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 2, C: "Touch events", D: true };
  23410. }
  23411. });
  23412. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/trusted-types.js
  23413. var require_trusted_types = __commonJS({
  23414. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/trusted-types.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23415. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Trusted Types for DOM manipulation", D: true };
  23416. }
  23417. });
  23418. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ttf.js
  23419. var require_ttf = __commonJS({
  23420. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/ttf.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23421. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "132": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC" }, G: { "1": "F aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D KD LD MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "TTF/OTF - TrueType and OpenType font support", D: true };
  23422. }
  23423. });
  23424. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/typedarrays.js
  23425. var require_typedarrays = __commonJS({
  23426. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/typedarrays.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23427. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "B", "2": "K E F G bC", "132": "A" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "260": "hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC", "260": "aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "132": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Typed Arrays", D: true };
  23428. }
  23429. });
  23430. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/u2f.js
  23431. var require_u2f = __commonJS({
  23432. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/u2f.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23433. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "513": "Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o" }, C: { "1": "vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "322": "1 2 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "130": "UB VB WB", "513": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g", "578": "h i j k l m n o" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB XB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "513": "WB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "322": "cD" } }, B: 7, C: "FIDO U2F API", D: true };
  23434. }
  23435. });
  23436. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/unhandledrejection.js
  23437. var require_unhandledrejection = __commonJS({
  23438. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/unhandledrejection.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23439. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "16": "5C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 1, C: "unhandledrejection/rejectionhandled events", D: true };
  23440. }
  23441. });
  23442. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/upgradeinsecurerequests.js
  23443. var require_upgradeinsecurerequests = __commonJS({
  23444. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/upgradeinsecurerequests.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23445. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Upgrade Insecure Requests", D: true };
  23446. }
  23447. });
  23448. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/url-scroll-to-text-fragment.js
  23449. var require_url_scroll_to_text_fragment = __commonJS({
  23450. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/url-scroll-to-text-fragment.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23451. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "66": "Q I R" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B", "66": "2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I" }, E: { "1": "OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC" }, F: { "1": "wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "uB vB" }, G: { "1": "OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "URL Scroll-To-Text Fragment", D: true };
  23452. }
  23453. });
  23454. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/url.js
  23455. var require_url = __commonJS({
  23456. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/url.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23457. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x", "130": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC iC", "130": "E" }, F: { "1": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "130": "H N O P" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC", "130": "zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "130": "ND" }, J: { "2": "E", "130": "A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "URL API", D: true };
  23458. }
  23459. });
  23460. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/urlsearchparams.js
  23461. var require_urlsearchparams = __commonJS({
  23462. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/urlsearchparams.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23463. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC", "132": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC" }, F: { "1": "SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "URLSearchParams", D: true };
  23464. }
  23465. });
  23466. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/use-strict.js
  23467. var require_use_strict = __commonJS({
  23468. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/use-strict.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23469. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "132": "GB hC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D MD aC ND OD", "2": "JD KD LD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I ZC 8B", "2": "A B 7B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode", D: true };
  23470. }
  23471. });
  23472. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/user-timing.js
  23473. var require_user_timing = __commonJS({
  23474. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/user-timing.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23475. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "User Timing API", D: true };
  23476. }
  23477. });
  23478. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/variable-fonts.js
  23479. var require_variable_fonts = __commonJS({
  23480. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/variable-fonts.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23481. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB eC fC", "4609": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB", "4674": "FC", "5698": "pB", "7490": "jB kB lB mB nB", "7746": "oB EC", "8705": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB", "4097": "uB", "4290": "EC pB FC", "6148": "qB rB sB tB" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "4609": "B C 7B 8B", "8193": "L M lC mC" }, F: { "1": "kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "4097": "jB", "6148": "fB gB hB iB" }, G: { "1": "9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "4097": "5C 6C 7C 8C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "4097": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD RD", "4097": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "Variable fonts", D: true };
  23482. }
  23483. });
  23484. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/vector-effect.js
  23485. var require_vector_effect = __commonJS({
  23486. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/vector-effect.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23487. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "16": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "16": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "SVG vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke", D: true };
  23488. }
  23489. });
  23490. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/vibration.js
  23491. var require_vibration = __commonJS({
  23492. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/vibration.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23493. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A eC fC", "33": "B C L M H" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "Vibration API", D: true };
  23494. }
  23495. });
  23496. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/video.js
  23497. var require_video = __commonJS({
  23498. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/video.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23499. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "260": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "513": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "513": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "132": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Video element", D: true };
  23500. }
  23501. });
  23502. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/videotracks.js
  23503. var require_videotracks = __commonJS({
  23504. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/videotracks.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23505. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB eC fC", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K gC KC hC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "322": "I" }, L: { "322": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "322": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "322": "aD" }, R: { "322": "bD" }, S: { "194": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Video Tracks", D: true };
  23506. }
  23507. });
  23508. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/view-transitions.js
  23509. var require_view_transitions = __commonJS({
  23510. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/view-transitions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23511. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t" }, E: { "1": "CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC" }, F: { "1": "g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 y z", "2": "J v w x PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "View Transitions API (single-document)", D: true };
  23512. }
  23513. });
  23514. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/viewport-unit-variants.js
  23515. var require_viewport_unit_variants = __commonJS({
  23516. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/viewport-unit-variants.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23517. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n", "194": "o p q" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i", "194": "j k l m n o p q" }, E: { "1": "NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC" }, F: { "1": "d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "a b c" }, G: { "1": "NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 w x y z", "2": "J v PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Small, Large, and Dynamic viewport units", D: true };
  23518. }
  23519. });
  23520. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/viewport-units.js
  23521. var require_viewport_units = __commonJS({
  23522. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/viewport-units.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23523. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "132": "G", "260": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "260": "C L M H" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB", "260": "0 v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC", "260": "K" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC", "516": "zC", "772": "yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "260": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Viewport units: vw, vh, vmin, vmax", D: true };
  23524. }
  23525. });
  23526. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wai-aria.js
  23527. var require_wai_aria = __commonJS({
  23528. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wai-aria.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23529. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E bC", "4": "F G A B" }, B: { "4": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "4": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "4": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "gC KC", "4": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G", "4": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "4": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "4": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC", "4": "D ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "4": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "4": "D" }, M: { "4": "D" }, N: { "4": "A B" }, O: { "4": "9B" }, P: { "4": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "4": "aD" }, R: { "4": "bD" }, S: { "4": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "WAI-ARIA Accessibility features", D: true };
  23530. }
  23531. });
  23532. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wake-lock.js
  23533. var require_wake_lock = __commonJS({
  23534. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wake-lock.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23535. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "194": "Q I R S T U V W X Y" }, C: { "1": "FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB eC fC", "322": "DB EB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB", "194": "zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "194": "oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Screen Wake Lock API", D: true };
  23536. }
  23537. });
  23538. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-bigint.js
  23539. var require_wasm_bigint = __commonJS({
  23540. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-bigint.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23541. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T" }, E: { "1": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly BigInt to i64 conversion in JS API", D: true };
  23542. }
  23543. });
  23544. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-bulk-memory.js
  23545. var require_wasm_bulk_memory = __commonJS({
  23546. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-bulk-memory.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23547. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC" }, F: { "1": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Bulk Memory Operations", D: true };
  23548. }
  23549. });
  23550. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-extended-const.js
  23551. var require_wasm_extended_const = __commonJS({
  23552. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-extended-const.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23553. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "1 2 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC" }, D: { "1": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 1 2 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "1": "WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC" }, F: { "1": "j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 y z", "2": "J v w x PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Extended Constant Expressions", D: false };
  23554. }
  23555. });
  23556. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-gc.js
  23557. var require_wasm_gc = __commonJS({
  23558. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-gc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23559. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "1": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC" }, D: { "1": "8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Garbage Collection", D: false };
  23560. }
  23561. });
  23562. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-multi-memory.js
  23563. var require_wasm_multi_memory = __commonJS({
  23564. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-multi-memory.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23565. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "1": "EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Multi-Memory", D: false };
  23566. }
  23567. });
  23568. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-multi-value.js
  23569. var require_wasm_multi_value = __commonJS({
  23570. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-multi-value.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23571. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T" }, E: { "1": "M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B" }, F: { "1": "zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Multi-Value", D: true };
  23572. }
  23573. });
  23574. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-mutable-globals.js
  23575. var require_wasm_mutable_globals = __commonJS({
  23576. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-mutable-globals.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23577. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Import/Export of Mutable Globals", D: true };
  23578. }
  23579. });
  23580. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-nontrapping-fptoint.js
  23581. var require_wasm_nontrapping_fptoint = __commonJS({
  23582. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-nontrapping-fptoint.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23583. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC" }, F: { "1": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Non-trapping float-to-int Conversion", D: true };
  23584. }
  23585. });
  23586. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-reference-types.js
  23587. var require_wasm_reference_types = __commonJS({
  23588. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-reference-types.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23589. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC" }, F: { "1": "GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Reference Types", D: true };
  23590. }
  23591. });
  23592. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-relaxed-simd.js
  23593. var require_wasm_relaxed_simd = __commonJS({
  23594. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-relaxed-simd.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23595. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "1 2 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g eC fC", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 1 2 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 y z", "2": "J v w x PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Relaxed SIMD", D: false };
  23596. }
  23597. });
  23598. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-signext.js
  23599. var require_wasm_signext = __commonJS({
  23600. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-signext.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23601. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B" }, E: { "1": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Sign Extension Operators", D: true };
  23602. }
  23603. });
  23604. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-simd.js
  23605. var require_wasm_simd = __commonJS({
  23606. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-simd.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23607. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z" }, E: { "1": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC" }, F: { "1": "5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly SIMD", D: true };
  23608. }
  23609. });
  23610. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-tail-calls.js
  23611. var require_wasm_tail_calls = __commonJS({
  23612. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-tail-calls.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23613. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "1": "AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 y z", "2": "J v w x PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Tail Calls", D: false };
  23614. }
  23615. });
  23616. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-threads.js
  23617. var require_wasm_threads = __commonJS({
  23618. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm-threads.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23619. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B" }, E: { "1": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC" }, F: { "1": "qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC" }, Q: { "16": "aD" }, R: { "16": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "16": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebAssembly Threads and Atomics", D: true };
  23620. }
  23621. });
  23622. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm.js
  23623. var require_wasm = __commonJS({
  23624. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wasm.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23625. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M", "578": "H" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB eC fC", "194": "dB eB fB gB hB", "1025": "iB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB", "322": "hB iB jB kB lB mB" }, E: { "1": "B C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC" }, F: { "1": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "322": "UB VB WB XB YB ZB" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "194": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "WebAssembly", D: true };
  23626. }
  23627. });
  23628. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wav.js
  23629. var require_wav = __commonJS({
  23630. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wav.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23631. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC sC" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "16": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "Wav audio format", D: true };
  23632. }
  23633. });
  23634. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wbr-element.js
  23635. var require_wbr_element = __commonJS({
  23636. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wbr-element.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23637. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E bC", "2": "F G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "gC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "16": "G" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D LD MD aC ND OD", "16": "JD KD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "wbr (word break opportunity) element", D: true };
  23638. }
  23639. });
  23640. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-animation.js
  23641. var require_web_animation = __commonJS({
  23642. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-animation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23643. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "260": "Q I R S" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB eC fC", "260": "EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B", "516": "dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB", "580": "PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB", "2049": "3B 4B 5B 6B Q I" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB", "132": "SB TB UB", "260": "VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC LC", "1090": "B C L 7B 8B", "2049": "M lC mC" }, F: { "1": "zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "0 y z", "260": "IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "1090": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD", "2049": "CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "260": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD" }, Q: { "260": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "516": "cD" } }, B: 5, C: "Web Animations API", D: true };
  23644. }
  23645. });
  23646. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-app-manifest.js
  23647. var require_web_app_manifest = __commonJS({
  23648. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-app-manifest.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23649. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N", "130": "O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "578": "4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC", "4": "BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C", "4": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "260": "6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "Add to home screen (A2HS)", D: false };
  23650. }
  23651. });
  23652. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-bluetooth.js
  23653. var require_web_bluetooth = __commonJS({
  23654. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-bluetooth.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23655. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB", "194": "bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB", "706": "jB kB lB", "1025": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "450": "SB TB UB VB", "706": "WB XB YB", "1025": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD", "1025": "D" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "1025": "I" }, L: { "1025": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1025": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1025": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Web Bluetooth", D: true };
  23656. }
  23657. });
  23658. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-serial.js
  23659. var require_web_serial = __commonJS({
  23660. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-serial.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23661. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "66": "Q I R S T U V W X" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B", "66": "6B Q I R S T U V W X" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Web Serial API", D: true };
  23662. }
  23663. });
  23664. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-share.js
  23665. var require_web_share = __commonJS({
  23666. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/web-share.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23667. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I", "516": "R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X", "130": "P HB v w x y z", "1028": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "2049": "L 8B lC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C", "2049": "8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND", "258": "D OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J", "258": "PD QD RD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "Web Share API", D: true };
  23668. }
  23669. });
  23670. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webauthn.js
  23671. var require_webauthn = __commonJS({
  23672. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webauthn.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23673. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C", "226": "L M H N O" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC eC fC", "4100": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "5124": "1 2 pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB" }, E: { "1": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B", "322": "8B" }, F: { "1": "kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C", "578": "AD", "2052": "DD", "3076": "BD CD" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1028": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2": "cD" } }, B: 2, C: "Web Authentication API", D: true };
  23674. }
  23675. });
  23676. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webcodecs.js
  23677. var require_webcodecs = __commonJS({
  23678. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webcodecs.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23679. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC", "132": "RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC", "132": "RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebCodecs API", D: true };
  23680. }
  23681. });
  23682. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webgl.js
  23683. var require_webgl = __commonJS({
  23684. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webgl.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23685. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "bC", "8": "K E F G A", "129": "B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "129": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "129": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E", "129": "0 F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC", "129": "K E hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "129": "C H N O P 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC zC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "C I 8B", "2": "A B 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "8": "A", "129": "B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "129": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "WebGL - 3D Canvas graphics", D: true };
  23686. }
  23687. });
  23688. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webgl2.js
  23689. var require_webgl2 = __commonJS({
  23690. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webgl2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23691. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z eC fC", "194": "YB ZB aB", "450": "0 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB", "2242": "bB cB dB eB fB gB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB", "578": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB" }, E: { "1": "H nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A gC KC hC iC jC kC", "1090": "B C L M LC 7B 8B lC mC" }, F: { "1": "ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C", "1090": "7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "2242": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "WebGL 2.0", D: true };
  23692. }
  23693. });
  23694. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webgpu.js
  23695. var require_webgpu = __commonJS({
  23696. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webgpu.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23697. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q", "578": "I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c", "1602": "1 d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB eC fC", "194": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q", "578": "I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c", "1602": "1 d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2049": "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "322": "C L M 7B 8B lC mC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "578": "1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h", "2049": "i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "2049": "I" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "194": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 z", "2": "J v w x y PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "194": "dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebGPU", D: true };
  23698. }
  23699. });
  23700. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webhid.js
  23701. var require_webhid = __commonJS({
  23702. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webhid.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23703. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P", "66": "Q I R S T U V W X" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B", "66": "6B Q I R S T U V W X" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "WebHID API", D: true };
  23704. }
  23705. });
  23706. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webkit-user-drag.js
  23707. var require_webkit_user_drag = __commonJS({
  23708. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webkit-user-drag.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23709. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "16": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H", "132": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "132": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "132": "I" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "CSS -webkit-user-drag property", D: true };
  23710. }
  23711. });
  23712. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webm.js
  23713. var require_webm = __commonJS({
  23714. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webm.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23715. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F bC", "520": "G A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "8": "C L", "388": "M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "132": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB", "132": "K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC", "8": "J GB KC hC", "520": "K E F G A B C iC jC kC LC 7B", "1028": "L 8B lC", "7172": "M", "8196": "H mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "0 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G rC sC tC", "132": "B C H uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C", "1028": "8C 9C AD BD CD", "3076": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "JD KD", "132": "DC J LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "8": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "132": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 6, C: "WebM video format", D: true };
  23716. }
  23717. });
  23718. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webnfc.js
  23719. var require_webnfc = __commonJS({
  23720. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webnfc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23721. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "450": "I R S T U V W X" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "450": "I R S T U V W X" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "450": "vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "257": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "Web NFC", D: true };
  23722. }
  23723. });
  23724. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webp.js
  23725. var require_webp = __commonJS({
  23726. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webp.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23727. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "8": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB", "8": "K E F", "132": "G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x", "260": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB" }, E: { "1": "AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC", "516": "M H mC nC MC NC 9B oC" }, F: { "1": "0 HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G rC sC tC", "8": "B uC", "132": "7B ZC vC", "260": "C H N O P 8B" }, G: { "1": "DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D aC ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD", "132": "J MD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A", "132": "B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "8": "cD" } }, B: 6, C: "WebP image format", D: true };
  23728. }
  23729. });
  23730. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/websockets.js
  23731. var require_websockets = __commonJS({
  23732. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/websockets.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23733. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC eC fC", "132": "J GB", "292": "K E F G A" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "J GB K E F G A B C L M", "260": "H" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "132": "GB hC", "260": "K iC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G rC sC tC uC", "132": "B C 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC", "132": "aC xC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "129": "E" }, K: { "1": "I 8B", "2": "A", "132": "B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Web Sockets", D: true };
  23734. }
  23735. });
  23736. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webtransport.js
  23737. var require_webtransport = __commonJS({
  23738. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webtransport.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23739. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g" }, C: { "1": "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 1 2 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z e f", "66": "a b c d" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 5, C: "WebTransport", D: true };
  23740. }
  23741. });
  23742. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webusb.js
  23743. var require_webusb = __commonJS({
  23744. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webusb.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23745. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB", "66": "kB lB mB nB oB EC pB" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "2": "J PD QD RD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "WebUSB", D: true };
  23746. }
  23747. });
  23748. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webvr.js
  23749. var require_webvr = __commonJS({
  23750. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webvr.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23751. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "66": "Q", "257": "H N O P" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB eC fC", "129": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "194": "kB" }, D: { "2": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "66": "nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "2": "D" }, M: { "2": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "513": "J", "516": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "WebVR API", D: true };
  23752. }
  23753. });
  23754. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webvtt.js
  23755. var require_webvtt = __commonJS({
  23756. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webvtt.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23757. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y eC fC", "66": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB", "129": "NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB", "257": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "2": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "B", "2": "A" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "129": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "WebVTT - Web Video Text Tracks", D: true };
  23758. }
  23759. });
  23760. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webworkers.js
  23761. var require_webworkers = __commonJS({
  23762. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webworkers.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23763. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "2": "bC", "8": "K E F G" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "8": "cC DC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "8": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G rC", "8": "sC tC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D JD ND OD", "2": "DC J KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "8": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Web Workers", D: true };
  23764. }
  23765. });
  23766. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webxr.js
  23767. var require_webxr = __commonJS({
  23768. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/webxr.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23769. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B eC fC", "322": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC" }, D: { "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB", "66": "tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B", "132": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "2": "J GB K E F G A B C gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B", "578": "L M H lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "2": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "66": "iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB", "132": "uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u" }, G: { "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "2": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B", "132": "I" }, L: { "132": "D" }, M: { "322": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "2": "9B" }, P: { "2": "J PD QD RD SD TD LC UD", "132": "0 v w x y z VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "2": "aD" }, R: { "2": "bD" }, S: { "2": "cD", "322": "dD" } }, B: 4, C: "WebXR Device API", D: true };
  23770. }
  23771. });
  23772. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/will-change.js
  23773. var require_will_change = __commonJS({
  23774. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/will-change.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23775. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB eC fC", "194": "LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, E: { "1": "A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "0 z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x y rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS will-change property", D: true };
  23776. }
  23777. });
  23778. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/woff.js
  23779. var require_woff = __commonJS({
  23780. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/woff.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23781. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC fC", "2": "cC DC eC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "J" }, E: { "1": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC" }, G: { "1": "F xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "2": "DC JD KD LD MD aC", "130": "J" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "B C I 7B ZC 8B", "2": "A" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "WOFF - Web Open Font Format", D: true };
  23782. }
  23783. });
  23784. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/woff2.js
  23785. var require_woff2 = __commonJS({
  23786. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/woff2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23787. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "2": "C L" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "0 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "2": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J GB K E F G gC KC hC iC jC kC", "132": "A B LC 7B" }, F: { "1": "0 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C H N O P HB v w x rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "2": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 2, C: "WOFF 2.0 - Web Open Font Format", D: true };
  23788. }
  23789. });
  23790. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/word-break.js
  23791. var require_word_break = __commonJS({
  23792. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/word-break.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23793. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "4": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB" }, E: { "1": "G A B C L M H kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "4": "J GB K E F gC KC hC iC jC" }, F: { "1": "NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B C rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "4": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB" }, G: { "1": "1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "4": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "4": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "4": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 word-break", D: true };
  23794. }
  23795. });
  23796. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wordwrap.js
  23797. var require_wordwrap = __commonJS({
  23798. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/wordwrap.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23799. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "4": "K E F G A B bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "4": "C L M H N O" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "4": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "4": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x" }, E: { "1": "E F G A B C L M H iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "4": "J GB K gC KC hC" }, F: { "1": "0 H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u 8B", "2": "G rC sC", "4": "B C tC uC 7B ZC vC" }, G: { "1": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "4": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "4": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "4": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "1": "A", "4": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "4": "A B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "4": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "dD", "4": "cD" } }, B: 4, C: "CSS3 Overflow-wrap", D: true };
  23800. }
  23801. });
  23802. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/x-doc-messaging.js
  23803. var require_x_doc_messaging = __commonJS({
  23804. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/x-doc-messaging.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23805. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E bC", "132": "F G", "260": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC", "2": "cC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "gC KC" }, F: { "1": "0 B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B", "2": "G" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "4": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "Cross-document messaging", D: true };
  23806. }
  23807. });
  23808. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/x-frame-options.js
  23809. var require_x_frame_options = __commonJS({
  23810. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/x-frame-options.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23811. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "F G A B", "2": "K E bC" }, B: { "1": "C L M H N O P", "4": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB", "4": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "16": "cC DC eC fC" }, D: { "4": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z" }, E: { "4": "K E F G A B C L M H hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "16": "J GB gC KC" }, F: { "4": "0 C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vC 8B", "16": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC" }, G: { "4": "F zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "16": "KC wC aC xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "4": "J D MD aC ND OD", "16": "DC JD KD LD" }, J: { "4": "E A" }, K: { "4": "I 8B", "16": "A B C 7B ZC" }, L: { "4": "D" }, M: { "4": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "4": "9B" }, P: { "4": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "4": "aD" }, R: { "4": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD", "4": "dD" } }, B: 6, C: "X-Frame-Options HTTP header", D: true };
  23812. }
  23813. });
  23814. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/xhr2.js
  23815. var require_xhr2 = __commonJS({
  23816. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/xhr2.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23817. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "K E F G bC", "1156": "A B" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D", "1028": "C L M H N O P" }, C: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "2": "cC DC", "1028": "0 C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB", "1284": "A B", "1412": "K E F G", "1924": "J GB eC fC" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "16": "J GB K", "1028": "NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB", "1156": "LB MB", "1412": "0 E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB" }, E: { "1": "C L M H 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "2": "J gC KC", "1028": "F G A B jC kC LC", "1156": "E iC", "1412": "GB K hC" }, F: { "1": "TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "2": "G B rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC", "132": "H N O", "1028": "0 C P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB 8B" }, G: { "1": "5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "2": "KC wC aC", "1028": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C", "1156": "zC", "1412": "xC yC" }, H: { "2": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D", "2": "JD KD LD", "1028": "OD", "1412": "ND", "1924": "DC J MD aC" }, J: { "1156": "A", "1412": "E" }, K: { "1": "I", "2": "A B 7B ZC", "1028": "C 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1156": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD", "1028": "J" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "XMLHttpRequest advanced features", D: true };
  23818. }
  23819. });
  23820. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/xhtml.js
  23821. var require_xhtml = __commonJS({
  23822. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/xhtml.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23823. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "G A B", "2": "K E F bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "1": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "1": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "1": "ID" }, I: { "1": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "1": "E A" }, K: { "1": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 1, C: "XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml", D: true };
  23824. }
  23825. });
  23826. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/xhtmlsmil.js
  23827. var require_xhtmlsmil = __commonJS({
  23828. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/xhtmlsmil.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23829. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "2": "G A B bC", "4": "K E F" }, B: { "2": "C L M H N O P", "8": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "8": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cC DC J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC eC fC" }, D: { "8": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC" }, E: { "8": "J GB K E F G A B C L M H gC KC hC iC jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC" }, F: { "8": "0 G B C H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u rC sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "8": "F KC wC aC xC yC zC 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC" }, H: { "8": "ID" }, I: { "8": "DC J D JD KD LD MD aC ND OD" }, J: { "8": "E A" }, K: { "8": "A B C I 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "8": "D" }, M: { "8": "D" }, N: { "2": "A B" }, O: { "8": "9B" }, P: { "8": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "8": "aD" }, R: { "8": "bD" }, S: { "8": "cD dD" } }, B: 7, C: "XHTML+SMIL animation", D: true };
  23830. }
  23831. });
  23832. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/xml-serializer.js
  23833. var require_xml_serializer = __commonJS({
  23834. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/xml-serializer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23835. module2.exports = { A: { A: { "1": "A B", "260": "K E F G bC" }, B: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D" }, C: { "1": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC dC", "132": "B", "260": "cC DC J GB K E eC fC", "516": "F G A" }, D: { "1": "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB EC pB FC qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u AB BB CB DB EB FB D HC IC JC", "132": "0 J GB K E F G A B C L M H N O P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB" }, E: { "1": "F G A B C L M H jC kC LC 7B 8B lC mC nC MC NC 9B oC AC OC PC QC RC SC pC BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC qC", "132": "J GB K E gC KC hC iC" }, F: { "1": "0 P HB v w x y z IB JB KB LB MB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB ZB aB bB cB dB eB fB gB hB iB jB kB lB mB nB oB pB qB rB sB tB uB vB wB xB yB zB 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B Q I R GC S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u", "16": "G rC", "132": "B C H N O sC tC uC 7B ZC vC 8B" }, G: { "1": "F 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AD BD CD DD ED FD MC NC 9B GD AC OC PC QC RC SC HD BC TC UC VC WC XC YC CC", "132": "KC wC aC xC yC zC" }, H: { "132": "ID" }, I: { "1": "D ND OD", "132": "DC J JD KD LD MD aC" }, J: { "132": "E A" }, K: { "1": "I", "16": "A", "132": "B C 7B ZC 8B" }, L: { "1": "D" }, M: { "1": "D" }, N: { "1": "A B" }, O: { "1": "9B" }, P: { "1": "0 J v w x y z PD QD RD SD TD LC UD VD WD XD YD AC BC CC ZD" }, Q: { "1": "aD" }, R: { "1": "bD" }, S: { "1": "cD dD" } }, B: 4, C: "DOM Parsing and Serialization", D: true };
  23836. }
  23837. });
  23838. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/zstd.js
  23839. var require_zstd = __commonJS({
  23840. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features/zstd.js"(exports2, module2) {
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  23842. }
  23843. });
  23844. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/data/features.js
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require_use_strict(), "user-select-none": require_user_select_none(), "user-timing": require_user_timing(), "variable-fonts": require_variable_fonts(), "vector-effect": require_vector_effect(), "vibration": require_vibration(), "video": require_video(), "videotracks": require_videotracks(), "view-transitions": require_view_transitions(), "viewport-unit-variants": require_viewport_unit_variants(), "viewport-units": require_viewport_units(), "wai-aria": require_wai_aria(), "wake-lock": require_wake_lock(), "wasm-bigint": require_wasm_bigint(), "wasm-bulk-memory": require_wasm_bulk_memory(), "wasm-extended-const": require_wasm_extended_const(), "wasm-gc": require_wasm_gc(), "wasm-multi-memory": require_wasm_multi_memory(), "wasm-multi-value": require_wasm_multi_value(), "wasm-mutable-globals": require_wasm_mutable_globals(), "wasm-nontrapping-fptoint": require_wasm_nontrapping_fptoint(), "wasm-reference-types": require_wasm_reference_types(), "wasm-relaxed-simd": require_wasm_relaxed_simd(), "wasm-signext": require_wasm_signext(), "wasm-simd": require_wasm_simd(), "wasm-tail-calls": require_wasm_tail_calls(), "wasm-threads": require_wasm_threads(), "wasm": require_wasm(), "wav": require_wav(), "wbr-element": require_wbr_element(), "web-animation": require_web_animation(), "web-app-manifest": require_web_app_manifest(), "web-bluetooth": require_web_bluetooth(), "web-serial": require_web_serial(), "web-share": require_web_share(), "webauthn": require_webauthn(), "webcodecs": require_webcodecs(), "webgl": require_webgl(), "webgl2": require_webgl2(), "webgpu": require_webgpu(), "webhid": require_webhid(), "webkit-user-drag": require_webkit_user_drag(), "webm": require_webm(), "webnfc": require_webnfc(), "webp": require_webp(), "websockets": require_websockets(), "webtransport": require_webtransport(), "webusb": require_webusb(), "webvr": require_webvr(), "webvtt": require_webvtt(), "webworkers": require_webworkers(), "webxr": require_webxr(), "will-change": require_will_change(), "woff": require_woff(), "woff2": require_woff2(), "word-break": require_word_break(), "wordwrap": require_wordwrap(), "x-doc-messaging": require_x_doc_messaging(), "x-frame-options": require_x_frame_options(), "xhr2": require_xhr2(), "xhtml": require_xhtml(), "xhtmlsmil": require_xhtmlsmil(), "xml-serializer": require_xml_serializer(), "zstd": require_zstd() };
  23848. }
  23849. });
  23850. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/features.js
  23851. var require_features2 = __commonJS({
  23852. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/features.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23853. module2.exports.features = require_features();
  23854. }
  23855. });
  23856. // node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/index.js
  23857. var require_unpacker = __commonJS({
  23858. "node_modules/caniuse-lite/dist/unpacker/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23859. module2.exports.agents = require_agents2().agents;
  23860. module2.exports.feature = require_feature();
  23861. module2.exports.features = require_features2().features;
  23862. module2.exports.region = require_region();
  23863. }
  23864. });
  23865. // node_modules/lodash.uniq/index.js
  23866. var require_lodash2 = __commonJS({
  23867. "node_modules/lodash.uniq/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  23868. var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200;
  23869. var HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
  23870. var INFINITY = 1 / 0;
  23871. var funcTag = "[object Function]";
  23872. var genTag = "[object GeneratorFunction]";
  23873. var reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g;
  23874. var reIsHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/;
  23875. var freeGlobal = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global;
  23876. var freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self;
  23877. var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function("return this")();
  23878. function arrayIncludes(array, value) {
  23879. var length = array ? array.length : 0;
  23880. return !!length && baseIndexOf(array, value, 0) > -1;
  23881. }
  23882. function arrayIncludesWith(array, value, comparator) {
  23883. var index = -1, length = array ? array.length : 0;
  23884. while (++index < length) {
  23885. if (comparator(value, array[index])) {
  23886. return true;
  23887. }
  23888. }
  23889. return false;
  23890. }
  23891. function baseFindIndex(array, predicate, fromIndex, fromRight) {
  23892. var length = array.length, index = fromIndex + (fromRight ? 1 : -1);
  23893. while (fromRight ? index-- : ++index < length) {
  23894. if (predicate(array[index], index, array)) {
  23895. return index;
  23896. }
  23897. }
  23898. return -1;
  23899. }
  23900. function baseIndexOf(array, value, fromIndex) {
  23901. if (value !== value) {
  23902. return baseFindIndex(array, baseIsNaN, fromIndex);
  23903. }
  23904. var index = fromIndex - 1, length = array.length;
  23905. while (++index < length) {
  23906. if (array[index] === value) {
  23907. return index;
  23908. }
  23909. }
  23910. return -1;
  23911. }
  23912. function baseIsNaN(value) {
  23913. return value !== value;
  23914. }
  23915. function cacheHas(cache, key) {
  23916. return cache.has(key);
  23917. }
  23918. function getValue(object, key) {
  23919. return object == null ? void 0 : object[key];
  23920. }
  23921. function isHostObject(value) {
  23922. var result = false;
  23923. if (value != null && typeof value.toString != "function") {
  23924. try {
  23925. result = !!(value + "");
  23926. } catch (e) {
  23927. }
  23928. }
  23929. return result;
  23930. }
  23931. function setToArray(set) {
  23932. var index = -1, result = Array(set.size);
  23933. set.forEach(function(value) {
  23934. result[++index] = value;
  23935. });
  23936. return result;
  23937. }
  23938. var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
  23939. var funcProto = Function.prototype;
  23940. var objectProto = Object.prototype;
  23941. var coreJsData = root["__core-js_shared__"];
  23942. var maskSrcKey = function() {
  23943. var uid = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData && coreJsData.keys && coreJsData.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
  23944. return uid ? "Symbol(src)_1." + uid : "";
  23945. }();
  23946. var funcToString = funcProto.toString;
  23947. var hasOwnProperty2 = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
  23948. var objectToString = objectProto.toString;
  23949. var reIsNative = RegExp(
  23950. "^" +, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
  23951. );
  23952. var splice = arrayProto.splice;
  23953. var Map2 = getNative(root, "Map");
  23954. var Set2 = getNative(root, "Set");
  23955. var nativeCreate = getNative(Object, "create");
  23956. function Hash(entries) {
  23957. var index = -1, length = entries ? entries.length : 0;
  23958. this.clear();
  23959. while (++index < length) {
  23960. var entry = entries[index];
  23961. this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
  23962. }
  23963. }
  23964. function hashClear() {
  23965. this.__data__ = nativeCreate ? nativeCreate(null) : {};
  23966. }
  23967. function hashDelete(key) {
  23968. return this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key];
  23969. }
  23970. function hashGet(key) {
  23971. var data = this.__data__;
  23972. if (nativeCreate) {
  23973. var result = data[key];
  23974. return result === HASH_UNDEFINED ? void 0 : result;
  23975. }
  23976. return, key) ? data[key] : void 0;
  23977. }
  23978. function hashHas(key) {
  23979. var data = this.__data__;
  23980. return nativeCreate ? data[key] !== void 0 :, key);
  23981. }
  23982. function hashSet(key, value) {
  23983. var data = this.__data__;
  23984. data[key] = nativeCreate && value === void 0 ? HASH_UNDEFINED : value;
  23985. return this;
  23986. }
  23987. Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear;
  23988. Hash.prototype["delete"] = hashDelete;
  23989. Hash.prototype.get = hashGet;
  23990. Hash.prototype.has = hashHas;
  23991. Hash.prototype.set = hashSet;
  23992. function ListCache(entries) {
  23993. var index = -1, length = entries ? entries.length : 0;
  23994. this.clear();
  23995. while (++index < length) {
  23996. var entry = entries[index];
  23997. this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
  23998. }
  23999. }
  24000. function listCacheClear() {
  24001. this.__data__ = [];
  24002. }
  24003. function listCacheDelete(key) {
  24004. var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
  24005. if (index < 0) {
  24006. return false;
  24007. }
  24008. var lastIndex = data.length - 1;
  24009. if (index == lastIndex) {
  24010. data.pop();
  24011. } else {
  24012., index, 1);
  24013. }
  24014. return true;
  24015. }
  24016. function listCacheGet(key) {
  24017. var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
  24018. return index < 0 ? void 0 : data[index][1];
  24019. }
  24020. function listCacheHas(key) {
  24021. return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1;
  24022. }
  24023. function listCacheSet(key, value) {
  24024. var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
  24025. if (index < 0) {
  24026. data.push([key, value]);
  24027. } else {
  24028. data[index][1] = value;
  24029. }
  24030. return this;
  24031. }
  24032. ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear;
  24033. ListCache.prototype["delete"] = listCacheDelete;
  24034. ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet;
  24035. ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas;
  24036. ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet;
  24037. function MapCache(entries) {
  24038. var index = -1, length = entries ? entries.length : 0;
  24039. this.clear();
  24040. while (++index < length) {
  24041. var entry = entries[index];
  24042. this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
  24043. }
  24044. }
  24045. function mapCacheClear() {
  24046. this.__data__ = {
  24047. "hash": new Hash(),
  24048. "map": new (Map2 || ListCache)(),
  24049. "string": new Hash()
  24050. };
  24051. }
  24052. function mapCacheDelete(key) {
  24053. return getMapData(this, key)["delete"](key);
  24054. }
  24055. function mapCacheGet(key) {
  24056. return getMapData(this, key).get(key);
  24057. }
  24058. function mapCacheHas(key) {
  24059. return getMapData(this, key).has(key);
  24060. }
  24061. function mapCacheSet(key, value) {
  24062. getMapData(this, key).set(key, value);
  24063. return this;
  24064. }
  24065. MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear;
  24066. MapCache.prototype["delete"] = mapCacheDelete;
  24067. MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet;
  24068. MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas;
  24069. MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet;
  24070. function SetCache(values) {
  24071. var index = -1, length = values ? values.length : 0;
  24072. this.__data__ = new MapCache();
  24073. while (++index < length) {
  24074. this.add(values[index]);
  24075. }
  24076. }
  24077. function setCacheAdd(value) {
  24078. this.__data__.set(value, HASH_UNDEFINED);
  24079. return this;
  24080. }
  24081. function setCacheHas(value) {
  24082. return this.__data__.has(value);
  24083. }
  24084. SetCache.prototype.add = SetCache.prototype.push = setCacheAdd;
  24085. SetCache.prototype.has = setCacheHas;
  24086. function assocIndexOf(array, key) {
  24087. var length = array.length;
  24088. while (length--) {
  24089. if (eq(array[length][0], key)) {
  24090. return length;
  24091. }
  24092. }
  24093. return -1;
  24094. }
  24095. function baseIsNative(value) {
  24096. if (!isObject(value) || isMasked(value)) {
  24097. return false;
  24098. }
  24099. var pattern = isFunction(value) || isHostObject(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor;
  24100. return pattern.test(toSource(value));
  24101. }
  24102. function baseUniq(array, iteratee, comparator) {
  24103. var index = -1, includes = arrayIncludes, length = array.length, isCommon = true, result = [], seen = result;
  24104. if (comparator) {
  24105. isCommon = false;
  24106. includes = arrayIncludesWith;
  24107. } else if (length >= LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE) {
  24108. var set = iteratee ? null : createSet(array);
  24109. if (set) {
  24110. return setToArray(set);
  24111. }
  24112. isCommon = false;
  24113. includes = cacheHas;
  24114. seen = new SetCache();
  24115. } else {
  24116. seen = iteratee ? [] : result;
  24117. }
  24118. outer:
  24119. while (++index < length) {
  24120. var value = array[index], computed = iteratee ? iteratee(value) : value;
  24121. value = comparator || value !== 0 ? value : 0;
  24122. if (isCommon && computed === computed) {
  24123. var seenIndex = seen.length;
  24124. while (seenIndex--) {
  24125. if (seen[seenIndex] === computed) {
  24126. continue outer;
  24127. }
  24128. }
  24129. if (iteratee) {
  24130. seen.push(computed);
  24131. }
  24132. result.push(value);
  24133. } else if (!includes(seen, computed, comparator)) {
  24134. if (seen !== result) {
  24135. seen.push(computed);
  24136. }
  24137. result.push(value);
  24138. }
  24139. }
  24140. return result;
  24141. }
  24142. var createSet = !(Set2 && 1 / setToArray(new Set2([, -0]))[1] == INFINITY) ? noop : function(values) {
  24143. return new Set2(values);
  24144. };
  24145. function getMapData(map, key) {
  24146. var data = map.__data__;
  24147. return isKeyable(key) ? data[typeof key == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :;
  24148. }
  24149. function getNative(object, key) {
  24150. var value = getValue(object, key);
  24151. return baseIsNative(value) ? value : void 0;
  24152. }
  24153. function isKeyable(value) {
  24154. var type = typeof value;
  24155. return type == "string" || type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" ? value !== "__proto__" : value === null;
  24156. }
  24157. function isMasked(func) {
  24158. return !!maskSrcKey && maskSrcKey in func;
  24159. }
  24160. function toSource(func) {
  24161. if (func != null) {
  24162. try {
  24163. return;
  24164. } catch (e) {
  24165. }
  24166. try {
  24167. return func + "";
  24168. } catch (e) {
  24169. }
  24170. }
  24171. return "";
  24172. }
  24173. function uniq(array) {
  24174. return array && array.length ? baseUniq(array) : [];
  24175. }
  24176. function eq(value, other) {
  24177. return value === other || value !== value && other !== other;
  24178. }
  24179. function isFunction(value) {
  24180. var tag = isObject(value) ? : "";
  24181. return tag == funcTag || tag == genTag;
  24182. }
  24183. function isObject(value) {
  24184. var type = typeof value;
  24185. return !!value && (type == "object" || type == "function");
  24186. }
  24187. function noop() {
  24188. }
  24189. module2.exports = uniq;
  24190. }
  24191. });
  24192. // node_modules/caniuse-api/dist/utils.js
  24193. var require_utils2 = __commonJS({
  24194. "node_modules/caniuse-api/dist/utils.js"(exports2) {
  24195. "use strict";
  24196. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", {
  24197. value: true
  24198. });
  24199. exports2.contains = contains;
  24200. exports2.parseCaniuseData = parseCaniuseData;
  24201. exports2.cleanBrowsersList = cleanBrowsersList;
  24202. var _lodash = require_lodash2();
  24203. var _lodash2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lodash);
  24204. var _browserslist = require_browserslist();
  24205. var _browserslist2 = _interopRequireDefault(_browserslist);
  24206. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  24207. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };
  24208. }
  24209. function contains(str, substr) {
  24210. return !!~str.indexOf(substr);
  24211. }
  24212. function parseCaniuseData(feature, browsers) {
  24213. var support = {};
  24214. var letters;
  24215. var letter;
  24216. browsers.forEach(function(browser) {
  24217. support[browser] = {};
  24218. for (var info in feature.stats[browser]) {
  24219. letters = feature.stats[browser][info].replace(/#\d+/, "").trim().split(" ");
  24220. info = parseFloat(info.split("-")[0]);
  24221. if (isNaN(info))
  24222. continue;
  24223. for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
  24224. letter = letters[i];
  24225. if (letter === "d") {
  24226. continue;
  24227. } else if (letter === "y") {
  24228. if (typeof support[browser][letter] === "undefined" || info < support[browser][letter]) {
  24229. support[browser][letter] = info;
  24230. }
  24231. } else {
  24232. if (typeof support[browser][letter] === "undefined" || info > support[browser][letter]) {
  24233. support[browser][letter] = info;
  24234. }
  24235. }
  24236. }
  24237. }
  24238. });
  24239. return support;
  24240. }
  24241. function cleanBrowsersList(browserList) {
  24242. return (0, _lodash2.default)((0, _browserslist2.default)(browserList).map(function(browser) {
  24243. return browser.split(" ")[0];
  24244. }));
  24245. }
  24246. }
  24247. });
  24248. // node_modules/caniuse-api/dist/index.js
  24249. var require_dist = __commonJS({
  24250. "node_modules/caniuse-api/dist/index.js"(exports2) {
  24251. "use strict";
  24252. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", {
  24253. value: true
  24254. });
  24255. exports2.getBrowserScope = exports2.setBrowserScope = exports2.getLatestStableBrowsers = exports2.find = exports2.isSupported = exports2.getSupport = exports2.features = void 0;
  24256. var _lodash = require_lodash();
  24257. var _lodash2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lodash);
  24258. var _browserslist = require_browserslist();
  24259. var _browserslist2 = _interopRequireDefault(_browserslist);
  24260. var _caniuseLite = require_unpacker();
  24261. var _utils = require_utils2();
  24262. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  24263. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };
  24264. }
  24265. var featuresList = Object.keys(_caniuseLite.features);
  24266. var browsers = void 0;
  24267. function setBrowserScope(browserList) {
  24268. browsers = (0, _utils.cleanBrowsersList)(browserList);
  24269. }
  24270. function getBrowserScope() {
  24271. return browsers;
  24272. }
  24273. var parse = (0, _lodash2.default)(_utils.parseCaniuseData, function(feat, browsers2) {
  24274. return feat.title + browsers2;
  24275. });
  24276. function getSupport(query) {
  24277. var feature = void 0;
  24278. try {
  24279. feature = (0, _caniuseLite.feature)(_caniuseLite.features[query]);
  24280. } catch (e) {
  24281. var res = find(query);
  24282. if (res.length === 1)
  24283. return getSupport(res[0]);
  24284. throw new ReferenceError("Please provide a proper feature name. Cannot find " + query);
  24285. }
  24286. return parse(feature, browsers);
  24287. }
  24288. function isSupported(feature, browsers2) {
  24289. var data = void 0;
  24290. try {
  24291. data = (0, _caniuseLite.feature)(_caniuseLite.features[feature]);
  24292. } catch (e) {
  24293. var res = find(feature);
  24294. if (res.length === 1) {
  24295. data = _caniuseLite.features[res[0]];
  24296. } else {
  24297. throw new ReferenceError("Please provide a proper feature name. Cannot find " + feature);
  24298. }
  24299. }
  24300. return (0, _browserslist2.default)(browsers2, { ignoreUnknownVersions: true }).map(function(browser) {
  24301. return browser.split(" ");
  24302. }).every(function(browser) {
  24303. return data.stats[browser[0]] && data.stats[browser[0]][browser[1]] === "y";
  24304. });
  24305. }
  24306. function find(query) {
  24307. if (typeof query !== "string") {
  24308. throw new TypeError("The `query` parameter should be a string.");
  24309. }
  24310. if (~featuresList.indexOf(query)) {
  24311. return query;
  24312. }
  24313. return featuresList.filter(function(file) {
  24314. return (0, _utils.contains)(file, query);
  24315. });
  24316. }
  24317. function getLatestStableBrowsers() {
  24318. return (0, _browserslist2.default)("last 1 version");
  24319. }
  24320. setBrowserScope();
  24321. exports2.features = featuresList;
  24322. exports2.getSupport = getSupport;
  24323. exports2.isSupported = isSupported;
  24324. exports2.find = find;
  24325. exports2.getLatestStableBrowsers = getLatestStableBrowsers;
  24326. exports2.setBrowserScope = setBrowserScope;
  24327. exports2.getBrowserScope = getBrowserScope;
  24328. }
  24329. });
  24330. // node_modules/postcss-reduce-initial/src/data/fromInitial.json
  24331. var require_fromInitial = __commonJS({
  24332. "node_modules/postcss-reduce-initial/src/data/fromInitial.json"(exports2, module2) {
  24333. module2.exports = {
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  24653. };
  24654. }
  24655. });
  24656. // node_modules/postcss-reduce-initial/src/data/toInitial.json
  24657. var require_toInitial = __commonJS({
  24658. "node_modules/postcss-reduce-initial/src/data/toInitial.json"(exports2, module2) {
  24659. module2.exports = {
  24660. "background-clip": "border-box",
  24661. "background-color": "transparent",
  24662. "background-origin": "padding-box",
  24663. "background-size": "auto auto",
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  24669. "border-inline-color": "currentcolor",
  24670. "border-inline-end-color": "currentcolor",
  24671. "border-inline-start-color": "currentcolor",
  24672. "border-left-color": "currentcolor",
  24673. "border-right-color": "currentcolor",
  24674. "border-top-color": "currentcolor",
  24675. "box-sizing": "content-box",
  24676. color: "canvastext",
  24677. "column-rule-color": "currentcolor",
  24678. "font-synthesis": "weight style small-caps position",
  24679. "image-orientation": "from-image",
  24680. "mask-clip": "border-box",
  24681. "mask-mode": "match-source",
  24682. "mask-origin": "border-box",
  24683. "mask-type": "luminance",
  24684. "ruby-align": "space-around",
  24685. "ruby-merge": "separate",
  24686. "ruby-position": "alternate",
  24687. "text-decoration-color": "currentcolor",
  24688. "text-emphasis-color": "currentcolor",
  24689. "text-emphasis-position": "over right",
  24690. "transform-box": "view-box",
  24691. "transform-origin": "50% 50% 0",
  24692. "vertical-align": "baseline",
  24693. "white-space-collapse": "collapse",
  24694. "writing-mode": "horizontal-tb"
  24695. };
  24696. }
  24697. });
  24698. // node_modules/postcss-reduce-initial/src/lib/ignoreProps.js
  24699. var require_ignoreProps = __commonJS({
  24700. "node_modules/postcss-reduce-initial/src/lib/ignoreProps.js"(exports2, module2) {
  24701. "use strict";
  24702. module2.exports = ["writing-mode", "transform-box"];
  24703. }
  24704. });
  24705. // node_modules/postcss-reduce-initial/src/index.js
  24706. var require_src4 = __commonJS({
  24707. "node_modules/postcss-reduce-initial/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  24708. "use strict";
  24709. var { dirname } = require("path");
  24710. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  24711. var { isSupported } = require_dist();
  24712. var fromInitial = require_fromInitial();
  24713. var toInitial = require_toInitial();
  24714. var ignoreProps = require_ignoreProps();
  24715. var initial = "initial";
  24716. var defaultIgnoreProps = ignoreProps;
  24717. function pluginCreator(options = {}) {
  24718. return {
  24719. postcssPlugin: "postcss-reduce-initial",
  24720. /**
  24721. * @param {import('postcss').Result & {opts: BrowserslistOptions & {file?: string}}} result
  24722. */
  24723. prepare(result) {
  24724. const { stats, env, from, file } = result.opts || {};
  24725. const browsers = browserslist(options.overrideBrowserslist, {
  24726. stats: options.stats || stats,
  24727. path: options.path || dirname(from || file || __filename),
  24728. env: options.env || env
  24729. });
  24730. const initialSupport = isSupported("css-initial-value", browsers);
  24731. return {
  24732. OnceExit(css) {
  24733. css.walkDecls((decl) => {
  24734. const lowerCasedProp = decl.prop.toLowerCase();
  24735. const ignoreProp = new Set(
  24736. defaultIgnoreProps.concat(options.ignore || [])
  24737. );
  24738. if (ignoreProp.has(lowerCasedProp)) {
  24739. return;
  24740. }
  24741. if (initialSupport &&, lowerCasedProp) && decl.value.toLowerCase() === toInitial[
  24742. /** @type {keyof toInitial} */
  24743. lowerCasedProp
  24744. ]) {
  24745. decl.value = initial;
  24746. return;
  24747. }
  24748. if (decl.value.toLowerCase() !== initial || !fromInitial[
  24749. /** @type {keyof fromInitial} */
  24750. lowerCasedProp
  24751. ]) {
  24752. return;
  24753. }
  24754. decl.value = fromInitial[
  24755. /** @type {keyof fromInitial} */
  24756. lowerCasedProp
  24757. ];
  24758. });
  24759. }
  24760. };
  24761. }
  24762. };
  24763. }
  24764. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  24765. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  24766. }
  24767. });
  24768. // node_modules/cssnano-utils/src/rawCache.js
  24769. var require_rawCache = __commonJS({
  24770. "node_modules/cssnano-utils/src/rawCache.js"(exports2, module2) {
  24771. "use strict";
  24772. function pluginCreator() {
  24773. return {
  24774. postcssPlugin: "cssnano-util-raw-cache",
  24775. /**
  24776. * @param {import('postcss').Root} css
  24777. * @param {{result: import('postcss').Result & {root: {rawCache?: any}}}} arg
  24778. */
  24779. OnceExit(css, { result }) {
  24780. result.root.rawCache = {
  24781. colon: ":",
  24782. indent: "",
  24783. beforeDecl: "",
  24784. beforeRule: "",
  24785. beforeOpen: "",
  24786. beforeClose: "",
  24787. beforeComment: "",
  24788. after: "",
  24789. emptyBody: "",
  24790. commentLeft: "",
  24791. commentRight: ""
  24792. };
  24793. }
  24794. };
  24795. }
  24796. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  24797. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  24798. }
  24799. });
  24800. // node_modules/cssnano-utils/src/getArguments.js
  24801. var require_getArguments = __commonJS({
  24802. "node_modules/cssnano-utils/src/getArguments.js"(exports2, module2) {
  24803. "use strict";
  24804. module2.exports = function getArguments(node) {
  24805. const list = [[]];
  24806. for (const child of node.nodes) {
  24807. if (child.type !== "div") {
  24808. list[list.length - 1].push(child);
  24809. } else {
  24810. list.push([]);
  24811. }
  24812. }
  24813. return list;
  24814. };
  24815. }
  24816. });
  24817. // node_modules/cssnano-utils/src/sameParent.js
  24818. var require_sameParent = __commonJS({
  24819. "node_modules/cssnano-utils/src/sameParent.js"(exports2, module2) {
  24820. "use strict";
  24821. function checkMatch(nodeA, nodeB) {
  24822. if (nodeA.type === "atrule" && nodeB.type === "atrule") {
  24823. return nodeA.params === nodeB.params && ===;
  24824. }
  24825. return nodeA.type === nodeB.type;
  24826. }
  24827. function sameParent(nodeA, nodeB) {
  24828. if (!nodeA.parent) {
  24829. return !nodeB.parent;
  24830. }
  24831. if (!nodeB.parent) {
  24832. return false;
  24833. }
  24834. if (!checkMatch(nodeA.parent, nodeB.parent)) {
  24835. return false;
  24836. }
  24837. return sameParent(nodeA.parent, nodeB.parent);
  24838. }
  24839. module2.exports = sameParent;
  24840. }
  24841. });
  24842. // node_modules/cssnano-utils/src/index.js
  24843. var require_src5 = __commonJS({
  24844. "node_modules/cssnano-utils/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  24845. "use strict";
  24846. var rawCache = require_rawCache();
  24847. var getArguments = require_getArguments();
  24848. var sameParent = require_sameParent();
  24849. module2.exports = { rawCache, getArguments, sameParent };
  24850. }
  24851. });
  24852. // node_modules/colord/index.js
  24853. var require_colord = __commonJS({
  24854. "node_modules/colord/index.js"(exports2) {
  24855. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  24856. var r = { grad: 0.9, turn: 360, rad: 360 / (2 * Math.PI) };
  24857. var t = function(r2) {
  24858. return "string" == typeof r2 ? r2.length > 0 : "number" == typeof r2;
  24859. };
  24860. var n = function(r2, t2, n2) {
  24861. return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = Math.pow(10, t2)), Math.round(n2 * r2) / n2 + 0;
  24862. };
  24863. var e = function(r2, t2, n2) {
  24864. return void 0 === t2 && (t2 = 0), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 1), r2 > n2 ? n2 : r2 > t2 ? r2 : t2;
  24865. };
  24866. var u = function(r2) {
  24867. return (r2 = isFinite(r2) ? r2 % 360 : 0) > 0 ? r2 : r2 + 360;
  24868. };
  24869. var o = function(r2) {
  24870. return { r: e(r2.r, 0, 255), g: e(r2.g, 0, 255), b: e(r2.b, 0, 255), a: e(r2.a) };
  24871. };
  24872. var a = function(r2) {
  24873. return { r: n(r2.r), g: n(r2.g), b: n(r2.b), a: n(r2.a, 3) };
  24874. };
  24875. var s = /^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/i;
  24876. var i = function(r2) {
  24877. var t2 = r2.toString(16);
  24878. return t2.length < 2 ? "0" + t2 : t2;
  24879. };
  24880. var h = function(r2) {
  24881. var t2 = r2.r, n2 = r2.g, e2 = r2.b, u2 = r2.a, o2 = Math.max(t2, n2, e2), a2 = o2 - Math.min(t2, n2, e2), s2 = a2 ? o2 === t2 ? (n2 - e2) / a2 : o2 === n2 ? 2 + (e2 - t2) / a2 : 4 + (t2 - n2) / a2 : 0;
  24882. return { h: 60 * (s2 < 0 ? s2 + 6 : s2), s: o2 ? a2 / o2 * 100 : 0, v: o2 / 255 * 100, a: u2 };
  24883. };
  24884. var b = function(r2) {
  24885. var t2 = r2.h, n2 = r2.s, e2 = r2.v, u2 = r2.a;
  24886. t2 = t2 / 360 * 6, n2 /= 100, e2 /= 100;
  24887. var o2 = Math.floor(t2), a2 = e2 * (1 - n2), s2 = e2 * (1 - (t2 - o2) * n2), i2 = e2 * (1 - (1 - t2 + o2) * n2), h2 = o2 % 6;
  24888. return { r: 255 * [e2, s2, a2, a2, i2, e2][h2], g: 255 * [i2, e2, e2, s2, a2, a2][h2], b: 255 * [a2, a2, i2, e2, e2, s2][h2], a: u2 };
  24889. };
  24890. var d = function(r2) {
  24891. return { h: u(r2.h), s: e(r2.s, 0, 100), l: e(r2.l, 0, 100), a: e(r2.a) };
  24892. };
  24893. var g = function(r2) {
  24894. return { h: n(r2.h), s: n(r2.s), l: n(r2.l), a: n(r2.a, 3) };
  24895. };
  24896. var f = function(r2) {
  24897. return b((n2 = (t2 = r2).s, { h: t2.h, s: (n2 *= ((e2 = t2.l) < 50 ? e2 : 100 - e2) / 100) > 0 ? 2 * n2 / (e2 + n2) * 100 : 0, v: e2 + n2, a: t2.a }));
  24898. var t2, n2, e2;
  24899. };
  24900. var p = function(r2) {
  24901. return { h: (t2 = h(r2)).h, s: (u2 = (200 - (n2 = t2.s)) * (e2 = t2.v) / 100) > 0 && u2 < 200 ? n2 * e2 / 100 / (u2 <= 100 ? u2 : 200 - u2) * 100 : 0, l: u2 / 2, a: t2.a };
  24902. var t2, n2, e2, u2;
  24903. };
  24904. var l = /^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i;
  24905. var c = /^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)%\s*(?:\/\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i;
  24906. var v = /^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i;
  24907. var m = /^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s+([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*(?:\/\s*([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?\s*)?\)$/i;
  24908. var y = { string: [[function(r2) {
  24909. var t2 = s.exec(r2);
  24910. return t2 ? (r2 = t2[1]).length <= 4 ? { r: parseInt(r2[0] + r2[0], 16), g: parseInt(r2[1] + r2[1], 16), b: parseInt(r2[2] + r2[2], 16), a: 4 === r2.length ? n(parseInt(r2[3] + r2[3], 16) / 255, 2) : 1 } : 6 === r2.length || 8 === r2.length ? { r: parseInt(r2.substr(0, 2), 16), g: parseInt(r2.substr(2, 2), 16), b: parseInt(r2.substr(4, 2), 16), a: 8 === r2.length ? n(parseInt(r2.substr(6, 2), 16) / 255, 2) : 1 } : null : null;
  24911. }, "hex"], [function(r2) {
  24912. var t2 = v.exec(r2) || m.exec(r2);
  24913. return t2 ? t2[2] !== t2[4] || t2[4] !== t2[6] ? null : o({ r: Number(t2[1]) / (t2[2] ? 100 / 255 : 1), g: Number(t2[3]) / (t2[4] ? 100 / 255 : 1), b: Number(t2[5]) / (t2[6] ? 100 / 255 : 1), a: void 0 === t2[7] ? 1 : Number(t2[7]) / (t2[8] ? 100 : 1) }) : null;
  24914. }, "rgb"], [function(t2) {
  24915. var n2 = l.exec(t2) || c.exec(t2);
  24916. if (!n2)
  24917. return null;
  24918. var e2, u2, o2 = d({ h: (e2 = n2[1], u2 = n2[2], void 0 === u2 && (u2 = "deg"), Number(e2) * (r[u2] || 1)), s: Number(n2[3]), l: Number(n2[4]), a: void 0 === n2[5] ? 1 : Number(n2[5]) / (n2[6] ? 100 : 1) });
  24919. return f(o2);
  24920. }, "hsl"]], object: [[function(r2) {
  24921. var n2 = r2.r, e2 = r2.g, u2 = r2.b, a2 = r2.a, s2 = void 0 === a2 ? 1 : a2;
  24922. return t(n2) && t(e2) && t(u2) ? o({ r: Number(n2), g: Number(e2), b: Number(u2), a: Number(s2) }) : null;
  24923. }, "rgb"], [function(r2) {
  24924. var n2 = r2.h, e2 = r2.s, u2 = r2.l, o2 = r2.a, a2 = void 0 === o2 ? 1 : o2;
  24925. if (!t(n2) || !t(e2) || !t(u2))
  24926. return null;
  24927. var s2 = d({ h: Number(n2), s: Number(e2), l: Number(u2), a: Number(a2) });
  24928. return f(s2);
  24929. }, "hsl"], [function(r2) {
  24930. var n2 = r2.h, o2 = r2.s, a2 = r2.v, s2 = r2.a, i2 = void 0 === s2 ? 1 : s2;
  24931. if (!t(n2) || !t(o2) || !t(a2))
  24932. return null;
  24933. var h2 = function(r3) {
  24934. return { h: u(r3.h), s: e(r3.s, 0, 100), v: e(r3.v, 0, 100), a: e(r3.a) };
  24935. }({ h: Number(n2), s: Number(o2), v: Number(a2), a: Number(i2) });
  24936. return b(h2);
  24937. }, "hsv"]] };
  24938. var N = function(r2, t2) {
  24939. for (var n2 = 0; n2 < t2.length; n2++) {
  24940. var e2 = t2[n2][0](r2);
  24941. if (e2)
  24942. return [e2, t2[n2][1]];
  24943. }
  24944. return [null, void 0];
  24945. };
  24946. var x = function(r2) {
  24947. return "string" == typeof r2 ? N(r2.trim(), y.string) : "object" == typeof r2 && null !== r2 ? N(r2, y.object) : [null, void 0];
  24948. };
  24949. var M = function(r2, t2) {
  24950. var n2 = p(r2);
  24951. return { h: n2.h, s: e(n2.s + 100 * t2, 0, 100), l: n2.l, a: n2.a };
  24952. };
  24953. var I = function(r2) {
  24954. return (299 * r2.r + 587 * r2.g + 114 * r2.b) / 1e3 / 255;
  24955. };
  24956. var H = function(r2, t2) {
  24957. var n2 = p(r2);
  24958. return { h: n2.h, s: n2.s, l: e(n2.l + 100 * t2, 0, 100), a: n2.a };
  24959. };
  24960. var $ = function() {
  24961. function r2(r3) {
  24962. this.parsed = x(r3)[0], this.rgba = this.parsed || { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 };
  24963. }
  24964. return r2.prototype.isValid = function() {
  24965. return null !== this.parsed;
  24966. }, r2.prototype.brightness = function() {
  24967. return n(I(this.rgba), 2);
  24968. }, r2.prototype.isDark = function() {
  24969. return I(this.rgba) < 0.5;
  24970. }, r2.prototype.isLight = function() {
  24971. return I(this.rgba) >= 0.5;
  24972. }, r2.prototype.toHex = function() {
  24973. return r3 = a(this.rgba), t2 = r3.r, e2 = r3.g, u2 = r3.b, s2 = (o2 = r3.a) < 1 ? i(n(255 * o2)) : "", "#" + i(t2) + i(e2) + i(u2) + s2;
  24974. var r3, t2, e2, u2, o2, s2;
  24975. }, r2.prototype.toRgb = function() {
  24976. return a(this.rgba);
  24977. }, r2.prototype.toRgbString = function() {
  24978. return r3 = a(this.rgba), t2 = r3.r, n2 = r3.g, e2 = r3.b, (u2 = r3.a) < 1 ? "rgba(" + t2 + ", " + n2 + ", " + e2 + ", " + u2 + ")" : "rgb(" + t2 + ", " + n2 + ", " + e2 + ")";
  24979. var r3, t2, n2, e2, u2;
  24980. }, r2.prototype.toHsl = function() {
  24981. return g(p(this.rgba));
  24982. }, r2.prototype.toHslString = function() {
  24983. return r3 = g(p(this.rgba)), t2 = r3.h, n2 = r3.s, e2 = r3.l, (u2 = r3.a) < 1 ? "hsla(" + t2 + ", " + n2 + "%, " + e2 + "%, " + u2 + ")" : "hsl(" + t2 + ", " + n2 + "%, " + e2 + "%)";
  24984. var r3, t2, n2, e2, u2;
  24985. }, r2.prototype.toHsv = function() {
  24986. return r3 = h(this.rgba), { h: n(r3.h), s: n(r3.s), v: n(r3.v), a: n(r3.a, 3) };
  24987. var r3;
  24988. }, r2.prototype.invert = function() {
  24989. return j({ r: 255 - (r3 = this.rgba).r, g: 255 - r3.g, b: 255 - r3.b, a: r3.a });
  24990. var r3;
  24991. }, r2.prototype.saturate = function(r3) {
  24992. return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 0.1), j(M(this.rgba, r3));
  24993. }, r2.prototype.desaturate = function(r3) {
  24994. return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 0.1), j(M(this.rgba, -r3));
  24995. }, r2.prototype.grayscale = function() {
  24996. return j(M(this.rgba, -1));
  24997. }, r2.prototype.lighten = function(r3) {
  24998. return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 0.1), j(H(this.rgba, r3));
  24999. }, r2.prototype.darken = function(r3) {
  25000. return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 0.1), j(H(this.rgba, -r3));
  25001. }, r2.prototype.rotate = function(r3) {
  25002. return void 0 === r3 && (r3 = 15), this.hue(this.hue() + r3);
  25003. }, r2.prototype.alpha = function(r3) {
  25004. return "number" == typeof r3 ? j({ r: (t2 = this.rgba).r, g: t2.g, b: t2.b, a: r3 }) : n(this.rgba.a, 3);
  25005. var t2;
  25006. }, r2.prototype.hue = function(r3) {
  25007. var t2 = p(this.rgba);
  25008. return "number" == typeof r3 ? j({ h: r3, s: t2.s, l: t2.l, a: t2.a }) : n(t2.h);
  25009. }, r2.prototype.isEqual = function(r3) {
  25010. return this.toHex() === j(r3).toHex();
  25011. }, r2;
  25012. }();
  25013. var j = function(r2) {
  25014. return r2 instanceof $ ? r2 : new $(r2);
  25015. };
  25016. var w = [];
  25017. exports2.Colord = $, exports2.colord = j, exports2.extend = function(r2) {
  25018. r2.forEach(function(r3) {
  25019. w.indexOf(r3) < 0 && (r3($, y), w.push(r3));
  25020. });
  25021. }, exports2.getFormat = function(r2) {
  25022. return x(r2)[1];
  25023. }, exports2.random = function() {
  25024. return new $({ r: 255 * Math.random(), g: 255 * Math.random(), b: 255 * Math.random() });
  25025. };
  25026. }
  25027. });
  25028. // node_modules/colord/plugins/names.js
  25029. var require_names = __commonJS({
  25030. "node_modules/colord/plugins/names.js"(exports2, module2) {
  25031. module2.exports = function(e, f) {
  25032. var a = { white: "#ffffff", bisque: "#ffe4c4", blue: "#0000ff", cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", chartreuse: "#7fff00", chocolate: "#d2691e", coral: "#ff7f50", antiquewhite: "#faebd7", aqua: "#00ffff", azure: "#f0ffff", whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", papayawhip: "#ffefd5", plum: "#dda0dd", blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", black: "#000000", gold: "#ffd700", goldenrod: "#daa520", gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", cornsilk: "#fff8dc", cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", burlywood: "#deb887", aquamarine: "#7fffd4", beige: "#f5f5dc", crimson: "#dc143c", cyan: "#00ffff", darkblue: "#00008b", darkcyan: "#008b8b", darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", darkgray: "#a9a9a9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkgrey: "#a9a9a9", peachpuff: "#ffdab9", darkmagenta: "#8b008b", darkred: "#8b0000", darkorchid: "#9932cc", darkorange: "#ff8c00", darkslateblue: "#483d8b", gray: "#808080", darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f", deeppink: "#ff1493", deepskyblue: "#00bfff", wheat: "#f5deb3", firebrick: "#b22222", floralwhite: "#fffaf0", ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", darkviolet: "#9400d3", magenta: "#ff00ff", green: "#008000", dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", grey: "#808080", honeydew: "#f0fff0", hotpink: "#ff69b4", blueviolet: "#8a2be2", forestgreen: "#228b22", lawngreen: "#7cfc00", indianred: "#cd5c5c", indigo: "#4b0082", fuchsia: "#ff00ff", brown: "#a52a2a", maroon: "#800000", mediumblue: "#0000cd", lightcoral: "#f08080", darkturquoise: "#00ced1", lightcyan: "#e0ffff", ivory: "#fffff0", lightyellow: "#ffffe0", lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", linen: "#faf0e6", mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", lime: "#00ff00", khaki: "#f0e68c", mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", limegreen: "#32cd32", mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", lightskyblue: "#87cefa", lightblue: "#add8e6", midnightblue: "#191970", lightpink: "#ffb6c1", mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", moccasin: "#ffe4b5", mintcream: "#f5fffa", lightslategray: "#778899", lightslategrey: "#778899", navajowhite: "#ffdead", navy: "#000080", mediumvioletred: "#c71585", powderblue: "#b0e0e6", palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", oldlace: "#fdf5e6", paleturquoise: "#afeeee", mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", rebeccapurple: "#663399", lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", thistle: "#d8bfd8", tan: "#d2b48c", orchid: "#da70d6", mediumpurple: "#9370db", purple: "#800080", pink: "#ffc0cb", skyblue: "#87ceeb", springgreen: "#00ff7f", palegreen: "#98fb98", red: "#ff0000", yellow: "#ffff00", slateblue: "#6a5acd", lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", peru: "#cd853f", palevioletred: "#db7093", violet: "#ee82ee", teal: "#008080", slategray: "#708090", slategrey: "#708090", aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", greenyellow: "#adff2f", seagreen: "#2e8b57", seashell: "#fff5ee", tomato: "#ff6347", silver: "#c0c0c0", sienna: "#a0522d", lavender: "#e6e6fa", lightgreen: "#90ee90", orange: "#ffa500", orangered: "#ff4500", steelblue: "#4682b4", royalblue: "#4169e1", turquoise: "#40e0d0", yellowgreen: "#9acd32", salmon: "#fa8072", saddlebrown: "#8b4513", sandybrown: "#f4a460", rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", darksalmon: "#e9967a", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", snow: "#fffafa", lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", lightgray: "#d3d3d3", dimgray: "#696969", dimgrey: "#696969", olivedrab: "#6b8e23", olive: "#808000" }, r = {};
  25033. for (var d in a)
  25034. r[a[d]] = d;
  25035. var l = {};
  25036. e.prototype.toName = function(f2) {
  25037. if (!(this.rgba.a || this.rgba.r || this.rgba.g || this.rgba.b))
  25038. return "transparent";
  25039. var d2, i, o = r[this.toHex()];
  25040. if (o)
  25041. return o;
  25042. if (null == f2 ? void 0 : f2.closest) {
  25043. var n = this.toRgb(), t = 1 / 0, b = "black";
  25044. if (!l.length)
  25045. for (var c in a)
  25046. l[c] = new e(a[c]).toRgb();
  25047. for (var g in a) {
  25048. var u = (d2 = n, i = l[g], Math.pow(d2.r - i.r, 2) + Math.pow(d2.g - i.g, 2) + Math.pow(d2.b - i.b, 2));
  25049. u < t && (t = u, b = g);
  25050. }
  25051. return b;
  25052. }
  25053. };
  25054. f.string.push([function(f2) {
  25055. var r2 = f2.toLowerCase(), d2 = "transparent" === r2 ? "#0000" : a[r2];
  25056. return d2 ? new e(d2).toRgb() : null;
  25057. }, "name"]);
  25058. };
  25059. }
  25060. });
  25061. // node_modules/postcss-minify-gradients/src/isColorStop.js
  25062. var require_isColorStop = __commonJS({
  25063. "node_modules/postcss-minify-gradients/src/isColorStop.js"(exports2, module2) {
  25064. "use strict";
  25065. var { unit } = require_lib();
  25066. var { colord, extend } = require_colord();
  25067. var namesPlugin = require_names();
  25068. extend([
  25069. /** @type {any} */
  25070. namesPlugin
  25071. ]);
  25072. var lengthUnits = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  25073. "PX",
  25074. "IN",
  25075. "CM",
  25076. "MM",
  25077. "EM",
  25078. "REM",
  25079. "POINTS",
  25080. "PC",
  25081. "EX",
  25082. "CH",
  25083. "VW",
  25084. "VH",
  25085. "VMIN",
  25086. "VMAX",
  25087. "%"
  25088. ]);
  25089. function isCSSLengthUnit(input) {
  25090. return lengthUnits.has(input.toUpperCase());
  25091. }
  25092. function isStop(str) {
  25093. if (str) {
  25094. let stop = false;
  25095. const node = unit(str);
  25096. if (node) {
  25097. const number = Number(node.number);
  25098. if (number === 0 || !isNaN(number) && isCSSLengthUnit(node.unit)) {
  25099. stop = true;
  25100. }
  25101. } else {
  25102. stop = /^calc\(\S+\)$/g.test(str);
  25103. }
  25104. return stop;
  25105. }
  25106. return true;
  25107. }
  25108. module2.exports = function isColorStop(color, stop) {
  25109. return colord(color).isValid() && isStop(stop);
  25110. };
  25111. }
  25112. });
  25113. // node_modules/postcss-minify-gradients/src/index.js
  25114. var require_src6 = __commonJS({
  25115. "node_modules/postcss-minify-gradients/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  25116. "use strict";
  25117. var valueParser = require_lib();
  25118. var { getArguments } = require_src5();
  25119. var isColorStop = require_isColorStop();
  25120. var angles = {
  25121. top: "0deg",
  25122. right: "90deg",
  25123. bottom: "180deg",
  25124. left: "270deg"
  25125. };
  25126. function isLessThan(a, b) {
  25127. return a.unit.toLowerCase() === b.unit.toLowerCase() && parseFloat(a.number) >= parseFloat(b.number);
  25128. }
  25129. function optimise(decl) {
  25130. const value = decl.value;
  25131. if (!value) {
  25132. return;
  25133. }
  25134. const normalizedValue = value.toLowerCase();
  25135. if (normalizedValue.includes("var(") || normalizedValue.includes("env(")) {
  25136. return;
  25137. }
  25138. if (!normalizedValue.includes("gradient")) {
  25139. return;
  25140. }
  25141. decl.value = valueParser(value).walk((node) => {
  25142. if (node.type !== "function" || !node.nodes.length) {
  25143. return false;
  25144. }
  25145. const lowerCasedValue = node.value.toLowerCase();
  25146. if (lowerCasedValue === "linear-gradient" || lowerCasedValue === "repeating-linear-gradient" || lowerCasedValue === "-webkit-linear-gradient" || lowerCasedValue === "-webkit-repeating-linear-gradient") {
  25147. let args = getArguments(node);
  25148. if (node.nodes[0].value.toLowerCase() === "to" && args[0].length === 3) {
  25149. node.nodes = node.nodes.slice(2);
  25150. node.nodes[0].value = angles[
  25151. /** @type {'top'|'right'|'bottom'|'left'}*/
  25152. node.nodes[0].value.toLowerCase()
  25153. ];
  25154. }
  25155. let lastStop;
  25156. args.forEach((arg, index) => {
  25157. if (arg.length !== 3) {
  25158. return;
  25159. }
  25160. let isFinalStop = index === args.length - 1;
  25161. let thisStop = valueParser.unit(arg[2].value);
  25162. if (lastStop === void 0) {
  25163. lastStop = thisStop;
  25164. if (!isFinalStop && lastStop && lastStop.number === "0" && lastStop.unit.toLowerCase() !== "deg") {
  25165. arg[1].value = arg[2].value = "";
  25166. }
  25167. return;
  25168. }
  25169. if (lastStop && thisStop && isLessThan(lastStop, thisStop)) {
  25170. arg[2].value = "0";
  25171. }
  25172. lastStop = thisStop;
  25173. if (isFinalStop && arg[2].value === "100%") {
  25174. arg[1].value = arg[2].value = "";
  25175. }
  25176. });
  25177. return false;
  25178. }
  25179. if (lowerCasedValue === "radial-gradient" || lowerCasedValue === "repeating-radial-gradient") {
  25180. let args = getArguments(node);
  25181. let lastStop;
  25182. const hasAt = args[0].find((n) => n.value.toLowerCase() === "at");
  25183. args.forEach((arg, index) => {
  25184. if (!arg[2] || !index && hasAt) {
  25185. return;
  25186. }
  25187. let thisStop = valueParser.unit(arg[2].value);
  25188. if (!lastStop) {
  25189. lastStop = thisStop;
  25190. return;
  25191. }
  25192. if (lastStop && thisStop && isLessThan(lastStop, thisStop)) {
  25193. arg[2].value = "0";
  25194. }
  25195. lastStop = thisStop;
  25196. });
  25197. return false;
  25198. }
  25199. if (lowerCasedValue === "-webkit-radial-gradient" || lowerCasedValue === "-webkit-repeating-radial-gradient") {
  25200. let args = getArguments(node);
  25201. let lastStop;
  25202. args.forEach((arg) => {
  25203. let color;
  25204. let stop;
  25205. if (arg[2] !== void 0) {
  25206. if (arg[0].type === "function") {
  25207. color = `${arg[0].value}(${valueParser.stringify(arg[0].nodes)})`;
  25208. } else {
  25209. color = arg[0].value;
  25210. }
  25211. if (arg[2].type === "function") {
  25212. stop = `${arg[2].value}(${valueParser.stringify(arg[2].nodes)})`;
  25213. } else {
  25214. stop = arg[2].value;
  25215. }
  25216. } else {
  25217. if (arg[0].type === "function") {
  25218. color = `${arg[0].value}(${valueParser.stringify(arg[0].nodes)})`;
  25219. }
  25220. color = arg[0].value;
  25221. }
  25222. color = color.toLowerCase();
  25223. const colorStop = stop !== void 0 ? isColorStop(color, stop.toLowerCase()) : isColorStop(color);
  25224. if (!colorStop || !arg[2]) {
  25225. return;
  25226. }
  25227. let thisStop = valueParser.unit(arg[2].value);
  25228. if (!lastStop) {
  25229. lastStop = thisStop;
  25230. return;
  25231. }
  25232. if (lastStop && thisStop && isLessThan(lastStop, thisStop)) {
  25233. arg[2].value = "0";
  25234. }
  25235. lastStop = thisStop;
  25236. });
  25237. return false;
  25238. }
  25239. }).toString();
  25240. }
  25241. function pluginCreator() {
  25242. return {
  25243. postcssPlugin: "postcss-minify-gradients",
  25244. OnceExit(css) {
  25245. css.walkDecls(optimise);
  25246. }
  25247. };
  25248. }
  25249. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  25250. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  25251. }
  25252. });
  25253. // node_modules/@trysound/sax/lib/sax.js
  25254. var require_sax = __commonJS({
  25255. "node_modules/@trysound/sax/lib/sax.js"(exports2) {
  25256. (function(sax) {
  25257. sax.parser = function(strict, opt) {
  25258. return new SAXParser(strict, opt);
  25259. };
  25260. sax.SAXParser = SAXParser;
  25261. sax.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH = 64 * 1024;
  25262. var buffers = [
  25263. "comment",
  25264. "sgmlDecl",
  25265. "textNode",
  25266. "tagName",
  25267. "doctype",
  25268. "procInstName",
  25269. "procInstBody",
  25270. "entity",
  25271. "attribName",
  25272. "attribValue",
  25273. "cdata",
  25274. "script"
  25275. ];
  25276. sax.EVENTS = [
  25277. "text",
  25278. "processinginstruction",
  25279. "sgmldeclaration",
  25280. "doctype",
  25281. "comment",
  25282. "opentagstart",
  25283. "attribute",
  25284. "opentag",
  25285. "closetag",
  25286. "opencdata",
  25287. "cdata",
  25288. "closecdata",
  25289. "error",
  25290. "end",
  25291. "ready",
  25292. "script",
  25293. "opennamespace",
  25294. "closenamespace"
  25295. ];
  25296. function SAXParser(strict, opt) {
  25297. if (!(this instanceof SAXParser)) {
  25298. return new SAXParser(strict, opt);
  25299. }
  25300. var parser = this;
  25301. clearBuffers(parser);
  25302. parser.q = parser.c = "";
  25303. parser.bufferCheckPosition = sax.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH;
  25304. parser.opt = opt || {};
  25305. parser.opt.lowercase = parser.opt.lowercase || parser.opt.lowercasetags;
  25306. parser.looseCase = parser.opt.lowercase ? "toLowerCase" : "toUpperCase";
  25307. parser.tags = [];
  25308. parser.closed = parser.closedRoot = parser.sawRoot = false;
  25309. parser.tag = parser.error = null;
  25310. parser.strict = !!strict;
  25311. parser.noscript = !!(strict || parser.opt.noscript);
  25312. parser.state = S.BEGIN;
  25313. parser.strictEntities = parser.opt.strictEntities;
  25314. parser.ENTITIES = parser.strictEntities ? Object.create(sax.XML_ENTITIES) : Object.create(sax.ENTITIES);
  25315. parser.attribList = [];
  25316. if (parser.opt.xmlns) {
  25317. parser.ns = Object.create(rootNS);
  25318. }
  25319. parser.trackPosition = parser.opt.position !== false;
  25320. if (parser.trackPosition) {
  25321. parser.position = parser.line = parser.column = 0;
  25322. }
  25323. emit(parser, "onready");
  25324. }
  25325. if (!Object.create) {
  25326. Object.create = function(o) {
  25327. function F() {
  25328. }
  25329. F.prototype = o;
  25330. var newf = new F();
  25331. return newf;
  25332. };
  25333. }
  25334. if (!Object.keys) {
  25335. Object.keys = function(o) {
  25336. var a = [];
  25337. for (var i in o)
  25338. if (o.hasOwnProperty(i))
  25339. a.push(i);
  25340. return a;
  25341. };
  25342. }
  25343. function checkBufferLength(parser) {
  25344. var maxAllowed = Math.max(sax.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, 10);
  25345. var maxActual = 0;
  25346. for (var i = 0, l = buffers.length; i < l; i++) {
  25347. var len = parser[buffers[i]].length;
  25348. if (len > maxAllowed) {
  25349. switch (buffers[i]) {
  25350. case "textNode":
  25351. closeText(parser);
  25352. break;
  25353. case "cdata":
  25354. emitNode(parser, "oncdata", parser.cdata);
  25355. parser.cdata = "";
  25356. break;
  25357. case "script":
  25358. emitNode(parser, "onscript", parser.script);
  25359. parser.script = "";
  25360. break;
  25361. default:
  25362. error(parser, "Max buffer length exceeded: " + buffers[i]);
  25363. }
  25364. }
  25365. maxActual = Math.max(maxActual, len);
  25366. }
  25367. var m = sax.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - maxActual;
  25368. parser.bufferCheckPosition = m + parser.position;
  25369. }
  25370. function clearBuffers(parser) {
  25371. for (var i = 0, l = buffers.length; i < l; i++) {
  25372. parser[buffers[i]] = "";
  25373. }
  25374. }
  25375. function flushBuffers(parser) {
  25376. closeText(parser);
  25377. if (parser.cdata !== "") {
  25378. emitNode(parser, "oncdata", parser.cdata);
  25379. parser.cdata = "";
  25380. }
  25381. if (parser.script !== "") {
  25382. emitNode(parser, "onscript", parser.script);
  25383. parser.script = "";
  25384. }
  25385. }
  25386. SAXParser.prototype = {
  25387. end: function() {
  25388. end(this);
  25389. },
  25390. write,
  25391. resume: function() {
  25392. this.error = null;
  25393. return this;
  25394. },
  25395. close: function() {
  25396. return this.write(null);
  25397. },
  25398. flush: function() {
  25399. flushBuffers(this);
  25400. }
  25401. };
  25402. var CDATA = "[CDATA[";
  25403. var DOCTYPE = "DOCTYPE";
  25404. var XML_NAMESPACE = "";
  25405. var XMLNS_NAMESPACE = "";
  25406. var rootNS = { xml: XML_NAMESPACE, xmlns: XMLNS_NAMESPACE };
  25407. var nameStart = /[:_A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]/;
  25408. var nameBody = /[:_A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040.\d-]/;
  25409. var entityStart = /[#:_A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]/;
  25410. var entityBody = /[#:_A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040.\d-]/;
  25411. function isWhitespace(c) {
  25412. return c === " " || c === "\n" || c === "\r" || c === " ";
  25413. }
  25414. function isQuote(c) {
  25415. return c === '"' || c === "'";
  25416. }
  25417. function isAttribEnd(c) {
  25418. return c === ">" || isWhitespace(c);
  25419. }
  25420. function isMatch(regex, c) {
  25421. return regex.test(c);
  25422. }
  25423. function notMatch(regex, c) {
  25424. return !isMatch(regex, c);
  25425. }
  25426. var S = 0;
  25427. sax.STATE = {
  25428. BEGIN: S++,
  25429. // leading byte order mark or whitespace
  25431. // leading whitespace
  25432. TEXT: S++,
  25433. // general stuff
  25434. TEXT_ENTITY: S++,
  25435. // &amp and such.
  25436. OPEN_WAKA: S++,
  25437. // <
  25438. SGML_DECL: S++,
  25439. // <!BLARG
  25440. SGML_DECL_QUOTED: S++,
  25441. // <!BLARG foo "bar
  25442. DOCTYPE: S++,
  25443. // <!DOCTYPE
  25444. DOCTYPE_QUOTED: S++,
  25445. // <!DOCTYPE "//blah
  25446. DOCTYPE_DTD: S++,
  25447. // <!DOCTYPE "//blah" [ ...
  25449. // <!DOCTYPE "//blah" [ "foo
  25451. // <!-
  25452. COMMENT: S++,
  25453. // <!--
  25454. COMMENT_ENDING: S++,
  25455. // <!-- blah -
  25456. COMMENT_ENDED: S++,
  25457. // <!-- blah --
  25458. CDATA: S++,
  25459. // <![CDATA[ something
  25460. CDATA_ENDING: S++,
  25461. // ]
  25462. CDATA_ENDING_2: S++,
  25463. // ]]
  25464. PROC_INST: S++,
  25465. // <?hi
  25466. PROC_INST_BODY: S++,
  25467. // <?hi there
  25468. PROC_INST_ENDING: S++,
  25469. // <?hi "there" ?
  25470. OPEN_TAG: S++,
  25471. // <strong
  25472. OPEN_TAG_SLASH: S++,
  25473. // <strong /
  25474. ATTRIB: S++,
  25475. // <a
  25476. ATTRIB_NAME: S++,
  25477. // <a foo
  25479. // <a foo _
  25480. ATTRIB_VALUE: S++,
  25481. // <a foo=
  25483. // <a foo="bar
  25485. // <a foo="bar"
  25487. // <a foo=bar
  25489. // <foo bar="&quot;"
  25491. // <foo bar=&quot
  25492. CLOSE_TAG: S++,
  25493. // </a
  25494. CLOSE_TAG_SAW_WHITE: S++,
  25495. // </a >
  25496. SCRIPT: S++,
  25497. // <script> ...
  25498. SCRIPT_ENDING: S++
  25499. // <script> ... <
  25500. };
  25501. sax.XML_ENTITIES = {
  25502. "amp": "&",
  25503. "gt": ">",
  25504. "lt": "<",
  25505. "quot": '"',
  25506. "apos": "'"
  25507. };
  25508. sax.ENTITIES = {
  25509. "amp": "&",
  25510. "gt": ">",
  25511. "lt": "<",
  25512. "quot": '"',
  25513. "apos": "'",
  25514. "AElig": 198,
  25515. "Aacute": 193,
  25516. "Acirc": 194,
  25517. "Agrave": 192,
  25518. "Aring": 197,
  25519. "Atilde": 195,
  25520. "Auml": 196,
  25521. "Ccedil": 199,
  25522. "ETH": 208,
  25523. "Eacute": 201,
  25524. "Ecirc": 202,
  25525. "Egrave": 200,
  25526. "Euml": 203,
  25527. "Iacute": 205,
  25528. "Icirc": 206,
  25529. "Igrave": 204,
  25530. "Iuml": 207,
  25531. "Ntilde": 209,
  25532. "Oacute": 211,
  25533. "Ocirc": 212,
  25534. "Ograve": 210,
  25535. "Oslash": 216,
  25536. "Otilde": 213,
  25537. "Ouml": 214,
  25538. "THORN": 222,
  25539. "Uacute": 218,
  25540. "Ucirc": 219,
  25541. "Ugrave": 217,
  25542. "Uuml": 220,
  25543. "Yacute": 221,
  25544. "aacute": 225,
  25545. "acirc": 226,
  25546. "aelig": 230,
  25547. "agrave": 224,
  25548. "aring": 229,
  25549. "atilde": 227,
  25550. "auml": 228,
  25551. "ccedil": 231,
  25552. "eacute": 233,
  25553. "ecirc": 234,
  25554. "egrave": 232,
  25555. "eth": 240,
  25556. "euml": 235,
  25557. "iacute": 237,
  25558. "icirc": 238,
  25559. "igrave": 236,
  25560. "iuml": 239,
  25561. "ntilde": 241,
  25562. "oacute": 243,
  25563. "ocirc": 244,
  25564. "ograve": 242,
  25565. "oslash": 248,
  25566. "otilde": 245,
  25567. "ouml": 246,
  25568. "szlig": 223,
  25569. "thorn": 254,
  25570. "uacute": 250,
  25571. "ucirc": 251,
  25572. "ugrave": 249,
  25573. "uuml": 252,
  25574. "yacute": 253,
  25575. "yuml": 255,
  25576. "copy": 169,
  25577. "reg": 174,
  25578. "nbsp": 160,
  25579. "iexcl": 161,
  25580. "cent": 162,
  25581. "pound": 163,
  25582. "curren": 164,
  25583. "yen": 165,
  25584. "brvbar": 166,
  25585. "sect": 167,
  25586. "uml": 168,
  25587. "ordf": 170,
  25588. "laquo": 171,
  25589. "not": 172,
  25590. "shy": 173,
  25591. "macr": 175,
  25592. "deg": 176,
  25593. "plusmn": 177,
  25594. "sup1": 185,
  25595. "sup2": 178,
  25596. "sup3": 179,
  25597. "acute": 180,
  25598. "micro": 181,
  25599. "para": 182,
  25600. "middot": 183,
  25601. "cedil": 184,
  25602. "ordm": 186,
  25603. "raquo": 187,
  25604. "frac14": 188,
  25605. "frac12": 189,
  25606. "frac34": 190,
  25607. "iquest": 191,
  25608. "times": 215,
  25609. "divide": 247,
  25610. "OElig": 338,
  25611. "oelig": 339,
  25612. "Scaron": 352,
  25613. "scaron": 353,
  25614. "Yuml": 376,
  25615. "fnof": 402,
  25616. "circ": 710,
  25617. "tilde": 732,
  25618. "Alpha": 913,
  25619. "Beta": 914,
  25620. "Gamma": 915,
  25621. "Delta": 916,
  25622. "Epsilon": 917,
  25623. "Zeta": 918,
  25624. "Eta": 919,
  25625. "Theta": 920,
  25626. "Iota": 921,
  25627. "Kappa": 922,
  25628. "Lambda": 923,
  25629. "Mu": 924,
  25630. "Nu": 925,
  25631. "Xi": 926,
  25632. "Omicron": 927,
  25633. "Pi": 928,
  25634. "Rho": 929,
  25635. "Sigma": 931,
  25636. "Tau": 932,
  25637. "Upsilon": 933,
  25638. "Phi": 934,
  25639. "Chi": 935,
  25640. "Psi": 936,
  25641. "Omega": 937,
  25642. "alpha": 945,
  25643. "beta": 946,
  25644. "gamma": 947,
  25645. "delta": 948,
  25646. "epsilon": 949,
  25647. "zeta": 950,
  25648. "eta": 951,
  25649. "theta": 952,
  25650. "iota": 953,
  25651. "kappa": 954,
  25652. "lambda": 955,
  25653. "mu": 956,
  25654. "nu": 957,
  25655. "xi": 958,
  25656. "omicron": 959,
  25657. "pi": 960,
  25658. "rho": 961,
  25659. "sigmaf": 962,
  25660. "sigma": 963,
  25661. "tau": 964,
  25662. "upsilon": 965,
  25663. "phi": 966,
  25664. "chi": 967,
  25665. "psi": 968,
  25666. "omega": 969,
  25667. "thetasym": 977,
  25668. "upsih": 978,
  25669. "piv": 982,
  25670. "ensp": 8194,
  25671. "emsp": 8195,
  25672. "thinsp": 8201,
  25673. "zwnj": 8204,
  25674. "zwj": 8205,
  25675. "lrm": 8206,
  25676. "rlm": 8207,
  25677. "ndash": 8211,
  25678. "mdash": 8212,
  25679. "lsquo": 8216,
  25680. "rsquo": 8217,
  25681. "sbquo": 8218,
  25682. "ldquo": 8220,
  25683. "rdquo": 8221,
  25684. "bdquo": 8222,
  25685. "dagger": 8224,
  25686. "Dagger": 8225,
  25687. "bull": 8226,
  25688. "hellip": 8230,
  25689. "permil": 8240,
  25690. "prime": 8242,
  25691. "Prime": 8243,
  25692. "lsaquo": 8249,
  25693. "rsaquo": 8250,
  25694. "oline": 8254,
  25695. "frasl": 8260,
  25696. "euro": 8364,
  25697. "image": 8465,
  25698. "weierp": 8472,
  25699. "real": 8476,
  25700. "trade": 8482,
  25701. "alefsym": 8501,
  25702. "larr": 8592,
  25703. "uarr": 8593,
  25704. "rarr": 8594,
  25705. "darr": 8595,
  25706. "harr": 8596,
  25707. "crarr": 8629,
  25708. "lArr": 8656,
  25709. "uArr": 8657,
  25710. "rArr": 8658,
  25711. "dArr": 8659,
  25712. "hArr": 8660,
  25713. "forall": 8704,
  25714. "part": 8706,
  25715. "exist": 8707,
  25716. "empty": 8709,
  25717. "nabla": 8711,
  25718. "isin": 8712,
  25719. "notin": 8713,
  25720. "ni": 8715,
  25721. "prod": 8719,
  25722. "sum": 8721,
  25723. "minus": 8722,
  25724. "lowast": 8727,
  25725. "radic": 8730,
  25726. "prop": 8733,
  25727. "infin": 8734,
  25728. "ang": 8736,
  25729. "and": 8743,
  25730. "or": 8744,
  25731. "cap": 8745,
  25732. "cup": 8746,
  25733. "int": 8747,
  25734. "there4": 8756,
  25735. "sim": 8764,
  25736. "cong": 8773,
  25737. "asymp": 8776,
  25738. "ne": 8800,
  25739. "equiv": 8801,
  25740. "le": 8804,
  25741. "ge": 8805,
  25742. "sub": 8834,
  25743. "sup": 8835,
  25744. "nsub": 8836,
  25745. "sube": 8838,
  25746. "supe": 8839,
  25747. "oplus": 8853,
  25748. "otimes": 8855,
  25749. "perp": 8869,
  25750. "sdot": 8901,
  25751. "lceil": 8968,
  25752. "rceil": 8969,
  25753. "lfloor": 8970,
  25754. "rfloor": 8971,
  25755. "lang": 9001,
  25756. "rang": 9002,
  25757. "loz": 9674,
  25758. "spades": 9824,
  25759. "clubs": 9827,
  25760. "hearts": 9829,
  25761. "diams": 9830
  25762. };
  25763. Object.keys(sax.ENTITIES).forEach(function(key) {
  25764. var e = sax.ENTITIES[key];
  25765. var s2 = typeof e === "number" ? String.fromCharCode(e) : e;
  25766. sax.ENTITIES[key] = s2;
  25767. });
  25768. for (var s in sax.STATE) {
  25769. sax.STATE[sax.STATE[s]] = s;
  25770. }
  25771. S = sax.STATE;
  25772. function emit(parser, event, data) {
  25773. parser[event] && parser[event](data);
  25774. }
  25775. function emitNode(parser, nodeType, data) {
  25776. if (parser.textNode)
  25777. closeText(parser);
  25778. emit(parser, nodeType, data);
  25779. }
  25780. function closeText(parser) {
  25781. parser.textNode = textopts(parser.opt, parser.textNode);
  25782. if (parser.textNode)
  25783. emit(parser, "ontext", parser.textNode);
  25784. parser.textNode = "";
  25785. }
  25786. function textopts(opt, text) {
  25787. if (opt.trim)
  25788. text = text.trim();
  25789. if (opt.normalize)
  25790. text = text.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
  25791. return text;
  25792. }
  25793. function error(parser, reason) {
  25794. closeText(parser);
  25795. const message = reason + "\nLine: " + parser.line + "\nColumn: " + parser.column + "\nChar: " + parser.c;
  25796. const error2 = new Error(message);
  25797. error2.reason = reason;
  25798. error2.line = parser.line;
  25799. error2.column = parser.column;
  25800. parser.error = error2;
  25801. emit(parser, "onerror", error2);
  25802. return parser;
  25803. }
  25804. function end(parser) {
  25805. if (parser.sawRoot && !parser.closedRoot)
  25806. strictFail(parser, "Unclosed root tag");
  25807. if (parser.state !== S.BEGIN && parser.state !== S.BEGIN_WHITESPACE && parser.state !== S.TEXT) {
  25808. error(parser, "Unexpected end");
  25809. }
  25810. closeText(parser);
  25811. parser.c = "";
  25812. parser.closed = true;
  25813. emit(parser, "onend");
  25814., parser.strict, parser.opt);
  25815. return parser;
  25816. }
  25817. function strictFail(parser, message) {
  25818. if (typeof parser !== "object" || !(parser instanceof SAXParser)) {
  25819. throw new Error("bad call to strictFail");
  25820. }
  25821. if (parser.strict) {
  25822. error(parser, message);
  25823. }
  25824. }
  25825. function newTag(parser) {
  25826. if (!parser.strict)
  25827. parser.tagName = parser.tagName[parser.looseCase]();
  25828. var parent = parser.tags[parser.tags.length - 1] || parser;
  25829. var tag = parser.tag = { name: parser.tagName, attributes: {} };
  25830. if (parser.opt.xmlns) {
  25831. tag.ns = parent.ns;
  25832. }
  25833. parser.attribList.length = 0;
  25834. emitNode(parser, "onopentagstart", tag);
  25835. }
  25836. function qname(name, attribute) {
  25837. var i = name.indexOf(":");
  25838. var qualName = i < 0 ? ["", name] : name.split(":");
  25839. var prefix = qualName[0];
  25840. var local = qualName[1];
  25841. if (attribute && name === "xmlns") {
  25842. prefix = "xmlns";
  25843. local = "";
  25844. }
  25845. return { prefix, local };
  25846. }
  25847. function attrib(parser) {
  25848. if (!parser.strict) {
  25849. parser.attribName = parser.attribName[parser.looseCase]();
  25850. }
  25851. if (parser.attribList.indexOf(parser.attribName) !== -1 || parser.tag.attributes.hasOwnProperty(parser.attribName)) {
  25852. parser.attribName = parser.attribValue = "";
  25853. return;
  25854. }
  25855. if (parser.opt.xmlns) {
  25856. var qn = qname(parser.attribName, true);
  25857. var prefix = qn.prefix;
  25858. var local = qn.local;
  25859. if (prefix === "xmlns") {
  25860. if (local === "xml" && parser.attribValue !== XML_NAMESPACE) {
  25861. strictFail(
  25862. parser,
  25863. "xml: prefix must be bound to " + XML_NAMESPACE + "\nActual: " + parser.attribValue
  25864. );
  25865. } else if (local === "xmlns" && parser.attribValue !== XMLNS_NAMESPACE) {
  25866. strictFail(
  25867. parser,
  25868. "xmlns: prefix must be bound to " + XMLNS_NAMESPACE + "\nActual: " + parser.attribValue
  25869. );
  25870. } else {
  25871. var tag = parser.tag;
  25872. var parent = parser.tags[parser.tags.length - 1] || parser;
  25873. if (tag.ns === parent.ns) {
  25874. tag.ns = Object.create(parent.ns);
  25875. }
  25876. tag.ns[local] = parser.attribValue;
  25877. }
  25878. }
  25879. parser.attribList.push([parser.attribName, parser.attribValue]);
  25880. } else {
  25881. parser.tag.attributes[parser.attribName] = parser.attribValue;
  25882. emitNode(parser, "onattribute", {
  25883. name: parser.attribName,
  25884. value: parser.attribValue
  25885. });
  25886. }
  25887. parser.attribName = parser.attribValue = "";
  25888. }
  25889. function openTag(parser, selfClosing) {
  25890. if (parser.opt.xmlns) {
  25891. var tag = parser.tag;
  25892. var qn = qname(parser.tagName);
  25893. tag.prefix = qn.prefix;
  25894. tag.local = qn.local;
  25895. tag.uri = tag.ns[qn.prefix] || "";
  25896. if (tag.prefix && !tag.uri) {
  25897. strictFail(parser, "Unbound namespace prefix: " + JSON.stringify(parser.tagName));
  25898. tag.uri = qn.prefix;
  25899. }
  25900. var parent = parser.tags[parser.tags.length - 1] || parser;
  25901. if (tag.ns && parent.ns !== tag.ns) {
  25902. Object.keys(tag.ns).forEach(function(p) {
  25903. emitNode(parser, "onopennamespace", {
  25904. prefix: p,
  25905. uri: tag.ns[p]
  25906. });
  25907. });
  25908. }
  25909. for (var i = 0, l = parser.attribList.length; i < l; i++) {
  25910. var nv = parser.attribList[i];
  25911. var name = nv[0];
  25912. var value = nv[1];
  25913. var qualName = qname(name, true);
  25914. var prefix = qualName.prefix;
  25915. var local = qualName.local;
  25916. var uri = prefix === "" ? "" : tag.ns[prefix] || "";
  25917. var a = {
  25918. name,
  25919. value,
  25920. prefix,
  25921. local,
  25922. uri
  25923. };
  25924. if (prefix && prefix !== "xmlns" && !uri) {
  25925. strictFail(parser, "Unbound namespace prefix: " + JSON.stringify(prefix));
  25926. a.uri = prefix;
  25927. }
  25928. parser.tag.attributes[name] = a;
  25929. emitNode(parser, "onattribute", a);
  25930. }
  25931. parser.attribList.length = 0;
  25932. }
  25933. parser.tag.isSelfClosing = !!selfClosing;
  25934. parser.sawRoot = true;
  25935. parser.tags.push(parser.tag);
  25936. emitNode(parser, "onopentag", parser.tag);
  25937. if (!selfClosing) {
  25938. if (!parser.noscript && parser.tagName.toLowerCase() === "script") {
  25939. parser.state = S.SCRIPT;
  25940. } else {
  25941. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  25942. }
  25943. parser.tag = null;
  25944. parser.tagName = "";
  25945. }
  25946. parser.attribName = parser.attribValue = "";
  25947. parser.attribList.length = 0;
  25948. }
  25949. function closeTag(parser) {
  25950. if (!parser.tagName) {
  25951. strictFail(parser, "Weird empty close tag.");
  25952. parser.textNode += "</>";
  25953. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  25954. return;
  25955. }
  25956. if (parser.script) {
  25957. if (parser.tagName !== "script") {
  25958. parser.script += "</" + parser.tagName + ">";
  25959. parser.tagName = "";
  25960. parser.state = S.SCRIPT;
  25961. return;
  25962. }
  25963. emitNode(parser, "onscript", parser.script);
  25964. parser.script = "";
  25965. }
  25966. var t = parser.tags.length;
  25967. var tagName = parser.tagName;
  25968. if (!parser.strict) {
  25969. tagName = tagName[parser.looseCase]();
  25970. }
  25971. var closeTo = tagName;
  25972. while (t--) {
  25973. var close = parser.tags[t];
  25974. if ( !== closeTo) {
  25975. strictFail(parser, "Unexpected close tag");
  25976. } else {
  25977. break;
  25978. }
  25979. }
  25980. if (t < 0) {
  25981. strictFail(parser, "Unmatched closing tag: " + parser.tagName);
  25982. parser.textNode += "</" + parser.tagName + ">";
  25983. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  25984. return;
  25985. }
  25986. parser.tagName = tagName;
  25987. var s2 = parser.tags.length;
  25988. while (s2-- > t) {
  25989. var tag = parser.tag = parser.tags.pop();
  25990. parser.tagName =;
  25991. emitNode(parser, "onclosetag", parser.tagName);
  25992. var x = {};
  25993. for (var i in tag.ns) {
  25994. x[i] = tag.ns[i];
  25995. }
  25996. var parent = parser.tags[parser.tags.length - 1] || parser;
  25997. if (parser.opt.xmlns && tag.ns !== parent.ns) {
  25998. Object.keys(tag.ns).forEach(function(p) {
  25999. var n = tag.ns[p];
  26000. emitNode(parser, "onclosenamespace", { prefix: p, uri: n });
  26001. });
  26002. }
  26003. }
  26004. if (t === 0)
  26005. parser.closedRoot = true;
  26006. parser.tagName = parser.attribValue = parser.attribName = "";
  26007. parser.attribList.length = 0;
  26008. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  26009. }
  26010. function parseEntity(parser) {
  26011. var entity = parser.entity;
  26012. var entityLC = entity.toLowerCase();
  26013. var num;
  26014. var numStr = "";
  26015. if (parser.ENTITIES[entity]) {
  26016. return parser.ENTITIES[entity];
  26017. }
  26018. if (parser.ENTITIES[entityLC]) {
  26019. return parser.ENTITIES[entityLC];
  26020. }
  26021. entity = entityLC;
  26022. if (entity.charAt(0) === "#") {
  26023. if (entity.charAt(1) === "x") {
  26024. entity = entity.slice(2);
  26025. num = parseInt(entity, 16);
  26026. numStr = num.toString(16);
  26027. } else {
  26028. entity = entity.slice(1);
  26029. num = parseInt(entity, 10);
  26030. numStr = num.toString(10);
  26031. }
  26032. }
  26033. entity = entity.replace(/^0+/, "");
  26034. if (isNaN(num) || numStr.toLowerCase() !== entity) {
  26035. strictFail(parser, "Invalid character entity");
  26036. return "&" + parser.entity + ";";
  26037. }
  26038. return String.fromCodePoint(num);
  26039. }
  26040. function beginWhiteSpace(parser, c) {
  26041. if (c === "<") {
  26042. parser.state = S.OPEN_WAKA;
  26043. parser.startTagPosition = parser.position;
  26044. } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
  26045. strictFail(parser, "Non-whitespace before first tag.");
  26046. parser.textNode = c;
  26047. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  26048. }
  26049. }
  26050. function charAt(chunk, i) {
  26051. var result = "";
  26052. if (i < chunk.length) {
  26053. result = chunk.charAt(i);
  26054. }
  26055. return result;
  26056. }
  26057. function write(chunk) {
  26058. var parser = this;
  26059. if (this.error) {
  26060. throw this.error;
  26061. }
  26062. if (parser.closed) {
  26063. return error(
  26064. parser,
  26065. "Cannot write after close. Assign an onready handler."
  26066. );
  26067. }
  26068. if (chunk === null) {
  26069. return end(parser);
  26070. }
  26071. if (typeof chunk === "object") {
  26072. chunk = chunk.toString();
  26073. }
  26074. var i = 0;
  26075. var c = "";
  26076. while (true) {
  26077. c = charAt(chunk, i++);
  26078. parser.c = c;
  26079. if (!c) {
  26080. break;
  26081. }
  26082. if (parser.trackPosition) {
  26083. parser.position++;
  26084. if (c === "\n") {
  26085. parser.line++;
  26086. parser.column = 0;
  26087. } else {
  26088. parser.column++;
  26089. }
  26090. }
  26091. switch (parser.state) {
  26092. case S.BEGIN:
  26093. parser.state = S.BEGIN_WHITESPACE;
  26094. if (c === "\uFEFF") {
  26095. continue;
  26096. }
  26097. beginWhiteSpace(parser, c);
  26098. continue;
  26099. case S.BEGIN_WHITESPACE:
  26100. beginWhiteSpace(parser, c);
  26101. continue;
  26102. case S.TEXT:
  26103. if (parser.sawRoot && !parser.closedRoot) {
  26104. var starti = i - 1;
  26105. while (c && c !== "<" && c !== "&") {
  26106. c = charAt(chunk, i++);
  26107. if (c && parser.trackPosition) {
  26108. parser.position++;
  26109. if (c === "\n") {
  26110. parser.line++;
  26111. parser.column = 0;
  26112. } else {
  26113. parser.column++;
  26114. }
  26115. }
  26116. }
  26117. parser.textNode += chunk.substring(starti, i - 1);
  26118. }
  26119. if (c === "<" && !(parser.sawRoot && parser.closedRoot && !parser.strict)) {
  26120. parser.state = S.OPEN_WAKA;
  26121. parser.startTagPosition = parser.position;
  26122. } else {
  26123. if (!isWhitespace(c) && (!parser.sawRoot || parser.closedRoot)) {
  26124. strictFail(parser, "Text data outside of root node.");
  26125. }
  26126. if (c === "&") {
  26127. parser.state = S.TEXT_ENTITY;
  26128. } else {
  26129. parser.textNode += c;
  26130. }
  26131. }
  26132. continue;
  26133. case S.SCRIPT:
  26134. if (c === "<") {
  26135. parser.state = S.SCRIPT_ENDING;
  26136. } else {
  26137. parser.script += c;
  26138. }
  26139. continue;
  26140. case S.SCRIPT_ENDING:
  26141. if (c === "/") {
  26142. parser.state = S.CLOSE_TAG;
  26143. } else {
  26144. parser.script += "<" + c;
  26145. parser.state = S.SCRIPT;
  26146. }
  26147. continue;
  26148. case S.OPEN_WAKA:
  26149. if (c === "!") {
  26150. parser.state = S.SGML_DECL;
  26151. parser.sgmlDecl = "";
  26152. } else if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26153. } else if (isMatch(nameStart, c)) {
  26154. parser.state = S.OPEN_TAG;
  26155. parser.tagName = c;
  26156. } else if (c === "/") {
  26157. parser.state = S.CLOSE_TAG;
  26158. parser.tagName = "";
  26159. } else if (c === "?") {
  26160. parser.state = S.PROC_INST;
  26161. parser.procInstName = parser.procInstBody = "";
  26162. } else {
  26163. strictFail(parser, "Unencoded <");
  26164. if (parser.startTagPosition + 1 < parser.position) {
  26165. var pad = parser.position - parser.startTagPosition;
  26166. c = new Array(pad).join(" ") + c;
  26167. }
  26168. parser.textNode += "<" + c;
  26169. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  26170. }
  26171. continue;
  26172. case S.SGML_DECL:
  26173. if ((parser.sgmlDecl + c).toUpperCase() === CDATA) {
  26174. emitNode(parser, "onopencdata");
  26175. parser.state = S.CDATA;
  26176. parser.sgmlDecl = "";
  26177. parser.cdata = "";
  26178. } else if (parser.sgmlDecl + c === "--") {
  26179. parser.state = S.COMMENT;
  26180. parser.comment = "";
  26181. parser.sgmlDecl = "";
  26182. } else if ((parser.sgmlDecl + c).toUpperCase() === DOCTYPE) {
  26183. parser.state = S.DOCTYPE;
  26184. if (parser.doctype || parser.sawRoot) {
  26185. strictFail(
  26186. parser,
  26187. "Inappropriately located doctype declaration"
  26188. );
  26189. }
  26190. parser.doctype = "";
  26191. parser.sgmlDecl = "";
  26192. } else if (c === ">") {
  26193. emitNode(parser, "onsgmldeclaration", parser.sgmlDecl);
  26194. parser.sgmlDecl = "";
  26195. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  26196. } else if (isQuote(c)) {
  26197. parser.state = S.SGML_DECL_QUOTED;
  26198. parser.sgmlDecl += c;
  26199. } else {
  26200. parser.sgmlDecl += c;
  26201. }
  26202. continue;
  26203. case S.SGML_DECL_QUOTED:
  26204. if (c === parser.q) {
  26205. parser.state = S.SGML_DECL;
  26206. parser.q = "";
  26207. }
  26208. parser.sgmlDecl += c;
  26209. continue;
  26210. case S.DOCTYPE:
  26211. if (c === ">") {
  26212. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  26213. emitNode(parser, "ondoctype", parser.doctype);
  26214. parser.doctype = true;
  26215. } else {
  26216. parser.doctype += c;
  26217. if (c === "[") {
  26218. parser.state = S.DOCTYPE_DTD;
  26219. } else if (isQuote(c)) {
  26220. parser.state = S.DOCTYPE_QUOTED;
  26221. parser.q = c;
  26222. }
  26223. }
  26224. continue;
  26225. case S.DOCTYPE_QUOTED:
  26226. parser.doctype += c;
  26227. if (c === parser.q) {
  26228. parser.q = "";
  26229. parser.state = S.DOCTYPE;
  26230. }
  26231. continue;
  26232. case S.DOCTYPE_DTD:
  26233. parser.doctype += c;
  26234. if (c === "]") {
  26235. parser.state = S.DOCTYPE;
  26236. } else if (isQuote(c)) {
  26237. parser.state = S.DOCTYPE_DTD_QUOTED;
  26238. parser.q = c;
  26239. }
  26240. continue;
  26241. case S.DOCTYPE_DTD_QUOTED:
  26242. parser.doctype += c;
  26243. if (c === parser.q) {
  26244. parser.state = S.DOCTYPE_DTD;
  26245. parser.q = "";
  26246. }
  26247. continue;
  26248. case S.COMMENT:
  26249. if (c === "-") {
  26250. parser.state = S.COMMENT_ENDING;
  26251. } else {
  26252. parser.comment += c;
  26253. }
  26254. continue;
  26255. case S.COMMENT_ENDING:
  26256. if (c === "-") {
  26257. parser.state = S.COMMENT_ENDED;
  26258. parser.comment = textopts(parser.opt, parser.comment);
  26259. if (parser.comment) {
  26260. emitNode(parser, "oncomment", parser.comment);
  26261. }
  26262. parser.comment = "";
  26263. } else {
  26264. parser.comment += "-" + c;
  26265. parser.state = S.COMMENT;
  26266. }
  26267. continue;
  26268. case S.COMMENT_ENDED:
  26269. if (c !== ">") {
  26270. strictFail(parser, "Malformed comment");
  26271. parser.comment += "--" + c;
  26272. parser.state = S.COMMENT;
  26273. } else {
  26274. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  26275. }
  26276. continue;
  26277. case S.CDATA:
  26278. if (c === "]") {
  26279. parser.state = S.CDATA_ENDING;
  26280. } else {
  26281. parser.cdata += c;
  26282. }
  26283. continue;
  26284. case S.CDATA_ENDING:
  26285. if (c === "]") {
  26286. parser.state = S.CDATA_ENDING_2;
  26287. } else {
  26288. parser.cdata += "]" + c;
  26289. parser.state = S.CDATA;
  26290. }
  26291. continue;
  26292. case S.CDATA_ENDING_2:
  26293. if (c === ">") {
  26294. if (parser.cdata) {
  26295. emitNode(parser, "oncdata", parser.cdata);
  26296. }
  26297. emitNode(parser, "onclosecdata");
  26298. parser.cdata = "";
  26299. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  26300. } else if (c === "]") {
  26301. parser.cdata += "]";
  26302. } else {
  26303. parser.cdata += "]]" + c;
  26304. parser.state = S.CDATA;
  26305. }
  26306. continue;
  26307. case S.PROC_INST:
  26308. if (c === "?") {
  26309. parser.state = S.PROC_INST_ENDING;
  26310. } else if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26311. parser.state = S.PROC_INST_BODY;
  26312. } else {
  26313. parser.procInstName += c;
  26314. }
  26315. continue;
  26316. case S.PROC_INST_BODY:
  26317. if (!parser.procInstBody && isWhitespace(c)) {
  26318. continue;
  26319. } else if (c === "?") {
  26320. parser.state = S.PROC_INST_ENDING;
  26321. } else {
  26322. parser.procInstBody += c;
  26323. }
  26324. continue;
  26325. case S.PROC_INST_ENDING:
  26326. if (c === ">") {
  26327. emitNode(parser, "onprocessinginstruction", {
  26328. name: parser.procInstName,
  26329. body: parser.procInstBody
  26330. });
  26331. parser.procInstName = parser.procInstBody = "";
  26332. parser.state = S.TEXT;
  26333. } else {
  26334. parser.procInstBody += "?" + c;
  26335. parser.state = S.PROC_INST_BODY;
  26336. }
  26337. continue;
  26338. case S.OPEN_TAG:
  26339. if (isMatch(nameBody, c)) {
  26340. parser.tagName += c;
  26341. } else {
  26342. newTag(parser);
  26343. if (c === ">") {
  26344. openTag(parser);
  26345. } else if (c === "/") {
  26346. parser.state = S.OPEN_TAG_SLASH;
  26347. } else {
  26348. if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
  26349. strictFail(parser, "Invalid character in tag name");
  26350. }
  26351. parser.state = S.ATTRIB;
  26352. }
  26353. }
  26354. continue;
  26355. case S.OPEN_TAG_SLASH:
  26356. if (c === ">") {
  26357. openTag(parser, true);
  26358. closeTag(parser);
  26359. } else {
  26360. strictFail(parser, "Forward-slash in opening tag not followed by >");
  26361. parser.state = S.ATTRIB;
  26362. }
  26363. continue;
  26364. case S.ATTRIB:
  26365. if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26366. continue;
  26367. } else if (c === ">") {
  26368. openTag(parser);
  26369. } else if (c === "/") {
  26370. parser.state = S.OPEN_TAG_SLASH;
  26371. } else if (isMatch(nameStart, c)) {
  26372. parser.attribName = c;
  26373. parser.attribValue = "";
  26374. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_NAME;
  26375. } else {
  26376. strictFail(parser, "Invalid attribute name");
  26377. }
  26378. continue;
  26379. case S.ATTRIB_NAME:
  26380. if (c === "=") {
  26381. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_VALUE;
  26382. } else if (c === ">") {
  26383. strictFail(parser, "Attribute without value");
  26384. parser.attribValue = parser.attribName;
  26385. attrib(parser);
  26386. openTag(parser);
  26387. } else if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26388. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_NAME_SAW_WHITE;
  26389. } else if (isMatch(nameBody, c)) {
  26390. parser.attribName += c;
  26391. } else {
  26392. strictFail(parser, "Invalid attribute name");
  26393. }
  26394. continue;
  26395. case S.ATTRIB_NAME_SAW_WHITE:
  26396. if (c === "=") {
  26397. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_VALUE;
  26398. } else if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26399. continue;
  26400. } else {
  26401. strictFail(parser, "Attribute without value");
  26402. parser.tag.attributes[parser.attribName] = "";
  26403. parser.attribValue = "";
  26404. emitNode(parser, "onattribute", {
  26405. name: parser.attribName,
  26406. value: ""
  26407. });
  26408. parser.attribName = "";
  26409. if (c === ">") {
  26410. openTag(parser);
  26411. } else if (isMatch(nameStart, c)) {
  26412. parser.attribName = c;
  26413. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_NAME;
  26414. } else {
  26415. strictFail(parser, "Invalid attribute name");
  26416. parser.state = S.ATTRIB;
  26417. }
  26418. }
  26419. continue;
  26420. case S.ATTRIB_VALUE:
  26421. if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26422. continue;
  26423. } else if (isQuote(c)) {
  26424. parser.q = c;
  26425. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_VALUE_QUOTED;
  26426. } else {
  26427. strictFail(parser, "Unquoted attribute value");
  26428. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_VALUE_UNQUOTED;
  26429. parser.attribValue = c;
  26430. }
  26431. continue;
  26432. case S.ATTRIB_VALUE_QUOTED:
  26433. if (c !== parser.q) {
  26434. if (c === "&") {
  26435. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_VALUE_ENTITY_Q;
  26436. } else {
  26437. parser.attribValue += c;
  26438. }
  26439. continue;
  26440. }
  26441. attrib(parser);
  26442. parser.q = "";
  26443. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_VALUE_CLOSED;
  26444. continue;
  26445. case S.ATTRIB_VALUE_CLOSED:
  26446. if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26447. parser.state = S.ATTRIB;
  26448. } else if (c === ">") {
  26449. openTag(parser);
  26450. } else if (c === "/") {
  26451. parser.state = S.OPEN_TAG_SLASH;
  26452. } else if (isMatch(nameStart, c)) {
  26453. strictFail(parser, "No whitespace between attributes");
  26454. parser.attribName = c;
  26455. parser.attribValue = "";
  26456. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_NAME;
  26457. } else {
  26458. strictFail(parser, "Invalid attribute name");
  26459. }
  26460. continue;
  26462. if (!isAttribEnd(c)) {
  26463. if (c === "&") {
  26464. parser.state = S.ATTRIB_VALUE_ENTITY_U;
  26465. } else {
  26466. parser.attribValue += c;
  26467. }
  26468. continue;
  26469. }
  26470. attrib(parser);
  26471. if (c === ">") {
  26472. openTag(parser);
  26473. } else {
  26474. parser.state = S.ATTRIB;
  26475. }
  26476. continue;
  26477. case S.CLOSE_TAG:
  26478. if (!parser.tagName) {
  26479. if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26480. continue;
  26481. } else if (notMatch(nameStart, c)) {
  26482. if (parser.script) {
  26483. parser.script += "</" + c;
  26484. parser.state = S.SCRIPT;
  26485. } else {
  26486. strictFail(parser, "Invalid tagname in closing tag.");
  26487. }
  26488. } else {
  26489. parser.tagName = c;
  26490. }
  26491. } else if (c === ">") {
  26492. closeTag(parser);
  26493. } else if (isMatch(nameBody, c)) {
  26494. parser.tagName += c;
  26495. } else if (parser.script) {
  26496. parser.script += "</" + parser.tagName;
  26497. parser.tagName = "";
  26498. parser.state = S.SCRIPT;
  26499. } else {
  26500. if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
  26501. strictFail(parser, "Invalid tagname in closing tag");
  26502. }
  26503. parser.state = S.CLOSE_TAG_SAW_WHITE;
  26504. }
  26505. continue;
  26506. case S.CLOSE_TAG_SAW_WHITE:
  26507. if (isWhitespace(c)) {
  26508. continue;
  26509. }
  26510. if (c === ">") {
  26511. closeTag(parser);
  26512. } else {
  26513. strictFail(parser, "Invalid characters in closing tag");
  26514. }
  26515. continue;
  26516. case S.TEXT_ENTITY:
  26517. case S.ATTRIB_VALUE_ENTITY_Q:
  26518. case S.ATTRIB_VALUE_ENTITY_U:
  26519. var returnState;
  26520. var buffer;
  26521. switch (parser.state) {
  26522. case S.TEXT_ENTITY:
  26523. returnState = S.TEXT;
  26524. buffer = "textNode";
  26525. break;
  26526. case S.ATTRIB_VALUE_ENTITY_Q:
  26527. returnState = S.ATTRIB_VALUE_QUOTED;
  26528. buffer = "attribValue";
  26529. break;
  26530. case S.ATTRIB_VALUE_ENTITY_U:
  26531. returnState = S.ATTRIB_VALUE_UNQUOTED;
  26532. buffer = "attribValue";
  26533. break;
  26534. }
  26535. if (c === ";") {
  26536. var parsedEntity = parseEntity(parser);
  26537. if (parser.state === S.TEXT_ENTITY && !sax.ENTITIES[parser.entity] && parsedEntity !== "&" + parser.entity + ";") {
  26538. chunk = chunk.slice(0, i) + parsedEntity + chunk.slice(i);
  26539. } else {
  26540. parser[buffer] += parsedEntity;
  26541. }
  26542. parser.entity = "";
  26543. parser.state = returnState;
  26544. } else if (isMatch(parser.entity.length ? entityBody : entityStart, c)) {
  26545. parser.entity += c;
  26546. } else {
  26547. strictFail(parser, "Invalid character in entity name");
  26548. parser[buffer] += "&" + parser.entity + c;
  26549. parser.entity = "";
  26550. parser.state = returnState;
  26551. }
  26552. continue;
  26553. default:
  26554. throw new Error(parser, "Unknown state: " + parser.state);
  26555. }
  26556. }
  26557. if (parser.position >= parser.bufferCheckPosition) {
  26558. checkBufferLength(parser);
  26559. }
  26560. return parser;
  26561. }
  26562. })(typeof exports2 === "undefined" ? exports2.sax = {} : exports2);
  26563. }
  26564. });
  26565. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/_collections.js
  26566. var require_collections = __commonJS({
  26567. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/_collections.js"(exports2) {
  26568. "use strict";
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  26572. "animateColor",
  26573. "animateMotion",
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  26575. "set"
  26576. ]),
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  26592. "pattern",
  26593. "radialGradient",
  26594. "solidColor"
  26595. ]),
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  26600. "marker",
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  26602. "pattern",
  26603. "radialGradient",
  26604. "solidColor",
  26605. "symbol"
  26606. ]),
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  26608. "a",
  26609. "defs",
  26610. "foreignObject",
  26611. "g",
  26612. "marker",
  26613. "mask",
  26614. "missing-glyph",
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  26616. "svg",
  26617. "switch",
  26618. "symbol"
  26619. ]),
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  26630. ]),
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  26636. "feSpecularLighting",
  26637. "feSpotLight"
  26638. ]),
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  26641. "feColorMatrix",
  26642. "feComponentTransfer",
  26643. "feComposite",
  26644. "feConvolveMatrix",
  26645. "feDiffuseLighting",
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  26660. "feTile",
  26661. "feTurbulence"
  26662. ])
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  26666. "pre",
  26667. "title"
  26668. ]);
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  26676. "dur",
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  26678. "fill",
  26679. "max",
  26680. "min",
  26681. "repeatCount",
  26682. "repeatDur",
  26683. "restart"
  26684. ]),
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  28851. "use strict";
  28852. var SAX = require_sax();
  28853. var { textElems } = require_collections();
  28854. var SvgoParserError = class _SvgoParserError extends Error {
  28855. /**
  28856. * @param message {string}
  28857. * @param line {number}
  28858. * @param column {number}
  28859. * @param source {string}
  28860. * @param file {void | string}
  28861. */
  28862. constructor(message, line, column, source, file) {
  28863. super(message);
  28864. = "SvgoParserError";
  28865. this.message = `${file || "<input>"}:${line}:${column}: ${message}`;
  28866. this.reason = message;
  28867. this.line = line;
  28868. this.column = column;
  28869. this.source = source;
  28870. if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
  28871. Error.captureStackTrace(this, _SvgoParserError);
  28872. }
  28873. }
  28874. toString() {
  28875. const lines = this.source.split(/\r?\n/);
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  28883. let ellipsisPrefix = "";
  28884. let ellipsisSuffix = "";
  28885. if (startColumn !== 0) {
  28886. ellipsisPrefix = startColumn > line.length - 1 ? " " : "\u2026";
  28887. }
  28888. if (endColumn < line.length - 1) {
  28889. ellipsisSuffix = "\u2026";
  28890. }
  28891. const number = startLine + 1 + index;
  28892. const gutter = ` ${number.toString().padStart(lineNumberWidth)} | `;
  28893. if (number === this.line) {
  28894. const gutterSpacing = gutter.replace(/[^|]/g, " ");
  28895. const lineSpacing = (ellipsisPrefix + line.slice(startColumn, this.column - 1)).replace(/[^\t]/g, " ");
  28896. const spacing = gutterSpacing + lineSpacing;
  28897. return `>${gutter}${ellipsisPrefix}${lineSlice}${ellipsisSuffix}
  28898. ${spacing}^`;
  28899. }
  28900. return ` ${gutter}${ellipsisPrefix}${lineSlice}${ellipsisSuffix}`;
  28901. }).join("\n");
  28902. return `${}: ${this.message}
  28903. ${code}
  28904. `;
  28905. }
  28906. };
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  28918. const root = { type: "root", children: [] };
  28919. let current = root;
  28920. const stack = [root];
  28921. const pushToContent = (node) => {
  28922. Object.defineProperty(node, "parentNode", {
  28923. writable: true,
  28924. value: current
  28925. });
  28926. current.children.push(node);
  28927. };
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  28931. // TODO parse doctype for name, public and system to match xast
  28932. name: "svg",
  28933. data: {
  28934. doctype
  28935. }
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  28937. pushToContent(node);
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  28940. entityDeclaration.lastIndex = subsetStart;
  28941. let entityMatch = entityDeclaration.exec(data);
  28942. while (entityMatch != null) {
  28943. sax.ENTITIES[entityMatch[1]] = entityMatch[2] || entityMatch[3];
  28944. entityMatch = entityDeclaration.exec(data);
  28945. }
  28946. }
  28947. };
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  28950. type: "instruction",
  28951. name:,
  28952. value: data2.body
  28953. };
  28954. pushToContent(node);
  28955. };
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  28957. const node = {
  28958. type: "comment",
  28959. value: comment.trim()
  28960. };
  28961. pushToContent(node);
  28962. };
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  28966. value: cdata
  28967. };
  28968. pushToContent(node);
  28969. };
  28970. sax.onopentag = (data2) => {
  28971. let element = {
  28972. type: "element",
  28973. name:,
  28974. attributes: {},
  28975. children: []
  28976. };
  28977. for (const [name, attr] of Object.entries(data2.attributes)) {
  28978. element.attributes[name] = attr.value;
  28979. }
  28980. pushToContent(element);
  28981. current = element;
  28982. stack.push(element);
  28983. };
  28984. sax.ontext = (text) => {
  28985. if (current.type === "element") {
  28986. if (textElems.has( {
  28987. const node = {
  28988. type: "text",
  28989. value: text
  28990. };
  28991. pushToContent(node);
  28992. } else if (/\S/.test(text)) {
  28993. const node = {
  28994. type: "text",
  28995. value: text.trim()
  28996. };
  28997. pushToContent(node);
  28998. }
  28999. }
  29000. };
  29001. sax.onclosetag = () => {
  29002. stack.pop();
  29003. current = stack[stack.length - 1];
  29004. };
  29005. sax.onerror = (e) => {
  29006. const error = new SvgoParserError(
  29007. e.reason,
  29008. e.line + 1,
  29009. e.column,
  29010. data,
  29011. from
  29012. );
  29013. if (e.message.indexOf("Unexpected end") === -1) {
  29014. throw error;
  29015. }
  29016. };
  29017. sax.write(data).close();
  29018. return root;
  29019. };
  29020. exports2.parseSvg = parseSvg;
  29021. }
  29022. });
  29023. // node_modules/svgo/lib/stringifier.js
  29024. var require_stringifier2 = __commonJS({
  29025. "node_modules/svgo/lib/stringifier.js"(exports2) {
  29026. "use strict";
  29027. var { textElems } = require_collections();
  29028. var encodeEntity = (char) => {
  29029. return entities[char];
  29030. };
  29031. var defaults = {
  29032. doctypeStart: "<!DOCTYPE",
  29033. doctypeEnd: ">",
  29034. procInstStart: "<?",
  29035. procInstEnd: "?>",
  29036. tagOpenStart: "<",
  29037. tagOpenEnd: ">",
  29038. tagCloseStart: "</",
  29039. tagCloseEnd: ">",
  29040. tagShortStart: "<",
  29041. tagShortEnd: "/>",
  29042. attrStart: '="',
  29043. attrEnd: '"',
  29044. commentStart: "<!--",
  29045. commentEnd: "-->",
  29046. cdataStart: "<![CDATA[",
  29047. cdataEnd: "]]>",
  29048. textStart: "",
  29049. textEnd: "",
  29050. indent: 4,
  29051. regEntities: /[&'"<>]/g,
  29052. regValEntities: /[&"<>]/g,
  29053. encodeEntity,
  29054. pretty: false,
  29055. useShortTags: true,
  29056. eol: "lf",
  29057. finalNewline: false
  29058. };
  29059. var entities = {
  29060. "&": "&amp;",
  29061. "'": "&apos;",
  29062. '"': "&quot;",
  29063. ">": "&gt;",
  29064. "<": "&lt;"
  29065. };
  29066. var stringifySvg = (data, userOptions = {}) => {
  29067. const config = { ...defaults, ...userOptions };
  29068. const indent = config.indent;
  29069. let newIndent = " ";
  29070. if (typeof indent === "number" && Number.isNaN(indent) === false) {
  29071. newIndent = indent < 0 ? " " : " ".repeat(indent);
  29072. } else if (typeof indent === "string") {
  29073. newIndent = indent;
  29074. }
  29075. const state = {
  29076. indent: newIndent,
  29077. textContext: null,
  29078. indentLevel: 0
  29079. };
  29080. const eol = config.eol === "crlf" ? "\r\n" : "\n";
  29081. if (config.pretty) {
  29082. config.doctypeEnd += eol;
  29083. config.procInstEnd += eol;
  29084. config.commentEnd += eol;
  29085. config.cdataEnd += eol;
  29086. config.tagShortEnd += eol;
  29087. config.tagOpenEnd += eol;
  29088. config.tagCloseEnd += eol;
  29089. config.textEnd += eol;
  29090. }
  29091. let svg = stringifyNode(data, config, state);
  29092. if (config.finalNewline && svg.length > 0 && !svg.endsWith("\n")) {
  29093. svg += eol;
  29094. }
  29095. return svg;
  29096. };
  29097. exports2.stringifySvg = stringifySvg;
  29098. var stringifyNode = (data, config, state) => {
  29099. let svg = "";
  29100. state.indentLevel += 1;
  29101. for (const item of data.children) {
  29102. if (item.type === "element") {
  29103. svg += stringifyElement(item, config, state);
  29104. }
  29105. if (item.type === "text") {
  29106. svg += stringifyText(item, config, state);
  29107. }
  29108. if (item.type === "doctype") {
  29109. svg += stringifyDoctype(item, config);
  29110. }
  29111. if (item.type === "instruction") {
  29112. svg += stringifyInstruction(item, config);
  29113. }
  29114. if (item.type === "comment") {
  29115. svg += stringifyComment(item, config);
  29116. }
  29117. if (item.type === "cdata") {
  29118. svg += stringifyCdata(item, config, state);
  29119. }
  29120. }
  29121. state.indentLevel -= 1;
  29122. return svg;
  29123. };
  29124. var createIndent = (config, state) => {
  29125. let indent = "";
  29126. if (config.pretty && state.textContext == null) {
  29127. indent = state.indent.repeat(state.indentLevel - 1);
  29128. }
  29129. return indent;
  29130. };
  29131. var stringifyDoctype = (node, config) => {
  29132. return config.doctypeStart + + config.doctypeEnd;
  29133. };
  29134. var stringifyInstruction = (node, config) => {
  29135. return config.procInstStart + + " " + node.value + config.procInstEnd;
  29136. };
  29137. var stringifyComment = (node, config) => {
  29138. return config.commentStart + node.value + config.commentEnd;
  29139. };
  29140. var stringifyCdata = (node, config, state) => {
  29141. return createIndent(config, state) + config.cdataStart + node.value + config.cdataEnd;
  29142. };
  29143. var stringifyElement = (node, config, state) => {
  29144. if (node.children.length === 0) {
  29145. if (config.useShortTags) {
  29146. return createIndent(config, state) + config.tagShortStart + + stringifyAttributes(node, config) + config.tagShortEnd;
  29147. } else {
  29148. return createIndent(config, state) + config.tagShortStart + + stringifyAttributes(node, config) + config.tagOpenEnd + config.tagCloseStart + + config.tagCloseEnd;
  29149. }
  29150. } else {
  29151. let tagOpenStart = config.tagOpenStart;
  29152. let tagOpenEnd = config.tagOpenEnd;
  29153. let tagCloseStart = config.tagCloseStart;
  29154. let tagCloseEnd = config.tagCloseEnd;
  29155. let openIndent = createIndent(config, state);
  29156. let closeIndent = createIndent(config, state);
  29157. if (state.textContext) {
  29158. tagOpenStart = defaults.tagOpenStart;
  29159. tagOpenEnd = defaults.tagOpenEnd;
  29160. tagCloseStart = defaults.tagCloseStart;
  29161. tagCloseEnd = defaults.tagCloseEnd;
  29162. openIndent = "";
  29163. } else if (textElems.has( {
  29164. tagOpenEnd = defaults.tagOpenEnd;
  29165. tagCloseStart = defaults.tagCloseStart;
  29166. closeIndent = "";
  29167. state.textContext = node;
  29168. }
  29169. const children = stringifyNode(node, config, state);
  29170. if (state.textContext === node) {
  29171. state.textContext = null;
  29172. }
  29173. return openIndent + tagOpenStart + + stringifyAttributes(node, config) + tagOpenEnd + children + closeIndent + tagCloseStart + + tagCloseEnd;
  29174. }
  29175. };
  29176. var stringifyAttributes = (node, config) => {
  29177. let attrs = "";
  29178. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  29179. if (value !== void 0) {
  29180. const encodedValue = value.toString().replace(config.regValEntities, config.encodeEntity);
  29181. attrs += " " + name + config.attrStart + encodedValue + config.attrEnd;
  29182. } else {
  29183. attrs += " " + name;
  29184. }
  29185. }
  29186. return attrs;
  29187. };
  29188. var stringifyText = (node, config, state) => {
  29189. return createIndent(config, state) + config.textStart + node.value.replace(config.regEntities, config.encodeEntity) + (state.textContext ? "" : config.textEnd);
  29190. };
  29191. }
  29192. });
  29193. // node_modules/domelementtype/lib/index.js
  29194. var require_lib2 = __commonJS({
  29195. "node_modules/domelementtype/lib/index.js"(exports2) {
  29196. "use strict";
  29197. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  29198. exports2.Doctype = exports2.CDATA = exports2.Tag = exports2.Style = exports2.Script = exports2.Comment = exports2.Directive = exports2.Text = exports2.Root = exports2.isTag = exports2.ElementType = void 0;
  29199. var ElementType;
  29200. (function(ElementType2) {
  29201. ElementType2["Root"] = "root";
  29202. ElementType2["Text"] = "text";
  29203. ElementType2["Directive"] = "directive";
  29204. ElementType2["Comment"] = "comment";
  29205. ElementType2["Script"] = "script";
  29206. ElementType2["Style"] = "style";
  29207. ElementType2["Tag"] = "tag";
  29208. ElementType2["CDATA"] = "cdata";
  29209. ElementType2["Doctype"] = "doctype";
  29210. })(ElementType = exports2.ElementType || (exports2.ElementType = {}));
  29211. function isTag(elem) {
  29212. return elem.type === ElementType.Tag || elem.type === ElementType.Script || elem.type === ElementType.Style;
  29213. }
  29214. exports2.isTag = isTag;
  29215. exports2.Root = ElementType.Root;
  29216. exports2.Text = ElementType.Text;
  29217. exports2.Directive = ElementType.Directive;
  29218. exports2.Comment = ElementType.Comment;
  29219. exports2.Script = ElementType.Script;
  29220. exports2.Style = ElementType.Style;
  29221. exports2.Tag = ElementType.Tag;
  29222. exports2.CDATA = ElementType.CDATA;
  29223. exports2.Doctype = ElementType.Doctype;
  29224. }
  29225. });
  29226. // node_modules/domhandler/lib/node.js
  29227. var require_node3 = __commonJS({
  29228. "node_modules/domhandler/lib/node.js"(exports2) {
  29229. "use strict";
  29230. var __extends = exports2 && exports2.__extends || /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
  29231. var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
  29232. extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d2, b2) {
  29233. d2.__proto__ = b2;
  29234. } || function(d2, b2) {
  29235. for (var p in b2)
  29236. if (, p))
  29237. d2[p] = b2[p];
  29238. };
  29239. return extendStatics(d, b);
  29240. };
  29241. return function(d, b) {
  29242. if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
  29243. throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
  29244. extendStatics(d, b);
  29245. function __() {
  29246. this.constructor = d;
  29247. }
  29248. d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
  29249. };
  29250. }();
  29251. var __assign = exports2 && exports2.__assign || function() {
  29252. __assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
  29253. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  29254. s = arguments[i];
  29255. for (var p in s)
  29256. if (, p))
  29257. t[p] = s[p];
  29258. }
  29259. return t;
  29260. };
  29261. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  29262. };
  29263. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  29264. exports2.cloneNode = exports2.hasChildren = exports2.isDocument = exports2.isDirective = exports2.isComment = exports2.isText = exports2.isCDATA = exports2.isTag = exports2.Element = exports2.Document = exports2.CDATA = exports2.NodeWithChildren = exports2.ProcessingInstruction = exports2.Comment = exports2.Text = exports2.DataNode = exports2.Node = void 0;
  29265. var domelementtype_1 = require_lib2();
  29266. var Node = (
  29267. /** @class */
  29268. function() {
  29269. function Node2() {
  29270. this.parent = null;
  29271. this.prev = null;
  29272. = null;
  29273. this.startIndex = null;
  29274. this.endIndex = null;
  29275. }
  29276. Object.defineProperty(Node2.prototype, "parentNode", {
  29277. // Read-write aliases for properties
  29278. /**
  29279. * Same as {@link parent}.
  29280. * [DOM spec]( alias.
  29281. */
  29282. get: function() {
  29283. return this.parent;
  29284. },
  29285. set: function(parent) {
  29286. this.parent = parent;
  29287. },
  29288. enumerable: false,
  29289. configurable: true
  29290. });
  29291. Object.defineProperty(Node2.prototype, "previousSibling", {
  29292. /**
  29293. * Same as {@link prev}.
  29294. * [DOM spec]( alias.
  29295. */
  29296. get: function() {
  29297. return this.prev;
  29298. },
  29299. set: function(prev) {
  29300. this.prev = prev;
  29301. },
  29302. enumerable: false,
  29303. configurable: true
  29304. });
  29305. Object.defineProperty(Node2.prototype, "nextSibling", {
  29306. /**
  29307. * Same as {@link next}.
  29308. * [DOM spec]( alias.
  29309. */
  29310. get: function() {
  29311. return;
  29312. },
  29313. set: function(next) {
  29314. = next;
  29315. },
  29316. enumerable: false,
  29317. configurable: true
  29318. });
  29319. Node2.prototype.cloneNode = function(recursive) {
  29320. if (recursive === void 0) {
  29321. recursive = false;
  29322. }
  29323. return cloneNode(this, recursive);
  29324. };
  29325. return Node2;
  29326. }()
  29327. );
  29328. exports2.Node = Node;
  29329. var DataNode = (
  29330. /** @class */
  29331. function(_super) {
  29332. __extends(DataNode2, _super);
  29333. function DataNode2(data) {
  29334. var _this = || this;
  29335. = data;
  29336. return _this;
  29337. }
  29338. Object.defineProperty(DataNode2.prototype, "nodeValue", {
  29339. /**
  29340. * Same as {@link data}.
  29341. * [DOM spec]( alias.
  29342. */
  29343. get: function() {
  29344. return;
  29345. },
  29346. set: function(data) {
  29347. = data;
  29348. },
  29349. enumerable: false,
  29350. configurable: true
  29351. });
  29352. return DataNode2;
  29353. }(Node)
  29354. );
  29355. exports2.DataNode = DataNode;
  29356. var Text = (
  29357. /** @class */
  29358. function(_super) {
  29359. __extends(Text2, _super);
  29360. function Text2() {
  29361. var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  29362. _this.type = domelementtype_1.ElementType.Text;
  29363. return _this;
  29364. }
  29365. Object.defineProperty(Text2.prototype, "nodeType", {
  29366. get: function() {
  29367. return 3;
  29368. },
  29369. enumerable: false,
  29370. configurable: true
  29371. });
  29372. return Text2;
  29373. }(DataNode)
  29374. );
  29375. exports2.Text = Text;
  29376. var Comment = (
  29377. /** @class */
  29378. function(_super) {
  29379. __extends(Comment2, _super);
  29380. function Comment2() {
  29381. var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  29382. _this.type = domelementtype_1.ElementType.Comment;
  29383. return _this;
  29384. }
  29385. Object.defineProperty(Comment2.prototype, "nodeType", {
  29386. get: function() {
  29387. return 8;
  29388. },
  29389. enumerable: false,
  29390. configurable: true
  29391. });
  29392. return Comment2;
  29393. }(DataNode)
  29394. );
  29395. exports2.Comment = Comment;
  29396. var ProcessingInstruction = (
  29397. /** @class */
  29398. function(_super) {
  29399. __extends(ProcessingInstruction2, _super);
  29400. function ProcessingInstruction2(name, data) {
  29401. var _this =, data) || this;
  29402. = name;
  29403. _this.type = domelementtype_1.ElementType.Directive;
  29404. return _this;
  29405. }
  29406. Object.defineProperty(ProcessingInstruction2.prototype, "nodeType", {
  29407. get: function() {
  29408. return 1;
  29409. },
  29410. enumerable: false,
  29411. configurable: true
  29412. });
  29413. return ProcessingInstruction2;
  29414. }(DataNode)
  29415. );
  29416. exports2.ProcessingInstruction = ProcessingInstruction;
  29417. var NodeWithChildren = (
  29418. /** @class */
  29419. function(_super) {
  29420. __extends(NodeWithChildren2, _super);
  29421. function NodeWithChildren2(children) {
  29422. var _this = || this;
  29423. _this.children = children;
  29424. return _this;
  29425. }
  29426. Object.defineProperty(NodeWithChildren2.prototype, "firstChild", {
  29427. // Aliases
  29428. /** First child of the node. */
  29429. get: function() {
  29430. var _a;
  29431. return (_a = this.children[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
  29432. },
  29433. enumerable: false,
  29434. configurable: true
  29435. });
  29436. Object.defineProperty(NodeWithChildren2.prototype, "lastChild", {
  29437. /** Last child of the node. */
  29438. get: function() {
  29439. return this.children.length > 0 ? this.children[this.children.length - 1] : null;
  29440. },
  29441. enumerable: false,
  29442. configurable: true
  29443. });
  29444. Object.defineProperty(NodeWithChildren2.prototype, "childNodes", {
  29445. /**
  29446. * Same as {@link children}.
  29447. * [DOM spec]( alias.
  29448. */
  29449. get: function() {
  29450. return this.children;
  29451. },
  29452. set: function(children) {
  29453. this.children = children;
  29454. },
  29455. enumerable: false,
  29456. configurable: true
  29457. });
  29458. return NodeWithChildren2;
  29459. }(Node)
  29460. );
  29461. exports2.NodeWithChildren = NodeWithChildren;
  29462. var CDATA = (
  29463. /** @class */
  29464. function(_super) {
  29465. __extends(CDATA2, _super);
  29466. function CDATA2() {
  29467. var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  29468. _this.type = domelementtype_1.ElementType.CDATA;
  29469. return _this;
  29470. }
  29471. Object.defineProperty(CDATA2.prototype, "nodeType", {
  29472. get: function() {
  29473. return 4;
  29474. },
  29475. enumerable: false,
  29476. configurable: true
  29477. });
  29478. return CDATA2;
  29479. }(NodeWithChildren)
  29480. );
  29481. exports2.CDATA = CDATA;
  29482. var Document = (
  29483. /** @class */
  29484. function(_super) {
  29485. __extends(Document2, _super);
  29486. function Document2() {
  29487. var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  29488. _this.type = domelementtype_1.ElementType.Root;
  29489. return _this;
  29490. }
  29491. Object.defineProperty(Document2.prototype, "nodeType", {
  29492. get: function() {
  29493. return 9;
  29494. },
  29495. enumerable: false,
  29496. configurable: true
  29497. });
  29498. return Document2;
  29499. }(NodeWithChildren)
  29500. );
  29501. exports2.Document = Document;
  29502. var Element = (
  29503. /** @class */
  29504. function(_super) {
  29505. __extends(Element2, _super);
  29506. function Element2(name, attribs, children, type) {
  29507. if (children === void 0) {
  29508. children = [];
  29509. }
  29510. if (type === void 0) {
  29511. type = name === "script" ? domelementtype_1.ElementType.Script : name === "style" ? domelementtype_1.ElementType.Style : domelementtype_1.ElementType.Tag;
  29512. }
  29513. var _this =, children) || this;
  29514. = name;
  29515. _this.attribs = attribs;
  29516. _this.type = type;
  29517. return _this;
  29518. }
  29519. Object.defineProperty(Element2.prototype, "nodeType", {
  29520. get: function() {
  29521. return 1;
  29522. },
  29523. enumerable: false,
  29524. configurable: true
  29525. });
  29526. Object.defineProperty(Element2.prototype, "tagName", {
  29527. // DOM Level 1 aliases
  29528. /**
  29529. * Same as {@link name}.
  29530. * [DOM spec]( alias.
  29531. */
  29532. get: function() {
  29533. return;
  29534. },
  29535. set: function(name) {
  29536. = name;
  29537. },
  29538. enumerable: false,
  29539. configurable: true
  29540. });
  29541. Object.defineProperty(Element2.prototype, "attributes", {
  29542. get: function() {
  29543. var _this = this;
  29544. return Object.keys(this.attribs).map(function(name) {
  29545. var _a, _b;
  29546. return {
  29547. name,
  29548. value: _this.attribs[name],
  29549. namespace: (_a = _this["x-attribsNamespace"]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[name],
  29550. prefix: (_b = _this["x-attribsPrefix"]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[name]
  29551. };
  29552. });
  29553. },
  29554. enumerable: false,
  29555. configurable: true
  29556. });
  29557. return Element2;
  29558. }(NodeWithChildren)
  29559. );
  29560. exports2.Element = Element;
  29561. function isTag(node) {
  29562. return (0, domelementtype_1.isTag)(node);
  29563. }
  29564. exports2.isTag = isTag;
  29565. function isCDATA(node) {
  29566. return node.type === domelementtype_1.ElementType.CDATA;
  29567. }
  29568. exports2.isCDATA = isCDATA;
  29569. function isText(node) {
  29570. return node.type === domelementtype_1.ElementType.Text;
  29571. }
  29572. exports2.isText = isText;
  29573. function isComment(node) {
  29574. return node.type === domelementtype_1.ElementType.Comment;
  29575. }
  29576. exports2.isComment = isComment;
  29577. function isDirective(node) {
  29578. return node.type === domelementtype_1.ElementType.Directive;
  29579. }
  29580. exports2.isDirective = isDirective;
  29581. function isDocument(node) {
  29582. return node.type === domelementtype_1.ElementType.Root;
  29583. }
  29584. exports2.isDocument = isDocument;
  29585. function hasChildren(node) {
  29586. return, "children");
  29587. }
  29588. exports2.hasChildren = hasChildren;
  29589. function cloneNode(node, recursive) {
  29590. if (recursive === void 0) {
  29591. recursive = false;
  29592. }
  29593. var result;
  29594. if (isText(node)) {
  29595. result = new Text(;
  29596. } else if (isComment(node)) {
  29597. result = new Comment(;
  29598. } else if (isTag(node)) {
  29599. var children = recursive ? cloneChildren(node.children) : [];
  29600. var clone_1 = new Element(, __assign({}, node.attribs), children);
  29601. children.forEach(function(child) {
  29602. return child.parent = clone_1;
  29603. });
  29604. if (node.namespace != null) {
  29605. clone_1.namespace = node.namespace;
  29606. }
  29607. if (node["x-attribsNamespace"]) {
  29608. clone_1["x-attribsNamespace"] = __assign({}, node["x-attribsNamespace"]);
  29609. }
  29610. if (node["x-attribsPrefix"]) {
  29611. clone_1["x-attribsPrefix"] = __assign({}, node["x-attribsPrefix"]);
  29612. }
  29613. result = clone_1;
  29614. } else if (isCDATA(node)) {
  29615. var children = recursive ? cloneChildren(node.children) : [];
  29616. var clone_2 = new CDATA(children);
  29617. children.forEach(function(child) {
  29618. return child.parent = clone_2;
  29619. });
  29620. result = clone_2;
  29621. } else if (isDocument(node)) {
  29622. var children = recursive ? cloneChildren(node.children) : [];
  29623. var clone_3 = new Document(children);
  29624. children.forEach(function(child) {
  29625. return child.parent = clone_3;
  29626. });
  29627. if (node["x-mode"]) {
  29628. clone_3["x-mode"] = node["x-mode"];
  29629. }
  29630. result = clone_3;
  29631. } else if (isDirective(node)) {
  29632. var instruction = new ProcessingInstruction(,;
  29633. if (node["x-name"] != null) {
  29634. instruction["x-name"] = node["x-name"];
  29635. instruction["x-publicId"] = node["x-publicId"];
  29636. instruction["x-systemId"] = node["x-systemId"];
  29637. }
  29638. result = instruction;
  29639. } else {
  29640. throw new Error("Not implemented yet: ".concat(node.type));
  29641. }
  29642. result.startIndex = node.startIndex;
  29643. result.endIndex = node.endIndex;
  29644. if (node.sourceCodeLocation != null) {
  29645. result.sourceCodeLocation = node.sourceCodeLocation;
  29646. }
  29647. return result;
  29648. }
  29649. exports2.cloneNode = cloneNode;
  29650. function cloneChildren(childs) {
  29651. var children = {
  29652. return cloneNode(child, true);
  29653. });
  29654. for (var i = 1; i < children.length; i++) {
  29655. children[i].prev = children[i - 1];
  29656. children[i - 1].next = children[i];
  29657. }
  29658. return children;
  29659. }
  29660. }
  29661. });
  29662. // node_modules/domhandler/lib/index.js
  29663. var require_lib3 = __commonJS({
  29664. "node_modules/domhandler/lib/index.js"(exports2) {
  29665. "use strict";
  29666. var __createBinding = exports2 && exports2.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
  29667. if (k2 === void 0)
  29668. k2 = k;
  29669. var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
  29670. if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
  29671. desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  29672. return m[k];
  29673. } };
  29674. }
  29675. Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
  29676. } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
  29677. if (k2 === void 0)
  29678. k2 = k;
  29679. o[k2] = m[k];
  29680. });
  29681. var __exportStar = exports2 && exports2.__exportStar || function(m, exports3) {
  29682. for (var p in m)
  29683. if (p !== "default" && !, p))
  29684. __createBinding(exports3, m, p);
  29685. };
  29686. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  29687. exports2.DomHandler = void 0;
  29688. var domelementtype_1 = require_lib2();
  29689. var node_js_1 = require_node3();
  29690. __exportStar(require_node3(), exports2);
  29691. var defaultOpts = {
  29692. withStartIndices: false,
  29693. withEndIndices: false,
  29694. xmlMode: false
  29695. };
  29696. var DomHandler = (
  29697. /** @class */
  29698. function() {
  29699. function DomHandler2(callback, options, elementCB) {
  29700. this.dom = [];
  29701. this.root = new node_js_1.Document(this.dom);
  29702. this.done = false;
  29703. this.tagStack = [this.root];
  29704. this.lastNode = null;
  29705. this.parser = null;
  29706. if (typeof options === "function") {
  29707. elementCB = options;
  29708. options = defaultOpts;
  29709. }
  29710. if (typeof callback === "object") {
  29711. options = callback;
  29712. callback = void 0;
  29713. }
  29714. this.callback = callback !== null && callback !== void 0 ? callback : null;
  29715. this.options = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : defaultOpts;
  29716. this.elementCB = elementCB !== null && elementCB !== void 0 ? elementCB : null;
  29717. }
  29718. DomHandler2.prototype.onparserinit = function(parser) {
  29719. this.parser = parser;
  29720. };
  29721. DomHandler2.prototype.onreset = function() {
  29722. this.dom = [];
  29723. this.root = new node_js_1.Document(this.dom);
  29724. this.done = false;
  29725. this.tagStack = [this.root];
  29726. this.lastNode = null;
  29727. this.parser = null;
  29728. };
  29729. DomHandler2.prototype.onend = function() {
  29730. if (this.done)
  29731. return;
  29732. this.done = true;
  29733. this.parser = null;
  29734. this.handleCallback(null);
  29735. };
  29736. DomHandler2.prototype.onerror = function(error) {
  29737. this.handleCallback(error);
  29738. };
  29739. DomHandler2.prototype.onclosetag = function() {
  29740. this.lastNode = null;
  29741. var elem = this.tagStack.pop();
  29742. if (this.options.withEndIndices) {
  29743. elem.endIndex = this.parser.endIndex;
  29744. }
  29745. if (this.elementCB)
  29746. this.elementCB(elem);
  29747. };
  29748. DomHandler2.prototype.onopentag = function(name, attribs) {
  29749. var type = this.options.xmlMode ? domelementtype_1.ElementType.Tag : void 0;
  29750. var element = new node_js_1.Element(name, attribs, void 0, type);
  29751. this.addNode(element);
  29752. this.tagStack.push(element);
  29753. };
  29754. DomHandler2.prototype.ontext = function(data) {
  29755. var lastNode = this.lastNode;
  29756. if (lastNode && lastNode.type === domelementtype_1.ElementType.Text) {
  29757. += data;
  29758. if (this.options.withEndIndices) {
  29759. lastNode.endIndex = this.parser.endIndex;
  29760. }
  29761. } else {
  29762. var node = new node_js_1.Text(data);
  29763. this.addNode(node);
  29764. this.lastNode = node;
  29765. }
  29766. };
  29767. DomHandler2.prototype.oncomment = function(data) {
  29768. if (this.lastNode && this.lastNode.type === domelementtype_1.ElementType.Comment) {
  29769. += data;
  29770. return;
  29771. }
  29772. var node = new node_js_1.Comment(data);
  29773. this.addNode(node);
  29774. this.lastNode = node;
  29775. };
  29776. DomHandler2.prototype.oncommentend = function() {
  29777. this.lastNode = null;
  29778. };
  29779. DomHandler2.prototype.oncdatastart = function() {
  29780. var text = new node_js_1.Text("");
  29781. var node = new node_js_1.CDATA([text]);
  29782. this.addNode(node);
  29783. text.parent = node;
  29784. this.lastNode = text;
  29785. };
  29786. DomHandler2.prototype.oncdataend = function() {
  29787. this.lastNode = null;
  29788. };
  29789. DomHandler2.prototype.onprocessinginstruction = function(name, data) {
  29790. var node = new node_js_1.ProcessingInstruction(name, data);
  29791. this.addNode(node);
  29792. };
  29793. DomHandler2.prototype.handleCallback = function(error) {
  29794. if (typeof this.callback === "function") {
  29795. this.callback(error, this.dom);
  29796. } else if (error) {
  29797. throw error;
  29798. }
  29799. };
  29800. DomHandler2.prototype.addNode = function(node) {
  29801. var parent = this.tagStack[this.tagStack.length - 1];
  29802. var previousSibling = parent.children[parent.children.length - 1];
  29803. if (this.options.withStartIndices) {
  29804. node.startIndex = this.parser.startIndex;
  29805. }
  29806. if (this.options.withEndIndices) {
  29807. node.endIndex = this.parser.endIndex;
  29808. }
  29809. parent.children.push(node);
  29810. if (previousSibling) {
  29811. node.prev = previousSibling;
  29812. = node;
  29813. }
  29814. node.parent = parent;
  29815. this.lastNode = null;
  29816. };
  29817. return DomHandler2;
  29818. }()
  29819. );
  29820. exports2.DomHandler = DomHandler;
  29821. exports2.default = DomHandler;
  29822. }
  29823. });
  29824. // node_modules/entities/lib/generated/decode-data-html.js
  29825. var require_decode_data_html = __commonJS({
  29826. "node_modules/entities/lib/generated/decode-data-html.js"(exports2) {
  29827. "use strict";
  29828. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  29829. exports2.default = new Uint16Array(
  29830. // prettier-ignore
  29831. '\u1D41<\xD5\u0131\u028A\u049D\u057B\u05D0\u0675\u06DE\u07A2\u07D6\u080F\u0A4A\u0A91\u0DA1\u0E6D\u0F09\u0F26\u10CA\u1228\u12E1\u1415\u149D\u14C3\u14DF\u1525\0\0\0\0\0\0\u156B\u16CD\u198D\u1C12\u1DDD\u1F7E\u2060\u21B0\u228D\u23C0\u23FB\u2442\u2824\u2912\u2D08\u2E48\u2FCE\u3016\u32BA\u3639\u37AC\u38FE\u3A28\u3A71\u3AE0\u3B2E\u0800EMabcfglmnoprstu\\bfms\x7F\x84\x8B\x90\x95\x98\xA6\xB3\xB9\xC8\xCFlig\u803B\xC6\u40C6P\u803B&\u4026cute\u803B\xC1\u40C1reve;\u4102\u0100iyx}rc\u803B\xC2\u40C2;\u4410r;\uC000\u{1D504}rave\u803B\xC0\u40C0pha;\u4391acr;\u4100d;\u6A53\u0100gp\x9D\xA1on;\u4104f;\uC000\u{1D538}plyFunction;\u6061ing\u803B\xC5\u40C5\u0100cs\xBE\xC3r;\uC000\u{1D49C}ign;\u6254ilde\u803B\xC3\u40C3ml\u803B\xC4\u40C4\u0400aceforsu\xE5\xFB\xFE\u0117\u011C\u0122\u0127\u012A\u0100cr\xEA\xF2kslash;\u6216\u0176\xF6\xF8;\u6AE7ed;\u6306y;\u4411\u0180crt\u0105\u010B\u0114ause;\u6235noullis;\u612Ca;\u4392r;\uC000\u{1D505}pf;\uC000\u{1D539}eve;\u42D8c\xF2\u0113mpeq;\u624E\u0700HOacdefhilorsu\u014D\u0151\u0156\u0180\u019E\u01A2\u01B5\u01B7\u01BA\u01DC\u0215\u0273\u0278\u027Ecy;\u4427PY\u803B\xA9\u40A9\u0180cpy\u015D\u0162\u017Aute;\u4106\u0100;i\u0167\u0168\u62D2talDifferentialD;\u6145leys;\u612D\u0200aeio\u0189\u018E\u0194\u0198ron;\u410Cdil\u803B\xC7\u40C7rc;\u4108nint;\u6230ot;\u410A\u0100dn\u01A7\u01ADilla;\u40B8terDot;\u40B7\xF2\u017Fi;\u43A7rcle\u0200DMPT\u01C7\u01CB\u01D1\u01D6ot;\u6299inus;\u6296lus;\u6295imes;\u6297o\u0100cs\u01E2\u01F8kwiseContourIntegral;\u6232eCurly\u0100DQ\u0203\u020FoubleQuote;\u601Duote;\u6019\u0200lnpu\u021E\u0228\u0247\u0255on\u0100;e\u0225\u0226\u6237;\u6A74\u0180git\u022F\u0236\u023Aruent;\u6261nt;\u622FourIntegral;\u622E\u0100fr\u024C\u024E;\u6102oduct;\u6210nterClockwiseContourIntegral;\u6233oss;\u6A2Fcr;\uC000\u{1D49E}p\u0100;C\u0284\u0285\u62D3ap;\u624D\u0580DJSZacefios\u02A0\u02AC\u02B0\u02B4\u02B8\u02CB\u02D7\u02E1\u02E6\u0333\u048D\u0100;o\u0179\u02A5trahd;\u6911cy;\u4402cy;\u4405cy;\u440F\u0180grs\u02BF\u02C4\u02C7ger;\u6021r;\u61A1hv;\u6AE4\u0100ay\u02D0\u02D5ron;\u410E;\u4414l\u0100;t\u02DD\u02DE\u6207a;\u4394r;\uC000\u{1D507}\u0100af\u02EB\u0327\u0100cm\u02F0\u0322ritical\u0200ADGT\u0300\u0306\u0316\u031Ccute;\u40B4o\u0174\u030B\u030D;\u42D9bleAcute;\u42DDrave;\u4060ilde;\u42DCond;\u62C4ferentialD;\u6146\u0470\u033D\0\0\0\u0342\u0354\0\u0405f;\uC000\u{1D53B}\u0180;DE\u0348\u0349\u034D\u40A8ot;\u60DCqual;\u6250ble\u0300CDLRUV\u0363\u0372\u0382\u03CF\u03E2\u03F8ontourIntegra\xEC\u0239o\u0274\u0379\0\0\u037B\xBB\u0349nArrow;\u61D3\u0100eo\u0387\u03A4ft\u0180ART\u0390\u0396\u03A1rrow;\u61D0ightArrow;\u61D4e\xE5\u02CAng\u0100LR\u03AB\u03C4eft\u0100AR\u03B3\u03B9rrow;\u67F8ightArrow;\u67FAightArrow;\u67F9ight\u0100AT\u03D8\u03DErrow;\u61D2ee;\u62A8p\u0241\u03E9\0\0\u03EFrrow;\u61D1ownArrow;\u61D5erticalBar;\u6225n\u0300ABLRTa\u0412\u042A\u0430\u045E\u047F\u037Crrow\u0180;BU\u041D\u041E\u0422\u6193ar;\u6913pArrow;\u61F5reve;\u4311eft\u02D2\u043A\0\u0446\0\u0450ightVector;\u6950eeVector;\u695Eector\u0100;B\u0459\u045A\u61BDar;\u6956ight\u01D4\u0467\0\u0471eeVector;\u695Fector\u0100;B\u047A\u047B\u61C1ar;\u6957ee\u0100;A\u0486\u0487\u62A4rrow;\u61A7\u0100ct\u0492\u0497r;\uC000\u{1D49F}rok;\u4110\u0800NTacdfglmopqstux\u04BD\u04C0\u04C4\u04CB\u04DE\u04E2\u04E7\u04EE\u04F5\u0521\u052F\u0536\u0552\u055D\u0560\u0565G;\u414AH\u803B\xD0\u40D0cute\u803B\xC9\u40C9\u0180aiy\u04D2\u04D7\u04DCron;\u411Arc\u803B\xCA\u40CA;\u442Dot;\u4116r;\uC000\u{1D508}rave\u803B\xC8\u40C8ement;\u6208\u0100ap\u04FA\u04FEcr;\u4112ty\u0253\u0506\0\0\u0512mallSquare;\u65FBerySmallSquare;\u65AB\u0100gp\u0526\u052Aon;\u4118f;\uC000\u{1D53C}silon;\u4395u\u0100ai\u053C\u0549l\u0100;T\u0542\u0543\u6A75ilde;\u6242librium;\u61CC\u0100ci\u0557\u055Ar;\u6130m;\u6A73a;\u4397ml\u803B\xCB\u40CB\u0100ip\u056A\u056Fsts;\u6203onentialE;\u6147\u0280cfios\u0585\u0588\u058D\u05B2\u05CCy;\u4424r;\uC000\u{1D509}lled\u0253\u0597\0\0\u05A3mallSquare;\u65FCerySmallSquare;\u65AA\u0370\u05BA\0\u05BF\0\0\u05C4f;\uC000\u{1D53D}All;\u6200riertrf;\u6131c\xF2\u05CB\u0600JTabcdfgorst\u05E8\u05EC\u05EF\u05FA\u0600\u0612\u0616\u061B\u061D\u0623\u066C\u0672cy;\u4403\u803B>\u403Emma\u0100;d\u05F7\u05F8\u4393;\u43DCreve;\u411E\u0180eiy\u0607\u060C\u0610dil;\u4122rc;\u411C;\u4413ot;\u4120r;\uC000\u{1D50A};\u62D9pf;\uC000\u{1D53E}eater\u0300EFGLST\u0635\u0644\u064E\u0656\u065B\u0666qual\u0100;L\u063E\u063F\u6265ess;\u62DBullEqual;\u6267reater;\u6AA2ess;\u6277lantEqual;\u6A7Eilde;\u6273cr;\uC000\u{1D4A2};\u626B\u0400Aacfiosu\u0685\u068B\u0696\u069B\u069E\u06AA\u06BE\u06CARDcy;\u442A\u0100ct\u0690\u0694ek;\u42C7;\u405Eirc;\u4124r;\u610ClbertSpace;\u610B\u01F0\u06AF\0\u06B2f;\u610DizontalLine;\u6500\u0100ct\u06C3\u06C5\xF2\u06A9rok;\u4126mp\u0144\u06D0\u06D8ownHum\xF0\u012Fqual;\u624F\u0700EJOacdfgmnostu\u06FA\u06FE\u0703\u0707\u070E\u071A\u071E\u0721\u0728\u0744\u0778\u078B\u078F\u0795cy;\u4415lig;\u4132cy;\u4401cute\u803B\xCD\u40CD\u0100iy\u0713\u0718rc\u803B\xCE\u40CE;\u4418ot;\u4130r;\u6111rave\u803B\xCC\u40CC\u0180;ap\u0720\u072F\u073F\u0100cg\u0734\u07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2\u0EADncareplan\xE5\u069Df;\u6119\u0200;eio\u0EB9\u0EBA\u0EE0\u0EE4\u6ABBcedes\u0200;EST\u0EC8\u0EC9\u0ECF\u0EDA\u627Aqual;\u6AAFlantEqual;\u627Cilde;\u627Eme;\u6033\u0100dp\u0EE9\u0EEEuct;\u620Fortion\u0100;a\u0225\u0EF9l;\u621D\u0100ci\u0F01\u0F06r;\uC000\u{1D4AB};\u43A8\u0200Ufos\u0F11\u0F16\u0F1B\u0F1FOT\u803B"\u4022r;\uC000\u{1D514}pf;\u611Acr;\uC000\u{1D4AC}\u0600BEacefhiorsu\u0F3E\u0F43\u0F47\u0F60\u0F73\u0FA7\u0FAA\u0FAD\u1096\u10A9\u10B4\u10BEarr;\u6910G\u803B\xAE\u40AE\u0180cnr\u0F4E\u0F53\u0F56ute;\u4154g;\u67EBr\u0100;t\u0F5C\u0F5D\u61A0l;\u6916\u0180aey\u0F67\u0F6C\u0F71ron;\u4158dil;\u4156;\u4420\u0100;v\u0F78\u0F79\u611Cerse\u0100EU\u0F82\u0F99\u0100lq\u0F87\u0F8Eement;\u620Builibrium;\u61CBpEquilibrium;\u696Fr\xBB\u0F79o;\u43A1ght\u0400ACDFTUVa\u0FC1\u0FEB\u0FF3\u1022\u1028\u105B\u1087\u03D8\u0100nr\u0FC6\u0FD2gleBracket;\u67E9row\u0180;BL\u0FDC\u0FDD\u0FE1\u6192ar;\u61E5eftArrow;\u61C4eiling;\u6309o\u01F5\u0FF9\0\u1005bleBracket;\u67E7n\u01D4\u100A\0\u1014eeVector;\u695Dector\u0100;B\u101D\u101E\u61C2ar;\u6955loor;\u630B\u0100er\u102D\u1043e\u0180;AV\u1035\u1036\u103C\u62A2rrow;\u61A6ector;\u695Biangle\u0180;BE\u1050\u1051\u1055\u62B3ar;\u69D0qual;\u62B5p\u0180DTV\u1063\u106E\u1078ownVector;\u694FeeVector;\u695Cector\u0100;B\u1082\u1083\u61BEar;\u6954ector\u0100;B\u1091\u1092\u61C0ar;\u6953\u0100pu\u109B\u109Ef;\u611DndImplies;\u6970ightarrow;\u61DB\u0100ch\u10B9\u10BCr;\u611B;\u61B1leDelayed;\u69F4\u0680HOacfhimoqstu\u10E4\u10F1\u10F7\u10FD\u1119\u111E\u1151\u1156\u1161\u1167\u11B5\u11BB\u11BF\u0100Cc\u10E9\u10EEHcy;\u4429y;\u4428FTcy;\u442Ccute;\u415A\u0280;aeiy\u1108\u1109\u110E\u1113\u1117\u6ABCron;\u4160dil;\u415Erc;\u415C;\u4421r;\uC000\u{1D516}ort\u0200DLRU\u112A\u1134\u113E\u1149ownArrow\xBB\u041EeftArrow\xBB\u089AightArrow\xBB\u0FDDpArrow;\u6191gma;\u43A3allCircle;\u6218pf;\uC000\u{1D54A}\u0272\u116D\0\0\u1170t;\u621Aare\u0200;ISU\u117B\u117C\u1189\u11AF\u65A1ntersection;\u6293u\u0100bp\u118F\u119Eset\u0100;E\u1197\u1198\u628Fqual;\u6291erset\u0100;E\u11A8\u11A9\u6290qual;\u6292nion;\u6294cr;\uC000\u{1D4AE}ar;\u62C6\u0200bcmp\u11C8\u11DB\u1209\u120B\u0100;s\u11CD\u11CE\u62D0et\u0100;E\u11CD\u11D5qual;\u6286\u0100ch\u11E0\u1205eeds\u0200;EST\u11ED\u11EE\u11F4\u11FF\u627Bqual;\u6AB0lantEqual;\u627Dilde;\u627FTh\xE1\u0F8C;\u6211\u0180;es\u1212\u1213\u1223\u62D1rset\u0100;E\u121C\u121D\u6283qual;\u6287et\xBB\u1213\u0580HRSacfhiors\u123E\u1244\u1249\u1255\u125E\u1271\u1276\u129F\u12C2\u12C8\u12D1ORN\u803B\xDE\u40DEADE;\u6122\u0100Hc\u124E\u1252cy;\u440By;\u4426\u0100bu\u125A\u125C;\u4009;\u43A4\u0180aey\u1265\u126A\u126Fron;\u4164dil;\u4162;\u4422r;\uC000\u{1D517}\u0100ei\u127B\u1289\u01F2\u1280\0\u1287efore;\u6234a;\u4398\u0100cn\u128E\u1298kSpace;\uC000\u205F\u200ASpace;\u6009lde\u0200;EFT\u12AB\u12AC\u12B2\u12BC\u623Cqual;\u6243ullEqual;\u6245ilde;\u6248pf;\uC000\u{1D54B}ipleDot;\u60DB\u0100ct\u12D6\u12DBr;\uC000\u{1D4AF}rok;\u4166\u0AE1\u12F7\u130E\u131A\u1326\0\u132C\u1331\0\0\0\0\0\u1338\u133D\u1377\u1385\0\u13FF\u1404\u140A\u1410\u0100cr\u12FB\u1301ute\u803B\xDA\u40DAr\u0100;o\u1307\u1308\u619Fcir;\u6949r\u01E3\u1313\0\u1316y;\u440Eve;\u416C\u0100iy\u131E\u1323rc\u803B\xDB\u40DB;\u4423blac;\u4170r;\uC000\u{1D518}rave\u803B\xD9\u40D9acr;\u416A\u0100di\u1341\u1369er\u0100BP\u1348\u135D\u0100ar\u134D\u1350r;\u405Fac\u0100ek\u1357\u1359;\u63DFet;\u63B5arenthesis;\u63DDon\u0100;P\u1370\u1371\u62C3lus;\u628E\u0100gp\u137B\u137Fon;\u4172f;\uC000\u{1D54C}\u0400ADETadps\u1395\u13AE\u13B8\u13C4\u03E8\u13D2\u13D7\u13F3rrow\u0180;BD\u1150\u13A0\u13A4ar;\u6912ownArrow;\u61C5ownArrow;\u6195quilibrium;\u696Eee\u0100;A\u13CB\u13CC\u62A5rrow;\u61A5own\xE1\u03F3er\u0100LR\u13DE\u13E8eftArrow;\u6196ightArrow;\u6197i\u0100;l\u13F9\u13FA\u43D2on;\u43A5ing;\u416Ecr;\uC000\u{1D4B0}ilde;\u4168ml\u803B\xDC\u40DC\u0480Dbcdefosv\u1427\u142C\u1430\u1433\u143E\u1485\u148A\u1490\u1496ash;\u62ABar;\u6AEBy;\u4412ash\u0100;l\u143B\u143C\u62A9;\u6AE6\u0100er\u1443\u1445;\u62C1\u0180bty\u144C\u1450\u147Aar;\u6016\u0100;i\u144F\u1455cal\u0200BLST\u1461\u1465\u146A\u1474ar;\u6223ine;\u407Ceparator;\u6758ilde;\u6240ThinSpace;\u600Ar;\uC000\u{1D519}pf;\uC000\u{1D54D}cr;\uC000\u{1D4B1}dash;\u62AA\u0280cefos\u14A7\u14AC\u14B1\u14B6\u14BCirc;\u4174dge;\u62C0r;\uC000\u{1D51A}pf;\uC000\u{1D54E}cr;\uC000\u{1D4B2}\u0200fios\u14CB\u14D0\u14D2\u14D8r;\uC000\u{1D51B};\u439Epf;\uC000\u{1D54F}cr;\uC000\u{1D4B3}\u0480AIUacfosu\u14F1\u14F5\u14F9\u14FD\u1504\u150F\u1514\u151A\u1520cy;\u442Fcy;\u4407cy;\u442Ecute\u803B\xDD\u40DD\u0100iy\u1509\u150Drc;\u4176;\u442Br;\uC000\u{1D51C}pf;\uC000\u{1D550}cr;\uC000\u{1D4B4}ml;\u4178\u0400Hacdefos\u1535\u1539\u153F\u154B\u154F\u155D\u1560\u1564cy;\u4416cute;\u4179\u0100ay\u1544\u1549ron;\u417D;\u4417ot;\u417B\u01F2\u1554\0\u155BoWidt\xE8\u0AD9a;\u4396r;\u6128pf;\u6124cr;\uC000\u{1D4B5}\u0BE1\u1583\u158A\u1590\0\u15B0\u15B6\u15BF\0\0\0\0\u15C6\u15DB\u15EB\u165F\u166D\0\u1695\u169B\u16B2\u16B9\0\u16BEcute\u803B\xE1\u40E1reve;\u4103\u0300;Ediuy\u159C\u159D\u15A1\u15A3\u15A8\u15AD\u623E;\uC000\u223E\u0333;\u623Frc\u803B\xE2\u40E2te\u80BB\xB4\u0306;\u4430lig\u803B\xE6\u40E6\u0100;r\xB2\u15BA;\uC000\u{1D51E}rave\u803B\xE0\u40E0\u0100ep\u15CA\u15D6\u0100fp\u15CF\u15D4sym;\u6135\xE8\u15D3ha;\u43B1\u0100ap\u15DFc\u0100cl\u15E4\u15E7r;\u4101g;\u6A3F\u0264\u15F0\0\0\u160A\u0280;adsv\u15FA\u15FB\u15FF\u1601\u1607\u6227nd;\u6A55;\u6A5Clope;\u6A58;\u6A5A\u0380;elmrsz\u1618\u1619\u161B\u161E\u163F\u164F\u1659\u6220;\u69A4e\xBB\u1619sd\u0100;a\u1625\u1626\u6221\u0461\u1630\u1632\u1634\u1636\u1638\u163A\u163C\u163E;\u69A8;\u69A9;\u69AA;\u69AB;\u69AC;\u69AD;\u69AE;\u69AFt\u0100;v\u1645\u1646\u621Fb\u0100;d\u164C\u164D\u62BE;\u699D\u0100pt\u1654\u1657h;\u6222\xBB\xB9arr;\u637C\u0100gp\u1663\u1667on;\u4105f;\uC000\u{1D552}\u0380;Eaeiop\u12C1\u167B\u167D\u1682\u1684\u1687\u168A;\u6A70cir;\u6A6F;\u624Ad;\u624Bs;\u4027rox\u0100;e\u12C1\u1692\xF1\u1683ing\u803B\xE5\u40E5\u0180cty\u16A1\u16A6\u16A8r;\uC000\u{1D4B6};\u402Amp\u0100;e\u12C1\u16AF\xF1\u0288ilde\u803B\xE3\u40E3ml\u803B\xE4\u40E4\u0100ci\u16C2\u16C8onin\xF4\u0272nt;\u6A11\u0800Nabcdefiklnoprsu\u16ED\u16F1\u1730\u173C\u1743\u1748\u1778\u177D\u17E0\u17E6\u1839\u1850\u170D\u193D\u1948\u1970ot;\u6AED\u0100cr\u16F6\u171Ek\u0200ceps\u1700\u1705\u170D\u1713ong;\u624Cpsilon;\u43F6rime;\u6035im\u0100;e\u171A\u171B\u623Dq;\u62CD\u0176\u1722\u1726ee;\u62BDed\u0100;g\u172C\u172D\u6305e\xBB\u172Drk\u0100;t\u135C\u1737brk;\u63B6\u0100oy\u1701\u1741;\u4431quo;\u601E\u0280cmprt\u1753\u175B\u1761\u1764\u1768aus\u0100;e\u010A\u0109ptyv;\u69B0s\xE9\u170Cno\xF5\u0113\u0180ahw\u176F\u1771\u1773;\u43B2;\u6136een;\u626Cr;\uC000\u{1D51F}g\u0380costuvw\u178D\u179D\u17B3\u17C1\u17D5\u17DB\u17DE\u0180aiu\u1794\u1796\u179A\xF0\u0760rc;\u65EFp\xBB\u1371\u0180dpt\u17A4\u17A8\u17ADot;\u6A00lus;\u6A01imes;\u6A02\u0271\u17B9\0\0\u17BEcup;\u6A06ar;\u6605riangle\u0100du\u17CD\u17D2own;\u65BDp;\u65B3plus;\u6A04e\xE5\u1444\xE5\u14ADarow;\u690D\u0180ako\u17ED\u1826\u1835\u0100cn\u17F2\u1823k\u0180lst\u17FA\u05AB\u1802ozenge;\u69EBriangle\u0200;dlr\u1812\u1813\u1818\u181D\u65B4own;\u65BEeft;\u65C2ight;\u65B8k;\u6423\u01B1\u182B\0\u1833\u01B2\u182F\0\u1831;\u6592;\u65914;\u6593ck;\u6588\u0100eo\u183E\u184D\u0100;q\u1843\u1846\uC000=\u20E5uiv;\uC000\u2261\u20E5t;\u6310\u0200ptwx\u1859\u185E\u1867\u186Cf;\uC000\u{1D553}\u0100;t\u13CB\u1863om\xBB\u13CCtie;\u62C8\u0600DHUVbdhmptuv\u1885\u1896\u18AA\u18BB\u18D7\u18DB\u18EC\u18FF\u1905\u190A\u1910\u1921\u0200LRlr\u188E\u1890\u1892\u1894;\u6557;\u6554;\u6556;\u6553\u0280;DUdu\u18A1\u18A2\u18A4\u18A6\u18A8\u6550;\u6566;\u6569;\u6564;\u6567\u0200LRlr\u18B3\u18B5\u18B7\u18B9;\u655D;\u655A;\u655C;\u6559\u0380;HLRhlr\u18CA\u18CB\u18CD\u18CF\u18D1\u18D3\u18D5\u6551;\u656C;\u6563;\u6560;\u656B;\u6562;\u655Fox;\u69C9\u0200LRlr\u18E4\u18E6\u18E8\u18EA;\u6555;\u6552;\u6510;\u650C\u0280;DUdu\u06BD\u18F7\u18F9\u18FB\u18FD;\u6565;\u6568;\u652C;\u6534inus;\u629Flus;\u629Eimes;\u62A0\u0200LRlr\u1919\u191B\u191D\u191F;\u655B;\u6558;\u6518;\u6514\u0380;HLRhlr\u1930\u1931\u1933\u1935\u1937\u1939\u193B\u6502;\u656A;\u6561;\u655E;\u653C;\u6524;\u651C\u0100ev\u0123\u1942bar\u803B\xA6\u40A6\u0200ceio\u1951\u1956\u195A\u1960r;\uC000\u{1D4B7}mi;\u604Fm\u0100;e\u171A\u171Cl\u0180;bh\u1968\u1969\u196B\u405C;\u69C5sub;\u67C8\u016C\u1974\u197El\u0100;e\u1979\u197A\u6022t\xBB\u197Ap\u0180;Ee\u012F\u1985\u1987;\u6AAE\u0100;q\u06DC\u06DB\u0CE1\u19A7\0\u19E8\u1A11\u1A15\u1A32\0\u1A37\u1A50\0\0\u1AB4\0\0\u1AC1\0\0\u1B21\u1B2E\u1B4D\u1B52\0\u1BFD\0\u1C0C\u0180cpr\u19AD\u19B2\u19DDute;\u4107\u0300;abcds\u19BF\u19C0\u19C4\u19CA\u19D5\u19D9\u6229nd;\u6A44rcup;\u6A49\u0100au\u19CF\u19D2p;\u6A4Bp;\u6A47ot;\u6A40;\uC000\u2229\uFE00\u0100eo\u19E2\u19E5t;\u6041\xEE\u0693\u0200aeiu\u19F0\u19FB\u1A01\u1A05\u01F0\u19F5\0\u19F8s;\u6A4Don;\u410Ddil\u803B\xE7\u40E7rc;\u4109ps\u0100;s\u1A0C\u1A0D\u6A4Cm;\u6A50ot;\u410B\u0180dmn\u1A1B\u1A20\u1A26il\u80BB\xB8\u01ADptyv;\u69B2t\u8100\xA2;e\u1A2D\u1A2E\u40A2r\xE4\u01B2r;\uC000\u{1D520}\u0180cei\u1A3D\u1A40\u1A4Dy;\u4447ck\u0100;m\u1A47\u1A48\u6713ark\xBB\u1A48;\u43C7r\u0380;Ecefms\u1A5F\u1A60\u1A62\u1A6B\u1AA4\u1AAA\u1AAE\u65CB;\u69C3\u0180;el\u1A69\u1A6A\u1A6D\u42C6q;\u6257e\u0261\u1A74\0\0\u1A88rrow\u0100lr\u1A7C\u1A81eft;\u61BAight;\u61BB\u0280RSacd\u1A92\u1A94\u1A96\u1A9A\u1A9F\xBB\u0F47;\u64C8st;\u629Birc;\u629Aash;\u629Dnint;\u6A10id;\u6AEFcir;\u69C2ubs\u0100;u\u1ABB\u1ABC\u6663it\xBB\u1ABC\u02EC\u1AC7\u1AD4\u1AFA\0\u1B0Aon\u0100;e\u1ACD\u1ACE\u403A\u0100;q\xC7\xC6\u026D\u1AD9\0\0\u1AE2a\u0100;t\u1ADE\u1ADF\u402C;\u4040\u0180;fl\u1AE8\u1AE9\u1AEB\u6201\xEE\u1160e\u0100mx\u1AF1\u1AF6ent\xBB\u1AE9e\xF3\u024D\u01E7\u1AFE\0\u1B07\u0100;d\u12BB\u1B02ot;\u6A6Dn\xF4\u0246\u0180fry\u1B10\u1B14\u1B17;\uC000\u{1D554}o\xE4\u0254\u8100\xA9;s\u0155\u1B1Dr;\u6117\u0100ao\u1B25\u1B29rr;\u61B5ss;\u6717\u0100cu\u1B32\u1B37r;\uC000\u{1D4B8}\u0100bp\u1B3C\u1B44\u0100;e\u1B41\u1B42\u6ACF;\u6AD1\u0100;e\u1B49\u1B4A\u6AD0;\u6AD2dot;\u62EF\u0380delprvw\u1B60\u1B6C\u1B77\u1B82\u1BAC\u1BD4\u1BF9arr\u0100lr\u1B68\u1B6A;\u6938;\u6935\u0270\u1B72\0\0\u1B75r;\u62DEc;\u62DFarr\u0100;p\u1B7F\u1B80\u61B6;\u693D\u0300;bcdos\u1B8F\u1B90\u1B96\u1BA1\u1BA5\u1BA8\u622Arcap;\u6A48\u0100au\u1B9B\u1B9Ep;\u6A46p;\u6A4Aot;\u628Dr;\u6A45;\uC000\u222A\uFE00\u0200alrv\u1BB5\u1BBF\u1BDE\u1BE3rr\u0100;m\u1BBC\u1BBD\u61B7;\u693Cy\u0180evw\u1BC7\u1BD4\u1BD8q\u0270\u1BCE\0\0\u1BD2re\xE3\u1B73u\xE3\u1B75ee;\u62CEedge;\u62CFen\u803B\xA4\u40A4earrow\u0100lr\u1BEE\u1BF3eft\xBB\u1B80ight\xBB\u1BBDe\xE4\u1BDD\u0100ci\u1C01\u1C07onin\xF4\u01F7nt;\u6231lcty;\u632D\u0980AHabcdefhijlorstuwz\u1C38\u1C3B\u1C3F\u1C5D\u1C69\u1C75\u1C8A\u1C9E\u1CAC\u1CB7\u1CFB\u1CFF\u1D0D\u1D7B\u1D91\u1DAB\u1DBB\u1DC6\u1DCDr\xF2\u0381ar;\u6965\u0200glrs\u1C48\u1C4D\u1C52\u1C54ger;\u6020eth;\u6138\xF2\u1133h\u0100;v\u1C5A\u1C5B\u6010\xBB\u090A\u016B\u1C61\u1C67arow;\u690Fa\xE3\u0315\u0100ay\u1C6E\u1C73ron;\u410F;\u4434\u0180;ao\u0332\u1C7C\u1C84\u0100gr\u02BF\u1C81r;\u61CAtseq;\u6A77\u0180glm\u1C91\u1C94\u1C98\u803B\xB0\u40B0ta;\u43B4ptyv;\u69B1\u0100ir\u1CA3\u1CA8sht;\u697F;\uC000\u{1D521}ar\u0100lr\u1CB3\u1CB5\xBB\u08DC\xBB\u101E\u0280aegsv\u1CC2\u0378\u1CD6\u1CDC\u1CE0m\u0180;os\u0326\u1CCA\u1CD4nd\u0100;s\u0326\u1CD1uit;\u6666amma;\u43DDin;\u62F2\u0180;io\u1CE7\u1CE8\u1CF8\u40F7de\u8100\xF7;o\u1CE7\u1CF0ntimes;\u62C7n\xF8\u1CF7cy;\u4452c\u026F\u1D06\0\0\u1D0Arn;\u631Eop;\u630D\u0280lptuw\u1D18\u1D1D\u1D22\u1D49\u1D55lar;\u4024f;\uC000\u{1D555}\u0280;emps\u030B\u1D2D\u1D37\u1D3D\u1D42q\u0100;d\u0352\u1D33ot;\u6251inus;\u6238lus;\u6214quare;\u62A1blebarwedg\xE5\xFAn\u0180adh\u112E\u1D5D\u1D67ownarrow\xF3\u1C83arpoon\u0100lr\u1D72\u1D76ef\xF4\u1CB4igh\xF4\u1CB6\u0162\u1D7F\u1D85karo\xF7\u0F42\u026F\u1D8A\0\0\u1D8Ern;\u631Fop;\u630C\u0180cot\u1D98\u1DA3\u1DA6\u0100ry\u1D9D\u1DA1;\uC000\u{1D4B9};\u4455l;\u69F6rok;\u4111\u0100dr\u1DB0\u1DB4ot;\u62F1i\u0100;f\u1DBA\u1816\u65BF\u0100ah\u1DC0\u1DC3r\xF2\u0429a\xF2\u0FA6angle;\u69A6\u0100ci\u1DD2\u1DD5y;\u445Fgrarr;\u67FF\u0900Dacdefglmnopqrstux\u1E01\u1E09\u1E19\u1E38\u0578\u1E3C\u1E49\u1E61\u1E7E\u1EA5\u1EAF\u1EBD\u1EE1\u1F2A\u1F37\u1F44\u1F4E\u1F5A\u0100Do\u1E06\u1D34o\xF4\u1C89\u0100cs\u1E0E\u1E14ute\u803B\xE9\u40E9ter;\u6A6E\u0200aioy\u1E22\u1E27\u1E31\u1E36ron;\u411Br\u0100;c\u1E2D\u1E2E\u6256\u803B\xEA\u40EAlon;\u6255;\u444Dot;\u4117\u0100Dr\u1E41\u1E45ot;\u6252;\uC000\u{1D522}\u0180;rs\u1E50\u1E51\u1E57\u6A9Aave\u803B\xE8\u40E8\u0100;d\u1E5C\u1E5D\u6A96ot;\u6A98\u0200;ils\u1E6A\u1E6B\u1E72\u1E74\u6A99nters;\u63E7;\u6113\u0100;d\u1E79\u1E7A\u6A95ot;\u6A97\u0180aps\u1E85\u1E89\u1E97cr;\u4113ty\u0180;sv\u1E92\u1E93\u1E95\u6205et\xBB\u1E93p\u01001;\u1E9D\u1EA4\u0133\u1EA1\u1EA3;\u6004;\u6005\u6003\u0100gs\u1EAA\u1EAC;\u414Bp;\u6002\u0100gp\u1EB4\u1EB8on;\u4119f;\uC000\u{1D556}\u0180als\u1EC4\u1ECE\u1ED2r\u0100;s\u1ECA\u1ECB\u62D5l;\u69E3us;\u6A71i\u0180;lv\u1EDA\u1EDB\u1EDF\u43B5on\xBB\u1EDB;\u43F5\u0200csuv\u1EEA\u1EF3\u1F0B\u1F23\u0100io\u1EEF\u1E31rc\xBB\u1E2E\u0269\u1EF9\0\0\u1EFB\xED\u0548ant\u0100gl\u1F02\u1F06tr\xBB\u1E5Dess\xBB\u1E7A\u0180aei\u1F12\u1F16\u1F1Als;\u403Dst;\u625Fv\u0100;D\u0235\u1F20D;\u6A78parsl;\u69E5\u0100Da\u1F2F\u1F33ot;\u6253rr;\u6971\u0180cdi\u1F3E\u1F41\u1EF8r;\u612Fo\xF4\u0352\u0100ah\u1F49\u1F4B;\u43B7\u803B\xF0\u40F0\u0100mr\u1F53\u1F57l\u803B\xEB\u40EBo;\u60AC\u0180cip\u1F61\u1F64\u1F67l;\u4021s\xF4\u056E\u0100eo\u1F6C\u1F74ctatio\xEE\u0559nential\xE5\u0579\u09E1\u1F92\0\u1F9E\0\u1FA1\u1FA7\0\0\u1FC6\u1FCC\0\u1FD3\0\u1FE6\u1FEA\u2000\0\u2008\u205Allingdotse\xF1\u1E44y;\u4444male;\u6640\u0180ilr\u1FAD\u1FB3\u1FC1lig;\u8000\uFB03\u0269\u1FB9\0\0\u1FBDg;\u8000\uFB00ig;\u8000\uFB04;\uC000\u{1D523}lig;\u8000\uFB01lig;\uC000fj\u0180alt\u1FD9\u1FDC\u1FE1t;\u666Dig;\u8000\uFB02ns;\u65B1of;\u4192\u01F0\u1FEE\0\u1FF3f;\uC000\u{1D557}\u0100ak\u05BF\u1FF7\u0100;v\u1FFC\u1FFD\u62D4;\u6AD9artint;\u6A0D\u0100ao\u200C\u2055\u0100cs\u2011\u2052\u03B1\u201A\u2030\u2038\u2045\u2048\0\u2050\u03B2\u2022\u2025\u2027\u202A\u202C\0\u202E\u803B\xBD\u40BD;\u6153\u803B\xBC\u40BC;\u6155;\u6159;\u615B\u01B3\u2034\0\u2036;\u6154;\u6156\u02B4\u203E\u2041\0\0\u2043\u803B\xBE\u40BE;\u6157;\u615C5;\u6158\u01B6\u204C\0\u204E;\u615A;\u615D8;\u615El;\u6044wn;\u6322cr;\uC000\u{1D4BB}\u0880Eabcdefgijlnorstv\u2082\u2089\u209F\u20A5\u20B0\u20B4\u20F0\u20F5\u20FA\u20FF\u2103\u2112\u2138\u0317\u213E\u2152\u219E\u0100;l\u064D\u2087;\u6A8C\u0180cmp\u2090\u2095\u209Dute;\u41F5ma\u0100;d\u209C\u1CDA\u43B3;\u6A86reve;\u411F\u0100iy\u20AA\u20AErc;\u411D;\u4433ot;\u4121\u0200;lqs\u063E\u0642\u20BD\u20C9\u0180;qs\u063E\u064C\u20C4lan\xF4\u0665\u0200;cdl\u0665\u20D2\u20D5\u20E5c;\u6AA9ot\u0100;o\u20DC\u20DD\u6A80\u0100;l\u20E2\u20E3\u6A82;\u6A84\u0100;e\u20EA\u20ED\uC000\u22DB\uFE00s;\u6A94r;\uC000\u{1D524}\u0100;g\u0673\u061Bmel;\u6137cy;\u4453\u0200;Eaj\u065A\u210C\u210E\u2110;\u6A92;\u6AA5;\u6AA4\u0200Eaes\u211B\u211D\u2129\u2134;\u6269p\u0100;p\u2123\u2124\u6A8Arox\xBB\u2124\u0100;q\u212E\u212F\u6A88\u0100;q\u212E\u211Bim;\u62E7pf;\uC000\u{1D558}\u0100ci\u2143\u2146r;\u610Am\u0180;el\u066B\u214E\u2150;\u6A8E;\u6A90\u8300>;cdlqr\u05EE\u2160\u216A\u216E\u2173\u2179\u0100ci\u2165\u2167;\u6AA7r;\u6A7Aot;\u62D7Par;\u6995uest;\u6A7C\u0280adels\u2184\u216A\u2190\u0656\u219B\u01F0\u2189\0\u218Epro\xF8\u209Er;\u6978q\u0100lq\u063F\u2196les\xF3\u2088i\xED\u066B\u0100en\u21A3\u21ADrtneqq;\uC000\u2269\uFE00\xC5\u21AA\u0500Aabcefkosy\u21C4\u21C7\u21F1\u21F5\u21FA\u2218\u221D\u222F\u2268\u227Dr\xF2\u03A0\u0200ilmr\u21D0\u21D4\u21D7\u21DBrs\xF0\u1484f\xBB\u2024il\xF4\u06A9\u0100dr\u21E0\u21E4cy;\u444A\u0180;cw\u08F4\u21EB\u21EFir;\u6948;\u61ADar;\u610Firc;\u4125\u0180alr\u2201\u220E\u2213rts\u0100;u\u2209\u220A\u6665it\xBB\u220Alip;\u6026con;\u62B9r;\uC000\u{1D525}s\u0100ew\u2223\u2229arow;\u6925arow;\u6926\u0280amopr\u223A\u223E\u2243\u225E\u2263rr;\u61FFtht;\u623Bk\u0100lr\u2249\u2253eftarrow;\u61A9ightarrow;\u61AAf;\uC000\u{1D559}bar;\u6015\u0180clt\u226F\u2274\u2278r;\uC000\u{1D4BD}as\xE8\u21F4rok;\u4127\u0100bp\u2282\u2287ull;\u6043hen\xBB\u1C5B\u0AE1\u22A3\0\u22AA\0\u22B8\u22C5\u22CE\0\u22D5\u22F3\0\0\u22F8\u2322\u2367\u2362\u237F\0\u2386\u23AA\u23B4cute\u803B\xED\u40ED\u0180;iy\u0771\u22B0\u22B5rc\u803B\xEE\u40EE;\u4438\u0100cx\u22BC\u22BFy;\u4435cl\u803B\xA1\u40A1\u0100fr\u039F\u22C9;\uC000\u{1D526}rave\u803B\xEC\u40EC\u0200;ino\u073E\u22DD\u22E9\u22EE\u0100in\u22E2\u22E6nt;\u6A0Ct;\u622Dfin;\u69DCta;\u6129lig;\u4133\u0180aop\u22FE\u231A\u231D\u0180cgt\u2305\u2308\u2317r;\u412B\u0180elp\u071F\u230F\u2313in\xE5\u078Ear\xF4\u0720h;\u4131f;\u62B7ed;\u41B5\u0280;cfot\u04F4\u232C\u2331\u233D\u2341are;\u6105in\u0100;t\u2338\u2339\u621Eie;\u69DDdo\xF4\u2319\u0280;celp\u0757\u234C\u2350\u235B\u2361al;\u62BA\u0100gr\u2355\u2359er\xF3\u1563\xE3\u234Darhk;\u6A17rod;\u6A3C\u0200cgpt\u236F\u2372\u2376\u237By;\u4451on;\u412Ff;\uC000\u{1D55A}a;\u43B9uest\u803B\xBF\u40BF\u0100ci\u238A\u238Fr;\uC000\u{1D4BE}n\u0280;Edsv\u04F4\u239B\u239D\u23A1\u04F3;\u62F9ot;\u62F5\u0100;v\u23A6\u23A7\u62F4;\u62F3\u0100;i\u0777\u23AElde;\u4129\u01EB\u23B8\0\u23BCcy;\u4456l\u803B\xEF\u40EF\u0300cfmosu\u23CC\u23D7\u23DC\u23E1\u23E7\u23F5\u0100iy\u23D1\u23D5rc;\u4135;\u4439r;\uC000\u{1D527}ath;\u4237pf;\uC000\u{1D55B}\u01E3\u23EC\0\u23F1r;\uC000\u{1D4BF}rcy;\u4458kcy;\u4454\u0400acfghjos\u240B\u2416\u2422\u2427\u242D\u2431\u2435\u243Bppa\u0100;v\u2413\u2414\u43BA;\u43F0\u0100ey\u241B\u2420dil;\u4137;\u443Ar;\uC000\u{1D528}reen;\u4138cy;\u4445cy;\u445Cpf;\uC000\u{1D55C}cr;\uC000\u{1D4C0}\u0B80ABEHabcdefghjlmnoprstuv\u2470\u2481\u2486\u248D\u2491\u250E\u253D\u255A\u2580\u264E\u265E\u2665\u2679\u267D\u269A\u26B2\u26D8\u275D\u2768\u278B\u27C0\u2801\u2812\u0180art\u2477\u247A\u247Cr\xF2\u09C6\xF2\u0395ail;\u691Barr;\u690E\u0100;g\u0994\u248B;\u6A8Bar;\u6962\u0963\u24A5\0\u24AA\0\u24B1\0\0\0\0\0\u24B5\u24BA\0\u24C6\u24C8\u24CD\0\u24F9ute;\u413Amptyv;\u69B4ra\xEE\u084Cbda;\u43BBg\u0180;dl\u088E\u24C1\u24C3;\u6991\xE5\u088E;\u6A85uo\u803B\xAB\u40ABr\u0400;bfhlpst\u0899\u24DE\u24E6\u24E9\u24EB\u24EE\u24F1\u24F5\u0100;f\u089D\u24E3s;\u691Fs;\u691D\xEB\u2252p;\u61ABl;\u6939im;\u6973l;\u61A2\u0180;ae\u24FF\u2500\u2504\u6AABil;\u6919\u0100;s\u2509\u250A\u6AAD;\uC000\u2AAD\uFE00\u0180abr\u2515\u2519\u251Drr;\u690Crk;\u6772\u0100ak\u2522\u252Cc\u0100ek\u2528\u252A;\u407B;\u405B\u0100es\u2531\u2533;\u698Bl\u0100du\u2539\u253B;\u698F;\u698D\u0200aeuy\u2546\u254B\u2556\u2558ron;\u413E\u0100di\u2550\u2554il;\u413C\xEC\u08B0\xE2\u2529;\u443B\u0200cqrs\u2563\u2566\u256D\u257Da;\u6936uo\u0100;r\u0E19\u1746\u0100du\u2572\u2577har;\u6967shar;\u694Bh;\u61B2\u0280;fgqs\u258B\u258C\u0989\u25F3\u25FF\u6264t\u0280ahlrt\u2598\u25A4\u25B7\u25C2\u25E8rrow\u0100;t\u0899\u25A1a\xE9\u24F6arpoon\u0100du\u25AF\u25B4own\xBB\u045Ap\xBB\u0966eftarrows;\u61C7ight\u0180ahs\u25CD\u25D6\u25DErrow\u0100;s\u08F4\u08A7arpoon\xF3\u0F98quigarro\xF7\u21F0hreetimes;\u62CB\u0180;qs\u258B\u0993\u25FAlan\xF4\u09AC\u0280;cdgs\u09AC\u260A\u260D\u261D\u2628c;\u6AA8ot\u0100;o\u2614\u2615\u6A7F\u0100;r\u261A\u261B\u6A81;\u6A83\u0100;e\u2622\u2625\uC000\u22DA\uFE00s;\u6A93\u0280adegs\u2633\u2639\u263D\u2649\u264Bppro\xF8\u24C6ot;\u62D6q\u0100gq\u2643\u2645\xF4\u0989gt\xF2\u248C\xF4\u099Bi\xED\u09B2\u0180ilr\u2655\u08E1\u265Asht;\u697C;\uC000\u{1D529}\u0100;E\u099C\u2663;\u6A91\u0161\u2669\u2676r\u0100du\u25B2\u266E\u0100;l\u0965\u2673;\u696Alk;\u6584cy;\u4459\u0280;acht\u0A48\u2688\u268B\u2691\u2696r\xF2\u25C1orne\xF2\u1D08ard;\u696Bri;\u65FA\u0100io\u269F\u26A4dot;\u4140ust\u0100;a\u26AC\u26AD\u63B0che\xBB\u26AD\u0200Eaes\u26BB\u26BD\u26C9\u26D4;\u6268p\u0100;p\u26C3\u26C4\u6A89rox\xBB\u26C4\u0100;q\u26CE\u26CF\u6A87\u0100;q\u26CE\u26BBim;\u62E6\u0400abnoptwz\u26E9\u26F4\u26F7\u271A\u272F\u2741\u2747\u2750\u0100nr\u26EE\u26F1g;\u67ECr;\u61FDr\xEB\u08C1g\u0180lmr\u26FF\u270D\u2714eft\u0100ar\u09E6\u2707ight\xE1\u09F2apsto;\u67FCight\xE1\u09FDparrow\u0100lr\u2725\u2729ef\xF4\u24EDight;\u61AC\u0180afl\u2736\u2739\u273Dr;\u6985;\uC000\u{1D55D}us;\u6A2Dimes;\u6A34\u0161\u274B\u274Fst;\u6217\xE1\u134E\u0180;ef\u2757\u2758\u1800\u65CAnge\xBB\u2758ar\u0100;l\u2764\u2765\u4028t;\u6993\u0280achmt\u2773\u2776\u277C\u2785\u2787r\xF2\u08A8orne\xF2\u1D8Car\u0100;d\u0F98\u2783;\u696D;\u600Eri;\u62BF\u0300achiqt\u2798\u279D\u0A40\u27A2\u27AE\u27BBquo;\u6039r;\uC000\u{1D4C1}m\u0180;eg\u09B2\u27AA\u27AC;\u6A8D;\u6A8F\u0100bu\u252A\u27B3o\u0100;r\u0E1F\u27B9;\u601Arok;\u4142\u8400<;cdhilqr\u082B\u27D2\u2639\u27DC\u27E0\u27E5\u27EA\u27F0\u0100ci\u27D7\u27D9;\u6AA6r;\u6A79re\xE5\u25F2mes;\u62C9arr;\u6976uest;\u6A7B\u0100Pi\u27F5\u27F9ar;\u6996\u0180;ef\u2800\u092D\u181B\u65C3r\u0100du\u2807\u280Dshar;\u694Ahar;\u6966\u0100en\u2817\u2821rtneqq;\uC000\u2268\uFE00\xC5\u281E\u0700Dacdefhilnopsu\u2840\u2845\u2882\u288E\u2893\u28A0\u28A5\u28A8\u28DA\u28E2\u28E4\u0A83\u28F3\u2902Dot;\u623A\u0200clpr\u284E\u2852\u2863\u287Dr\u803B\xAF\u40AF\u0100et\u2857\u2859;\u6642\u0100;e\u285E\u285F\u6720se\xBB\u285F\u0100;s\u103B\u2868to\u0200;dlu\u103B\u2873\u2877\u287Bow\xEE\u048Cef\xF4\u090F\xF0\u13D1ker;\u65AE\u0100oy\u2887\u288Cmma;\u6A29;\u443Cash;\u6014asuredangle\xBB\u1626r;\uC000\u{1D52A}o;\u6127\u0180cdn\u28AF\u28B4\u28C9ro\u803B\xB5\u40B5\u0200;acd\u1464\u28BD\u28C0\u28C4s\xF4\u16A7ir;\u6AF0ot\u80BB\xB7\u01B5us\u0180;bd\u28D2\u1903\u28D3\u6212\u0100;u\u1D3C\u28D8;\u6A2A\u0163\u28DE\u28E1p;\u6ADB\xF2\u2212\xF0\u0A81\u0100dp\u28E9\u28EEels;\u62A7f;\uC000\u{1D55E}\u0100ct\u28F8\u28FDr;\uC000\u{1D4C2}pos\xBB\u159D\u0180;lm\u2909\u290A\u290D\u43BCtimap;\u62B8\u0C00GLRVabcdefghijlmoprstuvw\u2942\u2953\u297E\u2989\u2998\u29DA\u29E9\u2A15\u2A1A\u2A58\u2A5D\u2A83\u2A95\u2AA4\u2AA8\u2B04\u2B07\u2B44\u2B7F\u2BAE\u2C34\u2C67\u2C7C\u2CE9\u0100gt\u2947\u294B;\uC000\u22D9\u0338\u0100;v\u2950\u0BCF\uC000\u226B\u20D2\u0180elt\u295A\u2972\u2976ft\u0100ar\u2961\u2967rrow;\u61CDightarrow;\u61CE;\uC000\u22D8\u0338\u0100;v\u297B\u0C47\uC000\u226A\u20D2ightarrow;\u61CF\u0100Dd\u298E\u2993ash;\u62AFash;\u62AE\u0280bcnpt\u29A3\u29A7\u29AC\u29B1\u29CCla\xBB\u02DEute;\u4144g;\uC000\u2220\u20D2\u0280;Eiop\u0D84\u29BC\u29C0\u29C5\u29C8;\uC000\u2A70\u0338d;\uC000\u224B\u0338s;\u4149ro\xF8\u0D84ur\u0100;a\u29D3\u29D4\u666El\u0100;s\u29D3\u0B38\u01F3\u29DF\0\u29E3p\u80BB\xA0\u0B37mp\u0100;e\u0BF9\u0C00\u0280aeouy\u29F4\u29FE\u2A03\u2A10\u2A13\u01F0\u29F9\0\u29FB;\u6A43on;\u4148dil;\u4146ng\u0100;d\u0D7E\u2A0Aot;\uC000\u2A6D\u0338p;\u6A42;\u443Dash;\u6013\u0380;Aadqsx\u0B92\u2A29\u2A2D\u2A3B\u2A41\u2A45\u2A50rr;\u61D7r\u0100hr\u2A33\u2A36k;\u6924\u0100;o\u13F2\u13F0ot;\uC000\u2250\u0338ui\xF6\u0B63\u0100ei\u2A4A\u2A4Ear;\u6928\xED\u0B98ist\u0100;s\u0BA0\u0B9Fr;\uC000\u{1D52B}\u0200Eest\u0BC5\u2A66\u2A79\u2A7C\u0180;qs\u0BBC\u2A6D\u0BE1\u0180;qs\u0BBC\u0BC5\u2A74lan\xF4\u0BE2i\xED\u0BEA\u0100;r\u0BB6\u2A81\xBB\u0BB7\u0180Aap\u2A8A\u2A8D\u2A91r\xF2\u2971rr;\u61AEar;\u6AF2\u0180;sv\u0F8D\u2A9C\u0F8C\u0100;d\u2AA1\u2AA2\u62FC;\u62FAcy;\u445A\u0380AEadest\u2AB7\u2ABA\u2ABE\u2AC2\u2AC5\u2AF6\u2AF9r\xF2\u2966;\uC000\u2266\u0338rr;\u619Ar;\u6025\u0200;fqs\u0C3B\u2ACE\u2AE3\u2AEFt\u0100ar\u2AD4\u2AD9rro\xF7\u2AC1ightarro\xF7\u2A90\u0180;qs\u0C3B\u2ABA\u2AEAlan\xF4\u0C55\u0100;s\u0C55\u2AF4\xBB\u0C36i\xED\u0C5D\u0100;r\u0C35\u2AFEi\u0100;e\u0C1A\u0C25i\xE4\u0D90\u0100pt\u2B0C\u2B11f;\uC000\u{1D55F}\u8180\xAC;in\u2B19\u2B1A\u2B36\u40ACn\u0200;Edv\u0B89\u2B24\u2B28\u2B2E;\uC000\u22F9\u0338ot;\uC000\u22F5\u0338\u01E1\u0B89\u2B33\u2B35;\u62F7;\u62F6i\u0100;v\u0CB8\u2B3C\u01E1\u0CB8\u2B41\u2B43;\u62FE;\u62FD\u0180aor\u2B4B\u2B63\u2B69r\u0200;ast\u0B7B\u2B55\u2B5A\u2B5Flle\xEC\u0B7Bl;\uC000\u2AFD\u20E5;\uC000\u2202\u0338lint;\u6A14\u0180;ce\u0C92\u2B70\u2B73u\xE5\u0CA5\u0100;c\u0C98\u2B78\u0100;e\u0C92\u2B7D\xF1\u0C98\u0200Aait\u2B88\u2B8B\u2B9D\u2BA7r\xF2\u2988rr\u0180;cw\u2B94\u2B95\u2B99\u619B;\uC000\u2933\u0338;\uC000\u219D\u0338ghtarrow\xBB\u2B95ri\u0100;e\u0CCB\u0CD6\u0380chimpqu\u2BBD\u2BCD\u2BD9\u2B04\u0B78\u2BE4\u2BEF\u0200;cer\u0D32\u2BC6\u0D37\u2BC9u\xE5\u0D45;\uC000\u{1D4C3}ort\u026D\u2B05\0\0\u2BD6ar\xE1\u2B56m\u0100;e\u0D6E\u2BDF\u0100;q\u0D74\u0D73su\u0100bp\u2BEB\u2BED\xE5\u0CF8\xE5\u0D0B\u0180bcp\u2BF6\u2C11\u2C19\u0200;Ees\u2BFF\u2C00\u0D22\u2C04\u6284;\uC000\u2AC5\u0338et\u0100;e\u0D1B\u2C0Bq\u0100;q\u0D23\u2C00c\u0100;e\u0D32\u2C17\xF1\u0D38\u0200;Ees\u2C22\u2C23\u0D5F\u2C27\u6285;\uC000\u2AC6\u0338et\u0100;e\u0D58\u2C2Eq\u0100;q\u0D60\u2C23\u0200gilr\u2C3D\u2C3F\u2C45\u2C47\xEC\u0BD7lde\u803B\xF1\u40F1\xE7\u0C43iangle\u0100lr\u2C52\u2C5Ceft\u0100;e\u0C1A\u2C5A\xF1\u0C26ight\u0100;e\u0CCB\u2C65\xF1\u0CD7\u0100;m\u2C6C\u2C6D\u43BD\u0180;es\u2C74\u2C75\u2C79\u4023ro;\u6116p;\u6007\u0480DHadgilrs\u2C8F\u2C94\u2C99\u2C9E\u2CA3\u2CB0\u2CB6\u2CD3\u2CE3ash;\u62ADarr;\u6904p;\uC000\u224D\u20D2ash;\u62AC\u0100et\u2CA8\u2CAC;\uC000\u2265\u20D2;\uC000>\u20D2nfin;\u69DE\u0180Aet\u2CBD\u2CC1\u2CC5rr;\u6902;\uC000\u2264\u20D2\u0100;r\u2CCA\u2CCD\uC000<\u20D2ie;\uC000\u22B4\u20D2\u0100At\u2CD8\u2CDCrr;\u6903rie;\uC000\u22B5\u20D2im;\uC000\u223C\u20D2\u0180Aan\u2CF0\u2CF4\u2D02rr;\u61D6r\u0100hr\u2CFA\u2CFDk;\u6923\u0100;o\u13E7\u13E5ear;\u6927\u1253\u1A95\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\u2D2D\0\u2D38\u2D48\u2D60\u2D65\u2D72\u2D84\u1B07\0\0\u2D8D\u2DAB\0\u2DC8\u2DCE\0\u2DDC\u2E19\u2E2B\u2E3E\u2E43\u0100cs\u2D31\u1A97ute\u803B\xF3\u40F3\u0100iy\u2D3C\u2D45r\u0100;c\u1A9E\u2D42\u803B\xF4\u40F4;\u443E\u0280abios\u1AA0\u2D52\u2D57\u01C8\u2D5Alac;\u4151v;\u6A38old;\u69BClig;\u4153\u0100cr\u2D69\u2D6Dir;\u69BF;\uC000\u{1D52C}\u036F\u2D79\0\0\u2D7C\0\u2D82n;\u42DBave\u803B\xF2\u40F2;\u69C1\u0100bm\u2D88\u0DF4ar;\u69B5\u0200acit\u2D95\u2D98\u2DA5\u2DA8r\xF2\u1A80\u0100ir\u2D9D\u2DA0r;\u69BEoss;\u69BBn\xE5\u0E52;\u69C0\u0180aei\u2DB1\u2DB5\u2DB9cr;\u414Dga;\u43C9\u0180cdn\u2DC0\u2DC5\u01CDron;\u43BF;\u69B6pf;\uC000\u{1D560}\u0180ael\u2DD4\u2DD7\u01D2r;\u69B7rp;\u69B9\u0380;adiosv\u2DEA\u2DEB\u2DEE\u2E08\u2E0D\u2E10\u2E16\u6228r\xF2\u1A86\u0200;efm\u2DF7\u2DF8\u2E02\u2E05\u6A5Dr\u0100;o\u2DFE\u2DFF\u6134f\xBB\u2DFF\u803B\xAA\u40AA\u803B\xBA\u40BAgof;\u62B6r;\u6A56lope;\u6A57;\u6A5B\u0180clo\u2E1F\u2E21\u2E27\xF2\u2E01ash\u803B\xF8\u40F8l;\u6298i\u016C\u2E2F\u2E34de\u803B\xF5\u40F5es\u0100;a\u01DB\u2E3As;\u6A36ml\u803B\xF6\u40F6bar;\u633D\u0AE1\u2E5E\0\u2E7D\0\u2E80\u2E9D\0\u2EA2\u2EB9\0\0\u2ECB\u0E9C\0\u2F13\0\0\u2F2B\u2FBC\0\u2FC8r\u0200;ast\u0403\u2E67\u2E72\u0E85\u8100\xB6;l\u2E6D\u2E6E\u40B6le\xEC\u0403\u0269\u2E78\0\0\u2E7Bm;\u6AF3;\u6AFDy;\u443Fr\u0280cimpt\u2E8B\u2E8F\u2E93\u1865\u2E97nt;\u4025od;\u402Eil;\u6030enk;\u6031r;\uC000\u{1D52D}\u0180imo\u2EA8\u2EB0\u2EB4\u0100;v\u2EAD\u2EAE\u43C6;\u43D5ma\xF4\u0A76ne;\u660E\u0180;tv\u2EBF\u2EC0\u2EC8\u43C0chfork\xBB\u1FFD;\u43D6\u0100au\u2ECF\u2EDFn\u0100ck\u2ED5\u2EDDk\u0100;h\u21F4\u2EDB;\u610E\xF6\u21F4s\u0480;abcdemst\u2EF3\u2EF4\u1908\u2EF9\u2EFD\u2F04\u2F06\u2F0A\u2F0E\u402Bcir;\u6A23ir;\u6A22\u0100ou\u1D40\u2F02;\u6A25;\u6A72n\u80BB\xB1\u0E9Dim;\u6A26wo;\u6A27\u0180ipu\u2F19\u2F20\u2F25ntint;\u6A15f;\uC000\u{1D561}nd\u803B\xA3\u40A3\u0500;Eaceinosu\u0EC8\u2F3F\u2F41\u2F44\u2F47\u2F81\u2F89\u2F92\u2F7E\u2FB6;\u6AB3p;\u6AB7u\xE5\u0ED9\u0100;c\u0ECE\u2F4C\u0300;acens\u0EC8\u2F59\u2F5F\u2F66\u2F68\u2F7Eppro\xF8\u2F43urlye\xF1\u0ED9\xF1\u0ECE\u0180aes\u2F6F\u2F76\u2F7Approx;\u6AB9qq;\u6AB5im;\u62E8i\xED\u0EDFme\u0100;s\u2F88\u0EAE\u6032\u0180Eas\u2F78\u2F90\u2F7A\xF0\u2F75\u0180dfp\u0EEC\u2F99\u2FAF\u0180als\u2FA0\u2FA5\u2FAAlar;\u632Eine;\u6312urf;\u6313\u0100;t\u0EFB\u2FB4\xEF\u0EFBrel;\u62B0\u0100ci\u2FC0\u2FC5r;\uC000\u{1D4C5};\u43C8ncsp;\u6008\u0300fiopsu\u2FDA\u22E2\u2FDF\u2FE5\u2FEB\u2FF1r;\uC000\u{1D52E}pf;\uC000\u{1D562}rime;\u6057cr;\uC000\u{1D4C6}\u0180aeo\u2FF8\u3009\u3013t\u0100ei\u2FFE\u3005rnion\xF3\u06B0nt;\u6A16st\u0100;e\u3010\u3011\u403F\xF1\u1F19\xF4\u0F14\u0A80ABHabcdefhilmnoprstux\u3040\u3051\u3055\u3059\u30E0\u310E\u312B\u3147\u3162\u3172\u318E\u3206\u3215\u3224\u3229\u3258\u326E\u3272\u3290\u32B0\u32B7\u0180art\u3047\u304A\u304Cr\xF2\u10B3\xF2\u03DDail;\u691Car\xF2\u1C65ar;\u6964\u0380cdenqrt\u3068\u3075\u3078\u307F\u308F\u3094\u30CC\u0100eu\u306D\u3071;\uC000\u223D\u0331te;\u4155i\xE3\u116Emptyv;\u69B3g\u0200;del\u0FD1\u3089\u308B\u308D;\u6992;\u69A5\xE5\u0FD1uo\u803B\xBB\u40BBr\u0580;abcfhlpstw\u0FDC\u30AC\u30AF\u30B7\u30B9\u30BC\u30BE\u30C0\u30C3\u30C7\u30CAp;\u6975\u0100;f\u0FE0\u30B4s;\u6920;\u6933s;\u691E\xEB\u225D\xF0\u272El;\u6945im;\u6974l;\u61A3;\u619D\u0100ai\u30D1\u30D5il;\u691Ao\u0100;n\u30DB\u30DC\u6236al\xF3\u0F1E\u0180abr\u30E7\u30EA\u30EEr\xF2\u17E5rk;\u6773\u0100ak\u30F3\u30FDc\u0100ek\u30F9\u30FB;\u407D;\u405D\u0100es\u3102\u3104;\u698Cl\u0100du\u310A\u310C;\u698E;\u6990\u0200aeuy\u3117\u311C\u3127\u3129ron;\u4159\u0100di\u3121\u3125il;\u4157\xEC\u0FF2\xE2\u30FA;\u4440\u0200clqs\u3134\u3137\u313D\u3144a;\u6937dhar;\u6969uo\u0100;r\u020E\u020Dh;\u61B3\u0180acg\u314E\u315F\u0F44l\u0200;ips\u0F78\u3158\u315B\u109Cn\xE5\u10BBar\xF4\u0FA9t;\u65AD\u0180ilr\u3169\u1023\u316Esht;\u697D;\uC000\u{1D52F}\u0100ao\u3177\u3186r\u0100du\u317D\u317F\xBB\u047B\u0100;l\u1091\u3184;\u696C\u0100;v\u318B\u318C\u43C1;\u43F1\u0180gns\u3195\u31F9\u31FCht\u0300ahlrst\u31A4\u31B0\u31C2\u31D8\u31E4\u31EErrow\u0100;t\u0FDC\u31ADa\xE9\u30C8arpoon\u0100du\u31BB\u31BFow\xEE\u317Ep\xBB\u1092eft\u0100ah\u31CA\u31D0rrow\xF3\u0FEAarpoon\xF3\u0551ightarrows;\u61C9quigarro\xF7\u30CBhreetimes;\u62CCg;\u42DAingdotse\xF1\u1F32\u0180ahm\u320D\u3210\u3213r\xF2\u0FEAa\xF2\u0551;\u600Foust\u0100;a\u321E\u321F\u63B1che\xBB\u321Fmid;\u6AEE\u0200abpt\u3232\u323D\u3240\u3252\u0100nr\u3237\u323Ag;\u67EDr;\u61FEr\xEB\u1003\u0180afl\u3247\u324A\u324Er;\u6986;\uC000\u{1D563}us;\u6A2Eimes;\u6A35\u0100ap\u325D\u3267r\u0100;g\u3263\u3264\u4029t;\u6994olint;\u6A12ar\xF2\u31E3\u0200achq\u327B\u3280\u10BC\u3285quo;\u603Ar;\uC000\u{1D4C7}\u0100bu\u30FB\u328Ao\u0100;r\u0214\u0213\u0180hir\u3297\u329B\u32A0re\xE5\u31F8mes;\u62CAi\u0200;efl\u32AA\u1059\u1821\u32AB\u65B9tri;\u69CEluhar;\u6968;\u611E\u0D61\u32D5\u32DB\u32DF\u332C\u3338\u3371\0\u337A\u33A4\0\0\u33EC\u33F0\0\u3428\u3448\u345A\u34AD\u34B1\u34CA\u34F1\0\u3616\0\0\u3633cute;\u415Bqu\xEF\u27BA\u0500;Eaceinpsy\u11ED\u32F3\u32F5\u32FF\u3302\u330B\u330F\u331F\u3326\u3329;\u6AB4\u01F0\u32FA\0\u32FC;\u6AB8on;\u4161u\xE5\u11FE\u0100;d\u11F3\u3307il;\u415Frc;\u415D\u0180Eas\u3316\u3318\u331B;\u6AB6p;\u6ABAim;\u62E9olint;\u6A13i\xED\u1204;\u4441ot\u0180;be\u3334\u1D47\u3335\u62C5;\u6A66\u0380Aacmstx\u3346\u334A\u3357\u335B\u335E\u3363\u336Drr;\u61D8r\u0100hr\u3350\u3352\xEB\u2228\u0100;o\u0A36\u0A34t\u803B\xA7\u40A7i;\u403Bwar;\u6929m\u0100in\u3369\xF0nu\xF3\xF1t;\u6736r\u0100;o\u3376\u2055\uC000\u{1D530}\u0200acoy\u3382\u3386\u3391\u33A0rp;\u666F\u0100hy\u338B\u338Fcy;\u4449;\u4448rt\u026D\u3399\0\0\u339Ci\xE4\u1464ara\xEC\u2E6F\u803B\xAD\u40AD\u0100gm\u33A8\u33B4ma\u0180;fv\u33B1\u33B2\u33B2\u43C3;\u43C2\u0400;deglnpr\u12AB\u33C5\u33C9\u33CE\u33D6\u33DE\u33E1\u33E6ot;\u6A6A\u0100;q\u12B1\u12B0\u0100;E\u33D3\u33D4\u6A9E;\u6AA0\u0100;E\u33DB\u33DC\u6A9D;\u6A9Fe;\u6246lus;\u6A24arr;\u6972ar\xF2\u113D\u0200aeit\u33F8\u3408\u340F\u3417\u0100ls\u33FD\u3404lsetm\xE9\u336Ahp;\u6A33parsl;\u69E4\u0100dl\u1463\u3414e;\u6323\u0100;e\u341C\u341D\u6AAA\u0100;s\u3422\u3423\u6AAC;\uC000\u2AAC\uFE00\u0180flp\u342E\u3433\u3442tcy;\u444C\u0100;b\u3438\u3439\u402F\u0100;a\u343E\u343F\u69C4r;\u633Ff;\uC000\u{1D564}a\u0100dr\u344D\u0402es\u0100;u\u3454\u3455\u6660it\xBB\u3455\u0180csu\u3460\u3479\u349F\u0100au\u3465\u346Fp\u0100;s\u1188\u346B;\uC000\u2293\uFE00p\u0100;s\u11B4\u3475;\uC000\u2294\uFE00u\u0100bp\u347F\u348F\u0180;es\u1197\u119C\u3486et\u0100;e\u1197\u348D\xF1\u119D\u0180;es\u11A8\u11AD\u3496et\u0100;e\u11A8\u349D\xF1\u11AE\u0180;af\u117B\u34A6\u05B0r\u0165\u34AB\u05B1\xBB\u117Car\xF2\u1148\u0200cemt\u34B9\u34BE\u34C2\u34C5r;\uC000\u{1D4C8}tm\xEE\xF1i\xEC\u3415ar\xE6\u11BE\u0100ar\u34CE\u34D5r\u0100;f\u34D4\u17BF\u6606\u0100an\u34DA\u34EDight\u0100ep\u34E3\u34EApsilo\xEE\u1EE0h\xE9\u2EAFs\xBB\u2852\u0280bcmnp\u34FB\u355E\u1209\u358B\u358E\u0480;Edemnprs\u350E\u350F\u3511\u3515\u351E\u3523\u352C\u3531\u3536\u6282;\u6AC5ot;\u6ABD\u0100;d\u11DA\u351Aot;\u6AC3ult;\u6AC1\u0100Ee\u3528\u352A;\u6ACB;\u628Alus;\u6ABFarr;\u6979\u0180eiu\u353D\u3552\u3555t\u0180;en\u350E\u3545\u354Bq\u0100;q\u11DA\u350Feq\u0100;q\u352B\u3528m;\u6AC7\u0100bp\u355A\u355C;\u6AD5;\u6AD3c\u0300;acens\u11ED\u356C\u3572\u3579\u357B\u3326ppro\xF8\u32FAurlye\xF1\u11FE\xF1\u11F3\u0180aes\u3582\u3588\u331Bppro\xF8\u331Aq\xF1\u3317g;\u666A\u0680123;Edehlmnps\u35A9\u35AC\u35AF\u121C\u35B2\u35B4\u35C0\u35C9\u35D5\u35DA\u35DF\u35E8\u35ED\u803B\xB9\u40B9\u803B\xB2\u40B2\u803B\xB3\u40B3;\u6AC6\u0100os\u35B9\u35BCt;\u6ABEub;\u6AD8\u0100;d\u1222\u35C5ot;\u6AC4s\u0100ou\u35CF\u35D2l;\u67C9b;\u6AD7arr;\u697Bult;\u6AC2\u0100Ee\u35E4\u35E6;\u6ACC;\u628Blus;\u6AC0\u0180eiu\u35F4\u3609\u360Ct\u0180;en\u121C\u35FC\u3602q\u0100;q\u1222\u35B2eq\u0100;q\u35E7\u35E4m;\u6AC8\u0100bp\u3611\u3613;\u6AD4;\u6AD6\u0180Aan\u361C\u3620\u362Drr;\u61D9r\u0100hr\u3626\u3628\xEB\u222E\u0100;o\u0A2B\u0A29war;\u692Alig\u803B\xDF\u40DF\u0BE1\u3651\u365D\u3660\u12CE\u3673\u3679\0\u367E\u36C2\0\0\0\0\0\u36DB\u3703\0\u3709\u376C\0\0\0\u3787\u0272\u3656\0\0\u365Bget;\u6316;\u43C4r\xEB\u0E5F\u0180aey\u3666\u366B\u3670ron;\u4165dil;\u4163;\u4442lrec;\u6315r;\uC000\u{1D531}\u0200eiko\u3686\u369D\u36B5\u36BC\u01F2\u368B\0\u3691e\u01004f\u1284\u1281a\u0180;sv\u3698\u3699\u369B\u43B8ym;\u43D1\u0100cn\u36A2\u36B2k\u0100as\u36A8\u36AEppro\xF8\u12C1im\xBB\u12ACs\xF0\u129E\u0100as\u36BA\u36AE\xF0\u12C1rn\u803B\xFE\u40FE\u01EC\u031F\u36C6\u22E7es\u8180\xD7;bd\u36CF\u36D0\u36D8\u40D7\u0100;a\u190F\u36D5r;\u6A31;\u6A30\u0180eps\u36E1\u36E3\u3700\xE1\u2A4D\u0200;bcf\u0486\u36EC\u36F0\u36F4ot;\u6336ir;\u6AF1\u0100;o\u36F9\u36FC\uC000\u{1D565}rk;\u6ADA\xE1\u3362rime;\u6034\u0180aip\u370F\u3712\u3764d\xE5\u1248\u0380adempst\u3721\u374D\u3740\u3751\u3757\u375C\u375Fngle\u0280;dlqr\u3730\u3731\u3736\u3740\u3742\u65B5own\xBB\u1DBBeft\u0100;e\u2800\u373E\xF1\u092E;\u625Cight\u0100;e\u32AA\u374B\xF1\u105Aot;\u65ECinus;\u6A3Alus;\u6A39b;\u69CDime;\u6A3Bezium;\u63E2\u0180cht\u3772\u377D\u3781\u0100ry\u3777\u377B;\uC000\u{1D4C9};\u4446cy;\u445Brok;\u4167\u0100io\u378B\u378Ex\xF4\u1777head\u0100lr\u3797\u37A0eftarro\xF7\u084Fightarrow\xBB\u0F5D\u0900AHabcdfghlmoprstuw\u37D0\u37D3\u37D7\u37E4\u37F0\u37FC\u380E\u381C\u3823\u3834\u3851\u385D\u386B\u38A9\u38CC\u38D2\u38EA\u38F6r\xF2\u03EDar;\u6963\u0100cr\u37DC\u37E2ute\u803B\xFA\u40FA\xF2\u1150r\u01E3\u37EA\0\u37EDy;\u445Eve;\u416D\u0100iy\u37F5\u37FArc\u803B\xFB\u40FB;\u4443\u0180abh\u3803\u3806\u380Br\xF2\u13ADlac;\u4171a\xF2\u13C3\u0100ir\u3813\u3818sht;\u697E;\uC000\u{1D532}rave\u803B\xF9\u40F9\u0161\u3827\u3831r\u0100lr\u382C\u382E\xBB\u0957\xBB\u1083lk;\u6580\u0100ct\u3839\u384D\u026F\u383F\0\0\u384Arn\u0100;e\u3845\u3846\u631Cr\xBB\u3846op;\u630Fri;\u65F8\u0100al\u3856\u385Acr;\u416B\u80BB\xA8\u0349\u0100gp\u3862\u3866on;\u4173f;\uC000\u{1D566}\u0300adhlsu\u114B\u3878\u387D\u1372\u3891\u38A0own\xE1\u13B3arpoon\u0100lr\u3888\u388Cef\xF4\u382Digh\xF4\u382Fi\u0180;hl\u3899\u389A\u389C\u43C5\xBB\u13FAon\xBB\u389Aparrows;\u61C8\u0180cit\u38B0\u38C4\u38C8\u026F\u38B6\0\0\u38C1rn\u0100;e\u38BC\u38BD\u631Dr\xBB\u38BDop;\u630Eng;\u416Fri;\u65F9cr;\uC000\u{1D4CA}\u0180dir\u38D9\u38DD\u38E2ot;\u62F0lde;\u4169i\u0100;f\u3730\u38E8\xBB\u1813\u0100am\u38EF\u38F2r\xF2\u38A8l\u803B\xFC\u40FCangle;\u69A7\u0780ABDacdeflnoprsz\u391C\u391F\u3929\u392D\u39B5\u39B8\u39BD\u39DF\u39E4\u39E8\u39F3\u39F9\u39FD\u3A01\u3A20r\xF2\u03F7ar\u0100;v\u3926\u3927\u6AE8;\u6AE9as\xE8\u03E1\u0100nr\u3932\u3937grt;\u699C\u0380eknprst\u34E3\u3946\u394B\u3952\u395D\u3964\u3996app\xE1\u2415othin\xE7\u1E96\u0180hir\u34EB\u2EC8\u3959op\xF4\u2FB5\u0100;h\u13B7\u3962\xEF\u318D\u0100iu\u3969\u396Dgm\xE1\u33B3\u0100bp\u3972\u3984setneq\u0100;q\u397D\u3980\uC000\u228A\uFE00;\uC000\u2ACB\uFE00setneq\u0100;q\u398F\u3992\uC000\u228B\uFE00;\uC000\u2ACC\uFE00\u0100hr\u399B\u399Fet\xE1\u369Ciangle\u0100lr\u39AA\u39AFeft\xBB\u0925ight\xBB\u1051y;\u4432ash\xBB\u1036\u0180elr\u39C4\u39D2\u39D7\u0180;be\u2DEA\u39CB\u39CFar;\u62BBq;\u625Alip;\u62EE\u0100bt\u39DC\u1468a\xF2\u1469r;\uC000\u{1D533}tr\xE9\u39AEsu\u0100bp\u39EF\u39F1\xBB\u0D1C\xBB\u0D59pf;\uC000\u{1D567}ro\xF0\u0EFBtr\xE9\u39B4\u0100cu\u3A06\u3A0Br;\uC000\u{1D4CB}\u0100bp\u3A10\u3A18n\u0100Ee\u3980\u3A16\xBB\u397En\u0100Ee\u3992\u3A1E\xBB\u3990igzag;\u699A\u0380cefoprs\u3A36\u3A3B\u3A56\u3A5B\u3A54\u3A61\u3A6Airc;\u4175\u0100di\u3A40\u3A51\u0100bg\u3A45\u3A49ar;\u6A5Fe\u0100;q\u15FA\u3A4F;\u6259erp;\u6118r;\uC000\u{1D534}pf;\uC000\u{1D568}\u0100;e\u1479\u3A66at\xE8\u1479cr;\uC000\u{1D4CC}\u0AE3\u178E\u3A87\0\u3A8B\0\u3A90\u3A9B\0\0\u3A9D\u3AA8\u3AAB\u3AAF\0\0\u3AC3\u3ACE\0\u3AD8\u17DC\u17DFtr\xE9\u17D1r;\uC000\u{1D535}\u0100Aa\u3A94\u3A97r\xF2\u03C3r\xF2\u09F6;\u43BE\u0100Aa\u3AA1\u3AA4r\xF2\u03B8r\xF2\u09EBa\xF0\u2713is;\u62FB\u0180dpt\u17A4\u3AB5\u3ABE\u0100fl\u3ABA\u17A9;\uC000\u{1D569}im\xE5\u17B2\u0100Aa\u3AC7\u3ACAr\xF2\u03CEr\xF2\u0A01\u0100cq\u3AD2\u17B8r;\uC000\u{1D4CD}\u0100pt\u17D6\u3ADCr\xE9\u17D4\u0400acefiosu\u3AF0\u3AFD\u3B08\u3B0C\u3B11\u3B15\u3B1B\u3B21c\u0100uy\u3AF6\u3AFBte\u803B\xFD\u40FD;\u444F\u0100iy\u3B02\u3B06rc;\u4177;\u444Bn\u803B\xA5\u40A5r;\uC000\u{1D536}cy;\u4457pf;\uC000\u{1D56A}cr;\uC000\u{1D4CE}\u0100cm\u3B26\u3B29y;\u444El\u803B\xFF\u40FF\u0500acdefhiosw\u3B42\u3B48\u3B54\u3B58\u3B64\u3B69\u3B6D\u3B74\u3B7A\u3B80cute;\u417A\u0100ay\u3B4D\u3B52ron;\u417E;\u4437ot;\u417C\u0100et\u3B5D\u3B61tr\xE6\u155Fa;\u43B6r;\uC000\u{1D537}cy;\u4436grarr;\u61DDpf;\uC000\u{1D56B}cr;\uC000\u{1D4CF}\u0100jn\u3B85\u3B87;\u600Dj;\u600C'.split("").map(function(c) {
  29832. return c.charCodeAt(0);
  29833. })
  29834. );
  29835. }
  29836. });
  29837. // node_modules/entities/lib/generated/decode-data-xml.js
  29838. var require_decode_data_xml = __commonJS({
  29839. "node_modules/entities/lib/generated/decode-data-xml.js"(exports2) {
  29840. "use strict";
  29841. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  29842. exports2.default = new Uint16Array(
  29843. // prettier-ignore
  29844. "\u0200aglq \x1B\u026D\0\0p;\u4026os;\u4027t;\u403Et;\u403Cuot;\u4022".split("").map(function(c) {
  29845. return c.charCodeAt(0);
  29846. })
  29847. );
  29848. }
  29849. });
  29850. // node_modules/entities/lib/decode_codepoint.js
  29851. var require_decode_codepoint = __commonJS({
  29852. "node_modules/entities/lib/decode_codepoint.js"(exports2) {
  29853. "use strict";
  29854. var _a;
  29855. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  29856. exports2.replaceCodePoint = exports2.fromCodePoint = void 0;
  29857. var decodeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  29858. [0, 65533],
  29859. // C1 Unicode control character reference replacements
  29860. [128, 8364],
  29861. [130, 8218],
  29862. [131, 402],
  29863. [132, 8222],
  29864. [133, 8230],
  29865. [134, 8224],
  29866. [135, 8225],
  29867. [136, 710],
  29868. [137, 8240],
  29869. [138, 352],
  29870. [139, 8249],
  29871. [140, 338],
  29872. [142, 381],
  29873. [145, 8216],
  29874. [146, 8217],
  29875. [147, 8220],
  29876. [148, 8221],
  29877. [149, 8226],
  29878. [150, 8211],
  29879. [151, 8212],
  29880. [152, 732],
  29881. [153, 8482],
  29882. [154, 353],
  29883. [155, 8250],
  29884. [156, 339],
  29885. [158, 382],
  29886. [159, 376]
  29887. ]);
  29888. exports2.fromCodePoint = // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition, node/no-unsupported-features/es-builtins
  29889. (_a = String.fromCodePoint) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : function(codePoint) {
  29890. var output = "";
  29891. if (codePoint > 65535) {
  29892. codePoint -= 65536;
  29893. output += String.fromCharCode(codePoint >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296);
  29894. codePoint = 56320 | codePoint & 1023;
  29895. }
  29896. output += String.fromCharCode(codePoint);
  29897. return output;
  29898. };
  29899. function replaceCodePoint(codePoint) {
  29900. var _a2;
  29901. if (codePoint >= 55296 && codePoint <= 57343 || codePoint > 1114111) {
  29902. return 65533;
  29903. }
  29904. return (_a2 = decodeMap.get(codePoint)) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : codePoint;
  29905. }
  29906. exports2.replaceCodePoint = replaceCodePoint;
  29907. function decodeCodePoint(codePoint) {
  29908. return (0, exports2.fromCodePoint)(replaceCodePoint(codePoint));
  29909. }
  29910. exports2.default = decodeCodePoint;
  29911. }
  29912. });
  29913. // node_modules/entities/lib/decode.js
  29914. var require_decode = __commonJS({
  29915. "node_modules/entities/lib/decode.js"(exports2) {
  29916. "use strict";
  29917. var __createBinding = exports2 && exports2.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
  29918. if (k2 === void 0)
  29919. k2 = k;
  29920. var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
  29921. if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
  29922. desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  29923. return m[k];
  29924. } };
  29925. }
  29926. Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
  29927. } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
  29928. if (k2 === void 0)
  29929. k2 = k;
  29930. o[k2] = m[k];
  29931. });
  29932. var __setModuleDefault = exports2 && exports2.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, v) {
  29933. Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
  29934. } : function(o, v) {
  29935. o["default"] = v;
  29936. });
  29937. var __importStar = exports2 && exports2.__importStar || function(mod) {
  29938. if (mod && mod.__esModule)
  29939. return mod;
  29940. var result = {};
  29941. if (mod != null) {
  29942. for (var k in mod)
  29943. if (k !== "default" &&, k))
  29944. __createBinding(result, mod, k);
  29945. }
  29946. __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
  29947. return result;
  29948. };
  29949. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  29950. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  29951. };
  29952. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  29953. exports2.decodeXML = exports2.decodeHTMLStrict = exports2.decodeHTMLAttribute = exports2.decodeHTML = exports2.determineBranch = exports2.EntityDecoder = exports2.DecodingMode = exports2.BinTrieFlags = exports2.fromCodePoint = exports2.replaceCodePoint = exports2.decodeCodePoint = exports2.xmlDecodeTree = exports2.htmlDecodeTree = void 0;
  29954. var decode_data_html_js_1 = __importDefault(require_decode_data_html());
  29955. exports2.htmlDecodeTree = decode_data_html_js_1.default;
  29956. var decode_data_xml_js_1 = __importDefault(require_decode_data_xml());
  29957. exports2.xmlDecodeTree = decode_data_xml_js_1.default;
  29958. var decode_codepoint_js_1 = __importStar(require_decode_codepoint());
  29959. exports2.decodeCodePoint = decode_codepoint_js_1.default;
  29960. var decode_codepoint_js_2 = require_decode_codepoint();
  29961. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "replaceCodePoint", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  29962. return decode_codepoint_js_2.replaceCodePoint;
  29963. } });
  29964. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "fromCodePoint", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  29965. return decode_codepoint_js_2.fromCodePoint;
  29966. } });
  29967. var CharCodes;
  29968. (function(CharCodes2) {
  29969. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["NUM"] = 35] = "NUM";
  29970. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["SEMI"] = 59] = "SEMI";
  29971. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["EQUALS"] = 61] = "EQUALS";
  29972. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["ZERO"] = 48] = "ZERO";
  29973. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["NINE"] = 57] = "NINE";
  29974. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["LOWER_A"] = 97] = "LOWER_A";
  29975. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["LOWER_F"] = 102] = "LOWER_F";
  29976. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["LOWER_X"] = 120] = "LOWER_X";
  29977. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["LOWER_Z"] = 122] = "LOWER_Z";
  29978. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["UPPER_A"] = 65] = "UPPER_A";
  29979. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["UPPER_F"] = 70] = "UPPER_F";
  29980. CharCodes2[CharCodes2["UPPER_Z"] = 90] = "UPPER_Z";
  29981. })(CharCodes || (CharCodes = {}));
  29982. var TO_LOWER_BIT = 32;
  29983. var BinTrieFlags;
  29984. (function(BinTrieFlags2) {
  29985. BinTrieFlags2[BinTrieFlags2["VALUE_LENGTH"] = 49152] = "VALUE_LENGTH";
  29986. BinTrieFlags2[BinTrieFlags2["BRANCH_LENGTH"] = 16256] = "BRANCH_LENGTH";
  29987. BinTrieFlags2[BinTrieFlags2["JUMP_TABLE"] = 127] = "JUMP_TABLE";
  29988. })(BinTrieFlags = exports2.BinTrieFlags || (exports2.BinTrieFlags = {}));
  29989. function isNumber(code) {
  29990. return code >= CharCodes.ZERO && code <= CharCodes.NINE;
  29991. }
  29992. function isHexadecimalCharacter(code) {
  29993. return code >= CharCodes.UPPER_A && code <= CharCodes.UPPER_F || code >= CharCodes.LOWER_A && code <= CharCodes.LOWER_F;
  29994. }
  29995. function isAsciiAlphaNumeric(code) {
  29996. return code >= CharCodes.UPPER_A && code <= CharCodes.UPPER_Z || code >= CharCodes.LOWER_A && code <= CharCodes.LOWER_Z || isNumber(code);
  29997. }
  29998. function isEntityInAttributeInvalidEnd(code) {
  29999. return code === CharCodes.EQUALS || isAsciiAlphaNumeric(code);
  30000. }
  30001. var EntityDecoderState;
  30002. (function(EntityDecoderState2) {
  30003. EntityDecoderState2[EntityDecoderState2["EntityStart"] = 0] = "EntityStart";
  30004. EntityDecoderState2[EntityDecoderState2["NumericStart"] = 1] = "NumericStart";
  30005. EntityDecoderState2[EntityDecoderState2["NumericDecimal"] = 2] = "NumericDecimal";
  30006. EntityDecoderState2[EntityDecoderState2["NumericHex"] = 3] = "NumericHex";
  30007. EntityDecoderState2[EntityDecoderState2["NamedEntity"] = 4] = "NamedEntity";
  30008. })(EntityDecoderState || (EntityDecoderState = {}));
  30009. var DecodingMode;
  30010. (function(DecodingMode2) {
  30011. DecodingMode2[DecodingMode2["Legacy"] = 0] = "Legacy";
  30012. DecodingMode2[DecodingMode2["Strict"] = 1] = "Strict";
  30013. DecodingMode2[DecodingMode2["Attribute"] = 2] = "Attribute";
  30014. })(DecodingMode = exports2.DecodingMode || (exports2.DecodingMode = {}));
  30015. var EntityDecoder = (
  30016. /** @class */
  30017. function() {
  30018. function EntityDecoder2(decodeTree, emitCodePoint, errors) {
  30019. this.decodeTree = decodeTree;
  30020. this.emitCodePoint = emitCodePoint;
  30021. this.errors = errors;
  30022. this.state = EntityDecoderState.EntityStart;
  30023. this.consumed = 1;
  30024. this.result = 0;
  30025. this.treeIndex = 0;
  30026. this.excess = 1;
  30027. this.decodeMode = DecodingMode.Strict;
  30028. }
  30029. EntityDecoder2.prototype.startEntity = function(decodeMode) {
  30030. this.decodeMode = decodeMode;
  30031. this.state = EntityDecoderState.EntityStart;
  30032. this.result = 0;
  30033. this.treeIndex = 0;
  30034. this.excess = 1;
  30035. this.consumed = 1;
  30036. };
  30037. EntityDecoder2.prototype.write = function(str, offset) {
  30038. switch (this.state) {
  30039. case EntityDecoderState.EntityStart: {
  30040. if (str.charCodeAt(offset) === CharCodes.NUM) {
  30041. this.state = EntityDecoderState.NumericStart;
  30042. this.consumed += 1;
  30043. return this.stateNumericStart(str, offset + 1);
  30044. }
  30045. this.state = EntityDecoderState.NamedEntity;
  30046. return this.stateNamedEntity(str, offset);
  30047. }
  30048. case EntityDecoderState.NumericStart: {
  30049. return this.stateNumericStart(str, offset);
  30050. }
  30051. case EntityDecoderState.NumericDecimal: {
  30052. return this.stateNumericDecimal(str, offset);
  30053. }
  30054. case EntityDecoderState.NumericHex: {
  30055. return this.stateNumericHex(str, offset);
  30056. }
  30057. case EntityDecoderState.NamedEntity: {
  30058. return this.stateNamedEntity(str, offset);
  30059. }
  30060. }
  30061. };
  30062. EntityDecoder2.prototype.stateNumericStart = function(str, offset) {
  30063. if (offset >= str.length) {
  30064. return -1;
  30065. }
  30066. if ((str.charCodeAt(offset) | TO_LOWER_BIT) === CharCodes.LOWER_X) {
  30067. this.state = EntityDecoderState.NumericHex;
  30068. this.consumed += 1;
  30069. return this.stateNumericHex(str, offset + 1);
  30070. }
  30071. this.state = EntityDecoderState.NumericDecimal;
  30072. return this.stateNumericDecimal(str, offset);
  30073. };
  30074. EntityDecoder2.prototype.addToNumericResult = function(str, start, end, base) {
  30075. if (start !== end) {
  30076. var digitCount = end - start;
  30077. this.result = this.result * Math.pow(base, digitCount) + parseInt(str.substr(start, digitCount), base);
  30078. this.consumed += digitCount;
  30079. }
  30080. };
  30081. EntityDecoder2.prototype.stateNumericHex = function(str, offset) {
  30082. var startIdx = offset;
  30083. while (offset < str.length) {
  30084. var char = str.charCodeAt(offset);
  30085. if (isNumber(char) || isHexadecimalCharacter(char)) {
  30086. offset += 1;
  30087. } else {
  30088. this.addToNumericResult(str, startIdx, offset, 16);
  30089. return this.emitNumericEntity(char, 3);
  30090. }
  30091. }
  30092. this.addToNumericResult(str, startIdx, offset, 16);
  30093. return -1;
  30094. };
  30095. EntityDecoder2.prototype.stateNumericDecimal = function(str, offset) {
  30096. var startIdx = offset;
  30097. while (offset < str.length) {
  30098. var char = str.charCodeAt(offset);
  30099. if (isNumber(char)) {
  30100. offset += 1;
  30101. } else {
  30102. this.addToNumericResult(str, startIdx, offset, 10);
  30103. return this.emitNumericEntity(char, 2);
  30104. }
  30105. }
  30106. this.addToNumericResult(str, startIdx, offset, 10);
  30107. return -1;
  30108. };
  30109. EntityDecoder2.prototype.emitNumericEntity = function(lastCp, expectedLength) {
  30110. var _a;
  30111. if (this.consumed <= expectedLength) {
  30112. (_a = this.errors) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference(this.consumed);
  30113. return 0;
  30114. }
  30115. if (lastCp === CharCodes.SEMI) {
  30116. this.consumed += 1;
  30117. } else if (this.decodeMode === DecodingMode.Strict) {
  30118. return 0;
  30119. }
  30120. this.emitCodePoint((0, decode_codepoint_js_1.replaceCodePoint)(this.result), this.consumed);
  30121. if (this.errors) {
  30122. if (lastCp !== CharCodes.SEMI) {
  30123. this.errors.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference();
  30124. }
  30125. this.errors.validateNumericCharacterReference(this.result);
  30126. }
  30127. return this.consumed;
  30128. };
  30129. EntityDecoder2.prototype.stateNamedEntity = function(str, offset) {
  30130. var decodeTree = this.decodeTree;
  30131. var current = decodeTree[this.treeIndex];
  30132. var valueLength = (current & BinTrieFlags.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14;
  30133. for (; offset < str.length; offset++, this.excess++) {
  30134. var char = str.charCodeAt(offset);
  30135. this.treeIndex = determineBranch(decodeTree, current, this.treeIndex + Math.max(1, valueLength), char);
  30136. if (this.treeIndex < 0) {
  30137. return this.result === 0 || // If we are parsing an attribute
  30138. this.decodeMode === DecodingMode.Attribute && // We shouldn't have consumed any characters after the entity,
  30139. (valueLength === 0 || // And there should be no invalid characters.
  30140. isEntityInAttributeInvalidEnd(char)) ? 0 : this.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity();
  30141. }
  30142. current = decodeTree[this.treeIndex];
  30143. valueLength = (current & BinTrieFlags.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14;
  30144. if (valueLength !== 0) {
  30145. if (char === CharCodes.SEMI) {
  30146. return this.emitNamedEntityData(this.treeIndex, valueLength, this.consumed + this.excess);
  30147. }
  30148. if (this.decodeMode !== DecodingMode.Strict) {
  30149. this.result = this.treeIndex;
  30150. this.consumed += this.excess;
  30151. this.excess = 0;
  30152. }
  30153. }
  30154. }
  30155. return -1;
  30156. };
  30157. EntityDecoder2.prototype.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity = function() {
  30158. var _a;
  30159. var _b = this, result = _b.result, decodeTree = _b.decodeTree;
  30160. var valueLength = (decodeTree[result] & BinTrieFlags.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14;
  30161. this.emitNamedEntityData(result, valueLength, this.consumed);
  30162. (_a = this.errors) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference();
  30163. return this.consumed;
  30164. };
  30165. EntityDecoder2.prototype.emitNamedEntityData = function(result, valueLength, consumed) {
  30166. var decodeTree = this.decodeTree;
  30167. this.emitCodePoint(valueLength === 1 ? decodeTree[result] & ~BinTrieFlags.VALUE_LENGTH : decodeTree[result + 1], consumed);
  30168. if (valueLength === 3) {
  30169. this.emitCodePoint(decodeTree[result + 2], consumed);
  30170. }
  30171. return consumed;
  30172. };
  30173. EntityDecoder2.prototype.end = function() {
  30174. var _a;
  30175. switch (this.state) {
  30176. case EntityDecoderState.NamedEntity: {
  30177. return this.result !== 0 && (this.decodeMode !== DecodingMode.Attribute || this.result === this.treeIndex) ? this.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() : 0;
  30178. }
  30179. case EntityDecoderState.NumericDecimal: {
  30180. return this.emitNumericEntity(0, 2);
  30181. }
  30182. case EntityDecoderState.NumericHex: {
  30183. return this.emitNumericEntity(0, 3);
  30184. }
  30185. case EntityDecoderState.NumericStart: {
  30186. (_a = this.errors) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference(this.consumed);
  30187. return 0;
  30188. }
  30189. case EntityDecoderState.EntityStart: {
  30190. return 0;
  30191. }
  30192. }
  30193. };
  30194. return EntityDecoder2;
  30195. }()
  30196. );
  30197. exports2.EntityDecoder = EntityDecoder;
  30198. function getDecoder(decodeTree) {
  30199. var ret = "";
  30200. var decoder = new EntityDecoder(decodeTree, function(str) {
  30201. return ret += (0, decode_codepoint_js_1.fromCodePoint)(str);
  30202. });
  30203. return function decodeWithTrie(str, decodeMode) {
  30204. var lastIndex = 0;
  30205. var offset = 0;
  30206. while ((offset = str.indexOf("&", offset)) >= 0) {
  30207. ret += str.slice(lastIndex, offset);
  30208. decoder.startEntity(decodeMode);
  30209. var len = decoder.write(
  30210. str,
  30211. // Skip the "&"
  30212. offset + 1
  30213. );
  30214. if (len < 0) {
  30215. lastIndex = offset + decoder.end();
  30216. break;
  30217. }
  30218. lastIndex = offset + len;
  30219. offset = len === 0 ? lastIndex + 1 : lastIndex;
  30220. }
  30221. var result = ret + str.slice(lastIndex);
  30222. ret = "";
  30223. return result;
  30224. };
  30225. }
  30226. function determineBranch(decodeTree, current, nodeIdx, char) {
  30227. var branchCount = (current & BinTrieFlags.BRANCH_LENGTH) >> 7;
  30228. var jumpOffset = current & BinTrieFlags.JUMP_TABLE;
  30229. if (branchCount === 0) {
  30230. return jumpOffset !== 0 && char === jumpOffset ? nodeIdx : -1;
  30231. }
  30232. if (jumpOffset) {
  30233. var value = char - jumpOffset;
  30234. return value < 0 || value >= branchCount ? -1 : decodeTree[nodeIdx + value] - 1;
  30235. }
  30236. var lo = nodeIdx;
  30237. var hi = lo + branchCount - 1;
  30238. while (lo <= hi) {
  30239. var mid = lo + hi >>> 1;
  30240. var midVal = decodeTree[mid];
  30241. if (midVal < char) {
  30242. lo = mid + 1;
  30243. } else if (midVal > char) {
  30244. hi = mid - 1;
  30245. } else {
  30246. return decodeTree[mid + branchCount];
  30247. }
  30248. }
  30249. return -1;
  30250. }
  30251. exports2.determineBranch = determineBranch;
  30252. var htmlDecoder = getDecoder(decode_data_html_js_1.default);
  30253. var xmlDecoder = getDecoder(decode_data_xml_js_1.default);
  30254. function decodeHTML(str, mode) {
  30255. if (mode === void 0) {
  30256. mode = DecodingMode.Legacy;
  30257. }
  30258. return htmlDecoder(str, mode);
  30259. }
  30260. exports2.decodeHTML = decodeHTML;
  30261. function decodeHTMLAttribute(str) {
  30262. return htmlDecoder(str, DecodingMode.Attribute);
  30263. }
  30264. exports2.decodeHTMLAttribute = decodeHTMLAttribute;
  30265. function decodeHTMLStrict(str) {
  30266. return htmlDecoder(str, DecodingMode.Strict);
  30267. }
  30268. exports2.decodeHTMLStrict = decodeHTMLStrict;
  30269. function decodeXML(str) {
  30270. return xmlDecoder(str, DecodingMode.Strict);
  30271. }
  30272. exports2.decodeXML = decodeXML;
  30273. }
  30274. });
  30275. // node_modules/entities/lib/generated/encode-html.js
  30276. var require_encode_html = __commonJS({
  30277. "node_modules/entities/lib/generated/encode-html.js"(exports2) {
  30278. "use strict";
  30279. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30280. function restoreDiff(arr) {
  30281. for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
  30282. arr[i][0] += arr[i - 1][0] + 1;
  30283. }
  30284. return arr;
  30285. }
  30286. exports2.default = new Map(/* @__PURE__ */ restoreDiff([[9, "&Tab;"], [0, "&NewLine;"], [22, "&excl;"], [0, "&quot;"], [0, "&num;"], [0, "&dollar;"], [0, "&percnt;"], [0, "&amp;"], [0, "&apos;"], [0, "&lpar;"], [0, "&rpar;"], [0, "&ast;"], [0, "&plus;"], [0, "&comma;"], [1, "&period;"], [0, "&sol;"], [10, "&colon;"], [0, "&semi;"], [0, { v: "&lt;", n: 8402, o: "&nvlt;" }], [0, { v: "&equals;", n: 8421, o: "&bne;" }], [0, { v: "&gt;", n: 8402, o: "&nvgt;" }], [0, "&quest;"], [0, "&commat;"], [26, "&lbrack;"], [0, "&bsol;"], [0, "&rbrack;"], [0, "&Hat;"], [0, "&lowbar;"], [0, "&DiacriticalGrave;"], [5, { n: 106, o: "&fjlig;" }], [20, "&lbrace;"], [0, "&verbar;"], [0, "&rbrace;"], [34, "&nbsp;"], [0, "&iexcl;"], [0, "&cent;"], [0, "&pound;"], [0, "&curren;"], [0, "&yen;"], [0, "&brvbar;"], [0, "&sect;"], [0, "&die;"], [0, "&copy;"], [0, "&ordf;"], [0, "&laquo;"], [0, "&not;"], [0, "&shy;"], [0, "&circledR;"], [0, "&macr;"], [0, "&deg;"], [0, "&PlusMinus;"], [0, "&sup2;"], [0, "&sup3;"], [0, "&acute;"], [0, "&micro;"], [0, "&para;"], [0, "&centerdot;"], [0, "&cedil;"], [0, "&sup1;"], [0, "&ordm;"], [0, "&raquo;"], [0, "&frac14;"], [0, "&frac12;"], [0, "&frac34;"], [0, "&iquest;"], [0, "&Agrave;"], [0, "&Aacute;"], [0, "&Acirc;"], [0, "&Atilde;"], [0, "&Auml;"], [0, "&angst;"], [0, "&AElig;"], [0, "&Ccedil;"], [0, "&Egrave;"], [0, "&Eacute;"], [0, "&Ecirc;"], [0, "&Euml;"], [0, "&Igrave;"], [0, "&Iacute;"], [0, "&Icirc;"], [0, "&Iuml;"], [0, "&ETH;"], [0, "&Ntilde;"], [0, "&Ograve;"], [0, "&Oacute;"], [0, "&Ocirc;"], [0, "&Otilde;"], [0, "&Ouml;"], [0, "&times;"], [0, "&Oslash;"], [0, "&Ugrave;"], [0, "&Uacute;"], [0, "&Ucirc;"], [0, "&Uuml;"], [0, "&Yacute;"], [0, "&THORN;"], [0, "&szlig;"], [0, "&agrave;"], [0, "&aacute;"], [0, "&acirc;"], [0, "&atilde;"], [0, "&auml;"], [0, "&aring;"], [0, "&aelig;"], [0, "&ccedil;"], [0, "&egrave;"], [0, "&eacute;"], [0, "&ecirc;"], [0, "&euml;"], [0, "&igrave;"], [0, "&iacute;"], [0, "&icirc;"], [0, "&iuml;"], [0, "&eth;"], [0, "&ntilde;"], [0, "&ograve;"], [0, "&oacute;"], [0, "&ocirc;"], [0, "&otilde;"], [0, "&ouml;"], [0, "&div;"], [0, "&oslash;"], [0, "&ugrave;"], [0, "&uacute;"], [0, "&ucirc;"], [0, "&uuml;"], [0, "&yacute;"], [0, "&thorn;"], [0, "&yuml;"], [0, "&Amacr;"], [0, "&amacr;"], [0, "&Abreve;"], [0, "&abreve;"], [0, "&Aogon;"], [0, "&aogon;"], [0, "&Cacute;"], [0, "&cacute;"], [0, "&Ccirc;"], [0, "&ccirc;"], [0, "&Cdot;"], [0, "&cdot;"], [0, "&Ccaron;"], [0, "&ccaron;"], [0, "&Dcaron;"], [0, "&dcaron;"], [0, "&Dstrok;"], [0, "&dstrok;"], [0, "&Emacr;"], [0, "&emacr;"], [2, "&Edot;"], [0, "&edot;"], [0, "&Eogon;"], [0, "&eogon;"], [0, "&Ecaron;"], [0, "&ecaron;"], [0, "&Gcirc;"], [0, "&gcirc;"], [0, "&Gbreve;"], [0, "&gbreve;"], [0, "&Gdot;"], [0, "&gdot;"], [0, "&Gcedil;"], [1, "&Hcirc;"], [0, "&hcirc;"], [0, "&Hstrok;"], [0, "&hstrok;"], [0, "&Itilde;"], [0, "&itilde;"], [0, "&Imacr;"], [0, "&imacr;"], [2, "&Iogon;"], [0, "&iogon;"], [0, "&Idot;"], [0, "&imath;"], [0, "&IJlig;"], [0, "&ijlig;"], [0, "&Jcirc;"], [0, "&jcirc;"], [0, "&Kcedil;"], [0, "&kcedil;"], [0, "&kgreen;"], [0, "&Lacute;"], [0, "&lacute;"], [0, "&Lcedil;"], [0, "&lcedil;"], [0, "&Lcaron;"], [0, "&lcaron;"], [0, "&Lmidot;"], [0, "&lmidot;"], [0, "&Lstrok;"], [0, "&lstrok;"], [0, "&Nacute;"], [0, "&nacute;"], [0, "&Ncedil;"], [0, "&ncedil;"], [0, "&Ncaron;"], [0, "&ncaron;"], [0, "&napos;"], [0, "&ENG;"], [0, "&eng;"], [0, "&Omacr;"], [0, "&omacr;"], [2, "&Odblac;"], [0, "&odblac;"], [0, "&OElig;"], [0, "&oelig;"], [0, "&Racute;"], [0, "&racute;"], [0, "&Rcedil;"], [0, "&rcedil;"], [0, "&Rcaron;"], [0, "&rcaron;"], [0, "&Sacute;"], [0, "&sacute;"], [0, "&Scirc;"], [0, "&scirc;"], [0, "&Scedil;"], [0, "&scedil;"], [0, "&Scaron;"], [0, "&scaron;"], [0, "&Tcedil;"], [0, "&tcedil;"], [0, "&Tcaron;"], [0, "&tcaron;"], [0, "&Tstrok;"], [0, "&tstrok;"], [0, "&Utilde;"], [0, "&utilde;"], [0, "&Umacr;"], [0, "&umacr;"], [0, "&Ubreve;"], [0, "&ubreve;"], [0, "&Uring;"], [0, "&uring;"], [0, "&Udblac;"], [0, "&udblac;"], [0, "&Uogon;"], [0, "&uogon;"], [0, "&Wcirc;"], [0, "&wcirc;"], [0, "&Ycirc;"], [0, "&ycirc;"], [0, "&Yuml;"], [0, "&Zacute;"], [0, "&zacute;"], [0, "&Zdot;"], [0, "&zdot;"], [0, "&Zcaron;"], [0, "&zcaron;"], [19, "&fnof;"], [34, "&imped;"], [63, "&gacute;"], [65, "&jmath;"], [142, "&circ;"], [0, "&caron;"], [16, "&breve;"], [0, "&DiacriticalDot;"], [0, "&ring;"], [0, "&ogon;"], [0, "&DiacriticalTilde;"], [0, "&dblac;"], [51, "&DownBreve;"], [127, "&Alpha;"], [0, "&Beta;"], [0, "&Gamma;"], [0, "&Delta;"], [0, "&Epsilon;"], [0, "&Zeta;"], [0, "&Eta;"], [0, "&Theta;"], [0, "&Iota;"], [0, "&Kappa;"], [0, "&Lambda;"], [0, "&Mu;"], [0, "&Nu;"], [0, "&Xi;"], [0, "&Omicron;"], [0, "&Pi;"], [0, "&Rho;"], [1, "&Sigma;"], [0, "&Tau;"], [0, "&Upsilon;"], [0, "&Phi;"], [0, "&Chi;"], [0, "&Psi;"], [0, "&ohm;"], [7, "&alpha;"], [0, "&beta;"], [0, "&gamma;"], [0, "&delta;"], [0, "&epsi;"], [0, "&zeta;"], [0, "&eta;"], [0, "&theta;"], [0, "&iota;"], [0, "&kappa;"], [0, "&lambda;"], [0, "&mu;"], [0, "&nu;"], [0, "&xi;"], [0, "&omicron;"], [0, "&pi;"], [0, "&rho;"], [0, "&sigmaf;"], [0, "&sigma;"], [0, "&tau;"], [0, "&upsi;"], [0, "&phi;"], [0, "&chi;"], [0, "&psi;"], [0, "&omega;"], [7, "&thetasym;"], [0, "&Upsi;"], [2, "&phiv;"], [0, "&piv;"], [5, "&Gammad;"], [0, "&digamma;"], [18, "&kappav;"], [0, "&rhov;"], [3, "&epsiv;"], [0, "&backepsilon;"], [10, "&IOcy;"], [0, "&DJcy;"], [0, "&GJcy;"], [0, "&Jukcy;"], [0, "&DScy;"], [0, "&Iukcy;"], [0, "&YIcy;"], [0, "&Jsercy;"], [0, "&LJcy;"], [0, "&NJcy;"], [0, "&TSHcy;"], [0, "&KJcy;"], [1, "&Ubrcy;"], [0, "&DZcy;"], [0, "&Acy;"], [0, "&Bcy;"], [0, "&Vcy;"], [0, "&Gcy;"], [0, "&Dcy;"], [0, "&IEcy;"], [0, "&ZHcy;"], [0, "&Zcy;"], [0, "&Icy;"], [0, "&Jcy;"], [0, "&Kcy;"], [0, "&Lcy;"], [0, "&Mcy;"], [0, "&Ncy;"], [0, "&Ocy;"], [0, "&Pcy;"], [0, "&Rcy;"], [0, "&Scy;"], [0, "&Tcy;"], [0, "&Ucy;"], [0, "&Fcy;"], [0, "&KHcy;"], [0, "&TScy;"], [0, "&CHcy;"], [0, "&SHcy;"], [0, "&SHCHcy;"], [0, "&HARDcy;"], [0, "&Ycy;"], [0, "&SOFTcy;"], [0, "&Ecy;"], [0, "&YUcy;"], [0, "&YAcy;"], [0, "&acy;"], [0, "&bcy;"], [0, "&vcy;"], [0, "&gcy;"], [0, "&dcy;"], [0, "&iecy;"], [0, "&zhcy;"], [0, "&zcy;"], [0, "&icy;"], [0, "&jcy;"], [0, "&kcy;"], [0, "&lcy;"], [0, "&mcy;"], [0, "&ncy;"], [0, "&ocy;"], [0, "&pcy;"], [0, "&rcy;"], [0, "&scy;"], [0, "&tcy;"], [0, "&ucy;"], [0, "&fcy;"], [0, "&khcy;"], [0, "&tscy;"], [0, "&chcy;"], [0, "&shcy;"], [0, "&shchcy;"], [0, "&hardcy;"], [0, "&ycy;"], [0, "&softcy;"], [0, "&ecy;"], [0, "&yucy;"], [0, "&yacy;"], [1, "&iocy;"], [0, "&djcy;"], [0, "&gjcy;"], [0, "&jukcy;"], [0, "&dscy;"], [0, "&iukcy;"], [0, "&yicy;"], [0, "&jsercy;"], [0, "&ljcy;"], [0, "&njcy;"], [0, "&tshcy;"], [0, "&kjcy;"], [1, "&ubrcy;"], [0, "&dzcy;"], [7074, "&ensp;"], [0, "&emsp;"], [0, "&emsp13;"], [0, "&emsp14;"], [1, "&numsp;"], [0, "&puncsp;"], [0, "&ThinSpace;"], [0, "&hairsp;"], [0, "&NegativeMediumSpace;"], [0, "&zwnj;"], [0, "&zwj;"], [0, "&lrm;"], [0, "&rlm;"], [0, "&dash;"], [2, "&ndash;"], [0, "&mdash;"], [0, "&horbar;"], [0, "&Verbar;"], [1, "&lsquo;"], [0, "&CloseCurlyQuote;"], [0, "&lsquor;"], [1, "&ldquo;"], [0, "&CloseCurlyDoubleQuote;"], [0, "&bdquo;"], [1, "&dagger;"], [0, "&Dagger;"], [0, "&bull;"], [2, "&nldr;"], [0, "&hellip;"], [9, "&permil;"], [0, "&pertenk;"], [0, "&prime;"], [0, "&Prime;"], [0, "&tprime;"], [0, "&backprime;"], [3, "&lsaquo;"], [0, "&rsaquo;"], [3, "&oline;"], [2, "&caret;"], [1, "&hybull;"], [0, "&frasl;"], [10, "&bsemi;"], [7, "&qprime;"], [7, { v: "&MediumSpace;", n: 8202, o: "&ThickSpace;" }], [0, "&NoBreak;"], [0, "&af;"], [0, "&InvisibleTimes;"], [0, "&ic;"], [72, "&euro;"], [46, "&tdot;"], [0, "&DotDot;"], [37, "&complexes;"], [2, "&incare;"], [4, "&gscr;"], [0, "&hamilt;"], [0, "&Hfr;"], [0, "&Hopf;"], [0, "&planckh;"], [0, "&hbar;"], [0, "&imagline;"], [0, "&Ifr;"], [0, "&lagran;"], [0, "&ell;"], [1, "&naturals;"], [0, "&numero;"], [0, "&copysr;"], [0, "&weierp;"], [0, "&Popf;"], [0, "&Qopf;"], [0, "&realine;"], [0, "&real;"], [0, "&reals;"], [0, "&rx;"], [3, "&trade;"], [1, "&integers;"], [2, "&mho;"], [0, "&zeetrf;"], [0, "&iiota;"], [2, "&bernou;"], [0, "&Cayleys;"], [1, "&escr;"], [0, "&Escr;"], [0, "&Fouriertrf;"], [1, "&Mellintrf;"], [0, "&order;"], [0, "&alefsym;"], [0, "&beth;"], [0, "&gimel;"], [0, "&daleth;"], [12, "&CapitalDifferentialD;"], [0, "&dd;"], [0, "&ee;"], [0, "&ii;"], [10, "&frac13;"], [0, "&frac23;"], [0, "&frac15;"], [0, "&frac25;"], [0, "&frac35;"], [0, "&frac45;"], [0, "&frac16;"], [0, "&frac56;"], [0, "&frac18;"], [0, "&frac38;"], [0, "&frac58;"], [0, "&frac78;"], [49, "&larr;"], [0, "&ShortUpArrow;"], [0, "&rarr;"], [0, "&darr;"], [0, "&harr;"], [0, "&updownarrow;"], [0, "&nwarr;"], [0, "&nearr;"], [0, "&LowerRightArrow;"], [0, "&LowerLeftArrow;"], [0, "&nlarr;"], [0, "&nrarr;"], [1, { v: "&rarrw;", n: 824, o: "&nrarrw;" }], [0, "&Larr;"], [0, "&Uarr;"], [0, "&Rarr;"], [0, "&Darr;"], [0, "&larrtl;"], [0, "&rarrtl;"], [0, "&LeftTeeArrow;"], [0, "&mapstoup;"], [0, "&map;"], [0, "&DownTeeArrow;"], [1, "&hookleftarrow;"], [0, "&hookrightarrow;"], [0, "&larrlp;"], [0, "&looparrowright;"], [0, "&harrw;"], [0, "&nharr;"], [1, "&lsh;"], [0, "&rsh;"], [0, "&ldsh;"], [0, "&rdsh;"], [1, "&crarr;"], [0, "&cularr;"], [0, "&curarr;"], [2, "&circlearrowleft;"], [0, "&circlearrowright;"], [0, "&leftharpoonup;"], [0, "&DownLeftVector;"], [0, "&RightUpVector;"], [0, "&LeftUpVector;"], [0, "&rharu;"], [0, "&DownRightVector;"], [0, "&dharr;"], [0, "&dharl;"], [0, "&RightArrowLeftArrow;"], [0, "&udarr;"], [0, "&LeftArrowRightArrow;"], [0, "&leftleftarrows;"], [0, "&upuparrows;"], [0, "&rightrightarrows;"], [0, "&ddarr;"], [0, "&leftrightharpoons;"], [0, "&Equilibrium;"], [0, "&nlArr;"], [0, "&nhArr;"], [0, "&nrArr;"], [0, "&DoubleLeftArrow;"], [0, "&DoubleUpArrow;"], [0, "&DoubleRightArrow;"], [0, "&dArr;"], [0, "&DoubleLeftRightArrow;"], [0, "&DoubleUpDownArrow;"], [0, "&nwArr;"], [0, "&neArr;"], [0, "&seArr;"], [0, "&swArr;"], [0, "&lAarr;"], [0, "&rAarr;"], [1, "&zigrarr;"], [6, "&larrb;"], [0, "&rarrb;"], [15, "&DownArrowUpArrow;"], [7, "&loarr;"], [0, "&roarr;"], [0, "&hoarr;"], [0, "&forall;"], [0, "&comp;"], [0, { v: "&part;", n: 824, o: "&npart;" }], [0, "&exist;"], [0, "&nexist;"], [0, "&empty;"], [1, "&Del;"], [0, "&Element;"], [0, "&NotElement;"], [1, "&ni;"], [0, "&notni;"], [2, "&prod;"], [0, "&coprod;"], [0, "&sum;"], [0, "&minus;"], [0, "&MinusPlus;"], [0, "&dotplus;"], [1, "&Backslash;"], [0, "&lowast;"], [0, "&compfn;"], [1, "&radic;"], [2, "&prop;"], [0, "&infin;"], [0, "&angrt;"], [0, { v: "&ang;", n: 8402, o: "&nang;" }], [0, "&angmsd;"], [0, "&angsph;"], [0, "&mid;"], [0, "&nmid;"], [0, "&DoubleVerticalBar;"], [0, "&NotDoubleVerticalBar;"], [0, "&and;"], [0, "&or;"], [0, { v: "&cap;", n: 65024, o: "&caps;" }], [0, { v: "&cup;", n: 65024, o: "&cups;" }], [0, "&int;"], [0, "&Int;"], [0, "&iiint;"], [0, "&conint;"], [0, "&Conint;"], [0, "&Cconint;"], [0, "&cwint;"], [0, "&ClockwiseContourIntegral;"], [0, "&awconint;"], [0, "&there4;"], [0, "&becaus;"], [0, "&ratio;"], [0, "&Colon;"], [0, "&dotminus;"], [1, "&mDDot;"], [0, "&homtht;"], [0, { v: "&sim;", n: 8402, o: "&nvsim;" }], [0, { v: "&backsim;", n: 817, o: "&race;" }], [0, { v: "&ac;", n: 819, o: "&acE;" }], [0, "&acd;"], [0, "&VerticalTilde;"], [0, "&NotTilde;"], [0, { v: "&eqsim;", n: 824, o: "&nesim;" }], [0, "&sime;"], [0, "&NotTildeEqual;"], [0, "&cong;"], [0, "&simne;"], [0, "&ncong;"], [0, "&ap;"], [0, "&nap;"], [0, "&ape;"], [0, { v: "&apid;", n: 824, o: "&napid;" }], [0, "&backcong;"], [0, { v: "&asympeq;", n: 8402, o: "&nvap;" }], [0, { v: "&bump;", n: 824, o: "&nbump;" }], [0, { v: "&bumpe;", n: 824, o: "&nbumpe;" }], [0, { v: "&doteq;", n: 824, o: "&nedot;" }], [0, "&doteqdot;"], [0, "&efDot;"], [0, "&erDot;"], [0, "&Assign;"], [0, "&ecolon;"], [0, "&ecir;"], [0, "&circeq;"], [1, "&wedgeq;"], [0, "&veeeq;"], [1, "&triangleq;"], [2, "&equest;"], [0, "&ne;"], [0, { v: "&Congruent;", n: 8421, o: "&bnequiv;" }], [0, "&nequiv;"], [1, { v: "&le;", n: 8402, o: "&nvle;" }], [0, { v: "&ge;", n: 8402, o: "&nvge;" }], [0, { v: "&lE;", n: 824, o: "&nlE;" }], [0, { v: "&gE;", n: 824, o: "&ngE;" }], [0, { v: "&lnE;", n: 65024, o: "&lvertneqq;" }], [0, { v: "&gnE;", n: 65024, o: "&gvertneqq;" }], [0, { v: "&ll;", n: new Map(/* @__PURE__ */ restoreDiff([[824, "&nLtv;"], [7577, "&nLt;"]])) }], [0, { v: "&gg;", n: new Map(/* @__PURE__ */ restoreDiff([[824, "&nGtv;"], [7577, "&nGt;"]])) }], [0, "&between;"], [0, "&NotCupCap;"], [0, "&nless;"], [0, "&ngt;"], [0, "&nle;"], [0, "&nge;"], [0, "&lesssim;"], [0, "&GreaterTilde;"], [0, "&nlsim;"], [0, "&ngsim;"], [0, "&LessGreater;"], [0, "&gl;"], [0, "&NotLessGreater;"], [0, "&NotGreaterLess;"], [0, "&pr;"], [0, "&sc;"], [0, "&prcue;"], [0, "&sccue;"], [0, "&PrecedesTilde;"], [0, { v: "&scsim;", n: 824, o: "&NotSucceedsTilde;" }], [0, "&NotPrecedes;"], [0, "&NotSucceeds;"], [0, { v: "&sub;", n: 8402, o: "&NotSubset;" }], [0, { v: "&sup;", n: 8402, o: "&NotSuperset;" }], [0, "&nsub;"], [0, "&nsup;"], [0, "&sube;"], [0, "&supe;"], [0, "&NotSubsetEqual;"], [0, "&NotSupersetEqual;"], [0, { v: "&subne;", n: 65024, o: "&varsubsetneq;" }], [0, { v: "&supne;", n: 65024, o: "&varsupsetneq;" }], [1, "&cupdot;"], [0, "&UnionPlus;"], [0, { v: "&sqsub;", n: 824, o: "&NotSquareSubset;" }], [0, { v: "&sqsup;", n: 824, o: "&NotSquareSuperset;" }], [0, "&sqsube;"], [0, "&sqsupe;"], [0, { v: "&sqcap;", n: 65024, o: "&sqcaps;" }], [0, { v: "&sqcup;", n: 65024, o: "&sqcups;" }], [0, "&CirclePlus;"], [0, "&CircleMinus;"], [0, "&CircleTimes;"], [0, "&osol;"], [0, "&CircleDot;"], [0, "&circledcirc;"], [0, "&circledast;"], [1, "&circleddash;"], [0, "&boxplus;"], [0, "&boxminus;"], [0, "&boxtimes;"], [0, "&dotsquare;"], [0, "&RightTee;"], [0, "&dashv;"], [0, "&DownTee;"], [0, "&bot;"], [1, "&models;"], [0, "&DoubleRightTee;"], [0, "&Vdash;"], [0, "&Vvdash;"], [0, "&VDash;"], [0, "&nvdash;"], [0, "&nvDash;"], [0, "&nVdash;"], [0, "&nVDash;"], [0, "&prurel;"], [1, "&LeftTriangle;"], [0, "&RightTriangle;"], [0, { v: "&LeftTriangleEqual;", n: 8402, o: "&nvltrie;" }], [0, { v: "&RightTriangleEqual;", n: 8402, o: "&nvrtrie;" }], [0, "&origof;"], [0, "&imof;"], [0, "&multimap;"], [0, "&hercon;"], [0, "&intcal;"], [0, "&veebar;"], [1, "&barvee;"], [0, "&angrtvb;"], [0, "&lrtri;"], [0, "&bigwedge;"], [0, "&bigvee;"], [0, "&bigcap;"], [0, "&bigcup;"], [0, "&diam;"], [0, "&sdot;"], [0, "&sstarf;"], [0, "&divideontimes;"], [0, "&bowtie;"], [0, "&ltimes;"], [0, "&rtimes;"], [0, "&leftthreetimes;"], [0, "&rightthreetimes;"], [0, "&backsimeq;"], [0, "&curlyvee;"], [0, "&curlywedge;"], [0, "&Sub;"], [0, "&Sup;"], [0, "&Cap;"], [0, "&Cup;"], [0, "&fork;"], [0, "&epar;"], [0, "&lessdot;"], [0, "&gtdot;"], [0, { v: "&Ll;", n: 824, o: "&nLl;" }], [0, { v: "&Gg;", n: 824, o: "&nGg;" }], [0, { v: "&leg;", n: 65024, o: "&lesg;" }], [0, { v: "&gel;", n: 65024, o: "&gesl;" }], [2, "&cuepr;"], [0, "&cuesc;"], [0, "&NotPrecedesSlantEqual;"], [0, "&NotSucceedsSlantEqual;"], [0, "&NotSquareSubsetEqual;"], [0, "&NotSquareSupersetEqual;"], [2, "&lnsim;"], [0, "&gnsim;"], [0, "&precnsim;"], [0, "&scnsim;"], [0, "&nltri;"], [0, "&NotRightTriangle;"], [0, "&nltrie;"], [0, "&NotRightTriangleEqual;"], [0, "&vellip;"], [0, "&ctdot;"], [0, "&utdot;"], [0, "&dtdot;"], [0, "&disin;"], [0, "&isinsv;"], [0, "&isins;"], [0, { v: "&isindot;", n: 824, o: "&notindot;" }], [0, "&notinvc;"], [0, "&notinvb;"], [1, { v: "&isinE;", n: 824, o: "&notinE;" }], [0, "&nisd;"], [0, "&xnis;"], [0, "&nis;"], [0, "&notnivc;"], [0, "&notnivb;"], [6, "&barwed;"], [0, "&Barwed;"], [1, "&lceil;"], [0, "&rceil;"], [0, "&LeftFloor;"], [0, "&rfloor;"], [0, "&drcrop;"], [0, "&dlcrop;"], [0, "&urcrop;"], [0, "&ulcrop;"], [0, "&bnot;"], [1, "&profline;"], [0, "&profsurf;"], [1, "&telrec;"], [0, "&target;"], [5, "&ulcorn;"], [0, "&urcorn;"], [0, "&dlcorn;"], [0, "&drcorn;"], [2, "&frown;"], [0, "&smile;"], [9, "&cylcty;"], [0, "&profalar;"], [7, "&topbot;"], [6, "&ovbar;"], [1, "&solbar;"], [60, "&angzarr;"], [51, "&lmoustache;"], [0, "&rmoustache;"], [2, "&OverBracket;"], [0, "&bbrk;"], [0, "&bbrktbrk;"], [37, "&OverParenthesis;"], [0, "&UnderParenthesis;"], [0, "&OverBrace;"], [0, "&UnderBrace;"], [2, "&trpezium;"], [4, "&elinters;"], [59, "&blank;"], [164, "&circledS;"], [55, "&boxh;"], [1, "&boxv;"], [9, "&boxdr;"], [3, "&boxdl;"], [3, "&boxur;"], [3, "&boxul;"], [3, "&boxvr;"], [7, "&boxvl;"], [7, "&boxhd;"], [7, "&boxhu;"], [7, "&boxvh;"], [19, "&boxH;"], [0, "&boxV;"], [0, "&boxdR;"], [0, "&boxDr;"], [0, "&boxDR;"], [0, "&boxdL;"], [0, "&boxDl;"], [0, "&boxDL;"], [0, "&boxuR;"], [0, "&boxUr;"], [0, "&boxUR;"], [0, "&boxuL;"], [0, "&boxUl;"], [0, "&boxUL;"], [0, "&boxvR;"], [0, "&boxVr;"], [0, "&boxVR;"], [0, "&boxvL;"], [0, "&boxVl;"], [0, "&boxVL;"], [0, "&boxHd;"], [0, "&boxhD;"], [0, "&boxHD;"], [0, "&boxHu;"], [0, "&boxhU;"], [0, "&boxHU;"], [0, "&boxvH;"], [0, "&boxVh;"], [0, "&boxVH;"], [19, "&uhblk;"], [3, "&lhblk;"], [3, "&block;"], [8, "&blk14;"], [0, "&blk12;"], [0, "&blk34;"], [13, "&square;"], [8, "&blacksquare;"], [0, "&EmptyVerySmallSquare;"], [1, "&rect;"], [0, "&marker;"], [2, "&fltns;"], [1, "&bigtriangleup;"], [0, "&blacktriangle;"], [0, "&triangle;"], [2, "&blacktriangleright;"], [0, "&rtri;"], [3, "&bigtriangledown;"], [0, "&blacktriangledown;"], [0, "&dtri;"], [2, "&blacktriangleleft;"], [0, "&ltri;"], [6, "&loz;"], [0, "&cir;"], [32, "&tridot;"], [2, "&bigcirc;"], [8, "&ultri;"], [0, "&urtri;"], [0, "&lltri;"], [0, "&EmptySmallSquare;"], [0, "&FilledSmallSquare;"], [8, "&bigstar;"], [0, "&star;"], [7, "&phone;"], [49, "&female;"], [1, "&male;"], [29, "&spades;"], [2, "&clubs;"], [1, "&hearts;"], [0, "&diamondsuit;"], [3, "&sung;"], [2, "&flat;"], [0, "&natural;"], [0, "&sharp;"], [163, "&check;"], [3, "&cross;"], [8, "&malt;"], [21, "&sext;"], [33, "&VerticalSeparator;"], [25, "&lbbrk;"], [0, "&rbbrk;"], [84, "&bsolhsub;"], [0, "&suphsol;"], [28, "&LeftDoubleBracket;"], [0, "&RightDoubleBracket;"], [0, "&lang;"], [0, "&rang;"], [0, "&Lang;"], [0, "&Rang;"], [0, "&loang;"], [0, "&roang;"], [7, "&longleftarrow;"], [0, "&longrightarrow;"], [0, "&longleftrightarrow;"], [0, "&DoubleLongLeftArrow;"], [0, "&DoubleLongRightArrow;"], [0, "&DoubleLongLeftRightArrow;"], [1, "&longmapsto;"], [2, "&dzigrarr;"], [258, "&nvlArr;"], [0, "&nvrArr;"], [0, "&nvHarr;"], [0, "&Map;"], [6, "&lbarr;"], [0, "&bkarow;"], [0, "&lBarr;"], [0, "&dbkarow;"], [0, "&drbkarow;"], [0, "&DDotrahd;"], [0, "&UpArrowBar;"], [0, "&DownArrowBar;"], [2, "&Rarrtl;"], [2, "&latail;"], [0, "&ratail;"], [0, "&lAtail;"], [0, "&rAtail;"], [0, "&larrfs;"], [0, "&rarrfs;"], [0, "&larrbfs;"], [0, "&rarrbfs;"], [2, "&nwarhk;"], [0, "&nearhk;"], [0, "&hksearow;"], [0, "&hkswarow;"], [0, "&nwnear;"], [0, "&nesear;"], [0, "&seswar;"], [0, "&swnwar;"], [8, { v: "&rarrc;", n: 824, o: "&nrarrc;" }], [1, "&cudarrr;"], [0, "&ldca;"], [0, "&rdca;"], [0, "&cudarrl;"], [0, "&larrpl;"], [2, "&curarrm;"], [0, "&cularrp;"], [7, "&rarrpl;"], [2, "&harrcir;"], [0, "&Uarrocir;"], [0, "&lurdshar;"], [0, "&ldrushar;"], [2, "&LeftRightVector;"], [0, "&RightUpDownVector;"], [0, "&DownLeftRightVector;"], [0, "&LeftUpDownVector;"], [0, "&LeftVectorBar;"], [0, "&RightVectorBar;"], [0, "&RightUpVectorBar;"], [0, "&RightDownVectorBar;"], [0, "&DownLeftVectorBar;"], [0, "&DownRightVectorBar;"], [0, "&LeftUpVectorBar;"], [0, "&LeftDownVectorBar;"], [0, "&LeftTeeVector;"], [0, "&RightTeeVector;"], [0, "&RightUpTeeVector;"], [0, "&RightDownTeeVector;"], [0, "&DownLeftTeeVector;"], [0, "&DownRightTeeVector;"], [0, "&LeftUpTeeVector;"], [0, "&LeftDownTeeVector;"], [0, "&lHar;"], [0, "&uHar;"], [0, "&rHar;"], [0, "&dHar;"], [0, "&luruhar;"], [0, "&ldrdhar;"], [0, "&ruluhar;"], [0, "&rdldhar;"], [0, "&lharul;"], [0, "&llhard;"], [0, "&rharul;"], [0, "&lrhard;"], [0, "&udhar;"], [0, "&duhar;"], [0, "&RoundImplies;"], [0, "&erarr;"], [0, "&simrarr;"], [0, "&larrsim;"], [0, "&rarrsim;"], [0, "&rarrap;"], [0, "&ltlarr;"], [1, "&gtrarr;"], [0, "&subrarr;"], [1, "&suplarr;"], [0, "&lfisht;"], [0, "&rfisht;"], [0, "&ufisht;"], [0, "&dfisht;"], [5, "&lopar;"], [0, "&ropar;"], [4, "&lbrke;"], [0, "&rbrke;"], [0, "&lbrkslu;"], [0, "&rbrksld;"], [0, "&lbrksld;"], [0, "&rbrkslu;"], [0, "&langd;"], [0, "&rangd;"], [0, "&lparlt;"], [0, "&rpargt;"], [0, "&gtlPar;"], [0, "&ltrPar;"], [3, "&vzigzag;"], [1, "&vangrt;"], [0, "&angrtvbd;"], [6, "&ange;"], [0, "&range;"], [0, "&dwangle;"], [0, "&uwangle;"], [0, "&angmsdaa;"], [0, "&angmsdab;"], [0, "&angmsdac;"], [0, "&angmsdad;"], [0, "&angmsdae;"], [0, "&angmsdaf;"], [0, "&angmsdag;"], [0, "&angmsdah;"], [0, "&bemptyv;"], [0, "&demptyv;"], [0, "&cemptyv;"], [0, "&raemptyv;"], [0, "&laemptyv;"], [0, "&ohbar;"], [0, "&omid;"], [0, "&opar;"], [1, "&operp;"], [1, "&olcross;"], [0, "&odsold;"], [1, "&olcir;"], [0, "&ofcir;"], [0, "&olt;"], [0, "&ogt;"], [0, "&cirscir;"], [0, "&cirE;"], [0, "&solb;"], [0, "&bsolb;"], [3, "&boxbox;"], [3, "&trisb;"], [0, "&rtriltri;"], [0, { v: "&LeftTriangleBar;", n: 824, o: "&NotLeftTriangleBar;" }], [0, { v: "&RightTriangleBar;", n: 824, o: "&NotRightTriangleBar;" }], [11, "&iinfin;"], [0, "&infintie;"], [0, "&nvinfin;"], [4, "&eparsl;"], [0, "&smeparsl;"], [0, "&eqvparsl;"], [5, "&blacklozenge;"], [8, "&RuleDelayed;"], [1, "&dsol;"], [9, "&bigodot;"], [0, "&bigoplus;"], [0, "&bigotimes;"], [1, "&biguplus;"], [1, "&bigsqcup;"], [5, "&iiiint;"], [0, "&fpartint;"], [2, "&cirfnint;"], [0, "&awint;"], [0, "&rppolint;"], [0, "&scpolint;"], [0, "&npolint;"], [0, "&pointint;"], [0, "&quatint;"], [0, "&intlarhk;"], [10, "&pluscir;"], [0, "&plusacir;"], [0, "&simplus;"], [0, "&plusdu;"], [0, "&plussim;"], [0, "&plustwo;"], [1, "&mcomma;"], [0, "&minusdu;"], [2, "&loplus;"], [0, "&roplus;"], [0, "&Cross;"], [0, "&timesd;"], [0, "&timesbar;"], [1, "&smashp;"], [0, "&lotimes;"], [0, "&rotimes;"], [0, "&otimesas;"], [0, "&Otimes;"], [0, "&odiv;"], [0, "&triplus;"], [0, "&triminus;"], [0, "&tritime;"], [0, "&intprod;"], [2, "&amalg;"], [0, "&capdot;"], [1, "&ncup;"], [0, "&ncap;"], [0, "&capand;"], [0, "&cupor;"], [0, "&cupcap;"], [0, "&capcup;"], [0, "&cupbrcap;"], [0, "&capbrcup;"], [0, "&cupcup;"], [0, "&capcap;"], [0, "&ccups;"], [0, "&ccaps;"], [2, "&ccupssm;"], [2, "&And;"], [0, "&Or;"], [0, "&andand;"], [0, "&oror;"], [0, "&orslope;"], [0, "&andslope;"], [1, "&andv;"], [0, "&orv;"], [0, "&andd;"], [0, "&ord;"], [1, "&wedbar;"], [6, "&sdote;"], [3, "&simdot;"], [2, { v: "&congdot;", n: 824, o: "&ncongdot;" }], [0, "&easter;"], [0, "&apacir;"], [0, { v: "&apE;", n: 824, o: "&napE;" }], [0, "&eplus;"], [0, "&pluse;"], [0, "&Esim;"], [0, "&Colone;"], [0, "&Equal;"], [1, "&ddotseq;"], [0, "&equivDD;"], [0, "&ltcir;"], [0, "&gtcir;"], [0, "&ltquest;"], [0, "&gtquest;"], [0, { v: "&leqslant;", n: 824, o: "&nleqslant;" }], [0, { v: "&geqslant;", n: 824, o: "&ngeqslant;" }], [0, "&lesdot;"], [0, "&gesdot;"], [0, "&lesdoto;"], [0, "&gesdoto;"], [0, "&lesdotor;"], [0, "&gesdotol;"], [0, "&lap;"], [0, "&gap;"], [0, "&lne;"], [0, "&gne;"], [0, "&lnap;"], [0, "&gnap;"], [0, "&lEg;"], [0, "&gEl;"], [0, "&lsime;"], [0, "&gsime;"], [0, "&lsimg;"], [0, "&gsiml;"], [0, "&lgE;"], [0, "&glE;"], [0, "&lesges;"], [0, "&gesles;"], [0, "&els;"], [0, "&egs;"], [0, "&elsdot;"], [0, "&egsdot;"], [0, "&el;"], [0, "&eg;"], [2, "&siml;"], [0, "&simg;"], [0, "&simlE;"], [0, "&simgE;"], [0, { v: "&LessLess;", n: 824, o: "&NotNestedLessLess;" }], [0, { v: "&GreaterGreater;", n: 824, o: "&NotNestedGreaterGreater;" }], [1, "&glj;"], [0, "&gla;"], [0, "&ltcc;"], [0, "&gtcc;"], [0, "&lescc;"], [0, "&gescc;"], [0, "&smt;"], [0, "&lat;"], [0, { v: "&smte;", n: 65024, o: "&smtes;" }], [0, { v: "&late;", n: 65024, o: "&lates;" }], [0, "&bumpE;"], [0, { v: "&PrecedesEqual;", n: 824, o: "&NotPrecedesEqual;" }], [0, { v: "&sce;", n: 824, o: "&NotSucceedsEqual;" }], [2, "&prE;"], [0, "&scE;"], [0, "&precneqq;"], [0, "&scnE;"], [0, "&prap;"], [0, "&scap;"], [0, "&precnapprox;"], [0, "&scnap;"], [0, "&Pr;"], [0, "&Sc;"], [0, "&subdot;"], [0, "&supdot;"], [0, "&subplus;"], [0, "&supplus;"], [0, "&submult;"], [0, "&supmult;"], [0, "&subedot;"], [0, "&supedot;"], [0, { v: "&subE;", n: 824, o: "&nsubE;" }], [0, { v: "&supE;", n: 824, o: "&nsupE;" }], [0, "&subsim;"], [0, "&supsim;"], [2, { v: "&subnE;", n: 65024, o: "&varsubsetneqq;" }], [0, { v: "&supnE;", n: 65024, o: "&varsupsetneqq;" }], [2, "&csub;"], [0, "&csup;"], [0, "&csube;"], [0, "&csupe;"], [0, "&subsup;"], [0, "&supsub;"], [0, "&subsub;"], [0, "&supsup;"], [0, "&suphsub;"], [0, "&supdsub;"], [0, "&forkv;"], [0, "&topfork;"], [0, "&mlcp;"], [8, "&Dashv;"], [1, "&Vdashl;"], [0, "&Barv;"], [0, "&vBar;"], [0, "&vBarv;"], [1, "&Vbar;"], [0, "&Not;"], [0, "&bNot;"], [0, "&rnmid;"], [0, "&cirmid;"], [0, "&midcir;"], [0, "&topcir;"], [0, "&nhpar;"], [0, "&parsim;"], [9, { v: "&parsl;", n: 8421, o: "&nparsl;" }], [44343, { n: new Map(/* @__PURE__ */ restoreDiff([[56476, "&Ascr;"], [1, "&Cscr;"], [0, "&Dscr;"], [2, "&Gscr;"], [2, "&Jscr;"], [0, "&Kscr;"], [2, "&Nscr;"], [0, "&Oscr;"], [0, "&Pscr;"], [0, "&Qscr;"], [1, "&Sscr;"], [0, "&Tscr;"], [0, "&Uscr;"], [0, "&Vscr;"], [0, "&Wscr;"], [0, "&Xscr;"], [0, "&Yscr;"], [0, "&Zscr;"], [0, "&ascr;"], [0, "&bscr;"], [0, "&cscr;"], [0, "&dscr;"], [1, "&fscr;"], [1, "&hscr;"], [0, "&iscr;"], [0, "&jscr;"], [0, "&kscr;"], [0, "&lscr;"], [0, "&mscr;"], [0, "&nscr;"], [1, "&pscr;"], [0, "&qscr;"], [0, "&rscr;"], [0, "&sscr;"], [0, "&tscr;"], [0, "&uscr;"], [0, "&vscr;"], [0, "&wscr;"], [0, "&xscr;"], [0, "&yscr;"], [0, "&zscr;"], [52, "&Afr;"], [0, "&Bfr;"], [1, "&Dfr;"], [0, "&Efr;"], [0, "&Ffr;"], [0, "&Gfr;"], [2, "&Jfr;"], [0, "&Kfr;"], [0, "&Lfr;"], [0, "&Mfr;"], [0, "&Nfr;"], [0, "&Ofr;"], [0, "&Pfr;"], [0, "&Qfr;"], [1, "&Sfr;"], [0, "&Tfr;"], [0, "&Ufr;"], [0, "&Vfr;"], [0, "&Wfr;"], [0, "&Xfr;"], [0, "&Yfr;"], [1, "&afr;"], [0, "&bfr;"], [0, "&cfr;"], [0, "&dfr;"], [0, "&efr;"], [0, "&ffr;"], [0, "&gfr;"], [0, "&hfr;"], [0, "&ifr;"], [0, "&jfr;"], [0, "&kfr;"], [0, "&lfr;"], [0, "&mfr;"], [0, "&nfr;"], [0, "&ofr;"], [0, "&pfr;"], [0, "&qfr;"], [0, "&rfr;"], [0, "&sfr;"], [0, "&tfr;"], [0, "&ufr;"], [0, "&vfr;"], [0, "&wfr;"], [0, "&xfr;"], [0, "&yfr;"], [0, "&zfr;"], [0, "&Aopf;"], [0, "&Bopf;"], [1, "&Dopf;"], [0, "&Eopf;"], [0, "&Fopf;"], [0, "&Gopf;"], [1, "&Iopf;"], [0, "&Jopf;"], [0, "&Kopf;"], [0, "&Lopf;"], [0, "&Mopf;"], [1, "&Oopf;"], [3, "&Sopf;"], [0, "&Topf;"], [0, "&Uopf;"], [0, "&Vopf;"], [0, "&Wopf;"], [0, "&Xopf;"], [0, "&Yopf;"], [1, "&aopf;"], [0, "&bopf;"], [0, "&copf;"], [0, "&dopf;"], [0, "&eopf;"], [0, "&fopf;"], [0, "&gopf;"], [0, "&hopf;"], [0, "&iopf;"], [0, "&jopf;"], [0, "&kopf;"], [0, "&lopf;"], [0, "&mopf;"], [0, "&nopf;"], [0, "&oopf;"], [0, "&popf;"], [0, "&qopf;"], [0, "&ropf;"], [0, "&sopf;"], [0, "&topf;"], [0, "&uopf;"], [0, "&vopf;"], [0, "&wopf;"], [0, "&xopf;"], [0, "&yopf;"], [0, "&zopf;"]])) }], [8906, "&fflig;"], [0, "&filig;"], [0, "&fllig;"], [0, "&ffilig;"], [0, "&ffllig;"]]));
  30287. }
  30288. });
  30289. // node_modules/entities/lib/escape.js
  30290. var require_escape = __commonJS({
  30291. "node_modules/entities/lib/escape.js"(exports2) {
  30292. "use strict";
  30293. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30294. exports2.escapeText = exports2.escapeAttribute = exports2.escapeUTF8 = exports2.escape = exports2.encodeXML = exports2.getCodePoint = exports2.xmlReplacer = void 0;
  30295. exports2.xmlReplacer = /["&'<>$\x80-\uFFFF]/g;
  30296. var xmlCodeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  30297. [34, "&quot;"],
  30298. [38, "&amp;"],
  30299. [39, "&apos;"],
  30300. [60, "&lt;"],
  30301. [62, "&gt;"]
  30302. ]);
  30303. exports2.getCodePoint = // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition
  30304. String.prototype.codePointAt != null ? function(str, index) {
  30305. return str.codePointAt(index);
  30306. } : (
  30307. //
  30308. function(c, index) {
  30309. return (c.charCodeAt(index) & 64512) === 55296 ? (c.charCodeAt(index) - 55296) * 1024 + c.charCodeAt(index + 1) - 56320 + 65536 : c.charCodeAt(index);
  30310. }
  30311. );
  30312. function encodeXML(str) {
  30313. var ret = "";
  30314. var lastIdx = 0;
  30315. var match;
  30316. while ((match = exports2.xmlReplacer.exec(str)) !== null) {
  30317. var i = match.index;
  30318. var char = str.charCodeAt(i);
  30319. var next = xmlCodeMap.get(char);
  30320. if (next !== void 0) {
  30321. ret += str.substring(lastIdx, i) + next;
  30322. lastIdx = i + 1;
  30323. } else {
  30324. ret += "".concat(str.substring(lastIdx, i), "&#x").concat((0, exports2.getCodePoint)(str, i).toString(16), ";");
  30325. lastIdx = exports2.xmlReplacer.lastIndex += Number((char & 64512) === 55296);
  30326. }
  30327. }
  30328. return ret + str.substr(lastIdx);
  30329. }
  30330. exports2.encodeXML = encodeXML;
  30331. exports2.escape = encodeXML;
  30332. function getEscaper(regex, map) {
  30333. return function escape(data) {
  30334. var match;
  30335. var lastIdx = 0;
  30336. var result = "";
  30337. while (match = regex.exec(data)) {
  30338. if (lastIdx !== match.index) {
  30339. result += data.substring(lastIdx, match.index);
  30340. }
  30341. result += map.get(match[0].charCodeAt(0));
  30342. lastIdx = match.index + 1;
  30343. }
  30344. return result + data.substring(lastIdx);
  30345. };
  30346. }
  30347. exports2.escapeUTF8 = getEscaper(/[&<>'"]/g, xmlCodeMap);
  30348. exports2.escapeAttribute = getEscaper(/["&\u00A0]/g, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  30349. [34, "&quot;"],
  30350. [38, "&amp;"],
  30351. [160, "&nbsp;"]
  30352. ]));
  30353. exports2.escapeText = getEscaper(/[&<>\u00A0]/g, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  30354. [38, "&amp;"],
  30355. [60, "&lt;"],
  30356. [62, "&gt;"],
  30357. [160, "&nbsp;"]
  30358. ]));
  30359. }
  30360. });
  30361. // node_modules/entities/lib/encode.js
  30362. var require_encode = __commonJS({
  30363. "node_modules/entities/lib/encode.js"(exports2) {
  30364. "use strict";
  30365. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  30366. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  30367. };
  30368. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30369. exports2.encodeNonAsciiHTML = exports2.encodeHTML = void 0;
  30370. var encode_html_js_1 = __importDefault(require_encode_html());
  30371. var escape_js_1 = require_escape();
  30372. var htmlReplacer = /[\t\n!-,./:-@[-`\f{-}$\x80-\uFFFF]/g;
  30373. function encodeHTML(data) {
  30374. return encodeHTMLTrieRe(htmlReplacer, data);
  30375. }
  30376. exports2.encodeHTML = encodeHTML;
  30377. function encodeNonAsciiHTML(data) {
  30378. return encodeHTMLTrieRe(escape_js_1.xmlReplacer, data);
  30379. }
  30380. exports2.encodeNonAsciiHTML = encodeNonAsciiHTML;
  30381. function encodeHTMLTrieRe(regExp, str) {
  30382. var ret = "";
  30383. var lastIdx = 0;
  30384. var match;
  30385. while ((match = regExp.exec(str)) !== null) {
  30386. var i = match.index;
  30387. ret += str.substring(lastIdx, i);
  30388. var char = str.charCodeAt(i);
  30389. var next = encode_html_js_1.default.get(char);
  30390. if (typeof next === "object") {
  30391. if (i + 1 < str.length) {
  30392. var nextChar = str.charCodeAt(i + 1);
  30393. var value = typeof next.n === "number" ? next.n === nextChar ? next.o : void 0 : next.n.get(nextChar);
  30394. if (value !== void 0) {
  30395. ret += value;
  30396. lastIdx = regExp.lastIndex += 1;
  30397. continue;
  30398. }
  30399. }
  30400. next = next.v;
  30401. }
  30402. if (next !== void 0) {
  30403. ret += next;
  30404. lastIdx = i + 1;
  30405. } else {
  30406. var cp = (0, escape_js_1.getCodePoint)(str, i);
  30407. ret += "&#x".concat(cp.toString(16), ";");
  30408. lastIdx = regExp.lastIndex += Number(cp !== char);
  30409. }
  30410. }
  30411. return ret + str.substr(lastIdx);
  30412. }
  30413. }
  30414. });
  30415. // node_modules/entities/lib/index.js
  30416. var require_lib4 = __commonJS({
  30417. "node_modules/entities/lib/index.js"(exports2) {
  30418. "use strict";
  30419. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30420. exports2.decodeXMLStrict = exports2.decodeHTML5Strict = exports2.decodeHTML4Strict = exports2.decodeHTML5 = exports2.decodeHTML4 = exports2.decodeHTMLAttribute = exports2.decodeHTMLStrict = exports2.decodeHTML = exports2.decodeXML = exports2.DecodingMode = exports2.EntityDecoder = exports2.encodeHTML5 = exports2.encodeHTML4 = exports2.encodeNonAsciiHTML = exports2.encodeHTML = exports2.escapeText = exports2.escapeAttribute = exports2.escapeUTF8 = exports2.escape = exports2.encodeXML = exports2.encode = exports2.decodeStrict = exports2.decode = exports2.EncodingMode = exports2.EntityLevel = void 0;
  30421. var decode_js_1 = require_decode();
  30422. var encode_js_1 = require_encode();
  30423. var escape_js_1 = require_escape();
  30424. var EntityLevel;
  30425. (function(EntityLevel2) {
  30426. EntityLevel2[EntityLevel2["XML"] = 0] = "XML";
  30427. EntityLevel2[EntityLevel2["HTML"] = 1] = "HTML";
  30428. })(EntityLevel = exports2.EntityLevel || (exports2.EntityLevel = {}));
  30429. var EncodingMode;
  30430. (function(EncodingMode2) {
  30431. EncodingMode2[EncodingMode2["UTF8"] = 0] = "UTF8";
  30432. EncodingMode2[EncodingMode2["ASCII"] = 1] = "ASCII";
  30433. EncodingMode2[EncodingMode2["Extensive"] = 2] = "Extensive";
  30434. EncodingMode2[EncodingMode2["Attribute"] = 3] = "Attribute";
  30435. EncodingMode2[EncodingMode2["Text"] = 4] = "Text";
  30436. })(EncodingMode = exports2.EncodingMode || (exports2.EncodingMode = {}));
  30437. function decode(data, options) {
  30438. if (options === void 0) {
  30439. options = EntityLevel.XML;
  30440. }
  30441. var level = typeof options === "number" ? options : options.level;
  30442. if (level === EntityLevel.HTML) {
  30443. var mode = typeof options === "object" ? options.mode : void 0;
  30444. return (0, decode_js_1.decodeHTML)(data, mode);
  30445. }
  30446. return (0, decode_js_1.decodeXML)(data);
  30447. }
  30448. exports2.decode = decode;
  30449. function decodeStrict(data, options) {
  30450. var _a;
  30451. if (options === void 0) {
  30452. options = EntityLevel.XML;
  30453. }
  30454. var opts = typeof options === "number" ? { level: options } : options;
  30455. (_a = opts.mode) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : opts.mode = decode_js_1.DecodingMode.Strict;
  30456. return decode(data, opts);
  30457. }
  30458. exports2.decodeStrict = decodeStrict;
  30459. function encode(data, options) {
  30460. if (options === void 0) {
  30461. options = EntityLevel.XML;
  30462. }
  30463. var opts = typeof options === "number" ? { level: options } : options;
  30464. if (opts.mode === EncodingMode.UTF8)
  30465. return (0, escape_js_1.escapeUTF8)(data);
  30466. if (opts.mode === EncodingMode.Attribute)
  30467. return (0, escape_js_1.escapeAttribute)(data);
  30468. if (opts.mode === EncodingMode.Text)
  30469. return (0, escape_js_1.escapeText)(data);
  30470. if (opts.level === EntityLevel.HTML) {
  30471. if (opts.mode === EncodingMode.ASCII) {
  30472. return (0, encode_js_1.encodeNonAsciiHTML)(data);
  30473. }
  30474. return (0, encode_js_1.encodeHTML)(data);
  30475. }
  30476. return (0, escape_js_1.encodeXML)(data);
  30477. }
  30478. exports2.encode = encode;
  30479. var escape_js_2 = require_escape();
  30480. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "encodeXML", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30481. return escape_js_2.encodeXML;
  30482. } });
  30483. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "escape", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30484. return escape_js_2.escape;
  30485. } });
  30486. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "escapeUTF8", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30487. return escape_js_2.escapeUTF8;
  30488. } });
  30489. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "escapeAttribute", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30490. return escape_js_2.escapeAttribute;
  30491. } });
  30492. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "escapeText", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30493. return escape_js_2.escapeText;
  30494. } });
  30495. var encode_js_2 = require_encode();
  30496. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "encodeHTML", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30497. return encode_js_2.encodeHTML;
  30498. } });
  30499. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "encodeNonAsciiHTML", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30500. return encode_js_2.encodeNonAsciiHTML;
  30501. } });
  30502. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "encodeHTML4", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30503. return encode_js_2.encodeHTML;
  30504. } });
  30505. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "encodeHTML5", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30506. return encode_js_2.encodeHTML;
  30507. } });
  30508. var decode_js_2 = require_decode();
  30509. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "EntityDecoder", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30510. return decode_js_2.EntityDecoder;
  30511. } });
  30512. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "DecodingMode", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30513. return decode_js_2.DecodingMode;
  30514. } });
  30515. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeXML", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30516. return decode_js_2.decodeXML;
  30517. } });
  30518. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeHTML", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30519. return decode_js_2.decodeHTML;
  30520. } });
  30521. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeHTMLStrict", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30522. return decode_js_2.decodeHTMLStrict;
  30523. } });
  30524. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeHTMLAttribute", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30525. return decode_js_2.decodeHTMLAttribute;
  30526. } });
  30527. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeHTML4", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30528. return decode_js_2.decodeHTML;
  30529. } });
  30530. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeHTML5", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30531. return decode_js_2.decodeHTML;
  30532. } });
  30533. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeHTML4Strict", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30534. return decode_js_2.decodeHTMLStrict;
  30535. } });
  30536. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeHTML5Strict", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30537. return decode_js_2.decodeHTMLStrict;
  30538. } });
  30539. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "decodeXMLStrict", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30540. return decode_js_2.decodeXML;
  30541. } });
  30542. }
  30543. });
  30544. // node_modules/dom-serializer/lib/foreignNames.js
  30545. var require_foreignNames = __commonJS({
  30546. "node_modules/dom-serializer/lib/foreignNames.js"(exports2) {
  30547. "use strict";
  30548. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30549. exports2.attributeNames = exports2.elementNames = void 0;
  30550. exports2.elementNames = new Map([
  30551. "altGlyph",
  30552. "altGlyphDef",
  30553. "altGlyphItem",
  30554. "animateColor",
  30555. "animateMotion",
  30556. "animateTransform",
  30557. "clipPath",
  30558. "feBlend",
  30559. "feColorMatrix",
  30560. "feComponentTransfer",
  30561. "feComposite",
  30562. "feConvolveMatrix",
  30563. "feDiffuseLighting",
  30564. "feDisplacementMap",
  30565. "feDistantLight",
  30566. "feDropShadow",
  30567. "feFlood",
  30568. "feFuncA",
  30569. "feFuncB",
  30570. "feFuncG",
  30571. "feFuncR",
  30572. "feGaussianBlur",
  30573. "feImage",
  30574. "feMerge",
  30575. "feMergeNode",
  30576. "feMorphology",
  30577. "feOffset",
  30578. "fePointLight",
  30579. "feSpecularLighting",
  30580. "feSpotLight",
  30581. "feTile",
  30582. "feTurbulence",
  30583. "foreignObject",
  30584. "glyphRef",
  30585. "linearGradient",
  30586. "radialGradient",
  30587. "textPath"
  30588. ].map(function(val) {
  30589. return [val.toLowerCase(), val];
  30590. }));
  30591. exports2.attributeNames = new Map([
  30592. "definitionURL",
  30593. "attributeName",
  30594. "attributeType",
  30595. "baseFrequency",
  30596. "baseProfile",
  30597. "calcMode",
  30598. "clipPathUnits",
  30599. "diffuseConstant",
  30600. "edgeMode",
  30601. "filterUnits",
  30602. "glyphRef",
  30603. "gradientTransform",
  30604. "gradientUnits",
  30605. "kernelMatrix",
  30606. "kernelUnitLength",
  30607. "keyPoints",
  30608. "keySplines",
  30609. "keyTimes",
  30610. "lengthAdjust",
  30611. "limitingConeAngle",
  30612. "markerHeight",
  30613. "markerUnits",
  30614. "markerWidth",
  30615. "maskContentUnits",
  30616. "maskUnits",
  30617. "numOctaves",
  30618. "pathLength",
  30619. "patternContentUnits",
  30620. "patternTransform",
  30621. "patternUnits",
  30622. "pointsAtX",
  30623. "pointsAtY",
  30624. "pointsAtZ",
  30625. "preserveAlpha",
  30626. "preserveAspectRatio",
  30627. "primitiveUnits",
  30628. "refX",
  30629. "refY",
  30630. "repeatCount",
  30631. "repeatDur",
  30632. "requiredExtensions",
  30633. "requiredFeatures",
  30634. "specularConstant",
  30635. "specularExponent",
  30636. "spreadMethod",
  30637. "startOffset",
  30638. "stdDeviation",
  30639. "stitchTiles",
  30640. "surfaceScale",
  30641. "systemLanguage",
  30642. "tableValues",
  30643. "targetX",
  30644. "targetY",
  30645. "textLength",
  30646. "viewBox",
  30647. "viewTarget",
  30648. "xChannelSelector",
  30649. "yChannelSelector",
  30650. "zoomAndPan"
  30651. ].map(function(val) {
  30652. return [val.toLowerCase(), val];
  30653. }));
  30654. }
  30655. });
  30656. // node_modules/dom-serializer/lib/index.js
  30657. var require_lib5 = __commonJS({
  30658. "node_modules/dom-serializer/lib/index.js"(exports2) {
  30659. "use strict";
  30660. var __assign = exports2 && exports2.__assign || function() {
  30661. __assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
  30662. for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
  30663. s = arguments[i];
  30664. for (var p in s)
  30665. if (, p))
  30666. t[p] = s[p];
  30667. }
  30668. return t;
  30669. };
  30670. return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
  30671. };
  30672. var __createBinding = exports2 && exports2.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
  30673. if (k2 === void 0)
  30674. k2 = k;
  30675. var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
  30676. if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
  30677. desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  30678. return m[k];
  30679. } };
  30680. }
  30681. Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
  30682. } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
  30683. if (k2 === void 0)
  30684. k2 = k;
  30685. o[k2] = m[k];
  30686. });
  30687. var __setModuleDefault = exports2 && exports2.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, v) {
  30688. Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
  30689. } : function(o, v) {
  30690. o["default"] = v;
  30691. });
  30692. var __importStar = exports2 && exports2.__importStar || function(mod) {
  30693. if (mod && mod.__esModule)
  30694. return mod;
  30695. var result = {};
  30696. if (mod != null) {
  30697. for (var k in mod)
  30698. if (k !== "default" &&, k))
  30699. __createBinding(result, mod, k);
  30700. }
  30701. __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
  30702. return result;
  30703. };
  30704. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30705. exports2.render = void 0;
  30706. var ElementType = __importStar(require_lib2());
  30707. var entities_1 = require_lib4();
  30708. var foreignNames_js_1 = require_foreignNames();
  30709. var unencodedElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  30710. "style",
  30711. "script",
  30712. "xmp",
  30713. "iframe",
  30714. "noembed",
  30715. "noframes",
  30716. "plaintext",
  30717. "noscript"
  30718. ]);
  30719. function replaceQuotes(value) {
  30720. return value.replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
  30721. }
  30722. function formatAttributes(attributes, opts) {
  30723. var _a;
  30724. if (!attributes)
  30725. return;
  30726. var encode = ((_a = opts.encodeEntities) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : opts.decodeEntities) === false ? replaceQuotes : opts.xmlMode || opts.encodeEntities !== "utf8" ? entities_1.encodeXML : entities_1.escapeAttribute;
  30727. return Object.keys(attributes).map(function(key) {
  30728. var _a2, _b;
  30729. var value = (_a2 = attributes[key]) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : "";
  30730. if (opts.xmlMode === "foreign") {
  30731. key = (_b = foreignNames_js_1.attributeNames.get(key)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : key;
  30732. }
  30733. if (!opts.emptyAttrs && !opts.xmlMode && value === "") {
  30734. return key;
  30735. }
  30736. return "".concat(key, '="').concat(encode(value), '"');
  30737. }).join(" ");
  30738. }
  30739. var singleTag = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  30740. "area",
  30741. "base",
  30742. "basefont",
  30743. "br",
  30744. "col",
  30745. "command",
  30746. "embed",
  30747. "frame",
  30748. "hr",
  30749. "img",
  30750. "input",
  30751. "isindex",
  30752. "keygen",
  30753. "link",
  30754. "meta",
  30755. "param",
  30756. "source",
  30757. "track",
  30758. "wbr"
  30759. ]);
  30760. function render(node, options) {
  30761. if (options === void 0) {
  30762. options = {};
  30763. }
  30764. var nodes = "length" in node ? node : [node];
  30765. var output = "";
  30766. for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
  30767. output += renderNode(nodes[i], options);
  30768. }
  30769. return output;
  30770. }
  30771. exports2.render = render;
  30772. exports2.default = render;
  30773. function renderNode(node, options) {
  30774. switch (node.type) {
  30775. case ElementType.Root:
  30776. return render(node.children, options);
  30777. case ElementType.Doctype:
  30778. case ElementType.Directive:
  30779. return renderDirective(node);
  30780. case ElementType.Comment:
  30781. return renderComment(node);
  30782. case ElementType.CDATA:
  30783. return renderCdata(node);
  30784. case ElementType.Script:
  30785. case ElementType.Style:
  30786. case ElementType.Tag:
  30787. return renderTag(node, options);
  30788. case ElementType.Text:
  30789. return renderText(node, options);
  30790. }
  30791. }
  30792. var foreignModeIntegrationPoints = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  30793. "mi",
  30794. "mo",
  30795. "mn",
  30796. "ms",
  30797. "mtext",
  30798. "annotation-xml",
  30799. "foreignObject",
  30800. "desc",
  30801. "title"
  30802. ]);
  30803. var foreignElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["svg", "math"]);
  30804. function renderTag(elem, opts) {
  30805. var _a;
  30806. if (opts.xmlMode === "foreign") {
  30807. = (_a = foreignNames_js_1.elementNames.get( !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a :;
  30808. if (elem.parent && foreignModeIntegrationPoints.has( {
  30809. opts = __assign(__assign({}, opts), { xmlMode: false });
  30810. }
  30811. }
  30812. if (!opts.xmlMode && foreignElements.has( {
  30813. opts = __assign(__assign({}, opts), { xmlMode: "foreign" });
  30814. }
  30815. var tag = "<".concat(;
  30816. var attribs = formatAttributes(elem.attribs, opts);
  30817. if (attribs) {
  30818. tag += " ".concat(attribs);
  30819. }
  30820. if (elem.children.length === 0 && (opts.xmlMode ? (
  30821. // In XML mode or foreign mode, and user hasn't explicitly turned off self-closing tags
  30822. opts.selfClosingTags !== false
  30823. ) : (
  30824. // User explicitly asked for self-closing tags, even in HTML mode
  30825. opts.selfClosingTags && singleTag.has(
  30826. ))) {
  30827. if (!opts.xmlMode)
  30828. tag += " ";
  30829. tag += "/>";
  30830. } else {
  30831. tag += ">";
  30832. if (elem.children.length > 0) {
  30833. tag += render(elem.children, opts);
  30834. }
  30835. if (opts.xmlMode || !singleTag.has( {
  30836. tag += "</".concat(, ">");
  30837. }
  30838. }
  30839. return tag;
  30840. }
  30841. function renderDirective(elem) {
  30842. return "<".concat(, ">");
  30843. }
  30844. function renderText(elem, opts) {
  30845. var _a;
  30846. var data = || "";
  30847. if (((_a = opts.encodeEntities) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : opts.decodeEntities) !== false && !(!opts.xmlMode && elem.parent && unencodedElements.has( {
  30848. data = opts.xmlMode || opts.encodeEntities !== "utf8" ? (0, entities_1.encodeXML)(data) : (0, entities_1.escapeText)(data);
  30849. }
  30850. return data;
  30851. }
  30852. function renderCdata(elem) {
  30853. return "<![CDATA[".concat(elem.children[0].data, "]]>");
  30854. }
  30855. function renderComment(elem) {
  30856. return "<!--".concat(, "-->");
  30857. }
  30858. }
  30859. });
  30860. // node_modules/domutils/lib/stringify.js
  30861. var require_stringify3 = __commonJS({
  30862. "node_modules/domutils/lib/stringify.js"(exports2) {
  30863. "use strict";
  30864. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  30865. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  30866. };
  30867. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30868. exports2.innerText = exports2.textContent = exports2.getText = exports2.getInnerHTML = exports2.getOuterHTML = void 0;
  30869. var domhandler_1 = require_lib3();
  30870. var dom_serializer_1 = __importDefault(require_lib5());
  30871. var domelementtype_1 = require_lib2();
  30872. function getOuterHTML(node, options) {
  30873. return (0, dom_serializer_1.default)(node, options);
  30874. }
  30875. exports2.getOuterHTML = getOuterHTML;
  30876. function getInnerHTML(node, options) {
  30877. return (0, domhandler_1.hasChildren)(node) ? {
  30878. return getOuterHTML(node2, options);
  30879. }).join("") : "";
  30880. }
  30881. exports2.getInnerHTML = getInnerHTML;
  30882. function getText(node) {
  30883. if (Array.isArray(node))
  30884. return"");
  30885. if ((0, domhandler_1.isTag)(node))
  30886. return === "br" ? "\n" : getText(node.children);
  30887. if ((0, domhandler_1.isCDATA)(node))
  30888. return getText(node.children);
  30889. if ((0, domhandler_1.isText)(node))
  30890. return;
  30891. return "";
  30892. }
  30893. exports2.getText = getText;
  30894. function textContent(node) {
  30895. if (Array.isArray(node))
  30896. return"");
  30897. if ((0, domhandler_1.hasChildren)(node) && !(0, domhandler_1.isComment)(node)) {
  30898. return textContent(node.children);
  30899. }
  30900. if ((0, domhandler_1.isText)(node))
  30901. return;
  30902. return "";
  30903. }
  30904. exports2.textContent = textContent;
  30905. function innerText(node) {
  30906. if (Array.isArray(node))
  30907. return"");
  30908. if ((0, domhandler_1.hasChildren)(node) && (node.type === domelementtype_1.ElementType.Tag || (0, domhandler_1.isCDATA)(node))) {
  30909. return innerText(node.children);
  30910. }
  30911. if ((0, domhandler_1.isText)(node))
  30912. return;
  30913. return "";
  30914. }
  30915. exports2.innerText = innerText;
  30916. }
  30917. });
  30918. // node_modules/domutils/lib/traversal.js
  30919. var require_traversal = __commonJS({
  30920. "node_modules/domutils/lib/traversal.js"(exports2) {
  30921. "use strict";
  30922. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30923. exports2.prevElementSibling = exports2.nextElementSibling = exports2.getName = exports2.hasAttrib = exports2.getAttributeValue = exports2.getSiblings = exports2.getParent = exports2.getChildren = void 0;
  30924. var domhandler_1 = require_lib3();
  30925. function getChildren(elem) {
  30926. return (0, domhandler_1.hasChildren)(elem) ? elem.children : [];
  30927. }
  30928. exports2.getChildren = getChildren;
  30929. function getParent(elem) {
  30930. return elem.parent || null;
  30931. }
  30932. exports2.getParent = getParent;
  30933. function getSiblings(elem) {
  30934. var _a, _b;
  30935. var parent = getParent(elem);
  30936. if (parent != null)
  30937. return getChildren(parent);
  30938. var siblings = [elem];
  30939. var prev = elem.prev, next =;
  30940. while (prev != null) {
  30941. siblings.unshift(prev);
  30942. _a = prev, prev = _a.prev;
  30943. }
  30944. while (next != null) {
  30945. siblings.push(next);
  30946. _b = next, next =;
  30947. }
  30948. return siblings;
  30949. }
  30950. exports2.getSiblings = getSiblings;
  30951. function getAttributeValue(elem, name) {
  30952. var _a;
  30953. return (_a = elem.attribs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[name];
  30954. }
  30955. exports2.getAttributeValue = getAttributeValue;
  30956. function hasAttrib(elem, name) {
  30957. return elem.attribs != null &&, name) && elem.attribs[name] != null;
  30958. }
  30959. exports2.hasAttrib = hasAttrib;
  30960. function getName(elem) {
  30961. return;
  30962. }
  30963. exports2.getName = getName;
  30964. function nextElementSibling(elem) {
  30965. var _a;
  30966. var next =;
  30967. while (next !== null && !(0, domhandler_1.isTag)(next))
  30968. _a = next, next =;
  30969. return next;
  30970. }
  30971. exports2.nextElementSibling = nextElementSibling;
  30972. function prevElementSibling(elem) {
  30973. var _a;
  30974. var prev = elem.prev;
  30975. while (prev !== null && !(0, domhandler_1.isTag)(prev))
  30976. _a = prev, prev = _a.prev;
  30977. return prev;
  30978. }
  30979. exports2.prevElementSibling = prevElementSibling;
  30980. }
  30981. });
  30982. // node_modules/domutils/lib/manipulation.js
  30983. var require_manipulation = __commonJS({
  30984. "node_modules/domutils/lib/manipulation.js"(exports2) {
  30985. "use strict";
  30986. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  30987. exports2.prepend = exports2.prependChild = exports2.append = exports2.appendChild = exports2.replaceElement = exports2.removeElement = void 0;
  30988. function removeElement(elem) {
  30989. if (elem.prev)
  30990. =;
  30991. if (
  30992. = elem.prev;
  30993. if (elem.parent) {
  30994. var childs = elem.parent.children;
  30995. var childsIndex = childs.lastIndexOf(elem);
  30996. if (childsIndex >= 0) {
  30997. childs.splice(childsIndex, 1);
  30998. }
  30999. }
  31000. = null;
  31001. elem.prev = null;
  31002. elem.parent = null;
  31003. }
  31004. exports2.removeElement = removeElement;
  31005. function replaceElement(elem, replacement) {
  31006. var prev = replacement.prev = elem.prev;
  31007. if (prev) {
  31008. = replacement;
  31009. }
  31010. var next = =;
  31011. if (next) {
  31012. next.prev = replacement;
  31013. }
  31014. var parent = replacement.parent = elem.parent;
  31015. if (parent) {
  31016. var childs = parent.children;
  31017. childs[childs.lastIndexOf(elem)] = replacement;
  31018. elem.parent = null;
  31019. }
  31020. }
  31021. exports2.replaceElement = replaceElement;
  31022. function appendChild(parent, child) {
  31023. removeElement(child);
  31024. = null;
  31025. child.parent = parent;
  31026. if (parent.children.push(child) > 1) {
  31027. var sibling = parent.children[parent.children.length - 2];
  31028. = child;
  31029. child.prev = sibling;
  31030. } else {
  31031. child.prev = null;
  31032. }
  31033. }
  31034. exports2.appendChild = appendChild;
  31035. function append(elem, next) {
  31036. removeElement(next);
  31037. var parent = elem.parent;
  31038. var currNext =;
  31039. = currNext;
  31040. next.prev = elem;
  31041. = next;
  31042. next.parent = parent;
  31043. if (currNext) {
  31044. currNext.prev = next;
  31045. if (parent) {
  31046. var childs = parent.children;
  31047. childs.splice(childs.lastIndexOf(currNext), 0, next);
  31048. }
  31049. } else if (parent) {
  31050. parent.children.push(next);
  31051. }
  31052. }
  31053. exports2.append = append;
  31054. function prependChild(parent, child) {
  31055. removeElement(child);
  31056. child.parent = parent;
  31057. child.prev = null;
  31058. if (parent.children.unshift(child) !== 1) {
  31059. var sibling = parent.children[1];
  31060. sibling.prev = child;
  31061. = sibling;
  31062. } else {
  31063. = null;
  31064. }
  31065. }
  31066. exports2.prependChild = prependChild;
  31067. function prepend(elem, prev) {
  31068. removeElement(prev);
  31069. var parent = elem.parent;
  31070. if (parent) {
  31071. var childs = parent.children;
  31072. childs.splice(childs.indexOf(elem), 0, prev);
  31073. }
  31074. if (elem.prev) {
  31075. = prev;
  31076. }
  31077. prev.parent = parent;
  31078. prev.prev = elem.prev;
  31079. = elem;
  31080. elem.prev = prev;
  31081. }
  31082. exports2.prepend = prepend;
  31083. }
  31084. });
  31085. // node_modules/domutils/lib/querying.js
  31086. var require_querying = __commonJS({
  31087. "node_modules/domutils/lib/querying.js"(exports2) {
  31088. "use strict";
  31089. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  31090. exports2.findAll = exports2.existsOne = exports2.findOne = exports2.findOneChild = exports2.find = exports2.filter = void 0;
  31091. var domhandler_1 = require_lib3();
  31092. function filter(test, node, recurse, limit) {
  31093. if (recurse === void 0) {
  31094. recurse = true;
  31095. }
  31096. if (limit === void 0) {
  31097. limit = Infinity;
  31098. }
  31099. return find(test, Array.isArray(node) ? node : [node], recurse, limit);
  31100. }
  31101. exports2.filter = filter;
  31102. function find(test, nodes, recurse, limit) {
  31103. var result = [];
  31104. var nodeStack = [nodes];
  31105. var indexStack = [0];
  31106. for (; ; ) {
  31107. if (indexStack[0] >= nodeStack[0].length) {
  31108. if (indexStack.length === 1) {
  31109. return result;
  31110. }
  31111. nodeStack.shift();
  31112. indexStack.shift();
  31113. continue;
  31114. }
  31115. var elem = nodeStack[0][indexStack[0]++];
  31116. if (test(elem)) {
  31117. result.push(elem);
  31118. if (--limit <= 0)
  31119. return result;
  31120. }
  31121. if (recurse && (0, domhandler_1.hasChildren)(elem) && elem.children.length > 0) {
  31122. indexStack.unshift(0);
  31123. nodeStack.unshift(elem.children);
  31124. }
  31125. }
  31126. }
  31127. exports2.find = find;
  31128. function findOneChild(test, nodes) {
  31129. return nodes.find(test);
  31130. }
  31131. exports2.findOneChild = findOneChild;
  31132. function findOne(test, nodes, recurse) {
  31133. if (recurse === void 0) {
  31134. recurse = true;
  31135. }
  31136. var elem = null;
  31137. for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length && !elem; i++) {
  31138. var node = nodes[i];
  31139. if (!(0, domhandler_1.isTag)(node)) {
  31140. continue;
  31141. } else if (test(node)) {
  31142. elem = node;
  31143. } else if (recurse && node.children.length > 0) {
  31144. elem = findOne(test, node.children, true);
  31145. }
  31146. }
  31147. return elem;
  31148. }
  31149. exports2.findOne = findOne;
  31150. function existsOne(test, nodes) {
  31151. return nodes.some(function(checked) {
  31152. return (0, domhandler_1.isTag)(checked) && (test(checked) || existsOne(test, checked.children));
  31153. });
  31154. }
  31155. exports2.existsOne = existsOne;
  31156. function findAll(test, nodes) {
  31157. var result = [];
  31158. var nodeStack = [nodes];
  31159. var indexStack = [0];
  31160. for (; ; ) {
  31161. if (indexStack[0] >= nodeStack[0].length) {
  31162. if (nodeStack.length === 1) {
  31163. return result;
  31164. }
  31165. nodeStack.shift();
  31166. indexStack.shift();
  31167. continue;
  31168. }
  31169. var elem = nodeStack[0][indexStack[0]++];
  31170. if (!(0, domhandler_1.isTag)(elem))
  31171. continue;
  31172. if (test(elem))
  31173. result.push(elem);
  31174. if (elem.children.length > 0) {
  31175. indexStack.unshift(0);
  31176. nodeStack.unshift(elem.children);
  31177. }
  31178. }
  31179. }
  31180. exports2.findAll = findAll;
  31181. }
  31182. });
  31183. // node_modules/domutils/lib/legacy.js
  31184. var require_legacy = __commonJS({
  31185. "node_modules/domutils/lib/legacy.js"(exports2) {
  31186. "use strict";
  31187. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  31188. exports2.getElementsByTagType = exports2.getElementsByTagName = exports2.getElementById = exports2.getElements = exports2.testElement = void 0;
  31189. var domhandler_1 = require_lib3();
  31190. var querying_js_1 = require_querying();
  31191. var Checks = {
  31192. tag_name: function(name) {
  31193. if (typeof name === "function") {
  31194. return function(elem) {
  31195. return (0, domhandler_1.isTag)(elem) && name(;
  31196. };
  31197. } else if (name === "*") {
  31198. return domhandler_1.isTag;
  31199. }
  31200. return function(elem) {
  31201. return (0, domhandler_1.isTag)(elem) && === name;
  31202. };
  31203. },
  31204. tag_type: function(type) {
  31205. if (typeof type === "function") {
  31206. return function(elem) {
  31207. return type(elem.type);
  31208. };
  31209. }
  31210. return function(elem) {
  31211. return elem.type === type;
  31212. };
  31213. },
  31214. tag_contains: function(data) {
  31215. if (typeof data === "function") {
  31216. return function(elem) {
  31217. return (0, domhandler_1.isText)(elem) && data(;
  31218. };
  31219. }
  31220. return function(elem) {
  31221. return (0, domhandler_1.isText)(elem) && === data;
  31222. };
  31223. }
  31224. };
  31225. function getAttribCheck(attrib, value) {
  31226. if (typeof value === "function") {
  31227. return function(elem) {
  31228. return (0, domhandler_1.isTag)(elem) && value(elem.attribs[attrib]);
  31229. };
  31230. }
  31231. return function(elem) {
  31232. return (0, domhandler_1.isTag)(elem) && elem.attribs[attrib] === value;
  31233. };
  31234. }
  31235. function combineFuncs(a, b) {
  31236. return function(elem) {
  31237. return a(elem) || b(elem);
  31238. };
  31239. }
  31240. function compileTest(options) {
  31241. var funcs = Object.keys(options).map(function(key) {
  31242. var value = options[key];
  31243. return, key) ? Checks[key](value) : getAttribCheck(key, value);
  31244. });
  31245. return funcs.length === 0 ? null : funcs.reduce(combineFuncs);
  31246. }
  31247. function testElement(options, node) {
  31248. var test = compileTest(options);
  31249. return test ? test(node) : true;
  31250. }
  31251. exports2.testElement = testElement;
  31252. function getElements(options, nodes, recurse, limit) {
  31253. if (limit === void 0) {
  31254. limit = Infinity;
  31255. }
  31256. var test = compileTest(options);
  31257. return test ? (0, querying_js_1.filter)(test, nodes, recurse, limit) : [];
  31258. }
  31259. exports2.getElements = getElements;
  31260. function getElementById(id, nodes, recurse) {
  31261. if (recurse === void 0) {
  31262. recurse = true;
  31263. }
  31264. if (!Array.isArray(nodes))
  31265. nodes = [nodes];
  31266. return (0, querying_js_1.findOne)(getAttribCheck("id", id), nodes, recurse);
  31267. }
  31268. exports2.getElementById = getElementById;
  31269. function getElementsByTagName(tagName, nodes, recurse, limit) {
  31270. if (recurse === void 0) {
  31271. recurse = true;
  31272. }
  31273. if (limit === void 0) {
  31274. limit = Infinity;
  31275. }
  31276. return (0, querying_js_1.filter)(Checks["tag_name"](tagName), nodes, recurse, limit);
  31277. }
  31278. exports2.getElementsByTagName = getElementsByTagName;
  31279. function getElementsByTagType(type, nodes, recurse, limit) {
  31280. if (recurse === void 0) {
  31281. recurse = true;
  31282. }
  31283. if (limit === void 0) {
  31284. limit = Infinity;
  31285. }
  31286. return (0, querying_js_1.filter)(Checks["tag_type"](type), nodes, recurse, limit);
  31287. }
  31288. exports2.getElementsByTagType = getElementsByTagType;
  31289. }
  31290. });
  31291. // node_modules/domutils/lib/helpers.js
  31292. var require_helpers = __commonJS({
  31293. "node_modules/domutils/lib/helpers.js"(exports2) {
  31294. "use strict";
  31295. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  31296. exports2.uniqueSort = exports2.compareDocumentPosition = exports2.DocumentPosition = exports2.removeSubsets = void 0;
  31297. var domhandler_1 = require_lib3();
  31298. function removeSubsets(nodes) {
  31299. var idx = nodes.length;
  31300. while (--idx >= 0) {
  31301. var node = nodes[idx];
  31302. if (idx > 0 && nodes.lastIndexOf(node, idx - 1) >= 0) {
  31303. nodes.splice(idx, 1);
  31304. continue;
  31305. }
  31306. for (var ancestor = node.parent; ancestor; ancestor = ancestor.parent) {
  31307. if (nodes.includes(ancestor)) {
  31308. nodes.splice(idx, 1);
  31309. break;
  31310. }
  31311. }
  31312. }
  31313. return nodes;
  31314. }
  31315. exports2.removeSubsets = removeSubsets;
  31316. var DocumentPosition;
  31317. (function(DocumentPosition2) {
  31318. DocumentPosition2[DocumentPosition2["DISCONNECTED"] = 1] = "DISCONNECTED";
  31319. DocumentPosition2[DocumentPosition2["PRECEDING"] = 2] = "PRECEDING";
  31320. DocumentPosition2[DocumentPosition2["FOLLOWING"] = 4] = "FOLLOWING";
  31321. DocumentPosition2[DocumentPosition2["CONTAINS"] = 8] = "CONTAINS";
  31322. DocumentPosition2[DocumentPosition2["CONTAINED_BY"] = 16] = "CONTAINED_BY";
  31323. })(DocumentPosition = exports2.DocumentPosition || (exports2.DocumentPosition = {}));
  31324. function compareDocumentPosition(nodeA, nodeB) {
  31325. var aParents = [];
  31326. var bParents = [];
  31327. if (nodeA === nodeB) {
  31328. return 0;
  31329. }
  31330. var current = (0, domhandler_1.hasChildren)(nodeA) ? nodeA : nodeA.parent;
  31331. while (current) {
  31332. aParents.unshift(current);
  31333. current = current.parent;
  31334. }
  31335. current = (0, domhandler_1.hasChildren)(nodeB) ? nodeB : nodeB.parent;
  31336. while (current) {
  31337. bParents.unshift(current);
  31338. current = current.parent;
  31339. }
  31340. var maxIdx = Math.min(aParents.length, bParents.length);
  31341. var idx = 0;
  31342. while (idx < maxIdx && aParents[idx] === bParents[idx]) {
  31343. idx++;
  31344. }
  31345. if (idx === 0) {
  31346. return DocumentPosition.DISCONNECTED;
  31347. }
  31348. var sharedParent = aParents[idx - 1];
  31349. var siblings = sharedParent.children;
  31350. var aSibling = aParents[idx];
  31351. var bSibling = bParents[idx];
  31352. if (siblings.indexOf(aSibling) > siblings.indexOf(bSibling)) {
  31353. if (sharedParent === nodeB) {
  31354. return DocumentPosition.FOLLOWING | DocumentPosition.CONTAINED_BY;
  31355. }
  31356. return DocumentPosition.FOLLOWING;
  31357. }
  31358. if (sharedParent === nodeA) {
  31359. return DocumentPosition.PRECEDING | DocumentPosition.CONTAINS;
  31360. }
  31361. return DocumentPosition.PRECEDING;
  31362. }
  31363. exports2.compareDocumentPosition = compareDocumentPosition;
  31364. function uniqueSort(nodes) {
  31365. nodes = nodes.filter(function(node, i, arr) {
  31366. return !arr.includes(node, i + 1);
  31367. });
  31368. nodes.sort(function(a, b) {
  31369. var relative = compareDocumentPosition(a, b);
  31370. if (relative & DocumentPosition.PRECEDING) {
  31371. return -1;
  31372. } else if (relative & DocumentPosition.FOLLOWING) {
  31373. return 1;
  31374. }
  31375. return 0;
  31376. });
  31377. return nodes;
  31378. }
  31379. exports2.uniqueSort = uniqueSort;
  31380. }
  31381. });
  31382. // node_modules/domutils/lib/feeds.js
  31383. var require_feeds = __commonJS({
  31384. "node_modules/domutils/lib/feeds.js"(exports2) {
  31385. "use strict";
  31386. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  31387. exports2.getFeed = void 0;
  31388. var stringify_js_1 = require_stringify3();
  31389. var legacy_js_1 = require_legacy();
  31390. function getFeed(doc) {
  31391. var feedRoot = getOneElement(isValidFeed, doc);
  31392. return !feedRoot ? null : === "feed" ? getAtomFeed(feedRoot) : getRssFeed(feedRoot);
  31393. }
  31394. exports2.getFeed = getFeed;
  31395. function getAtomFeed(feedRoot) {
  31396. var _a;
  31397. var childs = feedRoot.children;
  31398. var feed = {
  31399. type: "atom",
  31400. items: (0, legacy_js_1.getElementsByTagName)("entry", childs).map(function(item) {
  31401. var _a2;
  31402. var children = item.children;
  31403. var entry = { media: getMediaElements(children) };
  31404. addConditionally(entry, "id", "id", children);
  31405. addConditionally(entry, "title", "title", children);
  31406. var href2 = (_a2 = getOneElement("link", children)) === null || _a2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a2.attribs["href"];
  31407. if (href2) {
  31408. = href2;
  31409. }
  31410. var description = fetch("summary", children) || fetch("content", children);
  31411. if (description) {
  31412. entry.description = description;
  31413. }
  31414. var pubDate = fetch("updated", children);
  31415. if (pubDate) {
  31416. entry.pubDate = new Date(pubDate);
  31417. }
  31418. return entry;
  31419. })
  31420. };
  31421. addConditionally(feed, "id", "id", childs);
  31422. addConditionally(feed, "title", "title", childs);
  31423. var href = (_a = getOneElement("link", childs)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.attribs["href"];
  31424. if (href) {
  31425. = href;
  31426. }
  31427. addConditionally(feed, "description", "subtitle", childs);
  31428. var updated = fetch("updated", childs);
  31429. if (updated) {
  31430. feed.updated = new Date(updated);
  31431. }
  31432. addConditionally(feed, "author", "email", childs, true);
  31433. return feed;
  31434. }
  31435. function getRssFeed(feedRoot) {
  31436. var _a, _b;
  31437. var childs = (_b = (_a = getOneElement("channel", feedRoot.children)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.children) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
  31438. var feed = {
  31439. type:, 3),
  31440. id: "",
  31441. items: (0, legacy_js_1.getElementsByTagName)("item", feedRoot.children).map(function(item) {
  31442. var children = item.children;
  31443. var entry = { media: getMediaElements(children) };
  31444. addConditionally(entry, "id", "guid", children);
  31445. addConditionally(entry, "title", "title", children);
  31446. addConditionally(entry, "link", "link", children);
  31447. addConditionally(entry, "description", "description", children);
  31448. var pubDate = fetch("pubDate", children) || fetch("dc:date", children);
  31449. if (pubDate)
  31450. entry.pubDate = new Date(pubDate);
  31451. return entry;
  31452. })
  31453. };
  31454. addConditionally(feed, "title", "title", childs);
  31455. addConditionally(feed, "link", "link", childs);
  31456. addConditionally(feed, "description", "description", childs);
  31457. var updated = fetch("lastBuildDate", childs);
  31458. if (updated) {
  31459. feed.updated = new Date(updated);
  31460. }
  31461. addConditionally(feed, "author", "managingEditor", childs, true);
  31462. return feed;
  31463. }
  31464. var MEDIA_KEYS_STRING = ["url", "type", "lang"];
  31465. var MEDIA_KEYS_INT = [
  31466. "fileSize",
  31467. "bitrate",
  31468. "framerate",
  31469. "samplingrate",
  31470. "channels",
  31471. "duration",
  31472. "height",
  31473. "width"
  31474. ];
  31475. function getMediaElements(where) {
  31476. return (0, legacy_js_1.getElementsByTagName)("media:content", where).map(function(elem) {
  31477. var attribs = elem.attribs;
  31478. var media = {
  31479. medium: attribs["medium"],
  31480. isDefault: !!attribs["isDefault"]
  31481. };
  31482. for (var _i = 0, MEDIA_KEYS_STRING_1 = MEDIA_KEYS_STRING; _i < MEDIA_KEYS_STRING_1.length; _i++) {
  31483. var attrib = MEDIA_KEYS_STRING_1[_i];
  31484. if (attribs[attrib]) {
  31485. media[attrib] = attribs[attrib];
  31486. }
  31487. }
  31488. for (var _a = 0, MEDIA_KEYS_INT_1 = MEDIA_KEYS_INT; _a < MEDIA_KEYS_INT_1.length; _a++) {
  31489. var attrib = MEDIA_KEYS_INT_1[_a];
  31490. if (attribs[attrib]) {
  31491. media[attrib] = parseInt(attribs[attrib], 10);
  31492. }
  31493. }
  31494. if (attribs["expression"]) {
  31495. media.expression = attribs["expression"];
  31496. }
  31497. return media;
  31498. });
  31499. }
  31500. function getOneElement(tagName, node) {
  31501. return (0, legacy_js_1.getElementsByTagName)(tagName, node, true, 1)[0];
  31502. }
  31503. function fetch(tagName, where, recurse) {
  31504. if (recurse === void 0) {
  31505. recurse = false;
  31506. }
  31507. return (0, stringify_js_1.textContent)((0, legacy_js_1.getElementsByTagName)(tagName, where, recurse, 1)).trim();
  31508. }
  31509. function addConditionally(obj, prop, tagName, where, recurse) {
  31510. if (recurse === void 0) {
  31511. recurse = false;
  31512. }
  31513. var val = fetch(tagName, where, recurse);
  31514. if (val)
  31515. obj[prop] = val;
  31516. }
  31517. function isValidFeed(value) {
  31518. return value === "rss" || value === "feed" || value === "rdf:RDF";
  31519. }
  31520. }
  31521. });
  31522. // node_modules/domutils/lib/index.js
  31523. var require_lib6 = __commonJS({
  31524. "node_modules/domutils/lib/index.js"(exports2) {
  31525. "use strict";
  31526. var __createBinding = exports2 && exports2.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
  31527. if (k2 === void 0)
  31528. k2 = k;
  31529. var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
  31530. if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
  31531. desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  31532. return m[k];
  31533. } };
  31534. }
  31535. Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
  31536. } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
  31537. if (k2 === void 0)
  31538. k2 = k;
  31539. o[k2] = m[k];
  31540. });
  31541. var __exportStar = exports2 && exports2.__exportStar || function(m, exports3) {
  31542. for (var p in m)
  31543. if (p !== "default" && !, p))
  31544. __createBinding(exports3, m, p);
  31545. };
  31546. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  31547. exports2.hasChildren = exports2.isDocument = exports2.isComment = exports2.isText = exports2.isCDATA = exports2.isTag = void 0;
  31548. __exportStar(require_stringify3(), exports2);
  31549. __exportStar(require_traversal(), exports2);
  31550. __exportStar(require_manipulation(), exports2);
  31551. __exportStar(require_querying(), exports2);
  31552. __exportStar(require_legacy(), exports2);
  31553. __exportStar(require_helpers(), exports2);
  31554. __exportStar(require_feeds(), exports2);
  31555. var domhandler_1 = require_lib3();
  31556. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "isTag", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  31557. return domhandler_1.isTag;
  31558. } });
  31559. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "isCDATA", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  31560. return domhandler_1.isCDATA;
  31561. } });
  31562. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "isText", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  31563. return domhandler_1.isText;
  31564. } });
  31565. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "isComment", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  31566. return domhandler_1.isComment;
  31567. } });
  31568. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "isDocument", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  31569. return domhandler_1.isDocument;
  31570. } });
  31571. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "hasChildren", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  31572. return domhandler_1.hasChildren;
  31573. } });
  31574. }
  31575. });
  31576. // node_modules/boolbase/index.js
  31577. var require_boolbase = __commonJS({
  31578. "node_modules/boolbase/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  31579. module2.exports = {
  31580. trueFunc: function trueFunc() {
  31581. return true;
  31582. },
  31583. falseFunc: function falseFunc() {
  31584. return false;
  31585. }
  31586. };
  31587. }
  31588. });
  31589. // node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/types.js
  31590. var require_types = __commonJS({
  31591. "node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/types.js"(exports2) {
  31592. "use strict";
  31593. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  31594. exports2.AttributeAction = exports2.IgnoreCaseMode = exports2.SelectorType = void 0;
  31595. var SelectorType;
  31596. (function(SelectorType2) {
  31597. SelectorType2["Attribute"] = "attribute";
  31598. SelectorType2["Pseudo"] = "pseudo";
  31599. SelectorType2["PseudoElement"] = "pseudo-element";
  31600. SelectorType2["Tag"] = "tag";
  31601. SelectorType2["Universal"] = "universal";
  31602. SelectorType2["Adjacent"] = "adjacent";
  31603. SelectorType2["Child"] = "child";
  31604. SelectorType2["Descendant"] = "descendant";
  31605. SelectorType2["Parent"] = "parent";
  31606. SelectorType2["Sibling"] = "sibling";
  31607. SelectorType2["ColumnCombinator"] = "column-combinator";
  31608. })(SelectorType = exports2.SelectorType || (exports2.SelectorType = {}));
  31609. exports2.IgnoreCaseMode = {
  31610. Unknown: null,
  31611. QuirksMode: "quirks",
  31612. IgnoreCase: true,
  31613. CaseSensitive: false
  31614. };
  31615. var AttributeAction;
  31616. (function(AttributeAction2) {
  31617. AttributeAction2["Any"] = "any";
  31618. AttributeAction2["Element"] = "element";
  31619. AttributeAction2["End"] = "end";
  31620. AttributeAction2["Equals"] = "equals";
  31621. AttributeAction2["Exists"] = "exists";
  31622. AttributeAction2["Hyphen"] = "hyphen";
  31623. AttributeAction2["Not"] = "not";
  31624. AttributeAction2["Start"] = "start";
  31625. })(AttributeAction = exports2.AttributeAction || (exports2.AttributeAction = {}));
  31626. }
  31627. });
  31628. // node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/parse.js
  31629. var require_parse4 = __commonJS({
  31630. "node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/parse.js"(exports2) {
  31631. "use strict";
  31632. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  31633. exports2.parse = exports2.isTraversal = void 0;
  31634. var types_1 = require_types();
  31635. var reName = /^[^\\#]?(?:\\(?:[\da-f]{1,6}\s?|.)|[\w\-\u00b0-\uFFFF])+/;
  31636. var reEscape = /\\([\da-f]{1,6}\s?|(\s)|.)/gi;
  31637. var actionTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  31638. [126, types_1.AttributeAction.Element],
  31639. [94, types_1.AttributeAction.Start],
  31640. [36, types_1.AttributeAction.End],
  31641. [42, types_1.AttributeAction.Any],
  31642. [33, types_1.AttributeAction.Not],
  31643. [124, types_1.AttributeAction.Hyphen]
  31644. ]);
  31645. var unpackPseudos = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  31646. "has",
  31647. "not",
  31648. "matches",
  31649. "is",
  31650. "where",
  31651. "host",
  31652. "host-context"
  31653. ]);
  31654. function isTraversal(selector) {
  31655. switch (selector.type) {
  31656. case types_1.SelectorType.Adjacent:
  31657. case types_1.SelectorType.Child:
  31658. case types_1.SelectorType.Descendant:
  31659. case types_1.SelectorType.Parent:
  31660. case types_1.SelectorType.Sibling:
  31661. case types_1.SelectorType.ColumnCombinator:
  31662. return true;
  31663. default:
  31664. return false;
  31665. }
  31666. }
  31667. exports2.isTraversal = isTraversal;
  31668. var stripQuotesFromPseudos = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["contains", "icontains"]);
  31669. function funescape(_, escaped, escapedWhitespace) {
  31670. var high = parseInt(escaped, 16) - 65536;
  31671. return high !== high || escapedWhitespace ? escaped : high < 0 ? (
  31672. // BMP codepoint
  31673. String.fromCharCode(high + 65536)
  31674. ) : (
  31675. // Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
  31676. String.fromCharCode(high >> 10 | 55296, high & 1023 | 56320)
  31677. );
  31678. }
  31679. function unescapeCSS(str) {
  31680. return str.replace(reEscape, funescape);
  31681. }
  31682. function isQuote(c) {
  31683. return c === 39 || c === 34;
  31684. }
  31685. function isWhitespace(c) {
  31686. return c === 32 || c === 9 || c === 10 || c === 12 || c === 13;
  31687. }
  31688. function parse(selector) {
  31689. var subselects = [];
  31690. var endIndex = parseSelector(subselects, "".concat(selector), 0);
  31691. if (endIndex < selector.length) {
  31692. throw new Error("Unmatched selector: ".concat(selector.slice(endIndex)));
  31693. }
  31694. return subselects;
  31695. }
  31696. exports2.parse = parse;
  31697. function parseSelector(subselects, selector, selectorIndex) {
  31698. var tokens = [];
  31699. function getName(offset) {
  31700. var match = selector.slice(selectorIndex + offset).match(reName);
  31701. if (!match) {
  31702. throw new Error("Expected name, found ".concat(selector.slice(selectorIndex)));
  31703. }
  31704. var name = match[0];
  31705. selectorIndex += offset + name.length;
  31706. return unescapeCSS(name);
  31707. }
  31708. function stripWhitespace(offset) {
  31709. selectorIndex += offset;
  31710. while (selectorIndex < selector.length && isWhitespace(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex))) {
  31711. selectorIndex++;
  31712. }
  31713. }
  31714. function readValueWithParenthesis() {
  31715. selectorIndex += 1;
  31716. var start = selectorIndex;
  31717. var counter = 1;
  31718. for (; counter > 0 && selectorIndex < selector.length; selectorIndex++) {
  31719. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 40 && !isEscaped(selectorIndex)) {
  31720. counter++;
  31721. } else if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 41 && !isEscaped(selectorIndex)) {
  31722. counter--;
  31723. }
  31724. }
  31725. if (counter) {
  31726. throw new Error("Parenthesis not matched");
  31727. }
  31728. return unescapeCSS(selector.slice(start, selectorIndex - 1));
  31729. }
  31730. function isEscaped(pos) {
  31731. var slashCount = 0;
  31732. while (selector.charCodeAt(--pos) === 92)
  31733. slashCount++;
  31734. return (slashCount & 1) === 1;
  31735. }
  31736. function ensureNotTraversal() {
  31737. if (tokens.length > 0 && isTraversal(tokens[tokens.length - 1])) {
  31738. throw new Error("Did not expect successive traversals.");
  31739. }
  31740. }
  31741. function addTraversal(type) {
  31742. if (tokens.length > 0 && tokens[tokens.length - 1].type === types_1.SelectorType.Descendant) {
  31743. tokens[tokens.length - 1].type = type;
  31744. return;
  31745. }
  31746. ensureNotTraversal();
  31747. tokens.push({ type });
  31748. }
  31749. function addSpecialAttribute(name, action2) {
  31750. tokens.push({
  31751. type: types_1.SelectorType.Attribute,
  31752. name,
  31753. action: action2,
  31754. value: getName(1),
  31755. namespace: null,
  31756. ignoreCase: "quirks"
  31757. });
  31758. }
  31759. function finalizeSubselector() {
  31760. if (tokens.length && tokens[tokens.length - 1].type === types_1.SelectorType.Descendant) {
  31761. tokens.pop();
  31762. }
  31763. if (tokens.length === 0) {
  31764. throw new Error("Empty sub-selector");
  31765. }
  31766. subselects.push(tokens);
  31767. }
  31768. stripWhitespace(0);
  31769. if (selector.length === selectorIndex) {
  31770. return selectorIndex;
  31771. }
  31772. loop:
  31773. while (selectorIndex < selector.length) {
  31774. var firstChar = selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex);
  31775. switch (firstChar) {
  31776. case 32:
  31777. case 9:
  31778. case 10:
  31779. case 12:
  31780. case 13: {
  31781. if (tokens.length === 0 || tokens[0].type !== types_1.SelectorType.Descendant) {
  31782. ensureNotTraversal();
  31783. tokens.push({ type: types_1.SelectorType.Descendant });
  31784. }
  31785. stripWhitespace(1);
  31786. break;
  31787. }
  31788. case 62: {
  31789. addTraversal(types_1.SelectorType.Child);
  31790. stripWhitespace(1);
  31791. break;
  31792. }
  31793. case 60: {
  31794. addTraversal(types_1.SelectorType.Parent);
  31795. stripWhitespace(1);
  31796. break;
  31797. }
  31798. case 126: {
  31799. addTraversal(types_1.SelectorType.Sibling);
  31800. stripWhitespace(1);
  31801. break;
  31802. }
  31803. case 43: {
  31804. addTraversal(types_1.SelectorType.Adjacent);
  31805. stripWhitespace(1);
  31806. break;
  31807. }
  31808. case 46: {
  31809. addSpecialAttribute("class", types_1.AttributeAction.Element);
  31810. break;
  31811. }
  31812. case 35: {
  31813. addSpecialAttribute("id", types_1.AttributeAction.Equals);
  31814. break;
  31815. }
  31816. case 91: {
  31817. stripWhitespace(1);
  31818. var name_1 = void 0;
  31819. var namespace = null;
  31820. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 124) {
  31821. name_1 = getName(1);
  31822. } else if (selector.startsWith("*|", selectorIndex)) {
  31823. namespace = "*";
  31824. name_1 = getName(2);
  31825. } else {
  31826. name_1 = getName(0);
  31827. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 124 && selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) !== 61) {
  31828. namespace = name_1;
  31829. name_1 = getName(1);
  31830. }
  31831. }
  31832. stripWhitespace(0);
  31833. var action = types_1.AttributeAction.Exists;
  31834. var possibleAction = actionTypes.get(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex));
  31835. if (possibleAction) {
  31836. action = possibleAction;
  31837. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) !== 61) {
  31838. throw new Error("Expected `=`");
  31839. }
  31840. stripWhitespace(2);
  31841. } else if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 61) {
  31842. action = types_1.AttributeAction.Equals;
  31843. stripWhitespace(1);
  31844. }
  31845. var value = "";
  31846. var ignoreCase = null;
  31847. if (action !== "exists") {
  31848. if (isQuote(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex))) {
  31849. var quote = selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex);
  31850. var sectionEnd = selectorIndex + 1;
  31851. while (sectionEnd < selector.length && (selector.charCodeAt(sectionEnd) !== quote || isEscaped(sectionEnd))) {
  31852. sectionEnd += 1;
  31853. }
  31854. if (selector.charCodeAt(sectionEnd) !== quote) {
  31855. throw new Error("Attribute value didn't end");
  31856. }
  31857. value = unescapeCSS(selector.slice(selectorIndex + 1, sectionEnd));
  31858. selectorIndex = sectionEnd + 1;
  31859. } else {
  31860. var valueStart = selectorIndex;
  31861. while (selectorIndex < selector.length && (!isWhitespace(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex)) && selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) !== 93 || isEscaped(selectorIndex))) {
  31862. selectorIndex += 1;
  31863. }
  31864. value = unescapeCSS(selector.slice(valueStart, selectorIndex));
  31865. }
  31866. stripWhitespace(0);
  31867. var forceIgnore = selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) | 32;
  31868. if (forceIgnore === 115) {
  31869. ignoreCase = false;
  31870. stripWhitespace(1);
  31871. } else if (forceIgnore === 105) {
  31872. ignoreCase = true;
  31873. stripWhitespace(1);
  31874. }
  31875. }
  31876. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) !== 93) {
  31877. throw new Error("Attribute selector didn't terminate");
  31878. }
  31879. selectorIndex += 1;
  31880. var attributeSelector = {
  31881. type: types_1.SelectorType.Attribute,
  31882. name: name_1,
  31883. action,
  31884. value,
  31885. namespace,
  31886. ignoreCase
  31887. };
  31888. tokens.push(attributeSelector);
  31889. break;
  31890. }
  31891. case 58: {
  31892. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) === 58) {
  31893. tokens.push({
  31894. type: types_1.SelectorType.PseudoElement,
  31895. name: getName(2).toLowerCase(),
  31896. data: selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 40 ? readValueWithParenthesis() : null
  31897. });
  31898. continue;
  31899. }
  31900. var name_2 = getName(1).toLowerCase();
  31901. var data = null;
  31902. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 40) {
  31903. if (unpackPseudos.has(name_2)) {
  31904. if (isQuote(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1))) {
  31905. throw new Error("Pseudo-selector ".concat(name_2, " cannot be quoted"));
  31906. }
  31907. data = [];
  31908. selectorIndex = parseSelector(data, selector, selectorIndex + 1);
  31909. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) !== 41) {
  31910. throw new Error("Missing closing parenthesis in :".concat(name_2, " (").concat(selector, ")"));
  31911. }
  31912. selectorIndex += 1;
  31913. } else {
  31914. data = readValueWithParenthesis();
  31915. if (stripQuotesFromPseudos.has(name_2)) {
  31916. var quot = data.charCodeAt(0);
  31917. if (quot === data.charCodeAt(data.length - 1) && isQuote(quot)) {
  31918. data = data.slice(1, -1);
  31919. }
  31920. }
  31921. data = unescapeCSS(data);
  31922. }
  31923. }
  31924. tokens.push({ type: types_1.SelectorType.Pseudo, name: name_2, data });
  31925. break;
  31926. }
  31927. case 44: {
  31928. finalizeSubselector();
  31929. tokens = [];
  31930. stripWhitespace(1);
  31931. break;
  31932. }
  31933. default: {
  31934. if (selector.startsWith("/*", selectorIndex)) {
  31935. var endIndex = selector.indexOf("*/", selectorIndex + 2);
  31936. if (endIndex < 0) {
  31937. throw new Error("Comment was not terminated");
  31938. }
  31939. selectorIndex = endIndex + 2;
  31940. if (tokens.length === 0) {
  31941. stripWhitespace(0);
  31942. }
  31943. break;
  31944. }
  31945. var namespace = null;
  31946. var name_3 = void 0;
  31947. if (firstChar === 42) {
  31948. selectorIndex += 1;
  31949. name_3 = "*";
  31950. } else if (firstChar === 124) {
  31951. name_3 = "";
  31952. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) === 124) {
  31953. addTraversal(types_1.SelectorType.ColumnCombinator);
  31954. stripWhitespace(2);
  31955. break;
  31956. }
  31957. } else if (reName.test(selector.slice(selectorIndex))) {
  31958. name_3 = getName(0);
  31959. } else {
  31960. break loop;
  31961. }
  31962. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 124 && selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) !== 124) {
  31963. namespace = name_3;
  31964. if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) === 42) {
  31965. name_3 = "*";
  31966. selectorIndex += 2;
  31967. } else {
  31968. name_3 = getName(1);
  31969. }
  31970. }
  31971. tokens.push(name_3 === "*" ? { type: types_1.SelectorType.Universal, namespace } : { type: types_1.SelectorType.Tag, name: name_3, namespace });
  31972. }
  31973. }
  31974. }
  31975. finalizeSubselector();
  31976. return selectorIndex;
  31977. }
  31978. }
  31979. });
  31980. // node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/stringify.js
  31981. var require_stringify4 = __commonJS({
  31982. "node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/stringify.js"(exports2) {
  31983. "use strict";
  31984. var __spreadArray = exports2 && exports2.__spreadArray || function(to, from, pack) {
  31985. if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
  31986. for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
  31987. if (ar || !(i in from)) {
  31988. if (!ar)
  31989. ar =, 0, i);
  31990. ar[i] = from[i];
  31991. }
  31992. }
  31993. return to.concat(ar ||;
  31994. };
  31995. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  31996. exports2.stringify = void 0;
  31997. var types_1 = require_types();
  31998. var attribValChars = ["\\", '"'];
  31999. var pseudoValChars = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], attribValChars, true), ["(", ")"], false);
  32000. var charsToEscapeInAttributeValue = new Set( {
  32001. return c.charCodeAt(0);
  32002. }));
  32003. var charsToEscapeInPseudoValue = new Set( {
  32004. return c.charCodeAt(0);
  32005. }));
  32006. var charsToEscapeInName = new Set(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], pseudoValChars, true), [
  32007. "~",
  32008. "^",
  32009. "$",
  32010. "*",
  32011. "+",
  32012. "!",
  32013. "|",
  32014. ":",
  32015. "[",
  32016. "]",
  32017. " ",
  32018. "."
  32019. ], false).map(function(c) {
  32020. return c.charCodeAt(0);
  32021. }));
  32022. function stringify(selector) {
  32023. return {
  32024. return"");
  32025. }).join(", ");
  32026. }
  32027. exports2.stringify = stringify;
  32028. function stringifyToken(token, index, arr) {
  32029. switch (token.type) {
  32030. case types_1.SelectorType.Child:
  32031. return index === 0 ? "> " : " > ";
  32032. case types_1.SelectorType.Parent:
  32033. return index === 0 ? "< " : " < ";
  32034. case types_1.SelectorType.Sibling:
  32035. return index === 0 ? "~ " : " ~ ";
  32036. case types_1.SelectorType.Adjacent:
  32037. return index === 0 ? "+ " : " + ";
  32038. case types_1.SelectorType.Descendant:
  32039. return " ";
  32040. case types_1.SelectorType.ColumnCombinator:
  32041. return index === 0 ? "|| " : " || ";
  32042. case types_1.SelectorType.Universal:
  32043. return token.namespace === "*" && index + 1 < arr.length && "name" in arr[index + 1] ? "" : "".concat(getNamespace(token.namespace), "*");
  32044. case types_1.SelectorType.Tag:
  32045. return getNamespacedName(token);
  32046. case types_1.SelectorType.PseudoElement:
  32047. return "::".concat(escapeName(, charsToEscapeInName)).concat( === null ? "" : "(".concat(escapeName(, charsToEscapeInPseudoValue), ")"));
  32048. case types_1.SelectorType.Pseudo:
  32049. return ":".concat(escapeName(, charsToEscapeInName)).concat( === null ? "" : "(".concat(typeof === "string" ? escapeName(, charsToEscapeInPseudoValue) : stringify(, ")"));
  32050. case types_1.SelectorType.Attribute: {
  32051. if ( === "id" && token.action === types_1.AttributeAction.Equals && token.ignoreCase === "quirks" && !token.namespace) {
  32052. return "#".concat(escapeName(token.value, charsToEscapeInName));
  32053. }
  32054. if ( === "class" && token.action === types_1.AttributeAction.Element && token.ignoreCase === "quirks" && !token.namespace) {
  32055. return ".".concat(escapeName(token.value, charsToEscapeInName));
  32056. }
  32057. var name_1 = getNamespacedName(token);
  32058. if (token.action === types_1.AttributeAction.Exists) {
  32059. return "[".concat(name_1, "]");
  32060. }
  32061. return "[".concat(name_1).concat(getActionValue(token.action), '="').concat(escapeName(token.value, charsToEscapeInAttributeValue), '"').concat(token.ignoreCase === null ? "" : token.ignoreCase ? " i" : " s", "]");
  32062. }
  32063. }
  32064. }
  32065. function getActionValue(action) {
  32066. switch (action) {
  32067. case types_1.AttributeAction.Equals:
  32068. return "";
  32069. case types_1.AttributeAction.Element:
  32070. return "~";
  32071. case types_1.AttributeAction.Start:
  32072. return "^";
  32073. case types_1.AttributeAction.End:
  32074. return "$";
  32075. case types_1.AttributeAction.Any:
  32076. return "*";
  32077. case types_1.AttributeAction.Not:
  32078. return "!";
  32079. case types_1.AttributeAction.Hyphen:
  32080. return "|";
  32081. case types_1.AttributeAction.Exists:
  32082. throw new Error("Shouldn't be here");
  32083. }
  32084. }
  32085. function getNamespacedName(token) {
  32086. return "".concat(getNamespace(token.namespace)).concat(escapeName(, charsToEscapeInName));
  32087. }
  32088. function getNamespace(namespace) {
  32089. return namespace !== null ? "".concat(namespace === "*" ? "*" : escapeName(namespace, charsToEscapeInName), "|") : "";
  32090. }
  32091. function escapeName(str, charsToEscape) {
  32092. var lastIdx = 0;
  32093. var ret = "";
  32094. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  32095. if (charsToEscape.has(str.charCodeAt(i))) {
  32096. ret += "".concat(str.slice(lastIdx, i), "\\").concat(str.charAt(i));
  32097. lastIdx = i + 1;
  32098. }
  32099. }
  32100. return ret.length > 0 ? ret + str.slice(lastIdx) : str;
  32101. }
  32102. }
  32103. });
  32104. // node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/index.js
  32105. var require_commonjs = __commonJS({
  32106. "node_modules/css-what/lib/commonjs/index.js"(exports2) {
  32107. "use strict";
  32108. var __createBinding = exports2 && exports2.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
  32109. if (k2 === void 0)
  32110. k2 = k;
  32111. var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
  32112. if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
  32113. desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32114. return m[k];
  32115. } };
  32116. }
  32117. Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
  32118. } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
  32119. if (k2 === void 0)
  32120. k2 = k;
  32121. o[k2] = m[k];
  32122. });
  32123. var __exportStar = exports2 && exports2.__exportStar || function(m, exports3) {
  32124. for (var p in m)
  32125. if (p !== "default" && !, p))
  32126. __createBinding(exports3, m, p);
  32127. };
  32128. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32129. exports2.stringify = exports2.parse = exports2.isTraversal = void 0;
  32130. __exportStar(require_types(), exports2);
  32131. var parse_1 = require_parse4();
  32132. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "isTraversal", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32133. return parse_1.isTraversal;
  32134. } });
  32135. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "parse", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32136. return parse_1.parse;
  32137. } });
  32138. var stringify_1 = require_stringify4();
  32139. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "stringify", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32140. return stringify_1.stringify;
  32141. } });
  32142. }
  32143. });
  32144. // node_modules/css-select/lib/sort.js
  32145. var require_sort = __commonJS({
  32146. "node_modules/css-select/lib/sort.js"(exports2) {
  32147. "use strict";
  32148. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32149. exports2.isTraversal = void 0;
  32150. var css_what_1 = require_commonjs();
  32151. var procedure = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  32152. [css_what_1.SelectorType.Universal, 50],
  32153. [css_what_1.SelectorType.Tag, 30],
  32154. [css_what_1.SelectorType.Attribute, 1],
  32155. [css_what_1.SelectorType.Pseudo, 0]
  32156. ]);
  32157. function isTraversal(token) {
  32158. return !procedure.has(token.type);
  32159. }
  32160. exports2.isTraversal = isTraversal;
  32161. var attributes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  32162. [css_what_1.AttributeAction.Exists, 10],
  32163. [css_what_1.AttributeAction.Equals, 8],
  32164. [css_what_1.AttributeAction.Not, 7],
  32165. [css_what_1.AttributeAction.Start, 6],
  32166. [css_what_1.AttributeAction.End, 6],
  32167. [css_what_1.AttributeAction.Any, 5]
  32168. ]);
  32169. function sortByProcedure(arr) {
  32170. var procs =;
  32171. for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
  32172. var procNew = procs[i];
  32173. if (procNew < 0)
  32174. continue;
  32175. for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0 && procNew < procs[j]; j--) {
  32176. var token = arr[j + 1];
  32177. arr[j + 1] = arr[j];
  32178. arr[j] = token;
  32179. procs[j + 1] = procs[j];
  32180. procs[j] = procNew;
  32181. }
  32182. }
  32183. }
  32184. exports2.default = sortByProcedure;
  32185. function getProcedure(token) {
  32186. var _a, _b;
  32187. var proc = (_a = procedure.get(token.type)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : -1;
  32188. if (token.type === css_what_1.SelectorType.Attribute) {
  32189. proc = (_b = attributes.get(token.action)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 4;
  32190. if (token.action === css_what_1.AttributeAction.Equals && === "id") {
  32191. proc = 9;
  32192. }
  32193. if (token.ignoreCase) {
  32194. proc >>= 1;
  32195. }
  32196. } else if (token.type === css_what_1.SelectorType.Pseudo) {
  32197. if (! {
  32198. proc = 3;
  32199. } else if ( === "has" || === "contains") {
  32200. proc = 0;
  32201. } else if (Array.isArray( {
  32202. proc = Math.min.apply(Math, {
  32203. return Math.min.apply(Math,;
  32204. }));
  32205. if (proc < 0) {
  32206. proc = 0;
  32207. }
  32208. } else {
  32209. proc = 2;
  32210. }
  32211. }
  32212. return proc;
  32213. }
  32214. }
  32215. });
  32216. // node_modules/css-select/lib/attributes.js
  32217. var require_attributes = __commonJS({
  32218. "node_modules/css-select/lib/attributes.js"(exports2) {
  32219. "use strict";
  32220. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  32221. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  32222. };
  32223. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32224. exports2.attributeRules = void 0;
  32225. var boolbase_1 = __importDefault(require_boolbase());
  32226. var reChars = /[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g;
  32227. function escapeRegex(value) {
  32228. return value.replace(reChars, "\\$&");
  32229. }
  32230. var caseInsensitiveAttributes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  32231. "accept",
  32232. "accept-charset",
  32233. "align",
  32234. "alink",
  32235. "axis",
  32236. "bgcolor",
  32237. "charset",
  32238. "checked",
  32239. "clear",
  32240. "codetype",
  32241. "color",
  32242. "compact",
  32243. "declare",
  32244. "defer",
  32245. "dir",
  32246. "direction",
  32247. "disabled",
  32248. "enctype",
  32249. "face",
  32250. "frame",
  32251. "hreflang",
  32252. "http-equiv",
  32253. "lang",
  32254. "language",
  32255. "link",
  32256. "media",
  32257. "method",
  32258. "multiple",
  32259. "nohref",
  32260. "noresize",
  32261. "noshade",
  32262. "nowrap",
  32263. "readonly",
  32264. "rel",
  32265. "rev",
  32266. "rules",
  32267. "scope",
  32268. "scrolling",
  32269. "selected",
  32270. "shape",
  32271. "target",
  32272. "text",
  32273. "type",
  32274. "valign",
  32275. "valuetype",
  32276. "vlink"
  32277. ]);
  32278. function shouldIgnoreCase(selector, options) {
  32279. return typeof selector.ignoreCase === "boolean" ? selector.ignoreCase : selector.ignoreCase === "quirks" ? !!options.quirksMode : !options.xmlMode && caseInsensitiveAttributes.has(;
  32280. }
  32281. exports2.attributeRules = {
  32282. equals: function(next, data, options) {
  32283. var adapter = options.adapter;
  32284. var name =;
  32285. var value = data.value;
  32286. if (shouldIgnoreCase(data, options)) {
  32287. value = value.toLowerCase();
  32288. return function(elem) {
  32289. var attr = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name);
  32290. return attr != null && attr.length === value.length && attr.toLowerCase() === value && next(elem);
  32291. };
  32292. }
  32293. return function(elem) {
  32294. return adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name) === value && next(elem);
  32295. };
  32296. },
  32297. hyphen: function(next, data, options) {
  32298. var adapter = options.adapter;
  32299. var name =;
  32300. var value = data.value;
  32301. var len = value.length;
  32302. if (shouldIgnoreCase(data, options)) {
  32303. value = value.toLowerCase();
  32304. return function hyphenIC(elem) {
  32305. var attr = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name);
  32306. return attr != null && (attr.length === len || attr.charAt(len) === "-") && attr.substr(0, len).toLowerCase() === value && next(elem);
  32307. };
  32308. }
  32309. return function hyphen(elem) {
  32310. var attr = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name);
  32311. return attr != null && (attr.length === len || attr.charAt(len) === "-") && attr.substr(0, len) === value && next(elem);
  32312. };
  32313. },
  32314. element: function(next, data, options) {
  32315. var adapter = options.adapter;
  32316. var name =, value = data.value;
  32317. if (/\s/.test(value)) {
  32318. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32319. }
  32320. var regex = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)".concat(escapeRegex(value), "(?:$|\\s)"), shouldIgnoreCase(data, options) ? "i" : "");
  32321. return function element(elem) {
  32322. var attr = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name);
  32323. return attr != null && attr.length >= value.length && regex.test(attr) && next(elem);
  32324. };
  32325. },
  32326. exists: function(next, _a, _b) {
  32327. var name =;
  32328. var adapter = _b.adapter;
  32329. return function(elem) {
  32330. return adapter.hasAttrib(elem, name) && next(elem);
  32331. };
  32332. },
  32333. start: function(next, data, options) {
  32334. var adapter = options.adapter;
  32335. var name =;
  32336. var value = data.value;
  32337. var len = value.length;
  32338. if (len === 0) {
  32339. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32340. }
  32341. if (shouldIgnoreCase(data, options)) {
  32342. value = value.toLowerCase();
  32343. return function(elem) {
  32344. var attr = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name);
  32345. return attr != null && attr.length >= len && attr.substr(0, len).toLowerCase() === value && next(elem);
  32346. };
  32347. }
  32348. return function(elem) {
  32349. var _a;
  32350. return !!((_a = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.startsWith(value)) && next(elem);
  32351. };
  32352. },
  32353. end: function(next, data, options) {
  32354. var adapter = options.adapter;
  32355. var name =;
  32356. var value = data.value;
  32357. var len = -value.length;
  32358. if (len === 0) {
  32359. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32360. }
  32361. if (shouldIgnoreCase(data, options)) {
  32362. value = value.toLowerCase();
  32363. return function(elem) {
  32364. var _a;
  32365. return ((_a = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.substr(len).toLowerCase()) === value && next(elem);
  32366. };
  32367. }
  32368. return function(elem) {
  32369. var _a;
  32370. return !!((_a = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.endsWith(value)) && next(elem);
  32371. };
  32372. },
  32373. any: function(next, data, options) {
  32374. var adapter = options.adapter;
  32375. var name =, value = data.value;
  32376. if (value === "") {
  32377. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32378. }
  32379. if (shouldIgnoreCase(data, options)) {
  32380. var regex_1 = new RegExp(escapeRegex(value), "i");
  32381. return function anyIC(elem) {
  32382. var attr = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name);
  32383. return attr != null && attr.length >= value.length && regex_1.test(attr) && next(elem);
  32384. };
  32385. }
  32386. return function(elem) {
  32387. var _a;
  32388. return !!((_a = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes(value)) && next(elem);
  32389. };
  32390. },
  32391. not: function(next, data, options) {
  32392. var adapter = options.adapter;
  32393. var name =;
  32394. var value = data.value;
  32395. if (value === "") {
  32396. return function(elem) {
  32397. return !!adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name) && next(elem);
  32398. };
  32399. } else if (shouldIgnoreCase(data, options)) {
  32400. value = value.toLowerCase();
  32401. return function(elem) {
  32402. var attr = adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name);
  32403. return (attr == null || attr.length !== value.length || attr.toLowerCase() !== value) && next(elem);
  32404. };
  32405. }
  32406. return function(elem) {
  32407. return adapter.getAttributeValue(elem, name) !== value && next(elem);
  32408. };
  32409. }
  32410. };
  32411. }
  32412. });
  32413. // node_modules/nth-check/lib/parse.js
  32414. var require_parse5 = __commonJS({
  32415. "node_modules/nth-check/lib/parse.js"(exports2) {
  32416. "use strict";
  32417. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32418. exports2.parse = void 0;
  32419. var whitespace = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([9, 10, 12, 13, 32]);
  32420. var ZERO = "0".charCodeAt(0);
  32421. var NINE = "9".charCodeAt(0);
  32422. function parse(formula) {
  32423. formula = formula.trim().toLowerCase();
  32424. if (formula === "even") {
  32425. return [2, 0];
  32426. } else if (formula === "odd") {
  32427. return [2, 1];
  32428. }
  32429. var idx = 0;
  32430. var a = 0;
  32431. var sign = readSign();
  32432. var number = readNumber();
  32433. if (idx < formula.length && formula.charAt(idx) === "n") {
  32434. idx++;
  32435. a = sign * (number !== null && number !== void 0 ? number : 1);
  32436. skipWhitespace();
  32437. if (idx < formula.length) {
  32438. sign = readSign();
  32439. skipWhitespace();
  32440. number = readNumber();
  32441. } else {
  32442. sign = number = 0;
  32443. }
  32444. }
  32445. if (number === null || idx < formula.length) {
  32446. throw new Error("n-th rule couldn't be parsed ('".concat(formula, "')"));
  32447. }
  32448. return [a, sign * number];
  32449. function readSign() {
  32450. if (formula.charAt(idx) === "-") {
  32451. idx++;
  32452. return -1;
  32453. }
  32454. if (formula.charAt(idx) === "+") {
  32455. idx++;
  32456. }
  32457. return 1;
  32458. }
  32459. function readNumber() {
  32460. var start = idx;
  32461. var value = 0;
  32462. while (idx < formula.length && formula.charCodeAt(idx) >= ZERO && formula.charCodeAt(idx) <= NINE) {
  32463. value = value * 10 + (formula.charCodeAt(idx) - ZERO);
  32464. idx++;
  32465. }
  32466. return idx === start ? null : value;
  32467. }
  32468. function skipWhitespace() {
  32469. while (idx < formula.length && whitespace.has(formula.charCodeAt(idx))) {
  32470. idx++;
  32471. }
  32472. }
  32473. }
  32474. exports2.parse = parse;
  32475. }
  32476. });
  32477. // node_modules/nth-check/lib/compile.js
  32478. var require_compile = __commonJS({
  32479. "node_modules/nth-check/lib/compile.js"(exports2) {
  32480. "use strict";
  32481. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  32482. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  32483. };
  32484. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32485. exports2.generate = exports2.compile = void 0;
  32486. var boolbase_1 = __importDefault(require_boolbase());
  32487. function compile(parsed) {
  32488. var a = parsed[0];
  32489. var b = parsed[1] - 1;
  32490. if (b < 0 && a <= 0)
  32491. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32492. if (a === -1)
  32493. return function(index) {
  32494. return index <= b;
  32495. };
  32496. if (a === 0)
  32497. return function(index) {
  32498. return index === b;
  32499. };
  32500. if (a === 1)
  32501. return b < 0 ? boolbase_1.default.trueFunc : function(index) {
  32502. return index >= b;
  32503. };
  32504. var absA = Math.abs(a);
  32505. var bMod = (b % absA + absA) % absA;
  32506. return a > 1 ? function(index) {
  32507. return index >= b && index % absA === bMod;
  32508. } : function(index) {
  32509. return index <= b && index % absA === bMod;
  32510. };
  32511. }
  32512. exports2.compile = compile;
  32513. function generate(parsed) {
  32514. var a = parsed[0];
  32515. var b = parsed[1] - 1;
  32516. var n = 0;
  32517. if (a < 0) {
  32518. var aPos_1 = -a;
  32519. var minValue_1 = (b % aPos_1 + aPos_1) % aPos_1;
  32520. return function() {
  32521. var val = minValue_1 + aPos_1 * n++;
  32522. return val > b ? null : val;
  32523. };
  32524. }
  32525. if (a === 0)
  32526. return b < 0 ? (
  32527. // There are no result — always return `null`
  32528. function() {
  32529. return null;
  32530. }
  32531. ) : (
  32532. // Return `b` exactly once
  32533. function() {
  32534. return n++ === 0 ? b : null;
  32535. }
  32536. );
  32537. if (b < 0) {
  32538. b += a * Math.ceil(-b / a);
  32539. }
  32540. return function() {
  32541. return a * n++ + b;
  32542. };
  32543. }
  32544. exports2.generate = generate;
  32545. }
  32546. });
  32547. // node_modules/nth-check/lib/index.js
  32548. var require_lib7 = __commonJS({
  32549. "node_modules/nth-check/lib/index.js"(exports2) {
  32550. "use strict";
  32551. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32552. exports2.sequence = exports2.generate = exports2.compile = exports2.parse = void 0;
  32553. var parse_js_1 = require_parse5();
  32554. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "parse", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32555. return parse_js_1.parse;
  32556. } });
  32557. var compile_js_1 = require_compile();
  32558. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "compile", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32559. return compile_js_1.compile;
  32560. } });
  32561. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "generate", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32562. return compile_js_1.generate;
  32563. } });
  32564. function nthCheck(formula) {
  32565. return (0, compile_js_1.compile)((0, parse_js_1.parse)(formula));
  32566. }
  32567. exports2.default = nthCheck;
  32568. function sequence(formula) {
  32569. return (0, compile_js_1.generate)((0, parse_js_1.parse)(formula));
  32570. }
  32571. exports2.sequence = sequence;
  32572. }
  32573. });
  32574. // node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/filters.js
  32575. var require_filters = __commonJS({
  32576. "node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/filters.js"(exports2) {
  32577. "use strict";
  32578. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  32579. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  32580. };
  32581. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32582. exports2.filters = void 0;
  32583. var nth_check_1 = __importDefault(require_lib7());
  32584. var boolbase_1 = __importDefault(require_boolbase());
  32585. function getChildFunc(next, adapter) {
  32586. return function(elem) {
  32587. var parent = adapter.getParent(elem);
  32588. return parent != null && adapter.isTag(parent) && next(elem);
  32589. };
  32590. }
  32591. exports2.filters = {
  32592. contains: function(next, text, _a) {
  32593. var adapter = _a.adapter;
  32594. return function contains(elem) {
  32595. return next(elem) && adapter.getText(elem).includes(text);
  32596. };
  32597. },
  32598. icontains: function(next, text, _a) {
  32599. var adapter = _a.adapter;
  32600. var itext = text.toLowerCase();
  32601. return function icontains(elem) {
  32602. return next(elem) && adapter.getText(elem).toLowerCase().includes(itext);
  32603. };
  32604. },
  32605. // Location specific methods
  32606. "nth-child": function(next, rule, _a) {
  32607. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32608. var func = (0, nth_check_1.default)(rule);
  32609. if (func === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc)
  32610. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32611. if (func === boolbase_1.default.trueFunc)
  32612. return getChildFunc(next, adapter);
  32613. return function nthChild(elem) {
  32614. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  32615. var pos = 0;
  32616. for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
  32617. if (equals(elem, siblings[i]))
  32618. break;
  32619. if (adapter.isTag(siblings[i])) {
  32620. pos++;
  32621. }
  32622. }
  32623. return func(pos) && next(elem);
  32624. };
  32625. },
  32626. "nth-last-child": function(next, rule, _a) {
  32627. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32628. var func = (0, nth_check_1.default)(rule);
  32629. if (func === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc)
  32630. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32631. if (func === boolbase_1.default.trueFunc)
  32632. return getChildFunc(next, adapter);
  32633. return function nthLastChild(elem) {
  32634. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  32635. var pos = 0;
  32636. for (var i = siblings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  32637. if (equals(elem, siblings[i]))
  32638. break;
  32639. if (adapter.isTag(siblings[i])) {
  32640. pos++;
  32641. }
  32642. }
  32643. return func(pos) && next(elem);
  32644. };
  32645. },
  32646. "nth-of-type": function(next, rule, _a) {
  32647. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32648. var func = (0, nth_check_1.default)(rule);
  32649. if (func === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc)
  32650. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32651. if (func === boolbase_1.default.trueFunc)
  32652. return getChildFunc(next, adapter);
  32653. return function nthOfType(elem) {
  32654. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  32655. var pos = 0;
  32656. for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
  32657. var currentSibling = siblings[i];
  32658. if (equals(elem, currentSibling))
  32659. break;
  32660. if (adapter.isTag(currentSibling) && adapter.getName(currentSibling) === adapter.getName(elem)) {
  32661. pos++;
  32662. }
  32663. }
  32664. return func(pos) && next(elem);
  32665. };
  32666. },
  32667. "nth-last-of-type": function(next, rule, _a) {
  32668. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32669. var func = (0, nth_check_1.default)(rule);
  32670. if (func === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc)
  32671. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32672. if (func === boolbase_1.default.trueFunc)
  32673. return getChildFunc(next, adapter);
  32674. return function nthLastOfType(elem) {
  32675. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  32676. var pos = 0;
  32677. for (var i = siblings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  32678. var currentSibling = siblings[i];
  32679. if (equals(elem, currentSibling))
  32680. break;
  32681. if (adapter.isTag(currentSibling) && adapter.getName(currentSibling) === adapter.getName(elem)) {
  32682. pos++;
  32683. }
  32684. }
  32685. return func(pos) && next(elem);
  32686. };
  32687. },
  32688. // TODO determine the actual root element
  32689. root: function(next, _rule, _a) {
  32690. var adapter = _a.adapter;
  32691. return function(elem) {
  32692. var parent = adapter.getParent(elem);
  32693. return (parent == null || !adapter.isTag(parent)) && next(elem);
  32694. };
  32695. },
  32696. scope: function(next, rule, options, context) {
  32697. var equals = options.equals;
  32698. if (!context || context.length === 0) {
  32699. return exports2.filters["root"](next, rule, options);
  32700. }
  32701. if (context.length === 1) {
  32702. return function(elem) {
  32703. return equals(context[0], elem) && next(elem);
  32704. };
  32705. }
  32706. return function(elem) {
  32707. return context.includes(elem) && next(elem);
  32708. };
  32709. },
  32710. hover: dynamicStatePseudo("isHovered"),
  32711. visited: dynamicStatePseudo("isVisited"),
  32712. active: dynamicStatePseudo("isActive")
  32713. };
  32714. function dynamicStatePseudo(name) {
  32715. return function dynamicPseudo(next, _rule, _a) {
  32716. var adapter = _a.adapter;
  32717. var func = adapter[name];
  32718. if (typeof func !== "function") {
  32719. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32720. }
  32721. return function active(elem) {
  32722. return func(elem) && next(elem);
  32723. };
  32724. };
  32725. }
  32726. }
  32727. });
  32728. // node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/pseudos.js
  32729. var require_pseudos = __commonJS({
  32730. "node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/pseudos.js"(exports2) {
  32731. "use strict";
  32732. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32733. exports2.verifyPseudoArgs = exports2.pseudos = void 0;
  32734. exports2.pseudos = {
  32735. empty: function(elem, _a) {
  32736. var adapter = _a.adapter;
  32737. return !adapter.getChildren(elem).some(function(elem2) {
  32738. return adapter.isTag(elem2) || adapter.getText(elem2) !== "";
  32739. });
  32740. },
  32741. "first-child": function(elem, _a) {
  32742. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32743. if (adapter.prevElementSibling) {
  32744. return adapter.prevElementSibling(elem) == null;
  32745. }
  32746. var firstChild = adapter.getSiblings(elem).find(function(elem2) {
  32747. return adapter.isTag(elem2);
  32748. });
  32749. return firstChild != null && equals(elem, firstChild);
  32750. },
  32751. "last-child": function(elem, _a) {
  32752. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32753. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  32754. for (var i = siblings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  32755. if (equals(elem, siblings[i]))
  32756. return true;
  32757. if (adapter.isTag(siblings[i]))
  32758. break;
  32759. }
  32760. return false;
  32761. },
  32762. "first-of-type": function(elem, _a) {
  32763. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32764. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  32765. var elemName = adapter.getName(elem);
  32766. for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
  32767. var currentSibling = siblings[i];
  32768. if (equals(elem, currentSibling))
  32769. return true;
  32770. if (adapter.isTag(currentSibling) && adapter.getName(currentSibling) === elemName) {
  32771. break;
  32772. }
  32773. }
  32774. return false;
  32775. },
  32776. "last-of-type": function(elem, _a) {
  32777. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32778. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  32779. var elemName = adapter.getName(elem);
  32780. for (var i = siblings.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  32781. var currentSibling = siblings[i];
  32782. if (equals(elem, currentSibling))
  32783. return true;
  32784. if (adapter.isTag(currentSibling) && adapter.getName(currentSibling) === elemName) {
  32785. break;
  32786. }
  32787. }
  32788. return false;
  32789. },
  32790. "only-of-type": function(elem, _a) {
  32791. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32792. var elemName = adapter.getName(elem);
  32793. return adapter.getSiblings(elem).every(function(sibling) {
  32794. return equals(elem, sibling) || !adapter.isTag(sibling) || adapter.getName(sibling) !== elemName;
  32795. });
  32796. },
  32797. "only-child": function(elem, _a) {
  32798. var adapter = _a.adapter, equals = _a.equals;
  32799. return adapter.getSiblings(elem).every(function(sibling) {
  32800. return equals(elem, sibling) || !adapter.isTag(sibling);
  32801. });
  32802. }
  32803. };
  32804. function verifyPseudoArgs(func, name, subselect, argIndex) {
  32805. if (subselect === null) {
  32806. if (func.length > argIndex) {
  32807. throw new Error("Pseudo-class :".concat(name, " requires an argument"));
  32808. }
  32809. } else if (func.length === argIndex) {
  32810. throw new Error("Pseudo-class :".concat(name, " doesn't have any arguments"));
  32811. }
  32812. }
  32813. exports2.verifyPseudoArgs = verifyPseudoArgs;
  32814. }
  32815. });
  32816. // node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/aliases.js
  32817. var require_aliases = __commonJS({
  32818. "node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/aliases.js"(exports2) {
  32819. "use strict";
  32820. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32821. exports2.aliases = void 0;
  32822. exports2.aliases = {
  32823. // Links
  32824. "any-link": ":is(a, area, link)[href]",
  32825. link: ":any-link:not(:visited)",
  32826. // Forms
  32827. //
  32828. disabled: ":is(\n :is(button, input, select, textarea, optgroup, option)[disabled],\n optgroup[disabled] > option,\n fieldset[disabled]:not(fieldset[disabled] legend:first-of-type *)\n )",
  32829. enabled: ":not(:disabled)",
  32830. checked: ":is(:is(input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox])[checked], option:selected)",
  32831. required: ":is(input, select, textarea)[required]",
  32832. optional: ":is(input, select, textarea):not([required])",
  32833. // JQuery extensions
  32834. //
  32835. selected: "option:is([selected], select:not([multiple]):not(:has(> option[selected])) > :first-of-type)",
  32836. checkbox: "[type=checkbox]",
  32837. file: "[type=file]",
  32838. password: "[type=password]",
  32839. radio: "[type=radio]",
  32840. reset: "[type=reset]",
  32841. image: "[type=image]",
  32842. submit: "[type=submit]",
  32843. parent: ":not(:empty)",
  32844. header: ":is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)",
  32845. button: ":is(button, input[type=button])",
  32846. input: ":is(input, textarea, select, button)",
  32847. text: "input:is(:not([type!='']), [type=text])"
  32848. };
  32849. }
  32850. });
  32851. // node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/subselects.js
  32852. var require_subselects = __commonJS({
  32853. "node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/subselects.js"(exports2) {
  32854. "use strict";
  32855. var __spreadArray = exports2 && exports2.__spreadArray || function(to, from, pack) {
  32856. if (pack || arguments.length === 2)
  32857. for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
  32858. if (ar || !(i in from)) {
  32859. if (!ar)
  32860. ar =, 0, i);
  32861. ar[i] = from[i];
  32862. }
  32863. }
  32864. return to.concat(ar ||;
  32865. };
  32866. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  32867. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  32868. };
  32869. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32870. exports2.subselects = exports2.getNextSiblings = exports2.ensureIsTag = exports2.PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT = void 0;
  32871. var boolbase_1 = __importDefault(require_boolbase());
  32872. var sort_js_1 = require_sort();
  32873. exports2.PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT = {};
  32874. function ensureIsTag(next, adapter) {
  32875. if (next === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc)
  32876. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32877. return function(elem) {
  32878. return adapter.isTag(elem) && next(elem);
  32879. };
  32880. }
  32881. exports2.ensureIsTag = ensureIsTag;
  32882. function getNextSiblings(elem, adapter) {
  32883. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  32884. if (siblings.length <= 1)
  32885. return [];
  32886. var elemIndex = siblings.indexOf(elem);
  32887. if (elemIndex < 0 || elemIndex === siblings.length - 1)
  32888. return [];
  32889. return siblings.slice(elemIndex + 1).filter(adapter.isTag);
  32890. }
  32891. exports2.getNextSiblings = getNextSiblings;
  32892. function copyOptions(options) {
  32893. return {
  32894. xmlMode: !!options.xmlMode,
  32895. lowerCaseAttributeNames: !!options.lowerCaseAttributeNames,
  32896. lowerCaseTags: !!options.lowerCaseTags,
  32897. quirksMode: !!options.quirksMode,
  32898. cacheResults: !!options.cacheResults,
  32899. pseudos: options.pseudos,
  32900. adapter: options.adapter,
  32901. equals: options.equals
  32902. };
  32903. }
  32904. var is = function(next, token, options, context, compileToken) {
  32905. var func = compileToken(token, copyOptions(options), context);
  32906. return func === boolbase_1.default.trueFunc ? next : func === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc ? boolbase_1.default.falseFunc : function(elem) {
  32907. return func(elem) && next(elem);
  32908. };
  32909. };
  32910. exports2.subselects = {
  32911. is,
  32912. /**
  32913. * `:matches` and `:where` are aliases for `:is`.
  32914. */
  32915. matches: is,
  32916. where: is,
  32917. not: function(next, token, options, context, compileToken) {
  32918. var func = compileToken(token, copyOptions(options), context);
  32919. return func === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc ? next : func === boolbase_1.default.trueFunc ? boolbase_1.default.falseFunc : function(elem) {
  32920. return !func(elem) && next(elem);
  32921. };
  32922. },
  32923. has: function(next, subselect, options, _context, compileToken) {
  32924. var adapter = options.adapter;
  32925. var opts = copyOptions(options);
  32926. opts.relativeSelector = true;
  32927. var context = subselect.some(function(s) {
  32928. return s.some(sort_js_1.isTraversal);
  32929. }) ? (
  32930. // Used as a placeholder. Will be replaced with the actual element.
  32931. [exports2.PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT]
  32932. ) : void 0;
  32933. var compiled = compileToken(subselect, opts, context);
  32934. if (compiled === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc)
  32935. return boolbase_1.default.falseFunc;
  32936. var hasElement = ensureIsTag(compiled, adapter);
  32937. if (context && compiled !== boolbase_1.default.trueFunc) {
  32938. var _a = compiled.shouldTestNextSiblings, shouldTestNextSiblings_1 = _a === void 0 ? false : _a;
  32939. return function(elem) {
  32940. if (!next(elem))
  32941. return false;
  32942. context[0] = elem;
  32943. var childs = adapter.getChildren(elem);
  32944. var nextElements = shouldTestNextSiblings_1 ? __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], childs, true), getNextSiblings(elem, adapter), true) : childs;
  32945. return adapter.existsOne(hasElement, nextElements);
  32946. };
  32947. }
  32948. return function(elem) {
  32949. return next(elem) && adapter.existsOne(hasElement, adapter.getChildren(elem));
  32950. };
  32951. }
  32952. };
  32953. }
  32954. });
  32955. // node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/index.js
  32956. var require_pseudo_selectors = __commonJS({
  32957. "node_modules/css-select/lib/pseudo-selectors/index.js"(exports2) {
  32958. "use strict";
  32959. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  32960. exports2.compilePseudoSelector = exports2.aliases = exports2.pseudos = exports2.filters = void 0;
  32961. var css_what_1 = require_commonjs();
  32962. var filters_js_1 = require_filters();
  32963. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "filters", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32964. return filters_js_1.filters;
  32965. } });
  32966. var pseudos_js_1 = require_pseudos();
  32967. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "pseudos", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32968. return pseudos_js_1.pseudos;
  32969. } });
  32970. var aliases_js_1 = require_aliases();
  32971. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "aliases", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  32972. return aliases_js_1.aliases;
  32973. } });
  32974. var subselects_js_1 = require_subselects();
  32975. function compilePseudoSelector(next, selector, options, context, compileToken) {
  32976. var _a;
  32977. var name =, data =;
  32978. if (Array.isArray(data)) {
  32979. if (!(name in subselects_js_1.subselects)) {
  32980. throw new Error("Unknown pseudo-class :".concat(name, "(").concat(data, ")"));
  32981. }
  32982. return subselects_js_1.subselects[name](next, data, options, context, compileToken);
  32983. }
  32984. var userPseudo = (_a = options.pseudos) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[name];
  32985. var stringPseudo = typeof userPseudo === "string" ? userPseudo : aliases_js_1.aliases[name];
  32986. if (typeof stringPseudo === "string") {
  32987. if (data != null) {
  32988. throw new Error("Pseudo ".concat(name, " doesn't have any arguments"));
  32989. }
  32990. var alias = (0, css_what_1.parse)(stringPseudo);
  32991. return subselects_js_1.subselects["is"](next, alias, options, context, compileToken);
  32992. }
  32993. if (typeof userPseudo === "function") {
  32994. (0, pseudos_js_1.verifyPseudoArgs)(userPseudo, name, data, 1);
  32995. return function(elem) {
  32996. return userPseudo(elem, data) && next(elem);
  32997. };
  32998. }
  32999. if (name in filters_js_1.filters) {
  33000. return filters_js_1.filters[name](next, data, options, context);
  33001. }
  33002. if (name in pseudos_js_1.pseudos) {
  33003. var pseudo_1 = pseudos_js_1.pseudos[name];
  33004. (0, pseudos_js_1.verifyPseudoArgs)(pseudo_1, name, data, 2);
  33005. return function(elem) {
  33006. return pseudo_1(elem, options, data) && next(elem);
  33007. };
  33008. }
  33009. throw new Error("Unknown pseudo-class :".concat(name));
  33010. }
  33011. exports2.compilePseudoSelector = compilePseudoSelector;
  33012. }
  33013. });
  33014. // node_modules/css-select/lib/general.js
  33015. var require_general = __commonJS({
  33016. "node_modules/css-select/lib/general.js"(exports2) {
  33017. "use strict";
  33018. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  33019. exports2.compileGeneralSelector = void 0;
  33020. var attributes_js_1 = require_attributes();
  33021. var index_js_1 = require_pseudo_selectors();
  33022. var css_what_1 = require_commonjs();
  33023. function getElementParent(node, adapter) {
  33024. var parent = adapter.getParent(node);
  33025. if (parent && adapter.isTag(parent)) {
  33026. return parent;
  33027. }
  33028. return null;
  33029. }
  33030. function compileGeneralSelector(next, selector, options, context, compileToken) {
  33031. var adapter = options.adapter, equals = options.equals;
  33032. switch (selector.type) {
  33033. case css_what_1.SelectorType.PseudoElement: {
  33034. throw new Error("Pseudo-elements are not supported by css-select");
  33035. }
  33036. case css_what_1.SelectorType.ColumnCombinator: {
  33037. throw new Error("Column combinators are not yet supported by css-select");
  33038. }
  33039. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Attribute: {
  33040. if (selector.namespace != null) {
  33041. throw new Error("Namespaced attributes are not yet supported by css-select");
  33042. }
  33043. if (!options.xmlMode || options.lowerCaseAttributeNames) {
  33044. =;
  33045. }
  33046. return attributes_js_1.attributeRules[selector.action](next, selector, options);
  33047. }
  33048. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Pseudo: {
  33049. return (0, index_js_1.compilePseudoSelector)(next, selector, options, context, compileToken);
  33050. }
  33051. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Tag: {
  33052. if (selector.namespace != null) {
  33053. throw new Error("Namespaced tag names are not yet supported by css-select");
  33054. }
  33055. var name_1 =;
  33056. if (!options.xmlMode || options.lowerCaseTags) {
  33057. name_1 = name_1.toLowerCase();
  33058. }
  33059. return function tag(elem) {
  33060. return adapter.getName(elem) === name_1 && next(elem);
  33061. };
  33062. }
  33063. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Descendant: {
  33064. if (options.cacheResults === false || typeof WeakSet === "undefined") {
  33065. return function descendant(elem) {
  33066. var current = elem;
  33067. while (current = getElementParent(current, adapter)) {
  33068. if (next(current)) {
  33069. return true;
  33070. }
  33071. }
  33072. return false;
  33073. };
  33074. }
  33075. var isFalseCache_1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
  33076. return function cachedDescendant(elem) {
  33077. var current = elem;
  33078. while (current = getElementParent(current, adapter)) {
  33079. if (!isFalseCache_1.has(current)) {
  33080. if (adapter.isTag(current) && next(current)) {
  33081. return true;
  33082. }
  33083. isFalseCache_1.add(current);
  33084. }
  33085. }
  33086. return false;
  33087. };
  33088. }
  33089. case "_flexibleDescendant": {
  33090. return function flexibleDescendant(elem) {
  33091. var current = elem;
  33092. do {
  33093. if (next(current))
  33094. return true;
  33095. } while (current = getElementParent(current, adapter));
  33096. return false;
  33097. };
  33098. }
  33099. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Parent: {
  33100. return function parent(elem) {
  33101. return adapter.getChildren(elem).some(function(elem2) {
  33102. return adapter.isTag(elem2) && next(elem2);
  33103. });
  33104. };
  33105. }
  33106. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Child: {
  33107. return function child(elem) {
  33108. var parent = adapter.getParent(elem);
  33109. return parent != null && adapter.isTag(parent) && next(parent);
  33110. };
  33111. }
  33112. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Sibling: {
  33113. return function sibling(elem) {
  33114. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  33115. for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
  33116. var currentSibling = siblings[i];
  33117. if (equals(elem, currentSibling))
  33118. break;
  33119. if (adapter.isTag(currentSibling) && next(currentSibling)) {
  33120. return true;
  33121. }
  33122. }
  33123. return false;
  33124. };
  33125. }
  33126. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Adjacent: {
  33127. if (adapter.prevElementSibling) {
  33128. return function adjacent(elem) {
  33129. var previous = adapter.prevElementSibling(elem);
  33130. return previous != null && next(previous);
  33131. };
  33132. }
  33133. return function adjacent(elem) {
  33134. var siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem);
  33135. var lastElement;
  33136. for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
  33137. var currentSibling = siblings[i];
  33138. if (equals(elem, currentSibling))
  33139. break;
  33140. if (adapter.isTag(currentSibling)) {
  33141. lastElement = currentSibling;
  33142. }
  33143. }
  33144. return !!lastElement && next(lastElement);
  33145. };
  33146. }
  33147. case css_what_1.SelectorType.Universal: {
  33148. if (selector.namespace != null && selector.namespace !== "*") {
  33149. throw new Error("Namespaced universal selectors are not yet supported by css-select");
  33150. }
  33151. return next;
  33152. }
  33153. }
  33154. }
  33155. exports2.compileGeneralSelector = compileGeneralSelector;
  33156. }
  33157. });
  33158. // node_modules/css-select/lib/compile.js
  33159. var require_compile2 = __commonJS({
  33160. "node_modules/css-select/lib/compile.js"(exports2) {
  33161. "use strict";
  33162. var __createBinding = exports2 && exports2.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
  33163. if (k2 === void 0)
  33164. k2 = k;
  33165. var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
  33166. if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
  33167. desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  33168. return m[k];
  33169. } };
  33170. }
  33171. Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
  33172. } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
  33173. if (k2 === void 0)
  33174. k2 = k;
  33175. o[k2] = m[k];
  33176. });
  33177. var __setModuleDefault = exports2 && exports2.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, v) {
  33178. Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
  33179. } : function(o, v) {
  33180. o["default"] = v;
  33181. });
  33182. var __importStar = exports2 && exports2.__importStar || function(mod) {
  33183. if (mod && mod.__esModule)
  33184. return mod;
  33185. var result = {};
  33186. if (mod != null) {
  33187. for (var k in mod)
  33188. if (k !== "default" &&, k))
  33189. __createBinding(result, mod, k);
  33190. }
  33191. __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
  33192. return result;
  33193. };
  33194. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  33195. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  33196. };
  33197. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  33198. exports2.compileToken = exports2.compileUnsafe = exports2.compile = void 0;
  33199. var css_what_1 = require_commonjs();
  33200. var boolbase_1 = __importDefault(require_boolbase());
  33201. var sort_js_1 = __importStar(require_sort());
  33202. var general_js_1 = require_general();
  33203. var subselects_js_1 = require_subselects();
  33204. function compile(selector, options, context) {
  33205. var next = compileUnsafe(selector, options, context);
  33206. return (0, subselects_js_1.ensureIsTag)(next, options.adapter);
  33207. }
  33208. exports2.compile = compile;
  33209. function compileUnsafe(selector, options, context) {
  33210. var token = typeof selector === "string" ? (0, css_what_1.parse)(selector) : selector;
  33211. return compileToken(token, options, context);
  33212. }
  33213. exports2.compileUnsafe = compileUnsafe;
  33214. function includesScopePseudo(t) {
  33215. return t.type === css_what_1.SelectorType.Pseudo && ( === "scope" || Array.isArray( && {
  33216. return data.some(includesScopePseudo);
  33217. }));
  33218. }
  33219. var DESCENDANT_TOKEN = { type: css_what_1.SelectorType.Descendant };
  33221. type: "_flexibleDescendant"
  33222. };
  33223. var SCOPE_TOKEN = {
  33224. type: css_what_1.SelectorType.Pseudo,
  33225. name: "scope",
  33226. data: null
  33227. };
  33228. function absolutize(token, _a, context) {
  33229. var adapter = _a.adapter;
  33230. var hasContext = !!(context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.every(function(e) {
  33231. var parent = adapter.isTag(e) && adapter.getParent(e);
  33232. return e === subselects_js_1.PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT || parent && adapter.isTag(parent);
  33233. }));
  33234. for (var _i = 0, token_1 = token; _i < token_1.length; _i++) {
  33235. var t = token_1[_i];
  33236. if (t.length > 0 && (0, sort_js_1.isTraversal)(t[0]) && t[0].type !== css_what_1.SelectorType.Descendant) {
  33237. } else if (hasContext && !t.some(includesScopePseudo)) {
  33238. t.unshift(DESCENDANT_TOKEN);
  33239. } else {
  33240. continue;
  33241. }
  33242. t.unshift(SCOPE_TOKEN);
  33243. }
  33244. }
  33245. function compileToken(token, options, context) {
  33246. var _a;
  33247. token.forEach(sort_js_1.default);
  33248. context = (_a = options.context) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : context;
  33249. var isArrayContext = Array.isArray(context);
  33250. var finalContext = context && (Array.isArray(context) ? context : [context]);
  33251. if (options.relativeSelector !== false) {
  33252. absolutize(token, options, finalContext);
  33253. } else if (token.some(function(t) {
  33254. return t.length > 0 && (0, sort_js_1.isTraversal)(t[0]);
  33255. })) {
  33256. throw new Error("Relative selectors are not allowed when the `relativeSelector` option is disabled");
  33257. }
  33258. var shouldTestNextSiblings = false;
  33259. var query = {
  33260. if (rules.length >= 2) {
  33261. var first = rules[0], second = rules[1];
  33262. if (first.type !== css_what_1.SelectorType.Pseudo || !== "scope") {
  33263. } else if (isArrayContext && second.type === css_what_1.SelectorType.Descendant) {
  33264. rules[1] = FLEXIBLE_DESCENDANT_TOKEN;
  33265. } else if (second.type === css_what_1.SelectorType.Adjacent || second.type === css_what_1.SelectorType.Sibling) {
  33266. shouldTestNextSiblings = true;
  33267. }
  33268. }
  33269. return compileRules(rules, options, finalContext);
  33270. }).reduce(reduceRules, boolbase_1.default.falseFunc);
  33271. query.shouldTestNextSiblings = shouldTestNextSiblings;
  33272. return query;
  33273. }
  33274. exports2.compileToken = compileToken;
  33275. function compileRules(rules, options, context) {
  33276. var _a;
  33277. return rules.reduce(function(previous, rule) {
  33278. return previous === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc ? boolbase_1.default.falseFunc : (0, general_js_1.compileGeneralSelector)(previous, rule, options, context, compileToken);
  33279. }, (_a = options.rootFunc) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : boolbase_1.default.trueFunc);
  33280. }
  33281. function reduceRules(a, b) {
  33282. if (b === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc || a === boolbase_1.default.trueFunc) {
  33283. return a;
  33284. }
  33285. if (a === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc || b === boolbase_1.default.trueFunc) {
  33286. return b;
  33287. }
  33288. return function combine(elem) {
  33289. return a(elem) || b(elem);
  33290. };
  33291. }
  33292. }
  33293. });
  33294. // node_modules/css-select/lib/index.js
  33295. var require_lib8 = __commonJS({
  33296. "node_modules/css-select/lib/index.js"(exports2) {
  33297. "use strict";
  33298. var __createBinding = exports2 && exports2.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, m, k, k2) {
  33299. if (k2 === void 0)
  33300. k2 = k;
  33301. var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
  33302. if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
  33303. desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  33304. return m[k];
  33305. } };
  33306. }
  33307. Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
  33308. } : function(o, m, k, k2) {
  33309. if (k2 === void 0)
  33310. k2 = k;
  33311. o[k2] = m[k];
  33312. });
  33313. var __setModuleDefault = exports2 && exports2.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, v) {
  33314. Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
  33315. } : function(o, v) {
  33316. o["default"] = v;
  33317. });
  33318. var __importStar = exports2 && exports2.__importStar || function(mod) {
  33319. if (mod && mod.__esModule)
  33320. return mod;
  33321. var result = {};
  33322. if (mod != null) {
  33323. for (var k in mod)
  33324. if (k !== "default" &&, k))
  33325. __createBinding(result, mod, k);
  33326. }
  33327. __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
  33328. return result;
  33329. };
  33330. var __importDefault = exports2 && exports2.__importDefault || function(mod) {
  33331. return mod && mod.__esModule ? mod : { "default": mod };
  33332. };
  33333. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", { value: true });
  33334. exports2.aliases = exports2.pseudos = exports2.filters = = exports2.selectOne = exports2.selectAll = exports2.prepareContext = exports2._compileToken = exports2._compileUnsafe = exports2.compile = void 0;
  33335. var DomUtils = __importStar(require_lib6());
  33336. var boolbase_1 = __importDefault(require_boolbase());
  33337. var compile_js_1 = require_compile2();
  33338. var subselects_js_1 = require_subselects();
  33339. var defaultEquals = function(a, b) {
  33340. return a === b;
  33341. };
  33342. var defaultOptions = {
  33343. adapter: DomUtils,
  33344. equals: defaultEquals
  33345. };
  33346. function convertOptionFormats(options) {
  33347. var _a, _b, _c, _d;
  33348. var opts = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : defaultOptions;
  33349. (_a = opts.adapter) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : opts.adapter = DomUtils;
  33350. (_b = opts.equals) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : opts.equals = (_d = (_c = opts.adapter) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.equals) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : defaultEquals;
  33351. return opts;
  33352. }
  33353. function wrapCompile(func) {
  33354. return function addAdapter(selector, options, context) {
  33355. var opts = convertOptionFormats(options);
  33356. return func(selector, opts, context);
  33357. };
  33358. }
  33359. exports2.compile = wrapCompile(compile_js_1.compile);
  33360. exports2._compileUnsafe = wrapCompile(compile_js_1.compileUnsafe);
  33361. exports2._compileToken = wrapCompile(compile_js_1.compileToken);
  33362. function getSelectorFunc(searchFunc) {
  33363. return function select(query, elements, options) {
  33364. var opts = convertOptionFormats(options);
  33365. if (typeof query !== "function") {
  33366. query = (0, compile_js_1.compileUnsafe)(query, opts, elements);
  33367. }
  33368. var filteredElements = prepareContext(elements, opts.adapter, query.shouldTestNextSiblings);
  33369. return searchFunc(query, filteredElements, opts);
  33370. };
  33371. }
  33372. function prepareContext(elems, adapter, shouldTestNextSiblings) {
  33373. if (shouldTestNextSiblings === void 0) {
  33374. shouldTestNextSiblings = false;
  33375. }
  33376. if (shouldTestNextSiblings) {
  33377. elems = appendNextSiblings(elems, adapter);
  33378. }
  33379. return Array.isArray(elems) ? adapter.removeSubsets(elems) : adapter.getChildren(elems);
  33380. }
  33381. exports2.prepareContext = prepareContext;
  33382. function appendNextSiblings(elem, adapter) {
  33383. var elems = Array.isArray(elem) ? elem.slice(0) : [elem];
  33384. var elemsLength = elems.length;
  33385. for (var i = 0; i < elemsLength; i++) {
  33386. var nextSiblings = (0, subselects_js_1.getNextSiblings)(elems[i], adapter);
  33387. elems.push.apply(elems, nextSiblings);
  33388. }
  33389. return elems;
  33390. }
  33391. exports2.selectAll = getSelectorFunc(function(query, elems, options) {
  33392. return query === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc || !elems || elems.length === 0 ? [] : options.adapter.findAll(query, elems);
  33393. });
  33394. exports2.selectOne = getSelectorFunc(function(query, elems, options) {
  33395. return query === boolbase_1.default.falseFunc || !elems || elems.length === 0 ? null : options.adapter.findOne(query, elems);
  33396. });
  33397. function is(elem, query, options) {
  33398. var opts = convertOptionFormats(options);
  33399. return (typeof query === "function" ? query : (0, compile_js_1.compile)(query, opts))(elem);
  33400. }
  33401. = is;
  33402. exports2.default = exports2.selectAll;
  33403. var index_js_1 = require_pseudo_selectors();
  33404. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "filters", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  33405. return index_js_1.filters;
  33406. } });
  33407. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "pseudos", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  33408. return index_js_1.pseudos;
  33409. } });
  33410. Object.defineProperty(exports2, "aliases", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
  33411. return index_js_1.aliases;
  33412. } });
  33413. }
  33414. });
  33415. // node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo/css-select-adapter.js
  33416. var require_css_select_adapter = __commonJS({
  33417. "node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo/css-select-adapter.js"(exports2, module2) {
  33418. "use strict";
  33419. var isTag = (node) => {
  33420. return node.type === "element";
  33421. };
  33422. var existsOne = (test, elems) => {
  33423. return elems.some((elem) => {
  33424. if (isTag(elem)) {
  33425. return test(elem) || existsOne(test, getChildren(elem));
  33426. } else {
  33427. return false;
  33428. }
  33429. });
  33430. };
  33431. var getAttributeValue = (elem, name) => {
  33432. return elem.attributes[name];
  33433. };
  33434. var getChildren = (node) => {
  33435. return node.children || [];
  33436. };
  33437. var getName = (elemAst) => {
  33438. return;
  33439. };
  33440. var getParent = (node) => {
  33441. return node.parentNode || null;
  33442. };
  33443. var getSiblings = (elem) => {
  33444. var parent = getParent(elem);
  33445. return parent ? getChildren(parent) : [];
  33446. };
  33447. var getText = (node) => {
  33448. if (node.children[0].type === "text" && node.children[0].type === "cdata") {
  33449. return node.children[0].value;
  33450. }
  33451. return "";
  33452. };
  33453. var hasAttrib = (elem, name) => {
  33454. return elem.attributes[name] !== void 0;
  33455. };
  33456. var removeSubsets = (nodes) => {
  33457. let idx = nodes.length;
  33458. let node;
  33459. let ancestor;
  33460. let replace;
  33461. while (--idx > -1) {
  33462. node = ancestor = nodes[idx];
  33463. nodes[idx] = null;
  33464. replace = true;
  33465. while (ancestor) {
  33466. if (nodes.includes(ancestor)) {
  33467. replace = false;
  33468. nodes.splice(idx, 1);
  33469. break;
  33470. }
  33471. ancestor = getParent(ancestor);
  33472. }
  33473. if (replace) {
  33474. nodes[idx] = node;
  33475. }
  33476. }
  33477. return nodes;
  33478. };
  33479. var findAll = (test, elems) => {
  33480. const result = [];
  33481. for (const elem of elems) {
  33482. if (isTag(elem)) {
  33483. if (test(elem)) {
  33484. result.push(elem);
  33485. }
  33486. result.push(...findAll(test, getChildren(elem)));
  33487. }
  33488. }
  33489. return result;
  33490. };
  33491. var findOne = (test, elems) => {
  33492. for (const elem of elems) {
  33493. if (isTag(elem)) {
  33494. if (test(elem)) {
  33495. return elem;
  33496. }
  33497. const result = findOne(test, getChildren(elem));
  33498. if (result) {
  33499. return result;
  33500. }
  33501. }
  33502. }
  33503. return null;
  33504. };
  33505. var svgoCssSelectAdapter = {
  33506. isTag,
  33507. existsOne,
  33508. getAttributeValue,
  33509. getChildren,
  33510. getName,
  33511. getParent,
  33512. getSiblings,
  33513. getText,
  33514. hasAttrib,
  33515. removeSubsets,
  33516. findAll,
  33517. findOne
  33518. };
  33519. module2.exports = svgoCssSelectAdapter;
  33520. }
  33521. });
  33522. // node_modules/svgo/lib/xast.js
  33523. var require_xast = __commonJS({
  33524. "node_modules/svgo/lib/xast.js"(exports2) {
  33525. "use strict";
  33526. var { selectAll, selectOne, is } = require_lib8();
  33527. var xastAdaptor = require_css_select_adapter();
  33528. var cssSelectOptions = {
  33529. xmlMode: true,
  33530. adapter: xastAdaptor
  33531. };
  33532. var querySelectorAll = (node, selector) => {
  33533. return selectAll(selector, node, cssSelectOptions);
  33534. };
  33535. exports2.querySelectorAll = querySelectorAll;
  33536. var querySelector = (node, selector) => {
  33537. return selectOne(selector, node, cssSelectOptions);
  33538. };
  33539. exports2.querySelector = querySelector;
  33540. var matches = (node, selector) => {
  33541. return is(node, selector, cssSelectOptions);
  33542. };
  33543. exports2.matches = matches;
  33544. var visitSkip = Symbol();
  33545. exports2.visitSkip = visitSkip;
  33546. var visit = (node, visitor, parentNode) => {
  33547. const callbacks = visitor[node.type];
  33548. if (callbacks && callbacks.enter) {
  33549. const symbol = callbacks.enter(node, parentNode);
  33550. if (symbol === visitSkip) {
  33551. return;
  33552. }
  33553. }
  33554. if (node.type === "root") {
  33555. for (const child of node.children) {
  33556. visit(child, visitor, node);
  33557. }
  33558. }
  33559. if (node.type === "element") {
  33560. if (parentNode.children.includes(node)) {
  33561. for (const child of node.children) {
  33562. visit(child, visitor, node);
  33563. }
  33564. }
  33565. }
  33566. if (callbacks && callbacks.exit) {
  33567. callbacks.exit(node, parentNode);
  33568. }
  33569. };
  33570. exports2.visit = visit;
  33571. var detachNodeFromParent = (node, parentNode) => {
  33572. parentNode.children = parentNode.children.filter((child) => child !== node);
  33573. };
  33574. exports2.detachNodeFromParent = detachNodeFromParent;
  33575. }
  33576. });
  33577. // node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo/plugins.js
  33578. var require_plugins = __commonJS({
  33579. "node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo/plugins.js"(exports2) {
  33580. "use strict";
  33581. var { visit } = require_xast();
  33582. var invokePlugins = (ast, info, plugins, overrides, globalOverrides) => {
  33583. for (const plugin of plugins) {
  33584. const override = overrides?.[];
  33585. if (override === false) {
  33586. continue;
  33587. }
  33588. const params = { ...plugin.params, ...globalOverrides, ...override };
  33589. const visitor = plugin.fn(ast, params, info);
  33590. if (visitor != null) {
  33591. visit(ast, visitor);
  33592. }
  33593. }
  33594. };
  33595. exports2.invokePlugins = invokePlugins;
  33596. var createPreset = ({ name, plugins }) => {
  33597. return {
  33598. name,
  33599. fn: (ast, params, info) => {
  33600. const { floatPrecision, overrides } = params;
  33601. const globalOverrides = {};
  33602. if (floatPrecision != null) {
  33603. globalOverrides.floatPrecision = floatPrecision;
  33604. }
  33605. if (overrides) {
  33606. const pluginNames ={ name: name2 }) => name2);
  33607. for (const pluginName of Object.keys(overrides)) {
  33608. if (!pluginNames.includes(pluginName)) {
  33609. console.warn(
  33610. `You are trying to configure ${pluginName} which is not part of ${name}.
  33611. Try to put it before or after, for example
  33612. plugins: [
  33613. {
  33614. name: '${name}',
  33615. },
  33616. '${pluginName}'
  33617. ]
  33618. `
  33619. );
  33620. }
  33621. }
  33622. }
  33623. invokePlugins(ast, info, plugins, overrides, globalOverrides);
  33624. }
  33625. };
  33626. };
  33627. exports2.createPreset = createPreset;
  33628. }
  33629. });
  33630. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeDoctype.js
  33631. var require_removeDoctype = __commonJS({
  33632. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeDoctype.js"(exports2) {
  33633. "use strict";
  33634. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  33635. = "removeDoctype";
  33636. exports2.description = "removes doctype declaration";
  33637. exports2.fn = () => {
  33638. return {
  33639. doctype: {
  33640. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  33641. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  33642. }
  33643. }
  33644. };
  33645. };
  33646. }
  33647. });
  33648. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeXMLProcInst.js
  33649. var require_removeXMLProcInst = __commonJS({
  33650. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeXMLProcInst.js"(exports2) {
  33651. "use strict";
  33652. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  33653. = "removeXMLProcInst";
  33654. exports2.description = "removes XML processing instructions";
  33655. exports2.fn = () => {
  33656. return {
  33657. instruction: {
  33658. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  33659. if ( === "xml") {
  33660. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  33661. }
  33662. }
  33663. }
  33664. };
  33665. };
  33666. }
  33667. });
  33668. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeComments.js
  33669. var require_removeComments = __commonJS({
  33670. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeComments.js"(exports2) {
  33671. "use strict";
  33672. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  33673. = "removeComments";
  33674. exports2.description = "removes comments";
  33675. var DEFAULT_PRESERVE_PATTERNS = [/^!/];
  33676. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  33677. const { preservePatterns = DEFAULT_PRESERVE_PATTERNS } = params;
  33678. return {
  33679. comment: {
  33680. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  33681. if (preservePatterns) {
  33682. if (!Array.isArray(preservePatterns)) {
  33683. throw Error(
  33684. `Expected array in removeComments preservePatterns parameter but received ${preservePatterns}`
  33685. );
  33686. }
  33687. const matches = preservePatterns.some((pattern) => {
  33688. return new RegExp(pattern).test(node.value);
  33689. });
  33690. if (matches) {
  33691. return;
  33692. }
  33693. }
  33694. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  33695. }
  33696. }
  33697. };
  33698. };
  33699. }
  33700. });
  33701. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeMetadata.js
  33702. var require_removeMetadata = __commonJS({
  33703. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeMetadata.js"(exports2) {
  33704. "use strict";
  33705. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  33706. = "removeMetadata";
  33707. exports2.description = "removes <metadata>";
  33708. exports2.fn = () => {
  33709. return {
  33710. element: {
  33711. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  33712. if ( === "metadata") {
  33713. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  33714. }
  33715. }
  33716. }
  33717. };
  33718. };
  33719. }
  33720. });
  33721. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeEditorsNSData.js
  33722. var require_removeEditorsNSData = __commonJS({
  33723. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeEditorsNSData.js"(exports2) {
  33724. "use strict";
  33725. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  33726. var { editorNamespaces } = require_collections();
  33727. = "removeEditorsNSData";
  33728. exports2.description = "removes editors namespaces, elements and attributes";
  33729. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  33730. let namespaces = [...editorNamespaces];
  33731. if (Array.isArray(params.additionalNamespaces)) {
  33732. namespaces = [...editorNamespaces, ...params.additionalNamespaces];
  33733. }
  33734. const prefixes = [];
  33735. return {
  33736. element: {
  33737. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  33738. if ( === "svg") {
  33739. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  33740. if (name.startsWith("xmlns:") && namespaces.includes(value)) {
  33741. prefixes.push(name.slice("xmlns:".length));
  33742. delete node.attributes[name];
  33743. }
  33744. }
  33745. }
  33746. for (const name of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  33747. if (name.includes(":")) {
  33748. const [prefix] = name.split(":");
  33749. if (prefixes.includes(prefix)) {
  33750. delete node.attributes[name];
  33751. }
  33752. }
  33753. }
  33754. if (":")) {
  33755. const [prefix] =":");
  33756. if (prefixes.includes(prefix)) {
  33757. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  33758. }
  33759. }
  33760. }
  33761. }
  33762. };
  33763. };
  33764. }
  33765. });
  33766. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupAttrs.js
  33767. var require_cleanupAttrs = __commonJS({
  33768. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupAttrs.js"(exports2) {
  33769. "use strict";
  33770. = "cleanupAttrs";
  33771. exports2.description = "cleanups attributes from newlines, trailing and repeating spaces";
  33772. var regNewlinesNeedSpace = /(\S)\r?\n(\S)/g;
  33773. var regNewlines = /\r?\n/g;
  33774. var regSpaces = /\s{2,}/g;
  33775. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  33776. const { newlines = true, trim = true, spaces = true } = params;
  33777. return {
  33778. element: {
  33779. enter: (node) => {
  33780. for (const name of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  33781. if (newlines) {
  33782. node.attributes[name] = node.attributes[name].replace(
  33783. regNewlinesNeedSpace,
  33784. (match, p1, p2) => p1 + " " + p2
  33785. );
  33786. node.attributes[name] = node.attributes[name].replace(
  33787. regNewlines,
  33788. ""
  33789. );
  33790. }
  33791. if (trim) {
  33792. node.attributes[name] = node.attributes[name].trim();
  33793. }
  33794. if (spaces) {
  33795. node.attributes[name] = node.attributes[name].replace(
  33796. regSpaces,
  33797. " "
  33798. );
  33799. }
  33800. }
  33801. }
  33802. }
  33803. };
  33804. };
  33805. }
  33806. });
  33807. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/mergeStyles.js
  33808. var require_mergeStyles = __commonJS({
  33809. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/mergeStyles.js"(exports2) {
  33810. "use strict";
  33811. var { visitSkip, detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  33812. = "mergeStyles";
  33813. exports2.description = "merge multiple style elements into one";
  33814. exports2.fn = () => {
  33815. let firstStyleElement = null;
  33816. let collectedStyles = "";
  33817. let styleContentType = "text";
  33818. return {
  33819. element: {
  33820. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  33821. if ( === "foreignObject") {
  33822. return visitSkip;
  33823. }
  33824. if ( !== "style") {
  33825. return;
  33826. }
  33827. if (node.attributes.type != null && node.attributes.type !== "" && node.attributes.type !== "text/css") {
  33828. return;
  33829. }
  33830. let css = "";
  33831. for (const child of node.children) {
  33832. if (child.type === "text") {
  33833. css += child.value;
  33834. }
  33835. if (child.type === "cdata") {
  33836. styleContentType = "cdata";
  33837. css += child.value;
  33838. }
  33839. }
  33840. if (css.trim().length === 0) {
  33841. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  33842. return;
  33843. }
  33844. if ( == null) {
  33845. collectedStyles += css;
  33846. } else {
  33847. collectedStyles += `@media ${}{${css}}`;
  33848. delete;
  33849. }
  33850. if (firstStyleElement == null) {
  33851. firstStyleElement = node;
  33852. } else {
  33853. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  33854. const child = { type: styleContentType, value: collectedStyles };
  33855. Object.defineProperty(child, "parentNode", {
  33856. writable: true,
  33857. value: firstStyleElement
  33858. });
  33859. firstStyleElement.children = [child];
  33860. }
  33861. }
  33862. }
  33863. };
  33864. };
  33865. }
  33866. });
  33867. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/types.cjs
  33868. var require_types2 = __commonJS({
  33869. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/types.cjs"(exports2) {
  33870. "use strict";
  33871. var EOF = 0;
  33872. var Ident = 1;
  33873. var Function2 = 2;
  33874. var AtKeyword = 3;
  33875. var Hash = 4;
  33876. var String2 = 5;
  33877. var BadString = 6;
  33878. var Url = 7;
  33879. var BadUrl = 8;
  33880. var Delim = 9;
  33881. var Number2 = 10;
  33882. var Percentage = 11;
  33883. var Dimension = 12;
  33884. var WhiteSpace = 13;
  33885. var CDO = 14;
  33886. var CDC = 15;
  33887. var Colon = 16;
  33888. var Semicolon = 17;
  33889. var Comma = 18;
  33890. var LeftSquareBracket = 19;
  33891. var RightSquareBracket = 20;
  33892. var LeftParenthesis = 21;
  33893. var RightParenthesis = 22;
  33894. var LeftCurlyBracket = 23;
  33895. var RightCurlyBracket = 24;
  33896. var Comment = 25;
  33897. exports2.AtKeyword = AtKeyword;
  33898. exports2.BadString = BadString;
  33899. exports2.BadUrl = BadUrl;
  33900. exports2.CDC = CDC;
  33901. exports2.CDO = CDO;
  33902. exports2.Colon = Colon;
  33903. exports2.Comma = Comma;
  33904. exports2.Comment = Comment;
  33905. exports2.Delim = Delim;
  33906. exports2.Dimension = Dimension;
  33907. exports2.EOF = EOF;
  33908. exports2.Function = Function2;
  33909. exports2.Hash = Hash;
  33910. exports2.Ident = Ident;
  33911. exports2.LeftCurlyBracket = LeftCurlyBracket;
  33912. exports2.LeftParenthesis = LeftParenthesis;
  33913. exports2.LeftSquareBracket = LeftSquareBracket;
  33914. exports2.Number = Number2;
  33915. exports2.Percentage = Percentage;
  33916. exports2.RightCurlyBracket = RightCurlyBracket;
  33917. exports2.RightParenthesis = RightParenthesis;
  33918. exports2.RightSquareBracket = RightSquareBracket;
  33919. exports2.Semicolon = Semicolon;
  33920. exports2.String = String2;
  33921. exports2.Url = Url;
  33922. exports2.WhiteSpace = WhiteSpace;
  33923. }
  33924. });
  33925. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/char-code-definitions.cjs
  33926. var require_char_code_definitions = __commonJS({
  33927. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/char-code-definitions.cjs"(exports2) {
  33928. "use strict";
  33929. var EOF = 0;
  33930. function isDigit(code) {
  33931. return code >= 48 && code <= 57;
  33932. }
  33933. function isHexDigit(code) {
  33934. return isDigit(code) || // 0 .. 9
  33935. code >= 65 && code <= 70 || // A .. F
  33936. code >= 97 && code <= 102;
  33937. }
  33938. function isUppercaseLetter(code) {
  33939. return code >= 65 && code <= 90;
  33940. }
  33941. function isLowercaseLetter(code) {
  33942. return code >= 97 && code <= 122;
  33943. }
  33944. function isLetter(code) {
  33945. return isUppercaseLetter(code) || isLowercaseLetter(code);
  33946. }
  33947. function isNonAscii(code) {
  33948. return code >= 128;
  33949. }
  33950. function isNameStart(code) {
  33951. return isLetter(code) || isNonAscii(code) || code === 95;
  33952. }
  33953. function isName(code) {
  33954. return isNameStart(code) || isDigit(code) || code === 45;
  33955. }
  33956. function isNonPrintable(code) {
  33957. return code >= 0 && code <= 8 || code === 11 || code >= 14 && code <= 31 || code === 127;
  33958. }
  33959. function isNewline(code) {
  33960. return code === 10 || code === 13 || code === 12;
  33961. }
  33962. function isWhiteSpace(code) {
  33963. return isNewline(code) || code === 32 || code === 9;
  33964. }
  33965. function isValidEscape(first, second) {
  33966. if (first !== 92) {
  33967. return false;
  33968. }
  33969. if (isNewline(second) || second === EOF) {
  33970. return false;
  33971. }
  33972. return true;
  33973. }
  33974. function isIdentifierStart(first, second, third) {
  33975. if (first === 45) {
  33976. return isNameStart(second) || second === 45 || isValidEscape(second, third);
  33977. }
  33978. if (isNameStart(first)) {
  33979. return true;
  33980. }
  33981. if (first === 92) {
  33982. return isValidEscape(first, second);
  33983. }
  33984. return false;
  33985. }
  33986. function isNumberStart(first, second, third) {
  33987. if (first === 43 || first === 45) {
  33988. if (isDigit(second)) {
  33989. return 2;
  33990. }
  33991. return second === 46 && isDigit(third) ? 3 : 0;
  33992. }
  33993. if (first === 46) {
  33994. return isDigit(second) ? 2 : 0;
  33995. }
  33996. if (isDigit(first)) {
  33997. return 1;
  33998. }
  33999. return 0;
  34000. }
  34001. function isBOM(code) {
  34002. if (code === 65279) {
  34003. return 1;
  34004. }
  34005. if (code === 65534) {
  34006. return 1;
  34007. }
  34008. return 0;
  34009. }
  34010. var CATEGORY = new Array(128);
  34011. var EofCategory = 128;
  34012. var WhiteSpaceCategory = 130;
  34013. var DigitCategory = 131;
  34014. var NameStartCategory = 132;
  34015. var NonPrintableCategory = 133;
  34016. for (let i = 0; i < CATEGORY.length; i++) {
  34017. CATEGORY[i] = isWhiteSpace(i) && WhiteSpaceCategory || isDigit(i) && DigitCategory || isNameStart(i) && NameStartCategory || isNonPrintable(i) && NonPrintableCategory || i || EofCategory;
  34018. }
  34019. function charCodeCategory(code) {
  34020. return code < 128 ? CATEGORY[code] : NameStartCategory;
  34021. }
  34022. exports2.DigitCategory = DigitCategory;
  34023. exports2.EofCategory = EofCategory;
  34024. exports2.NameStartCategory = NameStartCategory;
  34025. exports2.NonPrintableCategory = NonPrintableCategory;
  34026. exports2.WhiteSpaceCategory = WhiteSpaceCategory;
  34027. exports2.charCodeCategory = charCodeCategory;
  34028. exports2.isBOM = isBOM;
  34029. exports2.isDigit = isDigit;
  34030. exports2.isHexDigit = isHexDigit;
  34031. exports2.isIdentifierStart = isIdentifierStart;
  34032. exports2.isLetter = isLetter;
  34033. exports2.isLowercaseLetter = isLowercaseLetter;
  34034. exports2.isName = isName;
  34035. exports2.isNameStart = isNameStart;
  34036. exports2.isNewline = isNewline;
  34037. exports2.isNonAscii = isNonAscii;
  34038. exports2.isNonPrintable = isNonPrintable;
  34039. exports2.isNumberStart = isNumberStart;
  34040. exports2.isUppercaseLetter = isUppercaseLetter;
  34041. exports2.isValidEscape = isValidEscape;
  34042. exports2.isWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace;
  34043. }
  34044. });
  34045. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/utils.cjs
  34046. var require_utils3 = __commonJS({
  34047. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/utils.cjs"(exports2) {
  34048. "use strict";
  34049. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  34050. function getCharCode(source, offset) {
  34051. return offset < source.length ? source.charCodeAt(offset) : 0;
  34052. }
  34053. function getNewlineLength(source, offset, code) {
  34054. if (code === 13 && getCharCode(source, offset + 1) === 10) {
  34055. return 2;
  34056. }
  34057. return 1;
  34058. }
  34059. function cmpChar(testStr, offset, referenceCode) {
  34060. let code = testStr.charCodeAt(offset);
  34061. if (charCodeDefinitions.isUppercaseLetter(code)) {
  34062. code = code | 32;
  34063. }
  34064. return code === referenceCode;
  34065. }
  34066. function cmpStr(testStr, start, end, referenceStr) {
  34067. if (end - start !== referenceStr.length) {
  34068. return false;
  34069. }
  34070. if (start < 0 || end > testStr.length) {
  34071. return false;
  34072. }
  34073. for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
  34074. const referenceCode = referenceStr.charCodeAt(i - start);
  34075. let testCode = testStr.charCodeAt(i);
  34076. if (charCodeDefinitions.isUppercaseLetter(testCode)) {
  34077. testCode = testCode | 32;
  34078. }
  34079. if (testCode !== referenceCode) {
  34080. return false;
  34081. }
  34082. }
  34083. return true;
  34084. }
  34085. function findWhiteSpaceStart(source, offset) {
  34086. for (; offset >= 0; offset--) {
  34087. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(source.charCodeAt(offset))) {
  34088. break;
  34089. }
  34090. }
  34091. return offset + 1;
  34092. }
  34093. function findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset) {
  34094. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  34095. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(source.charCodeAt(offset))) {
  34096. break;
  34097. }
  34098. }
  34099. return offset;
  34100. }
  34101. function findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset) {
  34102. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  34103. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(source.charCodeAt(offset))) {
  34104. break;
  34105. }
  34106. }
  34107. return offset;
  34108. }
  34109. function consumeEscaped(source, offset) {
  34110. offset += 2;
  34111. if (charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(getCharCode(source, offset - 1))) {
  34112. for (const maxOffset = Math.min(source.length, offset + 5); offset < maxOffset; offset++) {
  34113. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(getCharCode(source, offset))) {
  34114. break;
  34115. }
  34116. }
  34117. const code = getCharCode(source, offset);
  34118. if (charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(code)) {
  34119. offset += getNewlineLength(source, offset, code);
  34120. }
  34121. }
  34122. return offset;
  34123. }
  34124. function consumeName(source, offset) {
  34125. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  34126. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  34127. if (charCodeDefinitions.isName(code)) {
  34128. continue;
  34129. }
  34130. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, getCharCode(source, offset + 1))) {
  34131. offset = consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1;
  34132. continue;
  34133. }
  34134. break;
  34135. }
  34136. return offset;
  34137. }
  34138. function consumeNumber(source, offset) {
  34139. let code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  34140. if (code === 43 || code === 45) {
  34141. code = source.charCodeAt(offset += 1);
  34142. }
  34143. if (charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(code)) {
  34144. offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset + 1);
  34145. code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  34146. }
  34147. if (code === 46 && charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(source.charCodeAt(offset + 1))) {
  34148. offset += 2;
  34149. offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset);
  34150. }
  34151. if (cmpChar(
  34152. source,
  34153. offset,
  34154. 101
  34155. /* e */
  34156. )) {
  34157. let sign = 0;
  34158. code = source.charCodeAt(offset + 1);
  34159. if (code === 45 || code === 43) {
  34160. sign = 1;
  34161. code = source.charCodeAt(offset + 2);
  34162. }
  34163. if (charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(code)) {
  34164. offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset + 1 + sign + 1);
  34165. }
  34166. }
  34167. return offset;
  34168. }
  34169. function consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset) {
  34170. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  34171. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  34172. if (code === 41) {
  34173. offset++;
  34174. break;
  34175. }
  34176. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, getCharCode(source, offset + 1))) {
  34177. offset = consumeEscaped(source, offset);
  34178. }
  34179. }
  34180. return offset;
  34181. }
  34182. function decodeEscaped(escaped) {
  34183. if (escaped.length === 1 && !charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(escaped.charCodeAt(0))) {
  34184. return escaped[0];
  34185. }
  34186. let code = parseInt(escaped, 16);
  34187. if (code === 0 || // If this number is zero,
  34188. code >= 55296 && code <= 57343 || // or is for a surrogate,
  34189. code > 1114111) {
  34190. code = 65533;
  34191. }
  34192. return String.fromCodePoint(code);
  34193. }
  34194. exports2.cmpChar = cmpChar;
  34195. exports2.cmpStr = cmpStr;
  34196. exports2.consumeBadUrlRemnants = consumeBadUrlRemnants;
  34197. exports2.consumeEscaped = consumeEscaped;
  34198. exports2.consumeName = consumeName;
  34199. exports2.consumeNumber = consumeNumber;
  34200. exports2.decodeEscaped = decodeEscaped;
  34201. exports2.findDecimalNumberEnd = findDecimalNumberEnd;
  34202. exports2.findWhiteSpaceEnd = findWhiteSpaceEnd;
  34203. exports2.findWhiteSpaceStart = findWhiteSpaceStart;
  34204. exports2.getNewlineLength = getNewlineLength;
  34205. }
  34206. });
  34207. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/names.cjs
  34208. var require_names2 = __commonJS({
  34209. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/names.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  34210. "use strict";
  34211. var tokenNames = [
  34212. "EOF-token",
  34213. "ident-token",
  34214. "function-token",
  34215. "at-keyword-token",
  34216. "hash-token",
  34217. "string-token",
  34218. "bad-string-token",
  34219. "url-token",
  34220. "bad-url-token",
  34221. "delim-token",
  34222. "number-token",
  34223. "percentage-token",
  34224. "dimension-token",
  34225. "whitespace-token",
  34226. "CDO-token",
  34227. "CDC-token",
  34228. "colon-token",
  34229. "semicolon-token",
  34230. "comma-token",
  34231. "[-token",
  34232. "]-token",
  34233. "(-token",
  34234. ")-token",
  34235. "{-token",
  34236. "}-token"
  34237. ];
  34238. module2.exports = tokenNames;
  34239. }
  34240. });
  34241. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/adopt-buffer.cjs
  34242. var require_adopt_buffer = __commonJS({
  34243. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/adopt-buffer.cjs"(exports2) {
  34244. "use strict";
  34245. var MIN_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
  34246. function adoptBuffer(buffer = null, size) {
  34247. if (buffer === null || buffer.length < size) {
  34248. return new Uint32Array(Math.max(size + 1024, MIN_SIZE));
  34249. }
  34250. return buffer;
  34251. }
  34252. exports2.adoptBuffer = adoptBuffer;
  34253. }
  34254. });
  34255. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/OffsetToLocation.cjs
  34256. var require_OffsetToLocation = __commonJS({
  34257. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/OffsetToLocation.cjs"(exports2) {
  34258. "use strict";
  34259. var adoptBuffer = require_adopt_buffer();
  34260. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  34261. var N = 10;
  34262. var F = 12;
  34263. var R = 13;
  34264. function computeLinesAndColumns(host) {
  34265. const source = host.source;
  34266. const sourceLength = source.length;
  34267. const startOffset = source.length > 0 ? charCodeDefinitions.isBOM(source.charCodeAt(0)) : 0;
  34268. const lines = adoptBuffer.adoptBuffer(host.lines, sourceLength);
  34269. const columns = adoptBuffer.adoptBuffer(host.columns, sourceLength);
  34270. let line = host.startLine;
  34271. let column = host.startColumn;
  34272. for (let i = startOffset; i < sourceLength; i++) {
  34273. const code = source.charCodeAt(i);
  34274. lines[i] = line;
  34275. columns[i] = column++;
  34276. if (code === N || code === R || code === F) {
  34277. if (code === R && i + 1 < sourceLength && source.charCodeAt(i + 1) === N) {
  34278. i++;
  34279. lines[i] = line;
  34280. columns[i] = column;
  34281. }
  34282. line++;
  34283. column = 1;
  34284. }
  34285. }
  34286. lines[sourceLength] = line;
  34287. columns[sourceLength] = column;
  34288. host.lines = lines;
  34289. host.columns = columns;
  34290. host.computed = true;
  34291. }
  34292. var OffsetToLocation = class {
  34293. constructor() {
  34294. this.lines = null;
  34295. this.columns = null;
  34296. this.computed = false;
  34297. }
  34298. setSource(source, startOffset = 0, startLine = 1, startColumn = 1) {
  34299. this.source = source;
  34300. this.startOffset = startOffset;
  34301. this.startLine = startLine;
  34302. this.startColumn = startColumn;
  34303. this.computed = false;
  34304. }
  34305. getLocation(offset, filename) {
  34306. if (!this.computed) {
  34307. computeLinesAndColumns(this);
  34308. }
  34309. return {
  34310. source: filename,
  34311. offset: this.startOffset + offset,
  34312. line: this.lines[offset],
  34313. column: this.columns[offset]
  34314. };
  34315. }
  34316. getLocationRange(start, end, filename) {
  34317. if (!this.computed) {
  34318. computeLinesAndColumns(this);
  34319. }
  34320. return {
  34321. source: filename,
  34322. start: {
  34323. offset: this.startOffset + start,
  34324. line: this.lines[start],
  34325. column: this.columns[start]
  34326. },
  34327. end: {
  34328. offset: this.startOffset + end,
  34329. line: this.lines[end],
  34330. column: this.columns[end]
  34331. }
  34332. };
  34333. }
  34334. };
  34335. exports2.OffsetToLocation = OffsetToLocation;
  34336. }
  34337. });
  34338. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/TokenStream.cjs
  34339. var require_TokenStream = __commonJS({
  34340. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/TokenStream.cjs"(exports2) {
  34341. "use strict";
  34342. var adoptBuffer = require_adopt_buffer();
  34343. var utils = require_utils3();
  34344. var names = require_names2();
  34345. var types = require_types2();
  34346. var OFFSET_MASK = 16777215;
  34347. var TYPE_SHIFT = 24;
  34348. var balancePair = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  34349. [types.Function, types.RightParenthesis],
  34350. [types.LeftParenthesis, types.RightParenthesis],
  34351. [types.LeftSquareBracket, types.RightSquareBracket],
  34352. [types.LeftCurlyBracket, types.RightCurlyBracket]
  34353. ]);
  34354. var TokenStream = class {
  34355. constructor(source, tokenize) {
  34356. this.setSource(source, tokenize);
  34357. }
  34358. reset() {
  34359. this.eof = false;
  34360. this.tokenIndex = -1;
  34361. this.tokenType = 0;
  34362. this.tokenStart = this.firstCharOffset;
  34363. this.tokenEnd = this.firstCharOffset;
  34364. }
  34365. setSource(source = "", tokenize = () => {
  34366. }) {
  34367. source = String(source || "");
  34368. const sourceLength = source.length;
  34369. const offsetAndType = adoptBuffer.adoptBuffer(this.offsetAndType, source.length + 1);
  34370. const balance = adoptBuffer.adoptBuffer(this.balance, source.length + 1);
  34371. let tokenCount = 0;
  34372. let balanceCloseType = 0;
  34373. let balanceStart = 0;
  34374. let firstCharOffset = -1;
  34375. this.offsetAndType = null;
  34376. this.balance = null;
  34377. tokenize(source, (type, start, end) => {
  34378. switch (type) {
  34379. default:
  34380. balance[tokenCount] = sourceLength;
  34381. break;
  34382. case balanceCloseType: {
  34383. let balancePrev = balanceStart & OFFSET_MASK;
  34384. balanceStart = balance[balancePrev];
  34385. balanceCloseType = balanceStart >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  34386. balance[tokenCount] = balancePrev;
  34387. balance[balancePrev++] = tokenCount;
  34388. for (; balancePrev < tokenCount; balancePrev++) {
  34389. if (balance[balancePrev] === sourceLength) {
  34390. balance[balancePrev] = tokenCount;
  34391. }
  34392. }
  34393. break;
  34394. }
  34395. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  34396. case types.Function:
  34397. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  34398. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  34399. balance[tokenCount] = balanceStart;
  34400. balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(type);
  34401. balanceStart = balanceCloseType << TYPE_SHIFT | tokenCount;
  34402. break;
  34403. }
  34404. offsetAndType[tokenCount++] = type << TYPE_SHIFT | end;
  34405. if (firstCharOffset === -1) {
  34406. firstCharOffset = start;
  34407. }
  34408. });
  34409. offsetAndType[tokenCount] = types.EOF << TYPE_SHIFT | sourceLength;
  34410. balance[tokenCount] = sourceLength;
  34411. balance[sourceLength] = sourceLength;
  34412. while (balanceStart !== 0) {
  34413. const balancePrev = balanceStart & OFFSET_MASK;
  34414. balanceStart = balance[balancePrev];
  34415. balance[balancePrev] = sourceLength;
  34416. }
  34417. this.source = source;
  34418. this.firstCharOffset = firstCharOffset === -1 ? 0 : firstCharOffset;
  34419. this.tokenCount = tokenCount;
  34420. this.offsetAndType = offsetAndType;
  34421. this.balance = balance;
  34422. this.reset();
  34424. }
  34425. lookupType(offset) {
  34426. offset += this.tokenIndex;
  34427. if (offset < this.tokenCount) {
  34428. return this.offsetAndType[offset] >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  34429. }
  34430. return types.EOF;
  34431. }
  34432. lookupOffset(offset) {
  34433. offset += this.tokenIndex;
  34434. if (offset < this.tokenCount) {
  34435. return this.offsetAndType[offset - 1] & OFFSET_MASK;
  34436. }
  34437. return this.source.length;
  34438. }
  34439. lookupValue(offset, referenceStr) {
  34440. offset += this.tokenIndex;
  34441. if (offset < this.tokenCount) {
  34442. return utils.cmpStr(
  34443. this.source,
  34444. this.offsetAndType[offset - 1] & OFFSET_MASK,
  34445. this.offsetAndType[offset] & OFFSET_MASK,
  34446. referenceStr
  34447. );
  34448. }
  34449. return false;
  34450. }
  34451. getTokenStart(tokenIndex) {
  34452. if (tokenIndex === this.tokenIndex) {
  34453. return this.tokenStart;
  34454. }
  34455. if (tokenIndex > 0) {
  34456. return tokenIndex < this.tokenCount ? this.offsetAndType[tokenIndex - 1] & OFFSET_MASK : this.offsetAndType[this.tokenCount] & OFFSET_MASK;
  34457. }
  34458. return this.firstCharOffset;
  34459. }
  34460. substrToCursor(start) {
  34461. return this.source.substring(start, this.tokenStart);
  34462. }
  34463. isBalanceEdge(pos) {
  34464. return this.balance[this.tokenIndex] < pos;
  34465. }
  34466. isDelim(code, offset) {
  34467. if (offset) {
  34468. return this.lookupType(offset) === types.Delim && this.source.charCodeAt(this.lookupOffset(offset)) === code;
  34469. }
  34470. return this.tokenType === types.Delim && this.source.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart) === code;
  34471. }
  34472. skip(tokenCount) {
  34473. let next = this.tokenIndex + tokenCount;
  34474. if (next < this.tokenCount) {
  34475. this.tokenIndex = next;
  34476. this.tokenStart = this.offsetAndType[next - 1] & OFFSET_MASK;
  34477. next = this.offsetAndType[next];
  34478. this.tokenType = next >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  34479. this.tokenEnd = next & OFFSET_MASK;
  34480. } else {
  34481. this.tokenIndex = this.tokenCount;
  34483. }
  34484. }
  34485. next() {
  34486. let next = this.tokenIndex + 1;
  34487. if (next < this.tokenCount) {
  34488. this.tokenIndex = next;
  34489. this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd;
  34490. next = this.offsetAndType[next];
  34491. this.tokenType = next >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  34492. this.tokenEnd = next & OFFSET_MASK;
  34493. } else {
  34494. this.eof = true;
  34495. this.tokenIndex = this.tokenCount;
  34496. this.tokenType = types.EOF;
  34497. this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd = this.source.length;
  34498. }
  34499. }
  34500. skipSC() {
  34501. while (this.tokenType === types.WhiteSpace || this.tokenType === types.Comment) {
  34503. }
  34504. }
  34505. skipUntilBalanced(startToken, stopConsume) {
  34506. let cursor = startToken;
  34507. let balanceEnd;
  34508. let offset;
  34509. loop:
  34510. for (; cursor < this.tokenCount; cursor++) {
  34511. balanceEnd = this.balance[cursor];
  34512. if (balanceEnd < startToken) {
  34513. break loop;
  34514. }
  34515. offset = cursor > 0 ? this.offsetAndType[cursor - 1] & OFFSET_MASK : this.firstCharOffset;
  34516. switch (stopConsume(this.source.charCodeAt(offset))) {
  34517. case 1:
  34518. break loop;
  34519. case 2:
  34520. cursor++;
  34521. break loop;
  34522. default:
  34523. if (this.balance[balanceEnd] === cursor) {
  34524. cursor = balanceEnd;
  34525. }
  34526. }
  34527. }
  34528. this.skip(cursor - this.tokenIndex);
  34529. }
  34530. forEachToken(fn) {
  34531. for (let i = 0, offset = this.firstCharOffset; i < this.tokenCount; i++) {
  34532. const start = offset;
  34533. const item = this.offsetAndType[i];
  34534. const end = item & OFFSET_MASK;
  34535. const type = item >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  34536. offset = end;
  34537. fn(type, start, end, i);
  34538. }
  34539. }
  34540. dump() {
  34541. const tokens = new Array(this.tokenCount);
  34542. this.forEachToken((type, start, end, index) => {
  34543. tokens[index] = {
  34544. idx: index,
  34545. type: names[type],
  34546. chunk: this.source.substring(start, end),
  34547. balance: this.balance[index]
  34548. };
  34549. });
  34550. return tokens;
  34551. }
  34552. };
  34553. exports2.TokenStream = TokenStream;
  34554. }
  34555. });
  34556. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/index.cjs
  34557. var require_tokenizer = __commonJS({
  34558. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  34559. "use strict";
  34560. var types = require_types2();
  34561. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  34562. var utils = require_utils3();
  34563. var names = require_names2();
  34564. var OffsetToLocation = require_OffsetToLocation();
  34565. var TokenStream = require_TokenStream();
  34566. function tokenize(source, onToken) {
  34567. function getCharCode(offset2) {
  34568. return offset2 < sourceLength ? source.charCodeAt(offset2) : 0;
  34569. }
  34570. function consumeNumericToken() {
  34571. offset = utils.consumeNumber(source, offset);
  34572. if (charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart(getCharCode(offset), getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  34573. type = types.Dimension;
  34574. offset = utils.consumeName(source, offset);
  34575. return;
  34576. }
  34577. if (getCharCode(offset) === 37) {
  34578. type = types.Percentage;
  34579. offset++;
  34580. return;
  34581. }
  34582. type = types.Number;
  34583. }
  34584. function consumeIdentLikeToken() {
  34585. const nameStartOffset = offset;
  34586. offset = utils.consumeName(source, offset);
  34587. if (utils.cmpStr(source, nameStartOffset, offset, "url") && getCharCode(offset) === 40) {
  34588. offset = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset + 1);
  34589. if (getCharCode(offset) === 34 || getCharCode(offset) === 39) {
  34590. type = types.Function;
  34591. offset = nameStartOffset + 4;
  34592. return;
  34593. }
  34594. consumeUrlToken();
  34595. return;
  34596. }
  34597. if (getCharCode(offset) === 40) {
  34598. type = types.Function;
  34599. offset++;
  34600. return;
  34601. }
  34602. type = types.Ident;
  34603. }
  34604. function consumeStringToken(endingCodePoint) {
  34605. if (!endingCodePoint) {
  34606. endingCodePoint = getCharCode(offset++);
  34607. }
  34608. type = types.String;
  34609. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  34610. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  34611. switch (charCodeDefinitions.charCodeCategory(code)) {
  34612. case endingCodePoint:
  34613. offset++;
  34614. return;
  34615. case charCodeDefinitions.WhiteSpaceCategory:
  34616. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNewline(code)) {
  34617. offset += utils.getNewlineLength(source, offset, code);
  34618. type = types.BadString;
  34619. return;
  34620. }
  34621. break;
  34622. case 92:
  34623. if (offset === source.length - 1) {
  34624. break;
  34625. }
  34626. const nextCode = getCharCode(offset + 1);
  34627. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNewline(nextCode)) {
  34628. offset += utils.getNewlineLength(source, offset + 1, nextCode);
  34629. } else if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, nextCode)) {
  34630. offset = utils.consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1;
  34631. }
  34632. break;
  34633. }
  34634. }
  34635. }
  34636. function consumeUrlToken() {
  34637. type = types.Url;
  34638. offset = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset);
  34639. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  34640. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  34641. switch (charCodeDefinitions.charCodeCategory(code)) {
  34642. case 41:
  34643. offset++;
  34644. return;
  34645. case charCodeDefinitions.WhiteSpaceCategory:
  34646. offset = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset);
  34647. if (getCharCode(offset) === 41 || offset >= source.length) {
  34648. if (offset < source.length) {
  34649. offset++;
  34650. }
  34651. return;
  34652. }
  34653. offset = utils.consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset);
  34654. type = types.BadUrl;
  34655. return;
  34656. case 34:
  34657. case 39:
  34658. case 40:
  34659. case charCodeDefinitions.NonPrintableCategory:
  34660. offset = utils.consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset);
  34661. type = types.BadUrl;
  34662. return;
  34663. case 92:
  34664. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, getCharCode(offset + 1))) {
  34665. offset = utils.consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1;
  34666. break;
  34667. }
  34668. offset = utils.consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset);
  34669. type = types.BadUrl;
  34670. return;
  34671. }
  34672. }
  34673. }
  34674. source = String(source || "");
  34675. const sourceLength = source.length;
  34676. let start = charCodeDefinitions.isBOM(getCharCode(0));
  34677. let offset = start;
  34678. let type;
  34679. while (offset < sourceLength) {
  34680. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  34681. switch (charCodeDefinitions.charCodeCategory(code)) {
  34682. case charCodeDefinitions.WhiteSpaceCategory:
  34683. type = types.WhiteSpace;
  34684. offset = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset + 1);
  34685. break;
  34686. case 34:
  34687. consumeStringToken();
  34688. break;
  34689. case 35:
  34690. if (charCodeDefinitions.isName(getCharCode(offset + 1)) || charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  34691. type = types.Hash;
  34692. offset = utils.consumeName(source, offset + 1);
  34693. } else {
  34694. type = types.Delim;
  34695. offset++;
  34696. }
  34697. break;
  34698. case 39:
  34699. consumeStringToken();
  34700. break;
  34701. case 40:
  34702. type = types.LeftParenthesis;
  34703. offset++;
  34704. break;
  34705. case 41:
  34706. type = types.RightParenthesis;
  34707. offset++;
  34708. break;
  34709. case 43:
  34710. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNumberStart(code, getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  34711. consumeNumericToken();
  34712. } else {
  34713. type = types.Delim;
  34714. offset++;
  34715. }
  34716. break;
  34717. case 44:
  34718. type = types.Comma;
  34719. offset++;
  34720. break;
  34721. case 45:
  34722. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNumberStart(code, getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  34723. consumeNumericToken();
  34724. } else {
  34725. if (getCharCode(offset + 1) === 45 && getCharCode(offset + 2) === 62) {
  34726. type = types.CDC;
  34727. offset = offset + 3;
  34728. } else {
  34729. if (charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart(code, getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  34730. consumeIdentLikeToken();
  34731. } else {
  34732. type = types.Delim;
  34733. offset++;
  34734. }
  34735. }
  34736. }
  34737. break;
  34738. case 46:
  34739. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNumberStart(code, getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  34740. consumeNumericToken();
  34741. } else {
  34742. type = types.Delim;
  34743. offset++;
  34744. }
  34745. break;
  34746. case 47:
  34747. if (getCharCode(offset + 1) === 42) {
  34748. type = types.Comment;
  34749. offset = source.indexOf("*/", offset + 2);
  34750. offset = offset === -1 ? source.length : offset + 2;
  34751. } else {
  34752. type = types.Delim;
  34753. offset++;
  34754. }
  34755. break;
  34756. case 58:
  34757. type = types.Colon;
  34758. offset++;
  34759. break;
  34760. case 59:
  34761. type = types.Semicolon;
  34762. offset++;
  34763. break;
  34764. case 60:
  34765. if (getCharCode(offset + 1) === 33 && getCharCode(offset + 2) === 45 && getCharCode(offset + 3) === 45) {
  34766. type = types.CDO;
  34767. offset = offset + 4;
  34768. } else {
  34769. type = types.Delim;
  34770. offset++;
  34771. }
  34772. break;
  34773. case 64:
  34774. if (charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart(getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2), getCharCode(offset + 3))) {
  34775. type = types.AtKeyword;
  34776. offset = utils.consumeName(source, offset + 1);
  34777. } else {
  34778. type = types.Delim;
  34779. offset++;
  34780. }
  34781. break;
  34782. case 91:
  34783. type = types.LeftSquareBracket;
  34784. offset++;
  34785. break;
  34786. case 92:
  34787. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, getCharCode(offset + 1))) {
  34788. consumeIdentLikeToken();
  34789. } else {
  34790. type = types.Delim;
  34791. offset++;
  34792. }
  34793. break;
  34794. case 93:
  34795. type = types.RightSquareBracket;
  34796. offset++;
  34797. break;
  34798. case 123:
  34799. type = types.LeftCurlyBracket;
  34800. offset++;
  34801. break;
  34802. case 125:
  34803. type = types.RightCurlyBracket;
  34804. offset++;
  34805. break;
  34806. case charCodeDefinitions.DigitCategory:
  34807. consumeNumericToken();
  34808. break;
  34809. case charCodeDefinitions.NameStartCategory:
  34810. consumeIdentLikeToken();
  34811. break;
  34812. default:
  34813. type = types.Delim;
  34814. offset++;
  34815. }
  34816. onToken(type, start, start = offset);
  34817. }
  34818. }
  34819. exports2.AtKeyword = types.AtKeyword;
  34820. exports2.BadString = types.BadString;
  34821. exports2.BadUrl = types.BadUrl;
  34822. exports2.CDC = types.CDC;
  34823. exports2.CDO = types.CDO;
  34824. exports2.Colon = types.Colon;
  34825. exports2.Comma = types.Comma;
  34826. exports2.Comment = types.Comment;
  34827. exports2.Delim = types.Delim;
  34828. exports2.Dimension = types.Dimension;
  34829. exports2.EOF = types.EOF;
  34830. exports2.Function = types.Function;
  34831. exports2.Hash = types.Hash;
  34832. exports2.Ident = types.Ident;
  34833. exports2.LeftCurlyBracket = types.LeftCurlyBracket;
  34834. exports2.LeftParenthesis = types.LeftParenthesis;
  34835. exports2.LeftSquareBracket = types.LeftSquareBracket;
  34836. exports2.Number = types.Number;
  34837. exports2.Percentage = types.Percentage;
  34838. exports2.RightCurlyBracket = types.RightCurlyBracket;
  34839. exports2.RightParenthesis = types.RightParenthesis;
  34840. exports2.RightSquareBracket = types.RightSquareBracket;
  34841. exports2.Semicolon = types.Semicolon;
  34842. exports2.String = types.String;
  34843. exports2.Url = types.Url;
  34844. exports2.WhiteSpace = types.WhiteSpace;
  34845. exports2.tokenTypes = types;
  34846. exports2.DigitCategory = charCodeDefinitions.DigitCategory;
  34847. exports2.EofCategory = charCodeDefinitions.EofCategory;
  34848. exports2.NameStartCategory = charCodeDefinitions.NameStartCategory;
  34849. exports2.NonPrintableCategory = charCodeDefinitions.NonPrintableCategory;
  34850. exports2.WhiteSpaceCategory = charCodeDefinitions.WhiteSpaceCategory;
  34851. exports2.charCodeCategory = charCodeDefinitions.charCodeCategory;
  34852. exports2.isBOM = charCodeDefinitions.isBOM;
  34853. exports2.isDigit = charCodeDefinitions.isDigit;
  34854. exports2.isHexDigit = charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit;
  34855. exports2.isIdentifierStart = charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart;
  34856. exports2.isLetter = charCodeDefinitions.isLetter;
  34857. exports2.isLowercaseLetter = charCodeDefinitions.isLowercaseLetter;
  34858. exports2.isName = charCodeDefinitions.isName;
  34859. exports2.isNameStart = charCodeDefinitions.isNameStart;
  34860. exports2.isNewline = charCodeDefinitions.isNewline;
  34861. exports2.isNonAscii = charCodeDefinitions.isNonAscii;
  34862. exports2.isNonPrintable = charCodeDefinitions.isNonPrintable;
  34863. exports2.isNumberStart = charCodeDefinitions.isNumberStart;
  34864. exports2.isUppercaseLetter = charCodeDefinitions.isUppercaseLetter;
  34865. exports2.isValidEscape = charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape;
  34866. exports2.isWhiteSpace = charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace;
  34867. exports2.cmpChar = utils.cmpChar;
  34868. exports2.cmpStr = utils.cmpStr;
  34869. exports2.consumeBadUrlRemnants = utils.consumeBadUrlRemnants;
  34870. exports2.consumeEscaped = utils.consumeEscaped;
  34871. exports2.consumeName = utils.consumeName;
  34872. exports2.consumeNumber = utils.consumeNumber;
  34873. exports2.decodeEscaped = utils.decodeEscaped;
  34874. exports2.findDecimalNumberEnd = utils.findDecimalNumberEnd;
  34875. exports2.findWhiteSpaceEnd = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd;
  34876. exports2.findWhiteSpaceStart = utils.findWhiteSpaceStart;
  34877. exports2.getNewlineLength = utils.getNewlineLength;
  34878. exports2.tokenNames = names;
  34879. exports2.OffsetToLocation = OffsetToLocation.OffsetToLocation;
  34880. exports2.TokenStream = TokenStream.TokenStream;
  34881. exports2.tokenize = tokenize;
  34882. }
  34883. });
  34884. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/List.cjs
  34885. var require_List = __commonJS({
  34886. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/List.cjs"(exports2) {
  34887. "use strict";
  34888. var releasedCursors = null;
  34889. var List = class _List {
  34890. static createItem(data) {
  34891. return {
  34892. prev: null,
  34893. next: null,
  34894. data
  34895. };
  34896. }
  34897. constructor() {
  34898. this.head = null;
  34899. this.tail = null;
  34900. this.cursor = null;
  34901. }
  34902. createItem(data) {
  34903. return _List.createItem(data);
  34904. }
  34905. // cursor helpers
  34906. allocateCursor(prev, next) {
  34907. let cursor;
  34908. if (releasedCursors !== null) {
  34909. cursor = releasedCursors;
  34910. releasedCursors = releasedCursors.cursor;
  34911. cursor.prev = prev;
  34912. = next;
  34913. cursor.cursor = this.cursor;
  34914. } else {
  34915. cursor = {
  34916. prev,
  34917. next,
  34918. cursor: this.cursor
  34919. };
  34920. }
  34921. this.cursor = cursor;
  34922. return cursor;
  34923. }
  34924. releaseCursor() {
  34925. const { cursor } = this;
  34926. this.cursor = cursor.cursor;
  34927. cursor.prev = null;
  34928. = null;
  34929. cursor.cursor = releasedCursors;
  34930. releasedCursors = cursor;
  34931. }
  34932. updateCursors(prevOld, prevNew, nextOld, nextNew) {
  34933. let { cursor } = this;
  34934. while (cursor !== null) {
  34935. if (cursor.prev === prevOld) {
  34936. cursor.prev = prevNew;
  34937. }
  34938. if ( === nextOld) {
  34939. = nextNew;
  34940. }
  34941. cursor = cursor.cursor;
  34942. }
  34943. }
  34944. *[Symbol.iterator]() {
  34945. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  34946. yield;
  34947. }
  34948. }
  34949. // getters
  34950. get size() {
  34951. let size = 0;
  34952. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  34953. size++;
  34954. }
  34955. return size;
  34956. }
  34957. get isEmpty() {
  34958. return this.head === null;
  34959. }
  34960. get first() {
  34961. return this.head &&;
  34962. }
  34963. get last() {
  34964. return this.tail &&;
  34965. }
  34966. // convertors
  34967. fromArray(array) {
  34968. let cursor = null;
  34969. this.head = null;
  34970. for (let data of array) {
  34971. const item = _List.createItem(data);
  34972. if (cursor !== null) {
  34973. = item;
  34974. } else {
  34975. this.head = item;
  34976. }
  34977. item.prev = cursor;
  34978. cursor = item;
  34979. }
  34980. this.tail = cursor;
  34981. return this;
  34982. }
  34983. toArray() {
  34984. return [...this];
  34985. }
  34986. toJSON() {
  34987. return [...this];
  34988. }
  34989. // array-like methods
  34990. forEach(fn, thisArg = this) {
  34991. const cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, this.head);
  34992. while ( !== null) {
  34993. const item =;
  34994. =;
  34995.,, item, this);
  34996. }
  34997. this.releaseCursor();
  34998. }
  34999. forEachRight(fn, thisArg = this) {
  35000. const cursor = this.allocateCursor(this.tail, null);
  35001. while (cursor.prev !== null) {
  35002. const item = cursor.prev;
  35003. cursor.prev = item.prev;
  35004.,, item, this);
  35005. }
  35006. this.releaseCursor();
  35007. }
  35008. reduce(fn, initialValue, thisArg = this) {
  35009. let cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, this.head);
  35010. let acc = initialValue;
  35011. let item;
  35012. while ( !== null) {
  35013. item =;
  35014. =;
  35015. acc =, acc,, item, this);
  35016. }
  35017. this.releaseCursor();
  35018. return acc;
  35019. }
  35020. reduceRight(fn, initialValue, thisArg = this) {
  35021. let cursor = this.allocateCursor(this.tail, null);
  35022. let acc = initialValue;
  35023. let item;
  35024. while (cursor.prev !== null) {
  35025. item = cursor.prev;
  35026. cursor.prev = item.prev;
  35027. acc =, acc,, item, this);
  35028. }
  35029. this.releaseCursor();
  35030. return acc;
  35031. }
  35032. some(fn, thisArg = this) {
  35033. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  35034. if (,, cursor, this)) {
  35035. return true;
  35036. }
  35037. }
  35038. return false;
  35039. }
  35040. map(fn, thisArg = this) {
  35041. const result = new _List();
  35042. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  35043. result.appendData(,, cursor, this));
  35044. }
  35045. return result;
  35046. }
  35047. filter(fn, thisArg = this) {
  35048. const result = new _List();
  35049. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  35050. if (,, cursor, this)) {
  35051. result.appendData(;
  35052. }
  35053. }
  35054. return result;
  35055. }
  35056. nextUntil(start, fn, thisArg = this) {
  35057. if (start === null) {
  35058. return;
  35059. }
  35060. const cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, start);
  35061. while ( !== null) {
  35062. const item =;
  35063. =;
  35064. if (,, item, this)) {
  35065. break;
  35066. }
  35067. }
  35068. this.releaseCursor();
  35069. }
  35070. prevUntil(start, fn, thisArg = this) {
  35071. if (start === null) {
  35072. return;
  35073. }
  35074. const cursor = this.allocateCursor(start, null);
  35075. while (cursor.prev !== null) {
  35076. const item = cursor.prev;
  35077. cursor.prev = item.prev;
  35078. if (,, item, this)) {
  35079. break;
  35080. }
  35081. }
  35082. this.releaseCursor();
  35083. }
  35084. // mutation
  35085. clear() {
  35086. this.head = null;
  35087. this.tail = null;
  35088. }
  35089. copy() {
  35090. const result = new _List();
  35091. for (let data of this) {
  35092. result.appendData(data);
  35093. }
  35094. return result;
  35095. }
  35096. prepend(item) {
  35097. this.updateCursors(null, item, this.head, item);
  35098. if (this.head !== null) {
  35099. this.head.prev = item;
  35100. = this.head;
  35101. } else {
  35102. this.tail = item;
  35103. }
  35104. this.head = item;
  35105. return this;
  35106. }
  35107. prependData(data) {
  35108. return this.prepend(_List.createItem(data));
  35109. }
  35110. append(item) {
  35111. return this.insert(item);
  35112. }
  35113. appendData(data) {
  35114. return this.insert(_List.createItem(data));
  35115. }
  35116. insert(item, before = null) {
  35117. if (before !== null) {
  35118. this.updateCursors(before.prev, item, before, item);
  35119. if (before.prev === null) {
  35120. if (this.head !== before) {
  35121. throw new Error("before doesn't belong to list");
  35122. }
  35123. this.head = item;
  35124. before.prev = item;
  35125. = before;
  35126. this.updateCursors(null, item);
  35127. } else {
  35128. = item;
  35129. item.prev = before.prev;
  35130. before.prev = item;
  35131. = before;
  35132. }
  35133. } else {
  35134. this.updateCursors(this.tail, item, null, item);
  35135. if (this.tail !== null) {
  35136. = item;
  35137. item.prev = this.tail;
  35138. } else {
  35139. this.head = item;
  35140. }
  35141. this.tail = item;
  35142. }
  35143. return this;
  35144. }
  35145. insertData(data, before) {
  35146. return this.insert(_List.createItem(data), before);
  35147. }
  35148. remove(item) {
  35149. this.updateCursors(item, item.prev, item,;
  35150. if (item.prev !== null) {
  35151. =;
  35152. } else {
  35153. if (this.head !== item) {
  35154. throw new Error("item doesn't belong to list");
  35155. }
  35156. this.head =;
  35157. }
  35158. if ( !== null) {
  35159. = item.prev;
  35160. } else {
  35161. if (this.tail !== item) {
  35162. throw new Error("item doesn't belong to list");
  35163. }
  35164. this.tail = item.prev;
  35165. }
  35166. item.prev = null;
  35167. = null;
  35168. return item;
  35169. }
  35170. push(data) {
  35171. this.insert(_List.createItem(data));
  35172. }
  35173. pop() {
  35174. return this.tail !== null ? this.remove(this.tail) : null;
  35175. }
  35176. unshift(data) {
  35177. this.prepend(_List.createItem(data));
  35178. }
  35179. shift() {
  35180. return this.head !== null ? this.remove(this.head) : null;
  35181. }
  35182. prependList(list) {
  35183. return this.insertList(list, this.head);
  35184. }
  35185. appendList(list) {
  35186. return this.insertList(list);
  35187. }
  35188. insertList(list, before) {
  35189. if (list.head === null) {
  35190. return this;
  35191. }
  35192. if (before !== void 0 && before !== null) {
  35193. this.updateCursors(before.prev, list.tail, before, list.head);
  35194. if (before.prev !== null) {
  35195. = list.head;
  35196. list.head.prev = before.prev;
  35197. } else {
  35198. this.head = list.head;
  35199. }
  35200. before.prev = list.tail;
  35201. = before;
  35202. } else {
  35203. this.updateCursors(this.tail, list.tail, null, list.head);
  35204. if (this.tail !== null) {
  35205. = list.head;
  35206. list.head.prev = this.tail;
  35207. } else {
  35208. this.head = list.head;
  35209. }
  35210. this.tail = list.tail;
  35211. }
  35212. list.head = null;
  35213. list.tail = null;
  35214. return this;
  35215. }
  35216. replace(oldItem, newItemOrList) {
  35217. if ("head" in newItemOrList) {
  35218. this.insertList(newItemOrList, oldItem);
  35219. } else {
  35220. this.insert(newItemOrList, oldItem);
  35221. }
  35222. this.remove(oldItem);
  35223. }
  35224. };
  35225. exports2.List = List;
  35226. }
  35227. });
  35228. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/create-custom-error.cjs
  35229. var require_create_custom_error = __commonJS({
  35230. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/create-custom-error.cjs"(exports2) {
  35231. "use strict";
  35232. function createCustomError(name, message) {
  35233. const error = Object.create(SyntaxError.prototype);
  35234. const errorStack = new Error();
  35235. return Object.assign(error, {
  35236. name,
  35237. message,
  35238. get stack() {
  35239. return (errorStack.stack || "").replace(/^(.+\n){1,3}/, `${name}: ${message}
  35240. `);
  35241. }
  35242. });
  35243. }
  35244. exports2.createCustomError = createCustomError;
  35245. }
  35246. });
  35247. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/SyntaxError.cjs
  35248. var require_SyntaxError = __commonJS({
  35249. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/SyntaxError.cjs"(exports2) {
  35250. "use strict";
  35251. var createCustomError = require_create_custom_error();
  35252. var MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 100;
  35253. var OFFSET_CORRECTION = 60;
  35254. var TAB_REPLACEMENT = " ";
  35255. function sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, extraLines) {
  35256. function processLines(start, end) {
  35257. return lines.slice(start, end).map(
  35258. (line2, idx) => String(start + idx + 1).padStart(maxNumLength) + " |" + line2
  35259. ).join("\n");
  35260. }
  35261. const lines = source.split(/\r\n?|\n|\f/);
  35262. const startLine = Math.max(1, line - extraLines) - 1;
  35263. const endLine = Math.min(line + extraLines, lines.length + 1);
  35264. const maxNumLength = Math.max(4, String(endLine).length) + 1;
  35265. let cutLeft = 0;
  35266. column += (TAB_REPLACEMENT.length - 1) * (lines[line - 1].substr(0, column - 1).match(/\t/g) || []).length;
  35267. if (column > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
  35268. cutLeft = column - OFFSET_CORRECTION + 3;
  35269. column = OFFSET_CORRECTION - 2;
  35270. }
  35271. for (let i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) {
  35272. if (i >= 0 && i < lines.length) {
  35273. lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/\t/g, TAB_REPLACEMENT);
  35274. lines[i] = (cutLeft > 0 && lines[i].length > cutLeft ? "\u2026" : "") + lines[i].substr(cutLeft, MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 2) + (lines[i].length > cutLeft + MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1 ? "\u2026" : "");
  35275. }
  35276. }
  35277. return [
  35278. processLines(startLine, line),
  35279. new Array(column + maxNumLength + 2).join("-") + "^",
  35280. processLines(line, endLine)
  35281. ].filter(Boolean).join("\n");
  35282. }
  35283. function SyntaxError2(message, source, offset, line, column) {
  35284. const error = Object.assign(createCustomError.createCustomError("SyntaxError", message), {
  35285. source,
  35286. offset,
  35287. line,
  35288. column,
  35289. sourceFragment(extraLines) {
  35290. return sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, isNaN(extraLines) ? 0 : extraLines);
  35291. },
  35292. get formattedMessage() {
  35293. return `Parse error: ${message}
  35294. ` + sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, 2);
  35295. }
  35296. });
  35297. return error;
  35298. }
  35299. exports2.SyntaxError = SyntaxError2;
  35300. }
  35301. });
  35302. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/sequence.cjs
  35303. var require_sequence = __commonJS({
  35304. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/sequence.cjs"(exports2) {
  35305. "use strict";
  35306. var types = require_types2();
  35307. function readSequence(recognizer) {
  35308. const children = this.createList();
  35309. let space = false;
  35310. const context = {
  35311. recognizer
  35312. };
  35313. while (!this.eof) {
  35314. switch (this.tokenType) {
  35315. case types.Comment:
  35317. continue;
  35318. case types.WhiteSpace:
  35319. space = true;
  35321. continue;
  35322. }
  35323. let child =, context);
  35324. if (child === void 0) {
  35325. break;
  35326. }
  35327. if (space) {
  35328. if (recognizer.onWhiteSpace) {
  35329., child, children, context);
  35330. }
  35331. space = false;
  35332. }
  35333. children.push(child);
  35334. }
  35335. if (space && recognizer.onWhiteSpace) {
  35336., null, children, context);
  35337. }
  35338. return children;
  35339. }
  35340. exports2.readSequence = readSequence;
  35341. }
  35342. });
  35343. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/create.cjs
  35344. var require_create = __commonJS({
  35345. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/create.cjs"(exports2) {
  35346. "use strict";
  35347. var List = require_List();
  35348. var SyntaxError2 = require_SyntaxError();
  35349. var index = require_tokenizer();
  35350. var sequence = require_sequence();
  35351. var OffsetToLocation = require_OffsetToLocation();
  35352. var TokenStream = require_TokenStream();
  35353. var utils = require_utils3();
  35354. var types = require_types2();
  35355. var names = require_names2();
  35356. var NOOP = () => {
  35357. };
  35358. var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33;
  35359. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  35360. var SEMICOLON = 59;
  35361. var LEFTCURLYBRACKET = 123;
  35362. var NULL = 0;
  35363. function createParseContext(name) {
  35364. return function() {
  35365. return this[name]();
  35366. };
  35367. }
  35368. function fetchParseValues(dict) {
  35369. const result = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  35370. for (const name in dict) {
  35371. const item = dict[name];
  35372. const fn = item.parse || item;
  35373. if (fn) {
  35374. result[name] = fn;
  35375. }
  35376. }
  35377. return result;
  35378. }
  35379. function processConfig(config) {
  35380. const parseConfig = {
  35381. context: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
  35382. scope: Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), config.scope),
  35383. atrule: fetchParseValues(config.atrule),
  35384. pseudo: fetchParseValues(config.pseudo),
  35385. node: fetchParseValues(config.node)
  35386. };
  35387. for (const name in config.parseContext) {
  35388. switch (typeof config.parseContext[name]) {
  35389. case "function":
  35390. parseConfig.context[name] = config.parseContext[name];
  35391. break;
  35392. case "string":
  35393. parseConfig.context[name] = createParseContext(config.parseContext[name]);
  35394. break;
  35395. }
  35396. }
  35397. return {
  35398. config: parseConfig,
  35399. ...parseConfig,
  35400. ...parseConfig.node
  35401. };
  35402. }
  35403. function createParser(config) {
  35404. let source = "";
  35405. let filename = "<unknown>";
  35406. let needPositions = false;
  35407. let onParseError = NOOP;
  35408. let onParseErrorThrow = false;
  35409. const locationMap = new OffsetToLocation.OffsetToLocation();
  35410. const parser = Object.assign(new TokenStream.TokenStream(), processConfig(config || {}), {
  35411. parseAtrulePrelude: true,
  35412. parseRulePrelude: true,
  35413. parseValue: true,
  35414. parseCustomProperty: false,
  35415. readSequence: sequence.readSequence,
  35416. consumeUntilBalanceEnd: () => 0,
  35417. consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracket(code) {
  35418. return code === LEFTCURLYBRACKET ? 1 : 0;
  35419. },
  35420. consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracketOrSemicolon(code) {
  35421. return code === LEFTCURLYBRACKET || code === SEMICOLON ? 1 : 0;
  35422. },
  35423. consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon(code) {
  35424. return code === EXCLAMATIONMARK || code === SEMICOLON ? 1 : 0;
  35425. },
  35426. consumeUntilSemicolonIncluded(code) {
  35427. return code === SEMICOLON ? 2 : 0;
  35428. },
  35429. createList() {
  35430. return new List.List();
  35431. },
  35432. createSingleNodeList(node) {
  35433. return new List.List().appendData(node);
  35434. },
  35435. getFirstListNode(list) {
  35436. return list && list.first;
  35437. },
  35438. getLastListNode(list) {
  35439. return list && list.last;
  35440. },
  35441. parseWithFallback(consumer, fallback) {
  35442. const startToken = this.tokenIndex;
  35443. try {
  35444. return;
  35445. } catch (e) {
  35446. if (onParseErrorThrow) {
  35447. throw e;
  35448. }
  35449. const fallbackNode =, startToken);
  35450. onParseErrorThrow = true;
  35451. onParseError(e, fallbackNode);
  35452. onParseErrorThrow = false;
  35453. return fallbackNode;
  35454. }
  35455. },
  35456. lookupNonWSType(offset) {
  35457. let type;
  35458. do {
  35459. type = this.lookupType(offset++);
  35460. if (type !== types.WhiteSpace) {
  35461. return type;
  35462. }
  35463. } while (type !== NULL);
  35464. return NULL;
  35465. },
  35466. charCodeAt(offset) {
  35467. return offset >= 0 && offset < source.length ? source.charCodeAt(offset) : 0;
  35468. },
  35469. substring(offsetStart, offsetEnd) {
  35470. return source.substring(offsetStart, offsetEnd);
  35471. },
  35472. substrToCursor(start) {
  35473. return this.source.substring(start, this.tokenStart);
  35474. },
  35475. cmpChar(offset, charCode) {
  35476. return utils.cmpChar(source, offset, charCode);
  35477. },
  35478. cmpStr(offsetStart, offsetEnd, str) {
  35479. return utils.cmpStr(source, offsetStart, offsetEnd, str);
  35480. },
  35481. consume(tokenType) {
  35482. const start = this.tokenStart;
  35484. return this.substrToCursor(start);
  35485. },
  35486. consumeFunctionName() {
  35487. const name = source.substring(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd - 1);
  35489. return name;
  35490. },
  35491. consumeNumber(type) {
  35492. const number = source.substring(this.tokenStart, utils.consumeNumber(source, this.tokenStart));
  35494. return number;
  35495. },
  35496. eat(tokenType) {
  35497. if (this.tokenType !== tokenType) {
  35498. const tokenName = names[tokenType].slice(0, -6).replace(/-/g, " ").replace(/^./, (m) => m.toUpperCase());
  35499. let message = `${/[[\](){}]/.test(tokenName) ? `"${tokenName}"` : tokenName} is expected`;
  35500. let offset = this.tokenStart;
  35501. switch (tokenType) {
  35502. case types.Ident:
  35503. if (this.tokenType === types.Function || this.tokenType === types.Url) {
  35504. offset = this.tokenEnd - 1;
  35505. message = "Identifier is expected but function found";
  35506. } else {
  35507. message = "Identifier is expected";
  35508. }
  35509. break;
  35510. case types.Hash:
  35511. if (this.isDelim(NUMBERSIGN)) {
  35513. offset++;
  35514. message = "Name is expected";
  35515. }
  35516. break;
  35517. case types.Percentage:
  35518. if (this.tokenType === types.Number) {
  35519. offset = this.tokenEnd;
  35520. message = "Percent sign is expected";
  35521. }
  35522. break;
  35523. }
  35524. this.error(message, offset);
  35525. }
  35527. },
  35528. eatIdent(name) {
  35529. if (this.tokenType !== types.Ident || this.lookupValue(0, name) === false) {
  35530. this.error(`Identifier "${name}" is expected`);
  35531. }
  35533. },
  35534. eatDelim(code) {
  35535. if (!this.isDelim(code)) {
  35536. this.error(`Delim "${String.fromCharCode(code)}" is expected`);
  35537. }
  35539. },
  35540. getLocation(start, end) {
  35541. if (needPositions) {
  35542. return locationMap.getLocationRange(
  35543. start,
  35544. end,
  35545. filename
  35546. );
  35547. }
  35548. return null;
  35549. },
  35550. getLocationFromList(list) {
  35551. if (needPositions) {
  35552. const head = this.getFirstListNode(list);
  35553. const tail = this.getLastListNode(list);
  35554. return locationMap.getLocationRange(
  35555. head !== null ? head.loc.start.offset - locationMap.startOffset : this.tokenStart,
  35556. tail !== null ? tail.loc.end.offset - locationMap.startOffset : this.tokenStart,
  35557. filename
  35558. );
  35559. }
  35560. return null;
  35561. },
  35562. error(message, offset) {
  35563. const location = typeof offset !== "undefined" && offset < source.length ? locationMap.getLocation(offset) : this.eof ? locationMap.getLocation(utils.findWhiteSpaceStart(source, source.length - 1)) : locationMap.getLocation(this.tokenStart);
  35564. throw new SyntaxError2.SyntaxError(
  35565. message || "Unexpected input",
  35566. source,
  35567. location.offset,
  35568. location.line,
  35569. location.column
  35570. );
  35571. }
  35572. });
  35573. const parse = function(source_, options) {
  35574. source = source_;
  35575. options = options || {};
  35576. parser.setSource(source, index.tokenize);
  35577. locationMap.setSource(
  35578. source,
  35579. options.offset,
  35580. options.line,
  35581. options.column
  35582. );
  35583. filename = options.filename || "<unknown>";
  35584. needPositions = Boolean(options.positions);
  35585. onParseError = typeof options.onParseError === "function" ? options.onParseError : NOOP;
  35586. onParseErrorThrow = false;
  35587. parser.parseAtrulePrelude = "parseAtrulePrelude" in options ? Boolean(options.parseAtrulePrelude) : true;
  35588. parser.parseRulePrelude = "parseRulePrelude" in options ? Boolean(options.parseRulePrelude) : true;
  35589. parser.parseValue = "parseValue" in options ? Boolean(options.parseValue) : true;
  35590. parser.parseCustomProperty = "parseCustomProperty" in options ? Boolean(options.parseCustomProperty) : false;
  35591. const { context = "default", onComment } = options;
  35592. if (context in parser.context === false) {
  35593. throw new Error("Unknown context `" + context + "`");
  35594. }
  35595. if (typeof onComment === "function") {
  35596. parser.forEachToken((type, start, end) => {
  35597. if (type === types.Comment) {
  35598. const loc = parser.getLocation(start, end);
  35599. const value = utils.cmpStr(source, end - 2, end, "*/") ? source.slice(start + 2, end - 2) : source.slice(start + 2, end);
  35600. onComment(value, loc);
  35601. }
  35602. });
  35603. }
  35604. const ast = parser.context[context].call(parser, options);
  35605. if (!parser.eof) {
  35606. parser.error();
  35607. }
  35608. return ast;
  35609. };
  35610. return Object.assign(parse, {
  35611. SyntaxError: SyntaxError2.SyntaxError,
  35612. config: parser.config
  35613. });
  35614. }
  35615. exports2.createParser = createParser;
  35616. }
  35617. });
  35618. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/sourceMap.cjs
  35619. var require_sourceMap = __commonJS({
  35620. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/sourceMap.cjs"(exports2) {
  35621. "use strict";
  35622. var sourceMapGenerator_js = require_source_map_generator();
  35623. var trackNodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["Atrule", "Selector", "Declaration"]);
  35624. function generateSourceMap(handlers) {
  35625. const map = new sourceMapGenerator_js.SourceMapGenerator();
  35626. const generated = {
  35627. line: 1,
  35628. column: 0
  35629. };
  35630. const original = {
  35631. line: 0,
  35632. // should be zero to add first mapping
  35633. column: 0
  35634. };
  35635. const activatedGenerated = {
  35636. line: 1,
  35637. column: 0
  35638. };
  35639. const activatedMapping = {
  35640. generated: activatedGenerated
  35641. };
  35642. let line = 1;
  35643. let column = 0;
  35644. let sourceMappingActive = false;
  35645. const origHandlersNode = handlers.node;
  35646. handlers.node = function(node) {
  35647. if (node.loc && node.loc.start && trackNodes.has(node.type)) {
  35648. const nodeLine = node.loc.start.line;
  35649. const nodeColumn = node.loc.start.column - 1;
  35650. if (original.line !== nodeLine || original.column !== nodeColumn) {
  35651. original.line = nodeLine;
  35652. original.column = nodeColumn;
  35653. generated.line = line;
  35654. generated.column = column;
  35655. if (sourceMappingActive) {
  35656. sourceMappingActive = false;
  35657. if (generated.line !== activatedGenerated.line || generated.column !== activatedGenerated.column) {
  35658. map.addMapping(activatedMapping);
  35659. }
  35660. }
  35661. sourceMappingActive = true;
  35662. map.addMapping({
  35663. source: node.loc.source,
  35664. original,
  35665. generated
  35666. });
  35667. }
  35668. }
  35669., node);
  35670. if (sourceMappingActive && trackNodes.has(node.type)) {
  35671. activatedGenerated.line = line;
  35672. activatedGenerated.column = column;
  35673. }
  35674. };
  35675. const origHandlersEmit = handlers.emit;
  35676. handlers.emit = function(value, type, auto) {
  35677. for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
  35678. if (value.charCodeAt(i) === 10) {
  35679. line++;
  35680. column = 0;
  35681. } else {
  35682. column++;
  35683. }
  35684. }
  35685. origHandlersEmit(value, type, auto);
  35686. };
  35687. const origHandlersResult = handlers.result;
  35688. handlers.result = function() {
  35689. if (sourceMappingActive) {
  35690. map.addMapping(activatedMapping);
  35691. }
  35692. return {
  35693. css: origHandlersResult(),
  35694. map
  35695. };
  35696. };
  35697. return handlers;
  35698. }
  35699. exports2.generateSourceMap = generateSourceMap;
  35700. }
  35701. });
  35702. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/token-before.cjs
  35703. var require_token_before = __commonJS({
  35704. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/token-before.cjs"(exports2) {
  35705. "use strict";
  35706. var types = require_types2();
  35707. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  35708. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  35709. var code = (type, value) => {
  35710. if (type === types.Delim) {
  35711. type = value;
  35712. }
  35713. if (typeof type === "string") {
  35714. const charCode = type.charCodeAt(0);
  35715. return charCode > 127 ? 32768 : charCode << 8;
  35716. }
  35717. return type;
  35718. };
  35719. var specPairs = [
  35720. [types.Ident, types.Ident],
  35721. [types.Ident, types.Function],
  35722. [types.Ident, types.Url],
  35723. [types.Ident, types.BadUrl],
  35724. [types.Ident, "-"],
  35725. [types.Ident, types.Number],
  35726. [types.Ident, types.Percentage],
  35727. [types.Ident, types.Dimension],
  35728. [types.Ident, types.CDC],
  35729. [types.Ident, types.LeftParenthesis],
  35730. [types.AtKeyword, types.Ident],
  35731. [types.AtKeyword, types.Function],
  35732. [types.AtKeyword, types.Url],
  35733. [types.AtKeyword, types.BadUrl],
  35734. [types.AtKeyword, "-"],
  35735. [types.AtKeyword, types.Number],
  35736. [types.AtKeyword, types.Percentage],
  35737. [types.AtKeyword, types.Dimension],
  35738. [types.AtKeyword, types.CDC],
  35739. [types.Hash, types.Ident],
  35740. [types.Hash, types.Function],
  35741. [types.Hash, types.Url],
  35742. [types.Hash, types.BadUrl],
  35743. [types.Hash, "-"],
  35744. [types.Hash, types.Number],
  35745. [types.Hash, types.Percentage],
  35746. [types.Hash, types.Dimension],
  35747. [types.Hash, types.CDC],
  35748. [types.Dimension, types.Ident],
  35749. [types.Dimension, types.Function],
  35750. [types.Dimension, types.Url],
  35751. [types.Dimension, types.BadUrl],
  35752. [types.Dimension, "-"],
  35753. [types.Dimension, types.Number],
  35754. [types.Dimension, types.Percentage],
  35755. [types.Dimension, types.Dimension],
  35756. [types.Dimension, types.CDC],
  35757. ["#", types.Ident],
  35758. ["#", types.Function],
  35759. ["#", types.Url],
  35760. ["#", types.BadUrl],
  35761. ["#", "-"],
  35762. ["#", types.Number],
  35763. ["#", types.Percentage],
  35764. ["#", types.Dimension],
  35765. ["#", types.CDC],
  35766. //
  35767. ["-", types.Ident],
  35768. ["-", types.Function],
  35769. ["-", types.Url],
  35770. ["-", types.BadUrl],
  35771. ["-", "-"],
  35772. ["-", types.Number],
  35773. ["-", types.Percentage],
  35774. ["-", types.Dimension],
  35775. ["-", types.CDC],
  35776. //
  35777. [types.Number, types.Ident],
  35778. [types.Number, types.Function],
  35779. [types.Number, types.Url],
  35780. [types.Number, types.BadUrl],
  35781. [types.Number, types.Number],
  35782. [types.Number, types.Percentage],
  35783. [types.Number, types.Dimension],
  35784. [types.Number, "%"],
  35785. [types.Number, types.CDC],
  35786. //
  35787. ["@", types.Ident],
  35788. ["@", types.Function],
  35789. ["@", types.Url],
  35790. ["@", types.BadUrl],
  35791. ["@", "-"],
  35792. ["@", types.CDC],
  35793. //
  35794. [".", types.Number],
  35795. [".", types.Percentage],
  35796. [".", types.Dimension],
  35797. ["+", types.Number],
  35798. ["+", types.Percentage],
  35799. ["+", types.Dimension],
  35800. ["/", "*"]
  35801. ];
  35802. var safePairs = specPairs.concat([
  35803. [types.Ident, types.Hash],
  35804. [types.Dimension, types.Hash],
  35805. [types.Hash, types.Hash],
  35806. [types.AtKeyword, types.LeftParenthesis],
  35807. [types.AtKeyword, types.String],
  35808. [types.AtKeyword, types.Colon],
  35809. [types.Percentage, types.Percentage],
  35810. [types.Percentage, types.Dimension],
  35811. [types.Percentage, types.Function],
  35812. [types.Percentage, "-"],
  35813. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Ident],
  35814. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Function],
  35815. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Percentage],
  35816. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Dimension],
  35817. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Hash],
  35818. [types.RightParenthesis, "-"]
  35819. ]);
  35820. function createMap(pairs) {
  35821. const isWhiteSpaceRequired = new Set(
  35822.[prev, next]) => code(prev) << 16 | code(next))
  35823. );
  35824. return function(prevCode, type, value) {
  35825. const nextCode = code(type, value);
  35826. const nextCharCode = value.charCodeAt(0);
  35827. const emitWs = nextCharCode === HYPHENMINUS && type !== types.Ident && type !== types.Function && type !== types.CDC || nextCharCode === PLUSSIGN ? isWhiteSpaceRequired.has(prevCode << 16 | nextCharCode << 8) : isWhiteSpaceRequired.has(prevCode << 16 | nextCode);
  35828. if (emitWs) {
  35829. this.emit(" ", types.WhiteSpace, true);
  35830. }
  35831. return nextCode;
  35832. };
  35833. }
  35834. var spec = createMap(specPairs);
  35835. var safe = createMap(safePairs);
  35836. = safe;
  35837. exports2.spec = spec;
  35838. }
  35839. });
  35840. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/create.cjs
  35841. var require_create2 = __commonJS({
  35842. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/create.cjs"(exports2) {
  35843. "use strict";
  35844. var index = require_tokenizer();
  35845. var sourceMap = require_sourceMap();
  35846. var tokenBefore = require_token_before();
  35847. var types = require_types2();
  35848. var REVERSESOLIDUS = 92;
  35849. function processChildren(node, delimeter) {
  35850. if (typeof delimeter === "function") {
  35851. let prev = null;
  35852. node.children.forEach((node2) => {
  35853. if (prev !== null) {
  35854., prev);
  35855. }
  35856. this.node(node2);
  35857. prev = node2;
  35858. });
  35859. return;
  35860. }
  35861. node.children.forEach(this.node, this);
  35862. }
  35863. function processChunk(chunk) {
  35864. index.tokenize(chunk, (type, start, end) => {
  35865. this.token(type, chunk.slice(start, end));
  35866. });
  35867. }
  35868. function createGenerator(config) {
  35869. const types$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  35870. for (let name in config.node) {
  35871. const item = config.node[name];
  35872. const fn = item.generate || item;
  35873. if (typeof fn === "function") {
  35874. types$1.set(name, item.generate || item);
  35875. }
  35876. }
  35877. return function(node, options) {
  35878. let buffer = "";
  35879. let prevCode = 0;
  35880. let handlers = {
  35881. node(node2) {
  35882. if (types$1.has(node2.type)) {
  35883. types$1.get(node2.type).call(publicApi, node2);
  35884. } else {
  35885. throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + node2.type);
  35886. }
  35887. },
  35888. tokenBefore:,
  35889. token(type, value) {
  35890. prevCode = this.tokenBefore(prevCode, type, value);
  35891. this.emit(value, type, false);
  35892. if (type === types.Delim && value.charCodeAt(0) === REVERSESOLIDUS) {
  35893. this.emit("\n", types.WhiteSpace, true);
  35894. }
  35895. },
  35896. emit(value) {
  35897. buffer += value;
  35898. },
  35899. result() {
  35900. return buffer;
  35901. }
  35902. };
  35903. if (options) {
  35904. if (typeof options.decorator === "function") {
  35905. handlers = options.decorator(handlers);
  35906. }
  35907. if (options.sourceMap) {
  35908. handlers = sourceMap.generateSourceMap(handlers);
  35909. }
  35910. if (options.mode in tokenBefore) {
  35911. handlers.tokenBefore = tokenBefore[options.mode];
  35912. }
  35913. }
  35914. const publicApi = {
  35915. node: (node2) => handlers.node(node2),
  35916. children: processChildren,
  35917. token: (type, value) => handlers.token(type, value),
  35918. tokenize: processChunk
  35919. };
  35920. handlers.node(node);
  35921. return handlers.result();
  35922. };
  35923. }
  35924. exports2.createGenerator = createGenerator;
  35925. }
  35926. });
  35927. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/convertor/create.cjs
  35928. var require_create3 = __commonJS({
  35929. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/convertor/create.cjs"(exports2) {
  35930. "use strict";
  35931. var List = require_List();
  35932. function createConvertor(walk) {
  35933. return {
  35934. fromPlainObject(ast) {
  35935. walk(ast, {
  35936. enter(node) {
  35937. if (node.children && node.children instanceof List.List === false) {
  35938. node.children = new List.List().fromArray(node.children);
  35939. }
  35940. }
  35941. });
  35942. return ast;
  35943. },
  35944. toPlainObject(ast) {
  35945. walk(ast, {
  35946. leave(node) {
  35947. if (node.children && node.children instanceof List.List) {
  35948. node.children = node.children.toArray();
  35949. }
  35950. }
  35951. });
  35952. return ast;
  35953. }
  35954. };
  35955. }
  35956. exports2.createConvertor = createConvertor;
  35957. }
  35958. });
  35959. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/walker/create.cjs
  35960. var require_create4 = __commonJS({
  35961. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/walker/create.cjs"(exports2) {
  35962. "use strict";
  35963. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  35964. var noop = function() {
  35965. };
  35966. function ensureFunction(value) {
  35967. return typeof value === "function" ? value : noop;
  35968. }
  35969. function invokeForType(fn, type) {
  35970. return function(node, item, list) {
  35971. if (node.type === type) {
  35972., node, item, list);
  35973. }
  35974. };
  35975. }
  35976. function getWalkersFromStructure(name, nodeType) {
  35977. const structure = nodeType.structure;
  35978. const walkers = [];
  35979. for (const key in structure) {
  35980. if (, key) === false) {
  35981. continue;
  35982. }
  35983. let fieldTypes = structure[key];
  35984. const walker = {
  35985. name: key,
  35986. type: false,
  35987. nullable: false
  35988. };
  35989. if (!Array.isArray(fieldTypes)) {
  35990. fieldTypes = [fieldTypes];
  35991. }
  35992. for (const fieldType of fieldTypes) {
  35993. if (fieldType === null) {
  35994. walker.nullable = true;
  35995. } else if (typeof fieldType === "string") {
  35996. walker.type = "node";
  35997. } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) {
  35998. walker.type = "list";
  35999. }
  36000. }
  36001. if (walker.type) {
  36002. walkers.push(walker);
  36003. }
  36004. }
  36005. if (walkers.length) {
  36006. return {
  36007. context: nodeType.walkContext,
  36008. fields: walkers
  36009. };
  36010. }
  36011. return null;
  36012. }
  36013. function getTypesFromConfig(config) {
  36014. const types = {};
  36015. for (const name in config.node) {
  36016. if (, name)) {
  36017. const nodeType = config.node[name];
  36018. if (!nodeType.structure) {
  36019. throw new Error("Missed `structure` field in `" + name + "` node type definition");
  36020. }
  36021. types[name] = getWalkersFromStructure(name, nodeType);
  36022. }
  36023. }
  36024. return types;
  36025. }
  36026. function createTypeIterator(config, reverse) {
  36027. const fields = config.fields.slice();
  36028. const contextName = config.context;
  36029. const useContext = typeof contextName === "string";
  36030. if (reverse) {
  36031. fields.reverse();
  36032. }
  36033. return function(node, context, walk, walkReducer) {
  36034. let prevContextValue;
  36035. if (useContext) {
  36036. prevContextValue = context[contextName];
  36037. context[contextName] = node;
  36038. }
  36039. for (const field of fields) {
  36040. const ref = node[];
  36041. if (!field.nullable || ref) {
  36042. if (field.type === "list") {
  36043. const breakWalk = reverse ? ref.reduceRight(walkReducer, false) : ref.reduce(walkReducer, false);
  36044. if (breakWalk) {
  36045. return true;
  36046. }
  36047. } else if (walk(ref)) {
  36048. return true;
  36049. }
  36050. }
  36051. }
  36052. if (useContext) {
  36053. context[contextName] = prevContextValue;
  36054. }
  36055. };
  36056. }
  36057. function createFastTraveralMap({
  36058. StyleSheet,
  36059. Atrule,
  36060. Rule,
  36061. Block,
  36062. DeclarationList
  36063. }) {
  36064. return {
  36065. Atrule: {
  36066. StyleSheet,
  36067. Atrule,
  36068. Rule,
  36069. Block
  36070. },
  36071. Rule: {
  36072. StyleSheet,
  36073. Atrule,
  36074. Rule,
  36075. Block
  36076. },
  36077. Declaration: {
  36078. StyleSheet,
  36079. Atrule,
  36080. Rule,
  36081. Block,
  36082. DeclarationList
  36083. }
  36084. };
  36085. }
  36086. function createWalker(config) {
  36087. const types = getTypesFromConfig(config);
  36088. const iteratorsNatural = {};
  36089. const iteratorsReverse = {};
  36090. const breakWalk = Symbol("break-walk");
  36091. const skipNode = Symbol("skip-node");
  36092. for (const name in types) {
  36093. if (, name) && types[name] !== null) {
  36094. iteratorsNatural[name] = createTypeIterator(types[name], false);
  36095. iteratorsReverse[name] = createTypeIterator(types[name], true);
  36096. }
  36097. }
  36098. const fastTraversalIteratorsNatural = createFastTraveralMap(iteratorsNatural);
  36099. const fastTraversalIteratorsReverse = createFastTraveralMap(iteratorsReverse);
  36100. const walk = function(root, options) {
  36101. function walkNode(node, item, list) {
  36102. const enterRet =, node, item, list);
  36103. if (enterRet === breakWalk) {
  36104. return true;
  36105. }
  36106. if (enterRet === skipNode) {
  36107. return false;
  36108. }
  36109. if (iterators.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) {
  36110. if (iterators[node.type](node, context, walkNode, walkReducer)) {
  36111. return true;
  36112. }
  36113. }
  36114. if (, node, item, list) === breakWalk) {
  36115. return true;
  36116. }
  36117. return false;
  36118. }
  36119. let enter = noop;
  36120. let leave = noop;
  36121. let iterators = iteratorsNatural;
  36122. let walkReducer = (ret, data, item, list) => ret || walkNode(data, item, list);
  36123. const context = {
  36124. break: breakWalk,
  36125. skip: skipNode,
  36126. root,
  36127. stylesheet: null,
  36128. atrule: null,
  36129. atrulePrelude: null,
  36130. rule: null,
  36131. selector: null,
  36132. block: null,
  36133. declaration: null,
  36134. function: null
  36135. };
  36136. if (typeof options === "function") {
  36137. enter = options;
  36138. } else if (options) {
  36139. enter = ensureFunction(options.enter);
  36140. leave = ensureFunction(options.leave);
  36141. if (options.reverse) {
  36142. iterators = iteratorsReverse;
  36143. }
  36144. if (options.visit) {
  36145. if (fastTraversalIteratorsNatural.hasOwnProperty(options.visit)) {
  36146. iterators = options.reverse ? fastTraversalIteratorsReverse[options.visit] : fastTraversalIteratorsNatural[options.visit];
  36147. } else if (!types.hasOwnProperty(options.visit)) {
  36148. throw new Error("Bad value `" + options.visit + "` for `visit` option (should be: " + Object.keys(types).sort().join(", ") + ")");
  36149. }
  36150. enter = invokeForType(enter, options.visit);
  36151. leave = invokeForType(leave, options.visit);
  36152. }
  36153. }
  36154. if (enter === noop && leave === noop) {
  36155. throw new Error("Neither `enter` nor `leave` walker handler is set or both aren't a function");
  36156. }
  36157. walkNode(root);
  36158. };
  36159. walk.break = breakWalk;
  36160. walk.skip = skipNode;
  36161. walk.find = function(ast, fn) {
  36162. let found = null;
  36163. walk(ast, function(node, item, list) {
  36164. if (, node, item, list)) {
  36165. found = node;
  36166. return breakWalk;
  36167. }
  36168. });
  36169. return found;
  36170. };
  36171. walk.findLast = function(ast, fn) {
  36172. let found = null;
  36173. walk(ast, {
  36174. reverse: true,
  36175. enter(node, item, list) {
  36176. if (, node, item, list)) {
  36177. found = node;
  36178. return breakWalk;
  36179. }
  36180. }
  36181. });
  36182. return found;
  36183. };
  36184. walk.findAll = function(ast, fn) {
  36185. const found = [];
  36186. walk(ast, function(node, item, list) {
  36187. if (, node, item, list)) {
  36188. found.push(node);
  36189. }
  36190. });
  36191. return found;
  36192. };
  36193. return walk;
  36194. }
  36195. exports2.createWalker = createWalker;
  36196. }
  36197. });
  36198. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/generate.cjs
  36199. var require_generate = __commonJS({
  36200. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/generate.cjs"(exports2) {
  36201. "use strict";
  36202. function noop(value) {
  36203. return value;
  36204. }
  36205. function generateMultiplier(multiplier) {
  36206. const { min, max, comma } = multiplier;
  36207. if (min === 0 && max === 0) {
  36208. return comma ? "#?" : "*";
  36209. }
  36210. if (min === 0 && max === 1) {
  36211. return "?";
  36212. }
  36213. if (min === 1 && max === 0) {
  36214. return comma ? "#" : "+";
  36215. }
  36216. if (min === 1 && max === 1) {
  36217. return "";
  36218. }
  36219. return (comma ? "#" : "") + (min === max ? "{" + min + "}" : "{" + min + "," + (max !== 0 ? max : "") + "}");
  36220. }
  36221. function generateTypeOpts(node) {
  36222. switch (node.type) {
  36223. case "Range":
  36224. return " [" + (node.min === null ? "-\u221E" : node.min) + "," + (node.max === null ? "\u221E" : node.max) + "]";
  36225. default:
  36226. throw new Error("Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`");
  36227. }
  36228. }
  36229. function generateSequence(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) {
  36230. const combinator = node.combinator === " " || compact ? node.combinator : " " + node.combinator + " ";
  36231. const result = => internalGenerate(term, decorate, forceBraces, compact)).join(combinator);
  36232. if (node.explicit || forceBraces) {
  36233. return (compact || result[0] === "," ? "[" : "[ ") + result + (compact ? "]" : " ]");
  36234. }
  36235. return result;
  36236. }
  36237. function internalGenerate(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) {
  36238. let result;
  36239. switch (node.type) {
  36240. case "Group":
  36241. result = generateSequence(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) + (node.disallowEmpty ? "!" : "");
  36242. break;
  36243. case "Multiplier":
  36244. return internalGenerate(node.term, decorate, forceBraces, compact) + decorate(generateMultiplier(node), node);
  36245. case "Type":
  36246. result = "<" + + (node.opts ? decorate(generateTypeOpts(node.opts), node.opts) : "") + ">";
  36247. break;
  36248. case "Property":
  36249. result = "<'" + + "'>";
  36250. break;
  36251. case "Keyword":
  36252. result =;
  36253. break;
  36254. case "AtKeyword":
  36255. result = "@" +;
  36256. break;
  36257. case "Function":
  36258. result = + "(";
  36259. break;
  36260. case "String":
  36261. case "Token":
  36262. result = node.value;
  36263. break;
  36264. case "Comma":
  36265. result = ",";
  36266. break;
  36267. default:
  36268. throw new Error("Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`");
  36269. }
  36270. return decorate(result, node);
  36271. }
  36272. function generate(node, options) {
  36273. let decorate = noop;
  36274. let forceBraces = false;
  36275. let compact = false;
  36276. if (typeof options === "function") {
  36277. decorate = options;
  36278. } else if (options) {
  36279. forceBraces = Boolean(options.forceBraces);
  36280. compact = Boolean(options.compact);
  36281. if (typeof options.decorate === "function") {
  36282. decorate = options.decorate;
  36283. }
  36284. }
  36285. return internalGenerate(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact);
  36286. }
  36287. exports2.generate = generate;
  36288. }
  36289. });
  36290. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/error.cjs
  36291. var require_error2 = __commonJS({
  36292. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/error.cjs"(exports2) {
  36293. "use strict";
  36294. var createCustomError = require_create_custom_error();
  36295. var generate = require_generate();
  36296. var defaultLoc = { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 };
  36297. function locateMismatch(matchResult, node) {
  36298. const tokens = matchResult.tokens;
  36299. const longestMatch = matchResult.longestMatch;
  36300. const mismatchNode = longestMatch < tokens.length ? tokens[longestMatch].node || null : null;
  36301. const badNode = mismatchNode !== node ? mismatchNode : null;
  36302. let mismatchOffset = 0;
  36303. let mismatchLength = 0;
  36304. let entries = 0;
  36305. let css = "";
  36306. let start;
  36307. let end;
  36308. for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
  36309. const token = tokens[i].value;
  36310. if (i === longestMatch) {
  36311. mismatchLength = token.length;
  36312. mismatchOffset = css.length;
  36313. }
  36314. if (badNode !== null && tokens[i].node === badNode) {
  36315. if (i <= longestMatch) {
  36316. entries++;
  36317. } else {
  36318. entries = 0;
  36319. }
  36320. }
  36321. css += token;
  36322. }
  36323. if (longestMatch === tokens.length || entries > 1) {
  36324. start = fromLoc(badNode || node, "end") || buildLoc(defaultLoc, css);
  36325. end = buildLoc(start);
  36326. } else {
  36327. start = fromLoc(badNode, "start") || buildLoc(fromLoc(node, "start") || defaultLoc, css.slice(0, mismatchOffset));
  36328. end = fromLoc(badNode, "end") || buildLoc(start, css.substr(mismatchOffset, mismatchLength));
  36329. }
  36330. return {
  36331. css,
  36332. mismatchOffset,
  36333. mismatchLength,
  36334. start,
  36335. end
  36336. };
  36337. }
  36338. function fromLoc(node, point) {
  36339. const value = node && node.loc && node.loc[point];
  36340. if (value) {
  36341. return "line" in value ? buildLoc(value) : value;
  36342. }
  36343. return null;
  36344. }
  36345. function buildLoc({ offset, line, column }, extra) {
  36346. const loc = {
  36347. offset,
  36348. line,
  36349. column
  36350. };
  36351. if (extra) {
  36352. const lines = extra.split(/\n|\r\n?|\f/);
  36353. loc.offset += extra.length;
  36354. loc.line += lines.length - 1;
  36355. loc.column = lines.length === 1 ? loc.column + extra.length : lines.pop().length + 1;
  36356. }
  36357. return loc;
  36358. }
  36359. var SyntaxReferenceError = function(type, referenceName) {
  36360. const error = createCustomError.createCustomError(
  36361. "SyntaxReferenceError",
  36362. type + (referenceName ? " `" + referenceName + "`" : "")
  36363. );
  36364. error.reference = referenceName;
  36365. return error;
  36366. };
  36367. var SyntaxMatchError = function(message, syntax, node, matchResult) {
  36368. const error = createCustomError.createCustomError("SyntaxMatchError", message);
  36369. const {
  36370. css,
  36371. mismatchOffset,
  36372. mismatchLength,
  36373. start,
  36374. end
  36375. } = locateMismatch(matchResult, node);
  36376. error.rawMessage = message;
  36377. error.syntax = syntax ? generate.generate(syntax) : "<generic>";
  36378. error.css = css;
  36379. error.mismatchOffset = mismatchOffset;
  36380. error.mismatchLength = mismatchLength;
  36381. error.message = message + "\n syntax: " + error.syntax + "\n value: " + (css || "<empty string>") + "\n --------" + new Array(error.mismatchOffset + 1).join("-") + "^";
  36382. Object.assign(error, start);
  36383. error.loc = {
  36384. source: node && node.loc && node.loc.source || "<unknown>",
  36385. start,
  36386. end
  36387. };
  36388. return error;
  36389. };
  36390. exports2.SyntaxMatchError = SyntaxMatchError;
  36391. exports2.SyntaxReferenceError = SyntaxReferenceError;
  36392. }
  36393. });
  36394. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/names.cjs
  36395. var require_names3 = __commonJS({
  36396. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/names.cjs"(exports2) {
  36397. "use strict";
  36398. var keywords = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  36399. var properties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  36400. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  36401. var keyword = getKeywordDescriptor;
  36402. var property = getPropertyDescriptor;
  36403. var vendorPrefix = getVendorPrefix;
  36404. function isCustomProperty(str, offset) {
  36405. offset = offset || 0;
  36406. return str.length - offset >= 2 && str.charCodeAt(offset) === HYPHENMINUS && str.charCodeAt(offset + 1) === HYPHENMINUS;
  36407. }
  36408. function getVendorPrefix(str, offset) {
  36409. offset = offset || 0;
  36410. if (str.length - offset >= 3) {
  36411. if (str.charCodeAt(offset) === HYPHENMINUS && str.charCodeAt(offset + 1) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  36412. const secondDashIndex = str.indexOf("-", offset + 2);
  36413. if (secondDashIndex !== -1) {
  36414. return str.substring(offset, secondDashIndex + 1);
  36415. }
  36416. }
  36417. }
  36418. return "";
  36419. }
  36420. function getKeywordDescriptor(keyword2) {
  36421. if (keywords.has(keyword2)) {
  36422. return keywords.get(keyword2);
  36423. }
  36424. const name = keyword2.toLowerCase();
  36425. let descriptor = keywords.get(name);
  36426. if (descriptor === void 0) {
  36427. const custom = isCustomProperty(name, 0);
  36428. const vendor = !custom ? getVendorPrefix(name, 0) : "";
  36429. descriptor = Object.freeze({
  36430. basename: name.substr(vendor.length),
  36431. name,
  36432. prefix: vendor,
  36433. vendor,
  36434. custom
  36435. });
  36436. }
  36437. keywords.set(keyword2, descriptor);
  36438. return descriptor;
  36439. }
  36440. function getPropertyDescriptor(property2) {
  36441. if (properties.has(property2)) {
  36442. return properties.get(property2);
  36443. }
  36444. let name = property2;
  36445. let hack = property2[0];
  36446. if (hack === "/") {
  36447. hack = property2[1] === "/" ? "//" : "/";
  36448. } else if (hack !== "_" && hack !== "*" && hack !== "$" && hack !== "#" && hack !== "+" && hack !== "&") {
  36449. hack = "";
  36450. }
  36451. const custom = isCustomProperty(name, hack.length);
  36452. if (!custom) {
  36453. name = name.toLowerCase();
  36454. if (properties.has(name)) {
  36455. const descriptor2 = properties.get(name);
  36456. properties.set(property2, descriptor2);
  36457. return descriptor2;
  36458. }
  36459. }
  36460. const vendor = !custom ? getVendorPrefix(name, hack.length) : "";
  36461. const prefix = name.substr(0, hack.length + vendor.length);
  36462. const descriptor = Object.freeze({
  36463. basename: name.substr(prefix.length),
  36464. name: name.substr(hack.length),
  36465. hack,
  36466. vendor,
  36467. prefix,
  36468. custom
  36469. });
  36470. properties.set(property2, descriptor);
  36471. return descriptor;
  36472. }
  36473. exports2.isCustomProperty = isCustomProperty;
  36474. exports2.keyword = keyword;
  36475. = property;
  36476. exports2.vendorPrefix = vendorPrefix;
  36477. }
  36478. });
  36479. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-const.cjs
  36480. var require_generic_const = __commonJS({
  36481. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-const.cjs"(exports2) {
  36482. "use strict";
  36483. var cssWideKeywords = [
  36484. "initial",
  36485. "inherit",
  36486. "unset",
  36487. "revert",
  36488. "revert-layer"
  36489. ];
  36490. exports2.cssWideKeywords = cssWideKeywords;
  36491. }
  36492. });
  36493. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-an-plus-b.cjs
  36494. var require_generic_an_plus_b = __commonJS({
  36495. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-an-plus-b.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  36496. "use strict";
  36497. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  36498. var types = require_types2();
  36499. var utils = require_utils3();
  36500. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  36501. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  36502. var N = 110;
  36503. var DISALLOW_SIGN = true;
  36504. var ALLOW_SIGN = false;
  36505. function isDelim(token, code) {
  36506. return token !== null && token.type === types.Delim && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code;
  36507. }
  36508. function skipSC(token, offset, getNextToken) {
  36509. while (token !== null && (token.type === types.WhiteSpace || token.type === types.Comment)) {
  36510. token = getNextToken(++offset);
  36511. }
  36512. return offset;
  36513. }
  36514. function checkInteger(token, valueOffset, disallowSign, offset) {
  36515. if (!token) {
  36516. return 0;
  36517. }
  36518. const code = token.value.charCodeAt(valueOffset);
  36519. if (code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS) {
  36520. if (disallowSign) {
  36521. return 0;
  36522. }
  36523. valueOffset++;
  36524. }
  36525. for (; valueOffset < token.value.length; valueOffset++) {
  36526. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(token.value.charCodeAt(valueOffset))) {
  36527. return 0;
  36528. }
  36529. }
  36530. return offset + 1;
  36531. }
  36532. function consumeB(token, offset_, getNextToken) {
  36533. let sign = false;
  36534. let offset = skipSC(token, offset_, getNextToken);
  36535. token = getNextToken(offset);
  36536. if (token === null) {
  36537. return offset_;
  36538. }
  36539. if (token.type !== types.Number) {
  36540. if (isDelim(token, PLUSSIGN) || isDelim(token, HYPHENMINUS)) {
  36541. sign = true;
  36542. offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  36543. token = getNextToken(offset);
  36544. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Number) {
  36545. return 0;
  36546. }
  36547. } else {
  36548. return offset_;
  36549. }
  36550. }
  36551. if (!sign) {
  36552. const code = token.value.charCodeAt(0);
  36553. if (code !== PLUSSIGN && code !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  36554. return 0;
  36555. }
  36556. }
  36557. return checkInteger(token, sign ? 0 : 1, sign, offset);
  36558. }
  36559. function anPlusB(token, getNextToken) {
  36560. let offset = 0;
  36561. if (!token) {
  36562. return 0;
  36563. }
  36564. if (token.type === types.Number) {
  36565. return checkInteger(token, 0, ALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  36566. } else if (token.type === types.Ident && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === HYPHENMINUS) {
  36567. if (!utils.cmpChar(token.value, 1, N)) {
  36568. return 0;
  36569. }
  36570. switch (token.value.length) {
  36571. case 2:
  36572. return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  36573. case 3:
  36574. if (token.value.charCodeAt(2) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  36575. return 0;
  36576. }
  36577. offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  36578. token = getNextToken(offset);
  36579. return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  36580. default:
  36581. if (token.value.charCodeAt(2) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  36582. return 0;
  36583. }
  36584. return checkInteger(token, 3, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  36585. }
  36586. } else if (token.type === types.Ident || isDelim(token, PLUSSIGN) && getNextToken(offset + 1).type === types.Ident) {
  36587. if (token.type !== types.Ident) {
  36588. token = getNextToken(++offset);
  36589. }
  36590. if (token === null || !utils.cmpChar(token.value, 0, N)) {
  36591. return 0;
  36592. }
  36593. switch (token.value.length) {
  36594. case 1:
  36595. return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  36596. case 2:
  36597. if (token.value.charCodeAt(1) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  36598. return 0;
  36599. }
  36600. offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  36601. token = getNextToken(offset);
  36602. return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  36603. default:
  36604. if (token.value.charCodeAt(1) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  36605. return 0;
  36606. }
  36607. return checkInteger(token, 2, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  36608. }
  36609. } else if (token.type === types.Dimension) {
  36610. let code = token.value.charCodeAt(0);
  36611. let sign = code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS ? 1 : 0;
  36612. let i = sign;
  36613. for (; i < token.value.length; i++) {
  36614. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(token.value.charCodeAt(i))) {
  36615. break;
  36616. }
  36617. }
  36618. if (i === sign) {
  36619. return 0;
  36620. }
  36621. if (!utils.cmpChar(token.value, i, N)) {
  36622. return 0;
  36623. }
  36624. if (i + 1 === token.value.length) {
  36625. return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  36626. } else {
  36627. if (token.value.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  36628. return 0;
  36629. }
  36630. if (i + 2 === token.value.length) {
  36631. offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  36632. token = getNextToken(offset);
  36633. return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  36634. } else {
  36635. return checkInteger(token, i + 2, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  36636. }
  36637. }
  36638. }
  36639. return 0;
  36640. }
  36641. module2.exports = anPlusB;
  36642. }
  36643. });
  36644. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-urange.cjs
  36645. var require_generic_urange = __commonJS({
  36646. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-urange.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  36647. "use strict";
  36648. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  36649. var types = require_types2();
  36650. var utils = require_utils3();
  36651. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  36652. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  36653. var QUESTIONMARK = 63;
  36654. var U = 117;
  36655. function isDelim(token, code) {
  36656. return token !== null && token.type === types.Delim && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code;
  36657. }
  36658. function startsWith(token, code) {
  36659. return token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code;
  36660. }
  36661. function hexSequence(token, offset, allowDash) {
  36662. let hexlen = 0;
  36663. for (let pos = offset; pos < token.value.length; pos++) {
  36664. const code = token.value.charCodeAt(pos);
  36665. if (code === HYPHENMINUS && allowDash && hexlen !== 0) {
  36666. hexSequence(token, offset + hexlen + 1, false);
  36667. return 6;
  36668. }
  36669. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(code)) {
  36670. return 0;
  36671. }
  36672. if (++hexlen > 6) {
  36673. return 0;
  36674. }
  36675. }
  36676. return hexlen;
  36677. }
  36678. function withQuestionMarkSequence(consumed, length, getNextToken) {
  36679. if (!consumed) {
  36680. return 0;
  36681. }
  36682. while (isDelim(getNextToken(length), QUESTIONMARK)) {
  36683. if (++consumed > 6) {
  36684. return 0;
  36685. }
  36686. length++;
  36687. }
  36688. return length;
  36689. }
  36690. function urange(token, getNextToken) {
  36691. let length = 0;
  36692. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Ident || !utils.cmpChar(token.value, 0, U)) {
  36693. return 0;
  36694. }
  36695. token = getNextToken(++length);
  36696. if (token === null) {
  36697. return 0;
  36698. }
  36699. if (isDelim(token, PLUSSIGN)) {
  36700. token = getNextToken(++length);
  36701. if (token === null) {
  36702. return 0;
  36703. }
  36704. if (token.type === types.Ident) {
  36705. return withQuestionMarkSequence(hexSequence(token, 0, true), ++length, getNextToken);
  36706. }
  36707. if (isDelim(token, QUESTIONMARK)) {
  36708. return withQuestionMarkSequence(1, ++length, getNextToken);
  36709. }
  36710. return 0;
  36711. }
  36712. if (token.type === types.Number) {
  36713. const consumedHexLength = hexSequence(token, 1, true);
  36714. if (consumedHexLength === 0) {
  36715. return 0;
  36716. }
  36717. token = getNextToken(++length);
  36718. if (token === null) {
  36719. return length;
  36720. }
  36721. if (token.type === types.Dimension || token.type === types.Number) {
  36722. if (!startsWith(token, HYPHENMINUS) || !hexSequence(token, 1, false)) {
  36723. return 0;
  36724. }
  36725. return length + 1;
  36726. }
  36727. return withQuestionMarkSequence(consumedHexLength, length, getNextToken);
  36728. }
  36729. if (token.type === types.Dimension) {
  36730. return withQuestionMarkSequence(hexSequence(token, 1, true), ++length, getNextToken);
  36731. }
  36732. return 0;
  36733. }
  36734. module2.exports = urange;
  36735. }
  36736. });
  36737. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic.cjs
  36738. var require_generic = __commonJS({
  36739. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic.cjs"(exports2) {
  36740. "use strict";
  36741. var genericConst = require_generic_const();
  36742. var genericAnPlusB = require_generic_an_plus_b();
  36743. var genericUrange = require_generic_urange();
  36744. var types = require_types2();
  36745. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  36746. var utils = require_utils3();
  36747. var calcFunctionNames = ["calc(", "-moz-calc(", "-webkit-calc("];
  36748. var balancePair = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  36749. [types.Function, types.RightParenthesis],
  36750. [types.LeftParenthesis, types.RightParenthesis],
  36751. [types.LeftSquareBracket, types.RightSquareBracket],
  36752. [types.LeftCurlyBracket, types.RightCurlyBracket]
  36753. ]);
  36754. function charCodeAt(str, index) {
  36755. return index < str.length ? str.charCodeAt(index) : 0;
  36756. }
  36757. function eqStr(actual, expected) {
  36758. return utils.cmpStr(actual, 0, actual.length, expected);
  36759. }
  36760. function eqStrAny(actual, expected) {
  36761. for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
  36762. if (eqStr(actual, expected[i])) {
  36763. return true;
  36764. }
  36765. }
  36766. return false;
  36767. }
  36768. function isPostfixIeHack(str, offset) {
  36769. if (offset !== str.length - 2) {
  36770. return false;
  36771. }
  36772. return charCodeAt(str, offset) === 92 && // U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS (\)
  36773. charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(charCodeAt(str, offset + 1));
  36774. }
  36775. function outOfRange(opts, value, numEnd) {
  36776. if (opts && opts.type === "Range") {
  36777. const num = Number(
  36778. numEnd !== void 0 && numEnd !== value.length ? value.substr(0, numEnd) : value
  36779. );
  36780. if (isNaN(num)) {
  36781. return true;
  36782. }
  36783. if (opts.min !== null && num < opts.min && typeof opts.min !== "string") {
  36784. return true;
  36785. }
  36786. if (opts.max !== null && num > opts.max && typeof opts.max !== "string") {
  36787. return true;
  36788. }
  36789. }
  36790. return false;
  36791. }
  36792. function consumeFunction(token, getNextToken) {
  36793. let balanceCloseType = 0;
  36794. let balanceStash = [];
  36795. let length = 0;
  36796. scan:
  36797. do {
  36798. switch (token.type) {
  36799. case types.RightCurlyBracket:
  36800. case types.RightParenthesis:
  36801. case types.RightSquareBracket:
  36802. if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) {
  36803. break scan;
  36804. }
  36805. balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop();
  36806. if (balanceStash.length === 0) {
  36807. length++;
  36808. break scan;
  36809. }
  36810. break;
  36811. case types.Function:
  36812. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  36813. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  36814. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  36815. balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType);
  36816. balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(token.type);
  36817. break;
  36818. }
  36819. length++;
  36820. } while (token = getNextToken(length));
  36821. return length;
  36822. }
  36823. function calc(next) {
  36824. return function(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  36825. if (token === null) {
  36826. return 0;
  36827. }
  36828. if (token.type === types.Function && eqStrAny(token.value, calcFunctionNames)) {
  36829. return consumeFunction(token, getNextToken);
  36830. }
  36831. return next(token, getNextToken, opts);
  36832. };
  36833. }
  36834. function tokenType(expectedTokenType) {
  36835. return function(token) {
  36836. if (token === null || token.type !== expectedTokenType) {
  36837. return 0;
  36838. }
  36839. return 1;
  36840. };
  36841. }
  36842. function customIdent(token) {
  36843. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Ident) {
  36844. return 0;
  36845. }
  36846. const name = token.value.toLowerCase();
  36847. if (eqStrAny(name, genericConst.cssWideKeywords)) {
  36848. return 0;
  36849. }
  36850. if (eqStr(name, "default")) {
  36851. return 0;
  36852. }
  36853. return 1;
  36854. }
  36855. function customPropertyName(token) {
  36856. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Ident) {
  36857. return 0;
  36858. }
  36859. if (charCodeAt(token.value, 0) !== 45 || charCodeAt(token.value, 1) !== 45) {
  36860. return 0;
  36861. }
  36862. return 1;
  36863. }
  36864. function hexColor(token) {
  36865. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Hash) {
  36866. return 0;
  36867. }
  36868. const length = token.value.length;
  36869. if (length !== 4 && length !== 5 && length !== 7 && length !== 9) {
  36870. return 0;
  36871. }
  36872. for (let i = 1; i < length; i++) {
  36873. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(charCodeAt(token.value, i))) {
  36874. return 0;
  36875. }
  36876. }
  36877. return 1;
  36878. }
  36879. function idSelector(token) {
  36880. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Hash) {
  36881. return 0;
  36882. }
  36883. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart(charCodeAt(token.value, 1), charCodeAt(token.value, 2), charCodeAt(token.value, 3))) {
  36884. return 0;
  36885. }
  36886. return 1;
  36887. }
  36888. function declarationValue(token, getNextToken) {
  36889. if (!token) {
  36890. return 0;
  36891. }
  36892. let balanceCloseType = 0;
  36893. let balanceStash = [];
  36894. let length = 0;
  36895. scan:
  36896. do {
  36897. switch (token.type) {
  36898. case types.BadString:
  36899. case types.BadUrl:
  36900. break scan;
  36901. case types.RightCurlyBracket:
  36902. case types.RightParenthesis:
  36903. case types.RightSquareBracket:
  36904. if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) {
  36905. break scan;
  36906. }
  36907. balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop();
  36908. break;
  36909. case types.Semicolon:
  36910. if (balanceCloseType === 0) {
  36911. break scan;
  36912. }
  36913. break;
  36914. case types.Delim:
  36915. if (balanceCloseType === 0 && token.value === "!") {
  36916. break scan;
  36917. }
  36918. break;
  36919. case types.Function:
  36920. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  36921. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  36922. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  36923. balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType);
  36924. balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(token.type);
  36925. break;
  36926. }
  36927. length++;
  36928. } while (token = getNextToken(length));
  36929. return length;
  36930. }
  36931. function anyValue(token, getNextToken) {
  36932. if (!token) {
  36933. return 0;
  36934. }
  36935. let balanceCloseType = 0;
  36936. let balanceStash = [];
  36937. let length = 0;
  36938. scan:
  36939. do {
  36940. switch (token.type) {
  36941. case types.BadString:
  36942. case types.BadUrl:
  36943. break scan;
  36944. case types.RightCurlyBracket:
  36945. case types.RightParenthesis:
  36946. case types.RightSquareBracket:
  36947. if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) {
  36948. break scan;
  36949. }
  36950. balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop();
  36951. break;
  36952. case types.Function:
  36953. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  36954. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  36955. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  36956. balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType);
  36957. balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(token.type);
  36958. break;
  36959. }
  36960. length++;
  36961. } while (token = getNextToken(length));
  36962. return length;
  36963. }
  36964. function dimension(type) {
  36965. if (type) {
  36966. type = new Set(type);
  36967. }
  36968. return function(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  36969. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Dimension) {
  36970. return 0;
  36971. }
  36972. const numberEnd = utils.consumeNumber(token.value, 0);
  36973. if (type !== null) {
  36974. const reverseSolidusOffset = token.value.indexOf("\\", numberEnd);
  36975. const unit = reverseSolidusOffset === -1 || !isPostfixIeHack(token.value, reverseSolidusOffset) ? token.value.substr(numberEnd) : token.value.substring(numberEnd, reverseSolidusOffset);
  36976. if (type.has(unit.toLowerCase()) === false) {
  36977. return 0;
  36978. }
  36979. }
  36980. if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, numberEnd)) {
  36981. return 0;
  36982. }
  36983. return 1;
  36984. };
  36985. }
  36986. function percentage(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  36987. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Percentage) {
  36988. return 0;
  36989. }
  36990. if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, token.value.length - 1)) {
  36991. return 0;
  36992. }
  36993. return 1;
  36994. }
  36995. function zero(next) {
  36996. if (typeof next !== "function") {
  36997. next = function() {
  36998. return 0;
  36999. };
  37000. }
  37001. return function(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  37002. if (token !== null && token.type === types.Number) {
  37003. if (Number(token.value) === 0) {
  37004. return 1;
  37005. }
  37006. }
  37007. return next(token, getNextToken, opts);
  37008. };
  37009. }
  37010. function number(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  37011. if (token === null) {
  37012. return 0;
  37013. }
  37014. const numberEnd = utils.consumeNumber(token.value, 0);
  37015. const isNumber = numberEnd === token.value.length;
  37016. if (!isNumber && !isPostfixIeHack(token.value, numberEnd)) {
  37017. return 0;
  37018. }
  37019. if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, numberEnd)) {
  37020. return 0;
  37021. }
  37022. return 1;
  37023. }
  37024. function integer(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  37025. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Number) {
  37026. return 0;
  37027. }
  37028. let i = charCodeAt(token.value, 0) === 43 || // U+002B PLUS SIGN (+)
  37029. charCodeAt(token.value, 0) === 45 ? 1 : 0;
  37030. for (; i < token.value.length; i++) {
  37031. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(charCodeAt(token.value, i))) {
  37032. return 0;
  37033. }
  37034. }
  37035. if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, i)) {
  37036. return 0;
  37037. }
  37038. return 1;
  37039. }
  37040. var tokenTypes = {
  37041. "ident-token": tokenType(types.Ident),
  37042. "function-token": tokenType(types.Function),
  37043. "at-keyword-token": tokenType(types.AtKeyword),
  37044. "hash-token": tokenType(types.Hash),
  37045. "string-token": tokenType(types.String),
  37046. "bad-string-token": tokenType(types.BadString),
  37047. "url-token": tokenType(types.Url),
  37048. "bad-url-token": tokenType(types.BadUrl),
  37049. "delim-token": tokenType(types.Delim),
  37050. "number-token": tokenType(types.Number),
  37051. "percentage-token": tokenType(types.Percentage),
  37052. "dimension-token": tokenType(types.Dimension),
  37053. "whitespace-token": tokenType(types.WhiteSpace),
  37054. "CDO-token": tokenType(types.CDO),
  37055. "CDC-token": tokenType(types.CDC),
  37056. "colon-token": tokenType(types.Colon),
  37057. "semicolon-token": tokenType(types.Semicolon),
  37058. "comma-token": tokenType(types.Comma),
  37059. "[-token": tokenType(types.LeftSquareBracket),
  37060. "]-token": tokenType(types.RightSquareBracket),
  37061. "(-token": tokenType(types.LeftParenthesis),
  37062. ")-token": tokenType(types.RightParenthesis),
  37063. "{-token": tokenType(types.LeftCurlyBracket),
  37064. "}-token": tokenType(types.RightCurlyBracket)
  37065. };
  37066. var productionTypes = {
  37067. // token type aliases
  37068. "string": tokenType(types.String),
  37069. "ident": tokenType(types.Ident),
  37070. // percentage
  37071. "percentage": calc(percentage),
  37072. // numeric
  37073. "zero": zero(),
  37074. "number": calc(number),
  37075. "integer": calc(integer),
  37076. // complex types
  37077. "custom-ident": customIdent,
  37078. "custom-property-name": customPropertyName,
  37079. "hex-color": hexColor,
  37080. "id-selector": idSelector,
  37081. // element( <id-selector> )
  37082. "an-plus-b": genericAnPlusB,
  37083. "urange": genericUrange,
  37084. "declaration-value": declarationValue,
  37085. "any-value": anyValue
  37086. };
  37087. function createDemensionTypes(units) {
  37088. const {
  37089. angle,
  37090. decibel,
  37091. frequency,
  37092. flex,
  37093. length,
  37094. resolution,
  37095. semitones,
  37096. time
  37097. } = units || {};
  37098. return {
  37099. "dimension": calc(dimension(null)),
  37100. "angle": calc(dimension(angle)),
  37101. "decibel": calc(dimension(decibel)),
  37102. "frequency": calc(dimension(frequency)),
  37103. "flex": calc(dimension(flex)),
  37104. "length": calc(zero(dimension(length))),
  37105. "resolution": calc(dimension(resolution)),
  37106. "semitones": calc(dimension(semitones)),
  37107. "time": calc(dimension(time))
  37108. };
  37109. }
  37110. function createGenericTypes(units) {
  37111. return {
  37112. ...tokenTypes,
  37113. ...productionTypes,
  37114. ...createDemensionTypes(units)
  37115. };
  37116. }
  37117. exports2.createDemensionTypes = createDemensionTypes;
  37118. exports2.createGenericTypes = createGenericTypes;
  37119. exports2.productionTypes = productionTypes;
  37120. exports2.tokenTypes = tokenTypes;
  37121. }
  37122. });
  37123. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/units.cjs
  37124. var require_units = __commonJS({
  37125. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/units.cjs"(exports2) {
  37126. "use strict";
  37127. var length = [
  37128. // absolute length units
  37129. "cm",
  37130. "mm",
  37131. "q",
  37132. "in",
  37133. "pt",
  37134. "pc",
  37135. "px",
  37136. // font-relative length units
  37137. "em",
  37138. "rem",
  37139. "ex",
  37140. "rex",
  37141. "cap",
  37142. "rcap",
  37143. "ch",
  37144. "rch",
  37145. "ic",
  37146. "ric",
  37147. "lh",
  37148. "rlh",
  37149. // viewport-percentage lengths
  37150. "vw",
  37151. "svw",
  37152. "lvw",
  37153. "dvw",
  37154. "vh",
  37155. "svh",
  37156. "lvh",
  37157. "dvh",
  37158. "vi",
  37159. "svi",
  37160. "lvi",
  37161. "dvi",
  37162. "vb",
  37163. "svb",
  37164. "lvb",
  37165. "dvb",
  37166. "vmin",
  37167. "svmin",
  37168. "lvmin",
  37169. "dvmin",
  37170. "vmax",
  37171. "svmax",
  37172. "lvmax",
  37173. "dvmax",
  37174. // container relative lengths
  37175. "cqw",
  37176. "cqh",
  37177. "cqi",
  37178. "cqb",
  37179. "cqmin",
  37180. "cqmax"
  37181. ];
  37182. var angle = ["deg", "grad", "rad", "turn"];
  37183. var time = ["s", "ms"];
  37184. var frequency = ["hz", "khz"];
  37185. var resolution = ["dpi", "dpcm", "dppx", "x"];
  37186. var flex = ["fr"];
  37187. var decibel = ["db"];
  37188. var semitones = ["st"];
  37189. exports2.angle = angle;
  37190. exports2.decibel = decibel;
  37191. exports2.flex = flex;
  37192. exports2.frequency = frequency;
  37193. exports2.length = length;
  37194. exports2.resolution = resolution;
  37195. exports2.semitones = semitones;
  37196. exports2.time = time;
  37197. }
  37198. });
  37199. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/prepare-tokens.cjs
  37200. var require_prepare_tokens = __commonJS({
  37201. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/prepare-tokens.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  37202. "use strict";
  37203. var index = require_tokenizer();
  37204. var astToTokens = {
  37205. decorator(handlers) {
  37206. const tokens = [];
  37207. let curNode = null;
  37208. return {
  37209. ...handlers,
  37210. node(node) {
  37211. const tmp = curNode;
  37212. curNode = node;
  37213., node);
  37214. curNode = tmp;
  37215. },
  37216. emit(value, type, auto) {
  37217. tokens.push({
  37218. type,
  37219. value,
  37220. node: auto ? null : curNode
  37221. });
  37222. },
  37223. result() {
  37224. return tokens;
  37225. }
  37226. };
  37227. }
  37228. };
  37229. function stringToTokens(str) {
  37230. const tokens = [];
  37231. index.tokenize(
  37232. str,
  37233. (type, start, end) => tokens.push({
  37234. type,
  37235. value: str.slice(start, end),
  37236. node: null
  37237. })
  37238. );
  37239. return tokens;
  37240. }
  37241. function prepareTokens(value, syntax) {
  37242. if (typeof value === "string") {
  37243. return stringToTokens(value);
  37244. }
  37245. return syntax.generate(value, astToTokens);
  37246. }
  37247. module2.exports = prepareTokens;
  37248. }
  37249. });
  37250. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/SyntaxError.cjs
  37251. var require_SyntaxError2 = __commonJS({
  37252. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/SyntaxError.cjs"(exports2) {
  37253. "use strict";
  37254. var createCustomError = require_create_custom_error();
  37255. function SyntaxError2(message, input, offset) {
  37256. return Object.assign(createCustomError.createCustomError("SyntaxError", message), {
  37257. input,
  37258. offset,
  37259. rawMessage: message,
  37260. message: message + "\n " + input + "\n--" + new Array((offset || input.length) + 1).join("-") + "^"
  37261. });
  37262. }
  37263. exports2.SyntaxError = SyntaxError2;
  37264. }
  37265. });
  37266. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/tokenizer.cjs
  37267. var require_tokenizer2 = __commonJS({
  37268. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/tokenizer.cjs"(exports2) {
  37269. "use strict";
  37270. var SyntaxError2 = require_SyntaxError2();
  37271. var TAB = 9;
  37272. var N = 10;
  37273. var F = 12;
  37274. var R = 13;
  37275. var SPACE = 32;
  37276. var Tokenizer = class {
  37277. constructor(str) {
  37278. this.str = str;
  37279. this.pos = 0;
  37280. }
  37281. charCodeAt(pos) {
  37282. return pos < this.str.length ? this.str.charCodeAt(pos) : 0;
  37283. }
  37284. charCode() {
  37285. return this.charCodeAt(this.pos);
  37286. }
  37287. nextCharCode() {
  37288. return this.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1);
  37289. }
  37290. nextNonWsCode(pos) {
  37291. return this.charCodeAt(this.findWsEnd(pos));
  37292. }
  37293. findWsEnd(pos) {
  37294. for (; pos < this.str.length; pos++) {
  37295. const code = this.str.charCodeAt(pos);
  37296. if (code !== R && code !== N && code !== F && code !== SPACE && code !== TAB) {
  37297. break;
  37298. }
  37299. }
  37300. return pos;
  37301. }
  37302. substringToPos(end) {
  37303. return this.str.substring(this.pos, this.pos = end);
  37304. }
  37305. eat(code) {
  37306. if (this.charCode() !== code) {
  37307. this.error("Expect `" + String.fromCharCode(code) + "`");
  37308. }
  37309. this.pos++;
  37310. }
  37311. peek() {
  37312. return this.pos < this.str.length ? this.str.charAt(this.pos++) : "";
  37313. }
  37314. error(message) {
  37315. throw new SyntaxError2.SyntaxError(message, this.str, this.pos);
  37316. }
  37317. };
  37318. exports2.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;
  37319. }
  37320. });
  37321. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/parse.cjs
  37322. var require_parse6 = __commonJS({
  37323. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/parse.cjs"(exports2) {
  37324. "use strict";
  37325. var tokenizer = require_tokenizer2();
  37326. var TAB = 9;
  37327. var N = 10;
  37328. var F = 12;
  37329. var R = 13;
  37330. var SPACE = 32;
  37331. var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33;
  37332. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  37333. var AMPERSAND = 38;
  37334. var APOSTROPHE = 39;
  37335. var LEFTPARENTHESIS = 40;
  37336. var RIGHTPARENTHESIS = 41;
  37337. var ASTERISK = 42;
  37338. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  37339. var COMMA = 44;
  37340. var HYPERMINUS = 45;
  37341. var LESSTHANSIGN = 60;
  37342. var GREATERTHANSIGN = 62;
  37343. var QUESTIONMARK = 63;
  37344. var COMMERCIALAT = 64;
  37345. var LEFTSQUAREBRACKET = 91;
  37346. var RIGHTSQUAREBRACKET = 93;
  37347. var LEFTCURLYBRACKET = 123;
  37348. var VERTICALLINE = 124;
  37349. var RIGHTCURLYBRACKET = 125;
  37350. var INFINITY = 8734;
  37351. var NAME_CHAR = new Uint8Array(128).map(
  37352. (_, idx) => /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]/.test(String.fromCharCode(idx)) ? 1 : 0
  37353. );
  37355. " ": 1,
  37356. "&&": 2,
  37357. "||": 3,
  37358. "|": 4
  37359. };
  37360. function scanSpaces(tokenizer2) {
  37361. return tokenizer2.substringToPos(
  37362. tokenizer2.findWsEnd(tokenizer2.pos)
  37363. );
  37364. }
  37365. function scanWord(tokenizer2) {
  37366. let end = tokenizer2.pos;
  37367. for (; end < tokenizer2.str.length; end++) {
  37368. const code = tokenizer2.str.charCodeAt(end);
  37369. if (code >= 128 || NAME_CHAR[code] === 0) {
  37370. break;
  37371. }
  37372. }
  37373. if (tokenizer2.pos === end) {
  37374. tokenizer2.error("Expect a keyword");
  37375. }
  37376. return tokenizer2.substringToPos(end);
  37377. }
  37378. function scanNumber(tokenizer2) {
  37379. let end = tokenizer2.pos;
  37380. for (; end < tokenizer2.str.length; end++) {
  37381. const code = tokenizer2.str.charCodeAt(end);
  37382. if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
  37383. break;
  37384. }
  37385. }
  37386. if (tokenizer2.pos === end) {
  37387. tokenizer2.error("Expect a number");
  37388. }
  37389. return tokenizer2.substringToPos(end);
  37390. }
  37391. function scanString(tokenizer2) {
  37392. const end = tokenizer2.str.indexOf("'", tokenizer2.pos + 1);
  37393. if (end === -1) {
  37394. tokenizer2.pos = tokenizer2.str.length;
  37395. tokenizer2.error("Expect an apostrophe");
  37396. }
  37397. return tokenizer2.substringToPos(end + 1);
  37398. }
  37399. function readMultiplierRange(tokenizer2) {
  37400. let min = null;
  37401. let max = null;
  37403. min = scanNumber(tokenizer2);
  37404. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === COMMA) {
  37405. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37406. if (tokenizer2.charCode() !== RIGHTCURLYBRACKET) {
  37407. max = scanNumber(tokenizer2);
  37408. }
  37409. } else {
  37410. max = min;
  37411. }
  37413. return {
  37414. min: Number(min),
  37415. max: max ? Number(max) : 0
  37416. };
  37417. }
  37418. function readMultiplier(tokenizer2) {
  37419. let range = null;
  37420. let comma = false;
  37421. switch (tokenizer2.charCode()) {
  37422. case ASTERISK:
  37423. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37424. range = {
  37425. min: 0,
  37426. max: 0
  37427. };
  37428. break;
  37429. case PLUSSIGN:
  37430. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37431. range = {
  37432. min: 1,
  37433. max: 0
  37434. };
  37435. break;
  37436. case QUESTIONMARK:
  37437. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37438. range = {
  37439. min: 0,
  37440. max: 1
  37441. };
  37442. break;
  37443. case NUMBERSIGN:
  37444. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37445. comma = true;
  37446. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === LEFTCURLYBRACKET) {
  37447. range = readMultiplierRange(tokenizer2);
  37448. } else if (tokenizer2.charCode() === QUESTIONMARK) {
  37449. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37450. range = {
  37451. min: 0,
  37452. max: 0
  37453. };
  37454. } else {
  37455. range = {
  37456. min: 1,
  37457. max: 0
  37458. };
  37459. }
  37460. break;
  37462. range = readMultiplierRange(tokenizer2);
  37463. break;
  37464. default:
  37465. return null;
  37466. }
  37467. return {
  37468. type: "Multiplier",
  37469. comma,
  37470. min: range.min,
  37471. max: range.max,
  37472. term: null
  37473. };
  37474. }
  37475. function maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, node) {
  37476. const multiplier = readMultiplier(tokenizer2);
  37477. if (multiplier !== null) {
  37478. multiplier.term = node;
  37479. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === NUMBERSIGN && tokenizer2.charCodeAt(tokenizer2.pos - 1) === PLUSSIGN) {
  37480. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, multiplier);
  37481. }
  37482. return multiplier;
  37483. }
  37484. return node;
  37485. }
  37486. function maybeToken(tokenizer2) {
  37487. const ch = tokenizer2.peek();
  37488. if (ch === "") {
  37489. return null;
  37490. }
  37491. return {
  37492. type: "Token",
  37493. value: ch
  37494. };
  37495. }
  37496. function readProperty(tokenizer2) {
  37497. let name;
  37500. name = scanWord(tokenizer2);
  37503. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, {
  37504. type: "Property",
  37505. name
  37506. });
  37507. }
  37508. function readTypeRange(tokenizer2) {
  37509. let min = null;
  37510. let max = null;
  37511. let sign = 1;
  37513. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === HYPERMINUS) {
  37514. tokenizer2.peek();
  37515. sign = -1;
  37516. }
  37517. if (sign == -1 && tokenizer2.charCode() === INFINITY) {
  37518. tokenizer2.peek();
  37519. } else {
  37520. min = sign * Number(scanNumber(tokenizer2));
  37521. if (NAME_CHAR[tokenizer2.charCode()] !== 0) {
  37522. min += scanWord(tokenizer2);
  37523. }
  37524. }
  37525. scanSpaces(tokenizer2);
  37527. scanSpaces(tokenizer2);
  37528. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === INFINITY) {
  37529. tokenizer2.peek();
  37530. } else {
  37531. sign = 1;
  37532. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === HYPERMINUS) {
  37533. tokenizer2.peek();
  37534. sign = -1;
  37535. }
  37536. max = sign * Number(scanNumber(tokenizer2));
  37537. if (NAME_CHAR[tokenizer2.charCode()] !== 0) {
  37538. max += scanWord(tokenizer2);
  37539. }
  37540. }
  37542. return {
  37543. type: "Range",
  37544. min,
  37545. max
  37546. };
  37547. }
  37548. function readType(tokenizer2) {
  37549. let name;
  37550. let opts = null;
  37552. name = scanWord(tokenizer2);
  37553. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === LEFTPARENTHESIS && tokenizer2.nextCharCode() === RIGHTPARENTHESIS) {
  37554. tokenizer2.pos += 2;
  37555. name += "()";
  37556. }
  37557. if (tokenizer2.charCodeAt(tokenizer2.findWsEnd(tokenizer2.pos)) === LEFTSQUAREBRACKET) {
  37558. scanSpaces(tokenizer2);
  37559. opts = readTypeRange(tokenizer2);
  37560. }
  37562. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, {
  37563. type: "Type",
  37564. name,
  37565. opts
  37566. });
  37567. }
  37568. function readKeywordOrFunction(tokenizer2) {
  37569. const name = scanWord(tokenizer2);
  37570. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === LEFTPARENTHESIS) {
  37571. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37572. return {
  37573. type: "Function",
  37574. name
  37575. };
  37576. }
  37577. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, {
  37578. type: "Keyword",
  37579. name
  37580. });
  37581. }
  37582. function regroupTerms(terms, combinators) {
  37583. function createGroup(terms2, combinator2) {
  37584. return {
  37585. type: "Group",
  37586. terms: terms2,
  37587. combinator: combinator2,
  37588. disallowEmpty: false,
  37589. explicit: false
  37590. };
  37591. }
  37592. let combinator;
  37593. combinators = Object.keys(combinators).sort((a, b) => COMBINATOR_PRECEDENCE[a] - COMBINATOR_PRECEDENCE[b]);
  37594. while (combinators.length > 0) {
  37595. combinator = combinators.shift();
  37596. let i = 0;
  37597. let subgroupStart = 0;
  37598. for (; i < terms.length; i++) {
  37599. const term = terms[i];
  37600. if (term.type === "Combinator") {
  37601. if (term.value === combinator) {
  37602. if (subgroupStart === -1) {
  37603. subgroupStart = i - 1;
  37604. }
  37605. terms.splice(i, 1);
  37606. i--;
  37607. } else {
  37608. if (subgroupStart !== -1 && i - subgroupStart > 1) {
  37609. terms.splice(
  37610. subgroupStart,
  37611. i - subgroupStart,
  37612. createGroup(terms.slice(subgroupStart, i), combinator)
  37613. );
  37614. i = subgroupStart + 1;
  37615. }
  37616. subgroupStart = -1;
  37617. }
  37618. }
  37619. }
  37620. if (subgroupStart !== -1 && combinators.length) {
  37621. terms.splice(
  37622. subgroupStart,
  37623. i - subgroupStart,
  37624. createGroup(terms.slice(subgroupStart, i), combinator)
  37625. );
  37626. }
  37627. }
  37628. return combinator;
  37629. }
  37630. function readImplicitGroup(tokenizer2) {
  37631. const terms = [];
  37632. const combinators = {};
  37633. let token;
  37634. let prevToken = null;
  37635. let prevTokenPos = tokenizer2.pos;
  37636. while (token = peek(tokenizer2)) {
  37637. if (token.type !== "Spaces") {
  37638. if (token.type === "Combinator") {
  37639. if (prevToken === null || prevToken.type === "Combinator") {
  37640. tokenizer2.pos = prevTokenPos;
  37641. tokenizer2.error("Unexpected combinator");
  37642. }
  37643. combinators[token.value] = true;
  37644. } else if (prevToken !== null && prevToken.type !== "Combinator") {
  37645. combinators[" "] = true;
  37646. terms.push({
  37647. type: "Combinator",
  37648. value: " "
  37649. });
  37650. }
  37651. terms.push(token);
  37652. prevToken = token;
  37653. prevTokenPos = tokenizer2.pos;
  37654. }
  37655. }
  37656. if (prevToken !== null && prevToken.type === "Combinator") {
  37657. tokenizer2.pos -= prevTokenPos;
  37658. tokenizer2.error("Unexpected combinator");
  37659. }
  37660. return {
  37661. type: "Group",
  37662. terms,
  37663. combinator: regroupTerms(terms, combinators) || " ",
  37664. disallowEmpty: false,
  37665. explicit: false
  37666. };
  37667. }
  37668. function readGroup(tokenizer2) {
  37669. let result;
  37671. result = readImplicitGroup(tokenizer2);
  37673. result.explicit = true;
  37674. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === EXCLAMATIONMARK) {
  37675. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37676. result.disallowEmpty = true;
  37677. }
  37678. return result;
  37679. }
  37680. function peek(tokenizer2) {
  37681. let code = tokenizer2.charCode();
  37682. if (code < 128 && NAME_CHAR[code] === 1) {
  37683. return readKeywordOrFunction(tokenizer2);
  37684. }
  37685. switch (code) {
  37687. break;
  37689. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, readGroup(tokenizer2));
  37690. case LESSTHANSIGN:
  37691. return tokenizer2.nextCharCode() === APOSTROPHE ? readProperty(tokenizer2) : readType(tokenizer2);
  37692. case VERTICALLINE:
  37693. return {
  37694. type: "Combinator",
  37695. value: tokenizer2.substringToPos(
  37696. tokenizer2.pos + (tokenizer2.nextCharCode() === VERTICALLINE ? 2 : 1)
  37697. )
  37698. };
  37699. case AMPERSAND:
  37700. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37702. return {
  37703. type: "Combinator",
  37704. value: "&&"
  37705. };
  37706. case COMMA:
  37707. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37708. return {
  37709. type: "Comma"
  37710. };
  37711. case APOSTROPHE:
  37712. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, {
  37713. type: "String",
  37714. value: scanString(tokenizer2)
  37715. });
  37716. case SPACE:
  37717. case TAB:
  37718. case N:
  37719. case R:
  37720. case F:
  37721. return {
  37722. type: "Spaces",
  37723. value: scanSpaces(tokenizer2)
  37724. };
  37725. case COMMERCIALAT:
  37726. code = tokenizer2.nextCharCode();
  37727. if (code < 128 && NAME_CHAR[code] === 1) {
  37728. tokenizer2.pos++;
  37729. return {
  37730. type: "AtKeyword",
  37731. name: scanWord(tokenizer2)
  37732. };
  37733. }
  37734. return maybeToken(tokenizer2);
  37735. case ASTERISK:
  37736. case PLUSSIGN:
  37737. case QUESTIONMARK:
  37738. case NUMBERSIGN:
  37739. case EXCLAMATIONMARK:
  37740. break;
  37742. code = tokenizer2.nextCharCode();
  37743. if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
  37744. return maybeToken(tokenizer2);
  37745. }
  37746. break;
  37747. default:
  37748. return maybeToken(tokenizer2);
  37749. }
  37750. }
  37751. function parse(source) {
  37752. const tokenizer$1 = new tokenizer.Tokenizer(source);
  37753. const result = readImplicitGroup(tokenizer$1);
  37754. if (tokenizer$1.pos !== source.length) {
  37755. tokenizer$1.error("Unexpected input");
  37756. }
  37757. if (result.terms.length === 1 && result.terms[0].type === "Group") {
  37758. return result.terms[0];
  37759. }
  37760. return result;
  37761. }
  37762. exports2.parse = parse;
  37763. }
  37764. });
  37765. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/match-graph.cjs
  37766. var require_match_graph = __commonJS({
  37767. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/match-graph.cjs"(exports2) {
  37768. "use strict";
  37769. var parse = require_parse6();
  37770. var MATCH = { type: "Match" };
  37771. var MISMATCH = { type: "Mismatch" };
  37772. var DISALLOW_EMPTY = { type: "DisallowEmpty" };
  37773. var LEFTPARENTHESIS = 40;
  37774. var RIGHTPARENTHESIS = 41;
  37775. function createCondition(match, thenBranch, elseBranch) {
  37776. if (thenBranch === MATCH && elseBranch === MISMATCH) {
  37777. return match;
  37778. }
  37779. if (match === MATCH && thenBranch === MATCH && elseBranch === MATCH) {
  37780. return match;
  37781. }
  37782. if (match.type === "If" && match.else === MISMATCH && thenBranch === MATCH) {
  37783. thenBranch = match.then;
  37784. match = match.match;
  37785. }
  37786. return {
  37787. type: "If",
  37788. match,
  37789. then: thenBranch,
  37790. else: elseBranch
  37791. };
  37792. }
  37793. function isFunctionType(name) {
  37794. return name.length > 2 && name.charCodeAt(name.length - 2) === LEFTPARENTHESIS && name.charCodeAt(name.length - 1) === RIGHTPARENTHESIS;
  37795. }
  37796. function isEnumCapatible(term) {
  37797. return term.type === "Keyword" || term.type === "AtKeyword" || term.type === "Function" || term.type === "Type" && isFunctionType(;
  37798. }
  37799. function buildGroupMatchGraph(combinator, terms, atLeastOneTermMatched) {
  37800. switch (combinator) {
  37801. case " ": {
  37802. let result = MATCH;
  37803. for (let i = terms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  37804. const term = terms[i];
  37805. result = createCondition(
  37806. term,
  37807. result,
  37808. MISMATCH
  37809. );
  37810. }
  37811. return result;
  37812. }
  37813. case "|": {
  37814. let result = MISMATCH;
  37815. let map = null;
  37816. for (let i = terms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  37817. let term = terms[i];
  37818. if (isEnumCapatible(term)) {
  37819. if (map === null && i > 0 && isEnumCapatible(terms[i - 1])) {
  37820. map = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  37821. result = createCondition(
  37822. {
  37823. type: "Enum",
  37824. map
  37825. },
  37826. MATCH,
  37827. result
  37828. );
  37829. }
  37830. if (map !== null) {
  37831. const key = (isFunctionType( ?, -1) :;
  37832. if (key in map === false) {
  37833. map[key] = term;
  37834. continue;
  37835. }
  37836. }
  37837. }
  37838. map = null;
  37839. result = createCondition(
  37840. term,
  37841. MATCH,
  37842. result
  37843. );
  37844. }
  37845. return result;
  37846. }
  37847. case "&&": {
  37848. if (terms.length > 5) {
  37849. return {
  37850. type: "MatchOnce",
  37851. terms,
  37852. all: true
  37853. };
  37854. }
  37855. let result = MISMATCH;
  37856. for (let i = terms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  37857. const term = terms[i];
  37858. let thenClause;
  37859. if (terms.length > 1) {
  37860. thenClause = buildGroupMatchGraph(
  37861. combinator,
  37862. terms.filter(function(newGroupTerm) {
  37863. return newGroupTerm !== term;
  37864. }),
  37865. false
  37866. );
  37867. } else {
  37868. thenClause = MATCH;
  37869. }
  37870. result = createCondition(
  37871. term,
  37872. thenClause,
  37873. result
  37874. );
  37875. }
  37876. return result;
  37877. }
  37878. case "||": {
  37879. if (terms.length > 5) {
  37880. return {
  37881. type: "MatchOnce",
  37882. terms,
  37883. all: false
  37884. };
  37885. }
  37886. let result = atLeastOneTermMatched ? MATCH : MISMATCH;
  37887. for (let i = terms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  37888. const term = terms[i];
  37889. let thenClause;
  37890. if (terms.length > 1) {
  37891. thenClause = buildGroupMatchGraph(
  37892. combinator,
  37893. terms.filter(function(newGroupTerm) {
  37894. return newGroupTerm !== term;
  37895. }),
  37896. true
  37897. );
  37898. } else {
  37899. thenClause = MATCH;
  37900. }
  37901. result = createCondition(
  37902. term,
  37903. thenClause,
  37904. result
  37905. );
  37906. }
  37907. return result;
  37908. }
  37909. }
  37910. }
  37911. function buildMultiplierMatchGraph(node) {
  37912. let result = MATCH;
  37913. let matchTerm = buildMatchGraphInternal(node.term);
  37914. if (node.max === 0) {
  37915. matchTerm = createCondition(
  37916. matchTerm,
  37918. MISMATCH
  37919. );
  37920. result = createCondition(
  37921. matchTerm,
  37922. null,
  37923. // will be a loop
  37924. MISMATCH
  37925. );
  37926. result.then = createCondition(
  37927. MATCH,
  37928. MATCH,
  37929. result
  37930. // make a loop
  37931. );
  37932. if (node.comma) {
  37933. result.then.else = createCondition(
  37934. { type: "Comma", syntax: node },
  37935. result,
  37936. MISMATCH
  37937. );
  37938. }
  37939. } else {
  37940. for (let i = node.min || 1; i <= node.max; i++) {
  37941. if (node.comma && result !== MATCH) {
  37942. result = createCondition(
  37943. { type: "Comma", syntax: node },
  37944. result,
  37945. MISMATCH
  37946. );
  37947. }
  37948. result = createCondition(
  37949. matchTerm,
  37950. createCondition(
  37951. MATCH,
  37952. MATCH,
  37953. result
  37954. ),
  37955. MISMATCH
  37956. );
  37957. }
  37958. }
  37959. if (node.min === 0) {
  37960. result = createCondition(
  37961. MATCH,
  37962. MATCH,
  37963. result
  37964. );
  37965. } else {
  37966. for (let i = 0; i < node.min - 1; i++) {
  37967. if (node.comma && result !== MATCH) {
  37968. result = createCondition(
  37969. { type: "Comma", syntax: node },
  37970. result,
  37971. MISMATCH
  37972. );
  37973. }
  37974. result = createCondition(
  37975. matchTerm,
  37976. result,
  37977. MISMATCH
  37978. );
  37979. }
  37980. }
  37981. return result;
  37982. }
  37983. function buildMatchGraphInternal(node) {
  37984. if (typeof node === "function") {
  37985. return {
  37986. type: "Generic",
  37987. fn: node
  37988. };
  37989. }
  37990. switch (node.type) {
  37991. case "Group": {
  37992. let result = buildGroupMatchGraph(
  37993. node.combinator,
  37995. false
  37996. );
  37997. if (node.disallowEmpty) {
  37998. result = createCondition(
  37999. result,
  38001. MISMATCH
  38002. );
  38003. }
  38004. return result;
  38005. }
  38006. case "Multiplier":
  38007. return buildMultiplierMatchGraph(node);
  38008. case "Type":
  38009. case "Property":
  38010. return {
  38011. type: node.type,
  38012. name:,
  38013. syntax: node
  38014. };
  38015. case "Keyword":
  38016. return {
  38017. type: node.type,
  38018. name:,
  38019. syntax: node
  38020. };
  38021. case "AtKeyword":
  38022. return {
  38023. type: node.type,
  38024. name: "@" +,
  38025. syntax: node
  38026. };
  38027. case "Function":
  38028. return {
  38029. type: node.type,
  38030. name: + "(",
  38031. syntax: node
  38032. };
  38033. case "String":
  38034. if (node.value.length === 3) {
  38035. return {
  38036. type: "Token",
  38037. value: node.value.charAt(1),
  38038. syntax: node
  38039. };
  38040. }
  38041. return {
  38042. type: node.type,
  38043. value: node.value.substr(1, node.value.length - 2).replace(/\\'/g, "'"),
  38044. syntax: node
  38045. };
  38046. case "Token":
  38047. return {
  38048. type: node.type,
  38049. value: node.value,
  38050. syntax: node
  38051. };
  38052. case "Comma":
  38053. return {
  38054. type: node.type,
  38055. syntax: node
  38056. };
  38057. default:
  38058. throw new Error("Unknown node type:", node.type);
  38059. }
  38060. }
  38061. function buildMatchGraph(syntaxTree, ref) {
  38062. if (typeof syntaxTree === "string") {
  38063. syntaxTree = parse.parse(syntaxTree);
  38064. }
  38065. return {
  38066. type: "MatchGraph",
  38067. match: buildMatchGraphInternal(syntaxTree),
  38068. syntax: ref || null,
  38069. source: syntaxTree
  38070. };
  38071. }
  38073. exports2.MATCH = MATCH;
  38074. exports2.MISMATCH = MISMATCH;
  38075. exports2.buildMatchGraph = buildMatchGraph;
  38076. }
  38077. });
  38078. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/match.cjs
  38079. var require_match = __commonJS({
  38080. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/match.cjs"(exports2) {
  38081. "use strict";
  38082. var matchGraph = require_match_graph();
  38083. var types = require_types2();
  38084. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  38085. var STUB = 0;
  38086. var TOKEN = 1;
  38087. var OPEN_SYNTAX = 2;
  38088. var CLOSE_SYNTAX = 3;
  38089. var EXIT_REASON_MATCH = "Match";
  38090. var EXIT_REASON_MISMATCH = "Mismatch";
  38091. var EXIT_REASON_ITERATION_LIMIT = "Maximum iteration number exceeded (please fill an issue on";
  38092. var ITERATION_LIMIT = 15e3;
  38093. function reverseList(list) {
  38094. let prev = null;
  38095. let next = null;
  38096. let item = list;
  38097. while (item !== null) {
  38098. next = item.prev;
  38099. item.prev = prev;
  38100. prev = item;
  38101. item = next;
  38102. }
  38103. return prev;
  38104. }
  38105. function areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(testStr, referenceStr) {
  38106. if (testStr.length !== referenceStr.length) {
  38107. return false;
  38108. }
  38109. for (let i = 0; i < testStr.length; i++) {
  38110. const referenceCode = referenceStr.charCodeAt(i);
  38111. let testCode = testStr.charCodeAt(i);
  38112. if (testCode >= 65 && testCode <= 90) {
  38113. testCode = testCode | 32;
  38114. }
  38115. if (testCode !== referenceCode) {
  38116. return false;
  38117. }
  38118. }
  38119. return true;
  38120. }
  38121. function isContextEdgeDelim(token) {
  38122. if (token.type !== types.Delim) {
  38123. return false;
  38124. }
  38125. return token.value !== "?";
  38126. }
  38127. function isCommaContextStart(token) {
  38128. if (token === null) {
  38129. return true;
  38130. }
  38131. return token.type === types.Comma || token.type === types.Function || token.type === types.LeftParenthesis || token.type === types.LeftSquareBracket || token.type === types.LeftCurlyBracket || isContextEdgeDelim(token);
  38132. }
  38133. function isCommaContextEnd(token) {
  38134. if (token === null) {
  38135. return true;
  38136. }
  38137. return token.type === types.RightParenthesis || token.type === types.RightSquareBracket || token.type === types.RightCurlyBracket || token.type === types.Delim && token.value === "/";
  38138. }
  38139. function internalMatch(tokens, state, syntaxes) {
  38140. function moveToNextToken() {
  38141. do {
  38142. tokenIndex++;
  38143. token = tokenIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[tokenIndex] : null;
  38144. } while (token !== null && (token.type === types.WhiteSpace || token.type === types.Comment));
  38145. }
  38146. function getNextToken(offset) {
  38147. const nextIndex = tokenIndex + offset;
  38148. return nextIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[nextIndex] : null;
  38149. }
  38150. function stateSnapshotFromSyntax(nextState, prev) {
  38151. return {
  38152. nextState,
  38153. matchStack,
  38154. syntaxStack,
  38155. thenStack,
  38156. tokenIndex,
  38157. prev
  38158. };
  38159. }
  38160. function pushThenStack(nextState) {
  38161. thenStack = {
  38162. nextState,
  38163. matchStack,
  38164. syntaxStack,
  38165. prev: thenStack
  38166. };
  38167. }
  38168. function pushElseStack(nextState) {
  38169. elseStack = stateSnapshotFromSyntax(nextState, elseStack);
  38170. }
  38171. function addTokenToMatch() {
  38172. matchStack = {
  38173. type: TOKEN,
  38174. syntax: state.syntax,
  38175. token,
  38176. prev: matchStack
  38177. };
  38178. moveToNextToken();
  38179. syntaxStash = null;
  38180. if (tokenIndex > longestMatch) {
  38181. longestMatch = tokenIndex;
  38182. }
  38183. }
  38184. function openSyntax() {
  38185. syntaxStack = {
  38186. syntax: state.syntax,
  38187. opts: state.syntax.opts || syntaxStack !== null && syntaxStack.opts || null,
  38188. prev: syntaxStack
  38189. };
  38190. matchStack = {
  38191. type: OPEN_SYNTAX,
  38192. syntax: state.syntax,
  38193. token: matchStack.token,
  38194. prev: matchStack
  38195. };
  38196. }
  38197. function closeSyntax() {
  38198. if (matchStack.type === OPEN_SYNTAX) {
  38199. matchStack = matchStack.prev;
  38200. } else {
  38201. matchStack = {
  38202. type: CLOSE_SYNTAX,
  38203. syntax: syntaxStack.syntax,
  38204. token: matchStack.token,
  38205. prev: matchStack
  38206. };
  38207. }
  38208. syntaxStack = syntaxStack.prev;
  38209. }
  38210. let syntaxStack = null;
  38211. let thenStack = null;
  38212. let elseStack = null;
  38213. let syntaxStash = null;
  38214. let iterationCount = 0;
  38215. let exitReason = null;
  38216. let token = null;
  38217. let tokenIndex = -1;
  38218. let longestMatch = 0;
  38219. let matchStack = {
  38220. type: STUB,
  38221. syntax: null,
  38222. token: null,
  38223. prev: null
  38224. };
  38225. moveToNextToken();
  38226. while (exitReason === null && ++iterationCount < ITERATION_LIMIT) {
  38227. switch (state.type) {
  38228. case "Match":
  38229. if (thenStack === null) {
  38230. if (token !== null) {
  38231. if (tokenIndex !== tokens.length - 1 || token.value !== "\\0" && token.value !== "\\9") {
  38232. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38233. break;
  38234. }
  38235. }
  38236. exitReason = EXIT_REASON_MATCH;
  38237. break;
  38238. }
  38239. state = thenStack.nextState;
  38240. if (state === matchGraph.DISALLOW_EMPTY) {
  38241. if (thenStack.matchStack === matchStack) {
  38242. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38243. break;
  38244. } else {
  38245. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  38246. }
  38247. }
  38248. while (thenStack.syntaxStack !== syntaxStack) {
  38249. closeSyntax();
  38250. }
  38251. thenStack = thenStack.prev;
  38252. break;
  38253. case "Mismatch":
  38254. if (syntaxStash !== null && syntaxStash !== false) {
  38255. if (elseStack === null || tokenIndex > elseStack.tokenIndex) {
  38256. elseStack = syntaxStash;
  38257. syntaxStash = false;
  38258. }
  38259. } else if (elseStack === null) {
  38260. exitReason = EXIT_REASON_MISMATCH;
  38261. break;
  38262. }
  38263. state = elseStack.nextState;
  38264. thenStack = elseStack.thenStack;
  38265. syntaxStack = elseStack.syntaxStack;
  38266. matchStack = elseStack.matchStack;
  38267. tokenIndex = elseStack.tokenIndex;
  38268. token = tokenIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[tokenIndex] : null;
  38269. elseStack = elseStack.prev;
  38270. break;
  38271. case "MatchGraph":
  38272. state = state.match;
  38273. break;
  38274. case "If":
  38275. if (state.else !== matchGraph.MISMATCH) {
  38276. pushElseStack(state.else);
  38277. }
  38278. if (state.then !== matchGraph.MATCH) {
  38279. pushThenStack(state.then);
  38280. }
  38281. state = state.match;
  38282. break;
  38283. case "MatchOnce":
  38284. state = {
  38285. type: "MatchOnceBuffer",
  38286. syntax: state,
  38287. index: 0,
  38288. mask: 0
  38289. };
  38290. break;
  38291. case "MatchOnceBuffer": {
  38292. const terms = state.syntax.terms;
  38293. if (state.index === terms.length) {
  38294. if (state.mask === 0 || state.syntax.all) {
  38295. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38296. break;
  38297. }
  38298. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  38299. break;
  38300. }
  38301. if (state.mask === (1 << terms.length) - 1) {
  38302. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  38303. break;
  38304. }
  38305. for (; state.index < terms.length; state.index++) {
  38306. const matchFlag = 1 << state.index;
  38307. if ((state.mask & matchFlag) === 0) {
  38308. pushElseStack(state);
  38309. pushThenStack({
  38310. type: "AddMatchOnce",
  38311. syntax: state.syntax,
  38312. mask: state.mask | matchFlag
  38313. });
  38314. state = terms[state.index++];
  38315. break;
  38316. }
  38317. }
  38318. break;
  38319. }
  38320. case "AddMatchOnce":
  38321. state = {
  38322. type: "MatchOnceBuffer",
  38323. syntax: state.syntax,
  38324. index: 0,
  38325. mask: state.mask
  38326. };
  38327. break;
  38328. case "Enum":
  38329. if (token !== null) {
  38330. let name = token.value.toLowerCase();
  38331. if (name.indexOf("\\") !== -1) {
  38332. name = name.replace(/\\[09].*$/, "");
  38333. }
  38334. if (, name)) {
  38335. state =[name];
  38336. break;
  38337. }
  38338. }
  38339. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38340. break;
  38341. case "Generic": {
  38342. const opts = syntaxStack !== null ? syntaxStack.opts : null;
  38343. const lastTokenIndex2 = tokenIndex + Math.floor(state.fn(token, getNextToken, opts));
  38344. if (!isNaN(lastTokenIndex2) && lastTokenIndex2 > tokenIndex) {
  38345. while (tokenIndex < lastTokenIndex2) {
  38346. addTokenToMatch();
  38347. }
  38348. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  38349. } else {
  38350. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38351. }
  38352. break;
  38353. }
  38354. case "Type":
  38355. case "Property": {
  38356. const syntaxDict = state.type === "Type" ? "types" : "properties";
  38357. const dictSyntax =, syntaxDict) ? syntaxes[syntaxDict][] : null;
  38358. if (!dictSyntax || !dictSyntax.match) {
  38359. throw new Error(
  38360. "Bad syntax reference: " + (state.type === "Type" ? "<" + + ">" : "<'" + + "'>")
  38361. );
  38362. }
  38363. if (syntaxStash !== false && token !== null && state.type === "Type") {
  38364. const lowPriorityMatching = (
  38365. //
  38366. // When parsing positionally-ambiguous keywords in a property value, a <custom-ident> production
  38367. // can only claim the keyword if no other unfulfilled production can claim it.
  38368. === "custom-ident" && token.type === types.Ident || //
  38369. // ... if a `0` could be parsed as either a <number> or a <length> in a property (such as line-height),
  38370. // it must parse as a <number>
  38371. === "length" && token.value === "0"
  38372. );
  38373. if (lowPriorityMatching) {
  38374. if (syntaxStash === null) {
  38375. syntaxStash = stateSnapshotFromSyntax(state, elseStack);
  38376. }
  38377. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38378. break;
  38379. }
  38380. }
  38381. openSyntax();
  38382. state = dictSyntax.match;
  38383. break;
  38384. }
  38385. case "Keyword": {
  38386. const name =;
  38387. if (token !== null) {
  38388. let keywordName = token.value;
  38389. if (keywordName.indexOf("\\") !== -1) {
  38390. keywordName = keywordName.replace(/\\[09].*$/, "");
  38391. }
  38392. if (areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(keywordName, name)) {
  38393. addTokenToMatch();
  38394. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  38395. break;
  38396. }
  38397. }
  38398. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38399. break;
  38400. }
  38401. case "AtKeyword":
  38402. case "Function":
  38403. if (token !== null && areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(token.value, {
  38404. addTokenToMatch();
  38405. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  38406. break;
  38407. }
  38408. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38409. break;
  38410. case "Token":
  38411. if (token !== null && token.value === state.value) {
  38412. addTokenToMatch();
  38413. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  38414. break;
  38415. }
  38416. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38417. break;
  38418. case "Comma":
  38419. if (token !== null && token.type === types.Comma) {
  38420. if (isCommaContextStart(matchStack.token)) {
  38421. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38422. } else {
  38423. addTokenToMatch();
  38424. state = isCommaContextEnd(token) ? matchGraph.MISMATCH : matchGraph.MATCH;
  38425. }
  38426. } else {
  38427. state = isCommaContextStart(matchStack.token) || isCommaContextEnd(token) ? matchGraph.MATCH : matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38428. }
  38429. break;
  38430. case "String":
  38431. let string = "";
  38432. let lastTokenIndex = tokenIndex;
  38433. for (; lastTokenIndex < tokens.length && string.length < state.value.length; lastTokenIndex++) {
  38434. string += tokens[lastTokenIndex].value;
  38435. }
  38436. if (areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(string, state.value)) {
  38437. while (tokenIndex < lastTokenIndex) {
  38438. addTokenToMatch();
  38439. }
  38440. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  38441. } else {
  38442. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  38443. }
  38444. break;
  38445. default:
  38446. throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + state.type);
  38447. }
  38448. }
  38449. switch (exitReason) {
  38450. case null:
  38451. console.warn("[csstree-match] BREAK after " + ITERATION_LIMIT + " iterations");
  38452. exitReason = EXIT_REASON_ITERATION_LIMIT;
  38453. matchStack = null;
  38454. break;
  38455. case EXIT_REASON_MATCH:
  38456. while (syntaxStack !== null) {
  38457. closeSyntax();
  38458. }
  38459. break;
  38460. default:
  38461. matchStack = null;
  38462. }
  38463. return {
  38464. tokens,
  38465. reason: exitReason,
  38466. iterations: iterationCount,
  38467. match: matchStack,
  38468. longestMatch
  38469. };
  38470. }
  38471. function matchAsList(tokens, matchGraph2, syntaxes) {
  38472. const matchResult = internalMatch(tokens, matchGraph2, syntaxes || {});
  38473. if (matchResult.match !== null) {
  38474. let item = reverseList(matchResult.match).prev;
  38475. matchResult.match = [];
  38476. while (item !== null) {
  38477. switch (item.type) {
  38478. case OPEN_SYNTAX:
  38479. case CLOSE_SYNTAX:
  38480. matchResult.match.push({
  38481. type: item.type,
  38482. syntax: item.syntax
  38483. });
  38484. break;
  38485. default:
  38486. matchResult.match.push({
  38487. token: item.token.value,
  38488. node: item.token.node
  38489. });
  38490. break;
  38491. }
  38492. item = item.prev;
  38493. }
  38494. }
  38495. return matchResult;
  38496. }
  38497. function matchAsTree(tokens, matchGraph2, syntaxes) {
  38498. const matchResult = internalMatch(tokens, matchGraph2, syntaxes || {});
  38499. if (matchResult.match === null) {
  38500. return matchResult;
  38501. }
  38502. let item = matchResult.match;
  38503. let host = matchResult.match = {
  38504. syntax: matchGraph2.syntax || null,
  38505. match: []
  38506. };
  38507. const hostStack = [host];
  38508. item = reverseList(item).prev;
  38509. while (item !== null) {
  38510. switch (item.type) {
  38511. case OPEN_SYNTAX:
  38512. host.match.push(host = {
  38513. syntax: item.syntax,
  38514. match: []
  38515. });
  38516. hostStack.push(host);
  38517. break;
  38518. case CLOSE_SYNTAX:
  38519. hostStack.pop();
  38520. host = hostStack[hostStack.length - 1];
  38521. break;
  38522. default:
  38523. host.match.push({
  38524. syntax: item.syntax || null,
  38525. token: item.token.value,
  38526. node: item.token.node
  38527. });
  38528. }
  38529. item = item.prev;
  38530. }
  38531. return matchResult;
  38532. }
  38533. exports2.matchAsList = matchAsList;
  38534. exports2.matchAsTree = matchAsTree;
  38535. }
  38536. });
  38537. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/trace.cjs
  38538. var require_trace = __commonJS({
  38539. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/trace.cjs"(exports2) {
  38540. "use strict";
  38541. function getTrace(node) {
  38542. function shouldPutToTrace(syntax) {
  38543. if (syntax === null) {
  38544. return false;
  38545. }
  38546. return syntax.type === "Type" || syntax.type === "Property" || syntax.type === "Keyword";
  38547. }
  38548. function hasMatch(matchNode) {
  38549. if (Array.isArray(matchNode.match)) {
  38550. for (let i = 0; i < matchNode.match.length; i++) {
  38551. if (hasMatch(matchNode.match[i])) {
  38552. if (shouldPutToTrace(matchNode.syntax)) {
  38553. result.unshift(matchNode.syntax);
  38554. }
  38555. return true;
  38556. }
  38557. }
  38558. } else if (matchNode.node === node) {
  38559. result = shouldPutToTrace(matchNode.syntax) ? [matchNode.syntax] : [];
  38560. return true;
  38561. }
  38562. return false;
  38563. }
  38564. let result = null;
  38565. if (this.matched !== null) {
  38566. hasMatch(this.matched);
  38567. }
  38568. return result;
  38569. }
  38570. function isType(node, type) {
  38571. return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Type" && === type);
  38572. }
  38573. function isProperty(node, property) {
  38574. return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Property" && === property);
  38575. }
  38576. function isKeyword(node) {
  38577. return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Keyword");
  38578. }
  38579. function testNode(match, node, fn) {
  38580. const trace =, node);
  38581. if (trace === null) {
  38582. return false;
  38583. }
  38584. return trace.some(fn);
  38585. }
  38586. exports2.getTrace = getTrace;
  38587. exports2.isKeyword = isKeyword;
  38588. exports2.isProperty = isProperty;
  38589. exports2.isType = isType;
  38590. }
  38591. });
  38592. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/search.cjs
  38593. var require_search = __commonJS({
  38594. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/search.cjs"(exports2) {
  38595. "use strict";
  38596. var List = require_List();
  38597. function getFirstMatchNode(matchNode) {
  38598. if ("node" in matchNode) {
  38599. return matchNode.node;
  38600. }
  38601. return getFirstMatchNode(matchNode.match[0]);
  38602. }
  38603. function getLastMatchNode(matchNode) {
  38604. if ("node" in matchNode) {
  38605. return matchNode.node;
  38606. }
  38607. return getLastMatchNode(matchNode.match[matchNode.match.length - 1]);
  38608. }
  38609. function matchFragments(lexer, ast, match, type, name) {
  38610. function findFragments(matchNode) {
  38611. if (matchNode.syntax !== null && matchNode.syntax.type === type && === name) {
  38612. const start = getFirstMatchNode(matchNode);
  38613. const end = getLastMatchNode(matchNode);
  38614. lexer.syntax.walk(ast, function(node, item, list) {
  38615. if (node === start) {
  38616. const nodes = new List.List();
  38617. do {
  38618. nodes.appendData(;
  38619. if ( === end) {
  38620. break;
  38621. }
  38622. item =;
  38623. } while (item !== null);
  38624. fragments.push({
  38625. parent: list,
  38626. nodes
  38627. });
  38628. }
  38629. });
  38630. }
  38631. if (Array.isArray(matchNode.match)) {
  38632. matchNode.match.forEach(findFragments);
  38633. }
  38634. }
  38635. const fragments = [];
  38636. if (match.matched !== null) {
  38637. findFragments(match.matched);
  38638. }
  38639. return fragments;
  38640. }
  38641. exports2.matchFragments = matchFragments;
  38642. }
  38643. });
  38644. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/structure.cjs
  38645. var require_structure = __commonJS({
  38646. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/structure.cjs"(exports2) {
  38647. "use strict";
  38648. var List = require_List();
  38649. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  38650. function isValidNumber(value) {
  38651. return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value && value >= 0;
  38652. }
  38653. function isValidLocation(loc) {
  38654. return Boolean(loc) && isValidNumber(loc.offset) && isValidNumber(loc.line) && isValidNumber(loc.column);
  38655. }
  38656. function createNodeStructureChecker(type, fields) {
  38657. return function checkNode(node, warn) {
  38658. if (!node || node.constructor !== Object) {
  38659. return warn(node, "Type of node should be an Object");
  38660. }
  38661. for (let key in node) {
  38662. let valid = true;
  38663. if (, key) === false) {
  38664. continue;
  38665. }
  38666. if (key === "type") {
  38667. if (node.type !== type) {
  38668. warn(node, "Wrong node type `" + node.type + "`, expected `" + type + "`");
  38669. }
  38670. } else if (key === "loc") {
  38671. if (node.loc === null) {
  38672. continue;
  38673. } else if (node.loc && node.loc.constructor === Object) {
  38674. if (typeof node.loc.source !== "string") {
  38675. key += ".source";
  38676. } else if (!isValidLocation(node.loc.start)) {
  38677. key += ".start";
  38678. } else if (!isValidLocation(node.loc.end)) {
  38679. key += ".end";
  38680. } else {
  38681. continue;
  38682. }
  38683. }
  38684. valid = false;
  38685. } else if (fields.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  38686. valid = false;
  38687. for (let i = 0; !valid && i < fields[key].length; i++) {
  38688. const fieldType = fields[key][i];
  38689. switch (fieldType) {
  38690. case String:
  38691. valid = typeof node[key] === "string";
  38692. break;
  38693. case Boolean:
  38694. valid = typeof node[key] === "boolean";
  38695. break;
  38696. case null:
  38697. valid = node[key] === null;
  38698. break;
  38699. default:
  38700. if (typeof fieldType === "string") {
  38701. valid = node[key] && node[key].type === fieldType;
  38702. } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) {
  38703. valid = node[key] instanceof List.List;
  38704. }
  38705. }
  38706. }
  38707. } else {
  38708. warn(node, "Unknown field `" + key + "` for " + type + " node type");
  38709. }
  38710. if (!valid) {
  38711. warn(node, "Bad value for `" + type + "." + key + "`");
  38712. }
  38713. }
  38714. for (const key in fields) {
  38715. if (, key) &&, key) === false) {
  38716. warn(node, "Field `" + type + "." + key + "` is missed");
  38717. }
  38718. }
  38719. };
  38720. }
  38721. function processStructure(name, nodeType) {
  38722. const structure = nodeType.structure;
  38723. const fields = {
  38724. type: String,
  38725. loc: true
  38726. };
  38727. const docs = {
  38728. type: '"' + name + '"'
  38729. };
  38730. for (const key in structure) {
  38731. if (, key) === false) {
  38732. continue;
  38733. }
  38734. const docsTypes = [];
  38735. const fieldTypes = fields[key] = Array.isArray(structure[key]) ? structure[key].slice() : [structure[key]];
  38736. for (let i = 0; i < fieldTypes.length; i++) {
  38737. const fieldType = fieldTypes[i];
  38738. if (fieldType === String || fieldType === Boolean) {
  38739. docsTypes.push(;
  38740. } else if (fieldType === null) {
  38741. docsTypes.push("null");
  38742. } else if (typeof fieldType === "string") {
  38743. docsTypes.push("<" + fieldType + ">");
  38744. } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) {
  38745. docsTypes.push("List");
  38746. } else {
  38747. throw new Error("Wrong value `" + fieldType + "` in `" + name + "." + key + "` structure definition");
  38748. }
  38749. }
  38750. docs[key] = docsTypes.join(" | ");
  38751. }
  38752. return {
  38753. docs,
  38754. check: createNodeStructureChecker(name, fields)
  38755. };
  38756. }
  38757. function getStructureFromConfig(config) {
  38758. const structure = {};
  38759. if (config.node) {
  38760. for (const name in config.node) {
  38761. if (, name)) {
  38762. const nodeType = config.node[name];
  38763. if (nodeType.structure) {
  38764. structure[name] = processStructure(name, nodeType);
  38765. } else {
  38766. throw new Error("Missed `structure` field in `" + name + "` node type definition");
  38767. }
  38768. }
  38769. }
  38770. }
  38771. return structure;
  38772. }
  38773. exports2.getStructureFromConfig = getStructureFromConfig;
  38774. }
  38775. });
  38776. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/walk.cjs
  38777. var require_walk2 = __commonJS({
  38778. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/walk.cjs"(exports2) {
  38779. "use strict";
  38780. var noop = function() {
  38781. };
  38782. function ensureFunction(value) {
  38783. return typeof value === "function" ? value : noop;
  38784. }
  38785. function walk(node, options, context) {
  38786. function walk2(node2) {
  38787., node2);
  38788. switch (node2.type) {
  38789. case "Group":
  38790. node2.terms.forEach(walk2);
  38791. break;
  38792. case "Multiplier":
  38793. walk2(node2.term);
  38794. break;
  38795. case "Type":
  38796. case "Property":
  38797. case "Keyword":
  38798. case "AtKeyword":
  38799. case "Function":
  38800. case "String":
  38801. case "Token":
  38802. case "Comma":
  38803. break;
  38804. default:
  38805. throw new Error("Unknown type: " + node2.type);
  38806. }
  38807., node2);
  38808. }
  38809. let enter = noop;
  38810. let leave = noop;
  38811. if (typeof options === "function") {
  38812. enter = options;
  38813. } else if (options) {
  38814. enter = ensureFunction(options.enter);
  38815. leave = ensureFunction(options.leave);
  38816. }
  38817. if (enter === noop && leave === noop) {
  38818. throw new Error("Neither `enter` nor `leave` walker handler is set or both aren't a function");
  38819. }
  38820. walk2(node);
  38821. }
  38822. exports2.walk = walk;
  38823. }
  38824. });
  38825. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/Lexer.cjs
  38826. var require_Lexer = __commonJS({
  38827. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/Lexer.cjs"(exports2) {
  38828. "use strict";
  38829. var error = require_error2();
  38830. var names = require_names3();
  38831. var genericConst = require_generic_const();
  38832. var generic = require_generic();
  38833. var units = require_units();
  38834. var prepareTokens = require_prepare_tokens();
  38835. var matchGraph = require_match_graph();
  38836. var match = require_match();
  38837. var trace = require_trace();
  38838. var search = require_search();
  38839. var structure = require_structure();
  38840. var parse = require_parse6();
  38841. var generate = require_generate();
  38842. var walk = require_walk2();
  38843. var cssWideKeywordsSyntax = matchGraph.buildMatchGraph(genericConst.cssWideKeywords.join(" | "));
  38844. function dumpMapSyntax(map, compact, syntaxAsAst) {
  38845. const result = {};
  38846. for (const name in map) {
  38847. if (map[name].syntax) {
  38848. result[name] = syntaxAsAst ? map[name].syntax : generate.generate(map[name].syntax, { compact });
  38849. }
  38850. }
  38851. return result;
  38852. }
  38853. function dumpAtruleMapSyntax(map, compact, syntaxAsAst) {
  38854. const result = {};
  38855. for (const [name, atrule] of Object.entries(map)) {
  38856. result[name] = {
  38857. prelude: atrule.prelude && (syntaxAsAst ? atrule.prelude.syntax : generate.generate(atrule.prelude.syntax, { compact })),
  38858. descriptors: atrule.descriptors && dumpMapSyntax(atrule.descriptors, compact, syntaxAsAst)
  38859. };
  38860. }
  38861. return result;
  38862. }
  38863. function valueHasVar(tokens) {
  38864. for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
  38865. if (tokens[i].value.toLowerCase() === "var(") {
  38866. return true;
  38867. }
  38868. }
  38869. return false;
  38870. }
  38871. function buildMatchResult(matched, error2, iterations) {
  38872. return {
  38873. matched,
  38874. iterations,
  38875. error: error2,
  38876. ...trace
  38877. };
  38878. }
  38879. function matchSyntax(lexer, syntax, value, useCssWideKeywords) {
  38880. const tokens = prepareTokens(value, lexer.syntax);
  38881. let result;
  38882. if (valueHasVar(tokens)) {
  38883. return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Matching for a tree with var() is not supported"));
  38884. }
  38885. if (useCssWideKeywords) {
  38886. result = match.matchAsTree(tokens, lexer.cssWideKeywordsSyntax, lexer);
  38887. }
  38888. if (!useCssWideKeywords || !result.match) {
  38889. result = match.matchAsTree(tokens, syntax.match, lexer);
  38890. if (!result.match) {
  38891. return buildMatchResult(
  38892. null,
  38893. new error.SyntaxMatchError(result.reason, syntax.syntax, value, result),
  38894. result.iterations
  38895. );
  38896. }
  38897. }
  38898. return buildMatchResult(result.match, null, result.iterations);
  38899. }
  38900. var Lexer = class {
  38901. constructor(config, syntax, structure$1) {
  38902. this.cssWideKeywordsSyntax = cssWideKeywordsSyntax;
  38903. this.syntax = syntax;
  38904. this.generic = false;
  38905. this.units = { ...units };
  38906. this.atrules = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  38907. = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  38908. this.types = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  38909. this.structure = structure$1 || structure.getStructureFromConfig(config);
  38910. if (config) {
  38911. if (config.units) {
  38912. for (const group of Object.keys(units)) {
  38913. if (Array.isArray(config.units[group])) {
  38914. this.units[group] = config.units[group];
  38915. }
  38916. }
  38917. }
  38918. if (config.types) {
  38919. for (const name in config.types) {
  38920. this.addType_(name, config.types[name]);
  38921. }
  38922. }
  38923. if (config.generic) {
  38924. this.generic = true;
  38925. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(generic.createGenericTypes(this.units))) {
  38926. this.addType_(name, value);
  38927. }
  38928. }
  38929. if (config.atrules) {
  38930. for (const name in config.atrules) {
  38931. this.addAtrule_(name, config.atrules[name]);
  38932. }
  38933. }
  38934. if ( {
  38935. for (const name in {
  38936. this.addProperty_(name,[name]);
  38937. }
  38938. }
  38939. }
  38940. }
  38941. checkStructure(ast) {
  38942. function collectWarning(node, message) {
  38943. warns.push({ node, message });
  38944. }
  38945. const structure2 = this.structure;
  38946. const warns = [];
  38947. this.syntax.walk(ast, function(node) {
  38948. if (structure2.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) {
  38949. structure2[node.type].check(node, collectWarning);
  38950. } else {
  38951. collectWarning(node, "Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`");
  38952. }
  38953. });
  38954. return warns.length ? warns : false;
  38955. }
  38956. createDescriptor(syntax, type, name, parent = null) {
  38957. const ref = {
  38958. type,
  38959. name
  38960. };
  38961. const descriptor = {
  38962. type,
  38963. name,
  38964. parent,
  38965. serializable: typeof syntax === "string" || syntax && typeof syntax.type === "string",
  38966. syntax: null,
  38967. match: null
  38968. };
  38969. if (typeof syntax === "function") {
  38970. descriptor.match = matchGraph.buildMatchGraph(syntax, ref);
  38971. } else {
  38972. if (typeof syntax === "string") {
  38973. Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "syntax", {
  38974. get() {
  38975. Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "syntax", {
  38976. value: parse.parse(syntax)
  38977. });
  38978. return descriptor.syntax;
  38979. }
  38980. });
  38981. } else {
  38982. descriptor.syntax = syntax;
  38983. }
  38984. Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "match", {
  38985. get() {
  38986. Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "match", {
  38987. value: matchGraph.buildMatchGraph(descriptor.syntax, ref)
  38988. });
  38989. return descriptor.match;
  38990. }
  38991. });
  38992. }
  38993. return descriptor;
  38994. }
  38995. addAtrule_(name, syntax) {
  38996. if (!syntax) {
  38997. return;
  38998. }
  38999. this.atrules[name] = {
  39000. type: "Atrule",
  39001. name,
  39002. prelude: syntax.prelude ? this.createDescriptor(syntax.prelude, "AtrulePrelude", name) : null,
  39003. descriptors: syntax.descriptors ? Object.keys(syntax.descriptors).reduce(
  39004. (map, descName) => {
  39005. map[descName] = this.createDescriptor(syntax.descriptors[descName], "AtruleDescriptor", descName, name);
  39006. return map;
  39007. },
  39008. /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)
  39009. ) : null
  39010. };
  39011. }
  39012. addProperty_(name, syntax) {
  39013. if (!syntax) {
  39014. return;
  39015. }
  39016.[name] = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Property", name);
  39017. }
  39018. addType_(name, syntax) {
  39019. if (!syntax) {
  39020. return;
  39021. }
  39022. this.types[name] = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Type", name);
  39023. }
  39024. checkAtruleName(atruleName) {
  39025. if (!this.getAtrule(atruleName)) {
  39026. return new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown at-rule", "@" + atruleName);
  39027. }
  39028. }
  39029. checkAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude) {
  39030. const error2 = this.checkAtruleName(atruleName);
  39031. if (error2) {
  39032. return error2;
  39033. }
  39034. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
  39035. if (!atrule.prelude && prelude) {
  39036. return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` should not contain a prelude");
  39037. }
  39038. if (atrule.prelude && !prelude) {
  39039. if (!matchSyntax(this, atrule.prelude, "", false).matched) {
  39040. return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` should contain a prelude");
  39041. }
  39042. }
  39043. }
  39044. checkAtruleDescriptorName(atruleName, descriptorName) {
  39045. const error$1 = this.checkAtruleName(atruleName);
  39046. if (error$1) {
  39047. return error$1;
  39048. }
  39049. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
  39050. const descriptor = names.keyword(descriptorName);
  39051. if (!atrule.descriptors) {
  39052. return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` has no known descriptors");
  39053. }
  39054. if (!atrule.descriptors[] && !atrule.descriptors[descriptor.basename]) {
  39055. return new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown at-rule descriptor", descriptorName);
  39056. }
  39057. }
  39058. checkPropertyName(propertyName) {
  39059. if (!this.getProperty(propertyName)) {
  39060. return new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown property", propertyName);
  39061. }
  39062. }
  39063. matchAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude) {
  39064. const error2 = this.checkAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude);
  39065. if (error2) {
  39066. return buildMatchResult(null, error2);
  39067. }
  39068. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
  39069. if (!atrule.prelude) {
  39070. return buildMatchResult(null, null);
  39071. }
  39072. return matchSyntax(this, atrule.prelude, prelude || "", false);
  39073. }
  39074. matchAtruleDescriptor(atruleName, descriptorName, value) {
  39075. const error2 = this.checkAtruleDescriptorName(atruleName, descriptorName);
  39076. if (error2) {
  39077. return buildMatchResult(null, error2);
  39078. }
  39079. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
  39080. const descriptor = names.keyword(descriptorName);
  39081. return matchSyntax(this, atrule.descriptors[] || atrule.descriptors[descriptor.basename], value, false);
  39082. }
  39083. matchDeclaration(node) {
  39084. if (node.type !== "Declaration") {
  39085. return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Not a Declaration node"));
  39086. }
  39087. return this.matchProperty(, node.value);
  39088. }
  39089. matchProperty(propertyName, value) {
  39090. if ( {
  39091. return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Lexer matching doesn't applicable for custom properties"));
  39092. }
  39093. const error2 = this.checkPropertyName(propertyName);
  39094. if (error2) {
  39095. return buildMatchResult(null, error2);
  39096. }
  39097. return matchSyntax(this, this.getProperty(propertyName), value, true);
  39098. }
  39099. matchType(typeName, value) {
  39100. const typeSyntax = this.getType(typeName);
  39101. if (!typeSyntax) {
  39102. return buildMatchResult(null, new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown type", typeName));
  39103. }
  39104. return matchSyntax(this, typeSyntax, value, false);
  39105. }
  39106. match(syntax, value) {
  39107. if (typeof syntax !== "string" && (!syntax || !syntax.type)) {
  39108. return buildMatchResult(null, new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Bad syntax"));
  39109. }
  39110. if (typeof syntax === "string" || !syntax.match) {
  39111. syntax = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Type", "anonymous");
  39112. }
  39113. return matchSyntax(this, syntax, value, false);
  39114. }
  39115. findValueFragments(propertyName, value, type, name) {
  39116. return search.matchFragments(this, value, this.matchProperty(propertyName, value), type, name);
  39117. }
  39118. findDeclarationValueFragments(declaration, type, name) {
  39119. return search.matchFragments(this, declaration.value, this.matchDeclaration(declaration), type, name);
  39120. }
  39121. findAllFragments(ast, type, name) {
  39122. const result = [];
  39123. this.syntax.walk(ast, {
  39124. visit: "Declaration",
  39125. enter: (declaration) => {
  39126. result.push.apply(result, this.findDeclarationValueFragments(declaration, type, name));
  39127. }
  39128. });
  39129. return result;
  39130. }
  39131. getAtrule(atruleName, fallbackBasename = true) {
  39132. const atrule = names.keyword(atruleName);
  39133. const atruleEntry = atrule.vendor && fallbackBasename ? this.atrules[] || this.atrules[atrule.basename] : this.atrules[];
  39134. return atruleEntry || null;
  39135. }
  39136. getAtrulePrelude(atruleName, fallbackBasename = true) {
  39137. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName, fallbackBasename);
  39138. return atrule && atrule.prelude || null;
  39139. }
  39140. getAtruleDescriptor(atruleName, name) {
  39141. return this.atrules.hasOwnProperty(atruleName) && this.atrules.declarators ? this.atrules[atruleName].declarators[name] || null : null;
  39142. }
  39143. getProperty(propertyName, fallbackBasename = true) {
  39144. const property =;
  39145. const propertyEntry = property.vendor && fallbackBasename ?[] ||[property.basename] :[];
  39146. return propertyEntry || null;
  39147. }
  39148. getType(name) {
  39149. return, name) ? this.types[name] : null;
  39150. }
  39151. validate() {
  39152. function validate(syntax, name, broken, descriptor) {
  39153. if (broken.has(name)) {
  39154. return broken.get(name);
  39155. }
  39156. broken.set(name, false);
  39157. if (descriptor.syntax !== null) {
  39158. walk.walk(descriptor.syntax, function(node) {
  39159. if (node.type !== "Type" && node.type !== "Property") {
  39160. return;
  39161. }
  39162. const map = node.type === "Type" ? syntax.types :;
  39163. const brokenMap = node.type === "Type" ? brokenTypes : brokenProperties;
  39164. if (!, || validate(syntax,, brokenMap, map[])) {
  39165. broken.set(name, true);
  39166. }
  39167. }, this);
  39168. }
  39169. }
  39170. let brokenTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  39171. let brokenProperties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  39172. for (const key in this.types) {
  39173. validate(this, key, brokenTypes, this.types[key]);
  39174. }
  39175. for (const key in {
  39176. validate(this, key, brokenProperties,[key]);
  39177. }
  39178. brokenTypes = [...brokenTypes.keys()].filter((name) => brokenTypes.get(name));
  39179. brokenProperties = [...brokenProperties.keys()].filter((name) => brokenProperties.get(name));
  39180. if (brokenTypes.length || brokenProperties.length) {
  39181. return {
  39182. types: brokenTypes,
  39183. properties: brokenProperties
  39184. };
  39185. }
  39186. return null;
  39187. }
  39188. dump(syntaxAsAst, pretty) {
  39189. return {
  39190. generic: this.generic,
  39191. units: this.units,
  39192. types: dumpMapSyntax(this.types, !pretty, syntaxAsAst),
  39193. properties: dumpMapSyntax(, !pretty, syntaxAsAst),
  39194. atrules: dumpAtruleMapSyntax(this.atrules, !pretty, syntaxAsAst)
  39195. };
  39196. }
  39197. toString() {
  39198. return JSON.stringify(this.dump());
  39199. }
  39200. };
  39201. exports2.Lexer = Lexer;
  39202. }
  39203. });
  39204. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/mix.cjs
  39205. var require_mix = __commonJS({
  39206. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/mix.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  39207. "use strict";
  39208. function appendOrSet(a, b) {
  39209. if (typeof b === "string" && /^\s*\|/.test(b)) {
  39210. return typeof a === "string" ? a + b : b.replace(/^\s*\|\s*/, "");
  39211. }
  39212. return b || null;
  39213. }
  39214. function sliceProps(obj, props) {
  39215. const result = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  39216. for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
  39217. if (value) {
  39218. result[key] = {};
  39219. for (const prop of Object.keys(value)) {
  39220. if (props.includes(prop)) {
  39221. result[key][prop] = value[prop];
  39222. }
  39223. }
  39224. }
  39225. }
  39226. return result;
  39227. }
  39228. function mix(dest, src) {
  39229. const result = { ...dest };
  39230. for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(src)) {
  39231. switch (prop) {
  39232. case "generic":
  39233. result[prop] = Boolean(value);
  39234. break;
  39235. case "units":
  39236. result[prop] = { ...dest[prop] };
  39237. for (const [name, patch] of Object.entries(value)) {
  39238. result[prop][name] = Array.isArray(patch) ? patch : [];
  39239. }
  39240. break;
  39241. case "atrules":
  39242. result[prop] = { ...dest[prop] };
  39243. for (const [name, atrule] of Object.entries(value)) {
  39244. const exists = result[prop][name] || {};
  39245. const current = result[prop][name] = {
  39246. prelude: exists.prelude || null,
  39247. descriptors: {
  39248. ...exists.descriptors
  39249. }
  39250. };
  39251. if (!atrule) {
  39252. continue;
  39253. }
  39254. current.prelude = atrule.prelude ? appendOrSet(current.prelude, atrule.prelude) : current.prelude || null;
  39255. for (const [descriptorName, descriptorValue] of Object.entries(atrule.descriptors || {})) {
  39256. current.descriptors[descriptorName] = descriptorValue ? appendOrSet(current.descriptors[descriptorName], descriptorValue) : null;
  39257. }
  39258. if (!Object.keys(current.descriptors).length) {
  39259. current.descriptors = null;
  39260. }
  39261. }
  39262. break;
  39263. case "types":
  39264. case "properties":
  39265. result[prop] = { ...dest[prop] };
  39266. for (const [name, syntax] of Object.entries(value)) {
  39267. result[prop][name] = appendOrSet(result[prop][name], syntax);
  39268. }
  39269. break;
  39270. case "scope":
  39271. result[prop] = { ...dest[prop] };
  39272. for (const [name, props] of Object.entries(value)) {
  39273. result[prop][name] = { ...result[prop][name], ...props };
  39274. }
  39275. break;
  39276. case "parseContext":
  39277. result[prop] = {
  39278. ...dest[prop],
  39279. ...value
  39280. };
  39281. break;
  39282. case "atrule":
  39283. case "pseudo":
  39284. result[prop] = {
  39285. ...dest[prop],
  39286. ...sliceProps(value, ["parse"])
  39287. };
  39288. break;
  39289. case "node":
  39290. result[prop] = {
  39291. ...dest[prop],
  39292. ...sliceProps(value, ["name", "structure", "parse", "generate", "walkContext"])
  39293. };
  39294. break;
  39295. }
  39296. }
  39297. return result;
  39298. }
  39299. module2.exports = mix;
  39300. }
  39301. });
  39302. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/create.cjs
  39303. var require_create5 = __commonJS({
  39304. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/create.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  39305. "use strict";
  39306. var index = require_tokenizer();
  39307. var create = require_create();
  39308. var create$2 = require_create2();
  39309. var create$3 = require_create3();
  39310. var create$1 = require_create4();
  39311. var Lexer = require_Lexer();
  39312. var mix = require_mix();
  39313. function createSyntax(config) {
  39314. const parse = create.createParser(config);
  39315. const walk = create$1.createWalker(config);
  39316. const generate = create$2.createGenerator(config);
  39317. const { fromPlainObject, toPlainObject } = create$3.createConvertor(walk);
  39318. const syntax = {
  39319. lexer: null,
  39320. createLexer: (config2) => new Lexer.Lexer(config2, syntax, syntax.lexer.structure),
  39321. tokenize: index.tokenize,
  39322. parse,
  39323. generate,
  39324. walk,
  39325. find: walk.find,
  39326. findLast: walk.findLast,
  39327. findAll: walk.findAll,
  39328. fromPlainObject,
  39329. toPlainObject,
  39330. fork(extension) {
  39331. const base = mix({}, config);
  39332. return createSyntax(
  39333. typeof extension === "function" ? extension(base, Object.assign) : mix(base, extension)
  39334. );
  39335. }
  39336. };
  39337. syntax.lexer = new Lexer.Lexer({
  39338. generic: true,
  39339. units: config.units,
  39340. types: config.types,
  39341. atrules: config.atrules,
  39342. properties:,
  39343. node: config.node
  39344. }, syntax);
  39345. return syntax;
  39346. }
  39347. var createSyntax$1 = (config) => createSyntax(mix({}, config));
  39348. module2.exports = createSyntax$1;
  39349. }
  39350. });
  39351. // node_modules/css-tree/data/patch.json
  39352. var require_patch = __commonJS({
  39353. "node_modules/css-tree/data/patch.json"(exports2, module2) {
  39354. module2.exports = {
  39355. atrules: {
  39356. charset: {
  39357. prelude: "<string>"
  39358. },
  39359. "font-face": {
  39360. descriptors: {
  39361. "unicode-range": {
  39362. comment: "replaces <unicode-range>, an old production name",
  39363. syntax: "<urange>#"
  39364. }
  39365. }
  39366. },
  39367. nest: {
  39368. prelude: "<complex-selector-list>"
  39369. }
  39370. },
  39371. properties: {
  39372. "-moz-background-clip": {
  39373. comment: "deprecated syntax in old Firefox,",
  39374. syntax: "padding | border"
  39375. },
  39376. "-moz-border-radius-bottomleft": {
  39377. comment: "",
  39378. syntax: "<'border-bottom-left-radius'>"
  39379. },
  39380. "-moz-border-radius-bottomright": {
  39381. comment: "",
  39382. syntax: "<'border-bottom-right-radius'>"
  39383. },
  39384. "-moz-border-radius-topleft": {
  39385. comment: "",
  39386. syntax: "<'border-top-left-radius'>"
  39387. },
  39388. "-moz-border-radius-topright": {
  39389. comment: "",
  39390. syntax: "<'border-bottom-right-radius'>"
  39391. },
  39392. "-moz-control-character-visibility": {
  39393. comment: "firefox specific keywords,",
  39394. syntax: "visible | hidden"
  39395. },
  39396. "-moz-osx-font-smoothing": {
  39397. comment: "misssed old syntax",
  39398. syntax: "auto | grayscale"
  39399. },
  39400. "-moz-user-select": {
  39401. comment: "",
  39402. syntax: "none | text | all | -moz-none"
  39403. },
  39404. "-ms-flex-align": {
  39405. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
  39406. syntax: "start | end | center | baseline | stretch"
  39407. },
  39408. "-ms-flex-item-align": {
  39409. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
  39410. syntax: "auto | start | end | center | baseline | stretch"
  39411. },
  39412. "-ms-flex-line-pack": {
  39413. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
  39414. syntax: "start | end | center | justify | distribute | stretch"
  39415. },
  39416. "-ms-flex-negative": {
  39417. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
  39418. syntax: "<'flex-shrink'>"
  39419. },
  39420. "-ms-flex-pack": {
  39421. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
  39422. syntax: "start | end | center | justify | distribute"
  39423. },
  39424. "-ms-flex-order": {
  39425. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE;",
  39426. syntax: "<integer>"
  39427. },
  39428. "-ms-flex-positive": {
  39429. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
  39430. syntax: "<'flex-grow'>"
  39431. },
  39432. "-ms-flex-preferred-size": {
  39433. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
  39434. syntax: "<'flex-basis'>"
  39435. },
  39436. "-ms-interpolation-mode": {
  39437. comment: "",
  39438. syntax: "nearest-neighbor | bicubic"
  39439. },
  39440. "-ms-grid-column-align": {
  39441. comment: "add this property first since it uses as fallback for flexbox,",
  39442. syntax: "start | end | center | stretch"
  39443. },
  39444. "-ms-grid-row-align": {
  39445. comment: "add this property first since it uses as fallback for flexbox,",
  39446. syntax: "start | end | center | stretch"
  39447. },
  39448. "-ms-hyphenate-limit-last": {
  39449. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE;",
  39450. syntax: "none | always | column | page | spread"
  39451. },
  39452. "-webkit-appearance": {
  39453. comment: "webkit specific keywords",
  39454. references: [
  39455. ""
  39456. ],
  39457. syntax: "none | button | button-bevel | caps-lock-indicator | caret | checkbox | default-button | inner-spin-button | listbox | listitem | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | meter | progress-bar | progress-bar-value | push-button | radio | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbargripper-horizontal | scrollbargripper-vertical | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | searchfield | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-horizontal | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical | square-button | textarea | textfield | -apple-pay-button"
  39458. },
  39459. "-webkit-background-clip": {
  39460. comment: "",
  39461. syntax: "[ <box> | border | padding | content | text ]#"
  39462. },
  39463. "-webkit-column-break-after": {
  39464. comment: "added,",
  39465. syntax: "always | auto | avoid"
  39466. },
  39467. "-webkit-column-break-before": {
  39468. comment: "added,",
  39469. syntax: "always | auto | avoid"
  39470. },
  39471. "-webkit-column-break-inside": {
  39472. comment: "added,",
  39473. syntax: "always | auto | avoid"
  39474. },
  39475. "-webkit-font-smoothing": {
  39476. comment: "",
  39477. syntax: "auto | none | antialiased | subpixel-antialiased"
  39478. },
  39479. "-webkit-mask-box-image": {
  39480. comment: "missed;",
  39481. syntax: "[ <url> | <gradient> | none ] [ <length-percentage>{4} <-webkit-mask-box-repeat>{2} ]?"
  39482. },
  39483. "-webkit-print-color-adjust": {
  39484. comment: "missed",
  39485. references: [
  39486. ""
  39487. ],
  39488. syntax: "economy | exact"
  39489. },
  39490. "-webkit-text-security": {
  39491. comment: "missed;",
  39492. syntax: "none | circle | disc | square"
  39493. },
  39494. "-webkit-user-drag": {
  39495. comment: "missed;",
  39496. syntax: "none | element | auto"
  39497. },
  39498. "-webkit-user-select": {
  39499. comment: "auto is supported by old webkit,",
  39500. syntax: "auto | none | text | all"
  39501. },
  39502. "alignment-baseline": {
  39503. comment: "added SVG property",
  39504. references: [
  39505. ""
  39506. ],
  39507. syntax: "auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical"
  39508. },
  39509. "background-clip": {
  39510. comment: "used <bg-clip> from CSS Backgrounds and Borders 4 since it adds new values",
  39511. references: [
  39512. ""
  39513. ],
  39514. syntax: "<bg-clip>#"
  39515. },
  39516. "baseline-shift": {
  39517. comment: "added SVG property",
  39518. references: [
  39519. ""
  39520. ],
  39521. syntax: "baseline | sub | super | <svg-length>"
  39522. },
  39523. behavior: {
  39524. comment: "added old IE property",
  39525. syntax: "<url>+"
  39526. },
  39527. "clip-rule": {
  39528. comment: "added SVG property",
  39529. references: [
  39530. ""
  39531. ],
  39532. syntax: "nonzero | evenodd"
  39533. },
  39534. cue: {
  39535. comment: "",
  39536. syntax: "<'cue-before'> <'cue-after'>?"
  39537. },
  39538. "cue-after": {
  39539. comment: "",
  39540. syntax: "<url> <decibel>? | none"
  39541. },
  39542. "cue-before": {
  39543. comment: "",
  39544. syntax: "<url> <decibel>? | none"
  39545. },
  39546. cursor: {
  39547. comment: "added legacy keywords: hand, -webkit-grab. -webkit-grabbing, -webkit-zoom-in, -webkit-zoom-out, -moz-grab, -moz-grabbing, -moz-zoom-in, -moz-zoom-out",
  39548. references: [
  39549. ""
  39550. ],
  39551. syntax: "[ [ <url> [ <x> <y> ]? , ]* [ auto | default | none | context-menu | help | pointer | progress | wait | cell | crosshair | text | vertical-text | alias | copy | move | no-drop | not-allowed | e-resize | n-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | s-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | w-resize | ew-resize | ns-resize | nesw-resize | nwse-resize | col-resize | row-resize | all-scroll | zoom-in | zoom-out | grab | grabbing | hand | -webkit-grab | -webkit-grabbing | -webkit-zoom-in | -webkit-zoom-out | -moz-grab | -moz-grabbing | -moz-zoom-in | -moz-zoom-out ] ]"
  39552. },
  39553. display: {
  39554. comment: "extended with -ms-flexbox",
  39555. syntax: "| <-non-standard-display>"
  39556. },
  39557. position: {
  39558. comment: "extended with -webkit-sticky",
  39559. syntax: "| -webkit-sticky"
  39560. },
  39561. "dominant-baseline": {
  39562. comment: "added SVG property",
  39563. references: [
  39564. ""
  39565. ],
  39566. syntax: "auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge"
  39567. },
  39568. "image-rendering": {
  39569. comment: "extended with <-non-standard-image-rendering>, added SVG keywords optimizeSpeed and optimizeQuality",
  39570. references: [
  39571. "",
  39572. ""
  39573. ],
  39574. syntax: "| optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | <-non-standard-image-rendering>"
  39575. },
  39576. fill: {
  39577. comment: "added SVG property",
  39578. references: [
  39579. ""
  39580. ],
  39581. syntax: "<paint>"
  39582. },
  39583. "fill-opacity": {
  39584. comment: "added SVG property",
  39585. references: [
  39586. ""
  39587. ],
  39588. syntax: "<number-zero-one>"
  39589. },
  39590. "fill-rule": {
  39591. comment: "added SVG property",
  39592. references: [
  39593. ""
  39594. ],
  39595. syntax: "nonzero | evenodd"
  39596. },
  39597. filter: {
  39598. comment: "extend with IE legacy syntaxes",
  39599. syntax: "| <-ms-filter-function-list>"
  39600. },
  39601. "glyph-orientation-horizontal": {
  39602. comment: "added SVG property",
  39603. references: [
  39604. ""
  39605. ],
  39606. syntax: "<angle>"
  39607. },
  39608. "glyph-orientation-vertical": {
  39609. comment: "added SVG property",
  39610. references: [
  39611. ""
  39612. ],
  39613. syntax: "<angle>"
  39614. },
  39615. kerning: {
  39616. comment: "added SVG property",
  39617. references: [
  39618. ""
  39619. ],
  39620. syntax: "auto | <svg-length>"
  39621. },
  39622. "letter-spacing": {
  39623. comment: "fix syntax <length> -> <length-percentage>",
  39624. references: [
  39625. ""
  39626. ],
  39627. syntax: "normal | <length-percentage>"
  39628. },
  39629. marker: {
  39630. comment: "added SVG property",
  39631. references: [
  39632. ""
  39633. ],
  39634. syntax: "none | <url>"
  39635. },
  39636. "marker-end": {
  39637. comment: "added SVG property",
  39638. references: [
  39639. ""
  39640. ],
  39641. syntax: "none | <url>"
  39642. },
  39643. "marker-mid": {
  39644. comment: "added SVG property",
  39645. references: [
  39646. ""
  39647. ],
  39648. syntax: "none | <url>"
  39649. },
  39650. "marker-start": {
  39651. comment: "added SVG property",
  39652. references: [
  39653. ""
  39654. ],
  39655. syntax: "none | <url>"
  39656. },
  39657. "max-width": {
  39658. comment: "extend by non-standard width keywords",
  39659. syntax: "| <-non-standard-width>"
  39660. },
  39661. width: {
  39662. references: [
  39663. "",
  39664. ""
  39665. ],
  39666. syntax: "| fill | stretch | intrinsic | -moz-max-content | -webkit-max-content | -moz-fit-content | -webkit-fit-content"
  39667. },
  39668. "min-width": {
  39669. comment: "extend by non-standard width keywords",
  39670. syntax: "| <-non-standard-width>"
  39671. },
  39672. overflow: {
  39673. comment: "extend by vendor keywords",
  39674. syntax: "| <-non-standard-overflow>"
  39675. },
  39676. pause: {
  39677. comment: "",
  39678. syntax: "<'pause-before'> <'pause-after'>?"
  39679. },
  39680. "pause-after": {
  39681. comment: "",
  39682. syntax: "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
  39683. },
  39684. "pause-before": {
  39685. comment: "",
  39686. syntax: "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
  39687. },
  39688. rest: {
  39689. comment: "",
  39690. syntax: "<'rest-before'> <'rest-after'>?"
  39691. },
  39692. "rest-after": {
  39693. comment: "",
  39694. syntax: "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
  39695. },
  39696. "rest-before": {
  39697. comment: "",
  39698. syntax: "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
  39699. },
  39700. "shape-rendering": {
  39701. comment: "added SVG property",
  39702. references: [
  39703. ""
  39704. ],
  39705. syntax: "auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision"
  39706. },
  39707. src: {
  39708. comment: "added @font-face's src property",
  39709. syntax: "[ <url> [ format( <string># ) ]? | local( <family-name> ) ]#"
  39710. },
  39711. speak: {
  39712. comment: "",
  39713. syntax: "auto | none | normal"
  39714. },
  39715. "speak-as": {
  39716. comment: "",
  39717. syntax: "normal | spell-out || digits || [ literal-punctuation | no-punctuation ]"
  39718. },
  39719. stroke: {
  39720. comment: "added SVG property",
  39721. references: [
  39722. ""
  39723. ],
  39724. syntax: "<paint>"
  39725. },
  39726. "stroke-dasharray": {
  39727. comment: "added SVG property; a list of comma and/or white space separated <length>s and <percentage>s",
  39728. references: [
  39729. ""
  39730. ],
  39731. syntax: "none | [ <svg-length>+ ]#"
  39732. },
  39733. "stroke-dashoffset": {
  39734. comment: "added SVG property",
  39735. references: [
  39736. ""
  39737. ],
  39738. syntax: "<svg-length>"
  39739. },
  39740. "stroke-linecap": {
  39741. comment: "added SVG property",
  39742. references: [
  39743. ""
  39744. ],
  39745. syntax: "butt | round | square"
  39746. },
  39747. "stroke-linejoin": {
  39748. comment: "added SVG property",
  39749. references: [
  39750. ""
  39751. ],
  39752. syntax: "miter | round | bevel"
  39753. },
  39754. "stroke-miterlimit": {
  39755. comment: "added SVG property (<miterlimit> = <number-one-or-greater>) ",
  39756. references: [
  39757. ""
  39758. ],
  39759. syntax: "<number-one-or-greater>"
  39760. },
  39761. "stroke-opacity": {
  39762. comment: "added SVG property",
  39763. references: [
  39764. ""
  39765. ],
  39766. syntax: "<number-zero-one>"
  39767. },
  39768. "stroke-width": {
  39769. comment: "added SVG property",
  39770. references: [
  39771. ""
  39772. ],
  39773. syntax: "<svg-length>"
  39774. },
  39775. "text-anchor": {
  39776. comment: "added SVG property",
  39777. references: [
  39778. ""
  39779. ],
  39780. syntax: "start | middle | end"
  39781. },
  39782. "unicode-bidi": {
  39783. comment: "added prefixed keywords",
  39784. syntax: "| -moz-isolate | -moz-isolate-override | -moz-plaintext | -webkit-isolate | -webkit-isolate-override | -webkit-plaintext"
  39785. },
  39786. "unicode-range": {
  39787. comment: "added missed property",
  39788. syntax: "<urange>#"
  39789. },
  39790. "voice-balance": {
  39791. comment: "",
  39792. syntax: "<number> | left | center | right | leftwards | rightwards"
  39793. },
  39794. "voice-duration": {
  39795. comment: "",
  39796. syntax: "auto | <time>"
  39797. },
  39798. "voice-family": {
  39799. comment: "<name> -> <family-name>,",
  39800. syntax: "[ [ <family-name> | <generic-voice> ] , ]* [ <family-name> | <generic-voice> ] | preserve"
  39801. },
  39802. "voice-pitch": {
  39803. comment: "",
  39804. syntax: "<frequency> && absolute | [ [ x-low | low | medium | high | x-high ] || [ <frequency> | <semitones> | <percentage> ] ]"
  39805. },
  39806. "voice-range": {
  39807. comment: "",
  39808. syntax: "<frequency> && absolute | [ [ x-low | low | medium | high | x-high ] || [ <frequency> | <semitones> | <percentage> ] ]"
  39809. },
  39810. "voice-rate": {
  39811. comment: "",
  39812. syntax: "[ normal | x-slow | slow | medium | fast | x-fast ] || <percentage>"
  39813. },
  39814. "voice-stress": {
  39815. comment: "",
  39816. syntax: "normal | strong | moderate | none | reduced"
  39817. },
  39818. "voice-volume": {
  39819. comment: "",
  39820. syntax: "silent | [ [ x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud ] || <decibel> ]"
  39821. },
  39822. "writing-mode": {
  39823. comment: "extend with SVG keywords",
  39824. syntax: "| <svg-writing-mode>"
  39825. }
  39826. },
  39827. types: {
  39828. "-legacy-gradient": {
  39829. comment: "added collection of legacy gradient syntaxes",
  39830. syntax: "<-webkit-gradient()> | <-legacy-linear-gradient> | <-legacy-repeating-linear-gradient> | <-legacy-radial-gradient> | <-legacy-repeating-radial-gradient>"
  39831. },
  39832. "-legacy-linear-gradient": {
  39833. comment: "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
  39834. syntax: "-moz-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> )"
  39835. },
  39836. "-legacy-repeating-linear-gradient": {
  39837. comment: "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
  39838. syntax: "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> )"
  39839. },
  39840. "-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments": {
  39841. comment: "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
  39842. syntax: "[ <angle> | <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list>"
  39843. },
  39844. "-legacy-radial-gradient": {
  39845. comment: "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
  39846. syntax: "-moz-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> )"
  39847. },
  39848. "-legacy-repeating-radial-gradient": {
  39849. comment: "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
  39850. syntax: "-moz-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> )"
  39851. },
  39852. "-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments": {
  39853. comment: "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
  39854. syntax: "[ <position> , ]? [ [ [ <-legacy-radial-gradient-shape> || <-legacy-radial-gradient-size> ] | [ <length> | <percentage> ]{2} ] , ]? <color-stop-list>"
  39855. },
  39856. "-legacy-radial-gradient-size": {
  39857. comment: "before a standard it contains 2 extra keywords (`contain` and `cover`)",
  39858. syntax: "closest-side | closest-corner | farthest-side | farthest-corner | contain | cover"
  39859. },
  39860. "-legacy-radial-gradient-shape": {
  39861. comment: "define to double sure it doesn't extends in future",
  39862. syntax: "circle | ellipse"
  39863. },
  39864. "-non-standard-font": {
  39865. comment: "non standard fonts",
  39866. references: [
  39867. ""
  39868. ],
  39869. syntax: "-apple-system-body | -apple-system-headline | -apple-system-subheadline | -apple-system-caption1 | -apple-system-caption2 | -apple-system-footnote | -apple-system-short-body | -apple-system-short-headline | -apple-system-short-subheadline | -apple-system-short-caption1 | -apple-system-short-footnote | -apple-system-tall-body"
  39870. },
  39871. "-non-standard-color": {
  39872. comment: "non standard colors",
  39873. references: [
  39874. "",
  39875. ""
  39876. ],
  39877. syntax: "-moz-ButtonDefault | -moz-ButtonHoverFace | -moz-ButtonHoverText | -moz-CellHighlight | -moz-CellHighlightText | -moz-Combobox | -moz-ComboboxText | -moz-Dialog | -moz-DialogText | -moz-dragtargetzone | -moz-EvenTreeRow | -moz-Field | -moz-FieldText | -moz-html-CellHighlight | -moz-html-CellHighlightText | -moz-mac-accentdarkestshadow | -moz-mac-accentdarkshadow | -moz-mac-accentface | -moz-mac-accentlightesthighlight | -moz-mac-accentlightshadow | -moz-mac-accentregularhighlight | -moz-mac-accentregularshadow | -moz-mac-chrome-active | -moz-mac-chrome-inactive | -moz-mac-focusring | -moz-mac-menuselect | -moz-mac-menushadow | -moz-mac-menutextselect | -moz-MenuHover | -moz-MenuHoverText | -moz-MenuBarText | -moz-MenuBarHoverText | -moz-nativehyperlinktext | -moz-OddTreeRow | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-activehyperlinktext | -moz-default-background-color | -moz-default-color | -moz-hyperlinktext | -moz-visitedhyperlinktext | -webkit-activelink | -webkit-focus-ring-color | -webkit-link | -webkit-text"
  39878. },
  39879. "-non-standard-image-rendering": {
  39880. comment: "non-standard keywords",
  39881. syntax: "optimize-contrast | -moz-crisp-edges | -o-crisp-edges | -webkit-optimize-contrast"
  39882. },
  39883. "-non-standard-overflow": {
  39884. comment: "non-standard keywords",
  39885. syntax: "-moz-scrollbars-none | -moz-scrollbars-horizontal | -moz-scrollbars-vertical | -moz-hidden-unscrollable"
  39886. },
  39887. "-non-standard-width": {
  39888. comment: "non-standard keywords",
  39889. syntax: "fill-available | min-intrinsic | intrinsic | -moz-available | -moz-fit-content | -moz-min-content | -moz-max-content | -webkit-min-content | -webkit-max-content"
  39890. },
  39891. "-webkit-gradient()": {
  39892. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax - TODO: simplify when after match algorithm improvement ( [, point, radius | , point] -> [, radius]? , point )",
  39893. syntax: "-webkit-gradient( <-webkit-gradient-type>, <-webkit-gradient-point> [, <-webkit-gradient-point> | , <-webkit-gradient-radius>, <-webkit-gradient-point> ] [, <-webkit-gradient-radius>]? [, <-webkit-gradient-color-stop>]* )"
  39894. },
  39895. "-webkit-gradient-color-stop": {
  39896. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
  39897. syntax: "from( <color> ) | color-stop( [ <number-zero-one> | <percentage> ] , <color> ) | to( <color> )"
  39898. },
  39899. "-webkit-gradient-point": {
  39900. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
  39901. syntax: "[ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ]"
  39902. },
  39903. "-webkit-gradient-radius": {
  39904. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
  39905. syntax: "<length> | <percentage>"
  39906. },
  39907. "-webkit-gradient-type": {
  39908. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
  39909. syntax: "linear | radial"
  39910. },
  39911. "-webkit-mask-box-repeat": {
  39912. comment: "missed;",
  39913. syntax: "repeat | stretch | round"
  39914. },
  39915. "-webkit-mask-clip-style": {
  39916. comment: "missed; there is no enough information about `-webkit-mask-clip` property, but looks like all those keywords are working",
  39917. syntax: "border | border-box | padding | padding-box | content | content-box | text"
  39918. },
  39919. "-ms-filter-function-list": {
  39920. comment: "",
  39921. syntax: "<-ms-filter-function>+"
  39922. },
  39923. "-ms-filter-function": {
  39924. comment: "",
  39925. syntax: "<-ms-filter-function-progid> | <-ms-filter-function-legacy>"
  39926. },
  39927. "-ms-filter-function-progid": {
  39928. comment: "",
  39929. syntax: "'progid:' [ <ident-token> '.' ]* [ <ident-token> | <function-token> <any-value>? ) ]"
  39930. },
  39931. "-ms-filter-function-legacy": {
  39932. comment: "",
  39933. syntax: "<ident-token> | <function-token> <any-value>? )"
  39934. },
  39935. "-ms-filter": {
  39936. syntax: "<string>"
  39937. },
  39938. age: {
  39939. comment: "",
  39940. syntax: "child | young | old"
  39941. },
  39942. "attr-name": {
  39943. syntax: "<wq-name>"
  39944. },
  39945. "attr-fallback": {
  39946. syntax: "<any-value>"
  39947. },
  39948. "bg-clip": {
  39949. comment: "missed,",
  39950. syntax: "<box> | border | text"
  39951. },
  39952. bottom: {
  39953. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  39954. syntax: "<length> | auto"
  39955. },
  39956. "content-list": {
  39957. comment: "added attr(), see",
  39958. syntax: "[ <string> | contents | <image> | <counter> | <quote> | <target> | <leader()> | <attr()> ]+"
  39959. },
  39960. "element()": {
  39961. comment: " &",
  39962. syntax: "element( <custom-ident> , [ first | start | last | first-except ]? ) | element( <id-selector> )"
  39963. },
  39964. "generic-voice": {
  39965. comment: "",
  39966. syntax: "[ <age>? <gender> <integer>? ]"
  39967. },
  39968. gender: {
  39969. comment: "",
  39970. syntax: "male | female | neutral"
  39971. },
  39972. "generic-family": {
  39973. comment: "added -apple-system",
  39974. references: [
  39975. ""
  39976. ],
  39977. syntax: "| -apple-system"
  39978. },
  39979. gradient: {
  39980. comment: "added legacy syntaxes support",
  39981. syntax: "| <-legacy-gradient>"
  39982. },
  39983. left: {
  39984. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  39985. syntax: "<length> | auto"
  39986. },
  39987. "mask-image": {
  39988. comment: "missed;",
  39989. syntax: "<mask-reference>#"
  39990. },
  39991. "named-color": {
  39992. comment: "added non standard color names",
  39993. syntax: "| <-non-standard-color>"
  39994. },
  39995. paint: {
  39996. comment: "used by SVG",
  39997. syntax: "none | <color> | <url> [ none | <color> ]? | context-fill | context-stroke"
  39998. },
  39999. right: {
  40000. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  40001. syntax: "<length> | auto"
  40002. },
  40003. shape: {
  40004. comment: "missed spaces in function body and add backwards compatible syntax",
  40005. syntax: "rect( <top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left> ) | rect( <top> <right> <bottom> <left> )"
  40006. },
  40007. "scroll-timeline-axis": {
  40008. comment: "missed definition",
  40009. syntax: "block | inline | vertical | horizontal"
  40010. },
  40011. "scroll-timeline-name": {
  40012. comment: "missed definition",
  40013. references: [
  40014. ""
  40015. ],
  40016. syntax: "none | <custom-ident>"
  40017. },
  40018. "single-animation-composition": {
  40019. comment: "missed definition",
  40020. references: [
  40021. ""
  40022. ],
  40023. syntax: "replace | add | accumulate"
  40024. },
  40025. "svg-length": {
  40026. comment: "All coordinates and lengths in SVG can be specified with or without a unit identifier",
  40027. references: [
  40028. ""
  40029. ],
  40030. syntax: "<percentage> | <length> | <number>"
  40031. },
  40032. "svg-writing-mode": {
  40033. comment: "SVG specific keywords (deprecated for CSS)",
  40034. references: [
  40035. "",
  40036. ""
  40037. ],
  40038. syntax: "lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb"
  40039. },
  40040. top: {
  40041. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  40042. syntax: "<length> | auto"
  40043. },
  40044. x: {
  40045. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `cursor` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  40046. syntax: "<number>"
  40047. },
  40048. y: {
  40049. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `cursor` is using so it's ok for now;",
  40050. syntax: "<number>"
  40051. },
  40052. declaration: {
  40053. comment: "missed, restored by",
  40054. syntax: "<ident-token> : <declaration-value>? [ '!' important ]?"
  40055. },
  40056. "declaration-list": {
  40057. comment: "missed, restored by",
  40058. syntax: "[ <declaration>? ';' ]* <declaration>?"
  40059. },
  40060. url: {
  40061. comment: "",
  40062. syntax: "url( <string> <url-modifier>* ) | <url-token>"
  40063. },
  40064. "url-modifier": {
  40065. comment: "",
  40066. syntax: "<ident> | <function-token> <any-value> )"
  40067. },
  40068. "number-zero-one": {
  40069. syntax: "<number [0,1]>"
  40070. },
  40071. "number-one-or-greater": {
  40072. syntax: "<number [1,\u221E]>"
  40073. },
  40074. "-non-standard-display": {
  40075. syntax: "-ms-inline-flexbox | -ms-grid | -ms-inline-grid | -webkit-flex | -webkit-inline-flex | -webkit-box | -webkit-inline-box | -moz-inline-stack | -moz-box | -moz-inline-box"
  40076. }
  40077. }
  40078. };
  40079. }
  40080. });
  40081. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/data-patch.cjs
  40082. var require_data_patch = __commonJS({
  40083. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/data-patch.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  40084. "use strict";
  40085. var patch = require_patch();
  40086. var patch$1 = patch;
  40087. module2.exports = patch$1;
  40088. }
  40089. });
  40090. // node_modules/mdn-data/css/at-rules.json
  40091. var require_at_rules = __commonJS({
  40092. "node_modules/mdn-data/css/at-rules.json"(exports2, module2) {
  40093. module2.exports = {
  40094. "@charset": {
  40095. syntax: '@charset "<charset>";',
  40096. groups: [
  40097. "CSS Charsets"
  40098. ],
  40099. status: "standard",
  40100. mdn_url: ""
  40101. },
  40102. "@counter-style": {
  40103. syntax: "@counter-style <counter-style-name> {\n [ system: <counter-system>; ] ||\n [ symbols: <counter-symbols>; ] ||\n [ additive-symbols: <additive-symbols>; ] ||\n [ negative: <negative-symbol>; ] ||\n [ prefix: <prefix>; ] ||\n [ suffix: <suffix>; ] ||\n [ range: <range>; ] ||\n [ pad: <padding>; ] ||\n [ speak-as: <speak-as>; ] ||\n [ fallback: <counter-style-name>; ]\n}",
  40104. interfaces: [
  40105. "CSSCounterStyleRule"
  40106. ],
  40107. groups: [
  40108. "CSS Counter Styles"
  40109. ],
  40110. descriptors: {
  40111. "additive-symbols": {
  40112. syntax: "[ <integer> && <symbol> ]#",
  40113. media: "all",
  40114. initial: "n/a (required)",
  40115. percentages: "no",
  40116. computed: "asSpecified",
  40117. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40118. status: "standard"
  40119. },
  40120. fallback: {
  40121. syntax: "<counter-style-name>",
  40122. media: "all",
  40123. initial: "decimal",
  40124. percentages: "no",
  40125. computed: "asSpecified",
  40126. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40127. status: "standard"
  40128. },
  40129. negative: {
  40130. syntax: "<symbol> <symbol>?",
  40131. media: "all",
  40132. initial: '"-" hyphen-minus',
  40133. percentages: "no",
  40134. computed: "asSpecified",
  40135. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40136. status: "standard"
  40137. },
  40138. pad: {
  40139. syntax: "<integer> && <symbol>",
  40140. media: "all",
  40141. initial: '0 ""',
  40142. percentages: "no",
  40143. computed: "asSpecified",
  40144. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40145. status: "standard"
  40146. },
  40147. prefix: {
  40148. syntax: "<symbol>",
  40149. media: "all",
  40150. initial: '""',
  40151. percentages: "no",
  40152. computed: "asSpecified",
  40153. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40154. status: "standard"
  40155. },
  40156. range: {
  40157. syntax: "[ [ <integer> | infinite ]{2} ]# | auto",
  40158. media: "all",
  40159. initial: "auto",
  40160. percentages: "no",
  40161. computed: "asSpecified",
  40162. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40163. status: "standard"
  40164. },
  40165. "speak-as": {
  40166. syntax: "auto | bullets | numbers | words | spell-out | <counter-style-name>",
  40167. media: "all",
  40168. initial: "auto",
  40169. percentages: "no",
  40170. computed: "asSpecified",
  40171. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40172. status: "standard"
  40173. },
  40174. suffix: {
  40175. syntax: "<symbol>",
  40176. media: "all",
  40177. initial: '". "',
  40178. percentages: "no",
  40179. computed: "asSpecified",
  40180. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40181. status: "standard"
  40182. },
  40183. symbols: {
  40184. syntax: "<symbol>+",
  40185. media: "all",
  40186. initial: "n/a (required)",
  40187. percentages: "no",
  40188. computed: "asSpecified",
  40189. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40190. status: "standard"
  40191. },
  40192. system: {
  40193. syntax: "cyclic | numeric | alphabetic | symbolic | additive | [ fixed <integer>? ] | [ extends <counter-style-name> ]",
  40194. media: "all",
  40195. initial: "symbolic",
  40196. percentages: "no",
  40197. computed: "asSpecified",
  40198. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40199. status: "standard"
  40200. }
  40201. },
  40202. status: "standard",
  40203. mdn_url: ""
  40204. },
  40205. "@document": {
  40206. syntax: "@document [ <url> | url-prefix(<string>) | domain(<string>) | media-document(<string>) | regexp(<string>) ]# {\n <group-rule-body>\n}",
  40207. interfaces: [
  40208. "CSSGroupingRule",
  40209. "CSSConditionRule"
  40210. ],
  40211. groups: [
  40212. "CSS Conditional Rules"
  40213. ],
  40214. status: "nonstandard",
  40215. mdn_url: ""
  40216. },
  40217. "@font-face": {
  40218. syntax: "@font-face {\n [ font-family: <family-name>; ] ||\n [ src: <src>; ] ||\n [ unicode-range: <unicode-range>; ] ||\n [ font-variant: <font-variant>; ] ||\n [ font-feature-settings: <font-feature-settings>; ] ||\n [ font-variation-settings: <font-variation-settings>; ] ||\n [ font-stretch: <font-stretch>; ] ||\n [ font-weight: <font-weight>; ] ||\n [ font-style: <font-style>; ] ||\n [ size-adjust: <size-adjust>; ] ||\n [ ascent-override: <ascent-override>; ] ||\n [ descent-override: <descent-override>; ] ||\n [ line-gap-override: <line-gap-override>; ]\n}",
  40219. interfaces: [
  40220. "CSSFontFaceRule"
  40221. ],
  40222. groups: [
  40223. "CSS Fonts"
  40224. ],
  40225. descriptors: {
  40226. "ascent-override": {
  40227. syntax: "normal | <percentage>",
  40228. media: "all",
  40229. initial: "normal",
  40230. percentages: "asSpecified",
  40231. computed: "asSpecified",
  40232. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40233. status: "experimental"
  40234. },
  40235. "descent-override": {
  40236. syntax: "normal | <percentage>",
  40237. media: "all",
  40238. initial: "normal",
  40239. percentages: "asSpecified",
  40240. computed: "asSpecified",
  40241. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40242. status: "experimental"
  40243. },
  40244. "font-display": {
  40245. syntax: "[ auto | block | swap | fallback | optional ]",
  40246. media: "visual",
  40247. percentages: "no",
  40248. initial: "auto",
  40249. computed: "asSpecified",
  40250. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40251. status: "experimental"
  40252. },
  40253. "font-family": {
  40254. syntax: "<family-name>",
  40255. media: "all",
  40256. initial: "n/a (required)",
  40257. percentages: "no",
  40258. computed: "asSpecified",
  40259. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40260. status: "standard"
  40261. },
  40262. "font-feature-settings": {
  40263. syntax: "normal | <feature-tag-value>#",
  40264. media: "all",
  40265. initial: "normal",
  40266. percentages: "no",
  40267. computed: "asSpecified",
  40268. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40269. status: "standard"
  40270. },
  40271. "font-variation-settings": {
  40272. syntax: "normal | [ <string> <number> ]#",
  40273. media: "all",
  40274. initial: "normal",
  40275. percentages: "no",
  40276. computed: "asSpecified",
  40277. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40278. status: "standard"
  40279. },
  40280. "font-stretch": {
  40281. syntax: "<font-stretch-absolute>{1,2}",
  40282. media: "all",
  40283. initial: "normal",
  40284. percentages: "no",
  40285. computed: "asSpecified",
  40286. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40287. status: "standard"
  40288. },
  40289. "font-style": {
  40290. syntax: "normal | italic | oblique <angle>{0,2}",
  40291. media: "all",
  40292. initial: "normal",
  40293. percentages: "no",
  40294. computed: "asSpecified",
  40295. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40296. status: "standard"
  40297. },
  40298. "font-weight": {
  40299. syntax: "<font-weight-absolute>{1,2}",
  40300. media: "all",
  40301. initial: "normal",
  40302. percentages: "no",
  40303. computed: "asSpecified",
  40304. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40305. status: "standard"
  40306. },
  40307. "font-variant": {
  40308. syntax: "normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values> || <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values> || stylistic(<feature-value-name>) || historical-forms || styleset(<feature-value-name>#) || character-variant(<feature-value-name>#) || swash(<feature-value-name>) || ornaments(<feature-value-name>) || annotation(<feature-value-name>) || [ small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] || <numeric-figure-values> || <numeric-spacing-values> || <numeric-fraction-values> || ordinal || slashed-zero || <east-asian-variant-values> || <east-asian-width-values> || ruby ]",
  40309. media: "all",
  40310. initial: "normal",
  40311. percentages: "no",
  40312. computed: "asSpecified",
  40313. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40314. status: "standard"
  40315. },
  40316. "line-gap-override": {
  40317. syntax: "normal | <percentage>",
  40318. media: "all",
  40319. initial: "normal",
  40320. percentages: "asSpecified",
  40321. computed: "asSpecified",
  40322. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40323. status: "experimental"
  40324. },
  40325. "size-adjust": {
  40326. syntax: "<percentage>",
  40327. media: "all",
  40328. initial: "100%",
  40329. percentages: "asSpecified",
  40330. computed: "asSpecified",
  40331. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40332. status: "experimental"
  40333. },
  40334. src: {
  40335. syntax: "[ <url> [ format( <string># ) ]? | local( <family-name> ) ]#",
  40336. media: "all",
  40337. initial: "n/a (required)",
  40338. percentages: "no",
  40339. computed: "asSpecified",
  40340. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40341. status: "standard"
  40342. },
  40343. "unicode-range": {
  40344. syntax: "<unicode-range>#",
  40345. media: "all",
  40346. initial: "U+0-10FFFF",
  40347. percentages: "no",
  40348. computed: "asSpecified",
  40349. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40350. status: "standard"
  40351. }
  40352. },
  40353. status: "standard",
  40354. mdn_url: ""
  40355. },
  40356. "@font-feature-values": {
  40357. syntax: "@font-feature-values <family-name># {\n <feature-value-block-list>\n}",
  40358. interfaces: [
  40359. "CSSFontFeatureValuesRule"
  40360. ],
  40361. groups: [
  40362. "CSS Fonts"
  40363. ],
  40364. status: "standard",
  40365. mdn_url: ""
  40366. },
  40367. "@import": {
  40368. syntax: "@import [ <string> | <url> ]\n [ layer | layer(<layer-name>) ]?\n [ supports( [ <supports-condition> | <declaration> ] ) ]?\n <media-query-list>? ;",
  40369. groups: [
  40370. "CSS Conditional Rules",
  40371. "Media Queries"
  40372. ],
  40373. status: "standard",
  40374. mdn_url: ""
  40375. },
  40376. "@keyframes": {
  40377. syntax: "@keyframes <keyframes-name> {\n <keyframe-block-list>\n}",
  40378. interfaces: [
  40379. "CSSKeyframeRule",
  40380. "CSSKeyframesRule"
  40381. ],
  40382. groups: [
  40383. "CSS Animations"
  40384. ],
  40385. status: "standard",
  40386. mdn_url: ""
  40387. },
  40388. "@layer": {
  40389. syntax: "@layer [ <layer-name># | <layer-name>? {\n <stylesheet>\n} ]",
  40390. interfaces: [
  40391. "CSSLayerBlockRule",
  40392. "CSSLayerStatementRule"
  40393. ],
  40394. groups: [
  40395. "CSS Cascading and Inheritance"
  40396. ],
  40397. status: "standard",
  40398. mdn_url: ""
  40399. },
  40400. "@media": {
  40401. syntax: "@media <media-query-list> {\n <group-rule-body>\n}",
  40402. interfaces: [
  40403. "CSSGroupingRule",
  40404. "CSSConditionRule",
  40405. "CSSMediaRule",
  40406. "CSSCustomMediaRule"
  40407. ],
  40408. groups: [
  40409. "CSS Conditional Rules",
  40410. "Media Queries"
  40411. ],
  40412. status: "standard",
  40413. mdn_url: ""
  40414. },
  40415. "@namespace": {
  40416. syntax: "@namespace <namespace-prefix>? [ <string> | <url> ];",
  40417. groups: [
  40418. "CSS Namespaces"
  40419. ],
  40420. status: "standard",
  40421. mdn_url: ""
  40422. },
  40423. "@page": {
  40424. syntax: "@page <page-selector-list> {\n <page-body>\n}",
  40425. interfaces: [
  40426. "CSSPageRule"
  40427. ],
  40428. groups: [
  40429. "CSS Pages"
  40430. ],
  40431. descriptors: {
  40432. bleed: {
  40433. syntax: "auto | <length>",
  40434. media: [
  40435. "visual",
  40436. "paged"
  40437. ],
  40438. initial: "auto",
  40439. percentages: "no",
  40440. computed: "asSpecified",
  40441. order: "uniqueOrder",
  40442. status: "standard"
  40443. },
  40444. marks: {
  40445. syntax: "none | [ crop || cross ]",
  40446. media: [
  40447. "visual",
  40448. "paged"
  40449. ],
  40450. initial: "none",
  40451. percentages: "no",
  40452. computed: "asSpecified",
  40453. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40454. status: "standard"
  40455. },
  40456. size: {
  40457. syntax: "<length>{1,2} | auto | [ <page-size> || [ portrait | landscape ] ]",
  40458. media: [
  40459. "visual",
  40460. "paged"
  40461. ],
  40462. initial: "auto",
  40463. percentages: "no",
  40464. computed: "asSpecifiedRelativeToAbsoluteLengths",
  40465. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  40466. status: "standard"
  40467. }
  40468. },
  40469. status: "standard",
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  50000. },
  50001. transition: {
  50002. syntax: "<single-transition>#",
  50003. media: "interactive",
  50004. inherited: false,
  50005. animationType: "discrete",
  50006. percentages: "no",
  50007. groups: [
  50008. "CSS Transitions"
  50009. ],
  50010. initial: [
  50011. "transition-delay",
  50012. "transition-duration",
  50013. "transition-property",
  50014. "transition-timing-function"
  50015. ],
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  50018. "transition-delay",
  50019. "transition-duration",
  50020. "transition-property",
  50021. "transition-timing-function"
  50022. ],
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  50026. },
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  50034. "CSS Transitions"
  50035. ],
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  50042. },
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  50050. "CSS Transitions"
  50051. ],
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  50067. ],
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  50074. },
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  50082. "CSS Transitions"
  50083. ],
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  50090. },
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  50092. syntax: "none | <length-percentage> [ <length-percentage> <length>? ]?",
  50093. media: "visual",
  50094. inherited: false,
  50095. animationType: "transform",
  50096. percentages: "referToSizeOfBoundingBox",
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  50098. "CSS Transforms"
  50099. ],
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  50102. computed: "asSpecifiedRelativeToAbsoluteLengths",
  50103. order: "perGrammar",
  50104. stacking: true,
  50105. status: "standard",
  50106. mdn_url: ""
  50107. },
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  50109. syntax: "normal | embed | isolate | bidi-override | isolate-override | plaintext",
  50110. media: "visual",
  50111. inherited: false,
  50112. animationType: "discrete",
  50113. percentages: "no",
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  50115. "CSS Writing Modes"
  50116. ],
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  50122. mdn_url: ""
  50123. },
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  50125. syntax: "auto | text | none | contain | all",
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  50130. groups: [
  50131. "CSS Basic User Interface"
  50132. ],
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  50147. "CSS Table"
  50148. ],
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  50154. "::first-letter",
  50155. "::first-line",
  50156. "::placeholder"
  50157. ],
  50158. status: "standard",
  50159. mdn_url: ""
  50160. },
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  50162. syntax: "visible | hidden | collapse",
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  50164. inherited: true,
  50165. animationType: "visibility",
  50166. percentages: "no",
  50167. groups: [
  50168. "CSS Box Model"
  50169. ],
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  50173. order: "uniqueOrder",
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  50175. mdn_url: ""
  50176. },
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  50182. percentages: "no",
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  50184. "CSS Text"
  50185. ],
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  50191. mdn_url: ""
  50192. },
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  50200. "CSS Fragmentation"
  50201. ],
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  50208. },
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  50216. "CSS Box Model"
  50217. ],
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  50220. computed: "percentageAutoOrAbsoluteLength",
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  50222. status: "standard",
  50223. mdn_url: ""
  50224. },
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  50226. syntax: "auto | <animateable-feature>#",
  50227. media: "all",
  50228. inherited: false,
  50229. animationType: "discrete",
  50230. percentages: "no",
  50231. groups: [
  50232. "CSS Will Change"
  50233. ],
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  50239. mdn_url: ""
  50240. },
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  50243. media: "visual",
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  50247. groups: [
  50248. "CSS Text"
  50249. ],
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  50256. },
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  50260. inherited: true,
  50261. animationType: "length",
  50262. percentages: "referToWidthOfAffectedGlyph",
  50263. groups: [
  50264. "CSS Text"
  50265. ],
  50266. initial: "normal",
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  50268. computed: "absoluteLength",
  50269. order: "uniqueOrder",
  50270. alsoAppliesTo: [
  50271. "::first-letter",
  50272. "::first-line",
  50273. "::placeholder"
  50274. ],
  50275. status: "standard",
  50276. mdn_url: ""
  50277. },
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  50281. inherited: true,
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  50285. "CSS Text"
  50286. ],
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  50296. media: "visual",
  50297. inherited: true,
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  50301. "CSS Writing Modes"
  50302. ],
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  50313. inherited: false,
  50314. animationType: "integer",
  50315. percentages: "no",
  50316. groups: [
  50317. "CSS Positioning"
  50318. ],
  50319. initial: "auto",
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  50321. computed: "asSpecified",
  50322. order: "uniqueOrder",
  50323. stacking: true,
  50324. status: "standard",
  50325. mdn_url: ""
  50326. },
  50327. zoom: {
  50328. syntax: "normal | reset | <number> | <percentage>",
  50329. media: "visual",
  50330. inherited: false,
  50331. animationType: "integer",
  50332. percentages: "no",
  50333. groups: [
  50334. "Microsoft Extensions"
  50335. ],
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  50339. order: "uniqueOrder",
  50340. status: "nonstandard",
  50341. mdn_url: ""
  50342. }
  50343. };
  50344. }
  50345. });
  50346. // node_modules/mdn-data/css/syntaxes.json
  50347. var require_syntaxes = __commonJS({
  50348. "node_modules/mdn-data/css/syntaxes.json"(exports2, module2) {
  50349. module2.exports = {
  50350. "abs()": {
  50351. syntax: "abs( <calc-sum> )"
  50352. },
  50353. "absolute-size": {
  50354. syntax: "xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large | xxx-large"
  50355. },
  50356. "acos()": {
  50357. syntax: "acos( <calc-sum> )"
  50358. },
  50359. "alpha-value": {
  50360. syntax: "<number> | <percentage>"
  50361. },
  50362. "angle-percentage": {
  50363. syntax: "<angle> | <percentage>"
  50364. },
  50365. "angular-color-hint": {
  50366. syntax: "<angle-percentage>"
  50367. },
  50368. "angular-color-stop": {
  50369. syntax: "<color> && <color-stop-angle>?"
  50370. },
  50371. "angular-color-stop-list": {
  50372. syntax: "[ <angular-color-stop> [, <angular-color-hint>]? ]# , <angular-color-stop>"
  50373. },
  50374. "animateable-feature": {
  50375. syntax: "scroll-position | contents | <custom-ident>"
  50376. },
  50377. "asin()": {
  50378. syntax: "asin( <calc-sum> )"
  50379. },
  50380. "atan()": {
  50381. syntax: "atan( <calc-sum> )"
  50382. },
  50383. "atan2()": {
  50384. syntax: "atan2( <calc-sum>, <calc-sum> )"
  50385. },
  50386. attachment: {
  50387. syntax: "scroll | fixed | local"
  50388. },
  50389. "attr()": {
  50390. syntax: "attr( <attr-name> <type-or-unit>? [, <attr-fallback> ]? )"
  50391. },
  50392. "attr-matcher": {
  50393. syntax: "[ '~' | '|' | '^' | '$' | '*' ]? '='"
  50394. },
  50395. "attr-modifier": {
  50396. syntax: "i | s"
  50397. },
  50398. "attribute-selector": {
  50399. syntax: "'[' <wq-name> ']' | '[' <wq-name> <attr-matcher> [ <string-token> | <ident-token> ] <attr-modifier>? ']'"
  50400. },
  50401. "auto-repeat": {
  50402. syntax: "repeat( [ auto-fill | auto-fit ] , [ <line-names>? <fixed-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
  50403. },
  50404. "auto-track-list": {
  50405. syntax: "[ <line-names>? [ <fixed-size> | <fixed-repeat> ] ]* <line-names>? <auto-repeat>\n[ <line-names>? [ <fixed-size> | <fixed-repeat> ] ]* <line-names>?"
  50406. },
  50407. axis: {
  50408. syntax: "block | inline | vertical | horizontal"
  50409. },
  50410. "baseline-position": {
  50411. syntax: "[ first | last ]? baseline"
  50412. },
  50413. "basic-shape": {
  50414. syntax: "<inset()> | <circle()> | <ellipse()> | <polygon()> | <path()>"
  50415. },
  50416. "bg-image": {
  50417. syntax: "none | <image>"
  50418. },
  50419. "bg-layer": {
  50420. syntax: "<bg-image> || <bg-position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <attachment> || <box> || <box>"
  50421. },
  50422. "bg-position": {
  50423. syntax: "[ [ left | center | right | top | bottom | <length-percentage> ] | [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ] | [ center | [ left | right ] <length-percentage>? ] && [ center | [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage>? ] ]"
  50424. },
  50425. "bg-size": {
  50426. syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | auto ]{1,2} | cover | contain"
  50427. },
  50428. "blur()": {
  50429. syntax: "blur( <length> )"
  50430. },
  50431. "blend-mode": {
  50432. syntax: "normal | multiply | screen | overlay | darken | lighten | color-dodge | color-burn | hard-light | soft-light | difference | exclusion | hue | saturation | color | luminosity"
  50433. },
  50434. box: {
  50435. syntax: "border-box | padding-box | content-box"
  50436. },
  50437. "brightness()": {
  50438. syntax: "brightness( <number-percentage> )"
  50439. },
  50440. "calc()": {
  50441. syntax: "calc( <calc-sum> )"
  50442. },
  50443. "calc-sum": {
  50444. syntax: "<calc-product> [ [ '+' | '-' ] <calc-product> ]*"
  50445. },
  50446. "calc-product": {
  50447. syntax: "<calc-value> [ '*' <calc-value> | '/' <number> ]*"
  50448. },
  50449. "calc-value": {
  50450. syntax: "<number> | <dimension> | <percentage> | <calc-constant> | ( <calc-sum> )"
  50451. },
  50452. "calc-constant": {
  50453. syntax: "e | pi | infinity | -infinity | NaN"
  50454. },
  50455. "cf-final-image": {
  50456. syntax: "<image> | <color>"
  50457. },
  50458. "cf-mixing-image": {
  50459. syntax: "<percentage>? && <image>"
  50460. },
  50461. "circle()": {
  50462. syntax: "circle( [ <shape-radius> ]? [ at <position> ]? )"
  50463. },
  50464. "clamp()": {
  50465. syntax: "clamp( <calc-sum>#{3} )"
  50466. },
  50467. "class-selector": {
  50468. syntax: "'.' <ident-token>"
  50469. },
  50470. "clip-source": {
  50471. syntax: "<url>"
  50472. },
  50473. color: {
  50474. syntax: "<rgb()> | <rgba()> | <hsl()> | <hsla()> | <hwb()> | <lab()> | <lch()> | <hex-color> | <named-color> | currentcolor | <deprecated-system-color>"
  50475. },
  50476. "color-stop": {
  50477. syntax: "<color-stop-length> | <color-stop-angle>"
  50478. },
  50479. "color-stop-angle": {
  50480. syntax: "<angle-percentage>{1,2}"
  50481. },
  50482. "color-stop-length": {
  50483. syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}"
  50484. },
  50485. "color-stop-list": {
  50486. syntax: "[ <linear-color-stop> [, <linear-color-hint>]? ]# , <linear-color-stop>"
  50487. },
  50488. combinator: {
  50489. syntax: "'>' | '+' | '~' | [ '||' ]"
  50490. },
  50491. "common-lig-values": {
  50492. syntax: "[ common-ligatures | no-common-ligatures ]"
  50493. },
  50494. "compat-auto": {
  50495. syntax: "searchfield | textarea | push-button | slider-horizontal | checkbox | radio | square-button | menulist | listbox | meter | progress-bar | button"
  50496. },
  50497. "composite-style": {
  50498. syntax: "clear | copy | source-over | source-in | source-out | source-atop | destination-over | destination-in | destination-out | destination-atop | xor"
  50499. },
  50500. "compositing-operator": {
  50501. syntax: "add | subtract | intersect | exclude"
  50502. },
  50503. "compound-selector": {
  50504. syntax: "[ <type-selector>? <subclass-selector>* [ <pseudo-element-selector> <pseudo-class-selector>* ]* ]!"
  50505. },
  50506. "compound-selector-list": {
  50507. syntax: "<compound-selector>#"
  50508. },
  50509. "complex-selector": {
  50510. syntax: "<compound-selector> [ <combinator>? <compound-selector> ]*"
  50511. },
  50512. "complex-selector-list": {
  50513. syntax: "<complex-selector>#"
  50514. },
  50515. "conic-gradient()": {
  50516. syntax: "conic-gradient( [ from <angle> ]? [ at <position> ]?, <angular-color-stop-list> )"
  50517. },
  50518. "contextual-alt-values": {
  50519. syntax: "[ contextual | no-contextual ]"
  50520. },
  50521. "content-distribution": {
  50522. syntax: "space-between | space-around | space-evenly | stretch"
  50523. },
  50524. "content-list": {
  50525. syntax: "[ <string> | contents | <image> | <counter> | <quote> | <target> | <leader()> ]+"
  50526. },
  50527. "content-position": {
  50528. syntax: "center | start | end | flex-start | flex-end"
  50529. },
  50530. "content-replacement": {
  50531. syntax: "<image>"
  50532. },
  50533. "contrast()": {
  50534. syntax: "contrast( [ <number-percentage> ] )"
  50535. },
  50536. "cos()": {
  50537. syntax: "cos( <calc-sum> )"
  50538. },
  50539. counter: {
  50540. syntax: "<counter()> | <counters()>"
  50541. },
  50542. "counter()": {
  50543. syntax: "counter( <counter-name>, <counter-style>? )"
  50544. },
  50545. "counter-name": {
  50546. syntax: "<custom-ident>"
  50547. },
  50548. "counter-style": {
  50549. syntax: "<counter-style-name> | symbols()"
  50550. },
  50551. "counter-style-name": {
  50552. syntax: "<custom-ident>"
  50553. },
  50554. "counters()": {
  50555. syntax: "counters( <counter-name>, <string>, <counter-style>? )"
  50556. },
  50557. "cross-fade()": {
  50558. syntax: "cross-fade( <cf-mixing-image> , <cf-final-image>? )"
  50559. },
  50560. "cubic-bezier-timing-function": {
  50561. syntax: "ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(<number [0,1]>, <number>, <number [0,1]>, <number>)"
  50562. },
  50563. "deprecated-system-color": {
  50564. syntax: "ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText"
  50565. },
  50566. "discretionary-lig-values": {
  50567. syntax: "[ discretionary-ligatures | no-discretionary-ligatures ]"
  50568. },
  50569. "display-box": {
  50570. syntax: "contents | none"
  50571. },
  50572. "display-inside": {
  50573. syntax: "flow | flow-root | table | flex | grid | ruby"
  50574. },
  50575. "display-internal": {
  50576. syntax: "table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-cell | table-column-group | table-column | table-caption | ruby-base | ruby-text | ruby-base-container | ruby-text-container"
  50577. },
  50578. "display-legacy": {
  50579. syntax: "inline-block | inline-list-item | inline-table | inline-flex | inline-grid"
  50580. },
  50581. "display-listitem": {
  50582. syntax: "<display-outside>? && [ flow | flow-root ]? && list-item"
  50583. },
  50584. "display-outside": {
  50585. syntax: "block | inline | run-in"
  50586. },
  50587. "drop-shadow()": {
  50588. syntax: "drop-shadow( <length>{2,3} <color>? )"
  50589. },
  50590. "east-asian-variant-values": {
  50591. syntax: "[ jis78 | jis83 | jis90 | jis04 | simplified | traditional ]"
  50592. },
  50593. "east-asian-width-values": {
  50594. syntax: "[ full-width | proportional-width ]"
  50595. },
  50596. "element()": {
  50597. syntax: "element( <id-selector> )"
  50598. },
  50599. "ellipse()": {
  50600. syntax: "ellipse( [ <shape-radius>{2} ]? [ at <position> ]? )"
  50601. },
  50602. "ending-shape": {
  50603. syntax: "circle | ellipse"
  50604. },
  50605. "env()": {
  50606. syntax: "env( <custom-ident> , <declaration-value>? )"
  50607. },
  50608. "exp()": {
  50609. syntax: "exp( <calc-sum> )"
  50610. },
  50611. "explicit-track-list": {
  50612. syntax: "[ <line-names>? <track-size> ]+ <line-names>?"
  50613. },
  50614. "family-name": {
  50615. syntax: "<string> | <custom-ident>+"
  50616. },
  50617. "feature-tag-value": {
  50618. syntax: "<string> [ <integer> | on | off ]?"
  50619. },
  50620. "feature-type": {
  50621. syntax: "@stylistic | @historical-forms | @styleset | @character-variant | @swash | @ornaments | @annotation"
  50622. },
  50623. "feature-value-block": {
  50624. syntax: "<feature-type> '{' <feature-value-declaration-list> '}'"
  50625. },
  50626. "feature-value-block-list": {
  50627. syntax: "<feature-value-block>+"
  50628. },
  50629. "feature-value-declaration": {
  50630. syntax: "<custom-ident>: <integer>+;"
  50631. },
  50632. "feature-value-declaration-list": {
  50633. syntax: "<feature-value-declaration>"
  50634. },
  50635. "feature-value-name": {
  50636. syntax: "<custom-ident>"
  50637. },
  50638. "fill-rule": {
  50639. syntax: "nonzero | evenodd"
  50640. },
  50641. "filter-function": {
  50642. syntax: "<blur()> | <brightness()> | <contrast()> | <drop-shadow()> | <grayscale()> | <hue-rotate()> | <invert()> | <opacity()> | <saturate()> | <sepia()>"
  50643. },
  50644. "filter-function-list": {
  50645. syntax: "[ <filter-function> | <url> ]+"
  50646. },
  50647. "final-bg-layer": {
  50648. syntax: "<'background-color'> || <bg-image> || <bg-position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <attachment> || <box> || <box>"
  50649. },
  50650. "fixed-breadth": {
  50651. syntax: "<length-percentage>"
  50652. },
  50653. "fixed-repeat": {
  50654. syntax: "repeat( [ <integer [1,\u221E]> ] , [ <line-names>? <fixed-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
  50655. },
  50656. "fixed-size": {
  50657. syntax: "<fixed-breadth> | minmax( <fixed-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | minmax( <inflexible-breadth> , <fixed-breadth> )"
  50658. },
  50659. "font-stretch-absolute": {
  50660. syntax: "normal | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | <percentage>"
  50661. },
  50662. "font-variant-css21": {
  50663. syntax: "[ normal | small-caps ]"
  50664. },
  50665. "font-weight-absolute": {
  50666. syntax: "normal | bold | <number [1,1000]>"
  50667. },
  50668. "frequency-percentage": {
  50669. syntax: "<frequency> | <percentage>"
  50670. },
  50671. "general-enclosed": {
  50672. syntax: "[ <function-token> <any-value> ) ] | ( <ident> <any-value> )"
  50673. },
  50674. "generic-family": {
  50675. syntax: "serif | sans-serif | cursive | fantasy | monospace"
  50676. },
  50677. "generic-name": {
  50678. syntax: "serif | sans-serif | cursive | fantasy | monospace"
  50679. },
  50680. "geometry-box": {
  50681. syntax: "<shape-box> | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box"
  50682. },
  50683. gradient: {
  50684. syntax: "<linear-gradient()> | <repeating-linear-gradient()> | <radial-gradient()> | <repeating-radial-gradient()> | <conic-gradient()> | <repeating-conic-gradient()>"
  50685. },
  50686. "grayscale()": {
  50687. syntax: "grayscale( <number-percentage> )"
  50688. },
  50689. "grid-line": {
  50690. syntax: "auto | <custom-ident> | [ <integer> && <custom-ident>? ] | [ span && [ <integer> || <custom-ident> ] ]"
  50691. },
  50692. "historical-lig-values": {
  50693. syntax: "[ historical-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures ]"
  50694. },
  50695. "hsl()": {
  50696. syntax: "hsl( <hue> <percentage> <percentage> [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | hsl( <hue>, <percentage>, <percentage>, <alpha-value>? )"
  50697. },
  50698. "hsla()": {
  50699. syntax: "hsla( <hue> <percentage> <percentage> [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | hsla( <hue>, <percentage>, <percentage>, <alpha-value>? )"
  50700. },
  50701. hue: {
  50702. syntax: "<number> | <angle>"
  50703. },
  50704. "hue-rotate()": {
  50705. syntax: "hue-rotate( <angle> )"
  50706. },
  50707. "hwb()": {
  50708. syntax: "hwb( [<hue> | none] [<percentage> | none] [<percentage> | none] [ / [<alpha-value> | none] ]? )"
  50709. },
  50710. "hypot()": {
  50711. syntax: "hypot( <calc-sum># )"
  50712. },
  50713. "id-selector": {
  50714. syntax: "<hash-token>"
  50715. },
  50716. image: {
  50717. syntax: "<url> | <image()> | <image-set()> | <element()> | <paint()> | <cross-fade()> | <gradient>"
  50718. },
  50719. "image()": {
  50720. syntax: "image( <image-tags>? [ <image-src>? , <color>? ]! )"
  50721. },
  50722. "image-set()": {
  50723. syntax: "image-set( <image-set-option># )"
  50724. },
  50725. "image-set-option": {
  50726. syntax: "[ <image> | <string> ] [ <resolution> || type(<string>) ]"
  50727. },
  50728. "image-src": {
  50729. syntax: "<url> | <string>"
  50730. },
  50731. "image-tags": {
  50732. syntax: "ltr | rtl"
  50733. },
  50734. "inflexible-breadth": {
  50735. syntax: "<length-percentage> | min-content | max-content | auto"
  50736. },
  50737. "inset()": {
  50738. syntax: "inset( <length-percentage>{1,4} [ round <'border-radius'> ]? )"
  50739. },
  50740. "invert()": {
  50741. syntax: "invert( <number-percentage> )"
  50742. },
  50743. "keyframes-name": {
  50744. syntax: "<custom-ident> | <string>"
  50745. },
  50746. "keyframe-block": {
  50747. syntax: "<keyframe-selector># {\n <declaration-list>\n}"
  50748. },
  50749. "keyframe-block-list": {
  50750. syntax: "<keyframe-block>+"
  50751. },
  50752. "keyframe-selector": {
  50753. syntax: "from | to | <percentage>"
  50754. },
  50755. "lab()": {
  50756. syntax: "lab( [<percentage> | <number> | none] [ <percentage> | <number> | none] [ <percentage> | <number> | none] [ / [<alpha-value> | none] ]? )"
  50757. },
  50758. "layer()": {
  50759. syntax: "layer( <layer-name> )"
  50760. },
  50761. "layer-name": {
  50762. syntax: "<ident> [ '.' <ident> ]*"
  50763. },
  50764. "lch()": {
  50765. syntax: "lch( [<percentage> | <number> | none] [ <percentage> | <number> | none] [ <hue> | none] [ / [<alpha-value> | none] ]? )"
  50766. },
  50767. "leader()": {
  50768. syntax: "leader( <leader-type> )"
  50769. },
  50770. "leader-type": {
  50771. syntax: "dotted | solid | space | <string>"
  50772. },
  50773. "length-percentage": {
  50774. syntax: "<length> | <percentage>"
  50775. },
  50776. "line-names": {
  50777. syntax: "'[' <custom-ident>* ']'"
  50778. },
  50779. "line-name-list": {
  50780. syntax: "[ <line-names> | <name-repeat> ]+"
  50781. },
  50782. "line-style": {
  50783. syntax: "none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset"
  50784. },
  50785. "line-width": {
  50786. syntax: "<length> | thin | medium | thick"
  50787. },
  50788. "linear-color-hint": {
  50789. syntax: "<length-percentage>"
  50790. },
  50791. "linear-color-stop": {
  50792. syntax: "<color> <color-stop-length>?"
  50793. },
  50794. "linear-gradient()": {
  50795. syntax: "linear-gradient( [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
  50796. },
  50797. "log()": {
  50798. syntax: "log( <calc-sum>, <calc-sum>? )"
  50799. },
  50800. "mask-layer": {
  50801. syntax: "<mask-reference> || <position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <geometry-box> || [ <geometry-box> | no-clip ] || <compositing-operator> || <masking-mode>"
  50802. },
  50803. "mask-position": {
  50804. syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ]?"
  50805. },
  50806. "mask-reference": {
  50807. syntax: "none | <image> | <mask-source>"
  50808. },
  50809. "mask-source": {
  50810. syntax: "<url>"
  50811. },
  50812. "masking-mode": {
  50813. syntax: "alpha | luminance | match-source"
  50814. },
  50815. "matrix()": {
  50816. syntax: "matrix( <number>#{6} )"
  50817. },
  50818. "matrix3d()": {
  50819. syntax: "matrix3d( <number>#{16} )"
  50820. },
  50821. "max()": {
  50822. syntax: "max( <calc-sum># )"
  50823. },
  50824. "media-and": {
  50825. syntax: "<media-in-parens> [ and <media-in-parens> ]+"
  50826. },
  50827. "media-condition": {
  50828. syntax: "<media-not> | <media-and> | <media-or> | <media-in-parens>"
  50829. },
  50830. "media-condition-without-or": {
  50831. syntax: "<media-not> | <media-and> | <media-in-parens>"
  50832. },
  50833. "media-feature": {
  50834. syntax: "( [ <mf-plain> | <mf-boolean> | <mf-range> ] )"
  50835. },
  50836. "media-in-parens": {
  50837. syntax: "( <media-condition> ) | <media-feature> | <general-enclosed>"
  50838. },
  50839. "media-not": {
  50840. syntax: "not <media-in-parens>"
  50841. },
  50842. "media-or": {
  50843. syntax: "<media-in-parens> [ or <media-in-parens> ]+"
  50844. },
  50845. "media-query": {
  50846. syntax: "<media-condition> | [ not | only ]? <media-type> [ and <media-condition-without-or> ]?"
  50847. },
  50848. "media-query-list": {
  50849. syntax: "<media-query>#"
  50850. },
  50851. "media-type": {
  50852. syntax: "<ident>"
  50853. },
  50854. "mf-boolean": {
  50855. syntax: "<mf-name>"
  50856. },
  50857. "mf-name": {
  50858. syntax: "<ident>"
  50859. },
  50860. "mf-plain": {
  50861. syntax: "<mf-name> : <mf-value>"
  50862. },
  50863. "mf-range": {
  50864. syntax: "<mf-name> [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? <mf-value>\n| <mf-value> [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? <mf-name>\n| <mf-value> '<' '='? <mf-name> '<' '='? <mf-value>\n| <mf-value> '>' '='? <mf-name> '>' '='? <mf-value>"
  50865. },
  50866. "mf-value": {
  50867. syntax: "<number> | <dimension> | <ident> | <ratio>"
  50868. },
  50869. "min()": {
  50870. syntax: "min( <calc-sum># )"
  50871. },
  50872. "minmax()": {
  50873. syntax: "minmax( [ <length-percentage> | min-content | max-content | auto ] , [ <length-percentage> | <flex> | min-content | max-content | auto ] )"
  50874. },
  50875. "mod()": {
  50876. syntax: "mod( <calc-sum>, <calc-sum> )"
  50877. },
  50878. "name-repeat": {
  50879. syntax: "repeat( [ <integer [1,\u221E]> | auto-fill ], <line-names>+ )"
  50880. },
  50881. "named-color": {
  50882. syntax: "transparent | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen"
  50883. },
  50884. "namespace-prefix": {
  50885. syntax: "<ident>"
  50886. },
  50887. "ns-prefix": {
  50888. syntax: "[ <ident-token> | '*' ]? '|'"
  50889. },
  50890. "number-percentage": {
  50891. syntax: "<number> | <percentage>"
  50892. },
  50893. "numeric-figure-values": {
  50894. syntax: "[ lining-nums | oldstyle-nums ]"
  50895. },
  50896. "numeric-fraction-values": {
  50897. syntax: "[ diagonal-fractions | stacked-fractions ]"
  50898. },
  50899. "numeric-spacing-values": {
  50900. syntax: "[ proportional-nums | tabular-nums ]"
  50901. },
  50902. nth: {
  50903. syntax: "<an-plus-b> | even | odd"
  50904. },
  50905. "opacity()": {
  50906. syntax: "opacity( [ <number-percentage> ] )"
  50907. },
  50908. "overflow-position": {
  50909. syntax: "unsafe | safe"
  50910. },
  50911. "outline-radius": {
  50912. syntax: "<length> | <percentage>"
  50913. },
  50914. "page-body": {
  50915. syntax: "<declaration>? [ ; <page-body> ]? | <page-margin-box> <page-body>"
  50916. },
  50917. "page-margin-box": {
  50918. syntax: "<page-margin-box-type> '{' <declaration-list> '}'"
  50919. },
  50920. "page-margin-box-type": {
  50921. syntax: "@top-left-corner | @top-left | @top-center | @top-right | @top-right-corner | @bottom-left-corner | @bottom-left | @bottom-center | @bottom-right | @bottom-right-corner | @left-top | @left-middle | @left-bottom | @right-top | @right-middle | @right-bottom"
  50922. },
  50923. "page-selector-list": {
  50924. syntax: "[ <page-selector># ]?"
  50925. },
  50926. "page-selector": {
  50927. syntax: "<pseudo-page>+ | <ident> <pseudo-page>*"
  50928. },
  50929. "page-size": {
  50930. syntax: "A5 | A4 | A3 | B5 | B4 | JIS-B5 | JIS-B4 | letter | legal | ledger"
  50931. },
  50932. "path()": {
  50933. syntax: "path( [ <fill-rule>, ]? <string> )"
  50934. },
  50935. "paint()": {
  50936. syntax: "paint( <ident>, <declaration-value>? )"
  50937. },
  50938. "perspective()": {
  50939. syntax: "perspective( [ <length [0,\u221E]> | none ] )"
  50940. },
  50941. "polygon()": {
  50942. syntax: "polygon( <fill-rule>? , [ <length-percentage> <length-percentage> ]# )"
  50943. },
  50944. position: {
  50945. syntax: "[ [ left | center | right ] || [ top | center | bottom ] | [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ]? | [ [ left | right ] <length-percentage> ] && [ [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage> ] ]"
  50946. },
  50947. "pow()": {
  50948. syntax: "pow( <calc-sum>, <calc-sum> )"
  50949. },
  50950. "pseudo-class-selector": {
  50951. syntax: "':' <ident-token> | ':' <function-token> <any-value> ')'"
  50952. },
  50953. "pseudo-element-selector": {
  50954. syntax: "':' <pseudo-class-selector>"
  50955. },
  50956. "pseudo-page": {
  50957. syntax: ": [ left | right | first | blank ]"
  50958. },
  50959. quote: {
  50960. syntax: "open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote"
  50961. },
  50962. "radial-gradient()": {
  50963. syntax: "radial-gradient( [ <ending-shape> || <size> ]? [ at <position> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
  50964. },
  50965. ratio: {
  50966. syntax: "<number [0,\u221E]> [ / <number [0,\u221E]> ]?"
  50967. },
  50968. "relative-selector": {
  50969. syntax: "<combinator>? <complex-selector>"
  50970. },
  50971. "relative-selector-list": {
  50972. syntax: "<relative-selector>#"
  50973. },
  50974. "relative-size": {
  50975. syntax: "larger | smaller"
  50976. },
  50977. "rem()": {
  50978. syntax: "rem( <calc-sum>, <calc-sum> )"
  50979. },
  50980. "repeat-style": {
  50981. syntax: "repeat-x | repeat-y | [ repeat | space | round | no-repeat ]{1,2}"
  50982. },
  50983. "repeating-conic-gradient()": {
  50984. syntax: "repeating-conic-gradient( [ from <angle> ]? [ at <position> ]?, <angular-color-stop-list> )"
  50985. },
  50986. "repeating-linear-gradient()": {
  50987. syntax: "repeating-linear-gradient( [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
  50988. },
  50989. "repeating-radial-gradient()": {
  50990. syntax: "repeating-radial-gradient( [ <ending-shape> || <size> ]? [ at <position> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
  50991. },
  50992. "reversed-counter-name": {
  50993. syntax: "reversed( <counter-name> )"
  50994. },
  50995. "rgb()": {
  50996. syntax: "rgb( <percentage>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgb( <number>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgb( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) | rgb( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )"
  50997. },
  50998. "rgba()": {
  50999. syntax: "rgba( <percentage>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgba( <number>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgba( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) | rgba( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )"
  51000. },
  51001. "rotate()": {
  51002. syntax: "rotate( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  51003. },
  51004. "rotate3d()": {
  51005. syntax: "rotate3d( <number> , <number> , <number> , [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  51006. },
  51007. "rotateX()": {
  51008. syntax: "rotateX( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  51009. },
  51010. "rotateY()": {
  51011. syntax: "rotateY( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  51012. },
  51013. "rotateZ()": {
  51014. syntax: "rotateZ( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  51015. },
  51016. "round()": {
  51017. syntax: "round( <rounding-strategy>?, <calc-sum>, <calc-sum> )"
  51018. },
  51019. "rounding-strategy": {
  51020. syntax: "nearest | up | down | to-zero"
  51021. },
  51022. "saturate()": {
  51023. syntax: "saturate( <number-percentage> )"
  51024. },
  51025. "scale()": {
  51026. syntax: "scale( [ <number> | <percentage> ]#{1,2} )"
  51027. },
  51028. "scale3d()": {
  51029. syntax: "scale3d( [ <number> | <percentage> ]#{3} )"
  51030. },
  51031. "scaleX()": {
  51032. syntax: "scaleX( [ <number> | <percentage> ] )"
  51033. },
  51034. "scaleY()": {
  51035. syntax: "scaleY( [ <number> | <percentage> ] )"
  51036. },
  51037. "scaleZ()": {
  51038. syntax: "scaleZ( [ <number> | <percentage> ] )"
  51039. },
  51040. scroller: {
  51041. syntax: "root | nearest"
  51042. },
  51043. "self-position": {
  51044. syntax: "center | start | end | self-start | self-end | flex-start | flex-end"
  51045. },
  51046. "shape-radius": {
  51047. syntax: "<length-percentage> | closest-side | farthest-side"
  51048. },
  51049. "sign()": {
  51050. syntax: "sign( <calc-sum> )"
  51051. },
  51052. "skew()": {
  51053. syntax: "skew( [ <angle> | <zero> ] , [ <angle> | <zero> ]? )"
  51054. },
  51055. "skewX()": {
  51056. syntax: "skewX( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  51057. },
  51058. "skewY()": {
  51059. syntax: "skewY( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  51060. },
  51061. "sepia()": {
  51062. syntax: "sepia( <number-percentage> )"
  51063. },
  51064. shadow: {
  51065. syntax: "inset? && <length>{2,4} && <color>?"
  51066. },
  51067. "shadow-t": {
  51068. syntax: "[ <length>{2,3} && <color>? ]"
  51069. },
  51070. shape: {
  51071. syntax: "rect(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)"
  51072. },
  51073. "shape-box": {
  51074. syntax: "<box> | margin-box"
  51075. },
  51076. "side-or-corner": {
  51077. syntax: "[ left | right ] || [ top | bottom ]"
  51078. },
  51079. "sin()": {
  51080. syntax: "sin( <calc-sum> )"
  51081. },
  51082. "single-animation": {
  51083. syntax: "<time> || <easing-function> || <time> || <single-animation-iteration-count> || <single-animation-direction> || <single-animation-fill-mode> || <single-animation-play-state> || [ none | <keyframes-name> ]"
  51084. },
  51085. "single-animation-direction": {
  51086. syntax: "normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse"
  51087. },
  51088. "single-animation-fill-mode": {
  51089. syntax: "none | forwards | backwards | both"
  51090. },
  51091. "single-animation-iteration-count": {
  51092. syntax: "infinite | <number>"
  51093. },
  51094. "single-animation-play-state": {
  51095. syntax: "running | paused"
  51096. },
  51097. "single-animation-timeline": {
  51098. syntax: "auto | none | <timeline-name> | scroll(<axis>? <scroller>?)"
  51099. },
  51100. "single-transition": {
  51101. syntax: "[ none | <single-transition-property> ] || <time> || <easing-function> || <time>"
  51102. },
  51103. "single-transition-property": {
  51104. syntax: "all | <custom-ident>"
  51105. },
  51106. size: {
  51107. syntax: "closest-side | farthest-side | closest-corner | farthest-corner | <length> | <length-percentage>{2}"
  51108. },
  51109. "sqrt()": {
  51110. syntax: "sqrt( <calc-sum> )"
  51111. },
  51112. "step-position": {
  51113. syntax: "jump-start | jump-end | jump-none | jump-both | start | end"
  51114. },
  51115. "step-timing-function": {
  51116. syntax: "step-start | step-end | steps(<integer>[, <step-position>]?)"
  51117. },
  51118. "subclass-selector": {
  51119. syntax: "<id-selector> | <class-selector> | <attribute-selector> | <pseudo-class-selector>"
  51120. },
  51121. "supports-condition": {
  51122. syntax: "not <supports-in-parens> | <supports-in-parens> [ and <supports-in-parens> ]* | <supports-in-parens> [ or <supports-in-parens> ]*"
  51123. },
  51124. "supports-in-parens": {
  51125. syntax: "( <supports-condition> ) | <supports-feature> | <general-enclosed>"
  51126. },
  51127. "supports-feature": {
  51128. syntax: "<supports-decl> | <supports-selector-fn>"
  51129. },
  51130. "supports-decl": {
  51131. syntax: "( <declaration> )"
  51132. },
  51133. "supports-selector-fn": {
  51134. syntax: "selector( <complex-selector> )"
  51135. },
  51136. symbol: {
  51137. syntax: "<string> | <image> | <custom-ident>"
  51138. },
  51139. "tan()": {
  51140. syntax: "tan( <calc-sum> )"
  51141. },
  51142. target: {
  51143. syntax: "<target-counter()> | <target-counters()> | <target-text()>"
  51144. },
  51145. "target-counter()": {
  51146. syntax: "target-counter( [ <string> | <url> ] , <custom-ident> , <counter-style>? )"
  51147. },
  51148. "target-counters()": {
  51149. syntax: "target-counters( [ <string> | <url> ] , <custom-ident> , <string> , <counter-style>? )"
  51150. },
  51151. "target-text()": {
  51152. syntax: "target-text( [ <string> | <url> ] , [ content | before | after | first-letter ]? )"
  51153. },
  51154. "time-percentage": {
  51155. syntax: "<time> | <percentage>"
  51156. },
  51157. "timeline-name": {
  51158. syntax: "<custom-ident> | <string>"
  51159. },
  51160. "easing-function": {
  51161. syntax: "linear | <cubic-bezier-timing-function> | <step-timing-function>"
  51162. },
  51163. "track-breadth": {
  51164. syntax: "<length-percentage> | <flex> | min-content | max-content | auto"
  51165. },
  51166. "track-list": {
  51167. syntax: "[ <line-names>? [ <track-size> | <track-repeat> ] ]+ <line-names>?"
  51168. },
  51169. "track-repeat": {
  51170. syntax: "repeat( [ <integer [1,\u221E]> ] , [ <line-names>? <track-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
  51171. },
  51172. "track-size": {
  51173. syntax: "<track-breadth> | minmax( <inflexible-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | fit-content( <length-percentage> )"
  51174. },
  51175. "transform-function": {
  51176. syntax: "<matrix()> | <translate()> | <translateX()> | <translateY()> | <scale()> | <scaleX()> | <scaleY()> | <rotate()> | <skew()> | <skewX()> | <skewY()> | <matrix3d()> | <translate3d()> | <translateZ()> | <scale3d()> | <scaleZ()> | <rotate3d()> | <rotateX()> | <rotateY()> | <rotateZ()> | <perspective()>"
  51177. },
  51178. "transform-list": {
  51179. syntax: "<transform-function>+"
  51180. },
  51181. "translate()": {
  51182. syntax: "translate( <length-percentage> , <length-percentage>? )"
  51183. },
  51184. "translate3d()": {
  51185. syntax: "translate3d( <length-percentage> , <length-percentage> , <length> )"
  51186. },
  51187. "translateX()": {
  51188. syntax: "translateX( <length-percentage> )"
  51189. },
  51190. "translateY()": {
  51191. syntax: "translateY( <length-percentage> )"
  51192. },
  51193. "translateZ()": {
  51194. syntax: "translateZ( <length> )"
  51195. },
  51196. "type-or-unit": {
  51197. syntax: "string | color | url | integer | number | length | angle | time | frequency | cap | ch | em | ex | ic | lh | rlh | rem | vb | vi | vw | vh | vmin | vmax | mm | Q | cm | in | pt | pc | px | deg | grad | rad | turn | ms | s | Hz | kHz | %"
  51198. },
  51199. "type-selector": {
  51200. syntax: "<wq-name> | <ns-prefix>? '*'"
  51201. },
  51202. "var()": {
  51203. syntax: "var( <custom-property-name> , <declaration-value>? )"
  51204. },
  51205. "viewport-length": {
  51206. syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>"
  51207. },
  51208. "visual-box": {
  51209. syntax: "content-box | padding-box | border-box"
  51210. },
  51211. "wq-name": {
  51212. syntax: "<ns-prefix>? <ident-token>"
  51213. }
  51214. };
  51215. }
  51216. });
  51217. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/data.cjs
  51218. var require_data = __commonJS({
  51219. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/data.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  51220. "use strict";
  51221. var dataPatch = require_data_patch();
  51222. var mdnAtrules = require_at_rules();
  51223. var mdnProperties = require_properties();
  51224. var mdnSyntaxes = require_syntaxes();
  51225. var extendSyntax = /^\s*\|\s*/;
  51226. function preprocessAtrules(dict) {
  51227. const result = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  51228. for (const atruleName in dict) {
  51229. const atrule = dict[atruleName];
  51230. let descriptors = null;
  51231. if (atrule.descriptors) {
  51232. descriptors = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  51233. for (const descriptor in atrule.descriptors) {
  51234. descriptors[descriptor] = atrule.descriptors[descriptor].syntax;
  51235. }
  51236. }
  51237. result[atruleName.substr(1)] = {
  51238. prelude: atrule.syntax.trim().replace(/\{(.|\s)+\}/, "").match(/^@\S+\s+([^;\{]*)/)[1].trim() || null,
  51239. descriptors
  51240. };
  51241. }
  51242. return result;
  51243. }
  51244. function patchDictionary(dict, patchDict) {
  51245. const result = {};
  51246. for (const key in dict) {
  51247. result[key] = dict[key].syntax || dict[key];
  51248. }
  51249. for (const key in patchDict) {
  51250. if (key in dict) {
  51251. if (patchDict[key].syntax) {
  51252. result[key] = extendSyntax.test(patchDict[key].syntax) ? result[key] + " " + patchDict[key].syntax.trim() : patchDict[key].syntax;
  51253. } else {
  51254. delete result[key];
  51255. }
  51256. } else {
  51257. if (patchDict[key].syntax) {
  51258. result[key] = patchDict[key].syntax.replace(extendSyntax, "");
  51259. }
  51260. }
  51261. }
  51262. return result;
  51263. }
  51264. function patchAtrules(dict, patchDict) {
  51265. const result = {};
  51266. for (const key in dict) {
  51267. const atrulePatch = patchDict[key] || {};
  51268. result[key] = {
  51269. prelude: key in patchDict && "prelude" in atrulePatch ? atrulePatch.prelude : dict[key].prelude || null,
  51270. descriptors: patchDictionary(dict[key].descriptors || {}, atrulePatch.descriptors || {})
  51271. };
  51272. }
  51273. for (const key in patchDict) {
  51274. if (!, key)) {
  51275. const atrulePatch = patchDict[key] || {};
  51276. result[key] = {
  51277. prelude: atrulePatch.prelude || null,
  51278. descriptors: atrulePatch.descriptors && patchDictionary({}, atrulePatch.descriptors)
  51279. };
  51280. }
  51281. }
  51282. return result;
  51283. }
  51284. var definitions = {
  51285. types: patchDictionary(mdnSyntaxes, dataPatch.types),
  51286. atrules: patchAtrules(preprocessAtrules(mdnAtrules), dataPatch.atrules),
  51287. properties: patchDictionary(mdnProperties,
  51288. };
  51289. module2.exports = definitions;
  51290. }
  51291. });
  51292. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AnPlusB.cjs
  51293. var require_AnPlusB = __commonJS({
  51294. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AnPlusB.cjs"(exports2) {
  51295. "use strict";
  51296. var types = require_types2();
  51297. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  51298. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  51299. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  51300. var N = 110;
  51301. var DISALLOW_SIGN = true;
  51302. var ALLOW_SIGN = false;
  51303. function checkInteger(offset, disallowSign) {
  51304. let pos = this.tokenStart + offset;
  51305. const code = this.charCodeAt(pos);
  51306. if (code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS) {
  51307. if (disallowSign) {
  51308. this.error("Number sign is not allowed");
  51309. }
  51310. pos++;
  51311. }
  51312. for (; pos < this.tokenEnd; pos++) {
  51313. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(this.charCodeAt(pos))) {
  51314. this.error("Integer is expected", pos);
  51315. }
  51316. }
  51317. }
  51318. function checkTokenIsInteger(disallowSign) {
  51319. return, 0, disallowSign);
  51320. }
  51321. function expectCharCode(offset, code) {
  51322. if (!this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart + offset, code)) {
  51323. let msg = "";
  51324. switch (code) {
  51325. case N:
  51326. msg = "N is expected";
  51327. break;
  51328. case HYPHENMINUS:
  51329. msg = "HyphenMinus is expected";
  51330. break;
  51331. }
  51332. this.error(msg, this.tokenStart + offset);
  51333. }
  51334. }
  51335. function consumeB() {
  51336. let offset = 0;
  51337. let sign = 0;
  51338. let type = this.tokenType;
  51339. while (type === types.WhiteSpace || type === types.Comment) {
  51340. type = this.lookupType(++offset);
  51341. }
  51342. if (type !== types.Number) {
  51343. if (this.isDelim(PLUSSIGN, offset) || this.isDelim(HYPHENMINUS, offset)) {
  51344. sign = this.isDelim(PLUSSIGN, offset) ? PLUSSIGN : HYPHENMINUS;
  51345. do {
  51346. type = this.lookupType(++offset);
  51347. } while (type === types.WhiteSpace || type === types.Comment);
  51348. if (type !== types.Number) {
  51349. this.skip(offset);
  51350., DISALLOW_SIGN);
  51351. }
  51352. } else {
  51353. return null;
  51354. }
  51355. }
  51356. if (offset > 0) {
  51357. this.skip(offset);
  51358. }
  51359. if (sign === 0) {
  51360. type = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart);
  51361. if (type !== PLUSSIGN && type !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  51362. this.error("Number sign is expected");
  51363. }
  51364. }
  51365., sign !== 0);
  51366. return sign === HYPHENMINUS ? "-" + this.consume(types.Number) : this.consume(types.Number);
  51367. }
  51368. var name = "AnPlusB";
  51369. var structure = {
  51370. a: [String, null],
  51371. b: [String, null]
  51372. };
  51373. function parse() {
  51374. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51375. let a = null;
  51376. let b = null;
  51377. if (this.tokenType === types.Number) {
  51378., ALLOW_SIGN);
  51379. b = this.consume(types.Number);
  51380. } else if (this.tokenType === types.Ident && this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart, HYPHENMINUS)) {
  51381. a = "-1";
  51382., 1, N);
  51383. switch (this.tokenEnd - this.tokenStart) {
  51384. case 2:
  51386. b =;
  51387. break;
  51388. case 3:
  51389., 2, HYPHENMINUS);
  51391. this.skipSC();
  51392., DISALLOW_SIGN);
  51393. b = "-" + this.consume(types.Number);
  51394. break;
  51395. default:
  51396., 2, HYPHENMINUS);
  51397., 3, DISALLOW_SIGN);
  51399. b = this.substrToCursor(start + 2);
  51400. }
  51401. } else if (this.tokenType === types.Ident || this.isDelim(PLUSSIGN) && this.lookupType(1) === types.Ident) {
  51402. let sign = 0;
  51403. a = "1";
  51404. if (this.isDelim(PLUSSIGN)) {
  51405. sign = 1;
  51407. }
  51408., 0, N);
  51409. switch (this.tokenEnd - this.tokenStart) {
  51410. case 1:
  51412. b =;
  51413. break;
  51414. case 2:
  51415., 1, HYPHENMINUS);
  51417. this.skipSC();
  51418., DISALLOW_SIGN);
  51419. b = "-" + this.consume(types.Number);
  51420. break;
  51421. default:
  51422., 1, HYPHENMINUS);
  51423., 2, DISALLOW_SIGN);
  51425. b = this.substrToCursor(start + sign + 1);
  51426. }
  51427. } else if (this.tokenType === types.Dimension) {
  51428. const code = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart);
  51429. const sign = code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS;
  51430. let i = this.tokenStart + sign;
  51431. for (; i < this.tokenEnd; i++) {
  51432. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(this.charCodeAt(i))) {
  51433. break;
  51434. }
  51435. }
  51436. if (i === this.tokenStart + sign) {
  51437. this.error("Integer is expected", this.tokenStart + sign);
  51438. }
  51439., i - this.tokenStart, N);
  51440. a = this.substring(start, i);
  51441. if (i + 1 === this.tokenEnd) {
  51443. b =;
  51444. } else {
  51445., i - this.tokenStart + 1, HYPHENMINUS);
  51446. if (i + 2 === this.tokenEnd) {
  51448. this.skipSC();
  51449., DISALLOW_SIGN);
  51450. b = "-" + this.consume(types.Number);
  51451. } else {
  51452., i - this.tokenStart + 2, DISALLOW_SIGN);
  51454. b = this.substrToCursor(i + 1);
  51455. }
  51456. }
  51457. } else {
  51458. this.error();
  51459. }
  51460. if (a !== null && a.charCodeAt(0) === PLUSSIGN) {
  51461. a = a.substr(1);
  51462. }
  51463. if (b !== null && b.charCodeAt(0) === PLUSSIGN) {
  51464. b = b.substr(1);
  51465. }
  51466. return {
  51467. type: "AnPlusB",
  51468. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  51469. a,
  51470. b
  51471. };
  51472. }
  51473. function generate(node) {
  51474. if (node.a) {
  51475. const a = node.a === "+1" && "n" || node.a === "1" && "n" || node.a === "-1" && "-n" || node.a + "n";
  51476. if (node.b) {
  51477. const b = node.b[0] === "-" || node.b[0] === "+" ? node.b : "+" + node.b;
  51478. this.tokenize(a + b);
  51479. } else {
  51480. this.tokenize(a);
  51481. }
  51482. } else {
  51483. this.tokenize(node.b);
  51484. }
  51485. }
  51486. exports2.generate = generate;
  51487. = name;
  51488. exports2.parse = parse;
  51489. exports2.structure = structure;
  51490. }
  51491. });
  51492. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Atrule.cjs
  51493. var require_Atrule = __commonJS({
  51494. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Atrule.cjs"(exports2) {
  51495. "use strict";
  51496. var types = require_types2();
  51497. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  51498. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracketOrSemicolon, true);
  51499. }
  51500. function isDeclarationBlockAtrule() {
  51501. for (let offset = 1, type; type = this.lookupType(offset); offset++) {
  51502. if (type === types.RightCurlyBracket) {
  51503. return true;
  51504. }
  51505. if (type === types.LeftCurlyBracket || type === types.AtKeyword) {
  51506. return false;
  51507. }
  51508. }
  51509. return false;
  51510. }
  51511. var name = "Atrule";
  51512. var walkContext = "atrule";
  51513. var structure = {
  51514. name: String,
  51515. prelude: ["AtrulePrelude", "Raw", null],
  51516. block: ["Block", null]
  51517. };
  51518. function parse(isDeclaration = false) {
  51519. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51520. let name2;
  51521. let nameLowerCase;
  51522. let prelude = null;
  51523. let block = null;
  51525. name2 = this.substrToCursor(start + 1);
  51526. nameLowerCase = name2.toLowerCase();
  51527. this.skipSC();
  51528. if (this.eof === false && this.tokenType !== types.LeftCurlyBracket && this.tokenType !== types.Semicolon) {
  51529. if (this.parseAtrulePrelude) {
  51530. prelude = this.parseWithFallback(this.AtrulePrelude.bind(this, name2, isDeclaration), consumeRaw);
  51531. } else {
  51532. prelude =, this.tokenIndex);
  51533. }
  51534. this.skipSC();
  51535. }
  51536. switch (this.tokenType) {
  51537. case types.Semicolon:
  51539. break;
  51540. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  51541. if (, nameLowerCase) && typeof this.atrule[nameLowerCase].block === "function") {
  51542. block = this.atrule[nameLowerCase], isDeclaration);
  51543. } else {
  51544. block = this.Block(;
  51545. }
  51546. break;
  51547. }
  51548. return {
  51549. type: "Atrule",
  51550. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  51551. name: name2,
  51552. prelude,
  51553. block
  51554. };
  51555. }
  51556. function generate(node) {
  51557. this.token(types.AtKeyword, "@" +;
  51558. if (node.prelude !== null) {
  51559. this.node(node.prelude);
  51560. }
  51561. if (node.block) {
  51562. this.node(node.block);
  51563. } else {
  51564. this.token(types.Semicolon, ";");
  51565. }
  51566. }
  51567. exports2.generate = generate;
  51568. = name;
  51569. exports2.parse = parse;
  51570. exports2.structure = structure;
  51571. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  51572. }
  51573. });
  51574. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AtrulePrelude.cjs
  51575. var require_AtrulePrelude = __commonJS({
  51576. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AtrulePrelude.cjs"(exports2) {
  51577. "use strict";
  51578. var types = require_types2();
  51579. var name = "AtrulePrelude";
  51580. var walkContext = "atrulePrelude";
  51581. var structure = {
  51582. children: [[]]
  51583. };
  51584. function parse(name2) {
  51585. let children = null;
  51586. if (name2 !== null) {
  51587. name2 = name2.toLowerCase();
  51588. }
  51589. this.skipSC();
  51590. if (, name2) && typeof this.atrule[name2].prelude === "function") {
  51591. children = this.atrule[name2];
  51592. } else {
  51593. children = this.readSequence(this.scope.AtrulePrelude);
  51594. }
  51595. this.skipSC();
  51596. if (this.eof !== true && this.tokenType !== types.LeftCurlyBracket && this.tokenType !== types.Semicolon) {
  51597. this.error("Semicolon or block is expected");
  51598. }
  51599. return {
  51600. type: "AtrulePrelude",
  51601. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  51602. children
  51603. };
  51604. }
  51605. function generate(node) {
  51606. this.children(node);
  51607. }
  51608. exports2.generate = generate;
  51609. = name;
  51610. exports2.parse = parse;
  51611. exports2.structure = structure;
  51612. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  51613. }
  51614. });
  51615. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AttributeSelector.cjs
  51616. var require_AttributeSelector = __commonJS({
  51617. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AttributeSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  51618. "use strict";
  51619. var types = require_types2();
  51620. var DOLLARSIGN = 36;
  51621. var ASTERISK = 42;
  51622. var EQUALSSIGN = 61;
  51623. var CIRCUMFLEXACCENT = 94;
  51624. var VERTICALLINE = 124;
  51625. var TILDE = 126;
  51626. function getAttributeName() {
  51627. if (this.eof) {
  51628. this.error("Unexpected end of input");
  51629. }
  51630. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51631. let expectIdent = false;
  51632. if (this.isDelim(ASTERISK)) {
  51633. expectIdent = true;
  51635. } else if (!this.isDelim(VERTICALLINE)) {
  51637. }
  51638. if (this.isDelim(VERTICALLINE)) {
  51639. if (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart + 1) !== EQUALSSIGN) {
  51642. } else if (expectIdent) {
  51643. this.error("Identifier is expected", this.tokenEnd);
  51644. }
  51645. } else if (expectIdent) {
  51646. this.error("Vertical line is expected");
  51647. }
  51648. return {
  51649. type: "Identifier",
  51650. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  51651. name: this.substrToCursor(start)
  51652. };
  51653. }
  51654. function getOperator() {
  51655. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51656. const code = this.charCodeAt(start);
  51657. if (code !== EQUALSSIGN && // =
  51658. code !== TILDE && // ~=
  51659. code !== CIRCUMFLEXACCENT && // ^=
  51660. code !== DOLLARSIGN && // $=
  51661. code !== ASTERISK && // *=
  51662. code !== VERTICALLINE) {
  51663. this.error("Attribute selector (=, ~=, ^=, $=, *=, |=) is expected");
  51664. }
  51666. if (code !== EQUALSSIGN) {
  51667. if (!this.isDelim(EQUALSSIGN)) {
  51668. this.error("Equal sign is expected");
  51669. }
  51671. }
  51672. return this.substrToCursor(start);
  51673. }
  51674. var name = "AttributeSelector";
  51675. var structure = {
  51676. name: "Identifier",
  51677. matcher: [String, null],
  51678. value: ["String", "Identifier", null],
  51679. flags: [String, null]
  51680. };
  51681. function parse() {
  51682. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51683. let name2;
  51684. let matcher = null;
  51685. let value = null;
  51686. let flags = null;
  51688. this.skipSC();
  51689. name2 =;
  51690. this.skipSC();
  51691. if (this.tokenType !== types.RightSquareBracket) {
  51692. if (this.tokenType !== types.Ident) {
  51693. matcher =;
  51694. this.skipSC();
  51695. value = this.tokenType === types.String ? this.String() : this.Identifier();
  51696. this.skipSC();
  51697. }
  51698. if (this.tokenType === types.Ident) {
  51699. flags = this.consume(types.Ident);
  51700. this.skipSC();
  51701. }
  51702. }
  51704. return {
  51705. type: "AttributeSelector",
  51706. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  51707. name: name2,
  51708. matcher,
  51709. value,
  51710. flags
  51711. };
  51712. }
  51713. function generate(node) {
  51714. this.token(types.Delim, "[");
  51715. this.node(;
  51716. if (node.matcher !== null) {
  51717. this.tokenize(node.matcher);
  51718. this.node(node.value);
  51719. }
  51720. if (node.flags !== null) {
  51721. this.token(types.Ident, node.flags);
  51722. }
  51723. this.token(types.Delim, "]");
  51724. }
  51725. exports2.generate = generate;
  51726. = name;
  51727. exports2.parse = parse;
  51728. exports2.structure = structure;
  51729. }
  51730. });
  51731. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Block.cjs
  51732. var require_Block = __commonJS({
  51733. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Block.cjs"(exports2) {
  51734. "use strict";
  51735. var types = require_types2();
  51736. var AMPERSAND = 38;
  51737. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  51738. return this.Raw(startToken, null, true);
  51739. }
  51740. function consumeRule() {
  51741. return this.parseWithFallback(this.Rule, consumeRaw);
  51742. }
  51743. function consumeRawDeclaration(startToken) {
  51744. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilSemicolonIncluded, true);
  51745. }
  51746. function consumeDeclaration() {
  51747. if (this.tokenType === types.Semicolon) {
  51748. return, this.tokenIndex);
  51749. }
  51750. const node = this.parseWithFallback(this.Declaration, consumeRawDeclaration);
  51751. if (this.tokenType === types.Semicolon) {
  51753. }
  51754. return node;
  51755. }
  51756. var name = "Block";
  51757. var walkContext = "block";
  51758. var structure = {
  51759. children: [[
  51760. "Atrule",
  51761. "Rule",
  51762. "Declaration"
  51763. ]]
  51764. };
  51765. function parse(isStyleBlock) {
  51766. const consumer = isStyleBlock ? consumeDeclaration : consumeRule;
  51767. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51768. let children = this.createList();
  51770. scan:
  51771. while (!this.eof) {
  51772. switch (this.tokenType) {
  51773. case types.RightCurlyBracket:
  51774. break scan;
  51775. case types.WhiteSpace:
  51776. case types.Comment:
  51778. break;
  51779. case types.AtKeyword:
  51780. children.push(this.parseWithFallback(this.Atrule.bind(this, isStyleBlock), consumeRaw));
  51781. break;
  51782. default:
  51783. if (isStyleBlock && this.isDelim(AMPERSAND)) {
  51784. children.push(;
  51785. } else {
  51786. children.push(;
  51787. }
  51788. }
  51789. }
  51790. if (!this.eof) {
  51792. }
  51793. return {
  51794. type: "Block",
  51795. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  51796. children
  51797. };
  51798. }
  51799. function generate(node) {
  51800. this.token(types.LeftCurlyBracket, "{");
  51801. this.children(node, (prev) => {
  51802. if (prev.type === "Declaration") {
  51803. this.token(types.Semicolon, ";");
  51804. }
  51805. });
  51806. this.token(types.RightCurlyBracket, "}");
  51807. }
  51808. exports2.generate = generate;
  51809. = name;
  51810. exports2.parse = parse;
  51811. exports2.structure = structure;
  51812. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  51813. }
  51814. });
  51815. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Brackets.cjs
  51816. var require_Brackets = __commonJS({
  51817. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Brackets.cjs"(exports2) {
  51818. "use strict";
  51819. var types = require_types2();
  51820. var name = "Brackets";
  51821. var structure = {
  51822. children: [[]]
  51823. };
  51824. function parse(readSequence, recognizer) {
  51825. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51826. let children = null;
  51828. children =, recognizer);
  51829. if (!this.eof) {
  51831. }
  51832. return {
  51833. type: "Brackets",
  51834. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  51835. children
  51836. };
  51837. }
  51838. function generate(node) {
  51839. this.token(types.Delim, "[");
  51840. this.children(node);
  51841. this.token(types.Delim, "]");
  51842. }
  51843. exports2.generate = generate;
  51844. = name;
  51845. exports2.parse = parse;
  51846. exports2.structure = structure;
  51847. }
  51848. });
  51849. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/CDC.cjs
  51850. var require_CDC = __commonJS({
  51851. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/CDC.cjs"(exports2) {
  51852. "use strict";
  51853. var types = require_types2();
  51854. var name = "CDC";
  51855. var structure = [];
  51856. function parse() {
  51857. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51859. return {
  51860. type: "CDC",
  51861. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart)
  51862. };
  51863. }
  51864. function generate() {
  51865. this.token(types.CDC, "-->");
  51866. }
  51867. exports2.generate = generate;
  51868. = name;
  51869. exports2.parse = parse;
  51870. exports2.structure = structure;
  51871. }
  51872. });
  51873. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/CDO.cjs
  51874. var require_CDO = __commonJS({
  51875. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/CDO.cjs"(exports2) {
  51876. "use strict";
  51877. var types = require_types2();
  51878. var name = "CDO";
  51879. var structure = [];
  51880. function parse() {
  51881. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51883. return {
  51884. type: "CDO",
  51885. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart)
  51886. };
  51887. }
  51888. function generate() {
  51889. this.token(types.CDO, "<!--");
  51890. }
  51891. exports2.generate = generate;
  51892. = name;
  51893. exports2.parse = parse;
  51894. exports2.structure = structure;
  51895. }
  51896. });
  51897. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/ClassSelector.cjs
  51898. var require_ClassSelector = __commonJS({
  51899. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/ClassSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  51900. "use strict";
  51901. var types = require_types2();
  51902. var FULLSTOP = 46;
  51903. var name = "ClassSelector";
  51904. var structure = {
  51905. name: String
  51906. };
  51907. function parse() {
  51908. this.eatDelim(FULLSTOP);
  51909. return {
  51910. type: "ClassSelector",
  51911. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart - 1, this.tokenEnd),
  51912. name: this.consume(types.Ident)
  51913. };
  51914. }
  51915. function generate(node) {
  51916. this.token(types.Delim, ".");
  51917. this.token(types.Ident,;
  51918. }
  51919. exports2.generate = generate;
  51920. = name;
  51921. exports2.parse = parse;
  51922. exports2.structure = structure;
  51923. }
  51924. });
  51925. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Combinator.cjs
  51926. var require_Combinator = __commonJS({
  51927. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Combinator.cjs"(exports2) {
  51928. "use strict";
  51929. var types = require_types2();
  51930. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  51931. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  51932. var GREATERTHANSIGN = 62;
  51933. var TILDE = 126;
  51934. var name = "Combinator";
  51935. var structure = {
  51936. name: String
  51937. };
  51938. function parse() {
  51939. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51940. let name2;
  51941. switch (this.tokenType) {
  51942. case types.WhiteSpace:
  51943. name2 = " ";
  51944. break;
  51945. case types.Delim:
  51946. switch (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart)) {
  51947. case GREATERTHANSIGN:
  51948. case PLUSSIGN:
  51949. case TILDE:
  51951. break;
  51952. case SOLIDUS:
  51954. this.eatIdent("deep");
  51955. this.eatDelim(SOLIDUS);
  51956. break;
  51957. default:
  51958. this.error("Combinator is expected");
  51959. }
  51960. name2 = this.substrToCursor(start);
  51961. break;
  51962. }
  51963. return {
  51964. type: "Combinator",
  51965. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  51966. name: name2
  51967. };
  51968. }
  51969. function generate(node) {
  51970. this.tokenize(;
  51971. }
  51972. exports2.generate = generate;
  51973. = name;
  51974. exports2.parse = parse;
  51975. exports2.structure = structure;
  51976. }
  51977. });
  51978. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Comment.cjs
  51979. var require_Comment = __commonJS({
  51980. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Comment.cjs"(exports2) {
  51981. "use strict";
  51982. var types = require_types2();
  51983. var ASTERISK = 42;
  51984. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  51985. var name = "Comment";
  51986. var structure = {
  51987. value: String
  51988. };
  51989. function parse() {
  51990. const start = this.tokenStart;
  51991. let end = this.tokenEnd;
  51993. if (end - start + 2 >= 2 && this.charCodeAt(end - 2) === ASTERISK && this.charCodeAt(end - 1) === SOLIDUS) {
  51994. end -= 2;
  51995. }
  51996. return {
  51997. type: "Comment",
  51998. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  51999. value: this.substring(start + 2, end)
  52000. };
  52001. }
  52002. function generate(node) {
  52003. this.token(types.Comment, "/*" + node.value + "*/");
  52004. }
  52005. exports2.generate = generate;
  52006. = name;
  52007. exports2.parse = parse;
  52008. exports2.structure = structure;
  52009. }
  52010. });
  52011. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Declaration.cjs
  52012. var require_Declaration = __commonJS({
  52013. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Declaration.cjs"(exports2) {
  52014. "use strict";
  52015. var names = require_names3();
  52016. var types = require_types2();
  52017. var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33;
  52018. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  52019. var DOLLARSIGN = 36;
  52020. var AMPERSAND = 38;
  52021. var ASTERISK = 42;
  52022. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  52023. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  52024. function consumeValueRaw(startToken) {
  52025. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon, true);
  52026. }
  52027. function consumeCustomPropertyRaw(startToken) {
  52028. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon, false);
  52029. }
  52030. function consumeValue() {
  52031. const startValueToken = this.tokenIndex;
  52032. const value = this.Value();
  52033. if (value.type !== "Raw" && this.eof === false && this.tokenType !== types.Semicolon && this.isDelim(EXCLAMATIONMARK) === false && this.isBalanceEdge(startValueToken) === false) {
  52034. this.error();
  52035. }
  52036. return value;
  52037. }
  52038. var name = "Declaration";
  52039. var walkContext = "declaration";
  52040. var structure = {
  52041. important: [Boolean, String],
  52042. property: String,
  52043. value: ["Value", "Raw"]
  52044. };
  52045. function parse() {
  52046. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52047. const startToken = this.tokenIndex;
  52048. const property =;
  52049. const customProperty = names.isCustomProperty(property);
  52050. const parseValue = customProperty ? this.parseCustomProperty : this.parseValue;
  52051. const consumeRaw = customProperty ? consumeCustomPropertyRaw : consumeValueRaw;
  52052. let important = false;
  52053. let value;
  52054. this.skipSC();
  52056. const valueStart = this.tokenIndex;
  52057. if (!customProperty) {
  52058. this.skipSC();
  52059. }
  52060. if (parseValue) {
  52061. value = this.parseWithFallback(consumeValue, consumeRaw);
  52062. } else {
  52063. value =, this.tokenIndex);
  52064. }
  52065. if (customProperty && value.type === "Value" && value.children.isEmpty) {
  52066. for (let offset = valueStart - this.tokenIndex; offset <= 0; offset++) {
  52067. if (this.lookupType(offset) === types.WhiteSpace) {
  52068. value.children.appendData({
  52069. type: "WhiteSpace",
  52070. loc: null,
  52071. value: " "
  52072. });
  52073. break;
  52074. }
  52075. }
  52076. }
  52077. if (this.isDelim(EXCLAMATIONMARK)) {
  52078. important =;
  52079. this.skipSC();
  52080. }
  52081. if (this.eof === false && this.tokenType !== types.Semicolon && this.isBalanceEdge(startToken) === false) {
  52082. this.error();
  52083. }
  52084. return {
  52085. type: "Declaration",
  52086. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52087. important,
  52088. property,
  52089. value
  52090. };
  52091. }
  52092. function generate(node) {
  52093. this.token(types.Ident,;
  52094. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  52095. this.node(node.value);
  52096. if (node.important) {
  52097. this.token(types.Delim, "!");
  52098. this.token(types.Ident, node.important === true ? "important" : node.important);
  52099. }
  52100. }
  52101. function readProperty() {
  52102. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52103. if (this.tokenType === types.Delim) {
  52104. switch (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart)) {
  52105. case ASTERISK:
  52106. case DOLLARSIGN:
  52107. case PLUSSIGN:
  52108. case NUMBERSIGN:
  52109. case AMPERSAND:
  52111. break;
  52112. case SOLIDUS:
  52114. if (this.isDelim(SOLIDUS)) {
  52116. }
  52117. break;
  52118. }
  52119. }
  52120. if (this.tokenType === types.Hash) {
  52122. } else {
  52124. }
  52125. return this.substrToCursor(start);
  52126. }
  52127. function getImportant() {
  52129. this.skipSC();
  52130. const important = this.consume(types.Ident);
  52131. return important === "important" ? true : important;
  52132. }
  52133. exports2.generate = generate;
  52134. = name;
  52135. exports2.parse = parse;
  52136. exports2.structure = structure;
  52137. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  52138. }
  52139. });
  52140. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/DeclarationList.cjs
  52141. var require_DeclarationList = __commonJS({
  52142. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/DeclarationList.cjs"(exports2) {
  52143. "use strict";
  52144. var types = require_types2();
  52145. var AMPERSAND = 38;
  52146. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  52147. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilSemicolonIncluded, true);
  52148. }
  52149. var name = "DeclarationList";
  52150. var structure = {
  52151. children: [[
  52152. "Declaration",
  52153. "Atrule",
  52154. "Rule"
  52155. ]]
  52156. };
  52157. function parse() {
  52158. const children = this.createList();
  52159. while (!this.eof) {
  52160. switch (this.tokenType) {
  52161. case types.WhiteSpace:
  52162. case types.Comment:
  52163. case types.Semicolon:
  52165. break;
  52166. case types.AtKeyword:
  52167. children.push(this.parseWithFallback(this.Atrule.bind(this, true), consumeRaw));
  52168. break;
  52169. default:
  52170. if (this.isDelim(AMPERSAND)) {
  52171. children.push(this.parseWithFallback(this.Rule, consumeRaw));
  52172. } else {
  52173. children.push(this.parseWithFallback(this.Declaration, consumeRaw));
  52174. }
  52175. }
  52176. }
  52177. return {
  52178. type: "DeclarationList",
  52179. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  52180. children
  52181. };
  52182. }
  52183. function generate(node) {
  52184. this.children(node, (prev) => {
  52185. if (prev.type === "Declaration") {
  52186. this.token(types.Semicolon, ";");
  52187. }
  52188. });
  52189. }
  52190. exports2.generate = generate;
  52191. = name;
  52192. exports2.parse = parse;
  52193. exports2.structure = structure;
  52194. }
  52195. });
  52196. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Dimension.cjs
  52197. var require_Dimension = __commonJS({
  52198. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Dimension.cjs"(exports2) {
  52199. "use strict";
  52200. var types = require_types2();
  52201. var name = "Dimension";
  52202. var structure = {
  52203. value: String,
  52204. unit: String
  52205. };
  52206. function parse() {
  52207. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52208. const value = this.consumeNumber(types.Dimension);
  52209. return {
  52210. type: "Dimension",
  52211. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52212. value,
  52213. unit: this.substring(start + value.length, this.tokenStart)
  52214. };
  52215. }
  52216. function generate(node) {
  52217. this.token(types.Dimension, node.value + node.unit);
  52218. }
  52219. exports2.generate = generate;
  52220. = name;
  52221. exports2.parse = parse;
  52222. exports2.structure = structure;
  52223. }
  52224. });
  52225. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Function.cjs
  52226. var require_Function = __commonJS({
  52227. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Function.cjs"(exports2) {
  52228. "use strict";
  52229. var types = require_types2();
  52230. var name = "Function";
  52231. var walkContext = "function";
  52232. var structure = {
  52233. name: String,
  52234. children: [[]]
  52235. };
  52236. function parse(readSequence, recognizer) {
  52237. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52238. const name2 = this.consumeFunctionName();
  52239. const nameLowerCase = name2.toLowerCase();
  52240. let children;
  52241. children = recognizer.hasOwnProperty(nameLowerCase) ? recognizer[nameLowerCase].call(this, recognizer) :, recognizer);
  52242. if (!this.eof) {
  52244. }
  52245. return {
  52246. type: "Function",
  52247. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52248. name: name2,
  52249. children
  52250. };
  52251. }
  52252. function generate(node) {
  52253. this.token(types.Function, + "(");
  52254. this.children(node);
  52255. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  52256. }
  52257. exports2.generate = generate;
  52258. = name;
  52259. exports2.parse = parse;
  52260. exports2.structure = structure;
  52261. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  52262. }
  52263. });
  52264. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Hash.cjs
  52265. var require_Hash = __commonJS({
  52266. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Hash.cjs"(exports2) {
  52267. "use strict";
  52268. var types = require_types2();
  52269. var xxx = "XXX";
  52270. var name = "Hash";
  52271. var structure = {
  52272. value: String
  52273. };
  52274. function parse() {
  52275. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52277. return {
  52278. type: "Hash",
  52279. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52280. value: this.substrToCursor(start + 1)
  52281. };
  52282. }
  52283. function generate(node) {
  52284. this.token(types.Hash, "#" + node.value);
  52285. }
  52286. exports2.generate = generate;
  52287. = name;
  52288. exports2.parse = parse;
  52289. exports2.structure = structure;
  52290. = xxx;
  52291. }
  52292. });
  52293. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Identifier.cjs
  52294. var require_Identifier = __commonJS({
  52295. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Identifier.cjs"(exports2) {
  52296. "use strict";
  52297. var types = require_types2();
  52298. var name = "Identifier";
  52299. var structure = {
  52300. name: String
  52301. };
  52302. function parse() {
  52303. return {
  52304. type: "Identifier",
  52305. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd),
  52306. name: this.consume(types.Ident)
  52307. };
  52308. }
  52309. function generate(node) {
  52310. this.token(types.Ident,;
  52311. }
  52312. exports2.generate = generate;
  52313. = name;
  52314. exports2.parse = parse;
  52315. exports2.structure = structure;
  52316. }
  52317. });
  52318. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/IdSelector.cjs
  52319. var require_IdSelector = __commonJS({
  52320. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/IdSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  52321. "use strict";
  52322. var types = require_types2();
  52323. var name = "IdSelector";
  52324. var structure = {
  52325. name: String
  52326. };
  52327. function parse() {
  52328. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52330. return {
  52331. type: "IdSelector",
  52332. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52333. name: this.substrToCursor(start + 1)
  52334. };
  52335. }
  52336. function generate(node) {
  52337. this.token(types.Delim, "#" +;
  52338. }
  52339. exports2.generate = generate;
  52340. = name;
  52341. exports2.parse = parse;
  52342. exports2.structure = structure;
  52343. }
  52344. });
  52345. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaFeature.cjs
  52346. var require_MediaFeature = __commonJS({
  52347. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaFeature.cjs"(exports2) {
  52348. "use strict";
  52349. var types = require_types2();
  52350. var name = "MediaFeature";
  52351. var structure = {
  52352. name: String,
  52353. value: ["Identifier", "Number", "Dimension", "Ratio", null]
  52354. };
  52355. function parse() {
  52356. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52357. let name2;
  52358. let value = null;
  52360. this.skipSC();
  52361. name2 = this.consume(types.Ident);
  52362. this.skipSC();
  52363. if (this.tokenType !== types.RightParenthesis) {
  52365. this.skipSC();
  52366. switch (this.tokenType) {
  52367. case types.Number:
  52368. if (this.lookupNonWSType(1) === types.Delim) {
  52369. value = this.Ratio();
  52370. } else {
  52371. value = this.Number();
  52372. }
  52373. break;
  52374. case types.Dimension:
  52375. value = this.Dimension();
  52376. break;
  52377. case types.Ident:
  52378. value = this.Identifier();
  52379. break;
  52380. default:
  52381. this.error("Number, dimension, ratio or identifier is expected");
  52382. }
  52383. this.skipSC();
  52384. }
  52386. return {
  52387. type: "MediaFeature",
  52388. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52389. name: name2,
  52390. value
  52391. };
  52392. }
  52393. function generate(node) {
  52394. this.token(types.LeftParenthesis, "(");
  52395. this.token(types.Ident,;
  52396. if (node.value !== null) {
  52397. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  52398. this.node(node.value);
  52399. }
  52400. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  52401. }
  52402. exports2.generate = generate;
  52403. = name;
  52404. exports2.parse = parse;
  52405. exports2.structure = structure;
  52406. }
  52407. });
  52408. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaQuery.cjs
  52409. var require_MediaQuery = __commonJS({
  52410. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaQuery.cjs"(exports2) {
  52411. "use strict";
  52412. var types = require_types2();
  52413. var name = "MediaQuery";
  52414. var structure = {
  52415. children: [[
  52416. "Identifier",
  52417. "MediaFeature",
  52418. "WhiteSpace"
  52419. ]]
  52420. };
  52421. function parse() {
  52422. const children = this.createList();
  52423. let child = null;
  52424. this.skipSC();
  52425. scan:
  52426. while (!this.eof) {
  52427. switch (this.tokenType) {
  52428. case types.Comment:
  52429. case types.WhiteSpace:
  52431. continue;
  52432. case types.Ident:
  52433. child = this.Identifier();
  52434. break;
  52435. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  52436. child = this.MediaFeature();
  52437. break;
  52438. default:
  52439. break scan;
  52440. }
  52441. children.push(child);
  52442. }
  52443. if (child === null) {
  52444. this.error("Identifier or parenthesis is expected");
  52445. }
  52446. return {
  52447. type: "MediaQuery",
  52448. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  52449. children
  52450. };
  52451. }
  52452. function generate(node) {
  52453. this.children(node);
  52454. }
  52455. exports2.generate = generate;
  52456. = name;
  52457. exports2.parse = parse;
  52458. exports2.structure = structure;
  52459. }
  52460. });
  52461. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaQueryList.cjs
  52462. var require_MediaQueryList = __commonJS({
  52463. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaQueryList.cjs"(exports2) {
  52464. "use strict";
  52465. var types = require_types2();
  52466. var name = "MediaQueryList";
  52467. var structure = {
  52468. children: [[
  52469. "MediaQuery"
  52470. ]]
  52471. };
  52472. function parse() {
  52473. const children = this.createList();
  52474. this.skipSC();
  52475. while (!this.eof) {
  52476. children.push(this.MediaQuery());
  52477. if (this.tokenType !== types.Comma) {
  52478. break;
  52479. }
  52481. }
  52482. return {
  52483. type: "MediaQueryList",
  52484. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  52485. children
  52486. };
  52487. }
  52488. function generate(node) {
  52489. this.children(node, () => this.token(types.Comma, ","));
  52490. }
  52491. exports2.generate = generate;
  52492. = name;
  52493. exports2.parse = parse;
  52494. exports2.structure = structure;
  52495. }
  52496. });
  52497. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/NestingSelector.cjs
  52498. var require_NestingSelector = __commonJS({
  52499. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/NestingSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  52500. "use strict";
  52501. var types = require_types2();
  52502. var AMPERSAND = 38;
  52503. var name = "NestingSelector";
  52504. var structure = {};
  52505. function parse() {
  52506. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52507. this.eatDelim(AMPERSAND);
  52508. return {
  52509. type: "NestingSelector",
  52510. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart)
  52511. };
  52512. }
  52513. function generate() {
  52514. this.token(types.Delim, "&");
  52515. }
  52516. exports2.generate = generate;
  52517. = name;
  52518. exports2.parse = parse;
  52519. exports2.structure = structure;
  52520. }
  52521. });
  52522. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Nth.cjs
  52523. var require_Nth = __commonJS({
  52524. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Nth.cjs"(exports2) {
  52525. "use strict";
  52526. var types = require_types2();
  52527. var name = "Nth";
  52528. var structure = {
  52529. nth: ["AnPlusB", "Identifier"],
  52530. selector: ["SelectorList", null]
  52531. };
  52532. function parse() {
  52533. this.skipSC();
  52534. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52535. let end = start;
  52536. let selector = null;
  52537. let nth;
  52538. if (this.lookupValue(0, "odd") || this.lookupValue(0, "even")) {
  52539. nth = this.Identifier();
  52540. } else {
  52541. nth = this.AnPlusB();
  52542. }
  52543. end = this.tokenStart;
  52544. this.skipSC();
  52545. if (this.lookupValue(0, "of")) {
  52547. selector = this.SelectorList();
  52548. end = this.tokenStart;
  52549. }
  52550. return {
  52551. type: "Nth",
  52552. loc: this.getLocation(start, end),
  52553. nth,
  52554. selector
  52555. };
  52556. }
  52557. function generate(node) {
  52558. this.node(node.nth);
  52559. if (node.selector !== null) {
  52560. this.token(types.Ident, "of");
  52561. this.node(node.selector);
  52562. }
  52563. }
  52564. exports2.generate = generate;
  52565. = name;
  52566. exports2.parse = parse;
  52567. exports2.structure = structure;
  52568. }
  52569. });
  52570. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Number.cjs
  52571. var require_Number = __commonJS({
  52572. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Number.cjs"(exports2) {
  52573. "use strict";
  52574. var types = require_types2();
  52575. var name = "Number";
  52576. var structure = {
  52577. value: String
  52578. };
  52579. function parse() {
  52580. return {
  52581. type: "Number",
  52582. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd),
  52583. value: this.consume(types.Number)
  52584. };
  52585. }
  52586. function generate(node) {
  52587. this.token(types.Number, node.value);
  52588. }
  52589. exports2.generate = generate;
  52590. = name;
  52591. exports2.parse = parse;
  52592. exports2.structure = structure;
  52593. }
  52594. });
  52595. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Operator.cjs
  52596. var require_Operator = __commonJS({
  52597. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Operator.cjs"(exports2) {
  52598. "use strict";
  52599. var name = "Operator";
  52600. var structure = {
  52601. value: String
  52602. };
  52603. function parse() {
  52604. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52606. return {
  52607. type: "Operator",
  52608. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52609. value: this.substrToCursor(start)
  52610. };
  52611. }
  52612. function generate(node) {
  52613. this.tokenize(node.value);
  52614. }
  52615. exports2.generate = generate;
  52616. = name;
  52617. exports2.parse = parse;
  52618. exports2.structure = structure;
  52619. }
  52620. });
  52621. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Parentheses.cjs
  52622. var require_Parentheses = __commonJS({
  52623. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Parentheses.cjs"(exports2) {
  52624. "use strict";
  52625. var types = require_types2();
  52626. var name = "Parentheses";
  52627. var structure = {
  52628. children: [[]]
  52629. };
  52630. function parse(readSequence, recognizer) {
  52631. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52632. let children = null;
  52634. children =, recognizer);
  52635. if (!this.eof) {
  52637. }
  52638. return {
  52639. type: "Parentheses",
  52640. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52641. children
  52642. };
  52643. }
  52644. function generate(node) {
  52645. this.token(types.LeftParenthesis, "(");
  52646. this.children(node);
  52647. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  52648. }
  52649. exports2.generate = generate;
  52650. = name;
  52651. exports2.parse = parse;
  52652. exports2.structure = structure;
  52653. }
  52654. });
  52655. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Percentage.cjs
  52656. var require_Percentage = __commonJS({
  52657. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Percentage.cjs"(exports2) {
  52658. "use strict";
  52659. var types = require_types2();
  52660. var name = "Percentage";
  52661. var structure = {
  52662. value: String
  52663. };
  52664. function parse() {
  52665. return {
  52666. type: "Percentage",
  52667. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd),
  52668. value: this.consumeNumber(types.Percentage)
  52669. };
  52670. }
  52671. function generate(node) {
  52672. this.token(types.Percentage, node.value + "%");
  52673. }
  52674. exports2.generate = generate;
  52675. = name;
  52676. exports2.parse = parse;
  52677. exports2.structure = structure;
  52678. }
  52679. });
  52680. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/PseudoClassSelector.cjs
  52681. var require_PseudoClassSelector = __commonJS({
  52682. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/PseudoClassSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  52683. "use strict";
  52684. var types = require_types2();
  52685. var name = "PseudoClassSelector";
  52686. var walkContext = "function";
  52687. var structure = {
  52688. name: String,
  52689. children: [["Raw"], null]
  52690. };
  52691. function parse() {
  52692. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52693. let children = null;
  52694. let name2;
  52695. let nameLowerCase;
  52697. if (this.tokenType === types.Function) {
  52698. name2 = this.consumeFunctionName();
  52699. nameLowerCase = name2.toLowerCase();
  52700. if (, nameLowerCase)) {
  52701. this.skipSC();
  52702. children = this.pseudo[nameLowerCase].call(this);
  52703. this.skipSC();
  52704. } else {
  52705. children = this.createList();
  52706. children.push(
  52707. this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, null, false)
  52708. );
  52709. }
  52711. } else {
  52712. name2 = this.consume(types.Ident);
  52713. }
  52714. return {
  52715. type: "PseudoClassSelector",
  52716. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52717. name: name2,
  52718. children
  52719. };
  52720. }
  52721. function generate(node) {
  52722. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  52723. if (node.children === null) {
  52724. this.token(types.Ident,;
  52725. } else {
  52726. this.token(types.Function, + "(");
  52727. this.children(node);
  52728. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  52729. }
  52730. }
  52731. exports2.generate = generate;
  52732. = name;
  52733. exports2.parse = parse;
  52734. exports2.structure = structure;
  52735. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  52736. }
  52737. });
  52738. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/PseudoElementSelector.cjs
  52739. var require_PseudoElementSelector = __commonJS({
  52740. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/PseudoElementSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  52741. "use strict";
  52742. var types = require_types2();
  52743. var name = "PseudoElementSelector";
  52744. var walkContext = "function";
  52745. var structure = {
  52746. name: String,
  52747. children: [["Raw"], null]
  52748. };
  52749. function parse() {
  52750. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52751. let children = null;
  52752. let name2;
  52753. let nameLowerCase;
  52756. if (this.tokenType === types.Function) {
  52757. name2 = this.consumeFunctionName();
  52758. nameLowerCase = name2.toLowerCase();
  52759. if (, nameLowerCase)) {
  52760. this.skipSC();
  52761. children = this.pseudo[nameLowerCase].call(this);
  52762. this.skipSC();
  52763. } else {
  52764. children = this.createList();
  52765. children.push(
  52766. this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, null, false)
  52767. );
  52768. }
  52770. } else {
  52771. name2 = this.consume(types.Ident);
  52772. }
  52773. return {
  52774. type: "PseudoElementSelector",
  52775. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52776. name: name2,
  52777. children
  52778. };
  52779. }
  52780. function generate(node) {
  52781. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  52782. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  52783. if (node.children === null) {
  52784. this.token(types.Ident,;
  52785. } else {
  52786. this.token(types.Function, + "(");
  52787. this.children(node);
  52788. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  52789. }
  52790. }
  52791. exports2.generate = generate;
  52792. = name;
  52793. exports2.parse = parse;
  52794. exports2.structure = structure;
  52795. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  52796. }
  52797. });
  52798. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Ratio.cjs
  52799. var require_Ratio = __commonJS({
  52800. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Ratio.cjs"(exports2) {
  52801. "use strict";
  52802. var types = require_types2();
  52803. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  52804. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  52805. var FULLSTOP = 46;
  52806. function consumeNumber() {
  52807. this.skipSC();
  52808. const value = this.consume(types.Number);
  52809. for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
  52810. const code = value.charCodeAt(i);
  52811. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(code) && code !== FULLSTOP) {
  52812. this.error("Unsigned number is expected", this.tokenStart - value.length + i);
  52813. }
  52814. }
  52815. if (Number(value) === 0) {
  52816. this.error("Zero number is not allowed", this.tokenStart - value.length);
  52817. }
  52818. return value;
  52819. }
  52820. var name = "Ratio";
  52821. var structure = {
  52822. left: String,
  52823. right: String
  52824. };
  52825. function parse() {
  52826. const start = this.tokenStart;
  52827. const left =;
  52828. let right;
  52829. this.skipSC();
  52830. this.eatDelim(SOLIDUS);
  52831. right =;
  52832. return {
  52833. type: "Ratio",
  52834. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  52835. left,
  52836. right
  52837. };
  52838. }
  52839. function generate(node) {
  52840. this.token(types.Number, node.left);
  52841. this.token(types.Delim, "/");
  52842. this.token(types.Number, node.right);
  52843. }
  52844. exports2.generate = generate;
  52845. = name;
  52846. exports2.parse = parse;
  52847. exports2.structure = structure;
  52848. }
  52849. });
  52850. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Raw.cjs
  52851. var require_Raw = __commonJS({
  52852. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Raw.cjs"(exports2) {
  52853. "use strict";
  52854. var types = require_types2();
  52855. function getOffsetExcludeWS() {
  52856. if (this.tokenIndex > 0) {
  52857. if (this.lookupType(-1) === types.WhiteSpace) {
  52858. return this.tokenIndex > 1 ? this.getTokenStart(this.tokenIndex - 1) : this.firstCharOffset;
  52859. }
  52860. }
  52861. return this.tokenStart;
  52862. }
  52863. var name = "Raw";
  52864. var structure = {
  52865. value: String
  52866. };
  52867. function parse(startToken, consumeUntil, excludeWhiteSpace) {
  52868. const startOffset = this.getTokenStart(startToken);
  52869. let endOffset;
  52870. this.skipUntilBalanced(startToken, consumeUntil || this.consumeUntilBalanceEnd);
  52871. if (excludeWhiteSpace && this.tokenStart > startOffset) {
  52872. endOffset =;
  52873. } else {
  52874. endOffset = this.tokenStart;
  52875. }
  52876. return {
  52877. type: "Raw",
  52878. loc: this.getLocation(startOffset, endOffset),
  52879. value: this.substring(startOffset, endOffset)
  52880. };
  52881. }
  52882. function generate(node) {
  52883. this.tokenize(node.value);
  52884. }
  52885. exports2.generate = generate;
  52886. = name;
  52887. exports2.parse = parse;
  52888. exports2.structure = structure;
  52889. }
  52890. });
  52891. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Rule.cjs
  52892. var require_Rule = __commonJS({
  52893. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Rule.cjs"(exports2) {
  52894. "use strict";
  52895. var types = require_types2();
  52896. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  52897. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracket, true);
  52898. }
  52899. function consumePrelude() {
  52900. const prelude = this.SelectorList();
  52901. if (prelude.type !== "Raw" && this.eof === false && this.tokenType !== types.LeftCurlyBracket) {
  52902. this.error();
  52903. }
  52904. return prelude;
  52905. }
  52906. var name = "Rule";
  52907. var walkContext = "rule";
  52908. var structure = {
  52909. prelude: ["SelectorList", "Raw"],
  52910. block: ["Block"]
  52911. };
  52912. function parse() {
  52913. const startToken = this.tokenIndex;
  52914. const startOffset = this.tokenStart;
  52915. let prelude;
  52916. let block;
  52917. if (this.parseRulePrelude) {
  52918. prelude = this.parseWithFallback(consumePrelude, consumeRaw);
  52919. } else {
  52920. prelude =, startToken);
  52921. }
  52922. block = this.Block(true);
  52923. return {
  52924. type: "Rule",
  52925. loc: this.getLocation(startOffset, this.tokenStart),
  52926. prelude,
  52927. block
  52928. };
  52929. }
  52930. function generate(node) {
  52931. this.node(node.prelude);
  52932. this.node(node.block);
  52933. }
  52934. exports2.generate = generate;
  52935. = name;
  52936. exports2.parse = parse;
  52937. exports2.structure = structure;
  52938. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  52939. }
  52940. });
  52941. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Selector.cjs
  52942. var require_Selector = __commonJS({
  52943. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Selector.cjs"(exports2) {
  52944. "use strict";
  52945. var name = "Selector";
  52946. var structure = {
  52947. children: [[
  52948. "TypeSelector",
  52949. "IdSelector",
  52950. "ClassSelector",
  52951. "AttributeSelector",
  52952. "PseudoClassSelector",
  52953. "PseudoElementSelector",
  52954. "Combinator",
  52955. "WhiteSpace"
  52956. ]]
  52957. };
  52958. function parse() {
  52959. const children = this.readSequence(this.scope.Selector);
  52960. if (this.getFirstListNode(children) === null) {
  52961. this.error("Selector is expected");
  52962. }
  52963. return {
  52964. type: "Selector",
  52965. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  52966. children
  52967. };
  52968. }
  52969. function generate(node) {
  52970. this.children(node);
  52971. }
  52972. exports2.generate = generate;
  52973. = name;
  52974. exports2.parse = parse;
  52975. exports2.structure = structure;
  52976. }
  52977. });
  52978. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/SelectorList.cjs
  52979. var require_SelectorList = __commonJS({
  52980. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/SelectorList.cjs"(exports2) {
  52981. "use strict";
  52982. var types = require_types2();
  52983. var name = "SelectorList";
  52984. var walkContext = "selector";
  52985. var structure = {
  52986. children: [[
  52987. "Selector",
  52988. "Raw"
  52989. ]]
  52990. };
  52991. function parse() {
  52992. const children = this.createList();
  52993. while (!this.eof) {
  52994. children.push(this.Selector());
  52995. if (this.tokenType === types.Comma) {
  52997. continue;
  52998. }
  52999. break;
  53000. }
  53001. return {
  53002. type: "SelectorList",
  53003. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  53004. children
  53005. };
  53006. }
  53007. function generate(node) {
  53008. this.children(node, () => this.token(types.Comma, ","));
  53009. }
  53010. exports2.generate = generate;
  53011. = name;
  53012. exports2.parse = parse;
  53013. exports2.structure = structure;
  53014. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  53015. }
  53016. });
  53017. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/string.cjs
  53018. var require_string = __commonJS({
  53019. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/string.cjs"(exports2) {
  53020. "use strict";
  53021. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  53022. var utils = require_utils3();
  53023. var REVERSE_SOLIDUS = 92;
  53024. var QUOTATION_MARK = 34;
  53025. var APOSTROPHE = 39;
  53026. function decode(str) {
  53027. const len = str.length;
  53028. const firstChar = str.charCodeAt(0);
  53029. const start = firstChar === QUOTATION_MARK || firstChar === APOSTROPHE ? 1 : 0;
  53030. const end = start === 1 && len > 1 && str.charCodeAt(len - 1) === firstChar ? len - 2 : len - 1;
  53031. let decoded = "";
  53032. for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
  53033. let code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  53034. if (code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) {
  53035. if (i === end) {
  53036. if (i !== len - 1) {
  53037. decoded = str.substr(i + 1);
  53038. }
  53039. break;
  53040. }
  53041. code = str.charCodeAt(++i);
  53042. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(REVERSE_SOLIDUS, code)) {
  53043. const escapeStart = i - 1;
  53044. const escapeEnd = utils.consumeEscaped(str, escapeStart);
  53045. i = escapeEnd - 1;
  53046. decoded += utils.decodeEscaped(str.substring(escapeStart + 1, escapeEnd));
  53047. } else {
  53048. if (code === 13 && str.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10) {
  53049. i++;
  53050. }
  53051. }
  53052. } else {
  53053. decoded += str[i];
  53054. }
  53055. }
  53056. return decoded;
  53057. }
  53058. function encode(str, apostrophe) {
  53059. const quote = apostrophe ? "'" : '"';
  53060. const quoteCode = apostrophe ? APOSTROPHE : QUOTATION_MARK;
  53061. let encoded = "";
  53062. let wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  53063. for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  53064. const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  53065. if (code === 0) {
  53066. encoded += "\uFFFD";
  53067. continue;
  53068. }
  53069. if (code <= 31 || code === 127) {
  53070. encoded += "\\" + code.toString(16);
  53071. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = true;
  53072. continue;
  53073. }
  53074. if (code === quoteCode || code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) {
  53075. encoded += "\\" + str.charAt(i);
  53076. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  53077. } else {
  53078. if (wsBeforeHexIsNeeded && (charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(code) || charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(code))) {
  53079. encoded += " ";
  53080. }
  53081. encoded += str.charAt(i);
  53082. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  53083. }
  53084. }
  53085. return quote + encoded + quote;
  53086. }
  53087. exports2.decode = decode;
  53088. exports2.encode = encode;
  53089. }
  53090. });
  53091. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/String.cjs
  53092. var require_String = __commonJS({
  53093. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/String.cjs"(exports2) {
  53094. "use strict";
  53095. var string = require_string();
  53096. var types = require_types2();
  53097. var name = "String";
  53098. var structure = {
  53099. value: String
  53100. };
  53101. function parse() {
  53102. return {
  53103. type: "String",
  53104. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd),
  53105. value: string.decode(this.consume(types.String))
  53106. };
  53107. }
  53108. function generate(node) {
  53109. this.token(types.String, string.encode(node.value));
  53110. }
  53111. exports2.generate = generate;
  53112. = name;
  53113. exports2.parse = parse;
  53114. exports2.structure = structure;
  53115. }
  53116. });
  53117. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/StyleSheet.cjs
  53118. var require_StyleSheet = __commonJS({
  53119. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/StyleSheet.cjs"(exports2) {
  53120. "use strict";
  53121. var types = require_types2();
  53122. var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33;
  53123. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  53124. return this.Raw(startToken, null, false);
  53125. }
  53126. var name = "StyleSheet";
  53127. var walkContext = "stylesheet";
  53128. var structure = {
  53129. children: [[
  53130. "Comment",
  53131. "CDO",
  53132. "CDC",
  53133. "Atrule",
  53134. "Rule",
  53135. "Raw"
  53136. ]]
  53137. };
  53138. function parse() {
  53139. const start = this.tokenStart;
  53140. const children = this.createList();
  53141. let child;
  53142. while (!this.eof) {
  53143. switch (this.tokenType) {
  53144. case types.WhiteSpace:
  53146. continue;
  53147. case types.Comment:
  53148. if (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart + 2) !== EXCLAMATIONMARK) {
  53150. continue;
  53151. }
  53152. child = this.Comment();
  53153. break;
  53154. case types.CDO:
  53155. child = this.CDO();
  53156. break;
  53157. case types.CDC:
  53158. child = this.CDC();
  53159. break;
  53160. case types.AtKeyword:
  53161. child = this.parseWithFallback(this.Atrule, consumeRaw);
  53162. break;
  53163. default:
  53164. child = this.parseWithFallback(this.Rule, consumeRaw);
  53165. }
  53166. children.push(child);
  53167. }
  53168. return {
  53169. type: "StyleSheet",
  53170. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  53171. children
  53172. };
  53173. }
  53174. function generate(node) {
  53175. this.children(node);
  53176. }
  53177. exports2.generate = generate;
  53178. = name;
  53179. exports2.parse = parse;
  53180. exports2.structure = structure;
  53181. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  53182. }
  53183. });
  53184. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/TypeSelector.cjs
  53185. var require_TypeSelector = __commonJS({
  53186. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/TypeSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  53187. "use strict";
  53188. var types = require_types2();
  53189. var ASTERISK = 42;
  53190. var VERTICALLINE = 124;
  53191. function eatIdentifierOrAsterisk() {
  53192. if (this.tokenType !== types.Ident && this.isDelim(ASTERISK) === false) {
  53193. this.error("Identifier or asterisk is expected");
  53194. }
  53196. }
  53197. var name = "TypeSelector";
  53198. var structure = {
  53199. name: String
  53200. };
  53201. function parse() {
  53202. const start = this.tokenStart;
  53203. if (this.isDelim(VERTICALLINE)) {
  53206. } else {
  53208. if (this.isDelim(VERTICALLINE)) {
  53211. }
  53212. }
  53213. return {
  53214. type: "TypeSelector",
  53215. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  53216. name: this.substrToCursor(start)
  53217. };
  53218. }
  53219. function generate(node) {
  53220. this.tokenize(;
  53221. }
  53222. exports2.generate = generate;
  53223. = name;
  53224. exports2.parse = parse;
  53225. exports2.structure = structure;
  53226. }
  53227. });
  53228. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/UnicodeRange.cjs
  53229. var require_UnicodeRange = __commonJS({
  53230. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/UnicodeRange.cjs"(exports2) {
  53231. "use strict";
  53232. var types = require_types2();
  53233. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  53234. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  53235. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  53236. var QUESTIONMARK = 63;
  53237. function eatHexSequence(offset, allowDash) {
  53238. let len = 0;
  53239. for (let pos = this.tokenStart + offset; pos < this.tokenEnd; pos++) {
  53240. const code = this.charCodeAt(pos);
  53241. if (code === HYPHENMINUS && allowDash && len !== 0) {
  53242., offset + len + 1, false);
  53243. return -1;
  53244. }
  53245. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(code)) {
  53246. this.error(
  53247. allowDash && len !== 0 ? "Hyphen minus" + (len < 6 ? " or hex digit" : "") + " is expected" : len < 6 ? "Hex digit is expected" : "Unexpected input",
  53248. pos
  53249. );
  53250. }
  53251. if (++len > 6) {
  53252. this.error("Too many hex digits", pos);
  53253. }
  53254. }
  53256. return len;
  53257. }
  53258. function eatQuestionMarkSequence(max) {
  53259. let count = 0;
  53260. while (this.isDelim(QUESTIONMARK)) {
  53261. if (++count > max) {
  53262. this.error("Too many question marks");
  53263. }
  53265. }
  53266. }
  53267. function startsWith(code) {
  53268. if (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart) !== code) {
  53269. this.error((code === PLUSSIGN ? "Plus sign" : "Hyphen minus") + " is expected");
  53270. }
  53271. }
  53272. function scanUnicodeRange() {
  53273. let hexLength = 0;
  53274. switch (this.tokenType) {
  53275. case types.Number:
  53276. hexLength =, 1, true);
  53277. if (this.isDelim(QUESTIONMARK)) {
  53278., 6 - hexLength);
  53279. break;
  53280. }
  53281. if (this.tokenType === types.Dimension || this.tokenType === types.Number) {
  53282., HYPHENMINUS);
  53283., 1, false);
  53284. break;
  53285. }
  53286. break;
  53287. case types.Dimension:
  53288. hexLength =, 1, true);
  53289. if (hexLength > 0) {
  53290., 6 - hexLength);
  53291. }
  53292. break;
  53293. default:
  53294. this.eatDelim(PLUSSIGN);
  53295. if (this.tokenType === types.Ident) {
  53296. hexLength =, 0, true);
  53297. if (hexLength > 0) {
  53298., 6 - hexLength);
  53299. }
  53300. break;
  53301. }
  53302. if (this.isDelim(QUESTIONMARK)) {
  53304., 5);
  53305. break;
  53306. }
  53307. this.error("Hex digit or question mark is expected");
  53308. }
  53309. }
  53310. var name = "UnicodeRange";
  53311. var structure = {
  53312. value: String
  53313. };
  53314. function parse() {
  53315. const start = this.tokenStart;
  53316. this.eatIdent("u");
  53318. return {
  53319. type: "UnicodeRange",
  53320. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  53321. value: this.substrToCursor(start)
  53322. };
  53323. }
  53324. function generate(node) {
  53325. this.tokenize(node.value);
  53326. }
  53327. exports2.generate = generate;
  53328. = name;
  53329. exports2.parse = parse;
  53330. exports2.structure = structure;
  53331. }
  53332. });
  53333. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/url.cjs
  53334. var require_url2 = __commonJS({
  53335. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/url.cjs"(exports2) {
  53336. "use strict";
  53337. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  53338. var utils = require_utils3();
  53339. var SPACE = 32;
  53340. var REVERSE_SOLIDUS = 92;
  53341. var QUOTATION_MARK = 34;
  53342. var APOSTROPHE = 39;
  53343. var LEFTPARENTHESIS = 40;
  53344. var RIGHTPARENTHESIS = 41;
  53345. function decode(str) {
  53346. const len = str.length;
  53347. let start = 4;
  53348. let end = str.charCodeAt(len - 1) === RIGHTPARENTHESIS ? len - 2 : len - 1;
  53349. let decoded = "";
  53350. while (start < end && charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(str.charCodeAt(start))) {
  53351. start++;
  53352. }
  53353. while (start < end && charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(str.charCodeAt(end))) {
  53354. end--;
  53355. }
  53356. for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
  53357. let code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  53358. if (code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) {
  53359. if (i === end) {
  53360. if (i !== len - 1) {
  53361. decoded = str.substr(i + 1);
  53362. }
  53363. break;
  53364. }
  53365. code = str.charCodeAt(++i);
  53366. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(REVERSE_SOLIDUS, code)) {
  53367. const escapeStart = i - 1;
  53368. const escapeEnd = utils.consumeEscaped(str, escapeStart);
  53369. i = escapeEnd - 1;
  53370. decoded += utils.decodeEscaped(str.substring(escapeStart + 1, escapeEnd));
  53371. } else {
  53372. if (code === 13 && str.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10) {
  53373. i++;
  53374. }
  53375. }
  53376. } else {
  53377. decoded += str[i];
  53378. }
  53379. }
  53380. return decoded;
  53381. }
  53382. function encode(str) {
  53383. let encoded = "";
  53384. let wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  53385. for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  53386. const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  53387. if (code === 0) {
  53388. encoded += "\uFFFD";
  53389. continue;
  53390. }
  53391. if (code <= 31 || code === 127) {
  53392. encoded += "\\" + code.toString(16);
  53393. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = true;
  53394. continue;
  53395. }
  53396. if (code === SPACE || code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS || code === QUOTATION_MARK || code === APOSTROPHE || code === LEFTPARENTHESIS || code === RIGHTPARENTHESIS) {
  53397. encoded += "\\" + str.charAt(i);
  53398. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  53399. } else {
  53400. if (wsBeforeHexIsNeeded && charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(code)) {
  53401. encoded += " ";
  53402. }
  53403. encoded += str.charAt(i);
  53404. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  53405. }
  53406. }
  53407. return "url(" + encoded + ")";
  53408. }
  53409. exports2.decode = decode;
  53410. exports2.encode = encode;
  53411. }
  53412. });
  53413. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Url.cjs
  53414. var require_Url = __commonJS({
  53415. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Url.cjs"(exports2) {
  53416. "use strict";
  53417. var url = require_url2();
  53418. var string = require_string();
  53419. var types = require_types2();
  53420. var name = "Url";
  53421. var structure = {
  53422. value: String
  53423. };
  53424. function parse() {
  53425. const start = this.tokenStart;
  53426. let value;
  53427. switch (this.tokenType) {
  53428. case types.Url:
  53429. value = url.decode(this.consume(types.Url));
  53430. break;
  53431. case types.Function:
  53432. if (!this.cmpStr(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd, "url(")) {
  53433. this.error("Function name must be `url`");
  53434. }
  53436. this.skipSC();
  53437. value = string.decode(this.consume(types.String));
  53438. this.skipSC();
  53439. if (!this.eof) {
  53441. }
  53442. break;
  53443. default:
  53444. this.error("Url or Function is expected");
  53445. }
  53446. return {
  53447. type: "Url",
  53448. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  53449. value
  53450. };
  53451. }
  53452. function generate(node) {
  53453. this.token(types.Url, url.encode(node.value));
  53454. }
  53455. exports2.generate = generate;
  53456. = name;
  53457. exports2.parse = parse;
  53458. exports2.structure = structure;
  53459. }
  53460. });
  53461. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Value.cjs
  53462. var require_Value = __commonJS({
  53463. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Value.cjs"(exports2) {
  53464. "use strict";
  53465. var name = "Value";
  53466. var structure = {
  53467. children: [[]]
  53468. };
  53469. function parse() {
  53470. const start = this.tokenStart;
  53471. const children = this.readSequence(this.scope.Value);
  53472. return {
  53473. type: "Value",
  53474. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  53475. children
  53476. };
  53477. }
  53478. function generate(node) {
  53479. this.children(node);
  53480. }
  53481. exports2.generate = generate;
  53482. = name;
  53483. exports2.parse = parse;
  53484. exports2.structure = structure;
  53485. }
  53486. });
  53487. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/WhiteSpace.cjs
  53488. var require_WhiteSpace = __commonJS({
  53489. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/WhiteSpace.cjs"(exports2) {
  53490. "use strict";
  53491. var types = require_types2();
  53492. var SPACE = Object.freeze({
  53493. type: "WhiteSpace",
  53494. loc: null,
  53495. value: " "
  53496. });
  53497. var name = "WhiteSpace";
  53498. var structure = {
  53499. value: String
  53500. };
  53501. function parse() {
  53503. return SPACE;
  53504. }
  53505. function generate(node) {
  53506. this.token(types.WhiteSpace, node.value);
  53507. }
  53508. exports2.generate = generate;
  53509. = name;
  53510. exports2.parse = parse;
  53511. exports2.structure = structure;
  53512. }
  53513. });
  53514. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/index.cjs
  53515. var require_node4 = __commonJS({
  53516. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  53517. "use strict";
  53518. var AnPlusB = require_AnPlusB();
  53519. var Atrule = require_Atrule();
  53520. var AtrulePrelude = require_AtrulePrelude();
  53521. var AttributeSelector = require_AttributeSelector();
  53522. var Block = require_Block();
  53523. var Brackets = require_Brackets();
  53524. var CDC = require_CDC();
  53525. var CDO = require_CDO();
  53526. var ClassSelector = require_ClassSelector();
  53527. var Combinator = require_Combinator();
  53528. var Comment = require_Comment();
  53529. var Declaration = require_Declaration();
  53530. var DeclarationList = require_DeclarationList();
  53531. var Dimension = require_Dimension();
  53532. var Function2 = require_Function();
  53533. var Hash = require_Hash();
  53534. var Identifier = require_Identifier();
  53535. var IdSelector = require_IdSelector();
  53536. var MediaFeature = require_MediaFeature();
  53537. var MediaQuery = require_MediaQuery();
  53538. var MediaQueryList = require_MediaQueryList();
  53539. var NestingSelector = require_NestingSelector();
  53540. var Nth = require_Nth();
  53541. var Number$1 = require_Number();
  53542. var Operator = require_Operator();
  53543. var Parentheses = require_Parentheses();
  53544. var Percentage = require_Percentage();
  53545. var PseudoClassSelector = require_PseudoClassSelector();
  53546. var PseudoElementSelector = require_PseudoElementSelector();
  53547. var Ratio = require_Ratio();
  53548. var Raw = require_Raw();
  53549. var Rule = require_Rule();
  53550. var Selector = require_Selector();
  53551. var SelectorList = require_SelectorList();
  53552. var String$1 = require_String();
  53553. var StyleSheet = require_StyleSheet();
  53554. var TypeSelector = require_TypeSelector();
  53555. var UnicodeRange = require_UnicodeRange();
  53556. var Url = require_Url();
  53557. var Value = require_Value();
  53558. var WhiteSpace = require_WhiteSpace();
  53559. exports2.AnPlusB = AnPlusB;
  53560. exports2.Atrule = Atrule;
  53561. exports2.AtrulePrelude = AtrulePrelude;
  53562. exports2.AttributeSelector = AttributeSelector;
  53563. exports2.Block = Block;
  53564. exports2.Brackets = Brackets;
  53565. exports2.CDC = CDC;
  53566. exports2.CDO = CDO;
  53567. exports2.ClassSelector = ClassSelector;
  53568. exports2.Combinator = Combinator;
  53569. exports2.Comment = Comment;
  53570. exports2.Declaration = Declaration;
  53571. exports2.DeclarationList = DeclarationList;
  53572. exports2.Dimension = Dimension;
  53573. exports2.Function = Function2;
  53574. exports2.Hash = Hash;
  53575. exports2.Identifier = Identifier;
  53576. exports2.IdSelector = IdSelector;
  53577. exports2.MediaFeature = MediaFeature;
  53578. exports2.MediaQuery = MediaQuery;
  53579. exports2.MediaQueryList = MediaQueryList;
  53580. exports2.NestingSelector = NestingSelector;
  53581. exports2.Nth = Nth;
  53582. exports2.Number = Number$1;
  53583. exports2.Operator = Operator;
  53584. exports2.Parentheses = Parentheses;
  53585. exports2.Percentage = Percentage;
  53586. exports2.PseudoClassSelector = PseudoClassSelector;
  53587. exports2.PseudoElementSelector = PseudoElementSelector;
  53588. exports2.Ratio = Ratio;
  53589. exports2.Raw = Raw;
  53590. exports2.Rule = Rule;
  53591. exports2.Selector = Selector;
  53592. exports2.SelectorList = SelectorList;
  53593. exports2.String = String$1;
  53594. exports2.StyleSheet = StyleSheet;
  53595. exports2.TypeSelector = TypeSelector;
  53596. exports2.UnicodeRange = UnicodeRange;
  53597. exports2.Url = Url;
  53598. exports2.Value = Value;
  53599. exports2.WhiteSpace = WhiteSpace;
  53600. }
  53601. });
  53602. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/lexer.cjs
  53603. var require_lexer = __commonJS({
  53604. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/lexer.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53605. "use strict";
  53606. var data = require_data();
  53607. var index = require_node4();
  53608. var lexerConfig = {
  53609. generic: true,
  53611. node: index
  53612. };
  53613. module2.exports = lexerConfig;
  53614. }
  53615. });
  53616. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/default.cjs
  53617. var require_default = __commonJS({
  53618. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/default.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53619. "use strict";
  53620. var types = require_types2();
  53621. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  53622. var ASTERISK = 42;
  53623. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  53624. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  53625. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  53626. var U = 117;
  53627. function defaultRecognizer(context) {
  53628. switch (this.tokenType) {
  53629. case types.Hash:
  53630. return this.Hash();
  53631. case types.Comma:
  53632. return this.Operator();
  53633. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  53634. return this.Parentheses(this.readSequence, context.recognizer);
  53635. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  53636. return this.Brackets(this.readSequence, context.recognizer);
  53637. case types.String:
  53638. return this.String();
  53639. case types.Dimension:
  53640. return this.Dimension();
  53641. case types.Percentage:
  53642. return this.Percentage();
  53643. case types.Number:
  53644. return this.Number();
  53645. case types.Function:
  53646. return this.cmpStr(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd, "url(") ? this.Url() : this.Function(this.readSequence, context.recognizer);
  53647. case types.Url:
  53648. return this.Url();
  53649. case types.Ident:
  53650. if (this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart, U) && this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart + 1, PLUSSIGN)) {
  53651. return this.UnicodeRange();
  53652. } else {
  53653. return this.Identifier();
  53654. }
  53655. case types.Delim: {
  53656. const code = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart);
  53657. if (code === SOLIDUS || code === ASTERISK || code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS) {
  53658. return this.Operator();
  53659. }
  53660. if (code === NUMBERSIGN) {
  53661. this.error("Hex or identifier is expected", this.tokenStart + 1);
  53662. }
  53663. break;
  53664. }
  53665. }
  53666. }
  53667. module2.exports = defaultRecognizer;
  53668. }
  53669. });
  53670. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/atrulePrelude.cjs
  53671. var require_atrulePrelude = __commonJS({
  53672. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/atrulePrelude.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53673. "use strict";
  53674. var _default = require_default();
  53675. var atrulePrelude = {
  53676. getNode: _default
  53677. };
  53678. module2.exports = atrulePrelude;
  53679. }
  53680. });
  53681. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/selector.cjs
  53682. var require_selector2 = __commonJS({
  53683. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/selector.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53684. "use strict";
  53685. var types = require_types2();
  53686. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  53687. var AMPERSAND = 38;
  53688. var ASTERISK = 42;
  53689. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  53690. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  53691. var FULLSTOP = 46;
  53692. var GREATERTHANSIGN = 62;
  53693. var VERTICALLINE = 124;
  53694. var TILDE = 126;
  53695. function onWhiteSpace(next, children) {
  53696. if (children.last !== null && children.last.type !== "Combinator" && next !== null && next.type !== "Combinator") {
  53697. children.push({
  53698. // FIXME: this.Combinator() should be used instead
  53699. type: "Combinator",
  53700. loc: null,
  53701. name: " "
  53702. });
  53703. }
  53704. }
  53705. function getNode() {
  53706. switch (this.tokenType) {
  53707. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  53708. return this.AttributeSelector();
  53709. case types.Hash:
  53710. return this.IdSelector();
  53711. case types.Colon:
  53712. if (this.lookupType(1) === types.Colon) {
  53713. return this.PseudoElementSelector();
  53714. } else {
  53715. return this.PseudoClassSelector();
  53716. }
  53717. case types.Ident:
  53718. return this.TypeSelector();
  53719. case types.Number:
  53720. case types.Percentage:
  53721. return this.Percentage();
  53722. case types.Dimension:
  53723. if (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart) === FULLSTOP) {
  53724. this.error("Identifier is expected", this.tokenStart + 1);
  53725. }
  53726. break;
  53727. case types.Delim: {
  53728. const code = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart);
  53729. switch (code) {
  53730. case PLUSSIGN:
  53731. case GREATERTHANSIGN:
  53732. case TILDE:
  53733. case SOLIDUS:
  53734. return this.Combinator();
  53735. case FULLSTOP:
  53736. return this.ClassSelector();
  53737. case ASTERISK:
  53738. case VERTICALLINE:
  53739. return this.TypeSelector();
  53740. case NUMBERSIGN:
  53741. return this.IdSelector();
  53742. case AMPERSAND:
  53743. return this.NestingSelector();
  53744. }
  53745. break;
  53746. }
  53747. }
  53748. }
  53749. var Selector = {
  53750. onWhiteSpace,
  53751. getNode
  53752. };
  53753. module2.exports = Selector;
  53754. }
  53755. });
  53756. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/function/expression.cjs
  53757. var require_expression = __commonJS({
  53758. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/function/expression.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53759. "use strict";
  53760. function expressionFn() {
  53761. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  53762. this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, null, false)
  53763. );
  53764. }
  53765. module2.exports = expressionFn;
  53766. }
  53767. });
  53768. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/function/var.cjs
  53769. var require_var = __commonJS({
  53770. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/function/var.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53771. "use strict";
  53772. var types = require_types2();
  53773. function varFn() {
  53774. const children = this.createList();
  53775. this.skipSC();
  53776. children.push(this.Identifier());
  53777. this.skipSC();
  53778. if (this.tokenType === types.Comma) {
  53779. children.push(this.Operator());
  53780. const startIndex = this.tokenIndex;
  53781. const value = this.parseCustomProperty ? this.Value(null) : this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, this.consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon, false);
  53782. if (value.type === "Value" && value.children.isEmpty) {
  53783. for (let offset = startIndex - this.tokenIndex; offset <= 0; offset++) {
  53784. if (this.lookupType(offset) === types.WhiteSpace) {
  53785. value.children.appendData({
  53786. type: "WhiteSpace",
  53787. loc: null,
  53788. value: " "
  53789. });
  53790. break;
  53791. }
  53792. }
  53793. }
  53794. children.push(value);
  53795. }
  53796. return children;
  53797. }
  53798. module2.exports = varFn;
  53799. }
  53800. });
  53801. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/value.cjs
  53802. var require_value2 = __commonJS({
  53803. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/value.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53804. "use strict";
  53805. var _default = require_default();
  53806. var expression = require_expression();
  53807. var _var = require_var();
  53808. function isPlusMinusOperator(node) {
  53809. return node !== null && node.type === "Operator" && (node.value[node.value.length - 1] === "-" || node.value[node.value.length - 1] === "+");
  53810. }
  53811. var value = {
  53812. getNode: _default,
  53813. onWhiteSpace(next, children) {
  53814. if (isPlusMinusOperator(next)) {
  53815. next.value = " " + next.value;
  53816. }
  53817. if (isPlusMinusOperator(children.last)) {
  53818. children.last.value += " ";
  53819. }
  53820. },
  53821. "expression": expression,
  53822. "var": _var
  53823. };
  53824. module2.exports = value;
  53825. }
  53826. });
  53827. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/index.cjs
  53828. var require_scope = __commonJS({
  53829. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  53830. "use strict";
  53831. var atrulePrelude = require_atrulePrelude();
  53832. var selector = require_selector2();
  53833. var value = require_value2();
  53834. exports2.AtrulePrelude = atrulePrelude;
  53835. exports2.Selector = selector;
  53836. exports2.Value = value;
  53837. }
  53838. });
  53839. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/font-face.cjs
  53840. var require_font_face = __commonJS({
  53841. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/font-face.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53842. "use strict";
  53843. var fontFace = {
  53844. parse: {
  53845. prelude: null,
  53846. block() {
  53847. return this.Block(true);
  53848. }
  53849. }
  53850. };
  53851. module2.exports = fontFace;
  53852. }
  53853. });
  53854. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/import.cjs
  53855. var require_import = __commonJS({
  53856. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/import.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53857. "use strict";
  53858. var types = require_types2();
  53859. var importAtrule = {
  53860. parse: {
  53861. prelude() {
  53862. const children = this.createList();
  53863. this.skipSC();
  53864. switch (this.tokenType) {
  53865. case types.String:
  53866. children.push(this.String());
  53867. break;
  53868. case types.Url:
  53869. case types.Function:
  53870. children.push(this.Url());
  53871. break;
  53872. default:
  53873. this.error("String or url() is expected");
  53874. }
  53875. if (this.lookupNonWSType(0) === types.Ident || this.lookupNonWSType(0) === types.LeftParenthesis) {
  53876. children.push(this.MediaQueryList());
  53877. }
  53878. return children;
  53879. },
  53880. block: null
  53881. }
  53882. };
  53883. module2.exports = importAtrule;
  53884. }
  53885. });
  53886. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/media.cjs
  53887. var require_media = __commonJS({
  53888. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/media.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53889. "use strict";
  53890. var media = {
  53891. parse: {
  53892. prelude() {
  53893. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  53894. this.MediaQueryList()
  53895. );
  53896. },
  53897. block(isStyleBlock = false) {
  53898. return this.Block(isStyleBlock);
  53899. }
  53900. }
  53901. };
  53902. module2.exports = media;
  53903. }
  53904. });
  53905. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/nest.cjs
  53906. var require_nest = __commonJS({
  53907. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/nest.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53908. "use strict";
  53909. var nest = {
  53910. parse: {
  53911. prelude() {
  53912. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  53913. this.SelectorList()
  53914. );
  53915. },
  53916. block() {
  53917. return this.Block(true);
  53918. }
  53919. }
  53920. };
  53921. module2.exports = nest;
  53922. }
  53923. });
  53924. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/page.cjs
  53925. var require_page = __commonJS({
  53926. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/page.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53927. "use strict";
  53928. var page = {
  53929. parse: {
  53930. prelude() {
  53931. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  53932. this.SelectorList()
  53933. );
  53934. },
  53935. block() {
  53936. return this.Block(true);
  53937. }
  53938. }
  53939. };
  53940. module2.exports = page;
  53941. }
  53942. });
  53943. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/supports.cjs
  53944. var require_supports2 = __commonJS({
  53945. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/supports.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  53946. "use strict";
  53947. var types = require_types2();
  53948. function consumeRaw() {
  53949. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  53950. this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, null, false)
  53951. );
  53952. }
  53953. function parentheses() {
  53954. this.skipSC();
  53955. if (this.tokenType === types.Ident && this.lookupNonWSType(1) === types.Colon) {
  53956. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  53957. this.Declaration()
  53958. );
  53959. }
  53960. return;
  53961. }
  53962. function readSequence() {
  53963. const children = this.createList();
  53964. let child;
  53965. this.skipSC();
  53966. scan:
  53967. while (!this.eof) {
  53968. switch (this.tokenType) {
  53969. case types.Comment:
  53970. case types.WhiteSpace:
  53972. continue;
  53973. case types.Function:
  53974. child = this.Function(consumeRaw, this.scope.AtrulePrelude);
  53975. break;
  53976. case types.Ident:
  53977. child = this.Identifier();
  53978. break;
  53979. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  53980. child = this.Parentheses(parentheses, this.scope.AtrulePrelude);
  53981. break;
  53982. default:
  53983. break scan;
  53984. }
  53985. children.push(child);
  53986. }
  53987. return children;
  53988. }
  53989. var supports = {
  53990. parse: {
  53991. prelude() {
  53992. const children =;
  53993. if (this.getFirstListNode(children) === null) {
  53994. this.error("Condition is expected");
  53995. }
  53996. return children;
  53997. },
  53998. block(isStyleBlock = false) {
  53999. return this.Block(isStyleBlock);
  54000. }
  54001. }
  54002. };
  54003. module2.exports = supports;
  54004. }
  54005. });
  54006. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/index.cjs
  54007. var require_atrule = __commonJS({
  54008. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  54009. "use strict";
  54010. var fontFace = require_font_face();
  54011. var _import = require_import();
  54012. var media = require_media();
  54013. var nest = require_nest();
  54014. var page = require_page();
  54015. var supports = require_supports2();
  54016. var atrule = {
  54017. "font-face": fontFace,
  54018. "import": _import,
  54019. media,
  54020. nest,
  54021. page,
  54022. supports
  54023. };
  54024. module2.exports = atrule;
  54025. }
  54026. });
  54027. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/pseudo/index.cjs
  54028. var require_pseudo = __commonJS({
  54029. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/pseudo/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  54030. "use strict";
  54031. var selectorList = {
  54032. parse() {
  54033. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  54034. this.SelectorList()
  54035. );
  54036. }
  54037. };
  54038. var selector = {
  54039. parse() {
  54040. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  54041. this.Selector()
  54042. );
  54043. }
  54044. };
  54045. var identList = {
  54046. parse() {
  54047. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  54048. this.Identifier()
  54049. );
  54050. }
  54051. };
  54052. var nth = {
  54053. parse() {
  54054. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  54055. this.Nth()
  54056. );
  54057. }
  54058. };
  54059. var pseudo = {
  54060. "dir": identList,
  54061. "has": selectorList,
  54062. "lang": identList,
  54063. "matches": selectorList,
  54064. "is": selectorList,
  54065. "-moz-any": selectorList,
  54066. "-webkit-any": selectorList,
  54067. "where": selectorList,
  54068. "not": selectorList,
  54069. "nth-child": nth,
  54070. "nth-last-child": nth,
  54071. "nth-last-of-type": nth,
  54072. "nth-of-type": nth,
  54073. "slotted": selector,
  54074. "host": selector,
  54075. "host-context": selector
  54076. };
  54077. module2.exports = pseudo;
  54078. }
  54079. });
  54080. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/index-parse.cjs
  54081. var require_index_parse = __commonJS({
  54082. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/index-parse.cjs"(exports2) {
  54083. "use strict";
  54084. var AnPlusB = require_AnPlusB();
  54085. var Atrule = require_Atrule();
  54086. var AtrulePrelude = require_AtrulePrelude();
  54087. var AttributeSelector = require_AttributeSelector();
  54088. var Block = require_Block();
  54089. var Brackets = require_Brackets();
  54090. var CDC = require_CDC();
  54091. var CDO = require_CDO();
  54092. var ClassSelector = require_ClassSelector();
  54093. var Combinator = require_Combinator();
  54094. var Comment = require_Comment();
  54095. var Declaration = require_Declaration();
  54096. var DeclarationList = require_DeclarationList();
  54097. var Dimension = require_Dimension();
  54098. var Function2 = require_Function();
  54099. var Hash = require_Hash();
  54100. var Identifier = require_Identifier();
  54101. var IdSelector = require_IdSelector();
  54102. var MediaFeature = require_MediaFeature();
  54103. var MediaQuery = require_MediaQuery();
  54104. var MediaQueryList = require_MediaQueryList();
  54105. var NestingSelector = require_NestingSelector();
  54106. var Nth = require_Nth();
  54107. var Number2 = require_Number();
  54108. var Operator = require_Operator();
  54109. var Parentheses = require_Parentheses();
  54110. var Percentage = require_Percentage();
  54111. var PseudoClassSelector = require_PseudoClassSelector();
  54112. var PseudoElementSelector = require_PseudoElementSelector();
  54113. var Ratio = require_Ratio();
  54114. var Raw = require_Raw();
  54115. var Rule = require_Rule();
  54116. var Selector = require_Selector();
  54117. var SelectorList = require_SelectorList();
  54118. var String2 = require_String();
  54119. var StyleSheet = require_StyleSheet();
  54120. var TypeSelector = require_TypeSelector();
  54121. var UnicodeRange = require_UnicodeRange();
  54122. var Url = require_Url();
  54123. var Value = require_Value();
  54124. var WhiteSpace = require_WhiteSpace();
  54125. exports2.AnPlusB = AnPlusB.parse;
  54126. exports2.Atrule = Atrule.parse;
  54127. exports2.AtrulePrelude = AtrulePrelude.parse;
  54128. exports2.AttributeSelector = AttributeSelector.parse;
  54129. exports2.Block = Block.parse;
  54130. exports2.Brackets = Brackets.parse;
  54131. exports2.CDC = CDC.parse;
  54132. exports2.CDO = CDO.parse;
  54133. exports2.ClassSelector = ClassSelector.parse;
  54134. exports2.Combinator = Combinator.parse;
  54135. exports2.Comment = Comment.parse;
  54136. exports2.Declaration = Declaration.parse;
  54137. exports2.DeclarationList = DeclarationList.parse;
  54138. exports2.Dimension = Dimension.parse;
  54139. exports2.Function = Function2.parse;
  54140. exports2.Hash = Hash.parse;
  54141. exports2.Identifier = Identifier.parse;
  54142. exports2.IdSelector = IdSelector.parse;
  54143. exports2.MediaFeature = MediaFeature.parse;
  54144. exports2.MediaQuery = MediaQuery.parse;
  54145. exports2.MediaQueryList = MediaQueryList.parse;
  54146. exports2.NestingSelector = NestingSelector.parse;
  54147. exports2.Nth = Nth.parse;
  54148. exports2.Number = Number2.parse;
  54149. exports2.Operator = Operator.parse;
  54150. exports2.Parentheses = Parentheses.parse;
  54151. exports2.Percentage = Percentage.parse;
  54152. exports2.PseudoClassSelector = PseudoClassSelector.parse;
  54153. exports2.PseudoElementSelector = PseudoElementSelector.parse;
  54154. exports2.Ratio = Ratio.parse;
  54155. exports2.Raw = Raw.parse;
  54156. exports2.Rule = Rule.parse;
  54157. exports2.Selector = Selector.parse;
  54158. exports2.SelectorList = SelectorList.parse;
  54159. exports2.String = String2.parse;
  54160. exports2.StyleSheet = StyleSheet.parse;
  54161. exports2.TypeSelector = TypeSelector.parse;
  54162. exports2.UnicodeRange = UnicodeRange.parse;
  54163. exports2.Url = Url.parse;
  54164. exports2.Value = Value.parse;
  54165. exports2.WhiteSpace = WhiteSpace.parse;
  54166. }
  54167. });
  54168. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/parser.cjs
  54169. var require_parser3 = __commonJS({
  54170. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/parser.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  54171. "use strict";
  54172. var index = require_scope();
  54173. var index$1 = require_atrule();
  54174. var index$2 = require_pseudo();
  54175. var indexParse = require_index_parse();
  54176. var config = {
  54177. parseContext: {
  54178. default: "StyleSheet",
  54179. stylesheet: "StyleSheet",
  54180. atrule: "Atrule",
  54181. atrulePrelude(options) {
  54182. return this.AtrulePrelude(options.atrule ? String(options.atrule) : null);
  54183. },
  54184. mediaQueryList: "MediaQueryList",
  54185. mediaQuery: "MediaQuery",
  54186. rule: "Rule",
  54187. selectorList: "SelectorList",
  54188. selector: "Selector",
  54189. block() {
  54190. return this.Block(true);
  54191. },
  54192. declarationList: "DeclarationList",
  54193. declaration: "Declaration",
  54194. value: "Value"
  54195. },
  54196. scope: index,
  54197. atrule: index$1,
  54198. pseudo: index$2,
  54199. node: indexParse
  54200. };
  54201. module2.exports = config;
  54202. }
  54203. });
  54204. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/walker.cjs
  54205. var require_walker = __commonJS({
  54206. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/walker.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  54207. "use strict";
  54208. var index = require_node4();
  54209. var config = {
  54210. node: index
  54211. };
  54212. module2.exports = config;
  54213. }
  54214. });
  54215. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/index.cjs
  54216. var require_syntax = __commonJS({
  54217. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  54218. "use strict";
  54219. var create = require_create5();
  54220. var lexer = require_lexer();
  54221. var parser = require_parser3();
  54222. var walker = require_walker();
  54223. var syntax = create({
  54224. ...lexer,
  54225. ...parser,
  54226. ...walker
  54227. });
  54228. module2.exports = syntax;
  54229. }
  54230. });
  54231. // node_modules/css-tree/package.json
  54232. var require_package = __commonJS({
  54233. "node_modules/css-tree/package.json"(exports2, module2) {
  54234. module2.exports = {
  54235. _args: [
  54236. [
  54237. "css-tree@2.3.1",
  54238. "/home/runner/work/tailwindcss/tailwindcss"
  54239. ]
  54240. ],
  54241. _development: true,
  54242. _from: "css-tree@2.3.1",
  54243. _id: "css-tree@2.3.1",
  54244. _inBundle: false,
  54245. _integrity: "sha512-6Fv1DV/TYw//QF5IzQdqsNDjx/wc8TrMBZsqjL9eW01tWb7R7k/mq+/VXfJCl7SoD5emsJop9cOByJZfs8hYIw==",
  54246. _location: "/css-tree",
  54247. _phantomChildren: {},
  54248. _requested: {
  54249. type: "version",
  54250. registry: true,
  54251. raw: "css-tree@2.3.1",
  54252. name: "css-tree",
  54253. escapedName: "css-tree",
  54254. rawSpec: "2.3.1",
  54255. saveSpec: null,
  54256. fetchSpec: "2.3.1"
  54257. },
  54258. _requiredBy: [
  54259. "/svgo"
  54260. ],
  54261. _resolved: "",
  54262. _spec: "2.3.1",
  54263. _where: "/home/runner/work/tailwindcss/tailwindcss",
  54264. author: {
  54265. name: "Roman Dvornov",
  54266. email: "",
  54267. url: ""
  54268. },
  54269. browser: {
  54270. "./cjs/data.cjs": "./dist/data.cjs",
  54271. "./cjs/version.cjs": "./dist/version.cjs",
  54272. "./lib/data.js": "./dist/data.js",
  54273. "./lib/version.js": "./dist/version.js"
  54274. },
  54275. bugs: {
  54276. url: ""
  54277. },
  54278. dependencies: {
  54279. "mdn-data": "2.0.30",
  54280. "source-map-js": "^1.0.1"
  54281. },
  54282. description: "A tool set for CSS: fast detailed parser (CSS \u2192 AST), walker (AST traversal), generator (AST \u2192 CSS) and lexer (validation and matching) based on specs and browser implementations",
  54283. devDependencies: {
  54284. c8: "^7.12.0",
  54285. clap: "^2.0.1",
  54286. esbuild: "^0.14.53",
  54287. eslint: "^8.4.1",
  54288. "json-to-ast": "^2.1.0",
  54289. mocha: "^9.2.2",
  54290. rollup: "^2.68.0"
  54291. },
  54292. engines: {
  54293. node: "^10 || ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.0 || >=15.0.0"
  54294. },
  54295. exports: {
  54296. ".": {
  54297. import: "./lib/index.js",
  54298. require: "./cjs/index.cjs"
  54299. },
  54300. "./dist/*": "./dist/*.js",
  54301. "./package.json": "./package.json",
  54302. "./tokenizer": {
  54303. import: "./lib/tokenizer/index.js",
  54304. require: "./cjs/tokenizer/index.cjs"
  54305. },
  54306. "./parser": {
  54307. import: "./lib/parser/index.js",
  54308. require: "./cjs/parser/index.cjs"
  54309. },
  54310. "./selector-parser": {
  54311. import: "./lib/parser/parse-selector.js",
  54312. require: "./cjs/parser/parse-selector.cjs"
  54313. },
  54314. "./generator": {
  54315. import: "./lib/generator/index.js",
  54316. require: "./cjs/generator/index.cjs"
  54317. },
  54318. "./walker": {
  54319. import: "./lib/walker/index.js",
  54320. require: "./cjs/walker/index.cjs"
  54321. },
  54322. "./convertor": {
  54323. import: "./lib/convertor/index.js",
  54324. require: "./cjs/convertor/index.cjs"
  54325. },
  54326. "./lexer": {
  54327. import: "./lib/lexer/index.js",
  54328. require: "./cjs/lexer/index.cjs"
  54329. },
  54330. "./definition-syntax": {
  54331. import: "./lib/definition-syntax/index.js",
  54332. require: "./cjs/definition-syntax/index.cjs"
  54333. },
  54334. "./definition-syntax-data": {
  54335. import: "./lib/data.js",
  54336. require: "./cjs/data.cjs"
  54337. },
  54338. "./definition-syntax-data-patch": {
  54339. import: "./lib/data-patch.js",
  54340. require: "./cjs/data-patch.cjs"
  54341. },
  54342. "./utils": {
  54343. import: "./lib/utils/index.js",
  54344. require: "./cjs/utils/index.cjs"
  54345. }
  54346. },
  54347. files: [
  54348. "data",
  54349. "dist",
  54350. "cjs",
  54351. "!cjs/__tests",
  54352. "lib",
  54353. "!lib/__tests"
  54354. ],
  54355. homepage: "",
  54356. jsdelivr: "dist/csstree.esm.js",
  54357. keywords: [
  54358. "css",
  54359. "ast",
  54360. "tokenizer",
  54361. "parser",
  54362. "walker",
  54363. "lexer",
  54364. "generator",
  54365. "utils",
  54366. "syntax",
  54367. "validation"
  54368. ],
  54369. license: "MIT",
  54370. main: "./cjs/index.cjs",
  54371. module: "./lib/index.js",
  54372. name: "css-tree",
  54373. repository: {
  54374. type: "git",
  54375. url: "git+"
  54376. },
  54377. scripts: {
  54378. build: "npm run bundle && npm run esm-to-cjs --",
  54379. "build-and-test": "npm run build && npm run test:dist && npm run test:cjs",
  54380. bundle: "node scripts/bundle",
  54381. "bundle-and-test": "npm run bundle && npm run test:dist",
  54382. coverage: "c8 --exclude lib/__tests --reporter=lcovonly npm test",
  54383. "esm-to-cjs": "node scripts/esm-to-cjs.cjs",
  54384. "esm-to-cjs-and-test": "npm run esm-to-cjs && npm run test:cjs",
  54385. hydrogen: "node --trace-hydrogen --trace-phase=Z --trace-deopt --code-comments --hydrogen-track-positions --redirect-code-traces --redirect-code-traces-to=code.asm --trace_hydrogen_file=code.cfg --print-opt-code bin/parse --stat -o /dev/null",
  54386. lint: "eslint lib scripts && node scripts/review-syntax-patch --lint && node scripts/update-docs --lint",
  54387. "lint-and-test": "npm run lint && npm test",
  54388. prepublishOnly: "npm run lint-and-test && npm run build-and-test",
  54389. "review:syntax-patch": "node scripts/review-syntax-patch",
  54390. test: "mocha lib/__tests --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}",
  54391. "test:cjs": "mocha cjs/__tests --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}",
  54392. "test:dist": "mocha dist/__tests --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}",
  54393. "update:docs": "node scripts/update-docs",
  54394. watch: "npm run build -- --watch"
  54395. },
  54396. type: "module",
  54397. unpkg: "dist/csstree.esm.js",
  54398. version: "2.3.1"
  54399. };
  54400. }
  54401. });
  54402. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/version.cjs
  54403. var require_version = __commonJS({
  54404. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/version.cjs"(exports2) {
  54405. "use strict";
  54406. var { version } = require_package();
  54407. exports2.version = version;
  54408. }
  54409. });
  54410. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/index.cjs
  54411. var require_definition_syntax = __commonJS({
  54412. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  54413. "use strict";
  54414. var SyntaxError2 = require_SyntaxError2();
  54415. var generate = require_generate();
  54416. var parse = require_parse6();
  54417. var walk = require_walk2();
  54418. exports2.SyntaxError = SyntaxError2.SyntaxError;
  54419. exports2.generate = generate.generate;
  54420. exports2.parse = parse.parse;
  54421. exports2.walk = walk.walk;
  54422. }
  54423. });
  54424. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/clone.cjs
  54425. var require_clone = __commonJS({
  54426. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/clone.cjs"(exports2) {
  54427. "use strict";
  54428. var List = require_List();
  54429. function clone(node) {
  54430. const result = {};
  54431. for (const key in node) {
  54432. let value = node[key];
  54433. if (value) {
  54434. if (Array.isArray(value) || value instanceof List.List) {
  54435. value =;
  54436. } else if (value.constructor === Object) {
  54437. value = clone(value);
  54438. }
  54439. }
  54440. result[key] = value;
  54441. }
  54442. return result;
  54443. }
  54444. exports2.clone = clone;
  54445. }
  54446. });
  54447. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/ident.cjs
  54448. var require_ident = __commonJS({
  54449. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/ident.cjs"(exports2) {
  54450. "use strict";
  54451. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions();
  54452. var utils = require_utils3();
  54453. var REVERSE_SOLIDUS = 92;
  54454. function decode(str) {
  54455. const end = str.length - 1;
  54456. let decoded = "";
  54457. for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  54458. let code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  54459. if (code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) {
  54460. if (i === end) {
  54461. break;
  54462. }
  54463. code = str.charCodeAt(++i);
  54464. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(REVERSE_SOLIDUS, code)) {
  54465. const escapeStart = i - 1;
  54466. const escapeEnd = utils.consumeEscaped(str, escapeStart);
  54467. i = escapeEnd - 1;
  54468. decoded += utils.decodeEscaped(str.substring(escapeStart + 1, escapeEnd));
  54469. } else {
  54470. if (code === 13 && str.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10) {
  54471. i++;
  54472. }
  54473. }
  54474. } else {
  54475. decoded += str[i];
  54476. }
  54477. }
  54478. return decoded;
  54479. }
  54480. function encode(str) {
  54481. let encoded = "";
  54482. if (str.length === 1 && str.charCodeAt(0) === 45) {
  54483. return "\\-";
  54484. }
  54485. for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  54486. const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  54487. if (code === 0) {
  54488. encoded += "\uFFFD";
  54489. continue;
  54490. }
  54491. if (
  54492. // If the character is in the range [\1-\1f] (U+0001 to U+001F) or is U+007F ...
  54493. // Note: Do not compare with 0x0001 since 0x0000 is precessed before
  54494. code <= 31 || code === 127 || // [or] ... is in the range [0-9] (U+0030 to U+0039),
  54495. code >= 48 && code <= 57 && // If the character is the first character ...
  54496. (i === 0 || // If the character is the second character ... and the first character is a "-" (U+002D)
  54497. i === 1 && str.charCodeAt(0) === 45)
  54498. ) {
  54499. encoded += "\\" + code.toString(16) + " ";
  54500. continue;
  54501. }
  54502. if (charCodeDefinitions.isName(code)) {
  54503. encoded += str.charAt(i);
  54504. } else {
  54505. encoded += "\\" + str.charAt(i);
  54506. }
  54507. }
  54508. return encoded;
  54509. }
  54510. exports2.decode = decode;
  54511. exports2.encode = encode;
  54512. }
  54513. });
  54514. // node_modules/css-tree/cjs/index.cjs
  54515. var require_cjs = __commonJS({
  54516. "node_modules/css-tree/cjs/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  54517. "use strict";
  54518. var index$1 = require_syntax();
  54519. var version = require_version();
  54520. var create = require_create5();
  54521. var List = require_List();
  54522. var Lexer = require_Lexer();
  54523. var index = require_definition_syntax();
  54524. var clone = require_clone();
  54525. var names$1 = require_names3();
  54526. var ident = require_ident();
  54527. var string = require_string();
  54528. var url = require_url2();
  54529. var types = require_types2();
  54530. var names = require_names2();
  54531. var TokenStream = require_TokenStream();
  54532. var {
  54533. tokenize,
  54534. parse,
  54535. generate,
  54536. lexer,
  54537. createLexer,
  54538. walk,
  54539. find,
  54540. findLast,
  54541. findAll,
  54542. toPlainObject,
  54543. fromPlainObject,
  54544. fork
  54545. } = index$1;
  54546. exports2.version = version.version;
  54547. exports2.createSyntax = create;
  54548. exports2.List = List.List;
  54549. exports2.Lexer = Lexer.Lexer;
  54550. exports2.definitionSyntax = index;
  54551. exports2.clone = clone.clone;
  54552. exports2.isCustomProperty = names$1.isCustomProperty;
  54553. exports2.keyword = names$1.keyword;
  54554. = names$;
  54555. exports2.vendorPrefix = names$1.vendorPrefix;
  54556. exports2.ident = ident;
  54557. exports2.string = string;
  54558. exports2.url = url;
  54559. exports2.tokenTypes = types;
  54560. exports2.tokenNames = names;
  54561. exports2.TokenStream = TokenStream.TokenStream;
  54562. exports2.createLexer = createLexer;
  54563. exports2.find = find;
  54564. exports2.findAll = findAll;
  54565. exports2.findLast = findLast;
  54566. exports2.fork = fork;
  54567. exports2.fromPlainObject = fromPlainObject;
  54568. exports2.generate = generate;
  54569. exports2.lexer = lexer;
  54570. exports2.parse = parse;
  54571. exports2.toPlainObject = toPlainObject;
  54572. exports2.tokenize = tokenize;
  54573. exports2.walk = walk;
  54574. }
  54575. });
  54576. // node_modules/csso/package.json
  54577. var require_package2 = __commonJS({
  54578. "node_modules/csso/package.json"(exports2, module2) {
  54579. module2.exports = {
  54580. _args: [
  54581. [
  54582. "csso@5.0.5",
  54583. "/home/runner/work/tailwindcss/tailwindcss"
  54584. ]
  54585. ],
  54586. _development: true,
  54587. _from: "csso@5.0.5",
  54588. _id: "csso@5.0.5",
  54589. _inBundle: false,
  54590. _integrity: "sha512-0LrrStPOdJj+SPCCrGhzryycLjwcgUSHBtxNA8aIDxf0GLsRh1cKYhB00Gd1lDOS4yGH69+SNn13+TWbVHETFQ==",
  54591. _location: "/csso",
  54592. _phantomChildren: {
  54593. "source-map-js": "1.2.0"
  54594. },
  54595. _requested: {
  54596. type: "version",
  54597. registry: true,
  54598. raw: "csso@5.0.5",
  54599. name: "csso",
  54600. escapedName: "csso",
  54601. rawSpec: "5.0.5",
  54602. saveSpec: null,
  54603. fetchSpec: "5.0.5"
  54604. },
  54605. _requiredBy: [
  54606. "/svgo"
  54607. ],
  54608. _resolved: "",
  54609. _spec: "5.0.5",
  54610. _where: "/home/runner/work/tailwindcss/tailwindcss",
  54611. author: {
  54612. name: "Sergey Kryzhanovsky",
  54613. email: "",
  54614. url: ""
  54615. },
  54616. browser: {
  54617. "./cjs/version.cjs": "./dist/version.cjs",
  54618. "./lib/version.js": "./dist/version.js"
  54619. },
  54620. bugs: {
  54621. url: ""
  54622. },
  54623. dependencies: {
  54624. "css-tree": "~2.2.0"
  54625. },
  54626. description: "CSS minifier with structural optimisations",
  54627. devDependencies: {
  54628. c8: "^7.10.0",
  54629. esbuild: "^0.14.54",
  54630. eslint: "^7.24.0",
  54631. mocha: "^9.2.2",
  54632. rollup: "^2.60.2",
  54633. "source-map-js": "^1.0.1"
  54634. },
  54635. engines: {
  54636. node: "^10 || ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.0 || >=15.0.0",
  54637. npm: ">=7.0.0"
  54638. },
  54639. exports: {
  54640. ".": {
  54641. import: "./lib/index.js",
  54642. require: "./cjs/index.cjs"
  54643. },
  54644. "./syntax": {
  54645. import: "./lib/syntax.js",
  54646. require: "./cjs/syntax.cjs"
  54647. },
  54648. "./dist/*": "./dist/*.js",
  54649. "./package.json": "./package.json"
  54650. },
  54651. files: [
  54652. "dist",
  54653. "!dist/test",
  54654. "cjs",
  54655. "lib"
  54656. ],
  54657. homepage: "",
  54658. jsdelivr: "dist/csso.esm.js",
  54659. keywords: [
  54660. "css",
  54661. "compress",
  54662. "minifier",
  54663. "minify",
  54664. "optimise",
  54665. "optimisation",
  54666. "csstree"
  54667. ],
  54668. license: "MIT",
  54669. main: "./cjs/index.cjs",
  54670. maintainers: [
  54671. {
  54672. name: "Roman Dvornov",
  54673. email: ""
  54674. }
  54675. ],
  54676. module: "./lib/index.js",
  54677. name: "csso",
  54678. repository: {
  54679. type: "git",
  54680. url: "git+"
  54681. },
  54682. scripts: {
  54683. build: "npm run bundle && npm run esm-to-cjs",
  54684. "build-and-test": "npm run build && npm run test:dist && npm run test:cjs",
  54685. bundle: "node scripts/bundle",
  54686. "bundle-and-test": "npm run bundle && npm run test:dist",
  54687. coverage: "c8 --reporter=lcovonly npm test",
  54688. "esm-to-cjs": "node scripts/esm-to-cjs.cjs",
  54689. "esm-to-cjs-and-test": "npm run esm-to-cjs && npm run test:cjs",
  54690. hydrogen: "node --trace-hydrogen --trace-phase=Z --trace-deopt --code-comments --hydrogen-track-positions --redirect-code-traces --redirect-code-traces-to=code.asm --trace_hydrogen_file=code.cfg --print-opt-code bin/csso --stat -o /dev/null",
  54691. lint: "eslint lib scripts test",
  54692. "lint-and-test": "npm run lint && npm test",
  54693. prepublishOnly: "npm run lint-and-test && npm run build-and-test",
  54694. test: "mocha test --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}",
  54695. "test:cjs": "mocha cjs-test --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}",
  54696. "test:dist": "mocha dist/test --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}"
  54697. },
  54698. type: "module",
  54699. unpkg: "dist/csso.esm.js",
  54700. version: "5.0.5"
  54701. };
  54702. }
  54703. });
  54704. // node_modules/csso/cjs/version.cjs
  54705. var require_version2 = __commonJS({
  54706. "node_modules/csso/cjs/version.cjs"(exports2) {
  54707. "use strict";
  54708. var { version } = require_package2();
  54709. exports2.version = version;
  54710. }
  54711. });
  54712. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/types.cjs
  54713. var require_types3 = __commonJS({
  54714. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/types.cjs"(exports2) {
  54715. "use strict";
  54716. var EOF = 0;
  54717. var Ident = 1;
  54718. var Function2 = 2;
  54719. var AtKeyword = 3;
  54720. var Hash = 4;
  54721. var String2 = 5;
  54722. var BadString = 6;
  54723. var Url = 7;
  54724. var BadUrl = 8;
  54725. var Delim = 9;
  54726. var Number2 = 10;
  54727. var Percentage = 11;
  54728. var Dimension = 12;
  54729. var WhiteSpace = 13;
  54730. var CDO = 14;
  54731. var CDC = 15;
  54732. var Colon = 16;
  54733. var Semicolon = 17;
  54734. var Comma = 18;
  54735. var LeftSquareBracket = 19;
  54736. var RightSquareBracket = 20;
  54737. var LeftParenthesis = 21;
  54738. var RightParenthesis = 22;
  54739. var LeftCurlyBracket = 23;
  54740. var RightCurlyBracket = 24;
  54741. var Comment = 25;
  54742. exports2.AtKeyword = AtKeyword;
  54743. exports2.BadString = BadString;
  54744. exports2.BadUrl = BadUrl;
  54745. exports2.CDC = CDC;
  54746. exports2.CDO = CDO;
  54747. exports2.Colon = Colon;
  54748. exports2.Comma = Comma;
  54749. exports2.Comment = Comment;
  54750. exports2.Delim = Delim;
  54751. exports2.Dimension = Dimension;
  54752. exports2.EOF = EOF;
  54753. exports2.Function = Function2;
  54754. exports2.Hash = Hash;
  54755. exports2.Ident = Ident;
  54756. exports2.LeftCurlyBracket = LeftCurlyBracket;
  54757. exports2.LeftParenthesis = LeftParenthesis;
  54758. exports2.LeftSquareBracket = LeftSquareBracket;
  54759. exports2.Number = Number2;
  54760. exports2.Percentage = Percentage;
  54761. exports2.RightCurlyBracket = RightCurlyBracket;
  54762. exports2.RightParenthesis = RightParenthesis;
  54763. exports2.RightSquareBracket = RightSquareBracket;
  54764. exports2.Semicolon = Semicolon;
  54765. exports2.String = String2;
  54766. exports2.Url = Url;
  54767. exports2.WhiteSpace = WhiteSpace;
  54768. }
  54769. });
  54770. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/char-code-definitions.cjs
  54771. var require_char_code_definitions2 = __commonJS({
  54772. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/char-code-definitions.cjs"(exports2) {
  54773. "use strict";
  54774. var EOF = 0;
  54775. function isDigit(code) {
  54776. return code >= 48 && code <= 57;
  54777. }
  54778. function isHexDigit(code) {
  54779. return isDigit(code) || // 0 .. 9
  54780. code >= 65 && code <= 70 || // A .. F
  54781. code >= 97 && code <= 102;
  54782. }
  54783. function isUppercaseLetter(code) {
  54784. return code >= 65 && code <= 90;
  54785. }
  54786. function isLowercaseLetter(code) {
  54787. return code >= 97 && code <= 122;
  54788. }
  54789. function isLetter(code) {
  54790. return isUppercaseLetter(code) || isLowercaseLetter(code);
  54791. }
  54792. function isNonAscii(code) {
  54793. return code >= 128;
  54794. }
  54795. function isNameStart(code) {
  54796. return isLetter(code) || isNonAscii(code) || code === 95;
  54797. }
  54798. function isName(code) {
  54799. return isNameStart(code) || isDigit(code) || code === 45;
  54800. }
  54801. function isNonPrintable(code) {
  54802. return code >= 0 && code <= 8 || code === 11 || code >= 14 && code <= 31 || code === 127;
  54803. }
  54804. function isNewline(code) {
  54805. return code === 10 || code === 13 || code === 12;
  54806. }
  54807. function isWhiteSpace(code) {
  54808. return isNewline(code) || code === 32 || code === 9;
  54809. }
  54810. function isValidEscape(first, second) {
  54811. if (first !== 92) {
  54812. return false;
  54813. }
  54814. if (isNewline(second) || second === EOF) {
  54815. return false;
  54816. }
  54817. return true;
  54818. }
  54819. function isIdentifierStart(first, second, third) {
  54820. if (first === 45) {
  54821. return isNameStart(second) || second === 45 || isValidEscape(second, third);
  54822. }
  54823. if (isNameStart(first)) {
  54824. return true;
  54825. }
  54826. if (first === 92) {
  54827. return isValidEscape(first, second);
  54828. }
  54829. return false;
  54830. }
  54831. function isNumberStart(first, second, third) {
  54832. if (first === 43 || first === 45) {
  54833. if (isDigit(second)) {
  54834. return 2;
  54835. }
  54836. return second === 46 && isDigit(third) ? 3 : 0;
  54837. }
  54838. if (first === 46) {
  54839. return isDigit(second) ? 2 : 0;
  54840. }
  54841. if (isDigit(first)) {
  54842. return 1;
  54843. }
  54844. return 0;
  54845. }
  54846. function isBOM(code) {
  54847. if (code === 65279) {
  54848. return 1;
  54849. }
  54850. if (code === 65534) {
  54851. return 1;
  54852. }
  54853. return 0;
  54854. }
  54855. var CATEGORY = new Array(128);
  54856. var EofCategory = 128;
  54857. var WhiteSpaceCategory = 130;
  54858. var DigitCategory = 131;
  54859. var NameStartCategory = 132;
  54860. var NonPrintableCategory = 133;
  54861. for (let i = 0; i < CATEGORY.length; i++) {
  54862. CATEGORY[i] = isWhiteSpace(i) && WhiteSpaceCategory || isDigit(i) && DigitCategory || isNameStart(i) && NameStartCategory || isNonPrintable(i) && NonPrintableCategory || i || EofCategory;
  54863. }
  54864. function charCodeCategory(code) {
  54865. return code < 128 ? CATEGORY[code] : NameStartCategory;
  54866. }
  54867. exports2.DigitCategory = DigitCategory;
  54868. exports2.EofCategory = EofCategory;
  54869. exports2.NameStartCategory = NameStartCategory;
  54870. exports2.NonPrintableCategory = NonPrintableCategory;
  54871. exports2.WhiteSpaceCategory = WhiteSpaceCategory;
  54872. exports2.charCodeCategory = charCodeCategory;
  54873. exports2.isBOM = isBOM;
  54874. exports2.isDigit = isDigit;
  54875. exports2.isHexDigit = isHexDigit;
  54876. exports2.isIdentifierStart = isIdentifierStart;
  54877. exports2.isLetter = isLetter;
  54878. exports2.isLowercaseLetter = isLowercaseLetter;
  54879. exports2.isName = isName;
  54880. exports2.isNameStart = isNameStart;
  54881. exports2.isNewline = isNewline;
  54882. exports2.isNonAscii = isNonAscii;
  54883. exports2.isNonPrintable = isNonPrintable;
  54884. exports2.isNumberStart = isNumberStart;
  54885. exports2.isUppercaseLetter = isUppercaseLetter;
  54886. exports2.isValidEscape = isValidEscape;
  54887. exports2.isWhiteSpace = isWhiteSpace;
  54888. }
  54889. });
  54890. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/utils.cjs
  54891. var require_utils4 = __commonJS({
  54892. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/utils.cjs"(exports2) {
  54893. "use strict";
  54894. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  54895. function getCharCode(source, offset) {
  54896. return offset < source.length ? source.charCodeAt(offset) : 0;
  54897. }
  54898. function getNewlineLength(source, offset, code) {
  54899. if (code === 13 && getCharCode(source, offset + 1) === 10) {
  54900. return 2;
  54901. }
  54902. return 1;
  54903. }
  54904. function cmpChar(testStr, offset, referenceCode) {
  54905. let code = testStr.charCodeAt(offset);
  54906. if (charCodeDefinitions.isUppercaseLetter(code)) {
  54907. code = code | 32;
  54908. }
  54909. return code === referenceCode;
  54910. }
  54911. function cmpStr(testStr, start, end, referenceStr) {
  54912. if (end - start !== referenceStr.length) {
  54913. return false;
  54914. }
  54915. if (start < 0 || end > testStr.length) {
  54916. return false;
  54917. }
  54918. for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
  54919. const referenceCode = referenceStr.charCodeAt(i - start);
  54920. let testCode = testStr.charCodeAt(i);
  54921. if (charCodeDefinitions.isUppercaseLetter(testCode)) {
  54922. testCode = testCode | 32;
  54923. }
  54924. if (testCode !== referenceCode) {
  54925. return false;
  54926. }
  54927. }
  54928. return true;
  54929. }
  54930. function findWhiteSpaceStart(source, offset) {
  54931. for (; offset >= 0; offset--) {
  54932. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(source.charCodeAt(offset))) {
  54933. break;
  54934. }
  54935. }
  54936. return offset + 1;
  54937. }
  54938. function findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset) {
  54939. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  54940. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(source.charCodeAt(offset))) {
  54941. break;
  54942. }
  54943. }
  54944. return offset;
  54945. }
  54946. function findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset) {
  54947. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  54948. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(source.charCodeAt(offset))) {
  54949. break;
  54950. }
  54951. }
  54952. return offset;
  54953. }
  54954. function consumeEscaped(source, offset) {
  54955. offset += 2;
  54956. if (charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(getCharCode(source, offset - 1))) {
  54957. for (const maxOffset = Math.min(source.length, offset + 5); offset < maxOffset; offset++) {
  54958. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(getCharCode(source, offset))) {
  54959. break;
  54960. }
  54961. }
  54962. const code = getCharCode(source, offset);
  54963. if (charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(code)) {
  54964. offset += getNewlineLength(source, offset, code);
  54965. }
  54966. }
  54967. return offset;
  54968. }
  54969. function consumeName(source, offset) {
  54970. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  54971. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  54972. if (charCodeDefinitions.isName(code)) {
  54973. continue;
  54974. }
  54975. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, getCharCode(source, offset + 1))) {
  54976. offset = consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1;
  54977. continue;
  54978. }
  54979. break;
  54980. }
  54981. return offset;
  54982. }
  54983. function consumeNumber(source, offset) {
  54984. let code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  54985. if (code === 43 || code === 45) {
  54986. code = source.charCodeAt(offset += 1);
  54987. }
  54988. if (charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(code)) {
  54989. offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset + 1);
  54990. code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  54991. }
  54992. if (code === 46 && charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(source.charCodeAt(offset + 1))) {
  54993. offset += 2;
  54994. offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset);
  54995. }
  54996. if (cmpChar(
  54997. source,
  54998. offset,
  54999. 101
  55000. /* e */
  55001. )) {
  55002. let sign = 0;
  55003. code = source.charCodeAt(offset + 1);
  55004. if (code === 45 || code === 43) {
  55005. sign = 1;
  55006. code = source.charCodeAt(offset + 2);
  55007. }
  55008. if (charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(code)) {
  55009. offset = findDecimalNumberEnd(source, offset + 1 + sign + 1);
  55010. }
  55011. }
  55012. return offset;
  55013. }
  55014. function consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset) {
  55015. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  55016. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  55017. if (code === 41) {
  55018. offset++;
  55019. break;
  55020. }
  55021. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, getCharCode(source, offset + 1))) {
  55022. offset = consumeEscaped(source, offset);
  55023. }
  55024. }
  55025. return offset;
  55026. }
  55027. function decodeEscaped(escaped) {
  55028. if (escaped.length === 1 && !charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(escaped.charCodeAt(0))) {
  55029. return escaped[0];
  55030. }
  55031. let code = parseInt(escaped, 16);
  55032. if (code === 0 || // If this number is zero,
  55033. code >= 55296 && code <= 57343 || // or is for a surrogate,
  55034. code > 1114111) {
  55035. code = 65533;
  55036. }
  55037. return String.fromCodePoint(code);
  55038. }
  55039. exports2.cmpChar = cmpChar;
  55040. exports2.cmpStr = cmpStr;
  55041. exports2.consumeBadUrlRemnants = consumeBadUrlRemnants;
  55042. exports2.consumeEscaped = consumeEscaped;
  55043. exports2.consumeName = consumeName;
  55044. exports2.consumeNumber = consumeNumber;
  55045. exports2.decodeEscaped = decodeEscaped;
  55046. exports2.findDecimalNumberEnd = findDecimalNumberEnd;
  55047. exports2.findWhiteSpaceEnd = findWhiteSpaceEnd;
  55048. exports2.findWhiteSpaceStart = findWhiteSpaceStart;
  55049. exports2.getNewlineLength = getNewlineLength;
  55050. }
  55051. });
  55052. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/names.cjs
  55053. var require_names4 = __commonJS({
  55054. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/names.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  55055. "use strict";
  55056. var tokenNames = [
  55057. "EOF-token",
  55058. "ident-token",
  55059. "function-token",
  55060. "at-keyword-token",
  55061. "hash-token",
  55062. "string-token",
  55063. "bad-string-token",
  55064. "url-token",
  55065. "bad-url-token",
  55066. "delim-token",
  55067. "number-token",
  55068. "percentage-token",
  55069. "dimension-token",
  55070. "whitespace-token",
  55071. "CDO-token",
  55072. "CDC-token",
  55073. "colon-token",
  55074. "semicolon-token",
  55075. "comma-token",
  55076. "[-token",
  55077. "]-token",
  55078. "(-token",
  55079. ")-token",
  55080. "{-token",
  55081. "}-token"
  55082. ];
  55083. module2.exports = tokenNames;
  55084. }
  55085. });
  55086. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/adopt-buffer.cjs
  55087. var require_adopt_buffer2 = __commonJS({
  55088. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/adopt-buffer.cjs"(exports2) {
  55089. "use strict";
  55090. var MIN_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
  55091. function adoptBuffer(buffer = null, size) {
  55092. if (buffer === null || buffer.length < size) {
  55093. return new Uint32Array(Math.max(size + 1024, MIN_SIZE));
  55094. }
  55095. return buffer;
  55096. }
  55097. exports2.adoptBuffer = adoptBuffer;
  55098. }
  55099. });
  55100. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/OffsetToLocation.cjs
  55101. var require_OffsetToLocation2 = __commonJS({
  55102. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/OffsetToLocation.cjs"(exports2) {
  55103. "use strict";
  55104. var adoptBuffer = require_adopt_buffer2();
  55105. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  55106. var N = 10;
  55107. var F = 12;
  55108. var R = 13;
  55109. function computeLinesAndColumns(host) {
  55110. const source = host.source;
  55111. const sourceLength = source.length;
  55112. const startOffset = source.length > 0 ? charCodeDefinitions.isBOM(source.charCodeAt(0)) : 0;
  55113. const lines = adoptBuffer.adoptBuffer(host.lines, sourceLength);
  55114. const columns = adoptBuffer.adoptBuffer(host.columns, sourceLength);
  55115. let line = host.startLine;
  55116. let column = host.startColumn;
  55117. for (let i = startOffset; i < sourceLength; i++) {
  55118. const code = source.charCodeAt(i);
  55119. lines[i] = line;
  55120. columns[i] = column++;
  55121. if (code === N || code === R || code === F) {
  55122. if (code === R && i + 1 < sourceLength && source.charCodeAt(i + 1) === N) {
  55123. i++;
  55124. lines[i] = line;
  55125. columns[i] = column;
  55126. }
  55127. line++;
  55128. column = 1;
  55129. }
  55130. }
  55131. lines[sourceLength] = line;
  55132. columns[sourceLength] = column;
  55133. host.lines = lines;
  55134. host.columns = columns;
  55135. host.computed = true;
  55136. }
  55137. var OffsetToLocation = class {
  55138. constructor() {
  55139. this.lines = null;
  55140. this.columns = null;
  55141. this.computed = false;
  55142. }
  55143. setSource(source, startOffset = 0, startLine = 1, startColumn = 1) {
  55144. this.source = source;
  55145. this.startOffset = startOffset;
  55146. this.startLine = startLine;
  55147. this.startColumn = startColumn;
  55148. this.computed = false;
  55149. }
  55150. getLocation(offset, filename) {
  55151. if (!this.computed) {
  55152. computeLinesAndColumns(this);
  55153. }
  55154. return {
  55155. source: filename,
  55156. offset: this.startOffset + offset,
  55157. line: this.lines[offset],
  55158. column: this.columns[offset]
  55159. };
  55160. }
  55161. getLocationRange(start, end, filename) {
  55162. if (!this.computed) {
  55163. computeLinesAndColumns(this);
  55164. }
  55165. return {
  55166. source: filename,
  55167. start: {
  55168. offset: this.startOffset + start,
  55169. line: this.lines[start],
  55170. column: this.columns[start]
  55171. },
  55172. end: {
  55173. offset: this.startOffset + end,
  55174. line: this.lines[end],
  55175. column: this.columns[end]
  55176. }
  55177. };
  55178. }
  55179. };
  55180. exports2.OffsetToLocation = OffsetToLocation;
  55181. }
  55182. });
  55183. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/TokenStream.cjs
  55184. var require_TokenStream2 = __commonJS({
  55185. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/TokenStream.cjs"(exports2) {
  55186. "use strict";
  55187. var adoptBuffer = require_adopt_buffer2();
  55188. var utils = require_utils4();
  55189. var names = require_names4();
  55190. var types = require_types3();
  55191. var OFFSET_MASK = 16777215;
  55192. var TYPE_SHIFT = 24;
  55193. var balancePair = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  55194. [types.Function, types.RightParenthesis],
  55195. [types.LeftParenthesis, types.RightParenthesis],
  55196. [types.LeftSquareBracket, types.RightSquareBracket],
  55197. [types.LeftCurlyBracket, types.RightCurlyBracket]
  55198. ]);
  55199. var TokenStream = class {
  55200. constructor(source, tokenize) {
  55201. this.setSource(source, tokenize);
  55202. }
  55203. reset() {
  55204. this.eof = false;
  55205. this.tokenIndex = -1;
  55206. this.tokenType = 0;
  55207. this.tokenStart = this.firstCharOffset;
  55208. this.tokenEnd = this.firstCharOffset;
  55209. }
  55210. setSource(source = "", tokenize = () => {
  55211. }) {
  55212. source = String(source || "");
  55213. const sourceLength = source.length;
  55214. const offsetAndType = adoptBuffer.adoptBuffer(this.offsetAndType, source.length + 1);
  55215. const balance = adoptBuffer.adoptBuffer(this.balance, source.length + 1);
  55216. let tokenCount = 0;
  55217. let balanceCloseType = 0;
  55218. let balanceStart = 0;
  55219. let firstCharOffset = -1;
  55220. this.offsetAndType = null;
  55221. this.balance = null;
  55222. tokenize(source, (type, start, end) => {
  55223. switch (type) {
  55224. default:
  55225. balance[tokenCount] = sourceLength;
  55226. break;
  55227. case balanceCloseType: {
  55228. let balancePrev = balanceStart & OFFSET_MASK;
  55229. balanceStart = balance[balancePrev];
  55230. balanceCloseType = balanceStart >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  55231. balance[tokenCount] = balancePrev;
  55232. balance[balancePrev++] = tokenCount;
  55233. for (; balancePrev < tokenCount; balancePrev++) {
  55234. if (balance[balancePrev] === sourceLength) {
  55235. balance[balancePrev] = tokenCount;
  55236. }
  55237. }
  55238. break;
  55239. }
  55240. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  55241. case types.Function:
  55242. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  55243. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  55244. balance[tokenCount] = balanceStart;
  55245. balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(type);
  55246. balanceStart = balanceCloseType << TYPE_SHIFT | tokenCount;
  55247. break;
  55248. }
  55249. offsetAndType[tokenCount++] = type << TYPE_SHIFT | end;
  55250. if (firstCharOffset === -1) {
  55251. firstCharOffset = start;
  55252. }
  55253. });
  55254. offsetAndType[tokenCount] = types.EOF << TYPE_SHIFT | sourceLength;
  55255. balance[tokenCount] = sourceLength;
  55256. balance[sourceLength] = sourceLength;
  55257. while (balanceStart !== 0) {
  55258. const balancePrev = balanceStart & OFFSET_MASK;
  55259. balanceStart = balance[balancePrev];
  55260. balance[balancePrev] = sourceLength;
  55261. }
  55262. this.source = source;
  55263. this.firstCharOffset = firstCharOffset === -1 ? 0 : firstCharOffset;
  55264. this.tokenCount = tokenCount;
  55265. this.offsetAndType = offsetAndType;
  55266. this.balance = balance;
  55267. this.reset();
  55269. }
  55270. lookupType(offset) {
  55271. offset += this.tokenIndex;
  55272. if (offset < this.tokenCount) {
  55273. return this.offsetAndType[offset] >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  55274. }
  55275. return types.EOF;
  55276. }
  55277. lookupOffset(offset) {
  55278. offset += this.tokenIndex;
  55279. if (offset < this.tokenCount) {
  55280. return this.offsetAndType[offset - 1] & OFFSET_MASK;
  55281. }
  55282. return this.source.length;
  55283. }
  55284. lookupValue(offset, referenceStr) {
  55285. offset += this.tokenIndex;
  55286. if (offset < this.tokenCount) {
  55287. return utils.cmpStr(
  55288. this.source,
  55289. this.offsetAndType[offset - 1] & OFFSET_MASK,
  55290. this.offsetAndType[offset] & OFFSET_MASK,
  55291. referenceStr
  55292. );
  55293. }
  55294. return false;
  55295. }
  55296. getTokenStart(tokenIndex) {
  55297. if (tokenIndex === this.tokenIndex) {
  55298. return this.tokenStart;
  55299. }
  55300. if (tokenIndex > 0) {
  55301. return tokenIndex < this.tokenCount ? this.offsetAndType[tokenIndex - 1] & OFFSET_MASK : this.offsetAndType[this.tokenCount] & OFFSET_MASK;
  55302. }
  55303. return this.firstCharOffset;
  55304. }
  55305. substrToCursor(start) {
  55306. return this.source.substring(start, this.tokenStart);
  55307. }
  55308. isBalanceEdge(pos) {
  55309. return this.balance[this.tokenIndex] < pos;
  55310. }
  55311. isDelim(code, offset) {
  55312. if (offset) {
  55313. return this.lookupType(offset) === types.Delim && this.source.charCodeAt(this.lookupOffset(offset)) === code;
  55314. }
  55315. return this.tokenType === types.Delim && this.source.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart) === code;
  55316. }
  55317. skip(tokenCount) {
  55318. let next = this.tokenIndex + tokenCount;
  55319. if (next < this.tokenCount) {
  55320. this.tokenIndex = next;
  55321. this.tokenStart = this.offsetAndType[next - 1] & OFFSET_MASK;
  55322. next = this.offsetAndType[next];
  55323. this.tokenType = next >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  55324. this.tokenEnd = next & OFFSET_MASK;
  55325. } else {
  55326. this.tokenIndex = this.tokenCount;
  55328. }
  55329. }
  55330. next() {
  55331. let next = this.tokenIndex + 1;
  55332. if (next < this.tokenCount) {
  55333. this.tokenIndex = next;
  55334. this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd;
  55335. next = this.offsetAndType[next];
  55336. this.tokenType = next >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  55337. this.tokenEnd = next & OFFSET_MASK;
  55338. } else {
  55339. this.eof = true;
  55340. this.tokenIndex = this.tokenCount;
  55341. this.tokenType = types.EOF;
  55342. this.tokenStart = this.tokenEnd = this.source.length;
  55343. }
  55344. }
  55345. skipSC() {
  55346. while (this.tokenType === types.WhiteSpace || this.tokenType === types.Comment) {
  55348. }
  55349. }
  55350. skipUntilBalanced(startToken, stopConsume) {
  55351. let cursor = startToken;
  55352. let balanceEnd;
  55353. let offset;
  55354. loop:
  55355. for (; cursor < this.tokenCount; cursor++) {
  55356. balanceEnd = this.balance[cursor];
  55357. if (balanceEnd < startToken) {
  55358. break loop;
  55359. }
  55360. offset = cursor > 0 ? this.offsetAndType[cursor - 1] & OFFSET_MASK : this.firstCharOffset;
  55361. switch (stopConsume(this.source.charCodeAt(offset))) {
  55362. case 1:
  55363. break loop;
  55364. case 2:
  55365. cursor++;
  55366. break loop;
  55367. default:
  55368. if (this.balance[balanceEnd] === cursor) {
  55369. cursor = balanceEnd;
  55370. }
  55371. }
  55372. }
  55373. this.skip(cursor - this.tokenIndex);
  55374. }
  55375. forEachToken(fn) {
  55376. for (let i = 0, offset = this.firstCharOffset; i < this.tokenCount; i++) {
  55377. const start = offset;
  55378. const item = this.offsetAndType[i];
  55379. const end = item & OFFSET_MASK;
  55380. const type = item >> TYPE_SHIFT;
  55381. offset = end;
  55382. fn(type, start, end, i);
  55383. }
  55384. }
  55385. dump() {
  55386. const tokens = new Array(this.tokenCount);
  55387. this.forEachToken((type, start, end, index) => {
  55388. tokens[index] = {
  55389. idx: index,
  55390. type: names[type],
  55391. chunk: this.source.substring(start, end),
  55392. balance: this.balance[index]
  55393. };
  55394. });
  55395. return tokens;
  55396. }
  55397. };
  55398. exports2.TokenStream = TokenStream;
  55399. }
  55400. });
  55401. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/index.cjs
  55402. var require_tokenizer3 = __commonJS({
  55403. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/tokenizer/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  55404. "use strict";
  55405. var types = require_types3();
  55406. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  55407. var utils = require_utils4();
  55408. var names = require_names4();
  55409. var OffsetToLocation = require_OffsetToLocation2();
  55410. var TokenStream = require_TokenStream2();
  55411. function tokenize(source, onToken) {
  55412. function getCharCode(offset2) {
  55413. return offset2 < sourceLength ? source.charCodeAt(offset2) : 0;
  55414. }
  55415. function consumeNumericToken() {
  55416. offset = utils.consumeNumber(source, offset);
  55417. if (charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart(getCharCode(offset), getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  55418. type = types.Dimension;
  55419. offset = utils.consumeName(source, offset);
  55420. return;
  55421. }
  55422. if (getCharCode(offset) === 37) {
  55423. type = types.Percentage;
  55424. offset++;
  55425. return;
  55426. }
  55427. type = types.Number;
  55428. }
  55429. function consumeIdentLikeToken() {
  55430. const nameStartOffset = offset;
  55431. offset = utils.consumeName(source, offset);
  55432. if (utils.cmpStr(source, nameStartOffset, offset, "url") && getCharCode(offset) === 40) {
  55433. offset = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset + 1);
  55434. if (getCharCode(offset) === 34 || getCharCode(offset) === 39) {
  55435. type = types.Function;
  55436. offset = nameStartOffset + 4;
  55437. return;
  55438. }
  55439. consumeUrlToken();
  55440. return;
  55441. }
  55442. if (getCharCode(offset) === 40) {
  55443. type = types.Function;
  55444. offset++;
  55445. return;
  55446. }
  55447. type = types.Ident;
  55448. }
  55449. function consumeStringToken(endingCodePoint) {
  55450. if (!endingCodePoint) {
  55451. endingCodePoint = getCharCode(offset++);
  55452. }
  55453. type = types.String;
  55454. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  55455. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  55456. switch (charCodeDefinitions.charCodeCategory(code)) {
  55457. case endingCodePoint:
  55458. offset++;
  55459. return;
  55460. case charCodeDefinitions.WhiteSpaceCategory:
  55461. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNewline(code)) {
  55462. offset += utils.getNewlineLength(source, offset, code);
  55463. type = types.BadString;
  55464. return;
  55465. }
  55466. break;
  55467. case 92:
  55468. if (offset === source.length - 1) {
  55469. break;
  55470. }
  55471. const nextCode = getCharCode(offset + 1);
  55472. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNewline(nextCode)) {
  55473. offset += utils.getNewlineLength(source, offset + 1, nextCode);
  55474. } else if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, nextCode)) {
  55475. offset = utils.consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1;
  55476. }
  55477. break;
  55478. }
  55479. }
  55480. }
  55481. function consumeUrlToken() {
  55482. type = types.Url;
  55483. offset = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset);
  55484. for (; offset < source.length; offset++) {
  55485. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  55486. switch (charCodeDefinitions.charCodeCategory(code)) {
  55487. case 41:
  55488. offset++;
  55489. return;
  55490. case charCodeDefinitions.WhiteSpaceCategory:
  55491. offset = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset);
  55492. if (getCharCode(offset) === 41 || offset >= source.length) {
  55493. if (offset < source.length) {
  55494. offset++;
  55495. }
  55496. return;
  55497. }
  55498. offset = utils.consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset);
  55499. type = types.BadUrl;
  55500. return;
  55501. case 34:
  55502. case 39:
  55503. case 40:
  55504. case charCodeDefinitions.NonPrintableCategory:
  55505. offset = utils.consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset);
  55506. type = types.BadUrl;
  55507. return;
  55508. case 92:
  55509. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, getCharCode(offset + 1))) {
  55510. offset = utils.consumeEscaped(source, offset) - 1;
  55511. break;
  55512. }
  55513. offset = utils.consumeBadUrlRemnants(source, offset);
  55514. type = types.BadUrl;
  55515. return;
  55516. }
  55517. }
  55518. }
  55519. source = String(source || "");
  55520. const sourceLength = source.length;
  55521. let start = charCodeDefinitions.isBOM(getCharCode(0));
  55522. let offset = start;
  55523. let type;
  55524. while (offset < sourceLength) {
  55525. const code = source.charCodeAt(offset);
  55526. switch (charCodeDefinitions.charCodeCategory(code)) {
  55527. case charCodeDefinitions.WhiteSpaceCategory:
  55528. type = types.WhiteSpace;
  55529. offset = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd(source, offset + 1);
  55530. break;
  55531. case 34:
  55532. consumeStringToken();
  55533. break;
  55534. case 35:
  55535. if (charCodeDefinitions.isName(getCharCode(offset + 1)) || charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  55536. type = types.Hash;
  55537. offset = utils.consumeName(source, offset + 1);
  55538. } else {
  55539. type = types.Delim;
  55540. offset++;
  55541. }
  55542. break;
  55543. case 39:
  55544. consumeStringToken();
  55545. break;
  55546. case 40:
  55547. type = types.LeftParenthesis;
  55548. offset++;
  55549. break;
  55550. case 41:
  55551. type = types.RightParenthesis;
  55552. offset++;
  55553. break;
  55554. case 43:
  55555. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNumberStart(code, getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  55556. consumeNumericToken();
  55557. } else {
  55558. type = types.Delim;
  55559. offset++;
  55560. }
  55561. break;
  55562. case 44:
  55563. type = types.Comma;
  55564. offset++;
  55565. break;
  55566. case 45:
  55567. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNumberStart(code, getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  55568. consumeNumericToken();
  55569. } else {
  55570. if (getCharCode(offset + 1) === 45 && getCharCode(offset + 2) === 62) {
  55571. type = types.CDC;
  55572. offset = offset + 3;
  55573. } else {
  55574. if (charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart(code, getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  55575. consumeIdentLikeToken();
  55576. } else {
  55577. type = types.Delim;
  55578. offset++;
  55579. }
  55580. }
  55581. }
  55582. break;
  55583. case 46:
  55584. if (charCodeDefinitions.isNumberStart(code, getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2))) {
  55585. consumeNumericToken();
  55586. } else {
  55587. type = types.Delim;
  55588. offset++;
  55589. }
  55590. break;
  55591. case 47:
  55592. if (getCharCode(offset + 1) === 42) {
  55593. type = types.Comment;
  55594. offset = source.indexOf("*/", offset + 2);
  55595. offset = offset === -1 ? source.length : offset + 2;
  55596. } else {
  55597. type = types.Delim;
  55598. offset++;
  55599. }
  55600. break;
  55601. case 58:
  55602. type = types.Colon;
  55603. offset++;
  55604. break;
  55605. case 59:
  55606. type = types.Semicolon;
  55607. offset++;
  55608. break;
  55609. case 60:
  55610. if (getCharCode(offset + 1) === 33 && getCharCode(offset + 2) === 45 && getCharCode(offset + 3) === 45) {
  55611. type = types.CDO;
  55612. offset = offset + 4;
  55613. } else {
  55614. type = types.Delim;
  55615. offset++;
  55616. }
  55617. break;
  55618. case 64:
  55619. if (charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart(getCharCode(offset + 1), getCharCode(offset + 2), getCharCode(offset + 3))) {
  55620. type = types.AtKeyword;
  55621. offset = utils.consumeName(source, offset + 1);
  55622. } else {
  55623. type = types.Delim;
  55624. offset++;
  55625. }
  55626. break;
  55627. case 91:
  55628. type = types.LeftSquareBracket;
  55629. offset++;
  55630. break;
  55631. case 92:
  55632. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(code, getCharCode(offset + 1))) {
  55633. consumeIdentLikeToken();
  55634. } else {
  55635. type = types.Delim;
  55636. offset++;
  55637. }
  55638. break;
  55639. case 93:
  55640. type = types.RightSquareBracket;
  55641. offset++;
  55642. break;
  55643. case 123:
  55644. type = types.LeftCurlyBracket;
  55645. offset++;
  55646. break;
  55647. case 125:
  55648. type = types.RightCurlyBracket;
  55649. offset++;
  55650. break;
  55651. case charCodeDefinitions.DigitCategory:
  55652. consumeNumericToken();
  55653. break;
  55654. case charCodeDefinitions.NameStartCategory:
  55655. consumeIdentLikeToken();
  55656. break;
  55657. default:
  55658. type = types.Delim;
  55659. offset++;
  55660. }
  55661. onToken(type, start, start = offset);
  55662. }
  55663. }
  55664. exports2.AtKeyword = types.AtKeyword;
  55665. exports2.BadString = types.BadString;
  55666. exports2.BadUrl = types.BadUrl;
  55667. exports2.CDC = types.CDC;
  55668. exports2.CDO = types.CDO;
  55669. exports2.Colon = types.Colon;
  55670. exports2.Comma = types.Comma;
  55671. exports2.Comment = types.Comment;
  55672. exports2.Delim = types.Delim;
  55673. exports2.Dimension = types.Dimension;
  55674. exports2.EOF = types.EOF;
  55675. exports2.Function = types.Function;
  55676. exports2.Hash = types.Hash;
  55677. exports2.Ident = types.Ident;
  55678. exports2.LeftCurlyBracket = types.LeftCurlyBracket;
  55679. exports2.LeftParenthesis = types.LeftParenthesis;
  55680. exports2.LeftSquareBracket = types.LeftSquareBracket;
  55681. exports2.Number = types.Number;
  55682. exports2.Percentage = types.Percentage;
  55683. exports2.RightCurlyBracket = types.RightCurlyBracket;
  55684. exports2.RightParenthesis = types.RightParenthesis;
  55685. exports2.RightSquareBracket = types.RightSquareBracket;
  55686. exports2.Semicolon = types.Semicolon;
  55687. exports2.String = types.String;
  55688. exports2.Url = types.Url;
  55689. exports2.WhiteSpace = types.WhiteSpace;
  55690. exports2.tokenTypes = types;
  55691. exports2.DigitCategory = charCodeDefinitions.DigitCategory;
  55692. exports2.EofCategory = charCodeDefinitions.EofCategory;
  55693. exports2.NameStartCategory = charCodeDefinitions.NameStartCategory;
  55694. exports2.NonPrintableCategory = charCodeDefinitions.NonPrintableCategory;
  55695. exports2.WhiteSpaceCategory = charCodeDefinitions.WhiteSpaceCategory;
  55696. exports2.charCodeCategory = charCodeDefinitions.charCodeCategory;
  55697. exports2.isBOM = charCodeDefinitions.isBOM;
  55698. exports2.isDigit = charCodeDefinitions.isDigit;
  55699. exports2.isHexDigit = charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit;
  55700. exports2.isIdentifierStart = charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart;
  55701. exports2.isLetter = charCodeDefinitions.isLetter;
  55702. exports2.isLowercaseLetter = charCodeDefinitions.isLowercaseLetter;
  55703. exports2.isName = charCodeDefinitions.isName;
  55704. exports2.isNameStart = charCodeDefinitions.isNameStart;
  55705. exports2.isNewline = charCodeDefinitions.isNewline;
  55706. exports2.isNonAscii = charCodeDefinitions.isNonAscii;
  55707. exports2.isNonPrintable = charCodeDefinitions.isNonPrintable;
  55708. exports2.isNumberStart = charCodeDefinitions.isNumberStart;
  55709. exports2.isUppercaseLetter = charCodeDefinitions.isUppercaseLetter;
  55710. exports2.isValidEscape = charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape;
  55711. exports2.isWhiteSpace = charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace;
  55712. exports2.cmpChar = utils.cmpChar;
  55713. exports2.cmpStr = utils.cmpStr;
  55714. exports2.consumeBadUrlRemnants = utils.consumeBadUrlRemnants;
  55715. exports2.consumeEscaped = utils.consumeEscaped;
  55716. exports2.consumeName = utils.consumeName;
  55717. exports2.consumeNumber = utils.consumeNumber;
  55718. exports2.decodeEscaped = utils.decodeEscaped;
  55719. exports2.findDecimalNumberEnd = utils.findDecimalNumberEnd;
  55720. exports2.findWhiteSpaceEnd = utils.findWhiteSpaceEnd;
  55721. exports2.findWhiteSpaceStart = utils.findWhiteSpaceStart;
  55722. exports2.getNewlineLength = utils.getNewlineLength;
  55723. exports2.tokenNames = names;
  55724. exports2.OffsetToLocation = OffsetToLocation.OffsetToLocation;
  55725. exports2.TokenStream = TokenStream.TokenStream;
  55726. exports2.tokenize = tokenize;
  55727. }
  55728. });
  55729. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/List.cjs
  55730. var require_List2 = __commonJS({
  55731. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/List.cjs"(exports2) {
  55732. "use strict";
  55733. var releasedCursors = null;
  55734. var List = class _List {
  55735. static createItem(data) {
  55736. return {
  55737. prev: null,
  55738. next: null,
  55739. data
  55740. };
  55741. }
  55742. constructor() {
  55743. this.head = null;
  55744. this.tail = null;
  55745. this.cursor = null;
  55746. }
  55747. createItem(data) {
  55748. return _List.createItem(data);
  55749. }
  55750. // cursor helpers
  55751. allocateCursor(prev, next) {
  55752. let cursor;
  55753. if (releasedCursors !== null) {
  55754. cursor = releasedCursors;
  55755. releasedCursors = releasedCursors.cursor;
  55756. cursor.prev = prev;
  55757. = next;
  55758. cursor.cursor = this.cursor;
  55759. } else {
  55760. cursor = {
  55761. prev,
  55762. next,
  55763. cursor: this.cursor
  55764. };
  55765. }
  55766. this.cursor = cursor;
  55767. return cursor;
  55768. }
  55769. releaseCursor() {
  55770. const { cursor } = this;
  55771. this.cursor = cursor.cursor;
  55772. cursor.prev = null;
  55773. = null;
  55774. cursor.cursor = releasedCursors;
  55775. releasedCursors = cursor;
  55776. }
  55777. updateCursors(prevOld, prevNew, nextOld, nextNew) {
  55778. let { cursor } = this;
  55779. while (cursor !== null) {
  55780. if (cursor.prev === prevOld) {
  55781. cursor.prev = prevNew;
  55782. }
  55783. if ( === nextOld) {
  55784. = nextNew;
  55785. }
  55786. cursor = cursor.cursor;
  55787. }
  55788. }
  55789. *[Symbol.iterator]() {
  55790. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  55791. yield;
  55792. }
  55793. }
  55794. // getters
  55795. get size() {
  55796. let size = 0;
  55797. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  55798. size++;
  55799. }
  55800. return size;
  55801. }
  55802. get isEmpty() {
  55803. return this.head === null;
  55804. }
  55805. get first() {
  55806. return this.head &&;
  55807. }
  55808. get last() {
  55809. return this.tail &&;
  55810. }
  55811. // convertors
  55812. fromArray(array) {
  55813. let cursor = null;
  55814. this.head = null;
  55815. for (let data of array) {
  55816. const item = _List.createItem(data);
  55817. if (cursor !== null) {
  55818. = item;
  55819. } else {
  55820. this.head = item;
  55821. }
  55822. item.prev = cursor;
  55823. cursor = item;
  55824. }
  55825. this.tail = cursor;
  55826. return this;
  55827. }
  55828. toArray() {
  55829. return [...this];
  55830. }
  55831. toJSON() {
  55832. return [...this];
  55833. }
  55834. // array-like methods
  55835. forEach(fn, thisArg = this) {
  55836. const cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, this.head);
  55837. while ( !== null) {
  55838. const item =;
  55839. =;
  55840.,, item, this);
  55841. }
  55842. this.releaseCursor();
  55843. }
  55844. forEachRight(fn, thisArg = this) {
  55845. const cursor = this.allocateCursor(this.tail, null);
  55846. while (cursor.prev !== null) {
  55847. const item = cursor.prev;
  55848. cursor.prev = item.prev;
  55849.,, item, this);
  55850. }
  55851. this.releaseCursor();
  55852. }
  55853. reduce(fn, initialValue, thisArg = this) {
  55854. let cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, this.head);
  55855. let acc = initialValue;
  55856. let item;
  55857. while ( !== null) {
  55858. item =;
  55859. =;
  55860. acc =, acc,, item, this);
  55861. }
  55862. this.releaseCursor();
  55863. return acc;
  55864. }
  55865. reduceRight(fn, initialValue, thisArg = this) {
  55866. let cursor = this.allocateCursor(this.tail, null);
  55867. let acc = initialValue;
  55868. let item;
  55869. while (cursor.prev !== null) {
  55870. item = cursor.prev;
  55871. cursor.prev = item.prev;
  55872. acc =, acc,, item, this);
  55873. }
  55874. this.releaseCursor();
  55875. return acc;
  55876. }
  55877. some(fn, thisArg = this) {
  55878. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  55879. if (,, cursor, this)) {
  55880. return true;
  55881. }
  55882. }
  55883. return false;
  55884. }
  55885. map(fn, thisArg = this) {
  55886. const result = new _List();
  55887. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  55888. result.appendData(,, cursor, this));
  55889. }
  55890. return result;
  55891. }
  55892. filter(fn, thisArg = this) {
  55893. const result = new _List();
  55894. for (let cursor = this.head; cursor !== null; cursor = {
  55895. if (,, cursor, this)) {
  55896. result.appendData(;
  55897. }
  55898. }
  55899. return result;
  55900. }
  55901. nextUntil(start, fn, thisArg = this) {
  55902. if (start === null) {
  55903. return;
  55904. }
  55905. const cursor = this.allocateCursor(null, start);
  55906. while ( !== null) {
  55907. const item =;
  55908. =;
  55909. if (,, item, this)) {
  55910. break;
  55911. }
  55912. }
  55913. this.releaseCursor();
  55914. }
  55915. prevUntil(start, fn, thisArg = this) {
  55916. if (start === null) {
  55917. return;
  55918. }
  55919. const cursor = this.allocateCursor(start, null);
  55920. while (cursor.prev !== null) {
  55921. const item = cursor.prev;
  55922. cursor.prev = item.prev;
  55923. if (,, item, this)) {
  55924. break;
  55925. }
  55926. }
  55927. this.releaseCursor();
  55928. }
  55929. // mutation
  55930. clear() {
  55931. this.head = null;
  55932. this.tail = null;
  55933. }
  55934. copy() {
  55935. const result = new _List();
  55936. for (let data of this) {
  55937. result.appendData(data);
  55938. }
  55939. return result;
  55940. }
  55941. prepend(item) {
  55942. this.updateCursors(null, item, this.head, item);
  55943. if (this.head !== null) {
  55944. this.head.prev = item;
  55945. = this.head;
  55946. } else {
  55947. this.tail = item;
  55948. }
  55949. this.head = item;
  55950. return this;
  55951. }
  55952. prependData(data) {
  55953. return this.prepend(_List.createItem(data));
  55954. }
  55955. append(item) {
  55956. return this.insert(item);
  55957. }
  55958. appendData(data) {
  55959. return this.insert(_List.createItem(data));
  55960. }
  55961. insert(item, before = null) {
  55962. if (before !== null) {
  55963. this.updateCursors(before.prev, item, before, item);
  55964. if (before.prev === null) {
  55965. if (this.head !== before) {
  55966. throw new Error("before doesn't belong to list");
  55967. }
  55968. this.head = item;
  55969. before.prev = item;
  55970. = before;
  55971. this.updateCursors(null, item);
  55972. } else {
  55973. = item;
  55974. item.prev = before.prev;
  55975. before.prev = item;
  55976. = before;
  55977. }
  55978. } else {
  55979. this.updateCursors(this.tail, item, null, item);
  55980. if (this.tail !== null) {
  55981. = item;
  55982. item.prev = this.tail;
  55983. } else {
  55984. this.head = item;
  55985. }
  55986. this.tail = item;
  55987. }
  55988. return this;
  55989. }
  55990. insertData(data, before) {
  55991. return this.insert(_List.createItem(data), before);
  55992. }
  55993. remove(item) {
  55994. this.updateCursors(item, item.prev, item,;
  55995. if (item.prev !== null) {
  55996. =;
  55997. } else {
  55998. if (this.head !== item) {
  55999. throw new Error("item doesn't belong to list");
  56000. }
  56001. this.head =;
  56002. }
  56003. if ( !== null) {
  56004. = item.prev;
  56005. } else {
  56006. if (this.tail !== item) {
  56007. throw new Error("item doesn't belong to list");
  56008. }
  56009. this.tail = item.prev;
  56010. }
  56011. item.prev = null;
  56012. = null;
  56013. return item;
  56014. }
  56015. push(data) {
  56016. this.insert(_List.createItem(data));
  56017. }
  56018. pop() {
  56019. return this.tail !== null ? this.remove(this.tail) : null;
  56020. }
  56021. unshift(data) {
  56022. this.prepend(_List.createItem(data));
  56023. }
  56024. shift() {
  56025. return this.head !== null ? this.remove(this.head) : null;
  56026. }
  56027. prependList(list) {
  56028. return this.insertList(list, this.head);
  56029. }
  56030. appendList(list) {
  56031. return this.insertList(list);
  56032. }
  56033. insertList(list, before) {
  56034. if (list.head === null) {
  56035. return this;
  56036. }
  56037. if (before !== void 0 && before !== null) {
  56038. this.updateCursors(before.prev, list.tail, before, list.head);
  56039. if (before.prev !== null) {
  56040. = list.head;
  56041. list.head.prev = before.prev;
  56042. } else {
  56043. this.head = list.head;
  56044. }
  56045. before.prev = list.tail;
  56046. = before;
  56047. } else {
  56048. this.updateCursors(this.tail, list.tail, null, list.head);
  56049. if (this.tail !== null) {
  56050. = list.head;
  56051. list.head.prev = this.tail;
  56052. } else {
  56053. this.head = list.head;
  56054. }
  56055. this.tail = list.tail;
  56056. }
  56057. list.head = null;
  56058. list.tail = null;
  56059. return this;
  56060. }
  56061. replace(oldItem, newItemOrList) {
  56062. if ("head" in newItemOrList) {
  56063. this.insertList(newItemOrList, oldItem);
  56064. } else {
  56065. this.insert(newItemOrList, oldItem);
  56066. }
  56067. this.remove(oldItem);
  56068. }
  56069. };
  56070. exports2.List = List;
  56071. }
  56072. });
  56073. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/create-custom-error.cjs
  56074. var require_create_custom_error2 = __commonJS({
  56075. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/create-custom-error.cjs"(exports2) {
  56076. "use strict";
  56077. function createCustomError(name, message) {
  56078. const error = Object.create(SyntaxError.prototype);
  56079. const errorStack = new Error();
  56080. return Object.assign(error, {
  56081. name,
  56082. message,
  56083. get stack() {
  56084. return (errorStack.stack || "").replace(/^(.+\n){1,3}/, `${name}: ${message}
  56085. `);
  56086. }
  56087. });
  56088. }
  56089. exports2.createCustomError = createCustomError;
  56090. }
  56091. });
  56092. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/SyntaxError.cjs
  56093. var require_SyntaxError3 = __commonJS({
  56094. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/SyntaxError.cjs"(exports2) {
  56095. "use strict";
  56096. var createCustomError = require_create_custom_error2();
  56097. var MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 100;
  56098. var OFFSET_CORRECTION = 60;
  56099. var TAB_REPLACEMENT = " ";
  56100. function sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, extraLines) {
  56101. function processLines(start, end) {
  56102. return lines.slice(start, end).map(
  56103. (line2, idx) => String(start + idx + 1).padStart(maxNumLength) + " |" + line2
  56104. ).join("\n");
  56105. }
  56106. const lines = source.split(/\r\n?|\n|\f/);
  56107. const startLine = Math.max(1, line - extraLines) - 1;
  56108. const endLine = Math.min(line + extraLines, lines.length + 1);
  56109. const maxNumLength = Math.max(4, String(endLine).length) + 1;
  56110. let cutLeft = 0;
  56111. column += (TAB_REPLACEMENT.length - 1) * (lines[line - 1].substr(0, column - 1).match(/\t/g) || []).length;
  56112. if (column > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
  56113. cutLeft = column - OFFSET_CORRECTION + 3;
  56114. column = OFFSET_CORRECTION - 2;
  56115. }
  56116. for (let i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) {
  56117. if (i >= 0 && i < lines.length) {
  56118. lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/\t/g, TAB_REPLACEMENT);
  56119. lines[i] = (cutLeft > 0 && lines[i].length > cutLeft ? "\u2026" : "") + lines[i].substr(cutLeft, MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 2) + (lines[i].length > cutLeft + MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1 ? "\u2026" : "");
  56120. }
  56121. }
  56122. return [
  56123. processLines(startLine, line),
  56124. new Array(column + maxNumLength + 2).join("-") + "^",
  56125. processLines(line, endLine)
  56126. ].filter(Boolean).join("\n");
  56127. }
  56128. function SyntaxError2(message, source, offset, line, column) {
  56129. const error = Object.assign(createCustomError.createCustomError("SyntaxError", message), {
  56130. source,
  56131. offset,
  56132. line,
  56133. column,
  56134. sourceFragment(extraLines) {
  56135. return sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, isNaN(extraLines) ? 0 : extraLines);
  56136. },
  56137. get formattedMessage() {
  56138. return `Parse error: ${message}
  56139. ` + sourceFragment({ source, line, column }, 2);
  56140. }
  56141. });
  56142. return error;
  56143. }
  56144. exports2.SyntaxError = SyntaxError2;
  56145. }
  56146. });
  56147. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/sequence.cjs
  56148. var require_sequence2 = __commonJS({
  56149. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/sequence.cjs"(exports2) {
  56150. "use strict";
  56151. var types = require_types3();
  56152. function readSequence(recognizer) {
  56153. const children = this.createList();
  56154. let space = false;
  56155. const context = {
  56156. recognizer
  56157. };
  56158. while (!this.eof) {
  56159. switch (this.tokenType) {
  56160. case types.Comment:
  56162. continue;
  56163. case types.WhiteSpace:
  56164. space = true;
  56166. continue;
  56167. }
  56168. let child =, context);
  56169. if (child === void 0) {
  56170. break;
  56171. }
  56172. if (space) {
  56173. if (recognizer.onWhiteSpace) {
  56174., child, children, context);
  56175. }
  56176. space = false;
  56177. }
  56178. children.push(child);
  56179. }
  56180. if (space && recognizer.onWhiteSpace) {
  56181., null, children, context);
  56182. }
  56183. return children;
  56184. }
  56185. exports2.readSequence = readSequence;
  56186. }
  56187. });
  56188. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/create.cjs
  56189. var require_create6 = __commonJS({
  56190. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/parser/create.cjs"(exports2) {
  56191. "use strict";
  56192. var List = require_List2();
  56193. var SyntaxError2 = require_SyntaxError3();
  56194. var index = require_tokenizer3();
  56195. var sequence = require_sequence2();
  56196. var OffsetToLocation = require_OffsetToLocation2();
  56197. var TokenStream = require_TokenStream2();
  56198. var utils = require_utils4();
  56199. var types = require_types3();
  56200. var names = require_names4();
  56201. var NOOP = () => {
  56202. };
  56203. var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33;
  56204. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  56205. var SEMICOLON = 59;
  56206. var LEFTCURLYBRACKET = 123;
  56207. var NULL = 0;
  56208. function createParseContext(name) {
  56209. return function() {
  56210. return this[name]();
  56211. };
  56212. }
  56213. function fetchParseValues(dict) {
  56214. const result = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  56215. for (const name in dict) {
  56216. const item = dict[name];
  56217. const fn = item.parse || item;
  56218. if (fn) {
  56219. result[name] = fn;
  56220. }
  56221. }
  56222. return result;
  56223. }
  56224. function processConfig(config) {
  56225. const parseConfig = {
  56226. context: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null),
  56227. scope: Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), config.scope),
  56228. atrule: fetchParseValues(config.atrule),
  56229. pseudo: fetchParseValues(config.pseudo),
  56230. node: fetchParseValues(config.node)
  56231. };
  56232. for (const name in config.parseContext) {
  56233. switch (typeof config.parseContext[name]) {
  56234. case "function":
  56235. parseConfig.context[name] = config.parseContext[name];
  56236. break;
  56237. case "string":
  56238. parseConfig.context[name] = createParseContext(config.parseContext[name]);
  56239. break;
  56240. }
  56241. }
  56242. return {
  56243. config: parseConfig,
  56244. ...parseConfig,
  56245. ...parseConfig.node
  56246. };
  56247. }
  56248. function createParser(config) {
  56249. let source = "";
  56250. let filename = "<unknown>";
  56251. let needPositions = false;
  56252. let onParseError = NOOP;
  56253. let onParseErrorThrow = false;
  56254. const locationMap = new OffsetToLocation.OffsetToLocation();
  56255. const parser = Object.assign(new TokenStream.TokenStream(), processConfig(config || {}), {
  56256. parseAtrulePrelude: true,
  56257. parseRulePrelude: true,
  56258. parseValue: true,
  56259. parseCustomProperty: false,
  56260. readSequence: sequence.readSequence,
  56261. consumeUntilBalanceEnd: () => 0,
  56262. consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracket(code) {
  56263. return code === LEFTCURLYBRACKET ? 1 : 0;
  56264. },
  56265. consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracketOrSemicolon(code) {
  56266. return code === LEFTCURLYBRACKET || code === SEMICOLON ? 1 : 0;
  56267. },
  56268. consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon(code) {
  56269. return code === EXCLAMATIONMARK || code === SEMICOLON ? 1 : 0;
  56270. },
  56271. consumeUntilSemicolonIncluded(code) {
  56272. return code === SEMICOLON ? 2 : 0;
  56273. },
  56274. createList() {
  56275. return new List.List();
  56276. },
  56277. createSingleNodeList(node) {
  56278. return new List.List().appendData(node);
  56279. },
  56280. getFirstListNode(list) {
  56281. return list && list.first;
  56282. },
  56283. getLastListNode(list) {
  56284. return list && list.last;
  56285. },
  56286. parseWithFallback(consumer, fallback) {
  56287. const startToken = this.tokenIndex;
  56288. try {
  56289. return;
  56290. } catch (e) {
  56291. if (onParseErrorThrow) {
  56292. throw e;
  56293. }
  56294. const fallbackNode =, startToken);
  56295. onParseErrorThrow = true;
  56296. onParseError(e, fallbackNode);
  56297. onParseErrorThrow = false;
  56298. return fallbackNode;
  56299. }
  56300. },
  56301. lookupNonWSType(offset) {
  56302. let type;
  56303. do {
  56304. type = this.lookupType(offset++);
  56305. if (type !== types.WhiteSpace) {
  56306. return type;
  56307. }
  56308. } while (type !== NULL);
  56309. return NULL;
  56310. },
  56311. charCodeAt(offset) {
  56312. return offset >= 0 && offset < source.length ? source.charCodeAt(offset) : 0;
  56313. },
  56314. substring(offsetStart, offsetEnd) {
  56315. return source.substring(offsetStart, offsetEnd);
  56316. },
  56317. substrToCursor(start) {
  56318. return this.source.substring(start, this.tokenStart);
  56319. },
  56320. cmpChar(offset, charCode) {
  56321. return utils.cmpChar(source, offset, charCode);
  56322. },
  56323. cmpStr(offsetStart, offsetEnd, str) {
  56324. return utils.cmpStr(source, offsetStart, offsetEnd, str);
  56325. },
  56326. consume(tokenType) {
  56327. const start = this.tokenStart;
  56329. return this.substrToCursor(start);
  56330. },
  56331. consumeFunctionName() {
  56332. const name = source.substring(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd - 1);
  56334. return name;
  56335. },
  56336. consumeNumber(type) {
  56337. const number = source.substring(this.tokenStart, utils.consumeNumber(source, this.tokenStart));
  56339. return number;
  56340. },
  56341. eat(tokenType) {
  56342. if (this.tokenType !== tokenType) {
  56343. const tokenName = names[tokenType].slice(0, -6).replace(/-/g, " ").replace(/^./, (m) => m.toUpperCase());
  56344. let message = `${/[[\](){}]/.test(tokenName) ? `"${tokenName}"` : tokenName} is expected`;
  56345. let offset = this.tokenStart;
  56346. switch (tokenType) {
  56347. case types.Ident:
  56348. if (this.tokenType === types.Function || this.tokenType === types.Url) {
  56349. offset = this.tokenEnd - 1;
  56350. message = "Identifier is expected but function found";
  56351. } else {
  56352. message = "Identifier is expected";
  56353. }
  56354. break;
  56355. case types.Hash:
  56356. if (this.isDelim(NUMBERSIGN)) {
  56358. offset++;
  56359. message = "Name is expected";
  56360. }
  56361. break;
  56362. case types.Percentage:
  56363. if (this.tokenType === types.Number) {
  56364. offset = this.tokenEnd;
  56365. message = "Percent sign is expected";
  56366. }
  56367. break;
  56368. }
  56369. this.error(message, offset);
  56370. }
  56372. },
  56373. eatIdent(name) {
  56374. if (this.tokenType !== types.Ident || this.lookupValue(0, name) === false) {
  56375. this.error(`Identifier "${name}" is expected`);
  56376. }
  56378. },
  56379. eatDelim(code) {
  56380. if (!this.isDelim(code)) {
  56381. this.error(`Delim "${String.fromCharCode(code)}" is expected`);
  56382. }
  56384. },
  56385. getLocation(start, end) {
  56386. if (needPositions) {
  56387. return locationMap.getLocationRange(
  56388. start,
  56389. end,
  56390. filename
  56391. );
  56392. }
  56393. return null;
  56394. },
  56395. getLocationFromList(list) {
  56396. if (needPositions) {
  56397. const head = this.getFirstListNode(list);
  56398. const tail = this.getLastListNode(list);
  56399. return locationMap.getLocationRange(
  56400. head !== null ? head.loc.start.offset - locationMap.startOffset : this.tokenStart,
  56401. tail !== null ? tail.loc.end.offset - locationMap.startOffset : this.tokenStart,
  56402. filename
  56403. );
  56404. }
  56405. return null;
  56406. },
  56407. error(message, offset) {
  56408. const location = typeof offset !== "undefined" && offset < source.length ? locationMap.getLocation(offset) : this.eof ? locationMap.getLocation(utils.findWhiteSpaceStart(source, source.length - 1)) : locationMap.getLocation(this.tokenStart);
  56409. throw new SyntaxError2.SyntaxError(
  56410. message || "Unexpected input",
  56411. source,
  56412. location.offset,
  56413. location.line,
  56414. location.column
  56415. );
  56416. }
  56417. });
  56418. const parse = function(source_, options) {
  56419. source = source_;
  56420. options = options || {};
  56421. parser.setSource(source, index.tokenize);
  56422. locationMap.setSource(
  56423. source,
  56424. options.offset,
  56425. options.line,
  56426. options.column
  56427. );
  56428. filename = options.filename || "<unknown>";
  56429. needPositions = Boolean(options.positions);
  56430. onParseError = typeof options.onParseError === "function" ? options.onParseError : NOOP;
  56431. onParseErrorThrow = false;
  56432. parser.parseAtrulePrelude = "parseAtrulePrelude" in options ? Boolean(options.parseAtrulePrelude) : true;
  56433. parser.parseRulePrelude = "parseRulePrelude" in options ? Boolean(options.parseRulePrelude) : true;
  56434. parser.parseValue = "parseValue" in options ? Boolean(options.parseValue) : true;
  56435. parser.parseCustomProperty = "parseCustomProperty" in options ? Boolean(options.parseCustomProperty) : false;
  56436. const { context = "default", onComment } = options;
  56437. if (context in parser.context === false) {
  56438. throw new Error("Unknown context `" + context + "`");
  56439. }
  56440. if (typeof onComment === "function") {
  56441. parser.forEachToken((type, start, end) => {
  56442. if (type === types.Comment) {
  56443. const loc = parser.getLocation(start, end);
  56444. const value = utils.cmpStr(source, end - 2, end, "*/") ? source.slice(start + 2, end - 2) : source.slice(start + 2, end);
  56445. onComment(value, loc);
  56446. }
  56447. });
  56448. }
  56449. const ast = parser.context[context].call(parser, options);
  56450. if (!parser.eof) {
  56451. parser.error();
  56452. }
  56453. return ast;
  56454. };
  56455. return Object.assign(parse, {
  56456. SyntaxError: SyntaxError2.SyntaxError,
  56457. config: parser.config
  56458. });
  56459. }
  56460. exports2.createParser = createParser;
  56461. }
  56462. });
  56463. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/sourceMap.cjs
  56464. var require_sourceMap2 = __commonJS({
  56465. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/sourceMap.cjs"(exports2) {
  56466. "use strict";
  56467. var sourceMapGenerator_js = require_source_map_generator();
  56468. var trackNodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["Atrule", "Selector", "Declaration"]);
  56469. function generateSourceMap(handlers) {
  56470. const map = new sourceMapGenerator_js.SourceMapGenerator();
  56471. const generated = {
  56472. line: 1,
  56473. column: 0
  56474. };
  56475. const original = {
  56476. line: 0,
  56477. // should be zero to add first mapping
  56478. column: 0
  56479. };
  56480. const activatedGenerated = {
  56481. line: 1,
  56482. column: 0
  56483. };
  56484. const activatedMapping = {
  56485. generated: activatedGenerated
  56486. };
  56487. let line = 1;
  56488. let column = 0;
  56489. let sourceMappingActive = false;
  56490. const origHandlersNode = handlers.node;
  56491. handlers.node = function(node) {
  56492. if (node.loc && node.loc.start && trackNodes.has(node.type)) {
  56493. const nodeLine = node.loc.start.line;
  56494. const nodeColumn = node.loc.start.column - 1;
  56495. if (original.line !== nodeLine || original.column !== nodeColumn) {
  56496. original.line = nodeLine;
  56497. original.column = nodeColumn;
  56498. generated.line = line;
  56499. generated.column = column;
  56500. if (sourceMappingActive) {
  56501. sourceMappingActive = false;
  56502. if (generated.line !== activatedGenerated.line || generated.column !== activatedGenerated.column) {
  56503. map.addMapping(activatedMapping);
  56504. }
  56505. }
  56506. sourceMappingActive = true;
  56507. map.addMapping({
  56508. source: node.loc.source,
  56509. original,
  56510. generated
  56511. });
  56512. }
  56513. }
  56514., node);
  56515. if (sourceMappingActive && trackNodes.has(node.type)) {
  56516. activatedGenerated.line = line;
  56517. activatedGenerated.column = column;
  56518. }
  56519. };
  56520. const origHandlersEmit = handlers.emit;
  56521. handlers.emit = function(value, type, auto) {
  56522. for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
  56523. if (value.charCodeAt(i) === 10) {
  56524. line++;
  56525. column = 0;
  56526. } else {
  56527. column++;
  56528. }
  56529. }
  56530. origHandlersEmit(value, type, auto);
  56531. };
  56532. const origHandlersResult = handlers.result;
  56533. handlers.result = function() {
  56534. if (sourceMappingActive) {
  56535. map.addMapping(activatedMapping);
  56536. }
  56537. return {
  56538. css: origHandlersResult(),
  56539. map
  56540. };
  56541. };
  56542. return handlers;
  56543. }
  56544. exports2.generateSourceMap = generateSourceMap;
  56545. }
  56546. });
  56547. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/token-before.cjs
  56548. var require_token_before2 = __commonJS({
  56549. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/token-before.cjs"(exports2) {
  56550. "use strict";
  56551. var types = require_types3();
  56552. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  56553. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  56554. var code = (type, value) => {
  56555. if (type === types.Delim) {
  56556. type = value;
  56557. }
  56558. if (typeof type === "string") {
  56559. const charCode = type.charCodeAt(0);
  56560. return charCode > 127 ? 32768 : charCode << 8;
  56561. }
  56562. return type;
  56563. };
  56564. var specPairs = [
  56565. [types.Ident, types.Ident],
  56566. [types.Ident, types.Function],
  56567. [types.Ident, types.Url],
  56568. [types.Ident, types.BadUrl],
  56569. [types.Ident, "-"],
  56570. [types.Ident, types.Number],
  56571. [types.Ident, types.Percentage],
  56572. [types.Ident, types.Dimension],
  56573. [types.Ident, types.CDC],
  56574. [types.Ident, types.LeftParenthesis],
  56575. [types.AtKeyword, types.Ident],
  56576. [types.AtKeyword, types.Function],
  56577. [types.AtKeyword, types.Url],
  56578. [types.AtKeyword, types.BadUrl],
  56579. [types.AtKeyword, "-"],
  56580. [types.AtKeyword, types.Number],
  56581. [types.AtKeyword, types.Percentage],
  56582. [types.AtKeyword, types.Dimension],
  56583. [types.AtKeyword, types.CDC],
  56584. [types.Hash, types.Ident],
  56585. [types.Hash, types.Function],
  56586. [types.Hash, types.Url],
  56587. [types.Hash, types.BadUrl],
  56588. [types.Hash, "-"],
  56589. [types.Hash, types.Number],
  56590. [types.Hash, types.Percentage],
  56591. [types.Hash, types.Dimension],
  56592. [types.Hash, types.CDC],
  56593. [types.Dimension, types.Ident],
  56594. [types.Dimension, types.Function],
  56595. [types.Dimension, types.Url],
  56596. [types.Dimension, types.BadUrl],
  56597. [types.Dimension, "-"],
  56598. [types.Dimension, types.Number],
  56599. [types.Dimension, types.Percentage],
  56600. [types.Dimension, types.Dimension],
  56601. [types.Dimension, types.CDC],
  56602. ["#", types.Ident],
  56603. ["#", types.Function],
  56604. ["#", types.Url],
  56605. ["#", types.BadUrl],
  56606. ["#", "-"],
  56607. ["#", types.Number],
  56608. ["#", types.Percentage],
  56609. ["#", types.Dimension],
  56610. ["#", types.CDC],
  56611. //
  56612. ["-", types.Ident],
  56613. ["-", types.Function],
  56614. ["-", types.Url],
  56615. ["-", types.BadUrl],
  56616. ["-", "-"],
  56617. ["-", types.Number],
  56618. ["-", types.Percentage],
  56619. ["-", types.Dimension],
  56620. ["-", types.CDC],
  56621. //
  56622. [types.Number, types.Ident],
  56623. [types.Number, types.Function],
  56624. [types.Number, types.Url],
  56625. [types.Number, types.BadUrl],
  56626. [types.Number, types.Number],
  56627. [types.Number, types.Percentage],
  56628. [types.Number, types.Dimension],
  56629. [types.Number, "%"],
  56630. [types.Number, types.CDC],
  56631. //
  56632. ["@", types.Ident],
  56633. ["@", types.Function],
  56634. ["@", types.Url],
  56635. ["@", types.BadUrl],
  56636. ["@", "-"],
  56637. ["@", types.CDC],
  56638. //
  56639. [".", types.Number],
  56640. [".", types.Percentage],
  56641. [".", types.Dimension],
  56642. ["+", types.Number],
  56643. ["+", types.Percentage],
  56644. ["+", types.Dimension],
  56645. ["/", "*"]
  56646. ];
  56647. var safePairs = specPairs.concat([
  56648. [types.Ident, types.Hash],
  56649. [types.Dimension, types.Hash],
  56650. [types.Hash, types.Hash],
  56651. [types.AtKeyword, types.LeftParenthesis],
  56652. [types.AtKeyword, types.String],
  56653. [types.AtKeyword, types.Colon],
  56654. [types.Percentage, types.Percentage],
  56655. [types.Percentage, types.Dimension],
  56656. [types.Percentage, types.Function],
  56657. [types.Percentage, "-"],
  56658. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Ident],
  56659. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Function],
  56660. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Percentage],
  56661. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Dimension],
  56662. [types.RightParenthesis, types.Hash],
  56663. [types.RightParenthesis, "-"]
  56664. ]);
  56665. function createMap(pairs) {
  56666. const isWhiteSpaceRequired = new Set(
  56667.[prev, next]) => code(prev) << 16 | code(next))
  56668. );
  56669. return function(prevCode, type, value) {
  56670. const nextCode = code(type, value);
  56671. const nextCharCode = value.charCodeAt(0);
  56672. const emitWs = nextCharCode === HYPHENMINUS && type !== types.Ident && type !== types.Function && type !== types.CDC || nextCharCode === PLUSSIGN ? isWhiteSpaceRequired.has(prevCode << 16 | nextCharCode << 8) : isWhiteSpaceRequired.has(prevCode << 16 | nextCode);
  56673. if (emitWs) {
  56674. this.emit(" ", types.WhiteSpace, true);
  56675. }
  56676. return nextCode;
  56677. };
  56678. }
  56679. var spec = createMap(specPairs);
  56680. var safe = createMap(safePairs);
  56681. = safe;
  56682. exports2.spec = spec;
  56683. }
  56684. });
  56685. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/create.cjs
  56686. var require_create7 = __commonJS({
  56687. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/generator/create.cjs"(exports2) {
  56688. "use strict";
  56689. var index = require_tokenizer3();
  56690. var sourceMap = require_sourceMap2();
  56691. var tokenBefore = require_token_before2();
  56692. var types = require_types3();
  56693. var REVERSESOLIDUS = 92;
  56694. function processChildren(node, delimeter) {
  56695. if (typeof delimeter === "function") {
  56696. let prev = null;
  56697. node.children.forEach((node2) => {
  56698. if (prev !== null) {
  56699., prev);
  56700. }
  56701. this.node(node2);
  56702. prev = node2;
  56703. });
  56704. return;
  56705. }
  56706. node.children.forEach(this.node, this);
  56707. }
  56708. function processChunk(chunk) {
  56709. index.tokenize(chunk, (type, start, end) => {
  56710. this.token(type, chunk.slice(start, end));
  56711. });
  56712. }
  56713. function createGenerator(config) {
  56714. const types$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  56715. for (let name in config.node) {
  56716. const item = config.node[name];
  56717. const fn = item.generate || item;
  56718. if (typeof fn === "function") {
  56719. types$1.set(name, item.generate || item);
  56720. }
  56721. }
  56722. return function(node, options) {
  56723. let buffer = "";
  56724. let prevCode = 0;
  56725. let handlers = {
  56726. node(node2) {
  56727. if (types$1.has(node2.type)) {
  56728. types$1.get(node2.type).call(publicApi, node2);
  56729. } else {
  56730. throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + node2.type);
  56731. }
  56732. },
  56733. tokenBefore:,
  56734. token(type, value) {
  56735. prevCode = this.tokenBefore(prevCode, type, value);
  56736. this.emit(value, type, false);
  56737. if (type === types.Delim && value.charCodeAt(0) === REVERSESOLIDUS) {
  56738. this.emit("\n", types.WhiteSpace, true);
  56739. }
  56740. },
  56741. emit(value) {
  56742. buffer += value;
  56743. },
  56744. result() {
  56745. return buffer;
  56746. }
  56747. };
  56748. if (options) {
  56749. if (typeof options.decorator === "function") {
  56750. handlers = options.decorator(handlers);
  56751. }
  56752. if (options.sourceMap) {
  56753. handlers = sourceMap.generateSourceMap(handlers);
  56754. }
  56755. if (options.mode in tokenBefore) {
  56756. handlers.tokenBefore = tokenBefore[options.mode];
  56757. }
  56758. }
  56759. const publicApi = {
  56760. node: (node2) => handlers.node(node2),
  56761. children: processChildren,
  56762. token: (type, value) => handlers.token(type, value),
  56763. tokenize: processChunk
  56764. };
  56765. handlers.node(node);
  56766. return handlers.result();
  56767. };
  56768. }
  56769. exports2.createGenerator = createGenerator;
  56770. }
  56771. });
  56772. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/convertor/create.cjs
  56773. var require_create8 = __commonJS({
  56774. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/convertor/create.cjs"(exports2) {
  56775. "use strict";
  56776. var List = require_List2();
  56777. function createConvertor(walk) {
  56778. return {
  56779. fromPlainObject(ast) {
  56780. walk(ast, {
  56781. enter(node) {
  56782. if (node.children && node.children instanceof List.List === false) {
  56783. node.children = new List.List().fromArray(node.children);
  56784. }
  56785. }
  56786. });
  56787. return ast;
  56788. },
  56789. toPlainObject(ast) {
  56790. walk(ast, {
  56791. leave(node) {
  56792. if (node.children && node.children instanceof List.List) {
  56793. node.children = node.children.toArray();
  56794. }
  56795. }
  56796. });
  56797. return ast;
  56798. }
  56799. };
  56800. }
  56801. exports2.createConvertor = createConvertor;
  56802. }
  56803. });
  56804. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/walker/create.cjs
  56805. var require_create9 = __commonJS({
  56806. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/walker/create.cjs"(exports2) {
  56807. "use strict";
  56808. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  56809. var noop = function() {
  56810. };
  56811. function ensureFunction(value) {
  56812. return typeof value === "function" ? value : noop;
  56813. }
  56814. function invokeForType(fn, type) {
  56815. return function(node, item, list) {
  56816. if (node.type === type) {
  56817., node, item, list);
  56818. }
  56819. };
  56820. }
  56821. function getWalkersFromStructure(name, nodeType) {
  56822. const structure = nodeType.structure;
  56823. const walkers = [];
  56824. for (const key in structure) {
  56825. if (, key) === false) {
  56826. continue;
  56827. }
  56828. let fieldTypes = structure[key];
  56829. const walker = {
  56830. name: key,
  56831. type: false,
  56832. nullable: false
  56833. };
  56834. if (!Array.isArray(fieldTypes)) {
  56835. fieldTypes = [fieldTypes];
  56836. }
  56837. for (const fieldType of fieldTypes) {
  56838. if (fieldType === null) {
  56839. walker.nullable = true;
  56840. } else if (typeof fieldType === "string") {
  56841. walker.type = "node";
  56842. } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) {
  56843. walker.type = "list";
  56844. }
  56845. }
  56846. if (walker.type) {
  56847. walkers.push(walker);
  56848. }
  56849. }
  56850. if (walkers.length) {
  56851. return {
  56852. context: nodeType.walkContext,
  56853. fields: walkers
  56854. };
  56855. }
  56856. return null;
  56857. }
  56858. function getTypesFromConfig(config) {
  56859. const types = {};
  56860. for (const name in config.node) {
  56861. if (, name)) {
  56862. const nodeType = config.node[name];
  56863. if (!nodeType.structure) {
  56864. throw new Error("Missed `structure` field in `" + name + "` node type definition");
  56865. }
  56866. types[name] = getWalkersFromStructure(name, nodeType);
  56867. }
  56868. }
  56869. return types;
  56870. }
  56871. function createTypeIterator(config, reverse) {
  56872. const fields = config.fields.slice();
  56873. const contextName = config.context;
  56874. const useContext = typeof contextName === "string";
  56875. if (reverse) {
  56876. fields.reverse();
  56877. }
  56878. return function(node, context, walk, walkReducer) {
  56879. let prevContextValue;
  56880. if (useContext) {
  56881. prevContextValue = context[contextName];
  56882. context[contextName] = node;
  56883. }
  56884. for (const field of fields) {
  56885. const ref = node[];
  56886. if (!field.nullable || ref) {
  56887. if (field.type === "list") {
  56888. const breakWalk = reverse ? ref.reduceRight(walkReducer, false) : ref.reduce(walkReducer, false);
  56889. if (breakWalk) {
  56890. return true;
  56891. }
  56892. } else if (walk(ref)) {
  56893. return true;
  56894. }
  56895. }
  56896. }
  56897. if (useContext) {
  56898. context[contextName] = prevContextValue;
  56899. }
  56900. };
  56901. }
  56902. function createFastTraveralMap({
  56903. StyleSheet,
  56904. Atrule,
  56905. Rule,
  56906. Block,
  56907. DeclarationList
  56908. }) {
  56909. return {
  56910. Atrule: {
  56911. StyleSheet,
  56912. Atrule,
  56913. Rule,
  56914. Block
  56915. },
  56916. Rule: {
  56917. StyleSheet,
  56918. Atrule,
  56919. Rule,
  56920. Block
  56921. },
  56922. Declaration: {
  56923. StyleSheet,
  56924. Atrule,
  56925. Rule,
  56926. Block,
  56927. DeclarationList
  56928. }
  56929. };
  56930. }
  56931. function createWalker(config) {
  56932. const types = getTypesFromConfig(config);
  56933. const iteratorsNatural = {};
  56934. const iteratorsReverse = {};
  56935. const breakWalk = Symbol("break-walk");
  56936. const skipNode = Symbol("skip-node");
  56937. for (const name in types) {
  56938. if (, name) && types[name] !== null) {
  56939. iteratorsNatural[name] = createTypeIterator(types[name], false);
  56940. iteratorsReverse[name] = createTypeIterator(types[name], true);
  56941. }
  56942. }
  56943. const fastTraversalIteratorsNatural = createFastTraveralMap(iteratorsNatural);
  56944. const fastTraversalIteratorsReverse = createFastTraveralMap(iteratorsReverse);
  56945. const walk = function(root, options) {
  56946. function walkNode(node, item, list) {
  56947. const enterRet =, node, item, list);
  56948. if (enterRet === breakWalk) {
  56949. return true;
  56950. }
  56951. if (enterRet === skipNode) {
  56952. return false;
  56953. }
  56954. if (iterators.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) {
  56955. if (iterators[node.type](node, context, walkNode, walkReducer)) {
  56956. return true;
  56957. }
  56958. }
  56959. if (, node, item, list) === breakWalk) {
  56960. return true;
  56961. }
  56962. return false;
  56963. }
  56964. let enter = noop;
  56965. let leave = noop;
  56966. let iterators = iteratorsNatural;
  56967. let walkReducer = (ret, data, item, list) => ret || walkNode(data, item, list);
  56968. const context = {
  56969. break: breakWalk,
  56970. skip: skipNode,
  56971. root,
  56972. stylesheet: null,
  56973. atrule: null,
  56974. atrulePrelude: null,
  56975. rule: null,
  56976. selector: null,
  56977. block: null,
  56978. declaration: null,
  56979. function: null
  56980. };
  56981. if (typeof options === "function") {
  56982. enter = options;
  56983. } else if (options) {
  56984. enter = ensureFunction(options.enter);
  56985. leave = ensureFunction(options.leave);
  56986. if (options.reverse) {
  56987. iterators = iteratorsReverse;
  56988. }
  56989. if (options.visit) {
  56990. if (fastTraversalIteratorsNatural.hasOwnProperty(options.visit)) {
  56991. iterators = options.reverse ? fastTraversalIteratorsReverse[options.visit] : fastTraversalIteratorsNatural[options.visit];
  56992. } else if (!types.hasOwnProperty(options.visit)) {
  56993. throw new Error("Bad value `" + options.visit + "` for `visit` option (should be: " + Object.keys(types).sort().join(", ") + ")");
  56994. }
  56995. enter = invokeForType(enter, options.visit);
  56996. leave = invokeForType(leave, options.visit);
  56997. }
  56998. }
  56999. if (enter === noop && leave === noop) {
  57000. throw new Error("Neither `enter` nor `leave` walker handler is set or both aren't a function");
  57001. }
  57002. walkNode(root);
  57003. };
  57004. walk.break = breakWalk;
  57005. walk.skip = skipNode;
  57006. walk.find = function(ast, fn) {
  57007. let found = null;
  57008. walk(ast, function(node, item, list) {
  57009. if (, node, item, list)) {
  57010. found = node;
  57011. return breakWalk;
  57012. }
  57013. });
  57014. return found;
  57015. };
  57016. walk.findLast = function(ast, fn) {
  57017. let found = null;
  57018. walk(ast, {
  57019. reverse: true,
  57020. enter(node, item, list) {
  57021. if (, node, item, list)) {
  57022. found = node;
  57023. return breakWalk;
  57024. }
  57025. }
  57026. });
  57027. return found;
  57028. };
  57029. walk.findAll = function(ast, fn) {
  57030. const found = [];
  57031. walk(ast, function(node, item, list) {
  57032. if (, node, item, list)) {
  57033. found.push(node);
  57034. }
  57035. });
  57036. return found;
  57037. };
  57038. return walk;
  57039. }
  57040. exports2.createWalker = createWalker;
  57041. }
  57042. });
  57043. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/generate.cjs
  57044. var require_generate2 = __commonJS({
  57045. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/generate.cjs"(exports2) {
  57046. "use strict";
  57047. function noop(value) {
  57048. return value;
  57049. }
  57050. function generateMultiplier(multiplier) {
  57051. const { min, max, comma } = multiplier;
  57052. if (min === 0 && max === 0) {
  57053. return comma ? "#?" : "*";
  57054. }
  57055. if (min === 0 && max === 1) {
  57056. return "?";
  57057. }
  57058. if (min === 1 && max === 0) {
  57059. return comma ? "#" : "+";
  57060. }
  57061. if (min === 1 && max === 1) {
  57062. return "";
  57063. }
  57064. return (comma ? "#" : "") + (min === max ? "{" + min + "}" : "{" + min + "," + (max !== 0 ? max : "") + "}");
  57065. }
  57066. function generateTypeOpts(node) {
  57067. switch (node.type) {
  57068. case "Range":
  57069. return " [" + (node.min === null ? "-\u221E" : node.min) + "," + (node.max === null ? "\u221E" : node.max) + "]";
  57070. default:
  57071. throw new Error("Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`");
  57072. }
  57073. }
  57074. function generateSequence(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) {
  57075. const combinator = node.combinator === " " || compact ? node.combinator : " " + node.combinator + " ";
  57076. const result = => internalGenerate(term, decorate, forceBraces, compact)).join(combinator);
  57077. if (node.explicit || forceBraces) {
  57078. return (compact || result[0] === "," ? "[" : "[ ") + result + (compact ? "]" : " ]");
  57079. }
  57080. return result;
  57081. }
  57082. function internalGenerate(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) {
  57083. let result;
  57084. switch (node.type) {
  57085. case "Group":
  57086. result = generateSequence(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact) + (node.disallowEmpty ? "!" : "");
  57087. break;
  57088. case "Multiplier":
  57089. return internalGenerate(node.term, decorate, forceBraces, compact) + decorate(generateMultiplier(node), node);
  57090. case "Type":
  57091. result = "<" + + (node.opts ? decorate(generateTypeOpts(node.opts), node.opts) : "") + ">";
  57092. break;
  57093. case "Property":
  57094. result = "<'" + + "'>";
  57095. break;
  57096. case "Keyword":
  57097. result =;
  57098. break;
  57099. case "AtKeyword":
  57100. result = "@" +;
  57101. break;
  57102. case "Function":
  57103. result = + "(";
  57104. break;
  57105. case "String":
  57106. case "Token":
  57107. result = node.value;
  57108. break;
  57109. case "Comma":
  57110. result = ",";
  57111. break;
  57112. default:
  57113. throw new Error("Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`");
  57114. }
  57115. return decorate(result, node);
  57116. }
  57117. function generate(node, options) {
  57118. let decorate = noop;
  57119. let forceBraces = false;
  57120. let compact = false;
  57121. if (typeof options === "function") {
  57122. decorate = options;
  57123. } else if (options) {
  57124. forceBraces = Boolean(options.forceBraces);
  57125. compact = Boolean(options.compact);
  57126. if (typeof options.decorate === "function") {
  57127. decorate = options.decorate;
  57128. }
  57129. }
  57130. return internalGenerate(node, decorate, forceBraces, compact);
  57131. }
  57132. exports2.generate = generate;
  57133. }
  57134. });
  57135. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/error.cjs
  57136. var require_error3 = __commonJS({
  57137. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/error.cjs"(exports2) {
  57138. "use strict";
  57139. var createCustomError = require_create_custom_error2();
  57140. var generate = require_generate2();
  57141. var defaultLoc = { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 };
  57142. function locateMismatch(matchResult, node) {
  57143. const tokens = matchResult.tokens;
  57144. const longestMatch = matchResult.longestMatch;
  57145. const mismatchNode = longestMatch < tokens.length ? tokens[longestMatch].node || null : null;
  57146. const badNode = mismatchNode !== node ? mismatchNode : null;
  57147. let mismatchOffset = 0;
  57148. let mismatchLength = 0;
  57149. let entries = 0;
  57150. let css = "";
  57151. let start;
  57152. let end;
  57153. for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
  57154. const token = tokens[i].value;
  57155. if (i === longestMatch) {
  57156. mismatchLength = token.length;
  57157. mismatchOffset = css.length;
  57158. }
  57159. if (badNode !== null && tokens[i].node === badNode) {
  57160. if (i <= longestMatch) {
  57161. entries++;
  57162. } else {
  57163. entries = 0;
  57164. }
  57165. }
  57166. css += token;
  57167. }
  57168. if (longestMatch === tokens.length || entries > 1) {
  57169. start = fromLoc(badNode || node, "end") || buildLoc(defaultLoc, css);
  57170. end = buildLoc(start);
  57171. } else {
  57172. start = fromLoc(badNode, "start") || buildLoc(fromLoc(node, "start") || defaultLoc, css.slice(0, mismatchOffset));
  57173. end = fromLoc(badNode, "end") || buildLoc(start, css.substr(mismatchOffset, mismatchLength));
  57174. }
  57175. return {
  57176. css,
  57177. mismatchOffset,
  57178. mismatchLength,
  57179. start,
  57180. end
  57181. };
  57182. }
  57183. function fromLoc(node, point) {
  57184. const value = node && node.loc && node.loc[point];
  57185. if (value) {
  57186. return "line" in value ? buildLoc(value) : value;
  57187. }
  57188. return null;
  57189. }
  57190. function buildLoc({ offset, line, column }, extra) {
  57191. const loc = {
  57192. offset,
  57193. line,
  57194. column
  57195. };
  57196. if (extra) {
  57197. const lines = extra.split(/\n|\r\n?|\f/);
  57198. loc.offset += extra.length;
  57199. loc.line += lines.length - 1;
  57200. loc.column = lines.length === 1 ? loc.column + extra.length : lines.pop().length + 1;
  57201. }
  57202. return loc;
  57203. }
  57204. var SyntaxReferenceError = function(type, referenceName) {
  57205. const error = createCustomError.createCustomError(
  57206. "SyntaxReferenceError",
  57207. type + (referenceName ? " `" + referenceName + "`" : "")
  57208. );
  57209. error.reference = referenceName;
  57210. return error;
  57211. };
  57212. var SyntaxMatchError = function(message, syntax, node, matchResult) {
  57213. const error = createCustomError.createCustomError("SyntaxMatchError", message);
  57214. const {
  57215. css,
  57216. mismatchOffset,
  57217. mismatchLength,
  57218. start,
  57219. end
  57220. } = locateMismatch(matchResult, node);
  57221. error.rawMessage = message;
  57222. error.syntax = syntax ? generate.generate(syntax) : "<generic>";
  57223. error.css = css;
  57224. error.mismatchOffset = mismatchOffset;
  57225. error.mismatchLength = mismatchLength;
  57226. error.message = message + "\n syntax: " + error.syntax + "\n value: " + (css || "<empty string>") + "\n --------" + new Array(error.mismatchOffset + 1).join("-") + "^";
  57227. Object.assign(error, start);
  57228. error.loc = {
  57229. source: node && node.loc && node.loc.source || "<unknown>",
  57230. start,
  57231. end
  57232. };
  57233. return error;
  57234. };
  57235. exports2.SyntaxMatchError = SyntaxMatchError;
  57236. exports2.SyntaxReferenceError = SyntaxReferenceError;
  57237. }
  57238. });
  57239. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/names.cjs
  57240. var require_names5 = __commonJS({
  57241. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/names.cjs"(exports2) {
  57242. "use strict";
  57243. var keywords = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  57244. var properties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  57245. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  57246. var keyword = getKeywordDescriptor;
  57247. var property = getPropertyDescriptor;
  57248. var vendorPrefix = getVendorPrefix;
  57249. function isCustomProperty(str, offset) {
  57250. offset = offset || 0;
  57251. return str.length - offset >= 2 && str.charCodeAt(offset) === HYPHENMINUS && str.charCodeAt(offset + 1) === HYPHENMINUS;
  57252. }
  57253. function getVendorPrefix(str, offset) {
  57254. offset = offset || 0;
  57255. if (str.length - offset >= 3) {
  57256. if (str.charCodeAt(offset) === HYPHENMINUS && str.charCodeAt(offset + 1) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  57257. const secondDashIndex = str.indexOf("-", offset + 2);
  57258. if (secondDashIndex !== -1) {
  57259. return str.substring(offset, secondDashIndex + 1);
  57260. }
  57261. }
  57262. }
  57263. return "";
  57264. }
  57265. function getKeywordDescriptor(keyword2) {
  57266. if (keywords.has(keyword2)) {
  57267. return keywords.get(keyword2);
  57268. }
  57269. const name = keyword2.toLowerCase();
  57270. let descriptor = keywords.get(name);
  57271. if (descriptor === void 0) {
  57272. const custom = isCustomProperty(name, 0);
  57273. const vendor = !custom ? getVendorPrefix(name, 0) : "";
  57274. descriptor = Object.freeze({
  57275. basename: name.substr(vendor.length),
  57276. name,
  57277. prefix: vendor,
  57278. vendor,
  57279. custom
  57280. });
  57281. }
  57282. keywords.set(keyword2, descriptor);
  57283. return descriptor;
  57284. }
  57285. function getPropertyDescriptor(property2) {
  57286. if (properties.has(property2)) {
  57287. return properties.get(property2);
  57288. }
  57289. let name = property2;
  57290. let hack = property2[0];
  57291. if (hack === "/") {
  57292. hack = property2[1] === "/" ? "//" : "/";
  57293. } else if (hack !== "_" && hack !== "*" && hack !== "$" && hack !== "#" && hack !== "+" && hack !== "&") {
  57294. hack = "";
  57295. }
  57296. const custom = isCustomProperty(name, hack.length);
  57297. if (!custom) {
  57298. name = name.toLowerCase();
  57299. if (properties.has(name)) {
  57300. const descriptor2 = properties.get(name);
  57301. properties.set(property2, descriptor2);
  57302. return descriptor2;
  57303. }
  57304. }
  57305. const vendor = !custom ? getVendorPrefix(name, hack.length) : "";
  57306. const prefix = name.substr(0, hack.length + vendor.length);
  57307. const descriptor = Object.freeze({
  57308. basename: name.substr(prefix.length),
  57309. name: name.substr(hack.length),
  57310. hack,
  57311. vendor,
  57312. prefix,
  57313. custom
  57314. });
  57315. properties.set(property2, descriptor);
  57316. return descriptor;
  57317. }
  57318. exports2.isCustomProperty = isCustomProperty;
  57319. exports2.keyword = keyword;
  57320. = property;
  57321. exports2.vendorPrefix = vendorPrefix;
  57322. }
  57323. });
  57324. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-const.cjs
  57325. var require_generic_const2 = __commonJS({
  57326. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-const.cjs"(exports2) {
  57327. "use strict";
  57328. var cssWideKeywords = [
  57329. "initial",
  57330. "inherit",
  57331. "unset",
  57332. "revert",
  57333. "revert-layer"
  57334. ];
  57335. exports2.cssWideKeywords = cssWideKeywords;
  57336. }
  57337. });
  57338. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-an-plus-b.cjs
  57339. var require_generic_an_plus_b2 = __commonJS({
  57340. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-an-plus-b.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  57341. "use strict";
  57342. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  57343. var types = require_types3();
  57344. var utils = require_utils4();
  57345. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  57346. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  57347. var N = 110;
  57348. var DISALLOW_SIGN = true;
  57349. var ALLOW_SIGN = false;
  57350. function isDelim(token, code) {
  57351. return token !== null && token.type === types.Delim && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code;
  57352. }
  57353. function skipSC(token, offset, getNextToken) {
  57354. while (token !== null && (token.type === types.WhiteSpace || token.type === types.Comment)) {
  57355. token = getNextToken(++offset);
  57356. }
  57357. return offset;
  57358. }
  57359. function checkInteger(token, valueOffset, disallowSign, offset) {
  57360. if (!token) {
  57361. return 0;
  57362. }
  57363. const code = token.value.charCodeAt(valueOffset);
  57364. if (code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS) {
  57365. if (disallowSign) {
  57366. return 0;
  57367. }
  57368. valueOffset++;
  57369. }
  57370. for (; valueOffset < token.value.length; valueOffset++) {
  57371. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(token.value.charCodeAt(valueOffset))) {
  57372. return 0;
  57373. }
  57374. }
  57375. return offset + 1;
  57376. }
  57377. function consumeB(token, offset_, getNextToken) {
  57378. let sign = false;
  57379. let offset = skipSC(token, offset_, getNextToken);
  57380. token = getNextToken(offset);
  57381. if (token === null) {
  57382. return offset_;
  57383. }
  57384. if (token.type !== types.Number) {
  57385. if (isDelim(token, PLUSSIGN) || isDelim(token, HYPHENMINUS)) {
  57386. sign = true;
  57387. offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  57388. token = getNextToken(offset);
  57389. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Number) {
  57390. return 0;
  57391. }
  57392. } else {
  57393. return offset_;
  57394. }
  57395. }
  57396. if (!sign) {
  57397. const code = token.value.charCodeAt(0);
  57398. if (code !== PLUSSIGN && code !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  57399. return 0;
  57400. }
  57401. }
  57402. return checkInteger(token, sign ? 0 : 1, sign, offset);
  57403. }
  57404. function anPlusB(token, getNextToken) {
  57405. let offset = 0;
  57406. if (!token) {
  57407. return 0;
  57408. }
  57409. if (token.type === types.Number) {
  57410. return checkInteger(token, 0, ALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  57411. } else if (token.type === types.Ident && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === HYPHENMINUS) {
  57412. if (!utils.cmpChar(token.value, 1, N)) {
  57413. return 0;
  57414. }
  57415. switch (token.value.length) {
  57416. case 2:
  57417. return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  57418. case 3:
  57419. if (token.value.charCodeAt(2) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  57420. return 0;
  57421. }
  57422. offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  57423. token = getNextToken(offset);
  57424. return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  57425. default:
  57426. if (token.value.charCodeAt(2) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  57427. return 0;
  57428. }
  57429. return checkInteger(token, 3, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  57430. }
  57431. } else if (token.type === types.Ident || isDelim(token, PLUSSIGN) && getNextToken(offset + 1).type === types.Ident) {
  57432. if (token.type !== types.Ident) {
  57433. token = getNextToken(++offset);
  57434. }
  57435. if (token === null || !utils.cmpChar(token.value, 0, N)) {
  57436. return 0;
  57437. }
  57438. switch (token.value.length) {
  57439. case 1:
  57440. return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  57441. case 2:
  57442. if (token.value.charCodeAt(1) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  57443. return 0;
  57444. }
  57445. offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  57446. token = getNextToken(offset);
  57447. return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  57448. default:
  57449. if (token.value.charCodeAt(1) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  57450. return 0;
  57451. }
  57452. return checkInteger(token, 2, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  57453. }
  57454. } else if (token.type === types.Dimension) {
  57455. let code = token.value.charCodeAt(0);
  57456. let sign = code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS ? 1 : 0;
  57457. let i = sign;
  57458. for (; i < token.value.length; i++) {
  57459. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(token.value.charCodeAt(i))) {
  57460. break;
  57461. }
  57462. }
  57463. if (i === sign) {
  57464. return 0;
  57465. }
  57466. if (!utils.cmpChar(token.value, i, N)) {
  57467. return 0;
  57468. }
  57469. if (i + 1 === token.value.length) {
  57470. return consumeB(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  57471. } else {
  57472. if (token.value.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  57473. return 0;
  57474. }
  57475. if (i + 2 === token.value.length) {
  57476. offset = skipSC(getNextToken(++offset), offset, getNextToken);
  57477. token = getNextToken(offset);
  57478. return checkInteger(token, 0, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  57479. } else {
  57480. return checkInteger(token, i + 2, DISALLOW_SIGN, offset);
  57481. }
  57482. }
  57483. }
  57484. return 0;
  57485. }
  57486. module2.exports = anPlusB;
  57487. }
  57488. });
  57489. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-urange.cjs
  57490. var require_generic_urange2 = __commonJS({
  57491. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic-urange.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  57492. "use strict";
  57493. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  57494. var types = require_types3();
  57495. var utils = require_utils4();
  57496. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  57497. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  57498. var QUESTIONMARK = 63;
  57499. var U = 117;
  57500. function isDelim(token, code) {
  57501. return token !== null && token.type === types.Delim && token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code;
  57502. }
  57503. function startsWith(token, code) {
  57504. return token.value.charCodeAt(0) === code;
  57505. }
  57506. function hexSequence(token, offset, allowDash) {
  57507. let hexlen = 0;
  57508. for (let pos = offset; pos < token.value.length; pos++) {
  57509. const code = token.value.charCodeAt(pos);
  57510. if (code === HYPHENMINUS && allowDash && hexlen !== 0) {
  57511. hexSequence(token, offset + hexlen + 1, false);
  57512. return 6;
  57513. }
  57514. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(code)) {
  57515. return 0;
  57516. }
  57517. if (++hexlen > 6) {
  57518. return 0;
  57519. }
  57520. }
  57521. return hexlen;
  57522. }
  57523. function withQuestionMarkSequence(consumed, length, getNextToken) {
  57524. if (!consumed) {
  57525. return 0;
  57526. }
  57527. while (isDelim(getNextToken(length), QUESTIONMARK)) {
  57528. if (++consumed > 6) {
  57529. return 0;
  57530. }
  57531. length++;
  57532. }
  57533. return length;
  57534. }
  57535. function urange(token, getNextToken) {
  57536. let length = 0;
  57537. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Ident || !utils.cmpChar(token.value, 0, U)) {
  57538. return 0;
  57539. }
  57540. token = getNextToken(++length);
  57541. if (token === null) {
  57542. return 0;
  57543. }
  57544. if (isDelim(token, PLUSSIGN)) {
  57545. token = getNextToken(++length);
  57546. if (token === null) {
  57547. return 0;
  57548. }
  57549. if (token.type === types.Ident) {
  57550. return withQuestionMarkSequence(hexSequence(token, 0, true), ++length, getNextToken);
  57551. }
  57552. if (isDelim(token, QUESTIONMARK)) {
  57553. return withQuestionMarkSequence(1, ++length, getNextToken);
  57554. }
  57555. return 0;
  57556. }
  57557. if (token.type === types.Number) {
  57558. const consumedHexLength = hexSequence(token, 1, true);
  57559. if (consumedHexLength === 0) {
  57560. return 0;
  57561. }
  57562. token = getNextToken(++length);
  57563. if (token === null) {
  57564. return length;
  57565. }
  57566. if (token.type === types.Dimension || token.type === types.Number) {
  57567. if (!startsWith(token, HYPHENMINUS) || !hexSequence(token, 1, false)) {
  57568. return 0;
  57569. }
  57570. return length + 1;
  57571. }
  57572. return withQuestionMarkSequence(consumedHexLength, length, getNextToken);
  57573. }
  57574. if (token.type === types.Dimension) {
  57575. return withQuestionMarkSequence(hexSequence(token, 1, true), ++length, getNextToken);
  57576. }
  57577. return 0;
  57578. }
  57579. module2.exports = urange;
  57580. }
  57581. });
  57582. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic.cjs
  57583. var require_generic2 = __commonJS({
  57584. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/generic.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  57585. "use strict";
  57586. var genericConst = require_generic_const2();
  57587. var genericAnPlusB = require_generic_an_plus_b2();
  57588. var genericUrange = require_generic_urange2();
  57589. var types = require_types3();
  57590. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  57591. var utils = require_utils4();
  57592. var calcFunctionNames = ["calc(", "-moz-calc(", "-webkit-calc("];
  57593. var balancePair = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  57594. [types.Function, types.RightParenthesis],
  57595. [types.LeftParenthesis, types.RightParenthesis],
  57596. [types.LeftSquareBracket, types.RightSquareBracket],
  57597. [types.LeftCurlyBracket, types.RightCurlyBracket]
  57598. ]);
  57599. var LENGTH = [
  57600. // absolute length units
  57601. "cm",
  57602. "mm",
  57603. "q",
  57604. "in",
  57605. "pt",
  57606. "pc",
  57607. "px",
  57608. // font-relative length units
  57609. "em",
  57610. "rem",
  57611. "ex",
  57612. "rex",
  57613. "cap",
  57614. "rcap",
  57615. "ch",
  57616. "rch",
  57617. "ic",
  57618. "ric",
  57619. "lh",
  57620. "rlh",
  57621. // viewport-percentage lengths
  57622. "vw",
  57623. "svw",
  57624. "lvw",
  57625. "dvw",
  57626. "vh",
  57627. "svh",
  57628. "lvh",
  57629. "dvh",
  57630. "vi",
  57631. "svi",
  57632. "lvi",
  57633. "dvi",
  57634. "vb",
  57635. "svb",
  57636. "lvb",
  57637. "dvb",
  57638. "vmin",
  57639. "svmin",
  57640. "lvmin",
  57641. "dvmin",
  57642. "vmax",
  57643. "svmax",
  57644. "lvmax",
  57645. "dvmax",
  57646. // container relative lengths
  57647. "cqw",
  57648. "cqh",
  57649. "cqi",
  57650. "cqb",
  57651. "cqmin",
  57652. "cqmax"
  57653. ];
  57654. var ANGLE = ["deg", "grad", "rad", "turn"];
  57655. var TIME = ["s", "ms"];
  57656. var FREQUENCY = ["hz", "khz"];
  57657. var RESOLUTION = ["dpi", "dpcm", "dppx", "x"];
  57658. var FLEX = ["fr"];
  57659. var DECIBEL = ["db"];
  57660. var SEMITONES = ["st"];
  57661. function charCodeAt(str, index) {
  57662. return index < str.length ? str.charCodeAt(index) : 0;
  57663. }
  57664. function eqStr(actual, expected) {
  57665. return utils.cmpStr(actual, 0, actual.length, expected);
  57666. }
  57667. function eqStrAny(actual, expected) {
  57668. for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
  57669. if (eqStr(actual, expected[i])) {
  57670. return true;
  57671. }
  57672. }
  57673. return false;
  57674. }
  57675. function isPostfixIeHack(str, offset) {
  57676. if (offset !== str.length - 2) {
  57677. return false;
  57678. }
  57679. return charCodeAt(str, offset) === 92 && // U+005C REVERSE SOLIDUS (\)
  57680. charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(charCodeAt(str, offset + 1));
  57681. }
  57682. function outOfRange(opts, value, numEnd) {
  57683. if (opts && opts.type === "Range") {
  57684. const num = Number(
  57685. numEnd !== void 0 && numEnd !== value.length ? value.substr(0, numEnd) : value
  57686. );
  57687. if (isNaN(num)) {
  57688. return true;
  57689. }
  57690. if (opts.min !== null && num < opts.min && typeof opts.min !== "string") {
  57691. return true;
  57692. }
  57693. if (opts.max !== null && num > opts.max && typeof opts.max !== "string") {
  57694. return true;
  57695. }
  57696. }
  57697. return false;
  57698. }
  57699. function consumeFunction(token, getNextToken) {
  57700. let balanceCloseType = 0;
  57701. let balanceStash = [];
  57702. let length = 0;
  57703. scan:
  57704. do {
  57705. switch (token.type) {
  57706. case types.RightCurlyBracket:
  57707. case types.RightParenthesis:
  57708. case types.RightSquareBracket:
  57709. if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) {
  57710. break scan;
  57711. }
  57712. balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop();
  57713. if (balanceStash.length === 0) {
  57714. length++;
  57715. break scan;
  57716. }
  57717. break;
  57718. case types.Function:
  57719. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  57720. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  57721. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  57722. balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType);
  57723. balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(token.type);
  57724. break;
  57725. }
  57726. length++;
  57727. } while (token = getNextToken(length));
  57728. return length;
  57729. }
  57730. function calc(next) {
  57731. return function(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  57732. if (token === null) {
  57733. return 0;
  57734. }
  57735. if (token.type === types.Function && eqStrAny(token.value, calcFunctionNames)) {
  57736. return consumeFunction(token, getNextToken);
  57737. }
  57738. return next(token, getNextToken, opts);
  57739. };
  57740. }
  57741. function tokenType(expectedTokenType) {
  57742. return function(token) {
  57743. if (token === null || token.type !== expectedTokenType) {
  57744. return 0;
  57745. }
  57746. return 1;
  57747. };
  57748. }
  57749. function customIdent(token) {
  57750. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Ident) {
  57751. return 0;
  57752. }
  57753. const name = token.value.toLowerCase();
  57754. if (eqStrAny(name, genericConst.cssWideKeywords)) {
  57755. return 0;
  57756. }
  57757. if (eqStr(name, "default")) {
  57758. return 0;
  57759. }
  57760. return 1;
  57761. }
  57762. function customPropertyName(token) {
  57763. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Ident) {
  57764. return 0;
  57765. }
  57766. if (charCodeAt(token.value, 0) !== 45 || charCodeAt(token.value, 1) !== 45) {
  57767. return 0;
  57768. }
  57769. return 1;
  57770. }
  57771. function hexColor(token) {
  57772. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Hash) {
  57773. return 0;
  57774. }
  57775. const length = token.value.length;
  57776. if (length !== 4 && length !== 5 && length !== 7 && length !== 9) {
  57777. return 0;
  57778. }
  57779. for (let i = 1; i < length; i++) {
  57780. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(charCodeAt(token.value, i))) {
  57781. return 0;
  57782. }
  57783. }
  57784. return 1;
  57785. }
  57786. function idSelector(token) {
  57787. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Hash) {
  57788. return 0;
  57789. }
  57790. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isIdentifierStart(charCodeAt(token.value, 1), charCodeAt(token.value, 2), charCodeAt(token.value, 3))) {
  57791. return 0;
  57792. }
  57793. return 1;
  57794. }
  57795. function declarationValue(token, getNextToken) {
  57796. if (!token) {
  57797. return 0;
  57798. }
  57799. let balanceCloseType = 0;
  57800. let balanceStash = [];
  57801. let length = 0;
  57802. scan:
  57803. do {
  57804. switch (token.type) {
  57805. case types.BadString:
  57806. case types.BadUrl:
  57807. break scan;
  57808. case types.RightCurlyBracket:
  57809. case types.RightParenthesis:
  57810. case types.RightSquareBracket:
  57811. if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) {
  57812. break scan;
  57813. }
  57814. balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop();
  57815. break;
  57816. case types.Semicolon:
  57817. if (balanceCloseType === 0) {
  57818. break scan;
  57819. }
  57820. break;
  57821. case types.Delim:
  57822. if (balanceCloseType === 0 && token.value === "!") {
  57823. break scan;
  57824. }
  57825. break;
  57826. case types.Function:
  57827. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  57828. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  57829. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  57830. balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType);
  57831. balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(token.type);
  57832. break;
  57833. }
  57834. length++;
  57835. } while (token = getNextToken(length));
  57836. return length;
  57837. }
  57838. function anyValue(token, getNextToken) {
  57839. if (!token) {
  57840. return 0;
  57841. }
  57842. let balanceCloseType = 0;
  57843. let balanceStash = [];
  57844. let length = 0;
  57845. scan:
  57846. do {
  57847. switch (token.type) {
  57848. case types.BadString:
  57849. case types.BadUrl:
  57850. break scan;
  57851. case types.RightCurlyBracket:
  57852. case types.RightParenthesis:
  57853. case types.RightSquareBracket:
  57854. if (token.type !== balanceCloseType) {
  57855. break scan;
  57856. }
  57857. balanceCloseType = balanceStash.pop();
  57858. break;
  57859. case types.Function:
  57860. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  57861. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  57862. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  57863. balanceStash.push(balanceCloseType);
  57864. balanceCloseType = balancePair.get(token.type);
  57865. break;
  57866. }
  57867. length++;
  57868. } while (token = getNextToken(length));
  57869. return length;
  57870. }
  57871. function dimension(type) {
  57872. if (type) {
  57873. type = new Set(type);
  57874. }
  57875. return function(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  57876. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Dimension) {
  57877. return 0;
  57878. }
  57879. const numberEnd = utils.consumeNumber(token.value, 0);
  57880. if (type !== null) {
  57881. const reverseSolidusOffset = token.value.indexOf("\\", numberEnd);
  57882. const unit = reverseSolidusOffset === -1 || !isPostfixIeHack(token.value, reverseSolidusOffset) ? token.value.substr(numberEnd) : token.value.substring(numberEnd, reverseSolidusOffset);
  57883. if (type.has(unit.toLowerCase()) === false) {
  57884. return 0;
  57885. }
  57886. }
  57887. if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, numberEnd)) {
  57888. return 0;
  57889. }
  57890. return 1;
  57891. };
  57892. }
  57893. function percentage(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  57894. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Percentage) {
  57895. return 0;
  57896. }
  57897. if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, token.value.length - 1)) {
  57898. return 0;
  57899. }
  57900. return 1;
  57901. }
  57902. function zero(next) {
  57903. if (typeof next !== "function") {
  57904. next = function() {
  57905. return 0;
  57906. };
  57907. }
  57908. return function(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  57909. if (token !== null && token.type === types.Number) {
  57910. if (Number(token.value) === 0) {
  57911. return 1;
  57912. }
  57913. }
  57914. return next(token, getNextToken, opts);
  57915. };
  57916. }
  57917. function number(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  57918. if (token === null) {
  57919. return 0;
  57920. }
  57921. const numberEnd = utils.consumeNumber(token.value, 0);
  57922. const isNumber = numberEnd === token.value.length;
  57923. if (!isNumber && !isPostfixIeHack(token.value, numberEnd)) {
  57924. return 0;
  57925. }
  57926. if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, numberEnd)) {
  57927. return 0;
  57928. }
  57929. return 1;
  57930. }
  57931. function integer(token, getNextToken, opts) {
  57932. if (token === null || token.type !== types.Number) {
  57933. return 0;
  57934. }
  57935. let i = charCodeAt(token.value, 0) === 43 || // U+002B PLUS SIGN (+)
  57936. charCodeAt(token.value, 0) === 45 ? 1 : 0;
  57937. for (; i < token.value.length; i++) {
  57938. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(charCodeAt(token.value, i))) {
  57939. return 0;
  57940. }
  57941. }
  57942. if (outOfRange(opts, token.value, i)) {
  57943. return 0;
  57944. }
  57945. return 1;
  57946. }
  57947. var genericSyntaxes = {
  57948. // token types
  57949. "ident-token": tokenType(types.Ident),
  57950. "function-token": tokenType(types.Function),
  57951. "at-keyword-token": tokenType(types.AtKeyword),
  57952. "hash-token": tokenType(types.Hash),
  57953. "string-token": tokenType(types.String),
  57954. "bad-string-token": tokenType(types.BadString),
  57955. "url-token": tokenType(types.Url),
  57956. "bad-url-token": tokenType(types.BadUrl),
  57957. "delim-token": tokenType(types.Delim),
  57958. "number-token": tokenType(types.Number),
  57959. "percentage-token": tokenType(types.Percentage),
  57960. "dimension-token": tokenType(types.Dimension),
  57961. "whitespace-token": tokenType(types.WhiteSpace),
  57962. "CDO-token": tokenType(types.CDO),
  57963. "CDC-token": tokenType(types.CDC),
  57964. "colon-token": tokenType(types.Colon),
  57965. "semicolon-token": tokenType(types.Semicolon),
  57966. "comma-token": tokenType(types.Comma),
  57967. "[-token": tokenType(types.LeftSquareBracket),
  57968. "]-token": tokenType(types.RightSquareBracket),
  57969. "(-token": tokenType(types.LeftParenthesis),
  57970. ")-token": tokenType(types.RightParenthesis),
  57971. "{-token": tokenType(types.LeftCurlyBracket),
  57972. "}-token": tokenType(types.RightCurlyBracket),
  57973. // token type aliases
  57974. "string": tokenType(types.String),
  57975. "ident": tokenType(types.Ident),
  57976. // complex types
  57977. "custom-ident": customIdent,
  57978. "custom-property-name": customPropertyName,
  57979. "hex-color": hexColor,
  57980. "id-selector": idSelector,
  57981. // element( <id-selector> )
  57982. "an-plus-b": genericAnPlusB,
  57983. "urange": genericUrange,
  57984. "declaration-value": declarationValue,
  57985. "any-value": anyValue,
  57986. // dimensions
  57987. "dimension": calc(dimension(null)),
  57988. "angle": calc(dimension(ANGLE)),
  57989. "decibel": calc(dimension(DECIBEL)),
  57990. "frequency": calc(dimension(FREQUENCY)),
  57991. "flex": calc(dimension(FLEX)),
  57992. "length": calc(zero(dimension(LENGTH))),
  57993. "resolution": calc(dimension(RESOLUTION)),
  57994. "semitones": calc(dimension(SEMITONES)),
  57995. "time": calc(dimension(TIME)),
  57996. // percentage
  57997. "percentage": calc(percentage),
  57998. // numeric
  57999. "zero": zero(),
  58000. "number": calc(number),
  58001. "integer": calc(integer)
  58002. };
  58003. module2.exports = genericSyntaxes;
  58004. }
  58005. });
  58006. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/prepare-tokens.cjs
  58007. var require_prepare_tokens2 = __commonJS({
  58008. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/prepare-tokens.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  58009. "use strict";
  58010. var index = require_tokenizer3();
  58011. var astToTokens = {
  58012. decorator(handlers) {
  58013. const tokens = [];
  58014. let curNode = null;
  58015. return {
  58016. ...handlers,
  58017. node(node) {
  58018. const tmp = curNode;
  58019. curNode = node;
  58020., node);
  58021. curNode = tmp;
  58022. },
  58023. emit(value, type, auto) {
  58024. tokens.push({
  58025. type,
  58026. value,
  58027. node: auto ? null : curNode
  58028. });
  58029. },
  58030. result() {
  58031. return tokens;
  58032. }
  58033. };
  58034. }
  58035. };
  58036. function stringToTokens(str) {
  58037. const tokens = [];
  58038. index.tokenize(
  58039. str,
  58040. (type, start, end) => tokens.push({
  58041. type,
  58042. value: str.slice(start, end),
  58043. node: null
  58044. })
  58045. );
  58046. return tokens;
  58047. }
  58048. function prepareTokens(value, syntax) {
  58049. if (typeof value === "string") {
  58050. return stringToTokens(value);
  58051. }
  58052. return syntax.generate(value, astToTokens);
  58053. }
  58054. module2.exports = prepareTokens;
  58055. }
  58056. });
  58057. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/SyntaxError.cjs
  58058. var require_SyntaxError4 = __commonJS({
  58059. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/SyntaxError.cjs"(exports2) {
  58060. "use strict";
  58061. var createCustomError = require_create_custom_error2();
  58062. function SyntaxError2(message, input, offset) {
  58063. return Object.assign(createCustomError.createCustomError("SyntaxError", message), {
  58064. input,
  58065. offset,
  58066. rawMessage: message,
  58067. message: message + "\n " + input + "\n--" + new Array((offset || input.length) + 1).join("-") + "^"
  58068. });
  58069. }
  58070. exports2.SyntaxError = SyntaxError2;
  58071. }
  58072. });
  58073. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/tokenizer.cjs
  58074. var require_tokenizer4 = __commonJS({
  58075. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/tokenizer.cjs"(exports2) {
  58076. "use strict";
  58077. var SyntaxError2 = require_SyntaxError4();
  58078. var TAB = 9;
  58079. var N = 10;
  58080. var F = 12;
  58081. var R = 13;
  58082. var SPACE = 32;
  58083. var Tokenizer = class {
  58084. constructor(str) {
  58085. this.str = str;
  58086. this.pos = 0;
  58087. }
  58088. charCodeAt(pos) {
  58089. return pos < this.str.length ? this.str.charCodeAt(pos) : 0;
  58090. }
  58091. charCode() {
  58092. return this.charCodeAt(this.pos);
  58093. }
  58094. nextCharCode() {
  58095. return this.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1);
  58096. }
  58097. nextNonWsCode(pos) {
  58098. return this.charCodeAt(this.findWsEnd(pos));
  58099. }
  58100. findWsEnd(pos) {
  58101. for (; pos < this.str.length; pos++) {
  58102. const code = this.str.charCodeAt(pos);
  58103. if (code !== R && code !== N && code !== F && code !== SPACE && code !== TAB) {
  58104. break;
  58105. }
  58106. }
  58107. return pos;
  58108. }
  58109. substringToPos(end) {
  58110. return this.str.substring(this.pos, this.pos = end);
  58111. }
  58112. eat(code) {
  58113. if (this.charCode() !== code) {
  58114. this.error("Expect `" + String.fromCharCode(code) + "`");
  58115. }
  58116. this.pos++;
  58117. }
  58118. peek() {
  58119. return this.pos < this.str.length ? this.str.charAt(this.pos++) : "";
  58120. }
  58121. error(message) {
  58122. throw new SyntaxError2.SyntaxError(message, this.str, this.pos);
  58123. }
  58124. };
  58125. exports2.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;
  58126. }
  58127. });
  58128. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/parse.cjs
  58129. var require_parse7 = __commonJS({
  58130. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/parse.cjs"(exports2) {
  58131. "use strict";
  58132. var tokenizer = require_tokenizer4();
  58133. var TAB = 9;
  58134. var N = 10;
  58135. var F = 12;
  58136. var R = 13;
  58137. var SPACE = 32;
  58138. var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33;
  58139. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  58140. var AMPERSAND = 38;
  58141. var APOSTROPHE = 39;
  58142. var LEFTPARENTHESIS = 40;
  58143. var RIGHTPARENTHESIS = 41;
  58144. var ASTERISK = 42;
  58145. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  58146. var COMMA = 44;
  58147. var HYPERMINUS = 45;
  58148. var LESSTHANSIGN = 60;
  58149. var GREATERTHANSIGN = 62;
  58150. var QUESTIONMARK = 63;
  58151. var COMMERCIALAT = 64;
  58152. var LEFTSQUAREBRACKET = 91;
  58153. var RIGHTSQUAREBRACKET = 93;
  58154. var LEFTCURLYBRACKET = 123;
  58155. var VERTICALLINE = 124;
  58156. var RIGHTCURLYBRACKET = 125;
  58157. var INFINITY = 8734;
  58158. var NAME_CHAR = new Uint8Array(128).map(
  58159. (_, idx) => /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]/.test(String.fromCharCode(idx)) ? 1 : 0
  58160. );
  58162. " ": 1,
  58163. "&&": 2,
  58164. "||": 3,
  58165. "|": 4
  58166. };
  58167. function scanSpaces(tokenizer2) {
  58168. return tokenizer2.substringToPos(
  58169. tokenizer2.findWsEnd(tokenizer2.pos)
  58170. );
  58171. }
  58172. function scanWord(tokenizer2) {
  58173. let end = tokenizer2.pos;
  58174. for (; end < tokenizer2.str.length; end++) {
  58175. const code = tokenizer2.str.charCodeAt(end);
  58176. if (code >= 128 || NAME_CHAR[code] === 0) {
  58177. break;
  58178. }
  58179. }
  58180. if (tokenizer2.pos === end) {
  58181. tokenizer2.error("Expect a keyword");
  58182. }
  58183. return tokenizer2.substringToPos(end);
  58184. }
  58185. function scanNumber(tokenizer2) {
  58186. let end = tokenizer2.pos;
  58187. for (; end < tokenizer2.str.length; end++) {
  58188. const code = tokenizer2.str.charCodeAt(end);
  58189. if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
  58190. break;
  58191. }
  58192. }
  58193. if (tokenizer2.pos === end) {
  58194. tokenizer2.error("Expect a number");
  58195. }
  58196. return tokenizer2.substringToPos(end);
  58197. }
  58198. function scanString(tokenizer2) {
  58199. const end = tokenizer2.str.indexOf("'", tokenizer2.pos + 1);
  58200. if (end === -1) {
  58201. tokenizer2.pos = tokenizer2.str.length;
  58202. tokenizer2.error("Expect an apostrophe");
  58203. }
  58204. return tokenizer2.substringToPos(end + 1);
  58205. }
  58206. function readMultiplierRange(tokenizer2) {
  58207. let min = null;
  58208. let max = null;
  58210. min = scanNumber(tokenizer2);
  58211. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === COMMA) {
  58212. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58213. if (tokenizer2.charCode() !== RIGHTCURLYBRACKET) {
  58214. max = scanNumber(tokenizer2);
  58215. }
  58216. } else {
  58217. max = min;
  58218. }
  58220. return {
  58221. min: Number(min),
  58222. max: max ? Number(max) : 0
  58223. };
  58224. }
  58225. function readMultiplier(tokenizer2) {
  58226. let range = null;
  58227. let comma = false;
  58228. switch (tokenizer2.charCode()) {
  58229. case ASTERISK:
  58230. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58231. range = {
  58232. min: 0,
  58233. max: 0
  58234. };
  58235. break;
  58236. case PLUSSIGN:
  58237. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58238. range = {
  58239. min: 1,
  58240. max: 0
  58241. };
  58242. break;
  58243. case QUESTIONMARK:
  58244. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58245. range = {
  58246. min: 0,
  58247. max: 1
  58248. };
  58249. break;
  58250. case NUMBERSIGN:
  58251. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58252. comma = true;
  58253. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === LEFTCURLYBRACKET) {
  58254. range = readMultiplierRange(tokenizer2);
  58255. } else if (tokenizer2.charCode() === QUESTIONMARK) {
  58256. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58257. range = {
  58258. min: 0,
  58259. max: 0
  58260. };
  58261. } else {
  58262. range = {
  58263. min: 1,
  58264. max: 0
  58265. };
  58266. }
  58267. break;
  58269. range = readMultiplierRange(tokenizer2);
  58270. break;
  58271. default:
  58272. return null;
  58273. }
  58274. return {
  58275. type: "Multiplier",
  58276. comma,
  58277. min: range.min,
  58278. max: range.max,
  58279. term: null
  58280. };
  58281. }
  58282. function maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, node) {
  58283. const multiplier = readMultiplier(tokenizer2);
  58284. if (multiplier !== null) {
  58285. multiplier.term = node;
  58286. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === NUMBERSIGN && tokenizer2.charCodeAt(tokenizer2.pos - 1) === PLUSSIGN) {
  58287. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, multiplier);
  58288. }
  58289. return multiplier;
  58290. }
  58291. return node;
  58292. }
  58293. function maybeToken(tokenizer2) {
  58294. const ch = tokenizer2.peek();
  58295. if (ch === "") {
  58296. return null;
  58297. }
  58298. return {
  58299. type: "Token",
  58300. value: ch
  58301. };
  58302. }
  58303. function readProperty(tokenizer2) {
  58304. let name;
  58307. name = scanWord(tokenizer2);
  58310. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, {
  58311. type: "Property",
  58312. name
  58313. });
  58314. }
  58315. function readTypeRange(tokenizer2) {
  58316. let min = null;
  58317. let max = null;
  58318. let sign = 1;
  58320. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === HYPERMINUS) {
  58321. tokenizer2.peek();
  58322. sign = -1;
  58323. }
  58324. if (sign == -1 && tokenizer2.charCode() === INFINITY) {
  58325. tokenizer2.peek();
  58326. } else {
  58327. min = sign * Number(scanNumber(tokenizer2));
  58328. if (NAME_CHAR[tokenizer2.charCode()] !== 0) {
  58329. min += scanWord(tokenizer2);
  58330. }
  58331. }
  58332. scanSpaces(tokenizer2);
  58334. scanSpaces(tokenizer2);
  58335. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === INFINITY) {
  58336. tokenizer2.peek();
  58337. } else {
  58338. sign = 1;
  58339. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === HYPERMINUS) {
  58340. tokenizer2.peek();
  58341. sign = -1;
  58342. }
  58343. max = sign * Number(scanNumber(tokenizer2));
  58344. if (NAME_CHAR[tokenizer2.charCode()] !== 0) {
  58345. max += scanWord(tokenizer2);
  58346. }
  58347. }
  58349. return {
  58350. type: "Range",
  58351. min,
  58352. max
  58353. };
  58354. }
  58355. function readType(tokenizer2) {
  58356. let name;
  58357. let opts = null;
  58359. name = scanWord(tokenizer2);
  58360. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === LEFTPARENTHESIS && tokenizer2.nextCharCode() === RIGHTPARENTHESIS) {
  58361. tokenizer2.pos += 2;
  58362. name += "()";
  58363. }
  58364. if (tokenizer2.charCodeAt(tokenizer2.findWsEnd(tokenizer2.pos)) === LEFTSQUAREBRACKET) {
  58365. scanSpaces(tokenizer2);
  58366. opts = readTypeRange(tokenizer2);
  58367. }
  58369. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, {
  58370. type: "Type",
  58371. name,
  58372. opts
  58373. });
  58374. }
  58375. function readKeywordOrFunction(tokenizer2) {
  58376. const name = scanWord(tokenizer2);
  58377. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === LEFTPARENTHESIS) {
  58378. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58379. return {
  58380. type: "Function",
  58381. name
  58382. };
  58383. }
  58384. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, {
  58385. type: "Keyword",
  58386. name
  58387. });
  58388. }
  58389. function regroupTerms(terms, combinators) {
  58390. function createGroup(terms2, combinator2) {
  58391. return {
  58392. type: "Group",
  58393. terms: terms2,
  58394. combinator: combinator2,
  58395. disallowEmpty: false,
  58396. explicit: false
  58397. };
  58398. }
  58399. let combinator;
  58400. combinators = Object.keys(combinators).sort((a, b) => COMBINATOR_PRECEDENCE[a] - COMBINATOR_PRECEDENCE[b]);
  58401. while (combinators.length > 0) {
  58402. combinator = combinators.shift();
  58403. let i = 0;
  58404. let subgroupStart = 0;
  58405. for (; i < terms.length; i++) {
  58406. const term = terms[i];
  58407. if (term.type === "Combinator") {
  58408. if (term.value === combinator) {
  58409. if (subgroupStart === -1) {
  58410. subgroupStart = i - 1;
  58411. }
  58412. terms.splice(i, 1);
  58413. i--;
  58414. } else {
  58415. if (subgroupStart !== -1 && i - subgroupStart > 1) {
  58416. terms.splice(
  58417. subgroupStart,
  58418. i - subgroupStart,
  58419. createGroup(terms.slice(subgroupStart, i), combinator)
  58420. );
  58421. i = subgroupStart + 1;
  58422. }
  58423. subgroupStart = -1;
  58424. }
  58425. }
  58426. }
  58427. if (subgroupStart !== -1 && combinators.length) {
  58428. terms.splice(
  58429. subgroupStart,
  58430. i - subgroupStart,
  58431. createGroup(terms.slice(subgroupStart, i), combinator)
  58432. );
  58433. }
  58434. }
  58435. return combinator;
  58436. }
  58437. function readImplicitGroup(tokenizer2) {
  58438. const terms = [];
  58439. const combinators = {};
  58440. let token;
  58441. let prevToken = null;
  58442. let prevTokenPos = tokenizer2.pos;
  58443. while (token = peek(tokenizer2)) {
  58444. if (token.type !== "Spaces") {
  58445. if (token.type === "Combinator") {
  58446. if (prevToken === null || prevToken.type === "Combinator") {
  58447. tokenizer2.pos = prevTokenPos;
  58448. tokenizer2.error("Unexpected combinator");
  58449. }
  58450. combinators[token.value] = true;
  58451. } else if (prevToken !== null && prevToken.type !== "Combinator") {
  58452. combinators[" "] = true;
  58453. terms.push({
  58454. type: "Combinator",
  58455. value: " "
  58456. });
  58457. }
  58458. terms.push(token);
  58459. prevToken = token;
  58460. prevTokenPos = tokenizer2.pos;
  58461. }
  58462. }
  58463. if (prevToken !== null && prevToken.type === "Combinator") {
  58464. tokenizer2.pos -= prevTokenPos;
  58465. tokenizer2.error("Unexpected combinator");
  58466. }
  58467. return {
  58468. type: "Group",
  58469. terms,
  58470. combinator: regroupTerms(terms, combinators) || " ",
  58471. disallowEmpty: false,
  58472. explicit: false
  58473. };
  58474. }
  58475. function readGroup(tokenizer2) {
  58476. let result;
  58478. result = readImplicitGroup(tokenizer2);
  58480. result.explicit = true;
  58481. if (tokenizer2.charCode() === EXCLAMATIONMARK) {
  58482. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58483. result.disallowEmpty = true;
  58484. }
  58485. return result;
  58486. }
  58487. function peek(tokenizer2) {
  58488. let code = tokenizer2.charCode();
  58489. if (code < 128 && NAME_CHAR[code] === 1) {
  58490. return readKeywordOrFunction(tokenizer2);
  58491. }
  58492. switch (code) {
  58494. break;
  58496. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, readGroup(tokenizer2));
  58497. case LESSTHANSIGN:
  58498. return tokenizer2.nextCharCode() === APOSTROPHE ? readProperty(tokenizer2) : readType(tokenizer2);
  58499. case VERTICALLINE:
  58500. return {
  58501. type: "Combinator",
  58502. value: tokenizer2.substringToPos(
  58503. tokenizer2.pos + (tokenizer2.nextCharCode() === VERTICALLINE ? 2 : 1)
  58504. )
  58505. };
  58506. case AMPERSAND:
  58507. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58509. return {
  58510. type: "Combinator",
  58511. value: "&&"
  58512. };
  58513. case COMMA:
  58514. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58515. return {
  58516. type: "Comma"
  58517. };
  58518. case APOSTROPHE:
  58519. return maybeMultiplied(tokenizer2, {
  58520. type: "String",
  58521. value: scanString(tokenizer2)
  58522. });
  58523. case SPACE:
  58524. case TAB:
  58525. case N:
  58526. case R:
  58527. case F:
  58528. return {
  58529. type: "Spaces",
  58530. value: scanSpaces(tokenizer2)
  58531. };
  58532. case COMMERCIALAT:
  58533. code = tokenizer2.nextCharCode();
  58534. if (code < 128 && NAME_CHAR[code] === 1) {
  58535. tokenizer2.pos++;
  58536. return {
  58537. type: "AtKeyword",
  58538. name: scanWord(tokenizer2)
  58539. };
  58540. }
  58541. return maybeToken(tokenizer2);
  58542. case ASTERISK:
  58543. case PLUSSIGN:
  58544. case QUESTIONMARK:
  58545. case NUMBERSIGN:
  58546. case EXCLAMATIONMARK:
  58547. break;
  58549. code = tokenizer2.nextCharCode();
  58550. if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
  58551. return maybeToken(tokenizer2);
  58552. }
  58553. break;
  58554. default:
  58555. return maybeToken(tokenizer2);
  58556. }
  58557. }
  58558. function parse(source) {
  58559. const tokenizer$1 = new tokenizer.Tokenizer(source);
  58560. const result = readImplicitGroup(tokenizer$1);
  58561. if (tokenizer$1.pos !== source.length) {
  58562. tokenizer$1.error("Unexpected input");
  58563. }
  58564. if (result.terms.length === 1 && result.terms[0].type === "Group") {
  58565. return result.terms[0];
  58566. }
  58567. return result;
  58568. }
  58569. exports2.parse = parse;
  58570. }
  58571. });
  58572. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/match-graph.cjs
  58573. var require_match_graph2 = __commonJS({
  58574. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/match-graph.cjs"(exports2) {
  58575. "use strict";
  58576. var parse = require_parse7();
  58577. var MATCH = { type: "Match" };
  58578. var MISMATCH = { type: "Mismatch" };
  58579. var DISALLOW_EMPTY = { type: "DisallowEmpty" };
  58580. var LEFTPARENTHESIS = 40;
  58581. var RIGHTPARENTHESIS = 41;
  58582. function createCondition(match, thenBranch, elseBranch) {
  58583. if (thenBranch === MATCH && elseBranch === MISMATCH) {
  58584. return match;
  58585. }
  58586. if (match === MATCH && thenBranch === MATCH && elseBranch === MATCH) {
  58587. return match;
  58588. }
  58589. if (match.type === "If" && match.else === MISMATCH && thenBranch === MATCH) {
  58590. thenBranch = match.then;
  58591. match = match.match;
  58592. }
  58593. return {
  58594. type: "If",
  58595. match,
  58596. then: thenBranch,
  58597. else: elseBranch
  58598. };
  58599. }
  58600. function isFunctionType(name) {
  58601. return name.length > 2 && name.charCodeAt(name.length - 2) === LEFTPARENTHESIS && name.charCodeAt(name.length - 1) === RIGHTPARENTHESIS;
  58602. }
  58603. function isEnumCapatible(term) {
  58604. return term.type === "Keyword" || term.type === "AtKeyword" || term.type === "Function" || term.type === "Type" && isFunctionType(;
  58605. }
  58606. function buildGroupMatchGraph(combinator, terms, atLeastOneTermMatched) {
  58607. switch (combinator) {
  58608. case " ": {
  58609. let result = MATCH;
  58610. for (let i = terms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  58611. const term = terms[i];
  58612. result = createCondition(
  58613. term,
  58614. result,
  58615. MISMATCH
  58616. );
  58617. }
  58618. return result;
  58619. }
  58620. case "|": {
  58621. let result = MISMATCH;
  58622. let map = null;
  58623. for (let i = terms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  58624. let term = terms[i];
  58625. if (isEnumCapatible(term)) {
  58626. if (map === null && i > 0 && isEnumCapatible(terms[i - 1])) {
  58627. map = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  58628. result = createCondition(
  58629. {
  58630. type: "Enum",
  58631. map
  58632. },
  58633. MATCH,
  58634. result
  58635. );
  58636. }
  58637. if (map !== null) {
  58638. const key = (isFunctionType( ?, -1) :;
  58639. if (key in map === false) {
  58640. map[key] = term;
  58641. continue;
  58642. }
  58643. }
  58644. }
  58645. map = null;
  58646. result = createCondition(
  58647. term,
  58648. MATCH,
  58649. result
  58650. );
  58651. }
  58652. return result;
  58653. }
  58654. case "&&": {
  58655. if (terms.length > 5) {
  58656. return {
  58657. type: "MatchOnce",
  58658. terms,
  58659. all: true
  58660. };
  58661. }
  58662. let result = MISMATCH;
  58663. for (let i = terms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  58664. const term = terms[i];
  58665. let thenClause;
  58666. if (terms.length > 1) {
  58667. thenClause = buildGroupMatchGraph(
  58668. combinator,
  58669. terms.filter(function(newGroupTerm) {
  58670. return newGroupTerm !== term;
  58671. }),
  58672. false
  58673. );
  58674. } else {
  58675. thenClause = MATCH;
  58676. }
  58677. result = createCondition(
  58678. term,
  58679. thenClause,
  58680. result
  58681. );
  58682. }
  58683. return result;
  58684. }
  58685. case "||": {
  58686. if (terms.length > 5) {
  58687. return {
  58688. type: "MatchOnce",
  58689. terms,
  58690. all: false
  58691. };
  58692. }
  58693. let result = atLeastOneTermMatched ? MATCH : MISMATCH;
  58694. for (let i = terms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  58695. const term = terms[i];
  58696. let thenClause;
  58697. if (terms.length > 1) {
  58698. thenClause = buildGroupMatchGraph(
  58699. combinator,
  58700. terms.filter(function(newGroupTerm) {
  58701. return newGroupTerm !== term;
  58702. }),
  58703. true
  58704. );
  58705. } else {
  58706. thenClause = MATCH;
  58707. }
  58708. result = createCondition(
  58709. term,
  58710. thenClause,
  58711. result
  58712. );
  58713. }
  58714. return result;
  58715. }
  58716. }
  58717. }
  58718. function buildMultiplierMatchGraph(node) {
  58719. let result = MATCH;
  58720. let matchTerm = buildMatchGraphInternal(node.term);
  58721. if (node.max === 0) {
  58722. matchTerm = createCondition(
  58723. matchTerm,
  58725. MISMATCH
  58726. );
  58727. result = createCondition(
  58728. matchTerm,
  58729. null,
  58730. // will be a loop
  58731. MISMATCH
  58732. );
  58733. result.then = createCondition(
  58734. MATCH,
  58735. MATCH,
  58736. result
  58737. // make a loop
  58738. );
  58739. if (node.comma) {
  58740. result.then.else = createCondition(
  58741. { type: "Comma", syntax: node },
  58742. result,
  58743. MISMATCH
  58744. );
  58745. }
  58746. } else {
  58747. for (let i = node.min || 1; i <= node.max; i++) {
  58748. if (node.comma && result !== MATCH) {
  58749. result = createCondition(
  58750. { type: "Comma", syntax: node },
  58751. result,
  58752. MISMATCH
  58753. );
  58754. }
  58755. result = createCondition(
  58756. matchTerm,
  58757. createCondition(
  58758. MATCH,
  58759. MATCH,
  58760. result
  58761. ),
  58762. MISMATCH
  58763. );
  58764. }
  58765. }
  58766. if (node.min === 0) {
  58767. result = createCondition(
  58768. MATCH,
  58769. MATCH,
  58770. result
  58771. );
  58772. } else {
  58773. for (let i = 0; i < node.min - 1; i++) {
  58774. if (node.comma && result !== MATCH) {
  58775. result = createCondition(
  58776. { type: "Comma", syntax: node },
  58777. result,
  58778. MISMATCH
  58779. );
  58780. }
  58781. result = createCondition(
  58782. matchTerm,
  58783. result,
  58784. MISMATCH
  58785. );
  58786. }
  58787. }
  58788. return result;
  58789. }
  58790. function buildMatchGraphInternal(node) {
  58791. if (typeof node === "function") {
  58792. return {
  58793. type: "Generic",
  58794. fn: node
  58795. };
  58796. }
  58797. switch (node.type) {
  58798. case "Group": {
  58799. let result = buildGroupMatchGraph(
  58800. node.combinator,
  58802. false
  58803. );
  58804. if (node.disallowEmpty) {
  58805. result = createCondition(
  58806. result,
  58808. MISMATCH
  58809. );
  58810. }
  58811. return result;
  58812. }
  58813. case "Multiplier":
  58814. return buildMultiplierMatchGraph(node);
  58815. case "Type":
  58816. case "Property":
  58817. return {
  58818. type: node.type,
  58819. name:,
  58820. syntax: node
  58821. };
  58822. case "Keyword":
  58823. return {
  58824. type: node.type,
  58825. name:,
  58826. syntax: node
  58827. };
  58828. case "AtKeyword":
  58829. return {
  58830. type: node.type,
  58831. name: "@" +,
  58832. syntax: node
  58833. };
  58834. case "Function":
  58835. return {
  58836. type: node.type,
  58837. name: + "(",
  58838. syntax: node
  58839. };
  58840. case "String":
  58841. if (node.value.length === 3) {
  58842. return {
  58843. type: "Token",
  58844. value: node.value.charAt(1),
  58845. syntax: node
  58846. };
  58847. }
  58848. return {
  58849. type: node.type,
  58850. value: node.value.substr(1, node.value.length - 2).replace(/\\'/g, "'"),
  58851. syntax: node
  58852. };
  58853. case "Token":
  58854. return {
  58855. type: node.type,
  58856. value: node.value,
  58857. syntax: node
  58858. };
  58859. case "Comma":
  58860. return {
  58861. type: node.type,
  58862. syntax: node
  58863. };
  58864. default:
  58865. throw new Error("Unknown node type:", node.type);
  58866. }
  58867. }
  58868. function buildMatchGraph(syntaxTree, ref) {
  58869. if (typeof syntaxTree === "string") {
  58870. syntaxTree = parse.parse(syntaxTree);
  58871. }
  58872. return {
  58873. type: "MatchGraph",
  58874. match: buildMatchGraphInternal(syntaxTree),
  58875. syntax: ref || null,
  58876. source: syntaxTree
  58877. };
  58878. }
  58880. exports2.MATCH = MATCH;
  58881. exports2.MISMATCH = MISMATCH;
  58882. exports2.buildMatchGraph = buildMatchGraph;
  58883. }
  58884. });
  58885. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/match.cjs
  58886. var require_match2 = __commonJS({
  58887. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/match.cjs"(exports2) {
  58888. "use strict";
  58889. var matchGraph = require_match_graph2();
  58890. var types = require_types3();
  58891. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  58892. var STUB = 0;
  58893. var TOKEN = 1;
  58894. var OPEN_SYNTAX = 2;
  58895. var CLOSE_SYNTAX = 3;
  58896. var EXIT_REASON_MATCH = "Match";
  58897. var EXIT_REASON_MISMATCH = "Mismatch";
  58898. var EXIT_REASON_ITERATION_LIMIT = "Maximum iteration number exceeded (please fill an issue on";
  58899. var ITERATION_LIMIT = 15e3;
  58900. function reverseList(list) {
  58901. let prev = null;
  58902. let next = null;
  58903. let item = list;
  58904. while (item !== null) {
  58905. next = item.prev;
  58906. item.prev = prev;
  58907. prev = item;
  58908. item = next;
  58909. }
  58910. return prev;
  58911. }
  58912. function areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(testStr, referenceStr) {
  58913. if (testStr.length !== referenceStr.length) {
  58914. return false;
  58915. }
  58916. for (let i = 0; i < testStr.length; i++) {
  58917. const referenceCode = referenceStr.charCodeAt(i);
  58918. let testCode = testStr.charCodeAt(i);
  58919. if (testCode >= 65 && testCode <= 90) {
  58920. testCode = testCode | 32;
  58921. }
  58922. if (testCode !== referenceCode) {
  58923. return false;
  58924. }
  58925. }
  58926. return true;
  58927. }
  58928. function isContextEdgeDelim(token) {
  58929. if (token.type !== types.Delim) {
  58930. return false;
  58931. }
  58932. return token.value !== "?";
  58933. }
  58934. function isCommaContextStart(token) {
  58935. if (token === null) {
  58936. return true;
  58937. }
  58938. return token.type === types.Comma || token.type === types.Function || token.type === types.LeftParenthesis || token.type === types.LeftSquareBracket || token.type === types.LeftCurlyBracket || isContextEdgeDelim(token);
  58939. }
  58940. function isCommaContextEnd(token) {
  58941. if (token === null) {
  58942. return true;
  58943. }
  58944. return token.type === types.RightParenthesis || token.type === types.RightSquareBracket || token.type === types.RightCurlyBracket || token.type === types.Delim && token.value === "/";
  58945. }
  58946. function internalMatch(tokens, state, syntaxes) {
  58947. function moveToNextToken() {
  58948. do {
  58949. tokenIndex++;
  58950. token = tokenIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[tokenIndex] : null;
  58951. } while (token !== null && (token.type === types.WhiteSpace || token.type === types.Comment));
  58952. }
  58953. function getNextToken(offset) {
  58954. const nextIndex = tokenIndex + offset;
  58955. return nextIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[nextIndex] : null;
  58956. }
  58957. function stateSnapshotFromSyntax(nextState, prev) {
  58958. return {
  58959. nextState,
  58960. matchStack,
  58961. syntaxStack,
  58962. thenStack,
  58963. tokenIndex,
  58964. prev
  58965. };
  58966. }
  58967. function pushThenStack(nextState) {
  58968. thenStack = {
  58969. nextState,
  58970. matchStack,
  58971. syntaxStack,
  58972. prev: thenStack
  58973. };
  58974. }
  58975. function pushElseStack(nextState) {
  58976. elseStack = stateSnapshotFromSyntax(nextState, elseStack);
  58977. }
  58978. function addTokenToMatch() {
  58979. matchStack = {
  58980. type: TOKEN,
  58981. syntax: state.syntax,
  58982. token,
  58983. prev: matchStack
  58984. };
  58985. moveToNextToken();
  58986. syntaxStash = null;
  58987. if (tokenIndex > longestMatch) {
  58988. longestMatch = tokenIndex;
  58989. }
  58990. }
  58991. function openSyntax() {
  58992. syntaxStack = {
  58993. syntax: state.syntax,
  58994. opts: state.syntax.opts || syntaxStack !== null && syntaxStack.opts || null,
  58995. prev: syntaxStack
  58996. };
  58997. matchStack = {
  58998. type: OPEN_SYNTAX,
  58999. syntax: state.syntax,
  59000. token: matchStack.token,
  59001. prev: matchStack
  59002. };
  59003. }
  59004. function closeSyntax() {
  59005. if (matchStack.type === OPEN_SYNTAX) {
  59006. matchStack = matchStack.prev;
  59007. } else {
  59008. matchStack = {
  59009. type: CLOSE_SYNTAX,
  59010. syntax: syntaxStack.syntax,
  59011. token: matchStack.token,
  59012. prev: matchStack
  59013. };
  59014. }
  59015. syntaxStack = syntaxStack.prev;
  59016. }
  59017. let syntaxStack = null;
  59018. let thenStack = null;
  59019. let elseStack = null;
  59020. let syntaxStash = null;
  59021. let iterationCount = 0;
  59022. let exitReason = null;
  59023. let token = null;
  59024. let tokenIndex = -1;
  59025. let longestMatch = 0;
  59026. let matchStack = {
  59027. type: STUB,
  59028. syntax: null,
  59029. token: null,
  59030. prev: null
  59031. };
  59032. moveToNextToken();
  59033. while (exitReason === null && ++iterationCount < ITERATION_LIMIT) {
  59034. switch (state.type) {
  59035. case "Match":
  59036. if (thenStack === null) {
  59037. if (token !== null) {
  59038. if (tokenIndex !== tokens.length - 1 || token.value !== "\\0" && token.value !== "\\9") {
  59039. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59040. break;
  59041. }
  59042. }
  59043. exitReason = EXIT_REASON_MATCH;
  59044. break;
  59045. }
  59046. state = thenStack.nextState;
  59047. if (state === matchGraph.DISALLOW_EMPTY) {
  59048. if (thenStack.matchStack === matchStack) {
  59049. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59050. break;
  59051. } else {
  59052. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  59053. }
  59054. }
  59055. while (thenStack.syntaxStack !== syntaxStack) {
  59056. closeSyntax();
  59057. }
  59058. thenStack = thenStack.prev;
  59059. break;
  59060. case "Mismatch":
  59061. if (syntaxStash !== null && syntaxStash !== false) {
  59062. if (elseStack === null || tokenIndex > elseStack.tokenIndex) {
  59063. elseStack = syntaxStash;
  59064. syntaxStash = false;
  59065. }
  59066. } else if (elseStack === null) {
  59067. exitReason = EXIT_REASON_MISMATCH;
  59068. break;
  59069. }
  59070. state = elseStack.nextState;
  59071. thenStack = elseStack.thenStack;
  59072. syntaxStack = elseStack.syntaxStack;
  59073. matchStack = elseStack.matchStack;
  59074. tokenIndex = elseStack.tokenIndex;
  59075. token = tokenIndex < tokens.length ? tokens[tokenIndex] : null;
  59076. elseStack = elseStack.prev;
  59077. break;
  59078. case "MatchGraph":
  59079. state = state.match;
  59080. break;
  59081. case "If":
  59082. if (state.else !== matchGraph.MISMATCH) {
  59083. pushElseStack(state.else);
  59084. }
  59085. if (state.then !== matchGraph.MATCH) {
  59086. pushThenStack(state.then);
  59087. }
  59088. state = state.match;
  59089. break;
  59090. case "MatchOnce":
  59091. state = {
  59092. type: "MatchOnceBuffer",
  59093. syntax: state,
  59094. index: 0,
  59095. mask: 0
  59096. };
  59097. break;
  59098. case "MatchOnceBuffer": {
  59099. const terms = state.syntax.terms;
  59100. if (state.index === terms.length) {
  59101. if (state.mask === 0 || state.syntax.all) {
  59102. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59103. break;
  59104. }
  59105. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  59106. break;
  59107. }
  59108. if (state.mask === (1 << terms.length) - 1) {
  59109. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  59110. break;
  59111. }
  59112. for (; state.index < terms.length; state.index++) {
  59113. const matchFlag = 1 << state.index;
  59114. if ((state.mask & matchFlag) === 0) {
  59115. pushElseStack(state);
  59116. pushThenStack({
  59117. type: "AddMatchOnce",
  59118. syntax: state.syntax,
  59119. mask: state.mask | matchFlag
  59120. });
  59121. state = terms[state.index++];
  59122. break;
  59123. }
  59124. }
  59125. break;
  59126. }
  59127. case "AddMatchOnce":
  59128. state = {
  59129. type: "MatchOnceBuffer",
  59130. syntax: state.syntax,
  59131. index: 0,
  59132. mask: state.mask
  59133. };
  59134. break;
  59135. case "Enum":
  59136. if (token !== null) {
  59137. let name = token.value.toLowerCase();
  59138. if (name.indexOf("\\") !== -1) {
  59139. name = name.replace(/\\[09].*$/, "");
  59140. }
  59141. if (, name)) {
  59142. state =[name];
  59143. break;
  59144. }
  59145. }
  59146. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59147. break;
  59148. case "Generic": {
  59149. const opts = syntaxStack !== null ? syntaxStack.opts : null;
  59150. const lastTokenIndex2 = tokenIndex + Math.floor(state.fn(token, getNextToken, opts));
  59151. if (!isNaN(lastTokenIndex2) && lastTokenIndex2 > tokenIndex) {
  59152. while (tokenIndex < lastTokenIndex2) {
  59153. addTokenToMatch();
  59154. }
  59155. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  59156. } else {
  59157. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59158. }
  59159. break;
  59160. }
  59161. case "Type":
  59162. case "Property": {
  59163. const syntaxDict = state.type === "Type" ? "types" : "properties";
  59164. const dictSyntax =, syntaxDict) ? syntaxes[syntaxDict][] : null;
  59165. if (!dictSyntax || !dictSyntax.match) {
  59166. throw new Error(
  59167. "Bad syntax reference: " + (state.type === "Type" ? "<" + + ">" : "<'" + + "'>")
  59168. );
  59169. }
  59170. if (syntaxStash !== false && token !== null && state.type === "Type") {
  59171. const lowPriorityMatching = (
  59172. //
  59173. // When parsing positionally-ambiguous keywords in a property value, a <custom-ident> production
  59174. // can only claim the keyword if no other unfulfilled production can claim it.
  59175. === "custom-ident" && token.type === types.Ident || //
  59176. // ... if a `0` could be parsed as either a <number> or a <length> in a property (such as line-height),
  59177. // it must parse as a <number>
  59178. === "length" && token.value === "0"
  59179. );
  59180. if (lowPriorityMatching) {
  59181. if (syntaxStash === null) {
  59182. syntaxStash = stateSnapshotFromSyntax(state, elseStack);
  59183. }
  59184. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59185. break;
  59186. }
  59187. }
  59188. openSyntax();
  59189. state = dictSyntax.match;
  59190. break;
  59191. }
  59192. case "Keyword": {
  59193. const name =;
  59194. if (token !== null) {
  59195. let keywordName = token.value;
  59196. if (keywordName.indexOf("\\") !== -1) {
  59197. keywordName = keywordName.replace(/\\[09].*$/, "");
  59198. }
  59199. if (areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(keywordName, name)) {
  59200. addTokenToMatch();
  59201. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  59202. break;
  59203. }
  59204. }
  59205. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59206. break;
  59207. }
  59208. case "AtKeyword":
  59209. case "Function":
  59210. if (token !== null && areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(token.value, {
  59211. addTokenToMatch();
  59212. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  59213. break;
  59214. }
  59215. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59216. break;
  59217. case "Token":
  59218. if (token !== null && token.value === state.value) {
  59219. addTokenToMatch();
  59220. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  59221. break;
  59222. }
  59223. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59224. break;
  59225. case "Comma":
  59226. if (token !== null && token.type === types.Comma) {
  59227. if (isCommaContextStart(matchStack.token)) {
  59228. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59229. } else {
  59230. addTokenToMatch();
  59231. state = isCommaContextEnd(token) ? matchGraph.MISMATCH : matchGraph.MATCH;
  59232. }
  59233. } else {
  59234. state = isCommaContextStart(matchStack.token) || isCommaContextEnd(token) ? matchGraph.MATCH : matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59235. }
  59236. break;
  59237. case "String":
  59238. let string = "";
  59239. let lastTokenIndex = tokenIndex;
  59240. for (; lastTokenIndex < tokens.length && string.length < state.value.length; lastTokenIndex++) {
  59241. string += tokens[lastTokenIndex].value;
  59242. }
  59243. if (areStringsEqualCaseInsensitive(string, state.value)) {
  59244. while (tokenIndex < lastTokenIndex) {
  59245. addTokenToMatch();
  59246. }
  59247. state = matchGraph.MATCH;
  59248. } else {
  59249. state = matchGraph.MISMATCH;
  59250. }
  59251. break;
  59252. default:
  59253. throw new Error("Unknown node type: " + state.type);
  59254. }
  59255. }
  59256. switch (exitReason) {
  59257. case null:
  59258. console.warn("[csstree-match] BREAK after " + ITERATION_LIMIT + " iterations");
  59259. exitReason = EXIT_REASON_ITERATION_LIMIT;
  59260. matchStack = null;
  59261. break;
  59262. case EXIT_REASON_MATCH:
  59263. while (syntaxStack !== null) {
  59264. closeSyntax();
  59265. }
  59266. break;
  59267. default:
  59268. matchStack = null;
  59269. }
  59270. return {
  59271. tokens,
  59272. reason: exitReason,
  59273. iterations: iterationCount,
  59274. match: matchStack,
  59275. longestMatch
  59276. };
  59277. }
  59278. function matchAsList(tokens, matchGraph2, syntaxes) {
  59279. const matchResult = internalMatch(tokens, matchGraph2, syntaxes || {});
  59280. if (matchResult.match !== null) {
  59281. let item = reverseList(matchResult.match).prev;
  59282. matchResult.match = [];
  59283. while (item !== null) {
  59284. switch (item.type) {
  59285. case OPEN_SYNTAX:
  59286. case CLOSE_SYNTAX:
  59287. matchResult.match.push({
  59288. type: item.type,
  59289. syntax: item.syntax
  59290. });
  59291. break;
  59292. default:
  59293. matchResult.match.push({
  59294. token: item.token.value,
  59295. node: item.token.node
  59296. });
  59297. break;
  59298. }
  59299. item = item.prev;
  59300. }
  59301. }
  59302. return matchResult;
  59303. }
  59304. function matchAsTree(tokens, matchGraph2, syntaxes) {
  59305. const matchResult = internalMatch(tokens, matchGraph2, syntaxes || {});
  59306. if (matchResult.match === null) {
  59307. return matchResult;
  59308. }
  59309. let item = matchResult.match;
  59310. let host = matchResult.match = {
  59311. syntax: matchGraph2.syntax || null,
  59312. match: []
  59313. };
  59314. const hostStack = [host];
  59315. item = reverseList(item).prev;
  59316. while (item !== null) {
  59317. switch (item.type) {
  59318. case OPEN_SYNTAX:
  59319. host.match.push(host = {
  59320. syntax: item.syntax,
  59321. match: []
  59322. });
  59323. hostStack.push(host);
  59324. break;
  59325. case CLOSE_SYNTAX:
  59326. hostStack.pop();
  59327. host = hostStack[hostStack.length - 1];
  59328. break;
  59329. default:
  59330. host.match.push({
  59331. syntax: item.syntax || null,
  59332. token: item.token.value,
  59333. node: item.token.node
  59334. });
  59335. }
  59336. item = item.prev;
  59337. }
  59338. return matchResult;
  59339. }
  59340. exports2.matchAsList = matchAsList;
  59341. exports2.matchAsTree = matchAsTree;
  59342. }
  59343. });
  59344. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/trace.cjs
  59345. var require_trace2 = __commonJS({
  59346. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/trace.cjs"(exports2) {
  59347. "use strict";
  59348. function getTrace(node) {
  59349. function shouldPutToTrace(syntax) {
  59350. if (syntax === null) {
  59351. return false;
  59352. }
  59353. return syntax.type === "Type" || syntax.type === "Property" || syntax.type === "Keyword";
  59354. }
  59355. function hasMatch(matchNode) {
  59356. if (Array.isArray(matchNode.match)) {
  59357. for (let i = 0; i < matchNode.match.length; i++) {
  59358. if (hasMatch(matchNode.match[i])) {
  59359. if (shouldPutToTrace(matchNode.syntax)) {
  59360. result.unshift(matchNode.syntax);
  59361. }
  59362. return true;
  59363. }
  59364. }
  59365. } else if (matchNode.node === node) {
  59366. result = shouldPutToTrace(matchNode.syntax) ? [matchNode.syntax] : [];
  59367. return true;
  59368. }
  59369. return false;
  59370. }
  59371. let result = null;
  59372. if (this.matched !== null) {
  59373. hasMatch(this.matched);
  59374. }
  59375. return result;
  59376. }
  59377. function isType(node, type) {
  59378. return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Type" && === type);
  59379. }
  59380. function isProperty(node, property) {
  59381. return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Property" && === property);
  59382. }
  59383. function isKeyword(node) {
  59384. return testNode(this, node, (match) => match.type === "Keyword");
  59385. }
  59386. function testNode(match, node, fn) {
  59387. const trace =, node);
  59388. if (trace === null) {
  59389. return false;
  59390. }
  59391. return trace.some(fn);
  59392. }
  59393. exports2.getTrace = getTrace;
  59394. exports2.isKeyword = isKeyword;
  59395. exports2.isProperty = isProperty;
  59396. exports2.isType = isType;
  59397. }
  59398. });
  59399. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/search.cjs
  59400. var require_search2 = __commonJS({
  59401. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/search.cjs"(exports2) {
  59402. "use strict";
  59403. var List = require_List2();
  59404. function getFirstMatchNode(matchNode) {
  59405. if ("node" in matchNode) {
  59406. return matchNode.node;
  59407. }
  59408. return getFirstMatchNode(matchNode.match[0]);
  59409. }
  59410. function getLastMatchNode(matchNode) {
  59411. if ("node" in matchNode) {
  59412. return matchNode.node;
  59413. }
  59414. return getLastMatchNode(matchNode.match[matchNode.match.length - 1]);
  59415. }
  59416. function matchFragments(lexer, ast, match, type, name) {
  59417. function findFragments(matchNode) {
  59418. if (matchNode.syntax !== null && matchNode.syntax.type === type && === name) {
  59419. const start = getFirstMatchNode(matchNode);
  59420. const end = getLastMatchNode(matchNode);
  59421. lexer.syntax.walk(ast, function(node, item, list) {
  59422. if (node === start) {
  59423. const nodes = new List.List();
  59424. do {
  59425. nodes.appendData(;
  59426. if ( === end) {
  59427. break;
  59428. }
  59429. item =;
  59430. } while (item !== null);
  59431. fragments.push({
  59432. parent: list,
  59433. nodes
  59434. });
  59435. }
  59436. });
  59437. }
  59438. if (Array.isArray(matchNode.match)) {
  59439. matchNode.match.forEach(findFragments);
  59440. }
  59441. }
  59442. const fragments = [];
  59443. if (match.matched !== null) {
  59444. findFragments(match.matched);
  59445. }
  59446. return fragments;
  59447. }
  59448. exports2.matchFragments = matchFragments;
  59449. }
  59450. });
  59451. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/structure.cjs
  59452. var require_structure2 = __commonJS({
  59453. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/structure.cjs"(exports2) {
  59454. "use strict";
  59455. var List = require_List2();
  59456. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  59457. function isValidNumber(value) {
  59458. return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value && value >= 0;
  59459. }
  59460. function isValidLocation(loc) {
  59461. return Boolean(loc) && isValidNumber(loc.offset) && isValidNumber(loc.line) && isValidNumber(loc.column);
  59462. }
  59463. function createNodeStructureChecker(type, fields) {
  59464. return function checkNode(node, warn) {
  59465. if (!node || node.constructor !== Object) {
  59466. return warn(node, "Type of node should be an Object");
  59467. }
  59468. for (let key in node) {
  59469. let valid = true;
  59470. if (, key) === false) {
  59471. continue;
  59472. }
  59473. if (key === "type") {
  59474. if (node.type !== type) {
  59475. warn(node, "Wrong node type `" + node.type + "`, expected `" + type + "`");
  59476. }
  59477. } else if (key === "loc") {
  59478. if (node.loc === null) {
  59479. continue;
  59480. } else if (node.loc && node.loc.constructor === Object) {
  59481. if (typeof node.loc.source !== "string") {
  59482. key += ".source";
  59483. } else if (!isValidLocation(node.loc.start)) {
  59484. key += ".start";
  59485. } else if (!isValidLocation(node.loc.end)) {
  59486. key += ".end";
  59487. } else {
  59488. continue;
  59489. }
  59490. }
  59491. valid = false;
  59492. } else if (fields.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  59493. valid = false;
  59494. for (let i = 0; !valid && i < fields[key].length; i++) {
  59495. const fieldType = fields[key][i];
  59496. switch (fieldType) {
  59497. case String:
  59498. valid = typeof node[key] === "string";
  59499. break;
  59500. case Boolean:
  59501. valid = typeof node[key] === "boolean";
  59502. break;
  59503. case null:
  59504. valid = node[key] === null;
  59505. break;
  59506. default:
  59507. if (typeof fieldType === "string") {
  59508. valid = node[key] && node[key].type === fieldType;
  59509. } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) {
  59510. valid = node[key] instanceof List.List;
  59511. }
  59512. }
  59513. }
  59514. } else {
  59515. warn(node, "Unknown field `" + key + "` for " + type + " node type");
  59516. }
  59517. if (!valid) {
  59518. warn(node, "Bad value for `" + type + "." + key + "`");
  59519. }
  59520. }
  59521. for (const key in fields) {
  59522. if (, key) &&, key) === false) {
  59523. warn(node, "Field `" + type + "." + key + "` is missed");
  59524. }
  59525. }
  59526. };
  59527. }
  59528. function processStructure(name, nodeType) {
  59529. const structure = nodeType.structure;
  59530. const fields = {
  59531. type: String,
  59532. loc: true
  59533. };
  59534. const docs = {
  59535. type: '"' + name + '"'
  59536. };
  59537. for (const key in structure) {
  59538. if (, key) === false) {
  59539. continue;
  59540. }
  59541. const docsTypes = [];
  59542. const fieldTypes = fields[key] = Array.isArray(structure[key]) ? structure[key].slice() : [structure[key]];
  59543. for (let i = 0; i < fieldTypes.length; i++) {
  59544. const fieldType = fieldTypes[i];
  59545. if (fieldType === String || fieldType === Boolean) {
  59546. docsTypes.push(;
  59547. } else if (fieldType === null) {
  59548. docsTypes.push("null");
  59549. } else if (typeof fieldType === "string") {
  59550. docsTypes.push("<" + fieldType + ">");
  59551. } else if (Array.isArray(fieldType)) {
  59552. docsTypes.push("List");
  59553. } else {
  59554. throw new Error("Wrong value `" + fieldType + "` in `" + name + "." + key + "` structure definition");
  59555. }
  59556. }
  59557. docs[key] = docsTypes.join(" | ");
  59558. }
  59559. return {
  59560. docs,
  59561. check: createNodeStructureChecker(name, fields)
  59562. };
  59563. }
  59564. function getStructureFromConfig(config) {
  59565. const structure = {};
  59566. if (config.node) {
  59567. for (const name in config.node) {
  59568. if (, name)) {
  59569. const nodeType = config.node[name];
  59570. if (nodeType.structure) {
  59571. structure[name] = processStructure(name, nodeType);
  59572. } else {
  59573. throw new Error("Missed `structure` field in `" + name + "` node type definition");
  59574. }
  59575. }
  59576. }
  59577. }
  59578. return structure;
  59579. }
  59580. exports2.getStructureFromConfig = getStructureFromConfig;
  59581. }
  59582. });
  59583. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/walk.cjs
  59584. var require_walk3 = __commonJS({
  59585. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/walk.cjs"(exports2) {
  59586. "use strict";
  59587. var noop = function() {
  59588. };
  59589. function ensureFunction(value) {
  59590. return typeof value === "function" ? value : noop;
  59591. }
  59592. function walk(node, options, context) {
  59593. function walk2(node2) {
  59594., node2);
  59595. switch (node2.type) {
  59596. case "Group":
  59597. node2.terms.forEach(walk2);
  59598. break;
  59599. case "Multiplier":
  59600. walk2(node2.term);
  59601. break;
  59602. case "Type":
  59603. case "Property":
  59604. case "Keyword":
  59605. case "AtKeyword":
  59606. case "Function":
  59607. case "String":
  59608. case "Token":
  59609. case "Comma":
  59610. break;
  59611. default:
  59612. throw new Error("Unknown type: " + node2.type);
  59613. }
  59614., node2);
  59615. }
  59616. let enter = noop;
  59617. let leave = noop;
  59618. if (typeof options === "function") {
  59619. enter = options;
  59620. } else if (options) {
  59621. enter = ensureFunction(options.enter);
  59622. leave = ensureFunction(options.leave);
  59623. }
  59624. if (enter === noop && leave === noop) {
  59625. throw new Error("Neither `enter` nor `leave` walker handler is set or both aren't a function");
  59626. }
  59627. walk2(node);
  59628. }
  59629. exports2.walk = walk;
  59630. }
  59631. });
  59632. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/Lexer.cjs
  59633. var require_Lexer2 = __commonJS({
  59634. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/lexer/Lexer.cjs"(exports2) {
  59635. "use strict";
  59636. var error = require_error3();
  59637. var names = require_names5();
  59638. var genericConst = require_generic_const2();
  59639. var generic = require_generic2();
  59640. var prepareTokens = require_prepare_tokens2();
  59641. var matchGraph = require_match_graph2();
  59642. var match = require_match2();
  59643. var trace = require_trace2();
  59644. var search = require_search2();
  59645. var structure = require_structure2();
  59646. var parse = require_parse7();
  59647. var generate = require_generate2();
  59648. var walk = require_walk3();
  59649. var cssWideKeywordsSyntax = matchGraph.buildMatchGraph(genericConst.cssWideKeywords.join(" | "));
  59650. function dumpMapSyntax(map, compact, syntaxAsAst) {
  59651. const result = {};
  59652. for (const name in map) {
  59653. if (map[name].syntax) {
  59654. result[name] = syntaxAsAst ? map[name].syntax : generate.generate(map[name].syntax, { compact });
  59655. }
  59656. }
  59657. return result;
  59658. }
  59659. function dumpAtruleMapSyntax(map, compact, syntaxAsAst) {
  59660. const result = {};
  59661. for (const [name, atrule] of Object.entries(map)) {
  59662. result[name] = {
  59663. prelude: atrule.prelude && (syntaxAsAst ? atrule.prelude.syntax : generate.generate(atrule.prelude.syntax, { compact })),
  59664. descriptors: atrule.descriptors && dumpMapSyntax(atrule.descriptors, compact, syntaxAsAst)
  59665. };
  59666. }
  59667. return result;
  59668. }
  59669. function valueHasVar(tokens) {
  59670. for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
  59671. if (tokens[i].value.toLowerCase() === "var(") {
  59672. return true;
  59673. }
  59674. }
  59675. return false;
  59676. }
  59677. function buildMatchResult(matched, error2, iterations) {
  59678. return {
  59679. matched,
  59680. iterations,
  59681. error: error2,
  59682. ...trace
  59683. };
  59684. }
  59685. function matchSyntax(lexer, syntax, value, useCssWideKeywords) {
  59686. const tokens = prepareTokens(value, lexer.syntax);
  59687. let result;
  59688. if (valueHasVar(tokens)) {
  59689. return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Matching for a tree with var() is not supported"));
  59690. }
  59691. if (useCssWideKeywords) {
  59692. result = match.matchAsTree(tokens, lexer.cssWideKeywordsSyntax, lexer);
  59693. }
  59694. if (!useCssWideKeywords || !result.match) {
  59695. result = match.matchAsTree(tokens, syntax.match, lexer);
  59696. if (!result.match) {
  59697. return buildMatchResult(
  59698. null,
  59699. new error.SyntaxMatchError(result.reason, syntax.syntax, value, result),
  59700. result.iterations
  59701. );
  59702. }
  59703. }
  59704. return buildMatchResult(result.match, null, result.iterations);
  59705. }
  59706. var Lexer = class {
  59707. constructor(config, syntax, structure$1) {
  59708. this.cssWideKeywordsSyntax = cssWideKeywordsSyntax;
  59709. this.syntax = syntax;
  59710. this.generic = false;
  59711. this.atrules = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  59712. = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  59713. this.types = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  59714. this.structure = structure$1 || structure.getStructureFromConfig(config);
  59715. if (config) {
  59716. if (config.types) {
  59717. for (const name in config.types) {
  59718. this.addType_(name, config.types[name]);
  59719. }
  59720. }
  59721. if (config.generic) {
  59722. this.generic = true;
  59723. for (const name in generic) {
  59724. this.addType_(name, generic[name]);
  59725. }
  59726. }
  59727. if (config.atrules) {
  59728. for (const name in config.atrules) {
  59729. this.addAtrule_(name, config.atrules[name]);
  59730. }
  59731. }
  59732. if ( {
  59733. for (const name in {
  59734. this.addProperty_(name,[name]);
  59735. }
  59736. }
  59737. }
  59738. }
  59739. checkStructure(ast) {
  59740. function collectWarning(node, message) {
  59741. warns.push({ node, message });
  59742. }
  59743. const structure2 = this.structure;
  59744. const warns = [];
  59745. this.syntax.walk(ast, function(node) {
  59746. if (structure2.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) {
  59747. structure2[node.type].check(node, collectWarning);
  59748. } else {
  59749. collectWarning(node, "Unknown node type `" + node.type + "`");
  59750. }
  59751. });
  59752. return warns.length ? warns : false;
  59753. }
  59754. createDescriptor(syntax, type, name, parent = null) {
  59755. const ref = {
  59756. type,
  59757. name
  59758. };
  59759. const descriptor = {
  59760. type,
  59761. name,
  59762. parent,
  59763. serializable: typeof syntax === "string" || syntax && typeof syntax.type === "string",
  59764. syntax: null,
  59765. match: null
  59766. };
  59767. if (typeof syntax === "function") {
  59768. descriptor.match = matchGraph.buildMatchGraph(syntax, ref);
  59769. } else {
  59770. if (typeof syntax === "string") {
  59771. Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "syntax", {
  59772. get() {
  59773. Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "syntax", {
  59774. value: parse.parse(syntax)
  59775. });
  59776. return descriptor.syntax;
  59777. }
  59778. });
  59779. } else {
  59780. descriptor.syntax = syntax;
  59781. }
  59782. Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "match", {
  59783. get() {
  59784. Object.defineProperty(descriptor, "match", {
  59785. value: matchGraph.buildMatchGraph(descriptor.syntax, ref)
  59786. });
  59787. return descriptor.match;
  59788. }
  59789. });
  59790. }
  59791. return descriptor;
  59792. }
  59793. addAtrule_(name, syntax) {
  59794. if (!syntax) {
  59795. return;
  59796. }
  59797. this.atrules[name] = {
  59798. type: "Atrule",
  59799. name,
  59800. prelude: syntax.prelude ? this.createDescriptor(syntax.prelude, "AtrulePrelude", name) : null,
  59801. descriptors: syntax.descriptors ? Object.keys(syntax.descriptors).reduce(
  59802. (map, descName) => {
  59803. map[descName] = this.createDescriptor(syntax.descriptors[descName], "AtruleDescriptor", descName, name);
  59804. return map;
  59805. },
  59806. /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)
  59807. ) : null
  59808. };
  59809. }
  59810. addProperty_(name, syntax) {
  59811. if (!syntax) {
  59812. return;
  59813. }
  59814.[name] = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Property", name);
  59815. }
  59816. addType_(name, syntax) {
  59817. if (!syntax) {
  59818. return;
  59819. }
  59820. this.types[name] = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Type", name);
  59821. }
  59822. checkAtruleName(atruleName) {
  59823. if (!this.getAtrule(atruleName)) {
  59824. return new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown at-rule", "@" + atruleName);
  59825. }
  59826. }
  59827. checkAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude) {
  59828. const error2 = this.checkAtruleName(atruleName);
  59829. if (error2) {
  59830. return error2;
  59831. }
  59832. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
  59833. if (!atrule.prelude && prelude) {
  59834. return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` should not contain a prelude");
  59835. }
  59836. if (atrule.prelude && !prelude) {
  59837. if (!matchSyntax(this, atrule.prelude, "", false).matched) {
  59838. return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` should contain a prelude");
  59839. }
  59840. }
  59841. }
  59842. checkAtruleDescriptorName(atruleName, descriptorName) {
  59843. const error$1 = this.checkAtruleName(atruleName);
  59844. if (error$1) {
  59845. return error$1;
  59846. }
  59847. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
  59848. const descriptor = names.keyword(descriptorName);
  59849. if (!atrule.descriptors) {
  59850. return new SyntaxError("At-rule `@" + atruleName + "` has no known descriptors");
  59851. }
  59852. if (!atrule.descriptors[] && !atrule.descriptors[descriptor.basename]) {
  59853. return new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown at-rule descriptor", descriptorName);
  59854. }
  59855. }
  59856. checkPropertyName(propertyName) {
  59857. if (!this.getProperty(propertyName)) {
  59858. return new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown property", propertyName);
  59859. }
  59860. }
  59861. matchAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude) {
  59862. const error2 = this.checkAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude);
  59863. if (error2) {
  59864. return buildMatchResult(null, error2);
  59865. }
  59866. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
  59867. if (!atrule.prelude) {
  59868. return buildMatchResult(null, null);
  59869. }
  59870. return matchSyntax(this, atrule.prelude, prelude || "", false);
  59871. }
  59872. matchAtruleDescriptor(atruleName, descriptorName, value) {
  59873. const error2 = this.checkAtruleDescriptorName(atruleName, descriptorName);
  59874. if (error2) {
  59875. return buildMatchResult(null, error2);
  59876. }
  59877. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
  59878. const descriptor = names.keyword(descriptorName);
  59879. return matchSyntax(this, atrule.descriptors[] || atrule.descriptors[descriptor.basename], value, false);
  59880. }
  59881. matchDeclaration(node) {
  59882. if (node.type !== "Declaration") {
  59883. return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Not a Declaration node"));
  59884. }
  59885. return this.matchProperty(, node.value);
  59886. }
  59887. matchProperty(propertyName, value) {
  59888. if ( {
  59889. return buildMatchResult(null, new Error("Lexer matching doesn't applicable for custom properties"));
  59890. }
  59891. const error2 = this.checkPropertyName(propertyName);
  59892. if (error2) {
  59893. return buildMatchResult(null, error2);
  59894. }
  59895. return matchSyntax(this, this.getProperty(propertyName), value, true);
  59896. }
  59897. matchType(typeName, value) {
  59898. const typeSyntax = this.getType(typeName);
  59899. if (!typeSyntax) {
  59900. return buildMatchResult(null, new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Unknown type", typeName));
  59901. }
  59902. return matchSyntax(this, typeSyntax, value, false);
  59903. }
  59904. match(syntax, value) {
  59905. if (typeof syntax !== "string" && (!syntax || !syntax.type)) {
  59906. return buildMatchResult(null, new error.SyntaxReferenceError("Bad syntax"));
  59907. }
  59908. if (typeof syntax === "string" || !syntax.match) {
  59909. syntax = this.createDescriptor(syntax, "Type", "anonymous");
  59910. }
  59911. return matchSyntax(this, syntax, value, false);
  59912. }
  59913. findValueFragments(propertyName, value, type, name) {
  59914. return search.matchFragments(this, value, this.matchProperty(propertyName, value), type, name);
  59915. }
  59916. findDeclarationValueFragments(declaration, type, name) {
  59917. return search.matchFragments(this, declaration.value, this.matchDeclaration(declaration), type, name);
  59918. }
  59919. findAllFragments(ast, type, name) {
  59920. const result = [];
  59921. this.syntax.walk(ast, {
  59922. visit: "Declaration",
  59923. enter: (declaration) => {
  59924. result.push.apply(result, this.findDeclarationValueFragments(declaration, type, name));
  59925. }
  59926. });
  59927. return result;
  59928. }
  59929. getAtrule(atruleName, fallbackBasename = true) {
  59930. const atrule = names.keyword(atruleName);
  59931. const atruleEntry = atrule.vendor && fallbackBasename ? this.atrules[] || this.atrules[atrule.basename] : this.atrules[];
  59932. return atruleEntry || null;
  59933. }
  59934. getAtrulePrelude(atruleName, fallbackBasename = true) {
  59935. const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName, fallbackBasename);
  59936. return atrule && atrule.prelude || null;
  59937. }
  59938. getAtruleDescriptor(atruleName, name) {
  59939. return this.atrules.hasOwnProperty(atruleName) && this.atrules.declarators ? this.atrules[atruleName].declarators[name] || null : null;
  59940. }
  59941. getProperty(propertyName, fallbackBasename = true) {
  59942. const property =;
  59943. const propertyEntry = property.vendor && fallbackBasename ?[] ||[property.basename] :[];
  59944. return propertyEntry || null;
  59945. }
  59946. getType(name) {
  59947. return, name) ? this.types[name] : null;
  59948. }
  59949. validate() {
  59950. function validate(syntax, name, broken, descriptor) {
  59951. if (broken.has(name)) {
  59952. return broken.get(name);
  59953. }
  59954. broken.set(name, false);
  59955. if (descriptor.syntax !== null) {
  59956. walk.walk(descriptor.syntax, function(node) {
  59957. if (node.type !== "Type" && node.type !== "Property") {
  59958. return;
  59959. }
  59960. const map = node.type === "Type" ? syntax.types :;
  59961. const brokenMap = node.type === "Type" ? brokenTypes : brokenProperties;
  59962. if (!, || validate(syntax,, brokenMap, map[])) {
  59963. broken.set(name, true);
  59964. }
  59965. }, this);
  59966. }
  59967. }
  59968. let brokenTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  59969. let brokenProperties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  59970. for (const key in this.types) {
  59971. validate(this, key, brokenTypes, this.types[key]);
  59972. }
  59973. for (const key in {
  59974. validate(this, key, brokenProperties,[key]);
  59975. }
  59976. brokenTypes = [...brokenTypes.keys()].filter((name) => brokenTypes.get(name));
  59977. brokenProperties = [...brokenProperties.keys()].filter((name) => brokenProperties.get(name));
  59978. if (brokenTypes.length || brokenProperties.length) {
  59979. return {
  59980. types: brokenTypes,
  59981. properties: brokenProperties
  59982. };
  59983. }
  59984. return null;
  59985. }
  59986. dump(syntaxAsAst, pretty) {
  59987. return {
  59988. generic: this.generic,
  59989. types: dumpMapSyntax(this.types, !pretty, syntaxAsAst),
  59990. properties: dumpMapSyntax(, !pretty, syntaxAsAst),
  59991. atrules: dumpAtruleMapSyntax(this.atrules, !pretty, syntaxAsAst)
  59992. };
  59993. }
  59994. toString() {
  59995. return JSON.stringify(this.dump());
  59996. }
  59997. };
  59998. exports2.Lexer = Lexer;
  59999. }
  60000. });
  60001. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/mix.cjs
  60002. var require_mix2 = __commonJS({
  60003. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/mix.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  60004. "use strict";
  60005. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  60006. var shape = {
  60007. generic: true,
  60008. types: appendOrAssign,
  60009. atrules: {
  60010. prelude: appendOrAssignOrNull,
  60011. descriptors: appendOrAssignOrNull
  60012. },
  60013. properties: appendOrAssign,
  60014. parseContext: assign,
  60015. scope: deepAssign,
  60016. atrule: ["parse"],
  60017. pseudo: ["parse"],
  60018. node: ["name", "structure", "parse", "generate", "walkContext"]
  60019. };
  60020. function isObject(value) {
  60021. return value && value.constructor === Object;
  60022. }
  60023. function copy(value) {
  60024. return isObject(value) ? { ...value } : value;
  60025. }
  60026. function assign(dest, src) {
  60027. return Object.assign(dest, src);
  60028. }
  60029. function deepAssign(dest, src) {
  60030. for (const key in src) {
  60031. if (, key)) {
  60032. if (isObject(dest[key])) {
  60033. deepAssign(dest[key], src[key]);
  60034. } else {
  60035. dest[key] = copy(src[key]);
  60036. }
  60037. }
  60038. }
  60039. return dest;
  60040. }
  60041. function append(a, b) {
  60042. if (typeof b === "string" && /^\s*\|/.test(b)) {
  60043. return typeof a === "string" ? a + b : b.replace(/^\s*\|\s*/, "");
  60044. }
  60045. return b || null;
  60046. }
  60047. function appendOrAssign(a, b) {
  60048. if (typeof b === "string") {
  60049. return append(a, b);
  60050. }
  60051. const result = { ...a };
  60052. for (let key in b) {
  60053. if (, key)) {
  60054. result[key] = append(, key) ? a[key] : void 0, b[key]);
  60055. }
  60056. }
  60057. return result;
  60058. }
  60059. function appendOrAssignOrNull(a, b) {
  60060. const result = appendOrAssign(a, b);
  60061. return !isObject(result) || Object.keys(result).length ? result : null;
  60062. }
  60063. function mix(dest, src, shape2) {
  60064. for (const key in shape2) {
  60065. if (, key) === false) {
  60066. continue;
  60067. }
  60068. if (shape2[key] === true) {
  60069. if (, key)) {
  60070. dest[key] = copy(src[key]);
  60071. }
  60072. } else if (shape2[key]) {
  60073. if (typeof shape2[key] === "function") {
  60074. const fn = shape2[key];
  60075. dest[key] = fn({}, dest[key]);
  60076. dest[key] = fn(dest[key] || {}, src[key]);
  60077. } else if (isObject(shape2[key])) {
  60078. const result = {};
  60079. for (let name in dest[key]) {
  60080. result[name] = mix({}, dest[key][name], shape2[key]);
  60081. }
  60082. for (let name in src[key]) {
  60083. result[name] = mix(result[name] || {}, src[key][name], shape2[key]);
  60084. }
  60085. dest[key] = result;
  60086. } else if (Array.isArray(shape2[key])) {
  60087. const res = {};
  60088. const innerShape = shape2[key].reduce(function(s, k) {
  60089. s[k] = true;
  60090. return s;
  60091. }, {});
  60092. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(dest[key] || {})) {
  60093. res[name] = {};
  60094. if (value) {
  60095. mix(res[name], value, innerShape);
  60096. }
  60097. }
  60098. for (const name in src[key]) {
  60099. if ([key], name)) {
  60100. if (!res[name]) {
  60101. res[name] = {};
  60102. }
  60103. if (src[key] && src[key][name]) {
  60104. mix(res[name], src[key][name], innerShape);
  60105. }
  60106. }
  60107. }
  60108. dest[key] = res;
  60109. }
  60110. }
  60111. }
  60112. return dest;
  60113. }
  60114. var mix$1 = (dest, src) => mix(dest, src, shape);
  60115. module2.exports = mix$1;
  60116. }
  60117. });
  60118. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/create.cjs
  60119. var require_create10 = __commonJS({
  60120. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/create.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  60121. "use strict";
  60122. var index = require_tokenizer3();
  60123. var create = require_create6();
  60124. var create$2 = require_create7();
  60125. var create$3 = require_create8();
  60126. var create$1 = require_create9();
  60127. var Lexer = require_Lexer2();
  60128. var mix = require_mix2();
  60129. function createSyntax(config) {
  60130. const parse = create.createParser(config);
  60131. const walk = create$1.createWalker(config);
  60132. const generate = create$2.createGenerator(config);
  60133. const { fromPlainObject, toPlainObject } = create$3.createConvertor(walk);
  60134. const syntax = {
  60135. lexer: null,
  60136. createLexer: (config2) => new Lexer.Lexer(config2, syntax, syntax.lexer.structure),
  60137. tokenize: index.tokenize,
  60138. parse,
  60139. generate,
  60140. walk,
  60141. find: walk.find,
  60142. findLast: walk.findLast,
  60143. findAll: walk.findAll,
  60144. fromPlainObject,
  60145. toPlainObject,
  60146. fork(extension) {
  60147. const base = mix({}, config);
  60148. return createSyntax(
  60149. typeof extension === "function" ? extension(base, Object.assign) : mix(base, extension)
  60150. );
  60151. }
  60152. };
  60153. syntax.lexer = new Lexer.Lexer({
  60154. generic: true,
  60155. types: config.types,
  60156. atrules: config.atrules,
  60157. properties:,
  60158. node: config.node
  60159. }, syntax);
  60160. return syntax;
  60161. }
  60162. var createSyntax$1 = (config) => createSyntax(mix({}, config));
  60163. module2.exports = createSyntax$1;
  60164. }
  60165. });
  60166. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/data/patch.json
  60167. var require_patch2 = __commonJS({
  60168. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/data/patch.json"(exports2, module2) {
  60169. module2.exports = {
  60170. atrules: {
  60171. charset: {
  60172. prelude: "<string>"
  60173. },
  60174. "font-face": {
  60175. descriptors: {
  60176. "unicode-range": {
  60177. comment: "replaces <unicode-range>, an old production name",
  60178. syntax: "<urange>#"
  60179. }
  60180. }
  60181. }
  60182. },
  60183. properties: {
  60184. "-moz-background-clip": {
  60185. comment: "deprecated syntax in old Firefox,",
  60186. syntax: "padding | border"
  60187. },
  60188. "-moz-border-radius-bottomleft": {
  60189. comment: "",
  60190. syntax: "<'border-bottom-left-radius'>"
  60191. },
  60192. "-moz-border-radius-bottomright": {
  60193. comment: "",
  60194. syntax: "<'border-bottom-right-radius'>"
  60195. },
  60196. "-moz-border-radius-topleft": {
  60197. comment: "",
  60198. syntax: "<'border-top-left-radius'>"
  60199. },
  60200. "-moz-border-radius-topright": {
  60201. comment: "",
  60202. syntax: "<'border-bottom-right-radius'>"
  60203. },
  60204. "-moz-control-character-visibility": {
  60205. comment: "firefox specific keywords,",
  60206. syntax: "visible | hidden"
  60207. },
  60208. "-moz-osx-font-smoothing": {
  60209. comment: "misssed old syntax",
  60210. syntax: "auto | grayscale"
  60211. },
  60212. "-moz-user-select": {
  60213. comment: "",
  60214. syntax: "none | text | all | -moz-none"
  60215. },
  60216. "-ms-flex-align": {
  60217. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
  60218. syntax: "start | end | center | baseline | stretch"
  60219. },
  60220. "-ms-flex-item-align": {
  60221. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
  60222. syntax: "auto | start | end | center | baseline | stretch"
  60223. },
  60224. "-ms-flex-line-pack": {
  60225. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
  60226. syntax: "start | end | center | justify | distribute | stretch"
  60227. },
  60228. "-ms-flex-negative": {
  60229. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
  60230. syntax: "<'flex-shrink'>"
  60231. },
  60232. "-ms-flex-pack": {
  60233. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
  60234. syntax: "start | end | center | justify | distribute"
  60235. },
  60236. "-ms-flex-order": {
  60237. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE;",
  60238. syntax: "<integer>"
  60239. },
  60240. "-ms-flex-positive": {
  60241. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
  60242. syntax: "<'flex-grow'>"
  60243. },
  60244. "-ms-flex-preferred-size": {
  60245. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
  60246. syntax: "<'flex-basis'>"
  60247. },
  60248. "-ms-interpolation-mode": {
  60249. comment: "",
  60250. syntax: "nearest-neighbor | bicubic"
  60251. },
  60252. "-ms-grid-column-align": {
  60253. comment: "add this property first since it uses as fallback for flexbox,",
  60254. syntax: "start | end | center | stretch"
  60255. },
  60256. "-ms-grid-row-align": {
  60257. comment: "add this property first since it uses as fallback for flexbox,",
  60258. syntax: "start | end | center | stretch"
  60259. },
  60260. "-ms-hyphenate-limit-last": {
  60261. comment: "misssed old syntax implemented in IE;",
  60262. syntax: "none | always | column | page | spread"
  60263. },
  60264. "-webkit-appearance": {
  60265. comment: "webkit specific keywords",
  60266. references: [
  60267. ""
  60268. ],
  60269. syntax: "none | button | button-bevel | caps-lock-indicator | caret | checkbox | default-button | inner-spin-button | listbox | listitem | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | meter | progress-bar | progress-bar-value | push-button | radio | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbargripper-horizontal | scrollbargripper-vertical | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | searchfield | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-horizontal | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical | square-button | textarea | textfield | -apple-pay-button"
  60270. },
  60271. "-webkit-background-clip": {
  60272. comment: "",
  60273. syntax: "[ <box> | border | padding | content | text ]#"
  60274. },
  60275. "-webkit-column-break-after": {
  60276. comment: "added,",
  60277. syntax: "always | auto | avoid"
  60278. },
  60279. "-webkit-column-break-before": {
  60280. comment: "added,",
  60281. syntax: "always | auto | avoid"
  60282. },
  60283. "-webkit-column-break-inside": {
  60284. comment: "added,",
  60285. syntax: "always | auto | avoid"
  60286. },
  60287. "-webkit-font-smoothing": {
  60288. comment: "",
  60289. syntax: "auto | none | antialiased | subpixel-antialiased"
  60290. },
  60291. "-webkit-mask-box-image": {
  60292. comment: "missed;",
  60293. syntax: "[ <url> | <gradient> | none ] [ <length-percentage>{4} <-webkit-mask-box-repeat>{2} ]?"
  60294. },
  60295. "-webkit-print-color-adjust": {
  60296. comment: "missed",
  60297. references: [
  60298. ""
  60299. ],
  60300. syntax: "economy | exact"
  60301. },
  60302. "-webkit-text-security": {
  60303. comment: "missed;",
  60304. syntax: "none | circle | disc | square"
  60305. },
  60306. "-webkit-user-drag": {
  60307. comment: "missed;",
  60308. syntax: "none | element | auto"
  60309. },
  60310. "-webkit-user-select": {
  60311. comment: "auto is supported by old webkit,",
  60312. syntax: "auto | none | text | all"
  60313. },
  60314. "alignment-baseline": {
  60315. comment: "added SVG property",
  60316. references: [
  60317. ""
  60318. ],
  60319. syntax: "auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical"
  60320. },
  60321. "background-clip": {
  60322. comment: "used <bg-clip> from CSS Backgrounds and Borders 4 since it adds new values",
  60323. references: [
  60324. ""
  60325. ],
  60326. syntax: "<bg-clip>#"
  60327. },
  60328. "baseline-shift": {
  60329. comment: "added SVG property",
  60330. references: [
  60331. ""
  60332. ],
  60333. syntax: "baseline | sub | super | <svg-length>"
  60334. },
  60335. behavior: {
  60336. comment: "added old IE property",
  60337. syntax: "<url>+"
  60338. },
  60339. "clip-rule": {
  60340. comment: "added SVG property",
  60341. references: [
  60342. ""
  60343. ],
  60344. syntax: "nonzero | evenodd"
  60345. },
  60346. cue: {
  60347. comment: "",
  60348. syntax: "<'cue-before'> <'cue-after'>?"
  60349. },
  60350. "cue-after": {
  60351. comment: "",
  60352. syntax: "<url> <decibel>? | none"
  60353. },
  60354. "cue-before": {
  60355. comment: "",
  60356. syntax: "<url> <decibel>? | none"
  60357. },
  60358. cursor: {
  60359. comment: "added legacy keywords: hand, -webkit-grab. -webkit-grabbing, -webkit-zoom-in, -webkit-zoom-out, -moz-grab, -moz-grabbing, -moz-zoom-in, -moz-zoom-out",
  60360. references: [
  60361. ""
  60362. ],
  60363. syntax: "[ [ <url> [ <x> <y> ]? , ]* [ auto | default | none | context-menu | help | pointer | progress | wait | cell | crosshair | text | vertical-text | alias | copy | move | no-drop | not-allowed | e-resize | n-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | s-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | w-resize | ew-resize | ns-resize | nesw-resize | nwse-resize | col-resize | row-resize | all-scroll | zoom-in | zoom-out | grab | grabbing | hand | -webkit-grab | -webkit-grabbing | -webkit-zoom-in | -webkit-zoom-out | -moz-grab | -moz-grabbing | -moz-zoom-in | -moz-zoom-out ] ]"
  60364. },
  60365. display: {
  60366. comment: "extended with -ms-flexbox",
  60367. syntax: "| <-non-standard-display>"
  60368. },
  60369. position: {
  60370. comment: "extended with -webkit-sticky",
  60371. syntax: "| -webkit-sticky"
  60372. },
  60373. "dominant-baseline": {
  60374. comment: "added SVG property",
  60375. references: [
  60376. ""
  60377. ],
  60378. syntax: "auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge"
  60379. },
  60380. "image-rendering": {
  60381. comment: "extended with <-non-standard-image-rendering>, added SVG keywords optimizeSpeed and optimizeQuality",
  60382. references: [
  60383. "",
  60384. ""
  60385. ],
  60386. syntax: "| optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | <-non-standard-image-rendering>"
  60387. },
  60388. fill: {
  60389. comment: "added SVG property",
  60390. references: [
  60391. ""
  60392. ],
  60393. syntax: "<paint>"
  60394. },
  60395. "fill-opacity": {
  60396. comment: "added SVG property",
  60397. references: [
  60398. ""
  60399. ],
  60400. syntax: "<number-zero-one>"
  60401. },
  60402. "fill-rule": {
  60403. comment: "added SVG property",
  60404. references: [
  60405. ""
  60406. ],
  60407. syntax: "nonzero | evenodd"
  60408. },
  60409. filter: {
  60410. comment: "extend with IE legacy syntaxes",
  60411. syntax: "| <-ms-filter-function-list>"
  60412. },
  60413. "glyph-orientation-horizontal": {
  60414. comment: "added SVG property",
  60415. references: [
  60416. ""
  60417. ],
  60418. syntax: "<angle>"
  60419. },
  60420. "glyph-orientation-vertical": {
  60421. comment: "added SVG property",
  60422. references: [
  60423. ""
  60424. ],
  60425. syntax: "<angle>"
  60426. },
  60427. kerning: {
  60428. comment: "added SVG property",
  60429. references: [
  60430. ""
  60431. ],
  60432. syntax: "auto | <svg-length>"
  60433. },
  60434. "letter-spacing": {
  60435. comment: "fix syntax <length> -> <length-percentage>",
  60436. references: [
  60437. ""
  60438. ],
  60439. syntax: "normal | <length-percentage>"
  60440. },
  60441. marker: {
  60442. comment: "added SVG property",
  60443. references: [
  60444. ""
  60445. ],
  60446. syntax: "none | <url>"
  60447. },
  60448. "marker-end": {
  60449. comment: "added SVG property",
  60450. references: [
  60451. ""
  60452. ],
  60453. syntax: "none | <url>"
  60454. },
  60455. "marker-mid": {
  60456. comment: "added SVG property",
  60457. references: [
  60458. ""
  60459. ],
  60460. syntax: "none | <url>"
  60461. },
  60462. "marker-start": {
  60463. comment: "added SVG property",
  60464. references: [
  60465. ""
  60466. ],
  60467. syntax: "none | <url>"
  60468. },
  60469. "max-width": {
  60470. comment: "extend by non-standard width keywords",
  60471. syntax: "| <-non-standard-width>"
  60472. },
  60473. width: {
  60474. references: [
  60475. "",
  60476. ""
  60477. ],
  60478. syntax: "| fill | stretch | intrinsic | -moz-max-content | -webkit-max-content | -moz-fit-content | -webkit-fit-content"
  60479. },
  60480. "min-width": {
  60481. comment: "extend by non-standard width keywords",
  60482. syntax: "| <-non-standard-width>"
  60483. },
  60484. overflow: {
  60485. comment: "extend by vendor keywords",
  60486. syntax: "| <-non-standard-overflow>"
  60487. },
  60488. pause: {
  60489. comment: "",
  60490. syntax: "<'pause-before'> <'pause-after'>?"
  60491. },
  60492. "pause-after": {
  60493. comment: "",
  60494. syntax: "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
  60495. },
  60496. "pause-before": {
  60497. comment: "",
  60498. syntax: "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
  60499. },
  60500. rest: {
  60501. comment: "",
  60502. syntax: "<'rest-before'> <'rest-after'>?"
  60503. },
  60504. "rest-after": {
  60505. comment: "",
  60506. syntax: "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
  60507. },
  60508. "rest-before": {
  60509. comment: "",
  60510. syntax: "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
  60511. },
  60512. "shape-rendering": {
  60513. comment: "added SVG property",
  60514. references: [
  60515. ""
  60516. ],
  60517. syntax: "auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision"
  60518. },
  60519. src: {
  60520. comment: "added @font-face's src property",
  60521. syntax: "[ <url> [ format( <string># ) ]? | local( <family-name> ) ]#"
  60522. },
  60523. speak: {
  60524. comment: "",
  60525. syntax: "auto | none | normal"
  60526. },
  60527. "speak-as": {
  60528. comment: "",
  60529. syntax: "normal | spell-out || digits || [ literal-punctuation | no-punctuation ]"
  60530. },
  60531. stroke: {
  60532. comment: "added SVG property",
  60533. references: [
  60534. ""
  60535. ],
  60536. syntax: "<paint>"
  60537. },
  60538. "stroke-dasharray": {
  60539. comment: "added SVG property; a list of comma and/or white space separated <length>s and <percentage>s",
  60540. references: [
  60541. ""
  60542. ],
  60543. syntax: "none | [ <svg-length>+ ]#"
  60544. },
  60545. "stroke-dashoffset": {
  60546. comment: "added SVG property",
  60547. references: [
  60548. ""
  60549. ],
  60550. syntax: "<svg-length>"
  60551. },
  60552. "stroke-linecap": {
  60553. comment: "added SVG property",
  60554. references: [
  60555. ""
  60556. ],
  60557. syntax: "butt | round | square"
  60558. },
  60559. "stroke-linejoin": {
  60560. comment: "added SVG property",
  60561. references: [
  60562. ""
  60563. ],
  60564. syntax: "miter | round | bevel"
  60565. },
  60566. "stroke-miterlimit": {
  60567. comment: "added SVG property (<miterlimit> = <number-one-or-greater>) ",
  60568. references: [
  60569. ""
  60570. ],
  60571. syntax: "<number-one-or-greater>"
  60572. },
  60573. "stroke-opacity": {
  60574. comment: "added SVG property",
  60575. references: [
  60576. ""
  60577. ],
  60578. syntax: "<number-zero-one>"
  60579. },
  60580. "stroke-width": {
  60581. comment: "added SVG property",
  60582. references: [
  60583. ""
  60584. ],
  60585. syntax: "<svg-length>"
  60586. },
  60587. "text-anchor": {
  60588. comment: "added SVG property",
  60589. references: [
  60590. ""
  60591. ],
  60592. syntax: "start | middle | end"
  60593. },
  60594. "unicode-bidi": {
  60595. comment: "added prefixed keywords",
  60596. syntax: "| -moz-isolate | -moz-isolate-override | -moz-plaintext | -webkit-isolate | -webkit-isolate-override | -webkit-plaintext"
  60597. },
  60598. "unicode-range": {
  60599. comment: "added missed property",
  60600. syntax: "<urange>#"
  60601. },
  60602. "voice-balance": {
  60603. comment: "",
  60604. syntax: "<number> | left | center | right | leftwards | rightwards"
  60605. },
  60606. "voice-duration": {
  60607. comment: "",
  60608. syntax: "auto | <time>"
  60609. },
  60610. "voice-family": {
  60611. comment: "<name> -> <family-name>,",
  60612. syntax: "[ [ <family-name> | <generic-voice> ] , ]* [ <family-name> | <generic-voice> ] | preserve"
  60613. },
  60614. "voice-pitch": {
  60615. comment: "",
  60616. syntax: "<frequency> && absolute | [ [ x-low | low | medium | high | x-high ] || [ <frequency> | <semitones> | <percentage> ] ]"
  60617. },
  60618. "voice-range": {
  60619. comment: "",
  60620. syntax: "<frequency> && absolute | [ [ x-low | low | medium | high | x-high ] || [ <frequency> | <semitones> | <percentage> ] ]"
  60621. },
  60622. "voice-rate": {
  60623. comment: "",
  60624. syntax: "[ normal | x-slow | slow | medium | fast | x-fast ] || <percentage>"
  60625. },
  60626. "voice-stress": {
  60627. comment: "",
  60628. syntax: "normal | strong | moderate | none | reduced"
  60629. },
  60630. "voice-volume": {
  60631. comment: "",
  60632. syntax: "silent | [ [ x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud ] || <decibel> ]"
  60633. },
  60634. "writing-mode": {
  60635. comment: "extend with SVG keywords",
  60636. syntax: "| <svg-writing-mode>"
  60637. }
  60638. },
  60639. types: {
  60640. "-legacy-gradient": {
  60641. comment: "added collection of legacy gradient syntaxes",
  60642. syntax: "<-webkit-gradient()> | <-legacy-linear-gradient> | <-legacy-repeating-linear-gradient> | <-legacy-radial-gradient> | <-legacy-repeating-radial-gradient>"
  60643. },
  60644. "-legacy-linear-gradient": {
  60645. comment: "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
  60646. syntax: "-moz-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> )"
  60647. },
  60648. "-legacy-repeating-linear-gradient": {
  60649. comment: "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
  60650. syntax: "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> )"
  60651. },
  60652. "-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments": {
  60653. comment: "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
  60654. syntax: "[ <angle> | <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list>"
  60655. },
  60656. "-legacy-radial-gradient": {
  60657. comment: "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
  60658. syntax: "-moz-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> )"
  60659. },
  60660. "-legacy-repeating-radial-gradient": {
  60661. comment: "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
  60662. syntax: "-moz-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> )"
  60663. },
  60664. "-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments": {
  60665. comment: "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
  60666. syntax: "[ <position> , ]? [ [ [ <-legacy-radial-gradient-shape> || <-legacy-radial-gradient-size> ] | [ <length> | <percentage> ]{2} ] , ]? <color-stop-list>"
  60667. },
  60668. "-legacy-radial-gradient-size": {
  60669. comment: "before a standard it contains 2 extra keywords (`contain` and `cover`)",
  60670. syntax: "closest-side | closest-corner | farthest-side | farthest-corner | contain | cover"
  60671. },
  60672. "-legacy-radial-gradient-shape": {
  60673. comment: "define to double sure it doesn't extends in future",
  60674. syntax: "circle | ellipse"
  60675. },
  60676. "-non-standard-font": {
  60677. comment: "non standard fonts",
  60678. references: [
  60679. ""
  60680. ],
  60681. syntax: "-apple-system-body | -apple-system-headline | -apple-system-subheadline | -apple-system-caption1 | -apple-system-caption2 | -apple-system-footnote | -apple-system-short-body | -apple-system-short-headline | -apple-system-short-subheadline | -apple-system-short-caption1 | -apple-system-short-footnote | -apple-system-tall-body"
  60682. },
  60683. "-non-standard-color": {
  60684. comment: "non standard colors",
  60685. references: [
  60686. "",
  60687. ""
  60688. ],
  60689. syntax: "-moz-ButtonDefault | -moz-ButtonHoverFace | -moz-ButtonHoverText | -moz-CellHighlight | -moz-CellHighlightText | -moz-Combobox | -moz-ComboboxText | -moz-Dialog | -moz-DialogText | -moz-dragtargetzone | -moz-EvenTreeRow | -moz-Field | -moz-FieldText | -moz-html-CellHighlight | -moz-html-CellHighlightText | -moz-mac-accentdarkestshadow | -moz-mac-accentdarkshadow | -moz-mac-accentface | -moz-mac-accentlightesthighlight | -moz-mac-accentlightshadow | -moz-mac-accentregularhighlight | -moz-mac-accentregularshadow | -moz-mac-chrome-active | -moz-mac-chrome-inactive | -moz-mac-focusring | -moz-mac-menuselect | -moz-mac-menushadow | -moz-mac-menutextselect | -moz-MenuHover | -moz-MenuHoverText | -moz-MenuBarText | -moz-MenuBarHoverText | -moz-nativehyperlinktext | -moz-OddTreeRow | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-activehyperlinktext | -moz-default-background-color | -moz-default-color | -moz-hyperlinktext | -moz-visitedhyperlinktext | -webkit-activelink | -webkit-focus-ring-color | -webkit-link | -webkit-text"
  60690. },
  60691. "-non-standard-image-rendering": {
  60692. comment: "non-standard keywords",
  60693. syntax: "optimize-contrast | -moz-crisp-edges | -o-crisp-edges | -webkit-optimize-contrast"
  60694. },
  60695. "-non-standard-overflow": {
  60696. comment: "non-standard keywords",
  60697. syntax: "-moz-scrollbars-none | -moz-scrollbars-horizontal | -moz-scrollbars-vertical | -moz-hidden-unscrollable"
  60698. },
  60699. "-non-standard-width": {
  60700. comment: "non-standard keywords",
  60701. syntax: "fill-available | min-intrinsic | intrinsic | -moz-available | -moz-fit-content | -moz-min-content | -moz-max-content | -webkit-min-content | -webkit-max-content"
  60702. },
  60703. "-webkit-gradient()": {
  60704. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax - TODO: simplify when after match algorithm improvement ( [, point, radius | , point] -> [, radius]? , point )",
  60705. syntax: "-webkit-gradient( <-webkit-gradient-type>, <-webkit-gradient-point> [, <-webkit-gradient-point> | , <-webkit-gradient-radius>, <-webkit-gradient-point> ] [, <-webkit-gradient-radius>]? [, <-webkit-gradient-color-stop>]* )"
  60706. },
  60707. "-webkit-gradient-color-stop": {
  60708. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
  60709. syntax: "from( <color> ) | color-stop( [ <number-zero-one> | <percentage> ] , <color> ) | to( <color> )"
  60710. },
  60711. "-webkit-gradient-point": {
  60712. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
  60713. syntax: "[ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ]"
  60714. },
  60715. "-webkit-gradient-radius": {
  60716. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
  60717. syntax: "<length> | <percentage>"
  60718. },
  60719. "-webkit-gradient-type": {
  60720. comment: "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
  60721. syntax: "linear | radial"
  60722. },
  60723. "-webkit-mask-box-repeat": {
  60724. comment: "missed;",
  60725. syntax: "repeat | stretch | round"
  60726. },
  60727. "-webkit-mask-clip-style": {
  60728. comment: "missed; there is no enough information about `-webkit-mask-clip` property, but looks like all those keywords are working",
  60729. syntax: "border | border-box | padding | padding-box | content | content-box | text"
  60730. },
  60731. "-ms-filter-function-list": {
  60732. comment: "",
  60733. syntax: "<-ms-filter-function>+"
  60734. },
  60735. "-ms-filter-function": {
  60736. comment: "",
  60737. syntax: "<-ms-filter-function-progid> | <-ms-filter-function-legacy>"
  60738. },
  60739. "-ms-filter-function-progid": {
  60740. comment: "",
  60741. syntax: "'progid:' [ <ident-token> '.' ]* [ <ident-token> | <function-token> <any-value>? ) ]"
  60742. },
  60743. "-ms-filter-function-legacy": {
  60744. comment: "",
  60745. syntax: "<ident-token> | <function-token> <any-value>? )"
  60746. },
  60747. "-ms-filter": {
  60748. syntax: "<string>"
  60749. },
  60750. age: {
  60751. comment: "",
  60752. syntax: "child | young | old"
  60753. },
  60754. "attr-name": {
  60755. syntax: "<wq-name>"
  60756. },
  60757. "attr-fallback": {
  60758. syntax: "<any-value>"
  60759. },
  60760. "bg-clip": {
  60761. comment: "missed,",
  60762. syntax: "<box> | border | text"
  60763. },
  60764. "border-radius": {
  60765. comment: "missed,",
  60766. syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}"
  60767. },
  60768. bottom: {
  60769. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  60770. syntax: "<length> | auto"
  60771. },
  60772. "content-list": {
  60773. comment: "added attr(), see",
  60774. syntax: "[ <string> | contents | <image> | <counter> | <quote> | <target> | <leader()> | <attr()> ]+"
  60775. },
  60776. "element()": {
  60777. comment: " &",
  60778. syntax: "element( <custom-ident> , [ first | start | last | first-except ]? ) | element( <id-selector> )"
  60779. },
  60780. "generic-voice": {
  60781. comment: "",
  60782. syntax: "[ <age>? <gender> <integer>? ]"
  60783. },
  60784. gender: {
  60785. comment: "",
  60786. syntax: "male | female | neutral"
  60787. },
  60788. "generic-family": {
  60789. comment: "added -apple-system",
  60790. references: [
  60791. ""
  60792. ],
  60793. syntax: "| -apple-system"
  60794. },
  60795. gradient: {
  60796. comment: "added legacy syntaxes support",
  60797. syntax: "| <-legacy-gradient>"
  60798. },
  60799. "lab()": {
  60800. comment: "missed;",
  60801. syntax: "lab( [<percentage> | <number> | none] [ <percentage> | <number> | none] [ <percentage> | <number> | none] [ / [<alpha-value> | none] ]? )"
  60802. },
  60803. "lch()": {
  60804. comment: "missed;",
  60805. syntax: "lch( [<percentage> | <number> | none] [ <percentage> | <number> | none] [ <hue> | none] [ / [<alpha-value> | none] ]? )"
  60806. },
  60807. left: {
  60808. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  60809. syntax: "<length> | auto"
  60810. },
  60811. "mask-image": {
  60812. comment: "missed;",
  60813. syntax: "<mask-reference>#"
  60814. },
  60815. "named-color": {
  60816. comment: "added non standard color names",
  60817. syntax: "| <-non-standard-color>"
  60818. },
  60819. paint: {
  60820. comment: "used by SVG",
  60821. syntax: "none | <color> | <url> [ none | <color> ]? | context-fill | context-stroke"
  60822. },
  60823. ratio: {
  60824. comment: "missed,",
  60825. syntax: "<number [0,\u221E]> [ / <number [0,\u221E]> ]?"
  60826. },
  60827. "reversed-counter-name": {
  60828. comment: "missed;",
  60829. syntax: "reversed( <counter-name> )"
  60830. },
  60831. right: {
  60832. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  60833. syntax: "<length> | auto"
  60834. },
  60835. shape: {
  60836. comment: "missed spaces in function body and add backwards compatible syntax",
  60837. syntax: "rect( <top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left> ) | rect( <top> <right> <bottom> <left> )"
  60838. },
  60839. "svg-length": {
  60840. comment: "All coordinates and lengths in SVG can be specified with or without a unit identifier",
  60841. references: [
  60842. ""
  60843. ],
  60844. syntax: "<percentage> | <length> | <number>"
  60845. },
  60846. "svg-writing-mode": {
  60847. comment: "SVG specific keywords (deprecated for CSS)",
  60848. references: [
  60849. "",
  60850. ""
  60851. ],
  60852. syntax: "lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb"
  60853. },
  60854. top: {
  60855. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  60856. syntax: "<length> | auto"
  60857. },
  60858. "track-group": {
  60859. comment: "used by old grid-columns and grid-rows syntax v0",
  60860. syntax: "'(' [ <string>* <track-minmax> <string>* ]+ ')' [ '[' <positive-integer> ']' ]? | <track-minmax>"
  60861. },
  60862. "track-list-v0": {
  60863. comment: "used by old grid-columns and grid-rows syntax v0",
  60864. syntax: "[ <string>* <track-group> <string>* ]+ | none"
  60865. },
  60866. "track-minmax": {
  60867. comment: "used by old grid-columns and grid-rows syntax v0",
  60868. syntax: "minmax( <track-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | auto | <track-breadth> | fit-content"
  60869. },
  60870. x: {
  60871. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `cursor` is using it so it's ok for now;",
  60872. syntax: "<number>"
  60873. },
  60874. y: {
  60875. comment: "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `cursor` is using so it's ok for now;",
  60876. syntax: "<number>"
  60877. },
  60878. declaration: {
  60879. comment: "missed, restored by",
  60880. syntax: "<ident-token> : <declaration-value>? [ '!' important ]?"
  60881. },
  60882. "declaration-list": {
  60883. comment: "missed, restored by",
  60884. syntax: "[ <declaration>? ';' ]* <declaration>?"
  60885. },
  60886. url: {
  60887. comment: "",
  60888. syntax: "url( <string> <url-modifier>* ) | <url-token>"
  60889. },
  60890. "url-modifier": {
  60891. comment: "",
  60892. syntax: "<ident> | <function-token> <any-value> )"
  60893. },
  60894. "number-zero-one": {
  60895. syntax: "<number [0,1]>"
  60896. },
  60897. "number-one-or-greater": {
  60898. syntax: "<number [1,\u221E]>"
  60899. },
  60900. "positive-integer": {
  60901. syntax: "<integer [0,\u221E]>"
  60902. },
  60903. "-non-standard-display": {
  60904. syntax: "-ms-inline-flexbox | -ms-grid | -ms-inline-grid | -webkit-flex | -webkit-inline-flex | -webkit-box | -webkit-inline-box | -moz-inline-stack | -moz-box | -moz-inline-box"
  60905. }
  60906. }
  60907. };
  60908. }
  60909. });
  60910. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/data-patch.cjs
  60911. var require_data_patch2 = __commonJS({
  60912. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/data-patch.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  60913. "use strict";
  60914. var patch = require_patch2();
  60915. var patch$1 = patch;
  60916. module2.exports = patch$1;
  60917. }
  60918. });
  60919. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/mdn-data/css/at-rules.json
  60920. var require_at_rules2 = __commonJS({
  60921. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/mdn-data/css/at-rules.json"(exports2, module2) {
  60922. module2.exports = {
  60923. "@charset": {
  60924. syntax: '@charset "<charset>";',
  60925. groups: [
  60926. "CSS Charsets"
  60927. ],
  60928. status: "standard",
  60929. mdn_url: ""
  60930. },
  60931. "@counter-style": {
  60932. syntax: "@counter-style <counter-style-name> {\n [ system: <counter-system>; ] ||\n [ symbols: <counter-symbols>; ] ||\n [ additive-symbols: <additive-symbols>; ] ||\n [ negative: <negative-symbol>; ] ||\n [ prefix: <prefix>; ] ||\n [ suffix: <suffix>; ] ||\n [ range: <range>; ] ||\n [ pad: <padding>; ] ||\n [ speak-as: <speak-as>; ] ||\n [ fallback: <counter-style-name>; ]\n}",
  60933. interfaces: [
  60934. "CSSCounterStyleRule"
  60935. ],
  60936. groups: [
  60937. "CSS Counter Styles"
  60938. ],
  60939. descriptors: {
  60940. "additive-symbols": {
  60941. syntax: "[ <integer> && <symbol> ]#",
  60942. media: "all",
  60943. initial: "n/a (required)",
  60944. percentages: "no",
  60945. computed: "asSpecified",
  60946. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  60947. status: "standard"
  60948. },
  60949. fallback: {
  60950. syntax: "<counter-style-name>",
  60951. media: "all",
  60952. initial: "decimal",
  60953. percentages: "no",
  60954. computed: "asSpecified",
  60955. order: "uniqueOrder",
  60956. status: "standard"
  60957. },
  60958. negative: {
  60959. syntax: "<symbol> <symbol>?",
  60960. media: "all",
  60961. initial: '"-" hyphen-minus',
  60962. percentages: "no",
  60963. computed: "asSpecified",
  60964. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  60965. status: "standard"
  60966. },
  60967. pad: {
  60968. syntax: "<integer> && <symbol>",
  60969. media: "all",
  60970. initial: '0 ""',
  60971. percentages: "no",
  60972. computed: "asSpecified",
  60973. order: "uniqueOrder",
  60974. status: "standard"
  60975. },
  60976. prefix: {
  60977. syntax: "<symbol>",
  60978. media: "all",
  60979. initial: '""',
  60980. percentages: "no",
  60981. computed: "asSpecified",
  60982. order: "uniqueOrder",
  60983. status: "standard"
  60984. },
  60985. range: {
  60986. syntax: "[ [ <integer> | infinite ]{2} ]# | auto",
  60987. media: "all",
  60988. initial: "auto",
  60989. percentages: "no",
  60990. computed: "asSpecified",
  60991. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  60992. status: "standard"
  60993. },
  60994. "speak-as": {
  60995. syntax: "auto | bullets | numbers | words | spell-out | <counter-style-name>",
  60996. media: "all",
  60997. initial: "auto",
  60998. percentages: "no",
  60999. computed: "asSpecified",
  61000. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61001. status: "standard"
  61002. },
  61003. suffix: {
  61004. syntax: "<symbol>",
  61005. media: "all",
  61006. initial: '". "',
  61007. percentages: "no",
  61008. computed: "asSpecified",
  61009. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61010. status: "standard"
  61011. },
  61012. symbols: {
  61013. syntax: "<symbol>+",
  61014. media: "all",
  61015. initial: "n/a (required)",
  61016. percentages: "no",
  61017. computed: "asSpecified",
  61018. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61019. status: "standard"
  61020. },
  61021. system: {
  61022. syntax: "cyclic | numeric | alphabetic | symbolic | additive | [ fixed <integer>? ] | [ extends <counter-style-name> ]",
  61023. media: "all",
  61024. initial: "symbolic",
  61025. percentages: "no",
  61026. computed: "asSpecified",
  61027. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61028. status: "standard"
  61029. }
  61030. },
  61031. status: "standard",
  61032. mdn_url: ""
  61033. },
  61034. "@document": {
  61035. syntax: "@document [ <url> | url-prefix(<string>) | domain(<string>) | media-document(<string>) | regexp(<string>) ]# {\n <group-rule-body>\n}",
  61036. interfaces: [
  61037. "CSSGroupingRule",
  61038. "CSSConditionRule"
  61039. ],
  61040. groups: [
  61041. "CSS Conditional Rules"
  61042. ],
  61043. status: "nonstandard",
  61044. mdn_url: ""
  61045. },
  61046. "@font-face": {
  61047. syntax: "@font-face {\n [ font-family: <family-name>; ] ||\n [ src: <src>; ] ||\n [ unicode-range: <unicode-range>; ] ||\n [ font-variant: <font-variant>; ] ||\n [ font-feature-settings: <font-feature-settings>; ] ||\n [ font-variation-settings: <font-variation-settings>; ] ||\n [ font-stretch: <font-stretch>; ] ||\n [ font-weight: <font-weight>; ] ||\n [ font-style: <font-style>; ] ||\n [ size-adjust: <size-adjust>; ] ||\n [ ascent-override: <ascent-override>; ] ||\n [ descent-override: <descent-override>; ] ||\n [ line-gap-override: <line-gap-override>; ]\n}",
  61048. interfaces: [
  61049. "CSSFontFaceRule"
  61050. ],
  61051. groups: [
  61052. "CSS Fonts"
  61053. ],
  61054. descriptors: {
  61055. "ascent-override": {
  61056. syntax: "normal | <percentage>",
  61057. media: "all",
  61058. initial: "normal",
  61059. percentages: "asSpecified",
  61060. computed: "asSpecified",
  61061. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61062. status: "experimental"
  61063. },
  61064. "descent-override": {
  61065. syntax: "normal | <percentage>",
  61066. media: "all",
  61067. initial: "normal",
  61068. percentages: "asSpecified",
  61069. computed: "asSpecified",
  61070. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61071. status: "experimental"
  61072. },
  61073. "font-display": {
  61074. syntax: "[ auto | block | swap | fallback | optional ]",
  61075. media: "visual",
  61076. percentages: "no",
  61077. initial: "auto",
  61078. computed: "asSpecified",
  61079. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61080. status: "experimental"
  61081. },
  61082. "font-family": {
  61083. syntax: "<family-name>",
  61084. media: "all",
  61085. initial: "n/a (required)",
  61086. percentages: "no",
  61087. computed: "asSpecified",
  61088. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61089. status: "standard"
  61090. },
  61091. "font-feature-settings": {
  61092. syntax: "normal | <feature-tag-value>#",
  61093. media: "all",
  61094. initial: "normal",
  61095. percentages: "no",
  61096. computed: "asSpecified",
  61097. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61098. status: "standard"
  61099. },
  61100. "font-variation-settings": {
  61101. syntax: "normal | [ <string> <number> ]#",
  61102. media: "all",
  61103. initial: "normal",
  61104. percentages: "no",
  61105. computed: "asSpecified",
  61106. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61107. status: "standard"
  61108. },
  61109. "font-stretch": {
  61110. syntax: "<font-stretch-absolute>{1,2}",
  61111. media: "all",
  61112. initial: "normal",
  61113. percentages: "no",
  61114. computed: "asSpecified",
  61115. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61116. status: "standard"
  61117. },
  61118. "font-style": {
  61119. syntax: "normal | italic | oblique <angle>{0,2}",
  61120. media: "all",
  61121. initial: "normal",
  61122. percentages: "no",
  61123. computed: "asSpecified",
  61124. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61125. status: "standard"
  61126. },
  61127. "font-weight": {
  61128. syntax: "<font-weight-absolute>{1,2}",
  61129. media: "all",
  61130. initial: "normal",
  61131. percentages: "no",
  61132. computed: "asSpecified",
  61133. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61134. status: "standard"
  61135. },
  61136. "font-variant": {
  61137. syntax: "normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values> || <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values> || stylistic(<feature-value-name>) || historical-forms || styleset(<feature-value-name>#) || character-variant(<feature-value-name>#) || swash(<feature-value-name>) || ornaments(<feature-value-name>) || annotation(<feature-value-name>) || [ small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] || <numeric-figure-values> || <numeric-spacing-values> || <numeric-fraction-values> || ordinal || slashed-zero || <east-asian-variant-values> || <east-asian-width-values> || ruby ]",
  61138. media: "all",
  61139. initial: "normal",
  61140. percentages: "no",
  61141. computed: "asSpecified",
  61142. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61143. status: "standard"
  61144. },
  61145. "line-gap-override": {
  61146. syntax: "normal | <percentage>",
  61147. media: "all",
  61148. initial: "normal",
  61149. percentages: "asSpecified",
  61150. computed: "asSpecified",
  61151. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61152. status: "experimental"
  61153. },
  61154. "size-adjust": {
  61155. syntax: "<percentage>",
  61156. media: "all",
  61157. initial: "100%",
  61158. percentages: "asSpecified",
  61159. computed: "asSpecified",
  61160. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61161. status: "experimental"
  61162. },
  61163. src: {
  61164. syntax: "[ <url> [ format( <string># ) ]? | local( <family-name> ) ]#",
  61165. media: "all",
  61166. initial: "n/a (required)",
  61167. percentages: "no",
  61168. computed: "asSpecified",
  61169. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61170. status: "standard"
  61171. },
  61172. "unicode-range": {
  61173. syntax: "<unicode-range>#",
  61174. media: "all",
  61175. initial: "U+0-10FFFF",
  61176. percentages: "no",
  61177. computed: "asSpecified",
  61178. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61179. status: "standard"
  61180. }
  61181. },
  61182. status: "standard",
  61183. mdn_url: ""
  61184. },
  61185. "@font-feature-values": {
  61186. syntax: "@font-feature-values <family-name># {\n <feature-value-block-list>\n}",
  61187. interfaces: [
  61188. "CSSFontFeatureValuesRule"
  61189. ],
  61190. groups: [
  61191. "CSS Fonts"
  61192. ],
  61193. status: "standard",
  61194. mdn_url: ""
  61195. },
  61196. "@import": {
  61197. syntax: "@import [ <string> | <url> ]\n [ layer | layer(<layer-name>) ]?\n [ supports( [ <supports-condition> | <declaration> ] ) ]?\n <media-query-list>? ;",
  61198. groups: [
  61199. "CSS Conditional Rules",
  61200. "Media Queries"
  61201. ],
  61202. status: "standard",
  61203. mdn_url: ""
  61204. },
  61205. "@keyframes": {
  61206. syntax: "@keyframes <keyframes-name> {\n <keyframe-block-list>\n}",
  61207. interfaces: [
  61208. "CSSKeyframeRule",
  61209. "CSSKeyframesRule"
  61210. ],
  61211. groups: [
  61212. "CSS Animations"
  61213. ],
  61214. status: "standard",
  61215. mdn_url: ""
  61216. },
  61217. "@layer": {
  61218. syntax: "@layer [ <layer-name># | <layer-name>? {\n <stylesheet>\n} ]",
  61219. interfaces: [
  61220. "CSSLayerBlockRule",
  61221. "CSSLayerStatementRule"
  61222. ],
  61223. groups: [
  61224. "CSS Cascading and Inheritance"
  61225. ],
  61226. status: "standard",
  61227. mdn_url: ""
  61228. },
  61229. "@media": {
  61230. syntax: "@media <media-query-list> {\n <group-rule-body>\n}",
  61231. interfaces: [
  61232. "CSSGroupingRule",
  61233. "CSSConditionRule",
  61234. "CSSMediaRule",
  61235. "CSSCustomMediaRule"
  61236. ],
  61237. groups: [
  61238. "CSS Conditional Rules",
  61239. "Media Queries"
  61240. ],
  61241. status: "standard",
  61242. mdn_url: ""
  61243. },
  61244. "@namespace": {
  61245. syntax: "@namespace <namespace-prefix>? [ <string> | <url> ];",
  61246. groups: [
  61247. "CSS Namespaces"
  61248. ],
  61249. status: "standard",
  61250. mdn_url: ""
  61251. },
  61252. "@page": {
  61253. syntax: "@page <page-selector-list> {\n <page-body>\n}",
  61254. interfaces: [
  61255. "CSSPageRule"
  61256. ],
  61257. groups: [
  61258. "CSS Pages"
  61259. ],
  61260. descriptors: {
  61261. bleed: {
  61262. syntax: "auto | <length>",
  61263. media: [
  61264. "visual",
  61265. "paged"
  61266. ],
  61267. initial: "auto",
  61268. percentages: "no",
  61269. computed: "asSpecified",
  61270. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61271. status: "standard"
  61272. },
  61273. marks: {
  61274. syntax: "none | [ crop || cross ]",
  61275. media: [
  61276. "visual",
  61277. "paged"
  61278. ],
  61279. initial: "none",
  61280. percentages: "no",
  61281. computed: "asSpecified",
  61282. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61283. status: "standard"
  61284. },
  61285. size: {
  61286. syntax: "<length>{1,2} | auto | [ <page-size> || [ portrait | landscape ] ]",
  61287. media: [
  61288. "visual",
  61289. "paged"
  61290. ],
  61291. initial: "auto",
  61292. percentages: "no",
  61293. computed: "asSpecifiedRelativeToAbsoluteLengths",
  61294. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61295. status: "standard"
  61296. }
  61297. },
  61298. status: "standard",
  61299. mdn_url: ""
  61300. },
  61301. "@property": {
  61302. syntax: "@property <custom-property-name> {\n <declaration-list>\n}",
  61303. interfaces: [
  61304. "CSS",
  61305. "CSSPropertyRule"
  61306. ],
  61307. groups: [
  61308. "CSS Houdini"
  61309. ],
  61310. descriptors: {
  61311. syntax: {
  61312. syntax: "<string>",
  61313. media: "all",
  61314. percentages: "no",
  61315. initial: "n/a (required)",
  61316. computed: "asSpecified",
  61317. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61318. status: "experimental"
  61319. },
  61320. inherits: {
  61321. syntax: "true | false",
  61322. media: "all",
  61323. percentages: "no",
  61324. initial: "auto",
  61325. computed: "asSpecified",
  61326. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61327. status: "experimental"
  61328. },
  61329. "initial-value": {
  61330. syntax: "<string>",
  61331. media: "all",
  61332. initial: "n/a (required)",
  61333. percentages: "no",
  61334. computed: "asSpecified",
  61335. order: "uniqueOrder",
  61336. status: "experimental"
  61337. }
  61338. },
  61339. status: "experimental",
  61340. mdn_url: ""
  61341. },
  61342. "@scroll-timeline": {
  61343. syntax: "@scroll-timeline <timeline-name> { <declaration-list> }",
  61344. interfaces: [
  61345. "ScrollTimeline"
  61346. ],
  61347. groups: [
  61348. "CSS Animations"
  61349. ],
  61350. status: "standard",
  61351. mdn_url: ""
  61352. },
  61353. "@supports": {
  61354. syntax: "@supports <supports-condition> {\n <group-rule-body>\n}",
  61355. interfaces: [
  61356. "CSSGroupingRule",
  61357. "CSSConditionRule",
  61358. "CSSSupportsRule"
  61359. ],
  61360. groups: [
  61361. "CSS Conditional Rules"
  61362. ],
  61363. status: "standard",
  61364. mdn_url: ""
  61365. },
  61366. "@viewport": {
  61367. syntax: "@viewport {\n <group-rule-body>\n}",
  61368. interfaces: [
  61369. "CSSViewportRule"
  61370. ],
  61371. groups: [
  61372. "CSS Device Adaptation"
  61373. ],
  61374. descriptors: {
  61375. height: {
  61376. syntax: "<viewport-length>{1,2}",
  61377. media: [
  61378. "visual",
  61379. "continuous"
  61380. ],
  61381. initial: [
  61382. "min-height",
  61383. "max-height"
  61384. ],
  61385. percentages: [
  61386. "min-height",
  61387. "max-height"
  61388. ],
  61389. computed: [
  61390. "min-height",
  61391. "max-height"
  61392. ],
  61393. order: "orderOfAppearance",
  61394. status: "standard"
  61395. },
  61396. "max-height": {
  61397. syntax: "<viewport-length>",
  61398. media: [
  61399. "visual",
  61400. "continuous"
  61401. ],
  61402. initial: "auto",
  61403. percentages: "referToHeightOfInitialViewport",
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  70846. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/mdn-data/css/syntaxes.json
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  70848. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/mdn-data/css/syntaxes.json"(exports2, module2) {
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  70852. },
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  70855. },
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  70858. },
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  70861. },
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  70864. },
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  70867. },
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  70870. },
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  70872. syntax: "scroll | fixed | local"
  70873. },
  70874. "attr()": {
  70875. syntax: "attr( <attr-name> <type-or-unit>? [, <attr-fallback> ]? )"
  70876. },
  70877. "attr-matcher": {
  70878. syntax: "[ '~' | '|' | '^' | '$' | '*' ]? '='"
  70879. },
  70880. "attr-modifier": {
  70881. syntax: "i | s"
  70882. },
  70883. "attribute-selector": {
  70884. syntax: "'[' <wq-name> ']' | '[' <wq-name> <attr-matcher> [ <string-token> | <ident-token> ] <attr-modifier>? ']'"
  70885. },
  70886. "auto-repeat": {
  70887. syntax: "repeat( [ auto-fill | auto-fit ] , [ <line-names>? <fixed-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
  70888. },
  70889. "auto-track-list": {
  70890. syntax: "[ <line-names>? [ <fixed-size> | <fixed-repeat> ] ]* <line-names>? <auto-repeat>\n[ <line-names>? [ <fixed-size> | <fixed-repeat> ] ]* <line-names>?"
  70891. },
  70892. "baseline-position": {
  70893. syntax: "[ first | last ]? baseline"
  70894. },
  70895. "basic-shape": {
  70896. syntax: "<inset()> | <circle()> | <ellipse()> | <polygon()> | <path()>"
  70897. },
  70898. "bg-image": {
  70899. syntax: "none | <image>"
  70900. },
  70901. "bg-layer": {
  70902. syntax: "<bg-image> || <bg-position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <attachment> || <box> || <box>"
  70903. },
  70904. "bg-position": {
  70905. syntax: "[ [ left | center | right | top | bottom | <length-percentage> ] | [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ] | [ center | [ left | right ] <length-percentage>? ] && [ center | [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage>? ] ]"
  70906. },
  70907. "bg-size": {
  70908. syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | auto ]{1,2} | cover | contain"
  70909. },
  70910. "blur()": {
  70911. syntax: "blur( <length> )"
  70912. },
  70913. "blend-mode": {
  70914. syntax: "normal | multiply | screen | overlay | darken | lighten | color-dodge | color-burn | hard-light | soft-light | difference | exclusion | hue | saturation | color | luminosity"
  70915. },
  70916. box: {
  70917. syntax: "border-box | padding-box | content-box"
  70918. },
  70919. "brightness()": {
  70920. syntax: "brightness( <number-percentage> )"
  70921. },
  70922. "calc()": {
  70923. syntax: "calc( <calc-sum> )"
  70924. },
  70925. "calc-sum": {
  70926. syntax: "<calc-product> [ [ '+' | '-' ] <calc-product> ]*"
  70927. },
  70928. "calc-product": {
  70929. syntax: "<calc-value> [ '*' <calc-value> | '/' <number> ]*"
  70930. },
  70931. "calc-value": {
  70932. syntax: "<number> | <dimension> | <percentage> | ( <calc-sum> )"
  70933. },
  70934. "cf-final-image": {
  70935. syntax: "<image> | <color>"
  70936. },
  70937. "cf-mixing-image": {
  70938. syntax: "<percentage>? && <image>"
  70939. },
  70940. "circle()": {
  70941. syntax: "circle( [ <shape-radius> ]? [ at <position> ]? )"
  70942. },
  70943. "clamp()": {
  70944. syntax: "clamp( <calc-sum>#{3} )"
  70945. },
  70946. "class-selector": {
  70947. syntax: "'.' <ident-token>"
  70948. },
  70949. "clip-source": {
  70950. syntax: "<url>"
  70951. },
  70952. color: {
  70953. syntax: "<rgb()> | <rgba()> | <hsl()> | <hsla()> | <hwb()> | <lab()> | <lch()> | <hex-color> | <named-color> | currentcolor | <deprecated-system-color>"
  70954. },
  70955. "color-stop": {
  70956. syntax: "<color-stop-length> | <color-stop-angle>"
  70957. },
  70958. "color-stop-angle": {
  70959. syntax: "<angle-percentage>{1,2}"
  70960. },
  70961. "color-stop-length": {
  70962. syntax: "<length-percentage>{1,2}"
  70963. },
  70964. "color-stop-list": {
  70965. syntax: "[ <linear-color-stop> [, <linear-color-hint>]? ]# , <linear-color-stop>"
  70966. },
  70967. combinator: {
  70968. syntax: "'>' | '+' | '~' | [ '||' ]"
  70969. },
  70970. "common-lig-values": {
  70971. syntax: "[ common-ligatures | no-common-ligatures ]"
  70972. },
  70973. "compat-auto": {
  70974. syntax: "searchfield | textarea | push-button | slider-horizontal | checkbox | radio | square-button | menulist | listbox | meter | progress-bar | button"
  70975. },
  70976. "composite-style": {
  70977. syntax: "clear | copy | source-over | source-in | source-out | source-atop | destination-over | destination-in | destination-out | destination-atop | xor"
  70978. },
  70979. "compositing-operator": {
  70980. syntax: "add | subtract | intersect | exclude"
  70981. },
  70982. "compound-selector": {
  70983. syntax: "[ <type-selector>? <subclass-selector>* [ <pseudo-element-selector> <pseudo-class-selector>* ]* ]!"
  70984. },
  70985. "compound-selector-list": {
  70986. syntax: "<compound-selector>#"
  70987. },
  70988. "complex-selector": {
  70989. syntax: "<compound-selector> [ <combinator>? <compound-selector> ]*"
  70990. },
  70991. "complex-selector-list": {
  70992. syntax: "<complex-selector>#"
  70993. },
  70994. "conic-gradient()": {
  70995. syntax: "conic-gradient( [ from <angle> ]? [ at <position> ]?, <angular-color-stop-list> )"
  70996. },
  70997. "contextual-alt-values": {
  70998. syntax: "[ contextual | no-contextual ]"
  70999. },
  71000. "content-distribution": {
  71001. syntax: "space-between | space-around | space-evenly | stretch"
  71002. },
  71003. "content-list": {
  71004. syntax: "[ <string> | contents | <image> | <counter> | <quote> | <target> | <leader()> ]+"
  71005. },
  71006. "content-position": {
  71007. syntax: "center | start | end | flex-start | flex-end"
  71008. },
  71009. "content-replacement": {
  71010. syntax: "<image>"
  71011. },
  71012. "contrast()": {
  71013. syntax: "contrast( [ <number-percentage> ] )"
  71014. },
  71015. counter: {
  71016. syntax: "<counter()> | <counters()>"
  71017. },
  71018. "counter()": {
  71019. syntax: "counter( <counter-name>, <counter-style>? )"
  71020. },
  71021. "counter-name": {
  71022. syntax: "<custom-ident>"
  71023. },
  71024. "counter-style": {
  71025. syntax: "<counter-style-name> | symbols()"
  71026. },
  71027. "counter-style-name": {
  71028. syntax: "<custom-ident>"
  71029. },
  71030. "counters()": {
  71031. syntax: "counters( <counter-name>, <string>, <counter-style>? )"
  71032. },
  71033. "cross-fade()": {
  71034. syntax: "cross-fade( <cf-mixing-image> , <cf-final-image>? )"
  71035. },
  71036. "cubic-bezier-timing-function": {
  71037. syntax: "ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(<number [0,1]>, <number>, <number [0,1]>, <number>)"
  71038. },
  71039. "deprecated-system-color": {
  71040. syntax: "ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText"
  71041. },
  71042. "discretionary-lig-values": {
  71043. syntax: "[ discretionary-ligatures | no-discretionary-ligatures ]"
  71044. },
  71045. "display-box": {
  71046. syntax: "contents | none"
  71047. },
  71048. "display-inside": {
  71049. syntax: "flow | flow-root | table | flex | grid | ruby"
  71050. },
  71051. "display-internal": {
  71052. syntax: "table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-cell | table-column-group | table-column | table-caption | ruby-base | ruby-text | ruby-base-container | ruby-text-container"
  71053. },
  71054. "display-legacy": {
  71055. syntax: "inline-block | inline-list-item | inline-table | inline-flex | inline-grid"
  71056. },
  71057. "display-listitem": {
  71058. syntax: "<display-outside>? && [ flow | flow-root ]? && list-item"
  71059. },
  71060. "display-outside": {
  71061. syntax: "block | inline | run-in"
  71062. },
  71063. "drop-shadow()": {
  71064. syntax: "drop-shadow( <length>{2,3} <color>? )"
  71065. },
  71066. "east-asian-variant-values": {
  71067. syntax: "[ jis78 | jis83 | jis90 | jis04 | simplified | traditional ]"
  71068. },
  71069. "east-asian-width-values": {
  71070. syntax: "[ full-width | proportional-width ]"
  71071. },
  71072. "element()": {
  71073. syntax: "element( <id-selector> )"
  71074. },
  71075. "ellipse()": {
  71076. syntax: "ellipse( [ <shape-radius>{2} ]? [ at <position> ]? )"
  71077. },
  71078. "ending-shape": {
  71079. syntax: "circle | ellipse"
  71080. },
  71081. "env()": {
  71082. syntax: "env( <custom-ident> , <declaration-value>? )"
  71083. },
  71084. "explicit-track-list": {
  71085. syntax: "[ <line-names>? <track-size> ]+ <line-names>?"
  71086. },
  71087. "family-name": {
  71088. syntax: "<string> | <custom-ident>+"
  71089. },
  71090. "feature-tag-value": {
  71091. syntax: "<string> [ <integer> | on | off ]?"
  71092. },
  71093. "feature-type": {
  71094. syntax: "@stylistic | @historical-forms | @styleset | @character-variant | @swash | @ornaments | @annotation"
  71095. },
  71096. "feature-value-block": {
  71097. syntax: "<feature-type> '{' <feature-value-declaration-list> '}'"
  71098. },
  71099. "feature-value-block-list": {
  71100. syntax: "<feature-value-block>+"
  71101. },
  71102. "feature-value-declaration": {
  71103. syntax: "<custom-ident>: <integer>+;"
  71104. },
  71105. "feature-value-declaration-list": {
  71106. syntax: "<feature-value-declaration>"
  71107. },
  71108. "feature-value-name": {
  71109. syntax: "<custom-ident>"
  71110. },
  71111. "fill-rule": {
  71112. syntax: "nonzero | evenodd"
  71113. },
  71114. "filter-function": {
  71115. syntax: "<blur()> | <brightness()> | <contrast()> | <drop-shadow()> | <grayscale()> | <hue-rotate()> | <invert()> | <opacity()> | <saturate()> | <sepia()>"
  71116. },
  71117. "filter-function-list": {
  71118. syntax: "[ <filter-function> | <url> ]+"
  71119. },
  71120. "final-bg-layer": {
  71121. syntax: "<'background-color'> || <bg-image> || <bg-position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <attachment> || <box> || <box>"
  71122. },
  71123. "fit-content()": {
  71124. syntax: "fit-content( [ <length> | <percentage> ] )"
  71125. },
  71126. "fixed-breadth": {
  71127. syntax: "<length-percentage>"
  71128. },
  71129. "fixed-repeat": {
  71130. syntax: "repeat( [ <integer [1,\u221E]> ] , [ <line-names>? <fixed-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
  71131. },
  71132. "fixed-size": {
  71133. syntax: "<fixed-breadth> | minmax( <fixed-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | minmax( <inflexible-breadth> , <fixed-breadth> )"
  71134. },
  71135. "font-stretch-absolute": {
  71136. syntax: "normal | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | <percentage>"
  71137. },
  71138. "font-variant-css21": {
  71139. syntax: "[ normal | small-caps ]"
  71140. },
  71141. "font-weight-absolute": {
  71142. syntax: "normal | bold | <number [1,1000]>"
  71143. },
  71144. "frequency-percentage": {
  71145. syntax: "<frequency> | <percentage>"
  71146. },
  71147. "general-enclosed": {
  71148. syntax: "[ <function-token> <any-value> ) ] | ( <ident> <any-value> )"
  71149. },
  71150. "generic-family": {
  71151. syntax: "serif | sans-serif | cursive | fantasy | monospace"
  71152. },
  71153. "generic-name": {
  71154. syntax: "serif | sans-serif | cursive | fantasy | monospace"
  71155. },
  71156. "geometry-box": {
  71157. syntax: "<shape-box> | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box"
  71158. },
  71159. gradient: {
  71160. syntax: "<linear-gradient()> | <repeating-linear-gradient()> | <radial-gradient()> | <repeating-radial-gradient()> | <conic-gradient()> | <repeating-conic-gradient()>"
  71161. },
  71162. "grayscale()": {
  71163. syntax: "grayscale( <number-percentage> )"
  71164. },
  71165. "grid-line": {
  71166. syntax: "auto | <custom-ident> | [ <integer> && <custom-ident>? ] | [ span && [ <integer> || <custom-ident> ] ]"
  71167. },
  71168. "historical-lig-values": {
  71169. syntax: "[ historical-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures ]"
  71170. },
  71171. "hsl()": {
  71172. syntax: "hsl( <hue> <percentage> <percentage> [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | hsl( <hue>, <percentage>, <percentage>, <alpha-value>? )"
  71173. },
  71174. "hsla()": {
  71175. syntax: "hsla( <hue> <percentage> <percentage> [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | hsla( <hue>, <percentage>, <percentage>, <alpha-value>? )"
  71176. },
  71177. hue: {
  71178. syntax: "<number> | <angle>"
  71179. },
  71180. "hue-rotate()": {
  71181. syntax: "hue-rotate( <angle> )"
  71182. },
  71183. "hwb()": {
  71184. syntax: "hwb( [<hue> | none] [<percentage> | none] [<percentage> | none] [ / [<alpha-value> | none] ]? )"
  71185. },
  71186. "id-selector": {
  71187. syntax: "<hash-token>"
  71188. },
  71189. image: {
  71190. syntax: "<url> | <image()> | <image-set()> | <element()> | <paint()> | <cross-fade()> | <gradient>"
  71191. },
  71192. "image()": {
  71193. syntax: "image( <image-tags>? [ <image-src>? , <color>? ]! )"
  71194. },
  71195. "image-set()": {
  71196. syntax: "image-set( <image-set-option># )"
  71197. },
  71198. "image-set-option": {
  71199. syntax: "[ <image> | <string> ] [ <resolution> || type(<string>) ]"
  71200. },
  71201. "image-src": {
  71202. syntax: "<url> | <string>"
  71203. },
  71204. "image-tags": {
  71205. syntax: "ltr | rtl"
  71206. },
  71207. "inflexible-breadth": {
  71208. syntax: "<length> | <percentage> | min-content | max-content | auto"
  71209. },
  71210. "inset()": {
  71211. syntax: "inset( <length-percentage>{1,4} [ round <'border-radius'> ]? )"
  71212. },
  71213. "invert()": {
  71214. syntax: "invert( <number-percentage> )"
  71215. },
  71216. "keyframes-name": {
  71217. syntax: "<custom-ident> | <string>"
  71218. },
  71219. "keyframe-block": {
  71220. syntax: "<keyframe-selector># {\n <declaration-list>\n}"
  71221. },
  71222. "keyframe-block-list": {
  71223. syntax: "<keyframe-block>+"
  71224. },
  71225. "keyframe-selector": {
  71226. syntax: "from | to | <percentage>"
  71227. },
  71228. "layer()": {
  71229. syntax: "layer( <layer-name> )"
  71230. },
  71231. "layer-name": {
  71232. syntax: "<ident> [ '.' <ident> ]*"
  71233. },
  71234. "leader()": {
  71235. syntax: "leader( <leader-type> )"
  71236. },
  71237. "leader-type": {
  71238. syntax: "dotted | solid | space | <string>"
  71239. },
  71240. "length-percentage": {
  71241. syntax: "<length> | <percentage>"
  71242. },
  71243. "line-names": {
  71244. syntax: "'[' <custom-ident>* ']'"
  71245. },
  71246. "line-name-list": {
  71247. syntax: "[ <line-names> | <name-repeat> ]+"
  71248. },
  71249. "line-style": {
  71250. syntax: "none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset"
  71251. },
  71252. "line-width": {
  71253. syntax: "<length> | thin | medium | thick"
  71254. },
  71255. "linear-color-hint": {
  71256. syntax: "<length-percentage>"
  71257. },
  71258. "linear-color-stop": {
  71259. syntax: "<color> <color-stop-length>?"
  71260. },
  71261. "linear-gradient()": {
  71262. syntax: "linear-gradient( [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
  71263. },
  71264. "mask-layer": {
  71265. syntax: "<mask-reference> || <position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <geometry-box> || [ <geometry-box> | no-clip ] || <compositing-operator> || <masking-mode>"
  71266. },
  71267. "mask-position": {
  71268. syntax: "[ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ]?"
  71269. },
  71270. "mask-reference": {
  71271. syntax: "none | <image> | <mask-source>"
  71272. },
  71273. "mask-source": {
  71274. syntax: "<url>"
  71275. },
  71276. "masking-mode": {
  71277. syntax: "alpha | luminance | match-source"
  71278. },
  71279. "matrix()": {
  71280. syntax: "matrix( <number>#{6} )"
  71281. },
  71282. "matrix3d()": {
  71283. syntax: "matrix3d( <number>#{16} )"
  71284. },
  71285. "max()": {
  71286. syntax: "max( <calc-sum># )"
  71287. },
  71288. "media-and": {
  71289. syntax: "<media-in-parens> [ and <media-in-parens> ]+"
  71290. },
  71291. "media-condition": {
  71292. syntax: "<media-not> | <media-and> | <media-or> | <media-in-parens>"
  71293. },
  71294. "media-condition-without-or": {
  71295. syntax: "<media-not> | <media-and> | <media-in-parens>"
  71296. },
  71297. "media-feature": {
  71298. syntax: "( [ <mf-plain> | <mf-boolean> | <mf-range> ] )"
  71299. },
  71300. "media-in-parens": {
  71301. syntax: "( <media-condition> ) | <media-feature> | <general-enclosed>"
  71302. },
  71303. "media-not": {
  71304. syntax: "not <media-in-parens>"
  71305. },
  71306. "media-or": {
  71307. syntax: "<media-in-parens> [ or <media-in-parens> ]+"
  71308. },
  71309. "media-query": {
  71310. syntax: "<media-condition> | [ not | only ]? <media-type> [ and <media-condition-without-or> ]?"
  71311. },
  71312. "media-query-list": {
  71313. syntax: "<media-query>#"
  71314. },
  71315. "media-type": {
  71316. syntax: "<ident>"
  71317. },
  71318. "mf-boolean": {
  71319. syntax: "<mf-name>"
  71320. },
  71321. "mf-name": {
  71322. syntax: "<ident>"
  71323. },
  71324. "mf-plain": {
  71325. syntax: "<mf-name> : <mf-value>"
  71326. },
  71327. "mf-range": {
  71328. syntax: "<mf-name> [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? <mf-value>\n| <mf-value> [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? <mf-name>\n| <mf-value> '<' '='? <mf-name> '<' '='? <mf-value>\n| <mf-value> '>' '='? <mf-name> '>' '='? <mf-value>"
  71329. },
  71330. "mf-value": {
  71331. syntax: "<number> | <dimension> | <ident> | <ratio>"
  71332. },
  71333. "min()": {
  71334. syntax: "min( <calc-sum># )"
  71335. },
  71336. "minmax()": {
  71337. syntax: "minmax( [ <length> | <percentage> | min-content | max-content | auto ] , [ <length> | <percentage> | <flex> | min-content | max-content | auto ] )"
  71338. },
  71339. "name-repeat": {
  71340. syntax: "repeat( [ <integer [1,\u221E]> | auto-fill ], <line-names>+ )"
  71341. },
  71342. "named-color": {
  71343. syntax: "transparent | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen"
  71344. },
  71345. "namespace-prefix": {
  71346. syntax: "<ident>"
  71347. },
  71348. "ns-prefix": {
  71349. syntax: "[ <ident-token> | '*' ]? '|'"
  71350. },
  71351. "number-percentage": {
  71352. syntax: "<number> | <percentage>"
  71353. },
  71354. "numeric-figure-values": {
  71355. syntax: "[ lining-nums | oldstyle-nums ]"
  71356. },
  71357. "numeric-fraction-values": {
  71358. syntax: "[ diagonal-fractions | stacked-fractions ]"
  71359. },
  71360. "numeric-spacing-values": {
  71361. syntax: "[ proportional-nums | tabular-nums ]"
  71362. },
  71363. nth: {
  71364. syntax: "<an-plus-b> | even | odd"
  71365. },
  71366. "opacity()": {
  71367. syntax: "opacity( [ <number-percentage> ] )"
  71368. },
  71369. "overflow-position": {
  71370. syntax: "unsafe | safe"
  71371. },
  71372. "outline-radius": {
  71373. syntax: "<length> | <percentage>"
  71374. },
  71375. "page-body": {
  71376. syntax: "<declaration>? [ ; <page-body> ]? | <page-margin-box> <page-body>"
  71377. },
  71378. "page-margin-box": {
  71379. syntax: "<page-margin-box-type> '{' <declaration-list> '}'"
  71380. },
  71381. "page-margin-box-type": {
  71382. syntax: "@top-left-corner | @top-left | @top-center | @top-right | @top-right-corner | @bottom-left-corner | @bottom-left | @bottom-center | @bottom-right | @bottom-right-corner | @left-top | @left-middle | @left-bottom | @right-top | @right-middle | @right-bottom"
  71383. },
  71384. "page-selector-list": {
  71385. syntax: "[ <page-selector># ]?"
  71386. },
  71387. "page-selector": {
  71388. syntax: "<pseudo-page>+ | <ident> <pseudo-page>*"
  71389. },
  71390. "page-size": {
  71391. syntax: "A5 | A4 | A3 | B5 | B4 | JIS-B5 | JIS-B4 | letter | legal | ledger"
  71392. },
  71393. "path()": {
  71394. syntax: "path( [ <fill-rule>, ]? <string> )"
  71395. },
  71396. "paint()": {
  71397. syntax: "paint( <ident>, <declaration-value>? )"
  71398. },
  71399. "perspective()": {
  71400. syntax: "perspective( <length> )"
  71401. },
  71402. "polygon()": {
  71403. syntax: "polygon( <fill-rule>? , [ <length-percentage> <length-percentage> ]# )"
  71404. },
  71405. position: {
  71406. syntax: "[ [ left | center | right ] || [ top | center | bottom ] | [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ]? | [ [ left | right ] <length-percentage> ] && [ [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage> ] ]"
  71407. },
  71408. "pseudo-class-selector": {
  71409. syntax: "':' <ident-token> | ':' <function-token> <any-value> ')'"
  71410. },
  71411. "pseudo-element-selector": {
  71412. syntax: "':' <pseudo-class-selector>"
  71413. },
  71414. "pseudo-page": {
  71415. syntax: ": [ left | right | first | blank ]"
  71416. },
  71417. quote: {
  71418. syntax: "open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote"
  71419. },
  71420. "radial-gradient()": {
  71421. syntax: "radial-gradient( [ <ending-shape> || <size> ]? [ at <position> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
  71422. },
  71423. "relative-selector": {
  71424. syntax: "<combinator>? <complex-selector>"
  71425. },
  71426. "relative-selector-list": {
  71427. syntax: "<relative-selector>#"
  71428. },
  71429. "relative-size": {
  71430. syntax: "larger | smaller"
  71431. },
  71432. "repeat-style": {
  71433. syntax: "repeat-x | repeat-y | [ repeat | space | round | no-repeat ]{1,2}"
  71434. },
  71435. "repeating-conic-gradient()": {
  71436. syntax: "repeating-conic-gradient( [ from <angle> ]? [ at <position> ]?, <angular-color-stop-list> )"
  71437. },
  71438. "repeating-linear-gradient()": {
  71439. syntax: "repeating-linear-gradient( [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
  71440. },
  71441. "repeating-radial-gradient()": {
  71442. syntax: "repeating-radial-gradient( [ <ending-shape> || <size> ]? [ at <position> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
  71443. },
  71444. "rgb()": {
  71445. syntax: "rgb( <percentage>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgb( <number>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgb( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) | rgb( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )"
  71446. },
  71447. "rgba()": {
  71448. syntax: "rgba( <percentage>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgba( <number>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgba( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) | rgba( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )"
  71449. },
  71450. "rotate()": {
  71451. syntax: "rotate( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  71452. },
  71453. "rotate3d()": {
  71454. syntax: "rotate3d( <number> , <number> , <number> , [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  71455. },
  71456. "rotateX()": {
  71457. syntax: "rotateX( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  71458. },
  71459. "rotateY()": {
  71460. syntax: "rotateY( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  71461. },
  71462. "rotateZ()": {
  71463. syntax: "rotateZ( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  71464. },
  71465. "saturate()": {
  71466. syntax: "saturate( <number-percentage> )"
  71467. },
  71468. "scale()": {
  71469. syntax: "scale( <number> , <number>? )"
  71470. },
  71471. "scale3d()": {
  71472. syntax: "scale3d( <number> , <number> , <number> )"
  71473. },
  71474. "scaleX()": {
  71475. syntax: "scaleX( <number> )"
  71476. },
  71477. "scaleY()": {
  71478. syntax: "scaleY( <number> )"
  71479. },
  71480. "scaleZ()": {
  71481. syntax: "scaleZ( <number> )"
  71482. },
  71483. "self-position": {
  71484. syntax: "center | start | end | self-start | self-end | flex-start | flex-end"
  71485. },
  71486. "shape-radius": {
  71487. syntax: "<length-percentage> | closest-side | farthest-side"
  71488. },
  71489. "skew()": {
  71490. syntax: "skew( [ <angle> | <zero> ] , [ <angle> | <zero> ]? )"
  71491. },
  71492. "skewX()": {
  71493. syntax: "skewX( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  71494. },
  71495. "skewY()": {
  71496. syntax: "skewY( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
  71497. },
  71498. "sepia()": {
  71499. syntax: "sepia( <number-percentage> )"
  71500. },
  71501. shadow: {
  71502. syntax: "inset? && <length>{2,4} && <color>?"
  71503. },
  71504. "shadow-t": {
  71505. syntax: "[ <length>{2,3} && <color>? ]"
  71506. },
  71507. shape: {
  71508. syntax: "rect(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)"
  71509. },
  71510. "shape-box": {
  71511. syntax: "<box> | margin-box"
  71512. },
  71513. "side-or-corner": {
  71514. syntax: "[ left | right ] || [ top | bottom ]"
  71515. },
  71516. "single-animation": {
  71517. syntax: "<time> || <easing-function> || <time> || <single-animation-iteration-count> || <single-animation-direction> || <single-animation-fill-mode> || <single-animation-play-state> || [ none | <keyframes-name> ]"
  71518. },
  71519. "single-animation-direction": {
  71520. syntax: "normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse"
  71521. },
  71522. "single-animation-fill-mode": {
  71523. syntax: "none | forwards | backwards | both"
  71524. },
  71525. "single-animation-iteration-count": {
  71526. syntax: "infinite | <number>"
  71527. },
  71528. "single-animation-play-state": {
  71529. syntax: "running | paused"
  71530. },
  71531. "single-animation-timeline": {
  71532. syntax: "auto | none | <timeline-name>"
  71533. },
  71534. "single-transition": {
  71535. syntax: "[ none | <single-transition-property> ] || <time> || <easing-function> || <time>"
  71536. },
  71537. "single-transition-property": {
  71538. syntax: "all | <custom-ident>"
  71539. },
  71540. size: {
  71541. syntax: "closest-side | farthest-side | closest-corner | farthest-corner | <length> | <length-percentage>{2}"
  71542. },
  71543. "step-position": {
  71544. syntax: "jump-start | jump-end | jump-none | jump-both | start | end"
  71545. },
  71546. "step-timing-function": {
  71547. syntax: "step-start | step-end | steps(<integer>[, <step-position>]?)"
  71548. },
  71549. "subclass-selector": {
  71550. syntax: "<id-selector> | <class-selector> | <attribute-selector> | <pseudo-class-selector>"
  71551. },
  71552. "supports-condition": {
  71553. syntax: "not <supports-in-parens> | <supports-in-parens> [ and <supports-in-parens> ]* | <supports-in-parens> [ or <supports-in-parens> ]*"
  71554. },
  71555. "supports-in-parens": {
  71556. syntax: "( <supports-condition> ) | <supports-feature> | <general-enclosed>"
  71557. },
  71558. "supports-feature": {
  71559. syntax: "<supports-decl> | <supports-selector-fn>"
  71560. },
  71561. "supports-decl": {
  71562. syntax: "( <declaration> )"
  71563. },
  71564. "supports-selector-fn": {
  71565. syntax: "selector( <complex-selector> )"
  71566. },
  71567. symbol: {
  71568. syntax: "<string> | <image> | <custom-ident>"
  71569. },
  71570. target: {
  71571. syntax: "<target-counter()> | <target-counters()> | <target-text()>"
  71572. },
  71573. "target-counter()": {
  71574. syntax: "target-counter( [ <string> | <url> ] , <custom-ident> , <counter-style>? )"
  71575. },
  71576. "target-counters()": {
  71577. syntax: "target-counters( [ <string> | <url> ] , <custom-ident> , <string> , <counter-style>? )"
  71578. },
  71579. "target-text()": {
  71580. syntax: "target-text( [ <string> | <url> ] , [ content | before | after | first-letter ]? )"
  71581. },
  71582. "time-percentage": {
  71583. syntax: "<time> | <percentage>"
  71584. },
  71585. "timeline-name": {
  71586. syntax: "<custom-ident> | <string>"
  71587. },
  71588. "easing-function": {
  71589. syntax: "linear | <cubic-bezier-timing-function> | <step-timing-function>"
  71590. },
  71591. "track-breadth": {
  71592. syntax: "<length-percentage> | <flex> | min-content | max-content | auto"
  71593. },
  71594. "track-list": {
  71595. syntax: "[ <line-names>? [ <track-size> | <track-repeat> ] ]+ <line-names>?"
  71596. },
  71597. "track-repeat": {
  71598. syntax: "repeat( [ <integer [1,\u221E]> ] , [ <line-names>? <track-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
  71599. },
  71600. "track-size": {
  71601. syntax: "<track-breadth> | minmax( <inflexible-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | fit-content( [ <length> | <percentage> ] )"
  71602. },
  71603. "transform-function": {
  71604. syntax: "<matrix()> | <translate()> | <translateX()> | <translateY()> | <scale()> | <scaleX()> | <scaleY()> | <rotate()> | <skew()> | <skewX()> | <skewY()> | <matrix3d()> | <translate3d()> | <translateZ()> | <scale3d()> | <scaleZ()> | <rotate3d()> | <rotateX()> | <rotateY()> | <rotateZ()> | <perspective()>"
  71605. },
  71606. "transform-list": {
  71607. syntax: "<transform-function>+"
  71608. },
  71609. "translate()": {
  71610. syntax: "translate( <length-percentage> , <length-percentage>? )"
  71611. },
  71612. "translate3d()": {
  71613. syntax: "translate3d( <length-percentage> , <length-percentage> , <length> )"
  71614. },
  71615. "translateX()": {
  71616. syntax: "translateX( <length-percentage> )"
  71617. },
  71618. "translateY()": {
  71619. syntax: "translateY( <length-percentage> )"
  71620. },
  71621. "translateZ()": {
  71622. syntax: "translateZ( <length> )"
  71623. },
  71624. "type-or-unit": {
  71625. syntax: "string | color | url | integer | number | length | angle | time | frequency | cap | ch | em | ex | ic | lh | rlh | rem | vb | vi | vw | vh | vmin | vmax | mm | Q | cm | in | pt | pc | px | deg | grad | rad | turn | ms | s | Hz | kHz | %"
  71626. },
  71627. "type-selector": {
  71628. syntax: "<wq-name> | <ns-prefix>? '*'"
  71629. },
  71630. "var()": {
  71631. syntax: "var( <custom-property-name> , <declaration-value>? )"
  71632. },
  71633. "viewport-length": {
  71634. syntax: "auto | <length-percentage>"
  71635. },
  71636. "visual-box": {
  71637. syntax: "content-box | padding-box | border-box"
  71638. },
  71639. "wq-name": {
  71640. syntax: "<ns-prefix>? <ident-token>"
  71641. }
  71642. };
  71643. }
  71644. });
  71645. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/data.cjs
  71646. var require_data2 = __commonJS({
  71647. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/data.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  71648. "use strict";
  71649. var dataPatch = require_data_patch2();
  71650. var mdnAtrules = require_at_rules2();
  71651. var mdnProperties = require_properties2();
  71652. var mdnSyntaxes = require_syntaxes2();
  71653. var extendSyntax = /^\s*\|\s*/;
  71654. function preprocessAtrules(dict) {
  71655. const result = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  71656. for (const atruleName in dict) {
  71657. const atrule = dict[atruleName];
  71658. let descriptors = null;
  71659. if (atrule.descriptors) {
  71660. descriptors = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  71661. for (const descriptor in atrule.descriptors) {
  71662. descriptors[descriptor] = atrule.descriptors[descriptor].syntax;
  71663. }
  71664. }
  71665. result[atruleName.substr(1)] = {
  71666. prelude: atrule.syntax.trim().replace(/\{(.|\s)+\}/, "").match(/^@\S+\s+([^;\{]*)/)[1].trim() || null,
  71667. descriptors
  71668. };
  71669. }
  71670. return result;
  71671. }
  71672. function patchDictionary(dict, patchDict) {
  71673. const result = {};
  71674. for (const key in dict) {
  71675. result[key] = dict[key].syntax || dict[key];
  71676. }
  71677. for (const key in patchDict) {
  71678. if (key in dict) {
  71679. if (patchDict[key].syntax) {
  71680. result[key] = extendSyntax.test(patchDict[key].syntax) ? result[key] + " " + patchDict[key].syntax.trim() : patchDict[key].syntax;
  71681. } else {
  71682. delete result[key];
  71683. }
  71684. } else {
  71685. if (patchDict[key].syntax) {
  71686. result[key] = patchDict[key].syntax.replace(extendSyntax, "");
  71687. }
  71688. }
  71689. }
  71690. return result;
  71691. }
  71692. function patchAtrules(dict, patchDict) {
  71693. const result = {};
  71694. for (const key in dict) {
  71695. const patchDescriptors = patchDict[key] && patchDict[key].descriptors || null;
  71696. result[key] = {
  71697. prelude: key in patchDict && "prelude" in patchDict[key] ? patchDict[key].prelude : dict[key].prelude || null,
  71698. descriptors: patchDictionary(dict[key].descriptors || {}, patchDescriptors || {})
  71699. };
  71700. }
  71701. for (const key in patchDict) {
  71702. if (!, key)) {
  71703. result[key] = {
  71704. prelude: patchDict[key].prelude || null,
  71705. descriptors: patchDict[key].descriptors && patchDictionary({}, patchDict[key].descriptors)
  71706. };
  71707. }
  71708. }
  71709. return result;
  71710. }
  71711. var definitions = {
  71712. types: patchDictionary(mdnSyntaxes, dataPatch.types),
  71713. atrules: patchAtrules(preprocessAtrules(mdnAtrules), dataPatch.atrules),
  71714. properties: patchDictionary(mdnProperties,
  71715. };
  71716. module2.exports = definitions;
  71717. }
  71718. });
  71719. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AnPlusB.cjs
  71720. var require_AnPlusB2 = __commonJS({
  71721. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AnPlusB.cjs"(exports2) {
  71722. "use strict";
  71723. var types = require_types3();
  71724. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  71725. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  71726. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  71727. var N = 110;
  71728. var DISALLOW_SIGN = true;
  71729. var ALLOW_SIGN = false;
  71730. function checkInteger(offset, disallowSign) {
  71731. let pos = this.tokenStart + offset;
  71732. const code = this.charCodeAt(pos);
  71733. if (code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS) {
  71734. if (disallowSign) {
  71735. this.error("Number sign is not allowed");
  71736. }
  71737. pos++;
  71738. }
  71739. for (; pos < this.tokenEnd; pos++) {
  71740. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(this.charCodeAt(pos))) {
  71741. this.error("Integer is expected", pos);
  71742. }
  71743. }
  71744. }
  71745. function checkTokenIsInteger(disallowSign) {
  71746. return, 0, disallowSign);
  71747. }
  71748. function expectCharCode(offset, code) {
  71749. if (!this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart + offset, code)) {
  71750. let msg = "";
  71751. switch (code) {
  71752. case N:
  71753. msg = "N is expected";
  71754. break;
  71755. case HYPHENMINUS:
  71756. msg = "HyphenMinus is expected";
  71757. break;
  71758. }
  71759. this.error(msg, this.tokenStart + offset);
  71760. }
  71761. }
  71762. function consumeB() {
  71763. let offset = 0;
  71764. let sign = 0;
  71765. let type = this.tokenType;
  71766. while (type === types.WhiteSpace || type === types.Comment) {
  71767. type = this.lookupType(++offset);
  71768. }
  71769. if (type !== types.Number) {
  71770. if (this.isDelim(PLUSSIGN, offset) || this.isDelim(HYPHENMINUS, offset)) {
  71771. sign = this.isDelim(PLUSSIGN, offset) ? PLUSSIGN : HYPHENMINUS;
  71772. do {
  71773. type = this.lookupType(++offset);
  71774. } while (type === types.WhiteSpace || type === types.Comment);
  71775. if (type !== types.Number) {
  71776. this.skip(offset);
  71777., DISALLOW_SIGN);
  71778. }
  71779. } else {
  71780. return null;
  71781. }
  71782. }
  71783. if (offset > 0) {
  71784. this.skip(offset);
  71785. }
  71786. if (sign === 0) {
  71787. type = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart);
  71788. if (type !== PLUSSIGN && type !== HYPHENMINUS) {
  71789. this.error("Number sign is expected");
  71790. }
  71791. }
  71792., sign !== 0);
  71793. return sign === HYPHENMINUS ? "-" + this.consume(types.Number) : this.consume(types.Number);
  71794. }
  71795. var name = "AnPlusB";
  71796. var structure = {
  71797. a: [String, null],
  71798. b: [String, null]
  71799. };
  71800. function parse() {
  71801. const start = this.tokenStart;
  71802. let a = null;
  71803. let b = null;
  71804. if (this.tokenType === types.Number) {
  71805., ALLOW_SIGN);
  71806. b = this.consume(types.Number);
  71807. } else if (this.tokenType === types.Ident && this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart, HYPHENMINUS)) {
  71808. a = "-1";
  71809., 1, N);
  71810. switch (this.tokenEnd - this.tokenStart) {
  71811. case 2:
  71813. b =;
  71814. break;
  71815. case 3:
  71816., 2, HYPHENMINUS);
  71818. this.skipSC();
  71819., DISALLOW_SIGN);
  71820. b = "-" + this.consume(types.Number);
  71821. break;
  71822. default:
  71823., 2, HYPHENMINUS);
  71824., 3, DISALLOW_SIGN);
  71826. b = this.substrToCursor(start + 2);
  71827. }
  71828. } else if (this.tokenType === types.Ident || this.isDelim(PLUSSIGN) && this.lookupType(1) === types.Ident) {
  71829. let sign = 0;
  71830. a = "1";
  71831. if (this.isDelim(PLUSSIGN)) {
  71832. sign = 1;
  71834. }
  71835., 0, N);
  71836. switch (this.tokenEnd - this.tokenStart) {
  71837. case 1:
  71839. b =;
  71840. break;
  71841. case 2:
  71842., 1, HYPHENMINUS);
  71844. this.skipSC();
  71845., DISALLOW_SIGN);
  71846. b = "-" + this.consume(types.Number);
  71847. break;
  71848. default:
  71849., 1, HYPHENMINUS);
  71850., 2, DISALLOW_SIGN);
  71852. b = this.substrToCursor(start + sign + 1);
  71853. }
  71854. } else if (this.tokenType === types.Dimension) {
  71855. const code = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart);
  71856. const sign = code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS;
  71857. let i = this.tokenStart + sign;
  71858. for (; i < this.tokenEnd; i++) {
  71859. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(this.charCodeAt(i))) {
  71860. break;
  71861. }
  71862. }
  71863. if (i === this.tokenStart + sign) {
  71864. this.error("Integer is expected", this.tokenStart + sign);
  71865. }
  71866., i - this.tokenStart, N);
  71867. a = this.substring(start, i);
  71868. if (i + 1 === this.tokenEnd) {
  71870. b =;
  71871. } else {
  71872., i - this.tokenStart + 1, HYPHENMINUS);
  71873. if (i + 2 === this.tokenEnd) {
  71875. this.skipSC();
  71876., DISALLOW_SIGN);
  71877. b = "-" + this.consume(types.Number);
  71878. } else {
  71879., i - this.tokenStart + 2, DISALLOW_SIGN);
  71881. b = this.substrToCursor(i + 1);
  71882. }
  71883. }
  71884. } else {
  71885. this.error();
  71886. }
  71887. if (a !== null && a.charCodeAt(0) === PLUSSIGN) {
  71888. a = a.substr(1);
  71889. }
  71890. if (b !== null && b.charCodeAt(0) === PLUSSIGN) {
  71891. b = b.substr(1);
  71892. }
  71893. return {
  71894. type: "AnPlusB",
  71895. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  71896. a,
  71897. b
  71898. };
  71899. }
  71900. function generate(node) {
  71901. if (node.a) {
  71902. const a = node.a === "+1" && "n" || node.a === "1" && "n" || node.a === "-1" && "-n" || node.a + "n";
  71903. if (node.b) {
  71904. const b = node.b[0] === "-" || node.b[0] === "+" ? node.b : "+" + node.b;
  71905. this.tokenize(a + b);
  71906. } else {
  71907. this.tokenize(a);
  71908. }
  71909. } else {
  71910. this.tokenize(node.b);
  71911. }
  71912. }
  71913. exports2.generate = generate;
  71914. = name;
  71915. exports2.parse = parse;
  71916. exports2.structure = structure;
  71917. }
  71918. });
  71919. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Atrule.cjs
  71920. var require_Atrule2 = __commonJS({
  71921. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Atrule.cjs"(exports2) {
  71922. "use strict";
  71923. var types = require_types3();
  71924. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  71925. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracketOrSemicolon, true);
  71926. }
  71927. function isDeclarationBlockAtrule() {
  71928. for (let offset = 1, type; type = this.lookupType(offset); offset++) {
  71929. if (type === types.RightCurlyBracket) {
  71930. return true;
  71931. }
  71932. if (type === types.LeftCurlyBracket || type === types.AtKeyword) {
  71933. return false;
  71934. }
  71935. }
  71936. return false;
  71937. }
  71938. var name = "Atrule";
  71939. var walkContext = "atrule";
  71940. var structure = {
  71941. name: String,
  71942. prelude: ["AtrulePrelude", "Raw", null],
  71943. block: ["Block", null]
  71944. };
  71945. function parse() {
  71946. const start = this.tokenStart;
  71947. let name2;
  71948. let nameLowerCase;
  71949. let prelude = null;
  71950. let block = null;
  71952. name2 = this.substrToCursor(start + 1);
  71953. nameLowerCase = name2.toLowerCase();
  71954. this.skipSC();
  71955. if (this.eof === false && this.tokenType !== types.LeftCurlyBracket && this.tokenType !== types.Semicolon) {
  71956. if (this.parseAtrulePrelude) {
  71957. prelude = this.parseWithFallback(this.AtrulePrelude.bind(this, name2), consumeRaw);
  71958. } else {
  71959. prelude =, this.tokenIndex);
  71960. }
  71961. this.skipSC();
  71962. }
  71963. switch (this.tokenType) {
  71964. case types.Semicolon:
  71966. break;
  71967. case types.LeftCurlyBracket:
  71968. if (, nameLowerCase) && typeof this.atrule[nameLowerCase].block === "function") {
  71969. block = this.atrule[nameLowerCase];
  71970. } else {
  71971. block = this.Block(;
  71972. }
  71973. break;
  71974. }
  71975. return {
  71976. type: "Atrule",
  71977. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  71978. name: name2,
  71979. prelude,
  71980. block
  71981. };
  71982. }
  71983. function generate(node) {
  71984. this.token(types.AtKeyword, "@" +;
  71985. if (node.prelude !== null) {
  71986. this.node(node.prelude);
  71987. }
  71988. if (node.block) {
  71989. this.node(node.block);
  71990. } else {
  71991. this.token(types.Semicolon, ";");
  71992. }
  71993. }
  71994. exports2.generate = generate;
  71995. = name;
  71996. exports2.parse = parse;
  71997. exports2.structure = structure;
  71998. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  71999. }
  72000. });
  72001. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AtrulePrelude.cjs
  72002. var require_AtrulePrelude2 = __commonJS({
  72003. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AtrulePrelude.cjs"(exports2) {
  72004. "use strict";
  72005. var types = require_types3();
  72006. var name = "AtrulePrelude";
  72007. var walkContext = "atrulePrelude";
  72008. var structure = {
  72009. children: [[]]
  72010. };
  72011. function parse(name2) {
  72012. let children = null;
  72013. if (name2 !== null) {
  72014. name2 = name2.toLowerCase();
  72015. }
  72016. this.skipSC();
  72017. if (, name2) && typeof this.atrule[name2].prelude === "function") {
  72018. children = this.atrule[name2];
  72019. } else {
  72020. children = this.readSequence(this.scope.AtrulePrelude);
  72021. }
  72022. this.skipSC();
  72023. if (this.eof !== true && this.tokenType !== types.LeftCurlyBracket && this.tokenType !== types.Semicolon) {
  72024. this.error("Semicolon or block is expected");
  72025. }
  72026. return {
  72027. type: "AtrulePrelude",
  72028. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  72029. children
  72030. };
  72031. }
  72032. function generate(node) {
  72033. this.children(node);
  72034. }
  72035. exports2.generate = generate;
  72036. = name;
  72037. exports2.parse = parse;
  72038. exports2.structure = structure;
  72039. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  72040. }
  72041. });
  72042. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AttributeSelector.cjs
  72043. var require_AttributeSelector2 = __commonJS({
  72044. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/AttributeSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  72045. "use strict";
  72046. var types = require_types3();
  72047. var DOLLARSIGN = 36;
  72048. var ASTERISK = 42;
  72049. var EQUALSSIGN = 61;
  72050. var CIRCUMFLEXACCENT = 94;
  72051. var VERTICALLINE = 124;
  72052. var TILDE = 126;
  72053. function getAttributeName() {
  72054. if (this.eof) {
  72055. this.error("Unexpected end of input");
  72056. }
  72057. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72058. let expectIdent = false;
  72059. if (this.isDelim(ASTERISK)) {
  72060. expectIdent = true;
  72062. } else if (!this.isDelim(VERTICALLINE)) {
  72064. }
  72065. if (this.isDelim(VERTICALLINE)) {
  72066. if (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart + 1) !== EQUALSSIGN) {
  72069. } else if (expectIdent) {
  72070. this.error("Identifier is expected", this.tokenEnd);
  72071. }
  72072. } else if (expectIdent) {
  72073. this.error("Vertical line is expected");
  72074. }
  72075. return {
  72076. type: "Identifier",
  72077. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72078. name: this.substrToCursor(start)
  72079. };
  72080. }
  72081. function getOperator() {
  72082. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72083. const code = this.charCodeAt(start);
  72084. if (code !== EQUALSSIGN && // =
  72085. code !== TILDE && // ~=
  72086. code !== CIRCUMFLEXACCENT && // ^=
  72087. code !== DOLLARSIGN && // $=
  72088. code !== ASTERISK && // *=
  72089. code !== VERTICALLINE) {
  72090. this.error("Attribute selector (=, ~=, ^=, $=, *=, |=) is expected");
  72091. }
  72093. if (code !== EQUALSSIGN) {
  72094. if (!this.isDelim(EQUALSSIGN)) {
  72095. this.error("Equal sign is expected");
  72096. }
  72098. }
  72099. return this.substrToCursor(start);
  72100. }
  72101. var name = "AttributeSelector";
  72102. var structure = {
  72103. name: "Identifier",
  72104. matcher: [String, null],
  72105. value: ["String", "Identifier", null],
  72106. flags: [String, null]
  72107. };
  72108. function parse() {
  72109. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72110. let name2;
  72111. let matcher = null;
  72112. let value = null;
  72113. let flags = null;
  72115. this.skipSC();
  72116. name2 =;
  72117. this.skipSC();
  72118. if (this.tokenType !== types.RightSquareBracket) {
  72119. if (this.tokenType !== types.Ident) {
  72120. matcher =;
  72121. this.skipSC();
  72122. value = this.tokenType === types.String ? this.String() : this.Identifier();
  72123. this.skipSC();
  72124. }
  72125. if (this.tokenType === types.Ident) {
  72126. flags = this.consume(types.Ident);
  72127. this.skipSC();
  72128. }
  72129. }
  72131. return {
  72132. type: "AttributeSelector",
  72133. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72134. name: name2,
  72135. matcher,
  72136. value,
  72137. flags
  72138. };
  72139. }
  72140. function generate(node) {
  72141. this.token(types.Delim, "[");
  72142. this.node(;
  72143. if (node.matcher !== null) {
  72144. this.tokenize(node.matcher);
  72145. this.node(node.value);
  72146. }
  72147. if (node.flags !== null) {
  72148. this.token(types.Ident, node.flags);
  72149. }
  72150. this.token(types.Delim, "]");
  72151. }
  72152. exports2.generate = generate;
  72153. = name;
  72154. exports2.parse = parse;
  72155. exports2.structure = structure;
  72156. }
  72157. });
  72158. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Block.cjs
  72159. var require_Block2 = __commonJS({
  72160. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Block.cjs"(exports2) {
  72161. "use strict";
  72162. var types = require_types3();
  72163. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  72164. return this.Raw(startToken, null, true);
  72165. }
  72166. function consumeRule() {
  72167. return this.parseWithFallback(this.Rule, consumeRaw);
  72168. }
  72169. function consumeRawDeclaration(startToken) {
  72170. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilSemicolonIncluded, true);
  72171. }
  72172. function consumeDeclaration() {
  72173. if (this.tokenType === types.Semicolon) {
  72174. return, this.tokenIndex);
  72175. }
  72176. const node = this.parseWithFallback(this.Declaration, consumeRawDeclaration);
  72177. if (this.tokenType === types.Semicolon) {
  72179. }
  72180. return node;
  72181. }
  72182. var name = "Block";
  72183. var walkContext = "block";
  72184. var structure = {
  72185. children: [[
  72186. "Atrule",
  72187. "Rule",
  72188. "Declaration"
  72189. ]]
  72190. };
  72191. function parse(isDeclaration) {
  72192. const consumer = isDeclaration ? consumeDeclaration : consumeRule;
  72193. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72194. let children = this.createList();
  72196. scan:
  72197. while (!this.eof) {
  72198. switch (this.tokenType) {
  72199. case types.RightCurlyBracket:
  72200. break scan;
  72201. case types.WhiteSpace:
  72202. case types.Comment:
  72204. break;
  72205. case types.AtKeyword:
  72206. children.push(this.parseWithFallback(this.Atrule, consumeRaw));
  72207. break;
  72208. default:
  72209. children.push(;
  72210. }
  72211. }
  72212. if (!this.eof) {
  72214. }
  72215. return {
  72216. type: "Block",
  72217. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72218. children
  72219. };
  72220. }
  72221. function generate(node) {
  72222. this.token(types.LeftCurlyBracket, "{");
  72223. this.children(node, (prev) => {
  72224. if (prev.type === "Declaration") {
  72225. this.token(types.Semicolon, ";");
  72226. }
  72227. });
  72228. this.token(types.RightCurlyBracket, "}");
  72229. }
  72230. exports2.generate = generate;
  72231. = name;
  72232. exports2.parse = parse;
  72233. exports2.structure = structure;
  72234. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  72235. }
  72236. });
  72237. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Brackets.cjs
  72238. var require_Brackets2 = __commonJS({
  72239. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Brackets.cjs"(exports2) {
  72240. "use strict";
  72241. var types = require_types3();
  72242. var name = "Brackets";
  72243. var structure = {
  72244. children: [[]]
  72245. };
  72246. function parse(readSequence, recognizer) {
  72247. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72248. let children = null;
  72250. children =, recognizer);
  72251. if (!this.eof) {
  72253. }
  72254. return {
  72255. type: "Brackets",
  72256. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72257. children
  72258. };
  72259. }
  72260. function generate(node) {
  72261. this.token(types.Delim, "[");
  72262. this.children(node);
  72263. this.token(types.Delim, "]");
  72264. }
  72265. exports2.generate = generate;
  72266. = name;
  72267. exports2.parse = parse;
  72268. exports2.structure = structure;
  72269. }
  72270. });
  72271. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/CDC.cjs
  72272. var require_CDC2 = __commonJS({
  72273. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/CDC.cjs"(exports2) {
  72274. "use strict";
  72275. var types = require_types3();
  72276. var name = "CDC";
  72277. var structure = [];
  72278. function parse() {
  72279. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72281. return {
  72282. type: "CDC",
  72283. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart)
  72284. };
  72285. }
  72286. function generate() {
  72287. this.token(types.CDC, "-->");
  72288. }
  72289. exports2.generate = generate;
  72290. = name;
  72291. exports2.parse = parse;
  72292. exports2.structure = structure;
  72293. }
  72294. });
  72295. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/CDO.cjs
  72296. var require_CDO2 = __commonJS({
  72297. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/CDO.cjs"(exports2) {
  72298. "use strict";
  72299. var types = require_types3();
  72300. var name = "CDO";
  72301. var structure = [];
  72302. function parse() {
  72303. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72305. return {
  72306. type: "CDO",
  72307. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart)
  72308. };
  72309. }
  72310. function generate() {
  72311. this.token(types.CDO, "<!--");
  72312. }
  72313. exports2.generate = generate;
  72314. = name;
  72315. exports2.parse = parse;
  72316. exports2.structure = structure;
  72317. }
  72318. });
  72319. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/ClassSelector.cjs
  72320. var require_ClassSelector2 = __commonJS({
  72321. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/ClassSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  72322. "use strict";
  72323. var types = require_types3();
  72324. var FULLSTOP = 46;
  72325. var name = "ClassSelector";
  72326. var structure = {
  72327. name: String
  72328. };
  72329. function parse() {
  72330. this.eatDelim(FULLSTOP);
  72331. return {
  72332. type: "ClassSelector",
  72333. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart - 1, this.tokenEnd),
  72334. name: this.consume(types.Ident)
  72335. };
  72336. }
  72337. function generate(node) {
  72338. this.token(types.Delim, ".");
  72339. this.token(types.Ident,;
  72340. }
  72341. exports2.generate = generate;
  72342. = name;
  72343. exports2.parse = parse;
  72344. exports2.structure = structure;
  72345. }
  72346. });
  72347. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Combinator.cjs
  72348. var require_Combinator2 = __commonJS({
  72349. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Combinator.cjs"(exports2) {
  72350. "use strict";
  72351. var types = require_types3();
  72352. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  72353. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  72354. var GREATERTHANSIGN = 62;
  72355. var TILDE = 126;
  72356. var name = "Combinator";
  72357. var structure = {
  72358. name: String
  72359. };
  72360. function parse() {
  72361. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72362. let name2;
  72363. switch (this.tokenType) {
  72364. case types.WhiteSpace:
  72365. name2 = " ";
  72366. break;
  72367. case types.Delim:
  72368. switch (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart)) {
  72369. case GREATERTHANSIGN:
  72370. case PLUSSIGN:
  72371. case TILDE:
  72373. break;
  72374. case SOLIDUS:
  72376. this.eatIdent("deep");
  72377. this.eatDelim(SOLIDUS);
  72378. break;
  72379. default:
  72380. this.error("Combinator is expected");
  72381. }
  72382. name2 = this.substrToCursor(start);
  72383. break;
  72384. }
  72385. return {
  72386. type: "Combinator",
  72387. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72388. name: name2
  72389. };
  72390. }
  72391. function generate(node) {
  72392. this.tokenize(;
  72393. }
  72394. exports2.generate = generate;
  72395. = name;
  72396. exports2.parse = parse;
  72397. exports2.structure = structure;
  72398. }
  72399. });
  72400. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Comment.cjs
  72401. var require_Comment2 = __commonJS({
  72402. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Comment.cjs"(exports2) {
  72403. "use strict";
  72404. var types = require_types3();
  72405. var ASTERISK = 42;
  72406. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  72407. var name = "Comment";
  72408. var structure = {
  72409. value: String
  72410. };
  72411. function parse() {
  72412. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72413. let end = this.tokenEnd;
  72415. if (end - start + 2 >= 2 && this.charCodeAt(end - 2) === ASTERISK && this.charCodeAt(end - 1) === SOLIDUS) {
  72416. end -= 2;
  72417. }
  72418. return {
  72419. type: "Comment",
  72420. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72421. value: this.substring(start + 2, end)
  72422. };
  72423. }
  72424. function generate(node) {
  72425. this.token(types.Comment, "/*" + node.value + "*/");
  72426. }
  72427. exports2.generate = generate;
  72428. = name;
  72429. exports2.parse = parse;
  72430. exports2.structure = structure;
  72431. }
  72432. });
  72433. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Declaration.cjs
  72434. var require_Declaration2 = __commonJS({
  72435. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Declaration.cjs"(exports2) {
  72436. "use strict";
  72437. var names = require_names5();
  72438. var types = require_types3();
  72439. var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33;
  72440. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  72441. var DOLLARSIGN = 36;
  72442. var AMPERSAND = 38;
  72443. var ASTERISK = 42;
  72444. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  72445. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  72446. function consumeValueRaw(startToken) {
  72447. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon, true);
  72448. }
  72449. function consumeCustomPropertyRaw(startToken) {
  72450. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon, false);
  72451. }
  72452. function consumeValue() {
  72453. const startValueToken = this.tokenIndex;
  72454. const value = this.Value();
  72455. if (value.type !== "Raw" && this.eof === false && this.tokenType !== types.Semicolon && this.isDelim(EXCLAMATIONMARK) === false && this.isBalanceEdge(startValueToken) === false) {
  72456. this.error();
  72457. }
  72458. return value;
  72459. }
  72460. var name = "Declaration";
  72461. var walkContext = "declaration";
  72462. var structure = {
  72463. important: [Boolean, String],
  72464. property: String,
  72465. value: ["Value", "Raw"]
  72466. };
  72467. function parse() {
  72468. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72469. const startToken = this.tokenIndex;
  72470. const property =;
  72471. const customProperty = names.isCustomProperty(property);
  72472. const parseValue = customProperty ? this.parseCustomProperty : this.parseValue;
  72473. const consumeRaw = customProperty ? consumeCustomPropertyRaw : consumeValueRaw;
  72474. let important = false;
  72475. let value;
  72476. this.skipSC();
  72478. const valueStart = this.tokenIndex;
  72479. if (!customProperty) {
  72480. this.skipSC();
  72481. }
  72482. if (parseValue) {
  72483. value = this.parseWithFallback(consumeValue, consumeRaw);
  72484. } else {
  72485. value =, this.tokenIndex);
  72486. }
  72487. if (customProperty && value.type === "Value" && value.children.isEmpty) {
  72488. for (let offset = valueStart - this.tokenIndex; offset <= 0; offset++) {
  72489. if (this.lookupType(offset) === types.WhiteSpace) {
  72490. value.children.appendData({
  72491. type: "WhiteSpace",
  72492. loc: null,
  72493. value: " "
  72494. });
  72495. break;
  72496. }
  72497. }
  72498. }
  72499. if (this.isDelim(EXCLAMATIONMARK)) {
  72500. important =;
  72501. this.skipSC();
  72502. }
  72503. if (this.eof === false && this.tokenType !== types.Semicolon && this.isBalanceEdge(startToken) === false) {
  72504. this.error();
  72505. }
  72506. return {
  72507. type: "Declaration",
  72508. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72509. important,
  72510. property,
  72511. value
  72512. };
  72513. }
  72514. function generate(node) {
  72515. this.token(types.Ident,;
  72516. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  72517. this.node(node.value);
  72518. if (node.important) {
  72519. this.token(types.Delim, "!");
  72520. this.token(types.Ident, node.important === true ? "important" : node.important);
  72521. }
  72522. }
  72523. function readProperty() {
  72524. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72525. if (this.tokenType === types.Delim) {
  72526. switch (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart)) {
  72527. case ASTERISK:
  72528. case DOLLARSIGN:
  72529. case PLUSSIGN:
  72530. case NUMBERSIGN:
  72531. case AMPERSAND:
  72533. break;
  72534. case SOLIDUS:
  72536. if (this.isDelim(SOLIDUS)) {
  72538. }
  72539. break;
  72540. }
  72541. }
  72542. if (this.tokenType === types.Hash) {
  72544. } else {
  72546. }
  72547. return this.substrToCursor(start);
  72548. }
  72549. function getImportant() {
  72551. this.skipSC();
  72552. const important = this.consume(types.Ident);
  72553. return important === "important" ? true : important;
  72554. }
  72555. exports2.generate = generate;
  72556. = name;
  72557. exports2.parse = parse;
  72558. exports2.structure = structure;
  72559. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  72560. }
  72561. });
  72562. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/DeclarationList.cjs
  72563. var require_DeclarationList2 = __commonJS({
  72564. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/DeclarationList.cjs"(exports2) {
  72565. "use strict";
  72566. var types = require_types3();
  72567. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  72568. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilSemicolonIncluded, true);
  72569. }
  72570. var name = "DeclarationList";
  72571. var structure = {
  72572. children: [[
  72573. "Declaration"
  72574. ]]
  72575. };
  72576. function parse() {
  72577. const children = this.createList();
  72578. while (!this.eof) {
  72579. switch (this.tokenType) {
  72580. case types.WhiteSpace:
  72581. case types.Comment:
  72582. case types.Semicolon:
  72584. break;
  72585. default:
  72586. children.push(this.parseWithFallback(this.Declaration, consumeRaw));
  72587. }
  72588. }
  72589. return {
  72590. type: "DeclarationList",
  72591. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  72592. children
  72593. };
  72594. }
  72595. function generate(node) {
  72596. this.children(node, (prev) => {
  72597. if (prev.type === "Declaration") {
  72598. this.token(types.Semicolon, ";");
  72599. }
  72600. });
  72601. }
  72602. exports2.generate = generate;
  72603. = name;
  72604. exports2.parse = parse;
  72605. exports2.structure = structure;
  72606. }
  72607. });
  72608. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Dimension.cjs
  72609. var require_Dimension2 = __commonJS({
  72610. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Dimension.cjs"(exports2) {
  72611. "use strict";
  72612. var types = require_types3();
  72613. var name = "Dimension";
  72614. var structure = {
  72615. value: String,
  72616. unit: String
  72617. };
  72618. function parse() {
  72619. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72620. const value = this.consumeNumber(types.Dimension);
  72621. return {
  72622. type: "Dimension",
  72623. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72624. value,
  72625. unit: this.substring(start + value.length, this.tokenStart)
  72626. };
  72627. }
  72628. function generate(node) {
  72629. this.token(types.Dimension, node.value + node.unit);
  72630. }
  72631. exports2.generate = generate;
  72632. = name;
  72633. exports2.parse = parse;
  72634. exports2.structure = structure;
  72635. }
  72636. });
  72637. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Function.cjs
  72638. var require_Function2 = __commonJS({
  72639. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Function.cjs"(exports2) {
  72640. "use strict";
  72641. var types = require_types3();
  72642. var name = "Function";
  72643. var walkContext = "function";
  72644. var structure = {
  72645. name: String,
  72646. children: [[]]
  72647. };
  72648. function parse(readSequence, recognizer) {
  72649. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72650. const name2 = this.consumeFunctionName();
  72651. const nameLowerCase = name2.toLowerCase();
  72652. let children;
  72653. children = recognizer.hasOwnProperty(nameLowerCase) ? recognizer[nameLowerCase].call(this, recognizer) :, recognizer);
  72654. if (!this.eof) {
  72656. }
  72657. return {
  72658. type: "Function",
  72659. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72660. name: name2,
  72661. children
  72662. };
  72663. }
  72664. function generate(node) {
  72665. this.token(types.Function, + "(");
  72666. this.children(node);
  72667. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  72668. }
  72669. exports2.generate = generate;
  72670. = name;
  72671. exports2.parse = parse;
  72672. exports2.structure = structure;
  72673. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  72674. }
  72675. });
  72676. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Hash.cjs
  72677. var require_Hash2 = __commonJS({
  72678. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Hash.cjs"(exports2) {
  72679. "use strict";
  72680. var types = require_types3();
  72681. var xxx = "XXX";
  72682. var name = "Hash";
  72683. var structure = {
  72684. value: String
  72685. };
  72686. function parse() {
  72687. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72689. return {
  72690. type: "Hash",
  72691. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72692. value: this.substrToCursor(start + 1)
  72693. };
  72694. }
  72695. function generate(node) {
  72696. this.token(types.Hash, "#" + node.value);
  72697. }
  72698. exports2.generate = generate;
  72699. = name;
  72700. exports2.parse = parse;
  72701. exports2.structure = structure;
  72702. = xxx;
  72703. }
  72704. });
  72705. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Identifier.cjs
  72706. var require_Identifier2 = __commonJS({
  72707. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Identifier.cjs"(exports2) {
  72708. "use strict";
  72709. var types = require_types3();
  72710. var name = "Identifier";
  72711. var structure = {
  72712. name: String
  72713. };
  72714. function parse() {
  72715. return {
  72716. type: "Identifier",
  72717. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd),
  72718. name: this.consume(types.Ident)
  72719. };
  72720. }
  72721. function generate(node) {
  72722. this.token(types.Ident,;
  72723. }
  72724. exports2.generate = generate;
  72725. = name;
  72726. exports2.parse = parse;
  72727. exports2.structure = structure;
  72728. }
  72729. });
  72730. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/IdSelector.cjs
  72731. var require_IdSelector2 = __commonJS({
  72732. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/IdSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  72733. "use strict";
  72734. var types = require_types3();
  72735. var name = "IdSelector";
  72736. var structure = {
  72737. name: String
  72738. };
  72739. function parse() {
  72740. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72742. return {
  72743. type: "IdSelector",
  72744. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72745. name: this.substrToCursor(start + 1)
  72746. };
  72747. }
  72748. function generate(node) {
  72749. this.token(types.Delim, "#" +;
  72750. }
  72751. exports2.generate = generate;
  72752. = name;
  72753. exports2.parse = parse;
  72754. exports2.structure = structure;
  72755. }
  72756. });
  72757. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaFeature.cjs
  72758. var require_MediaFeature2 = __commonJS({
  72759. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaFeature.cjs"(exports2) {
  72760. "use strict";
  72761. var types = require_types3();
  72762. var name = "MediaFeature";
  72763. var structure = {
  72764. name: String,
  72765. value: ["Identifier", "Number", "Dimension", "Ratio", null]
  72766. };
  72767. function parse() {
  72768. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72769. let name2;
  72770. let value = null;
  72772. this.skipSC();
  72773. name2 = this.consume(types.Ident);
  72774. this.skipSC();
  72775. if (this.tokenType !== types.RightParenthesis) {
  72777. this.skipSC();
  72778. switch (this.tokenType) {
  72779. case types.Number:
  72780. if (this.lookupNonWSType(1) === types.Delim) {
  72781. value = this.Ratio();
  72782. } else {
  72783. value = this.Number();
  72784. }
  72785. break;
  72786. case types.Dimension:
  72787. value = this.Dimension();
  72788. break;
  72789. case types.Ident:
  72790. value = this.Identifier();
  72791. break;
  72792. default:
  72793. this.error("Number, dimension, ratio or identifier is expected");
  72794. }
  72795. this.skipSC();
  72796. }
  72798. return {
  72799. type: "MediaFeature",
  72800. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72801. name: name2,
  72802. value
  72803. };
  72804. }
  72805. function generate(node) {
  72806. this.token(types.LeftParenthesis, "(");
  72807. this.token(types.Ident,;
  72808. if (node.value !== null) {
  72809. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  72810. this.node(node.value);
  72811. }
  72812. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  72813. }
  72814. exports2.generate = generate;
  72815. = name;
  72816. exports2.parse = parse;
  72817. exports2.structure = structure;
  72818. }
  72819. });
  72820. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaQuery.cjs
  72821. var require_MediaQuery2 = __commonJS({
  72822. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaQuery.cjs"(exports2) {
  72823. "use strict";
  72824. var types = require_types3();
  72825. var name = "MediaQuery";
  72826. var structure = {
  72827. children: [[
  72828. "Identifier",
  72829. "MediaFeature",
  72830. "WhiteSpace"
  72831. ]]
  72832. };
  72833. function parse() {
  72834. const children = this.createList();
  72835. let child = null;
  72836. this.skipSC();
  72837. scan:
  72838. while (!this.eof) {
  72839. switch (this.tokenType) {
  72840. case types.Comment:
  72841. case types.WhiteSpace:
  72843. continue;
  72844. case types.Ident:
  72845. child = this.Identifier();
  72846. break;
  72847. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  72848. child = this.MediaFeature();
  72849. break;
  72850. default:
  72851. break scan;
  72852. }
  72853. children.push(child);
  72854. }
  72855. if (child === null) {
  72856. this.error("Identifier or parenthesis is expected");
  72857. }
  72858. return {
  72859. type: "MediaQuery",
  72860. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  72861. children
  72862. };
  72863. }
  72864. function generate(node) {
  72865. this.children(node);
  72866. }
  72867. exports2.generate = generate;
  72868. = name;
  72869. exports2.parse = parse;
  72870. exports2.structure = structure;
  72871. }
  72872. });
  72873. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaQueryList.cjs
  72874. var require_MediaQueryList2 = __commonJS({
  72875. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/MediaQueryList.cjs"(exports2) {
  72876. "use strict";
  72877. var types = require_types3();
  72878. var name = "MediaQueryList";
  72879. var structure = {
  72880. children: [[
  72881. "MediaQuery"
  72882. ]]
  72883. };
  72884. function parse() {
  72885. const children = this.createList();
  72886. this.skipSC();
  72887. while (!this.eof) {
  72888. children.push(this.MediaQuery());
  72889. if (this.tokenType !== types.Comma) {
  72890. break;
  72891. }
  72893. }
  72894. return {
  72895. type: "MediaQueryList",
  72896. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  72897. children
  72898. };
  72899. }
  72900. function generate(node) {
  72901. this.children(node, () => this.token(types.Comma, ","));
  72902. }
  72903. exports2.generate = generate;
  72904. = name;
  72905. exports2.parse = parse;
  72906. exports2.structure = structure;
  72907. }
  72908. });
  72909. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Nth.cjs
  72910. var require_Nth2 = __commonJS({
  72911. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Nth.cjs"(exports2) {
  72912. "use strict";
  72913. var types = require_types3();
  72914. var name = "Nth";
  72915. var structure = {
  72916. nth: ["AnPlusB", "Identifier"],
  72917. selector: ["SelectorList", null]
  72918. };
  72919. function parse() {
  72920. this.skipSC();
  72921. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72922. let end = start;
  72923. let selector = null;
  72924. let nth;
  72925. if (this.lookupValue(0, "odd") || this.lookupValue(0, "even")) {
  72926. nth = this.Identifier();
  72927. } else {
  72928. nth = this.AnPlusB();
  72929. }
  72930. end = this.tokenStart;
  72931. this.skipSC();
  72932. if (this.lookupValue(0, "of")) {
  72934. selector = this.SelectorList();
  72935. end = this.tokenStart;
  72936. }
  72937. return {
  72938. type: "Nth",
  72939. loc: this.getLocation(start, end),
  72940. nth,
  72941. selector
  72942. };
  72943. }
  72944. function generate(node) {
  72945. this.node(node.nth);
  72946. if (node.selector !== null) {
  72947. this.token(types.Ident, "of");
  72948. this.node(node.selector);
  72949. }
  72950. }
  72951. exports2.generate = generate;
  72952. = name;
  72953. exports2.parse = parse;
  72954. exports2.structure = structure;
  72955. }
  72956. });
  72957. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Number.cjs
  72958. var require_Number2 = __commonJS({
  72959. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Number.cjs"(exports2) {
  72960. "use strict";
  72961. var types = require_types3();
  72962. var name = "Number";
  72963. var structure = {
  72964. value: String
  72965. };
  72966. function parse() {
  72967. return {
  72968. type: "Number",
  72969. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd),
  72970. value: this.consume(types.Number)
  72971. };
  72972. }
  72973. function generate(node) {
  72974. this.token(types.Number, node.value);
  72975. }
  72976. exports2.generate = generate;
  72977. = name;
  72978. exports2.parse = parse;
  72979. exports2.structure = structure;
  72980. }
  72981. });
  72982. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Operator.cjs
  72983. var require_Operator2 = __commonJS({
  72984. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Operator.cjs"(exports2) {
  72985. "use strict";
  72986. var name = "Operator";
  72987. var structure = {
  72988. value: String
  72989. };
  72990. function parse() {
  72991. const start = this.tokenStart;
  72993. return {
  72994. type: "Operator",
  72995. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  72996. value: this.substrToCursor(start)
  72997. };
  72998. }
  72999. function generate(node) {
  73000. this.tokenize(node.value);
  73001. }
  73002. exports2.generate = generate;
  73003. = name;
  73004. exports2.parse = parse;
  73005. exports2.structure = structure;
  73006. }
  73007. });
  73008. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Parentheses.cjs
  73009. var require_Parentheses2 = __commonJS({
  73010. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Parentheses.cjs"(exports2) {
  73011. "use strict";
  73012. var types = require_types3();
  73013. var name = "Parentheses";
  73014. var structure = {
  73015. children: [[]]
  73016. };
  73017. function parse(readSequence, recognizer) {
  73018. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73019. let children = null;
  73021. children =, recognizer);
  73022. if (!this.eof) {
  73024. }
  73025. return {
  73026. type: "Parentheses",
  73027. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73028. children
  73029. };
  73030. }
  73031. function generate(node) {
  73032. this.token(types.LeftParenthesis, "(");
  73033. this.children(node);
  73034. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  73035. }
  73036. exports2.generate = generate;
  73037. = name;
  73038. exports2.parse = parse;
  73039. exports2.structure = structure;
  73040. }
  73041. });
  73042. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Percentage.cjs
  73043. var require_Percentage2 = __commonJS({
  73044. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Percentage.cjs"(exports2) {
  73045. "use strict";
  73046. var types = require_types3();
  73047. var name = "Percentage";
  73048. var structure = {
  73049. value: String
  73050. };
  73051. function parse() {
  73052. return {
  73053. type: "Percentage",
  73054. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd),
  73055. value: this.consumeNumber(types.Percentage)
  73056. };
  73057. }
  73058. function generate(node) {
  73059. this.token(types.Percentage, node.value + "%");
  73060. }
  73061. exports2.generate = generate;
  73062. = name;
  73063. exports2.parse = parse;
  73064. exports2.structure = structure;
  73065. }
  73066. });
  73067. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/PseudoClassSelector.cjs
  73068. var require_PseudoClassSelector2 = __commonJS({
  73069. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/PseudoClassSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  73070. "use strict";
  73071. var types = require_types3();
  73072. var name = "PseudoClassSelector";
  73073. var walkContext = "function";
  73074. var structure = {
  73075. name: String,
  73076. children: [["Raw"], null]
  73077. };
  73078. function parse() {
  73079. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73080. let children = null;
  73081. let name2;
  73082. let nameLowerCase;
  73084. if (this.tokenType === types.Function) {
  73085. name2 = this.consumeFunctionName();
  73086. nameLowerCase = name2.toLowerCase();
  73087. if (, nameLowerCase)) {
  73088. this.skipSC();
  73089. children = this.pseudo[nameLowerCase].call(this);
  73090. this.skipSC();
  73091. } else {
  73092. children = this.createList();
  73093. children.push(
  73094. this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, null, false)
  73095. );
  73096. }
  73098. } else {
  73099. name2 = this.consume(types.Ident);
  73100. }
  73101. return {
  73102. type: "PseudoClassSelector",
  73103. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73104. name: name2,
  73105. children
  73106. };
  73107. }
  73108. function generate(node) {
  73109. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  73110. if (node.children === null) {
  73111. this.token(types.Ident,;
  73112. } else {
  73113. this.token(types.Function, + "(");
  73114. this.children(node);
  73115. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  73116. }
  73117. }
  73118. exports2.generate = generate;
  73119. = name;
  73120. exports2.parse = parse;
  73121. exports2.structure = structure;
  73122. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  73123. }
  73124. });
  73125. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/PseudoElementSelector.cjs
  73126. var require_PseudoElementSelector2 = __commonJS({
  73127. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/PseudoElementSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  73128. "use strict";
  73129. var types = require_types3();
  73130. var name = "PseudoElementSelector";
  73131. var walkContext = "function";
  73132. var structure = {
  73133. name: String,
  73134. children: [["Raw"], null]
  73135. };
  73136. function parse() {
  73137. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73138. let children = null;
  73139. let name2;
  73140. let nameLowerCase;
  73143. if (this.tokenType === types.Function) {
  73144. name2 = this.consumeFunctionName();
  73145. nameLowerCase = name2.toLowerCase();
  73146. if (, nameLowerCase)) {
  73147. this.skipSC();
  73148. children = this.pseudo[nameLowerCase].call(this);
  73149. this.skipSC();
  73150. } else {
  73151. children = this.createList();
  73152. children.push(
  73153. this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, null, false)
  73154. );
  73155. }
  73157. } else {
  73158. name2 = this.consume(types.Ident);
  73159. }
  73160. return {
  73161. type: "PseudoElementSelector",
  73162. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73163. name: name2,
  73164. children
  73165. };
  73166. }
  73167. function generate(node) {
  73168. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  73169. this.token(types.Colon, ":");
  73170. if (node.children === null) {
  73171. this.token(types.Ident,;
  73172. } else {
  73173. this.token(types.Function, + "(");
  73174. this.children(node);
  73175. this.token(types.RightParenthesis, ")");
  73176. }
  73177. }
  73178. exports2.generate = generate;
  73179. = name;
  73180. exports2.parse = parse;
  73181. exports2.structure = structure;
  73182. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  73183. }
  73184. });
  73185. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Ratio.cjs
  73186. var require_Ratio2 = __commonJS({
  73187. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Ratio.cjs"(exports2) {
  73188. "use strict";
  73189. var types = require_types3();
  73190. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  73191. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  73192. var FULLSTOP = 46;
  73193. function consumeNumber() {
  73194. this.skipSC();
  73195. const value = this.consume(types.Number);
  73196. for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
  73197. const code = value.charCodeAt(i);
  73198. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isDigit(code) && code !== FULLSTOP) {
  73199. this.error("Unsigned number is expected", this.tokenStart - value.length + i);
  73200. }
  73201. }
  73202. if (Number(value) === 0) {
  73203. this.error("Zero number is not allowed", this.tokenStart - value.length);
  73204. }
  73205. return value;
  73206. }
  73207. var name = "Ratio";
  73208. var structure = {
  73209. left: String,
  73210. right: String
  73211. };
  73212. function parse() {
  73213. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73214. const left =;
  73215. let right;
  73216. this.skipSC();
  73217. this.eatDelim(SOLIDUS);
  73218. right =;
  73219. return {
  73220. type: "Ratio",
  73221. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73222. left,
  73223. right
  73224. };
  73225. }
  73226. function generate(node) {
  73227. this.token(types.Number, node.left);
  73228. this.token(types.Delim, "/");
  73229. this.token(types.Number, node.right);
  73230. }
  73231. exports2.generate = generate;
  73232. = name;
  73233. exports2.parse = parse;
  73234. exports2.structure = structure;
  73235. }
  73236. });
  73237. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Raw.cjs
  73238. var require_Raw2 = __commonJS({
  73239. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Raw.cjs"(exports2) {
  73240. "use strict";
  73241. var types = require_types3();
  73242. function getOffsetExcludeWS() {
  73243. if (this.tokenIndex > 0) {
  73244. if (this.lookupType(-1) === types.WhiteSpace) {
  73245. return this.tokenIndex > 1 ? this.getTokenStart(this.tokenIndex - 1) : this.firstCharOffset;
  73246. }
  73247. }
  73248. return this.tokenStart;
  73249. }
  73250. var name = "Raw";
  73251. var structure = {
  73252. value: String
  73253. };
  73254. function parse(startToken, consumeUntil, excludeWhiteSpace) {
  73255. const startOffset = this.getTokenStart(startToken);
  73256. let endOffset;
  73257. this.skipUntilBalanced(startToken, consumeUntil || this.consumeUntilBalanceEnd);
  73258. if (excludeWhiteSpace && this.tokenStart > startOffset) {
  73259. endOffset =;
  73260. } else {
  73261. endOffset = this.tokenStart;
  73262. }
  73263. return {
  73264. type: "Raw",
  73265. loc: this.getLocation(startOffset, endOffset),
  73266. value: this.substring(startOffset, endOffset)
  73267. };
  73268. }
  73269. function generate(node) {
  73270. this.tokenize(node.value);
  73271. }
  73272. exports2.generate = generate;
  73273. = name;
  73274. exports2.parse = parse;
  73275. exports2.structure = structure;
  73276. }
  73277. });
  73278. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Rule.cjs
  73279. var require_Rule2 = __commonJS({
  73280. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Rule.cjs"(exports2) {
  73281. "use strict";
  73282. var types = require_types3();
  73283. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  73284. return this.Raw(startToken, this.consumeUntilLeftCurlyBracket, true);
  73285. }
  73286. function consumePrelude() {
  73287. const prelude = this.SelectorList();
  73288. if (prelude.type !== "Raw" && this.eof === false && this.tokenType !== types.LeftCurlyBracket) {
  73289. this.error();
  73290. }
  73291. return prelude;
  73292. }
  73293. var name = "Rule";
  73294. var walkContext = "rule";
  73295. var structure = {
  73296. prelude: ["SelectorList", "Raw"],
  73297. block: ["Block"]
  73298. };
  73299. function parse() {
  73300. const startToken = this.tokenIndex;
  73301. const startOffset = this.tokenStart;
  73302. let prelude;
  73303. let block;
  73304. if (this.parseRulePrelude) {
  73305. prelude = this.parseWithFallback(consumePrelude, consumeRaw);
  73306. } else {
  73307. prelude =, startToken);
  73308. }
  73309. block = this.Block(true);
  73310. return {
  73311. type: "Rule",
  73312. loc: this.getLocation(startOffset, this.tokenStart),
  73313. prelude,
  73314. block
  73315. };
  73316. }
  73317. function generate(node) {
  73318. this.node(node.prelude);
  73319. this.node(node.block);
  73320. }
  73321. exports2.generate = generate;
  73322. = name;
  73323. exports2.parse = parse;
  73324. exports2.structure = structure;
  73325. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  73326. }
  73327. });
  73328. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Selector.cjs
  73329. var require_Selector2 = __commonJS({
  73330. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Selector.cjs"(exports2) {
  73331. "use strict";
  73332. var name = "Selector";
  73333. var structure = {
  73334. children: [[
  73335. "TypeSelector",
  73336. "IdSelector",
  73337. "ClassSelector",
  73338. "AttributeSelector",
  73339. "PseudoClassSelector",
  73340. "PseudoElementSelector",
  73341. "Combinator",
  73342. "WhiteSpace"
  73343. ]]
  73344. };
  73345. function parse() {
  73346. const children = this.readSequence(this.scope.Selector);
  73347. if (this.getFirstListNode(children) === null) {
  73348. this.error("Selector is expected");
  73349. }
  73350. return {
  73351. type: "Selector",
  73352. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  73353. children
  73354. };
  73355. }
  73356. function generate(node) {
  73357. this.children(node);
  73358. }
  73359. exports2.generate = generate;
  73360. = name;
  73361. exports2.parse = parse;
  73362. exports2.structure = structure;
  73363. }
  73364. });
  73365. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/SelectorList.cjs
  73366. var require_SelectorList2 = __commonJS({
  73367. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/SelectorList.cjs"(exports2) {
  73368. "use strict";
  73369. var types = require_types3();
  73370. var name = "SelectorList";
  73371. var walkContext = "selector";
  73372. var structure = {
  73373. children: [[
  73374. "Selector",
  73375. "Raw"
  73376. ]]
  73377. };
  73378. function parse() {
  73379. const children = this.createList();
  73380. while (!this.eof) {
  73381. children.push(this.Selector());
  73382. if (this.tokenType === types.Comma) {
  73384. continue;
  73385. }
  73386. break;
  73387. }
  73388. return {
  73389. type: "SelectorList",
  73390. loc: this.getLocationFromList(children),
  73391. children
  73392. };
  73393. }
  73394. function generate(node) {
  73395. this.children(node, () => this.token(types.Comma, ","));
  73396. }
  73397. exports2.generate = generate;
  73398. = name;
  73399. exports2.parse = parse;
  73400. exports2.structure = structure;
  73401. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  73402. }
  73403. });
  73404. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/string.cjs
  73405. var require_string2 = __commonJS({
  73406. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/string.cjs"(exports2) {
  73407. "use strict";
  73408. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  73409. var utils = require_utils4();
  73410. var REVERSE_SOLIDUS = 92;
  73411. var QUOTATION_MARK = 34;
  73412. var APOSTROPHE = 39;
  73413. function decode(str) {
  73414. const len = str.length;
  73415. const firstChar = str.charCodeAt(0);
  73416. const start = firstChar === QUOTATION_MARK || firstChar === APOSTROPHE ? 1 : 0;
  73417. const end = start === 1 && len > 1 && str.charCodeAt(len - 1) === firstChar ? len - 2 : len - 1;
  73418. let decoded = "";
  73419. for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
  73420. let code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  73421. if (code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) {
  73422. if (i === end) {
  73423. if (i !== len - 1) {
  73424. decoded = str.substr(i + 1);
  73425. }
  73426. break;
  73427. }
  73428. code = str.charCodeAt(++i);
  73429. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(REVERSE_SOLIDUS, code)) {
  73430. const escapeStart = i - 1;
  73431. const escapeEnd = utils.consumeEscaped(str, escapeStart);
  73432. i = escapeEnd - 1;
  73433. decoded += utils.decodeEscaped(str.substring(escapeStart + 1, escapeEnd));
  73434. } else {
  73435. if (code === 13 && str.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10) {
  73436. i++;
  73437. }
  73438. }
  73439. } else {
  73440. decoded += str[i];
  73441. }
  73442. }
  73443. return decoded;
  73444. }
  73445. function encode(str, apostrophe) {
  73446. const quote = apostrophe ? "'" : '"';
  73447. const quoteCode = apostrophe ? APOSTROPHE : QUOTATION_MARK;
  73448. let encoded = "";
  73449. let wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  73450. for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  73451. const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  73452. if (code === 0) {
  73453. encoded += "\uFFFD";
  73454. continue;
  73455. }
  73456. if (code <= 31 || code === 127) {
  73457. encoded += "\\" + code.toString(16);
  73458. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = true;
  73459. continue;
  73460. }
  73461. if (code === quoteCode || code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) {
  73462. encoded += "\\" + str.charAt(i);
  73463. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  73464. } else {
  73465. if (wsBeforeHexIsNeeded && (charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(code) || charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(code))) {
  73466. encoded += " ";
  73467. }
  73468. encoded += str.charAt(i);
  73469. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  73470. }
  73471. }
  73472. return quote + encoded + quote;
  73473. }
  73474. exports2.decode = decode;
  73475. exports2.encode = encode;
  73476. }
  73477. });
  73478. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/String.cjs
  73479. var require_String2 = __commonJS({
  73480. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/String.cjs"(exports2) {
  73481. "use strict";
  73482. var string = require_string2();
  73483. var types = require_types3();
  73484. var name = "String";
  73485. var structure = {
  73486. value: String
  73487. };
  73488. function parse() {
  73489. return {
  73490. type: "String",
  73491. loc: this.getLocation(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd),
  73492. value: string.decode(this.consume(types.String))
  73493. };
  73494. }
  73495. function generate(node) {
  73496. this.token(types.String, string.encode(node.value));
  73497. }
  73498. exports2.generate = generate;
  73499. = name;
  73500. exports2.parse = parse;
  73501. exports2.structure = structure;
  73502. }
  73503. });
  73504. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/StyleSheet.cjs
  73505. var require_StyleSheet2 = __commonJS({
  73506. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/StyleSheet.cjs"(exports2) {
  73507. "use strict";
  73508. var types = require_types3();
  73509. var EXCLAMATIONMARK = 33;
  73510. function consumeRaw(startToken) {
  73511. return this.Raw(startToken, null, false);
  73512. }
  73513. var name = "StyleSheet";
  73514. var walkContext = "stylesheet";
  73515. var structure = {
  73516. children: [[
  73517. "Comment",
  73518. "CDO",
  73519. "CDC",
  73520. "Atrule",
  73521. "Rule",
  73522. "Raw"
  73523. ]]
  73524. };
  73525. function parse() {
  73526. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73527. const children = this.createList();
  73528. let child;
  73529. while (!this.eof) {
  73530. switch (this.tokenType) {
  73531. case types.WhiteSpace:
  73533. continue;
  73534. case types.Comment:
  73535. if (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart + 2) !== EXCLAMATIONMARK) {
  73537. continue;
  73538. }
  73539. child = this.Comment();
  73540. break;
  73541. case types.CDO:
  73542. child = this.CDO();
  73543. break;
  73544. case types.CDC:
  73545. child = this.CDC();
  73546. break;
  73547. case types.AtKeyword:
  73548. child = this.parseWithFallback(this.Atrule, consumeRaw);
  73549. break;
  73550. default:
  73551. child = this.parseWithFallback(this.Rule, consumeRaw);
  73552. }
  73553. children.push(child);
  73554. }
  73555. return {
  73556. type: "StyleSheet",
  73557. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73558. children
  73559. };
  73560. }
  73561. function generate(node) {
  73562. this.children(node);
  73563. }
  73564. exports2.generate = generate;
  73565. = name;
  73566. exports2.parse = parse;
  73567. exports2.structure = structure;
  73568. exports2.walkContext = walkContext;
  73569. }
  73570. });
  73571. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/TypeSelector.cjs
  73572. var require_TypeSelector2 = __commonJS({
  73573. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/TypeSelector.cjs"(exports2) {
  73574. "use strict";
  73575. var types = require_types3();
  73576. var ASTERISK = 42;
  73577. var VERTICALLINE = 124;
  73578. function eatIdentifierOrAsterisk() {
  73579. if (this.tokenType !== types.Ident && this.isDelim(ASTERISK) === false) {
  73580. this.error("Identifier or asterisk is expected");
  73581. }
  73583. }
  73584. var name = "TypeSelector";
  73585. var structure = {
  73586. name: String
  73587. };
  73588. function parse() {
  73589. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73590. if (this.isDelim(VERTICALLINE)) {
  73593. } else {
  73595. if (this.isDelim(VERTICALLINE)) {
  73598. }
  73599. }
  73600. return {
  73601. type: "TypeSelector",
  73602. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73603. name: this.substrToCursor(start)
  73604. };
  73605. }
  73606. function generate(node) {
  73607. this.tokenize(;
  73608. }
  73609. exports2.generate = generate;
  73610. = name;
  73611. exports2.parse = parse;
  73612. exports2.structure = structure;
  73613. }
  73614. });
  73615. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/UnicodeRange.cjs
  73616. var require_UnicodeRange2 = __commonJS({
  73617. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/UnicodeRange.cjs"(exports2) {
  73618. "use strict";
  73619. var types = require_types3();
  73620. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  73621. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  73622. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  73623. var QUESTIONMARK = 63;
  73624. function eatHexSequence(offset, allowDash) {
  73625. let len = 0;
  73626. for (let pos = this.tokenStart + offset; pos < this.tokenEnd; pos++) {
  73627. const code = this.charCodeAt(pos);
  73628. if (code === HYPHENMINUS && allowDash && len !== 0) {
  73629., offset + len + 1, false);
  73630. return -1;
  73631. }
  73632. if (!charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(code)) {
  73633. this.error(
  73634. allowDash && len !== 0 ? "Hyphen minus" + (len < 6 ? " or hex digit" : "") + " is expected" : len < 6 ? "Hex digit is expected" : "Unexpected input",
  73635. pos
  73636. );
  73637. }
  73638. if (++len > 6) {
  73639. this.error("Too many hex digits", pos);
  73640. }
  73641. }
  73643. return len;
  73644. }
  73645. function eatQuestionMarkSequence(max) {
  73646. let count = 0;
  73647. while (this.isDelim(QUESTIONMARK)) {
  73648. if (++count > max) {
  73649. this.error("Too many question marks");
  73650. }
  73652. }
  73653. }
  73654. function startsWith(code) {
  73655. if (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart) !== code) {
  73656. this.error((code === PLUSSIGN ? "Plus sign" : "Hyphen minus") + " is expected");
  73657. }
  73658. }
  73659. function scanUnicodeRange() {
  73660. let hexLength = 0;
  73661. switch (this.tokenType) {
  73662. case types.Number:
  73663. hexLength =, 1, true);
  73664. if (this.isDelim(QUESTIONMARK)) {
  73665., 6 - hexLength);
  73666. break;
  73667. }
  73668. if (this.tokenType === types.Dimension || this.tokenType === types.Number) {
  73669., HYPHENMINUS);
  73670., 1, false);
  73671. break;
  73672. }
  73673. break;
  73674. case types.Dimension:
  73675. hexLength =, 1, true);
  73676. if (hexLength > 0) {
  73677., 6 - hexLength);
  73678. }
  73679. break;
  73680. default:
  73681. this.eatDelim(PLUSSIGN);
  73682. if (this.tokenType === types.Ident) {
  73683. hexLength =, 0, true);
  73684. if (hexLength > 0) {
  73685., 6 - hexLength);
  73686. }
  73687. break;
  73688. }
  73689. if (this.isDelim(QUESTIONMARK)) {
  73691., 5);
  73692. break;
  73693. }
  73694. this.error("Hex digit or question mark is expected");
  73695. }
  73696. }
  73697. var name = "UnicodeRange";
  73698. var structure = {
  73699. value: String
  73700. };
  73701. function parse() {
  73702. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73703. this.eatIdent("u");
  73705. return {
  73706. type: "UnicodeRange",
  73707. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73708. value: this.substrToCursor(start)
  73709. };
  73710. }
  73711. function generate(node) {
  73712. this.tokenize(node.value);
  73713. }
  73714. exports2.generate = generate;
  73715. = name;
  73716. exports2.parse = parse;
  73717. exports2.structure = structure;
  73718. }
  73719. });
  73720. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/url.cjs
  73721. var require_url3 = __commonJS({
  73722. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/url.cjs"(exports2) {
  73723. "use strict";
  73724. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  73725. var utils = require_utils4();
  73726. var SPACE = 32;
  73727. var REVERSE_SOLIDUS = 92;
  73728. var QUOTATION_MARK = 34;
  73729. var APOSTROPHE = 39;
  73730. var LEFTPARENTHESIS = 40;
  73731. var RIGHTPARENTHESIS = 41;
  73732. function decode(str) {
  73733. const len = str.length;
  73734. let start = 4;
  73735. let end = str.charCodeAt(len - 1) === RIGHTPARENTHESIS ? len - 2 : len - 1;
  73736. let decoded = "";
  73737. while (start < end && charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(str.charCodeAt(start))) {
  73738. start++;
  73739. }
  73740. while (start < end && charCodeDefinitions.isWhiteSpace(str.charCodeAt(end))) {
  73741. end--;
  73742. }
  73743. for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
  73744. let code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  73745. if (code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) {
  73746. if (i === end) {
  73747. if (i !== len - 1) {
  73748. decoded = str.substr(i + 1);
  73749. }
  73750. break;
  73751. }
  73752. code = str.charCodeAt(++i);
  73753. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(REVERSE_SOLIDUS, code)) {
  73754. const escapeStart = i - 1;
  73755. const escapeEnd = utils.consumeEscaped(str, escapeStart);
  73756. i = escapeEnd - 1;
  73757. decoded += utils.decodeEscaped(str.substring(escapeStart + 1, escapeEnd));
  73758. } else {
  73759. if (code === 13 && str.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10) {
  73760. i++;
  73761. }
  73762. }
  73763. } else {
  73764. decoded += str[i];
  73765. }
  73766. }
  73767. return decoded;
  73768. }
  73769. function encode(str) {
  73770. let encoded = "";
  73771. let wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  73772. for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  73773. const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  73774. if (code === 0) {
  73775. encoded += "\uFFFD";
  73776. continue;
  73777. }
  73778. if (code <= 31 || code === 127) {
  73779. encoded += "\\" + code.toString(16);
  73780. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = true;
  73781. continue;
  73782. }
  73783. if (code === SPACE || code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS || code === QUOTATION_MARK || code === APOSTROPHE || code === LEFTPARENTHESIS || code === RIGHTPARENTHESIS) {
  73784. encoded += "\\" + str.charAt(i);
  73785. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  73786. } else {
  73787. if (wsBeforeHexIsNeeded && charCodeDefinitions.isHexDigit(code)) {
  73788. encoded += " ";
  73789. }
  73790. encoded += str.charAt(i);
  73791. wsBeforeHexIsNeeded = false;
  73792. }
  73793. }
  73794. return "url(" + encoded + ")";
  73795. }
  73796. exports2.decode = decode;
  73797. exports2.encode = encode;
  73798. }
  73799. });
  73800. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Url.cjs
  73801. var require_Url2 = __commonJS({
  73802. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Url.cjs"(exports2) {
  73803. "use strict";
  73804. var url = require_url3();
  73805. var string = require_string2();
  73806. var types = require_types3();
  73807. var name = "Url";
  73808. var structure = {
  73809. value: String
  73810. };
  73811. function parse() {
  73812. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73813. let value;
  73814. switch (this.tokenType) {
  73815. case types.Url:
  73816. value = url.decode(this.consume(types.Url));
  73817. break;
  73818. case types.Function:
  73819. if (!this.cmpStr(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd, "url(")) {
  73820. this.error("Function name must be `url`");
  73821. }
  73823. this.skipSC();
  73824. value = string.decode(this.consume(types.String));
  73825. this.skipSC();
  73826. if (!this.eof) {
  73828. }
  73829. break;
  73830. default:
  73831. this.error("Url or Function is expected");
  73832. }
  73833. return {
  73834. type: "Url",
  73835. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73836. value
  73837. };
  73838. }
  73839. function generate(node) {
  73840. this.token(types.Url, url.encode(node.value));
  73841. }
  73842. exports2.generate = generate;
  73843. = name;
  73844. exports2.parse = parse;
  73845. exports2.structure = structure;
  73846. }
  73847. });
  73848. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Value.cjs
  73849. var require_Value2 = __commonJS({
  73850. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/Value.cjs"(exports2) {
  73851. "use strict";
  73852. var name = "Value";
  73853. var structure = {
  73854. children: [[]]
  73855. };
  73856. function parse() {
  73857. const start = this.tokenStart;
  73858. const children = this.readSequence(this.scope.Value);
  73859. return {
  73860. type: "Value",
  73861. loc: this.getLocation(start, this.tokenStart),
  73862. children
  73863. };
  73864. }
  73865. function generate(node) {
  73866. this.children(node);
  73867. }
  73868. exports2.generate = generate;
  73869. = name;
  73870. exports2.parse = parse;
  73871. exports2.structure = structure;
  73872. }
  73873. });
  73874. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/WhiteSpace.cjs
  73875. var require_WhiteSpace2 = __commonJS({
  73876. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/WhiteSpace.cjs"(exports2) {
  73877. "use strict";
  73878. var types = require_types3();
  73879. var SPACE = Object.freeze({
  73880. type: "WhiteSpace",
  73881. loc: null,
  73882. value: " "
  73883. });
  73884. var name = "WhiteSpace";
  73885. var structure = {
  73886. value: String
  73887. };
  73888. function parse() {
  73890. return SPACE;
  73891. }
  73892. function generate(node) {
  73893. this.token(types.WhiteSpace, node.value);
  73894. }
  73895. exports2.generate = generate;
  73896. = name;
  73897. exports2.parse = parse;
  73898. exports2.structure = structure;
  73899. }
  73900. });
  73901. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/index.cjs
  73902. var require_node5 = __commonJS({
  73903. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  73904. "use strict";
  73905. var AnPlusB = require_AnPlusB2();
  73906. var Atrule = require_Atrule2();
  73907. var AtrulePrelude = require_AtrulePrelude2();
  73908. var AttributeSelector = require_AttributeSelector2();
  73909. var Block = require_Block2();
  73910. var Brackets = require_Brackets2();
  73911. var CDC = require_CDC2();
  73912. var CDO = require_CDO2();
  73913. var ClassSelector = require_ClassSelector2();
  73914. var Combinator = require_Combinator2();
  73915. var Comment = require_Comment2();
  73916. var Declaration = require_Declaration2();
  73917. var DeclarationList = require_DeclarationList2();
  73918. var Dimension = require_Dimension2();
  73919. var Function2 = require_Function2();
  73920. var Hash = require_Hash2();
  73921. var Identifier = require_Identifier2();
  73922. var IdSelector = require_IdSelector2();
  73923. var MediaFeature = require_MediaFeature2();
  73924. var MediaQuery = require_MediaQuery2();
  73925. var MediaQueryList = require_MediaQueryList2();
  73926. var Nth = require_Nth2();
  73927. var Number$1 = require_Number2();
  73928. var Operator = require_Operator2();
  73929. var Parentheses = require_Parentheses2();
  73930. var Percentage = require_Percentage2();
  73931. var PseudoClassSelector = require_PseudoClassSelector2();
  73932. var PseudoElementSelector = require_PseudoElementSelector2();
  73933. var Ratio = require_Ratio2();
  73934. var Raw = require_Raw2();
  73935. var Rule = require_Rule2();
  73936. var Selector = require_Selector2();
  73937. var SelectorList = require_SelectorList2();
  73938. var String$1 = require_String2();
  73939. var StyleSheet = require_StyleSheet2();
  73940. var TypeSelector = require_TypeSelector2();
  73941. var UnicodeRange = require_UnicodeRange2();
  73942. var Url = require_Url2();
  73943. var Value = require_Value2();
  73944. var WhiteSpace = require_WhiteSpace2();
  73945. exports2.AnPlusB = AnPlusB;
  73946. exports2.Atrule = Atrule;
  73947. exports2.AtrulePrelude = AtrulePrelude;
  73948. exports2.AttributeSelector = AttributeSelector;
  73949. exports2.Block = Block;
  73950. exports2.Brackets = Brackets;
  73951. exports2.CDC = CDC;
  73952. exports2.CDO = CDO;
  73953. exports2.ClassSelector = ClassSelector;
  73954. exports2.Combinator = Combinator;
  73955. exports2.Comment = Comment;
  73956. exports2.Declaration = Declaration;
  73957. exports2.DeclarationList = DeclarationList;
  73958. exports2.Dimension = Dimension;
  73959. exports2.Function = Function2;
  73960. exports2.Hash = Hash;
  73961. exports2.Identifier = Identifier;
  73962. exports2.IdSelector = IdSelector;
  73963. exports2.MediaFeature = MediaFeature;
  73964. exports2.MediaQuery = MediaQuery;
  73965. exports2.MediaQueryList = MediaQueryList;
  73966. exports2.Nth = Nth;
  73967. exports2.Number = Number$1;
  73968. exports2.Operator = Operator;
  73969. exports2.Parentheses = Parentheses;
  73970. exports2.Percentage = Percentage;
  73971. exports2.PseudoClassSelector = PseudoClassSelector;
  73972. exports2.PseudoElementSelector = PseudoElementSelector;
  73973. exports2.Ratio = Ratio;
  73974. exports2.Raw = Raw;
  73975. exports2.Rule = Rule;
  73976. exports2.Selector = Selector;
  73977. exports2.SelectorList = SelectorList;
  73978. exports2.String = String$1;
  73979. exports2.StyleSheet = StyleSheet;
  73980. exports2.TypeSelector = TypeSelector;
  73981. exports2.UnicodeRange = UnicodeRange;
  73982. exports2.Url = Url;
  73983. exports2.Value = Value;
  73984. exports2.WhiteSpace = WhiteSpace;
  73985. }
  73986. });
  73987. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/lexer.cjs
  73988. var require_lexer2 = __commonJS({
  73989. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/lexer.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  73990. "use strict";
  73991. var data = require_data2();
  73992. var index = require_node5();
  73993. var lexerConfig = {
  73994. generic: true,
  73996. node: index
  73997. };
  73998. module2.exports = lexerConfig;
  73999. }
  74000. });
  74001. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/default.cjs
  74002. var require_default2 = __commonJS({
  74003. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/default.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74004. "use strict";
  74005. var types = require_types3();
  74006. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  74007. var ASTERISK = 42;
  74008. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  74009. var HYPHENMINUS = 45;
  74010. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  74011. var U = 117;
  74012. function defaultRecognizer(context) {
  74013. switch (this.tokenType) {
  74014. case types.Hash:
  74015. return this.Hash();
  74016. case types.Comma:
  74017. return this.Operator();
  74018. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  74019. return this.Parentheses(this.readSequence, context.recognizer);
  74020. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  74021. return this.Brackets(this.readSequence, context.recognizer);
  74022. case types.String:
  74023. return this.String();
  74024. case types.Dimension:
  74025. return this.Dimension();
  74026. case types.Percentage:
  74027. return this.Percentage();
  74028. case types.Number:
  74029. return this.Number();
  74030. case types.Function:
  74031. return this.cmpStr(this.tokenStart, this.tokenEnd, "url(") ? this.Url() : this.Function(this.readSequence, context.recognizer);
  74032. case types.Url:
  74033. return this.Url();
  74034. case types.Ident:
  74035. if (this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart, U) && this.cmpChar(this.tokenStart + 1, PLUSSIGN)) {
  74036. return this.UnicodeRange();
  74037. } else {
  74038. return this.Identifier();
  74039. }
  74040. case types.Delim: {
  74041. const code = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart);
  74042. if (code === SOLIDUS || code === ASTERISK || code === PLUSSIGN || code === HYPHENMINUS) {
  74043. return this.Operator();
  74044. }
  74045. if (code === NUMBERSIGN) {
  74046. this.error("Hex or identifier is expected", this.tokenStart + 1);
  74047. }
  74048. break;
  74049. }
  74050. }
  74051. }
  74052. module2.exports = defaultRecognizer;
  74053. }
  74054. });
  74055. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/atrulePrelude.cjs
  74056. var require_atrulePrelude2 = __commonJS({
  74057. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/atrulePrelude.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74058. "use strict";
  74059. var _default = require_default2();
  74060. var atrulePrelude = {
  74061. getNode: _default
  74062. };
  74063. module2.exports = atrulePrelude;
  74064. }
  74065. });
  74066. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/selector.cjs
  74067. var require_selector3 = __commonJS({
  74068. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/selector.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74069. "use strict";
  74070. var types = require_types3();
  74071. var NUMBERSIGN = 35;
  74072. var ASTERISK = 42;
  74073. var PLUSSIGN = 43;
  74074. var SOLIDUS = 47;
  74075. var FULLSTOP = 46;
  74076. var GREATERTHANSIGN = 62;
  74077. var VERTICALLINE = 124;
  74078. var TILDE = 126;
  74079. function onWhiteSpace(next, children) {
  74080. if (children.last !== null && children.last.type !== "Combinator" && next !== null && next.type !== "Combinator") {
  74081. children.push({
  74082. // FIXME: this.Combinator() should be used instead
  74083. type: "Combinator",
  74084. loc: null,
  74085. name: " "
  74086. });
  74087. }
  74088. }
  74089. function getNode() {
  74090. switch (this.tokenType) {
  74091. case types.LeftSquareBracket:
  74092. return this.AttributeSelector();
  74093. case types.Hash:
  74094. return this.IdSelector();
  74095. case types.Colon:
  74096. if (this.lookupType(1) === types.Colon) {
  74097. return this.PseudoElementSelector();
  74098. } else {
  74099. return this.PseudoClassSelector();
  74100. }
  74101. case types.Ident:
  74102. return this.TypeSelector();
  74103. case types.Number:
  74104. case types.Percentage:
  74105. return this.Percentage();
  74106. case types.Dimension:
  74107. if (this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart) === FULLSTOP) {
  74108. this.error("Identifier is expected", this.tokenStart + 1);
  74109. }
  74110. break;
  74111. case types.Delim: {
  74112. const code = this.charCodeAt(this.tokenStart);
  74113. switch (code) {
  74114. case PLUSSIGN:
  74115. case GREATERTHANSIGN:
  74116. case TILDE:
  74117. case SOLIDUS:
  74118. return this.Combinator();
  74119. case FULLSTOP:
  74120. return this.ClassSelector();
  74121. case ASTERISK:
  74122. case VERTICALLINE:
  74123. return this.TypeSelector();
  74124. case NUMBERSIGN:
  74125. return this.IdSelector();
  74126. }
  74127. break;
  74128. }
  74129. }
  74130. }
  74131. var Selector = {
  74132. onWhiteSpace,
  74133. getNode
  74134. };
  74135. module2.exports = Selector;
  74136. }
  74137. });
  74138. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/function/expression.cjs
  74139. var require_expression2 = __commonJS({
  74140. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/function/expression.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74141. "use strict";
  74142. function expressionFn() {
  74143. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74144. this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, null, false)
  74145. );
  74146. }
  74147. module2.exports = expressionFn;
  74148. }
  74149. });
  74150. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/function/var.cjs
  74151. var require_var2 = __commonJS({
  74152. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/function/var.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74153. "use strict";
  74154. var types = require_types3();
  74155. function varFn() {
  74156. const children = this.createList();
  74157. this.skipSC();
  74158. children.push(this.Identifier());
  74159. this.skipSC();
  74160. if (this.tokenType === types.Comma) {
  74161. children.push(this.Operator());
  74162. const startIndex = this.tokenIndex;
  74163. const value = this.parseCustomProperty ? this.Value(null) : this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, this.consumeUntilExclamationMarkOrSemicolon, false);
  74164. if (value.type === "Value" && value.children.isEmpty) {
  74165. for (let offset = startIndex - this.tokenIndex; offset <= 0; offset++) {
  74166. if (this.lookupType(offset) === types.WhiteSpace) {
  74167. value.children.appendData({
  74168. type: "WhiteSpace",
  74169. loc: null,
  74170. value: " "
  74171. });
  74172. break;
  74173. }
  74174. }
  74175. }
  74176. children.push(value);
  74177. }
  74178. return children;
  74179. }
  74180. module2.exports = varFn;
  74181. }
  74182. });
  74183. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/value.cjs
  74184. var require_value3 = __commonJS({
  74185. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/value.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74186. "use strict";
  74187. var _default = require_default2();
  74188. var expression = require_expression2();
  74189. var _var = require_var2();
  74190. function isPlusMinusOperator(node) {
  74191. return node !== null && node.type === "Operator" && (node.value[node.value.length - 1] === "-" || node.value[node.value.length - 1] === "+");
  74192. }
  74193. var value = {
  74194. getNode: _default,
  74195. onWhiteSpace(next, children) {
  74196. if (isPlusMinusOperator(next)) {
  74197. next.value = " " + next.value;
  74198. }
  74199. if (isPlusMinusOperator(children.last)) {
  74200. children.last.value += " ";
  74201. }
  74202. },
  74203. "expression": expression,
  74204. "var": _var
  74205. };
  74206. module2.exports = value;
  74207. }
  74208. });
  74209. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/index.cjs
  74210. var require_scope2 = __commonJS({
  74211. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/scope/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  74212. "use strict";
  74213. var atrulePrelude = require_atrulePrelude2();
  74214. var selector = require_selector3();
  74215. var value = require_value3();
  74216. exports2.AtrulePrelude = atrulePrelude;
  74217. exports2.Selector = selector;
  74218. exports2.Value = value;
  74219. }
  74220. });
  74221. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/font-face.cjs
  74222. var require_font_face2 = __commonJS({
  74223. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/font-face.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74224. "use strict";
  74225. var fontFace = {
  74226. parse: {
  74227. prelude: null,
  74228. block() {
  74229. return this.Block(true);
  74230. }
  74231. }
  74232. };
  74233. module2.exports = fontFace;
  74234. }
  74235. });
  74236. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/import.cjs
  74237. var require_import2 = __commonJS({
  74238. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/import.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74239. "use strict";
  74240. var types = require_types3();
  74241. var importAtrule = {
  74242. parse: {
  74243. prelude() {
  74244. const children = this.createList();
  74245. this.skipSC();
  74246. switch (this.tokenType) {
  74247. case types.String:
  74248. children.push(this.String());
  74249. break;
  74250. case types.Url:
  74251. case types.Function:
  74252. children.push(this.Url());
  74253. break;
  74254. default:
  74255. this.error("String or url() is expected");
  74256. }
  74257. if (this.lookupNonWSType(0) === types.Ident || this.lookupNonWSType(0) === types.LeftParenthesis) {
  74258. children.push(this.MediaQueryList());
  74259. }
  74260. return children;
  74261. },
  74262. block: null
  74263. }
  74264. };
  74265. module2.exports = importAtrule;
  74266. }
  74267. });
  74268. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/media.cjs
  74269. var require_media2 = __commonJS({
  74270. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/media.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74271. "use strict";
  74272. var media = {
  74273. parse: {
  74274. prelude() {
  74275. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74276. this.MediaQueryList()
  74277. );
  74278. },
  74279. block() {
  74280. return this.Block(false);
  74281. }
  74282. }
  74283. };
  74284. module2.exports = media;
  74285. }
  74286. });
  74287. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/page.cjs
  74288. var require_page2 = __commonJS({
  74289. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/page.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74290. "use strict";
  74291. var page = {
  74292. parse: {
  74293. prelude() {
  74294. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74295. this.SelectorList()
  74296. );
  74297. },
  74298. block() {
  74299. return this.Block(true);
  74300. }
  74301. }
  74302. };
  74303. module2.exports = page;
  74304. }
  74305. });
  74306. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/supports.cjs
  74307. var require_supports3 = __commonJS({
  74308. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/supports.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74309. "use strict";
  74310. var types = require_types3();
  74311. function consumeRaw() {
  74312. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74313. this.Raw(this.tokenIndex, null, false)
  74314. );
  74315. }
  74316. function parentheses() {
  74317. this.skipSC();
  74318. if (this.tokenType === types.Ident && this.lookupNonWSType(1) === types.Colon) {
  74319. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74320. this.Declaration()
  74321. );
  74322. }
  74323. return;
  74324. }
  74325. function readSequence() {
  74326. const children = this.createList();
  74327. let child;
  74328. this.skipSC();
  74329. scan:
  74330. while (!this.eof) {
  74331. switch (this.tokenType) {
  74332. case types.Comment:
  74333. case types.WhiteSpace:
  74335. continue;
  74336. case types.Function:
  74337. child = this.Function(consumeRaw, this.scope.AtrulePrelude);
  74338. break;
  74339. case types.Ident:
  74340. child = this.Identifier();
  74341. break;
  74342. case types.LeftParenthesis:
  74343. child = this.Parentheses(parentheses, this.scope.AtrulePrelude);
  74344. break;
  74345. default:
  74346. break scan;
  74347. }
  74348. children.push(child);
  74349. }
  74350. return children;
  74351. }
  74352. var supports = {
  74353. parse: {
  74354. prelude() {
  74355. const children =;
  74356. if (this.getFirstListNode(children) === null) {
  74357. this.error("Condition is expected");
  74358. }
  74359. return children;
  74360. },
  74361. block() {
  74362. return this.Block(false);
  74363. }
  74364. }
  74365. };
  74366. module2.exports = supports;
  74367. }
  74368. });
  74369. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/index.cjs
  74370. var require_atrule2 = __commonJS({
  74371. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/atrule/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74372. "use strict";
  74373. var fontFace = require_font_face2();
  74374. var _import = require_import2();
  74375. var media = require_media2();
  74376. var page = require_page2();
  74377. var supports = require_supports3();
  74378. var atrule = {
  74379. "font-face": fontFace,
  74380. "import": _import,
  74381. media,
  74382. page,
  74383. supports
  74384. };
  74385. module2.exports = atrule;
  74386. }
  74387. });
  74388. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/pseudo/index.cjs
  74389. var require_pseudo2 = __commonJS({
  74390. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/pseudo/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74391. "use strict";
  74392. var selectorList = {
  74393. parse() {
  74394. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74395. this.SelectorList()
  74396. );
  74397. }
  74398. };
  74399. var selector = {
  74400. parse() {
  74401. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74402. this.Selector()
  74403. );
  74404. }
  74405. };
  74406. var identList = {
  74407. parse() {
  74408. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74409. this.Identifier()
  74410. );
  74411. }
  74412. };
  74413. var nth = {
  74414. parse() {
  74415. return this.createSingleNodeList(
  74416. this.Nth()
  74417. );
  74418. }
  74419. };
  74420. var pseudo = {
  74421. "dir": identList,
  74422. "has": selectorList,
  74423. "lang": identList,
  74424. "matches": selectorList,
  74425. "is": selectorList,
  74426. "-moz-any": selectorList,
  74427. "-webkit-any": selectorList,
  74428. "where": selectorList,
  74429. "not": selectorList,
  74430. "nth-child": nth,
  74431. "nth-last-child": nth,
  74432. "nth-last-of-type": nth,
  74433. "nth-of-type": nth,
  74434. "slotted": selector
  74435. };
  74436. module2.exports = pseudo;
  74437. }
  74438. });
  74439. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/index-parse.cjs
  74440. var require_index_parse2 = __commonJS({
  74441. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/node/index-parse.cjs"(exports2) {
  74442. "use strict";
  74443. var AnPlusB = require_AnPlusB2();
  74444. var Atrule = require_Atrule2();
  74445. var AtrulePrelude = require_AtrulePrelude2();
  74446. var AttributeSelector = require_AttributeSelector2();
  74447. var Block = require_Block2();
  74448. var Brackets = require_Brackets2();
  74449. var CDC = require_CDC2();
  74450. var CDO = require_CDO2();
  74451. var ClassSelector = require_ClassSelector2();
  74452. var Combinator = require_Combinator2();
  74453. var Comment = require_Comment2();
  74454. var Declaration = require_Declaration2();
  74455. var DeclarationList = require_DeclarationList2();
  74456. var Dimension = require_Dimension2();
  74457. var Function2 = require_Function2();
  74458. var Hash = require_Hash2();
  74459. var Identifier = require_Identifier2();
  74460. var IdSelector = require_IdSelector2();
  74461. var MediaFeature = require_MediaFeature2();
  74462. var MediaQuery = require_MediaQuery2();
  74463. var MediaQueryList = require_MediaQueryList2();
  74464. var Nth = require_Nth2();
  74465. var Number2 = require_Number2();
  74466. var Operator = require_Operator2();
  74467. var Parentheses = require_Parentheses2();
  74468. var Percentage = require_Percentage2();
  74469. var PseudoClassSelector = require_PseudoClassSelector2();
  74470. var PseudoElementSelector = require_PseudoElementSelector2();
  74471. var Ratio = require_Ratio2();
  74472. var Raw = require_Raw2();
  74473. var Rule = require_Rule2();
  74474. var Selector = require_Selector2();
  74475. var SelectorList = require_SelectorList2();
  74476. var String2 = require_String2();
  74477. var StyleSheet = require_StyleSheet2();
  74478. var TypeSelector = require_TypeSelector2();
  74479. var UnicodeRange = require_UnicodeRange2();
  74480. var Url = require_Url2();
  74481. var Value = require_Value2();
  74482. var WhiteSpace = require_WhiteSpace2();
  74483. exports2.AnPlusB = AnPlusB.parse;
  74484. exports2.Atrule = Atrule.parse;
  74485. exports2.AtrulePrelude = AtrulePrelude.parse;
  74486. exports2.AttributeSelector = AttributeSelector.parse;
  74487. exports2.Block = Block.parse;
  74488. exports2.Brackets = Brackets.parse;
  74489. exports2.CDC = CDC.parse;
  74490. exports2.CDO = CDO.parse;
  74491. exports2.ClassSelector = ClassSelector.parse;
  74492. exports2.Combinator = Combinator.parse;
  74493. exports2.Comment = Comment.parse;
  74494. exports2.Declaration = Declaration.parse;
  74495. exports2.DeclarationList = DeclarationList.parse;
  74496. exports2.Dimension = Dimension.parse;
  74497. exports2.Function = Function2.parse;
  74498. exports2.Hash = Hash.parse;
  74499. exports2.Identifier = Identifier.parse;
  74500. exports2.IdSelector = IdSelector.parse;
  74501. exports2.MediaFeature = MediaFeature.parse;
  74502. exports2.MediaQuery = MediaQuery.parse;
  74503. exports2.MediaQueryList = MediaQueryList.parse;
  74504. exports2.Nth = Nth.parse;
  74505. exports2.Number = Number2.parse;
  74506. exports2.Operator = Operator.parse;
  74507. exports2.Parentheses = Parentheses.parse;
  74508. exports2.Percentage = Percentage.parse;
  74509. exports2.PseudoClassSelector = PseudoClassSelector.parse;
  74510. exports2.PseudoElementSelector = PseudoElementSelector.parse;
  74511. exports2.Ratio = Ratio.parse;
  74512. exports2.Raw = Raw.parse;
  74513. exports2.Rule = Rule.parse;
  74514. exports2.Selector = Selector.parse;
  74515. exports2.SelectorList = SelectorList.parse;
  74516. exports2.String = String2.parse;
  74517. exports2.StyleSheet = StyleSheet.parse;
  74518. exports2.TypeSelector = TypeSelector.parse;
  74519. exports2.UnicodeRange = UnicodeRange.parse;
  74520. exports2.Url = Url.parse;
  74521. exports2.Value = Value.parse;
  74522. exports2.WhiteSpace = WhiteSpace.parse;
  74523. }
  74524. });
  74525. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/parser.cjs
  74526. var require_parser4 = __commonJS({
  74527. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/parser.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74528. "use strict";
  74529. var index = require_scope2();
  74530. var index$1 = require_atrule2();
  74531. var index$2 = require_pseudo2();
  74532. var indexParse = require_index_parse2();
  74533. var config = {
  74534. parseContext: {
  74535. default: "StyleSheet",
  74536. stylesheet: "StyleSheet",
  74537. atrule: "Atrule",
  74538. atrulePrelude(options) {
  74539. return this.AtrulePrelude(options.atrule ? String(options.atrule) : null);
  74540. },
  74541. mediaQueryList: "MediaQueryList",
  74542. mediaQuery: "MediaQuery",
  74543. rule: "Rule",
  74544. selectorList: "SelectorList",
  74545. selector: "Selector",
  74546. block() {
  74547. return this.Block(true);
  74548. },
  74549. declarationList: "DeclarationList",
  74550. declaration: "Declaration",
  74551. value: "Value"
  74552. },
  74553. scope: index,
  74554. atrule: index$1,
  74555. pseudo: index$2,
  74556. node: indexParse
  74557. };
  74558. module2.exports = config;
  74559. }
  74560. });
  74561. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/walker.cjs
  74562. var require_walker2 = __commonJS({
  74563. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/config/walker.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74564. "use strict";
  74565. var index = require_node5();
  74566. var config = {
  74567. node: index
  74568. };
  74569. module2.exports = config;
  74570. }
  74571. });
  74572. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/index.cjs
  74573. var require_syntax2 = __commonJS({
  74574. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/syntax/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  74575. "use strict";
  74576. var create = require_create10();
  74577. var lexer = require_lexer2();
  74578. var parser = require_parser4();
  74579. var walker = require_walker2();
  74580. var syntax = create({
  74581. ...lexer,
  74582. ...parser,
  74583. ...walker
  74584. });
  74585. module2.exports = syntax;
  74586. }
  74587. });
  74588. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/package.json
  74589. var require_package3 = __commonJS({
  74590. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/package.json"(exports2, module2) {
  74591. module2.exports = {
  74592. _args: [
  74593. [
  74594. "css-tree@2.2.1",
  74595. "/home/runner/work/tailwindcss/tailwindcss"
  74596. ]
  74597. ],
  74598. _development: true,
  74599. _from: "css-tree@2.2.1",
  74600. _id: "css-tree@2.2.1",
  74601. _inBundle: false,
  74602. _integrity: "sha512-OA0mILzGc1kCOCSJerOeqDxDQ4HOh+G8NbOJFOTgOCzpw7fCBubk0fEyxp8AgOL/jvLgYA/uV0cMbe43ElF1JA==",
  74603. _location: "/csso/css-tree",
  74604. _phantomChildren: {},
  74605. _requested: {
  74606. type: "version",
  74607. registry: true,
  74608. raw: "css-tree@2.2.1",
  74609. name: "css-tree",
  74610. escapedName: "css-tree",
  74611. rawSpec: "2.2.1",
  74612. saveSpec: null,
  74613. fetchSpec: "2.2.1"
  74614. },
  74615. _requiredBy: [
  74616. "/csso"
  74617. ],
  74618. _resolved: "",
  74619. _spec: "2.2.1",
  74620. _where: "/home/runner/work/tailwindcss/tailwindcss",
  74621. author: {
  74622. name: "Roman Dvornov",
  74623. email: "",
  74624. url: ""
  74625. },
  74626. browser: {
  74627. "./cjs/data.cjs": "./dist/data.cjs",
  74628. "./cjs/version.cjs": "./dist/version.cjs",
  74629. "./lib/data.js": "./dist/data.js",
  74630. "./lib/version.js": "./dist/version.js"
  74631. },
  74632. bugs: {
  74633. url: ""
  74634. },
  74635. dependencies: {
  74636. "mdn-data": "2.0.28",
  74637. "source-map-js": "^1.0.1"
  74638. },
  74639. description: "A tool set for CSS: fast detailed parser (CSS \u2192 AST), walker (AST traversal), generator (AST \u2192 CSS) and lexer (validation and matching) based on specs and browser implementations",
  74640. devDependencies: {
  74641. c8: "^7.7.1",
  74642. clap: "^2.0.1",
  74643. esbuild: "^0.14.53",
  74644. eslint: "^8.4.1",
  74645. "json-to-ast": "^2.1.0",
  74646. mocha: "^9.1.4",
  74647. rollup: "^2.68.0"
  74648. },
  74649. engines: {
  74650. node: "^10 || ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.0 || >=15.0.0",
  74651. npm: ">=7.0.0"
  74652. },
  74653. exports: {
  74654. ".": {
  74655. import: "./lib/index.js",
  74656. require: "./cjs/index.cjs"
  74657. },
  74658. "./dist/*": "./dist/*.js",
  74659. "./package.json": "./package.json",
  74660. "./tokenizer": {
  74661. import: "./lib/tokenizer/index.js",
  74662. require: "./cjs/tokenizer/index.cjs"
  74663. },
  74664. "./parser": {
  74665. import: "./lib/parser/index.js",
  74666. require: "./cjs/parser/index.cjs"
  74667. },
  74668. "./selector-parser": {
  74669. import: "./lib/parser/parse-selector.js",
  74670. require: "./cjs/parser/parse-selector.cjs"
  74671. },
  74672. "./generator": {
  74673. import: "./lib/generator/index.js",
  74674. require: "./cjs/generator/index.cjs"
  74675. },
  74676. "./walker": {
  74677. import: "./lib/walker/index.js",
  74678. require: "./cjs/walker/index.cjs"
  74679. },
  74680. "./convertor": {
  74681. import: "./lib/convertor/index.js",
  74682. require: "./cjs/convertor/index.cjs"
  74683. },
  74684. "./lexer": {
  74685. import: "./lib/lexer/index.js",
  74686. require: "./cjs/lexer/index.cjs"
  74687. },
  74688. "./definition-syntax": {
  74689. import: "./lib/definition-syntax/index.js",
  74690. require: "./cjs/definition-syntax/index.cjs"
  74691. },
  74692. "./definition-syntax-data": {
  74693. import: "./lib/data.js",
  74694. require: "./cjs/data.cjs"
  74695. },
  74696. "./definition-syntax-data-patch": {
  74697. import: "./lib/data-patch.js",
  74698. require: "./cjs/data-patch.cjs"
  74699. },
  74700. "./utils": {
  74701. import: "./lib/utils/index.js",
  74702. require: "./cjs/utils/index.cjs"
  74703. }
  74704. },
  74705. files: [
  74706. "data",
  74707. "dist",
  74708. "cjs",
  74709. "!cjs/__tests",
  74710. "lib",
  74711. "!lib/__tests"
  74712. ],
  74713. homepage: "",
  74714. jsdelivr: "dist/csstree.esm.js",
  74715. keywords: [
  74716. "css",
  74717. "ast",
  74718. "tokenizer",
  74719. "parser",
  74720. "walker",
  74721. "lexer",
  74722. "generator",
  74723. "utils",
  74724. "syntax",
  74725. "validation"
  74726. ],
  74727. license: "MIT",
  74728. main: "./cjs/index.cjs",
  74729. module: "./lib/index.js",
  74730. name: "css-tree",
  74731. repository: {
  74732. type: "git",
  74733. url: "git+"
  74734. },
  74735. scripts: {
  74736. build: "npm run bundle && npm run esm-to-cjs --",
  74737. "build-and-test": "npm run build && npm run test:dist && npm run test:cjs",
  74738. bundle: "node scripts/bundle",
  74739. "bundle-and-test": "npm run bundle && npm run test:dist",
  74740. coverage: "c8 --exclude lib/__tests --reporter=lcovonly npm test",
  74741. "esm-to-cjs": "node scripts/esm-to-cjs.cjs",
  74742. "esm-to-cjs-and-test": "npm run esm-to-cjs && npm run test:cjs",
  74743. hydrogen: "node --trace-hydrogen --trace-phase=Z --trace-deopt --code-comments --hydrogen-track-positions --redirect-code-traces --redirect-code-traces-to=code.asm --trace_hydrogen_file=code.cfg --print-opt-code bin/parse --stat -o /dev/null",
  74744. lint: "eslint lib scripts && node scripts/review-syntax-patch --lint && node scripts/update-docs --lint",
  74745. "lint-and-test": "npm run lint && npm test",
  74746. prepublishOnly: "npm run lint-and-test && npm run build-and-test",
  74747. "review:syntax-patch": "node scripts/review-syntax-patch",
  74748. test: "mocha lib/__tests --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}",
  74749. "test:cjs": "mocha cjs/__tests --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}",
  74750. "test:dist": "mocha dist/__tests --reporter ${REPORTER:-progress}",
  74751. "update:docs": "node scripts/update-docs",
  74752. watch: "npm run build -- --watch"
  74753. },
  74754. type: "module",
  74755. unpkg: "dist/csstree.esm.js",
  74756. version: "2.2.1"
  74757. };
  74758. }
  74759. });
  74760. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/version.cjs
  74761. var require_version3 = __commonJS({
  74762. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/version.cjs"(exports2) {
  74763. "use strict";
  74764. var { version } = require_package3();
  74765. exports2.version = version;
  74766. }
  74767. });
  74768. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/index.cjs
  74769. var require_definition_syntax2 = __commonJS({
  74770. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/definition-syntax/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  74771. "use strict";
  74772. var SyntaxError2 = require_SyntaxError4();
  74773. var generate = require_generate2();
  74774. var parse = require_parse7();
  74775. var walk = require_walk3();
  74776. exports2.SyntaxError = SyntaxError2.SyntaxError;
  74777. exports2.generate = generate.generate;
  74778. exports2.parse = parse.parse;
  74779. exports2.walk = walk.walk;
  74780. }
  74781. });
  74782. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/clone.cjs
  74783. var require_clone2 = __commonJS({
  74784. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/clone.cjs"(exports2) {
  74785. "use strict";
  74786. var List = require_List2();
  74787. function clone(node) {
  74788. const result = {};
  74789. for (const key in node) {
  74790. let value = node[key];
  74791. if (value) {
  74792. if (Array.isArray(value) || value instanceof List.List) {
  74793. value =;
  74794. } else if (value.constructor === Object) {
  74795. value = clone(value);
  74796. }
  74797. }
  74798. result[key] = value;
  74799. }
  74800. return result;
  74801. }
  74802. exports2.clone = clone;
  74803. }
  74804. });
  74805. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/ident.cjs
  74806. var require_ident2 = __commonJS({
  74807. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/utils/ident.cjs"(exports2) {
  74808. "use strict";
  74809. var charCodeDefinitions = require_char_code_definitions2();
  74810. var utils = require_utils4();
  74811. var REVERSE_SOLIDUS = 92;
  74812. function decode(str) {
  74813. const end = str.length - 1;
  74814. let decoded = "";
  74815. for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  74816. let code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  74817. if (code === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) {
  74818. if (i === end) {
  74819. break;
  74820. }
  74821. code = str.charCodeAt(++i);
  74822. if (charCodeDefinitions.isValidEscape(REVERSE_SOLIDUS, code)) {
  74823. const escapeStart = i - 1;
  74824. const escapeEnd = utils.consumeEscaped(str, escapeStart);
  74825. i = escapeEnd - 1;
  74826. decoded += utils.decodeEscaped(str.substring(escapeStart + 1, escapeEnd));
  74827. } else {
  74828. if (code === 13 && str.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 10) {
  74829. i++;
  74830. }
  74831. }
  74832. } else {
  74833. decoded += str[i];
  74834. }
  74835. }
  74836. return decoded;
  74837. }
  74838. function encode(str) {
  74839. let encoded = "";
  74840. if (str.length === 1 && str.charCodeAt(0) === 45) {
  74841. return "\\-";
  74842. }
  74843. for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  74844. const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
  74845. if (code === 0) {
  74846. encoded += "\uFFFD";
  74847. continue;
  74848. }
  74849. if (
  74850. // If the character is in the range [\1-\1f] (U+0001 to U+001F) or is U+007F ...
  74851. // Note: Do not compare with 0x0001 since 0x0000 is precessed before
  74852. code <= 31 || code === 127 || // [or] ... is in the range [0-9] (U+0030 to U+0039),
  74853. code >= 48 && code <= 57 && // If the character is the first character ...
  74854. (i === 0 || // If the character is the second character ... and the first character is a "-" (U+002D)
  74855. i === 1 && str.charCodeAt(0) === 45)
  74856. ) {
  74857. encoded += "\\" + code.toString(16) + " ";
  74858. continue;
  74859. }
  74860. if (charCodeDefinitions.isName(code)) {
  74861. encoded += str.charAt(i);
  74862. } else {
  74863. encoded += "\\" + str.charAt(i);
  74864. }
  74865. }
  74866. return encoded;
  74867. }
  74868. exports2.decode = decode;
  74869. exports2.encode = encode;
  74870. }
  74871. });
  74872. // node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/index.cjs
  74873. var require_cjs2 = __commonJS({
  74874. "node_modules/csso/node_modules/css-tree/cjs/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  74875. "use strict";
  74876. var index$1 = require_syntax2();
  74877. var version = require_version3();
  74878. var create = require_create10();
  74879. var List = require_List2();
  74880. var Lexer = require_Lexer2();
  74881. var index = require_definition_syntax2();
  74882. var clone = require_clone2();
  74883. var names$1 = require_names5();
  74884. var ident = require_ident2();
  74885. var string = require_string2();
  74886. var url = require_url3();
  74887. var types = require_types3();
  74888. var names = require_names4();
  74889. var TokenStream = require_TokenStream2();
  74890. var {
  74891. tokenize,
  74892. parse,
  74893. generate,
  74894. lexer,
  74895. createLexer,
  74896. walk,
  74897. find,
  74898. findLast,
  74899. findAll,
  74900. toPlainObject,
  74901. fromPlainObject,
  74902. fork
  74903. } = index$1;
  74904. exports2.version = version.version;
  74905. exports2.createSyntax = create;
  74906. exports2.List = List.List;
  74907. exports2.Lexer = Lexer.Lexer;
  74908. exports2.definitionSyntax = index;
  74909. exports2.clone = clone.clone;
  74910. exports2.isCustomProperty = names$1.isCustomProperty;
  74911. exports2.keyword = names$1.keyword;
  74912. = names$;
  74913. exports2.vendorPrefix = names$1.vendorPrefix;
  74914. exports2.ident = ident;
  74915. exports2.string = string;
  74916. exports2.url = url;
  74917. exports2.tokenTypes = types;
  74918. exports2.tokenNames = names;
  74919. exports2.TokenStream = TokenStream.TokenStream;
  74920. exports2.createLexer = createLexer;
  74921. exports2.find = find;
  74922. exports2.findAll = findAll;
  74923. exports2.findLast = findLast;
  74924. exports2.fork = fork;
  74925. exports2.fromPlainObject = fromPlainObject;
  74926. exports2.generate = generate;
  74927. exports2.lexer = lexer;
  74928. exports2.parse = parse;
  74929. exports2.toPlainObject = toPlainObject;
  74930. exports2.tokenize = tokenize;
  74931. exports2.walk = walk;
  74932. }
  74933. });
  74934. // node_modules/csso/cjs/usage.cjs
  74935. var require_usage = __commonJS({
  74936. "node_modules/csso/cjs/usage.cjs"(exports2) {
  74937. "use strict";
  74938. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  74939. function buildMap(list, caseInsensitive) {
  74940. const map = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  74941. if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
  74942. return null;
  74943. }
  74944. for (let name of list) {
  74945. if (caseInsensitive) {
  74946. name = name.toLowerCase();
  74947. }
  74948. map[name] = true;
  74949. }
  74950. return map;
  74951. }
  74952. function buildList(data) {
  74953. if (!data) {
  74954. return null;
  74955. }
  74956. const tags = buildMap(data.tags, true);
  74957. const ids = buildMap(data.ids);
  74958. const classes = buildMap(data.classes);
  74959. if (tags === null && ids === null && classes === null) {
  74960. return null;
  74961. }
  74962. return {
  74963. tags,
  74964. ids,
  74965. classes
  74966. };
  74967. }
  74968. function buildIndex(data) {
  74969. let scopes = false;
  74970. if (data.scopes && Array.isArray(data.scopes)) {
  74971. scopes = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  74972. for (let i = 0; i < data.scopes.length; i++) {
  74973. const list = data.scopes[i];
  74974. if (!list || !Array.isArray(list)) {
  74975. throw new Error("Wrong usage format");
  74976. }
  74977. for (const name of list) {
  74978. if (, name)) {
  74979. throw new Error(`Class can't be used for several scopes: ${name}`);
  74980. }
  74981. scopes[name] = i + 1;
  74982. }
  74983. }
  74984. }
  74985. return {
  74986. whitelist: buildList(data),
  74987. blacklist: buildList(data.blacklist),
  74988. scopes
  74989. };
  74990. }
  74991. exports2.buildIndex = buildIndex;
  74992. }
  74993. });
  74994. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/utils.cjs
  74995. var require_utils5 = __commonJS({
  74996. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/utils.cjs"(exports2) {
  74997. "use strict";
  74998. function hasNoChildren(node) {
  74999. return !node || !node.children || node.children.isEmpty;
  75000. }
  75001. function isNodeChildrenList(node, list) {
  75002. return node !== null && node.children === list;
  75003. }
  75004. exports2.hasNoChildren = hasNoChildren;
  75005. exports2.isNodeChildrenList = isNodeChildrenList;
  75006. }
  75007. });
  75008. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Atrule.cjs
  75009. var require_Atrule3 = __commonJS({
  75010. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Atrule.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75011. "use strict";
  75012. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75013. var utils = require_utils5();
  75014. function cleanAtrule(node, item, list) {
  75015. if (node.block) {
  75016. if (this.stylesheet !== null) {
  75017. this.stylesheet.firstAtrulesAllowed = false;
  75018. }
  75019. if (utils.hasNoChildren(node.block)) {
  75020. list.remove(item);
  75021. return;
  75022. }
  75023. }
  75024. switch ( {
  75025. case "charset":
  75026. if (utils.hasNoChildren(node.prelude)) {
  75027. list.remove(item);
  75028. return;
  75029. }
  75030. if (item.prev) {
  75031. list.remove(item);
  75032. return;
  75033. }
  75034. break;
  75035. case "import":
  75036. if (this.stylesheet === null || !this.stylesheet.firstAtrulesAllowed) {
  75037. list.remove(item);
  75038. return;
  75039. }
  75040. list.prevUntil(item.prev, function(rule) {
  75041. if (rule.type === "Atrule") {
  75042. if ( === "import" || === "charset") {
  75043. return;
  75044. }
  75045. }
  75046. this.root.firstAtrulesAllowed = false;
  75047. list.remove(item);
  75048. return true;
  75049. }, this);
  75050. break;
  75051. default: {
  75052. const name = cssTree.keyword(;
  75053. if (name === "keyframes" || name === "media" || name === "supports") {
  75054. if (utils.hasNoChildren(node.prelude) || utils.hasNoChildren(node.block)) {
  75055. list.remove(item);
  75056. }
  75057. }
  75058. }
  75059. }
  75060. }
  75061. module2.exports = cleanAtrule;
  75062. }
  75063. });
  75064. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Comment.cjs
  75065. var require_Comment3 = __commonJS({
  75066. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Comment.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75067. "use strict";
  75068. function cleanComment(data, item, list) {
  75069. list.remove(item);
  75070. }
  75071. module2.exports = cleanComment;
  75072. }
  75073. });
  75074. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Declaration.cjs
  75075. var require_Declaration3 = __commonJS({
  75076. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Declaration.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75077. "use strict";
  75078. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75079. function cleanDeclartion(node, item, list) {
  75080. if (node.value.children && node.value.children.isEmpty) {
  75081. list.remove(item);
  75082. return;
  75083. }
  75084. if ( {
  75085. if (/\S/.test(node.value.value)) {
  75086. node.value.value = node.value.value.trim();
  75087. }
  75088. }
  75089. }
  75090. module2.exports = cleanDeclartion;
  75091. }
  75092. });
  75093. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Raw.cjs
  75094. var require_Raw3 = __commonJS({
  75095. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Raw.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75096. "use strict";
  75097. var utils = require_utils5();
  75098. function cleanRaw(node, item, list) {
  75099. if (utils.isNodeChildrenList(this.stylesheet, list) || utils.isNodeChildrenList(this.block, list)) {
  75100. list.remove(item);
  75101. }
  75102. }
  75103. module2.exports = cleanRaw;
  75104. }
  75105. });
  75106. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Rule.cjs
  75107. var require_Rule3 = __commonJS({
  75108. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/Rule.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75109. "use strict";
  75110. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75111. var utils = require_utils5();
  75112. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  75113. var skipUsageFilteringAtrule = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["keyframes"]);
  75114. function cleanUnused(selectorList, usageData) {
  75115. selectorList.children.forEach((selector, item, list) => {
  75116. let shouldRemove = false;
  75117. cssTree.walk(selector, function(node) {
  75118. if (this.selector === null || this.selector === selectorList) {
  75119. switch (node.type) {
  75120. case "SelectorList":
  75121. if (this.function === null || !== "not") {
  75122. if (cleanUnused(node, usageData)) {
  75123. shouldRemove = true;
  75124. }
  75125. }
  75126. break;
  75127. case "ClassSelector":
  75128. if (usageData.whitelist !== null && usageData.whitelist.classes !== null && !, {
  75129. shouldRemove = true;
  75130. }
  75131. if (usageData.blacklist !== null && usageData.blacklist.classes !== null &&, {
  75132. shouldRemove = true;
  75133. }
  75134. break;
  75135. case "IdSelector":
  75136. if (usageData.whitelist !== null && usageData.whitelist.ids !== null && !, {
  75137. shouldRemove = true;
  75138. }
  75139. if (usageData.blacklist !== null && usageData.blacklist.ids !== null &&, {
  75140. shouldRemove = true;
  75141. }
  75142. break;
  75143. case "TypeSelector":
  75144. if ( - 1) !== "*") {
  75145. if (usageData.whitelist !== null && usageData.whitelist.tags !== null && !, {
  75146. shouldRemove = true;
  75147. }
  75148. if (usageData.blacklist !== null && usageData.blacklist.tags !== null &&, {
  75149. shouldRemove = true;
  75150. }
  75151. }
  75152. break;
  75153. }
  75154. }
  75155. });
  75156. if (shouldRemove) {
  75157. list.remove(item);
  75158. }
  75159. });
  75160. return selectorList.children.isEmpty;
  75161. }
  75162. function cleanRule(node, item, list, options) {
  75163. if (utils.hasNoChildren(node.prelude) || utils.hasNoChildren(node.block)) {
  75164. list.remove(item);
  75165. return;
  75166. }
  75167. if (this.atrule && skipUsageFilteringAtrule.has(cssTree.keyword( {
  75168. return;
  75169. }
  75170. const { usage } = options;
  75171. if (usage && (usage.whitelist !== null || usage.blacklist !== null)) {
  75172. cleanUnused(node.prelude, usage);
  75173. if (utils.hasNoChildren(node.prelude)) {
  75174. list.remove(item);
  75175. return;
  75176. }
  75177. }
  75178. }
  75179. module2.exports = cleanRule;
  75180. }
  75181. });
  75182. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/TypeSelector.cjs
  75183. var require_TypeSelector3 = __commonJS({
  75184. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/TypeSelector.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75185. "use strict";
  75186. function cleanTypeSelector(node, item, list) {
  75187. const name =;
  75188. if (name !== "*") {
  75189. return;
  75190. }
  75191. const nextType = &&;
  75192. if (nextType === "IdSelector" || nextType === "ClassSelector" || nextType === "AttributeSelector" || nextType === "PseudoClassSelector" || nextType === "PseudoElementSelector") {
  75193. list.remove(item);
  75194. }
  75195. }
  75196. module2.exports = cleanTypeSelector;
  75197. }
  75198. });
  75199. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/WhiteSpace.cjs
  75200. var require_WhiteSpace3 = __commonJS({
  75201. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/WhiteSpace.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75202. "use strict";
  75203. function cleanWhitespace(node, item, list) {
  75204. list.remove(item);
  75205. }
  75206. module2.exports = cleanWhitespace;
  75207. }
  75208. });
  75209. // node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/index.cjs
  75210. var require_clean = __commonJS({
  75211. "node_modules/csso/cjs/clean/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75212. "use strict";
  75213. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75214. var Atrule = require_Atrule3();
  75215. var Comment = require_Comment3();
  75216. var Declaration = require_Declaration3();
  75217. var Raw = require_Raw3();
  75218. var Rule = require_Rule3();
  75219. var TypeSelector = require_TypeSelector3();
  75220. var WhiteSpace = require_WhiteSpace3();
  75221. var handlers = {
  75222. Atrule,
  75223. Comment,
  75224. Declaration,
  75225. Raw,
  75226. Rule,
  75227. TypeSelector,
  75228. WhiteSpace
  75229. };
  75230. function clean(ast, options) {
  75231. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  75232. leave(node, item, list) {
  75233. if (handlers.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) {
  75234. handlers[node.type].call(this, node, item, list, options);
  75235. }
  75236. }
  75237. });
  75238. }
  75239. module2.exports = clean;
  75240. }
  75241. });
  75242. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/atrule/keyframes.cjs
  75243. var require_keyframes = __commonJS({
  75244. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/atrule/keyframes.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75245. "use strict";
  75246. function compressKeyframes(node) {
  75247. node.block.children.forEach((rule) => {
  75248. rule.prelude.children.forEach((simpleselector) => {
  75249. simpleselector.children.forEach((data, item) => {
  75250. if (data.type === "Percentage" && data.value === "100") {
  75251. = {
  75252. type: "TypeSelector",
  75253. loc: data.loc,
  75254. name: "to"
  75255. };
  75256. } else if (data.type === "TypeSelector" && === "from") {
  75257. = {
  75258. type: "Percentage",
  75259. loc: data.loc,
  75260. value: "0"
  75261. };
  75262. }
  75263. });
  75264. });
  75265. });
  75266. }
  75267. module2.exports = compressKeyframes;
  75268. }
  75269. });
  75270. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Atrule.cjs
  75271. var require_Atrule4 = __commonJS({
  75272. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Atrule.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75273. "use strict";
  75274. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75275. var keyframes = require_keyframes();
  75276. function Atrule(node) {
  75277. if (cssTree.keyword( === "keyframes") {
  75278. keyframes(node);
  75279. }
  75280. }
  75281. module2.exports = Atrule;
  75282. }
  75283. });
  75284. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/AttributeSelector.cjs
  75285. var require_AttributeSelector3 = __commonJS({
  75286. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/AttributeSelector.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75287. "use strict";
  75288. var blockUnquoteRx = /^(-?\d|--)|[\u0000-\u002c\u002e\u002f\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u005E\u0060\u007B-\u009f]/;
  75289. function canUnquote(value) {
  75290. if (value === "" || value === "-") {
  75291. return false;
  75292. }
  75293. return !blockUnquoteRx.test(value);
  75294. }
  75295. function AttributeSelector(node) {
  75296. const attrValue = node.value;
  75297. if (!attrValue || attrValue.type !== "String") {
  75298. return;
  75299. }
  75300. if (canUnquote(attrValue.value)) {
  75301. node.value = {
  75302. type: "Identifier",
  75303. loc: attrValue.loc,
  75304. name: attrValue.value
  75305. };
  75306. }
  75307. }
  75308. module2.exports = AttributeSelector;
  75309. }
  75310. });
  75311. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/property/font.cjs
  75312. var require_font = __commonJS({
  75313. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/property/font.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75314. "use strict";
  75315. function compressFont(node) {
  75316. const list = node.children;
  75317. list.forEachRight(function(node2, item) {
  75318. if (node2.type === "Identifier") {
  75319. if ( === "bold") {
  75320. = {
  75321. type: "Number",
  75322. loc: node2.loc,
  75323. value: "700"
  75324. };
  75325. } else if ( === "normal") {
  75326. const prev = item.prev;
  75327. if (prev && === "Operator" && === "/") {
  75328. this.remove(prev);
  75329. }
  75330. this.remove(item);
  75331. }
  75332. }
  75333. });
  75334. if (list.isEmpty) {
  75335. list.insert(list.createItem({
  75336. type: "Identifier",
  75337. name: "normal"
  75338. }));
  75339. }
  75340. }
  75341. module2.exports = compressFont;
  75342. }
  75343. });
  75344. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/property/font-weight.cjs
  75345. var require_font_weight = __commonJS({
  75346. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/property/font-weight.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75347. "use strict";
  75348. function compressFontWeight(node) {
  75349. const value =;
  75350. if (value.type === "Identifier") {
  75351. switch ( {
  75352. case "normal":
  75353. = {
  75354. type: "Number",
  75355. loc: value.loc,
  75356. value: "400"
  75357. };
  75358. break;
  75359. case "bold":
  75360. = {
  75361. type: "Number",
  75362. loc: value.loc,
  75363. value: "700"
  75364. };
  75365. break;
  75366. }
  75367. }
  75368. }
  75369. module2.exports = compressFontWeight;
  75370. }
  75371. });
  75372. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/property/background.cjs
  75373. var require_background = __commonJS({
  75374. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/property/background.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75375. "use strict";
  75376. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75377. function compressBackground(node) {
  75378. function flush() {
  75379. if (!buffer.length) {
  75380. buffer.unshift(
  75381. {
  75382. type: "Number",
  75383. loc: null,
  75384. value: "0"
  75385. },
  75386. {
  75387. type: "Number",
  75388. loc: null,
  75389. value: "0"
  75390. }
  75391. );
  75392. }
  75393. newValue.push.apply(newValue, buffer);
  75394. buffer = [];
  75395. }
  75396. let newValue = [];
  75397. let buffer = [];
  75398. node.children.forEach((node2) => {
  75399. if (node2.type === "Operator" && node2.value === ",") {
  75400. flush();
  75401. newValue.push(node2);
  75402. return;
  75403. }
  75404. if (node2.type === "Identifier") {
  75405. if ( === "transparent" || === "none" || === "repeat" || === "scroll") {
  75406. return;
  75407. }
  75408. }
  75409. buffer.push(node2);
  75410. });
  75411. flush();
  75412. node.children = new cssTree.List().fromArray(newValue);
  75413. }
  75414. module2.exports = compressBackground;
  75415. }
  75416. });
  75417. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/property/border.cjs
  75418. var require_border = __commonJS({
  75419. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/property/border.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75420. "use strict";
  75421. function compressBorder(node) {
  75422. node.children.forEach((node2, item, list) => {
  75423. if (node2.type === "Identifier" && === "none") {
  75424. if (list.head === list.tail) {
  75425. = {
  75426. type: "Number",
  75427. loc: node2.loc,
  75428. value: "0"
  75429. };
  75430. } else {
  75431. list.remove(item);
  75432. }
  75433. }
  75434. });
  75435. }
  75436. module2.exports = compressBorder;
  75437. }
  75438. });
  75439. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Value.cjs
  75440. var require_Value3 = __commonJS({
  75441. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Value.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75442. "use strict";
  75443. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75444. var font = require_font();
  75445. var fontWeight = require_font_weight();
  75446. var background = require_background();
  75447. var border = require_border();
  75448. var handlers = {
  75449. "font": font,
  75450. "font-weight": fontWeight,
  75451. "background": background,
  75452. "border": border,
  75453. "outline": border
  75454. };
  75455. function compressValue(node) {
  75456. if (!this.declaration) {
  75457. return;
  75458. }
  75459. const property =;
  75460. if (handlers.hasOwnProperty(property.basename)) {
  75461. handlers[property.basename](node);
  75462. }
  75463. }
  75464. module2.exports = compressValue;
  75465. }
  75466. });
  75467. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Number.cjs
  75468. var require_Number3 = __commonJS({
  75469. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Number.cjs"(exports2) {
  75470. "use strict";
  75471. var OMIT_PLUSSIGN = /^(?:\+|(-))?0*(\d*)(?:\.0*|(\.\d*?)0*)?$/;
  75472. var KEEP_PLUSSIGN = /^([\+\-])?0*(\d*)(?:\.0*|(\.\d*?)0*)?$/;
  75473. var unsafeToRemovePlusSignAfter = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  75474. "Dimension",
  75475. "Hash",
  75476. "Identifier",
  75477. "Number",
  75478. "Raw",
  75479. "UnicodeRange"
  75480. ]);
  75481. function packNumber(value, item) {
  75482. const regexp = item && item.prev !== null && unsafeToRemovePlusSignAfter.has( ? KEEP_PLUSSIGN : OMIT_PLUSSIGN;
  75483. value = String(value).replace(regexp, "$1$2$3");
  75484. if (value === "" || value === "-") {
  75485. value = "0";
  75486. }
  75487. return value;
  75488. }
  75489. function Number2(node) {
  75490. node.value = packNumber(node.value);
  75491. }
  75492. exports2.Number = Number2;
  75493. exports2.packNumber = packNumber;
  75494. }
  75495. });
  75496. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Dimension.cjs
  75497. var require_Dimension3 = __commonJS({
  75498. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Dimension.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75499. "use strict";
  75500. var _Number = require_Number3();
  75501. var MATH_FUNCTIONS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  75502. "calc",
  75503. "min",
  75504. "max",
  75505. "clamp"
  75506. ]);
  75507. var LENGTH_UNIT = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  75508. // absolute length units
  75509. "px",
  75510. "mm",
  75511. "cm",
  75512. "in",
  75513. "pt",
  75514. "pc",
  75515. // relative length units
  75516. "em",
  75517. "ex",
  75518. "ch",
  75519. "rem",
  75520. // viewport-percentage lengths
  75521. "vh",
  75522. "vw",
  75523. "vmin",
  75524. "vmax",
  75525. "vm"
  75526. ]);
  75527. function compressDimension(node, item) {
  75528. const value = _Number.packNumber(node.value);
  75529. node.value = value;
  75530. if (value === "0" && this.declaration !== null && this.atrulePrelude === null) {
  75531. const unit = node.unit.toLowerCase();
  75532. if (!LENGTH_UNIT.has(unit)) {
  75533. return;
  75534. }
  75535. if ( === "-ms-flex" || === "flex") {
  75536. return;
  75537. }
  75538. if (this.function && MATH_FUNCTIONS.has( {
  75539. return;
  75540. }
  75541. = {
  75542. type: "Number",
  75543. loc: node.loc,
  75544. value
  75545. };
  75546. }
  75547. }
  75548. module2.exports = compressDimension;
  75549. }
  75550. });
  75551. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Percentage.cjs
  75552. var require_Percentage3 = __commonJS({
  75553. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Percentage.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75554. "use strict";
  75555. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75556. var _Number = require_Number3();
  75557. var blacklist = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  75558. // see
  75559. "width",
  75560. "min-width",
  75561. "max-width",
  75562. "height",
  75563. "min-height",
  75564. "max-height",
  75565. // issue #410: Don’t remove units in flex-basis value for (-ms-)flex shorthand
  75566. // issue #362: shouldn't remove unit in -ms-flex since it breaks flex in IE10/11
  75567. // issue #200: shouldn't remove unit in flex since it breaks flex in IE10/11
  75568. "flex",
  75569. "-ms-flex"
  75570. ]);
  75571. function compressPercentage(node, item) {
  75572. node.value = _Number.packNumber(node.value);
  75573. if (node.value === "0" && this.declaration && !blacklist.has( {
  75574. = {
  75575. type: "Number",
  75576. loc: node.loc,
  75577. value: node.value
  75578. };
  75579. if (!cssTree.lexer.matchDeclaration(this.declaration).isType(, "length")) {
  75580. = node;
  75581. }
  75582. }
  75583. }
  75584. module2.exports = compressPercentage;
  75585. }
  75586. });
  75587. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Url.cjs
  75588. var require_Url3 = __commonJS({
  75589. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/Url.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  75590. "use strict";
  75591. function Url(node) {
  75592. node.value = node.value.replace(/\\/g, "/");
  75593. }
  75594. module2.exports = Url;
  75595. }
  75596. });
  75597. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/color.cjs
  75598. var require_color = __commonJS({
  75599. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/color.cjs"(exports2) {
  75600. "use strict";
  75601. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  75602. var _Number = require_Number3();
  75603. var NAME_TO_HEX = {
  75604. "aliceblue": "f0f8ff",
  75605. "antiquewhite": "faebd7",
  75606. "aqua": "0ff",
  75607. "aquamarine": "7fffd4",
  75608. "azure": "f0ffff",
  75609. "beige": "f5f5dc",
  75610. "bisque": "ffe4c4",
  75611. "black": "000",
  75612. "blanchedalmond": "ffebcd",
  75613. "blue": "00f",
  75614. "blueviolet": "8a2be2",
  75615. "brown": "a52a2a",
  75616. "burlywood": "deb887",
  75617. "cadetblue": "5f9ea0",
  75618. "chartreuse": "7fff00",
  75619. "chocolate": "d2691e",
  75620. "coral": "ff7f50",
  75621. "cornflowerblue": "6495ed",
  75622. "cornsilk": "fff8dc",
  75623. "crimson": "dc143c",
  75624. "cyan": "0ff",
  75625. "darkblue": "00008b",
  75626. "darkcyan": "008b8b",
  75627. "darkgoldenrod": "b8860b",
  75628. "darkgray": "a9a9a9",
  75629. "darkgrey": "a9a9a9",
  75630. "darkgreen": "006400",
  75631. "darkkhaki": "bdb76b",
  75632. "darkmagenta": "8b008b",
  75633. "darkolivegreen": "556b2f",
  75634. "darkorange": "ff8c00",
  75635. "darkorchid": "9932cc",
  75636. "darkred": "8b0000",
  75637. "darksalmon": "e9967a",
  75638. "darkseagreen": "8fbc8f",
  75639. "darkslateblue": "483d8b",
  75640. "darkslategray": "2f4f4f",
  75641. "darkslategrey": "2f4f4f",
  75642. "darkturquoise": "00ced1",
  75643. "darkviolet": "9400d3",
  75644. "deeppink": "ff1493",
  75645. "deepskyblue": "00bfff",
  75646. "dimgray": "696969",
  75647. "dimgrey": "696969",
  75648. "dodgerblue": "1e90ff",
  75649. "firebrick": "b22222",
  75650. "floralwhite": "fffaf0",
  75651. "forestgreen": "228b22",
  75652. "fuchsia": "f0f",
  75653. "gainsboro": "dcdcdc",
  75654. "ghostwhite": "f8f8ff",
  75655. "gold": "ffd700",
  75656. "goldenrod": "daa520",
  75657. "gray": "808080",
  75658. "grey": "808080",
  75659. "green": "008000",
  75660. "greenyellow": "adff2f",
  75661. "honeydew": "f0fff0",
  75662. "hotpink": "ff69b4",
  75663. "indianred": "cd5c5c",
  75664. "indigo": "4b0082",
  75665. "ivory": "fffff0",
  75666. "khaki": "f0e68c",
  75667. "lavender": "e6e6fa",
  75668. "lavenderblush": "fff0f5",
  75669. "lawngreen": "7cfc00",
  75670. "lemonchiffon": "fffacd",
  75671. "lightblue": "add8e6",
  75672. "lightcoral": "f08080",
  75673. "lightcyan": "e0ffff",
  75674. "lightgoldenrodyellow": "fafad2",
  75675. "lightgray": "d3d3d3",
  75676. "lightgrey": "d3d3d3",
  75677. "lightgreen": "90ee90",
  75678. "lightpink": "ffb6c1",
  75679. "lightsalmon": "ffa07a",
  75680. "lightseagreen": "20b2aa",
  75681. "lightskyblue": "87cefa",
  75682. "lightslategray": "789",
  75683. "lightslategrey": "789",
  75684. "lightsteelblue": "b0c4de",
  75685. "lightyellow": "ffffe0",
  75686. "lime": "0f0",
  75687. "limegreen": "32cd32",
  75688. "linen": "faf0e6",
  75689. "magenta": "f0f",
  75690. "maroon": "800000",
  75691. "mediumaquamarine": "66cdaa",
  75692. "mediumblue": "0000cd",
  75693. "mediumorchid": "ba55d3",
  75694. "mediumpurple": "9370db",
  75695. "mediumseagreen": "3cb371",
  75696. "mediumslateblue": "7b68ee",
  75697. "mediumspringgreen": "00fa9a",
  75698. "mediumturquoise": "48d1cc",
  75699. "mediumvioletred": "c71585",
  75700. "midnightblue": "191970",
  75701. "mintcream": "f5fffa",
  75702. "mistyrose": "ffe4e1",
  75703. "moccasin": "ffe4b5",
  75704. "navajowhite": "ffdead",
  75705. "navy": "000080",
  75706. "oldlace": "fdf5e6",
  75707. "olive": "808000",
  75708. "olivedrab": "6b8e23",
  75709. "orange": "ffa500",
  75710. "orangered": "ff4500",
  75711. "orchid": "da70d6",
  75712. "palegoldenrod": "eee8aa",
  75713. "palegreen": "98fb98",
  75714. "paleturquoise": "afeeee",
  75715. "palevioletred": "db7093",
  75716. "papayawhip": "ffefd5",
  75717. "peachpuff": "ffdab9",
  75718. "peru": "cd853f",
  75719. "pink": "ffc0cb",
  75720. "plum": "dda0dd",
  75721. "powderblue": "b0e0e6",
  75722. "purple": "800080",
  75723. "rebeccapurple": "639",
  75724. "red": "f00",
  75725. "rosybrown": "bc8f8f",
  75726. "royalblue": "4169e1",
  75727. "saddlebrown": "8b4513",
  75728. "salmon": "fa8072",
  75729. "sandybrown": "f4a460",
  75730. "seagreen": "2e8b57",
  75731. "seashell": "fff5ee",
  75732. "sienna": "a0522d",
  75733. "silver": "c0c0c0",
  75734. "skyblue": "87ceeb",
  75735. "slateblue": "6a5acd",
  75736. "slategray": "708090",
  75737. "slategrey": "708090",
  75738. "snow": "fffafa",
  75739. "springgreen": "00ff7f",
  75740. "steelblue": "4682b4",
  75741. "tan": "d2b48c",
  75742. "teal": "008080",
  75743. "thistle": "d8bfd8",
  75744. "tomato": "ff6347",
  75745. "turquoise": "40e0d0",
  75746. "violet": "ee82ee",
  75747. "wheat": "f5deb3",
  75748. "white": "fff",
  75749. "whitesmoke": "f5f5f5",
  75750. "yellow": "ff0",
  75751. "yellowgreen": "9acd32"
  75752. };
  75753. var HEX_TO_NAME = {
  75754. "800000": "maroon",
  75755. "800080": "purple",
  75756. "808000": "olive",
  75757. "808080": "gray",
  75758. "00ffff": "cyan",
  75759. "f0ffff": "azure",
  75760. "f5f5dc": "beige",
  75761. "ffe4c4": "bisque",
  75762. "000000": "black",
  75763. "0000ff": "blue",
  75764. "a52a2a": "brown",
  75765. "ff7f50": "coral",
  75766. "ffd700": "gold",
  75767. "008000": "green",
  75768. "4b0082": "indigo",
  75769. "fffff0": "ivory",
  75770. "f0e68c": "khaki",
  75771. "00ff00": "lime",
  75772. "faf0e6": "linen",
  75773. "000080": "navy",
  75774. "ffa500": "orange",
  75775. "da70d6": "orchid",
  75776. "cd853f": "peru",
  75777. "ffc0cb": "pink",
  75778. "dda0dd": "plum",
  75779. "f00": "red",
  75780. "ff0000": "red",
  75781. "fa8072": "salmon",
  75782. "a0522d": "sienna",
  75783. "c0c0c0": "silver",
  75784. "fffafa": "snow",
  75785. "d2b48c": "tan",
  75786. "008080": "teal",
  75787. "ff6347": "tomato",
  75788. "ee82ee": "violet",
  75789. "f5deb3": "wheat",
  75790. "ffffff": "white",
  75791. "ffff00": "yellow"
  75792. };
  75793. function hueToRgb(p, q, t) {
  75794. if (t < 0) {
  75795. t += 1;
  75796. }
  75797. if (t > 1) {
  75798. t -= 1;
  75799. }
  75800. if (t < 1 / 6) {
  75801. return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
  75802. }
  75803. if (t < 1 / 2) {
  75804. return q;
  75805. }
  75806. if (t < 2 / 3) {
  75807. return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
  75808. }
  75809. return p;
  75810. }
  75811. function hslToRgb(h, s, l, a) {
  75812. let r;
  75813. let g;
  75814. let b;
  75815. if (s === 0) {
  75816. r = g = b = l;
  75817. } else {
  75818. const q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
  75819. const p = 2 * l - q;
  75820. r = hueToRgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3);
  75821. g = hueToRgb(p, q, h);
  75822. b = hueToRgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3);
  75823. }
  75824. return [
  75825. Math.round(r * 255),
  75826. Math.round(g * 255),
  75827. Math.round(b * 255),
  75828. a
  75829. ];
  75830. }
  75831. function toHex(value) {
  75832. value = value.toString(16);
  75833. return value.length === 1 ? "0" + value : value;
  75834. }
  75835. function parseFunctionArgs(functionArgs, count, rgb) {
  75836. let cursor = functionArgs.head;
  75837. let args = [];
  75838. let wasValue = false;
  75839. while (cursor !== null) {
  75840. const { type, value } =;
  75841. switch (type) {
  75842. case "Number":
  75843. case "Percentage":
  75844. if (wasValue) {
  75845. return;
  75846. }
  75847. wasValue = true;
  75848. args.push({
  75849. type,
  75850. value: Number(value)
  75851. });
  75852. break;
  75853. case "Operator":
  75854. if (value === ",") {
  75855. if (!wasValue) {
  75856. return;
  75857. }
  75858. wasValue = false;
  75859. } else if (wasValue || value !== "+") {
  75860. return;
  75861. }
  75862. break;
  75863. default:
  75864. return;
  75865. }
  75866. cursor =;
  75867. }
  75868. if (args.length !== count) {
  75869. return;
  75870. }
  75871. if (args.length === 4) {
  75872. if (args[3].type !== "Number") {
  75873. return;
  75874. }
  75875. args[3].type = "Alpha";
  75876. }
  75877. if (rgb) {
  75878. if (args[0].type !== args[1].type || args[0].type !== args[2].type) {
  75879. return;
  75880. }
  75881. } else {
  75882. if (args[0].type !== "Number" || args[1].type !== "Percentage" || args[2].type !== "Percentage") {
  75883. return;
  75884. }
  75885. args[0].type = "Angle";
  75886. }
  75887. return {
  75888. let value = Math.max(0, arg.value);
  75889. switch (arg.type) {
  75890. case "Number":
  75891. value = Math.min(value, 255);
  75892. break;
  75893. case "Percentage":
  75894. value = Math.min(value, 100) / 100;
  75895. if (!rgb) {
  75896. return value;
  75897. }
  75898. value = 255 * value;
  75899. break;
  75900. case "Angle":
  75901. return (value % 360 + 360) % 360 / 360;
  75902. case "Alpha":
  75903. return Math.min(value, 1);
  75904. }
  75905. return Math.round(value);
  75906. });
  75907. }
  75908. function compressFunction(node, item) {
  75909. let functionName =;
  75910. let args;
  75911. if (functionName === "rgba" || functionName === "hsla") {
  75912. args = parseFunctionArgs(node.children, 4, functionName === "rgba");
  75913. if (!args) {
  75914. return;
  75915. }
  75916. if (functionName === "hsla") {
  75917. args = hslToRgb(...args);
  75918. = "rgba";
  75919. }
  75920. if (args[3] === 0) {
  75921. const scopeFunctionName = this.function &&;
  75922. if (args[0] === 0 && args[1] === 0 && args[2] === 0 || !/^(?:to|from|color-stop)$|gradient$/i.test(scopeFunctionName)) {
  75923. = {
  75924. type: "Identifier",
  75925. loc: node.loc,
  75926. name: "transparent"
  75927. };
  75928. return;
  75929. }
  75930. }
  75931. if (args[3] !== 1) {
  75932. node.children.forEach((node2, item2, list) => {
  75933. if (node2.type === "Operator") {
  75934. if (node2.value !== ",") {
  75935. list.remove(item2);
  75936. }
  75937. return;
  75938. }
  75939. = {
  75940. type: "Number",
  75941. loc: node2.loc,
  75942. value: _Number.packNumber(args.shift())
  75943. };
  75944. });
  75945. return;
  75946. }
  75947. functionName = "rgb";
  75948. }
  75949. if (functionName === "hsl") {
  75950. args = args || parseFunctionArgs(node.children, 3, false);
  75951. if (!args) {
  75952. return;
  75953. }
  75954. args = hslToRgb(...args);
  75955. functionName = "rgb";
  75956. }
  75957. if (functionName === "rgb") {
  75958. args = args || parseFunctionArgs(node.children, 3, true);
  75959. if (!args) {
  75960. return;
  75961. }
  75962. = {
  75963. type: "Hash",
  75964. loc: node.loc,
  75965. value: toHex(args[0]) + toHex(args[1]) + toHex(args[2])
  75966. };
  75967. compressHex(, item);
  75968. }
  75969. }
  75970. function compressIdent(node, item) {
  75971. if (this.declaration === null) {
  75972. return;
  75973. }
  75974. let color =;
  75975. if (NAME_TO_HEX.hasOwnProperty(color) && cssTree.lexer.matchDeclaration(this.declaration).isType(node, "color")) {
  75976. const hex = NAME_TO_HEX[color];
  75977. if (hex.length + 1 <= color.length) {
  75978. = {
  75979. type: "Hash",
  75980. loc: node.loc,
  75981. value: hex
  75982. };
  75983. } else {
  75984. if (color === "grey") {
  75985. color = "gray";
  75986. }
  75987. = color;
  75988. }
  75989. }
  75990. }
  75991. function compressHex(node, item) {
  75992. let color = node.value.toLowerCase();
  75993. if (color.length === 6 && color[0] === color[1] && color[2] === color[3] && color[4] === color[5]) {
  75994. color = color[0] + color[2] + color[4];
  75995. }
  75996. if (HEX_TO_NAME[color]) {
  75997. = {
  75998. type: "Identifier",
  75999. loc: node.loc,
  76000. name: HEX_TO_NAME[color]
  76001. };
  76002. } else {
  76003. node.value = color;
  76004. }
  76005. }
  76006. exports2.compressFunction = compressFunction;
  76007. exports2.compressHex = compressHex;
  76008. exports2.compressIdent = compressIdent;
  76009. }
  76010. });
  76011. // node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/index.cjs
  76012. var require_replace = __commonJS({
  76013. "node_modules/csso/cjs/replace/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76014. "use strict";
  76015. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76016. var Atrule = require_Atrule4();
  76017. var AttributeSelector = require_AttributeSelector3();
  76018. var Value = require_Value3();
  76019. var Dimension = require_Dimension3();
  76020. var Percentage = require_Percentage3();
  76021. var _Number = require_Number3();
  76022. var Url = require_Url3();
  76023. var color = require_color();
  76024. var handlers = {
  76025. Atrule,
  76026. AttributeSelector,
  76027. Value,
  76028. Dimension,
  76029. Percentage,
  76030. Number: _Number.Number,
  76031. Url,
  76032. Hash: color.compressHex,
  76033. Identifier: color.compressIdent,
  76034. Function: color.compressFunction
  76035. };
  76036. function replace(ast) {
  76037. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  76038. leave(node, item, list) {
  76039. if (handlers.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) {
  76040. handlers[node.type].call(this, node, item, list);
  76041. }
  76042. }
  76043. });
  76044. }
  76045. module2.exports = replace;
  76046. }
  76047. });
  76048. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/prepare/createDeclarationIndexer.cjs
  76049. var require_createDeclarationIndexer = __commonJS({
  76050. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/prepare/createDeclarationIndexer.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76051. "use strict";
  76052. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76053. var Index = class {
  76054. constructor() {
  76055. = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  76056. }
  76057. resolve(str) {
  76058. let index =;
  76059. if (index === void 0) {
  76060. index = + 1;
  76061., index);
  76062. }
  76063. return index;
  76064. }
  76065. };
  76066. function createDeclarationIndexer() {
  76067. const ids = new Index();
  76068. return function markDeclaration(node) {
  76069. const id = cssTree.generate(node);
  76070. = ids.resolve(id);
  76071. node.length = id.length;
  76072. node.fingerprint = null;
  76073. return node;
  76074. };
  76075. }
  76076. module2.exports = createDeclarationIndexer;
  76077. }
  76078. });
  76079. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/prepare/specificity.cjs
  76080. var require_specificity = __commonJS({
  76081. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/prepare/specificity.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76082. "use strict";
  76083. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76084. function ensureSelectorList(node) {
  76085. if (node.type === "Raw") {
  76086. return cssTree.parse(node.value, { context: "selectorList" });
  76087. }
  76088. return node;
  76089. }
  76090. function maxSpecificity(a, b) {
  76091. for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  76092. if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
  76093. return a[i] > b[i] ? a : b;
  76094. }
  76095. }
  76096. return a;
  76097. }
  76098. function maxSelectorListSpecificity(selectorList) {
  76099. return ensureSelectorList(selectorList).children.reduce(
  76100. (result, node) => maxSpecificity(specificity(node), result),
  76101. [0, 0, 0]
  76102. );
  76103. }
  76104. function specificity(simpleSelector) {
  76105. let A = 0;
  76106. let B = 0;
  76107. let C = 0;
  76108. simpleSelector.children.forEach((node) => {
  76109. switch (node.type) {
  76110. case "IdSelector":
  76111. A++;
  76112. break;
  76113. case "ClassSelector":
  76114. case "AttributeSelector":
  76115. B++;
  76116. break;
  76117. case "PseudoClassSelector":
  76118. switch ( {
  76119. case "not":
  76120. case "has":
  76121. case "is":
  76122. case "matches":
  76123. case "-webkit-any":
  76124. case "-moz-any": {
  76125. const [a, b, c] = maxSelectorListSpecificity(node.children.first);
  76126. A += a;
  76127. B += b;
  76128. C += c;
  76129. break;
  76130. }
  76131. case "nth-child":
  76132. case "nth-last-child": {
  76133. const arg = node.children.first;
  76134. if (arg.type === "Nth" && arg.selector) {
  76135. const [a, b, c] = maxSelectorListSpecificity(arg.selector);
  76136. A += a;
  76137. B += b + 1;
  76138. C += c;
  76139. } else {
  76140. B++;
  76141. }
  76142. break;
  76143. }
  76144. case "where":
  76145. break;
  76146. case "before":
  76147. case "after":
  76148. case "first-line":
  76149. case "first-letter":
  76150. C++;
  76151. break;
  76152. default:
  76153. B++;
  76154. }
  76155. break;
  76156. case "TypeSelector":
  76157. if (!"*")) {
  76158. C++;
  76159. }
  76160. break;
  76161. case "PseudoElementSelector":
  76162. C++;
  76163. break;
  76164. }
  76165. });
  76166. return [A, B, C];
  76167. }
  76168. module2.exports = specificity;
  76169. }
  76170. });
  76171. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/prepare/processSelector.cjs
  76172. var require_processSelector = __commonJS({
  76173. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/prepare/processSelector.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76174. "use strict";
  76175. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76176. var specificity = require_specificity();
  76177. var nonFreezePseudoElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  76178. "first-letter",
  76179. "first-line",
  76180. "after",
  76181. "before"
  76182. ]);
  76183. var nonFreezePseudoClasses = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  76184. "link",
  76185. "visited",
  76186. "hover",
  76187. "active",
  76188. "first-letter",
  76189. "first-line",
  76190. "after",
  76191. "before"
  76192. ]);
  76193. function processSelector(node, usageData) {
  76194. const pseudos = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  76195. node.prelude.children.forEach(function(simpleSelector) {
  76196. let tagName = "*";
  76197. let scope = 0;
  76198. simpleSelector.children.forEach(function(node2) {
  76199. switch (node2.type) {
  76200. case "ClassSelector":
  76201. if (usageData && usageData.scopes) {
  76202. const classScope = usageData.scopes[] || 0;
  76203. if (scope !== 0 && classScope !== scope) {
  76204. throw new Error("Selector can't has classes from different scopes: " + cssTree.generate(simpleSelector));
  76205. }
  76206. scope = classScope;
  76207. }
  76208. break;
  76209. case "PseudoClassSelector": {
  76210. const name =;
  76211. if (!nonFreezePseudoClasses.has(name)) {
  76212. pseudos.add(`:${name}`);
  76213. }
  76214. break;
  76215. }
  76216. case "PseudoElementSelector": {
  76217. const name =;
  76218. if (!nonFreezePseudoElements.has(name)) {
  76219. pseudos.add(`::${name}`);
  76220. }
  76221. break;
  76222. }
  76223. case "TypeSelector":
  76224. tagName =;
  76225. break;
  76226. case "AttributeSelector":
  76227. if (node2.flags) {
  76228. pseudos.add(`[${node2.flags.toLowerCase()}]`);
  76229. }
  76230. break;
  76231. case "Combinator":
  76232. tagName = "*";
  76233. break;
  76234. }
  76235. });
  76236. simpleSelector.compareMarker = specificity(simpleSelector).toString();
  76237. = null;
  76238. = cssTree.generate(simpleSelector);
  76239. if (scope) {
  76240. simpleSelector.compareMarker += ":" + scope;
  76241. }
  76242. if (tagName !== "*") {
  76243. simpleSelector.compareMarker += "," + tagName;
  76244. }
  76245. });
  76246. node.pseudoSignature = pseudos.size > 0 ? [...pseudos].sort().join(",") : false;
  76247. }
  76248. module2.exports = processSelector;
  76249. }
  76250. });
  76251. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/prepare/index.cjs
  76252. var require_prepare = __commonJS({
  76253. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/prepare/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76254. "use strict";
  76255. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76256. var createDeclarationIndexer = require_createDeclarationIndexer();
  76257. var processSelector = require_processSelector();
  76258. function prepare(ast, options) {
  76259. const markDeclaration = createDeclarationIndexer();
  76260. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  76261. visit: "Rule",
  76262. enter(node) {
  76263. node.block.children.forEach(markDeclaration);
  76264. processSelector(node, options.usage);
  76265. }
  76266. });
  76267. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  76268. visit: "Atrule",
  76269. enter(node) {
  76270. if (node.prelude) {
  76271. = null;
  76272. = cssTree.generate(node.prelude);
  76273. }
  76274. if (cssTree.keyword( === "keyframes") {
  76275. node.block.avoidRulesMerge = true;
  76276. node.block.children.forEach(function(rule) {
  76277. rule.prelude.children.forEach(function(simpleselector) {
  76278. simpleselector.compareMarker =;
  76279. });
  76280. });
  76281. }
  76282. }
  76283. });
  76284. return {
  76285. declaration: markDeclaration
  76286. };
  76287. }
  76288. module2.exports = prepare;
  76289. }
  76290. });
  76291. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/1-mergeAtrule.cjs
  76292. var require_mergeAtrule = __commonJS({
  76293. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/1-mergeAtrule.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76294. "use strict";
  76295. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76296. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  76297. function addRuleToMap(map, item, list, single) {
  76298. const node =;
  76299. const name = cssTree.keyword(;
  76300. const id = + "/" + (node.prelude ? : null);
  76301. if (!, name)) {
  76302. map[name] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  76303. }
  76304. if (single) {
  76305. delete map[name][id];
  76306. }
  76307. if (![name], id)) {
  76308. map[name][id] = new cssTree.List();
  76309. }
  76310. map[name][id].append(list.remove(item));
  76311. }
  76312. function relocateAtrules(ast, options) {
  76313. const collected = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  76314. let topInjectPoint = null;
  76315. ast.children.forEach(function(node, item, list) {
  76316. if (node.type === "Atrule") {
  76317. const name = cssTree.keyword(;
  76318. switch (name) {
  76319. case "keyframes":
  76320. addRuleToMap(collected, item, list, true);
  76321. return;
  76322. case "media":
  76323. if (options.forceMediaMerge) {
  76324. addRuleToMap(collected, item, list, false);
  76325. return;
  76326. }
  76327. break;
  76328. }
  76329. if (topInjectPoint === null && name !== "charset" && name !== "import") {
  76330. topInjectPoint = item;
  76331. }
  76332. } else {
  76333. if (topInjectPoint === null) {
  76334. topInjectPoint = item;
  76335. }
  76336. }
  76337. });
  76338. for (const atrule in collected) {
  76339. for (const id in collected[atrule]) {
  76340. ast.children.insertList(
  76341. collected[atrule][id],
  76342. atrule === "media" ? null : topInjectPoint
  76343. );
  76344. }
  76345. }
  76346. }
  76347. function isMediaRule(node) {
  76348. return node.type === "Atrule" && === "media";
  76349. }
  76350. function processAtrule(node, item, list) {
  76351. if (!isMediaRule(node)) {
  76352. return;
  76353. }
  76354. const prev = item.prev &&;
  76355. if (!prev || !isMediaRule(prev)) {
  76356. return;
  76357. }
  76358. if (node.prelude && prev.prelude && === {
  76359. prev.block.children.appendList(node.block.children);
  76360. list.remove(item);
  76361. }
  76362. }
  76363. function rejoinAtrule(ast, options) {
  76364. relocateAtrules(ast, options);
  76365. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  76366. visit: "Atrule",
  76367. reverse: true,
  76368. enter: processAtrule
  76369. });
  76370. }
  76371. module2.exports = rejoinAtrule;
  76372. }
  76373. });
  76374. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/utils.cjs
  76375. var require_utils6 = __commonJS({
  76376. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/utils.cjs"(exports2) {
  76377. "use strict";
  76378. var { hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty2 } = Object.prototype;
  76379. function isEqualSelectors(a, b) {
  76380. let cursor1 = a.head;
  76381. let cursor2 = b.head;
  76382. while (cursor1 !== null && cursor2 !== null && === {
  76383. cursor1 =;
  76384. cursor2 =;
  76385. }
  76386. return cursor1 === null && cursor2 === null;
  76387. }
  76388. function isEqualDeclarations(a, b) {
  76389. let cursor1 = a.head;
  76390. let cursor2 = b.head;
  76391. while (cursor1 !== null && cursor2 !== null && === {
  76392. cursor1 =;
  76393. cursor2 =;
  76394. }
  76395. return cursor1 === null && cursor2 === null;
  76396. }
  76397. function compareDeclarations(declarations1, declarations2) {
  76398. const result = {
  76399. eq: [],
  76400. ne1: [],
  76401. ne2: [],
  76402. ne2overrided: []
  76403. };
  76404. const fingerprints = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  76405. const declarations2hash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  76406. for (let cursor = declarations2.head; cursor; cursor = {
  76407. declarations2hash[] = true;
  76408. }
  76409. for (let cursor = declarations1.head; cursor; cursor = {
  76410. const data =;
  76411. if (data.fingerprint) {
  76412. fingerprints[data.fingerprint] = data.important;
  76413. }
  76414. if (declarations2hash[]) {
  76415. declarations2hash[] = false;
  76416. result.eq.push(data);
  76417. } else {
  76418. result.ne1.push(data);
  76419. }
  76420. }
  76421. for (let cursor = declarations2.head; cursor; cursor = {
  76422. const data =;
  76423. if (declarations2hash[]) {
  76424. if (!, data.fingerprint) || !fingerprints[data.fingerprint] && data.important) {
  76425. result.ne2.push(data);
  76426. }
  76427. result.ne2overrided.push(data);
  76428. }
  76429. }
  76430. return result;
  76431. }
  76432. function addSelectors(dest, source) {
  76433. source.forEach((sourceData) => {
  76434. const newStr =;
  76435. let cursor = dest.head;
  76436. while (cursor) {
  76437. const nextStr =;
  76438. if (nextStr === newStr) {
  76439. return;
  76440. }
  76441. if (nextStr > newStr) {
  76442. break;
  76443. }
  76444. cursor =;
  76445. }
  76446. dest.insert(dest.createItem(sourceData), cursor);
  76447. });
  76448. return dest;
  76449. }
  76450. function hasSimilarSelectors(selectors1, selectors2) {
  76451. let cursor1 = selectors1.head;
  76452. while (cursor1 !== null) {
  76453. let cursor2 = selectors2.head;
  76454. while (cursor2 !== null) {
  76455. if ( === {
  76456. return true;
  76457. }
  76458. cursor2 =;
  76459. }
  76460. cursor1 =;
  76461. }
  76462. return false;
  76463. }
  76464. function unsafeToSkipNode(node) {
  76465. switch (node.type) {
  76466. case "Rule":
  76467. return hasSimilarSelectors(node.prelude.children, this);
  76468. case "Atrule":
  76469. if (node.block) {
  76470. return node.block.children.some(unsafeToSkipNode, this);
  76471. }
  76472. break;
  76473. case "Declaration":
  76474. return false;
  76475. }
  76476. return true;
  76477. }
  76478. exports2.addSelectors = addSelectors;
  76479. exports2.compareDeclarations = compareDeclarations;
  76480. exports2.hasSimilarSelectors = hasSimilarSelectors;
  76481. exports2.isEqualDeclarations = isEqualDeclarations;
  76482. exports2.isEqualSelectors = isEqualSelectors;
  76483. exports2.unsafeToSkipNode = unsafeToSkipNode;
  76484. }
  76485. });
  76486. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/2-initialMergeRuleset.cjs
  76487. var require_initialMergeRuleset = __commonJS({
  76488. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/2-initialMergeRuleset.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76489. "use strict";
  76490. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76491. var utils = require_utils6();
  76492. function processRule(node, item, list) {
  76493. const selectors = node.prelude.children;
  76494. const declarations = node.block.children;
  76495. list.prevUntil(item.prev, function(prev) {
  76496. if (prev.type !== "Rule") {
  76497. return, prev);
  76498. }
  76499. const prevSelectors = prev.prelude.children;
  76500. const prevDeclarations = prev.block.children;
  76501. if (node.pseudoSignature === prev.pseudoSignature) {
  76502. if (utils.isEqualSelectors(prevSelectors, selectors)) {
  76503. prevDeclarations.appendList(declarations);
  76504. list.remove(item);
  76505. return true;
  76506. }
  76507. if (utils.isEqualDeclarations(declarations, prevDeclarations)) {
  76508. utils.addSelectors(prevSelectors, selectors);
  76509. list.remove(item);
  76510. return true;
  76511. }
  76512. }
  76513. return utils.hasSimilarSelectors(selectors, prevSelectors);
  76514. });
  76515. }
  76516. function initialMergeRule(ast) {
  76517. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  76518. visit: "Rule",
  76519. enter: processRule
  76520. });
  76521. }
  76522. module2.exports = initialMergeRule;
  76523. }
  76524. });
  76525. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/3-disjoinRuleset.cjs
  76526. var require_disjoinRuleset = __commonJS({
  76527. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/3-disjoinRuleset.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76528. "use strict";
  76529. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76530. function processRule(node, item, list) {
  76531. const selectors = node.prelude.children;
  76532. while (selectors.head !== selectors.tail) {
  76533. const newSelectors = new cssTree.List();
  76534. newSelectors.insert(selectors.remove(selectors.head));
  76535. list.insert(list.createItem({
  76536. type: "Rule",
  76537. loc: node.loc,
  76538. prelude: {
  76539. type: "SelectorList",
  76540. loc: node.prelude.loc,
  76541. children: newSelectors
  76542. },
  76543. block: {
  76544. type: "Block",
  76545. loc: node.block.loc,
  76546. children: node.block.children.copy()
  76547. },
  76548. pseudoSignature: node.pseudoSignature
  76549. }), item);
  76550. }
  76551. }
  76552. function disjoinRule(ast) {
  76553. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  76554. visit: "Rule",
  76555. reverse: true,
  76556. enter: processRule
  76557. });
  76558. }
  76559. module2.exports = disjoinRule;
  76560. }
  76561. });
  76562. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/4-restructShorthand.cjs
  76563. var require_restructShorthand = __commonJS({
  76564. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/4-restructShorthand.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76565. "use strict";
  76566. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76567. var REPLACE = 1;
  76568. var REMOVE = 2;
  76569. var TOP = 0;
  76570. var RIGHT = 1;
  76571. var BOTTOM = 2;
  76572. var LEFT = 3;
  76573. var SIDES = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"];
  76574. var SIDE = {
  76575. "margin-top": "top",
  76576. "margin-right": "right",
  76577. "margin-bottom": "bottom",
  76578. "margin-left": "left",
  76579. "padding-top": "top",
  76580. "padding-right": "right",
  76581. "padding-bottom": "bottom",
  76582. "padding-left": "left",
  76583. "border-top-color": "top",
  76584. "border-right-color": "right",
  76585. "border-bottom-color": "bottom",
  76586. "border-left-color": "left",
  76587. "border-top-width": "top",
  76588. "border-right-width": "right",
  76589. "border-bottom-width": "bottom",
  76590. "border-left-width": "left",
  76591. "border-top-style": "top",
  76592. "border-right-style": "right",
  76593. "border-bottom-style": "bottom",
  76594. "border-left-style": "left"
  76595. };
  76596. var MAIN_PROPERTY = {
  76597. "margin": "margin",
  76598. "margin-top": "margin",
  76599. "margin-right": "margin",
  76600. "margin-bottom": "margin",
  76601. "margin-left": "margin",
  76602. "padding": "padding",
  76603. "padding-top": "padding",
  76604. "padding-right": "padding",
  76605. "padding-bottom": "padding",
  76606. "padding-left": "padding",
  76607. "border-color": "border-color",
  76608. "border-top-color": "border-color",
  76609. "border-right-color": "border-color",
  76610. "border-bottom-color": "border-color",
  76611. "border-left-color": "border-color",
  76612. "border-width": "border-width",
  76613. "border-top-width": "border-width",
  76614. "border-right-width": "border-width",
  76615. "border-bottom-width": "border-width",
  76616. "border-left-width": "border-width",
  76617. "border-style": "border-style",
  76618. "border-top-style": "border-style",
  76619. "border-right-style": "border-style",
  76620. "border-bottom-style": "border-style",
  76621. "border-left-style": "border-style"
  76622. };
  76623. var TRBL = class {
  76624. constructor(name) {
  76625. = name;
  76626. this.loc = null;
  76627. this.iehack = void 0;
  76628. this.sides = {
  76629. "top": null,
  76630. "right": null,
  76631. "bottom": null,
  76632. "left": null
  76633. };
  76634. }
  76635. getValueSequence(declaration, count) {
  76636. const values = [];
  76637. let iehack = "";
  76638. const hasBadValues = declaration.value.type !== "Value" || declaration.value.children.some(function(child) {
  76639. let special = false;
  76640. switch (child.type) {
  76641. case "Identifier":
  76642. switch ( {
  76643. case "\\0":
  76644. case "\\9":
  76645. iehack =;
  76646. return;
  76647. case "inherit":
  76648. case "initial":
  76649. case "unset":
  76650. case "revert":
  76651. special =;
  76652. break;
  76653. }
  76654. break;
  76655. case "Dimension":
  76656. switch (child.unit) {
  76657. case "rem":
  76658. case "vw":
  76659. case "vh":
  76660. case "vmin":
  76661. case "vmax":
  76662. case "vm":
  76663. special = child.unit;
  76664. break;
  76665. }
  76666. break;
  76667. case "Hash":
  76668. case "Number":
  76669. case "Percentage":
  76670. break;
  76671. case "Function":
  76672. if ( === "var") {
  76673. return true;
  76674. }
  76675. special =;
  76676. break;
  76677. default:
  76678. return true;
  76679. }
  76680. values.push({
  76681. node: child,
  76682. special,
  76683. important: declaration.important
  76684. });
  76685. });
  76686. if (hasBadValues || values.length > count) {
  76687. return false;
  76688. }
  76689. if (typeof this.iehack === "string" && this.iehack !== iehack) {
  76690. return false;
  76691. }
  76692. this.iehack = iehack;
  76693. return values;
  76694. }
  76695. canOverride(side, value) {
  76696. const currentValue = this.sides[side];
  76697. return !currentValue || value.important && !currentValue.important;
  76698. }
  76699. add(name, declaration) {
  76700. function attemptToAdd() {
  76701. const sides = this.sides;
  76702. const side = SIDE[name];
  76703. if (side) {
  76704. if (side in sides === false) {
  76705. return false;
  76706. }
  76707. const values = this.getValueSequence(declaration, 1);
  76708. if (!values || !values.length) {
  76709. return false;
  76710. }
  76711. for (const key in sides) {
  76712. if (sides[key] !== null && sides[key].special !== values[0].special) {
  76713. return false;
  76714. }
  76715. }
  76716. if (!this.canOverride(side, values[0])) {
  76717. return true;
  76718. }
  76719. sides[side] = values[0];
  76720. return true;
  76721. } else if (name === {
  76722. const values = this.getValueSequence(declaration, 4);
  76723. if (!values || !values.length) {
  76724. return false;
  76725. }
  76726. switch (values.length) {
  76727. case 1:
  76728. values[RIGHT] = values[TOP];
  76729. values[BOTTOM] = values[TOP];
  76730. values[LEFT] = values[TOP];
  76731. break;
  76732. case 2:
  76733. values[BOTTOM] = values[TOP];
  76734. values[LEFT] = values[RIGHT];
  76735. break;
  76736. case 3:
  76737. values[LEFT] = values[RIGHT];
  76738. break;
  76739. }
  76740. for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  76741. for (const key in sides) {
  76742. if (sides[key] !== null && sides[key].special !== values[i].special) {
  76743. return false;
  76744. }
  76745. }
  76746. }
  76747. for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  76748. if (this.canOverride(SIDES[i], values[i])) {
  76749. sides[SIDES[i]] = values[i];
  76750. }
  76751. }
  76752. return true;
  76753. }
  76754. }
  76755. if (! {
  76756. return false;
  76757. }
  76758. if (!this.loc) {
  76759. this.loc = declaration.loc;
  76760. }
  76761. return true;
  76762. }
  76763. isOkToMinimize() {
  76764. const top =;
  76765. const right = this.sides.right;
  76766. const bottom = this.sides.bottom;
  76767. const left = this.sides.left;
  76768. if (top && right && bottom && left) {
  76769. const important = top.important + right.important + bottom.important + left.important;
  76770. return important === 0 || important === 4;
  76771. }
  76772. return false;
  76773. }
  76774. getValue() {
  76775. const result = new cssTree.List();
  76776. const sides = this.sides;
  76777. const values = [
  76779. sides.right,
  76780. sides.bottom,
  76781. sides.left
  76782. ];
  76783. const stringValues = [
  76784. cssTree.generate(,
  76785. cssTree.generate(sides.right.node),
  76786. cssTree.generate(sides.bottom.node),
  76787. cssTree.generate(sides.left.node)
  76788. ];
  76789. if (stringValues[LEFT] === stringValues[RIGHT]) {
  76790. values.pop();
  76791. if (stringValues[BOTTOM] === stringValues[TOP]) {
  76792. values.pop();
  76793. if (stringValues[RIGHT] === stringValues[TOP]) {
  76794. values.pop();
  76795. }
  76796. }
  76797. }
  76798. for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
  76799. result.appendData(values[i].node);
  76800. }
  76801. if (this.iehack) {
  76802. result.appendData({
  76803. type: "Identifier",
  76804. loc: null,
  76805. name: this.iehack
  76806. });
  76807. }
  76808. return {
  76809. type: "Value",
  76810. loc: null,
  76811. children: result
  76812. };
  76813. }
  76814. getDeclaration() {
  76815. return {
  76816. type: "Declaration",
  76817. loc: this.loc,
  76818. important:,
  76819. property:,
  76820. value: this.getValue()
  76821. };
  76822. }
  76823. };
  76824. function processRule(rule, shorts, shortDeclarations, lastShortSelector) {
  76825. const declarations = rule.block.children;
  76826. const selector =;
  76827. rule.block.children.forEachRight(function(declaration, item) {
  76828. const property =;
  76829. if (!MAIN_PROPERTY.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
  76830. return;
  76831. }
  76832. const key = MAIN_PROPERTY[property];
  76833. let shorthand;
  76834. let operation;
  76835. if (!lastShortSelector || selector === lastShortSelector) {
  76836. if (key in shorts) {
  76837. operation = REMOVE;
  76838. shorthand = shorts[key];
  76839. }
  76840. }
  76841. if (!shorthand || !shorthand.add(property, declaration)) {
  76842. operation = REPLACE;
  76843. shorthand = new TRBL(key);
  76844. if (!shorthand.add(property, declaration)) {
  76845. lastShortSelector = null;
  76846. return;
  76847. }
  76848. }
  76849. shorts[key] = shorthand;
  76850. shortDeclarations.push({
  76851. operation,
  76852. block: declarations,
  76853. item,
  76854. shorthand
  76855. });
  76856. lastShortSelector = selector;
  76857. });
  76858. return lastShortSelector;
  76859. }
  76860. function processShorthands(shortDeclarations, markDeclaration) {
  76861. shortDeclarations.forEach(function(item) {
  76862. const shorthand = item.shorthand;
  76863. if (!shorthand.isOkToMinimize()) {
  76864. return;
  76865. }
  76866. if (item.operation === REPLACE) {
  76867. = markDeclaration(shorthand.getDeclaration());
  76868. } else {
  76869. item.block.remove(item.item);
  76870. }
  76871. });
  76872. }
  76873. function restructBlock(ast, indexer) {
  76874. const stylesheetMap = {};
  76875. const shortDeclarations = [];
  76876. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  76877. visit: "Rule",
  76878. reverse: true,
  76879. enter(node) {
  76880. const stylesheet = this.block || this.stylesheet;
  76881. const ruleId = (node.pseudoSignature || "") + "|" +;
  76882. let ruleMap;
  76883. let shorts;
  76884. if (!stylesheetMap.hasOwnProperty( {
  76885. ruleMap = {
  76886. lastShortSelector: null
  76887. };
  76888. stylesheetMap[] = ruleMap;
  76889. } else {
  76890. ruleMap = stylesheetMap[];
  76891. }
  76892. if (ruleMap.hasOwnProperty(ruleId)) {
  76893. shorts = ruleMap[ruleId];
  76894. } else {
  76895. shorts = {};
  76896. ruleMap[ruleId] = shorts;
  76897. }
  76898. ruleMap.lastShortSelector =, node, shorts, shortDeclarations, ruleMap.lastShortSelector);
  76899. }
  76900. });
  76901. processShorthands(shortDeclarations, indexer.declaration);
  76902. }
  76903. module2.exports = restructBlock;
  76904. }
  76905. });
  76906. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/6-restructBlock.cjs
  76907. var require_restructBlock = __commonJS({
  76908. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/6-restructBlock.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  76909. "use strict";
  76910. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  76911. var fingerprintId = 1;
  76912. var dontRestructure = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  76913. "src"
  76914. //
  76915. ]);
  76916. var DONT_MIX_VALUE = {
  76917. //
  76918. "display": /table|ruby|flex|-(flex)?box$|grid|contents|run-in/i,
  76919. //
  76920. "text-align": /^(start|end|match-parent|justify-all)$/i
  76921. };
  76922. var SAFE_VALUES = {
  76923. cursor: [
  76924. "auto",
  76925. "crosshair",
  76926. "default",
  76927. "move",
  76928. "text",
  76929. "wait",
  76930. "help",
  76931. "n-resize",
  76932. "e-resize",
  76933. "s-resize",
  76934. "w-resize",
  76935. "ne-resize",
  76936. "nw-resize",
  76937. "se-resize",
  76938. "sw-resize",
  76939. "pointer",
  76940. "progress",
  76941. "not-allowed",
  76942. "no-drop",
  76943. "vertical-text",
  76944. "all-scroll",
  76945. "col-resize",
  76946. "row-resize"
  76947. ],
  76948. overflow: [
  76949. "hidden",
  76950. "visible",
  76951. "scroll",
  76952. "auto"
  76953. ],
  76954. position: [
  76955. "static",
  76956. "relative",
  76957. "absolute",
  76958. "fixed"
  76959. ]
  76960. };
  76961. var NEEDLESS_TABLE = {
  76962. "border-width": ["border"],
  76963. "border-style": ["border"],
  76964. "border-color": ["border"],
  76965. "border-top": ["border"],
  76966. "border-right": ["border"],
  76967. "border-bottom": ["border"],
  76968. "border-left": ["border"],
  76969. "border-top-width": ["border-top", "border-width", "border"],
  76970. "border-right-width": ["border-right", "border-width", "border"],
  76971. "border-bottom-width": ["border-bottom", "border-width", "border"],
  76972. "border-left-width": ["border-left", "border-width", "border"],
  76973. "border-top-style": ["border-top", "border-style", "border"],
  76974. "border-right-style": ["border-right", "border-style", "border"],
  76975. "border-bottom-style": ["border-bottom", "border-style", "border"],
  76976. "border-left-style": ["border-left", "border-style", "border"],
  76977. "border-top-color": ["border-top", "border-color", "border"],
  76978. "border-right-color": ["border-right", "border-color", "border"],
  76979. "border-bottom-color": ["border-bottom", "border-color", "border"],
  76980. "border-left-color": ["border-left", "border-color", "border"],
  76981. "margin-top": ["margin"],
  76982. "margin-right": ["margin"],
  76983. "margin-bottom": ["margin"],
  76984. "margin-left": ["margin"],
  76985. "padding-top": ["padding"],
  76986. "padding-right": ["padding"],
  76987. "padding-bottom": ["padding"],
  76988. "padding-left": ["padding"],
  76989. "font-style": ["font"],
  76990. "font-variant": ["font"],
  76991. "font-weight": ["font"],
  76992. "font-size": ["font"],
  76993. "font-family": ["font"],
  76994. "list-style-type": ["list-style"],
  76995. "list-style-position": ["list-style"],
  76996. "list-style-image": ["list-style"]
  76997. };
  76998. function getPropertyFingerprint(propertyName, declaration, fingerprints) {
  76999. const realName =;
  77000. if (realName === "background") {
  77001. return propertyName + ":" + cssTree.generate(declaration.value);
  77002. }
  77003. const declarationId =;
  77004. let fingerprint = fingerprints[declarationId];
  77005. if (!fingerprint) {
  77006. switch (declaration.value.type) {
  77007. case "Value":
  77008. const special = {};
  77009. let vendorId = "";
  77010. let iehack = "";
  77011. let raw = false;
  77012. declaration.value.children.forEach(function walk(node) {
  77013. switch (node.type) {
  77014. case "Value":
  77015. case "Brackets":
  77016. case "Parentheses":
  77017. node.children.forEach(walk);
  77018. break;
  77019. case "Raw":
  77020. raw = true;
  77021. break;
  77022. case "Identifier": {
  77023. const { name } = node;
  77024. if (!vendorId) {
  77025. vendorId = cssTree.keyword(name).vendor;
  77026. }
  77027. if (/\\[09]/.test(name)) {
  77028. iehack = RegExp.lastMatch;
  77029. }
  77030. if (SAFE_VALUES.hasOwnProperty(realName)) {
  77031. if (SAFE_VALUES[realName].indexOf(name) === -1) {
  77032. special[name] = true;
  77033. }
  77034. } else if (DONT_MIX_VALUE.hasOwnProperty(realName)) {
  77035. if (DONT_MIX_VALUE[realName].test(name)) {
  77036. special[name] = true;
  77037. }
  77038. }
  77039. break;
  77040. }
  77041. case "Function": {
  77042. let { name } = node;
  77043. if (!vendorId) {
  77044. vendorId = cssTree.keyword(name).vendor;
  77045. }
  77046. if (name === "rect") {
  77047. const hasComma = node.children.some(
  77048. (node2) => node2.type === "Operator" && node2.value === ","
  77049. );
  77050. if (!hasComma) {
  77051. name = "rect-backward";
  77052. }
  77053. }
  77054. special[name + "()"] = true;
  77055. node.children.forEach(walk);
  77056. break;
  77057. }
  77058. case "Dimension": {
  77059. const { unit } = node;
  77060. if (/\\[09]/.test(unit)) {
  77061. iehack = RegExp.lastMatch;
  77062. }
  77063. switch (unit) {
  77064. case "rem":
  77065. case "vw":
  77066. case "vh":
  77067. case "vmin":
  77068. case "vmax":
  77069. case "vm":
  77070. special[unit] = true;
  77071. break;
  77072. }
  77073. break;
  77074. }
  77075. }
  77076. });
  77077. fingerprint = raw ? "!" + fingerprintId++ : "!" + Object.keys(special).sort() + "|" + iehack + vendorId;
  77078. break;
  77079. case "Raw":
  77080. fingerprint = "!" + declaration.value.value;
  77081. break;
  77082. default:
  77083. fingerprint = cssTree.generate(declaration.value);
  77084. }
  77085. fingerprints[declarationId] = fingerprint;
  77086. }
  77087. return propertyName + fingerprint;
  77088. }
  77089. function needless(props, declaration, fingerprints) {
  77090. const property =;
  77091. if (NEEDLESS_TABLE.hasOwnProperty(property.basename)) {
  77092. const table = NEEDLESS_TABLE[property.basename];
  77093. for (const entry of table) {
  77094. const ppre = getPropertyFingerprint(property.prefix + entry, declaration, fingerprints);
  77095. const prev = props.hasOwnProperty(ppre) ? props[ppre] : null;
  77096. if (prev && (!declaration.important || {
  77097. return prev;
  77098. }
  77099. }
  77100. }
  77101. }
  77102. function processRule(rule, item, list, props, fingerprints) {
  77103. const declarations = rule.block.children;
  77104. declarations.forEachRight(function(declaration, declarationItem) {
  77105. const { property } = declaration;
  77106. const fingerprint = getPropertyFingerprint(property, declaration, fingerprints);
  77107. const prev = props[fingerprint];
  77108. if (prev && !dontRestructure.has(property)) {
  77109. if (declaration.important && ! {
  77110. props[fingerprint] = {
  77111. block: declarations,
  77112. item: declarationItem
  77113. };
  77114. prev.block.remove(prev.item);
  77115. } else {
  77116. declarations.remove(declarationItem);
  77117. }
  77118. } else {
  77119. const prev2 = needless(props, declaration, fingerprints);
  77120. if (prev2) {
  77121. declarations.remove(declarationItem);
  77122. } else {
  77123. declaration.fingerprint = fingerprint;
  77124. props[fingerprint] = {
  77125. block: declarations,
  77126. item: declarationItem
  77127. };
  77128. }
  77129. }
  77130. });
  77131. if (declarations.isEmpty) {
  77132. list.remove(item);
  77133. }
  77134. }
  77135. function restructBlock(ast) {
  77136. const stylesheetMap = {};
  77137. const fingerprints = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  77138. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  77139. visit: "Rule",
  77140. reverse: true,
  77141. enter(node, item, list) {
  77142. const stylesheet = this.block || this.stylesheet;
  77143. const ruleId = (node.pseudoSignature || "") + "|" +;
  77144. let ruleMap;
  77145. let props;
  77146. if (!stylesheetMap.hasOwnProperty( {
  77147. ruleMap = {};
  77148. stylesheetMap[] = ruleMap;
  77149. } else {
  77150. ruleMap = stylesheetMap[];
  77151. }
  77152. if (ruleMap.hasOwnProperty(ruleId)) {
  77153. props = ruleMap[ruleId];
  77154. } else {
  77155. props = {};
  77156. ruleMap[ruleId] = props;
  77157. }
  77158., node, item, list, props, fingerprints);
  77159. }
  77160. });
  77161. }
  77162. module2.exports = restructBlock;
  77163. }
  77164. });
  77165. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/7-mergeRuleset.cjs
  77166. var require_mergeRuleset = __commonJS({
  77167. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/7-mergeRuleset.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  77168. "use strict";
  77169. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  77170. var utils = require_utils6();
  77171. function processRule(node, item, list) {
  77172. const selectors = node.prelude.children;
  77173. const declarations = node.block.children;
  77174. const nodeCompareMarker = selectors.first.compareMarker;
  77175. const skippedCompareMarkers = {};
  77176. list.nextUntil(, function(next, nextItem) {
  77177. if (next.type !== "Rule") {
  77178. return, next);
  77179. }
  77180. if (node.pseudoSignature !== next.pseudoSignature) {
  77181. return true;
  77182. }
  77183. const nextFirstSelector = next.prelude.children.head;
  77184. const nextDeclarations = next.block.children;
  77185. const nextCompareMarker =;
  77186. if (nextCompareMarker in skippedCompareMarkers) {
  77187. return true;
  77188. }
  77189. if (selectors.head === selectors.tail) {
  77190. if ( === {
  77191. declarations.appendList(nextDeclarations);
  77192. list.remove(nextItem);
  77193. return;
  77194. }
  77195. }
  77196. if (utils.isEqualDeclarations(declarations, nextDeclarations)) {
  77197. const nextStr =;
  77198. selectors.some((data, item2) => {
  77199. const curStr =;
  77200. if (nextStr < curStr) {
  77201. selectors.insert(nextFirstSelector, item2);
  77202. return true;
  77203. }
  77204. if (! {
  77205. selectors.insert(nextFirstSelector);
  77206. return true;
  77207. }
  77208. });
  77209. list.remove(nextItem);
  77210. return;
  77211. }
  77212. if (nextCompareMarker === nodeCompareMarker) {
  77213. return true;
  77214. }
  77215. skippedCompareMarkers[nextCompareMarker] = true;
  77216. });
  77217. }
  77218. function mergeRule(ast) {
  77219. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  77220. visit: "Rule",
  77221. enter: processRule
  77222. });
  77223. }
  77224. module2.exports = mergeRule;
  77225. }
  77226. });
  77227. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/8-restructRuleset.cjs
  77228. var require_restructRuleset = __commonJS({
  77229. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/8-restructRuleset.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  77230. "use strict";
  77231. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  77232. var utils = require_utils6();
  77233. function calcSelectorLength(list) {
  77234. return list.reduce((res, data) => res + + 1, 0) - 1;
  77235. }
  77236. function calcDeclarationsLength(tokens) {
  77237. let length = 0;
  77238. for (const token of tokens) {
  77239. length += token.length;
  77240. }
  77241. return length + // declarations
  77242. tokens.length - 1;
  77243. }
  77244. function processRule(node, item, list) {
  77245. const avoidRulesMerge = this.block !== null ? this.block.avoidRulesMerge : false;
  77246. const selectors = node.prelude.children;
  77247. const block = node.block;
  77248. const disallowDownMarkers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
  77249. let allowMergeUp = true;
  77250. let allowMergeDown = true;
  77251. list.prevUntil(item.prev, function(prev, prevItem) {
  77252. const prevBlock = prev.block;
  77253. const prevType = prev.type;
  77254. if (prevType !== "Rule") {
  77255. const unsafe =, prev);
  77256. if (!unsafe && prevType === "Atrule" && prevBlock) {
  77257. cssTree.walk(prevBlock, {
  77258. visit: "Rule",
  77259. enter(node2) {
  77260. node2.prelude.children.forEach((data) => {
  77261. disallowDownMarkers[data.compareMarker] = true;
  77262. });
  77263. }
  77264. });
  77265. }
  77266. return unsafe;
  77267. }
  77268. if (node.pseudoSignature !== prev.pseudoSignature) {
  77269. return true;
  77270. }
  77271. const prevSelectors = prev.prelude.children;
  77272. allowMergeDown = !prevSelectors.some(
  77273. (selector) => selector.compareMarker in disallowDownMarkers
  77274. );
  77275. if (!allowMergeDown && !allowMergeUp) {
  77276. return true;
  77277. }
  77278. if (allowMergeUp && utils.isEqualSelectors(prevSelectors, selectors)) {
  77279. prevBlock.children.appendList(block.children);
  77280. list.remove(item);
  77281. return true;
  77282. }
  77283. const diff = utils.compareDeclarations(block.children, prevBlock.children);
  77284. if (diff.eq.length) {
  77285. if (!diff.ne1.length && !diff.ne2.length) {
  77286. if (allowMergeDown) {
  77287. utils.addSelectors(selectors, prevSelectors);
  77288. list.remove(prevItem);
  77289. }
  77290. return true;
  77291. } else if (!avoidRulesMerge) {
  77292. if (diff.ne1.length && !diff.ne2.length) {
  77293. const selectorLength = calcSelectorLength(selectors);
  77294. const blockLength = calcDeclarationsLength(diff.eq);
  77295. if (allowMergeUp && selectorLength < blockLength) {
  77296. utils.addSelectors(prevSelectors, selectors);
  77297. block.children.fromArray(diff.ne1);
  77298. }
  77299. } else if (!diff.ne1.length && diff.ne2.length) {
  77300. const selectorLength = calcSelectorLength(prevSelectors);
  77301. const blockLength = calcDeclarationsLength(diff.eq);
  77302. if (allowMergeDown && selectorLength < blockLength) {
  77303. utils.addSelectors(selectors, prevSelectors);
  77304. prevBlock.children.fromArray(diff.ne2);
  77305. }
  77306. } else {
  77307. const newSelector = {
  77308. type: "SelectorList",
  77309. loc: null,
  77310. children: utils.addSelectors(prevSelectors.copy(), selectors)
  77311. };
  77312. const newBlockLength = calcSelectorLength(newSelector.children) + 2;
  77313. const blockLength = calcDeclarationsLength(diff.eq);
  77314. if (blockLength >= newBlockLength) {
  77315. const newItem = list.createItem({
  77316. type: "Rule",
  77317. loc: null,
  77318. prelude: newSelector,
  77319. block: {
  77320. type: "Block",
  77321. loc: null,
  77322. children: new cssTree.List().fromArray(diff.eq)
  77323. },
  77324. pseudoSignature: node.pseudoSignature
  77325. });
  77326. block.children.fromArray(diff.ne1);
  77327. prevBlock.children.fromArray(diff.ne2overrided);
  77328. if (allowMergeUp) {
  77329. list.insert(newItem, prevItem);
  77330. } else {
  77331. list.insert(newItem, item);
  77332. }
  77333. return true;
  77334. }
  77335. }
  77336. }
  77337. }
  77338. if (allowMergeUp) {
  77339. allowMergeUp = !prevSelectors.some(
  77340. (prevSelector) => selectors.some(
  77341. (selector) => selector.compareMarker === prevSelector.compareMarker
  77342. )
  77343. );
  77344. }
  77345. prevSelectors.forEach((data) => {
  77346. disallowDownMarkers[data.compareMarker] = true;
  77347. });
  77348. });
  77349. }
  77350. function restructRule(ast) {
  77351. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  77352. visit: "Rule",
  77353. reverse: true,
  77354. enter: processRule
  77355. });
  77356. }
  77357. module2.exports = restructRule;
  77358. }
  77359. });
  77360. // node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/index.cjs
  77361. var require_restructure = __commonJS({
  77362. "node_modules/csso/cjs/restructure/index.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  77363. "use strict";
  77364. var index = require_prepare();
  77365. var _1MergeAtrule = require_mergeAtrule();
  77366. var _2InitialMergeRuleset = require_initialMergeRuleset();
  77367. var _3DisjoinRuleset = require_disjoinRuleset();
  77368. var _4RestructShorthand = require_restructShorthand();
  77369. var _6RestructBlock = require_restructBlock();
  77370. var _7MergeRuleset = require_mergeRuleset();
  77371. var _8RestructRuleset = require_restructRuleset();
  77372. function restructure(ast, options) {
  77373. const indexer = index(ast, options);
  77374. options.logger("prepare", ast);
  77375. _1MergeAtrule(ast, options);
  77376. options.logger("mergeAtrule", ast);
  77377. _2InitialMergeRuleset(ast);
  77378. options.logger("initialMergeRuleset", ast);
  77379. _3DisjoinRuleset(ast);
  77380. options.logger("disjoinRuleset", ast);
  77381. _4RestructShorthand(ast, indexer);
  77382. options.logger("restructShorthand", ast);
  77383. _6RestructBlock(ast);
  77384. options.logger("restructBlock", ast);
  77385. _7MergeRuleset(ast);
  77386. options.logger("mergeRuleset", ast);
  77387. _8RestructRuleset(ast);
  77388. options.logger("restructRuleset", ast);
  77389. }
  77390. module2.exports = restructure;
  77391. }
  77392. });
  77393. // node_modules/csso/cjs/compress.cjs
  77394. var require_compress = __commonJS({
  77395. "node_modules/csso/cjs/compress.cjs"(exports2, module2) {
  77396. "use strict";
  77397. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  77398. var usage = require_usage();
  77399. var index = require_clean();
  77400. var index$1 = require_replace();
  77401. var index$2 = require_restructure();
  77402. function readChunk(input, specialComments) {
  77403. const children = new cssTree.List();
  77404. let nonSpaceTokenInBuffer = false;
  77405. let protectedComment;
  77406. input.nextUntil(input.head, (node, item, list) => {
  77407. if (node.type === "Comment") {
  77408. if (!specialComments || node.value.charAt(0) !== "!") {
  77409. list.remove(item);
  77410. return;
  77411. }
  77412. if (nonSpaceTokenInBuffer || protectedComment) {
  77413. return true;
  77414. }
  77415. list.remove(item);
  77416. protectedComment = node;
  77417. return;
  77418. }
  77419. if (node.type !== "WhiteSpace") {
  77420. nonSpaceTokenInBuffer = true;
  77421. }
  77422. children.insert(list.remove(item));
  77423. });
  77424. return {
  77425. comment: protectedComment,
  77426. stylesheet: {
  77427. type: "StyleSheet",
  77428. loc: null,
  77429. children
  77430. }
  77431. };
  77432. }
  77433. function compressChunk(ast, firstAtrulesAllowed, num, options) {
  77434. options.logger(`Compress block #${num}`, null, true);
  77435. let seed = 1;
  77436. if (ast.type === "StyleSheet") {
  77437. ast.firstAtrulesAllowed = firstAtrulesAllowed;
  77438. = seed++;
  77439. }
  77440. cssTree.walk(ast, {
  77441. visit: "Atrule",
  77442. enter(node) {
  77443. if (node.block !== null) {
  77444. = seed++;
  77445. }
  77446. }
  77447. });
  77448. options.logger("init", ast);
  77449. index(ast, options);
  77450. options.logger("clean", ast);
  77451. index$1(ast);
  77452. options.logger("replace", ast);
  77453. if (options.restructuring) {
  77454. index$2(ast, options);
  77455. }
  77456. return ast;
  77457. }
  77458. function getCommentsOption(options) {
  77459. let comments = "comments" in options ? options.comments : "exclamation";
  77460. if (typeof comments === "boolean") {
  77461. comments = comments ? "exclamation" : false;
  77462. } else if (comments !== "exclamation" && comments !== "first-exclamation") {
  77463. comments = false;
  77464. }
  77465. return comments;
  77466. }
  77467. function getRestructureOption(options) {
  77468. if ("restructure" in options) {
  77469. return options.restructure;
  77470. }
  77471. return "restructuring" in options ? options.restructuring : true;
  77472. }
  77473. function wrapBlock(block) {
  77474. return new cssTree.List().appendData({
  77475. type: "Rule",
  77476. loc: null,
  77477. prelude: {
  77478. type: "SelectorList",
  77479. loc: null,
  77480. children: new cssTree.List().appendData({
  77481. type: "Selector",
  77482. loc: null,
  77483. children: new cssTree.List().appendData({
  77484. type: "TypeSelector",
  77485. loc: null,
  77486. name: "x"
  77487. })
  77488. })
  77489. },
  77490. block
  77491. });
  77492. }
  77493. function compress(ast, options) {
  77494. ast = ast || { type: "StyleSheet", loc: null, children: new cssTree.List() };
  77495. options = options || {};
  77496. const compressOptions = {
  77497. logger: typeof options.logger === "function" ? options.logger : function() {
  77498. },
  77499. restructuring: getRestructureOption(options),
  77500. forceMediaMerge: Boolean(options.forceMediaMerge),
  77501. usage: options.usage ? usage.buildIndex(options.usage) : false
  77502. };
  77503. const output = new cssTree.List();
  77504. let specialComments = getCommentsOption(options);
  77505. let firstAtrulesAllowed = true;
  77506. let input;
  77507. let chunk;
  77508. let chunkNum = 1;
  77509. let chunkChildren;
  77510. if (options.clone) {
  77511. ast = cssTree.clone(ast);
  77512. }
  77513. if (ast.type === "StyleSheet") {
  77514. input = ast.children;
  77515. ast.children = output;
  77516. } else {
  77517. input = wrapBlock(ast);
  77518. }
  77519. do {
  77520. chunk = readChunk(input, Boolean(specialComments));
  77521. compressChunk(chunk.stylesheet, firstAtrulesAllowed, chunkNum++, compressOptions);
  77522. chunkChildren = chunk.stylesheet.children;
  77523. if (chunk.comment) {
  77524. if (!output.isEmpty) {
  77525. output.insert(cssTree.List.createItem({
  77526. type: "Raw",
  77527. value: "\n"
  77528. }));
  77529. }
  77530. output.insert(cssTree.List.createItem(chunk.comment));
  77531. if (!chunkChildren.isEmpty) {
  77532. output.insert(cssTree.List.createItem({
  77533. type: "Raw",
  77534. value: "\n"
  77535. }));
  77536. }
  77537. }
  77538. if (firstAtrulesAllowed && !chunkChildren.isEmpty) {
  77539. const lastRule = chunkChildren.last;
  77540. if (lastRule.type !== "Atrule" || !== "import" && !== "charset") {
  77541. firstAtrulesAllowed = false;
  77542. }
  77543. }
  77544. if (specialComments !== "exclamation") {
  77545. specialComments = false;
  77546. }
  77547. output.appendList(chunkChildren);
  77548. } while (!input.isEmpty);
  77549. return {
  77550. ast
  77551. };
  77552. }
  77553. module2.exports = compress;
  77554. }
  77555. });
  77556. // node_modules/csso/cjs/syntax.cjs
  77557. var require_syntax3 = __commonJS({
  77558. "node_modules/csso/cjs/syntax.cjs"(exports2) {
  77559. "use strict";
  77560. var cssTree = require_cjs2();
  77561. var compress = require_compress();
  77562. var specificity = require_specificity();
  77563. function encodeString(value) {
  77564. const stringApostrophe = cssTree.string.encode(value, true);
  77565. const stringQuote = cssTree.string.encode(value);
  77566. return stringApostrophe.length < stringQuote.length ? stringApostrophe : stringQuote;
  77567. }
  77568. var {
  77569. lexer,
  77570. tokenize,
  77571. parse,
  77572. generate,
  77573. walk,
  77574. find,
  77575. findLast,
  77576. findAll,
  77577. fromPlainObject,
  77578. toPlainObject
  77579. } = cssTree.fork({
  77580. node: {
  77581. String: {
  77582. generate(node) {
  77583. this.token(cssTree.tokenTypes.String, encodeString(node.value));
  77584. }
  77585. },
  77586. Url: {
  77587. generate(node) {
  77588. const encodedUrl = cssTree.url.encode(node.value);
  77589. const string = encodeString(node.value);
  77590. this.token(
  77591. cssTree.tokenTypes.Url,
  77592. encodedUrl.length <= string.length + 5 ? encodedUrl : "url(" + string + ")"
  77593. );
  77594. }
  77595. }
  77596. }
  77597. });
  77598. exports2.compress = compress;
  77599. exports2.specificity = specificity;
  77600. exports2.find = find;
  77601. exports2.findAll = findAll;
  77602. exports2.findLast = findLast;
  77603. exports2.fromPlainObject = fromPlainObject;
  77604. exports2.generate = generate;
  77605. exports2.lexer = lexer;
  77606. exports2.parse = parse;
  77607. exports2.toPlainObject = toPlainObject;
  77608. exports2.tokenize = tokenize;
  77609. exports2.walk = walk;
  77610. }
  77611. });
  77612. // node_modules/csso/cjs/utils.cjs
  77613. var require_utils7 = __commonJS({
  77614. "node_modules/csso/cjs/utils.cjs"(exports2) {
  77615. "use strict";
  77616. var processSelector = require_processSelector();
  77617. var utils$1 = require_utils6();
  77618. exports2.processSelector = processSelector;
  77619. exports2.addSelectors = utils$1.addSelectors;
  77620. exports2.compareDeclarations = utils$1.compareDeclarations;
  77621. exports2.hasSimilarSelectors = utils$1.hasSimilarSelectors;
  77622. exports2.isEqualDeclarations = utils$1.isEqualDeclarations;
  77623. exports2.isEqualSelectors = utils$1.isEqualSelectors;
  77624. exports2.unsafeToSkipNode = utils$1.unsafeToSkipNode;
  77625. }
  77626. });
  77627. // node_modules/csso/cjs/index.cjs
  77628. var require_cjs3 = __commonJS({
  77629. "node_modules/csso/cjs/index.cjs"(exports2) {
  77630. "use strict";
  77631. var version = require_version2();
  77632. var syntax = require_syntax3();
  77633. var utils = require_utils7();
  77634. var { parse, generate, compress } = syntax;
  77635. function debugOutput(name, options, startTime, data) {
  77636. if (options.debug) {
  77637. console.error(`## ${name} done in %d ms
  77638. `, - startTime);
  77639. }
  77640. return data;
  77641. }
  77642. function createDefaultLogger(level) {
  77643. let lastDebug;
  77644. return function logger(title, ast) {
  77645. let line = title;
  77646. if (ast) {
  77647. line = `[${(( - lastDebug) / 1e3).toFixed(3)}s] ${line}`;
  77648. }
  77649. if (level > 1 && ast) {
  77650. let css = generate(ast);
  77651. if (level === 2 && css.length > 256) {
  77652. css = css.substr(0, 256) + "...";
  77653. }
  77654. line += `
  77655. ${css}
  77656. `;
  77657. }
  77658. console.error(line);
  77659. lastDebug =;
  77660. };
  77661. }
  77662. function buildCompressOptions(options) {
  77663. options = { ...options };
  77664. if (typeof options.logger !== "function" && options.debug) {
  77665. options.logger = createDefaultLogger(options.debug);
  77666. }
  77667. return options;
  77668. }
  77669. function runHandler(ast, options, handlers) {
  77670. if (!Array.isArray(handlers)) {
  77671. handlers = [handlers];
  77672. }
  77673. handlers.forEach((fn) => fn(ast, options));
  77674. }
  77675. function minify(context, source, options) {
  77676. options = options || {};
  77677. const filename = options.filename || "<unknown>";
  77678. let result;
  77679. const ast = debugOutput(
  77680. "parsing",
  77681. options,
  77683. parse(source, {
  77684. context,
  77685. filename,
  77686. positions: Boolean(options.sourceMap)
  77687. })
  77688. );
  77689. if (options.beforeCompress) {
  77690. debugOutput(
  77691. "beforeCompress",
  77692. options,
  77694. runHandler(ast, options, options.beforeCompress)
  77695. );
  77696. }
  77697. const compressResult = debugOutput(
  77698. "compress",
  77699. options,
  77701. compress(ast, buildCompressOptions(options))
  77702. );
  77703. if (options.afterCompress) {
  77704. debugOutput(
  77705. "afterCompress",
  77706. options,
  77708. runHandler(compressResult, options, options.afterCompress)
  77709. );
  77710. }
  77711. if (options.sourceMap) {
  77712. result = debugOutput("generate(sourceMap: true)", options,, (() => {
  77713. const tmp = generate(compressResult.ast, { sourceMap: true });
  77714. = filename;
  77715., source);
  77716. return tmp;
  77717. })());
  77718. } else {
  77719. result = debugOutput("generate", options,, {
  77720. css: generate(compressResult.ast),
  77721. map: null
  77722. });
  77723. }
  77724. return result;
  77725. }
  77726. function minifyStylesheet(source, options) {
  77727. return minify("stylesheet", source, options);
  77728. }
  77729. function minifyBlock(source, options) {
  77730. return minify("declarationList", source, options);
  77731. }
  77732. exports2.version = version.version;
  77733. exports2.syntax = syntax;
  77734. exports2.utils = utils;
  77735. exports2.minify = minifyStylesheet;
  77736. exports2.minifyBlock = minifyBlock;
  77737. }
  77738. });
  77739. // node_modules/svgo/lib/style.js
  77740. var require_style = __commonJS({
  77741. "node_modules/svgo/lib/style.js"(exports2) {
  77742. "use strict";
  77743. var csstree = require_cjs();
  77744. var csswhat = require_commonjs();
  77745. var {
  77746. syntax: { specificity }
  77747. } = require_cjs3();
  77748. var { visit, matches } = require_xast();
  77749. var {
  77750. attrsGroups,
  77751. inheritableAttrs,
  77752. presentationNonInheritableGroupAttrs
  77753. } = require_collections();
  77754. var csstreeWalkSkip = csstree.walk.skip;
  77755. var parseRule = (ruleNode, dynamic) => {
  77756. const declarations = [];
  77757. ruleNode.block.children.forEach((cssNode) => {
  77758. if (cssNode.type === "Declaration") {
  77759. declarations.push({
  77760. name:,
  77761. value: csstree.generate(cssNode.value),
  77762. important: cssNode.important === true
  77763. });
  77764. }
  77765. });
  77766. const rules = [];
  77767. csstree.walk(ruleNode.prelude, (node) => {
  77768. if (node.type === "Selector") {
  77769. const newNode = csstree.clone(node);
  77770. let hasPseudoClasses = false;
  77771. csstree.walk(newNode, (pseudoClassNode, item, list) => {
  77772. if (pseudoClassNode.type === "PseudoClassSelector") {
  77773. hasPseudoClasses = true;
  77774. list.remove(item);
  77775. }
  77776. });
  77777. rules.push({
  77778. specificity: specificity(node),
  77779. dynamic: hasPseudoClasses || dynamic,
  77780. // compute specificity from original node to consider pseudo classes
  77781. selector: csstree.generate(newNode),
  77782. declarations
  77783. });
  77784. }
  77785. });
  77786. return rules;
  77787. };
  77788. var parseStylesheet = (css, dynamic) => {
  77789. const rules = [];
  77790. const ast = csstree.parse(css, {
  77791. parseValue: false,
  77792. parseAtrulePrelude: false
  77793. });
  77794. csstree.walk(ast, (cssNode) => {
  77795. if (cssNode.type === "Rule") {
  77796. rules.push(...parseRule(cssNode, dynamic || false));
  77797. return csstreeWalkSkip;
  77798. }
  77799. if (cssNode.type === "Atrule") {
  77800. if ( === "keyframes" || === "-webkit-keyframes") {
  77801. return csstreeWalkSkip;
  77802. }
  77803. csstree.walk(cssNode, (ruleNode) => {
  77804. if (ruleNode.type === "Rule") {
  77805. rules.push(...parseRule(ruleNode, dynamic || true));
  77806. return csstreeWalkSkip;
  77807. }
  77808. });
  77809. return csstreeWalkSkip;
  77810. }
  77811. });
  77812. return rules;
  77813. };
  77814. var parseStyleDeclarations = (css) => {
  77815. const declarations = [];
  77816. const ast = csstree.parse(css, {
  77817. context: "declarationList",
  77818. parseValue: false
  77819. });
  77820. csstree.walk(ast, (cssNode) => {
  77821. if (cssNode.type === "Declaration") {
  77822. declarations.push({
  77823. name:,
  77824. value: csstree.generate(cssNode.value),
  77825. important: cssNode.important === true
  77826. });
  77827. }
  77828. });
  77829. return declarations;
  77830. };
  77831. var computeOwnStyle = (stylesheet, node) => {
  77832. const computedStyle = {};
  77833. const importantStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  77834. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  77835. if (attrsGroups.presentation.has(name)) {
  77836. computedStyle[name] = { type: "static", inherited: false, value };
  77837. importantStyles.set(name, false);
  77838. }
  77839. }
  77840. for (const { selector, declarations, dynamic } of stylesheet.rules) {
  77841. if (matches(node, selector)) {
  77842. for (const { name, value, important } of declarations) {
  77843. const computed = computedStyle[name];
  77844. if (computed && computed.type === "dynamic") {
  77845. continue;
  77846. }
  77847. if (dynamic) {
  77848. computedStyle[name] = { type: "dynamic", inherited: false };
  77849. continue;
  77850. }
  77851. if (computed == null || important === true || importantStyles.get(name) === false) {
  77852. computedStyle[name] = { type: "static", inherited: false, value };
  77853. importantStyles.set(name, important);
  77854. }
  77855. }
  77856. }
  77857. }
  77858. const styleDeclarations = == null ? [] : parseStyleDeclarations(;
  77859. for (const { name, value, important } of styleDeclarations) {
  77860. const computed = computedStyle[name];
  77861. if (computed && computed.type === "dynamic") {
  77862. continue;
  77863. }
  77864. if (computed == null || important === true || importantStyles.get(name) === false) {
  77865. computedStyle[name] = { type: "static", inherited: false, value };
  77866. importantStyles.set(name, important);
  77867. }
  77868. }
  77869. return computedStyle;
  77870. };
  77871. var compareSpecificity = (a, b) => {
  77872. for (let i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) {
  77873. if (a[i] < b[i]) {
  77874. return -1;
  77875. } else if (a[i] > b[i]) {
  77876. return 1;
  77877. }
  77878. }
  77879. return 0;
  77880. };
  77881. exports2.compareSpecificity = compareSpecificity;
  77882. var collectStylesheet = (root) => {
  77883. const rules = [];
  77884. const parents = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  77885. visit(root, {
  77886. element: {
  77887. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  77888. parents.set(node, parentNode);
  77889. if ( !== "style") {
  77890. return;
  77891. }
  77892. if (node.attributes.type == null || node.attributes.type === "" || node.attributes.type === "text/css") {
  77893. const dynamic = != null && !== "all";
  77894. for (const child of node.children) {
  77895. if (child.type === "text" || child.type === "cdata") {
  77896. rules.push(...parseStylesheet(child.value, dynamic));
  77897. }
  77898. }
  77899. }
  77900. }
  77901. }
  77902. });
  77903. rules.sort((a, b) => compareSpecificity(a.specificity, b.specificity));
  77904. return { rules, parents };
  77905. };
  77906. exports2.collectStylesheet = collectStylesheet;
  77907. var computeStyle = (stylesheet, node) => {
  77908. const { parents } = stylesheet;
  77909. const computedStyles = computeOwnStyle(stylesheet, node);
  77910. let parent = parents.get(node);
  77911. while (parent != null && parent.type !== "root") {
  77912. const inheritedStyles = computeOwnStyle(stylesheet, parent);
  77913. for (const [name, computed] of Object.entries(inheritedStyles)) {
  77914. if (computedStyles[name] == null && inheritableAttrs.has(name) && !presentationNonInheritableGroupAttrs.has(name)) {
  77915. computedStyles[name] = { ...computed, inherited: true };
  77916. }
  77917. }
  77918. parent = parents.get(parent);
  77919. }
  77920. return computedStyles;
  77921. };
  77922. exports2.computeStyle = computeStyle;
  77923. var includesAttrSelector = (selector, name, value = null, traversed = false) => {
  77924. const selectors = typeof selector === "string" ? csswhat.parse(selector) : csswhat.parse(csstree.generate(;
  77925. for (const subselector of selectors) {
  77926. const hasAttrSelector = subselector.some((segment, index) => {
  77927. if (traversed) {
  77928. if (index === subselector.length - 1) {
  77929. return false;
  77930. }
  77931. const isNextTraversal = csswhat.isTraversal(subselector[index + 1]);
  77932. if (!isNextTraversal) {
  77933. return false;
  77934. }
  77935. }
  77936. if (segment.type !== "attribute" || !== name) {
  77937. return false;
  77938. }
  77939. return value == null ? true : segment.value === value;
  77940. });
  77941. if (hasAttrSelector) {
  77942. return true;
  77943. }
  77944. }
  77945. return false;
  77946. };
  77947. exports2.includesAttrSelector = includesAttrSelector;
  77948. }
  77949. });
  77950. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/inlineStyles.js
  77951. var require_inlineStyles = __commonJS({
  77952. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/inlineStyles.js"(exports2) {
  77953. "use strict";
  77954. var csstree = require_cjs();
  77955. var {
  77956. syntax: { specificity }
  77957. } = require_cjs3();
  77958. var {
  77959. visitSkip,
  77960. querySelectorAll,
  77961. detachNodeFromParent
  77962. } = require_xast();
  77963. var { compareSpecificity, includesAttrSelector } = require_style();
  77964. var { attrsGroups, pseudoClasses } = require_collections();
  77965. = "inlineStyles";
  77966. exports2.description = "inline styles (additional options)";
  77967. var preservedPseudos = [
  77968. ...pseudoClasses.functional,
  77969. ...pseudoClasses.treeStructural
  77970. ];
  77971. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  77972. const {
  77973. onlyMatchedOnce = true,
  77974. removeMatchedSelectors = true,
  77975. useMqs = ["", "screen"],
  77976. usePseudos = [""]
  77977. } = params;
  77978. const styles = [];
  77979. let selectors = [];
  77980. return {
  77981. element: {
  77982. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  77983. if ( === "foreignObject") {
  77984. return visitSkip;
  77985. }
  77986. if ( !== "style" || node.children.length === 0) {
  77987. return;
  77988. }
  77989. if (node.attributes.type != null && node.attributes.type !== "" && node.attributes.type !== "text/css") {
  77990. return;
  77991. }
  77992. const cssText = node.children.filter((child) => child.type === "text" || child.type === "cdata").map((child) => child.value).join("");
  77993. let cssAst = null;
  77994. try {
  77995. cssAst = csstree.parse(cssText, {
  77996. parseValue: false,
  77997. parseCustomProperty: false
  77998. });
  77999. } catch {
  78000. return;
  78001. }
  78002. if (cssAst.type === "StyleSheet") {
  78003. styles.push({ node, parentNode, cssAst });
  78004. }
  78005. csstree.walk(cssAst, {
  78006. visit: "Rule",
  78007. enter(node2) {
  78008. const atrule = this.atrule;
  78009. let mediaQuery = "";
  78010. if (atrule != null) {
  78011. mediaQuery =;
  78012. if (atrule.prelude != null) {
  78013. mediaQuery += ` ${csstree.generate(atrule.prelude)}`;
  78014. }
  78015. }
  78016. if (!useMqs.includes(mediaQuery)) {
  78017. return;
  78018. }
  78019. if (node2.prelude.type === "SelectorList") {
  78020. node2.prelude.children.forEach((childNode, item) => {
  78021. if (childNode.type === "Selector") {
  78022. const pseudos = [];
  78023. childNode.children.forEach(
  78024. (grandchildNode, grandchildItem, grandchildList) => {
  78025. const isPseudo = grandchildNode.type === "PseudoClassSelector" || grandchildNode.type === "PseudoElementSelector";
  78026. if (isPseudo && !preservedPseudos.includes( {
  78027. pseudos.push({
  78028. item: grandchildItem,
  78029. list: grandchildList
  78030. });
  78031. }
  78032. }
  78033. );
  78034. const pseudoSelectors = csstree.generate({
  78035. type: "Selector",
  78036. children: new csstree.List().fromArray(
  78037. =>
  78038. )
  78039. });
  78040. if (usePseudos.includes(pseudoSelectors)) {
  78041. for (const pseudo of pseudos) {
  78042. pseudo.list.remove(pseudo.item);
  78043. }
  78044. }
  78045. selectors.push({ node: childNode, rule: node2, item });
  78046. }
  78047. });
  78048. }
  78049. }
  78050. });
  78051. }
  78052. },
  78053. root: {
  78054. exit: () => {
  78055. if (styles.length === 0) {
  78056. return;
  78057. }
  78058. const sortedSelectors = selectors.slice().sort((a, b) => {
  78059. const aSpecificity = specificity(;
  78060. const bSpecificity = specificity(;
  78061. return compareSpecificity(aSpecificity, bSpecificity);
  78062. }).reverse();
  78063. for (const selector of sortedSelectors) {
  78064. const selectorText = csstree.generate(;
  78065. const matchedElements = [];
  78066. try {
  78067. for (const node of querySelectorAll(root, selectorText)) {
  78068. if (node.type === "element") {
  78069. matchedElements.push(node);
  78070. }
  78071. }
  78072. } catch (selectError) {
  78073. continue;
  78074. }
  78075. if (matchedElements.length === 0) {
  78076. continue;
  78077. }
  78078. if (onlyMatchedOnce && matchedElements.length > 1) {
  78079. continue;
  78080. }
  78081. for (const selectedEl of matchedElements) {
  78082. const styleDeclarationList = csstree.parse(
  78083. ?? "",
  78084. {
  78085. context: "declarationList",
  78086. parseValue: false
  78087. }
  78088. );
  78089. if (styleDeclarationList.type !== "DeclarationList") {
  78090. continue;
  78091. }
  78092. const styleDeclarationItems = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  78093. let firstListItem;
  78094. csstree.walk(styleDeclarationList, {
  78095. visit: "Declaration",
  78096. enter(node, item) {
  78097. if (firstListItem == null) {
  78098. firstListItem = item;
  78099. }
  78100. styleDeclarationItems.set(, item);
  78101. }
  78102. });
  78103. csstree.walk(selector.rule, {
  78104. visit: "Declaration",
  78105. enter(ruleDeclaration) {
  78106. const property =;
  78107. if (attrsGroups.presentation.has(property) && !selectors.some(
  78108. (selector2) => includesAttrSelector(selector2.item, property)
  78109. )) {
  78110. delete selectedEl.attributes[property];
  78111. }
  78112. const matchedItem = styleDeclarationItems.get(property);
  78113. const ruleDeclarationItem = styleDeclarationList.children.createItem(ruleDeclaration);
  78114. if (matchedItem == null) {
  78115. styleDeclarationList.children.insert(
  78116. ruleDeclarationItem,
  78117. firstListItem
  78118. );
  78119. } else if ( !== true && ruleDeclaration.important === true) {
  78120. styleDeclarationList.children.replace(
  78121. matchedItem,
  78122. ruleDeclarationItem
  78123. );
  78124. styleDeclarationItems.set(property, ruleDeclarationItem);
  78125. }
  78126. }
  78127. });
  78128. const newStyles = csstree.generate(styleDeclarationList);
  78129. if (newStyles.length !== 0) {
  78130. = newStyles;
  78131. }
  78132. }
  78133. if (removeMatchedSelectors && matchedElements.length !== 0 && selector.rule.prelude.type === "SelectorList") {
  78134. selector.rule.prelude.children.remove(selector.item);
  78135. }
  78136. selector.matchedElements = matchedElements;
  78137. }
  78138. if (!removeMatchedSelectors) {
  78139. return;
  78140. }
  78141. for (const selector of sortedSelectors) {
  78142. if (selector.matchedElements == null) {
  78143. continue;
  78144. }
  78145. if (onlyMatchedOnce && selector.matchedElements.length > 1) {
  78146. continue;
  78147. }
  78148. for (const selectedEl of selector.matchedElements) {
  78149. const classList = new Set(
  78150. selectedEl.attributes.class == null ? null : selectedEl.attributes.class.split(" ")
  78151. );
  78152. for (const child of selector.node.children) {
  78153. if (child.type === "ClassSelector" && !selectors.some(
  78154. (selector2) => includesAttrSelector(
  78155. selector2.item,
  78156. "class",
  78158. true
  78159. )
  78160. )) {
  78161. classList.delete(;
  78162. }
  78163. }
  78164. if (classList.size === 0) {
  78165. delete selectedEl.attributes.class;
  78166. } else {
  78167. selectedEl.attributes.class = Array.from(classList).join(" ");
  78168. }
  78169. const firstSubSelector = selector.node.children.first;
  78170. if (firstSubSelector?.type === "IdSelector" && === && !selectors.some(
  78171. (selector2) => includesAttrSelector(
  78172. selector2.item,
  78173. "id",
  78175. true
  78176. )
  78177. )) {
  78178. delete;
  78179. }
  78180. }
  78181. }
  78182. for (const style of styles) {
  78183. csstree.walk(style.cssAst, {
  78184. visit: "Rule",
  78185. enter: function(node, item, list) {
  78186. if (node.type === "Rule" && node.prelude.type === "SelectorList" && node.prelude.children.isEmpty) {
  78187. list.remove(item);
  78188. }
  78189. }
  78190. });
  78191. if (style.cssAst.children.isEmpty) {
  78192. detachNodeFromParent(style.node, style.parentNode);
  78193. } else {
  78194. const firstChild = style.node.children[0];
  78195. if (firstChild.type === "text" || firstChild.type === "cdata") {
  78196. firstChild.value = csstree.generate(style.cssAst);
  78197. }
  78198. }
  78199. }
  78200. }
  78201. }
  78202. };
  78203. };
  78204. }
  78205. });
  78206. // node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo/tools.js
  78207. var require_tools = __commonJS({
  78208. "node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo/tools.js"(exports2) {
  78209. "use strict";
  78210. var { attrsGroups, referencesProps } = require_collections();
  78211. var regReferencesUrl = /\burl\((["'])?#(.+?)\1\)/g;
  78212. var regReferencesHref = /^#(.+?)$/;
  78213. var regReferencesBegin = /(\w+)\.[a-zA-Z]/;
  78214. exports2.encodeSVGDatauri = (str, type) => {
  78215. var prefix = "data:image/svg+xml";
  78216. if (!type || type === "base64") {
  78217. prefix += ";base64,";
  78218. str = prefix + Buffer.from(str).toString("base64");
  78219. } else if (type === "enc") {
  78220. str = prefix + "," + encodeURIComponent(str);
  78221. } else if (type === "unenc") {
  78222. str = prefix + "," + str;
  78223. }
  78224. return str;
  78225. };
  78226. exports2.decodeSVGDatauri = (str) => {
  78227. var regexp = /data:image\/svg\+xml(;charset=[^;,]*)?(;base64)?,(.*)/;
  78228. var match = regexp.exec(str);
  78229. if (!match)
  78230. return str;
  78231. var data = match[3];
  78232. if (match[2]) {
  78233. str = Buffer.from(data, "base64").toString("utf8");
  78234. } else if (data.charAt(0) === "%") {
  78235. str = decodeURIComponent(data);
  78236. } else if (data.charAt(0) === "<") {
  78237. str = data;
  78238. }
  78239. return str;
  78240. };
  78241. exports2.cleanupOutData = (data, params, command) => {
  78242. let str = "";
  78243. let delimiter;
  78244. let prev;
  78245. data.forEach((item, i) => {
  78246. delimiter = " ";
  78247. if (i == 0)
  78248. delimiter = "";
  78249. if (params.noSpaceAfterFlags && (command == "A" || command == "a")) {
  78250. var pos = i % 7;
  78251. if (pos == 4 || pos == 5)
  78252. delimiter = "";
  78253. }
  78254. const itemStr = params.leadingZero ? removeLeadingZero(item) : item.toString();
  78255. if (params.negativeExtraSpace && delimiter != "" && (item < 0 || itemStr.charAt(0) === "." && prev % 1 !== 0)) {
  78256. delimiter = "";
  78257. }
  78258. prev = item;
  78259. str += delimiter + itemStr;
  78260. });
  78261. return str;
  78262. };
  78263. var removeLeadingZero = (value) => {
  78264. const strValue = value.toString();
  78265. if (0 < value && value < 1 && strValue.startsWith("0")) {
  78266. return strValue.slice(1);
  78267. }
  78268. if (-1 < value && value < 0 && strValue[1] === "0") {
  78269. return strValue[0] + strValue.slice(2);
  78270. }
  78271. return strValue;
  78272. };
  78273. exports2.removeLeadingZero = removeLeadingZero;
  78274. var hasScripts = (node) => {
  78275. if ( === "script" && node.children.length !== 0) {
  78276. return true;
  78277. }
  78278. if ( === "a") {
  78279. const hasJsLinks = Object.entries(node.attributes).some(
  78280. ([attrKey, attrValue]) => (attrKey === "href" || attrKey.endsWith(":href")) && attrValue != null && attrValue.trimStart().startsWith("javascript:")
  78281. );
  78282. if (hasJsLinks) {
  78283. return true;
  78284. }
  78285. }
  78286. const eventAttrs = [
  78287. ...attrsGroups.animationEvent,
  78288. ...attrsGroups.documentEvent,
  78289. ...attrsGroups.documentElementEvent,
  78290. ...attrsGroups.globalEvent,
  78291. ...attrsGroups.graphicalEvent
  78292. ];
  78293. return eventAttrs.some((attr) => node.attributes[attr] != null);
  78294. };
  78295. exports2.hasScripts = hasScripts;
  78296. var includesUrlReference = (body) => {
  78297. return new RegExp(regReferencesUrl).test(body);
  78298. };
  78299. exports2.includesUrlReference = includesUrlReference;
  78300. var findReferences = (attribute, value) => {
  78301. const results = [];
  78302. if (referencesProps.has(attribute)) {
  78303. const matches = value.matchAll(regReferencesUrl);
  78304. for (const match of matches) {
  78305. results.push(match[2]);
  78306. }
  78307. }
  78308. if (attribute === "href" || attribute.endsWith(":href")) {
  78309. const match = regReferencesHref.exec(value);
  78310. if (match != null) {
  78311. results.push(match[1]);
  78312. }
  78313. }
  78314. if (attribute === "begin") {
  78315. const match = regReferencesBegin.exec(value);
  78316. if (match != null) {
  78317. results.push(match[1]);
  78318. }
  78319. }
  78320. return => decodeURI(body));
  78321. };
  78322. exports2.findReferences = findReferences;
  78323. var toFixed = (num, precision) => {
  78324. const pow = 10 ** precision;
  78325. return Math.round(num * pow) / pow;
  78326. };
  78327. exports2.toFixed = toFixed;
  78328. }
  78329. });
  78330. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/minifyStyles.js
  78331. var require_minifyStyles = __commonJS({
  78332. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/minifyStyles.js"(exports2) {
  78333. "use strict";
  78334. var csso = require_cjs3();
  78335. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  78336. var { hasScripts } = require_tools();
  78337. = "minifyStyles";
  78338. exports2.description = "minifies styles and removes unused styles";
  78339. exports2.fn = (_root, { usage, ...params }) => {
  78340. const styleElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  78341. const elementsWithStyleAttributes = [];
  78342. const tagsUsage = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  78343. const idsUsage = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  78344. const classesUsage = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  78345. let enableTagsUsage = true;
  78346. let enableIdsUsage = true;
  78347. let enableClassesUsage = true;
  78348. let forceUsageDeoptimized = false;
  78349. if (typeof usage === "boolean") {
  78350. enableTagsUsage = usage;
  78351. enableIdsUsage = usage;
  78352. enableClassesUsage = usage;
  78353. } else if (usage) {
  78354. enableTagsUsage = usage.tags == null ? true : usage.tags;
  78355. enableIdsUsage = usage.ids == null ? true : usage.ids;
  78356. enableClassesUsage = usage.classes == null ? true : usage.classes;
  78357. forceUsageDeoptimized = usage.force == null ? false : usage.force;
  78358. }
  78359. let deoptimized = false;
  78360. return {
  78361. element: {
  78362. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  78363. if (hasScripts(node)) {
  78364. deoptimized = true;
  78365. }
  78366. tagsUsage.add(;
  78367. if ( != null) {
  78368. idsUsage.add(;
  78369. }
  78370. if (node.attributes.class != null) {
  78371. for (const className of node.attributes.class.split(/\s+/)) {
  78372. classesUsage.add(className);
  78373. }
  78374. }
  78375. if ( === "style" && node.children.length !== 0) {
  78376. styleElements.set(node, parentNode);
  78377. } else if ( != null) {
  78378. elementsWithStyleAttributes.push(node);
  78379. }
  78380. }
  78381. },
  78382. root: {
  78383. exit: () => {
  78384. const cssoUsage = {};
  78385. if (!deoptimized || forceUsageDeoptimized) {
  78386. if (enableTagsUsage) {
  78387. cssoUsage.tags = Array.from(tagsUsage);
  78388. }
  78389. if (enableIdsUsage) {
  78390. cssoUsage.ids = Array.from(idsUsage);
  78391. }
  78392. if (enableClassesUsage) {
  78393. cssoUsage.classes = Array.from(classesUsage);
  78394. }
  78395. }
  78396. for (const [styleNode, styleNodeParent] of styleElements.entries()) {
  78397. if (styleNode.children[0].type === "text" || styleNode.children[0].type === "cdata") {
  78398. const cssText = styleNode.children[0].value;
  78399. const minified = csso.minify(cssText, {
  78400. ...params,
  78401. usage: cssoUsage
  78402. }).css;
  78403. if (minified.length === 0) {
  78404. detachNodeFromParent(styleNode, styleNodeParent);
  78405. continue;
  78406. }
  78407. if (cssText.indexOf(">") >= 0 || cssText.indexOf("<") >= 0) {
  78408. styleNode.children[0].type = "cdata";
  78409. styleNode.children[0].value = minified;
  78410. } else {
  78411. styleNode.children[0].type = "text";
  78412. styleNode.children[0].value = minified;
  78413. }
  78414. }
  78415. }
  78416. for (const node of elementsWithStyleAttributes) {
  78417. const elemStyle =;
  78418. = csso.minifyBlock(elemStyle, {
  78419. ...params
  78420. }).css;
  78421. }
  78422. }
  78423. }
  78424. };
  78425. };
  78426. }
  78427. });
  78428. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupIds.js
  78429. var require_cleanupIds = __commonJS({
  78430. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupIds.js"(exports2) {
  78431. "use strict";
  78432. var { visitSkip } = require_xast();
  78433. var { hasScripts, findReferences } = require_tools();
  78434. = "cleanupIds";
  78435. exports2.description = "removes unused IDs and minifies used";
  78436. var generateIdChars = [
  78437. "a",
  78438. "b",
  78439. "c",
  78440. "d",
  78441. "e",
  78442. "f",
  78443. "g",
  78444. "h",
  78445. "i",
  78446. "j",
  78447. "k",
  78448. "l",
  78449. "m",
  78450. "n",
  78451. "o",
  78452. "p",
  78453. "q",
  78454. "r",
  78455. "s",
  78456. "t",
  78457. "u",
  78458. "v",
  78459. "w",
  78460. "x",
  78461. "y",
  78462. "z",
  78463. "A",
  78464. "B",
  78465. "C",
  78466. "D",
  78467. "E",
  78468. "F",
  78469. "G",
  78470. "H",
  78471. "I",
  78472. "J",
  78473. "K",
  78474. "L",
  78475. "M",
  78476. "N",
  78477. "O",
  78478. "P",
  78479. "Q",
  78480. "R",
  78481. "S",
  78482. "T",
  78483. "U",
  78484. "V",
  78485. "W",
  78486. "X",
  78487. "Y",
  78488. "Z"
  78489. ];
  78490. var maxIdIndex = generateIdChars.length - 1;
  78491. var hasStringPrefix = (string, prefixes) => {
  78492. for (const prefix of prefixes) {
  78493. if (string.startsWith(prefix)) {
  78494. return true;
  78495. }
  78496. }
  78497. return false;
  78498. };
  78499. var generateId = (currentId) => {
  78500. if (currentId == null) {
  78501. return [0];
  78502. }
  78503. currentId[currentId.length - 1] += 1;
  78504. for (let i = currentId.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
  78505. if (currentId[i] > maxIdIndex) {
  78506. currentId[i] = 0;
  78507. if (currentId[i - 1] !== void 0) {
  78508. currentId[i - 1]++;
  78509. }
  78510. }
  78511. }
  78512. if (currentId[0] > maxIdIndex) {
  78513. currentId[0] = 0;
  78514. currentId.unshift(0);
  78515. }
  78516. return currentId;
  78517. };
  78518. var getIdString = (arr) => {
  78519. return => generateIdChars[i]).join("");
  78520. };
  78521. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  78522. const {
  78523. remove = true,
  78524. minify = true,
  78525. preserve = [],
  78526. preservePrefixes = [],
  78527. force = false
  78528. } = params;
  78529. const preserveIds = new Set(
  78530. Array.isArray(preserve) ? preserve : preserve ? [preserve] : []
  78531. );
  78532. const preserveIdPrefixes = Array.isArray(preservePrefixes) ? preservePrefixes : preservePrefixes ? [preservePrefixes] : [];
  78533. const nodeById = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  78534. const referencesById = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  78535. let deoptimized = false;
  78536. return {
  78537. element: {
  78538. enter: (node) => {
  78539. if (!force) {
  78540. if ( === "style" && node.children.length !== 0 || hasScripts(node)) {
  78541. deoptimized = true;
  78542. return;
  78543. }
  78544. if ( === "svg") {
  78545. let hasDefsOnly = true;
  78546. for (const child of node.children) {
  78547. if (child.type !== "element" || !== "defs") {
  78548. hasDefsOnly = false;
  78549. break;
  78550. }
  78551. }
  78552. if (hasDefsOnly) {
  78553. return visitSkip;
  78554. }
  78555. }
  78556. }
  78557. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  78558. if (name === "id") {
  78559. const id = value;
  78560. if (nodeById.has(id)) {
  78561. delete;
  78562. } else {
  78563. nodeById.set(id, node);
  78564. }
  78565. } else {
  78566. const ids = findReferences(name, value);
  78567. for (const id of ids) {
  78568. let refs = referencesById.get(id);
  78569. if (refs == null) {
  78570. refs = [];
  78571. referencesById.set(id, refs);
  78572. }
  78573. refs.push({ element: node, name });
  78574. }
  78575. }
  78576. }
  78577. }
  78578. },
  78579. root: {
  78580. exit: () => {
  78581. if (deoptimized) {
  78582. return;
  78583. }
  78584. const isIdPreserved = (id) => preserveIds.has(id) || hasStringPrefix(id, preserveIdPrefixes);
  78585. let currentId = null;
  78586. for (const [id, refs] of referencesById) {
  78587. const node = nodeById.get(id);
  78588. if (node != null) {
  78589. if (minify && isIdPreserved(id) === false) {
  78590. let currentIdString = null;
  78591. do {
  78592. currentId = generateId(currentId);
  78593. currentIdString = getIdString(currentId);
  78594. } while (isIdPreserved(currentIdString) || referencesById.has(currentIdString) && nodeById.get(currentIdString) == null);
  78595. = currentIdString;
  78596. for (const { element, name } of refs) {
  78597. const value = element.attributes[name];
  78598. if (value.includes("#")) {
  78599. element.attributes[name] = value.replace(
  78600. `#${encodeURI(id)}`,
  78601. `#${currentIdString}`
  78602. );
  78603. } else {
  78604. element.attributes[name] = value.replace(
  78605. `${id}.`,
  78606. `${currentIdString}.`
  78607. );
  78608. }
  78609. }
  78610. }
  78611. nodeById.delete(id);
  78612. }
  78613. }
  78614. if (remove) {
  78615. for (const [id, node] of nodeById) {
  78616. if (isIdPreserved(id) === false) {
  78617. delete;
  78618. }
  78619. }
  78620. }
  78621. }
  78622. }
  78623. };
  78624. };
  78625. }
  78626. });
  78627. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUselessDefs.js
  78628. var require_removeUselessDefs = __commonJS({
  78629. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUselessDefs.js"(exports2) {
  78630. "use strict";
  78631. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  78632. var { elemsGroups } = require_collections();
  78633. = "removeUselessDefs";
  78634. exports2.description = "removes elements in <defs> without id";
  78635. exports2.fn = () => {
  78636. return {
  78637. element: {
  78638. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  78639. if ( === "defs") {
  78640. const usefulNodes = [];
  78641. collectUsefulNodes(node, usefulNodes);
  78642. if (usefulNodes.length === 0) {
  78643. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  78644. }
  78645. for (const usefulNode of usefulNodes) {
  78646. Object.defineProperty(usefulNode, "parentNode", {
  78647. writable: true,
  78648. value: node
  78649. });
  78650. }
  78651. node.children = usefulNodes;
  78652. } else if (elemsGroups.nonRendering.has( && == null) {
  78653. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  78654. }
  78655. }
  78656. }
  78657. };
  78658. };
  78659. var collectUsefulNodes = (node, usefulNodes) => {
  78660. for (const child of node.children) {
  78661. if (child.type === "element") {
  78662. if ( != null || === "style") {
  78663. usefulNodes.push(child);
  78664. } else {
  78665. collectUsefulNodes(child, usefulNodes);
  78666. }
  78667. }
  78668. }
  78669. };
  78670. }
  78671. });
  78672. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupNumericValues.js
  78673. var require_cleanupNumericValues = __commonJS({
  78674. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupNumericValues.js"(exports2) {
  78675. "use strict";
  78676. var { removeLeadingZero } = require_tools();
  78677. = "cleanupNumericValues";
  78678. exports2.description = "rounds numeric values to the fixed precision, removes default \u2018px\u2019 units";
  78679. var regNumericValues = /^([-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?)(px|pt|pc|mm|cm|m|in|ft|em|ex|%)?$/;
  78680. var absoluteLengths = {
  78681. // relative to px
  78682. cm: 96 / 2.54,
  78683. mm: 96 / 25.4,
  78684. in: 96,
  78685. pt: 4 / 3,
  78686. pc: 16,
  78687. px: 1
  78688. };
  78689. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  78690. const {
  78691. floatPrecision = 3,
  78692. leadingZero = true,
  78693. defaultPx = true,
  78694. convertToPx = true
  78695. } = params;
  78696. return {
  78697. element: {
  78698. enter: (node) => {
  78699. if (node.attributes.viewBox != null) {
  78700. const nums = node.attributes.viewBox.split(/\s,?\s*|,\s*/g);
  78701. node.attributes.viewBox = => {
  78702. const num = Number(value);
  78703. return Number.isNaN(num) ? value : Number(num.toFixed(floatPrecision));
  78704. }).join(" ");
  78705. }
  78706. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  78707. if (name === "version") {
  78708. continue;
  78709. }
  78710. const match = value.match(regNumericValues);
  78711. if (match) {
  78712. let num = Number(Number(match[1]).toFixed(floatPrecision));
  78713. let matchedUnit = match[3] || "";
  78714. let units = matchedUnit;
  78715. if (convertToPx && units !== "" && units in absoluteLengths) {
  78716. const pxNum = Number(
  78717. (absoluteLengths[units] * Number(match[1])).toFixed(
  78718. floatPrecision
  78719. )
  78720. );
  78721. if (pxNum.toString().length < match[0].length) {
  78722. num = pxNum;
  78723. units = "px";
  78724. }
  78725. }
  78726. let str;
  78727. if (leadingZero) {
  78728. str = removeLeadingZero(num);
  78729. } else {
  78730. str = num.toString();
  78731. }
  78732. if (defaultPx && units === "px") {
  78733. units = "";
  78734. }
  78735. node.attributes[name] = str + units;
  78736. }
  78737. }
  78738. }
  78739. }
  78740. };
  78741. };
  78742. }
  78743. });
  78744. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertColors.js
  78745. var require_convertColors = __commonJS({
  78746. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertColors.js"(exports2) {
  78747. "use strict";
  78748. var collections = require_collections();
  78749. = "convertColors";
  78750. exports2.description = "converts colors: rgb() to #rrggbb and #rrggbb to #rgb";
  78751. var rNumber = "([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.\\d+|\\d+\\.?)%?)";
  78752. var rComma = "\\s*,\\s*";
  78753. var regRGB = new RegExp(
  78754. "^rgb\\(\\s*" + rNumber + rComma + rNumber + rComma + rNumber + "\\s*\\)$"
  78755. );
  78756. var regHEX = /^#(([a-fA-F0-9])\2){3}$/;
  78757. var convertRgbToHex = ([r, g, b]) => {
  78758. const hexNumber = (
  78759. // operator precedence is (+) > (<<) > (|)
  78760. (256 + // [1][0]
  78761. r << // [1][r]
  78762. 8 | // [1][r][0]
  78763. g) << // [1][r][g]
  78764. 8 | // [1][r][g][0]
  78765. b
  78766. );
  78767. return "#" + hexNumber.toString(16).slice(1).toUpperCase();
  78768. };
  78769. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  78770. const {
  78771. currentColor = false,
  78772. names2hex = true,
  78773. rgb2hex = true,
  78774. shorthex = true,
  78775. shortname = true
  78776. } = params;
  78777. return {
  78778. element: {
  78779. enter: (node) => {
  78780. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  78781. if (collections.colorsProps.has(name)) {
  78782. let val = value;
  78783. if (currentColor) {
  78784. let matched;
  78785. if (typeof currentColor === "string") {
  78786. matched = val === currentColor;
  78787. } else if (currentColor instanceof RegExp) {
  78788. matched = currentColor.exec(val) != null;
  78789. } else {
  78790. matched = val !== "none";
  78791. }
  78792. if (matched) {
  78793. val = "currentColor";
  78794. }
  78795. }
  78796. if (names2hex) {
  78797. const colorName = val.toLowerCase();
  78798. if (collections.colorsNames[colorName] != null) {
  78799. val = collections.colorsNames[colorName];
  78800. }
  78801. }
  78802. if (rgb2hex) {
  78803. let match = val.match(regRGB);
  78804. if (match != null) {
  78805. let nums = match.slice(1, 4).map((m) => {
  78806. let n;
  78807. if (m.indexOf("%") > -1) {
  78808. n = Math.round(parseFloat(m) * 2.55);
  78809. } else {
  78810. n = Number(m);
  78811. }
  78812. return Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 255));
  78813. });
  78814. val = convertRgbToHex(nums);
  78815. }
  78816. }
  78817. if (shorthex) {
  78818. let match = val.match(regHEX);
  78819. if (match != null) {
  78820. val = "#" + match[0][1] + match[0][3] + match[0][5];
  78821. }
  78822. }
  78823. if (shortname) {
  78824. const colorName = val.toLowerCase();
  78825. if (collections.colorsShortNames[colorName] != null) {
  78826. val = collections.colorsShortNames[colorName];
  78827. }
  78828. }
  78829. node.attributes[name] = val;
  78830. }
  78831. }
  78832. }
  78833. }
  78834. };
  78835. };
  78836. }
  78837. });
  78838. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUnknownsAndDefaults.js
  78839. var require_removeUnknownsAndDefaults = __commonJS({
  78840. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUnknownsAndDefaults.js"(exports2) {
  78841. "use strict";
  78842. var { visitSkip, detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  78843. var { collectStylesheet, computeStyle } = require_style();
  78844. var {
  78845. elems,
  78846. attrsGroups,
  78847. elemsGroups,
  78848. attrsGroupsDefaults,
  78849. presentationNonInheritableGroupAttrs
  78850. } = require_collections();
  78851. = "removeUnknownsAndDefaults";
  78852. exports2.description = "removes unknown elements content and attributes, removes attrs with default values";
  78853. var allowedChildrenPerElement = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  78854. var allowedAttributesPerElement = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  78855. var attributesDefaultsPerElement = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  78856. for (const [name, config] of Object.entries(elems)) {
  78857. const allowedChildren = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  78858. if (config.content) {
  78859. for (const elementName of config.content) {
  78860. allowedChildren.add(elementName);
  78861. }
  78862. }
  78863. if (config.contentGroups) {
  78864. for (const contentGroupName of config.contentGroups) {
  78865. const elemsGroup = elemsGroups[contentGroupName];
  78866. if (elemsGroup) {
  78867. for (const elementName of elemsGroup) {
  78868. allowedChildren.add(elementName);
  78869. }
  78870. }
  78871. }
  78872. }
  78873. const allowedAttributes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  78874. if (config.attrs) {
  78875. for (const attrName of config.attrs) {
  78876. allowedAttributes.add(attrName);
  78877. }
  78878. }
  78879. const attributesDefaults = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  78880. if (config.defaults) {
  78881. for (const [attrName, defaultValue] of Object.entries(config.defaults)) {
  78882. attributesDefaults.set(attrName, defaultValue);
  78883. }
  78884. }
  78885. for (const attrsGroupName of config.attrsGroups) {
  78886. const attrsGroup = attrsGroups[attrsGroupName];
  78887. if (attrsGroup) {
  78888. for (const attrName of attrsGroup) {
  78889. allowedAttributes.add(attrName);
  78890. }
  78891. }
  78892. const groupDefaults = attrsGroupsDefaults[attrsGroupName];
  78893. if (groupDefaults) {
  78894. for (const [attrName, defaultValue] of Object.entries(groupDefaults)) {
  78895. attributesDefaults.set(attrName, defaultValue);
  78896. }
  78897. }
  78898. }
  78899. allowedChildrenPerElement.set(name, allowedChildren);
  78900. allowedAttributesPerElement.set(name, allowedAttributes);
  78901. attributesDefaultsPerElement.set(name, attributesDefaults);
  78902. }
  78903. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  78904. const {
  78905. unknownContent = true,
  78906. unknownAttrs = true,
  78907. defaultAttrs = true,
  78908. defaultMarkupDeclarations = true,
  78909. uselessOverrides = true,
  78910. keepDataAttrs = true,
  78911. keepAriaAttrs = true,
  78912. keepRoleAttr = false
  78913. } = params;
  78914. const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
  78915. return {
  78916. instruction: {
  78917. enter: (node) => {
  78918. if (defaultMarkupDeclarations) {
  78919. node.value = node.value.replace(/\s*standalone\s*=\s*(["'])no\1/, "");
  78920. }
  78921. }
  78922. },
  78923. element: {
  78924. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  78925. if (":")) {
  78926. return;
  78927. }
  78928. if ( === "foreignObject") {
  78929. return visitSkip;
  78930. }
  78931. if (unknownContent && parentNode.type === "element") {
  78932. const allowedChildren = allowedChildrenPerElement.get(
  78934. );
  78935. if (allowedChildren == null || allowedChildren.size === 0) {
  78936. if (allowedChildrenPerElement.get( == null) {
  78937. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  78938. return;
  78939. }
  78940. } else {
  78941. if (allowedChildren.has( === false) {
  78942. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  78943. return;
  78944. }
  78945. }
  78946. }
  78947. const allowedAttributes = allowedAttributesPerElement.get(;
  78948. const attributesDefaults = attributesDefaultsPerElement.get(;
  78949. const computedParentStyle = parentNode.type === "element" ? computeStyle(stylesheet, parentNode) : null;
  78950. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  78951. if (keepDataAttrs && name.startsWith("data-")) {
  78952. continue;
  78953. }
  78954. if (keepAriaAttrs && name.startsWith("aria-")) {
  78955. continue;
  78956. }
  78957. if (keepRoleAttr && name === "role") {
  78958. continue;
  78959. }
  78960. if (name === "xmlns") {
  78961. continue;
  78962. }
  78963. if (name.includes(":")) {
  78964. const [prefix] = name.split(":");
  78965. if (prefix !== "xml" && prefix !== "xlink") {
  78966. continue;
  78967. }
  78968. }
  78969. if (unknownAttrs && allowedAttributes && allowedAttributes.has(name) === false) {
  78970. delete node.attributes[name];
  78971. }
  78972. if (defaultAttrs && == null && attributesDefaults && attributesDefaults.get(name) === value) {
  78973. if (computedParentStyle?.[name] == null) {
  78974. delete node.attributes[name];
  78975. }
  78976. }
  78977. if (uselessOverrides && == null) {
  78978. const style = computedParentStyle?.[name];
  78979. if (presentationNonInheritableGroupAttrs.has(name) === false && style != null && style.type === "static" && style.value === value) {
  78980. delete node.attributes[name];
  78981. }
  78982. }
  78983. }
  78984. }
  78985. }
  78986. };
  78987. };
  78988. }
  78989. });
  78990. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs.js
  78991. var require_removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs = __commonJS({
  78992. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs.js"(exports2) {
  78993. "use strict";
  78994. var {
  78995. inheritableAttrs,
  78996. attrsGroups,
  78997. presentationNonInheritableGroupAttrs
  78998. } = require_collections();
  78999. = "removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs";
  79000. exports2.description = "removes non-inheritable group\u2019s presentational attributes";
  79001. exports2.fn = () => {
  79002. return {
  79003. element: {
  79004. enter: (node) => {
  79005. if ( === "g") {
  79006. for (const name of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  79007. if (attrsGroups.presentation.has(name) && !inheritableAttrs.has(name) && !presentationNonInheritableGroupAttrs.has(name)) {
  79008. delete node.attributes[name];
  79009. }
  79010. }
  79011. }
  79012. }
  79013. }
  79014. };
  79015. };
  79016. }
  79017. });
  79018. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUselessStrokeAndFill.js
  79019. var require_removeUselessStrokeAndFill = __commonJS({
  79020. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUselessStrokeAndFill.js"(exports2) {
  79021. "use strict";
  79022. var { visit, visitSkip, detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  79023. var { collectStylesheet, computeStyle } = require_style();
  79024. var { hasScripts } = require_tools();
  79025. var { elemsGroups } = require_collections();
  79026. = "removeUselessStrokeAndFill";
  79027. exports2.description = "removes useless stroke and fill attributes";
  79028. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  79029. const {
  79030. stroke: removeStroke = true,
  79031. fill: removeFill = true,
  79032. removeNone = false
  79033. } = params;
  79034. let hasStyleOrScript = false;
  79035. visit(root, {
  79036. element: {
  79037. enter: (node) => {
  79038. if ( === "style" || hasScripts(node)) {
  79039. hasStyleOrScript = true;
  79040. }
  79041. }
  79042. }
  79043. });
  79044. if (hasStyleOrScript) {
  79045. return null;
  79046. }
  79047. const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
  79048. return {
  79049. element: {
  79050. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  79051. if ( != null) {
  79052. return visitSkip;
  79053. }
  79054. if (!elemsGroups.shape.has( {
  79055. return;
  79056. }
  79057. const computedStyle = computeStyle(stylesheet, node);
  79058. const stroke = computedStyle.stroke;
  79059. const strokeOpacity = computedStyle["stroke-opacity"];
  79060. const strokeWidth = computedStyle["stroke-width"];
  79061. const markerEnd = computedStyle["marker-end"];
  79062. const fill = computedStyle.fill;
  79063. const fillOpacity = computedStyle["fill-opacity"];
  79064. const computedParentStyle = parentNode.type === "element" ? computeStyle(stylesheet, parentNode) : null;
  79065. const parentStroke = computedParentStyle == null ? null : computedParentStyle.stroke;
  79066. if (removeStroke) {
  79067. if (stroke == null || stroke.type === "static" && stroke.value == "none" || strokeOpacity != null && strokeOpacity.type === "static" && strokeOpacity.value === "0" || strokeWidth != null && strokeWidth.type === "static" && strokeWidth.value === "0") {
  79068. if (strokeWidth != null && strokeWidth.type === "static" && strokeWidth.value === "0" || markerEnd == null) {
  79069. for (const name of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  79070. if (name.startsWith("stroke")) {
  79071. delete node.attributes[name];
  79072. }
  79073. }
  79074. if (parentStroke != null && parentStroke.type === "static" && parentStroke.value !== "none") {
  79075. node.attributes.stroke = "none";
  79076. }
  79077. }
  79078. }
  79079. }
  79080. if (removeFill) {
  79081. if (fill != null && fill.type === "static" && fill.value === "none" || fillOpacity != null && fillOpacity.type === "static" && fillOpacity.value === "0") {
  79082. for (const name of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  79083. if (name.startsWith("fill-")) {
  79084. delete node.attributes[name];
  79085. }
  79086. }
  79087. if (fill == null || fill.type === "static" && fill.value !== "none") {
  79088. node.attributes.fill = "none";
  79089. }
  79090. }
  79091. }
  79092. if (removeNone) {
  79093. if ((stroke == null || node.attributes.stroke === "none") && (fill != null && fill.type === "static" && fill.value === "none" || node.attributes.fill === "none")) {
  79094. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79095. }
  79096. }
  79097. }
  79098. }
  79099. };
  79100. };
  79101. }
  79102. });
  79103. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeViewBox.js
  79104. var require_removeViewBox = __commonJS({
  79105. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeViewBox.js"(exports2) {
  79106. "use strict";
  79107. = "removeViewBox";
  79108. exports2.description = "removes viewBox attribute when possible";
  79109. var viewBoxElems = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["pattern", "svg", "symbol"]);
  79110. exports2.fn = () => {
  79111. return {
  79112. element: {
  79113. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  79114. if (viewBoxElems.has( && node.attributes.viewBox != null && node.attributes.width != null && node.attributes.height != null) {
  79115. if ( === "svg" && parentNode.type !== "root") {
  79116. return;
  79117. }
  79118. const nums = node.attributes.viewBox.split(/[ ,]+/g);
  79119. if (nums[0] === "0" && nums[1] === "0" && node.attributes.width.replace(/px$/, "") === nums[2] && // could use parseFloat too
  79120. node.attributes.height.replace(/px$/, "") === nums[3]) {
  79121. delete node.attributes.viewBox;
  79122. }
  79123. }
  79124. }
  79125. }
  79126. };
  79127. };
  79128. }
  79129. });
  79130. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupEnableBackground.js
  79131. var require_cleanupEnableBackground = __commonJS({
  79132. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupEnableBackground.js"(exports2) {
  79133. "use strict";
  79134. var csstree = require_cjs();
  79135. var { visit } = require_xast();
  79136. = "cleanupEnableBackground";
  79137. exports2.description = "remove or cleanup enable-background attribute when possible";
  79138. var regEnableBackground = /^new\s0\s0\s([-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?)\s([-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?)$/;
  79139. exports2.fn = (root) => {
  79140. let hasFilter = false;
  79141. visit(root, {
  79142. element: {
  79143. enter: (node) => {
  79144. if ( === "filter") {
  79145. hasFilter = true;
  79146. }
  79147. }
  79148. }
  79149. });
  79150. return {
  79151. element: {
  79152. enter: (node) => {
  79153. let newStyle = null;
  79154. let enableBackgroundDeclaration = null;
  79155. if ( != null) {
  79156. newStyle = csstree.parse(, {
  79157. context: "declarationList"
  79158. });
  79159. if (newStyle.type === "DeclarationList") {
  79160. const enableBackgroundDeclarations = [];
  79161. csstree.walk(newStyle, (node2, nodeItem) => {
  79162. if (node2.type === "Declaration" && === "enable-background") {
  79163. enableBackgroundDeclarations.push(nodeItem);
  79164. enableBackgroundDeclaration = nodeItem;
  79165. }
  79166. });
  79167. for (let i = 0; i < enableBackgroundDeclarations.length - 1; i++) {
  79168. newStyle.children.remove(enableBackgroundDeclarations[i]);
  79169. }
  79170. }
  79171. }
  79172. if (!hasFilter) {
  79173. delete node.attributes["enable-background"];
  79174. if (newStyle?.type === "DeclarationList") {
  79175. if (enableBackgroundDeclaration) {
  79176. newStyle.children.remove(enableBackgroundDeclaration);
  79177. }
  79178. if (newStyle.children.isEmpty) {
  79179. delete;
  79180. } else {
  79181. = csstree.generate(newStyle);
  79182. }
  79183. }
  79184. return;
  79185. }
  79186. const hasDimensions = node.attributes.width != null && node.attributes.height != null;
  79187. if (( === "svg" || === "mask" || === "pattern") && hasDimensions) {
  79188. const attrValue = node.attributes["enable-background"];
  79189. const attrCleaned = cleanupValue(
  79190. attrValue,
  79192. node.attributes.width,
  79193. node.attributes.height
  79194. );
  79195. if (attrCleaned) {
  79196. node.attributes["enable-background"] = attrCleaned;
  79197. } else {
  79198. delete node.attributes["enable-background"];
  79199. }
  79200. if (newStyle?.type === "DeclarationList" && enableBackgroundDeclaration) {
  79201. const styleValue = csstree.generate(
  79202. // @ts-ignore
  79204. );
  79205. const styleCleaned = cleanupValue(
  79206. styleValue,
  79208. node.attributes.width,
  79209. node.attributes.height
  79210. );
  79211. if (styleCleaned) {
  79212. = {
  79213. type: "Raw",
  79214. value: styleCleaned
  79215. };
  79216. } else {
  79217. newStyle.children.remove(enableBackgroundDeclaration);
  79218. }
  79219. }
  79220. }
  79221. if (newStyle?.type === "DeclarationList") {
  79222. if (newStyle.children.isEmpty) {
  79223. delete;
  79224. } else {
  79225. = csstree.generate(newStyle);
  79226. }
  79227. }
  79228. }
  79229. }
  79230. };
  79231. };
  79232. var cleanupValue = (value, nodeName, width, height) => {
  79233. const match = regEnableBackground.exec(value);
  79234. if (match != null && width === match[1] && height === match[3]) {
  79235. return nodeName === "svg" ? void 0 : "new";
  79236. }
  79237. return value;
  79238. };
  79239. }
  79240. });
  79241. // node_modules/svgo/lib/path.js
  79242. var require_path = __commonJS({
  79243. "node_modules/svgo/lib/path.js"(exports2) {
  79244. "use strict";
  79245. var { removeLeadingZero, toFixed } = require_tools();
  79246. var argsCountPerCommand = {
  79247. M: 2,
  79248. m: 2,
  79249. Z: 0,
  79250. z: 0,
  79251. L: 2,
  79252. l: 2,
  79253. H: 1,
  79254. h: 1,
  79255. V: 1,
  79256. v: 1,
  79257. C: 6,
  79258. c: 6,
  79259. S: 4,
  79260. s: 4,
  79261. Q: 4,
  79262. q: 4,
  79263. T: 2,
  79264. t: 2,
  79265. A: 7,
  79266. a: 7
  79267. };
  79268. var isCommand = (c) => {
  79269. return c in argsCountPerCommand;
  79270. };
  79271. var isWsp = (c) => {
  79272. const codePoint = c.codePointAt(0);
  79273. return codePoint === 32 || codePoint === 9 || codePoint === 13 || codePoint === 10;
  79274. };
  79275. var isDigit = (c) => {
  79276. const codePoint = c.codePointAt(0);
  79277. if (codePoint == null) {
  79278. return false;
  79279. }
  79280. return 48 <= codePoint && codePoint <= 57;
  79281. };
  79282. var readNumber = (string, cursor) => {
  79283. let i = cursor;
  79284. let value = "";
  79285. let state = (
  79286. /** @type {ReadNumberState} */
  79287. "none"
  79288. );
  79289. for (; i < string.length; i += 1) {
  79290. const c = string[i];
  79291. if (c === "+" || c === "-") {
  79292. if (state === "none") {
  79293. state = "sign";
  79294. value += c;
  79295. continue;
  79296. }
  79297. if (state === "e") {
  79298. state = "exponent_sign";
  79299. value += c;
  79300. continue;
  79301. }
  79302. }
  79303. if (isDigit(c)) {
  79304. if (state === "none" || state === "sign" || state === "whole") {
  79305. state = "whole";
  79306. value += c;
  79307. continue;
  79308. }
  79309. if (state === "decimal_point" || state === "decimal") {
  79310. state = "decimal";
  79311. value += c;
  79312. continue;
  79313. }
  79314. if (state === "e" || state === "exponent_sign" || state === "exponent") {
  79315. state = "exponent";
  79316. value += c;
  79317. continue;
  79318. }
  79319. }
  79320. if (c === ".") {
  79321. if (state === "none" || state === "sign" || state === "whole") {
  79322. state = "decimal_point";
  79323. value += c;
  79324. continue;
  79325. }
  79326. }
  79327. if (c === "E" || c == "e") {
  79328. if (state === "whole" || state === "decimal_point" || state === "decimal") {
  79329. state = "e";
  79330. value += c;
  79331. continue;
  79332. }
  79333. }
  79334. break;
  79335. }
  79336. const number = Number.parseFloat(value);
  79337. if (Number.isNaN(number)) {
  79338. return [cursor, null];
  79339. } else {
  79340. return [i - 1, number];
  79341. }
  79342. };
  79343. var parsePathData = (string) => {
  79344. const pathData = [];
  79345. let command = null;
  79346. let args = (
  79347. /** @type {number[]} */
  79348. []
  79349. );
  79350. let argsCount = 0;
  79351. let canHaveComma = false;
  79352. let hadComma = false;
  79353. for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i += 1) {
  79354. const c = string.charAt(i);
  79355. if (isWsp(c)) {
  79356. continue;
  79357. }
  79358. if (canHaveComma && c === ",") {
  79359. if (hadComma) {
  79360. break;
  79361. }
  79362. hadComma = true;
  79363. continue;
  79364. }
  79365. if (isCommand(c)) {
  79366. if (hadComma) {
  79367. return pathData;
  79368. }
  79369. if (command == null) {
  79370. if (c !== "M" && c !== "m") {
  79371. return pathData;
  79372. }
  79373. } else {
  79374. if (args.length !== 0) {
  79375. return pathData;
  79376. }
  79377. }
  79378. command = c;
  79379. args = [];
  79380. argsCount = argsCountPerCommand[command];
  79381. canHaveComma = false;
  79382. if (argsCount === 0) {
  79383. pathData.push({ command, args });
  79384. }
  79385. continue;
  79386. }
  79387. if (command == null) {
  79388. return pathData;
  79389. }
  79390. let newCursor = i;
  79391. let number = null;
  79392. if (command === "A" || command === "a") {
  79393. const position = args.length;
  79394. if (position === 0 || position === 1) {
  79395. if (c !== "+" && c !== "-") {
  79396. [newCursor, number] = readNumber(string, i);
  79397. }
  79398. }
  79399. if (position === 2 || position === 5 || position === 6) {
  79400. [newCursor, number] = readNumber(string, i);
  79401. }
  79402. if (position === 3 || position === 4) {
  79403. if (c === "0") {
  79404. number = 0;
  79405. }
  79406. if (c === "1") {
  79407. number = 1;
  79408. }
  79409. }
  79410. } else {
  79411. [newCursor, number] = readNumber(string, i);
  79412. }
  79413. if (number == null) {
  79414. return pathData;
  79415. }
  79416. args.push(number);
  79417. canHaveComma = true;
  79418. hadComma = false;
  79419. i = newCursor;
  79420. if (args.length === argsCount) {
  79421. pathData.push({ command, args });
  79422. if (command === "M") {
  79423. command = "L";
  79424. }
  79425. if (command === "m") {
  79426. command = "l";
  79427. }
  79428. args = [];
  79429. }
  79430. }
  79431. return pathData;
  79432. };
  79433. exports2.parsePathData = parsePathData;
  79434. var roundAndStringify = (number, precision) => {
  79435. if (precision != null) {
  79436. number = toFixed(number, precision);
  79437. }
  79438. return {
  79439. roundedStr: removeLeadingZero(number),
  79440. rounded: number
  79441. };
  79442. };
  79443. var stringifyArgs = (command, args, precision, disableSpaceAfterFlags) => {
  79444. let result = "";
  79445. let previous;
  79446. for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
  79447. const { roundedStr, rounded } = roundAndStringify(args[i], precision);
  79448. if (disableSpaceAfterFlags && (command === "A" || command === "a") && // consider combined arcs
  79449. (i % 7 === 4 || i % 7 === 5)) {
  79450. result += roundedStr;
  79451. } else if (i === 0 || rounded < 0) {
  79452. result += roundedStr;
  79453. } else if (!Number.isInteger(previous) && rounded != 0 && rounded < 1 && rounded > -1) {
  79454. result += roundedStr;
  79455. } else {
  79456. result += ` ${roundedStr}`;
  79457. }
  79458. previous = rounded;
  79459. }
  79460. return result;
  79461. };
  79462. var stringifyPathData = ({ pathData, precision, disableSpaceAfterFlags }) => {
  79463. if (pathData.length === 1) {
  79464. const { command, args } = pathData[0];
  79465. return command + stringifyArgs(command, args, precision, disableSpaceAfterFlags);
  79466. }
  79467. let result = "";
  79468. let prev = { ...pathData[0] };
  79469. if (pathData[1].command === "L") {
  79470. prev.command = "M";
  79471. } else if (pathData[1].command === "l") {
  79472. prev.command = "m";
  79473. }
  79474. for (let i = 1; i < pathData.length; i++) {
  79475. const { command, args } = pathData[i];
  79476. if (prev.command === command && prev.command !== "M" && prev.command !== "m" || // combine matching moveto and lineto sequences
  79477. prev.command === "M" && command === "L" || prev.command === "m" && command === "l") {
  79478. prev.args = [...prev.args, ...args];
  79479. if (i === pathData.length - 1) {
  79480. result += prev.command + stringifyArgs(
  79481. prev.command,
  79482. prev.args,
  79483. precision,
  79484. disableSpaceAfterFlags
  79485. );
  79486. }
  79487. } else {
  79488. result += prev.command + stringifyArgs(
  79489. prev.command,
  79490. prev.args,
  79491. precision,
  79492. disableSpaceAfterFlags
  79493. );
  79494. if (i === pathData.length - 1) {
  79495. result += command + stringifyArgs(command, args, precision, disableSpaceAfterFlags);
  79496. } else {
  79497. prev = { command, args };
  79498. }
  79499. }
  79500. }
  79501. return result;
  79502. };
  79503. exports2.stringifyPathData = stringifyPathData;
  79504. }
  79505. });
  79506. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeHiddenElems.js
  79507. var require_removeHiddenElems = __commonJS({
  79508. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeHiddenElems.js"(exports2) {
  79509. "use strict";
  79510. var { elemsGroups } = require_collections();
  79511. var {
  79512. visit,
  79513. visitSkip,
  79514. querySelector,
  79515. detachNodeFromParent
  79516. } = require_xast();
  79517. var { collectStylesheet, computeStyle } = require_style();
  79518. var { parsePathData } = require_path();
  79519. var { hasScripts, findReferences } = require_tools();
  79520. var nonRendering = elemsGroups.nonRendering;
  79521. = "removeHiddenElems";
  79522. exports2.description = "removes hidden elements (zero sized, with absent attributes)";
  79523. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  79524. const {
  79525. isHidden = true,
  79526. displayNone = true,
  79527. opacity0 = true,
  79528. circleR0 = true,
  79529. ellipseRX0 = true,
  79530. ellipseRY0 = true,
  79531. rectWidth0 = true,
  79532. rectHeight0 = true,
  79533. patternWidth0 = true,
  79534. patternHeight0 = true,
  79535. imageWidth0 = true,
  79536. imageHeight0 = true,
  79537. pathEmptyD = true,
  79538. polylineEmptyPoints = true,
  79539. polygonEmptyPoints = true
  79540. } = params;
  79541. const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
  79542. const nonRenderedNodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  79543. const removedDefIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  79544. const allDefs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  79545. const allReferences = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  79546. const referencesById = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  79547. let deoptimized = false;
  79548. function removeElement(node, parentNode) {
  79549. if (node.type === "element" && != null && parentNode.type === "element" && === "defs") {
  79550. removedDefIds.add(;
  79551. }
  79552. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79553. }
  79554. visit(root, {
  79555. element: {
  79556. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  79557. if (nonRendering.has( {
  79558. if ( == null) {
  79559. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79560. return visitSkip;
  79561. }
  79562. nonRenderedNodes.set(node, parentNode);
  79563. return visitSkip;
  79564. }
  79565. const computedStyle = computeStyle(stylesheet, node);
  79566. if (opacity0 && computedStyle.opacity && computedStyle.opacity.type === "static" && computedStyle.opacity.value === "0") {
  79567. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79568. }
  79569. }
  79570. }
  79571. });
  79572. return {
  79573. element: {
  79574. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  79575. if ( === "style" && node.children.length !== 0 || hasScripts(node)) {
  79576. deoptimized = true;
  79577. return;
  79578. }
  79579. if ( === "defs") {
  79580. allDefs.set(node, parentNode);
  79581. }
  79582. if ( === "use") {
  79583. for (const attr of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  79584. if (attr !== "href" && !attr.endsWith(":href"))
  79585. continue;
  79586. const value = node.attributes[attr];
  79587. const id = value.slice(1);
  79588. let refs = referencesById.get(id);
  79589. if (!refs) {
  79590. refs = [];
  79591. referencesById.set(id, refs);
  79592. }
  79593. refs.push({ node, parentNode });
  79594. }
  79595. }
  79596. const computedStyle = computeStyle(stylesheet, node);
  79597. if (isHidden && computedStyle.visibility && computedStyle.visibility.type === "static" && computedStyle.visibility.value === "hidden" && // keep if any descendant enables visibility
  79598. querySelector(node, "[visibility=visible]") == null) {
  79599. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79600. return;
  79601. }
  79602. if (displayNone && computedStyle.display && computedStyle.display.type === "static" && computedStyle.display.value === "none" && // markers with display: none still rendered
  79603. !== "marker") {
  79604. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79605. return;
  79606. }
  79607. if (circleR0 && === "circle" && node.children.length === 0 && node.attributes.r === "0") {
  79608. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79609. return;
  79610. }
  79611. if (ellipseRX0 && === "ellipse" && node.children.length === 0 && node.attributes.rx === "0") {
  79612. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79613. return;
  79614. }
  79615. if (ellipseRY0 && === "ellipse" && node.children.length === 0 && node.attributes.ry === "0") {
  79616. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79617. return;
  79618. }
  79619. if (rectWidth0 && === "rect" && node.children.length === 0 && node.attributes.width === "0") {
  79620. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79621. return;
  79622. }
  79623. if (rectHeight0 && rectWidth0 && === "rect" && node.children.length === 0 && node.attributes.height === "0") {
  79624. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79625. return;
  79626. }
  79627. if (patternWidth0 && === "pattern" && node.attributes.width === "0") {
  79628. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79629. return;
  79630. }
  79631. if (patternHeight0 && === "pattern" && node.attributes.height === "0") {
  79632. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79633. return;
  79634. }
  79635. if (imageWidth0 && === "image" && node.attributes.width === "0") {
  79636. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79637. return;
  79638. }
  79639. if (imageHeight0 && === "image" && node.attributes.height === "0") {
  79640. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79641. return;
  79642. }
  79643. if (pathEmptyD && === "path") {
  79644. if (node.attributes.d == null) {
  79645. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79646. return;
  79647. }
  79648. const pathData = parsePathData(node.attributes.d);
  79649. if (pathData.length === 0) {
  79650. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79651. return;
  79652. }
  79653. if (pathData.length === 1 && computedStyle["marker-start"] == null && computedStyle["marker-end"] == null) {
  79654. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79655. return;
  79656. }
  79657. }
  79658. if (polylineEmptyPoints && === "polyline" && node.attributes.points == null) {
  79659. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79660. return;
  79661. }
  79662. if (polygonEmptyPoints && === "polygon" && node.attributes.points == null) {
  79663. removeElement(node, parentNode);
  79664. return;
  79665. }
  79666. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  79667. const ids = findReferences(name, value);
  79668. for (const id of ids) {
  79669. allReferences.add(id);
  79670. }
  79671. }
  79672. }
  79673. },
  79674. root: {
  79675. exit: () => {
  79676. for (const id of removedDefIds) {
  79677. const refs = referencesById.get(id);
  79678. if (refs) {
  79679. for (const { node, parentNode } of refs) {
  79680. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79681. }
  79682. }
  79683. }
  79684. if (!deoptimized) {
  79685. for (const [
  79686. nonRenderedNode,
  79687. nonRenderedParent
  79688. ] of nonRenderedNodes.entries()) {
  79689. const id =;
  79690. if (!allReferences.has(id)) {
  79691. detachNodeFromParent(nonRenderedNode, nonRenderedParent);
  79692. }
  79693. }
  79694. }
  79695. for (const [node, parentNode] of allDefs.entries()) {
  79696. if (node.children.length === 0) {
  79697. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79698. }
  79699. }
  79700. }
  79701. }
  79702. };
  79703. };
  79704. }
  79705. });
  79706. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeEmptyText.js
  79707. var require_removeEmptyText = __commonJS({
  79708. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeEmptyText.js"(exports2) {
  79709. "use strict";
  79710. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  79711. = "removeEmptyText";
  79712. exports2.description = "removes empty <text> elements";
  79713. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  79714. const { text = true, tspan = true, tref = true } = params;
  79715. return {
  79716. element: {
  79717. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  79718. if (text && === "text" && node.children.length === 0) {
  79719. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79720. }
  79721. if (tspan && === "tspan" && node.children.length === 0) {
  79722. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79723. }
  79724. if (tref && === "tref" && node.attributes["xlink:href"] == null) {
  79725. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79726. }
  79727. }
  79728. }
  79729. };
  79730. };
  79731. }
  79732. });
  79733. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertShapeToPath.js
  79734. var require_convertShapeToPath = __commonJS({
  79735. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertShapeToPath.js"(exports2) {
  79736. "use strict";
  79737. var { stringifyPathData } = require_path();
  79738. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  79739. = "convertShapeToPath";
  79740. exports2.description = "converts basic shapes to more compact path form";
  79741. var regNumber = /[-+]?(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+\.?)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g;
  79742. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  79743. const { convertArcs = false, floatPrecision: precision } = params;
  79744. return {
  79745. element: {
  79746. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  79747. if ( === "rect" && node.attributes.width != null && node.attributes.height != null && node.attributes.rx == null && node.attributes.ry == null) {
  79748. const x = Number(node.attributes.x || "0");
  79749. const y = Number(node.attributes.y || "0");
  79750. const width = Number(node.attributes.width);
  79751. const height = Number(node.attributes.height);
  79752. if (Number.isNaN(x - y + width - height))
  79753. return;
  79754. const pathData = [
  79755. { command: "M", args: [x, y] },
  79756. { command: "H", args: [x + width] },
  79757. { command: "V", args: [y + height] },
  79758. { command: "H", args: [x] },
  79759. { command: "z", args: [] }
  79760. ];
  79761. = "path";
  79762. node.attributes.d = stringifyPathData({ pathData, precision });
  79763. delete node.attributes.x;
  79764. delete node.attributes.y;
  79765. delete node.attributes.width;
  79766. delete node.attributes.height;
  79767. }
  79768. if ( === "line") {
  79769. const x1 = Number(node.attributes.x1 || "0");
  79770. const y1 = Number(node.attributes.y1 || "0");
  79771. const x2 = Number(node.attributes.x2 || "0");
  79772. const y2 = Number(node.attributes.y2 || "0");
  79773. if (Number.isNaN(x1 - y1 + x2 - y2))
  79774. return;
  79775. const pathData = [
  79776. { command: "M", args: [x1, y1] },
  79777. { command: "L", args: [x2, y2] }
  79778. ];
  79779. = "path";
  79780. node.attributes.d = stringifyPathData({ pathData, precision });
  79781. delete node.attributes.x1;
  79782. delete node.attributes.y1;
  79783. delete node.attributes.x2;
  79784. delete node.attributes.y2;
  79785. }
  79786. if (( === "polyline" || === "polygon") && node.attributes.points != null) {
  79787. const coords = (node.attributes.points.match(regNumber) || []).map(
  79788. Number
  79789. );
  79790. if (coords.length < 4) {
  79791. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  79792. return;
  79793. }
  79794. const pathData = [];
  79795. for (let i = 0; i < coords.length; i += 2) {
  79796. pathData.push({
  79797. command: i === 0 ? "M" : "L",
  79798. args: coords.slice(i, i + 2)
  79799. });
  79800. }
  79801. if ( === "polygon") {
  79802. pathData.push({ command: "z", args: [] });
  79803. }
  79804. = "path";
  79805. node.attributes.d = stringifyPathData({ pathData, precision });
  79806. delete node.attributes.points;
  79807. }
  79808. if ( === "circle" && convertArcs) {
  79809. const cx = Number( || "0");
  79810. const cy = Number( || "0");
  79811. const r = Number(node.attributes.r || "0");
  79812. if (Number.isNaN(cx - cy + r)) {
  79813. return;
  79814. }
  79815. const pathData = [
  79816. { command: "M", args: [cx, cy - r] },
  79817. { command: "A", args: [r, r, 0, 1, 0, cx, cy + r] },
  79818. { command: "A", args: [r, r, 0, 1, 0, cx, cy - r] },
  79819. { command: "z", args: [] }
  79820. ];
  79821. = "path";
  79822. node.attributes.d = stringifyPathData({ pathData, precision });
  79823. delete;
  79824. delete;
  79825. delete node.attributes.r;
  79826. }
  79827. if ( === "ellipse" && convertArcs) {
  79828. const ecx = Number( || "0");
  79829. const ecy = Number( || "0");
  79830. const rx = Number(node.attributes.rx || "0");
  79831. const ry = Number(node.attributes.ry || "0");
  79832. if (Number.isNaN(ecx - ecy + rx - ry)) {
  79833. return;
  79834. }
  79835. const pathData = [
  79836. { command: "M", args: [ecx, ecy - ry] },
  79837. { command: "A", args: [rx, ry, 0, 1, 0, ecx, ecy + ry] },
  79838. { command: "A", args: [rx, ry, 0, 1, 0, ecx, ecy - ry] },
  79839. { command: "z", args: [] }
  79840. ];
  79841. = "path";
  79842. node.attributes.d = stringifyPathData({ pathData, precision });
  79843. delete;
  79844. delete;
  79845. delete node.attributes.rx;
  79846. delete node.attributes.ry;
  79847. }
  79848. }
  79849. }
  79850. };
  79851. };
  79852. }
  79853. });
  79854. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertEllipseToCircle.js
  79855. var require_convertEllipseToCircle = __commonJS({
  79856. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertEllipseToCircle.js"(exports2) {
  79857. "use strict";
  79858. = "convertEllipseToCircle";
  79859. exports2.description = "converts non-eccentric <ellipse>s to <circle>s";
  79860. exports2.fn = () => {
  79861. return {
  79862. element: {
  79863. enter: (node) => {
  79864. if ( === "ellipse") {
  79865. const rx = node.attributes.rx || "0";
  79866. const ry = node.attributes.ry || "0";
  79867. if (rx === ry || rx === "auto" || ry === "auto") {
  79868. = "circle";
  79869. const radius = rx === "auto" ? ry : rx;
  79870. delete node.attributes.rx;
  79871. delete node.attributes.ry;
  79872. node.attributes.r = radius;
  79873. }
  79874. }
  79875. }
  79876. }
  79877. };
  79878. };
  79879. }
  79880. });
  79881. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/moveElemsAttrsToGroup.js
  79882. var require_moveElemsAttrsToGroup = __commonJS({
  79883. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/moveElemsAttrsToGroup.js"(exports2) {
  79884. "use strict";
  79885. var { visit } = require_xast();
  79886. var { inheritableAttrs, pathElems } = require_collections();
  79887. = "moveElemsAttrsToGroup";
  79888. exports2.description = "Move common attributes of group children to the group";
  79889. exports2.fn = (root) => {
  79890. let deoptimizedWithStyles = false;
  79891. visit(root, {
  79892. element: {
  79893. enter: (node) => {
  79894. if ( === "style") {
  79895. deoptimizedWithStyles = true;
  79896. }
  79897. }
  79898. }
  79899. });
  79900. return {
  79901. element: {
  79902. exit: (node) => {
  79903. if ( !== "g" || node.children.length <= 1) {
  79904. return;
  79905. }
  79906. if (deoptimizedWithStyles) {
  79907. return;
  79908. }
  79909. const commonAttributes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  79910. let initial = true;
  79911. let everyChildIsPath = true;
  79912. for (const child of node.children) {
  79913. if (child.type === "element") {
  79914. if (!pathElems.has( {
  79915. everyChildIsPath = false;
  79916. }
  79917. if (initial) {
  79918. initial = false;
  79919. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(child.attributes)) {
  79920. if (inheritableAttrs.has(name)) {
  79921. commonAttributes.set(name, value);
  79922. }
  79923. }
  79924. } else {
  79925. for (const [name, value] of commonAttributes) {
  79926. if (child.attributes[name] !== value) {
  79927. commonAttributes.delete(name);
  79928. }
  79929. }
  79930. }
  79931. }
  79932. }
  79933. if (node.attributes["clip-path"] != null || node.attributes.mask != null) {
  79934. commonAttributes.delete("transform");
  79935. }
  79936. if (everyChildIsPath) {
  79937. commonAttributes.delete("transform");
  79938. }
  79939. for (const [name, value] of commonAttributes) {
  79940. if (name === "transform") {
  79941. if (node.attributes.transform != null) {
  79942. node.attributes.transform = `${node.attributes.transform} ${value}`;
  79943. } else {
  79944. node.attributes.transform = value;
  79945. }
  79946. } else {
  79947. node.attributes[name] = value;
  79948. }
  79949. }
  79950. for (const child of node.children) {
  79951. if (child.type === "element") {
  79952. for (const [name] of commonAttributes) {
  79953. delete child.attributes[name];
  79954. }
  79955. }
  79956. }
  79957. }
  79958. }
  79959. };
  79960. };
  79961. }
  79962. });
  79963. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/moveGroupAttrsToElems.js
  79964. var require_moveGroupAttrsToElems = __commonJS({
  79965. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/moveGroupAttrsToElems.js"(exports2) {
  79966. "use strict";
  79967. var { pathElems, referencesProps } = require_collections();
  79968. var { includesUrlReference } = require_tools();
  79969. = "moveGroupAttrsToElems";
  79970. exports2.description = "moves some group attributes to the content elements";
  79971. var pathElemsWithGroupsAndText = [...pathElems, "g", "text"];
  79972. exports2.fn = () => {
  79973. return {
  79974. element: {
  79975. enter: (node) => {
  79976. if ( === "g" && node.children.length !== 0 && node.attributes.transform != null && Object.entries(node.attributes).some(
  79977. ([name, value]) => referencesProps.has(name) && includesUrlReference(value)
  79978. ) === false && node.children.every(
  79979. (child) => child.type === "element" && pathElemsWithGroupsAndText.includes( && == null
  79980. )) {
  79981. for (const child of node.children) {
  79982. const value = node.attributes.transform;
  79983. if (child.type === "element") {
  79984. if (child.attributes.transform != null) {
  79985. child.attributes.transform = `${value} ${child.attributes.transform}`;
  79986. } else {
  79987. child.attributes.transform = value;
  79988. }
  79989. }
  79990. }
  79991. delete node.attributes.transform;
  79992. }
  79993. }
  79994. }
  79995. };
  79996. };
  79997. }
  79998. });
  79999. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/collapseGroups.js
  80000. var require_collapseGroups = __commonJS({
  80001. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/collapseGroups.js"(exports2) {
  80002. "use strict";
  80003. var { inheritableAttrs, elemsGroups } = require_collections();
  80004. = "collapseGroups";
  80005. exports2.description = "collapses useless groups";
  80006. var hasAnimatedAttr = (node, name) => {
  80007. if (node.type === "element") {
  80008. if (elemsGroups.animation.has( && node.attributes.attributeName === name) {
  80009. return true;
  80010. }
  80011. for (const child of node.children) {
  80012. if (hasAnimatedAttr(child, name)) {
  80013. return true;
  80014. }
  80015. }
  80016. }
  80017. return false;
  80018. };
  80019. exports2.fn = () => {
  80020. return {
  80021. element: {
  80022. exit: (node, parentNode) => {
  80023. if (parentNode.type === "root" || === "switch") {
  80024. return;
  80025. }
  80026. if ( !== "g" || node.children.length === 0) {
  80027. return;
  80028. }
  80029. if (Object.keys(node.attributes).length !== 0 && node.children.length === 1) {
  80030. const firstChild = node.children[0];
  80031. if (firstChild.type === "element" && == null && node.attributes.filter == null && (node.attributes.class == null || firstChild.attributes.class == null) && (node.attributes["clip-path"] == null && node.attributes.mask == null || === "g" && node.attributes.transform == null && firstChild.attributes.transform == null)) {
  80032. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  80033. if (hasAnimatedAttr(firstChild, name)) {
  80034. return;
  80035. }
  80036. if (firstChild.attributes[name] == null) {
  80037. firstChild.attributes[name] = value;
  80038. } else if (name === "transform") {
  80039. firstChild.attributes[name] = value + " " + firstChild.attributes[name];
  80040. } else if (firstChild.attributes[name] === "inherit") {
  80041. firstChild.attributes[name] = value;
  80042. } else if (inheritableAttrs.has(name) === false && firstChild.attributes[name] !== value) {
  80043. return;
  80044. }
  80045. delete node.attributes[name];
  80046. }
  80047. }
  80048. }
  80049. if (Object.keys(node.attributes).length === 0) {
  80050. for (const child of node.children) {
  80051. if (child.type === "element" && elemsGroups.animation.has( {
  80052. return;
  80053. }
  80054. }
  80055. const index = parentNode.children.indexOf(node);
  80056. parentNode.children.splice(index, 1, ...node.children);
  80057. for (const child of node.children) {
  80058. Object.defineProperty(child, "parentNode", {
  80059. writable: true,
  80060. value: parentNode
  80061. });
  80062. }
  80063. }
  80064. }
  80065. }
  80066. };
  80067. };
  80068. }
  80069. });
  80070. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/_path.js
  80071. var require_path2 = __commonJS({
  80072. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/_path.js"(exports2) {
  80073. "use strict";
  80074. var { parsePathData, stringifyPathData } = require_path();
  80075. var prevCtrlPoint;
  80076. var path2js = (path) => {
  80077. if (path.pathJS)
  80078. return path.pathJS;
  80079. const pathData = [];
  80080. const newPathData = parsePathData(path.attributes.d);
  80081. for (const { command, args } of newPathData) {
  80082. pathData.push({ command, args });
  80083. }
  80084. if (pathData.length && pathData[0].command == "m") {
  80085. pathData[0].command = "M";
  80086. }
  80087. path.pathJS = pathData;
  80088. return pathData;
  80089. };
  80090. exports2.path2js = path2js;
  80091. var convertRelativeToAbsolute = (data) => {
  80092. const newData = [];
  80093. let start = [0, 0];
  80094. let cursor = [0, 0];
  80095. for (let { command, args } of data) {
  80096. args = args.slice();
  80097. if (command === "m") {
  80098. args[0] += cursor[0];
  80099. args[1] += cursor[1];
  80100. command = "M";
  80101. }
  80102. if (command === "M") {
  80103. cursor[0] = args[0];
  80104. cursor[1] = args[1];
  80105. start[0] = cursor[0];
  80106. start[1] = cursor[1];
  80107. }
  80108. if (command === "h") {
  80109. args[0] += cursor[0];
  80110. command = "H";
  80111. }
  80112. if (command === "H") {
  80113. cursor[0] = args[0];
  80114. }
  80115. if (command === "v") {
  80116. args[0] += cursor[1];
  80117. command = "V";
  80118. }
  80119. if (command === "V") {
  80120. cursor[1] = args[0];
  80121. }
  80122. if (command === "l") {
  80123. args[0] += cursor[0];
  80124. args[1] += cursor[1];
  80125. command = "L";
  80126. }
  80127. if (command === "L") {
  80128. cursor[0] = args[0];
  80129. cursor[1] = args[1];
  80130. }
  80131. if (command === "c") {
  80132. args[0] += cursor[0];
  80133. args[1] += cursor[1];
  80134. args[2] += cursor[0];
  80135. args[3] += cursor[1];
  80136. args[4] += cursor[0];
  80137. args[5] += cursor[1];
  80138. command = "C";
  80139. }
  80140. if (command === "C") {
  80141. cursor[0] = args[4];
  80142. cursor[1] = args[5];
  80143. }
  80144. if (command === "s") {
  80145. args[0] += cursor[0];
  80146. args[1] += cursor[1];
  80147. args[2] += cursor[0];
  80148. args[3] += cursor[1];
  80149. command = "S";
  80150. }
  80151. if (command === "S") {
  80152. cursor[0] = args[2];
  80153. cursor[1] = args[3];
  80154. }
  80155. if (command === "q") {
  80156. args[0] += cursor[0];
  80157. args[1] += cursor[1];
  80158. args[2] += cursor[0];
  80159. args[3] += cursor[1];
  80160. command = "Q";
  80161. }
  80162. if (command === "Q") {
  80163. cursor[0] = args[2];
  80164. cursor[1] = args[3];
  80165. }
  80166. if (command === "t") {
  80167. args[0] += cursor[0];
  80168. args[1] += cursor[1];
  80169. command = "T";
  80170. }
  80171. if (command === "T") {
  80172. cursor[0] = args[0];
  80173. cursor[1] = args[1];
  80174. }
  80175. if (command === "a") {
  80176. args[5] += cursor[0];
  80177. args[6] += cursor[1];
  80178. command = "A";
  80179. }
  80180. if (command === "A") {
  80181. cursor[0] = args[5];
  80182. cursor[1] = args[6];
  80183. }
  80184. if (command === "z" || command === "Z") {
  80185. cursor[0] = start[0];
  80186. cursor[1] = start[1];
  80187. command = "z";
  80188. }
  80189. newData.push({ command, args });
  80190. }
  80191. return newData;
  80192. };
  80193. exports2.js2path = function(path, data, params) {
  80194. path.pathJS = data;
  80195. const pathData = [];
  80196. for (const item of data) {
  80197. if (pathData.length !== 0 && (item.command === "M" || item.command === "m")) {
  80198. const last = pathData[pathData.length - 1];
  80199. if (last.command === "M" || last.command === "m") {
  80200. pathData.pop();
  80201. }
  80202. }
  80203. pathData.push({
  80204. command: item.command,
  80205. args: item.args
  80206. });
  80207. }
  80208. path.attributes.d = stringifyPathData({
  80209. pathData,
  80210. precision: params.floatPrecision,
  80211. disableSpaceAfterFlags: params.noSpaceAfterFlags
  80212. });
  80213. };
  80214. function set(dest, source) {
  80215. dest[0] = source[source.length - 2];
  80216. dest[1] = source[source.length - 1];
  80217. return dest;
  80218. }
  80219. exports2.intersects = function(path1, path2) {
  80220. const points1 = gatherPoints(convertRelativeToAbsolute(path1));
  80221. const points2 = gatherPoints(convertRelativeToAbsolute(path2));
  80222. if (points1.maxX <= points2.minX || points2.maxX <= points1.minX || points1.maxY <= points2.minY || points2.maxY <= points1.minY || points1.list.every((set1) => {
  80223. return points2.list.every((set2) => {
  80224. return set1.list[set1.maxX][0] <= set2.list[set2.minX][0] || set2.list[set2.maxX][0] <= set1.list[set1.minX][0] || set1.list[set1.maxY][1] <= set2.list[set2.minY][1] || set2.list[set2.maxY][1] <= set1.list[set1.minY][1];
  80225. });
  80226. }))
  80227. return false;
  80228. const hullNest1 =;
  80229. const hullNest2 =;
  80230. return hullNest1.some(function(hull1) {
  80231. if (hull1.list.length < 3)
  80232. return false;
  80233. return hullNest2.some(function(hull2) {
  80234. if (hull2.list.length < 3)
  80235. return false;
  80236. var simplex = [getSupport(hull1, hull2, [1, 0])], direction = minus(simplex[0]);
  80237. var iterations = 1e4;
  80238. while (true) {
  80239. if (iterations-- == 0) {
  80240. console.error(
  80241. "Error: infinite loop while processing mergePaths plugin."
  80242. );
  80243. return true;
  80244. }
  80245. simplex.push(getSupport(hull1, hull2, direction));
  80246. if (dot(direction, simplex[simplex.length - 1]) <= 0)
  80247. return false;
  80248. if (processSimplex(simplex, direction))
  80249. return true;
  80250. }
  80251. });
  80252. });
  80253. function getSupport(a, b, direction) {
  80254. return sub(supportPoint(a, direction), supportPoint(b, minus(direction)));
  80255. }
  80256. function supportPoint(polygon, direction) {
  80257. var index = direction[1] >= 0 ? direction[0] < 0 ? polygon.maxY : polygon.maxX : direction[0] < 0 ? polygon.minX : polygon.minY, max = -Infinity, value;
  80258. while ((value = dot(polygon.list[index], direction)) > max) {
  80259. max = value;
  80260. index = ++index % polygon.list.length;
  80261. }
  80262. return polygon.list[(index || polygon.list.length) - 1];
  80263. }
  80264. };
  80265. function processSimplex(simplex, direction) {
  80266. if (simplex.length == 2) {
  80267. let a = simplex[1], b = simplex[0], AO = minus(simplex[1]), AB = sub(b, a);
  80268. if (dot(AO, AB) > 0) {
  80269. set(direction, orth(AB, a));
  80270. } else {
  80271. set(direction, AO);
  80272. simplex.shift();
  80273. }
  80274. } else {
  80275. let a = simplex[2], b = simplex[1], c = simplex[0], AB = sub(b, a), AC = sub(c, a), AO = minus(a), ACB = orth(AB, AC), ABC = orth(AC, AB);
  80276. if (dot(ACB, AO) > 0) {
  80277. if (dot(AB, AO) > 0) {
  80278. set(direction, ACB);
  80279. simplex.shift();
  80280. } else {
  80281. set(direction, AO);
  80282. simplex.splice(0, 2);
  80283. }
  80284. } else if (dot(ABC, AO) > 0) {
  80285. if (dot(AC, AO) > 0) {
  80286. set(direction, ABC);
  80287. simplex.splice(1, 1);
  80288. } else {
  80289. set(direction, AO);
  80290. simplex.splice(0, 2);
  80291. }
  80292. } else
  80293. return true;
  80294. }
  80295. return false;
  80296. }
  80297. function minus(v) {
  80298. return [-v[0], -v[1]];
  80299. }
  80300. function sub(v1, v2) {
  80301. return [v1[0] - v2[0], v1[1] - v2[1]];
  80302. }
  80303. function dot(v1, v2) {
  80304. return v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1];
  80305. }
  80306. function orth(v, from) {
  80307. var o = [-v[1], v[0]];
  80308. return dot(o, minus(from)) < 0 ? minus(o) : o;
  80309. }
  80310. function gatherPoints(pathData) {
  80311. const points = { list: [], minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: 0, maxY: 0 };
  80312. const addPoint = (path, point) => {
  80313. if (!path.list.length || point[1] > path.list[path.maxY][1]) {
  80314. path.maxY = path.list.length;
  80315. points.maxY = points.list.length ? Math.max(point[1], points.maxY) : point[1];
  80316. }
  80317. if (!path.list.length || point[0] > path.list[path.maxX][0]) {
  80318. path.maxX = path.list.length;
  80319. points.maxX = points.list.length ? Math.max(point[0], points.maxX) : point[0];
  80320. }
  80321. if (!path.list.length || point[1] < path.list[path.minY][1]) {
  80322. path.minY = path.list.length;
  80323. points.minY = points.list.length ? Math.min(point[1], points.minY) : point[1];
  80324. }
  80325. if (!path.list.length || point[0] < path.list[path.minX][0]) {
  80326. path.minX = path.list.length;
  80327. points.minX = points.list.length ? Math.min(point[0], points.minX) : point[0];
  80328. }
  80329. path.list.push(point);
  80330. };
  80331. for (let i = 0; i < pathData.length; i += 1) {
  80332. const pathDataItem = pathData[i];
  80333. let subPath = points.list.length === 0 ? { list: [], minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: 0, maxY: 0 } : points.list[points.list.length - 1];
  80334. let prev = i === 0 ? null : pathData[i - 1];
  80335. let basePoint = subPath.list.length === 0 ? null : subPath.list[subPath.list.length - 1];
  80336. let data = pathDataItem.args;
  80337. let ctrlPoint = basePoint;
  80338. const toAbsolute = (n, i2) => n + (basePoint == null ? 0 : basePoint[i2 % 2]);
  80339. switch (pathDataItem.command) {
  80340. case "M":
  80341. subPath = { list: [], minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: 0, maxY: 0 };
  80342. points.list.push(subPath);
  80343. break;
  80344. case "H":
  80345. if (basePoint != null) {
  80346. addPoint(subPath, [data[0], basePoint[1]]);
  80347. }
  80348. break;
  80349. case "V":
  80350. if (basePoint != null) {
  80351. addPoint(subPath, [basePoint[0], data[0]]);
  80352. }
  80353. break;
  80354. case "Q":
  80355. addPoint(subPath, data.slice(0, 2));
  80356. prevCtrlPoint = [data[2] - data[0], data[3] - data[1]];
  80357. break;
  80358. case "T":
  80359. if (basePoint != null && prev != null && (prev.command == "Q" || prev.command == "T")) {
  80360. ctrlPoint = [
  80361. basePoint[0] + prevCtrlPoint[0],
  80362. basePoint[1] + prevCtrlPoint[1]
  80363. ];
  80364. addPoint(subPath, ctrlPoint);
  80365. prevCtrlPoint = [data[0] - ctrlPoint[0], data[1] - ctrlPoint[1]];
  80366. }
  80367. break;
  80368. case "C":
  80369. if (basePoint != null) {
  80370. addPoint(subPath, [
  80371. 0.5 * (basePoint[0] + data[0]),
  80372. 0.5 * (basePoint[1] + data[1])
  80373. ]);
  80374. }
  80375. addPoint(subPath, [
  80376. 0.5 * (data[0] + data[2]),
  80377. 0.5 * (data[1] + data[3])
  80378. ]);
  80379. addPoint(subPath, [
  80380. 0.5 * (data[2] + data[4]),
  80381. 0.5 * (data[3] + data[5])
  80382. ]);
  80383. prevCtrlPoint = [data[4] - data[2], data[5] - data[3]];
  80384. break;
  80385. case "S":
  80386. if (basePoint != null && prev != null && (prev.command == "C" || prev.command == "S")) {
  80387. addPoint(subPath, [
  80388. basePoint[0] + 0.5 * prevCtrlPoint[0],
  80389. basePoint[1] + 0.5 * prevCtrlPoint[1]
  80390. ]);
  80391. ctrlPoint = [
  80392. basePoint[0] + prevCtrlPoint[0],
  80393. basePoint[1] + prevCtrlPoint[1]
  80394. ];
  80395. }
  80396. if (ctrlPoint != null) {
  80397. addPoint(subPath, [
  80398. 0.5 * (ctrlPoint[0] + data[0]),
  80399. 0.5 * (ctrlPoint[1] + data[1])
  80400. ]);
  80401. }
  80402. addPoint(subPath, [
  80403. 0.5 * (data[0] + data[2]),
  80404. 0.5 * (data[1] + data[3])
  80405. ]);
  80406. prevCtrlPoint = [data[2] - data[0], data[3] - data[1]];
  80407. break;
  80408. case "A":
  80409. if (basePoint != null) {
  80410. var curves = a2c.apply(0, basePoint.concat(data));
  80411. for (var cData; (cData = curves.splice(0, 6).map(toAbsolute)).length; ) {
  80412. if (basePoint != null) {
  80413. addPoint(subPath, [
  80414. 0.5 * (basePoint[0] + cData[0]),
  80415. 0.5 * (basePoint[1] + cData[1])
  80416. ]);
  80417. }
  80418. addPoint(subPath, [
  80419. 0.5 * (cData[0] + cData[2]),
  80420. 0.5 * (cData[1] + cData[3])
  80421. ]);
  80422. addPoint(subPath, [
  80423. 0.5 * (cData[2] + cData[4]),
  80424. 0.5 * (cData[3] + cData[5])
  80425. ]);
  80426. if (curves.length)
  80427. addPoint(subPath, basePoint = cData.slice(-2));
  80428. }
  80429. }
  80430. break;
  80431. }
  80432. if (data.length >= 2)
  80433. addPoint(subPath, data.slice(-2));
  80434. }
  80435. return points;
  80436. }
  80437. function convexHull(points) {
  80438. points.list.sort(function(a, b) {
  80439. return a[0] == b[0] ? a[1] - b[1] : a[0] - b[0];
  80440. });
  80441. var lower = [], minY = 0, bottom = 0;
  80442. for (let i = 0; i < points.list.length; i++) {
  80443. while (lower.length >= 2 && cross(lower[lower.length - 2], lower[lower.length - 1], points.list[i]) <= 0) {
  80444. lower.pop();
  80445. }
  80446. if (points.list[i][1] < points.list[minY][1]) {
  80447. minY = i;
  80448. bottom = lower.length;
  80449. }
  80450. lower.push(points.list[i]);
  80451. }
  80452. var upper = [], maxY = points.list.length - 1, top = 0;
  80453. for (let i = points.list.length; i--; ) {
  80454. while (upper.length >= 2 && cross(upper[upper.length - 2], upper[upper.length - 1], points.list[i]) <= 0) {
  80455. upper.pop();
  80456. }
  80457. if (points.list[i][1] > points.list[maxY][1]) {
  80458. maxY = i;
  80459. top = upper.length;
  80460. }
  80461. upper.push(points.list[i]);
  80462. }
  80463. upper.pop();
  80464. lower.pop();
  80465. const hullList = lower.concat(upper);
  80466. const hull = {
  80467. list: hullList,
  80468. minX: 0,
  80469. // by sorting
  80470. maxX: lower.length,
  80471. minY: bottom,
  80472. maxY: (lower.length + top) % hullList.length
  80473. };
  80474. return hull;
  80475. }
  80476. function cross(o, a, b) {
  80477. return (a[0] - o[0]) * (b[1] - o[1]) - (a[1] - o[1]) * (b[0] - o[0]);
  80478. }
  80479. var a2c = (x1, y1, rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x2, y2, recursive) => {
  80480. const _120 = Math.PI * 120 / 180;
  80481. const rad = Math.PI / 180 * (+angle || 0);
  80482. let res = [];
  80483. const rotateX = (x3, y3, rad2) => {
  80484. return x3 * Math.cos(rad2) - y3 * Math.sin(rad2);
  80485. };
  80486. const rotateY = (x3, y3, rad2) => {
  80487. return x3 * Math.sin(rad2) + y3 * Math.cos(rad2);
  80488. };
  80489. if (!recursive) {
  80490. x1 = rotateX(x1, y1, -rad);
  80491. y1 = rotateY(x1, y1, -rad);
  80492. x2 = rotateX(x2, y2, -rad);
  80493. y2 = rotateY(x2, y2, -rad);
  80494. var x = (x1 - x2) / 2, y = (y1 - y2) / 2;
  80495. var h = x * x / (rx * rx) + y * y / (ry * ry);
  80496. if (h > 1) {
  80497. h = Math.sqrt(h);
  80498. rx = h * rx;
  80499. ry = h * ry;
  80500. }
  80501. var rx2 = rx * rx;
  80502. var ry2 = ry * ry;
  80503. var k = (large_arc_flag == sweep_flag ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(
  80504. Math.abs(
  80505. (rx2 * ry2 - rx2 * y * y - ry2 * x * x) / (rx2 * y * y + ry2 * x * x)
  80506. )
  80507. );
  80508. var cx = k * rx * y / ry + (x1 + x2) / 2;
  80509. var cy = k * -ry * x / rx + (y1 + y2) / 2;
  80510. var f1 = Math.asin(Number(((y1 - cy) / ry).toFixed(9)));
  80511. var f2 = Math.asin(Number(((y2 - cy) / ry).toFixed(9)));
  80512. f1 = x1 < cx ? Math.PI - f1 : f1;
  80513. f2 = x2 < cx ? Math.PI - f2 : f2;
  80514. f1 < 0 && (f1 = Math.PI * 2 + f1);
  80515. f2 < 0 && (f2 = Math.PI * 2 + f2);
  80516. if (sweep_flag && f1 > f2) {
  80517. f1 = f1 - Math.PI * 2;
  80518. }
  80519. if (!sweep_flag && f2 > f1) {
  80520. f2 = f2 - Math.PI * 2;
  80521. }
  80522. } else {
  80523. f1 = recursive[0];
  80524. f2 = recursive[1];
  80525. cx = recursive[2];
  80526. cy = recursive[3];
  80527. }
  80528. var df = f2 - f1;
  80529. if (Math.abs(df) > _120) {
  80530. var f2old = f2, x2old = x2, y2old = y2;
  80531. f2 = f1 + _120 * (sweep_flag && f2 > f1 ? 1 : -1);
  80532. x2 = cx + rx * Math.cos(f2);
  80533. y2 = cy + ry * Math.sin(f2);
  80534. res = a2c(x2, y2, rx, ry, angle, 0, sweep_flag, x2old, y2old, [
  80535. f2,
  80536. f2old,
  80537. cx,
  80538. cy
  80539. ]);
  80540. }
  80541. df = f2 - f1;
  80542. var c1 = Math.cos(f1), s1 = Math.sin(f1), c2 = Math.cos(f2), s2 = Math.sin(f2), t = Math.tan(df / 4), hx = 4 / 3 * rx * t, hy = 4 / 3 * ry * t, m = [
  80543. -hx * s1,
  80544. hy * c1,
  80545. x2 + hx * s2 - x1,
  80546. y2 - hy * c2 - y1,
  80547. x2 - x1,
  80548. y2 - y1
  80549. ];
  80550. if (recursive) {
  80551. return m.concat(res);
  80552. } else {
  80553. res = m.concat(res);
  80554. var newres = [];
  80555. for (var i = 0, n = res.length; i < n; i++) {
  80556. newres[i] = i % 2 ? rotateY(res[i - 1], res[i], rad) : rotateX(res[i], res[i + 1], rad);
  80557. }
  80558. return newres;
  80559. }
  80560. };
  80561. }
  80562. });
  80563. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/_transforms.js
  80564. var require_transforms = __commonJS({
  80565. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/_transforms.js"(exports2) {
  80566. "use strict";
  80567. var { toFixed } = require_tools();
  80568. var transformTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  80569. "matrix",
  80570. "rotate",
  80571. "scale",
  80572. "skewX",
  80573. "skewY",
  80574. "translate"
  80575. ]);
  80576. var regTransformSplit = /\s*(matrix|translate|scale|rotate|skewX|skewY)\s*\(\s*(.+?)\s*\)[\s,]*/;
  80577. var regNumericValues = /[-+]?(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+\.?)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g;
  80578. exports2.transform2js = (transformString) => {
  80579. const transforms = [];
  80580. let currentTransform = null;
  80581. for (const item of transformString.split(regTransformSplit)) {
  80582. if (!item) {
  80583. continue;
  80584. }
  80585. if (transformTypes.has(item)) {
  80586. currentTransform = { name: item, data: [] };
  80587. transforms.push(currentTransform);
  80588. } else {
  80589. let num;
  80590. while (num = regNumericValues.exec(item)) {
  80591. num = Number(num);
  80592. if (currentTransform != null) {
  80594. }
  80595. }
  80596. }
  80597. }
  80598. return currentTransform == null || == 0 ? [] : transforms;
  80599. };
  80600. exports2.transformsMultiply = (transforms) => {
  80601. const matrixData = => {
  80602. if ( === "matrix") {
  80603. return;
  80604. }
  80605. return transformToMatrix(transform);
  80606. });
  80607. const matrixTransform = {
  80608. name: "matrix",
  80609. data: matrixData.length > 0 ? matrixData.reduce(multiplyTransformMatrices) : []
  80610. };
  80611. return matrixTransform;
  80612. };
  80613. var mth = {
  80614. /**
  80615. * @param {number} deg
  80616. * @returns {number}
  80617. */
  80618. rad: (deg) => {
  80619. return deg * Math.PI / 180;
  80620. },
  80621. /**
  80622. * @param {number} rad
  80623. * @returns {number}
  80624. */
  80625. deg: (rad) => {
  80626. return rad * 180 / Math.PI;
  80627. },
  80628. /**
  80629. * @param {number} deg
  80630. * @returns {number}
  80631. */
  80632. cos: (deg) => {
  80633. return Math.cos(mth.rad(deg));
  80634. },
  80635. /**
  80636. * @param {number} val
  80637. * @param {number} floatPrecision
  80638. * @returns {number}
  80639. */
  80640. acos: (val, floatPrecision) => {
  80641. return toFixed(mth.deg(Math.acos(val)), floatPrecision);
  80642. },
  80643. /**
  80644. * @param {number} deg
  80645. * @returns {number}
  80646. */
  80647. sin: (deg) => {
  80648. return Math.sin(mth.rad(deg));
  80649. },
  80650. /**
  80651. * @param {number} val
  80652. * @param {number} floatPrecision
  80653. * @returns {number}
  80654. */
  80655. asin: (val, floatPrecision) => {
  80656. return toFixed(mth.deg(Math.asin(val)), floatPrecision);
  80657. },
  80658. /**
  80659. * @param {number} deg
  80660. * @returns {number}
  80661. */
  80662. tan: (deg) => {
  80663. return Math.tan(mth.rad(deg));
  80664. },
  80665. /**
  80666. * @param {number} val
  80667. * @param {number} floatPrecision
  80668. * @returns {number}
  80669. */
  80670. atan: (val, floatPrecision) => {
  80671. return toFixed(mth.deg(Math.atan(val)), floatPrecision);
  80672. }
  80673. };
  80674. exports2.matrixToTransform = (transform, params) => {
  80675. const floatPrecision = params.floatPrecision;
  80676. const data =;
  80677. const transforms = [];
  80678. if (data[4] || data[5]) {
  80679. transforms.push({
  80680. name: "translate",
  80681. data: data.slice(4, data[5] ? 6 : 5)
  80682. });
  80683. }
  80684. let sx = toFixed(Math.hypot(data[0], data[1]), params.transformPrecision);
  80685. let sy = toFixed(
  80686. (data[0] * data[3] - data[1] * data[2]) / sx,
  80687. params.transformPrecision
  80688. );
  80689. const colsSum = data[0] * data[2] + data[1] * data[3];
  80690. const rowsSum = data[0] * data[1] + data[2] * data[3];
  80691. const scaleBefore = rowsSum !== 0 || sx === sy;
  80692. if (!data[1] && data[2]) {
  80693. transforms.push({
  80694. name: "skewX",
  80695. data: [mth.atan(data[2] / sy, floatPrecision)]
  80696. });
  80697. } else if (data[1] && !data[2]) {
  80698. transforms.push({
  80699. name: "skewY",
  80700. data: [mth.atan(data[1] / data[0], floatPrecision)]
  80701. });
  80702. sx = data[0];
  80703. sy = data[3];
  80704. } else if (!colsSum || sx === 1 && sy === 1 || !scaleBefore) {
  80705. if (!scaleBefore) {
  80706. sx = Math.hypot(data[0], data[2]);
  80707. sy = Math.hypot(data[1], data[3]);
  80708. if (toFixed(data[0], params.transformPrecision) < 0) {
  80709. sx = -sx;
  80710. }
  80711. if (data[3] < 0 || Math.sign(data[1]) === Math.sign(data[2]) && toFixed(data[3], params.transformPrecision) === 0) {
  80712. sy = -sy;
  80713. }
  80714. transforms.push({ name: "scale", data: [sx, sy] });
  80715. }
  80716. const angle = Math.min(Math.max(-1, data[0] / sx), 1);
  80717. const rotate = [
  80718. mth.acos(angle, floatPrecision) * ((scaleBefore ? 1 : sy) * data[1] < 0 ? -1 : 1)
  80719. ];
  80720. if (rotate[0]) {
  80721. transforms.push({ name: "rotate", data: rotate });
  80722. }
  80723. if (rowsSum && colsSum)
  80724. transforms.push({
  80725. name: "skewX",
  80726. data: [mth.atan(colsSum / (sx * sx), floatPrecision)]
  80727. });
  80728. if (rotate[0] && (data[4] || data[5])) {
  80729. transforms.shift();
  80730. const oneOverCos = 1 - data[0] / sx;
  80731. const sin = data[1] / (scaleBefore ? sx : sy);
  80732. const x = data[4] * (scaleBefore ? 1 : sy);
  80733. const y = data[5] * (scaleBefore ? 1 : sx);
  80734. const denom = (oneOverCos ** 2 + sin ** 2) * (scaleBefore ? 1 : sx * sy);
  80735. rotate.push(
  80736. (oneOverCos * x - sin * y) / denom,
  80737. (oneOverCos * y + sin * x) / denom
  80738. );
  80739. }
  80740. } else if (data[1] || data[2]) {
  80741. return [transform];
  80742. }
  80743. if (scaleBefore && (sx != 1 || sy != 1) || !transforms.length) {
  80744. transforms.push({
  80745. name: "scale",
  80746. data: sx == sy ? [sx] : [sx, sy]
  80747. });
  80748. }
  80749. return transforms;
  80750. };
  80751. var transformToMatrix = (transform) => {
  80752. if ( === "matrix") {
  80753. return;
  80754. }
  80755. switch ( {
  80756. case "translate":
  80757. return [1, 0, 0, 1,[0],[1] || 0];
  80758. case "scale":
  80759. return [
  80761. 0,
  80762. 0,
  80763.[1] ||[0],
  80764. 0,
  80765. 0
  80766. ];
  80767. case "rotate":
  80768. var cos = mth.cos([0]), sin = mth.sin([0]), cx =[1] || 0, cy =[2] || 0;
  80769. return [
  80770. cos,
  80771. sin,
  80772. -sin,
  80773. cos,
  80774. (1 - cos) * cx + sin * cy,
  80775. (1 - cos) * cy - sin * cx
  80776. ];
  80777. case "skewX":
  80778. return [1, 0, mth.tan([0]), 1, 0, 0];
  80779. case "skewY":
  80780. return [1, mth.tan([0]), 0, 1, 0, 0];
  80781. default:
  80782. throw Error(`Unknown transform ${}`);
  80783. }
  80784. };
  80785. exports2.transformArc = (cursor, arc, transform) => {
  80786. const x = arc[5] - cursor[0];
  80787. const y = arc[6] - cursor[1];
  80788. let a = arc[0];
  80789. let b = arc[1];
  80790. const rot = arc[2] * Math.PI / 180;
  80791. const cos = Math.cos(rot);
  80792. const sin = Math.sin(rot);
  80793. if (a > 0 && b > 0) {
  80794. let h = Math.pow(x * cos + y * sin, 2) / (4 * a * a) + Math.pow(y * cos - x * sin, 2) / (4 * b * b);
  80795. if (h > 1) {
  80796. h = Math.sqrt(h);
  80797. a *= h;
  80798. b *= h;
  80799. }
  80800. }
  80801. const ellipse = [a * cos, a * sin, -b * sin, b * cos, 0, 0];
  80802. const m = multiplyTransformMatrices(transform, ellipse);
  80803. const lastCol = m[2] * m[2] + m[3] * m[3];
  80804. const squareSum = m[0] * m[0] + m[1] * m[1] + lastCol;
  80805. const root = Math.hypot(m[0] - m[3], m[1] + m[2]) * Math.hypot(m[0] + m[3], m[1] - m[2]);
  80806. if (!root) {
  80807. arc[0] = arc[1] = Math.sqrt(squareSum / 2);
  80808. arc[2] = 0;
  80809. } else {
  80810. const majorAxisSqr = (squareSum + root) / 2;
  80811. const minorAxisSqr = (squareSum - root) / 2;
  80812. const major = Math.abs(majorAxisSqr - lastCol) > 1e-6;
  80813. const sub = (major ? majorAxisSqr : minorAxisSqr) - lastCol;
  80814. const rowsSum = m[0] * m[2] + m[1] * m[3];
  80815. const term1 = m[0] * sub + m[2] * rowsSum;
  80816. const term2 = m[1] * sub + m[3] * rowsSum;
  80817. arc[0] = Math.sqrt(majorAxisSqr);
  80818. arc[1] = Math.sqrt(minorAxisSqr);
  80819. arc[2] = ((major ? term2 < 0 : term1 > 0) ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos((major ? term1 : term2) / Math.hypot(term1, term2)) * 180 / Math.PI;
  80820. }
  80821. if (transform[0] < 0 !== transform[3] < 0) {
  80822. arc[4] = 1 - arc[4];
  80823. }
  80824. return arc;
  80825. };
  80826. var multiplyTransformMatrices = (a, b) => {
  80827. return [
  80828. a[0] * b[0] + a[2] * b[1],
  80829. a[1] * b[0] + a[3] * b[1],
  80830. a[0] * b[2] + a[2] * b[3],
  80831. a[1] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3],
  80832. a[0] * b[4] + a[2] * b[5] + a[4],
  80833. a[1] * b[4] + a[3] * b[5] + a[5]
  80834. ];
  80835. };
  80836. }
  80837. });
  80838. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/applyTransforms.js
  80839. var require_applyTransforms = __commonJS({
  80840. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/applyTransforms.js"(exports2) {
  80841. "use strict";
  80842. var { collectStylesheet, computeStyle } = require_style();
  80843. var {
  80844. transformsMultiply,
  80845. transform2js,
  80846. transformArc
  80847. } = require_transforms();
  80848. var { path2js } = require_path2();
  80849. var {
  80850. removeLeadingZero,
  80851. includesUrlReference
  80852. } = require_tools();
  80853. var { referencesProps, attrsGroupsDefaults } = require_collections();
  80854. var regNumericValues = /[-+]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+\.?)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g;
  80855. var applyTransforms = (root, params) => {
  80856. const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
  80857. return {
  80858. element: {
  80859. enter: (node) => {
  80860. if (node.attributes.d == null) {
  80861. return;
  80862. }
  80863. if ( != null) {
  80864. return;
  80865. }
  80866. if (node.attributes.transform == null || node.attributes.transform === "" || // styles are not considered when applying transform
  80867. // can be fixed properly with new style engine
  80868. != null || Object.entries(node.attributes).some(
  80869. ([name, value]) => referencesProps.has(name) && includesUrlReference(value)
  80870. )) {
  80871. return;
  80872. }
  80873. const computedStyle = computeStyle(stylesheet, node);
  80874. const transformStyle = computedStyle.transform;
  80875. if (transformStyle.type === "static" && transformStyle.value !== node.attributes.transform) {
  80876. return;
  80877. }
  80878. const matrix = transformsMultiply(
  80879. transform2js(node.attributes.transform)
  80880. );
  80881. const stroke = computedStyle.stroke?.type === "static" ? computedStyle.stroke.value : null;
  80882. const strokeWidth = computedStyle["stroke-width"]?.type === "static" ? computedStyle["stroke-width"].value : null;
  80883. const transformPrecision = params.transformPrecision;
  80884. if (computedStyle.stroke?.type === "dynamic" || computedStyle["stroke-width"]?.type === "dynamic") {
  80885. return;
  80886. }
  80887. const scale = Number(
  80888. Math.sqrt(
  80889.[0] *[0] +[1] *[1]
  80890. ).toFixed(transformPrecision)
  80891. );
  80892. if (stroke && stroke != "none") {
  80893. if (!params.applyTransformsStroked) {
  80894. return;
  80895. }
  80896. if (([0] !==[3] ||[1] !==[2]) && ([0] !==[3] ||[1] !==[2])) {
  80897. return;
  80898. }
  80899. if (scale !== 1) {
  80900. if (node.attributes["vector-effect"] !== "non-scaling-stroke") {
  80901. node.attributes["stroke-width"] = (strokeWidth || attrsGroupsDefaults.presentation["stroke-width"]).trim().replace(
  80902. regNumericValues,
  80903. (num) => removeLeadingZero(Number(num) * scale)
  80904. );
  80905. if (node.attributes["stroke-dashoffset"] != null) {
  80906. node.attributes["stroke-dashoffset"] = node.attributes["stroke-dashoffset"].trim().replace(
  80907. regNumericValues,
  80908. (num) => removeLeadingZero(Number(num) * scale)
  80909. );
  80910. }
  80911. if (node.attributes["stroke-dasharray"] != null) {
  80912. node.attributes["stroke-dasharray"] = node.attributes["stroke-dasharray"].trim().replace(
  80913. regNumericValues,
  80914. (num) => removeLeadingZero(Number(num) * scale)
  80915. );
  80916. }
  80917. }
  80918. }
  80919. }
  80920. const pathData = path2js(node);
  80921. applyMatrixToPathData(pathData,;
  80922. delete node.attributes.transform;
  80923. }
  80924. }
  80925. };
  80926. };
  80927. exports2.applyTransforms = applyTransforms;
  80928. var transformAbsolutePoint = (matrix, x, y) => {
  80929. const newX = matrix[0] * x + matrix[2] * y + matrix[4];
  80930. const newY = matrix[1] * x + matrix[3] * y + matrix[5];
  80931. return [newX, newY];
  80932. };
  80933. var transformRelativePoint = (matrix, x, y) => {
  80934. const newX = matrix[0] * x + matrix[2] * y;
  80935. const newY = matrix[1] * x + matrix[3] * y;
  80936. return [newX, newY];
  80937. };
  80938. var applyMatrixToPathData = (pathData, matrix) => {
  80939. const start = [0, 0];
  80940. const cursor = [0, 0];
  80941. for (const pathItem of pathData) {
  80942. let { command, args } = pathItem;
  80943. if (command === "M") {
  80944. cursor[0] = args[0];
  80945. cursor[1] = args[1];
  80946. start[0] = cursor[0];
  80947. start[1] = cursor[1];
  80948. const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  80949. args[0] = x;
  80950. args[1] = y;
  80951. }
  80952. if (command === "m") {
  80953. cursor[0] += args[0];
  80954. cursor[1] += args[1];
  80955. start[0] = cursor[0];
  80956. start[1] = cursor[1];
  80957. const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  80958. args[0] = x;
  80959. args[1] = y;
  80960. }
  80961. if (command === "H") {
  80962. command = "L";
  80963. args = [args[0], cursor[1]];
  80964. }
  80965. if (command === "h") {
  80966. command = "l";
  80967. args = [args[0], 0];
  80968. }
  80969. if (command === "V") {
  80970. command = "L";
  80971. args = [cursor[0], args[0]];
  80972. }
  80973. if (command === "v") {
  80974. command = "l";
  80975. args = [0, args[0]];
  80976. }
  80977. if (command === "L") {
  80978. cursor[0] = args[0];
  80979. cursor[1] = args[1];
  80980. const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  80981. args[0] = x;
  80982. args[1] = y;
  80983. }
  80984. if (command === "l") {
  80985. cursor[0] += args[0];
  80986. cursor[1] += args[1];
  80987. const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  80988. args[0] = x;
  80989. args[1] = y;
  80990. }
  80991. if (command === "C") {
  80992. cursor[0] = args[4];
  80993. cursor[1] = args[5];
  80994. const [x1, y1] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  80995. const [x2, y2] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
  80996. const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[4], args[5]);
  80997. args[0] = x1;
  80998. args[1] = y1;
  80999. args[2] = x2;
  81000. args[3] = y2;
  81001. args[4] = x;
  81002. args[5] = y;
  81003. }
  81004. if (command === "c") {
  81005. cursor[0] += args[4];
  81006. cursor[1] += args[5];
  81007. const [x1, y1] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  81008. const [x2, y2] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
  81009. const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[4], args[5]);
  81010. args[0] = x1;
  81011. args[1] = y1;
  81012. args[2] = x2;
  81013. args[3] = y2;
  81014. args[4] = x;
  81015. args[5] = y;
  81016. }
  81017. if (command === "S") {
  81018. cursor[0] = args[2];
  81019. cursor[1] = args[3];
  81020. const [x2, y2] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  81021. const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
  81022. args[0] = x2;
  81023. args[1] = y2;
  81024. args[2] = x;
  81025. args[3] = y;
  81026. }
  81027. if (command === "s") {
  81028. cursor[0] += args[2];
  81029. cursor[1] += args[3];
  81030. const [x2, y2] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  81031. const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
  81032. args[0] = x2;
  81033. args[1] = y2;
  81034. args[2] = x;
  81035. args[3] = y;
  81036. }
  81037. if (command === "Q") {
  81038. cursor[0] = args[2];
  81039. cursor[1] = args[3];
  81040. const [x1, y1] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  81041. const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
  81042. args[0] = x1;
  81043. args[1] = y1;
  81044. args[2] = x;
  81045. args[3] = y;
  81046. }
  81047. if (command === "q") {
  81048. cursor[0] += args[2];
  81049. cursor[1] += args[3];
  81050. const [x1, y1] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  81051. const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[2], args[3]);
  81052. args[0] = x1;
  81053. args[1] = y1;
  81054. args[2] = x;
  81055. args[3] = y;
  81056. }
  81057. if (command === "T") {
  81058. cursor[0] = args[0];
  81059. cursor[1] = args[1];
  81060. const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  81061. args[0] = x;
  81062. args[1] = y;
  81063. }
  81064. if (command === "t") {
  81065. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81066. cursor[1] += args[1];
  81067. const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[0], args[1]);
  81068. args[0] = x;
  81069. args[1] = y;
  81070. }
  81071. if (command === "A") {
  81072. transformArc(cursor, args, matrix);
  81073. cursor[0] = args[5];
  81074. cursor[1] = args[6];
  81075. if (Math.abs(args[2]) > 80) {
  81076. const a = args[0];
  81077. const rotation = args[2];
  81078. args[0] = args[1];
  81079. args[1] = a;
  81080. args[2] = rotation + (rotation > 0 ? -90 : 90);
  81081. }
  81082. const [x, y] = transformAbsolutePoint(matrix, args[5], args[6]);
  81083. args[5] = x;
  81084. args[6] = y;
  81085. }
  81086. if (command === "a") {
  81087. transformArc([0, 0], args, matrix);
  81088. cursor[0] += args[5];
  81089. cursor[1] += args[6];
  81090. if (Math.abs(args[2]) > 80) {
  81091. const a = args[0];
  81092. const rotation = args[2];
  81093. args[0] = args[1];
  81094. args[1] = a;
  81095. args[2] = rotation + (rotation > 0 ? -90 : 90);
  81096. }
  81097. const [x, y] = transformRelativePoint(matrix, args[5], args[6]);
  81098. args[5] = x;
  81099. args[6] = y;
  81100. }
  81101. if (command === "z" || command === "Z") {
  81102. cursor[0] = start[0];
  81103. cursor[1] = start[1];
  81104. }
  81105. pathItem.command = command;
  81106. pathItem.args = args;
  81107. }
  81108. };
  81109. }
  81110. });
  81111. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertPathData.js
  81112. var require_convertPathData = __commonJS({
  81113. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertPathData.js"(exports2) {
  81114. "use strict";
  81115. var { collectStylesheet, computeStyle } = require_style();
  81116. var { visit } = require_xast();
  81117. var { pathElems } = require_collections();
  81118. var { path2js, js2path } = require_path2();
  81119. var { applyTransforms } = require_applyTransforms();
  81120. var { cleanupOutData, toFixed } = require_tools();
  81121. = "convertPathData";
  81122. exports2.description = "optimizes path data: writes in shorter form, applies transformations";
  81123. var roundData;
  81124. var precision;
  81125. var error;
  81126. var arcThreshold;
  81127. var arcTolerance;
  81128. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  81129. const {
  81130. // TODO convert to separate plugin in v3
  81131. applyTransforms: _applyTransforms = true,
  81132. applyTransformsStroked = true,
  81133. makeArcs = {
  81134. threshold: 2.5,
  81135. // coefficient of rounding error
  81136. tolerance: 0.5
  81137. // percentage of radius
  81138. },
  81139. straightCurves = true,
  81140. convertToQ = true,
  81141. lineShorthands = true,
  81142. convertToZ = true,
  81143. curveSmoothShorthands = true,
  81144. floatPrecision = 3,
  81145. transformPrecision = 5,
  81146. smartArcRounding = true,
  81147. removeUseless = true,
  81148. collapseRepeated = true,
  81149. utilizeAbsolute = true,
  81150. leadingZero = true,
  81151. negativeExtraSpace = true,
  81152. noSpaceAfterFlags = false,
  81153. // a20 60 45 0 1 30 20 → a20 60 45 0130 20
  81154. forceAbsolutePath = false
  81155. } = params;
  81156. const newParams = {
  81157. applyTransforms: _applyTransforms,
  81158. applyTransformsStroked,
  81159. makeArcs,
  81160. straightCurves,
  81161. convertToQ,
  81162. lineShorthands,
  81163. convertToZ,
  81164. curveSmoothShorthands,
  81165. floatPrecision,
  81166. transformPrecision,
  81167. smartArcRounding,
  81168. removeUseless,
  81169. collapseRepeated,
  81170. utilizeAbsolute,
  81171. leadingZero,
  81172. negativeExtraSpace,
  81173. noSpaceAfterFlags,
  81174. forceAbsolutePath
  81175. };
  81176. if (_applyTransforms) {
  81177. visit(
  81178. root,
  81179. // @ts-ignore
  81180. applyTransforms(root, {
  81181. transformPrecision,
  81182. applyTransformsStroked
  81183. })
  81184. );
  81185. }
  81186. const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
  81187. return {
  81188. element: {
  81189. enter: (node) => {
  81190. if (pathElems.has( && node.attributes.d != null) {
  81191. const computedStyle = computeStyle(stylesheet, node);
  81192. precision = floatPrecision;
  81193. error = precision !== false ? +Math.pow(0.1, precision).toFixed(precision) : 0.01;
  81194. roundData = precision && precision > 0 && precision < 20 ? strongRound : round;
  81195. if (makeArcs) {
  81196. arcThreshold = makeArcs.threshold;
  81197. arcTolerance = makeArcs.tolerance;
  81198. }
  81199. const hasMarkerMid = computedStyle["marker-mid"] != null;
  81200. const maybeHasStroke = computedStyle.stroke && (computedStyle.stroke.type === "dynamic" || computedStyle.stroke.value !== "none");
  81201. const maybeHasLinecap = computedStyle["stroke-linecap"] && (computedStyle["stroke-linecap"].type === "dynamic" || computedStyle["stroke-linecap"].value !== "butt");
  81202. const maybeHasStrokeAndLinecap = maybeHasStroke && maybeHasLinecap;
  81203. const isSafeToUseZ = maybeHasStroke ? computedStyle["stroke-linecap"]?.type === "static" && computedStyle["stroke-linecap"].value === "round" && computedStyle["stroke-linejoin"]?.type === "static" && computedStyle["stroke-linejoin"].value === "round" : true;
  81204. var data = path2js(node);
  81205. if (data.length) {
  81206. convertToRelative(data);
  81207. data = filters(data, newParams, {
  81208. isSafeToUseZ,
  81209. maybeHasStrokeAndLinecap,
  81210. hasMarkerMid
  81211. });
  81212. if (utilizeAbsolute) {
  81213. data = convertToMixed(data, newParams);
  81214. }
  81215. js2path(node, data, newParams);
  81216. }
  81217. }
  81218. }
  81219. }
  81220. };
  81221. };
  81222. var convertToRelative = (pathData) => {
  81223. let start = [0, 0];
  81224. let cursor = [0, 0];
  81225. let prevCoords = [0, 0];
  81226. for (let i = 0; i < pathData.length; i += 1) {
  81227. const pathItem = pathData[i];
  81228. let { command, args } = pathItem;
  81229. if (command === "m") {
  81230. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81231. cursor[1] += args[1];
  81232. start[0] = cursor[0];
  81233. start[1] = cursor[1];
  81234. }
  81235. if (command === "M") {
  81236. if (i !== 0) {
  81237. command = "m";
  81238. }
  81239. args[0] -= cursor[0];
  81240. args[1] -= cursor[1];
  81241. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81242. cursor[1] += args[1];
  81243. start[0] = cursor[0];
  81244. start[1] = cursor[1];
  81245. }
  81246. if (command === "l") {
  81247. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81248. cursor[1] += args[1];
  81249. }
  81250. if (command === "L") {
  81251. command = "l";
  81252. args[0] -= cursor[0];
  81253. args[1] -= cursor[1];
  81254. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81255. cursor[1] += args[1];
  81256. }
  81257. if (command === "h") {
  81258. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81259. }
  81260. if (command === "H") {
  81261. command = "h";
  81262. args[0] -= cursor[0];
  81263. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81264. }
  81265. if (command === "v") {
  81266. cursor[1] += args[0];
  81267. }
  81268. if (command === "V") {
  81269. command = "v";
  81270. args[0] -= cursor[1];
  81271. cursor[1] += args[0];
  81272. }
  81273. if (command === "c") {
  81274. cursor[0] += args[4];
  81275. cursor[1] += args[5];
  81276. }
  81277. if (command === "C") {
  81278. command = "c";
  81279. args[0] -= cursor[0];
  81280. args[1] -= cursor[1];
  81281. args[2] -= cursor[0];
  81282. args[3] -= cursor[1];
  81283. args[4] -= cursor[0];
  81284. args[5] -= cursor[1];
  81285. cursor[0] += args[4];
  81286. cursor[1] += args[5];
  81287. }
  81288. if (command === "s") {
  81289. cursor[0] += args[2];
  81290. cursor[1] += args[3];
  81291. }
  81292. if (command === "S") {
  81293. command = "s";
  81294. args[0] -= cursor[0];
  81295. args[1] -= cursor[1];
  81296. args[2] -= cursor[0];
  81297. args[3] -= cursor[1];
  81298. cursor[0] += args[2];
  81299. cursor[1] += args[3];
  81300. }
  81301. if (command === "q") {
  81302. cursor[0] += args[2];
  81303. cursor[1] += args[3];
  81304. }
  81305. if (command === "Q") {
  81306. command = "q";
  81307. args[0] -= cursor[0];
  81308. args[1] -= cursor[1];
  81309. args[2] -= cursor[0];
  81310. args[3] -= cursor[1];
  81311. cursor[0] += args[2];
  81312. cursor[1] += args[3];
  81313. }
  81314. if (command === "t") {
  81315. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81316. cursor[1] += args[1];
  81317. }
  81318. if (command === "T") {
  81319. command = "t";
  81320. args[0] -= cursor[0];
  81321. args[1] -= cursor[1];
  81322. cursor[0] += args[0];
  81323. cursor[1] += args[1];
  81324. }
  81325. if (command === "a") {
  81326. cursor[0] += args[5];
  81327. cursor[1] += args[6];
  81328. }
  81329. if (command === "A") {
  81330. command = "a";
  81331. args[5] -= cursor[0];
  81332. args[6] -= cursor[1];
  81333. cursor[0] += args[5];
  81334. cursor[1] += args[6];
  81335. }
  81336. if (command === "Z" || command === "z") {
  81337. cursor[0] = start[0];
  81338. cursor[1] = start[1];
  81339. }
  81340. pathItem.command = command;
  81341. pathItem.args = args;
  81342. pathItem.base = prevCoords;
  81343. pathItem.coords = [cursor[0], cursor[1]];
  81344. prevCoords = pathItem.coords;
  81345. }
  81346. return pathData;
  81347. };
  81348. function filters(path, params, { isSafeToUseZ, maybeHasStrokeAndLinecap, hasMarkerMid }) {
  81349. const stringify = data2Path.bind(null, params);
  81350. const relSubpoint = [0, 0];
  81351. const pathBase = [0, 0];
  81352. let prev = {};
  81353. let prevQControlPoint;
  81354. path = path.filter(function(item, index, path2) {
  81355. const qControlPoint = prevQControlPoint;
  81356. prevQControlPoint = void 0;
  81357. let command = item.command;
  81358. let data = item.args;
  81359. let next = path2[index + 1];
  81360. if (command !== "Z" && command !== "z") {
  81361. var sdata = data, circle;
  81362. if (command === "s") {
  81363. sdata = [0, 0].concat(data);
  81364. const pdata = prev.args;
  81365. const n = pdata.length;
  81366. sdata[0] = pdata[n - 2] - pdata[n - 4];
  81367. sdata[1] = pdata[n - 1] - pdata[n - 3];
  81368. }
  81369. if (params.makeArcs && (command == "c" || command == "s") && isConvex(sdata) && (circle = findCircle(sdata))) {
  81370. var r = roundData([circle.radius])[0], angle = findArcAngle(sdata, circle), sweep = sdata[5] * sdata[0] - sdata[4] * sdata[1] > 0 ? 1 : 0, arc = {
  81371. command: "a",
  81372. args: [r, r, 0, 0, sweep, sdata[4], sdata[5]],
  81373. // @ts-ignore
  81374. coords: item.coords.slice(),
  81375. // @ts-ignore
  81376. base: item.base
  81377. }, output = [arc], relCenter = [
  81378.[0] - sdata[4],
  81379.[1] - sdata[5]
  81380. ], relCircle = { center: relCenter, radius: circle.radius }, arcCurves = [item], hasPrev = 0, suffix = "", nextLonghand;
  81381. if (prev.command == "c" && isConvex(prev.args) && isArcPrev(prev.args, circle) || prev.command == "a" && prev.sdata && isArcPrev(prev.sdata, circle)) {
  81382. arcCurves.unshift(prev);
  81383. arc.base = prev.base;
  81384. arc.args[5] = arc.coords[0] - arc.base[0];
  81385. arc.args[6] = arc.coords[1] - arc.base[1];
  81386. var prevData = prev.command == "a" ? prev.sdata : prev.args;
  81387. var prevAngle = findArcAngle(prevData, {
  81388. center: [
  81389. prevData[4] +[0],
  81390. prevData[5] +[1]
  81391. ],
  81392. radius: circle.radius
  81393. });
  81394. angle += prevAngle;
  81395. if (angle > Math.PI)
  81396. arc.args[3] = 1;
  81397. hasPrev = 1;
  81398. }
  81399. for (var j = index; (next = path2[++j]) && (next.command === "c" || next.command === "s"); ) {
  81400. var nextData = next.args;
  81401. if (next.command == "s") {
  81402. nextLonghand = makeLonghand(
  81403. { command: "s", args: next.args.slice() },
  81404. path2[j - 1].args
  81405. );
  81406. nextData = nextLonghand.args;
  81407. nextLonghand.args = nextData.slice(0, 2);
  81408. suffix = stringify([nextLonghand]);
  81409. }
  81410. if (isConvex(nextData) && isArc(nextData, relCircle)) {
  81411. angle += findArcAngle(nextData, relCircle);
  81412. if (angle - 2 * Math.PI > 1e-3)
  81413. break;
  81414. if (angle > Math.PI)
  81415. arc.args[3] = 1;
  81416. arcCurves.push(next);
  81417. if (2 * Math.PI - angle > 1e-3) {
  81418. arc.coords = next.coords;
  81419. arc.args[5] = arc.coords[0] - arc.base[0];
  81420. arc.args[6] = arc.coords[1] - arc.base[1];
  81421. } else {
  81422. arc.args[5] = 2 * ([0] - nextData[4]);
  81423. arc.args[6] = 2 * ([1] - nextData[5]);
  81424. arc.coords = [
  81425. // @ts-ignore
  81426. arc.base[0] + arc.args[5],
  81427. // @ts-ignore
  81428. arc.base[1] + arc.args[6]
  81429. ];
  81430. arc = {
  81431. command: "a",
  81432. args: [
  81433. r,
  81434. r,
  81435. 0,
  81436. 0,
  81437. sweep,
  81438. // @ts-ignore
  81439. next.coords[0] - arc.coords[0],
  81440. // @ts-ignore
  81441. next.coords[1] - arc.coords[1]
  81442. ],
  81443. // @ts-ignore
  81444. coords: next.coords,
  81445. // @ts-ignore
  81446. base: arc.coords
  81447. };
  81448. output.push(arc);
  81449. j++;
  81450. break;
  81451. }
  81452. relCenter[0] -= nextData[4];
  81453. relCenter[1] -= nextData[5];
  81454. } else
  81455. break;
  81456. }
  81457. if ((stringify(output) + suffix).length < stringify(arcCurves).length) {
  81458. if (path2[j] && path2[j].command == "s") {
  81459. makeLonghand(path2[j], path2[j - 1].args);
  81460. }
  81461. if (hasPrev) {
  81462. var prevArc = output.shift();
  81463. roundData(prevArc.args);
  81464. relSubpoint[0] += prevArc.args[5] - prev.args[prev.args.length - 2];
  81465. relSubpoint[1] += prevArc.args[6] - prev.args[prev.args.length - 1];
  81466. prev.command = "a";
  81467. prev.args = prevArc.args;
  81468. item.base = prev.coords = prevArc.coords;
  81469. }
  81470. arc = output.shift();
  81471. if (arcCurves.length == 1) {
  81472. item.sdata = sdata.slice();
  81473. } else if (arcCurves.length - 1 - hasPrev > 0) {
  81474. path2.splice(index + 1, arcCurves.length - 1 - hasPrev, ...output);
  81475. }
  81476. if (!arc)
  81477. return false;
  81478. command = "a";
  81479. data = arc.args;
  81480. item.coords = arc.coords;
  81481. }
  81482. }
  81483. if (precision !== false) {
  81484. if (command === "m" || command === "l" || command === "t" || command === "q" || command === "s" || command === "c") {
  81485. for (var i = data.length; i--; ) {
  81486. data[i] += item.base[i % 2] - relSubpoint[i % 2];
  81487. }
  81488. } else if (command == "h") {
  81489. data[0] += item.base[0] - relSubpoint[0];
  81490. } else if (command == "v") {
  81491. data[0] += item.base[1] - relSubpoint[1];
  81492. } else if (command == "a") {
  81493. data[5] += item.base[0] - relSubpoint[0];
  81494. data[6] += item.base[1] - relSubpoint[1];
  81495. }
  81496. roundData(data);
  81497. if (command == "h")
  81498. relSubpoint[0] += data[0];
  81499. else if (command == "v")
  81500. relSubpoint[1] += data[0];
  81501. else {
  81502. relSubpoint[0] += data[data.length - 2];
  81503. relSubpoint[1] += data[data.length - 1];
  81504. }
  81505. roundData(relSubpoint);
  81506. if (command === "M" || command === "m") {
  81507. pathBase[0] = relSubpoint[0];
  81508. pathBase[1] = relSubpoint[1];
  81509. }
  81510. }
  81511. const sagitta = command === "a" ? calculateSagitta(data) : void 0;
  81512. if (params.smartArcRounding && sagitta !== void 0 && precision) {
  81513. for (let precisionNew = precision; precisionNew >= 0; precisionNew--) {
  81514. const radius = toFixed(data[0], precisionNew);
  81515. const sagittaNew = (
  81516. /** @type {number} */
  81517. calculateSagitta([radius, radius,])
  81518. );
  81519. if (Math.abs(sagitta - sagittaNew) < error) {
  81520. data[0] = radius;
  81521. data[1] = radius;
  81522. } else {
  81523. break;
  81524. }
  81525. }
  81526. }
  81527. if (params.straightCurves) {
  81528. if (command === "c" && isCurveStraightLine(data) || command === "s" && isCurveStraightLine(sdata)) {
  81529. if (next && next.command == "s")
  81530. makeLonghand(next, data);
  81531. command = "l";
  81532. data = data.slice(-2);
  81533. } else if (command === "q" && isCurveStraightLine(data)) {
  81534. if (next && next.command == "t")
  81535. makeLonghand(next, data);
  81536. command = "l";
  81537. data = data.slice(-2);
  81538. } else if (command === "t" && prev.command !== "q" && prev.command !== "t") {
  81539. command = "l";
  81540. data = data.slice(-2);
  81541. } else if (command === "a" && (data[0] === 0 || data[1] === 0 || sagitta !== void 0 && sagitta < error)) {
  81542. command = "l";
  81543. data = data.slice(-2);
  81544. }
  81545. }
  81546. if (params.convertToQ && command == "c") {
  81547. const x1 = (
  81548. // @ts-ignore
  81549. 0.75 * (item.base[0] + data[0]) - 0.25 * item.base[0]
  81550. );
  81551. const x2 = (
  81552. // @ts-ignore
  81553. 0.75 * (item.base[0] + data[2]) - 0.25 * (item.base[0] + data[4])
  81554. );
  81555. if (Math.abs(x1 - x2) < error * 2) {
  81556. const y1 = (
  81557. // @ts-ignore
  81558. 0.75 * (item.base[1] + data[1]) - 0.25 * item.base[1]
  81559. );
  81560. const y2 = (
  81561. // @ts-ignore
  81562. 0.75 * (item.base[1] + data[3]) - 0.25 * (item.base[1] + data[5])
  81563. );
  81564. if (Math.abs(y1 - y2) < error * 2) {
  81565. const newData = data.slice();
  81566. newData.splice(
  81567. 0,
  81568. 4,
  81569. // @ts-ignore
  81570. x1 + x2 - item.base[0],
  81571. // @ts-ignore
  81572. y1 + y2 - item.base[1]
  81573. );
  81574. roundData(newData);
  81575. const originalLength = cleanupOutData(data, params).length, newLength = cleanupOutData(newData, params).length;
  81576. if (newLength < originalLength) {
  81577. command = "q";
  81578. data = newData;
  81579. if (next && next.command == "s")
  81580. makeLonghand(next, data);
  81581. }
  81582. }
  81583. }
  81584. }
  81585. if (params.lineShorthands && command === "l") {
  81586. if (data[1] === 0) {
  81587. command = "h";
  81588. data.pop();
  81589. } else if (data[0] === 0) {
  81590. command = "v";
  81591. data.shift();
  81592. }
  81593. }
  81594. if (params.collapseRepeated && hasMarkerMid === false && (command === "m" || command === "h" || command === "v") && prev.command && command == prev.command.toLowerCase() && (command != "h" && command != "v" || prev.args[0] >= 0 == data[0] >= 0)) {
  81595. prev.args[0] += data[0];
  81596. if (command != "h" && command != "v") {
  81597. prev.args[1] += data[1];
  81598. }
  81599. prev.coords = item.coords;
  81600. path2[index] = prev;
  81601. return false;
  81602. }
  81603. if (params.curveSmoothShorthands && prev.command) {
  81604. if (command === "c") {
  81605. if (prev.command === "c" && Math.abs(data[0] - -(prev.args[2] - prev.args[4])) < error && Math.abs(data[1] - -(prev.args[3] - prev.args[5])) < error) {
  81606. command = "s";
  81607. data = data.slice(2);
  81608. } else if (prev.command === "s" && Math.abs(data[0] - -(prev.args[0] - prev.args[2])) < error && Math.abs(data[1] - -(prev.args[1] - prev.args[3])) < error) {
  81609. command = "s";
  81610. data = data.slice(2);
  81611. } else if (prev.command !== "c" && prev.command !== "s" && Math.abs(data[0]) < error && Math.abs(data[1]) < error) {
  81612. command = "s";
  81613. data = data.slice(2);
  81614. }
  81615. } else if (command === "q") {
  81616. if (prev.command === "q" && Math.abs(data[0] - (prev.args[2] - prev.args[0])) < error && Math.abs(data[1] - (prev.args[3] - prev.args[1])) < error) {
  81617. command = "t";
  81618. data = data.slice(2);
  81619. } else if (prev.command === "t") {
  81620. const predictedControlPoint = reflectPoint(
  81621. // @ts-ignore
  81622. qControlPoint,
  81623. // @ts-ignore
  81624. item.base
  81625. );
  81626. const realControlPoint = [
  81627. // @ts-ignore
  81628. data[0] + item.base[0],
  81629. // @ts-ignore
  81630. data[1] + item.base[1]
  81631. ];
  81632. if (Math.abs(predictedControlPoint[0] - realControlPoint[0]) < error && Math.abs(predictedControlPoint[1] - realControlPoint[1]) < error) {
  81633. command = "t";
  81634. data = data.slice(2);
  81635. }
  81636. }
  81637. }
  81638. }
  81639. if (params.removeUseless && !maybeHasStrokeAndLinecap) {
  81640. if ((command === "l" || command === "h" || command === "v" || command === "q" || command === "t" || command === "c" || command === "s") && data.every(function(i2) {
  81641. return i2 === 0;
  81642. })) {
  81643. path2[index] = prev;
  81644. return false;
  81645. }
  81646. if (command === "a" && data[5] === 0 && data[6] === 0) {
  81647. path2[index] = prev;
  81648. return false;
  81649. }
  81650. }
  81651. if (params.convertToZ && (isSafeToUseZ || next?.command === "Z" || next?.command === "z") && (command === "l" || command === "h" || command === "v")) {
  81652. if (
  81653. // @ts-ignore
  81654. Math.abs(pathBase[0] - item.coords[0]) < error && // @ts-ignore
  81655. Math.abs(pathBase[1] - item.coords[1]) < error
  81656. ) {
  81657. command = "z";
  81658. data = [];
  81659. }
  81660. }
  81661. item.command = command;
  81662. item.args = data;
  81663. } else {
  81664. relSubpoint[0] = pathBase[0];
  81665. relSubpoint[1] = pathBase[1];
  81666. if (prev.command === "Z" || prev.command === "z")
  81667. return false;
  81668. }
  81669. if ((command === "Z" || command === "z") && params.removeUseless && isSafeToUseZ && // @ts-ignore
  81670. Math.abs(item.base[0] - item.coords[0]) < error / 10 && // @ts-ignore
  81671. Math.abs(item.base[1] - item.coords[1]) < error / 10)
  81672. return false;
  81673. if (command === "q") {
  81674. prevQControlPoint = [data[0] + item.base[0], data[1] + item.base[1]];
  81675. } else if (command === "t") {
  81676. if (qControlPoint) {
  81677. prevQControlPoint = reflectPoint(qControlPoint, item.base);
  81678. } else {
  81679. prevQControlPoint = item.coords;
  81680. }
  81681. }
  81682. prev = item;
  81683. return true;
  81684. });
  81685. return path;
  81686. }
  81687. function convertToMixed(path, params) {
  81688. var prev = path[0];
  81689. path = path.filter(function(item, index) {
  81690. if (index == 0)
  81691. return true;
  81692. if (item.command === "Z" || item.command === "z") {
  81693. prev = item;
  81694. return true;
  81695. }
  81696. var command = item.command, data = item.args, adata = data.slice(), rdata = data.slice();
  81697. if (command === "m" || command === "l" || command === "t" || command === "q" || command === "s" || command === "c") {
  81698. for (var i = adata.length; i--; ) {
  81699. adata[i] += item.base[i % 2];
  81700. }
  81701. } else if (command == "h") {
  81702. adata[0] += item.base[0];
  81703. } else if (command == "v") {
  81704. adata[0] += item.base[1];
  81705. } else if (command == "a") {
  81706. adata[5] += item.base[0];
  81707. adata[6] += item.base[1];
  81708. }
  81709. roundData(adata);
  81710. roundData(rdata);
  81711. var absoluteDataStr = cleanupOutData(adata, params), relativeDataStr = cleanupOutData(rdata, params);
  81712. if (params.forceAbsolutePath || absoluteDataStr.length < relativeDataStr.length && !(params.negativeExtraSpace && command == prev.command && prev.command.charCodeAt(0) > 96 && absoluteDataStr.length == relativeDataStr.length - 1 && (data[0] < 0 || Math.floor(data[0]) === 0 && !Number.isInteger(data[0]) && prev.args[prev.args.length - 1] % 1))) {
  81713. item.command = command.toUpperCase();
  81714. item.args = adata;
  81715. }
  81716. prev = item;
  81717. return true;
  81718. });
  81719. return path;
  81720. }
  81721. function isConvex(data) {
  81722. var center = getIntersection([
  81723. 0,
  81724. 0,
  81725. data[2],
  81726. data[3],
  81727. data[0],
  81728. data[1],
  81729. data[4],
  81730. data[5]
  81731. ]);
  81732. return center != null && data[2] < center[0] == center[0] < 0 && data[3] < center[1] == center[1] < 0 && data[4] < center[0] == center[0] < data[0] && data[5] < center[1] == center[1] < data[1];
  81733. }
  81734. function getIntersection(coords) {
  81735. var a1 = coords[1] - coords[3], b1 = coords[2] - coords[0], c1 = coords[0] * coords[3] - coords[2] * coords[1], a2 = coords[5] - coords[7], b2 = coords[6] - coords[4], c2 = coords[4] * coords[7] - coords[5] * coords[6], denom = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1;
  81736. if (!denom)
  81737. return;
  81738. var cross = [(b1 * c2 - b2 * c1) / denom, (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1) / -denom];
  81739. if (!isNaN(cross[0]) && !isNaN(cross[1]) && isFinite(cross[0]) && isFinite(cross[1])) {
  81740. return cross;
  81741. }
  81742. }
  81743. function strongRound(data) {
  81744. const precisionNum = precision || 0;
  81745. for (let i = data.length; i-- > 0; ) {
  81746. const fixed = toFixed(data[i], precisionNum);
  81747. if (fixed !== data[i]) {
  81748. const rounded = toFixed(data[i], precisionNum - 1);
  81749. data[i] = toFixed(Math.abs(rounded - data[i]), precisionNum + 1) >= error ? fixed : rounded;
  81750. }
  81751. }
  81752. return data;
  81753. }
  81754. function round(data) {
  81755. for (var i = data.length; i-- > 0; ) {
  81756. data[i] = Math.round(data[i]);
  81757. }
  81758. return data;
  81759. }
  81760. function isCurveStraightLine(data) {
  81761. var i = data.length - 2, a = -data[i + 1], b = data[i], d = 1 / (a * a + b * b);
  81762. if (i <= 1 || !isFinite(d))
  81763. return false;
  81764. while ((i -= 2) >= 0) {
  81765. if (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a * data[i] + b * data[i + 1], 2) * d) > error)
  81766. return false;
  81767. }
  81768. return true;
  81769. }
  81770. function calculateSagitta(data) {
  81771. if (data[3] === 1)
  81772. return void 0;
  81773. const [rx, ry] = data;
  81774. if (Math.abs(rx - ry) > error)
  81775. return void 0;
  81776. const chord = Math.sqrt(data[5] ** 2 + data[6] ** 2);
  81777. if (chord > rx * 2)
  81778. return void 0;
  81779. return rx - Math.sqrt(rx ** 2 - 0.25 * chord ** 2);
  81780. }
  81781. function makeLonghand(item, data) {
  81782. switch (item.command) {
  81783. case "s":
  81784. item.command = "c";
  81785. break;
  81786. case "t":
  81787. item.command = "q";
  81788. break;
  81789. }
  81790. item.args.unshift(
  81791. data[data.length - 2] - data[data.length - 4],
  81792. data[data.length - 1] - data[data.length - 3]
  81793. );
  81794. return item;
  81795. }
  81796. function getDistance(point1, point2) {
  81797. return Math.sqrt((point1[0] - point2[0]) ** 2 + (point1[1] - point2[1]) ** 2);
  81798. }
  81799. function reflectPoint(controlPoint, base) {
  81800. return [2 * base[0] - controlPoint[0], 2 * base[1] - controlPoint[1]];
  81801. }
  81802. function getCubicBezierPoint(curve, t) {
  81803. var sqrT = t * t, cubT = sqrT * t, mt = 1 - t, sqrMt = mt * mt;
  81804. return [
  81805. 3 * sqrMt * t * curve[0] + 3 * mt * sqrT * curve[2] + cubT * curve[4],
  81806. 3 * sqrMt * t * curve[1] + 3 * mt * sqrT * curve[3] + cubT * curve[5]
  81807. ];
  81808. }
  81809. function findCircle(curve) {
  81810. var midPoint = getCubicBezierPoint(curve, 1 / 2), m1 = [midPoint[0] / 2, midPoint[1] / 2], m2 = [(midPoint[0] + curve[4]) / 2, (midPoint[1] + curve[5]) / 2], center = getIntersection([
  81811. m1[0],
  81812. m1[1],
  81813. m1[0] + m1[1],
  81814. m1[1] - m1[0],
  81815. m2[0],
  81816. m2[1],
  81817. m2[0] + (m2[1] - midPoint[1]),
  81818. m2[1] - (m2[0] - midPoint[0])
  81819. ]), radius = center && getDistance([0, 0], center), tolerance = Math.min(arcThreshold * error, arcTolerance * radius / 100);
  81820. if (center && // @ts-ignore
  81821. radius < 1e15 && [1 / 4, 3 / 4].every(function(point) {
  81822. return Math.abs(
  81823. // @ts-ignore
  81824. getDistance(getCubicBezierPoint(curve, point), center) - radius
  81825. ) <= tolerance;
  81826. }))
  81827. return { center, radius };
  81828. }
  81829. function isArc(curve, circle) {
  81830. var tolerance = Math.min(
  81831. arcThreshold * error,
  81832. arcTolerance * circle.radius / 100
  81833. );
  81834. return [0, 1 / 4, 1 / 2, 3 / 4, 1].every(function(point) {
  81835. return Math.abs(
  81836. getDistance(getCubicBezierPoint(curve, point), - circle.radius
  81837. ) <= tolerance;
  81838. });
  81839. }
  81840. function isArcPrev(curve, circle) {
  81841. return isArc(curve, {
  81842. center: [[0] + curve[4],[1] + curve[5]],
  81843. radius: circle.radius
  81844. });
  81845. }
  81846. function findArcAngle(curve, relCircle) {
  81847. var x1 =[0], y1 =[1], x2 = curve[4] -[0], y2 = curve[5] -[1];
  81848. return Math.acos(
  81849. (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2) / Math.sqrt((x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * (x2 * x2 + y2 * y2))
  81850. );
  81851. }
  81852. function data2Path(params, pathData) {
  81853. return pathData.reduce(function(pathString, item) {
  81854. var strData = "";
  81855. if (item.args) {
  81856. strData = cleanupOutData(roundData(item.args.slice()), params);
  81857. }
  81858. return pathString + item.command + strData;
  81859. }, "");
  81860. }
  81861. }
  81862. });
  81863. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertTransform.js
  81864. var require_convertTransform = __commonJS({
  81865. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertTransform.js"(exports2) {
  81866. "use strict";
  81867. var { cleanupOutData, toFixed } = require_tools();
  81868. var {
  81869. transform2js,
  81870. transformsMultiply,
  81871. matrixToTransform
  81872. } = require_transforms();
  81873. = "convertTransform";
  81874. exports2.description = "collapses multiple transformations and optimizes it";
  81875. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  81876. const {
  81877. convertToShorts: convertToShorts2 = true,
  81878. // degPrecision = 3, // transformPrecision (or matrix precision) - 2 by default
  81879. degPrecision,
  81880. floatPrecision = 3,
  81881. transformPrecision = 5,
  81882. matrixToTransform: matrixToTransform2 = true,
  81883. shortTranslate = true,
  81884. shortScale = true,
  81885. shortRotate = true,
  81886. removeUseless: removeUseless2 = true,
  81887. collapseIntoOne = true,
  81888. leadingZero = true,
  81889. negativeExtraSpace = false
  81890. } = params;
  81891. const newParams = {
  81892. convertToShorts: convertToShorts2,
  81893. degPrecision,
  81894. floatPrecision,
  81895. transformPrecision,
  81896. matrixToTransform: matrixToTransform2,
  81897. shortTranslate,
  81898. shortScale,
  81899. shortRotate,
  81900. removeUseless: removeUseless2,
  81901. collapseIntoOne,
  81902. leadingZero,
  81903. negativeExtraSpace
  81904. };
  81905. return {
  81906. element: {
  81907. enter: (node) => {
  81908. if (node.attributes.transform != null) {
  81909. convertTransform(node, "transform", newParams);
  81910. }
  81911. if (node.attributes.gradientTransform != null) {
  81912. convertTransform(node, "gradientTransform", newParams);
  81913. }
  81914. if (node.attributes.patternTransform != null) {
  81915. convertTransform(node, "patternTransform", newParams);
  81916. }
  81917. }
  81918. }
  81919. };
  81920. };
  81921. var convertTransform = (item, attrName, params) => {
  81922. let data = transform2js(item.attributes[attrName]);
  81923. params = definePrecision(data, params);
  81924. if (params.collapseIntoOne && data.length > 1) {
  81925. data = [transformsMultiply(data)];
  81926. }
  81927. if (params.convertToShorts) {
  81928. data = convertToShorts(data, params);
  81929. } else {
  81930. data.forEach((item2) => roundTransform(item2, params));
  81931. }
  81932. if (params.removeUseless) {
  81933. data = removeUseless(data);
  81934. }
  81935. if (data.length) {
  81936. item.attributes[attrName] = js2transform(data, params);
  81937. } else {
  81938. delete item.attributes[attrName];
  81939. }
  81940. };
  81941. var definePrecision = (data, { ...newParams }) => {
  81942. const matrixData = [];
  81943. for (const item of data) {
  81944. if ( == "matrix") {
  81945. matrixData.push(, 4));
  81946. }
  81947. }
  81948. let numberOfDigits = newParams.transformPrecision;
  81949. if (matrixData.length) {
  81950. newParams.transformPrecision = Math.min(
  81951. newParams.transformPrecision,
  81952. Math.max.apply(Math, || newParams.transformPrecision
  81953. );
  81954. numberOfDigits = Math.max.apply(
  81955. Math,
  81957. (n) => n.toString().replace(/\D+/g, "").length
  81958. // Number of digits in a number. 123.45 → 5
  81959. )
  81960. );
  81961. }
  81962. if (newParams.degPrecision == null) {
  81963. newParams.degPrecision = Math.max(
  81964. 0,
  81965. Math.min(newParams.floatPrecision, numberOfDigits - 2)
  81966. );
  81967. }
  81968. return newParams;
  81969. };
  81970. var degRound = (data, params) => {
  81971. if (params.degPrecision != null && params.degPrecision >= 1 && params.floatPrecision < 20) {
  81972. return smartRound(params.degPrecision, data);
  81973. } else {
  81974. return round(data);
  81975. }
  81976. };
  81977. var floatRound = (data, params) => {
  81978. if (params.floatPrecision >= 1 && params.floatPrecision < 20) {
  81979. return smartRound(params.floatPrecision, data);
  81980. } else {
  81981. return round(data);
  81982. }
  81983. };
  81984. var transformRound = (data, params) => {
  81985. if (params.transformPrecision >= 1 && params.floatPrecision < 20) {
  81986. return smartRound(params.transformPrecision, data);
  81987. } else {
  81988. return round(data);
  81989. }
  81990. };
  81991. var floatDigits = (n) => {
  81992. const str = n.toString();
  81993. return str.slice(str.indexOf(".")).length - 1;
  81994. };
  81995. var convertToShorts = (transforms, params) => {
  81996. for (var i = 0; i < transforms.length; i++) {
  81997. let transform = transforms[i];
  81998. if (params.matrixToTransform && === "matrix") {
  81999. var decomposed = matrixToTransform(transform, params);
  82000. if (js2transform(decomposed, params).length <= js2transform([transform], params).length) {
  82001. transforms.splice(i, 1, ...decomposed);
  82002. }
  82003. transform = transforms[i];
  82004. }
  82005. roundTransform(transform, params);
  82006. if (params.shortTranslate && === "translate" && === 2 && ![1]) {
  82008. }
  82009. if (params.shortScale && === "scale" && === 2 &&[0] ===[1]) {
  82011. }
  82012. if (params.shortRotate && transforms[i - 2]?.name === "translate" && transforms[i - 1].name === "rotate" && transforms[i].name === "translate" && transforms[i - 2].data[0] === -transforms[i].data[0] && transforms[i - 2].data[1] === -transforms[i].data[1]) {
  82013. transforms.splice(i - 2, 3, {
  82014. name: "rotate",
  82015. data: [
  82016. transforms[i - 1].data[0],
  82017. transforms[i - 2].data[0],
  82018. transforms[i - 2].data[1]
  82019. ]
  82020. });
  82021. i -= 2;
  82022. }
  82023. }
  82024. return transforms;
  82025. };
  82026. var removeUseless = (transforms) => {
  82027. return transforms.filter((transform) => {
  82028. if (["translate", "rotate", "skewX", "skewY"].indexOf( > -1 && ( == 1 || == "rotate") && ![0] || // translate(0, 0)
  82029. == "translate" && ![0] && ![1] || // scale(1)
  82030. == "scale" &&[0] == 1 && ( < 2 ||[1] == 1) || // matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0)
  82031. == "matrix" &&[0] == 1 &&[3] == 1 && !([1] ||[2] ||[4] ||[5])) {
  82032. return false;
  82033. }
  82034. return true;
  82035. });
  82036. };
  82037. var js2transform = (transformJS, params) => {
  82038. const transformString = => {
  82039. roundTransform(transform, params);
  82040. return `${}(${cleanupOutData(, params)})`;
  82041. }).join("");
  82042. return transformString;
  82043. };
  82044. var roundTransform = (transform, params) => {
  82045. switch ( {
  82046. case "translate":
  82047. = floatRound(, params);
  82048. break;
  82049. case "rotate":
  82050. = [
  82051. ...degRound(, 1), params),
  82052. ...floatRound(, params)
  82053. ];
  82054. break;
  82055. case "skewX":
  82056. case "skewY":
  82057. = degRound(, params);
  82058. break;
  82059. case "scale":
  82060. = transformRound(, params);
  82061. break;
  82062. case "matrix":
  82063. = [
  82064. ...transformRound(, 4), params),
  82065. ...floatRound(, params)
  82066. ];
  82067. break;
  82068. }
  82069. return transform;
  82070. };
  82071. var round = (data) => {
  82072. return;
  82073. };
  82074. var smartRound = (precision, data) => {
  82075. for (var i = data.length, tolerance = +Math.pow(0.1, precision).toFixed(precision); i--; ) {
  82076. if (toFixed(data[i], precision) !== data[i]) {
  82077. var rounded = +data[i].toFixed(precision - 1);
  82078. data[i] = +Math.abs(rounded - data[i]).toFixed(precision + 1) >= tolerance ? +data[i].toFixed(precision) : rounded;
  82079. }
  82080. }
  82081. return data;
  82082. };
  82083. }
  82084. });
  82085. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeEmptyAttrs.js
  82086. var require_removeEmptyAttrs = __commonJS({
  82087. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeEmptyAttrs.js"(exports2) {
  82088. "use strict";
  82089. var { attrsGroups } = require_collections();
  82090. = "removeEmptyAttrs";
  82091. exports2.description = "removes empty attributes";
  82092. exports2.fn = () => {
  82093. return {
  82094. element: {
  82095. enter: (node) => {
  82096. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  82097. if (value === "" && // empty conditional processing attributes prevents elements from rendering
  82098. !attrsGroups.conditionalProcessing.has(name)) {
  82099. delete node.attributes[name];
  82100. }
  82101. }
  82102. }
  82103. }
  82104. };
  82105. };
  82106. }
  82107. });
  82108. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeEmptyContainers.js
  82109. var require_removeEmptyContainers = __commonJS({
  82110. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeEmptyContainers.js"(exports2) {
  82111. "use strict";
  82112. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  82113. var { elemsGroups } = require_collections();
  82114. = "removeEmptyContainers";
  82115. exports2.description = "removes empty container elements";
  82116. exports2.fn = () => {
  82117. return {
  82118. element: {
  82119. exit: (node, parentNode) => {
  82120. if ( === "svg" || !elemsGroups.container.has( || node.children.length !== 0) {
  82121. return;
  82122. }
  82123. if ( === "pattern" && Object.keys(node.attributes).length !== 0) {
  82124. return;
  82125. }
  82126. if ( === "g" && node.attributes.filter != null) {
  82127. return;
  82128. }
  82129. if ( === "mask" && != null) {
  82130. return;
  82131. }
  82132. if (parentNode.type === "element" && === "switch") {
  82133. return;
  82134. }
  82135. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  82136. }
  82137. }
  82138. };
  82139. };
  82140. }
  82141. });
  82142. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/mergePaths.js
  82143. var require_mergePaths = __commonJS({
  82144. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/mergePaths.js"(exports2) {
  82145. "use strict";
  82146. var { collectStylesheet, computeStyle } = require_style();
  82147. var { path2js, js2path, intersects } = require_path2();
  82148. = "mergePaths";
  82149. exports2.description = "merges multiple paths in one if possible";
  82150. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  82151. const {
  82152. force = false,
  82153. floatPrecision,
  82154. noSpaceAfterFlags = false
  82155. // a20 60 45 0 1 30 20 → a20 60 45 0130 20
  82156. } = params;
  82157. const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
  82158. return {
  82159. element: {
  82160. enter: (node) => {
  82161. if (node.children.length <= 1) {
  82162. return;
  82163. }
  82164. const elementsToRemove = [];
  82165. let prevChild = node.children[0];
  82166. let prevPathData = null;
  82167. const updatePreviousPath = (child, pathData) => {
  82168. js2path(child, pathData, {
  82169. floatPrecision,
  82170. noSpaceAfterFlags
  82171. });
  82172. prevPathData = null;
  82173. };
  82174. for (let i = 1; i < node.children.length; i++) {
  82175. const child = node.children[i];
  82176. if (prevChild.type !== "element" || !== "path" || prevChild.children.length !== 0 || prevChild.attributes.d == null) {
  82177. if (prevPathData && prevChild.type === "element") {
  82178. updatePreviousPath(prevChild, prevPathData);
  82179. }
  82180. prevChild = child;
  82181. continue;
  82182. }
  82183. if (child.type !== "element" || !== "path" || child.children.length !== 0 || child.attributes.d == null) {
  82184. if (prevPathData) {
  82185. updatePreviousPath(prevChild, prevPathData);
  82186. }
  82187. prevChild = child;
  82188. continue;
  82189. }
  82190. const computedStyle = computeStyle(stylesheet, child);
  82191. if (computedStyle["marker-start"] || computedStyle["marker-mid"] || computedStyle["marker-end"]) {
  82192. if (prevPathData) {
  82193. updatePreviousPath(prevChild, prevPathData);
  82194. }
  82195. prevChild = child;
  82196. continue;
  82197. }
  82198. const childAttrs = Object.keys(child.attributes);
  82199. if (childAttrs.length !== Object.keys(prevChild.attributes).length) {
  82200. if (prevPathData) {
  82201. updatePreviousPath(prevChild, prevPathData);
  82202. }
  82203. prevChild = child;
  82204. continue;
  82205. }
  82206. const areAttrsEqual = childAttrs.some((attr) => {
  82207. return attr !== "d" && prevChild.type === "element" && prevChild.attributes[attr] !== child.attributes[attr];
  82208. });
  82209. if (areAttrsEqual) {
  82210. if (prevPathData) {
  82211. updatePreviousPath(prevChild, prevPathData);
  82212. }
  82213. prevChild = child;
  82214. continue;
  82215. }
  82216. const hasPrevPath = prevPathData != null;
  82217. const currentPathData = path2js(child);
  82218. prevPathData = prevPathData ?? path2js(prevChild);
  82219. if (force || !intersects(prevPathData, currentPathData)) {
  82220. prevPathData.push(...currentPathData);
  82221. elementsToRemove.push(child);
  82222. continue;
  82223. }
  82224. if (hasPrevPath) {
  82225. updatePreviousPath(prevChild, prevPathData);
  82226. }
  82227. prevChild = child;
  82228. prevPathData = null;
  82229. }
  82230. if (prevPathData && prevChild.type === "element") {
  82231. updatePreviousPath(prevChild, prevPathData);
  82232. }
  82233. node.children = node.children.filter(
  82234. (child) => !elementsToRemove.includes(child)
  82235. );
  82236. }
  82237. }
  82238. };
  82239. };
  82240. }
  82241. });
  82242. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUnusedNS.js
  82243. var require_removeUnusedNS = __commonJS({
  82244. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeUnusedNS.js"(exports2) {
  82245. "use strict";
  82246. = "removeUnusedNS";
  82247. exports2.description = "removes unused namespaces declaration";
  82248. exports2.fn = () => {
  82249. const unusedNamespaces = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  82250. return {
  82251. element: {
  82252. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  82253. if ( === "svg" && parentNode.type === "root") {
  82254. for (const name of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  82255. if (name.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
  82256. const local = name.slice("xmlns:".length);
  82257. unusedNamespaces.add(local);
  82258. }
  82259. }
  82260. }
  82261. if (unusedNamespaces.size !== 0) {
  82262. if (":")) {
  82263. const [ns] =":");
  82264. if (unusedNamespaces.has(ns)) {
  82265. unusedNamespaces.delete(ns);
  82266. }
  82267. }
  82268. for (const name of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  82269. if (name.includes(":")) {
  82270. const [ns] = name.split(":");
  82271. unusedNamespaces.delete(ns);
  82272. }
  82273. }
  82274. }
  82275. },
  82276. exit: (node, parentNode) => {
  82277. if ( === "svg" && parentNode.type === "root") {
  82278. for (const name of unusedNamespaces) {
  82279. delete node.attributes[`xmlns:${name}`];
  82280. }
  82281. }
  82282. }
  82283. }
  82284. };
  82285. };
  82286. }
  82287. });
  82288. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/sortAttrs.js
  82289. var require_sortAttrs = __commonJS({
  82290. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/sortAttrs.js"(exports2) {
  82291. "use strict";
  82292. = "sortAttrs";
  82293. exports2.description = "Sort element attributes for better compression";
  82294. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  82295. const {
  82296. order = [
  82297. "id",
  82298. "width",
  82299. "height",
  82300. "x",
  82301. "x1",
  82302. "x2",
  82303. "y",
  82304. "y1",
  82305. "y2",
  82306. "cx",
  82307. "cy",
  82308. "r",
  82309. "fill",
  82310. "stroke",
  82311. "marker",
  82312. "d",
  82313. "points"
  82314. ],
  82315. xmlnsOrder = "front"
  82316. } = params;
  82317. const getNsPriority = (name) => {
  82318. if (xmlnsOrder === "front") {
  82319. if (name === "xmlns") {
  82320. return 3;
  82321. }
  82322. if (name.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
  82323. return 2;
  82324. }
  82325. }
  82326. if (name.includes(":")) {
  82327. return 1;
  82328. }
  82329. return 0;
  82330. };
  82331. const compareAttrs = ([aName], [bName]) => {
  82332. const aPriority = getNsPriority(aName);
  82333. const bPriority = getNsPriority(bName);
  82334. const priorityNs = bPriority - aPriority;
  82335. if (priorityNs !== 0) {
  82336. return priorityNs;
  82337. }
  82338. const [aPart] = aName.split("-");
  82339. const [bPart] = bName.split("-");
  82340. if (aPart !== bPart) {
  82341. const aInOrderFlag = order.includes(aPart) ? 1 : 0;
  82342. const bInOrderFlag = order.includes(bPart) ? 1 : 0;
  82343. if (aInOrderFlag === 1 && bInOrderFlag === 1) {
  82344. return order.indexOf(aPart) - order.indexOf(bPart);
  82345. }
  82346. const priorityOrder = bInOrderFlag - aInOrderFlag;
  82347. if (priorityOrder !== 0) {
  82348. return priorityOrder;
  82349. }
  82350. }
  82351. return aName < bName ? -1 : 1;
  82352. };
  82353. return {
  82354. element: {
  82355. enter: (node) => {
  82356. const attrs = Object.entries(node.attributes);
  82357. attrs.sort(compareAttrs);
  82358. const sortedAttributes = {};
  82359. for (const [name, value] of attrs) {
  82360. sortedAttributes[name] = value;
  82361. }
  82362. node.attributes = sortedAttributes;
  82363. }
  82364. }
  82365. };
  82366. };
  82367. }
  82368. });
  82369. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/sortDefsChildren.js
  82370. var require_sortDefsChildren = __commonJS({
  82371. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/sortDefsChildren.js"(exports2) {
  82372. "use strict";
  82373. = "sortDefsChildren";
  82374. exports2.description = "Sorts children of <defs> to improve compression";
  82375. exports2.fn = () => {
  82376. return {
  82377. element: {
  82378. enter: (node) => {
  82379. if ( === "defs") {
  82380. const frequencies = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  82381. for (const child of node.children) {
  82382. if (child.type === "element") {
  82383. const frequency = frequencies.get(;
  82384. if (frequency == null) {
  82385. frequencies.set(, 1);
  82386. } else {
  82387. frequencies.set(, frequency + 1);
  82388. }
  82389. }
  82390. }
  82391. node.children.sort((a, b) => {
  82392. if (a.type !== "element" || b.type !== "element") {
  82393. return 0;
  82394. }
  82395. const aFrequency = frequencies.get(;
  82396. const bFrequency = frequencies.get(;
  82397. if (aFrequency != null && bFrequency != null) {
  82398. const frequencyComparison = bFrequency - aFrequency;
  82399. if (frequencyComparison !== 0) {
  82400. return frequencyComparison;
  82401. }
  82402. }
  82403. const lengthComparison = -;
  82404. if (lengthComparison !== 0) {
  82405. return lengthComparison;
  82406. }
  82407. if ( !== {
  82408. return > ? -1 : 1;
  82409. }
  82410. return 0;
  82411. });
  82412. }
  82413. }
  82414. }
  82415. };
  82416. };
  82417. }
  82418. });
  82419. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeTitle.js
  82420. var require_removeTitle = __commonJS({
  82421. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeTitle.js"(exports2) {
  82422. "use strict";
  82423. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  82424. = "removeTitle";
  82425. exports2.description = "removes <title>";
  82426. exports2.fn = () => {
  82427. return {
  82428. element: {
  82429. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  82430. if ( === "title") {
  82431. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  82432. }
  82433. }
  82434. }
  82435. };
  82436. };
  82437. }
  82438. });
  82439. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeDesc.js
  82440. var require_removeDesc = __commonJS({
  82441. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeDesc.js"(exports2) {
  82442. "use strict";
  82443. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  82444. = "removeDesc";
  82445. exports2.description = "removes <desc>";
  82446. var standardDescs = /^(Created with|Created using)/;
  82447. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  82448. const { removeAny = false } = params;
  82449. return {
  82450. element: {
  82451. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  82452. if ( === "desc") {
  82453. if (removeAny || node.children.length === 0 || node.children[0].type === "text" && standardDescs.test(node.children[0].value)) {
  82454. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  82455. }
  82456. }
  82457. }
  82458. }
  82459. };
  82460. };
  82461. }
  82462. });
  82463. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/preset-default.js
  82464. var require_preset_default = __commonJS({
  82465. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/preset-default.js"(exports2, module2) {
  82466. "use strict";
  82467. var { createPreset } = require_plugins();
  82468. var removeDoctype = require_removeDoctype();
  82469. var removeXMLProcInst = require_removeXMLProcInst();
  82470. var removeComments = require_removeComments();
  82471. var removeMetadata = require_removeMetadata();
  82472. var removeEditorsNSData = require_removeEditorsNSData();
  82473. var cleanupAttrs = require_cleanupAttrs();
  82474. var mergeStyles = require_mergeStyles();
  82475. var inlineStyles = require_inlineStyles();
  82476. var minifyStyles = require_minifyStyles();
  82477. var cleanupIds = require_cleanupIds();
  82478. var removeUselessDefs = require_removeUselessDefs();
  82479. var cleanupNumericValues = require_cleanupNumericValues();
  82480. var convertColors = require_convertColors();
  82481. var removeUnknownsAndDefaults = require_removeUnknownsAndDefaults();
  82482. var removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs = require_removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs();
  82483. var removeUselessStrokeAndFill = require_removeUselessStrokeAndFill();
  82484. var removeViewBox = require_removeViewBox();
  82485. var cleanupEnableBackground = require_cleanupEnableBackground();
  82486. var removeHiddenElems = require_removeHiddenElems();
  82487. var removeEmptyText = require_removeEmptyText();
  82488. var convertShapeToPath = require_convertShapeToPath();
  82489. var convertEllipseToCircle = require_convertEllipseToCircle();
  82490. var moveElemsAttrsToGroup = require_moveElemsAttrsToGroup();
  82491. var moveGroupAttrsToElems = require_moveGroupAttrsToElems();
  82492. var collapseGroups = require_collapseGroups();
  82493. var convertPathData = require_convertPathData();
  82494. var convertTransform = require_convertTransform();
  82495. var removeEmptyAttrs = require_removeEmptyAttrs();
  82496. var removeEmptyContainers = require_removeEmptyContainers();
  82497. var mergePaths = require_mergePaths();
  82498. var removeUnusedNS = require_removeUnusedNS();
  82499. var sortAttrs = require_sortAttrs();
  82500. var sortDefsChildren = require_sortDefsChildren();
  82501. var removeTitle = require_removeTitle();
  82502. var removeDesc = require_removeDesc();
  82503. var presetDefault = createPreset({
  82504. name: "preset-default",
  82505. plugins: [
  82506. removeDoctype,
  82507. removeXMLProcInst,
  82508. removeComments,
  82509. removeMetadata,
  82510. removeEditorsNSData,
  82511. cleanupAttrs,
  82512. mergeStyles,
  82513. inlineStyles,
  82514. minifyStyles,
  82515. cleanupIds,
  82516. removeUselessDefs,
  82517. cleanupNumericValues,
  82518. convertColors,
  82519. removeUnknownsAndDefaults,
  82520. removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs,
  82521. removeUselessStrokeAndFill,
  82522. removeViewBox,
  82523. cleanupEnableBackground,
  82524. removeHiddenElems,
  82525. removeEmptyText,
  82526. convertShapeToPath,
  82527. convertEllipseToCircle,
  82528. moveElemsAttrsToGroup,
  82529. moveGroupAttrsToElems,
  82530. collapseGroups,
  82531. convertPathData,
  82532. convertTransform,
  82533. removeEmptyAttrs,
  82534. removeEmptyContainers,
  82535. mergePaths,
  82536. removeUnusedNS,
  82537. sortAttrs,
  82538. sortDefsChildren,
  82539. removeTitle,
  82540. removeDesc
  82541. ]
  82542. });
  82543. module2.exports = presetDefault;
  82544. }
  82545. });
  82546. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/addAttributesToSVGElement.js
  82547. var require_addAttributesToSVGElement = __commonJS({
  82548. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/addAttributesToSVGElement.js"(exports2) {
  82549. "use strict";
  82550. = "addAttributesToSVGElement";
  82551. exports2.description = "adds attributes to an outer <svg> element";
  82552. var ENOCLS = `Error in plugin "addAttributesToSVGElement": absent parameters.
  82553. It should have a list of "attributes" or one "attribute".
  82554. Config example:
  82555. plugins: [
  82556. {
  82557. name: 'addAttributesToSVGElement',
  82558. params: {
  82559. attribute: "mySvg"
  82560. }
  82561. }
  82562. ]
  82563. plugins: [
  82564. {
  82565. name: 'addAttributesToSVGElement',
  82566. params: {
  82567. attributes: ["mySvg", "size-big"]
  82568. }
  82569. }
  82570. ]
  82571. plugins: [
  82572. {
  82573. name: 'addAttributesToSVGElement',
  82574. params: {
  82575. attributes: [
  82576. {
  82577. focusable: false
  82578. },
  82579. {
  82580. 'data-image': icon
  82581. }
  82582. ]
  82583. }
  82584. }
  82585. ]
  82586. `;
  82587. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  82588. if (!Array.isArray(params.attributes) && !params.attribute) {
  82589. console.error(ENOCLS);
  82590. return null;
  82591. }
  82592. const attributes = params.attributes || [params.attribute];
  82593. return {
  82594. element: {
  82595. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  82596. if ( === "svg" && parentNode.type === "root") {
  82597. for (const attribute of attributes) {
  82598. if (typeof attribute === "string") {
  82599. if (node.attributes[attribute] == null) {
  82600. node.attributes[attribute] = void 0;
  82601. }
  82602. }
  82603. if (typeof attribute === "object") {
  82604. for (const key of Object.keys(attribute)) {
  82605. if (node.attributes[key] == null) {
  82606. node.attributes[key] = attribute[key];
  82607. }
  82608. }
  82609. }
  82610. }
  82611. }
  82612. }
  82613. }
  82614. };
  82615. };
  82616. }
  82617. });
  82618. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/addClassesToSVGElement.js
  82619. var require_addClassesToSVGElement = __commonJS({
  82620. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/addClassesToSVGElement.js"(exports2) {
  82621. "use strict";
  82622. = "addClassesToSVGElement";
  82623. exports2.description = "adds classnames to an outer <svg> element";
  82624. var ENOCLS = `Error in plugin "addClassesToSVGElement": absent parameters.
  82625. It should have a list of classes in "classNames" or one "className".
  82626. Config example:
  82627. plugins: [
  82628. {
  82629. name: "addClassesToSVGElement",
  82630. params: {
  82631. className: "mySvg"
  82632. }
  82633. }
  82634. ]
  82635. plugins: [
  82636. {
  82637. name: "addClassesToSVGElement",
  82638. params: {
  82639. classNames: ["mySvg", "size-big"]
  82640. }
  82641. }
  82642. ]
  82643. `;
  82644. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  82645. if (!(Array.isArray(params.classNames) && params.classNames.some(String)) && !params.className) {
  82646. console.error(ENOCLS);
  82647. return null;
  82648. }
  82649. const classNames = params.classNames || [params.className];
  82650. return {
  82651. element: {
  82652. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  82653. if ( === "svg" && parentNode.type === "root") {
  82654. const classList = new Set(
  82655. node.attributes.class == null ? null : node.attributes.class.split(" ")
  82656. );
  82657. for (const className of classNames) {
  82658. if (className != null) {
  82659. classList.add(className);
  82660. }
  82661. }
  82662. node.attributes.class = Array.from(classList).join(" ");
  82663. }
  82664. }
  82665. }
  82666. };
  82667. };
  82668. }
  82669. });
  82670. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupListOfValues.js
  82671. var require_cleanupListOfValues = __commonJS({
  82672. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/cleanupListOfValues.js"(exports2) {
  82673. "use strict";
  82674. var { removeLeadingZero } = require_tools();
  82675. = "cleanupListOfValues";
  82676. exports2.description = "rounds list of values to the fixed precision";
  82677. var regNumericValues = /^([-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)?)(px|pt|pc|mm|cm|m|in|ft|em|ex|%)?$/;
  82678. var regSeparator = /\s+,?\s*|,\s*/;
  82679. var absoluteLengths = {
  82680. // relative to px
  82681. cm: 96 / 2.54,
  82682. mm: 96 / 25.4,
  82683. in: 96,
  82684. pt: 4 / 3,
  82685. pc: 16,
  82686. px: 1
  82687. };
  82688. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  82689. const {
  82690. floatPrecision = 3,
  82691. leadingZero = true,
  82692. defaultPx = true,
  82693. convertToPx = true
  82694. } = params;
  82695. const roundValues = (lists) => {
  82696. const roundedList = [];
  82697. for (const elem of lists.split(regSeparator)) {
  82698. const match = elem.match(regNumericValues);
  82699. const matchNew = elem.match(/new/);
  82700. if (match) {
  82701. let num = Number(Number(match[1]).toFixed(floatPrecision));
  82702. let matchedUnit = match[3] || "";
  82703. let units = matchedUnit;
  82704. if (convertToPx && units && units in absoluteLengths) {
  82705. const pxNum = Number(
  82706. (absoluteLengths[units] * Number(match[1])).toFixed(floatPrecision)
  82707. );
  82708. if (pxNum.toString().length < match[0].length) {
  82709. num = pxNum;
  82710. units = "px";
  82711. }
  82712. }
  82713. let str;
  82714. if (leadingZero) {
  82715. str = removeLeadingZero(num);
  82716. } else {
  82717. str = num.toString();
  82718. }
  82719. if (defaultPx && units === "px") {
  82720. units = "";
  82721. }
  82722. roundedList.push(str + units);
  82723. } else if (matchNew) {
  82724. roundedList.push("new");
  82725. } else if (elem) {
  82726. roundedList.push(elem);
  82727. }
  82728. }
  82729. return roundedList.join(" ");
  82730. };
  82731. return {
  82732. element: {
  82733. enter: (node) => {
  82734. if (node.attributes.points != null) {
  82735. node.attributes.points = roundValues(node.attributes.points);
  82736. }
  82737. if (node.attributes["enable-background"] != null) {
  82738. node.attributes["enable-background"] = roundValues(
  82739. node.attributes["enable-background"]
  82740. );
  82741. }
  82742. if (node.attributes.viewBox != null) {
  82743. node.attributes.viewBox = roundValues(node.attributes.viewBox);
  82744. }
  82745. if (node.attributes["stroke-dasharray"] != null) {
  82746. node.attributes["stroke-dasharray"] = roundValues(
  82747. node.attributes["stroke-dasharray"]
  82748. );
  82749. }
  82750. if (node.attributes.dx != null) {
  82751. node.attributes.dx = roundValues(node.attributes.dx);
  82752. }
  82753. if (node.attributes.dy != null) {
  82754. node.attributes.dy = roundValues(node.attributes.dy);
  82755. }
  82756. if (node.attributes.x != null) {
  82757. node.attributes.x = roundValues(node.attributes.x);
  82758. }
  82759. if (node.attributes.y != null) {
  82760. node.attributes.y = roundValues(node.attributes.y);
  82761. }
  82762. }
  82763. }
  82764. };
  82765. };
  82766. }
  82767. });
  82768. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertOneStopGradients.js
  82769. var require_convertOneStopGradients = __commonJS({
  82770. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertOneStopGradients.js"(exports2) {
  82771. "use strict";
  82772. var { attrsGroupsDefaults, colorsProps } = require_collections();
  82773. var {
  82774. detachNodeFromParent,
  82775. querySelectorAll,
  82776. querySelector
  82777. } = require_xast();
  82778. var { computeStyle, collectStylesheet } = require_style();
  82779. = "convertOneStopGradients";
  82780. exports2.description = "converts one-stop (single color) gradients to a plain color";
  82781. exports2.fn = (root) => {
  82782. const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
  82783. const effectedDefs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  82784. const allDefs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  82785. const gradientsToDetach = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  82786. let xlinkHrefCount = 0;
  82787. return {
  82788. element: {
  82789. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  82790. if (node.attributes["xlink:href"] != null) {
  82791. xlinkHrefCount++;
  82792. }
  82793. if ( === "defs") {
  82794. allDefs.set(node, parentNode);
  82795. return;
  82796. }
  82797. if ( !== "linearGradient" && !== "radialGradient") {
  82798. return;
  82799. }
  82800. const stops = node.children.filter((child) => {
  82801. return child.type === "element" && === "stop";
  82802. });
  82803. const href = node.attributes["xlink:href"] || node.attributes["href"];
  82804. let effectiveNode = stops.length === 0 && href != null && href.startsWith("#") ? querySelector(root, href) : node;
  82805. if (effectiveNode == null || effectiveNode.type !== "element") {
  82806. gradientsToDetach.set(node, parentNode);
  82807. return;
  82808. }
  82809. const effectiveStops = effectiveNode.children.filter((child) => {
  82810. return child.type === "element" && === "stop";
  82811. });
  82812. if (effectiveStops.length !== 1 || effectiveStops[0].type !== "element") {
  82813. return;
  82814. }
  82815. if (parentNode.type === "element" && === "defs") {
  82816. effectedDefs.add(parentNode);
  82817. }
  82818. gradientsToDetach.set(node, parentNode);
  82819. let color;
  82820. const style = computeStyle(stylesheet, effectiveStops[0])["stop-color"];
  82821. if (style != null && style.type === "static") {
  82822. color = style.value;
  82823. }
  82824. const selectorVal = `url(#${})`;
  82825. const selector = [...colorsProps].map((attr) => `[${attr}="${selectorVal}"]`).join(",");
  82826. const elements = querySelectorAll(root, selector);
  82827. for (const element of elements) {
  82828. if (element.type !== "element") {
  82829. continue;
  82830. }
  82831. for (const attr of colorsProps) {
  82832. if (element.attributes[attr] !== selectorVal) {
  82833. continue;
  82834. }
  82835. if (color != null) {
  82836. element.attributes[attr] = color;
  82837. } else {
  82838. delete element.attributes[attr];
  82839. }
  82840. }
  82841. }
  82842. const styledElements = querySelectorAll(
  82843. root,
  82844. `[style*=${selectorVal}]`
  82845. );
  82846. for (const element of styledElements) {
  82847. if (element.type !== "element") {
  82848. continue;
  82849. }
  82850. =
  82851. selectorVal,
  82852. color || attrsGroupsDefaults.presentation["stop-color"]
  82853. );
  82854. }
  82855. },
  82856. exit: (node) => {
  82857. if ( === "svg") {
  82858. for (const [gradient, parent] of gradientsToDetach.entries()) {
  82859. if (gradient.attributes["xlink:href"] != null) {
  82860. xlinkHrefCount--;
  82861. }
  82862. detachNodeFromParent(gradient, parent);
  82863. }
  82864. if (xlinkHrefCount === 0) {
  82865. delete node.attributes["xmlns:xlink"];
  82866. }
  82867. for (const [defs, parent] of allDefs.entries()) {
  82868. if (effectedDefs.has(defs) && defs.children.length === 0) {
  82869. detachNodeFromParent(defs, parent);
  82870. }
  82871. }
  82872. }
  82873. }
  82874. }
  82875. };
  82876. };
  82877. }
  82878. });
  82879. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertStyleToAttrs.js
  82880. var require_convertStyleToAttrs = __commonJS({
  82881. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/convertStyleToAttrs.js"(exports2) {
  82882. "use strict";
  82883. var { attrsGroups } = require_collections();
  82884. = "convertStyleToAttrs";
  82885. exports2.description = "converts style to attributes";
  82886. var g = (...args) => {
  82887. return "(?:" + args.join("|") + ")";
  82888. };
  82889. var stylingProps = attrsGroups.presentation;
  82890. var rEscape = "\\\\(?:[0-9a-f]{1,6}\\s?|\\r\\n|.)";
  82891. var rAttr = "\\s*(" + g("[^:;\\\\]", rEscape) + "*?)\\s*";
  82892. var rSingleQuotes = "'(?:[^'\\n\\r\\\\]|" + rEscape + ")*?(?:'|$)";
  82893. var rQuotes = '"(?:[^"\\n\\r\\\\]|' + rEscape + ')*?(?:"|$)';
  82894. var rQuotedString = new RegExp("^" + g(rSingleQuotes, rQuotes) + "$");
  82895. var rParenthesis = "\\(" + g(`[^'"()\\\\]+`, rEscape, rSingleQuotes, rQuotes) + "*?\\)";
  82896. var rValue = "\\s*(" + g(
  82897. `[^!'"();\\\\]+?`,
  82898. rEscape,
  82899. rSingleQuotes,
  82900. rQuotes,
  82901. rParenthesis,
  82902. "[^;]*?"
  82903. ) + "*?)";
  82904. var rDeclEnd = "\\s*(?:;\\s*|$)";
  82905. var rImportant = "(\\s*!important(?![-(\\w]))?";
  82906. var regDeclarationBlock = new RegExp(
  82907. rAttr + ":" + rValue + rImportant + rDeclEnd,
  82908. "ig"
  82909. );
  82910. var regStripComments = new RegExp(
  82911. g(rEscape, rSingleQuotes, rQuotes, "/\\*[^]*?\\*/"),
  82912. "ig"
  82913. );
  82914. exports2.fn = (_root, params) => {
  82915. const { keepImportant = false } = params;
  82916. return {
  82917. element: {
  82918. enter: (node) => {
  82919. if ( != null) {
  82920. let styles = [];
  82921. const newAttributes = {};
  82922. const styleValue =
  82923. regStripComments,
  82924. (match) => {
  82925. return match[0] == "/" ? "" : match[0] == "\\" && /[-g-z]/i.test(match[1]) ? match[1] : match;
  82926. }
  82927. );
  82928. regDeclarationBlock.lastIndex = 0;
  82929. for (var rule; rule = regDeclarationBlock.exec(styleValue); ) {
  82930. if (!keepImportant || !rule[3]) {
  82931. styles.push([rule[1], rule[2]]);
  82932. }
  82933. }
  82934. if (styles.length) {
  82935. styles = styles.filter(function(style) {
  82936. if (style[0]) {
  82937. var prop = style[0].toLowerCase(), val = style[1];
  82938. if (rQuotedString.test(val)) {
  82939. val = val.slice(1, -1);
  82940. }
  82941. if (stylingProps.has(prop)) {
  82942. newAttributes[prop] = val;
  82943. return false;
  82944. }
  82945. }
  82946. return true;
  82947. });
  82948. Object.assign(node.attributes, newAttributes);
  82949. if (styles.length) {
  82950. = => declaration.join(":")).join(";");
  82951. } else {
  82952. delete;
  82953. }
  82954. }
  82955. }
  82956. }
  82957. }
  82958. };
  82959. };
  82960. }
  82961. });
  82962. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/prefixIds.js
  82963. var require_prefixIds = __commonJS({
  82964. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/prefixIds.js"(exports2) {
  82965. "use strict";
  82966. var csstree = require_cjs();
  82967. var { referencesProps } = require_collections();
  82968. = "prefixIds";
  82969. exports2.description = "prefix IDs";
  82970. var getBasename = (path) => {
  82971. const matched = /[/\\]?([^/\\]+)$/.exec(path);
  82972. if (matched) {
  82973. return matched[1];
  82974. }
  82975. return "";
  82976. };
  82977. var escapeIdentifierName = (str) => {
  82978. return str.replace(/[. ]/g, "_");
  82979. };
  82980. var unquote = (string) => {
  82981. if (string.startsWith('"') && string.endsWith('"') || string.startsWith("'") && string.endsWith("'")) {
  82982. return string.slice(1, -1);
  82983. }
  82984. return string;
  82985. };
  82986. var prefixId = (prefixGenerator, body) => {
  82987. const prefix = prefixGenerator(body);
  82988. if (body.startsWith(prefix)) {
  82989. return body;
  82990. }
  82991. return prefix + body;
  82992. };
  82993. var prefixReference = (prefixGenerator, reference) => {
  82994. if (reference.startsWith("#")) {
  82995. return "#" + prefixId(prefixGenerator, reference.slice(1));
  82996. }
  82997. return null;
  82998. };
  82999. var generatePrefix = (body, node, info, prefixGenerator, delim, history) => {
  83000. if (typeof prefixGenerator === "function") {
  83001. let prefix = history.get(body);
  83002. if (prefix != null) {
  83003. return prefix;
  83004. }
  83005. prefix = prefixGenerator(node, info) + delim;
  83006. history.set(body, prefix);
  83007. return prefix;
  83008. }
  83009. if (typeof prefixGenerator === "string") {
  83010. return prefixGenerator + delim;
  83011. }
  83012. if (prefixGenerator === false) {
  83013. return "";
  83014. }
  83015. if (info.path != null && info.path.length > 0) {
  83016. return escapeIdentifierName(getBasename(info.path)) + delim;
  83017. }
  83018. return "prefix" + delim;
  83019. };
  83020. exports2.fn = (_root, params, info) => {
  83021. const {
  83022. delim = "__",
  83023. prefix,
  83024. prefixIds = true,
  83025. prefixClassNames = true
  83026. } = params;
  83027. const prefixMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  83028. return {
  83029. element: {
  83030. enter: (node) => {
  83031. const prefixGenerator = (id) => generatePrefix(id, node, info, prefix, delim, prefixMap);
  83032. if ( === "style") {
  83033. if (node.children.length === 0) {
  83034. return;
  83035. }
  83036. for (const child of node.children) {
  83037. if (child.type !== "text" && child.type !== "cdata") {
  83038. continue;
  83039. }
  83040. const cssText = child.value;
  83041. let cssAst = null;
  83042. try {
  83043. cssAst = csstree.parse(cssText, {
  83044. parseValue: true,
  83045. parseCustomProperty: false
  83046. });
  83047. } catch {
  83048. return;
  83049. }
  83050. csstree.walk(cssAst, (node2) => {
  83051. if (prefixIds && node2.type === "IdSelector" || prefixClassNames && node2.type === "ClassSelector") {
  83052. = prefixId(prefixGenerator,;
  83053. return;
  83054. }
  83055. if (node2.type === "Url" && node2.value.length > 0) {
  83056. const prefixed = prefixReference(
  83057. prefixGenerator,
  83058. unquote(node2.value)
  83059. );
  83060. if (prefixed != null) {
  83061. node2.value = prefixed;
  83062. }
  83063. }
  83064. });
  83065. child.value = csstree.generate(cssAst);
  83066. return;
  83067. }
  83068. }
  83069. if (prefixIds && != null && !== 0) {
  83070. = prefixId(prefixGenerator,;
  83071. }
  83072. if (prefixClassNames && node.attributes.class != null && node.attributes.class.length !== 0) {
  83073. node.attributes.class = node.attributes.class.split(/\s+/).map((name) => prefixId(prefixGenerator, name)).join(" ");
  83074. }
  83075. for (const name of ["href", "xlink:href"]) {
  83076. if (node.attributes[name] != null && node.attributes[name].length !== 0) {
  83077. const prefixed = prefixReference(
  83078. prefixGenerator,
  83079. node.attributes[name]
  83080. );
  83081. if (prefixed != null) {
  83082. node.attributes[name] = prefixed;
  83083. }
  83084. }
  83085. }
  83086. for (const name of referencesProps) {
  83087. if (node.attributes[name] != null && node.attributes[name].length !== 0) {
  83088. node.attributes[name] = node.attributes[name].replace(
  83089. /\burl\((["'])?(#.+?)\1\)/gi,
  83090. (match, _, url) => {
  83091. const prefixed = prefixReference(prefixGenerator, url);
  83092. if (prefixed == null) {
  83093. return match;
  83094. }
  83095. return `url(${prefixed})`;
  83096. }
  83097. );
  83098. }
  83099. }
  83100. for (const name of ["begin", "end"]) {
  83101. if (node.attributes[name] != null && node.attributes[name].length !== 0) {
  83102. const parts = node.attributes[name].split(/\s*;\s+/).map((val) => {
  83103. if (val.endsWith(".end") || val.endsWith(".start")) {
  83104. const [id, postfix] = val.split(".");
  83105. return `${prefixId(prefixGenerator, id)}.${postfix}`;
  83106. }
  83107. return val;
  83108. });
  83109. node.attributes[name] = parts.join("; ");
  83110. }
  83111. }
  83112. }
  83113. }
  83114. };
  83115. };
  83116. }
  83117. });
  83118. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeAttributesBySelector.js
  83119. var require_removeAttributesBySelector = __commonJS({
  83120. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeAttributesBySelector.js"(exports2) {
  83121. "use strict";
  83122. var { querySelectorAll } = require_xast();
  83123. = "removeAttributesBySelector";
  83124. exports2.description = "removes attributes of elements that match a css selector";
  83125. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  83126. const selectors = Array.isArray(params.selectors) ? params.selectors : [params];
  83127. for (const { selector, attributes } of selectors) {
  83128. const nodes = querySelectorAll(root, selector);
  83129. for (const node of nodes) {
  83130. if (node.type === "element") {
  83131. if (Array.isArray(attributes)) {
  83132. for (const name of attributes) {
  83133. delete node.attributes[name];
  83134. }
  83135. } else {
  83136. delete node.attributes[attributes];
  83137. }
  83138. }
  83139. }
  83140. }
  83141. return {};
  83142. };
  83143. }
  83144. });
  83145. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeAttrs.js
  83146. var require_removeAttrs = __commonJS({
  83147. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeAttrs.js"(exports2) {
  83148. "use strict";
  83149. = "removeAttrs";
  83150. exports2.description = "removes specified attributes";
  83151. var DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = ":";
  83152. var ENOATTRS = `Warning: The plugin "removeAttrs" requires the "attrs" parameter.
  83153. It should have a pattern to remove, otherwise the plugin is a noop.
  83154. Config example:
  83155. plugins: [
  83156. {
  83157. name: "removeAttrs",
  83158. params: {
  83159. attrs: "(fill|stroke)"
  83160. }
  83161. }
  83162. ]
  83163. `;
  83164. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  83165. if (typeof params.attrs == "undefined") {
  83166. console.warn(ENOATTRS);
  83167. return null;
  83168. }
  83169. const elemSeparator = typeof params.elemSeparator == "string" ? params.elemSeparator : DEFAULT_SEPARATOR;
  83170. const preserveCurrentColor = typeof params.preserveCurrentColor == "boolean" ? params.preserveCurrentColor : false;
  83171. const attrs = Array.isArray(params.attrs) ? params.attrs : [params.attrs];
  83172. return {
  83173. element: {
  83174. enter: (node) => {
  83175. for (let pattern of attrs) {
  83176. if (!pattern.includes(elemSeparator)) {
  83177. pattern = [".*", pattern, ".*"].join(elemSeparator);
  83178. } else if (pattern.split(elemSeparator).length < 3) {
  83179. pattern = [pattern, ".*"].join(elemSeparator);
  83180. }
  83181. const list = pattern.split(elemSeparator).map((value) => {
  83182. if (value === "*") {
  83183. value = ".*";
  83184. }
  83185. return new RegExp(["^", value, "$"].join(""), "i");
  83186. });
  83187. if (list[0].test( {
  83188. for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  83189. const isFillCurrentColor = preserveCurrentColor && name == "fill" && value == "currentColor";
  83190. const isStrokeCurrentColor = preserveCurrentColor && name == "stroke" && value == "currentColor";
  83191. if (!isFillCurrentColor && !isStrokeCurrentColor && // matches attribute name
  83192. list[1].test(name) && // matches attribute value
  83193. list[2].test(value)) {
  83194. delete node.attributes[name];
  83195. }
  83196. }
  83197. }
  83198. }
  83199. }
  83200. }
  83201. };
  83202. };
  83203. }
  83204. });
  83205. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeDimensions.js
  83206. var require_removeDimensions = __commonJS({
  83207. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeDimensions.js"(exports2) {
  83208. "use strict";
  83209. = "removeDimensions";
  83210. exports2.description = "removes width and height in presence of viewBox (opposite to removeViewBox, disable it first)";
  83211. exports2.fn = () => {
  83212. return {
  83213. element: {
  83214. enter: (node) => {
  83215. if ( === "svg") {
  83216. if (node.attributes.viewBox != null) {
  83217. delete node.attributes.width;
  83218. delete node.attributes.height;
  83219. } else if (node.attributes.width != null && node.attributes.height != null && Number.isNaN(Number(node.attributes.width)) === false && Number.isNaN(Number(node.attributes.height)) === false) {
  83220. const width = Number(node.attributes.width);
  83221. const height = Number(node.attributes.height);
  83222. node.attributes.viewBox = `0 0 ${width} ${height}`;
  83223. delete node.attributes.width;
  83224. delete node.attributes.height;
  83225. }
  83226. }
  83227. }
  83228. }
  83229. };
  83230. };
  83231. }
  83232. });
  83233. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeElementsByAttr.js
  83234. var require_removeElementsByAttr = __commonJS({
  83235. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeElementsByAttr.js"(exports2) {
  83236. "use strict";
  83237. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  83238. = "removeElementsByAttr";
  83239. exports2.description = "removes arbitrary elements by ID or className (disabled by default)";
  83240. exports2.fn = (root, params) => {
  83241. const ids = == null ? [] : Array.isArray( ? : [];
  83242. const classes = params.class == null ? [] : Array.isArray(params.class) ? params.class : [params.class];
  83243. return {
  83244. element: {
  83245. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  83246. if ( != null && ids.length !== 0) {
  83247. if (ids.includes( {
  83248. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  83249. }
  83250. }
  83251. if (node.attributes.class && classes.length !== 0) {
  83252. const classList = node.attributes.class.split(" ");
  83253. for (const item of classes) {
  83254. if (classList.includes(item)) {
  83255. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  83256. break;
  83257. }
  83258. }
  83259. }
  83260. }
  83261. }
  83262. };
  83263. };
  83264. }
  83265. });
  83266. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeOffCanvasPaths.js
  83267. var require_removeOffCanvasPaths = __commonJS({
  83268. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeOffCanvasPaths.js"(exports2) {
  83269. "use strict";
  83270. var { visitSkip, detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  83271. var { parsePathData } = require_path();
  83272. var { intersects } = require_path2();
  83273. = "removeOffCanvasPaths";
  83274. exports2.description = "removes elements that are drawn outside of the viewbox (disabled by default)";
  83275. exports2.fn = () => {
  83276. let viewBoxData = null;
  83277. return {
  83278. element: {
  83279. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  83280. if ( === "svg" && parentNode.type === "root") {
  83281. let viewBox = "";
  83282. if (node.attributes.viewBox != null) {
  83283. viewBox = node.attributes.viewBox;
  83284. } else if (node.attributes.height != null && node.attributes.width != null) {
  83285. viewBox = `0 0 ${node.attributes.width} ${node.attributes.height}`;
  83286. }
  83287. viewBox = viewBox.replace(/[,+]|px/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
  83288. const m = /^(-?\d*\.?\d+) (-?\d*\.?\d+) (\d*\.?\d+) (\d*\.?\d+)$/.exec(
  83289. viewBox
  83290. );
  83291. if (m == null) {
  83292. return;
  83293. }
  83294. const left = Number.parseFloat(m[1]);
  83295. const top = Number.parseFloat(m[2]);
  83296. const width = Number.parseFloat(m[3]);
  83297. const height = Number.parseFloat(m[4]);
  83298. viewBoxData = {
  83299. left,
  83300. top,
  83301. right: left + width,
  83302. bottom: top + height,
  83303. width,
  83304. height
  83305. };
  83306. }
  83307. if (node.attributes.transform != null) {
  83308. return visitSkip;
  83309. }
  83310. if ( === "path" && node.attributes.d != null && viewBoxData != null) {
  83311. const pathData = parsePathData(node.attributes.d);
  83312. let visible = false;
  83313. for (const pathDataItem of pathData) {
  83314. if (pathDataItem.command === "M") {
  83315. const [x, y] = pathDataItem.args;
  83316. if (x >= viewBoxData.left && x <= viewBoxData.right && y >= && y <= viewBoxData.bottom) {
  83317. visible = true;
  83318. }
  83319. }
  83320. }
  83321. if (visible) {
  83322. return;
  83323. }
  83324. if (pathData.length === 2) {
  83325. pathData.push({ command: "z", args: [] });
  83326. }
  83327. const { left, top, width, height } = viewBoxData;
  83328. const viewBoxPathData = [
  83329. { command: "M", args: [left, top] },
  83330. { command: "h", args: [width] },
  83331. { command: "v", args: [height] },
  83332. { command: "H", args: [left] },
  83333. { command: "z", args: [] }
  83334. ];
  83335. if (intersects(viewBoxPathData, pathData) === false) {
  83336. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  83337. }
  83338. }
  83339. }
  83340. }
  83341. };
  83342. };
  83343. }
  83344. });
  83345. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeRasterImages.js
  83346. var require_removeRasterImages = __commonJS({
  83347. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeRasterImages.js"(exports2) {
  83348. "use strict";
  83349. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  83350. = "removeRasterImages";
  83351. exports2.description = "removes raster images (disabled by default)";
  83352. exports2.fn = () => {
  83353. return {
  83354. element: {
  83355. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  83356. if ( === "image" && node.attributes["xlink:href"] != null && /(\.|image\/)(jpe?g|png|gif)/.test(node.attributes["xlink:href"])) {
  83357. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  83358. }
  83359. }
  83360. }
  83361. };
  83362. };
  83363. }
  83364. });
  83365. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeScriptElement.js
  83366. var require_removeScriptElement = __commonJS({
  83367. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeScriptElement.js"(exports2) {
  83368. "use strict";
  83369. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  83370. var { attrsGroups } = require_collections();
  83371. = "removeScriptElement";
  83372. exports2.description = "removes scripts (disabled by default)";
  83373. var eventAttrs = [
  83374. ...attrsGroups.animationEvent,
  83375. ...attrsGroups.documentEvent,
  83376. ...attrsGroups.documentElementEvent,
  83377. ...attrsGroups.globalEvent,
  83378. ...attrsGroups.graphicalEvent
  83379. ];
  83380. exports2.fn = () => {
  83381. return {
  83382. element: {
  83383. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  83384. if ( === "script") {
  83385. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  83386. return;
  83387. }
  83388. for (const attr of eventAttrs) {
  83389. if (node.attributes[attr] != null) {
  83390. delete node.attributes[attr];
  83391. }
  83392. }
  83393. },
  83394. exit: (node, parentNode) => {
  83395. if ( !== "a") {
  83396. return;
  83397. }
  83398. for (const attr of Object.keys(node.attributes)) {
  83399. if (attr === "href" || attr.endsWith(":href")) {
  83400. if (node.attributes[attr] == null || !node.attributes[attr].trimStart().startsWith("javascript:")) {
  83401. continue;
  83402. }
  83403. const index = parentNode.children.indexOf(node);
  83404. parentNode.children.splice(index, 1, ...node.children);
  83405. for (const child of node.children) {
  83406. Object.defineProperty(child, "parentNode", {
  83407. writable: true,
  83408. value: parentNode
  83409. });
  83410. }
  83411. }
  83412. }
  83413. }
  83414. }
  83415. };
  83416. };
  83417. }
  83418. });
  83419. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeStyleElement.js
  83420. var require_removeStyleElement = __commonJS({
  83421. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeStyleElement.js"(exports2) {
  83422. "use strict";
  83423. var { detachNodeFromParent } = require_xast();
  83424. = "removeStyleElement";
  83425. exports2.description = "removes <style> element (disabled by default)";
  83426. exports2.fn = () => {
  83427. return {
  83428. element: {
  83429. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  83430. if ( === "style") {
  83431. detachNodeFromParent(node, parentNode);
  83432. }
  83433. }
  83434. }
  83435. };
  83436. };
  83437. }
  83438. });
  83439. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeXlink.js
  83440. var require_removeXlink = __commonJS({
  83441. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeXlink.js"(exports2) {
  83442. "use strict";
  83443. var { elems } = require_collections();
  83444. = "removeXlink";
  83445. exports2.description = "remove xlink namespace and replaces attributes with the SVG 2 equivalent where applicable";
  83446. var XLINK_NAMESPACE = "";
  83447. var SHOW_TO_TARGET = {
  83448. new: "_blank",
  83449. replace: "_self"
  83450. };
  83451. var LEGACY_ELEMENTS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  83452. "cursor",
  83453. "filter",
  83454. "font-face-uri",
  83455. "glyphRef",
  83456. "tref"
  83457. ]);
  83458. var findPrefixedAttrs = (node, prefixes, attr) => {
  83459. return => `${prefix}:${attr}`).filter((attr2) => node.attributes[attr2] != null);
  83460. };
  83461. exports2.fn = (_, params) => {
  83462. const { includeLegacy } = params;
  83463. const xlinkPrefixes = [];
  83464. const overriddenPrefixes = [];
  83465. const usedInLegacyElement = [];
  83466. return {
  83467. element: {
  83468. enter: (node) => {
  83469. for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  83470. if (key.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
  83471. const prefix = key.split(":", 2)[1];
  83472. if (value === XLINK_NAMESPACE) {
  83473. xlinkPrefixes.push(prefix);
  83474. continue;
  83475. }
  83476. if (xlinkPrefixes.includes(prefix)) {
  83477. overriddenPrefixes.push(prefix);
  83478. }
  83479. }
  83480. }
  83481. if (overriddenPrefixes.some((prefix) => xlinkPrefixes.includes(prefix))) {
  83482. return;
  83483. }
  83484. const showAttrs = findPrefixedAttrs(node, xlinkPrefixes, "show");
  83485. let showHandled = != null;
  83486. for (let i = showAttrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  83487. const attr = showAttrs[i];
  83488. const value = node.attributes[attr];
  83489. const mapping = SHOW_TO_TARGET[value];
  83490. if (showHandled || mapping == null) {
  83491. delete node.attributes[attr];
  83492. continue;
  83493. }
  83494. if (mapping !== elems[]?.defaults?.target) {
  83495. = mapping;
  83496. }
  83497. delete node.attributes[attr];
  83498. showHandled = true;
  83499. }
  83500. const titleAttrs = findPrefixedAttrs(node, xlinkPrefixes, "title");
  83501. for (let i = titleAttrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  83502. const attr = titleAttrs[i];
  83503. const value = node.attributes[attr];
  83504. const hasTitle = node.children.filter(
  83505. (child) => child.type === "element" && === "title"
  83506. );
  83507. if (hasTitle.length > 0) {
  83508. delete node.attributes[attr];
  83509. continue;
  83510. }
  83511. const titleTag = {
  83512. type: "element",
  83513. name: "title",
  83514. attributes: {},
  83515. children: [
  83516. {
  83517. type: "text",
  83518. value
  83519. }
  83520. ]
  83521. };
  83522. Object.defineProperty(titleTag, "parentNode", {
  83523. writable: true,
  83524. value: node
  83525. });
  83526. node.children.unshift(titleTag);
  83527. delete node.attributes[attr];
  83528. }
  83529. const hrefAttrs = findPrefixedAttrs(node, xlinkPrefixes, "href");
  83530. if (hrefAttrs.length > 0 && LEGACY_ELEMENTS.has( && !includeLegacy) {
  83531. => attr.split(":", 1)[0]).forEach((prefix) => usedInLegacyElement.push(prefix));
  83532. return;
  83533. }
  83534. for (let i = hrefAttrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  83535. const attr = hrefAttrs[i];
  83536. const value = node.attributes[attr];
  83537. if (node.attributes.href != null) {
  83538. delete node.attributes[attr];
  83539. continue;
  83540. }
  83541. node.attributes.href = value;
  83542. delete node.attributes[attr];
  83543. }
  83544. },
  83545. exit: (node) => {
  83546. for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
  83547. const [prefix, attr] = key.split(":", 2);
  83548. if (xlinkPrefixes.includes(prefix) && !overriddenPrefixes.includes(prefix) && !usedInLegacyElement.includes(prefix) && !includeLegacy) {
  83549. delete node.attributes[key];
  83550. continue;
  83551. }
  83552. if (key.startsWith("xmlns:") && !usedInLegacyElement.includes(attr)) {
  83553. if (value === XLINK_NAMESPACE) {
  83554. const index = xlinkPrefixes.indexOf(attr);
  83555. xlinkPrefixes.splice(index, 1);
  83556. delete node.attributes[key];
  83557. continue;
  83558. }
  83559. if (overriddenPrefixes.includes(prefix)) {
  83560. const index = overriddenPrefixes.indexOf(attr);
  83561. overriddenPrefixes.splice(index, 1);
  83562. }
  83563. }
  83564. }
  83565. }
  83566. }
  83567. };
  83568. };
  83569. }
  83570. });
  83571. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeXMLNS.js
  83572. var require_removeXMLNS = __commonJS({
  83573. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/removeXMLNS.js"(exports2) {
  83574. "use strict";
  83575. = "removeXMLNS";
  83576. exports2.description = "removes xmlns attribute (for inline svg, disabled by default)";
  83577. exports2.fn = () => {
  83578. return {
  83579. element: {
  83580. enter: (node) => {
  83581. if ( === "svg") {
  83582. delete node.attributes.xmlns;
  83583. }
  83584. }
  83585. }
  83586. };
  83587. };
  83588. }
  83589. });
  83590. // node_modules/svgo/plugins/reusePaths.js
  83591. var require_reusePaths = __commonJS({
  83592. "node_modules/svgo/plugins/reusePaths.js"(exports2) {
  83593. "use strict";
  83594. var { collectStylesheet } = require_style();
  83595. var { detachNodeFromParent, querySelectorAll } = require_xast();
  83596. = "reusePaths";
  83597. exports2.description = "Finds <path> elements with the same d, fill, and stroke, and converts them to <use> elements referencing a single <path> def.";
  83598. exports2.fn = (root) => {
  83599. const stylesheet = collectStylesheet(root);
  83600. const paths = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  83601. let svgDefs;
  83602. const hrefs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  83603. return {
  83604. element: {
  83605. enter: (node, parentNode) => {
  83606. if ( === "path" && node.attributes.d != null) {
  83607. const d = node.attributes.d;
  83608. const fill = node.attributes.fill || "";
  83609. const stroke = node.attributes.stroke || "";
  83610. const key = d + ";s:" + stroke + ";f:" + fill;
  83611. let list = paths.get(key);
  83612. if (list == null) {
  83613. list = [];
  83614. paths.set(key, list);
  83615. }
  83616. list.push(node);
  83617. }
  83618. if (svgDefs == null && === "defs" && parentNode.type === "element" && === "svg") {
  83619. svgDefs = node;
  83620. }
  83621. if ( === "use") {
  83622. for (const name of ["href", "xlink:href"]) {
  83623. const href = node.attributes[name];
  83624. if (href != null && href.startsWith("#") && href.length > 1) {
  83625. hrefs.add(href.slice(1));
  83626. }
  83627. }
  83628. }
  83629. },
  83630. exit: (node, parentNode) => {
  83631. if ( === "svg" && parentNode.type === "root") {
  83632. let defsTag = svgDefs;
  83633. if (defsTag == null) {
  83634. defsTag = {
  83635. type: "element",
  83636. name: "defs",
  83637. attributes: {},
  83638. children: []
  83639. };
  83640. Object.defineProperty(defsTag, "parentNode", {
  83641. writable: true,
  83642. value: node
  83643. });
  83644. }
  83645. let index = 0;
  83646. for (const list of paths.values()) {
  83647. if (list.length > 1) {
  83648. const reusablePath = {
  83649. type: "element",
  83650. name: "path",
  83651. attributes: {},
  83652. children: []
  83653. };
  83654. for (const attr of ["fill", "stroke", "d"]) {
  83655. if (list[0].attributes[attr] != null) {
  83656. reusablePath.attributes[attr] = list[0].attributes[attr];
  83657. }
  83658. }
  83659. const originalId = list[0];
  83660. if (originalId == null || hrefs.has(originalId) || stylesheet.rules.some(
  83661. (rule) => rule.selector === `#${originalId}`
  83662. )) {
  83663. = "reuse-" + index++;
  83664. } else {
  83665. = originalId;
  83666. delete list[0];
  83667. }
  83668. Object.defineProperty(reusablePath, "parentNode", {
  83669. writable: true,
  83670. value: defsTag
  83671. });
  83672. defsTag.children.push(reusablePath);
  83673. for (const pathNode of list) {
  83674. delete pathNode.attributes.d;
  83675. delete pathNode.attributes.stroke;
  83676. delete pathNode.attributes.fill;
  83677. if (defsTag.children.includes(pathNode) && pathNode.children.length === 0) {
  83678. if (Object.keys(pathNode.attributes).length === 0) {
  83679. detachNodeFromParent(pathNode, defsTag);
  83680. continue;
  83681. }
  83682. if (Object.keys(pathNode.attributes).length === 1 && != null) {
  83683. detachNodeFromParent(pathNode, defsTag);
  83684. const selector = `[xlink\\:href=#${}], [href=#${}]`;
  83685. for (const child of querySelectorAll(node, selector)) {
  83686. if (child.type !== "element") {
  83687. continue;
  83688. }
  83689. for (const name of ["href", "xlink:href"]) {
  83690. if (child.attributes[name] != null) {
  83691. child.attributes[name] = "#" +;
  83692. }
  83693. }
  83694. }
  83695. continue;
  83696. }
  83697. }
  83698. = "use";
  83699. pathNode.attributes["xlink:href"] = "#" +;
  83700. }
  83701. }
  83702. }
  83703. if (defsTag.children.length !== 0) {
  83704. if (node.attributes["xmlns:xlink"] == null) {
  83705. node.attributes["xmlns:xlink"] = "";
  83706. }
  83707. if (svgDefs == null) {
  83708. node.children.unshift(defsTag);
  83709. }
  83710. }
  83711. }
  83712. }
  83713. }
  83714. };
  83715. };
  83716. }
  83717. });
  83718. // node_modules/svgo/lib/builtin.js
  83719. var require_builtin = __commonJS({
  83720. "node_modules/svgo/lib/builtin.js"(exports2) {
  83721. "use strict";
  83722. exports2.builtin = [
  83723. require_preset_default(),
  83724. require_addAttributesToSVGElement(),
  83725. require_addClassesToSVGElement(),
  83726. require_cleanupAttrs(),
  83727. require_cleanupEnableBackground(),
  83728. require_cleanupIds(),
  83729. require_cleanupListOfValues(),
  83730. require_cleanupNumericValues(),
  83731. require_collapseGroups(),
  83732. require_convertColors(),
  83733. require_convertEllipseToCircle(),
  83734. require_convertOneStopGradients(),
  83735. require_convertPathData(),
  83736. require_convertShapeToPath(),
  83737. require_convertStyleToAttrs(),
  83738. require_convertTransform(),
  83739. require_mergeStyles(),
  83740. require_inlineStyles(),
  83741. require_mergePaths(),
  83742. require_minifyStyles(),
  83743. require_moveElemsAttrsToGroup(),
  83744. require_moveGroupAttrsToElems(),
  83745. require_prefixIds(),
  83746. require_removeAttributesBySelector(),
  83747. require_removeAttrs(),
  83748. require_removeComments(),
  83749. require_removeDesc(),
  83750. require_removeDimensions(),
  83751. require_removeDoctype(),
  83752. require_removeEditorsNSData(),
  83753. require_removeElementsByAttr(),
  83754. require_removeEmptyAttrs(),
  83755. require_removeEmptyContainers(),
  83756. require_removeEmptyText(),
  83757. require_removeHiddenElems(),
  83758. require_removeMetadata(),
  83759. require_removeNonInheritableGroupAttrs(),
  83760. require_removeOffCanvasPaths(),
  83761. require_removeRasterImages(),
  83762. require_removeScriptElement(),
  83763. require_removeStyleElement(),
  83764. require_removeTitle(),
  83765. require_removeUnknownsAndDefaults(),
  83766. require_removeUnusedNS(),
  83767. require_removeUselessDefs(),
  83768. require_removeUselessStrokeAndFill(),
  83769. require_removeViewBox(),
  83770. require_removeXlink(),
  83771. require_removeXMLNS(),
  83772. require_removeXMLProcInst(),
  83773. require_reusePaths(),
  83774. require_sortAttrs(),
  83775. require_sortDefsChildren()
  83776. ];
  83777. }
  83778. });
  83779. // node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo.js
  83780. var require_svgo = __commonJS({
  83781. "node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo.js"(exports2) {
  83782. "use strict";
  83783. var { parseSvg } = require_parser2();
  83784. var { stringifySvg } = require_stringifier2();
  83785. var { builtin } = require_builtin();
  83786. var { invokePlugins } = require_plugins();
  83787. var { encodeSVGDatauri } = require_tools();
  83788. var pluginsMap = {};
  83789. for (const plugin of builtin) {
  83790. pluginsMap[] = plugin;
  83791. }
  83792. var resolvePluginConfig = (plugin) => {
  83793. if (typeof plugin === "string") {
  83794. const builtinPlugin = pluginsMap[plugin];
  83795. if (builtinPlugin == null) {
  83796. throw Error(`Unknown builtin plugin "${plugin}" specified.`);
  83797. }
  83798. return {
  83799. name: plugin,
  83800. params: {},
  83801. fn: builtinPlugin.fn
  83802. };
  83803. }
  83804. if (typeof plugin === "object" && plugin != null) {
  83805. if ( == null) {
  83806. throw Error(`Plugin name should be specified`);
  83807. }
  83808. let fn = plugin.fn;
  83809. if (fn == null) {
  83810. const builtinPlugin = pluginsMap[];
  83811. if (builtinPlugin == null) {
  83812. throw Error(`Unknown builtin plugin "${}" specified.`);
  83813. }
  83814. fn = builtinPlugin.fn;
  83815. }
  83816. return {
  83817. name:,
  83818. params: plugin.params,
  83819. fn
  83820. };
  83821. }
  83822. return null;
  83823. };
  83824. var optimize = (input, config) => {
  83825. if (config == null) {
  83826. config = {};
  83827. }
  83828. if (typeof config !== "object") {
  83829. throw Error("Config should be an object");
  83830. }
  83831. const maxPassCount = config.multipass ? 10 : 1;
  83832. let prevResultSize = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
  83833. let output = "";
  83834. const info = {};
  83835. if (config.path != null) {
  83836. info.path = config.path;
  83837. }
  83838. for (let i = 0; i < maxPassCount; i += 1) {
  83839. info.multipassCount = i;
  83840. const ast = parseSvg(input, config.path);
  83841. const plugins = config.plugins || ["preset-default"];
  83842. if (!Array.isArray(plugins)) {
  83843. throw Error(
  83844. "malformed config, `plugins` property must be an array.\nSee more info here:"
  83845. );
  83846. }
  83847. const resolvedPlugins = plugins.filter((plugin) => plugin != null).map(resolvePluginConfig);
  83848. if (resolvedPlugins.length < plugins.length) {
  83849. console.warn(
  83850. "Warning: plugins list includes null or undefined elements, these will be ignored."
  83851. );
  83852. }
  83853. const globalOverrides = {};
  83854. if (config.floatPrecision != null) {
  83855. globalOverrides.floatPrecision = config.floatPrecision;
  83856. }
  83857. invokePlugins(ast, info, resolvedPlugins, null, globalOverrides);
  83858. output = stringifySvg(ast, config.js2svg);
  83859. if (output.length < prevResultSize) {
  83860. input = output;
  83861. prevResultSize = output.length;
  83862. } else {
  83863. break;
  83864. }
  83865. }
  83866. if (config.datauri) {
  83867. output = encodeSVGDatauri(output, config.datauri);
  83868. }
  83869. return {
  83870. data: output
  83871. };
  83872. };
  83873. exports2.optimize = optimize;
  83874. }
  83875. });
  83876. // node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo-node.js
  83877. var require_svgo_node = __commonJS({
  83878. "node_modules/svgo/lib/svgo-node.js"(exports2) {
  83879. "use strict";
  83880. var os = require("os");
  83881. var fs = require("fs");
  83882. var { pathToFileURL } = require("url");
  83883. var path = require("path");
  83884. var { optimize: optimizeAgnostic } = require_svgo();
  83885. var importConfig = async (configFile) => {
  83886. let config;
  83887. if (configFile.endsWith(".cjs")) {
  83888. config = require(configFile);
  83889. } else {
  83890. const { default: imported } = await import(pathToFileURL(configFile));
  83891. config = imported;
  83892. }
  83893. if (config == null || typeof config !== "object" || Array.isArray(config)) {
  83894. throw Error(`Invalid config file "${configFile}"`);
  83895. }
  83896. return config;
  83897. };
  83898. var isFile = async (file) => {
  83899. try {
  83900. const stats = await fs.promises.stat(file);
  83901. return stats.isFile();
  83902. } catch {
  83903. return false;
  83904. }
  83905. };
  83906. var loadConfig = async (configFile, cwd = process.cwd()) => {
  83907. if (configFile != null) {
  83908. if (path.isAbsolute(configFile)) {
  83909. return await importConfig(configFile);
  83910. } else {
  83911. return await importConfig(path.join(cwd, configFile));
  83912. }
  83913. }
  83914. let dir = cwd;
  83915. while (true) {
  83916. const js = path.join(dir, "svgo.config.js");
  83917. if (await isFile(js)) {
  83918. return await importConfig(js);
  83919. }
  83920. const mjs = path.join(dir, "svgo.config.mjs");
  83921. if (await isFile(mjs)) {
  83922. return await importConfig(mjs);
  83923. }
  83924. const cjs = path.join(dir, "svgo.config.cjs");
  83925. if (await isFile(cjs)) {
  83926. return await importConfig(cjs);
  83927. }
  83928. const parent = path.dirname(dir);
  83929. if (dir === parent) {
  83930. return null;
  83931. }
  83932. dir = parent;
  83933. }
  83934. };
  83935. exports2.loadConfig = loadConfig;
  83936. var optimize = (input, config) => {
  83937. if (config == null) {
  83938. config = {};
  83939. }
  83940. if (typeof config !== "object") {
  83941. throw Error("Config should be an object");
  83942. }
  83943. return optimizeAgnostic(input, {
  83944. ...config,
  83945. js2svg: {
  83946. // platform specific default for end of line
  83947. eol: os.EOL === "\r\n" ? "crlf" : "lf",
  83948. ...config.js2svg
  83949. }
  83950. });
  83951. };
  83952. exports2.optimize = optimize;
  83953. }
  83954. });
  83955. // node_modules/postcss-svgo/src/lib/url.js
  83956. var require_url4 = __commonJS({
  83957. "node_modules/postcss-svgo/src/lib/url.js"(exports2, module2) {
  83958. "use strict";
  83959. function encode(data) {
  83960. return data.replace(/"/g, "'").replace(/%/g, "%25").replace(/</g, "%3C").replace(/>/g, "%3E").replace(/&/g, "%26").replace(/#/g, "%23").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
  83961. }
  83962. var decode = decodeURIComponent;
  83963. module2.exports = { encode, decode };
  83964. }
  83965. });
  83966. // node_modules/postcss-svgo/src/index.js
  83967. var require_src7 = __commonJS({
  83968. "node_modules/postcss-svgo/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  83969. "use strict";
  83970. var valueParser = require_lib();
  83971. var { optimize } = require_svgo_node();
  83972. var { encode, decode } = require_url4();
  83973. var PLUGIN = "postcss-svgo";
  83974. var dataURI = /data:image\/svg\+xml(;((charset=)?utf-8|base64))?,/i;
  83975. var dataURIBase64 = /data:image\/svg\+xml;base64,/i;
  83976. var escapedQuotes = /\b([\w-]+)\s*=\s*\\"([\S\s]+?)\\"/g;
  83977. function minifySVG(input, opts) {
  83978. let svg = input;
  83979. let decodedUri, isUriEncoded;
  83980. try {
  83981. decodedUri = decode(input);
  83982. isUriEncoded = decodedUri !== input;
  83983. } catch (e) {
  83984. isUriEncoded = false;
  83985. }
  83986. if (isUriEncoded) {
  83987. svg = /** @type {string} */
  83988. decodedUri;
  83989. }
  83990. if (opts.encode !== void 0) {
  83991. isUriEncoded = opts.encode;
  83992. }
  83993. svg = svg.replace(escapedQuotes, '$1="$2"');
  83994. const result = optimize(svg, opts);
  83995. return {
  83996. result: (
  83997. /** @type {import('svgo').Output}*/
  83999. ),
  84000. isUriEncoded
  84001. };
  84002. }
  84003. function minify(decl, opts, postcssResult) {
  84004. const parsed = valueParser(decl.value);
  84005. const minified = parsed.walk((node) => {
  84006. if (node.type !== "function" || node.value.toLowerCase() !== "url" || !node.nodes.length) {
  84007. return;
  84008. }
  84009. let { value, quote } = (
  84010. /** @type {valueParser.StringNode} */
  84011. node.nodes[0]
  84012. );
  84013. let optimizedValue;
  84014. try {
  84015. if (dataURIBase64.test(value)) {
  84016. const url = new URL(value);
  84017. const base64String = `${url.protocol}${url.pathname}`.replace(
  84018. dataURI,
  84019. ""
  84020. );
  84021. const svg = Buffer.from(base64String, "base64").toString("utf8");
  84022. const { result } = minifySVG(svg, opts);
  84023. const data = Buffer.from(result).toString("base64");
  84024. optimizedValue = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + data + url.hash;
  84025. } else if (dataURI.test(value)) {
  84026. const svg = value.replace(dataURI, "");
  84027. const { result, isUriEncoded } = minifySVG(svg, opts);
  84028. let data = isUriEncoded ? encode(result) : result;
  84029. data = data.replace(/#/g, "%23");
  84030. optimizedValue = "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8," + data;
  84031. quote = isUriEncoded ? '"' : "'";
  84032. } else {
  84033. return;
  84034. }
  84035. } catch (error) {
  84036. decl.warn(postcssResult, `${error}`);
  84037. return;
  84038. }
  84039. node.nodes[0] = Object.assign({}, node.nodes[0], {
  84040. value: optimizedValue,
  84041. quote,
  84042. type: "string",
  84043. before: "",
  84044. after: ""
  84045. });
  84046. return false;
  84047. });
  84048. decl.value = minified.toString();
  84049. }
  84050. function pluginCreator(opts = {}) {
  84051. return {
  84052. postcssPlugin: PLUGIN,
  84053. OnceExit(css, { result }) {
  84054. css.walkDecls((decl) => {
  84055. if (!dataURI.test(decl.value)) {
  84056. return;
  84057. }
  84058. minify(decl, opts, result);
  84059. });
  84060. }
  84061. };
  84062. }
  84063. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  84064. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  84065. }
  84066. });
  84067. // node_modules/postcss-reduce-transforms/src/index.js
  84068. var require_src8 = __commonJS({
  84069. "node_modules/postcss-reduce-transforms/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84070. "use strict";
  84071. var valueParser = require_lib();
  84072. function getValues(list, node, index) {
  84073. if (index % 2 === 0) {
  84074. let value = NaN;
  84075. if (node.type === "function" && (node.value === "var" || node.value === "env") && node.nodes.length === 1) {
  84076. value = valueParser.stringify(node.nodes);
  84077. } else if (node.type === "word") {
  84078. value = parseFloat(node.value);
  84079. }
  84080. return [...list, value];
  84081. }
  84082. return list;
  84083. }
  84084. function matrix3d(node, values) {
  84085. if (values.length !== 16) {
  84086. return;
  84087. }
  84088. if (values[15] && values[2] === 0 && values[3] === 0 && values[6] === 0 && values[7] === 0 && values[8] === 0 && values[9] === 0 && values[10] === 1 && values[11] === 0 && values[14] === 0 && values[15] === 1) {
  84089. const { nodes } = node;
  84090. node.value = "matrix";
  84091. node.nodes = [
  84092. nodes[0],
  84093. // a
  84094. nodes[1],
  84095. // ,
  84096. nodes[2],
  84097. // b
  84098. nodes[3],
  84099. // ,
  84100. nodes[8],
  84101. // c
  84102. nodes[9],
  84103. // ,
  84104. nodes[10],
  84105. // d
  84106. nodes[11],
  84107. // ,
  84108. nodes[24],
  84109. // tx
  84110. nodes[25],
  84111. // ,
  84112. nodes[26]
  84113. // ty
  84114. ];
  84115. }
  84116. }
  84117. var rotate3dMappings = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  84118. [[1, 0, 0].toString(), "rotateX"],
  84119. // rotate3d(1, 0, 0, a) => rotateX(a)
  84120. [[0, 1, 0].toString(), "rotateY"],
  84121. // rotate3d(0, 1, 0, a) => rotateY(a)
  84122. [[0, 0, 1].toString(), "rotate"]
  84123. // rotate3d(0, 0, 1, a) => rotate(a)
  84124. ]);
  84125. function rotate3d(node, values) {
  84126. if (values.length !== 4) {
  84127. return;
  84128. }
  84129. const { nodes } = node;
  84130. const match = rotate3dMappings.get(values.slice(0, 3).toString());
  84131. if (match) {
  84132. node.value = match;
  84133. node.nodes = [nodes[6]];
  84134. }
  84135. }
  84136. function rotateZ(node, values) {
  84137. if (values.length !== 1) {
  84138. return;
  84139. }
  84140. node.value = "rotate";
  84141. }
  84142. function scale(node, values) {
  84143. if (values.length !== 2) {
  84144. return;
  84145. }
  84146. const { nodes } = node;
  84147. const [first, second] = values;
  84148. if (first === second) {
  84149. node.nodes = [nodes[0]];
  84150. return;
  84151. }
  84152. if (second === 1) {
  84153. node.value = "scaleX";
  84154. node.nodes = [nodes[0]];
  84155. return;
  84156. }
  84157. if (first === 1) {
  84158. node.value = "scaleY";
  84159. node.nodes = [nodes[2]];
  84160. return;
  84161. }
  84162. }
  84163. function scale3d(node, values) {
  84164. if (values.length !== 3) {
  84165. return;
  84166. }
  84167. const { nodes } = node;
  84168. const [first, second, third] = values;
  84169. if (second === 1 && third === 1) {
  84170. node.value = "scaleX";
  84171. node.nodes = [nodes[0]];
  84172. return;
  84173. }
  84174. if (first === 1 && third === 1) {
  84175. node.value = "scaleY";
  84176. node.nodes = [nodes[2]];
  84177. return;
  84178. }
  84179. if (first === 1 && second === 1) {
  84180. node.value = "scaleZ";
  84181. node.nodes = [nodes[4]];
  84182. return;
  84183. }
  84184. }
  84185. function translate(node, values) {
  84186. if (values.length !== 2) {
  84187. return;
  84188. }
  84189. const { nodes } = node;
  84190. if (values[1] === 0) {
  84191. node.nodes = [nodes[0]];
  84192. return;
  84193. }
  84194. if (values[0] === 0) {
  84195. node.value = "translateY";
  84196. node.nodes = [nodes[2]];
  84197. return;
  84198. }
  84199. }
  84200. function translate3d(node, values) {
  84201. if (values.length !== 3) {
  84202. return;
  84203. }
  84204. const { nodes } = node;
  84205. if (values[0] === 0 && values[1] === 0) {
  84206. node.value = "translateZ";
  84207. node.nodes = [nodes[4]];
  84208. }
  84209. }
  84210. var reducers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  84211. ["matrix3d", matrix3d],
  84212. ["rotate3d", rotate3d],
  84213. ["rotateZ", rotateZ],
  84214. ["scale", scale],
  84215. ["scale3d", scale3d],
  84216. ["translate", translate],
  84217. ["translate3d", translate3d]
  84218. ]);
  84219. function normalizeReducerName(name) {
  84220. const lowerCasedName = name.toLowerCase();
  84221. if (lowerCasedName === "rotatez") {
  84222. return "rotateZ";
  84223. }
  84224. return lowerCasedName;
  84225. }
  84226. function reduce(node) {
  84227. if (node.type === "function") {
  84228. const normalizedReducerName = normalizeReducerName(node.value);
  84229. const reducer = reducers.get(normalizedReducerName);
  84230. if (reducer !== void 0) {
  84231. reducer(node, node.nodes.reduce(getValues, []));
  84232. }
  84233. }
  84234. return false;
  84235. }
  84236. function pluginCreator() {
  84237. return {
  84238. postcssPlugin: "postcss-reduce-transforms",
  84239. prepare() {
  84240. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  84241. return {
  84242. OnceExit(css) {
  84243. css.walkDecls(/transform$/i, (decl) => {
  84244. const value = decl.value;
  84245. if (!value) {
  84246. return;
  84247. }
  84248. if (cache.has(value)) {
  84249. decl.value = cache.get(value);
  84250. return;
  84251. }
  84252. const result = valueParser(value).walk(reduce).toString();
  84253. decl.value = result;
  84254. cache.set(value, result);
  84255. });
  84256. }
  84257. };
  84258. }
  84259. };
  84260. }
  84261. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  84262. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  84263. }
  84264. });
  84265. // node_modules/postcss-convert-values/src/lib/convert.js
  84266. var require_convert = __commonJS({
  84267. "node_modules/postcss-convert-values/src/lib/convert.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84268. "use strict";
  84269. var lengthConv = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  84270. ["in", 96],
  84271. ["px", 1],
  84272. ["pt", 4 / 3],
  84273. ["pc", 16]
  84274. ]);
  84275. var timeConv = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  84276. ["s", 1e3],
  84277. ["ms", 1]
  84278. ]);
  84279. var angleConv = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  84280. ["turn", 360],
  84281. ["deg", 1]
  84282. ]);
  84283. function dropLeadingZero(number) {
  84284. const value = String(number);
  84285. if (number % 1) {
  84286. if (value[0] === "0") {
  84287. return value.slice(1);
  84288. }
  84289. if (value[0] === "-" && value[1] === "0") {
  84290. return "-" + value.slice(2);
  84291. }
  84292. }
  84293. return value;
  84294. }
  84295. function transform(number, originalUnit, conversions) {
  84296. let conversionUnits = [...conversions.keys()].filter((u) => {
  84297. return originalUnit !== u;
  84298. });
  84299. const base = number * /** @type {number} */
  84300. conversions.get(originalUnit);
  84301. return
  84302. (u) => dropLeadingZero(base / /** @type {number} */
  84303. conversions.get(u)) + u
  84304. ).reduce((a, b) => a.length < b.length ? a : b);
  84305. }
  84306. module2.exports = function(number, unit, { time, length, angle }) {
  84307. let value = dropLeadingZero(number) + (unit ? unit : "");
  84308. let converted;
  84309. const lowerCaseUnit = unit.toLowerCase();
  84310. if (length !== false && lengthConv.has(lowerCaseUnit)) {
  84311. converted = transform(number, lowerCaseUnit, lengthConv);
  84312. }
  84313. if (time !== false && timeConv.has(lowerCaseUnit)) {
  84314. converted = transform(number, lowerCaseUnit, timeConv);
  84315. }
  84316. if (angle !== false && angleConv.has(lowerCaseUnit)) {
  84317. converted = transform(number, lowerCaseUnit, angleConv);
  84318. }
  84319. if (converted && converted.length < value.length) {
  84320. value = converted;
  84321. }
  84322. return value;
  84323. };
  84324. }
  84325. });
  84326. // node_modules/postcss-convert-values/src/index.js
  84327. var require_src9 = __commonJS({
  84328. "node_modules/postcss-convert-values/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84329. "use strict";
  84330. var { dirname } = require("path");
  84331. var valueParser = require_lib();
  84332. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  84333. var convert = require_convert();
  84334. var LENGTH_UNITS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  84335. "em",
  84336. "ex",
  84337. "ch",
  84338. "rem",
  84339. "vw",
  84340. "vh",
  84341. "vmin",
  84342. "vmax",
  84343. "cm",
  84344. "mm",
  84345. "q",
  84346. "in",
  84347. "pt",
  84348. "pc",
  84349. "px"
  84350. ]);
  84351. var notALength = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  84352. "descent-override",
  84353. "ascent-override",
  84354. "font-stretch",
  84355. "size-adjust",
  84356. "line-gap-override"
  84357. ]);
  84358. var keepWhenZero = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  84359. "stroke-dashoffset",
  84360. "stroke-width",
  84361. "line-height"
  84362. ]);
  84363. var keepZeroPercent = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["max-height", "height", "min-width"]);
  84364. function stripLeadingDot(item) {
  84365. if (item.charCodeAt(0) === ".".charCodeAt(0)) {
  84366. return item.slice(1);
  84367. } else {
  84368. return item;
  84369. }
  84370. }
  84371. function parseWord(node, opts, keepZeroUnit) {
  84372. const pair = valueParser.unit(node.value);
  84373. if (pair) {
  84374. const num = Number(pair.number);
  84375. const u = stripLeadingDot(pair.unit);
  84376. if (num === 0) {
  84377. node.value = 0 + (keepZeroUnit || !LENGTH_UNITS.has(u.toLowerCase()) && u !== "%" ? u : "");
  84378. } else {
  84379. node.value = convert(num, u, opts);
  84380. if (typeof opts.precision === "number" && u.toLowerCase() === "px" && pair.number.includes(".")) {
  84381. const precision = Math.pow(10, opts.precision);
  84382. node.value = Math.round(parseFloat(node.value) * precision) / precision + u;
  84383. }
  84384. }
  84385. }
  84386. }
  84387. function clampOpacity(node) {
  84388. const pair = valueParser.unit(node.value);
  84389. if (!pair) {
  84390. return;
  84391. }
  84392. let num = Number(pair.number);
  84393. if (num > 1) {
  84394. node.value = pair.unit === "%" ? num + pair.unit : 1 + pair.unit;
  84395. } else if (num < 0) {
  84396. node.value = 0 + pair.unit;
  84397. }
  84398. }
  84399. function shouldKeepZeroUnit(decl, browsers) {
  84400. const { parent } = decl;
  84401. const lowerCasedProp = decl.prop.toLowerCase();
  84402. return decl.value.includes("%") && keepZeroPercent.has(lowerCasedProp) && browsers.includes("ie 11") || lowerCasedProp === "stroke-dasharray" && parent && parent.parent && parent.parent.type === "atrule" && /** @type {import('postcss').AtRule} */
  84403. === "keyframes" || lowerCasedProp === "initial-value" && parent && parent.type === "atrule" && /** @type {import('postcss').AtRule} */
  84404. === "property" && /** @type {import('postcss').AtRule} */
  84405. parent.nodes !== void 0 && /** @type {import('postcss').AtRule} */
  84406. parent.nodes.some(
  84407. (node) => node.type === "decl" && node.prop.toLowerCase() === "syntax" && node.value === "'<percentage>'"
  84408. ) || keepWhenZero.has(lowerCasedProp);
  84409. }
  84410. function transform(opts, browsers, decl) {
  84411. const lowerCasedProp = decl.prop.toLowerCase();
  84412. if (lowerCasedProp.includes("flex") || lowerCasedProp.indexOf("--") === 0 || notALength.has(lowerCasedProp)) {
  84413. return;
  84414. }
  84415. decl.value = valueParser(decl.value).walk((node) => {
  84416. const lowerCasedValue = node.value.toLowerCase();
  84417. if (node.type === "word") {
  84418. parseWord(node, opts, shouldKeepZeroUnit(decl, browsers));
  84419. if (lowerCasedProp === "opacity" || lowerCasedProp === "shape-image-threshold") {
  84420. clampOpacity(node);
  84421. }
  84422. } else if (node.type === "function") {
  84423. if (lowerCasedValue === "calc" || lowerCasedValue === "min" || lowerCasedValue === "max" || lowerCasedValue === "clamp" || lowerCasedValue === "hsl" || lowerCasedValue === "hsla") {
  84424. valueParser.walk(node.nodes, (n) => {
  84425. if (n.type === "word") {
  84426. parseWord(n, opts, true);
  84427. }
  84428. });
  84429. return false;
  84430. }
  84431. if (lowerCasedValue === "url") {
  84432. return false;
  84433. }
  84434. }
  84435. }).toString();
  84436. }
  84437. var plugin = "postcss-convert-values";
  84438. function pluginCreator(opts = { precision: false }) {
  84439. return {
  84440. postcssPlugin: plugin,
  84441. /**
  84442. * @param {import('postcss').Result & {opts: BrowserslistOptions & {file?: string}}} result
  84443. */
  84444. prepare(result) {
  84445. const { stats, env, from, file } = result.opts || {};
  84446. const browsers = browserslist(opts.overrideBrowserslist, {
  84447. stats: opts.stats || stats,
  84448. path: opts.path || dirname(from || file || __filename),
  84449. env: opts.env || env
  84450. });
  84451. return {
  84452. OnceExit(css) {
  84453. css.walkDecls((decl) => transform(opts, browsers, decl));
  84454. }
  84455. };
  84456. }
  84457. };
  84458. }
  84459. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  84460. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  84461. }
  84462. });
  84463. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/unesc.js
  84464. var require_unesc = __commonJS({
  84465. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/unesc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84466. "use strict";
  84467. exports2.__esModule = true;
  84468. exports2["default"] = unesc;
  84469. function gobbleHex(str) {
  84470. var lower = str.toLowerCase();
  84471. var hex = "";
  84472. var spaceTerminated = false;
  84473. for (var i = 0; i < 6 && lower[i] !== void 0; i++) {
  84474. var code = lower.charCodeAt(i);
  84475. var valid = code >= 97 && code <= 102 || code >= 48 && code <= 57;
  84476. spaceTerminated = code === 32;
  84477. if (!valid) {
  84478. break;
  84479. }
  84480. hex += lower[i];
  84481. }
  84482. if (hex.length === 0) {
  84483. return void 0;
  84484. }
  84485. var codePoint = parseInt(hex, 16);
  84486. var isSurrogate = codePoint >= 55296 && codePoint <= 57343;
  84487. if (isSurrogate || codePoint === 0 || codePoint > 1114111) {
  84488. return ["\uFFFD", hex.length + (spaceTerminated ? 1 : 0)];
  84489. }
  84490. return [String.fromCodePoint(codePoint), hex.length + (spaceTerminated ? 1 : 0)];
  84491. }
  84492. var CONTAINS_ESCAPE = /\\/;
  84493. function unesc(str) {
  84494. var needToProcess = CONTAINS_ESCAPE.test(str);
  84495. if (!needToProcess) {
  84496. return str;
  84497. }
  84498. var ret = "";
  84499. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
  84500. if (str[i] === "\\") {
  84501. var gobbled = gobbleHex(str.slice(i + 1, i + 7));
  84502. if (gobbled !== void 0) {
  84503. ret += gobbled[0];
  84504. i += gobbled[1];
  84505. continue;
  84506. }
  84507. if (str[i + 1] === "\\") {
  84508. ret += "\\";
  84509. i++;
  84510. continue;
  84511. }
  84512. if (str.length === i + 1) {
  84513. ret += str[i];
  84514. }
  84515. continue;
  84516. }
  84517. ret += str[i];
  84518. }
  84519. return ret;
  84520. }
  84521. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  84522. }
  84523. });
  84524. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/getProp.js
  84525. var require_getProp = __commonJS({
  84526. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/getProp.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84527. "use strict";
  84528. exports2.__esModule = true;
  84529. exports2["default"] = getProp;
  84530. function getProp(obj) {
  84531. for (var _len = arguments.length, props = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
  84532. props[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
  84533. }
  84534. while (props.length > 0) {
  84535. var prop = props.shift();
  84536. if (!obj[prop]) {
  84537. return void 0;
  84538. }
  84539. obj = obj[prop];
  84540. }
  84541. return obj;
  84542. }
  84543. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  84544. }
  84545. });
  84546. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/ensureObject.js
  84547. var require_ensureObject = __commonJS({
  84548. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/ensureObject.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84549. "use strict";
  84550. exports2.__esModule = true;
  84551. exports2["default"] = ensureObject;
  84552. function ensureObject(obj) {
  84553. for (var _len = arguments.length, props = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
  84554. props[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
  84555. }
  84556. while (props.length > 0) {
  84557. var prop = props.shift();
  84558. if (!obj[prop]) {
  84559. obj[prop] = {};
  84560. }
  84561. obj = obj[prop];
  84562. }
  84563. }
  84564. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  84565. }
  84566. });
  84567. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/stripComments.js
  84568. var require_stripComments = __commonJS({
  84569. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/stripComments.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84570. "use strict";
  84571. exports2.__esModule = true;
  84572. exports2["default"] = stripComments;
  84573. function stripComments(str) {
  84574. var s = "";
  84575. var commentStart = str.indexOf("/*");
  84576. var lastEnd = 0;
  84577. while (commentStart >= 0) {
  84578. s = s + str.slice(lastEnd, commentStart);
  84579. var commentEnd = str.indexOf("*/", commentStart + 2);
  84580. if (commentEnd < 0) {
  84581. return s;
  84582. }
  84583. lastEnd = commentEnd + 2;
  84584. commentStart = str.indexOf("/*", lastEnd);
  84585. }
  84586. s = s + str.slice(lastEnd);
  84587. return s;
  84588. }
  84589. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  84590. }
  84591. });
  84592. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/index.js
  84593. var require_util2 = __commonJS({
  84594. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/util/index.js"(exports2) {
  84595. "use strict";
  84596. exports2.__esModule = true;
  84597. exports2.unesc = exports2.stripComments = exports2.getProp = exports2.ensureObject = void 0;
  84598. var _unesc = _interopRequireDefault(require_unesc());
  84599. exports2.unesc = _unesc["default"];
  84600. var _getProp = _interopRequireDefault(require_getProp());
  84601. exports2.getProp = _getProp["default"];
  84602. var _ensureObject = _interopRequireDefault(require_ensureObject());
  84603. exports2.ensureObject = _ensureObject["default"];
  84604. var _stripComments = _interopRequireDefault(require_stripComments());
  84605. exports2.stripComments = _stripComments["default"];
  84606. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  84607. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  84608. }
  84609. }
  84610. });
  84611. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/node.js
  84612. var require_node6 = __commonJS({
  84613. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/node.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84614. "use strict";
  84615. exports2.__esModule = true;
  84616. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  84617. var _util = require_util2();
  84618. function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  84619. for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  84620. var descriptor = props[i];
  84621. descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  84622. descriptor.configurable = true;
  84623. if ("value" in descriptor)
  84624. descriptor.writable = true;
  84625. Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  84626. }
  84627. }
  84628. function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  84629. if (protoProps)
  84630. _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  84631. if (staticProps)
  84632. _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  84633. Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false });
  84634. return Constructor;
  84635. }
  84636. var cloneNode = function cloneNode2(obj, parent) {
  84637. if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null) {
  84638. return obj;
  84639. }
  84640. var cloned = new obj.constructor();
  84641. for (var i in obj) {
  84642. if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
  84643. continue;
  84644. }
  84645. var value = obj[i];
  84646. var type = typeof value;
  84647. if (i === "parent" && type === "object") {
  84648. if (parent) {
  84649. cloned[i] = parent;
  84650. }
  84651. } else if (value instanceof Array) {
  84652. cloned[i] = {
  84653. return cloneNode2(j, cloned);
  84654. });
  84655. } else {
  84656. cloned[i] = cloneNode2(value, cloned);
  84657. }
  84658. }
  84659. return cloned;
  84660. };
  84661. var Node = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
  84662. function Node2(opts) {
  84663. if (opts === void 0) {
  84664. opts = {};
  84665. }
  84666. Object.assign(this, opts);
  84667. this.spaces = this.spaces || {};
  84668. this.spaces.before = this.spaces.before || "";
  84669. this.spaces.after = this.spaces.after || "";
  84670. }
  84671. var _proto = Node2.prototype;
  84672. _proto.remove = function remove() {
  84673. if (this.parent) {
  84674. this.parent.removeChild(this);
  84675. }
  84676. this.parent = void 0;
  84677. return this;
  84678. };
  84679. _proto.replaceWith = function replaceWith() {
  84680. if (this.parent) {
  84681. for (var index in arguments) {
  84682. this.parent.insertBefore(this, arguments[index]);
  84683. }
  84684. this.remove();
  84685. }
  84686. return this;
  84687. };
  84688. = function next() {
  84689. return + 1);
  84690. };
  84691. _proto.prev = function prev() {
  84692. return - 1);
  84693. };
  84694. _proto.clone = function clone(overrides) {
  84695. if (overrides === void 0) {
  84696. overrides = {};
  84697. }
  84698. var cloned = cloneNode(this);
  84699. for (var name in overrides) {
  84700. cloned[name] = overrides[name];
  84701. }
  84702. return cloned;
  84703. };
  84704. _proto.appendToPropertyAndEscape = function appendToPropertyAndEscape(name, value, valueEscaped) {
  84705. if (!this.raws) {
  84706. this.raws = {};
  84707. }
  84708. var originalValue = this[name];
  84709. var originalEscaped = this.raws[name];
  84710. this[name] = originalValue + value;
  84711. if (originalEscaped || valueEscaped !== value) {
  84712. this.raws[name] = (originalEscaped || originalValue) + valueEscaped;
  84713. } else {
  84714. delete this.raws[name];
  84715. }
  84716. };
  84717. _proto.setPropertyAndEscape = function setPropertyAndEscape(name, value, valueEscaped) {
  84718. if (!this.raws) {
  84719. this.raws = {};
  84720. }
  84721. this[name] = value;
  84722. this.raws[name] = valueEscaped;
  84723. };
  84724. _proto.setPropertyWithoutEscape = function setPropertyWithoutEscape(name, value) {
  84725. this[name] = value;
  84726. if (this.raws) {
  84727. delete this.raws[name];
  84728. }
  84729. };
  84730. _proto.isAtPosition = function isAtPosition(line, column) {
  84731. if (this.source && this.source.start && this.source.end) {
  84732. if (this.source.start.line > line) {
  84733. return false;
  84734. }
  84735. if (this.source.end.line < line) {
  84736. return false;
  84737. }
  84738. if (this.source.start.line === line && this.source.start.column > column) {
  84739. return false;
  84740. }
  84741. if (this.source.end.line === line && this.source.end.column < column) {
  84742. return false;
  84743. }
  84744. return true;
  84745. }
  84746. return void 0;
  84747. };
  84748. _proto.stringifyProperty = function stringifyProperty(name) {
  84749. return this.raws && this.raws[name] || this[name];
  84750. };
  84751. _proto.valueToString = function valueToString() {
  84752. return String(this.stringifyProperty("value"));
  84753. };
  84754. _proto.toString = function toString() {
  84755. return [this.rawSpaceBefore, this.valueToString(), this.rawSpaceAfter].join("");
  84756. };
  84757. _createClass(Node2, [{
  84758. key: "rawSpaceBefore",
  84759. get: function get() {
  84760. var rawSpace = this.raws && this.raws.spaces && this.raws.spaces.before;
  84761. if (rawSpace === void 0) {
  84762. rawSpace = this.spaces && this.spaces.before;
  84763. }
  84764. return rawSpace || "";
  84765. },
  84766. set: function set(raw) {
  84767. (0, _util.ensureObject)(this, "raws", "spaces");
  84768. this.raws.spaces.before = raw;
  84769. }
  84770. }, {
  84771. key: "rawSpaceAfter",
  84772. get: function get() {
  84773. var rawSpace = this.raws && this.raws.spaces && this.raws.spaces.after;
  84774. if (rawSpace === void 0) {
  84775. rawSpace = this.spaces.after;
  84776. }
  84777. return rawSpace || "";
  84778. },
  84779. set: function set(raw) {
  84780. (0, _util.ensureObject)(this, "raws", "spaces");
  84781. this.raws.spaces.after = raw;
  84782. }
  84783. }]);
  84784. return Node2;
  84785. }();
  84786. exports2["default"] = Node;
  84787. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  84788. }
  84789. });
  84790. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/types.js
  84791. var require_types4 = __commonJS({
  84792. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/types.js"(exports2) {
  84793. "use strict";
  84794. exports2.__esModule = true;
  84795. exports2.UNIVERSAL = exports2.TAG = exports2.STRING = exports2.SELECTOR = exports2.ROOT = exports2.PSEUDO = exports2.NESTING = exports2.ID = exports2.COMMENT = exports2.COMBINATOR = exports2.CLASS = exports2.ATTRIBUTE = void 0;
  84796. var TAG = "tag";
  84797. exports2.TAG = TAG;
  84798. var STRING = "string";
  84799. exports2.STRING = STRING;
  84800. var SELECTOR = "selector";
  84801. exports2.SELECTOR = SELECTOR;
  84802. var ROOT = "root";
  84803. exports2.ROOT = ROOT;
  84804. var PSEUDO = "pseudo";
  84805. exports2.PSEUDO = PSEUDO;
  84806. var NESTING = "nesting";
  84807. exports2.NESTING = NESTING;
  84808. var ID = "id";
  84809. exports2.ID = ID;
  84810. var COMMENT = "comment";
  84811. exports2.COMMENT = COMMENT;
  84812. var COMBINATOR = "combinator";
  84813. exports2.COMBINATOR = COMBINATOR;
  84814. var CLASS = "class";
  84815. exports2.CLASS = CLASS;
  84816. var ATTRIBUTE = "attribute";
  84817. exports2.ATTRIBUTE = ATTRIBUTE;
  84818. var UNIVERSAL = "universal";
  84819. exports2.UNIVERSAL = UNIVERSAL;
  84820. }
  84821. });
  84822. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/container.js
  84823. var require_container2 = __commonJS({
  84824. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/container.js"(exports2, module2) {
  84825. "use strict";
  84826. exports2.__esModule = true;
  84827. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  84828. var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require_node6());
  84829. var types = _interopRequireWildcard(require_types4());
  84830. function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) {
  84831. if (typeof WeakMap !== "function")
  84832. return null;
  84833. var cacheBabelInterop = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  84834. var cacheNodeInterop = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  84835. return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache2(nodeInterop2) {
  84836. return nodeInterop2 ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop;
  84837. })(nodeInterop);
  84838. }
  84839. function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) {
  84840. if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) {
  84841. return obj;
  84842. }
  84843. if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") {
  84844. return { "default": obj };
  84845. }
  84846. var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop);
  84847. if (cache && cache.has(obj)) {
  84848. return cache.get(obj);
  84849. }
  84850. var newObj = {};
  84851. var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  84852. for (var key in obj) {
  84853. if (key !== "default" &&, key)) {
  84854. var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
  84855. if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) {
  84856. Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc);
  84857. } else {
  84858. newObj[key] = obj[key];
  84859. }
  84860. }
  84861. }
  84862. newObj["default"] = obj;
  84863. if (cache) {
  84864. cache.set(obj, newObj);
  84865. }
  84866. return newObj;
  84867. }
  84868. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  84869. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  84870. }
  84871. function _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(o, allowArrayLike) {
  84872. var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"];
  84873. if (it)
  84874. return (it =;
  84875. if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") {
  84876. if (it)
  84877. o = it;
  84878. var i = 0;
  84879. return function() {
  84880. if (i >= o.length)
  84881. return { done: true };
  84882. return { done: false, value: o[i++] };
  84883. };
  84884. }
  84885. throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
  84886. }
  84887. function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) {
  84888. if (!o)
  84889. return;
  84890. if (typeof o === "string")
  84891. return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
  84892. var n =, -1);
  84893. if (n === "Object" && o.constructor)
  84894. n =;
  84895. if (n === "Map" || n === "Set")
  84896. return Array.from(o);
  84897. if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n))
  84898. return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen);
  84899. }
  84900. function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) {
  84901. if (len == null || len > arr.length)
  84902. len = arr.length;
  84903. for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) {
  84904. arr2[i] = arr[i];
  84905. }
  84906. return arr2;
  84907. }
  84908. function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  84909. for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  84910. var descriptor = props[i];
  84911. descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  84912. descriptor.configurable = true;
  84913. if ("value" in descriptor)
  84914. descriptor.writable = true;
  84915. Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  84916. }
  84917. }
  84918. function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  84919. if (protoProps)
  84920. _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  84921. if (staticProps)
  84922. _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  84923. Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false });
  84924. return Constructor;
  84925. }
  84926. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  84927. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  84928. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  84929. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  84930. }
  84931. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  84932. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  84933. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  84934. return o2;
  84935. };
  84936. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  84937. }
  84938. var Container = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Node) {
  84939. _inheritsLoose(Container2, _Node);
  84940. function Container2(opts) {
  84941. var _this;
  84942. _this =, opts) || this;
  84943. if (!_this.nodes) {
  84944. _this.nodes = [];
  84945. }
  84946. return _this;
  84947. }
  84948. var _proto = Container2.prototype;
  84949. _proto.append = function append(selector) {
  84950. selector.parent = this;
  84951. this.nodes.push(selector);
  84952. return this;
  84953. };
  84954. _proto.prepend = function prepend(selector) {
  84955. selector.parent = this;
  84956. this.nodes.unshift(selector);
  84957. return this;
  84958. };
  84959. = function at(index) {
  84960. return this.nodes[index];
  84961. };
  84962. _proto.index = function index(child) {
  84963. if (typeof child === "number") {
  84964. return child;
  84965. }
  84966. return this.nodes.indexOf(child);
  84967. };
  84968. _proto.removeChild = function removeChild(child) {
  84969. child = this.index(child);
  84970. = void 0;
  84971. this.nodes.splice(child, 1);
  84972. var index;
  84973. for (var id in this.indexes) {
  84974. index = this.indexes[id];
  84975. if (index >= child) {
  84976. this.indexes[id] = index - 1;
  84977. }
  84978. }
  84979. return this;
  84980. };
  84981. _proto.removeAll = function removeAll() {
  84982. for (var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(this.nodes), _step; !(_step = _iterator()).done; ) {
  84983. var node = _step.value;
  84984. node.parent = void 0;
  84985. }
  84986. this.nodes = [];
  84987. return this;
  84988. };
  84989. _proto.empty = function empty() {
  84990. return this.removeAll();
  84991. };
  84992. _proto.insertAfter = function insertAfter(oldNode, newNode) {
  84993. newNode.parent = this;
  84994. var oldIndex = this.index(oldNode);
  84995. this.nodes.splice(oldIndex + 1, 0, newNode);
  84996. newNode.parent = this;
  84997. var index;
  84998. for (var id in this.indexes) {
  84999. index = this.indexes[id];
  85000. if (oldIndex <= index) {
  85001. this.indexes[id] = index + 1;
  85002. }
  85003. }
  85004. return this;
  85005. };
  85006. _proto.insertBefore = function insertBefore(oldNode, newNode) {
  85007. newNode.parent = this;
  85008. var oldIndex = this.index(oldNode);
  85009. this.nodes.splice(oldIndex, 0, newNode);
  85010. newNode.parent = this;
  85011. var index;
  85012. for (var id in this.indexes) {
  85013. index = this.indexes[id];
  85014. if (index <= oldIndex) {
  85015. this.indexes[id] = index + 1;
  85016. }
  85017. }
  85018. return this;
  85019. };
  85020. _proto._findChildAtPosition = function _findChildAtPosition(line, col) {
  85021. var found = void 0;
  85022. this.each(function(node) {
  85023. if (node.atPosition) {
  85024. var foundChild = node.atPosition(line, col);
  85025. if (foundChild) {
  85026. found = foundChild;
  85027. return false;
  85028. }
  85029. } else if (node.isAtPosition(line, col)) {
  85030. found = node;
  85031. return false;
  85032. }
  85033. });
  85034. return found;
  85035. };
  85036. _proto.atPosition = function atPosition(line, col) {
  85037. if (this.isAtPosition(line, col)) {
  85038. return this._findChildAtPosition(line, col) || this;
  85039. } else {
  85040. return void 0;
  85041. }
  85042. };
  85043. _proto._inferEndPosition = function _inferEndPosition() {
  85044. if (this.last && this.last.source && this.last.source.end) {
  85045. this.source = this.source || {};
  85046. this.source.end = this.source.end || {};
  85047. Object.assign(this.source.end, this.last.source.end);
  85048. }
  85049. };
  85050. _proto.each = function each(callback) {
  85051. if (!this.lastEach) {
  85052. this.lastEach = 0;
  85053. }
  85054. if (!this.indexes) {
  85055. this.indexes = {};
  85056. }
  85057. this.lastEach++;
  85058. var id = this.lastEach;
  85059. this.indexes[id] = 0;
  85060. if (!this.length) {
  85061. return void 0;
  85062. }
  85063. var index, result;
  85064. while (this.indexes[id] < this.length) {
  85065. index = this.indexes[id];
  85066. result = callback(, index);
  85067. if (result === false) {
  85068. break;
  85069. }
  85070. this.indexes[id] += 1;
  85071. }
  85072. delete this.indexes[id];
  85073. if (result === false) {
  85074. return false;
  85075. }
  85076. };
  85077. _proto.walk = function walk(callback) {
  85078. return this.each(function(node, i) {
  85079. var result = callback(node, i);
  85080. if (result !== false && node.length) {
  85081. result = node.walk(callback);
  85082. }
  85083. if (result === false) {
  85084. return false;
  85085. }
  85086. });
  85087. };
  85088. _proto.walkAttributes = function walkAttributes(callback) {
  85089. var _this2 = this;
  85090. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85091. if (selector.type === types.ATTRIBUTE) {
  85092. return, selector);
  85093. }
  85094. });
  85095. };
  85096. _proto.walkClasses = function walkClasses(callback) {
  85097. var _this3 = this;
  85098. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85099. if (selector.type === types.CLASS) {
  85100. return, selector);
  85101. }
  85102. });
  85103. };
  85104. _proto.walkCombinators = function walkCombinators(callback) {
  85105. var _this4 = this;
  85106. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85107. if (selector.type === types.COMBINATOR) {
  85108. return, selector);
  85109. }
  85110. });
  85111. };
  85112. _proto.walkComments = function walkComments(callback) {
  85113. var _this5 = this;
  85114. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85115. if (selector.type === types.COMMENT) {
  85116. return, selector);
  85117. }
  85118. });
  85119. };
  85120. _proto.walkIds = function walkIds(callback) {
  85121. var _this6 = this;
  85122. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85123. if (selector.type === types.ID) {
  85124. return, selector);
  85125. }
  85126. });
  85127. };
  85128. _proto.walkNesting = function walkNesting(callback) {
  85129. var _this7 = this;
  85130. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85131. if (selector.type === types.NESTING) {
  85132. return, selector);
  85133. }
  85134. });
  85135. };
  85136. _proto.walkPseudos = function walkPseudos(callback) {
  85137. var _this8 = this;
  85138. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85139. if (selector.type === types.PSEUDO) {
  85140. return, selector);
  85141. }
  85142. });
  85143. };
  85144. _proto.walkTags = function walkTags(callback) {
  85145. var _this9 = this;
  85146. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85147. if (selector.type === types.TAG) {
  85148. return, selector);
  85149. }
  85150. });
  85151. };
  85152. _proto.walkUniversals = function walkUniversals(callback) {
  85153. var _this10 = this;
  85154. return this.walk(function(selector) {
  85155. if (selector.type === types.UNIVERSAL) {
  85156. return, selector);
  85157. }
  85158. });
  85159. };
  85160. _proto.split = function split(callback) {
  85161. var _this11 = this;
  85162. var current = [];
  85163. return this.reduce(function(memo, node, index) {
  85164. var split2 =, node);
  85165. current.push(node);
  85166. if (split2) {
  85167. memo.push(current);
  85168. current = [];
  85169. } else if (index === _this11.length - 1) {
  85170. memo.push(current);
  85171. }
  85172. return memo;
  85173. }, []);
  85174. };
  85175. = function map(callback) {
  85176. return;
  85177. };
  85178. _proto.reduce = function reduce(callback, memo) {
  85179. return this.nodes.reduce(callback, memo);
  85180. };
  85181. _proto.every = function every(callback) {
  85182. return this.nodes.every(callback);
  85183. };
  85184. _proto.some = function some(callback) {
  85185. return this.nodes.some(callback);
  85186. };
  85187. _proto.filter = function filter(callback) {
  85188. return this.nodes.filter(callback);
  85189. };
  85190. _proto.sort = function sort(callback) {
  85191. return this.nodes.sort(callback);
  85192. };
  85193. _proto.toString = function toString() {
  85194. return"");
  85195. };
  85196. _createClass(Container2, [{
  85197. key: "first",
  85198. get: function get() {
  85199. return;
  85200. }
  85201. }, {
  85202. key: "last",
  85203. get: function get() {
  85204. return - 1);
  85205. }
  85206. }, {
  85207. key: "length",
  85208. get: function get() {
  85209. return this.nodes.length;
  85210. }
  85211. }]);
  85212. return Container2;
  85213. }(_node["default"]);
  85214. exports2["default"] = Container;
  85215. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85216. }
  85217. });
  85218. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/root.js
  85219. var require_root2 = __commonJS({
  85220. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/root.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85221. "use strict";
  85222. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85223. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85224. var _container = _interopRequireDefault(require_container2());
  85225. var _types = require_types4();
  85226. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85227. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85228. }
  85229. function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  85230. for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  85231. var descriptor = props[i];
  85232. descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  85233. descriptor.configurable = true;
  85234. if ("value" in descriptor)
  85235. descriptor.writable = true;
  85236. Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  85237. }
  85238. }
  85239. function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  85240. if (protoProps)
  85241. _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  85242. if (staticProps)
  85243. _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  85244. Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false });
  85245. return Constructor;
  85246. }
  85247. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85248. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85249. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85250. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85251. }
  85252. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85253. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85254. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85255. return o2;
  85256. };
  85257. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85258. }
  85259. var Root = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Container) {
  85260. _inheritsLoose(Root2, _Container);
  85261. function Root2(opts) {
  85262. var _this;
  85263. _this =, opts) || this;
  85264. _this.type = _types.ROOT;
  85265. return _this;
  85266. }
  85267. var _proto = Root2.prototype;
  85268. _proto.toString = function toString() {
  85269. var str = this.reduce(function(memo, selector) {
  85270. memo.push(String(selector));
  85271. return memo;
  85272. }, []).join(",");
  85273. return this.trailingComma ? str + "," : str;
  85274. };
  85275. _proto.error = function error(message, options) {
  85276. if (this._error) {
  85277. return this._error(message, options);
  85278. } else {
  85279. return new Error(message);
  85280. }
  85281. };
  85282. _createClass(Root2, [{
  85283. key: "errorGenerator",
  85284. set: function set(handler) {
  85285. this._error = handler;
  85286. }
  85287. }]);
  85288. return Root2;
  85289. }(_container["default"]);
  85290. exports2["default"] = Root;
  85291. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85292. }
  85293. });
  85294. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/selector.js
  85295. var require_selector4 = __commonJS({
  85296. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/selector.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85297. "use strict";
  85298. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85299. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85300. var _container = _interopRequireDefault(require_container2());
  85301. var _types = require_types4();
  85302. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85303. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85304. }
  85305. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85306. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85307. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85308. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85309. }
  85310. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85311. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85312. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85313. return o2;
  85314. };
  85315. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85316. }
  85317. var Selector = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Container) {
  85318. _inheritsLoose(Selector2, _Container);
  85319. function Selector2(opts) {
  85320. var _this;
  85321. _this =, opts) || this;
  85322. _this.type = _types.SELECTOR;
  85323. return _this;
  85324. }
  85325. return Selector2;
  85326. }(_container["default"]);
  85327. exports2["default"] = Selector;
  85328. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85329. }
  85330. });
  85331. // node_modules/cssesc/cssesc.js
  85332. var require_cssesc = __commonJS({
  85333. "node_modules/cssesc/cssesc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85334. "use strict";
  85335. var object = {};
  85336. var hasOwnProperty2 = object.hasOwnProperty;
  85337. var merge = function merge2(options, defaults) {
  85338. if (!options) {
  85339. return defaults;
  85340. }
  85341. var result = {};
  85342. for (var key in defaults) {
  85343. result[key] =, key) ? options[key] : defaults[key];
  85344. }
  85345. return result;
  85346. };
  85347. var regexAnySingleEscape = /[ -,\.\/:-@\[-\^`\{-~]/;
  85348. var regexSingleEscape = /[ -,\.\/:-@\[\]\^`\{-~]/;
  85349. var regexExcessiveSpaces = /(^|\\+)?(\\[A-F0-9]{1,6})\x20(?![a-fA-F0-9\x20])/g;
  85350. var cssesc = function cssesc2(string, options) {
  85351. options = merge(options, cssesc2.options);
  85352. if (options.quotes != "single" && options.quotes != "double") {
  85353. options.quotes = "single";
  85354. }
  85355. var quote = options.quotes == "double" ? '"' : "'";
  85356. var isIdentifier = options.isIdentifier;
  85357. var firstChar = string.charAt(0);
  85358. var output = "";
  85359. var counter = 0;
  85360. var length = string.length;
  85361. while (counter < length) {
  85362. var character = string.charAt(counter++);
  85363. var codePoint = character.charCodeAt();
  85364. var value = void 0;
  85365. if (codePoint < 32 || codePoint > 126) {
  85366. if (codePoint >= 55296 && codePoint <= 56319 && counter < length) {
  85367. var extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++);
  85368. if ((extra & 64512) == 56320) {
  85369. codePoint = ((codePoint & 1023) << 10) + (extra & 1023) + 65536;
  85370. } else {
  85371. counter--;
  85372. }
  85373. }
  85374. value = "\\" + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase() + " ";
  85375. } else {
  85376. if (options.escapeEverything) {
  85377. if (regexAnySingleEscape.test(character)) {
  85378. value = "\\" + character;
  85379. } else {
  85380. value = "\\" + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase() + " ";
  85381. }
  85382. } else if (/[\t\n\f\r\x0B]/.test(character)) {
  85383. value = "\\" + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase() + " ";
  85384. } else if (character == "\\" || !isIdentifier && (character == '"' && quote == character || character == "'" && quote == character) || isIdentifier && regexSingleEscape.test(character)) {
  85385. value = "\\" + character;
  85386. } else {
  85387. value = character;
  85388. }
  85389. }
  85390. output += value;
  85391. }
  85392. if (isIdentifier) {
  85393. if (/^-[-\d]/.test(output)) {
  85394. output = "\\-" + output.slice(1);
  85395. } else if (/\d/.test(firstChar)) {
  85396. output = "\\3" + firstChar + " " + output.slice(1);
  85397. }
  85398. }
  85399. output = output.replace(regexExcessiveSpaces, function($0, $1, $2) {
  85400. if ($1 && $1.length % 2) {
  85401. return $0;
  85402. }
  85403. return ($1 || "") + $2;
  85404. });
  85405. if (!isIdentifier && options.wrap) {
  85406. return quote + output + quote;
  85407. }
  85408. return output;
  85409. };
  85410. cssesc.options = {
  85411. "escapeEverything": false,
  85412. "isIdentifier": false,
  85413. "quotes": "single",
  85414. "wrap": false
  85415. };
  85416. cssesc.version = "3.0.0";
  85417. module2.exports = cssesc;
  85418. }
  85419. });
  85420. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/className.js
  85421. var require_className = __commonJS({
  85422. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/className.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85423. "use strict";
  85424. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85425. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85426. var _cssesc = _interopRequireDefault(require_cssesc());
  85427. var _util = require_util2();
  85428. var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require_node6());
  85429. var _types = require_types4();
  85430. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85431. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85432. }
  85433. function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  85434. for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  85435. var descriptor = props[i];
  85436. descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  85437. descriptor.configurable = true;
  85438. if ("value" in descriptor)
  85439. descriptor.writable = true;
  85440. Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  85441. }
  85442. }
  85443. function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  85444. if (protoProps)
  85445. _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  85446. if (staticProps)
  85447. _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  85448. Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false });
  85449. return Constructor;
  85450. }
  85451. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85452. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85453. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85454. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85455. }
  85456. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85457. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85458. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85459. return o2;
  85460. };
  85461. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85462. }
  85463. var ClassName = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Node) {
  85464. _inheritsLoose(ClassName2, _Node);
  85465. function ClassName2(opts) {
  85466. var _this;
  85467. _this =, opts) || this;
  85468. _this.type = _types.CLASS;
  85469. _this._constructed = true;
  85470. return _this;
  85471. }
  85472. var _proto = ClassName2.prototype;
  85473. _proto.valueToString = function valueToString() {
  85474. return "." +;
  85475. };
  85476. _createClass(ClassName2, [{
  85477. key: "value",
  85478. get: function get() {
  85479. return this._value;
  85480. },
  85481. set: function set(v) {
  85482. if (this._constructed) {
  85483. var escaped = (0, _cssesc["default"])(v, {
  85484. isIdentifier: true
  85485. });
  85486. if (escaped !== v) {
  85487. (0, _util.ensureObject)(this, "raws");
  85488. this.raws.value = escaped;
  85489. } else if (this.raws) {
  85490. delete this.raws.value;
  85491. }
  85492. }
  85493. this._value = v;
  85494. }
  85495. }]);
  85496. return ClassName2;
  85497. }(_node["default"]);
  85498. exports2["default"] = ClassName;
  85499. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85500. }
  85501. });
  85502. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/comment.js
  85503. var require_comment2 = __commonJS({
  85504. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/comment.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85505. "use strict";
  85506. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85507. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85508. var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require_node6());
  85509. var _types = require_types4();
  85510. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85511. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85512. }
  85513. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85514. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85515. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85516. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85517. }
  85518. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85519. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85520. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85521. return o2;
  85522. };
  85523. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85524. }
  85525. var Comment = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Node) {
  85526. _inheritsLoose(Comment2, _Node);
  85527. function Comment2(opts) {
  85528. var _this;
  85529. _this =, opts) || this;
  85530. _this.type = _types.COMMENT;
  85531. return _this;
  85532. }
  85533. return Comment2;
  85534. }(_node["default"]);
  85535. exports2["default"] = Comment;
  85536. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85537. }
  85538. });
  85539. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/id.js
  85540. var require_id = __commonJS({
  85541. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/id.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85542. "use strict";
  85543. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85544. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85545. var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require_node6());
  85546. var _types = require_types4();
  85547. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85548. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85549. }
  85550. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85551. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85552. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85553. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85554. }
  85555. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85556. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85557. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85558. return o2;
  85559. };
  85560. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85561. }
  85562. var ID = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Node) {
  85563. _inheritsLoose(ID2, _Node);
  85564. function ID2(opts) {
  85565. var _this;
  85566. _this =, opts) || this;
  85567. _this.type = _types.ID;
  85568. return _this;
  85569. }
  85570. var _proto = ID2.prototype;
  85571. _proto.valueToString = function valueToString() {
  85572. return "#" +;
  85573. };
  85574. return ID2;
  85575. }(_node["default"]);
  85576. exports2["default"] = ID;
  85577. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85578. }
  85579. });
  85580. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/namespace.js
  85581. var require_namespace = __commonJS({
  85582. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/namespace.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85583. "use strict";
  85584. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85585. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85586. var _cssesc = _interopRequireDefault(require_cssesc());
  85587. var _util = require_util2();
  85588. var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require_node6());
  85589. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85590. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85591. }
  85592. function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  85593. for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  85594. var descriptor = props[i];
  85595. descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  85596. descriptor.configurable = true;
  85597. if ("value" in descriptor)
  85598. descriptor.writable = true;
  85599. Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  85600. }
  85601. }
  85602. function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  85603. if (protoProps)
  85604. _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  85605. if (staticProps)
  85606. _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  85607. Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false });
  85608. return Constructor;
  85609. }
  85610. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85611. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85612. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85613. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85614. }
  85615. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85616. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85617. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85618. return o2;
  85619. };
  85620. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85621. }
  85622. var Namespace = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Node) {
  85623. _inheritsLoose(Namespace2, _Node);
  85624. function Namespace2() {
  85625. return _Node.apply(this, arguments) || this;
  85626. }
  85627. var _proto = Namespace2.prototype;
  85628. _proto.qualifiedName = function qualifiedName(value) {
  85629. if (this.namespace) {
  85630. return this.namespaceString + "|" + value;
  85631. } else {
  85632. return value;
  85633. }
  85634. };
  85635. _proto.valueToString = function valueToString() {
  85636. return this.qualifiedName(;
  85637. };
  85638. _createClass(Namespace2, [{
  85639. key: "namespace",
  85640. get: function get() {
  85641. return this._namespace;
  85642. },
  85643. set: function set(namespace) {
  85644. if (namespace === true || namespace === "*" || namespace === "&") {
  85645. this._namespace = namespace;
  85646. if (this.raws) {
  85647. delete this.raws.namespace;
  85648. }
  85649. return;
  85650. }
  85651. var escaped = (0, _cssesc["default"])(namespace, {
  85652. isIdentifier: true
  85653. });
  85654. this._namespace = namespace;
  85655. if (escaped !== namespace) {
  85656. (0, _util.ensureObject)(this, "raws");
  85657. this.raws.namespace = escaped;
  85658. } else if (this.raws) {
  85659. delete this.raws.namespace;
  85660. }
  85661. }
  85662. }, {
  85663. key: "ns",
  85664. get: function get() {
  85665. return this._namespace;
  85666. },
  85667. set: function set(namespace) {
  85668. this.namespace = namespace;
  85669. }
  85670. }, {
  85671. key: "namespaceString",
  85672. get: function get() {
  85673. if (this.namespace) {
  85674. var ns = this.stringifyProperty("namespace");
  85675. if (ns === true) {
  85676. return "";
  85677. } else {
  85678. return ns;
  85679. }
  85680. } else {
  85681. return "";
  85682. }
  85683. }
  85684. }]);
  85685. return Namespace2;
  85686. }(_node["default"]);
  85687. exports2["default"] = Namespace;
  85688. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85689. }
  85690. });
  85691. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/tag.js
  85692. var require_tag = __commonJS({
  85693. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/tag.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85694. "use strict";
  85695. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85696. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85697. var _namespace = _interopRequireDefault(require_namespace());
  85698. var _types = require_types4();
  85699. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85700. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85701. }
  85702. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85703. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85704. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85705. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85706. }
  85707. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85708. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85709. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85710. return o2;
  85711. };
  85712. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85713. }
  85714. var Tag = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Namespace) {
  85715. _inheritsLoose(Tag2, _Namespace);
  85716. function Tag2(opts) {
  85717. var _this;
  85718. _this =, opts) || this;
  85719. _this.type = _types.TAG;
  85720. return _this;
  85721. }
  85722. return Tag2;
  85723. }(_namespace["default"]);
  85724. exports2["default"] = Tag;
  85725. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85726. }
  85727. });
  85728. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/string.js
  85729. var require_string3 = __commonJS({
  85730. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/string.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85731. "use strict";
  85732. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85733. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85734. var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require_node6());
  85735. var _types = require_types4();
  85736. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85737. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85738. }
  85739. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85740. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85741. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85742. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85743. }
  85744. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85745. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85746. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85747. return o2;
  85748. };
  85749. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85750. }
  85751. var String2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Node) {
  85752. _inheritsLoose(String3, _Node);
  85753. function String3(opts) {
  85754. var _this;
  85755. _this =, opts) || this;
  85756. _this.type = _types.STRING;
  85757. return _this;
  85758. }
  85759. return String3;
  85760. }(_node["default"]);
  85761. exports2["default"] = String2;
  85762. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85763. }
  85764. });
  85765. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/pseudo.js
  85766. var require_pseudo3 = __commonJS({
  85767. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/pseudo.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85768. "use strict";
  85769. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85770. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85771. var _container = _interopRequireDefault(require_container2());
  85772. var _types = require_types4();
  85773. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85774. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85775. }
  85776. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85777. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85778. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85779. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85780. }
  85781. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85782. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85783. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85784. return o2;
  85785. };
  85786. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85787. }
  85788. var Pseudo = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Container) {
  85789. _inheritsLoose(Pseudo2, _Container);
  85790. function Pseudo2(opts) {
  85791. var _this;
  85792. _this =, opts) || this;
  85793. _this.type = _types.PSEUDO;
  85794. return _this;
  85795. }
  85796. var _proto = Pseudo2.prototype;
  85797. _proto.toString = function toString() {
  85798. var params = this.length ? "(" +",") + ")" : "";
  85799. return [this.rawSpaceBefore, this.stringifyProperty("value"), params, this.rawSpaceAfter].join("");
  85800. };
  85801. return Pseudo2;
  85802. }(_container["default"]);
  85803. exports2["default"] = Pseudo;
  85804. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  85805. }
  85806. });
  85807. // node_modules/util-deprecate/node.js
  85808. var require_node7 = __commonJS({
  85809. "node_modules/util-deprecate/node.js"(exports2, module2) {
  85810. module2.exports = require("util").deprecate;
  85811. }
  85812. });
  85813. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/attribute.js
  85814. var require_attribute = __commonJS({
  85815. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/attribute.js"(exports2) {
  85816. "use strict";
  85817. exports2.__esModule = true;
  85818. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  85819. exports2.unescapeValue = unescapeValue;
  85820. var _cssesc = _interopRequireDefault(require_cssesc());
  85821. var _unesc = _interopRequireDefault(require_unesc());
  85822. var _namespace = _interopRequireDefault(require_namespace());
  85823. var _types = require_types4();
  85825. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  85826. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  85827. }
  85828. function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  85829. for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  85830. var descriptor = props[i];
  85831. descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  85832. descriptor.configurable = true;
  85833. if ("value" in descriptor)
  85834. descriptor.writable = true;
  85835. Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  85836. }
  85837. }
  85838. function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  85839. if (protoProps)
  85840. _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  85841. if (staticProps)
  85842. _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  85843. Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false });
  85844. return Constructor;
  85845. }
  85846. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  85847. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  85848. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  85849. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  85850. }
  85851. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  85852. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  85853. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  85854. return o2;
  85855. };
  85856. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  85857. }
  85858. var deprecate = require_node7();
  85859. var WRAPPED_IN_QUOTES = /^('|")([^]*)\1$/;
  85860. var warnOfDeprecatedValueAssignment = deprecate(function() {
  85861. }, "Assigning an attribute a value containing characters that might need to be escaped is deprecated. Call attribute.setValue() instead.");
  85862. var warnOfDeprecatedQuotedAssignment = deprecate(function() {
  85863. }, "Assigning attr.quoted is deprecated and has no effect. Assign to attr.quoteMark instead.");
  85864. var warnOfDeprecatedConstructor = deprecate(function() {
  85865. }, "Constructing an Attribute selector with a value without specifying quoteMark is deprecated. Note: The value should be unescaped now.");
  85866. function unescapeValue(value) {
  85867. var deprecatedUsage = false;
  85868. var quoteMark = null;
  85869. var unescaped = value;
  85870. var m = unescaped.match(WRAPPED_IN_QUOTES);
  85871. if (m) {
  85872. quoteMark = m[1];
  85873. unescaped = m[2];
  85874. }
  85875. unescaped = (0, _unesc["default"])(unescaped);
  85876. if (unescaped !== value) {
  85877. deprecatedUsage = true;
  85878. }
  85879. return {
  85880. deprecatedUsage,
  85881. unescaped,
  85882. quoteMark
  85883. };
  85884. }
  85885. function handleDeprecatedContructorOpts(opts) {
  85886. if (opts.quoteMark !== void 0) {
  85887. return opts;
  85888. }
  85889. if (opts.value === void 0) {
  85890. return opts;
  85891. }
  85892. warnOfDeprecatedConstructor();
  85893. var _unescapeValue = unescapeValue(opts.value), quoteMark = _unescapeValue.quoteMark, unescaped = _unescapeValue.unescaped;
  85894. if (!opts.raws) {
  85895. opts.raws = {};
  85896. }
  85897. if (opts.raws.value === void 0) {
  85898. opts.raws.value = opts.value;
  85899. }
  85900. opts.value = unescaped;
  85901. opts.quoteMark = quoteMark;
  85902. return opts;
  85903. }
  85904. var Attribute = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Namespace) {
  85905. _inheritsLoose(Attribute2, _Namespace);
  85906. function Attribute2(opts) {
  85907. var _this;
  85908. if (opts === void 0) {
  85909. opts = {};
  85910. }
  85911. _this =, handleDeprecatedContructorOpts(opts)) || this;
  85912. _this.type = _types.ATTRIBUTE;
  85913. _this.raws = _this.raws || {};
  85914. Object.defineProperty(_this.raws, "unquoted", {
  85915. get: deprecate(function() {
  85916. return _this.value;
  85917. }, "attr.raws.unquoted is deprecated. Call attr.value instead."),
  85918. set: deprecate(function() {
  85919. return _this.value;
  85920. }, "Setting attr.raws.unquoted is deprecated and has no effect. attr.value is unescaped by default now.")
  85921. });
  85922. _this._constructed = true;
  85923. return _this;
  85924. }
  85925. var _proto = Attribute2.prototype;
  85926. _proto.getQuotedValue = function getQuotedValue(options) {
  85927. if (options === void 0) {
  85928. options = {};
  85929. }
  85930. var quoteMark = this._determineQuoteMark(options);
  85931. var cssescopts = CSSESC_QUOTE_OPTIONS[quoteMark];
  85932. var escaped = (0, _cssesc["default"])(this._value, cssescopts);
  85933. return escaped;
  85934. };
  85935. _proto._determineQuoteMark = function _determineQuoteMark(options) {
  85936. return ? this.smartQuoteMark(options) : this.preferredQuoteMark(options);
  85937. };
  85938. _proto.setValue = function setValue(value, options) {
  85939. if (options === void 0) {
  85940. options = {};
  85941. }
  85942. this._value = value;
  85943. this._quoteMark = this._determineQuoteMark(options);
  85944. this._syncRawValue();
  85945. };
  85946. _proto.smartQuoteMark = function smartQuoteMark(options) {
  85947. var v = this.value;
  85948. var numSingleQuotes = v.replace(/[^']/g, "").length;
  85949. var numDoubleQuotes = v.replace(/[^"]/g, "").length;
  85950. if (numSingleQuotes + numDoubleQuotes === 0) {
  85951. var escaped = (0, _cssesc["default"])(v, {
  85952. isIdentifier: true
  85953. });
  85954. if (escaped === v) {
  85955. return Attribute2.NO_QUOTE;
  85956. } else {
  85957. var pref = this.preferredQuoteMark(options);
  85958. if (pref === Attribute2.NO_QUOTE) {
  85959. var quote = this.quoteMark || options.quoteMark || Attribute2.DOUBLE_QUOTE;
  85960. var opts = CSSESC_QUOTE_OPTIONS[quote];
  85961. var quoteValue = (0, _cssesc["default"])(v, opts);
  85962. if (quoteValue.length < escaped.length) {
  85963. return quote;
  85964. }
  85965. }
  85966. return pref;
  85967. }
  85968. } else if (numDoubleQuotes === numSingleQuotes) {
  85969. return this.preferredQuoteMark(options);
  85970. } else if (numDoubleQuotes < numSingleQuotes) {
  85971. return Attribute2.DOUBLE_QUOTE;
  85972. } else {
  85973. return Attribute2.SINGLE_QUOTE;
  85974. }
  85975. };
  85976. _proto.preferredQuoteMark = function preferredQuoteMark(options) {
  85977. var quoteMark = options.preferCurrentQuoteMark ? this.quoteMark : options.quoteMark;
  85978. if (quoteMark === void 0) {
  85979. quoteMark = options.preferCurrentQuoteMark ? options.quoteMark : this.quoteMark;
  85980. }
  85981. if (quoteMark === void 0) {
  85982. quoteMark = Attribute2.DOUBLE_QUOTE;
  85983. }
  85984. return quoteMark;
  85985. };
  85986. _proto._syncRawValue = function _syncRawValue() {
  85987. var rawValue = (0, _cssesc["default"])(this._value, CSSESC_QUOTE_OPTIONS[this.quoteMark]);
  85988. if (rawValue === this._value) {
  85989. if (this.raws) {
  85990. delete this.raws.value;
  85991. }
  85992. } else {
  85993. this.raws.value = rawValue;
  85994. }
  85995. };
  85996. _proto._handleEscapes = function _handleEscapes(prop, value) {
  85997. if (this._constructed) {
  85998. var escaped = (0, _cssesc["default"])(value, {
  85999. isIdentifier: true
  86000. });
  86001. if (escaped !== value) {
  86002. this.raws[prop] = escaped;
  86003. } else {
  86004. delete this.raws[prop];
  86005. }
  86006. }
  86007. };
  86008. _proto._spacesFor = function _spacesFor(name) {
  86009. var attrSpaces = {
  86010. before: "",
  86011. after: ""
  86012. };
  86013. var spaces = this.spaces[name] || {};
  86014. var rawSpaces = this.raws.spaces && this.raws.spaces[name] || {};
  86015. return Object.assign(attrSpaces, spaces, rawSpaces);
  86016. };
  86017. _proto._stringFor = function _stringFor(name, spaceName, concat) {
  86018. if (spaceName === void 0) {
  86019. spaceName = name;
  86020. }
  86021. if (concat === void 0) {
  86022. concat = defaultAttrConcat;
  86023. }
  86024. var attrSpaces = this._spacesFor(spaceName);
  86025. return concat(this.stringifyProperty(name), attrSpaces);
  86026. };
  86027. _proto.offsetOf = function offsetOf(name) {
  86028. var count = 1;
  86029. var attributeSpaces = this._spacesFor("attribute");
  86030. count += attributeSpaces.before.length;
  86031. if (name === "namespace" || name === "ns") {
  86032. return this.namespace ? count : -1;
  86033. }
  86034. if (name === "attributeNS") {
  86035. return count;
  86036. }
  86037. count += this.namespaceString.length;
  86038. if (this.namespace) {
  86039. count += 1;
  86040. }
  86041. if (name === "attribute") {
  86042. return count;
  86043. }
  86044. count += this.stringifyProperty("attribute").length;
  86045. count += attributeSpaces.after.length;
  86046. var operatorSpaces = this._spacesFor("operator");
  86047. count += operatorSpaces.before.length;
  86048. var operator = this.stringifyProperty("operator");
  86049. if (name === "operator") {
  86050. return operator ? count : -1;
  86051. }
  86052. count += operator.length;
  86053. count += operatorSpaces.after.length;
  86054. var valueSpaces = this._spacesFor("value");
  86055. count += valueSpaces.before.length;
  86056. var value = this.stringifyProperty("value");
  86057. if (name === "value") {
  86058. return value ? count : -1;
  86059. }
  86060. count += value.length;
  86061. count += valueSpaces.after.length;
  86062. var insensitiveSpaces = this._spacesFor("insensitive");
  86063. count += insensitiveSpaces.before.length;
  86064. if (name === "insensitive") {
  86065. return this.insensitive ? count : -1;
  86066. }
  86067. return -1;
  86068. };
  86069. _proto.toString = function toString() {
  86070. var _this2 = this;
  86071. var selector = [this.rawSpaceBefore, "["];
  86072. selector.push(this._stringFor("qualifiedAttribute", "attribute"));
  86073. if (this.operator && (this.value || this.value === "")) {
  86074. selector.push(this._stringFor("operator"));
  86075. selector.push(this._stringFor("value"));
  86076. selector.push(this._stringFor("insensitiveFlag", "insensitive", function(attrValue, attrSpaces) {
  86077. if (attrValue.length > 0 && !_this2.quoted && attrSpaces.before.length === 0 && !(_this2.spaces.value && _this2.spaces.value.after)) {
  86078. attrSpaces.before = " ";
  86079. }
  86080. return defaultAttrConcat(attrValue, attrSpaces);
  86081. }));
  86082. }
  86083. selector.push("]");
  86084. selector.push(this.rawSpaceAfter);
  86085. return selector.join("");
  86086. };
  86087. _createClass(Attribute2, [{
  86088. key: "quoted",
  86089. get: function get() {
  86090. var qm = this.quoteMark;
  86091. return qm === "'" || qm === '"';
  86092. },
  86093. set: function set(value) {
  86094. warnOfDeprecatedQuotedAssignment();
  86095. }
  86096. /**
  86097. * returns a single (`'`) or double (`"`) quote character if the value is quoted.
  86098. * returns `null` if the value is not quoted.
  86099. * returns `undefined` if the quotation state is unknown (this can happen when
  86100. * the attribute is constructed without specifying a quote mark.)
  86101. */
  86102. }, {
  86103. key: "quoteMark",
  86104. get: function get() {
  86105. return this._quoteMark;
  86106. },
  86107. set: function set(quoteMark) {
  86108. if (!this._constructed) {
  86109. this._quoteMark = quoteMark;
  86110. return;
  86111. }
  86112. if (this._quoteMark !== quoteMark) {
  86113. this._quoteMark = quoteMark;
  86114. this._syncRawValue();
  86115. }
  86116. }
  86117. }, {
  86118. key: "qualifiedAttribute",
  86119. get: function get() {
  86120. return this.qualifiedName(this.raws.attribute || this.attribute);
  86121. }
  86122. }, {
  86123. key: "insensitiveFlag",
  86124. get: function get() {
  86125. return this.insensitive ? "i" : "";
  86126. }
  86127. }, {
  86128. key: "value",
  86129. get: function get() {
  86130. return this._value;
  86131. },
  86132. set: (
  86133. /**
  86134. * Before 3.0, the value had to be set to an escaped value including any wrapped
  86135. * quote marks. In 3.0, the semantics of `Attribute.value` changed so that the value
  86136. * is unescaped during parsing and any quote marks are removed.
  86137. *
  86138. * Because the ambiguity of this semantic change, if you set `attr.value = newValue`,
  86139. * a deprecation warning is raised when the new value contains any characters that would
  86140. * require escaping (including if it contains wrapped quotes).
  86141. *
  86142. * Instead, you should call `attr.setValue(newValue, opts)` and pass options that describe
  86143. * how the new value is quoted.
  86144. */
  86145. function set(v) {
  86146. if (this._constructed) {
  86147. var _unescapeValue2 = unescapeValue(v), deprecatedUsage = _unescapeValue2.deprecatedUsage, unescaped = _unescapeValue2.unescaped, quoteMark = _unescapeValue2.quoteMark;
  86148. if (deprecatedUsage) {
  86149. warnOfDeprecatedValueAssignment();
  86150. }
  86151. if (unescaped === this._value && quoteMark === this._quoteMark) {
  86152. return;
  86153. }
  86154. this._value = unescaped;
  86155. this._quoteMark = quoteMark;
  86156. this._syncRawValue();
  86157. } else {
  86158. this._value = v;
  86159. }
  86160. }
  86161. )
  86162. }, {
  86163. key: "insensitive",
  86164. get: function get() {
  86165. return this._insensitive;
  86166. },
  86167. set: function set(insensitive) {
  86168. if (!insensitive) {
  86169. this._insensitive = false;
  86170. if (this.raws && (this.raws.insensitiveFlag === "I" || this.raws.insensitiveFlag === "i")) {
  86171. this.raws.insensitiveFlag = void 0;
  86172. }
  86173. }
  86174. this._insensitive = insensitive;
  86175. }
  86176. }, {
  86177. key: "attribute",
  86178. get: function get() {
  86179. return this._attribute;
  86180. },
  86181. set: function set(name) {
  86182. this._handleEscapes("attribute", name);
  86183. this._attribute = name;
  86184. }
  86185. }]);
  86186. return Attribute2;
  86187. }(_namespace["default"]);
  86188. exports2["default"] = Attribute;
  86189. Attribute.NO_QUOTE = null;
  86190. Attribute.SINGLE_QUOTE = "'";
  86191. Attribute.DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';
  86193. "'": {
  86194. quotes: "single",
  86195. wrap: true
  86196. },
  86197. '"': {
  86198. quotes: "double",
  86199. wrap: true
  86200. }
  86201. }, _CSSESC_QUOTE_OPTIONS[null] = {
  86202. isIdentifier: true
  86204. function defaultAttrConcat(attrValue, attrSpaces) {
  86205. return "" + attrSpaces.before + attrValue + attrSpaces.after;
  86206. }
  86207. }
  86208. });
  86209. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/universal.js
  86210. var require_universal = __commonJS({
  86211. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/universal.js"(exports2, module2) {
  86212. "use strict";
  86213. exports2.__esModule = true;
  86214. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  86215. var _namespace = _interopRequireDefault(require_namespace());
  86216. var _types = require_types4();
  86217. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  86218. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  86219. }
  86220. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  86221. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  86222. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  86223. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  86224. }
  86225. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  86226. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  86227. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  86228. return o2;
  86229. };
  86230. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  86231. }
  86232. var Universal = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Namespace) {
  86233. _inheritsLoose(Universal2, _Namespace);
  86234. function Universal2(opts) {
  86235. var _this;
  86236. _this =, opts) || this;
  86237. _this.type = _types.UNIVERSAL;
  86238. _this.value = "*";
  86239. return _this;
  86240. }
  86241. return Universal2;
  86242. }(_namespace["default"]);
  86243. exports2["default"] = Universal;
  86244. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  86245. }
  86246. });
  86247. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/combinator.js
  86248. var require_combinator = __commonJS({
  86249. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/combinator.js"(exports2, module2) {
  86250. "use strict";
  86251. exports2.__esModule = true;
  86252. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  86253. var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require_node6());
  86254. var _types = require_types4();
  86255. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  86256. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  86257. }
  86258. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  86259. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  86260. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  86261. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  86262. }
  86263. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  86264. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  86265. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  86266. return o2;
  86267. };
  86268. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  86269. }
  86270. var Combinator = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Node) {
  86271. _inheritsLoose(Combinator2, _Node);
  86272. function Combinator2(opts) {
  86273. var _this;
  86274. _this =, opts) || this;
  86275. _this.type = _types.COMBINATOR;
  86276. return _this;
  86277. }
  86278. return Combinator2;
  86279. }(_node["default"]);
  86280. exports2["default"] = Combinator;
  86281. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  86282. }
  86283. });
  86284. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/nesting.js
  86285. var require_nesting = __commonJS({
  86286. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/nesting.js"(exports2, module2) {
  86287. "use strict";
  86288. exports2.__esModule = true;
  86289. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  86290. var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require_node6());
  86291. var _types = require_types4();
  86292. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  86293. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  86294. }
  86295. function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
  86296. subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
  86297. subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
  86298. _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
  86299. }
  86300. function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
  86301. _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf2(o2, p2) {
  86302. o2.__proto__ = p2;
  86303. return o2;
  86304. };
  86305. return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
  86306. }
  86307. var Nesting = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Node) {
  86308. _inheritsLoose(Nesting2, _Node);
  86309. function Nesting2(opts) {
  86310. var _this;
  86311. _this =, opts) || this;
  86312. _this.type = _types.NESTING;
  86313. _this.value = "&";
  86314. return _this;
  86315. }
  86316. return Nesting2;
  86317. }(_node["default"]);
  86318. exports2["default"] = Nesting;
  86319. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  86320. }
  86321. });
  86322. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/sortAscending.js
  86323. var require_sortAscending = __commonJS({
  86324. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/sortAscending.js"(exports2, module2) {
  86325. "use strict";
  86326. exports2.__esModule = true;
  86327. exports2["default"] = sortAscending;
  86328. function sortAscending(list) {
  86329. return list.sort(function(a, b) {
  86330. return a - b;
  86331. });
  86332. }
  86333. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  86334. }
  86335. });
  86336. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/tokenTypes.js
  86337. var require_tokenTypes = __commonJS({
  86338. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/tokenTypes.js"(exports2) {
  86339. "use strict";
  86340. exports2.__esModule = true;
  86341. exports2.word = exports2.tilde = = exports2.str = = exports2.slash = exports2.singleQuote = exports2.semicolon = = exports2.pipe = exports2.openSquare = exports2.openParenthesis = exports2.newline = exports2.greaterThan = exports2.feed = exports2.equals = exports2.doubleQuote = exports2.dollar = = exports2.comment = exports2.comma = exports2.combinator = exports2.colon = exports2.closeSquare = exports2.closeParenthesis = exports2.caret = exports2.bang = exports2.backslash = = exports2.asterisk = exports2.ampersand = void 0;
  86342. var ampersand = 38;
  86343. exports2.ampersand = ampersand;
  86344. var asterisk = 42;
  86345. exports2.asterisk = asterisk;
  86346. var at = 64;
  86347. = at;
  86348. var comma = 44;
  86349. exports2.comma = comma;
  86350. var colon = 58;
  86351. exports2.colon = colon;
  86352. var semicolon = 59;
  86353. exports2.semicolon = semicolon;
  86354. var openParenthesis = 40;
  86355. exports2.openParenthesis = openParenthesis;
  86356. var closeParenthesis = 41;
  86357. exports2.closeParenthesis = closeParenthesis;
  86358. var openSquare = 91;
  86359. exports2.openSquare = openSquare;
  86360. var closeSquare = 93;
  86361. exports2.closeSquare = closeSquare;
  86362. var dollar = 36;
  86363. exports2.dollar = dollar;
  86364. var tilde = 126;
  86365. exports2.tilde = tilde;
  86366. var caret = 94;
  86367. exports2.caret = caret;
  86368. var plus = 43;
  86369. = plus;
  86370. var equals = 61;
  86371. exports2.equals = equals;
  86372. var pipe = 124;
  86373. exports2.pipe = pipe;
  86374. var greaterThan = 62;
  86375. exports2.greaterThan = greaterThan;
  86376. var space = 32;
  86377. = space;
  86378. var singleQuote = 39;
  86379. exports2.singleQuote = singleQuote;
  86380. var doubleQuote = 34;
  86381. exports2.doubleQuote = doubleQuote;
  86382. var slash = 47;
  86383. exports2.slash = slash;
  86384. var bang = 33;
  86385. exports2.bang = bang;
  86386. var backslash = 92;
  86387. exports2.backslash = backslash;
  86388. var cr = 13;
  86389. = cr;
  86390. var feed = 12;
  86391. exports2.feed = feed;
  86392. var newline = 10;
  86393. exports2.newline = newline;
  86394. var tab = 9;
  86395. = tab;
  86396. var str = singleQuote;
  86397. exports2.str = str;
  86398. var comment = -1;
  86399. exports2.comment = comment;
  86400. var word = -2;
  86401. exports2.word = word;
  86402. var combinator = -3;
  86403. exports2.combinator = combinator;
  86404. }
  86405. });
  86406. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/tokenize.js
  86407. var require_tokenize2 = __commonJS({
  86408. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/tokenize.js"(exports2) {
  86409. "use strict";
  86410. exports2.__esModule = true;
  86411. exports2.FIELDS = void 0;
  86412. exports2["default"] = tokenize;
  86413. var t = _interopRequireWildcard(require_tokenTypes());
  86414. var _unescapable;
  86415. var _wordDelimiters;
  86416. function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) {
  86417. if (typeof WeakMap !== "function")
  86418. return null;
  86419. var cacheBabelInterop = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  86420. var cacheNodeInterop = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  86421. return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache2(nodeInterop2) {
  86422. return nodeInterop2 ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop;
  86423. })(nodeInterop);
  86424. }
  86425. function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) {
  86426. if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) {
  86427. return obj;
  86428. }
  86429. if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") {
  86430. return { "default": obj };
  86431. }
  86432. var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop);
  86433. if (cache && cache.has(obj)) {
  86434. return cache.get(obj);
  86435. }
  86436. var newObj = {};
  86437. var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  86438. for (var key in obj) {
  86439. if (key !== "default" &&, key)) {
  86440. var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
  86441. if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) {
  86442. Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc);
  86443. } else {
  86444. newObj[key] = obj[key];
  86445. }
  86446. }
  86447. }
  86448. newObj["default"] = obj;
  86449. if (cache) {
  86450. cache.set(obj, newObj);
  86451. }
  86452. return newObj;
  86453. }
  86454. var unescapable = (_unescapable = {}, _unescapable[] = true, _unescapable[t.newline] = true, _unescapable[] = true, _unescapable[t.feed] = true, _unescapable);
  86455. var wordDelimiters = (_wordDelimiters = {}, _wordDelimiters[] = true, _wordDelimiters[] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.newline] = true, _wordDelimiters[] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.feed] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.ampersand] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.asterisk] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.bang] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.comma] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.colon] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.semicolon] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.openParenthesis] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.closeParenthesis] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.openSquare] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.closeSquare] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.singleQuote] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.doubleQuote] = true, _wordDelimiters[] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.pipe] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.tilde] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.greaterThan] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.equals] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.dollar] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.caret] = true, _wordDelimiters[t.slash] = true, _wordDelimiters);
  86456. var hex = {};
  86457. var hexChars = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
  86458. for (i = 0; i < hexChars.length; i++) {
  86459. hex[hexChars.charCodeAt(i)] = true;
  86460. }
  86461. var i;
  86462. function consumeWord(css, start) {
  86463. var next = start;
  86464. var code;
  86465. do {
  86466. code = css.charCodeAt(next);
  86467. if (wordDelimiters[code]) {
  86468. return next - 1;
  86469. } else if (code === t.backslash) {
  86470. next = consumeEscape(css, next) + 1;
  86471. } else {
  86472. next++;
  86473. }
  86474. } while (next < css.length);
  86475. return next - 1;
  86476. }
  86477. function consumeEscape(css, start) {
  86478. var next = start;
  86479. var code = css.charCodeAt(next + 1);
  86480. if (unescapable[code]) {
  86481. } else if (hex[code]) {
  86482. var hexDigits = 0;
  86483. do {
  86484. next++;
  86485. hexDigits++;
  86486. code = css.charCodeAt(next + 1);
  86487. } while (hex[code] && hexDigits < 6);
  86488. if (hexDigits < 6 && code === {
  86489. next++;
  86490. }
  86491. } else {
  86492. next++;
  86493. }
  86494. return next;
  86495. }
  86496. var FIELDS = {
  86497. TYPE: 0,
  86498. START_LINE: 1,
  86499. START_COL: 2,
  86500. END_LINE: 3,
  86501. END_COL: 4,
  86502. START_POS: 5,
  86503. END_POS: 6
  86504. };
  86505. exports2.FIELDS = FIELDS;
  86506. function tokenize(input) {
  86507. var tokens = [];
  86508. var css = input.css.valueOf();
  86509. var _css = css, length = _css.length;
  86510. var offset = -1;
  86511. var line = 1;
  86512. var start = 0;
  86513. var end = 0;
  86514. var code, content, endColumn, endLine, escaped, escapePos, last, lines, next, nextLine, nextOffset, quote, tokenType;
  86515. function unclosed(what, fix) {
  86516. if ( {
  86517. css += fix;
  86518. next = css.length - 1;
  86519. } else {
  86520. throw input.error("Unclosed " + what, line, start - offset, start);
  86521. }
  86522. }
  86523. while (start < length) {
  86524. code = css.charCodeAt(start);
  86525. if (code === t.newline) {
  86526. offset = start;
  86527. line += 1;
  86528. }
  86529. switch (code) {
  86530. case
  86531. case
  86532. case t.newline:
  86533. case
  86534. case t.feed:
  86535. next = start;
  86536. do {
  86537. next += 1;
  86538. code = css.charCodeAt(next);
  86539. if (code === t.newline) {
  86540. offset = next;
  86541. line += 1;
  86542. }
  86543. } while (code === || code === t.newline || code === || code === || code === t.feed);
  86544. tokenType =;
  86545. endLine = line;
  86546. endColumn = next - offset - 1;
  86547. end = next;
  86548. break;
  86549. case
  86550. case t.greaterThan:
  86551. case t.tilde:
  86552. case t.pipe:
  86553. next = start;
  86554. do {
  86555. next += 1;
  86556. code = css.charCodeAt(next);
  86557. } while (code === || code === t.greaterThan || code === t.tilde || code === t.pipe);
  86558. tokenType = t.combinator;
  86559. endLine = line;
  86560. endColumn = start - offset;
  86561. end = next;
  86562. break;
  86563. case t.asterisk:
  86564. case t.ampersand:
  86565. case t.bang:
  86566. case t.comma:
  86567. case t.equals:
  86568. case t.dollar:
  86569. case t.caret:
  86570. case t.openSquare:
  86571. case t.closeSquare:
  86572. case t.colon:
  86573. case t.semicolon:
  86574. case t.openParenthesis:
  86575. case t.closeParenthesis:
  86576. next = start;
  86577. tokenType = code;
  86578. endLine = line;
  86579. endColumn = start - offset;
  86580. end = next + 1;
  86581. break;
  86582. case t.singleQuote:
  86583. case t.doubleQuote:
  86584. quote = code === t.singleQuote ? "'" : '"';
  86585. next = start;
  86586. do {
  86587. escaped = false;
  86588. next = css.indexOf(quote, next + 1);
  86589. if (next === -1) {
  86590. unclosed("quote", quote);
  86591. }
  86592. escapePos = next;
  86593. while (css.charCodeAt(escapePos - 1) === t.backslash) {
  86594. escapePos -= 1;
  86595. escaped = !escaped;
  86596. }
  86597. } while (escaped);
  86598. tokenType = t.str;
  86599. endLine = line;
  86600. endColumn = start - offset;
  86601. end = next + 1;
  86602. break;
  86603. default:
  86604. if (code === t.slash && css.charCodeAt(start + 1) === t.asterisk) {
  86605. next = css.indexOf("*/", start + 2) + 1;
  86606. if (next === 0) {
  86607. unclosed("comment", "*/");
  86608. }
  86609. content = css.slice(start, next + 1);
  86610. lines = content.split("\n");
  86611. last = lines.length - 1;
  86612. if (last > 0) {
  86613. nextLine = line + last;
  86614. nextOffset = next - lines[last].length;
  86615. } else {
  86616. nextLine = line;
  86617. nextOffset = offset;
  86618. }
  86619. tokenType = t.comment;
  86620. line = nextLine;
  86621. endLine = nextLine;
  86622. endColumn = next - nextOffset;
  86623. } else if (code === t.slash) {
  86624. next = start;
  86625. tokenType = code;
  86626. endLine = line;
  86627. endColumn = start - offset;
  86628. end = next + 1;
  86629. } else {
  86630. next = consumeWord(css, start);
  86631. tokenType = t.word;
  86632. endLine = line;
  86633. endColumn = next - offset;
  86634. }
  86635. end = next + 1;
  86636. break;
  86637. }
  86638. tokens.push([
  86639. tokenType,
  86640. // [0] Token type
  86641. line,
  86642. // [1] Starting line
  86643. start - offset,
  86644. // [2] Starting column
  86645. endLine,
  86646. // [3] Ending line
  86647. endColumn,
  86648. // [4] Ending column
  86649. start,
  86650. // [5] Start position / Source index
  86651. end
  86652. // [6] End position
  86653. ]);
  86654. if (nextOffset) {
  86655. offset = nextOffset;
  86656. nextOffset = null;
  86657. }
  86658. start = end;
  86659. }
  86660. return tokens;
  86661. }
  86662. }
  86663. });
  86664. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/parser.js
  86665. var require_parser5 = __commonJS({
  86666. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/parser.js"(exports2, module2) {
  86667. "use strict";
  86668. exports2.__esModule = true;
  86669. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  86670. var _root = _interopRequireDefault(require_root2());
  86671. var _selector = _interopRequireDefault(require_selector4());
  86672. var _className = _interopRequireDefault(require_className());
  86673. var _comment = _interopRequireDefault(require_comment2());
  86674. var _id = _interopRequireDefault(require_id());
  86675. var _tag = _interopRequireDefault(require_tag());
  86676. var _string = _interopRequireDefault(require_string3());
  86677. var _pseudo = _interopRequireDefault(require_pseudo3());
  86678. var _attribute = _interopRequireWildcard(require_attribute());
  86679. var _universal = _interopRequireDefault(require_universal());
  86680. var _combinator = _interopRequireDefault(require_combinator());
  86681. var _nesting = _interopRequireDefault(require_nesting());
  86682. var _sortAscending = _interopRequireDefault(require_sortAscending());
  86683. var _tokenize = _interopRequireWildcard(require_tokenize2());
  86684. var tokens = _interopRequireWildcard(require_tokenTypes());
  86685. var types = _interopRequireWildcard(require_types4());
  86686. var _util = require_util2();
  86687. var _WHITESPACE_TOKENS;
  86688. var _Object$assign;
  86689. function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) {
  86690. if (typeof WeakMap !== "function")
  86691. return null;
  86692. var cacheBabelInterop = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  86693. var cacheNodeInterop = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  86694. return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache2(nodeInterop2) {
  86695. return nodeInterop2 ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop;
  86696. })(nodeInterop);
  86697. }
  86698. function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) {
  86699. if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) {
  86700. return obj;
  86701. }
  86702. if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") {
  86703. return { "default": obj };
  86704. }
  86705. var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop);
  86706. if (cache && cache.has(obj)) {
  86707. return cache.get(obj);
  86708. }
  86709. var newObj = {};
  86710. var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  86711. for (var key in obj) {
  86712. if (key !== "default" &&, key)) {
  86713. var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
  86714. if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) {
  86715. Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc);
  86716. } else {
  86717. newObj[key] = obj[key];
  86718. }
  86719. }
  86720. }
  86721. newObj["default"] = obj;
  86722. if (cache) {
  86723. cache.set(obj, newObj);
  86724. }
  86725. return newObj;
  86726. }
  86727. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  86728. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  86729. }
  86730. function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  86731. for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  86732. var descriptor = props[i];
  86733. descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  86734. descriptor.configurable = true;
  86735. if ("value" in descriptor)
  86736. descriptor.writable = true;
  86737. Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  86738. }
  86739. }
  86740. function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  86741. if (protoProps)
  86742. _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  86743. if (staticProps)
  86744. _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  86745. Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false });
  86746. return Constructor;
  86747. }
  86749. var WHITESPACE_EQUIV_TOKENS = Object.assign({}, WHITESPACE_TOKENS, (_Object$assign = {}, _Object$assign[tokens.comment] = true, _Object$assign));
  86750. function tokenStart(token) {
  86751. return {
  86752. line: token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_LINE],
  86753. column: token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_COL]
  86754. };
  86755. }
  86756. function tokenEnd(token) {
  86757. return {
  86758. line: token[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_LINE],
  86759. column: token[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_COL]
  86760. };
  86761. }
  86762. function getSource(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn) {
  86763. return {
  86764. start: {
  86765. line: startLine,
  86766. column: startColumn
  86767. },
  86768. end: {
  86769. line: endLine,
  86770. column: endColumn
  86771. }
  86772. };
  86773. }
  86774. function getTokenSource(token) {
  86775. return getSource(token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_LINE], token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_COL], token[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_LINE], token[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_COL]);
  86776. }
  86777. function getTokenSourceSpan(startToken, endToken) {
  86778. if (!startToken) {
  86779. return void 0;
  86780. }
  86781. return getSource(startToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_LINE], startToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_COL], endToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_LINE], endToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_COL]);
  86782. }
  86783. function unescapeProp(node, prop) {
  86784. var value = node[prop];
  86785. if (typeof value !== "string") {
  86786. return;
  86787. }
  86788. if (value.indexOf("\\") !== -1) {
  86789. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws");
  86790. node[prop] = (0, _util.unesc)(value);
  86791. if (node.raws[prop] === void 0) {
  86792. node.raws[prop] = value;
  86793. }
  86794. }
  86795. return node;
  86796. }
  86797. function indexesOf(array, item) {
  86798. var i = -1;
  86799. var indexes = [];
  86800. while ((i = array.indexOf(item, i + 1)) !== -1) {
  86801. indexes.push(i);
  86802. }
  86803. return indexes;
  86804. }
  86805. function uniqs() {
  86806. var list = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments);
  86807. return list.filter(function(item, i) {
  86808. return i === list.indexOf(item);
  86809. });
  86810. }
  86811. var Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
  86812. function Parser2(rule, options) {
  86813. if (options === void 0) {
  86814. options = {};
  86815. }
  86816. this.rule = rule;
  86817. this.options = Object.assign({
  86818. lossy: false,
  86819. safe: false
  86820. }, options);
  86821. this.position = 0;
  86822. this.css = typeof this.rule === "string" ? this.rule : this.rule.selector;
  86823. this.tokens = (0, _tokenize["default"])({
  86824. css: this.css,
  86825. error: this._errorGenerator(),
  86826. safe:
  86827. });
  86828. var rootSource = getTokenSourceSpan(this.tokens[0], this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1]);
  86829. this.root = new _root["default"]({
  86830. source: rootSource
  86831. });
  86832. this.root.errorGenerator = this._errorGenerator();
  86833. var selector = new _selector["default"]({
  86834. source: {
  86835. start: {
  86836. line: 1,
  86837. column: 1
  86838. }
  86839. },
  86840. sourceIndex: 0
  86841. });
  86842. this.root.append(selector);
  86843. this.current = selector;
  86844. this.loop();
  86845. }
  86846. var _proto = Parser2.prototype;
  86847. _proto._errorGenerator = function _errorGenerator() {
  86848. var _this = this;
  86849. return function(message, errorOptions) {
  86850. if (typeof _this.rule === "string") {
  86851. return new Error(message);
  86852. }
  86853. return _this.rule.error(message, errorOptions);
  86854. };
  86855. };
  86856. _proto.attribute = function attribute() {
  86857. var attr = [];
  86858. var startingToken = this.currToken;
  86859. this.position++;
  86860. while (this.position < this.tokens.length && this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] !== tokens.closeSquare) {
  86861. attr.push(this.currToken);
  86862. this.position++;
  86863. }
  86864. if (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] !== tokens.closeSquare) {
  86865. return this.expected("closing square bracket", this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]);
  86866. }
  86867. var len = attr.length;
  86868. var node = {
  86869. source: getSource(startingToken[1], startingToken[2], this.currToken[3], this.currToken[4]),
  86870. sourceIndex: startingToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  86871. };
  86872. if (len === 1 && !~[tokens.word].indexOf(attr[0][_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE])) {
  86873. return this.expected("attribute", attr[0][_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]);
  86874. }
  86875. var pos = 0;
  86876. var spaceBefore = "";
  86877. var commentBefore = "";
  86878. var lastAdded = null;
  86879. var spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = false;
  86880. while (pos < len) {
  86881. var token = attr[pos];
  86882. var content = this.content(token);
  86883. var next = attr[pos + 1];
  86884. switch (token[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE]) {
  86885. case
  86886. spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = true;
  86887. if (this.options.lossy) {
  86888. break;
  86889. }
  86890. if (lastAdded) {
  86891. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "spaces", lastAdded);
  86892. var prevContent = node.spaces[lastAdded].after || "";
  86893. node.spaces[lastAdded].after = prevContent + content;
  86894. var existingComment = (0, _util.getProp)(node, "raws", "spaces", lastAdded, "after") || null;
  86895. if (existingComment) {
  86896. node.raws.spaces[lastAdded].after = existingComment + content;
  86897. }
  86898. } else {
  86899. spaceBefore = spaceBefore + content;
  86900. commentBefore = commentBefore + content;
  86901. }
  86902. break;
  86903. case tokens.asterisk:
  86904. if (next[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.equals) {
  86905. node.operator = content;
  86906. lastAdded = "operator";
  86907. } else if ((!node.namespace || lastAdded === "namespace" && !spaceAfterMeaningfulToken) && next) {
  86908. if (spaceBefore) {
  86909. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "spaces", "attribute");
  86910. node.spaces.attribute.before = spaceBefore;
  86911. spaceBefore = "";
  86912. }
  86913. if (commentBefore) {
  86914. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws", "spaces", "attribute");
  86915. node.raws.spaces.attribute.before = spaceBefore;
  86916. commentBefore = "";
  86917. }
  86918. node.namespace = (node.namespace || "") + content;
  86919. var rawValue = (0, _util.getProp)(node, "raws", "namespace") || null;
  86920. if (rawValue) {
  86921. node.raws.namespace += content;
  86922. }
  86923. lastAdded = "namespace";
  86924. }
  86925. spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = false;
  86926. break;
  86927. case tokens.dollar:
  86928. if (lastAdded === "value") {
  86929. var oldRawValue = (0, _util.getProp)(node, "raws", "value");
  86930. node.value += "$";
  86931. if (oldRawValue) {
  86932. node.raws.value = oldRawValue + "$";
  86933. }
  86934. break;
  86935. }
  86936. case tokens.caret:
  86937. if (next[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.equals) {
  86938. node.operator = content;
  86939. lastAdded = "operator";
  86940. }
  86941. spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = false;
  86942. break;
  86943. case tokens.combinator:
  86944. if (content === "~" && next[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.equals) {
  86945. node.operator = content;
  86946. lastAdded = "operator";
  86947. }
  86948. if (content !== "|") {
  86949. spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = false;
  86950. break;
  86951. }
  86952. if (next[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.equals) {
  86953. node.operator = content;
  86954. lastAdded = "operator";
  86955. } else if (!node.namespace && !node.attribute) {
  86956. node.namespace = true;
  86957. }
  86958. spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = false;
  86959. break;
  86960. case tokens.word:
  86961. if (next && this.content(next) === "|" && attr[pos + 2] && attr[pos + 2][_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] !== tokens.equals && // this look-ahead probably fails with comment nodes involved.
  86962. !node.operator && !node.namespace) {
  86963. node.namespace = content;
  86964. lastAdded = "namespace";
  86965. } else if (!node.attribute || lastAdded === "attribute" && !spaceAfterMeaningfulToken) {
  86966. if (spaceBefore) {
  86967. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "spaces", "attribute");
  86968. node.spaces.attribute.before = spaceBefore;
  86969. spaceBefore = "";
  86970. }
  86971. if (commentBefore) {
  86972. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws", "spaces", "attribute");
  86973. node.raws.spaces.attribute.before = commentBefore;
  86974. commentBefore = "";
  86975. }
  86976. node.attribute = (node.attribute || "") + content;
  86977. var _rawValue = (0, _util.getProp)(node, "raws", "attribute") || null;
  86978. if (_rawValue) {
  86979. node.raws.attribute += content;
  86980. }
  86981. lastAdded = "attribute";
  86982. } else if (!node.value && node.value !== "" || lastAdded === "value" && !(spaceAfterMeaningfulToken || node.quoteMark)) {
  86983. var _unescaped = (0, _util.unesc)(content);
  86984. var _oldRawValue = (0, _util.getProp)(node, "raws", "value") || "";
  86985. var oldValue = node.value || "";
  86986. node.value = oldValue + _unescaped;
  86987. node.quoteMark = null;
  86988. if (_unescaped !== content || _oldRawValue) {
  86989. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws");
  86990. node.raws.value = (_oldRawValue || oldValue) + content;
  86991. }
  86992. lastAdded = "value";
  86993. } else {
  86994. var insensitive = content === "i" || content === "I";
  86995. if ((node.value || node.value === "") && (node.quoteMark || spaceAfterMeaningfulToken)) {
  86996. node.insensitive = insensitive;
  86997. if (!insensitive || content === "I") {
  86998. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws");
  86999. node.raws.insensitiveFlag = content;
  87000. }
  87001. lastAdded = "insensitive";
  87002. if (spaceBefore) {
  87003. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "spaces", "insensitive");
  87004. node.spaces.insensitive.before = spaceBefore;
  87005. spaceBefore = "";
  87006. }
  87007. if (commentBefore) {
  87008. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws", "spaces", "insensitive");
  87009. node.raws.spaces.insensitive.before = commentBefore;
  87010. commentBefore = "";
  87011. }
  87012. } else if (node.value || node.value === "") {
  87013. lastAdded = "value";
  87014. node.value += content;
  87015. if (node.raws.value) {
  87016. node.raws.value += content;
  87017. }
  87018. }
  87019. }
  87020. spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = false;
  87021. break;
  87022. case tokens.str:
  87023. if (!node.attribute || !node.operator) {
  87024. return this.error("Expected an attribute followed by an operator preceding the string.", {
  87025. index: token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87026. });
  87027. }
  87028. var _unescapeValue = (0, _attribute.unescapeValue)(content), unescaped = _unescapeValue.unescaped, quoteMark = _unescapeValue.quoteMark;
  87029. node.value = unescaped;
  87030. node.quoteMark = quoteMark;
  87031. lastAdded = "value";
  87032. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws");
  87033. node.raws.value = content;
  87034. spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = false;
  87035. break;
  87036. case tokens.equals:
  87037. if (!node.attribute) {
  87038. return this.expected("attribute", token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS], content);
  87039. }
  87040. if (node.value) {
  87041. return this.error('Unexpected "=" found; an operator was already defined.', {
  87042. index: token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87043. });
  87044. }
  87045. node.operator = node.operator ? node.operator + content : content;
  87046. lastAdded = "operator";
  87047. spaceAfterMeaningfulToken = false;
  87048. break;
  87049. case tokens.comment:
  87050. if (lastAdded) {
  87051. if (spaceAfterMeaningfulToken || next && next[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === || lastAdded === "insensitive") {
  87052. var lastComment = (0, _util.getProp)(node, "spaces", lastAdded, "after") || "";
  87053. var rawLastComment = (0, _util.getProp)(node, "raws", "spaces", lastAdded, "after") || lastComment;
  87054. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws", "spaces", lastAdded);
  87055. node.raws.spaces[lastAdded].after = rawLastComment + content;
  87056. } else {
  87057. var lastValue = node[lastAdded] || "";
  87058. var rawLastValue = (0, _util.getProp)(node, "raws", lastAdded) || lastValue;
  87059. (0, _util.ensureObject)(node, "raws");
  87060. node.raws[lastAdded] = rawLastValue + content;
  87061. }
  87062. } else {
  87063. commentBefore = commentBefore + content;
  87064. }
  87065. break;
  87066. default:
  87067. return this.error('Unexpected "' + content + '" found.', {
  87068. index: token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87069. });
  87070. }
  87071. pos++;
  87072. }
  87073. unescapeProp(node, "attribute");
  87074. unescapeProp(node, "namespace");
  87075. this.newNode(new _attribute["default"](node));
  87076. this.position++;
  87077. };
  87078. _proto.parseWhitespaceEquivalentTokens = function parseWhitespaceEquivalentTokens(stopPosition) {
  87079. if (stopPosition < 0) {
  87080. stopPosition = this.tokens.length;
  87081. }
  87082. var startPosition = this.position;
  87083. var nodes = [];
  87084. var space = "";
  87085. var lastComment = void 0;
  87086. do {
  87087. if (WHITESPACE_TOKENS[this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE]]) {
  87088. if (!this.options.lossy) {
  87089. space += this.content();
  87090. }
  87091. } else if (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.comment) {
  87092. var spaces = {};
  87093. if (space) {
  87094. spaces.before = space;
  87095. space = "";
  87096. }
  87097. lastComment = new _comment["default"]({
  87098. value: this.content(),
  87099. source: getTokenSource(this.currToken),
  87100. sourceIndex: this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS],
  87101. spaces
  87102. });
  87103. nodes.push(lastComment);
  87104. }
  87105. } while (++this.position < stopPosition);
  87106. if (space) {
  87107. if (lastComment) {
  87108. lastComment.spaces.after = space;
  87109. } else if (!this.options.lossy) {
  87110. var firstToken = this.tokens[startPosition];
  87111. var lastToken = this.tokens[this.position - 1];
  87112. nodes.push(new _string["default"]({
  87113. value: "",
  87114. source: getSource(firstToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_LINE], firstToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_COL], lastToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_LINE], lastToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_COL]),
  87115. sourceIndex: firstToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS],
  87116. spaces: {
  87117. before: space,
  87118. after: ""
  87119. }
  87120. }));
  87121. }
  87122. }
  87123. return nodes;
  87124. };
  87125. _proto.convertWhitespaceNodesToSpace = function convertWhitespaceNodesToSpace(nodes, requiredSpace) {
  87126. var _this2 = this;
  87127. if (requiredSpace === void 0) {
  87128. requiredSpace = false;
  87129. }
  87130. var space = "";
  87131. var rawSpace = "";
  87132. nodes.forEach(function(n) {
  87133. var spaceBefore = _this2.lossySpace(n.spaces.before, requiredSpace);
  87134. var rawSpaceBefore = _this2.lossySpace(n.rawSpaceBefore, requiredSpace);
  87135. space += spaceBefore + _this2.lossySpace(n.spaces.after, requiredSpace && spaceBefore.length === 0);
  87136. rawSpace += spaceBefore + n.value + _this2.lossySpace(n.rawSpaceAfter, requiredSpace && rawSpaceBefore.length === 0);
  87137. });
  87138. if (rawSpace === space) {
  87139. rawSpace = void 0;
  87140. }
  87141. var result = {
  87142. space,
  87143. rawSpace
  87144. };
  87145. return result;
  87146. };
  87147. _proto.isNamedCombinator = function isNamedCombinator(position) {
  87148. if (position === void 0) {
  87149. position = this.position;
  87150. }
  87151. return this.tokens[position + 0] && this.tokens[position + 0][_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.slash && this.tokens[position + 1] && this.tokens[position + 1][_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.word && this.tokens[position + 2] && this.tokens[position + 2][_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.slash;
  87152. };
  87153. _proto.namedCombinator = function namedCombinator() {
  87154. if (this.isNamedCombinator()) {
  87155. var nameRaw = this.content(this.tokens[this.position + 1]);
  87156. var name = (0, _util.unesc)(nameRaw).toLowerCase();
  87157. var raws = {};
  87158. if (name !== nameRaw) {
  87159. raws.value = "/" + nameRaw + "/";
  87160. }
  87161. var node = new _combinator["default"]({
  87162. value: "/" + name + "/",
  87163. source: getSource(this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_LINE], this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_COL], this.tokens[this.position + 2][_tokenize.FIELDS.END_LINE], this.tokens[this.position + 2][_tokenize.FIELDS.END_COL]),
  87164. sourceIndex: this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS],
  87165. raws
  87166. });
  87167. this.position = this.position + 3;
  87168. return node;
  87169. } else {
  87170. this.unexpected();
  87171. }
  87172. };
  87173. _proto.combinator = function combinator() {
  87174. var _this3 = this;
  87175. if (this.content() === "|") {
  87176. return this.namespace();
  87177. }
  87178. var nextSigTokenPos = this.locateNextMeaningfulToken(this.position);
  87179. if (nextSigTokenPos < 0 || this.tokens[nextSigTokenPos][_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.comma) {
  87180. var nodes = this.parseWhitespaceEquivalentTokens(nextSigTokenPos);
  87181. if (nodes.length > 0) {
  87182. var last = this.current.last;
  87183. if (last) {
  87184. var _this$convertWhitespa = this.convertWhitespaceNodesToSpace(nodes), space = _this$, rawSpace = _this$convertWhitespa.rawSpace;
  87185. if (rawSpace !== void 0) {
  87186. last.rawSpaceAfter += rawSpace;
  87187. }
  87188. last.spaces.after += space;
  87189. } else {
  87190. nodes.forEach(function(n) {
  87191. return _this3.newNode(n);
  87192. });
  87193. }
  87194. }
  87195. return;
  87196. }
  87197. var firstToken = this.currToken;
  87198. var spaceOrDescendantSelectorNodes = void 0;
  87199. if (nextSigTokenPos > this.position) {
  87200. spaceOrDescendantSelectorNodes = this.parseWhitespaceEquivalentTokens(nextSigTokenPos);
  87201. }
  87202. var node;
  87203. if (this.isNamedCombinator()) {
  87204. node = this.namedCombinator();
  87205. } else if (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.combinator) {
  87206. node = new _combinator["default"]({
  87207. value: this.content(),
  87208. source: getTokenSource(this.currToken),
  87209. sourceIndex: this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87210. });
  87211. this.position++;
  87212. } else if (WHITESPACE_TOKENS[this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE]]) {
  87213. } else if (!spaceOrDescendantSelectorNodes) {
  87214. this.unexpected();
  87215. }
  87216. if (node) {
  87217. if (spaceOrDescendantSelectorNodes) {
  87218. var _this$convertWhitespa2 = this.convertWhitespaceNodesToSpace(spaceOrDescendantSelectorNodes), _space = _this$, _rawSpace = _this$convertWhitespa2.rawSpace;
  87219. node.spaces.before = _space;
  87220. node.rawSpaceBefore = _rawSpace;
  87221. }
  87222. } else {
  87223. var _this$convertWhitespa3 = this.convertWhitespaceNodesToSpace(spaceOrDescendantSelectorNodes, true), _space2 = _this$, _rawSpace2 = _this$convertWhitespa3.rawSpace;
  87224. if (!_rawSpace2) {
  87225. _rawSpace2 = _space2;
  87226. }
  87227. var spaces = {};
  87228. var raws = {
  87229. spaces: {}
  87230. };
  87231. if (_space2.endsWith(" ") && _rawSpace2.endsWith(" ")) {
  87232. spaces.before = _space2.slice(0, _space2.length - 1);
  87233. raws.spaces.before = _rawSpace2.slice(0, _rawSpace2.length - 1);
  87234. } else if (_space2.startsWith(" ") && _rawSpace2.startsWith(" ")) {
  87235. spaces.after = _space2.slice(1);
  87236. raws.spaces.after = _rawSpace2.slice(1);
  87237. } else {
  87238. raws.value = _rawSpace2;
  87239. }
  87240. node = new _combinator["default"]({
  87241. value: " ",
  87242. source: getTokenSourceSpan(firstToken, this.tokens[this.position - 1]),
  87243. sourceIndex: firstToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS],
  87244. spaces,
  87245. raws
  87246. });
  87247. }
  87248. if (this.currToken && this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === {
  87249. node.spaces.after = this.optionalSpace(this.content());
  87250. this.position++;
  87251. }
  87252. return this.newNode(node);
  87253. };
  87254. _proto.comma = function comma() {
  87255. if (this.position === this.tokens.length - 1) {
  87256. this.root.trailingComma = true;
  87257. this.position++;
  87258. return;
  87259. }
  87260. this.current._inferEndPosition();
  87261. var selector = new _selector["default"]({
  87262. source: {
  87263. start: tokenStart(this.tokens[this.position + 1])
  87264. },
  87265. sourceIndex: this.tokens[this.position + 1][_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87266. });
  87267. this.current.parent.append(selector);
  87268. this.current = selector;
  87269. this.position++;
  87270. };
  87271. _proto.comment = function comment() {
  87272. var current = this.currToken;
  87273. this.newNode(new _comment["default"]({
  87274. value: this.content(),
  87275. source: getTokenSource(current),
  87276. sourceIndex: current[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87277. }));
  87278. this.position++;
  87279. };
  87280. _proto.error = function error(message, opts) {
  87281. throw this.root.error(message, opts);
  87282. };
  87283. _proto.missingBackslash = function missingBackslash() {
  87284. return this.error("Expected a backslash preceding the semicolon.", {
  87285. index: this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87286. });
  87287. };
  87288. _proto.missingParenthesis = function missingParenthesis() {
  87289. return this.expected("opening parenthesis", this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]);
  87290. };
  87291. _proto.missingSquareBracket = function missingSquareBracket() {
  87292. return this.expected("opening square bracket", this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]);
  87293. };
  87294. _proto.unexpected = function unexpected() {
  87295. return this.error("Unexpected '" + this.content() + "'. Escaping special characters with \\ may help.", this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]);
  87296. };
  87297. _proto.unexpectedPipe = function unexpectedPipe() {
  87298. return this.error("Unexpected '|'.", this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]);
  87299. };
  87300. _proto.namespace = function namespace() {
  87301. var before = this.prevToken && this.content(this.prevToken) || true;
  87302. if (this.nextToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.word) {
  87303. this.position++;
  87304. return this.word(before);
  87305. } else if (this.nextToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.asterisk) {
  87306. this.position++;
  87307. return this.universal(before);
  87308. }
  87309. this.unexpectedPipe();
  87310. };
  87311. _proto.nesting = function nesting() {
  87312. if (this.nextToken) {
  87313. var nextContent = this.content(this.nextToken);
  87314. if (nextContent === "|") {
  87315. this.position++;
  87316. return;
  87317. }
  87318. }
  87319. var current = this.currToken;
  87320. this.newNode(new _nesting["default"]({
  87321. value: this.content(),
  87322. source: getTokenSource(current),
  87323. sourceIndex: current[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87324. }));
  87325. this.position++;
  87326. };
  87327. _proto.parentheses = function parentheses() {
  87328. var last = this.current.last;
  87329. var unbalanced = 1;
  87330. this.position++;
  87331. if (last && last.type === types.PSEUDO) {
  87332. var selector = new _selector["default"]({
  87333. source: {
  87334. start: tokenStart(this.tokens[this.position])
  87335. },
  87336. sourceIndex: this.tokens[this.position][_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87337. });
  87338. var cache = this.current;
  87339. last.append(selector);
  87340. this.current = selector;
  87341. while (this.position < this.tokens.length && unbalanced) {
  87342. if (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.openParenthesis) {
  87343. unbalanced++;
  87344. }
  87345. if (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.closeParenthesis) {
  87346. unbalanced--;
  87347. }
  87348. if (unbalanced) {
  87349. this.parse();
  87350. } else {
  87351. this.current.source.end = tokenEnd(this.currToken);
  87352. this.current.parent.source.end = tokenEnd(this.currToken);
  87353. this.position++;
  87354. }
  87355. }
  87356. this.current = cache;
  87357. } else {
  87358. var parenStart = this.currToken;
  87359. var parenValue = "(";
  87360. var parenEnd;
  87361. while (this.position < this.tokens.length && unbalanced) {
  87362. if (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.openParenthesis) {
  87363. unbalanced++;
  87364. }
  87365. if (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.closeParenthesis) {
  87366. unbalanced--;
  87367. }
  87368. parenEnd = this.currToken;
  87369. parenValue += this.parseParenthesisToken(this.currToken);
  87370. this.position++;
  87371. }
  87372. if (last) {
  87373. last.appendToPropertyAndEscape("value", parenValue, parenValue);
  87374. } else {
  87375. this.newNode(new _string["default"]({
  87376. value: parenValue,
  87377. source: getSource(parenStart[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_LINE], parenStart[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_COL], parenEnd[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_LINE], parenEnd[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_COL]),
  87378. sourceIndex: parenStart[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87379. }));
  87380. }
  87381. }
  87382. if (unbalanced) {
  87383. return this.expected("closing parenthesis", this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]);
  87384. }
  87385. };
  87386. _proto.pseudo = function pseudo() {
  87387. var _this4 = this;
  87388. var pseudoStr = "";
  87389. var startingToken = this.currToken;
  87390. while (this.currToken && this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.colon) {
  87391. pseudoStr += this.content();
  87392. this.position++;
  87393. }
  87394. if (!this.currToken) {
  87395. return this.expected(["pseudo-class", "pseudo-element"], this.position - 1);
  87396. }
  87397. if (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.word) {
  87398. this.splitWord(false, function(first, length) {
  87399. pseudoStr += first;
  87400. _this4.newNode(new _pseudo["default"]({
  87401. value: pseudoStr,
  87402. source: getTokenSourceSpan(startingToken, _this4.currToken),
  87403. sourceIndex: startingToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87404. }));
  87405. if (length > 1 && _this4.nextToken && _this4.nextToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.openParenthesis) {
  87406. _this4.error("Misplaced parenthesis.", {
  87407. index: _this4.nextToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87408. });
  87409. }
  87410. });
  87411. } else {
  87412. return this.expected(["pseudo-class", "pseudo-element"], this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]);
  87413. }
  87414. };
  87415. = function space() {
  87416. var content = this.content();
  87417. if (this.position === 0 || this.prevToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.comma || this.prevToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.openParenthesis || this.current.nodes.every(function(node) {
  87418. return node.type === "comment";
  87419. })) {
  87420. this.spaces = this.optionalSpace(content);
  87421. this.position++;
  87422. } else if (this.position === this.tokens.length - 1 || this.nextToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.comma || this.nextToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === tokens.closeParenthesis) {
  87423. this.current.last.spaces.after = this.optionalSpace(content);
  87424. this.position++;
  87425. } else {
  87426. this.combinator();
  87427. }
  87428. };
  87429. _proto.string = function string() {
  87430. var current = this.currToken;
  87431. this.newNode(new _string["default"]({
  87432. value: this.content(),
  87433. source: getTokenSource(current),
  87434. sourceIndex: current[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87435. }));
  87436. this.position++;
  87437. };
  87438. _proto.universal = function universal(namespace) {
  87439. var nextToken = this.nextToken;
  87440. if (nextToken && this.content(nextToken) === "|") {
  87441. this.position++;
  87442. return this.namespace();
  87443. }
  87444. var current = this.currToken;
  87445. this.newNode(new _universal["default"]({
  87446. value: this.content(),
  87447. source: getTokenSource(current),
  87448. sourceIndex: current[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS]
  87449. }), namespace);
  87450. this.position++;
  87451. };
  87452. _proto.splitWord = function splitWord(namespace, firstCallback) {
  87453. var _this5 = this;
  87454. var nextToken = this.nextToken;
  87455. var word = this.content();
  87456. while (nextToken && ~[tokens.dollar, tokens.caret, tokens.equals, tokens.word].indexOf(nextToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE])) {
  87457. this.position++;
  87458. var current = this.content();
  87459. word += current;
  87460. if (current.lastIndexOf("\\") === current.length - 1) {
  87461. var next = this.nextToken;
  87462. if (next && next[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === {
  87463. word += this.requiredSpace(this.content(next));
  87464. this.position++;
  87465. }
  87466. }
  87467. nextToken = this.nextToken;
  87468. }
  87469. var hasClass = indexesOf(word, ".").filter(function(i) {
  87470. var escapedDot = word[i - 1] === "\\";
  87471. var isKeyframesPercent = /^\d+\.\d+%$/.test(word);
  87472. return !escapedDot && !isKeyframesPercent;
  87473. });
  87474. var hasId = indexesOf(word, "#").filter(function(i) {
  87475. return word[i - 1] !== "\\";
  87476. });
  87477. var interpolations = indexesOf(word, "#{");
  87478. if (interpolations.length) {
  87479. hasId = hasId.filter(function(hashIndex) {
  87480. return !~interpolations.indexOf(hashIndex);
  87481. });
  87482. }
  87483. var indices = (0, _sortAscending["default"])(uniqs([0].concat(hasClass, hasId)));
  87484. indices.forEach(function(ind, i) {
  87485. var index = indices[i + 1] || word.length;
  87486. var value = word.slice(ind, index);
  87487. if (i === 0 && firstCallback) {
  87488. return, value, indices.length);
  87489. }
  87490. var node;
  87491. var current2 = _this5.currToken;
  87492. var sourceIndex = current2[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS] + indices[i];
  87493. var source = getSource(current2[1], current2[2] + ind, current2[3], current2[2] + (index - 1));
  87494. if (~hasClass.indexOf(ind)) {
  87495. var classNameOpts = {
  87496. value: value.slice(1),
  87497. source,
  87498. sourceIndex
  87499. };
  87500. node = new _className["default"](unescapeProp(classNameOpts, "value"));
  87501. } else if (~hasId.indexOf(ind)) {
  87502. var idOpts = {
  87503. value: value.slice(1),
  87504. source,
  87505. sourceIndex
  87506. };
  87507. node = new _id["default"](unescapeProp(idOpts, "value"));
  87508. } else {
  87509. var tagOpts = {
  87510. value,
  87511. source,
  87512. sourceIndex
  87513. };
  87514. unescapeProp(tagOpts, "value");
  87515. node = new _tag["default"](tagOpts);
  87516. }
  87517. _this5.newNode(node, namespace);
  87518. namespace = null;
  87519. });
  87520. this.position++;
  87521. };
  87522. _proto.word = function word(namespace) {
  87523. var nextToken = this.nextToken;
  87524. if (nextToken && this.content(nextToken) === "|") {
  87525. this.position++;
  87526. return this.namespace();
  87527. }
  87528. return this.splitWord(namespace);
  87529. };
  87530. _proto.loop = function loop() {
  87531. while (this.position < this.tokens.length) {
  87532. this.parse(true);
  87533. }
  87534. this.current._inferEndPosition();
  87535. return this.root;
  87536. };
  87537. _proto.parse = function parse(throwOnParenthesis) {
  87538. switch (this.currToken[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE]) {
  87539. case
  87541. break;
  87542. case tokens.comment:
  87543. this.comment();
  87544. break;
  87545. case tokens.openParenthesis:
  87546. this.parentheses();
  87547. break;
  87548. case tokens.closeParenthesis:
  87549. if (throwOnParenthesis) {
  87550. this.missingParenthesis();
  87551. }
  87552. break;
  87553. case tokens.openSquare:
  87554. this.attribute();
  87555. break;
  87556. case tokens.dollar:
  87557. case tokens.caret:
  87558. case tokens.equals:
  87559. case tokens.word:
  87560. this.word();
  87561. break;
  87562. case tokens.colon:
  87563. this.pseudo();
  87564. break;
  87565. case tokens.comma:
  87566. this.comma();
  87567. break;
  87568. case tokens.asterisk:
  87569. this.universal();
  87570. break;
  87571. case tokens.ampersand:
  87572. this.nesting();
  87573. break;
  87574. case tokens.slash:
  87575. case tokens.combinator:
  87576. this.combinator();
  87577. break;
  87578. case tokens.str:
  87579. this.string();
  87580. break;
  87581. case tokens.closeSquare:
  87582. this.missingSquareBracket();
  87583. case tokens.semicolon:
  87584. this.missingBackslash();
  87585. default:
  87586. this.unexpected();
  87587. }
  87588. };
  87589. _proto.expected = function expected(description, index, found) {
  87590. if (Array.isArray(description)) {
  87591. var last = description.pop();
  87592. description = description.join(", ") + " or " + last;
  87593. }
  87594. var an = /^[aeiou]/.test(description[0]) ? "an" : "a";
  87595. if (!found) {
  87596. return this.error("Expected " + an + " " + description + ".", {
  87597. index
  87598. });
  87599. }
  87600. return this.error("Expected " + an + " " + description + ', found "' + found + '" instead.', {
  87601. index
  87602. });
  87603. };
  87604. _proto.requiredSpace = function requiredSpace(space) {
  87605. return this.options.lossy ? " " : space;
  87606. };
  87607. _proto.optionalSpace = function optionalSpace(space) {
  87608. return this.options.lossy ? "" : space;
  87609. };
  87610. _proto.lossySpace = function lossySpace(space, required) {
  87611. if (this.options.lossy) {
  87612. return required ? " " : "";
  87613. } else {
  87614. return space;
  87615. }
  87616. };
  87617. _proto.parseParenthesisToken = function parseParenthesisToken(token) {
  87618. var content = this.content(token);
  87619. if (token[_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE] === {
  87620. return this.requiredSpace(content);
  87621. } else {
  87622. return content;
  87623. }
  87624. };
  87625. _proto.newNode = function newNode(node, namespace) {
  87626. if (namespace) {
  87627. if (/^ +$/.test(namespace)) {
  87628. if (!this.options.lossy) {
  87629. this.spaces = (this.spaces || "") + namespace;
  87630. }
  87631. namespace = true;
  87632. }
  87633. node.namespace = namespace;
  87634. unescapeProp(node, "namespace");
  87635. }
  87636. if (this.spaces) {
  87637. node.spaces.before = this.spaces;
  87638. this.spaces = "";
  87639. }
  87640. return this.current.append(node);
  87641. };
  87642. _proto.content = function content(token) {
  87643. if (token === void 0) {
  87644. token = this.currToken;
  87645. }
  87646. return this.css.slice(token[_tokenize.FIELDS.START_POS], token[_tokenize.FIELDS.END_POS]);
  87647. };
  87648. _proto.locateNextMeaningfulToken = function locateNextMeaningfulToken(startPosition) {
  87649. if (startPosition === void 0) {
  87650. startPosition = this.position + 1;
  87651. }
  87652. var searchPosition = startPosition;
  87653. while (searchPosition < this.tokens.length) {
  87654. if (WHITESPACE_EQUIV_TOKENS[this.tokens[searchPosition][_tokenize.FIELDS.TYPE]]) {
  87655. searchPosition++;
  87656. continue;
  87657. } else {
  87658. return searchPosition;
  87659. }
  87660. }
  87661. return -1;
  87662. };
  87663. _createClass(Parser2, [{
  87664. key: "currToken",
  87665. get: function get() {
  87666. return this.tokens[this.position];
  87667. }
  87668. }, {
  87669. key: "nextToken",
  87670. get: function get() {
  87671. return this.tokens[this.position + 1];
  87672. }
  87673. }, {
  87674. key: "prevToken",
  87675. get: function get() {
  87676. return this.tokens[this.position - 1];
  87677. }
  87678. }]);
  87679. return Parser2;
  87680. }();
  87681. exports2["default"] = Parser;
  87682. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  87683. }
  87684. });
  87685. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/processor.js
  87686. var require_processor3 = __commonJS({
  87687. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/processor.js"(exports2, module2) {
  87688. "use strict";
  87689. exports2.__esModule = true;
  87690. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  87691. var _parser = _interopRequireDefault(require_parser5());
  87692. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  87693. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  87694. }
  87695. var Processor = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
  87696. function Processor2(func, options) {
  87697. this.func = func || function noop() {
  87698. };
  87699. this.funcRes = null;
  87700. this.options = options;
  87701. }
  87702. var _proto = Processor2.prototype;
  87703. _proto._shouldUpdateSelector = function _shouldUpdateSelector(rule, options) {
  87704. if (options === void 0) {
  87705. options = {};
  87706. }
  87707. var merged = Object.assign({}, this.options, options);
  87708. if (merged.updateSelector === false) {
  87709. return false;
  87710. } else {
  87711. return typeof rule !== "string";
  87712. }
  87713. };
  87714. _proto._isLossy = function _isLossy(options) {
  87715. if (options === void 0) {
  87716. options = {};
  87717. }
  87718. var merged = Object.assign({}, this.options, options);
  87719. if (merged.lossless === false) {
  87720. return true;
  87721. } else {
  87722. return false;
  87723. }
  87724. };
  87725. _proto._root = function _root(rule, options) {
  87726. if (options === void 0) {
  87727. options = {};
  87728. }
  87729. var parser = new _parser["default"](rule, this._parseOptions(options));
  87730. return parser.root;
  87731. };
  87732. _proto._parseOptions = function _parseOptions(options) {
  87733. return {
  87734. lossy: this._isLossy(options)
  87735. };
  87736. };
  87737. _proto._run = function _run(rule, options) {
  87738. var _this = this;
  87739. if (options === void 0) {
  87740. options = {};
  87741. }
  87742. return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  87743. try {
  87744. var root = _this._root(rule, options);
  87745. Promise.resolve(_this.func(root)).then(function(transform) {
  87746. var string = void 0;
  87747. if (_this._shouldUpdateSelector(rule, options)) {
  87748. string = root.toString();
  87749. rule.selector = string;
  87750. }
  87751. return {
  87752. transform,
  87753. root,
  87754. string
  87755. };
  87756. }).then(resolve, reject);
  87757. } catch (e) {
  87758. reject(e);
  87759. return;
  87760. }
  87761. });
  87762. };
  87763. _proto._runSync = function _runSync(rule, options) {
  87764. if (options === void 0) {
  87765. options = {};
  87766. }
  87767. var root = this._root(rule, options);
  87768. var transform = this.func(root);
  87769. if (transform && typeof transform.then === "function") {
  87770. throw new Error("Selector processor returned a promise to a synchronous call.");
  87771. }
  87772. var string = void 0;
  87773. if (options.updateSelector && typeof rule !== "string") {
  87774. string = root.toString();
  87775. rule.selector = string;
  87776. }
  87777. return {
  87778. transform,
  87779. root,
  87780. string
  87781. };
  87782. };
  87783. _proto.ast = function ast(rule, options) {
  87784. return this._run(rule, options).then(function(result) {
  87785. return result.root;
  87786. });
  87787. };
  87788. _proto.astSync = function astSync(rule, options) {
  87789. return this._runSync(rule, options).root;
  87790. };
  87791. _proto.transform = function transform(rule, options) {
  87792. return this._run(rule, options).then(function(result) {
  87793. return result.transform;
  87794. });
  87795. };
  87796. _proto.transformSync = function transformSync(rule, options) {
  87797. return this._runSync(rule, options).transform;
  87798. };
  87799. _proto.process = function process2(rule, options) {
  87800. return this._run(rule, options).then(function(result) {
  87801. return result.string || result.root.toString();
  87802. });
  87803. };
  87804. _proto.processSync = function processSync(rule, options) {
  87805. var result = this._runSync(rule, options);
  87806. return result.string || result.root.toString();
  87807. };
  87808. return Processor2;
  87809. }();
  87810. exports2["default"] = Processor;
  87811. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  87812. }
  87813. });
  87814. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/constructors.js
  87815. var require_constructors = __commonJS({
  87816. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/constructors.js"(exports2) {
  87817. "use strict";
  87818. exports2.__esModule = true;
  87819. exports2.universal = exports2.tag = exports2.string = exports2.selector = exports2.root = exports2.pseudo = exports2.nesting = = exports2.comment = exports2.combinator = exports2.className = exports2.attribute = void 0;
  87820. var _attribute = _interopRequireDefault(require_attribute());
  87821. var _className = _interopRequireDefault(require_className());
  87822. var _combinator = _interopRequireDefault(require_combinator());
  87823. var _comment = _interopRequireDefault(require_comment2());
  87824. var _id = _interopRequireDefault(require_id());
  87825. var _nesting = _interopRequireDefault(require_nesting());
  87826. var _pseudo = _interopRequireDefault(require_pseudo3());
  87827. var _root = _interopRequireDefault(require_root2());
  87828. var _selector = _interopRequireDefault(require_selector4());
  87829. var _string = _interopRequireDefault(require_string3());
  87830. var _tag = _interopRequireDefault(require_tag());
  87831. var _universal = _interopRequireDefault(require_universal());
  87832. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  87833. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  87834. }
  87835. var attribute = function attribute2(opts) {
  87836. return new _attribute["default"](opts);
  87837. };
  87838. exports2.attribute = attribute;
  87839. var className = function className2(opts) {
  87840. return new _className["default"](opts);
  87841. };
  87842. exports2.className = className;
  87843. var combinator = function combinator2(opts) {
  87844. return new _combinator["default"](opts);
  87845. };
  87846. exports2.combinator = combinator;
  87847. var comment = function comment2(opts) {
  87848. return new _comment["default"](opts);
  87849. };
  87850. exports2.comment = comment;
  87851. var id = function id2(opts) {
  87852. return new _id["default"](opts);
  87853. };
  87854. = id;
  87855. var nesting = function nesting2(opts) {
  87856. return new _nesting["default"](opts);
  87857. };
  87858. exports2.nesting = nesting;
  87859. var pseudo = function pseudo2(opts) {
  87860. return new _pseudo["default"](opts);
  87861. };
  87862. exports2.pseudo = pseudo;
  87863. var root = function root2(opts) {
  87864. return new _root["default"](opts);
  87865. };
  87866. exports2.root = root;
  87867. var selector = function selector2(opts) {
  87868. return new _selector["default"](opts);
  87869. };
  87870. exports2.selector = selector;
  87871. var string = function string2(opts) {
  87872. return new _string["default"](opts);
  87873. };
  87874. exports2.string = string;
  87875. var tag = function tag2(opts) {
  87876. return new _tag["default"](opts);
  87877. };
  87878. exports2.tag = tag;
  87879. var universal = function universal2(opts) {
  87880. return new _universal["default"](opts);
  87881. };
  87882. exports2.universal = universal;
  87883. }
  87884. });
  87885. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/guards.js
  87886. var require_guards = __commonJS({
  87887. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/guards.js"(exports2) {
  87888. "use strict";
  87889. exports2.__esModule = true;
  87890. exports2.isComment = exports2.isCombinator = exports2.isClassName = exports2.isAttribute = void 0;
  87891. exports2.isContainer = isContainer;
  87892. exports2.isIdentifier = void 0;
  87893. exports2.isNamespace = isNamespace;
  87894. exports2.isNesting = void 0;
  87895. exports2.isNode = isNode;
  87896. exports2.isPseudo = void 0;
  87897. exports2.isPseudoClass = isPseudoClass;
  87898. exports2.isPseudoElement = isPseudoElement;
  87899. exports2.isUniversal = exports2.isTag = exports2.isString = exports2.isSelector = exports2.isRoot = void 0;
  87900. var _types = require_types4();
  87901. var _IS_TYPE;
  87902. var IS_TYPE = (_IS_TYPE = {}, _IS_TYPE[_types.ATTRIBUTE] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.CLASS] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.COMBINATOR] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.COMMENT] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.ID] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.NESTING] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.PSEUDO] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.ROOT] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.SELECTOR] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.STRING] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.TAG] = true, _IS_TYPE[_types.UNIVERSAL] = true, _IS_TYPE);
  87903. function isNode(node) {
  87904. return typeof node === "object" && IS_TYPE[node.type];
  87905. }
  87906. function isNodeType(type, node) {
  87907. return isNode(node) && node.type === type;
  87908. }
  87909. var isAttribute = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.ATTRIBUTE);
  87910. exports2.isAttribute = isAttribute;
  87911. var isClassName = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.CLASS);
  87912. exports2.isClassName = isClassName;
  87913. var isCombinator = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.COMBINATOR);
  87914. exports2.isCombinator = isCombinator;
  87915. var isComment = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.COMMENT);
  87916. exports2.isComment = isComment;
  87917. var isIdentifier = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.ID);
  87918. exports2.isIdentifier = isIdentifier;
  87919. var isNesting = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.NESTING);
  87920. exports2.isNesting = isNesting;
  87921. var isPseudo = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.PSEUDO);
  87922. exports2.isPseudo = isPseudo;
  87923. var isRoot = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.ROOT);
  87924. exports2.isRoot = isRoot;
  87925. var isSelector = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.SELECTOR);
  87926. exports2.isSelector = isSelector;
  87927. var isString = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.STRING);
  87928. exports2.isString = isString;
  87929. var isTag = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.TAG);
  87930. exports2.isTag = isTag;
  87931. var isUniversal = isNodeType.bind(null, _types.UNIVERSAL);
  87932. exports2.isUniversal = isUniversal;
  87933. function isPseudoElement(node) {
  87934. return isPseudo(node) && node.value && (node.value.startsWith("::") || node.value.toLowerCase() === ":before" || node.value.toLowerCase() === ":after" || node.value.toLowerCase() === ":first-letter" || node.value.toLowerCase() === ":first-line");
  87935. }
  87936. function isPseudoClass(node) {
  87937. return isPseudo(node) && !isPseudoElement(node);
  87938. }
  87939. function isContainer(node) {
  87940. return !!(isNode(node) && node.walk);
  87941. }
  87942. function isNamespace(node) {
  87943. return isAttribute(node) || isTag(node);
  87944. }
  87945. }
  87946. });
  87947. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/index.js
  87948. var require_selectors = __commonJS({
  87949. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/selectors/index.js"(exports2) {
  87950. "use strict";
  87951. exports2.__esModule = true;
  87952. var _types = require_types4();
  87953. Object.keys(_types).forEach(function(key) {
  87954. if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule")
  87955. return;
  87956. if (key in exports2 && exports2[key] === _types[key])
  87957. return;
  87958. exports2[key] = _types[key];
  87959. });
  87960. var _constructors = require_constructors();
  87961. Object.keys(_constructors).forEach(function(key) {
  87962. if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule")
  87963. return;
  87964. if (key in exports2 && exports2[key] === _constructors[key])
  87965. return;
  87966. exports2[key] = _constructors[key];
  87967. });
  87968. var _guards = require_guards();
  87969. Object.keys(_guards).forEach(function(key) {
  87970. if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule")
  87971. return;
  87972. if (key in exports2 && exports2[key] === _guards[key])
  87973. return;
  87974. exports2[key] = _guards[key];
  87975. });
  87976. }
  87977. });
  87978. // node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/index.js
  87979. var require_dist2 = __commonJS({
  87980. "node_modules/postcss-selector-parser/dist/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  87981. "use strict";
  87982. exports2.__esModule = true;
  87983. exports2["default"] = void 0;
  87984. var _processor = _interopRequireDefault(require_processor3());
  87985. var selectors = _interopRequireWildcard(require_selectors());
  87986. function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) {
  87987. if (typeof WeakMap !== "function")
  87988. return null;
  87989. var cacheBabelInterop = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  87990. var cacheNodeInterop = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
  87991. return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache2(nodeInterop2) {
  87992. return nodeInterop2 ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop;
  87993. })(nodeInterop);
  87994. }
  87995. function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) {
  87996. if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) {
  87997. return obj;
  87998. }
  87999. if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") {
  88000. return { "default": obj };
  88001. }
  88002. var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop);
  88003. if (cache && cache.has(obj)) {
  88004. return cache.get(obj);
  88005. }
  88006. var newObj = {};
  88007. var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
  88008. for (var key in obj) {
  88009. if (key !== "default" &&, key)) {
  88010. var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null;
  88011. if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) {
  88012. Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc);
  88013. } else {
  88014. newObj[key] = obj[key];
  88015. }
  88016. }
  88017. }
  88018. newObj["default"] = obj;
  88019. if (cache) {
  88020. cache.set(obj, newObj);
  88021. }
  88022. return newObj;
  88023. }
  88024. function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
  88025. return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
  88026. }
  88027. var parser = function parser2(processor) {
  88028. return new _processor["default"](processor);
  88029. };
  88030. Object.assign(parser, selectors);
  88031. delete parser.__esModule;
  88032. var _default = parser;
  88033. exports2["default"] = _default;
  88034. module2.exports = exports2.default;
  88035. }
  88036. });
  88037. // node_modules/postcss-calc/src/parser.js
  88038. var require_parser6 = __commonJS({
  88039. "node_modules/postcss-calc/src/parser.js"(exports2) {
  88040. var parser = function() {
  88041. function JisonParserError(msg, hash) {
  88042. Object.defineProperty(this, "name", {
  88043. enumerable: false,
  88044. writable: false,
  88045. value: "JisonParserError"
  88046. });
  88047. if (msg == null)
  88048. msg = "???";
  88049. Object.defineProperty(this, "message", {
  88050. enumerable: false,
  88051. writable: true,
  88052. value: msg
  88053. });
  88054. this.hash = hash;
  88055. var stacktrace;
  88056. if (hash && hash.exception instanceof Error) {
  88057. var ex2 = hash.exception;
  88058. this.message = ex2.message || msg;
  88059. stacktrace = ex2.stack;
  88060. }
  88061. if (!stacktrace) {
  88062. if (Error.hasOwnProperty("captureStackTrace")) {
  88063. Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
  88064. } else {
  88065. stacktrace = new Error(msg).stack;
  88066. }
  88067. }
  88068. if (stacktrace) {
  88069. Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", {
  88070. enumerable: false,
  88071. writable: false,
  88072. value: stacktrace
  88073. });
  88074. }
  88075. }
  88076. if (typeof Object.setPrototypeOf === "function") {
  88077. Object.setPrototypeOf(JisonParserError.prototype, Error.prototype);
  88078. } else {
  88079. JisonParserError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
  88080. }
  88081. JisonParserError.prototype.constructor = JisonParserError;
  88082. = "JisonParserError";
  88083. function bp(s2) {
  88084. var rv = [];
  88085. var p = s2.pop;
  88086. var r = s2.rule;
  88087. for (var i = 0, l = p.length; i < l; i++) {
  88088. rv.push([
  88089. p[i],
  88090. r[i]
  88091. ]);
  88092. }
  88093. return rv;
  88094. }
  88095. function bda(s2) {
  88096. var rv = {};
  88097. var d = s2.idx;
  88098. var g = s2.goto;
  88099. for (var i = 0, l = d.length; i < l; i++) {
  88100. var j = d[i];
  88101. rv[j] = g[i];
  88102. }
  88103. return rv;
  88104. }
  88105. function bt(s2) {
  88106. var rv = [];
  88107. var d = s2.len;
  88108. var y = s2.symbol;
  88109. var t = s2.type;
  88110. var a = s2.state;
  88111. var m = s2.mode;
  88112. var g = s2.goto;
  88113. for (var i = 0, l = d.length; i < l; i++) {
  88114. var n = d[i];
  88115. var q = {};
  88116. for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
  88117. var z = y.shift();
  88118. switch (t.shift()) {
  88119. case 2:
  88120. q[z] = [
  88121. m.shift(),
  88122. g.shift()
  88123. ];
  88124. break;
  88125. case 0:
  88126. q[z] = a.shift();
  88127. break;
  88128. default:
  88129. q[z] = [
  88130. 3
  88131. ];
  88132. }
  88133. }
  88134. rv.push(q);
  88135. }
  88136. return rv;
  88137. }
  88138. function s(c2, l, a) {
  88139. a = a || 0;
  88140. for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
  88141. this.push(c2);
  88142. c2 += a;
  88143. }
  88144. }
  88145. function c(i, l) {
  88146. i = this.length - i;
  88147. for (l += i; i < l; i++) {
  88148. this.push(this[i]);
  88149. }
  88150. }
  88151. function u(a) {
  88152. var rv = [];
  88153. for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) {
  88154. var e = a[i];
  88155. if (typeof e === "function") {
  88156. i++;
  88157. e.apply(rv, a[i]);
  88158. } else {
  88159. rv.push(e);
  88160. }
  88161. }
  88162. return rv;
  88163. }
  88164. var parser2 = {
  88165. // Code Generator Information Report
  88166. // ---------------------------------
  88167. //
  88168. // Options:
  88169. //
  88170. // default action mode: ............. ["classic","merge"]
  88171. // test-compile action mode: ........ "parser:*,lexer:*"
  88172. // try..catch: ...................... true
  88173. // default resolve on conflict: ..... true
  88174. // on-demand look-ahead: ............ false
  88175. // error recovery token skip maximum: 3
  88176. // yyerror in parse actions is: ..... NOT recoverable,
  88177. // yyerror in lexer actions and other non-fatal lexer are:
  88178. // .................................. NOT recoverable,
  88179. // debug grammar/output: ............ false
  88180. // has partial LR conflict upgrade: true
  88181. // rudimentary token-stack support: false
  88182. // parser table compression mode: ... 2
  88183. // export debug tables: ............. false
  88184. // export *all* tables: ............. false
  88185. // module type: ..................... commonjs
  88186. // parser engine type: .............. lalr
  88187. // output main() in the module: ..... true
  88188. // has user-specified main(): ....... false
  88189. // has user-specified require()/import modules for main():
  88190. // .................................. false
  88191. // number of expected conflicts: .... 0
  88192. //
  88193. //
  88194. // Parser Analysis flags:
  88195. //
  88196. // no significant actions (parser is a language matcher only):
  88197. // .................................. false
  88198. // uses yyleng: ..................... false
  88199. // uses yylineno: ................... false
  88200. // uses yytext: ..................... false
  88201. // uses yylloc: ..................... false
  88202. // uses ParseError API: ............. false
  88203. // uses YYERROR: .................... false
  88204. // uses YYRECOVERING: ............... false
  88205. // uses YYERROK: .................... false
  88206. // uses YYCLEARIN: .................. false
  88207. // tracks rule values: .............. true
  88208. // assigns rule values: ............. true
  88209. // uses location tracking: .......... false
  88210. // assigns location: ................ false
  88211. // uses yystack: .................... false
  88212. // uses yysstack: ................... false
  88213. // uses yysp: ....................... true
  88214. // uses yyrulelength: ............... false
  88215. // uses yyMergeLocationInfo API: .... false
  88216. // has error recovery: .............. false
  88217. // has error reporting: ............. false
  88218. //
  88219. // --------- END OF REPORT -----------
  88220. trace: function no_op_trace() {
  88221. },
  88222. JisonParserError,
  88223. yy: {},
  88224. options: {
  88225. type: "lalr",
  88226. hasPartialLrUpgradeOnConflict: true,
  88227. errorRecoveryTokenDiscardCount: 3
  88228. },
  88229. symbols_: {
  88230. "$accept": 0,
  88231. "$end": 1,
  88232. "ADD": 6,
  88233. "ANGLE": 12,
  88234. "CALC": 3,
  88235. "CHS": 19,
  88236. "DIV": 9,
  88237. "EMS": 17,
  88238. "EOF": 1,
  88239. "EXS": 18,
  88240. "FREQ": 14,
  88241. "FUNCTION": 10,
  88242. "LENGTH": 11,
  88243. "LPAREN": 4,
  88244. "MUL": 8,
  88245. "NUMBER": 26,
  88246. "PERCENTAGE": 25,
  88247. "REMS": 20,
  88248. "RES": 15,
  88249. "RPAREN": 5,
  88250. "SUB": 7,
  88251. "TIME": 13,
  88252. "UNKNOWN_DIMENSION": 16,
  88253. "VHS": 21,
  88254. "VMAXS": 24,
  88255. "VMINS": 23,
  88256. "VWS": 22,
  88257. "dimension": 30,
  88258. "error": 2,
  88259. "expression": 27,
  88260. "function": 29,
  88261. "math_expression": 28,
  88262. "number": 31
  88263. },
  88264. terminals_: {
  88265. 1: "EOF",
  88266. 2: "error",
  88267. 3: "CALC",
  88268. 4: "LPAREN",
  88269. 5: "RPAREN",
  88270. 6: "ADD",
  88271. 7: "SUB",
  88272. 8: "MUL",
  88273. 9: "DIV",
  88274. 10: "FUNCTION",
  88275. 11: "LENGTH",
  88276. 12: "ANGLE",
  88277. 13: "TIME",
  88278. 14: "FREQ",
  88279. 15: "RES",
  88280. 16: "UNKNOWN_DIMENSION",
  88281. 17: "EMS",
  88282. 18: "EXS",
  88283. 19: "CHS",
  88284. 20: "REMS",
  88285. 21: "VHS",
  88286. 22: "VWS",
  88287. 23: "VMINS",
  88288. 24: "VMAXS",
  88289. 25: "PERCENTAGE",
  88290. 26: "NUMBER"
  88291. },
  88292. TERROR: 2,
  88293. EOF: 1,
  88294. // internals: defined here so the object *structure* doesn't get modified by parse() et al,
  88295. // thus helping JIT compilers like Chrome V8.
  88296. originalQuoteName: null,
  88297. originalParseError: null,
  88298. cleanupAfterParse: null,
  88299. constructParseErrorInfo: null,
  88300. yyMergeLocationInfo: null,
  88301. __reentrant_call_depth: 0,
  88303. __error_infos: [],
  88304. // INTERNAL USE ONLY: the set of parseErrorInfo objects created since the last cleanup
  88305. __error_recovery_infos: [],
  88306. // INTERNAL USE ONLY: the set of parseErrorInfo objects created since the last cleanup
  88307. // APIs which will be set up depending on user action code analysis:
  88308. //yyRecovering: 0,
  88309. //yyErrOk: 0,
  88310. //yyClearIn: 0,
  88311. // Helper APIs
  88312. // -----------
  88313. // Helper function which can be overridden by user code later on: put suitable quotes around
  88314. // literal IDs in a description string.
  88315. quoteName: function parser_quoteName(id_str) {
  88316. return '"' + id_str + '"';
  88317. },
  88318. // Return the name of the given symbol (terminal or non-terminal) as a string, when available.
  88319. //
  88320. // Return NULL when the symbol is unknown to the parser.
  88321. getSymbolName: function parser_getSymbolName(symbol) {
  88322. if (this.terminals_[symbol]) {
  88323. return this.terminals_[symbol];
  88324. }
  88325. var s2 = this.symbols_;
  88326. for (var key in s2) {
  88327. if (s2[key] === symbol) {
  88328. return key;
  88329. }
  88330. }
  88331. return null;
  88332. },
  88333. // Return a more-or-less human-readable description of the given symbol, when available,
  88334. // or the symbol itself, serving as its own 'description' for lack of something better to serve up.
  88335. //
  88336. // Return NULL when the symbol is unknown to the parser.
  88337. describeSymbol: function parser_describeSymbol(symbol) {
  88338. if (symbol !== this.EOF && this.terminal_descriptions_ && this.terminal_descriptions_[symbol]) {
  88339. return this.terminal_descriptions_[symbol];
  88340. } else if (symbol === this.EOF) {
  88341. return "end of input";
  88342. }
  88343. var id = this.getSymbolName(symbol);
  88344. if (id) {
  88345. return this.quoteName(id);
  88346. }
  88347. return null;
  88348. },
  88349. // Produce a (more or less) human-readable list of expected tokens at the point of failure.
  88350. //
  88351. // The produced list may contain token or token set descriptions instead of the tokens
  88352. // themselves to help turning this output into something that easier to read by humans
  88353. // unless `do_not_describe` parameter is set, in which case a list of the raw, *numeric*,
  88354. // expected terminals and nonterminals is produced.
  88355. //
  88356. // The returned list (array) will not contain any duplicate entries.
  88357. collect_expected_token_set: function parser_collect_expected_token_set(state, do_not_describe) {
  88358. var TERROR = this.TERROR;
  88359. var tokenset = [];
  88360. var check = {};
  88361. if (!do_not_describe && this.state_descriptions_ && this.state_descriptions_[state]) {
  88362. return [
  88363. this.state_descriptions_[state]
  88364. ];
  88365. }
  88366. for (var p in this.table[state]) {
  88367. p = +p;
  88368. if (p !== TERROR) {
  88369. var d = do_not_describe ? p : this.describeSymbol(p);
  88370. if (d && !check[d]) {
  88371. tokenset.push(d);
  88372. check[d] = true;
  88373. }
  88374. }
  88375. }
  88376. return tokenset;
  88377. },
  88378. productions_: bp({
  88379. pop: u([
  88380. 27,
  88381. s,
  88382. [28, 9],
  88383. 29,
  88384. s,
  88385. [30, 17],
  88386. s,
  88387. [31, 3]
  88388. ]),
  88389. rule: u([
  88390. 2,
  88391. 4,
  88392. s,
  88393. [3, 5],
  88394. s,
  88395. [1, 19],
  88396. 2,
  88397. 2,
  88398. c,
  88399. [3, 3]
  88400. ])
  88401. }),
  88402. performAction: function parser__PerformAction(yystate, yysp, yyvstack) {
  88403. var yy = this.yy;
  88404. var yyparser = yy.parser;
  88405. var yylexer = yy.lexer;
  88406. switch (yystate) {
  88407. case 0:
  88408. this.$ = yyvstack[yysp - 1];
  88409. break;
  88410. case 1:
  88411. this.$ = yyvstack[yysp - 1];
  88412. return yyvstack[yysp - 1];
  88413. break;
  88414. case 2:
  88415. this.$ = yyvstack[yysp - 1];
  88416. break;
  88417. case 3:
  88418. case 4:
  88419. case 5:
  88420. case 6:
  88421. this.$ = { type: "MathExpression", operator: yyvstack[yysp - 1], left: yyvstack[yysp - 2], right: yyvstack[yysp] };
  88422. break;
  88423. case 7:
  88424. this.$ = { type: "ParenthesizedExpression", content: yyvstack[yysp - 1] };
  88425. break;
  88426. case 8:
  88427. case 9:
  88428. case 10:
  88429. this.$ = yyvstack[yysp];
  88430. break;
  88431. case 11:
  88432. this.$ = { type: "Function", value: yyvstack[yysp] };
  88433. break;
  88434. case 12:
  88435. this.$ = { type: "LengthValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+$/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0] };
  88436. break;
  88437. case 13:
  88438. this.$ = { type: "AngleValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+$/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0] };
  88439. break;
  88440. case 14:
  88441. this.$ = { type: "TimeValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+$/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0] };
  88442. break;
  88443. case 15:
  88444. this.$ = { type: "FrequencyValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+$/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0] };
  88445. break;
  88446. case 16:
  88447. this.$ = { type: "ResolutionValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+$/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0] };
  88448. break;
  88449. case 17:
  88450. this.$ = { type: "UnknownDimension", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: /[a-z]+$/i.exec(yyvstack[yysp])[0] };
  88451. break;
  88452. case 18:
  88453. this.$ = { type: "EmValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "em" };
  88454. break;
  88455. case 19:
  88456. this.$ = { type: "ExValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "ex" };
  88457. break;
  88458. case 20:
  88459. this.$ = { type: "ChValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "ch" };
  88460. break;
  88461. case 21:
  88462. this.$ = { type: "RemValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "rem" };
  88463. break;
  88464. case 22:
  88465. this.$ = { type: "VhValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "vh" };
  88466. break;
  88467. case 23:
  88468. this.$ = { type: "VwValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "vw" };
  88469. break;
  88470. case 24:
  88471. this.$ = { type: "VminValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "vmin" };
  88472. break;
  88473. case 25:
  88474. this.$ = { type: "VmaxValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "vmax" };
  88475. break;
  88476. case 26:
  88477. this.$ = { type: "PercentageValue", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]), unit: "%" };
  88478. break;
  88479. case 27:
  88480. var prev = yyvstack[yysp];
  88481. this.$ = prev;
  88482. break;
  88483. case 28:
  88484. var prev = yyvstack[yysp];
  88485. prev.value *= -1;
  88486. this.$ = prev;
  88487. break;
  88488. case 29:
  88489. case 30:
  88490. this.$ = { type: "Number", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]) };
  88491. break;
  88492. case 31:
  88493. this.$ = { type: "Number", value: parseFloat(yyvstack[yysp]) * -1 };
  88494. break;
  88495. }
  88496. },
  88497. table: bt({
  88498. len: u([
  88499. 26,
  88500. 1,
  88501. 5,
  88502. 1,
  88503. 25,
  88504. s,
  88505. [0, 19],
  88506. 19,
  88507. 19,
  88508. 0,
  88509. 0,
  88510. s,
  88511. [25, 5],
  88512. 5,
  88513. 0,
  88514. 0,
  88515. 18,
  88516. 18,
  88517. 0,
  88518. 0,
  88519. 6,
  88520. 6,
  88521. 0,
  88522. 0,
  88523. c,
  88524. [11, 3]
  88525. ]),
  88526. symbol: u([
  88527. 3,
  88528. 4,
  88529. 6,
  88530. 7,
  88531. s,
  88532. [10, 22, 1],
  88533. 1,
  88534. 1,
  88535. s,
  88536. [6, 4, 1],
  88537. 4,
  88538. c,
  88539. [33, 21],
  88540. c,
  88541. [32, 4],
  88542. 6,
  88543. 7,
  88544. c,
  88545. [22, 16],
  88546. 30,
  88547. c,
  88548. [19, 19],
  88549. c,
  88550. [63, 25],
  88551. c,
  88552. [25, 100],
  88553. s,
  88554. [5, 5, 1],
  88555. c,
  88556. [149, 17],
  88557. c,
  88558. [167, 18],
  88559. 30,
  88560. 1,
  88561. c,
  88562. [42, 5],
  88563. c,
  88564. [6, 6],
  88565. c,
  88566. [5, 5]
  88567. ]),
  88568. type: u([
  88569. s,
  88570. [2, 21],
  88571. s,
  88572. [0, 5],
  88573. 1,
  88574. s,
  88575. [2, 27],
  88576. s,
  88577. [0, 4],
  88578. c,
  88579. [22, 19],
  88580. c,
  88581. [19, 37],
  88582. c,
  88583. [63, 25],
  88584. c,
  88585. [25, 103],
  88586. c,
  88587. [148, 19],
  88588. c,
  88589. [18, 18]
  88590. ]),
  88591. state: u([
  88592. 1,
  88593. 2,
  88594. 5,
  88595. 6,
  88596. 7,
  88597. 33,
  88598. c,
  88599. [4, 3],
  88600. 34,
  88601. 38,
  88602. 40,
  88603. c,
  88604. [6, 3],
  88605. 41,
  88606. c,
  88607. [4, 3],
  88608. 42,
  88609. c,
  88610. [4, 3],
  88611. 43,
  88612. c,
  88613. [4, 3],
  88614. 44,
  88615. c,
  88616. [22, 5]
  88617. ]),
  88618. mode: u([
  88619. s,
  88620. [1, 228],
  88621. s,
  88622. [2, 4],
  88623. c,
  88624. [6, 8],
  88625. s,
  88626. [1, 5]
  88627. ]),
  88628. goto: u([
  88629. 3,
  88630. 4,
  88631. 24,
  88632. 25,
  88633. s,
  88634. [8, 16, 1],
  88635. s,
  88636. [26, 7, 1],
  88637. c,
  88638. [27, 21],
  88639. 36,
  88640. 37,
  88641. c,
  88642. [18, 15],
  88643. 35,
  88644. c,
  88645. [18, 17],
  88646. 39,
  88647. c,
  88648. [57, 21],
  88649. c,
  88650. [21, 84],
  88651. 45,
  88652. c,
  88653. [168, 4],
  88654. c,
  88655. [128, 17],
  88656. c,
  88657. [17, 17],
  88658. s,
  88659. [3, 4],
  88660. 30,
  88661. 31,
  88662. s,
  88663. [4, 4],
  88664. 30,
  88665. 31,
  88666. 46,
  88667. c,
  88668. [51, 4]
  88669. ])
  88670. }),
  88671. defaultActions: bda({
  88672. idx: u([
  88673. s,
  88674. [5, 19, 1],
  88675. 26,
  88676. 27,
  88677. 34,
  88678. 35,
  88679. 38,
  88680. 39,
  88681. 42,
  88682. 43,
  88683. 45,
  88684. 46
  88685. ]),
  88686. goto: u([
  88687. s,
  88688. [8, 19, 1],
  88689. 29,
  88690. 1,
  88691. 27,
  88692. 30,
  88693. 28,
  88694. 31,
  88695. 5,
  88696. 6,
  88697. 7,
  88698. 2
  88699. ])
  88700. }),
  88701. parseError: function parseError(str, hash, ExceptionClass) {
  88702. if (hash.recoverable) {
  88703. if (typeof this.trace === "function") {
  88704. this.trace(str);
  88705. }
  88706. hash.destroy();
  88707. } else {
  88708. if (typeof this.trace === "function") {
  88709. this.trace(str);
  88710. }
  88711. if (!ExceptionClass) {
  88712. ExceptionClass = this.JisonParserError;
  88713. }
  88714. throw new ExceptionClass(str, hash);
  88715. }
  88716. },
  88717. parse: function parse(input) {
  88718. var self2 = this;
  88719. var stack = new Array(128);
  88720. var sstack = new Array(128);
  88721. var vstack = new Array(128);
  88722. var table = this.table;
  88723. var sp = 0;
  88724. var symbol = 0;
  88725. var TERROR = this.TERROR;
  88726. var EOF = this.EOF;
  88727. var ERROR_RECOVERY_TOKEN_DISCARD_COUNT = this.options.errorRecoveryTokenDiscardCount | 0 || 3;
  88728. var NO_ACTION = [
  88729. 0,
  88730. 47
  88731. /* === table.length :: ensures that anyone using this new state will fail dramatically! */
  88732. ];
  88733. var lexer2;
  88734. if (this.__lexer__) {
  88735. lexer2 = this.__lexer__;
  88736. } else {
  88737. lexer2 = this.__lexer__ = Object.create(this.lexer);
  88738. }
  88739. var sharedState_yy = {
  88740. parseError: void 0,
  88741. quoteName: void 0,
  88742. lexer: void 0,
  88743. parser: void 0,
  88744. pre_parse: void 0,
  88745. post_parse: void 0,
  88746. pre_lex: void 0,
  88747. post_lex: void 0
  88748. // WARNING: must be written this way for the code expanders to work correctly in both ES5 and ES6 modes!
  88749. };
  88750. var ASSERT;
  88751. if (typeof assert !== "function") {
  88752. ASSERT = function JisonAssert(cond, msg) {
  88753. if (!cond) {
  88754. throw new Error("assertion failed: " + (msg || "***"));
  88755. }
  88756. };
  88757. } else {
  88758. ASSERT = assert;
  88759. }
  88760. this.yyGetSharedState = function yyGetSharedState() {
  88761. return sharedState_yy;
  88762. };
  88763. function shallow_copy_noclobber(dst, src) {
  88764. for (var k in src) {
  88765. if (typeof dst[k] === "undefined" &&, k)) {
  88766. dst[k] = src[k];
  88767. }
  88768. }
  88769. }
  88770. shallow_copy_noclobber(sharedState_yy, this.yy);
  88771. sharedState_yy.lexer = lexer2;
  88772. sharedState_yy.parser = this;
  88773. if (typeof sharedState_yy.parseError === "function") {
  88774. this.parseError = function parseErrorAlt(str, hash, ExceptionClass) {
  88775. if (!ExceptionClass) {
  88776. ExceptionClass = this.JisonParserError;
  88777. }
  88778. return, str, hash, ExceptionClass);
  88779. };
  88780. } else {
  88781. this.parseError = this.originalParseError;
  88782. }
  88783. if (typeof sharedState_yy.quoteName === "function") {
  88784. this.quoteName = function quoteNameAlt(id_str) {
  88785. return, id_str);
  88786. };
  88787. } else {
  88788. this.quoteName = this.originalQuoteName;
  88789. }
  88790. this.cleanupAfterParse = function parser_cleanupAfterParse(resultValue, invoke_post_methods, do_not_nuke_errorinfos) {
  88791. var rv;
  88792. if (invoke_post_methods) {
  88793. var hash;
  88794. if (sharedState_yy.post_parse || this.post_parse) {
  88795. hash = this.constructParseErrorInfo(null, null, null, false);
  88796. }
  88797. if (sharedState_yy.post_parse) {
  88798. rv =, sharedState_yy, resultValue, hash);
  88799. if (typeof rv !== "undefined")
  88800. resultValue = rv;
  88801. }
  88802. if (this.post_parse) {
  88803. rv =, sharedState_yy, resultValue, hash);
  88804. if (typeof rv !== "undefined")
  88805. resultValue = rv;
  88806. }
  88807. if (hash && hash.destroy) {
  88808. hash.destroy();
  88809. }
  88810. }
  88811. if (this.__reentrant_call_depth > 1)
  88812. return resultValue;
  88813. if (lexer2.cleanupAfterLex) {
  88814. lexer2.cleanupAfterLex(do_not_nuke_errorinfos);
  88815. }
  88816. if (sharedState_yy) {
  88817. sharedState_yy.lexer = void 0;
  88818. sharedState_yy.parser = void 0;
  88819. if (lexer2.yy === sharedState_yy) {
  88820. lexer2.yy = void 0;
  88821. }
  88822. }
  88823. sharedState_yy = void 0;
  88824. this.parseError = this.originalParseError;
  88825. this.quoteName = this.originalQuoteName;
  88826. stack.length = 0;
  88827. sstack.length = 0;
  88828. vstack.length = 0;
  88829. sp = 0;
  88830. if (!do_not_nuke_errorinfos) {
  88831. for (var i = this.__error_infos.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  88832. var el = this.__error_infos[i];
  88833. if (el && typeof el.destroy === "function") {
  88834. el.destroy();
  88835. }
  88836. }
  88837. this.__error_infos.length = 0;
  88838. }
  88839. return resultValue;
  88840. };
  88841. this.constructParseErrorInfo = function parser_constructParseErrorInfo(msg, ex, expected2, recoverable) {
  88842. var pei = {
  88843. errStr: msg,
  88844. exception: ex,
  88845. text: lexer2.match,
  88846. value: lexer2.yytext,
  88847. token: this.describeSymbol(symbol) || symbol,
  88848. token_id: symbol,
  88849. line: lexer2.yylineno,
  88850. expected: expected2,
  88851. recoverable,
  88852. state,
  88853. action,
  88854. new_state: newState,
  88855. symbol_stack: stack,
  88856. state_stack: sstack,
  88857. value_stack: vstack,
  88858. stack_pointer: sp,
  88859. yy: sharedState_yy,
  88860. lexer: lexer2,
  88861. parser: this,
  88862. // and make sure the error info doesn't stay due to potential
  88863. // ref cycle via userland code manipulations.
  88864. // These would otherwise all be memory leak opportunities!
  88865. //
  88866. // Note that only array and object references are nuked as those
  88867. // constitute the set of elements which can produce a cyclic ref.
  88868. // The rest of the members is kept intact as they are harmless.
  88869. destroy: function destructParseErrorInfo() {
  88870. var rec = !!this.recoverable;
  88871. for (var key in this) {
  88872. if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof key === "object") {
  88873. this[key] = void 0;
  88874. }
  88875. }
  88876. this.recoverable = rec;
  88877. }
  88878. };
  88879. this.__error_infos.push(pei);
  88880. return pei;
  88881. };
  88882. function getNonTerminalFromCode(symbol2) {
  88883. var tokenName = self2.getSymbolName(symbol2);
  88884. if (!tokenName) {
  88885. tokenName = symbol2;
  88886. }
  88887. return tokenName;
  88888. }
  88889. function stdLex() {
  88890. var token = lexer2.lex();
  88891. if (typeof token !== "number") {
  88892. token = self2.symbols_[token] || token;
  88893. }
  88894. return token || EOF;
  88895. }
  88896. function fastLex() {
  88897. var token = lexer2.fastLex();
  88898. if (typeof token !== "number") {
  88899. token = self2.symbols_[token] || token;
  88900. }
  88901. return token || EOF;
  88902. }
  88903. var lex = stdLex;
  88904. var state, action, r, t;
  88905. var yyval = {
  88906. $: true,
  88907. _$: void 0,
  88908. yy: sharedState_yy
  88909. };
  88910. var p;
  88911. var yyrulelen;
  88912. var this_production;
  88913. var newState;
  88914. var retval = false;
  88915. try {
  88916. this.__reentrant_call_depth++;
  88917. lexer2.setInput(input, sharedState_yy);
  88918. if (typeof lexer2.canIUse === "function") {
  88919. var lexerInfo = lexer2.canIUse();
  88920. if (lexerInfo.fastLex && typeof fastLex === "function") {
  88921. lex = fastLex;
  88922. }
  88923. }
  88924. vstack[sp] = null;
  88925. sstack[sp] = 0;
  88926. stack[sp] = 0;
  88927. ++sp;
  88928. if (this.pre_parse) {
  88929., sharedState_yy);
  88930. }
  88931. if (sharedState_yy.pre_parse) {
  88932., sharedState_yy);
  88933. }
  88934. newState = sstack[sp - 1];
  88935. for (; ; ) {
  88936. state = newState;
  88937. if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
  88938. action = 2;
  88939. newState = this.defaultActions[state];
  88940. } else {
  88941. if (!symbol) {
  88942. symbol = lex();
  88943. }
  88944. t = table[state] && table[state][symbol] || NO_ACTION;
  88945. newState = t[1];
  88946. action = t[0];
  88947. if (!action) {
  88948. var errStr;
  88949. var errSymbolDescr = this.describeSymbol(symbol) || symbol;
  88950. var expected = this.collect_expected_token_set(state);
  88951. if (typeof lexer2.yylineno === "number") {
  88952. errStr = "Parse error on line " + (lexer2.yylineno + 1) + ": ";
  88953. } else {
  88954. errStr = "Parse error: ";
  88955. }
  88956. if (typeof lexer2.showPosition === "function") {
  88957. errStr += "\n" + lexer2.showPosition(79 - 10, 10) + "\n";
  88958. }
  88959. if (expected.length) {
  88960. errStr += "Expecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got unexpected " + errSymbolDescr;
  88961. } else {
  88962. errStr += "Unexpected " + errSymbolDescr;
  88963. }
  88964. p = this.constructParseErrorInfo(errStr, null, expected, false);
  88965. r = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonParserError);
  88966. if (typeof r !== "undefined") {
  88967. retval = r;
  88968. }
  88969. break;
  88970. }
  88971. }
  88972. switch (action) {
  88973. default:
  88974. if (action instanceof Array) {
  88975. p = this.constructParseErrorInfo("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + state + ", token: " + symbol, null, null, false);
  88976. r = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonParserError);
  88977. if (typeof r !== "undefined") {
  88978. retval = r;
  88979. }
  88980. break;
  88981. }
  88982. p = this.constructParseErrorInfo("Parsing halted. No viable error recovery approach available due to internal system failure.", null, null, false);
  88983. r = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonParserError);
  88984. if (typeof r !== "undefined") {
  88985. retval = r;
  88986. }
  88987. break;
  88988. case 1:
  88989. stack[sp] = symbol;
  88990. vstack[sp] = lexer2.yytext;
  88991. sstack[sp] = newState;
  88992. ++sp;
  88993. symbol = 0;
  88994. continue;
  88995. case 2:
  88996. this_production = this.productions_[newState - 1];
  88997. yyrulelen = this_production[1];
  88998. r =, newState, sp - 1, vstack);
  88999. if (typeof r !== "undefined") {
  89000. retval = r;
  89001. break;
  89002. }
  89003. sp -= yyrulelen;
  89004. var ntsymbol = this_production[0];
  89005. stack[sp] = ntsymbol;
  89006. vstack[sp] = yyval.$;
  89007. newState = table[sstack[sp - 1]][ntsymbol];
  89008. sstack[sp] = newState;
  89009. ++sp;
  89010. continue;
  89011. case 3:
  89012. if (sp !== -2) {
  89013. retval = true;
  89014. sp--;
  89015. if (typeof vstack[sp] !== "undefined") {
  89016. retval = vstack[sp];
  89017. }
  89018. }
  89019. break;
  89020. }
  89021. break;
  89022. }
  89023. } catch (ex) {
  89024. if (ex instanceof this.JisonParserError) {
  89025. throw ex;
  89026. } else if (lexer2 && typeof lexer2.JisonLexerError === "function" && ex instanceof lexer2.JisonLexerError) {
  89027. throw ex;
  89028. }
  89029. p = this.constructParseErrorInfo("Parsing aborted due to exception.", ex, null, false);
  89030. retval = false;
  89031. r = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonParserError);
  89032. if (typeof r !== "undefined") {
  89033. retval = r;
  89034. }
  89035. } finally {
  89036. retval = this.cleanupAfterParse(retval, true, true);
  89037. this.__reentrant_call_depth--;
  89038. }
  89039. return retval;
  89040. }
  89041. };
  89042. parser2.originalParseError = parser2.parseError;
  89043. parser2.originalQuoteName = parser2.quoteName;
  89044. var lexer = function() {
  89045. function JisonLexerError(msg, hash) {
  89046. Object.defineProperty(this, "name", {
  89047. enumerable: false,
  89048. writable: false,
  89049. value: "JisonLexerError"
  89050. });
  89051. if (msg == null)
  89052. msg = "???";
  89053. Object.defineProperty(this, "message", {
  89054. enumerable: false,
  89055. writable: true,
  89056. value: msg
  89057. });
  89058. this.hash = hash;
  89059. var stacktrace;
  89060. if (hash && hash.exception instanceof Error) {
  89061. var ex2 = hash.exception;
  89062. this.message = ex2.message || msg;
  89063. stacktrace = ex2.stack;
  89064. }
  89065. if (!stacktrace) {
  89066. if (Error.hasOwnProperty("captureStackTrace")) {
  89067. Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
  89068. } else {
  89069. stacktrace = new Error(msg).stack;
  89070. }
  89071. }
  89072. if (stacktrace) {
  89073. Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", {
  89074. enumerable: false,
  89075. writable: false,
  89076. value: stacktrace
  89077. });
  89078. }
  89079. }
  89080. if (typeof Object.setPrototypeOf === "function") {
  89081. Object.setPrototypeOf(JisonLexerError.prototype, Error.prototype);
  89082. } else {
  89083. JisonLexerError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
  89084. }
  89085. JisonLexerError.prototype.constructor = JisonLexerError;
  89086. = "JisonLexerError";
  89087. var lexer2 = {
  89088. // Code Generator Information Report
  89089. // ---------------------------------
  89090. //
  89091. // Options:
  89092. //
  89093. // backtracking: .................... false
  89094. // location.ranges: ................. false
  89095. // location line+column tracking: ... true
  89096. //
  89097. //
  89098. // Forwarded Parser Analysis flags:
  89099. //
  89100. // uses yyleng: ..................... false
  89101. // uses yylineno: ................... false
  89102. // uses yytext: ..................... false
  89103. // uses yylloc: ..................... false
  89104. // uses lexer values: ............... true / true
  89105. // location tracking: ............... false
  89106. // location assignment: ............. false
  89107. //
  89108. //
  89109. // Lexer Analysis flags:
  89110. //
  89111. // uses yyleng: ..................... ???
  89112. // uses yylineno: ................... ???
  89113. // uses yytext: ..................... ???
  89114. // uses yylloc: ..................... ???
  89115. // uses ParseError API: ............. ???
  89116. // uses yyerror: .................... ???
  89117. // uses location tracking & editing: ???
  89118. // uses more() API: ................. ???
  89119. // uses unput() API: ................ ???
  89120. // uses reject() API: ............... ???
  89121. // uses less() API: ................. ???
  89122. // uses display APIs pastInput(), upcomingInput(), showPosition():
  89123. // ............................. ???
  89124. // uses describeYYLLOC() API: ....... ???
  89125. //
  89126. // --------- END OF REPORT -----------
  89127. EOF: 1,
  89128. ERROR: 2,
  89129. // JisonLexerError: JisonLexerError, /// <-- injected by the code generator
  89130. // options: {}, /// <-- injected by the code generator
  89131. // yy: ..., /// <-- injected by setInput()
  89132. __currentRuleSet__: null,
  89133. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY: internal rule set cache for the current lexer state
  89134. __error_infos: [],
  89135. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY: the set of lexErrorInfo objects created since the last cleanup
  89136. __decompressed: false,
  89137. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY: mark whether the lexer instance has been 'unfolded' completely and is now ready for use
  89138. done: false,
  89139. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
  89140. _backtrack: false,
  89141. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
  89142. _input: "",
  89143. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
  89144. _more: false,
  89145. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
  89146. _signaled_error_token: false,
  89147. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY
  89148. conditionStack: [],
  89149. /// INTERNAL USE ONLY; managed via `pushState()`, `popState()`, `topState()` and `stateStackSize()`
  89150. match: "",
  89151. /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks input which has been matched so far for the lexer token under construction. `match` is identical to `yytext` except that this one still contains the matched input string after `lexer.performAction()` has been invoked, where userland code MAY have changed/replaced the `yytext` value entirely!
  89152. matched: "",
  89153. /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks entire input which has been matched so far
  89154. matches: false,
  89155. /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks RE match result for last (successful) match attempt
  89156. yytext: "",
  89157. /// ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks input which has been matched so far for the lexer token under construction; this value is transferred to the parser as the 'token value' when the parser consumes the lexer token produced through a call to the `lex()` API.
  89158. offset: 0,
  89159. /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks the 'cursor position' in the input string, i.e. the number of characters matched so far
  89160. yyleng: 0,
  89161. /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: length of matched input for the token under construction (`yytext`)
  89162. yylineno: 0,
  89163. /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: 'line number' at which the token under construction is located
  89164. yylloc: null,
  89165. /// READ-ONLY EXTERNAL ACCESS - ADVANCED USE ONLY: tracks location info (lines + columns) for the token under construction
  89166. /**
  89167. * INTERNAL USE: construct a suitable error info hash object instance for `parseError`.
  89168. *
  89169. * @public
  89170. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89171. */
  89172. constructLexErrorInfo: function lexer_constructLexErrorInfo(msg, recoverable, show_input_position) {
  89173. msg = "" + msg;
  89174. if (show_input_position == void 0) {
  89175. show_input_position = !(msg.indexOf("\n") > 0 && msg.indexOf("^") > 0);
  89176. }
  89177. if (this.yylloc && show_input_position) {
  89178. if (typeof this.prettyPrintRange === "function") {
  89179. var pretty_src = this.prettyPrintRange(this.yylloc);
  89180. if (!/\n\s*$/.test(msg)) {
  89181. msg += "\n";
  89182. }
  89183. msg += "\n Erroneous area:\n" + this.prettyPrintRange(this.yylloc);
  89184. } else if (typeof this.showPosition === "function") {
  89185. var pos_str = this.showPosition();
  89186. if (pos_str) {
  89187. if (msg.length && msg[msg.length - 1] !== "\n" && pos_str[0] !== "\n") {
  89188. msg += "\n" + pos_str;
  89189. } else {
  89190. msg += pos_str;
  89191. }
  89192. }
  89193. }
  89194. }
  89195. var pei = {
  89196. errStr: msg,
  89197. recoverable: !!recoverable,
  89198. text: this.match,
  89199. // This one MAY be empty; userland code should use the `upcomingInput` API to obtain more text which follows the 'lexer cursor position'...
  89200. token: null,
  89201. line: this.yylineno,
  89202. loc: this.yylloc,
  89203. yy: this.yy,
  89204. lexer: this,
  89205. /**
  89206. * and make sure the error info doesn't stay due to potential
  89207. * ref cycle via userland code manipulations.
  89208. * These would otherwise all be memory leak opportunities!
  89209. *
  89210. * Note that only array and object references are nuked as those
  89211. * constitute the set of elements which can produce a cyclic ref.
  89212. * The rest of the members is kept intact as they are harmless.
  89213. *
  89214. * @public
  89215. * @this {LexErrorInfo}
  89216. */
  89217. destroy: function destructLexErrorInfo() {
  89218. var rec = !!this.recoverable;
  89219. for (var key in this) {
  89220. if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof key === "object") {
  89221. this[key] = void 0;
  89222. }
  89223. }
  89224. this.recoverable = rec;
  89225. }
  89226. };
  89227. this.__error_infos.push(pei);
  89228. return pei;
  89229. },
  89230. /**
  89231. * handler which is invoked when a lexer error occurs.
  89232. *
  89233. * @public
  89234. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89235. */
  89236. parseError: function lexer_parseError(str, hash, ExceptionClass) {
  89237. if (!ExceptionClass) {
  89238. ExceptionClass = this.JisonLexerError;
  89239. }
  89240. if (this.yy) {
  89241. if (this.yy.parser && typeof this.yy.parser.parseError === "function") {
  89242. return, str, hash, ExceptionClass) || this.ERROR;
  89243. } else if (typeof this.yy.parseError === "function") {
  89244. return, str, hash, ExceptionClass) || this.ERROR;
  89245. }
  89246. }
  89247. throw new ExceptionClass(str, hash);
  89248. },
  89249. /**
  89250. * method which implements `yyerror(str, ...args)` functionality for use inside lexer actions.
  89251. *
  89252. * @public
  89253. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89254. */
  89255. yyerror: function yyError(str) {
  89256. var lineno_msg = "";
  89257. if (this.yylloc) {
  89258. lineno_msg = " on line " + (this.yylineno + 1);
  89259. }
  89260. var p = this.constructLexErrorInfo(
  89261. "Lexical error" + lineno_msg + ": " + str,
  89262. this.options.lexerErrorsAreRecoverable
  89263. );
  89264. var args =, 1);
  89265. if (args.length) {
  89266. p.extra_error_attributes = args;
  89267. }
  89268. return this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonLexerError) || this.ERROR;
  89269. },
  89270. /**
  89271. * final cleanup function for when we have completed lexing the input;
  89272. * make it an API so that external code can use this one once userland
  89273. * code has decided it's time to destroy any lingering lexer error
  89274. * hash object instances and the like: this function helps to clean
  89275. * up these constructs, which *may* carry cyclic references which would
  89276. * otherwise prevent the instances from being properly and timely
  89277. * garbage-collected, i.e. this function helps prevent memory leaks!
  89278. *
  89279. * @public
  89280. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89281. */
  89282. cleanupAfterLex: function lexer_cleanupAfterLex(do_not_nuke_errorinfos) {
  89283. this.setInput("", {});
  89284. if (!do_not_nuke_errorinfos) {
  89285. for (var i = this.__error_infos.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  89286. var el = this.__error_infos[i];
  89287. if (el && typeof el.destroy === "function") {
  89288. el.destroy();
  89289. }
  89290. }
  89291. this.__error_infos.length = 0;
  89292. }
  89293. return this;
  89294. },
  89295. /**
  89296. * clear the lexer token context; intended for internal use only
  89297. *
  89298. * @public
  89299. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89300. */
  89301. clear: function lexer_clear() {
  89302. this.yytext = "";
  89303. this.yyleng = 0;
  89304. this.match = "";
  89305. this.matches = false;
  89306. this._more = false;
  89307. this._backtrack = false;
  89308. var col = this.yylloc ? this.yylloc.last_column : 0;
  89309. this.yylloc = {
  89310. first_line: this.yylineno + 1,
  89311. first_column: col,
  89312. last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
  89313. last_column: col,
  89314. range: [this.offset, this.offset]
  89315. };
  89316. },
  89317. /**
  89318. * resets the lexer, sets new input
  89319. *
  89320. * @public
  89321. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89322. */
  89323. setInput: function lexer_setInput(input, yy) {
  89324. this.yy = yy || this.yy || {};
  89325. if (!this.__decompressed) {
  89326. var rules = this.rules;
  89327. for (var i = 0, len = rules.length; i < len; i++) {
  89328. var rule_re = rules[i];
  89329. if (typeof rule_re === "number") {
  89330. rules[i] = rules[rule_re];
  89331. }
  89332. }
  89333. var conditions = this.conditions;
  89334. for (var k in conditions) {
  89335. var spec = conditions[k];
  89336. var rule_ids = spec.rules;
  89337. var len = rule_ids.length;
  89338. var rule_regexes = new Array(len + 1);
  89339. var rule_new_ids = new Array(len + 1);
  89340. for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  89341. var idx = rule_ids[i];
  89342. var rule_re = rules[idx];
  89343. rule_regexes[i + 1] = rule_re;
  89344. rule_new_ids[i + 1] = idx;
  89345. }
  89346. spec.rules = rule_new_ids;
  89347. spec.__rule_regexes = rule_regexes;
  89348. spec.__rule_count = len;
  89349. }
  89350. this.__decompressed = true;
  89351. }
  89352. this._input = input || "";
  89353. this.clear();
  89354. this._signaled_error_token = false;
  89355. this.done = false;
  89356. this.yylineno = 0;
  89357. this.matched = "";
  89358. this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"];
  89359. this.__currentRuleSet__ = null;
  89360. this.yylloc = {
  89361. first_line: 1,
  89362. first_column: 0,
  89363. last_line: 1,
  89364. last_column: 0,
  89365. range: [0, 0]
  89366. };
  89367. this.offset = 0;
  89368. return this;
  89369. },
  89370. /**
  89371. * edit the remaining input via user-specified callback.
  89372. * This can be used to forward-adjust the input-to-parse,
  89373. * e.g. inserting macro expansions and alike in the
  89374. * input which has yet to be lexed.
  89375. * The behaviour of this API contrasts the `unput()` et al
  89376. * APIs as those act on the *consumed* input, while this
  89377. * one allows one to manipulate the future, without impacting
  89378. * the current `yyloc` cursor location or any history.
  89379. *
  89380. * Use this API to help implement C-preprocessor-like
  89381. * `#include` statements, etc.
  89382. *
  89383. * The provided callback must be synchronous and is
  89384. * expected to return the edited input (string).
  89385. *
  89386. * The `cpsArg` argument value is passed to the callback
  89387. * as-is.
  89388. *
  89389. * `callback` interface:
  89390. * `function callback(input, cpsArg)`
  89391. *
  89392. * - `input` will carry the remaining-input-to-lex string
  89393. * from the lexer.
  89394. * - `cpsArg` is `cpsArg` passed into this API.
  89395. *
  89396. * The `this` reference for the callback will be set to
  89397. * reference this lexer instance so that userland code
  89398. * in the callback can easily and quickly access any lexer
  89399. * API.
  89400. *
  89401. * When the callback returns a non-string-type falsey value,
  89402. * we assume the callback did not edit the input and we
  89403. * will using the input as-is.
  89404. *
  89405. * When the callback returns a non-string-type value, it
  89406. * is converted to a string for lexing via the `"" + retval`
  89407. * operation. (See also why:
  89408. * -- that way any returned object's `toValue()` and `toString()`
  89409. * methods will be invoked in a proper/desirable order.)
  89410. *
  89411. * @public
  89412. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89413. */
  89414. editRemainingInput: function lexer_editRemainingInput(callback, cpsArg) {
  89415. var rv =, this._input, cpsArg);
  89416. if (typeof rv !== "string") {
  89417. if (rv) {
  89418. this._input = "" + rv;
  89419. }
  89420. } else {
  89421. this._input = rv;
  89422. }
  89423. return this;
  89424. },
  89425. /**
  89426. * consumes and returns one char from the input
  89427. *
  89428. * @public
  89429. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89430. */
  89431. input: function lexer_input() {
  89432. if (!this._input) {
  89433. return null;
  89434. }
  89435. var ch = this._input[0];
  89436. this.yytext += ch;
  89437. this.yyleng++;
  89438. this.offset++;
  89439. this.match += ch;
  89440. this.matched += ch;
  89441. var slice_len = 1;
  89442. var lines = false;
  89443. if (ch === "\n") {
  89444. lines = true;
  89445. } else if (ch === "\r") {
  89446. lines = true;
  89447. var ch2 = this._input[1];
  89448. if (ch2 === "\n") {
  89449. slice_len++;
  89450. ch += ch2;
  89451. this.yytext += ch2;
  89452. this.yyleng++;
  89453. this.offset++;
  89454. this.match += ch2;
  89455. this.matched += ch2;
  89456. this.yylloc.range[1]++;
  89457. }
  89458. }
  89459. if (lines) {
  89460. this.yylineno++;
  89461. this.yylloc.last_line++;
  89462. this.yylloc.last_column = 0;
  89463. } else {
  89464. this.yylloc.last_column++;
  89465. }
  89466. this.yylloc.range[1]++;
  89467. this._input = this._input.slice(slice_len);
  89468. return ch;
  89469. },
  89470. /**
  89471. * unshifts one char (or an entire string) into the input
  89472. *
  89473. * @public
  89474. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89475. */
  89476. unput: function lexer_unput(ch) {
  89477. var len = ch.length;
  89478. var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
  89479. this._input = ch + this._input;
  89480. this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - len);
  89481. this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
  89482. this.offset -= len;
  89483. this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - len);
  89484. this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - len);
  89485. if (lines.length > 1) {
  89486. this.yylineno -= lines.length - 1;
  89487. this.yylloc.last_line = this.yylineno + 1;
  89488. var pre = this.match;
  89489. var pre_lines = pre.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
  89490. if (pre_lines.length === 1) {
  89491. pre = this.matched;
  89492. pre_lines = pre.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
  89493. }
  89494. this.yylloc.last_column = pre_lines[pre_lines.length - 1].length;
  89495. } else {
  89496. this.yylloc.last_column -= len;
  89497. }
  89498. this.yylloc.range[1] = this.yylloc.range[0] + this.yyleng;
  89499. this.done = false;
  89500. return this;
  89501. },
  89502. /**
  89503. * cache matched text and append it on next action
  89504. *
  89505. * @public
  89506. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89507. */
  89508. more: function lexer_more() {
  89509. this._more = true;
  89510. return this;
  89511. },
  89512. /**
  89513. * signal the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the
  89514. * next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
  89515. *
  89516. * @public
  89517. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89518. */
  89519. reject: function lexer_reject() {
  89520. if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
  89521. this._backtrack = true;
  89522. } else {
  89523. var lineno_msg = "";
  89524. if (this.yylloc) {
  89525. lineno_msg = " on line " + (this.yylineno + 1);
  89526. }
  89527. var p = this.constructLexErrorInfo(
  89528. "Lexical error" + lineno_msg + ": You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).",
  89529. false
  89530. );
  89531. this._signaled_error_token = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonLexerError) || this.ERROR;
  89532. }
  89533. return this;
  89534. },
  89535. /**
  89536. * retain first n characters of the match
  89537. *
  89538. * @public
  89539. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89540. */
  89541. less: function lexer_less(n) {
  89542. return this.unput(this.match.slice(n));
  89543. },
  89544. /**
  89545. * return (part of the) already matched input, i.e. for error
  89546. * messages.
  89547. *
  89548. * Limit the returned string length to `maxSize` (default: 20).
  89549. *
  89550. * Limit the returned string to the `maxLines` number of lines of
  89551. * input (default: 1).
  89552. *
  89553. * Negative limit values equal *unlimited*.
  89554. *
  89555. * @public
  89556. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89557. */
  89558. pastInput: function lexer_pastInput(maxSize, maxLines) {
  89559. var past = this.matched.substring(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
  89560. if (maxSize < 0)
  89561. maxSize = past.length;
  89562. else if (!maxSize)
  89563. maxSize = 20;
  89564. if (maxLines < 0)
  89565. maxLines = past.length;
  89566. else if (!maxLines)
  89567. maxLines = 1;
  89568. past = past.substr(-maxSize * 2 - 2);
  89569. var a = past.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, "\n").split("\n");
  89570. a = a.slice(-maxLines);
  89571. past = a.join("\n");
  89572. if (past.length > maxSize) {
  89573. past = "..." + past.substr(-maxSize);
  89574. }
  89575. return past;
  89576. },
  89577. /**
  89578. * return (part of the) upcoming input, i.e. for error messages.
  89579. *
  89580. * Limit the returned string length to `maxSize` (default: 20).
  89581. *
  89582. * Limit the returned string to the `maxLines` number of lines of input (default: 1).
  89583. *
  89584. * Negative limit values equal *unlimited*.
  89585. *
  89586. * > ### NOTE ###
  89587. * >
  89588. * > *"upcoming input"* is defined as the whole of the both
  89589. * > the *currently lexed* input, together with any remaining input
  89590. * > following that. *"currently lexed"* input is the input
  89591. * > already recognized by the lexer but not yet returned with
  89592. * > the lexer token. This happens when you are invoking this API
  89593. * > from inside any lexer rule action code block.
  89594. * >
  89595. *
  89596. * @public
  89597. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89598. */
  89599. upcomingInput: function lexer_upcomingInput(maxSize, maxLines) {
  89600. var next = this.match;
  89601. if (maxSize < 0)
  89602. maxSize = next.length + this._input.length;
  89603. else if (!maxSize)
  89604. maxSize = 20;
  89605. if (maxLines < 0)
  89606. maxLines = maxSize;
  89607. else if (!maxLines)
  89608. maxLines = 1;
  89609. if (next.length < maxSize * 2 + 2) {
  89610. next += this._input.substring(0, maxSize * 2 + 2);
  89611. }
  89612. var a = next.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, "\n").split("\n");
  89613. a = a.slice(0, maxLines);
  89614. next = a.join("\n");
  89615. if (next.length > maxSize) {
  89616. next = next.substring(0, maxSize) + "...";
  89617. }
  89618. return next;
  89619. },
  89620. /**
  89621. * return a string which displays the character position where the
  89622. * lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
  89623. *
  89624. * @public
  89625. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89626. */
  89627. showPosition: function lexer_showPosition(maxPrefix, maxPostfix) {
  89628. var pre = this.pastInput(maxPrefix).replace(/\s/g, " ");
  89629. var c2 = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-");
  89630. return pre + this.upcomingInput(maxPostfix).replace(/\s/g, " ") + "\n" + c2 + "^";
  89631. },
  89632. /**
  89633. * return an YYLLOC info object derived off the given context (actual, preceding, following, current).
  89634. * Use this method when the given `actual` location is not guaranteed to exist (i.e. when
  89635. * it MAY be NULL) and you MUST have a valid location info object anyway:
  89636. * then we take the given context of the `preceding` and `following` locations, IFF those are available,
  89637. * and reconstruct the `actual` location info from those.
  89638. * If this fails, the heuristic is to take the `current` location, IFF available.
  89639. * If this fails as well, we assume the sought location is at/around the current lexer position
  89640. * and then produce that one as a response. DO NOTE that these heuristic/derived location info
  89641. * values MAY be inaccurate!
  89642. *
  89643. * NOTE: `deriveLocationInfo()` ALWAYS produces a location info object *copy* of `actual`, not just
  89644. * a *reference* hence all input location objects can be assumed to be 'constant' (function has no side-effects).
  89645. *
  89646. * @public
  89647. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89648. */
  89649. deriveLocationInfo: function lexer_deriveYYLLOC(actual, preceding, following, current) {
  89650. var loc = {
  89651. first_line: 1,
  89652. first_column: 0,
  89653. last_line: 1,
  89654. last_column: 0,
  89655. range: [0, 0]
  89656. };
  89657. if (actual) {
  89658. loc.first_line = actual.first_line | 0;
  89659. loc.last_line = actual.last_line | 0;
  89660. loc.first_column = actual.first_column | 0;
  89661. loc.last_column = actual.last_column | 0;
  89662. if (actual.range) {
  89663. loc.range[0] = actual.range[0] | 0;
  89664. loc.range[1] = actual.range[1] | 0;
  89665. }
  89666. }
  89667. if (loc.first_line <= 0 || loc.last_line < loc.first_line) {
  89668. if (loc.first_line <= 0 && preceding) {
  89669. loc.first_line = preceding.last_line | 0;
  89670. loc.first_column = preceding.last_column | 0;
  89671. if (preceding.range) {
  89672. loc.range[0] = actual.range[1] | 0;
  89673. }
  89674. }
  89675. if ((loc.last_line <= 0 || loc.last_line < loc.first_line) && following) {
  89676. loc.last_line = following.first_line | 0;
  89677. loc.last_column = following.first_column | 0;
  89678. if (following.range) {
  89679. loc.range[1] = actual.range[0] | 0;
  89680. }
  89681. }
  89682. if (loc.first_line <= 0 && current && (loc.last_line <= 0 || current.last_line <= loc.last_line)) {
  89683. loc.first_line = current.first_line | 0;
  89684. loc.first_column = current.first_column | 0;
  89685. if (current.range) {
  89686. loc.range[0] = current.range[0] | 0;
  89687. }
  89688. }
  89689. if (loc.last_line <= 0 && current && (loc.first_line <= 0 || current.first_line >= loc.first_line)) {
  89690. loc.last_line = current.last_line | 0;
  89691. loc.last_column = current.last_column | 0;
  89692. if (current.range) {
  89693. loc.range[1] = current.range[1] | 0;
  89694. }
  89695. }
  89696. }
  89697. if (loc.last_line <= 0) {
  89698. if (loc.first_line <= 0) {
  89699. loc.first_line = this.yylloc.first_line;
  89700. loc.last_line = this.yylloc.last_line;
  89701. loc.first_column = this.yylloc.first_column;
  89702. loc.last_column = this.yylloc.last_column;
  89703. loc.range[0] = this.yylloc.range[0];
  89704. loc.range[1] = this.yylloc.range[1];
  89705. } else {
  89706. loc.last_line = this.yylloc.last_line;
  89707. loc.last_column = this.yylloc.last_column;
  89708. loc.range[1] = this.yylloc.range[1];
  89709. }
  89710. }
  89711. if (loc.first_line <= 0) {
  89712. loc.first_line = loc.last_line;
  89713. loc.first_column = 0;
  89714. loc.range[1] = loc.range[0];
  89715. }
  89716. if (loc.first_column < 0) {
  89717. loc.first_column = 0;
  89718. }
  89719. if (loc.last_column < 0) {
  89720. loc.last_column = loc.first_column > 0 ? loc.first_column : 80;
  89721. }
  89722. return loc;
  89723. },
  89724. /**
  89725. * return a string which displays the lines & columns of input which are referenced
  89726. * by the given location info range, plus a few lines of context.
  89727. *
  89728. * This function pretty-prints the indicated section of the input, with line numbers
  89729. * and everything!
  89730. *
  89731. * This function is very useful to provide highly readable error reports, while
  89732. * the location range may be specified in various flexible ways:
  89733. *
  89734. * - `loc` is the location info object which references the area which should be
  89735. * displayed and 'marked up': these lines & columns of text are marked up by `^`
  89736. * characters below each character in the entire input range.
  89737. *
  89738. * - `context_loc` is the *optional* location info object which instructs this
  89739. * pretty-printer how much *leading* context should be displayed alongside
  89740. * the area referenced by `loc`. This can help provide context for the displayed
  89741. * error, etc.
  89742. *
  89743. * When this location info is not provided, a default context of 3 lines is
  89744. * used.
  89745. *
  89746. * - `context_loc2` is another *optional* location info object, which serves
  89747. * a similar purpose to `context_loc`: it specifies the amount of *trailing*
  89748. * context lines to display in the pretty-print output.
  89749. *
  89750. * When this location info is not provided, a default context of 1 line only is
  89751. * used.
  89752. *
  89753. * Special Notes:
  89754. *
  89755. * - when the `loc`-indicated range is very large (about 5 lines or more), then
  89756. * only the first and last few lines of this block are printed while a
  89757. * `...continued...` message will be printed between them.
  89758. *
  89759. * This serves the purpose of not printing a huge amount of text when the `loc`
  89760. * range happens to be huge: this way a manageable & readable output results
  89761. * for arbitrary large ranges.
  89762. *
  89763. * - this function can display lines of input which whave not yet been lexed.
  89764. * `prettyPrintRange()` can access the entire input!
  89765. *
  89766. * @public
  89767. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89768. */
  89769. prettyPrintRange: function lexer_prettyPrintRange(loc, context_loc, context_loc2) {
  89770. loc = this.deriveLocationInfo(loc, context_loc, context_loc2);
  89771. const CONTEXT = 3;
  89772. const CONTEXT_TAIL = 1;
  89774. var input = this.matched + this._input;
  89775. var lines = input.split("\n");
  89776. var l0 = Math.max(1, context_loc ? context_loc.first_line : loc.first_line - CONTEXT);
  89777. var l1 = Math.max(1, context_loc2 ? context_loc2.last_line : loc.last_line + CONTEXT_TAIL);
  89778. var lineno_display_width = 1 + Math.log10(l1 | 1) | 0;
  89779. var ws_prefix = new Array(lineno_display_width).join(" ");
  89780. var nonempty_line_indexes = [];
  89781. var rv = lines.slice(l0 - 1, l1 + 1).map(function injectLineNumber(line, index) {
  89782. var lno = index + l0;
  89783. var lno_pfx = (ws_prefix + lno).substr(-lineno_display_width);
  89784. var rv2 = lno_pfx + ": " + line;
  89785. var errpfx = new Array(lineno_display_width + 1).join("^");
  89786. var offset = 2 + 1;
  89787. var len = 0;
  89788. if (lno === loc.first_line) {
  89789. offset += loc.first_column;
  89790. len = Math.max(
  89791. 2,
  89792. (lno === loc.last_line ? loc.last_column : line.length) - loc.first_column + 1
  89793. );
  89794. } else if (lno === loc.last_line) {
  89795. len = Math.max(2, loc.last_column + 1);
  89796. } else if (lno > loc.first_line && lno < loc.last_line) {
  89797. len = Math.max(2, line.length + 1);
  89798. }
  89799. if (len) {
  89800. var lead = new Array(offset).join(".");
  89801. var mark = new Array(len).join("^");
  89802. rv2 += "\n" + errpfx + lead + mark;
  89803. if (line.trim().length > 0) {
  89804. nonempty_line_indexes.push(index);
  89805. }
  89806. }
  89807. rv2 = rv2.replace(/\t/g, " ");
  89808. return rv2;
  89809. });
  89810. if (nonempty_line_indexes.length > 2 * MINIMUM_VISIBLE_NONEMPTY_LINE_COUNT) {
  89811. var clip_start = nonempty_line_indexes[MINIMUM_VISIBLE_NONEMPTY_LINE_COUNT - 1] + 1;
  89812. var clip_end = nonempty_line_indexes[nonempty_line_indexes.length - MINIMUM_VISIBLE_NONEMPTY_LINE_COUNT] - 1;
  89813. var intermediate_line = new Array(lineno_display_width + 1).join(" ") + " (...continued...)";
  89814. intermediate_line += "\n" + new Array(lineno_display_width + 1).join("-") + " (---------------)";
  89815. rv.splice(clip_start, clip_end - clip_start + 1, intermediate_line);
  89816. }
  89817. return rv.join("\n");
  89818. },
  89819. /**
  89820. * helper function, used to produce a human readable description as a string, given
  89821. * the input `yylloc` location object.
  89822. *
  89823. * Set `display_range_too` to TRUE to include the string character index position(s)
  89824. * in the description if the `yylloc.range` is available.
  89825. *
  89826. * @public
  89827. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89828. */
  89829. describeYYLLOC: function lexer_describe_yylloc(yylloc, display_range_too) {
  89830. var l1 = yylloc.first_line;
  89831. var l2 = yylloc.last_line;
  89832. var c1 = yylloc.first_column;
  89833. var c2 = yylloc.last_column;
  89834. var dl = l2 - l1;
  89835. var dc = c2 - c1;
  89836. var rv;
  89837. if (dl === 0) {
  89838. rv = "line " + l1 + ", ";
  89839. if (dc <= 1) {
  89840. rv += "column " + c1;
  89841. } else {
  89842. rv += "columns " + c1 + " .. " + c2;
  89843. }
  89844. } else {
  89845. rv = "lines " + l1 + "(column " + c1 + ") .. " + l2 + "(column " + c2 + ")";
  89846. }
  89847. if (yylloc.range && display_range_too) {
  89848. var r1 = yylloc.range[0];
  89849. var r2 = yylloc.range[1] - 1;
  89850. if (r2 <= r1) {
  89851. rv += " {String Offset: " + r1 + "}";
  89852. } else {
  89853. rv += " {String Offset range: " + r1 + " .. " + r2 + "}";
  89854. }
  89855. }
  89856. return rv;
  89857. },
  89858. /**
  89859. * test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token.
  89860. *
  89861. * `match` is supposed to be an array coming out of a regex match, i.e. `match[0]`
  89862. * contains the actually matched text string.
  89863. *
  89864. * Also move the input cursor forward and update the match collectors:
  89865. *
  89866. * - `yytext`
  89867. * - `yyleng`
  89868. * - `match`
  89869. * - `matches`
  89870. * - `yylloc`
  89871. * - `offset`
  89872. *
  89873. * @public
  89874. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89875. */
  89876. test_match: function lexer_test_match(match, indexed_rule) {
  89877. var token, lines, backup, match_str, match_str_len;
  89878. if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
  89879. backup = {
  89880. yylineno: this.yylineno,
  89881. yylloc: {
  89882. first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
  89883. last_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
  89884. first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
  89885. last_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
  89886. range: this.yylloc.range.slice(0)
  89887. },
  89888. yytext: this.yytext,
  89889. match: this.match,
  89890. matches: this.matches,
  89891. matched: this.matched,
  89892. yyleng: this.yyleng,
  89893. offset: this.offset,
  89894. _more: this._more,
  89895. _input: this._input,
  89896. //_signaled_error_token: this._signaled_error_token,
  89897. yy: this.yy,
  89898. conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
  89899. done: this.done
  89900. };
  89901. }
  89902. match_str = match[0];
  89903. match_str_len = match_str.length;
  89904. lines = match_str.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
  89905. if (lines.length > 1) {
  89906. this.yylineno += lines.length - 1;
  89907. this.yylloc.last_line = this.yylineno + 1;
  89908. this.yylloc.last_column = lines[lines.length - 1].length;
  89909. } else {
  89910. this.yylloc.last_column += match_str_len;
  89911. }
  89912. this.yytext += match_str;
  89913. this.match += match_str;
  89914. this.matched += match_str;
  89915. this.matches = match;
  89916. this.yyleng = this.yytext.length;
  89917. this.yylloc.range[1] += match_str_len;
  89918. this.offset += match_str_len;
  89919. this._more = false;
  89920. this._backtrack = false;
  89921. this._input = this._input.slice(match_str_len);
  89922. token =
  89923. this,
  89924. this.yy,
  89925. indexed_rule,
  89926. this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]
  89927. /* = YY_START */
  89928. );
  89929. if (this.done && this._input) {
  89930. this.done = false;
  89931. }
  89932. if (token) {
  89933. return token;
  89934. } else if (this._backtrack) {
  89935. for (var k in backup) {
  89936. this[k] = backup[k];
  89937. }
  89938. this.__currentRuleSet__ = null;
  89939. return false;
  89940. } else if (this._signaled_error_token) {
  89941. token = this._signaled_error_token;
  89942. this._signaled_error_token = false;
  89943. return token;
  89944. }
  89945. return false;
  89946. },
  89947. /**
  89948. * return next match in input
  89949. *
  89950. * @public
  89951. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  89952. */
  89953. next: function lexer_next() {
  89954. if (this.done) {
  89955. this.clear();
  89956. return this.EOF;
  89957. }
  89958. if (!this._input) {
  89959. this.done = true;
  89960. }
  89961. var token, match, tempMatch, index;
  89962. if (!this._more) {
  89963. this.clear();
  89964. }
  89965. var spec = this.__currentRuleSet__;
  89966. if (!spec) {
  89967. spec = this.__currentRuleSet__ = this._currentRules();
  89968. if (!spec || !spec.rules) {
  89969. var lineno_msg = "";
  89970. if (this.options.trackPosition) {
  89971. lineno_msg = " on line " + (this.yylineno + 1);
  89972. }
  89973. var p = this.constructLexErrorInfo(
  89974. "Internal lexer engine error" + lineno_msg + ': The lex grammar programmer pushed a non-existing condition name "' + this.topState() + '"; this is a fatal error and should be reported to the application programmer team!',
  89975. false
  89976. );
  89977. return this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonLexerError) || this.ERROR;
  89978. }
  89979. }
  89980. var rule_ids = spec.rules;
  89981. var regexes = spec.__rule_regexes;
  89982. var len = spec.__rule_count;
  89983. for (var i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
  89984. tempMatch = this._input.match(regexes[i]);
  89985. if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) {
  89986. match = tempMatch;
  89987. index = i;
  89988. if (this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
  89989. token = this.test_match(tempMatch, rule_ids[i]);
  89990. if (token !== false) {
  89991. return token;
  89992. } else if (this._backtrack) {
  89993. match = void 0;
  89994. continue;
  89995. } else {
  89996. return false;
  89997. }
  89998. } else if (!this.options.flex) {
  89999. break;
  90000. }
  90001. }
  90002. }
  90003. if (match) {
  90004. token = this.test_match(match, rule_ids[index]);
  90005. if (token !== false) {
  90006. return token;
  90007. }
  90008. return false;
  90009. }
  90010. if (!this._input) {
  90011. this.done = true;
  90012. this.clear();
  90013. return this.EOF;
  90014. } else {
  90015. var lineno_msg = "";
  90016. if (this.options.trackPosition) {
  90017. lineno_msg = " on line " + (this.yylineno + 1);
  90018. }
  90019. var p = this.constructLexErrorInfo(
  90020. "Lexical error" + lineno_msg + ": Unrecognized text.",
  90021. this.options.lexerErrorsAreRecoverable
  90022. );
  90023. var pendingInput = this._input;
  90024. var activeCondition = this.topState();
  90025. var conditionStackDepth = this.conditionStack.length;
  90026. token = this.parseError(p.errStr, p, this.JisonLexerError) || this.ERROR;
  90027. if (token === this.ERROR) {
  90028. if (!this.matches && // and make sure the input has been modified/consumed ...
  90029. pendingInput === this._input && // ...or the lexer state has been modified significantly enough
  90030. // to merit a non-consuming error handling action right now.
  90031. activeCondition === this.topState() && conditionStackDepth === this.conditionStack.length) {
  90032. this.input();
  90033. }
  90034. }
  90035. return token;
  90036. }
  90037. },
  90038. /**
  90039. * return next match that has a token
  90040. *
  90041. * @public
  90042. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90043. */
  90044. lex: function lexer_lex() {
  90045. var r;
  90046. if (typeof this.pre_lex === "function") {
  90047. r =, 0);
  90048. }
  90049. if (typeof this.options.pre_lex === "function") {
  90050. r =, r) || r;
  90051. }
  90052. if (this.yy && typeof this.yy.pre_lex === "function") {
  90053. r =, r) || r;
  90054. }
  90055. while (!r) {
  90056. r =;
  90057. }
  90058. if (this.yy && typeof this.yy.post_lex === "function") {
  90059. r =, r) || r;
  90060. }
  90061. if (typeof this.options.post_lex === "function") {
  90062. r =, r) || r;
  90063. }
  90064. if (typeof this.post_lex === "function") {
  90065. r =, r) || r;
  90066. }
  90067. return r;
  90068. },
  90069. /**
  90070. * return next match that has a token. Identical to the `lex()` API but does not invoke any of the
  90071. * `pre_lex()` nor any of the `post_lex()` callbacks.
  90072. *
  90073. * @public
  90074. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90075. */
  90076. fastLex: function lexer_fastLex() {
  90077. var r;
  90078. while (!r) {
  90079. r =;
  90080. }
  90081. return r;
  90082. },
  90083. /**
  90084. * return info about the lexer state that can help a parser or other lexer API user to use the
  90085. * most efficient means available. This API is provided to aid run-time performance for larger
  90086. * systems which employ this lexer.
  90087. *
  90088. * @public
  90089. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90090. */
  90091. canIUse: function lexer_canIUse() {
  90092. var rv = {
  90093. fastLex: !(typeof this.pre_lex === "function" || typeof this.options.pre_lex === "function" || this.yy && typeof this.yy.pre_lex === "function" || this.yy && typeof this.yy.post_lex === "function" || typeof this.options.post_lex === "function" || typeof this.post_lex === "function") && typeof this.fastLex === "function"
  90094. };
  90095. return rv;
  90096. },
  90097. /**
  90098. * backwards compatible alias for `pushState()`;
  90099. * the latter is symmetrical with `popState()` and we advise to use
  90100. * those APIs in any modern lexer code, rather than `begin()`.
  90101. *
  90102. * @public
  90103. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90104. */
  90105. begin: function lexer_begin(condition) {
  90106. return this.pushState(condition);
  90107. },
  90108. /**
  90109. * activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer
  90110. * condition state onto the condition stack)
  90111. *
  90112. * @public
  90113. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90114. */
  90115. pushState: function lexer_pushState(condition) {
  90116. this.conditionStack.push(condition);
  90117. this.__currentRuleSet__ = null;
  90118. return this;
  90119. },
  90120. /**
  90121. * pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition
  90122. * stack
  90123. *
  90124. * @public
  90125. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90126. */
  90127. popState: function lexer_popState() {
  90128. var n = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
  90129. if (n > 0) {
  90130. this.__currentRuleSet__ = null;
  90131. return this.conditionStack.pop();
  90132. } else {
  90133. return this.conditionStack[0];
  90134. }
  90135. },
  90136. /**
  90137. * return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index
  90138. * argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state,
  90139. * if available
  90140. *
  90141. * @public
  90142. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90143. */
  90144. topState: function lexer_topState(n) {
  90145. n = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(n || 0);
  90146. if (n >= 0) {
  90147. return this.conditionStack[n];
  90148. } else {
  90149. return "INITIAL";
  90150. }
  90151. },
  90152. /**
  90153. * (internal) determine the lexer rule set which is active for the
  90154. * currently active lexer condition state
  90155. *
  90156. * @public
  90157. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90158. */
  90159. _currentRules: function lexer__currentRules() {
  90160. if (this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]) {
  90161. return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]];
  90162. } else {
  90163. return this.conditions["INITIAL"];
  90164. }
  90165. },
  90166. /**
  90167. * return the number of states currently on the stack
  90168. *
  90169. * @public
  90170. * @this {RegExpLexer}
  90171. */
  90172. stateStackSize: function lexer_stateStackSize() {
  90173. return this.conditionStack.length;
  90174. },
  90175. options: {
  90176. trackPosition: true,
  90177. caseInsensitive: true
  90178. },
  90179. JisonLexerError,
  90180. performAction: function lexer__performAction(yy, yyrulenumber, YY_START) {
  90181. var yy_ = this;
  90182. var YYSTATE = YY_START;
  90183. switch (yyrulenumber) {
  90184. case 0:
  90185. break;
  90186. default:
  90187. return this.simpleCaseActionClusters[yyrulenumber];
  90188. }
  90189. },
  90190. simpleCaseActionClusters: {
  90191. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90192. /*! Rule:: (-(webkit|moz)-)?calc\b */
  90193. 1: 3,
  90194. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90195. /*! Rule:: [a-z][a-z0-9-]*\s*\((?:(?:"(?:\\.|[^\"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^\'\\])*')|\([^)]*\)|[^\(\)]*)*\) */
  90196. 2: 10,
  90197. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90198. /*! Rule:: \* */
  90199. 3: 8,
  90200. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90201. /*! Rule:: \/ */
  90202. 4: 9,
  90203. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90204. /*! Rule:: \+ */
  90205. 5: 6,
  90206. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90207. /*! Rule:: - */
  90208. 6: 7,
  90209. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90210. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)em\b */
  90211. 7: 17,
  90212. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90213. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)ex\b */
  90214. 8: 18,
  90215. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90216. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)ch\b */
  90217. 9: 19,
  90218. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90219. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)rem\b */
  90220. 10: 20,
  90221. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90222. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)vw\b */
  90223. 11: 22,
  90224. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90225. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)vh\b */
  90226. 12: 21,
  90227. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90228. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)vmin\b */
  90229. 13: 23,
  90230. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90231. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)vmax\b */
  90232. 14: 24,
  90233. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90234. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)cm\b */
  90235. 15: 11,
  90236. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90237. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)mm\b */
  90238. 16: 11,
  90239. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90240. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)Q\b */
  90241. 17: 11,
  90242. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90243. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)in\b */
  90244. 18: 11,
  90245. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90246. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)pt\b */
  90247. 19: 11,
  90248. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90249. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)pc\b */
  90250. 20: 11,
  90251. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90252. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)px\b */
  90253. 21: 11,
  90254. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90255. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)deg\b */
  90256. 22: 12,
  90257. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90258. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)grad\b */
  90259. 23: 12,
  90260. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90261. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)rad\b */
  90262. 24: 12,
  90263. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90264. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)turn\b */
  90265. 25: 12,
  90266. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90267. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)s\b */
  90268. 26: 13,
  90269. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90270. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)ms\b */
  90271. 27: 13,
  90272. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90273. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)Hz\b */
  90274. 28: 14,
  90275. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90276. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)kHz\b */
  90277. 29: 14,
  90278. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90279. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)dpi\b */
  90280. 30: 15,
  90281. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90282. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)dpcm\b */
  90283. 31: 15,
  90284. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90285. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)dppx\b */
  90286. 32: 15,
  90287. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90288. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)% */
  90289. 33: 25,
  90290. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90291. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)\b */
  90292. 34: 26,
  90293. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90294. /*! Rule:: (([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e(\+|-)[0-9]+)?)-?([a-zA-Z_]|[\240-\377]|(\\[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\[^\r\n\f0-9a-fA-F]))([a-zA-Z0-9_-]|[\240-\377]|(\\[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?|\\[^\r\n\f0-9a-fA-F]))*\b */
  90295. 35: 16,
  90296. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90297. /*! Rule:: \( */
  90298. 36: 4,
  90299. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90300. /*! Rule:: \) */
  90301. 37: 5,
  90302. /*! Conditions:: INITIAL */
  90303. /*! Rule:: $ */
  90304. 38: 1
  90305. },
  90306. rules: [
  90307. /* 0: */
  90308. /^(?:\s+)/i,
  90309. /* 1: */
  90310. /^(?:(-(webkit|moz)-)?calc\b)/i,
  90311. /* 2: */
  90312. /^(?:[a-z][\d\-a-z]*\s*\((?:(?:"(?:\\.|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*')|\([^)]*\)|[^()]*)*\))/i,
  90313. /* 3: */
  90314. /^(?:\*)/i,
  90315. /* 4: */
  90316. /^(?:\/)/i,
  90317. /* 5: */
  90318. /^(?:\+)/i,
  90319. /* 6: */
  90320. /^(?:-)/i,
  90321. /* 7: */
  90322. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)em\b)/i,
  90323. /* 8: */
  90324. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)ex\b)/i,
  90325. /* 9: */
  90326. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)ch\b)/i,
  90327. /* 10: */
  90328. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)rem\b)/i,
  90329. /* 11: */
  90330. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)vw\b)/i,
  90331. /* 12: */
  90332. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)vh\b)/i,
  90333. /* 13: */
  90334. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)vmin\b)/i,
  90335. /* 14: */
  90336. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)vmax\b)/i,
  90337. /* 15: */
  90338. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)cm\b)/i,
  90339. /* 16: */
  90340. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)mm\b)/i,
  90341. /* 17: */
  90342. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)Q\b)/i,
  90343. /* 18: */
  90344. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)in\b)/i,
  90345. /* 19: */
  90346. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)pt\b)/i,
  90347. /* 20: */
  90348. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)pc\b)/i,
  90349. /* 21: */
  90350. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)px\b)/i,
  90351. /* 22: */
  90352. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)deg\b)/i,
  90353. /* 23: */
  90354. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)grad\b)/i,
  90355. /* 24: */
  90356. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)rad\b)/i,
  90357. /* 25: */
  90358. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)turn\b)/i,
  90359. /* 26: */
  90360. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)s\b)/i,
  90361. /* 27: */
  90362. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)ms\b)/i,
  90363. /* 28: */
  90364. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)Hz\b)/i,
  90365. /* 29: */
  90366. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)kHz\b)/i,
  90367. /* 30: */
  90368. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)dpi\b)/i,
  90369. /* 31: */
  90370. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)dpcm\b)/i,
  90371. /* 32: */
  90372. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)dppx\b)/i,
  90373. /* 33: */
  90374. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)%)/i,
  90375. /* 34: */
  90376. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)\b)/i,
  90377. /* 35: */
  90378. /^(?:((\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(e(\+|-)\d+)?)-?([^\W\d]|[ -ÿ]|(\\[\dA-Fa-f]{1,6}(\r\n|[\t\n\f\r ])?|\\[^\d\n\f\rA-Fa-f]))([\w\-]|[ -ÿ]|(\\[\dA-Fa-f]{1,6}(\r\n|[\t\n\f\r ])?|\\[^\d\n\f\rA-Fa-f]))*\b)/i,
  90379. /* 36: */
  90380. /^(?:\()/i,
  90381. /* 37: */
  90382. /^(?:\))/i,
  90383. /* 38: */
  90384. /^(?:$)/i
  90385. ],
  90386. conditions: {
  90387. "INITIAL": {
  90388. rules: [
  90389. 0,
  90390. 1,
  90391. 2,
  90392. 3,
  90393. 4,
  90394. 5,
  90395. 6,
  90396. 7,
  90397. 8,
  90398. 9,
  90399. 10,
  90400. 11,
  90401. 12,
  90402. 13,
  90403. 14,
  90404. 15,
  90405. 16,
  90406. 17,
  90407. 18,
  90408. 19,
  90409. 20,
  90410. 21,
  90411. 22,
  90412. 23,
  90413. 24,
  90414. 25,
  90415. 26,
  90416. 27,
  90417. 28,
  90418. 29,
  90419. 30,
  90420. 31,
  90421. 32,
  90422. 33,
  90423. 34,
  90424. 35,
  90425. 36,
  90426. 37,
  90427. 38
  90428. ],
  90429. inclusive: true
  90430. }
  90431. }
  90432. };
  90433. return lexer2;
  90434. }();
  90435. parser2.lexer = lexer;
  90436. function Parser() {
  90437. this.yy = {};
  90438. }
  90439. Parser.prototype = parser2;
  90440. parser2.Parser = Parser;
  90441. return new Parser();
  90442. }();
  90443. if (typeof require !== "undefined" && typeof exports2 !== "undefined") {
  90444. exports2.parser = parser;
  90445. exports2.Parser = parser.Parser;
  90446. exports2.parse = function() {
  90447. return parser.parse.apply(parser, arguments);
  90448. };
  90449. }
  90450. }
  90451. });
  90452. // node_modules/postcss-calc/src/lib/convertUnit.js
  90453. var require_convertUnit = __commonJS({
  90454. "node_modules/postcss-calc/src/lib/convertUnit.js"(exports2, module2) {
  90455. "use strict";
  90456. var conversions = {
  90457. // Absolute length units
  90458. px: {
  90459. px: 1,
  90460. cm: 96 / 2.54,
  90461. mm: 96 / 25.4,
  90462. q: 96 / 101.6,
  90463. in: 96,
  90464. pt: 96 / 72,
  90465. pc: 16
  90466. },
  90467. cm: {
  90468. px: 2.54 / 96,
  90469. cm: 1,
  90470. mm: 0.1,
  90471. q: 0.025,
  90472. in: 2.54,
  90473. pt: 2.54 / 72,
  90474. pc: 2.54 / 6
  90475. },
  90476. mm: {
  90477. px: 25.4 / 96,
  90478. cm: 10,
  90479. mm: 1,
  90480. q: 0.25,
  90481. in: 25.4,
  90482. pt: 25.4 / 72,
  90483. pc: 25.4 / 6
  90484. },
  90485. q: {
  90486. px: 101.6 / 96,
  90487. cm: 40,
  90488. mm: 4,
  90489. q: 1,
  90490. in: 101.6,
  90491. pt: 101.6 / 72,
  90492. pc: 101.6 / 6
  90493. },
  90494. in: {
  90495. px: 1 / 96,
  90496. cm: 1 / 2.54,
  90497. mm: 1 / 25.4,
  90498. q: 1 / 101.6,
  90499. in: 1,
  90500. pt: 1 / 72,
  90501. pc: 1 / 6
  90502. },
  90503. pt: {
  90504. px: 0.75,
  90505. cm: 72 / 2.54,
  90506. mm: 72 / 25.4,
  90507. q: 72 / 101.6,
  90508. in: 72,
  90509. pt: 1,
  90510. pc: 12
  90511. },
  90512. pc: {
  90513. px: 0.0625,
  90514. cm: 6 / 2.54,
  90515. mm: 6 / 25.4,
  90516. q: 6 / 101.6,
  90517. in: 6,
  90518. pt: 6 / 72,
  90519. pc: 1
  90520. },
  90521. // Angle units
  90522. deg: {
  90523. deg: 1,
  90524. grad: 0.9,
  90525. rad: 180 / Math.PI,
  90526. turn: 360
  90527. },
  90528. grad: {
  90529. deg: 400 / 360,
  90530. grad: 1,
  90531. rad: 200 / Math.PI,
  90532. turn: 400
  90533. },
  90534. rad: {
  90535. deg: Math.PI / 180,
  90536. grad: Math.PI / 200,
  90537. rad: 1,
  90538. turn: Math.PI * 2
  90539. },
  90540. turn: {
  90541. deg: 1 / 360,
  90542. grad: 25e-4,
  90543. rad: 0.5 / Math.PI,
  90544. turn: 1
  90545. },
  90546. // Duration units
  90547. s: {
  90548. s: 1,
  90549. ms: 1e-3
  90550. },
  90551. ms: {
  90552. s: 1e3,
  90553. ms: 1
  90554. },
  90555. // Frequency units
  90556. hz: {
  90557. hz: 1,
  90558. khz: 1e3
  90559. },
  90560. khz: {
  90561. hz: 1e-3,
  90562. khz: 1
  90563. },
  90564. // Resolution units
  90565. dpi: {
  90566. dpi: 1,
  90567. dpcm: 1 / 2.54,
  90568. dppx: 1 / 96
  90569. },
  90570. dpcm: {
  90571. dpi: 2.54,
  90572. dpcm: 1,
  90573. dppx: 2.54 / 96
  90574. },
  90575. dppx: {
  90576. dpi: 96,
  90577. dpcm: 96 / 2.54,
  90578. dppx: 1
  90579. }
  90580. };
  90581. function convertUnit(value, sourceUnit, targetUnit, precision) {
  90582. const sourceUnitNormalized = sourceUnit.toLowerCase();
  90583. const targetUnitNormalized = targetUnit.toLowerCase();
  90584. if (!conversions[targetUnitNormalized]) {
  90585. throw new Error("Cannot convert to " + targetUnit);
  90586. }
  90587. if (!conversions[targetUnitNormalized][sourceUnitNormalized]) {
  90588. throw new Error("Cannot convert from " + sourceUnit + " to " + targetUnit);
  90589. }
  90590. const converted = conversions[targetUnitNormalized][sourceUnitNormalized] * value;
  90591. if (precision !== false) {
  90592. precision = Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(precision) || 5);
  90593. return Math.round(converted * precision) / precision;
  90594. }
  90595. return converted;
  90596. }
  90597. module2.exports = convertUnit;
  90598. }
  90599. });
  90600. // node_modules/postcss-calc/src/lib/reducer.js
  90601. var require_reducer = __commonJS({
  90602. "node_modules/postcss-calc/src/lib/reducer.js"(exports2, module2) {
  90603. "use strict";
  90604. var convertUnit = require_convertUnit();
  90605. function isValueType(node) {
  90606. switch (node.type) {
  90607. case "LengthValue":
  90608. case "AngleValue":
  90609. case "TimeValue":
  90610. case "FrequencyValue":
  90611. case "ResolutionValue":
  90612. case "EmValue":
  90613. case "ExValue":
  90614. case "ChValue":
  90615. case "RemValue":
  90616. case "VhValue":
  90617. case "VwValue":
  90618. case "VminValue":
  90619. case "VmaxValue":
  90620. case "PercentageValue":
  90621. case "Number":
  90622. return true;
  90623. }
  90624. return false;
  90625. }
  90626. function flip(operator) {
  90627. return operator === "+" ? "-" : "+";
  90628. }
  90629. function isAddSubOperator(operator) {
  90630. return operator === "+" || operator === "-";
  90631. }
  90632. function collectAddSubItems(preOperator, node, collected, precision) {
  90633. if (!isAddSubOperator(preOperator)) {
  90634. throw new Error(`invalid operator ${preOperator}`);
  90635. }
  90636. if (isValueType(node)) {
  90637. const itemIndex = collected.findIndex((x) => x.node.type === node.type);
  90638. if (itemIndex >= 0) {
  90639. if (node.value === 0) {
  90640. return;
  90641. }
  90642. const otherValueNode = (
  90643. /** @type import('../parser').ValueExpression*/
  90644. collected[itemIndex].node
  90645. );
  90646. const { left: reducedNode, right: current } = convertNodesUnits(
  90647. otherValueNode,
  90648. node,
  90649. precision
  90650. );
  90651. if (collected[itemIndex].preOperator === "-") {
  90652. collected[itemIndex].preOperator = "+";
  90653. reducedNode.value *= -1;
  90654. }
  90655. if (preOperator === "+") {
  90656. reducedNode.value += current.value;
  90657. } else {
  90658. reducedNode.value -= current.value;
  90659. }
  90660. if (reducedNode.value >= 0) {
  90661. collected[itemIndex] = { node: reducedNode, preOperator: "+" };
  90662. } else {
  90663. reducedNode.value *= -1;
  90664. collected[itemIndex] = { node: reducedNode, preOperator: "-" };
  90665. }
  90666. } else {
  90667. if (node.value >= 0) {
  90668. collected.push({ node, preOperator });
  90669. } else {
  90670. node.value *= -1;
  90671. collected.push({ node, preOperator: flip(preOperator) });
  90672. }
  90673. }
  90674. } else if (node.type === "MathExpression") {
  90675. if (isAddSubOperator(node.operator)) {
  90676. collectAddSubItems(preOperator, node.left, collected, precision);
  90677. const collectRightOperator = preOperator === "-" ? flip(node.operator) : node.operator;
  90678. collectAddSubItems(
  90679. collectRightOperator,
  90680. node.right,
  90681. collected,
  90682. precision
  90683. );
  90684. } else {
  90685. const reducedNode = reduce(node, precision);
  90686. if (reducedNode.type !== "MathExpression" || isAddSubOperator(reducedNode.operator)) {
  90687. collectAddSubItems(preOperator, reducedNode, collected, precision);
  90688. } else {
  90689. collected.push({ node: reducedNode, preOperator });
  90690. }
  90691. }
  90692. } else if (node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") {
  90693. collectAddSubItems(preOperator, node.content, collected, precision);
  90694. } else {
  90695. collected.push({ node, preOperator });
  90696. }
  90697. }
  90698. function reduceAddSubExpression(node, precision) {
  90699. const collected = [];
  90700. collectAddSubItems("+", node, collected, precision);
  90701. const withoutZeroItem = collected.filter(
  90702. (item) => !(isValueType(item.node) && item.node.value === 0)
  90703. );
  90704. const firstNonZeroItem = withoutZeroItem[0];
  90705. if (!firstNonZeroItem || firstNonZeroItem.preOperator === "-" && !isValueType(firstNonZeroItem.node)) {
  90706. const firstZeroItem = collected.find(
  90707. (item) => isValueType(item.node) && item.node.value === 0
  90708. );
  90709. if (firstZeroItem) {
  90710. withoutZeroItem.unshift(firstZeroItem);
  90711. }
  90712. }
  90713. if (withoutZeroItem[0].preOperator === "-" && isValueType(withoutZeroItem[0].node)) {
  90714. withoutZeroItem[0].node.value *= -1;
  90715. withoutZeroItem[0].preOperator = "+";
  90716. }
  90717. let root = withoutZeroItem[0].node;
  90718. for (let i = 1; i < withoutZeroItem.length; i++) {
  90719. root = {
  90720. type: "MathExpression",
  90721. operator: withoutZeroItem[i].preOperator,
  90722. left: root,
  90723. right: withoutZeroItem[i].node
  90724. };
  90725. }
  90726. return root;
  90727. }
  90728. function reduceDivisionExpression(node) {
  90729. if (!isValueType(node.right)) {
  90730. return node;
  90731. }
  90732. if (node.right.type !== "Number") {
  90733. throw new Error(`Cannot divide by "${node.right.unit}", number expected`);
  90734. }
  90735. return applyNumberDivision(node.left, node.right.value);
  90736. }
  90737. function applyNumberDivision(node, divisor) {
  90738. if (divisor === 0) {
  90739. throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero");
  90740. }
  90741. if (isValueType(node)) {
  90742. node.value /= divisor;
  90743. return node;
  90744. }
  90745. if (node.type === "MathExpression" && isAddSubOperator(node.operator)) {
  90746. return {
  90747. type: "MathExpression",
  90748. operator: node.operator,
  90749. left: applyNumberDivision(node.left, divisor),
  90750. right: applyNumberDivision(node.right, divisor)
  90751. };
  90752. }
  90753. return {
  90754. type: "MathExpression",
  90755. operator: "/",
  90756. left: node,
  90757. right: {
  90758. type: "Number",
  90759. value: divisor
  90760. }
  90761. };
  90762. }
  90763. function reduceMultiplicationExpression(node) {
  90764. if (node.right.type === "Number") {
  90765. return applyNumberMultiplication(node.left, node.right.value);
  90766. }
  90767. if (node.left.type === "Number") {
  90768. return applyNumberMultiplication(node.right, node.left.value);
  90769. }
  90770. return node;
  90771. }
  90772. function applyNumberMultiplication(node, multiplier) {
  90773. if (isValueType(node)) {
  90774. node.value *= multiplier;
  90775. return node;
  90776. }
  90777. if (node.type === "MathExpression" && isAddSubOperator(node.operator)) {
  90778. return {
  90779. type: "MathExpression",
  90780. operator: node.operator,
  90781. left: applyNumberMultiplication(node.left, multiplier),
  90782. right: applyNumberMultiplication(node.right, multiplier)
  90783. };
  90784. }
  90785. return {
  90786. type: "MathExpression",
  90787. operator: "*",
  90788. left: node,
  90789. right: {
  90790. type: "Number",
  90791. value: multiplier
  90792. }
  90793. };
  90794. }
  90795. function convertNodesUnits(left, right, precision) {
  90796. switch (left.type) {
  90797. case "LengthValue":
  90798. case "AngleValue":
  90799. case "TimeValue":
  90800. case "FrequencyValue":
  90801. case "ResolutionValue":
  90802. if (right.type === left.type && right.unit && left.unit) {
  90803. const converted = convertUnit(
  90804. right.value,
  90805. right.unit,
  90806. left.unit,
  90807. precision
  90808. );
  90809. right = {
  90810. type: left.type,
  90811. value: converted,
  90812. unit: left.unit
  90813. };
  90814. }
  90815. return { left, right };
  90816. default:
  90817. return { left, right };
  90818. }
  90819. }
  90820. function includesNoCssProperties(node) {
  90821. return node.content.type !== "Function" && (node.content.type !== "MathExpression" || node.content.right.type !== "Function" && node.content.left.type !== "Function");
  90822. }
  90823. function reduce(node, precision) {
  90824. if (node.type === "MathExpression") {
  90825. if (isAddSubOperator(node.operator)) {
  90826. return reduceAddSubExpression(node, precision);
  90827. }
  90828. node.left = reduce(node.left, precision);
  90829. node.right = reduce(node.right, precision);
  90830. switch (node.operator) {
  90831. case "/":
  90832. return reduceDivisionExpression(node);
  90833. case "*":
  90834. return reduceMultiplicationExpression(node);
  90835. }
  90836. return node;
  90837. }
  90838. if (node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") {
  90839. if (includesNoCssProperties(node)) {
  90840. return reduce(node.content, precision);
  90841. }
  90842. }
  90843. return node;
  90844. }
  90845. module2.exports = reduce;
  90846. }
  90847. });
  90848. // node_modules/postcss-calc/src/lib/stringifier.js
  90849. var require_stringifier3 = __commonJS({
  90850. "node_modules/postcss-calc/src/lib/stringifier.js"(exports2, module2) {
  90851. "use strict";
  90852. var order = {
  90853. "*": 0,
  90854. "/": 0,
  90855. "+": 1,
  90856. "-": 1
  90857. };
  90858. function round(value, prec) {
  90859. if (prec !== false) {
  90860. const precision = Math.pow(10, prec);
  90861. return Math.round(value * precision) / precision;
  90862. }
  90863. return value;
  90864. }
  90865. function stringify(node, prec) {
  90866. switch (node.type) {
  90867. case "MathExpression": {
  90868. const { left, right, operator: op } = node;
  90869. let str = "";
  90870. if (left.type === "MathExpression" && order[op] < order[left.operator]) {
  90871. str += `(${stringify(left, prec)})`;
  90872. } else {
  90873. str += stringify(left, prec);
  90874. }
  90875. str += order[op] ? ` ${node.operator} ` : node.operator;
  90876. if (right.type === "MathExpression" && order[op] < order[right.operator]) {
  90877. str += `(${stringify(right, prec)})`;
  90878. } else {
  90879. str += stringify(right, prec);
  90880. }
  90881. return str;
  90882. }
  90883. case "Number":
  90884. return round(node.value, prec).toString();
  90885. case "Function":
  90886. return node.value.toString();
  90887. case "ParenthesizedExpression":
  90888. return `(${stringify(node.content, prec)})`;
  90889. default:
  90890. return round(node.value, prec) + node.unit;
  90891. }
  90892. }
  90893. module2.exports = function(calc, node, originalValue, options, result, item) {
  90894. let str = stringify(node, options.precision);
  90895. const shouldPrintCalc = node.type === "MathExpression" || node.type === "Function" || node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression";
  90896. if (shouldPrintCalc) {
  90897. if (node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") {
  90898. str = `${calc}${str}`;
  90899. } else {
  90900. str = `${calc}(${str})`;
  90901. }
  90902. if (options.warnWhenCannotResolve) {
  90903. result.warn("Could not reduce expression: " + originalValue, {
  90904. plugin: "postcss-calc",
  90905. node: item
  90906. });
  90907. }
  90908. }
  90909. return str;
  90910. };
  90911. }
  90912. });
  90913. // node_modules/postcss-calc/src/lib/transform.js
  90914. var require_transform = __commonJS({
  90915. "node_modules/postcss-calc/src/lib/transform.js"(exports2, module2) {
  90916. "use strict";
  90917. var selectorParser = require_dist2();
  90918. var valueParser = require_lib();
  90919. var { parser } = require_parser6();
  90920. var reducer = require_reducer();
  90921. var stringifier = require_stringifier3();
  90922. var MATCH_CALC = /((?:-(moz|webkit)-)?calc)/i;
  90923. function transformValue(value, options, result, item) {
  90924. return valueParser(value).walk((node) => {
  90925. if (node.type !== "function" || !MATCH_CALC.test(node.value)) {
  90926. return;
  90927. }
  90928. const contents = valueParser.stringify(node.nodes);
  90929. const ast = parser.parse(contents);
  90930. const reducedAst = reducer(ast, options.precision);
  90931. node.type = "word";
  90932. node.value = stringifier(
  90933. node.value,
  90934. reducedAst,
  90935. value,
  90936. options,
  90937. result,
  90938. item
  90939. );
  90940. return false;
  90941. }).toString();
  90942. }
  90943. function transformSelector(value, options, result, item) {
  90944. return selectorParser((selectors) => {
  90945. selectors.walk((node) => {
  90946. if (node.type === "attribute" && node.value) {
  90947. node.setValue(transformValue(node.value, options, result, item));
  90948. }
  90949. if (node.type === "tag") {
  90950. node.value = transformValue(node.value, options, result, item);
  90951. }
  90952. return;
  90953. });
  90954. }).processSync(value);
  90955. }
  90956. module2.exports = (node, property, options, result) => {
  90957. let value = node[property];
  90958. try {
  90959. value = property === "selector" ? transformSelector(node[property], options, result, node) : transformValue(node[property], options, result, node);
  90960. } catch (error) {
  90961. if (error instanceof Error) {
  90962. result.warn(error.message, { node });
  90963. } else {
  90964. result.warn("Error", { node });
  90965. }
  90966. return;
  90967. }
  90968. if (options.preserve && node[property] !== value) {
  90969. const clone = node.clone();
  90970. clone[property] = value;
  90971. node.parent.insertBefore(node, clone);
  90972. } else {
  90973. node[property] = value;
  90974. }
  90975. };
  90976. }
  90977. });
  90978. // node_modules/postcss-calc/src/index.js
  90979. var require_src10 = __commonJS({
  90980. "node_modules/postcss-calc/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  90981. "use strict";
  90982. var transform = require_transform();
  90983. function pluginCreator(opts) {
  90984. const options = Object.assign(
  90985. {
  90986. precision: 5,
  90987. preserve: false,
  90988. warnWhenCannotResolve: false,
  90989. mediaQueries: false,
  90990. selectors: false
  90991. },
  90992. opts
  90993. );
  90994. return {
  90995. postcssPlugin: "postcss-calc",
  90996. OnceExit(css, { result }) {
  90997. css.walk((node) => {
  90998. const { type } = node;
  90999. if (type === "decl") {
  91000. transform(node, "value", options, result);
  91001. }
  91002. if (type === "atrule" && options.mediaQueries) {
  91003. transform(node, "params", options, result);
  91004. }
  91005. if (type === "rule" && options.selectors) {
  91006. transform(node, "selector", options, result);
  91007. }
  91008. });
  91009. }
  91010. };
  91011. }
  91012. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  91013. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  91014. }
  91015. });
  91016. // node_modules/colord/plugins/minify.js
  91017. var require_minify = __commonJS({
  91018. "node_modules/colord/plugins/minify.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91019. module2.exports = function(t) {
  91020. var r = function(t2) {
  91021. var r2, n2, e, i = t2.toHex(), a = t2.alpha(), h = i.split(""), s = h[1], o = h[2], u = h[3], l = h[4], p = h[5], f = h[6], g = h[7], v = h[8];
  91022. if (a > 0 && a < 1 && (r2 = parseInt(g + v, 16) / 255, void 0 === (n2 = 2) && (n2 = 0), void 0 === e && (e = Math.pow(10, n2)), Math.round(e * r2) / e + 0 !== a))
  91023. return null;
  91024. if (s === o && u === l && p === f) {
  91025. if (1 === a)
  91026. return "#" + s + u + p;
  91027. if (g === v)
  91028. return "#" + s + u + p + g;
  91029. }
  91030. return i;
  91031. }, n = function(t2) {
  91032. return t2 > 0 && t2 < 1 ? t2.toString().replace("0.", ".") : t2;
  91033. };
  91034. t.prototype.minify = function(t2) {
  91035. void 0 === t2 && (t2 = {});
  91036. var e = this.toRgb(), i = n(e.r), a = n(e.g), h = n(e.b), s = this.toHsl(), o = n(s.h), u = n(s.s), l = n(s.l), p = n(this.alpha()), f = Object.assign({ hex: true, rgb: true, hsl: true }, t2), g = [];
  91037. if (f.hex && (1 === p || f.alphaHex)) {
  91038. var v = r(this);
  91039. v && g.push(v);
  91040. }
  91041. if (f.rgb && g.push(1 === p ? "rgb(" + i + "," + a + "," + h + ")" : "rgba(" + i + "," + a + "," + h + "," + p + ")"), f.hsl && g.push(1 === p ? "hsl(" + o + "," + u + "%," + l + "%)" : "hsla(" + o + "," + u + "%," + l + "%," + p + ")"), f.transparent && 0 === i && 0 === a && 0 === h && 0 === p)
  91042. g.push("transparent");
  91043. else if (1 === p && && "function" == typeof this.toName) {
  91044. var c = this.toName();
  91045. c && g.push(c);
  91046. }
  91047. return function(t3) {
  91048. for (var r2 = t3[0], n2 = 1; n2 < t3.length; n2++)
  91049. t3[n2].length < r2.length && (r2 = t3[n2]);
  91050. return r2;
  91051. }(g);
  91052. };
  91053. };
  91054. }
  91055. });
  91056. // node_modules/postcss-colormin/src/minifyColor.js
  91057. var require_minifyColor = __commonJS({
  91058. "node_modules/postcss-colormin/src/minifyColor.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91059. "use strict";
  91060. var { colord, extend } = require_colord();
  91061. var namesPlugin = require_names();
  91062. var minifierPlugin = require_minify();
  91063. extend(
  91064. /** @type {any[]} */
  91065. [namesPlugin, minifierPlugin]
  91066. );
  91067. module2.exports = function minifyColor(input, options = {}) {
  91068. const instance = colord(input);
  91069. if (instance.isValid()) {
  91070. const minified = instance.minify(options);
  91071. return minified.length < input.length ? minified : input.toLowerCase();
  91072. } else {
  91073. return input;
  91074. }
  91075. };
  91076. }
  91077. });
  91078. // node_modules/postcss-colormin/src/index.js
  91079. var require_src11 = __commonJS({
  91080. "node_modules/postcss-colormin/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91081. "use strict";
  91082. var { dirname } = require("path");
  91083. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  91084. var { isSupported } = require_dist();
  91085. var valueParser = require_lib();
  91086. var minifyColor = require_minifyColor();
  91087. function walk(parent, callback) {
  91088. parent.nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
  91089. const bubble = callback(node, index, parent);
  91090. if (node.type === "function" && bubble !== false) {
  91091. walk(node, callback);
  91092. }
  91093. });
  91094. }
  91095. var browsersWithTransparentBug = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["ie 8", "ie 9"]);
  91096. var mathFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["calc", "min", "max", "clamp"]);
  91097. function isMathFunctionNode(node) {
  91098. if (node.type !== "function") {
  91099. return false;
  91100. }
  91101. return mathFunctions.has(node.value.toLowerCase());
  91102. }
  91103. function transform(value, options) {
  91104. const parsed = valueParser(value);
  91105. walk(parsed, (node, index, parent) => {
  91106. if (node.type === "function") {
  91107. if (/^(rgb|hsl)a?$/i.test(node.value)) {
  91108. const { value: originalValue } = node;
  91109. node.value = minifyColor(valueParser.stringify(node), options);
  91110. node.type = "word";
  91111. const next = parent.nodes[index + 1];
  91112. if (node.value !== originalValue && next && (next.type === "word" || next.type === "function")) {
  91113. parent.nodes.splice(
  91114. index + 1,
  91115. 0,
  91116. /** @type {valueParser.SpaceNode} */
  91117. {
  91118. type: "space",
  91119. value: " "
  91120. }
  91121. );
  91122. }
  91123. } else if (isMathFunctionNode(node)) {
  91124. return false;
  91125. }
  91126. } else if (node.type === "word") {
  91127. node.value = minifyColor(node.value, options);
  91128. }
  91129. });
  91130. return parsed.toString();
  91131. }
  91132. function addPluginDefaults(options, browsers) {
  91133. const defaults = {
  91134. // Does the browser support 4 & 8 character hex notation
  91135. transparent: browsers.some((b) => browsersWithTransparentBug.has(b)) === false,
  91136. // Does the browser support "transparent" value properly
  91137. alphaHex: isSupported("css-rrggbbaa", browsers),
  91138. name: true
  91139. };
  91140. return { ...defaults, ...options };
  91141. }
  91142. function pluginCreator(config = {}) {
  91143. return {
  91144. postcssPlugin: "postcss-colormin",
  91145. /**
  91146. * @param {import('postcss').Result & {opts: BrowserslistOptions & {file?: string}}} result
  91147. */
  91148. prepare(result) {
  91149. const { stats, env, from, file } = result.opts || {};
  91150. const browsers = browserslist(config.overrideBrowserslist, {
  91151. stats: config.stats || stats,
  91152. path: config.path || dirname(from || file || __filename),
  91153. env: config.env || env
  91154. });
  91155. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  91156. const options = addPluginDefaults(config, browsers);
  91157. return {
  91158. OnceExit(css) {
  91159. css.walkDecls((decl) => {
  91160. if (/^(composes|font|src$|filter|-webkit-tap-highlight-color)/i.test(
  91161. decl.prop
  91162. )) {
  91163. return;
  91164. }
  91165. const value = decl.value;
  91166. if (!value) {
  91167. return;
  91168. }
  91169. const cacheKey = JSON.stringify({ value, options, browsers });
  91170. if (cache.has(cacheKey)) {
  91171. decl.value = cache.get(cacheKey);
  91172. return;
  91173. }
  91174. const newValue = transform(value, options);
  91175. decl.value = newValue;
  91176. cache.set(cacheKey, newValue);
  91177. });
  91178. }
  91179. };
  91180. }
  91181. };
  91182. }
  91183. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  91184. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  91185. }
  91186. });
  91187. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/joinGridValue.js
  91188. var require_joinGridValue = __commonJS({
  91189. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/joinGridValue.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91190. "use strict";
  91191. module2.exports = function joinGridVal(grid) {
  91192. return grid.join(" / ").trim();
  91193. };
  91194. }
  91195. });
  91196. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/grid.js
  91197. var require_grid = __commonJS({
  91198. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/grid.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91199. "use strict";
  91200. var joinGridValue = require_joinGridValue();
  91201. var normalizeGridAutoFlow = (gridAutoFlow) => {
  91202. let newValue = { front: "", back: "" };
  91203. let shouldNormalize = false;
  91204. gridAutoFlow.walk((node) => {
  91205. if (node.value === "dense") {
  91206. shouldNormalize = true;
  91207. newValue.back = node.value;
  91208. } else if (["row", "column"].includes(node.value.trim().toLowerCase())) {
  91209. shouldNormalize = true;
  91210. newValue.front = node.value;
  91211. } else {
  91212. shouldNormalize = false;
  91213. }
  91214. });
  91215. if (shouldNormalize) {
  91216. return `${newValue.front.trim()} ${newValue.back.trim()}`;
  91217. }
  91218. return gridAutoFlow;
  91219. };
  91220. var normalizeGridColumnRowGap = (gridGap) => {
  91221. let newValue = { front: "", back: "" };
  91222. let shouldNormalize = false;
  91223. gridGap.walk((node) => {
  91224. if (node.value === "normal") {
  91225. shouldNormalize = true;
  91226. newValue.front = node.value;
  91227. } else {
  91228. newValue.back = `${newValue.back} ${node.value}`;
  91229. }
  91230. });
  91231. if (shouldNormalize) {
  91232. return `${newValue.front.trim()} ${newValue.back.trim()}`;
  91233. }
  91234. return gridGap;
  91235. };
  91236. var normalizeGridColumnRow = (grid) => {
  91237. let gridValue = grid.toString().split("/");
  91238. if (gridValue.length > 1) {
  91239. return joinGridValue(
  91240. => {
  91241. let normalizeValue = {
  91242. front: "",
  91243. back: ""
  91244. };
  91245. gridLine = gridLine.trim();
  91246. gridLine.split(" ").forEach((node) => {
  91247. if (node === "span") {
  91248. normalizeValue.front = node;
  91249. } else {
  91250. normalizeValue.back = `${normalizeValue.back} ${node}`;
  91251. }
  91252. });
  91253. return `${normalizeValue.front.trim()} ${normalizeValue.back.trim()}`;
  91254. })
  91255. // returns "2 / span 3"
  91256. );
  91257. }
  91258. return => {
  91259. let normalizeValue = {
  91260. front: "",
  91261. back: ""
  91262. };
  91263. gridLine = gridLine.trim();
  91264. gridLine.split(" ").forEach((node) => {
  91265. if (node === "span") {
  91266. normalizeValue.front = node;
  91267. } else {
  91268. normalizeValue.back = `${normalizeValue.back} ${node}`;
  91269. }
  91270. });
  91271. return `${normalizeValue.front.trim()} ${normalizeValue.back.trim()}`;
  91272. });
  91273. };
  91274. module2.exports = {
  91275. normalizeGridAutoFlow,
  91276. normalizeGridColumnRowGap,
  91277. normalizeGridColumnRow
  91278. };
  91279. }
  91280. });
  91281. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/addSpace.js
  91282. var require_addSpace = __commonJS({
  91283. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/addSpace.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91284. "use strict";
  91285. module2.exports = function addSpace() {
  91286. return (
  91287. /** @type import('postcss-value-parser').SpaceNode */
  91288. {
  91289. type: "space",
  91290. value: " "
  91291. }
  91292. );
  91293. };
  91294. }
  91295. });
  91296. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/getValue.js
  91297. var require_getValue = __commonJS({
  91298. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/getValue.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91299. "use strict";
  91300. var { stringify } = require_lib();
  91301. module2.exports = function getValue(values) {
  91302. return stringify(flatten(values));
  91303. };
  91304. function flatten(values) {
  91305. const nodes = [];
  91306. for (const [index, arg] of values.entries()) {
  91307. arg.forEach((val, idx) => {
  91308. if (idx === arg.length - 1 && index === values.length - 1 && val.type === "space") {
  91309. return;
  91310. }
  91311. nodes.push(val);
  91312. });
  91313. if (index !== values.length - 1) {
  91314. nodes[nodes.length - 1].type = "div";
  91315. nodes[nodes.length - 1].value = ",";
  91316. }
  91317. }
  91318. return nodes;
  91319. }
  91320. }
  91321. });
  91322. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/animation.js
  91323. var require_animation2 = __commonJS({
  91324. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/animation.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91325. "use strict";
  91326. var { unit } = require_lib();
  91327. var { getArguments } = require_src5();
  91328. var addSpace = require_addSpace();
  91329. var getValue = require_getValue();
  91330. var functions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["steps", "cubic-bezier", "frames"]);
  91331. var keywords = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  91332. "ease",
  91333. "ease-in",
  91334. "ease-in-out",
  91335. "ease-out",
  91336. "linear",
  91337. "step-end",
  91338. "step-start"
  91339. ]);
  91340. var directions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  91341. "normal",
  91342. "reverse",
  91343. "alternate",
  91344. "alternate-reverse"
  91345. ]);
  91346. var fillModes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["none", "forwards", "backwards", "both"]);
  91347. var playStates = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["running", "paused"]);
  91348. var timeUnits = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["ms", "s"]);
  91349. var isTimingFunction = (value, type) => {
  91350. return type === "function" && functions.has(value) || keywords.has(value);
  91351. };
  91352. var isDirection = (value) => {
  91353. return directions.has(value);
  91354. };
  91355. var isFillMode = (value) => {
  91356. return fillModes.has(value);
  91357. };
  91358. var isPlayState = (value) => {
  91359. return playStates.has(value);
  91360. };
  91361. var isTime = (value) => {
  91362. const quantity = unit(value);
  91363. return quantity && timeUnits.has(quantity.unit);
  91364. };
  91365. var isIterationCount = (value) => {
  91366. const quantity = unit(value);
  91367. return value === "infinite" || quantity && !quantity.unit;
  91368. };
  91369. var stateConditions = [
  91370. { property: "duration", delegate: isTime },
  91371. { property: "timingFunction", delegate: isTimingFunction },
  91372. { property: "delay", delegate: isTime },
  91373. { property: "iterationCount", delegate: isIterationCount },
  91374. { property: "direction", delegate: isDirection },
  91375. { property: "fillMode", delegate: isFillMode },
  91376. { property: "playState", delegate: isPlayState }
  91377. ];
  91378. function normalize(args) {
  91379. const list = [];
  91380. for (const arg of args) {
  91381. const state = {
  91382. name: [],
  91383. duration: [],
  91384. timingFunction: [],
  91385. delay: [],
  91386. iterationCount: [],
  91387. direction: [],
  91388. fillMode: [],
  91389. playState: []
  91390. };
  91391. arg.forEach((node) => {
  91392. let { type, value } = node;
  91393. if (type === "space") {
  91394. return;
  91395. }
  91396. value = value.toLowerCase();
  91397. const hasMatch = stateConditions.some(({ property, delegate }) => {
  91398. if (delegate(value, type) && !state[property].length) {
  91399. state[property] = [node, addSpace()];
  91400. return true;
  91401. }
  91402. });
  91403. if (!hasMatch) {
  91404. = [, node, addSpace()];
  91405. }
  91406. });
  91407. list.push([
  91409. ...state.duration,
  91410. ...state.timingFunction,
  91411. ...state.delay,
  91412. ...state.iterationCount,
  91413. ...state.direction,
  91414. ...state.fillMode,
  91415. ...state.playState
  91416. ]);
  91417. }
  91418. return list;
  91419. }
  91420. module2.exports = function normalizeAnimation(parsed) {
  91421. const values = normalize(getArguments(parsed));
  91422. return getValue(values);
  91423. };
  91424. }
  91425. });
  91426. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/mathfunctions.js
  91427. var require_mathfunctions = __commonJS({
  91428. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/mathfunctions.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91429. "use strict";
  91430. module2.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["calc", "clamp", "max", "min"]);
  91431. }
  91432. });
  91433. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/border.js
  91434. var require_border2 = __commonJS({
  91435. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/border.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91436. "use strict";
  91437. var { unit, stringify } = require_lib();
  91438. var mathFunctions = require_mathfunctions();
  91439. var borderWidths = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["thin", "medium", "thick"]);
  91440. var borderStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  91441. "none",
  91442. "auto",
  91443. // only in outline-style
  91444. "hidden",
  91445. "dotted",
  91446. "dashed",
  91447. "solid",
  91448. "double",
  91449. "groove",
  91450. "ridge",
  91451. "inset",
  91452. "outset"
  91453. ]);
  91454. module2.exports = function normalizeBorder(border) {
  91455. const order = { width: "", style: "", color: "" };
  91456. border.walk((node) => {
  91457. const { type, value } = node;
  91458. if (type === "word") {
  91459. if (borderStyles.has(value.toLowerCase())) {
  91460. = value;
  91461. return false;
  91462. }
  91463. if (borderWidths.has(value.toLowerCase()) || unit(value.toLowerCase())) {
  91464. if (order.width !== "") {
  91465. order.width = `${order.width} ${value}`;
  91466. return false;
  91467. }
  91468. order.width = value;
  91469. return false;
  91470. }
  91471. order.color = value;
  91472. return false;
  91473. }
  91474. if (type === "function") {
  91475. if (mathFunctions.has(value.toLowerCase())) {
  91476. order.width = stringify(node);
  91477. } else {
  91478. order.color = stringify(node);
  91479. }
  91480. return false;
  91481. }
  91482. });
  91483. return `${order.width} ${} ${order.color}`.trim();
  91484. };
  91485. }
  91486. });
  91487. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/vendorUnprefixed.js
  91488. var require_vendorUnprefixed = __commonJS({
  91489. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/lib/vendorUnprefixed.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91490. "use strict";
  91491. function vendorUnprefixed(prop) {
  91492. return prop.replace(/^-\w+-/, "");
  91493. }
  91494. module2.exports = vendorUnprefixed;
  91495. }
  91496. });
  91497. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/boxShadow.js
  91498. var require_boxShadow = __commonJS({
  91499. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/boxShadow.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91500. "use strict";
  91501. var { unit } = require_lib();
  91502. var { getArguments } = require_src5();
  91503. var addSpace = require_addSpace();
  91504. var getValue = require_getValue();
  91505. var mathFunctions = require_mathfunctions();
  91506. var vendorUnprefixed = require_vendorUnprefixed();
  91507. module2.exports = function normalizeBoxShadow(parsed) {
  91508. let args = getArguments(parsed);
  91509. const normalized = normalize(args);
  91510. if (normalized === false) {
  91511. return parsed.toString();
  91512. }
  91513. return getValue(normalized);
  91514. };
  91515. function normalize(args) {
  91516. const list = [];
  91517. let abort = false;
  91518. for (const arg of args) {
  91519. let val = [];
  91520. let state = {
  91521. inset: [],
  91522. color: []
  91523. };
  91524. arg.forEach((node) => {
  91525. const { type, value } = node;
  91526. if (type === "function" && mathFunctions.has(vendorUnprefixed(value.toLowerCase()))) {
  91527. abort = true;
  91528. return;
  91529. }
  91530. if (type === "space") {
  91531. return;
  91532. }
  91533. if (unit(value)) {
  91534. val = [...val, node, addSpace()];
  91535. } else if (value.toLowerCase() === "inset") {
  91536. state.inset = [...state.inset, node, addSpace()];
  91537. } else {
  91538. state.color = [...state.color, node, addSpace()];
  91539. }
  91540. });
  91541. if (abort) {
  91542. return false;
  91543. }
  91544. list.push([...state.inset, ...val, ...state.color]);
  91545. }
  91546. return list;
  91547. }
  91548. }
  91549. });
  91550. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/flexFlow.js
  91551. var require_flexFlow = __commonJS({
  91552. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/flexFlow.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91553. "use strict";
  91554. var flexDirection = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  91555. "row",
  91556. "row-reverse",
  91557. "column",
  91558. "column-reverse"
  91559. ]);
  91560. var flexWrap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["nowrap", "wrap", "wrap-reverse"]);
  91561. module2.exports = function normalizeFlexFlow(flexFlow) {
  91562. let order = {
  91563. direction: "",
  91564. wrap: ""
  91565. };
  91566. flexFlow.walk(({ value }) => {
  91567. if (flexDirection.has(value.toLowerCase())) {
  91568. order.direction = value;
  91569. return;
  91570. }
  91571. if (flexWrap.has(value.toLowerCase())) {
  91572. order.wrap = value;
  91573. return;
  91574. }
  91575. });
  91576. return `${order.direction} ${order.wrap}`.trim();
  91577. };
  91578. }
  91579. });
  91580. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/transition.js
  91581. var require_transition2 = __commonJS({
  91582. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/transition.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91583. "use strict";
  91584. var { unit } = require_lib();
  91585. var { getArguments } = require_src5();
  91586. var addSpace = require_addSpace();
  91587. var getValue = require_getValue();
  91588. var timingFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  91589. "ease",
  91590. "linear",
  91591. "ease-in",
  91592. "ease-out",
  91593. "ease-in-out",
  91594. "step-start",
  91595. "step-end"
  91596. ]);
  91597. function normalize(args) {
  91598. const list = [];
  91599. for (const arg of args) {
  91600. let state = {
  91601. timingFunction: [],
  91602. property: [],
  91603. time1: [],
  91604. time2: []
  91605. };
  91606. arg.forEach((node) => {
  91607. const { type, value } = node;
  91608. if (type === "space") {
  91609. return;
  91610. }
  91611. if (type === "function" && (/* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["steps", "cubic-bezier"])).has(value.toLowerCase())) {
  91612. state.timingFunction = [...state.timingFunction, node, addSpace()];
  91613. } else if (unit(value)) {
  91614. if (!state.time1.length) {
  91615. state.time1 = [...state.time1, node, addSpace()];
  91616. } else {
  91617. state.time2 = [...state.time2, node, addSpace()];
  91618. }
  91619. } else if (timingFunctions.has(value.toLowerCase())) {
  91620. state.timingFunction = [...state.timingFunction, node, addSpace()];
  91621. } else {
  91622. = [, node, addSpace()];
  91623. }
  91624. });
  91625. list.push([
  91627. ...state.time1,
  91628. ...state.timingFunction,
  91629. ...state.time2
  91630. ]);
  91631. }
  91632. return list;
  91633. }
  91634. module2.exports = function normalizeTransition(parsed) {
  91635. const values = normalize(getArguments(parsed));
  91636. return getValue(values);
  91637. };
  91638. }
  91639. });
  91640. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/listStyleTypes.json
  91641. var require_listStyleTypes = __commonJS({
  91642. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/listStyleTypes.json"(exports2, module2) {
  91643. module2.exports = {
  91644. "list-style-type": [
  91645. "afar",
  91646. "amharic",
  91647. "amharic-abegede",
  91648. "arabic-indic",
  91649. "armenian",
  91650. "asterisks",
  91651. "bengali",
  91652. "binary",
  91653. "cambodian",
  91654. "circle",
  91655. "cjk-decimal",
  91656. "cjk-earthly-branch",
  91657. "cjk-heavenly-stem",
  91658. "cjk-ideographic",
  91659. "decimal",
  91660. "decimal-leading-zero",
  91661. "devanagari",
  91662. "disc",
  91663. "disclosure-closed",
  91664. "disclosure-open",
  91665. "ethiopic",
  91666. "ethiopic-abegede",
  91667. "ethiopic-abegede-am-et",
  91668. "ethiopic-abegede-gez",
  91669. "ethiopic-abegede-ti-er",
  91670. "ethiopic-abegede-ti-et",
  91671. "ethiopic-halehame",
  91672. "ethiopic-halehame-aa-er",
  91673. "ethiopic-halehame-aa-et",
  91674. "ethiopic-halehame-am",
  91675. "ethiopic-halehame-am-et",
  91676. "ethiopic-halehame-gez",
  91677. "ethiopic-halehame-om-et",
  91678. "ethiopic-halehame-sid-et",
  91679. "ethiopic-halehame-so-et",
  91680. "ethiopic-halehame-ti-er",
  91681. "ethiopic-halehame-ti-et",
  91682. "ethiopic-halehame-tig",
  91683. "ethiopic-numeric",
  91684. "footnotes",
  91685. "georgian",
  91686. "gujarati",
  91687. "gurmukhi",
  91688. "hangul",
  91689. "hangul-consonant",
  91690. "hebrew",
  91691. "hiragana",
  91692. "hiragana-iroha",
  91693. "japanese-formal",
  91694. "japanese-informal",
  91695. "kannada",
  91696. "katakana",
  91697. "katakana-iroha",
  91698. "khmer",
  91699. "korean-hangul-formal",
  91700. "korean-hanja-formal",
  91701. "korean-hanja-informal",
  91702. "lao",
  91703. "lower-alpha",
  91704. "lower-armenian",
  91705. "lower-greek",
  91706. "lower-hexadecimal",
  91707. "lower-latin",
  91708. "lower-norwegian",
  91709. "lower-roman",
  91710. "malayalam",
  91711. "mongolian",
  91712. "myanmar",
  91713. "octal",
  91714. "oriya",
  91715. "oromo",
  91716. "persian",
  91717. "sidama",
  91718. "simp-chinese-formal",
  91719. "simp-chinese-informal",
  91720. "somali",
  91721. "square",
  91722. "string",
  91723. "symbols",
  91724. "tamil",
  91725. "telugu",
  91726. "thai",
  91727. "tibetan",
  91728. "tigre",
  91729. "tigrinya-er",
  91730. "tigrinya-er-abegede",
  91731. "tigrinya-et",
  91732. "tigrinya-et-abegede",
  91733. "trad-chinese-formal",
  91734. "trad-chinese-informal",
  91735. "upper-alpha",
  91736. "upper-armenian",
  91737. "upper-greek",
  91738. "upper-hexadecimal",
  91739. "upper-latin",
  91740. "upper-norwegian",
  91741. "upper-roman",
  91742. "urdu"
  91743. ]
  91744. };
  91745. }
  91746. });
  91747. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/listStyle.js
  91748. var require_listStyle = __commonJS({
  91749. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/listStyle.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91750. "use strict";
  91751. var valueParser = require_lib();
  91752. var listStyleTypes = require_listStyleTypes();
  91753. var definedTypes = new Set(listStyleTypes["list-style-type"]);
  91754. var definedPosition = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["inside", "outside"]);
  91755. module2.exports = function listStyleNormalizer(listStyle) {
  91756. const order = { type: "", position: "", image: "" };
  91757. listStyle.walk((decl) => {
  91758. if (decl.type === "word") {
  91759. if (definedTypes.has(decl.value)) {
  91760. order.type = `${order.type} ${decl.value}`;
  91761. } else if (definedPosition.has(decl.value)) {
  91762. order.position = `${order.position} ${decl.value}`;
  91763. } else if (decl.value === "none") {
  91764. if (order.type.split(" ").filter((e) => e !== "" && e !== " ").includes("none")) {
  91765. order.image = `${order.image} ${decl.value}`;
  91766. } else {
  91767. order.type = `${order.type} ${decl.value}`;
  91768. }
  91769. } else {
  91770. order.type = `${order.type} ${decl.value}`;
  91771. }
  91772. }
  91773. if (decl.type === "function") {
  91774. order.image = `${order.image} ${valueParser.stringify(decl)}`;
  91775. }
  91776. });
  91777. return `${order.type.trim()} ${order.position.trim()} ${order.image.trim()}`.trim();
  91778. };
  91779. }
  91780. });
  91781. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/columns.js
  91782. var require_columns = __commonJS({
  91783. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/rules/columns.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91784. "use strict";
  91785. var { unit } = require_lib();
  91786. function hasUnit(value) {
  91787. const parsedVal = unit(value);
  91788. return parsedVal && parsedVal.unit !== "";
  91789. }
  91790. module2.exports = (columns) => {
  91791. const widths = [];
  91792. const other = [];
  91793. columns.walk((node) => {
  91794. const { type, value } = node;
  91795. if (type === "word") {
  91796. if (hasUnit(value)) {
  91797. widths.push(value);
  91798. } else {
  91799. other.push(value);
  91800. }
  91801. }
  91802. });
  91803. if (other.length === 1 && widths.length === 1) {
  91804. return `${widths[0].trimStart()} ${other[0].trimStart()}`;
  91805. }
  91806. return columns;
  91807. };
  91808. }
  91809. });
  91810. // node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/index.js
  91811. var require_src12 = __commonJS({
  91812. "node_modules/postcss-ordered-values/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91813. "use strict";
  91814. var valueParser = require_lib();
  91815. var {
  91816. normalizeGridAutoFlow,
  91817. normalizeGridColumnRowGap,
  91818. normalizeGridColumnRow
  91819. } = require_grid();
  91820. var animation = require_animation2();
  91821. var border = require_border2();
  91822. var boxShadow = require_boxShadow();
  91823. var flexFlow = require_flexFlow();
  91824. var transition = require_transition2();
  91825. var listStyle = require_listStyle();
  91826. var column = require_columns();
  91827. var vendorUnprefixed = require_vendorUnprefixed();
  91828. var borderRules = [
  91829. ["border", border],
  91830. ["border-block", border],
  91831. ["border-inline", border],
  91832. ["border-block-end", border],
  91833. ["border-block-start", border],
  91834. ["border-inline-end", border],
  91835. ["border-inline-start", border],
  91836. ["border-top", border],
  91837. ["border-right", border],
  91838. ["border-bottom", border],
  91839. ["border-left", border]
  91840. ];
  91841. var grid = [
  91842. ["grid-auto-flow", normalizeGridAutoFlow],
  91843. ["grid-column-gap", normalizeGridColumnRowGap],
  91844. // normal | <length-percentage>
  91845. ["grid-row-gap", normalizeGridColumnRowGap],
  91846. // normal | <length-percentage>
  91847. ["grid-column", normalizeGridColumnRow],
  91848. // <grid-line>+
  91849. ["grid-row", normalizeGridColumnRow],
  91850. // <grid-line>+
  91851. ["grid-row-start", normalizeGridColumnRow],
  91852. // <grid-line>
  91853. ["grid-row-end", normalizeGridColumnRow],
  91854. // <grid-line>
  91855. ["grid-column-start", normalizeGridColumnRow],
  91856. // <grid-line>
  91857. ["grid-column-end", normalizeGridColumnRow]
  91858. // <grid-line>
  91859. ];
  91860. var columnRules = [
  91861. ["column-rule", border],
  91862. ["columns", column]
  91863. ];
  91864. var rules = new Map([
  91865. ["animation", animation],
  91866. ["outline", border],
  91867. ["box-shadow", boxShadow],
  91868. ["flex-flow", flexFlow],
  91869. ["list-style", listStyle],
  91870. ["transition", transition],
  91871. ...borderRules,
  91872. ...grid,
  91873. ...columnRules
  91874. ]);
  91875. var variableFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["var", "env", "constant"]);
  91876. function isVariableFunctionNode(node) {
  91877. if (node.type !== "function") {
  91878. return false;
  91879. }
  91880. return variableFunctions.has(node.value.toLowerCase());
  91881. }
  91882. function shouldAbort(parsed) {
  91883. let abort = false;
  91884. parsed.walk((node) => {
  91885. if (node.type === "comment" || isVariableFunctionNode(node) || node.type === "word" && node.value.includes(`___CSS_LOADER_IMPORT___`)) {
  91886. abort = true;
  91887. return false;
  91888. }
  91889. });
  91890. return abort;
  91891. }
  91892. function getValue(decl) {
  91893. let { value, raws } = decl;
  91894. if (raws && raws.value && raws.value.raw) {
  91895. value = raws.value.raw;
  91896. }
  91897. return value;
  91898. }
  91899. function pluginCreator() {
  91900. return {
  91901. postcssPlugin: "postcss-ordered-values",
  91902. prepare() {
  91903. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  91904. return {
  91905. OnceExit(css) {
  91906. css.walkDecls((decl) => {
  91907. const lowerCasedProp = decl.prop.toLowerCase();
  91908. const normalizedProp = vendorUnprefixed(lowerCasedProp);
  91909. const processor = rules.get(normalizedProp);
  91910. if (!processor) {
  91911. return;
  91912. }
  91913. const value = getValue(decl);
  91914. if (cache.has(value)) {
  91915. decl.value = cache.get(value);
  91916. return;
  91917. }
  91918. const parsed = valueParser(value);
  91919. if (parsed.nodes.length < 2 || shouldAbort(parsed)) {
  91920. cache.set(value, value);
  91921. return;
  91922. }
  91923. const result = processor(parsed);
  91924. decl.value = result.toString();
  91925. cache.set(value, result.toString());
  91926. });
  91927. }
  91928. };
  91929. }
  91930. };
  91931. }
  91932. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  91933. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  91934. }
  91935. });
  91936. // node_modules/postcss-minify-selectors/src/lib/canUnquote.js
  91937. var require_canUnquote = __commonJS({
  91938. "node_modules/postcss-minify-selectors/src/lib/canUnquote.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91939. "use strict";
  91940. var escapes = /\\([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6})[ \t\n\f\r]?/g;
  91941. var range = (
  91942. // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
  91943. /[\u0000-\u002c\u002e\u002f\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u005E\u0060\u007B-\u009f]/
  91944. );
  91945. module2.exports = function canUnquote(value) {
  91946. if (value === "-" || value === "") {
  91947. return false;
  91948. }
  91949. value = value.replace(escapes, "a").replace(/\\./g, "a");
  91950. return !(range.test(value) || /^(?:-?\d|--)/.test(value));
  91951. };
  91952. }
  91953. });
  91954. // node_modules/postcss-minify-selectors/src/index.js
  91955. var require_src13 = __commonJS({
  91956. "node_modules/postcss-minify-selectors/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  91957. "use strict";
  91958. var parser = require_dist2();
  91959. var canUnquote = require_canUnquote();
  91960. var pseudoElements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  91961. "::before",
  91962. "::after",
  91963. "::first-letter",
  91964. "::first-line"
  91965. ]);
  91966. function attribute(selector) {
  91967. if (selector.value) {
  91968. if (selector.raws.value) {
  91969. selector.raws.value = selector.raws.value.replace(/\\\n/g, "").trim();
  91970. }
  91971. if (canUnquote(selector.value)) {
  91972. selector.quoteMark = null;
  91973. }
  91974. if (selector.operator) {
  91975. selector.operator = /** @type {parser.AttributeOperator} */
  91976. selector.operator.trim();
  91977. }
  91978. }
  91979. selector.rawSpaceBefore = "";
  91980. selector.rawSpaceAfter = "";
  91981. selector.spaces.attribute = { before: "", after: "" };
  91982. selector.spaces.operator = { before: "", after: "" };
  91983. selector.spaces.value = {
  91984. before: "",
  91985. after: selector.insensitive ? " " : ""
  91986. };
  91987. if (selector.raws.spaces) {
  91988. selector.raws.spaces.attribute = {
  91989. before: "",
  91990. after: ""
  91991. };
  91992. selector.raws.spaces.operator = {
  91993. before: "",
  91994. after: ""
  91995. };
  91996. selector.raws.spaces.value = {
  91997. before: "",
  91998. after: selector.insensitive ? " " : ""
  91999. };
  92000. if (selector.insensitive) {
  92001. selector.raws.spaces.insensitive = {
  92002. before: "",
  92003. after: ""
  92004. };
  92005. }
  92006. }
  92007. selector.attribute = selector.attribute.trim();
  92008. }
  92009. function combinator(selector) {
  92010. const value = selector.value.trim();
  92011. selector.spaces.before = "";
  92012. selector.spaces.after = "";
  92013. selector.rawSpaceBefore = "";
  92014. selector.rawSpaceAfter = "";
  92015. selector.value = value.length ? value : " ";
  92016. }
  92017. var pseudoReplacements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  92018. [":nth-child", ":first-child"],
  92019. [":nth-of-type", ":first-of-type"],
  92020. [":nth-last-child", ":last-child"],
  92021. [":nth-last-of-type", ":last-of-type"]
  92022. ]);
  92023. function pseudo(selector) {
  92024. const value = selector.value.toLowerCase();
  92025. if (selector.nodes.length === 1 && pseudoReplacements.has(value)) {
  92026. const first =;
  92027. const one =;
  92028. if (first.length === 1) {
  92029. if (one.value === "1") {
  92030. selector.replaceWith(
  92031. parser.pseudo({
  92032. value: (
  92033. /** @type {string} */
  92034. pseudoReplacements.get(value)
  92035. )
  92036. })
  92037. );
  92038. }
  92039. if (one.value && one.value.toLowerCase() === "even") {
  92040. one.value = "2n";
  92041. }
  92042. }
  92043. if (first.length === 3) {
  92044. const two =;
  92045. const three =;
  92046. if (one.value && one.value.toLowerCase() === "2n" && two.value === "+" && three.value === "1") {
  92047. one.value = "odd";
  92048. two.remove();
  92049. three.remove();
  92050. }
  92051. }
  92052. return;
  92053. }
  92054. selector.walk((child) => {
  92055. if (child.type === "selector" && child.parent) {
  92056. const uniques = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  92057. child.parent.each((sibling) => {
  92058. const siblingStr = String(sibling);
  92059. if (!uniques.has(siblingStr)) {
  92060. uniques.add(siblingStr);
  92061. } else {
  92062. sibling.remove();
  92063. }
  92064. });
  92065. }
  92066. });
  92067. if (pseudoElements.has(value)) {
  92068. selector.value = selector.value.slice(1);
  92069. }
  92070. }
  92071. var tagReplacements = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  92072. ["from", "0%"],
  92073. ["100%", "to"]
  92074. ]);
  92075. function tag(selector) {
  92076. const value = selector.value.toLowerCase();
  92077. const isSimple = selector.parent && selector.parent.nodes.length === 1;
  92078. if (!isSimple) {
  92079. return;
  92080. }
  92081. if (tagReplacements.has(value)) {
  92082. selector.value = /** @type {string} */
  92083. tagReplacements.get(value);
  92084. }
  92085. }
  92086. function universal(selector) {
  92087. const next =;
  92088. if (next && next.type !== "combinator") {
  92089. selector.remove();
  92090. }
  92091. }
  92092. var reducers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(
  92093. /** @type {[string, ((selector: parser.Node) => void)][]}*/
  92094. [
  92095. ["attribute", attribute],
  92096. ["combinator", combinator],
  92097. ["pseudo", pseudo],
  92098. ["tag", tag],
  92099. ["universal", universal]
  92100. ]
  92101. );
  92102. function pluginCreator() {
  92103. return {
  92104. postcssPlugin: "postcss-minify-selectors",
  92105. OnceExit(css) {
  92106. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  92107. const processor = parser((selectors) => {
  92108. const uniqueSelectors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  92109. selectors.walk((sel) => {
  92110. sel.spaces.before = sel.spaces.after = "";
  92111. const reducer = reducers.get(sel.type);
  92112. if (reducer !== void 0) {
  92113. reducer(sel);
  92114. return;
  92115. }
  92116. const toString = String(sel);
  92117. if (sel.type === "selector" && sel.parent && sel.parent.type !== "pseudo") {
  92118. if (!uniqueSelectors.has(toString)) {
  92119. uniqueSelectors.add(toString);
  92120. } else {
  92121. sel.remove();
  92122. }
  92123. }
  92124. });
  92125. selectors.nodes.sort();
  92126. });
  92127. css.walkRules((rule) => {
  92128. const selector = rule.raws.selector && rule.raws.selector.value === rule.selector ? rule.raws.selector.raw : rule.selector;
  92129. if (selector[selector.length - 1] === ":") {
  92130. return;
  92131. }
  92132. if (cache.has(selector)) {
  92133. rule.selector = cache.get(selector);
  92134. return;
  92135. }
  92136. const optimizedSelector = processor.processSync(selector);
  92137. rule.selector = optimizedSelector;
  92138. cache.set(selector, optimizedSelector);
  92139. });
  92140. }
  92141. };
  92142. }
  92143. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  92144. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  92145. }
  92146. });
  92147. // node_modules/postcss-minify-params/src/index.js
  92148. var require_src14 = __commonJS({
  92149. "node_modules/postcss-minify-params/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92150. "use strict";
  92151. var { dirname } = require("path");
  92152. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  92153. var valueParser = require_lib();
  92154. var { getArguments } = require_src5();
  92155. function gcd(a, b) {
  92156. return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a;
  92157. }
  92158. function aspectRatio(a, b) {
  92159. const divisor = gcd(a, b);
  92160. return [a / divisor, b / divisor];
  92161. }
  92162. function split(args) {
  92163. return => valueParser.stringify(arg)).join("");
  92164. }
  92165. function removeNode(node) {
  92166. node.value = "";
  92167. node.type = "word";
  92168. }
  92169. function sortAndDedupe(items) {
  92170. const a = [ Set(items)];
  92171. a.sort();
  92172. return a.join();
  92173. }
  92174. function transform(legacy, rule) {
  92175. const ruleName =;
  92176. if (!rule.params || !["media", "supports"].includes(ruleName)) {
  92177. return;
  92178. }
  92179. const params = valueParser(rule.params);
  92180. params.walk((node, index) => {
  92181. if (node.type === "div") {
  92182. node.before = node.after = "";
  92183. } else if (node.type === "function") {
  92184. node.before = "";
  92185. if (node.nodes[0] && node.nodes[0].type === "word" && node.nodes[0].value.startsWith("--") && node.nodes[2] === void 0) {
  92186. node.after = " ";
  92187. } else {
  92188. node.after = "";
  92189. }
  92190. if (node.nodes[4] && node.nodes[0].value.toLowerCase().indexOf("-aspect-ratio") === 3) {
  92191. const [a, b] = aspectRatio(
  92192. Number(node.nodes[2].value),
  92193. Number(node.nodes[4].value)
  92194. );
  92195. node.nodes[2].value = a.toString();
  92196. node.nodes[4].value = b.toString();
  92197. }
  92198. } else if (node.type === "space") {
  92199. node.value = " ";
  92200. } else {
  92201. const prevWord = params.nodes[index - 2];
  92202. if (node.value.toLowerCase() === "all" && === "media" && !prevWord) {
  92203. const nextWord = params.nodes[index + 2];
  92204. if (!legacy || nextWord) {
  92205. removeNode(node);
  92206. }
  92207. if (nextWord && nextWord.value.toLowerCase() === "and") {
  92208. const nextSpace = params.nodes[index + 1];
  92209. const secondSpace = params.nodes[index + 3];
  92210. removeNode(nextWord);
  92211. removeNode(nextSpace);
  92212. removeNode(secondSpace);
  92213. }
  92214. }
  92215. }
  92216. }, true);
  92217. rule.params = sortAndDedupe(getArguments(params).map(split));
  92218. if (!rule.params.length) {
  92219. rule.raws.afterName = "";
  92220. }
  92221. }
  92222. var allBugBrowers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["ie 10", "ie 11"]);
  92223. function pluginCreator(options = {}) {
  92224. return {
  92225. postcssPlugin: "postcss-minify-params",
  92226. /**
  92227. * @param {import('postcss').Result & {opts: BrowserslistOptions & {file?: string}}} result
  92228. */
  92229. prepare(result) {
  92230. const { stats, env, from, file } = result.opts || {};
  92231. const browsers = browserslist(options.overrideBrowserslist, {
  92232. stats: options.stats || stats,
  92233. path: options.path || dirname(from || file || __filename),
  92234. env: options.env || env
  92235. });
  92236. const hasAllBug = browsers.some((browser) => allBugBrowers.has(browser));
  92237. return {
  92238. OnceExit(css) {
  92239. css.walkAtRules((rule) => transform(hasAllBug, rule));
  92240. }
  92241. };
  92242. }
  92243. };
  92244. }
  92245. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  92246. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  92247. }
  92248. });
  92249. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-charset/src/index.js
  92250. var require_src15 = __commonJS({
  92251. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-charset/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92252. "use strict";
  92253. var charset = "charset";
  92254. var nonAscii = /[^\x00-\x7F]/;
  92255. function pluginCreator(opts = {}) {
  92256. return {
  92257. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-" + charset,
  92258. OnceExit(css, { AtRule }) {
  92259. let charsetRule;
  92260. let nonAsciiNode;
  92261. css.walk((node) => {
  92262. if (node.type === "atrule" && === charset) {
  92263. if (!charsetRule) {
  92264. charsetRule = node;
  92265. }
  92266. node.remove();
  92267. } else if (!nonAsciiNode && node.parent === css && nonAscii.test(node.toString())) {
  92268. nonAsciiNode = node;
  92269. }
  92270. });
  92271. if (nonAsciiNode) {
  92272. if (!charsetRule && opts.add !== false) {
  92273. charsetRule = new AtRule({
  92274. name: charset,
  92275. params: '"utf-8"'
  92276. });
  92277. }
  92278. if (charsetRule) {
  92279. charsetRule.source = nonAsciiNode.source;
  92280. css.prepend(charsetRule);
  92281. }
  92282. }
  92283. }
  92284. };
  92285. }
  92286. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  92287. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  92288. }
  92289. });
  92290. // node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/lib/minify-weight.js
  92291. var require_minify_weight = __commonJS({
  92292. "node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/lib/minify-weight.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92293. "use strict";
  92294. module2.exports = function(value) {
  92295. const lowerCasedValue = value.toLowerCase();
  92296. return lowerCasedValue === "normal" ? "400" : lowerCasedValue === "bold" ? "700" : value;
  92297. };
  92298. }
  92299. });
  92300. // node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/lib/minify-family.js
  92301. var require_minify_family = __commonJS({
  92302. "node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/lib/minify-family.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92303. "use strict";
  92304. var { stringify } = require_lib();
  92305. function uniqueFontFamilies(list) {
  92306. return list.filter((item, i) => {
  92307. if (item.toLowerCase() === "monospace") {
  92308. return true;
  92309. }
  92310. return i === list.indexOf(item);
  92311. });
  92312. }
  92313. var globalKeywords = ["inherit", "initial", "unset"];
  92314. var genericFontFamilykeywords = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  92315. "sans-serif",
  92316. "serif",
  92317. "fantasy",
  92318. "cursive",
  92319. "monospace",
  92320. "system-ui"
  92321. ]);
  92322. function makeArray(value, length) {
  92323. let array = [];
  92324. while (length--) {
  92325. array[length] = value;
  92326. }
  92327. return array;
  92328. }
  92329. var regexSimpleEscapeCharacters = /[ !"#$%&'()*+,.\/;<=>?@\[\\\]^`{|}~]/;
  92330. function escape(string, escapeForString) {
  92331. let counter = 0;
  92332. let character;
  92333. let charCode;
  92334. let value;
  92335. let output = "";
  92336. while (counter < string.length) {
  92337. character = string.charAt(counter++);
  92338. charCode = character.charCodeAt(0);
  92339. if (!escapeForString && /[\t\n\v\f:]/.test(character)) {
  92340. value = "\\" + charCode.toString(16) + " ";
  92341. } else if (!escapeForString && regexSimpleEscapeCharacters.test(character)) {
  92342. value = "\\" + character;
  92343. } else {
  92344. value = character;
  92345. }
  92346. output += value;
  92347. }
  92348. if (!escapeForString) {
  92349. if (/^-[-\d]/.test(output)) {
  92350. output = "\\-" + output.slice(1);
  92351. }
  92352. const firstChar = string.charAt(0);
  92353. if (/\d/.test(firstChar)) {
  92354. output = "\\3" + firstChar + " " + output.slice(1);
  92355. }
  92356. }
  92357. return output;
  92358. }
  92359. var regexKeyword = new RegExp(
  92360. [...genericFontFamilykeywords].concat(globalKeywords).join("|"),
  92361. "i"
  92362. );
  92363. var regexInvalidIdentifier = /^(-?\d|--)/;
  92364. var regexSpaceAtStart = /^\x20/;
  92365. var regexWhitespace = /[\t\n\f\r\x20]/g;
  92366. var regexIdentifierCharacter = /^[a-zA-Z\d\xa0-\uffff_-]+$/;
  92367. var regexConsecutiveSpaces = /(\\(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}\x20|\x20))?(\x20{2,})/g;
  92368. var regexTrailingEscape = /\\[a-fA-F0-9]{0,6}\x20$/;
  92369. var regexTrailingSpace = /\x20$/;
  92370. function escapeIdentifierSequence(string) {
  92371. let identifiers = string.split(regexWhitespace);
  92372. let index = 0;
  92373. let result = [];
  92374. let escapeResult;
  92375. while (index < identifiers.length) {
  92376. let subString = identifiers[index++];
  92377. if (subString === "") {
  92378. result.push(subString);
  92379. continue;
  92380. }
  92381. escapeResult = escape(subString, false);
  92382. if (regexIdentifierCharacter.test(subString)) {
  92383. if (regexInvalidIdentifier.test(subString)) {
  92384. if (index === 1) {
  92385. result.push(escapeResult);
  92386. } else {
  92387. result[index - 2] += "\\";
  92388. result.push(escape(subString, true));
  92389. }
  92390. } else {
  92391. result.push(escapeResult);
  92392. }
  92393. } else {
  92394. result.push(escapeResult);
  92395. }
  92396. }
  92397. result = result.join(" ").replace(regexConsecutiveSpaces, ($0, $1, $2) => {
  92398. const spaceCount = $2.length;
  92399. const escapesNeeded = Math.floor(spaceCount / 2);
  92400. const array = makeArray("\\ ", escapesNeeded);
  92401. if (spaceCount % 2) {
  92402. array[escapesNeeded - 1] += "\\ ";
  92403. }
  92404. return ($1 || "") + " " + array.join(" ");
  92405. });
  92406. if (regexTrailingSpace.test(result) && !regexTrailingEscape.test(result)) {
  92407. result = result.replace(regexTrailingSpace, "\\ ");
  92408. }
  92409. if (regexSpaceAtStart.test(result)) {
  92410. result = "\\ " + result.slice(1);
  92411. }
  92412. return result;
  92413. }
  92414. module2.exports = function(nodes, opts) {
  92415. const family = [];
  92416. let last = null;
  92417. let i, max;
  92418. nodes.forEach((node, index, arr) => {
  92419. if (node.type === "string" || node.type === "function") {
  92420. family.push(node);
  92421. } else if (node.type === "word") {
  92422. if (!last) {
  92423. last = /** @type {import('postcss-value-parser').WordNode} */
  92424. {
  92425. type: "word",
  92426. value: ""
  92427. };
  92428. family.push(last);
  92429. }
  92430. last.value += node.value;
  92431. } else if (node.type === "space") {
  92432. if (last && index !== arr.length - 1) {
  92433. last.value += " ";
  92434. }
  92435. } else {
  92436. last = null;
  92437. }
  92438. });
  92439. let normalizedFamilies = => {
  92440. if (node.type === "string") {
  92441. const isKeyword = regexKeyword.test(node.value);
  92442. if (!opts.removeQuotes || isKeyword || /[0-9]/.test(node.value.slice(0, 1))) {
  92443. return stringify(node);
  92444. }
  92445. let escaped = escapeIdentifierSequence(node.value);
  92446. if (escaped.length < node.value.length + 2) {
  92447. return escaped;
  92448. }
  92449. }
  92450. return stringify(node);
  92451. });
  92452. if (opts.removeAfterKeyword) {
  92453. for (i = 0, max = normalizedFamilies.length; i < max; i += 1) {
  92454. if (genericFontFamilykeywords.has(normalizedFamilies[i].toLowerCase())) {
  92455. normalizedFamilies = normalizedFamilies.slice(0, i + 1);
  92456. break;
  92457. }
  92458. }
  92459. }
  92460. if (opts.removeDuplicates) {
  92461. normalizedFamilies = uniqueFontFamilies(normalizedFamilies);
  92462. }
  92463. return [
  92464. /** @type {import('postcss-value-parser').WordNode} */
  92465. {
  92466. type: "word",
  92467. value: normalizedFamilies.join()
  92468. }
  92469. ];
  92470. };
  92471. }
  92472. });
  92473. // node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/lib/keywords.js
  92474. var require_keywords = __commonJS({
  92475. "node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/lib/keywords.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92476. "use strict";
  92477. module2.exports = {
  92478. style: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["italic", "oblique"]),
  92479. variant: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["small-caps"]),
  92480. weight: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  92481. "100",
  92482. "200",
  92483. "300",
  92484. "400",
  92485. "500",
  92486. "600",
  92487. "700",
  92488. "800",
  92489. "900",
  92490. "bold",
  92491. "lighter",
  92492. "bolder"
  92493. ]),
  92494. stretch: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  92495. "ultra-condensed",
  92496. "extra-condensed",
  92497. "condensed",
  92498. "semi-condensed",
  92499. "semi-expanded",
  92500. "expanded",
  92501. "extra-expanded",
  92502. "ultra-expanded"
  92503. ]),
  92504. size: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  92505. "xx-small",
  92506. "x-small",
  92507. "small",
  92508. "medium",
  92509. "large",
  92510. "x-large",
  92511. "xx-large",
  92512. "larger",
  92513. "smaller"
  92514. ])
  92515. };
  92516. }
  92517. });
  92518. // node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/lib/minify-font.js
  92519. var require_minify_font = __commonJS({
  92520. "node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/lib/minify-font.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92521. "use strict";
  92522. var valueParser = require_lib();
  92523. var keywords = require_keywords();
  92524. var minifyFamily = require_minify_family();
  92525. var minifyWeight = require_minify_weight();
  92526. function normalizeNodes(nodes, toBeSpliced) {
  92527. for (const index of toBeSpliced) {
  92528. nodes.splice(
  92529. index,
  92530. 0,
  92531. /** @type {import('postcss-value-parser').SpaceNode} */
  92532. {
  92533. type: "space",
  92534. value: " "
  92535. }
  92536. );
  92537. }
  92538. }
  92539. module2.exports = function(unminified, opts) {
  92540. const tree = valueParser(unminified);
  92541. const nodes = tree.nodes;
  92542. let familyStart = NaN;
  92543. let hasSize = false;
  92544. const toBeSpliced = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
  92545. for (const [i, node] of nodes.entries()) {
  92546. if (node.type === "string" && i > 0 && nodes[i - 1].type !== "space") {
  92547. toBeSpliced.add(i);
  92548. }
  92549. if (node.type === "word") {
  92550. if (hasSize) {
  92551. continue;
  92552. }
  92553. const value = node.value.toLowerCase();
  92554. if (value === "normal" || value === "inherit" || value === "initial" || value === "unset") {
  92555. familyStart = i;
  92556. } else if ( || valueParser.unit(value)) {
  92557. familyStart = i;
  92558. } else if (keywords.variant.has(value)) {
  92559. familyStart = i;
  92560. } else if (keywords.weight.has(value)) {
  92561. node.value = minifyWeight(value);
  92562. familyStart = i;
  92563. } else if (keywords.stretch.has(value)) {
  92564. familyStart = i;
  92565. } else if (keywords.size.has(value) || valueParser.unit(value)) {
  92566. familyStart = i;
  92567. hasSize = true;
  92568. }
  92569. } else if (node.type === "function" && nodes[i + 1] && nodes[i + 1].type === "space") {
  92570. familyStart = i;
  92571. } else if (node.type === "div" && node.value === "/") {
  92572. familyStart = i + 1;
  92573. break;
  92574. }
  92575. }
  92576. normalizeNodes(nodes, toBeSpliced);
  92577. familyStart += 2;
  92578. const family = minifyFamily(nodes.slice(familyStart), opts);
  92579. tree.nodes = nodes.slice(0, familyStart).concat(family);
  92580. return tree.toString();
  92581. };
  92582. }
  92583. });
  92584. // node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/index.js
  92585. var require_src16 = __commonJS({
  92586. "node_modules/postcss-minify-font-values/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92587. "use strict";
  92588. var valueParser = require_lib();
  92589. var minifyWeight = require_minify_weight();
  92590. var minifyFamily = require_minify_family();
  92591. var minifyFont = require_minify_font();
  92592. function hasVariableFunction(value) {
  92593. const lowerCasedValue = value.toLowerCase();
  92594. return lowerCasedValue.includes("var(") || lowerCasedValue.includes("env(");
  92595. }
  92596. function transform(prop, value, opts) {
  92597. let lowerCasedProp = prop.toLowerCase();
  92598. let variableType = "";
  92599. if (typeof opts.removeQuotes === "function") {
  92600. variableType = opts.removeQuotes(prop);
  92601. opts.removeQuotes = true;
  92602. }
  92603. if ((lowerCasedProp === "font-weight" || variableType === "font-weight") && !hasVariableFunction(value)) {
  92604. return minifyWeight(value);
  92605. } else if ((lowerCasedProp === "font-family" || variableType === "font-family") && !hasVariableFunction(value)) {
  92606. const tree = valueParser(value);
  92607. tree.nodes = minifyFamily(tree.nodes, opts);
  92608. return tree.toString();
  92609. } else if (lowerCasedProp === "font" || variableType === "font") {
  92610. return minifyFont(value, opts);
  92611. }
  92612. return value;
  92613. }
  92614. function pluginCreator(opts) {
  92615. opts = Object.assign(
  92616. {},
  92617. {
  92618. removeAfterKeyword: false,
  92619. removeDuplicates: true,
  92620. removeQuotes: true
  92621. },
  92622. opts
  92623. );
  92624. return {
  92625. postcssPlugin: "postcss-minify-font-values",
  92626. prepare() {
  92627. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  92628. return {
  92629. OnceExit(css) {
  92630. css.walkDecls(/font/i, (decl) => {
  92631. const value = decl.value;
  92632. if (!value) {
  92633. return;
  92634. }
  92635. const prop = decl.prop;
  92636. const cacheKey = `${prop}|${value}`;
  92637. if (cache.has(cacheKey)) {
  92638. decl.value = cache.get(cacheKey);
  92639. return;
  92640. }
  92641. const newValue = transform(prop, value, opts);
  92642. decl.value = newValue;
  92643. cache.set(cacheKey, newValue);
  92644. });
  92645. }
  92646. };
  92647. }
  92648. };
  92649. }
  92650. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  92651. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  92652. }
  92653. });
  92654. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-url/src/normalize.js
  92655. var require_normalize = __commonJS({
  92656. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-url/src/normalize.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92657. "use strict";
  92658. var DATA_URL_DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE = "text/plain";
  92659. var DATA_URL_DEFAULT_CHARSET = "us-ascii";
  92660. var supportedProtocols = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["https:", "http:", "file:"]);
  92661. function hasCustomProtocol(urlString) {
  92662. try {
  92663. const { protocol } = new URL(urlString);
  92664. return protocol.endsWith(":") && !supportedProtocols.has(protocol);
  92665. } catch {
  92666. return false;
  92667. }
  92668. }
  92669. function normalizeDataURL(urlString) {
  92670. const match = /^data:(?<type>[^,]*?),(?<data>[^#]*?)(?:#(?<hash>.*))?$/.exec(
  92671. urlString
  92672. );
  92673. if (!match) {
  92674. throw new Error(`Invalid URL: ${urlString}`);
  92675. }
  92676. let { type, data, hash } = (
  92677. /** @type {{type: string, data: string, hash: string}} */
  92678. match.groups
  92679. );
  92680. const mediaType = type.split(";");
  92681. let isBase64 = false;
  92682. if (mediaType[mediaType.length - 1] === "base64") {
  92683. mediaType.pop();
  92684. isBase64 = true;
  92685. }
  92686. const mimeType = mediaType.shift()?.toLowerCase() ?? "";
  92687. const attributes =
  92688. /** @type {(string: string) => string} */
  92689. (attribute) => {
  92690. let [key, value = ""] = attribute.split("=").map(
  92691. /** @type {(string: string) => string} */
  92692. (string) => string.trim()
  92693. );
  92694. if (key === "charset") {
  92695. value = value.toLowerCase();
  92696. if (value === DATA_URL_DEFAULT_CHARSET) {
  92697. return "";
  92698. }
  92699. }
  92700. return `${key}${value ? `=${value}` : ""}`;
  92701. }
  92702. ).filter(Boolean);
  92703. const normalizedMediaType = [...attributes];
  92704. if (isBase64) {
  92705. normalizedMediaType.push("base64");
  92706. }
  92707. if (normalizedMediaType.length > 0 || mimeType && mimeType !== DATA_URL_DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE) {
  92708. normalizedMediaType.unshift(mimeType);
  92709. }
  92710. return `data:${normalizedMediaType.join(";")},${isBase64 ? data.trim() : data}${hash ? `#${hash}` : ""}`;
  92711. }
  92712. function normalizeUrl(urlString) {
  92713. urlString = urlString.trim();
  92714. if (/^data:/i.test(urlString)) {
  92715. return normalizeDataURL(urlString);
  92716. }
  92717. if (hasCustomProtocol(urlString)) {
  92718. return urlString;
  92719. }
  92720. const hasRelativeProtocol = urlString.startsWith("//");
  92721. const isRelativeUrl = !hasRelativeProtocol && /^\.*\//.test(urlString);
  92722. if (!isRelativeUrl) {
  92723. urlString = urlString.replace(/^(?!(?:\w+:)?\/\/)|^\/\//, "http:");
  92724. }
  92725. const urlObject = new URL(urlString);
  92726. if (urlObject.pathname) {
  92727. urlObject.pathname = urlObject.pathname.replace(
  92728. /(?<!\b[a-z][a-z\d+\-.]{1,50}:)\/{2,}/g,
  92729. "/"
  92730. );
  92731. }
  92732. if (urlObject.pathname) {
  92733. try {
  92734. urlObject.pathname = decodeURI(urlObject.pathname);
  92735. } catch {
  92736. }
  92737. }
  92738. if (urlObject.hostname) {
  92739. urlObject.hostname = urlObject.hostname.replace(/\.$/, "");
  92740. }
  92741. urlObject.pathname = urlObject.pathname.replace(/\/$/, "");
  92742. urlString = urlObject.toString();
  92743. if (urlObject.pathname === "/" && urlObject.hash === "") {
  92744. urlString = urlString.replace(/\/$/, "");
  92745. }
  92746. if (hasRelativeProtocol) {
  92747. urlString = urlString.replace(/^http:\/\//, "//");
  92748. }
  92749. return urlString;
  92750. }
  92751. module2.exports = normalizeUrl;
  92752. }
  92753. });
  92754. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-url/src/index.js
  92755. var require_src17 = __commonJS({
  92756. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-url/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92757. "use strict";
  92758. var path = require("path");
  92759. var valueParser = require_lib();
  92760. var normalize = require_normalize();
  92761. var multiline = /\\[\r\n]/;
  92762. var escapeChars = /([\s\(\)"'])/g;
  92763. var ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+\-.]*?:/;
  92764. var WINDOWS_PATH_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z]:\\/;
  92765. function isAbsolute(url) {
  92766. if (WINDOWS_PATH_REGEX.test(url)) {
  92767. return false;
  92768. }
  92769. return ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX.test(url);
  92770. }
  92771. function convert(url) {
  92772. if (isAbsolute(url) || url.startsWith("//")) {
  92773. let normalizedURL;
  92774. try {
  92775. normalizedURL = normalize(url);
  92776. } catch (e) {
  92777. normalizedURL = url;
  92778. }
  92779. return normalizedURL;
  92780. }
  92781. return path.normalize(url).replace(new RegExp("\\" + path.sep, "g"), "/");
  92782. }
  92783. function transformNamespace(rule) {
  92784. rule.params = valueParser(rule.params).walk((node) => {
  92785. if (node.type === "function" && node.value.toLowerCase() === "url" && node.nodes.length) {
  92786. node.type = "string";
  92787. node.quote = node.nodes[0].type === "string" ? node.nodes[0].quote : '"';
  92788. node.value = node.nodes[0].value;
  92789. }
  92790. if (node.type === "string") {
  92791. node.value = node.value.trim();
  92792. }
  92793. return false;
  92794. }).toString();
  92795. }
  92796. function transformDecl(decl) {
  92797. decl.value = valueParser(decl.value).walk((node) => {
  92798. if (node.type !== "function" || node.value.toLowerCase() !== "url") {
  92799. return false;
  92800. }
  92801. node.before = node.after = "";
  92802. if (!node.nodes.length) {
  92803. return false;
  92804. }
  92805. let url = node.nodes[0];
  92806. let escaped;
  92807. url.value = url.value.trim().replace(multiline, "");
  92808. if (url.value.length === 0) {
  92809. url.quote = "";
  92810. return false;
  92811. }
  92812. if (/^data:(.*)?,/i.test(url.value)) {
  92813. return false;
  92814. }
  92815. if (!/^.+-extension:\//i.test(url.value)) {
  92816. url.value = convert(url.value);
  92817. }
  92818. if (escapeChars.test(url.value) && url.type === "string") {
  92819. escaped = url.value.replace(escapeChars, "\\$1");
  92820. if (escaped.length < url.value.length + 2) {
  92821. url.value = escaped;
  92822. url.type = "word";
  92823. }
  92824. } else {
  92825. url.type = "word";
  92826. }
  92827. return false;
  92828. }).toString();
  92829. }
  92830. function pluginCreator() {
  92831. return {
  92832. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-url",
  92833. OnceExit(css) {
  92834. css.walk((node) => {
  92835. if (node.type === "decl") {
  92836. return transformDecl(node);
  92837. } else if (node.type === "atrule" && === "namespace") {
  92838. return transformNamespace(node);
  92839. }
  92840. });
  92841. }
  92842. };
  92843. }
  92844. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  92845. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  92846. }
  92847. });
  92848. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/exists.js
  92849. var require_exists = __commonJS({
  92850. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/exists.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92851. "use strict";
  92852. module2.exports = function exists(selector, index, value) {
  92853. const node =;
  92854. return node && node.value && node.value.toLowerCase() === value;
  92855. };
  92856. }
  92857. });
  92858. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/isMixin.js
  92859. var require_isMixin = __commonJS({
  92860. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/isMixin.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92861. "use strict";
  92862. module2.exports = function isMixin(node) {
  92863. const { selector } = node;
  92864. if (!selector || selector[selector.length - 1] === ":") {
  92865. return true;
  92866. }
  92867. return false;
  92868. };
  92869. }
  92870. });
  92871. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugin.js
  92872. var require_plugin = __commonJS({
  92873. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugin.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92874. "use strict";
  92875. module2.exports = class BasePlugin {
  92876. /**
  92877. * @param {string[]} targets
  92878. * @param {string[]} nodeTypes
  92879. * @param {import('postcss').Result=} result
  92880. */
  92881. constructor(targets, nodeTypes, result) {
  92882. this.nodes = [];
  92883. this.targets = new Set(targets);
  92884. this.nodeTypes = new Set(nodeTypes);
  92885. this.result = result;
  92886. }
  92887. /**
  92888. * @param {import('postcss').Node} node
  92889. * @param {{identifier: string, hack: string}} metadata
  92890. * @return {void}
  92891. */
  92892. push(node, metadata) {
  92893. node._stylehacks = Object.assign(
  92894. {},
  92895. metadata,
  92896. {
  92897. message: `Bad ${metadata.identifier}: ${metadata.hack}`,
  92898. browsers: this.targets
  92899. }
  92900. );
  92901. this.nodes.push(
  92902. /** @type {NodeWithInfo} */
  92903. node
  92904. );
  92905. }
  92906. /**
  92907. * @param {import('postcss').Node} node
  92908. * @return {boolean}
  92909. */
  92910. any(node) {
  92911. if (this.nodeTypes.has(node.type)) {
  92912. this.detect(node);
  92913. return (
  92914. /** @type {NodeWithInfo} */
  92915. node._stylehacks !== void 0
  92916. );
  92917. }
  92918. return false;
  92919. }
  92920. /**
  92921. * @param {import('postcss').Node} node
  92922. * @return {void}
  92923. */
  92924. detectAndResolve(node) {
  92925. this.nodes = [];
  92926. this.detect(node);
  92927. return this.resolve();
  92928. }
  92929. /**
  92930. * @param {import('postcss').Node} node
  92931. * @return {void}
  92932. */
  92933. detectAndWarn(node) {
  92934. this.nodes = [];
  92935. this.detect(node);
  92936. return this.warn();
  92937. }
  92938. /** @param {import('postcss').Node} node */
  92939. // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
  92940. detect(node) {
  92941. throw new Error("You need to implement this method in a subclass.");
  92942. }
  92943. /** @return {void} */
  92944. resolve() {
  92945. return this.nodes.forEach((node) => node.remove());
  92946. }
  92947. warn() {
  92948. return this.nodes.forEach((node) => {
  92949. const { message, browsers, identifier, hack } = node._stylehacks;
  92950. return node.warn(
  92951. /** @type {import('postcss').Result} */
  92952. this.result,
  92953. message + JSON.stringify({ browsers, identifier, hack })
  92954. );
  92955. });
  92956. }
  92957. };
  92958. }
  92959. });
  92960. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/dictionary/browsers.js
  92961. var require_browsers4 = __commonJS({
  92962. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/dictionary/browsers.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92963. "use strict";
  92964. var FF_2 = "firefox 2";
  92965. var IE_5_5 = "ie 5.5";
  92966. var IE_6 = "ie 6";
  92967. var IE_7 = "ie 7";
  92968. var IE_8 = "ie 8";
  92969. var OP_9 = "opera 9";
  92970. module2.exports = { FF_2, IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7, IE_8, OP_9 };
  92971. }
  92972. });
  92973. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/dictionary/identifiers.js
  92974. var require_identifiers = __commonJS({
  92975. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/dictionary/identifiers.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92976. "use strict";
  92977. var MEDIA_QUERY = "media query";
  92978. var PROPERTY = "property";
  92979. var SELECTOR = "selector";
  92980. var VALUE = "value";
  92981. module2.exports = { MEDIA_QUERY, PROPERTY, SELECTOR, VALUE };
  92982. }
  92983. });
  92984. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/dictionary/postcss.js
  92985. var require_postcss2 = __commonJS({
  92986. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/dictionary/postcss.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92987. "use strict";
  92988. var ATRULE = "atrule";
  92989. var DECL = "decl";
  92990. var RULE = "rule";
  92991. module2.exports = { ATRULE, DECL, RULE };
  92992. }
  92993. });
  92994. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/dictionary/tags.js
  92995. var require_tags = __commonJS({
  92996. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/dictionary/tags.js"(exports2, module2) {
  92997. "use strict";
  92998. var BODY = "body";
  92999. var HTML = "html";
  93000. module2.exports = { BODY, HTML };
  93001. }
  93002. });
  93003. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/bodyEmpty.js
  93004. var require_bodyEmpty = __commonJS({
  93005. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/bodyEmpty.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93006. "use strict";
  93007. var parser = require_dist2();
  93008. var exists = require_exists();
  93009. var isMixin = require_isMixin();
  93010. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93011. var { FF_2 } = require_browsers4();
  93012. var { SELECTOR } = require_identifiers();
  93013. var { RULE } = require_postcss2();
  93014. var { BODY } = require_tags();
  93015. module2.exports = class BodyEmpty extends BasePlugin {
  93016. /** @param {import('postcss').Result} result */
  93017. constructor(result) {
  93018. super([FF_2], [RULE], result);
  93019. }
  93020. /**
  93021. * @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93022. * @return {void}
  93023. */
  93024. detect(rule) {
  93025. if (isMixin(rule)) {
  93026. return;
  93027. }
  93028. parser(this.analyse(rule)).processSync(rule.selector);
  93029. }
  93030. /**
  93031. * @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93032. * @return {parser.SyncProcessor<void>}
  93033. */
  93034. analyse(rule) {
  93035. return (selectors) => {
  93036. selectors.each((selector) => {
  93037. if (exists(selector, 0, BODY) && exists(selector, 1, ":empty") && exists(selector, 2, " ") && {
  93038. this.push(rule, {
  93039. identifier: SELECTOR,
  93040. hack: selector.toString()
  93041. });
  93042. }
  93043. });
  93044. };
  93045. }
  93046. };
  93047. }
  93048. });
  93049. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/htmlCombinatorCommentBody.js
  93050. var require_htmlCombinatorCommentBody = __commonJS({
  93051. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/htmlCombinatorCommentBody.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93052. "use strict";
  93053. var parser = require_dist2();
  93054. var exists = require_exists();
  93055. var isMixin = require_isMixin();
  93056. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93057. var { IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7 } = require_browsers4();
  93058. var { SELECTOR } = require_identifiers();
  93059. var { RULE } = require_postcss2();
  93060. var { BODY, HTML } = require_tags();
  93061. module2.exports = class HtmlCombinatorCommentBody extends BasePlugin {
  93062. /** @param {import('postcss').Result} result */
  93063. constructor(result) {
  93064. super([IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7], [RULE], result);
  93065. }
  93066. /**
  93067. * @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93068. * @return {void}
  93069. */
  93070. detect(rule) {
  93071. if (isMixin(rule)) {
  93072. return;
  93073. }
  93074. if (rule.raws.selector && rule.raws.selector.raw) {
  93075. parser(this.analyse(rule)).processSync(rule.raws.selector.raw);
  93076. }
  93077. }
  93078. /** @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93079. * @return {parser.SyncProcessor<void>}
  93080. */
  93081. analyse(rule) {
  93082. return (selectors) => {
  93083. selectors.each((selector) => {
  93084. if (exists(selector, 0, HTML) && (exists(selector, 1, ">") || exists(selector, 1, "~")) && && === "comment" && exists(selector, 3, " ") && exists(selector, 4, BODY) && exists(selector, 5, " ") && {
  93085. this.push(rule, {
  93086. identifier: SELECTOR,
  93087. hack: selector.toString()
  93088. });
  93089. }
  93090. });
  93091. };
  93092. }
  93093. };
  93094. }
  93095. });
  93096. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/htmlFirstChild.js
  93097. var require_htmlFirstChild = __commonJS({
  93098. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/htmlFirstChild.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93099. "use strict";
  93100. var parser = require_dist2();
  93101. var exists = require_exists();
  93102. var isMixin = require_isMixin();
  93103. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93104. var { OP_9 } = require_browsers4();
  93105. var { SELECTOR } = require_identifiers();
  93106. var { RULE } = require_postcss2();
  93107. var { HTML } = require_tags();
  93108. module2.exports = class HtmlFirstChild extends BasePlugin {
  93109. /** @param {import('postcss').Result} result */
  93110. constructor(result) {
  93111. super([OP_9], [RULE], result);
  93112. }
  93113. /**
  93114. * @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93115. * @return {void}
  93116. */
  93117. detect(rule) {
  93118. if (isMixin(rule)) {
  93119. return;
  93120. }
  93121. parser(this.analyse(rule)).processSync(rule.selector);
  93122. }
  93123. /**
  93124. * @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93125. * @return {parser.SyncProcessor<void>}
  93126. */
  93127. analyse(rule) {
  93128. return (selectors) => {
  93129. selectors.each((selector) => {
  93130. if (exists(selector, 0, HTML) && exists(selector, 1, ":first-child") && exists(selector, 2, " ") && {
  93131. this.push(rule, {
  93132. identifier: SELECTOR,
  93133. hack: selector.toString()
  93134. });
  93135. }
  93136. });
  93137. };
  93138. }
  93139. };
  93140. }
  93141. });
  93142. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/important.js
  93143. var require_important = __commonJS({
  93144. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/important.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93145. "use strict";
  93146. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93147. var { IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7 } = require_browsers4();
  93148. var { DECL } = require_postcss2();
  93149. module2.exports = class Important extends BasePlugin {
  93150. /** @param {import('postcss').Result=} result */
  93151. constructor(result) {
  93152. super([IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7], [DECL], result);
  93153. }
  93154. /**
  93155. * @param {import('postcss').Declaration} decl
  93156. * @return {void}
  93157. */
  93158. detect(decl) {
  93159. const match = decl.value.match(/!\w/);
  93160. if (match && match.index) {
  93161. const hack = decl.value.substr(match.index, decl.value.length - 1);
  93162. this.push(decl, {
  93163. identifier: "!important",
  93164. hack
  93165. });
  93166. }
  93167. }
  93168. };
  93169. }
  93170. });
  93171. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/leadingStar.js
  93172. var require_leadingStar = __commonJS({
  93173. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/leadingStar.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93174. "use strict";
  93175. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93176. var { IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7 } = require_browsers4();
  93177. var { PROPERTY } = require_identifiers();
  93178. var { ATRULE, DECL } = require_postcss2();
  93179. var hacks = "!_$_&_*_)_=_%_+_,_._/_`_]_#_~_?_:_|".split("_");
  93180. module2.exports = class LeadingStar extends BasePlugin {
  93181. /** @param {import('postcss').Result=} result */
  93182. constructor(result) {
  93183. super([IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7], [ATRULE, DECL], result);
  93184. }
  93185. /**
  93186. * @param {import('postcss').Declaration | import('postcss').AtRule} node
  93187. * @return {void}
  93188. */
  93189. detect(node) {
  93190. if (node.type === DECL) {
  93191. hacks.forEach((hack) => {
  93192. if (!node.prop.indexOf(hack)) {
  93193. this.push(node, {
  93194. identifier: PROPERTY,
  93195. hack: node.prop
  93196. });
  93197. }
  93198. });
  93199. const { before } = node.raws;
  93200. if (!before) {
  93201. return;
  93202. }
  93203. hacks.forEach((hack) => {
  93204. if (before.includes(hack)) {
  93205. this.push(node, {
  93206. identifier: PROPERTY,
  93207. hack: `${before.trim()}${node.prop}`
  93208. });
  93209. }
  93210. });
  93211. } else {
  93212. const { name } = node;
  93213. const len = name.length - 1;
  93214. if (name.lastIndexOf(":") === len) {
  93215. this.push(node, {
  93216. identifier: PROPERTY,
  93217. hack: `@${name.substr(0, len)}`
  93218. });
  93219. }
  93220. }
  93221. }
  93222. };
  93223. }
  93224. });
  93225. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/leadingUnderscore.js
  93226. var require_leadingUnderscore = __commonJS({
  93227. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/leadingUnderscore.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93228. "use strict";
  93229. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93230. var { IE_6 } = require_browsers4();
  93231. var { PROPERTY } = require_identifiers();
  93232. var { DECL } = require_postcss2();
  93233. function vendorPrefix(prop) {
  93234. let match = prop.match(/^(-\w+-)/);
  93235. if (match) {
  93236. return match[0];
  93237. }
  93238. return "";
  93239. }
  93240. module2.exports = class LeadingUnderscore extends BasePlugin {
  93241. /** @param {import('postcss').Result=} result */
  93242. constructor(result) {
  93243. super([IE_6], [DECL], result);
  93244. }
  93245. /**
  93246. * @param {import('postcss').Declaration} decl
  93247. * @return {void}
  93248. */
  93249. detect(decl) {
  93250. const { before } = decl.raws;
  93251. if (before && before.includes("_")) {
  93252. this.push(decl, {
  93253. identifier: PROPERTY,
  93254. hack: `${before.trim()}${decl.prop}`
  93255. });
  93256. }
  93257. if (decl.prop[0] === "-" && decl.prop[1] !== "-" && vendorPrefix(decl.prop) === "") {
  93258. this.push(decl, {
  93259. identifier: PROPERTY,
  93260. hack: decl.prop
  93261. });
  93262. }
  93263. }
  93264. };
  93265. }
  93266. });
  93267. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/mediaSlash0.js
  93268. var require_mediaSlash0 = __commonJS({
  93269. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/mediaSlash0.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93270. "use strict";
  93271. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93272. var { IE_8 } = require_browsers4();
  93273. var { MEDIA_QUERY } = require_identifiers();
  93274. var { ATRULE } = require_postcss2();
  93275. module2.exports = class MediaSlash0 extends BasePlugin {
  93276. /** @param {import('postcss').Result} result */
  93277. constructor(result) {
  93278. super([IE_8], [ATRULE], result);
  93279. }
  93280. /**
  93281. * @param {import('postcss').AtRule} rule
  93282. * @return {void}
  93283. */
  93284. detect(rule) {
  93285. const params = rule.params.trim();
  93286. if (params.toLowerCase() === "\\0screen") {
  93287. this.push(rule, {
  93288. identifier: MEDIA_QUERY,
  93289. hack: params
  93290. });
  93291. }
  93292. }
  93293. };
  93294. }
  93295. });
  93296. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/mediaSlash0Slash9.js
  93297. var require_mediaSlash0Slash9 = __commonJS({
  93298. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/mediaSlash0Slash9.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93299. "use strict";
  93300. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93301. var { IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7, IE_8 } = require_browsers4();
  93302. var { MEDIA_QUERY } = require_identifiers();
  93303. var { ATRULE } = require_postcss2();
  93304. module2.exports = class MediaSlash0Slash9 extends BasePlugin {
  93305. /** @param {import('postcss').Result} result */
  93306. constructor(result) {
  93307. super([IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7, IE_8], [ATRULE], result);
  93308. }
  93309. /**
  93310. * @param {import('postcss').AtRule} rule
  93311. * @return {void}
  93312. */
  93313. detect(rule) {
  93314. const params = rule.params.trim();
  93315. if (params.toLowerCase() === "\\0screen\\,screen\\9") {
  93316. this.push(rule, {
  93317. identifier: MEDIA_QUERY,
  93318. hack: params
  93319. });
  93320. }
  93321. }
  93322. };
  93323. }
  93324. });
  93325. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/mediaSlash9.js
  93326. var require_mediaSlash9 = __commonJS({
  93327. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/mediaSlash9.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93328. "use strict";
  93329. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93330. var { IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7 } = require_browsers4();
  93331. var { MEDIA_QUERY } = require_identifiers();
  93332. var { ATRULE } = require_postcss2();
  93333. module2.exports = class MediaSlash9 extends BasePlugin {
  93334. /** @param {import('postcss').Result} result */
  93335. constructor(result) {
  93336. super([IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7], [ATRULE], result);
  93337. }
  93338. /**
  93339. * @param {import('postcss').AtRule} rule
  93340. * @return {void}
  93341. */
  93342. detect(rule) {
  93343. const params = rule.params.trim();
  93344. if (params.toLowerCase() === "screen\\9") {
  93345. this.push(rule, {
  93346. identifier: MEDIA_QUERY,
  93347. hack: params
  93348. });
  93349. }
  93350. }
  93351. };
  93352. }
  93353. });
  93354. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/slash9.js
  93355. var require_slash9 = __commonJS({
  93356. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/slash9.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93357. "use strict";
  93358. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93359. var { IE_6, IE_7, IE_8 } = require_browsers4();
  93360. var { VALUE } = require_identifiers();
  93361. var { DECL } = require_postcss2();
  93362. module2.exports = class Slash9 extends BasePlugin {
  93363. /** @param {import('postcss').Result=} result */
  93364. constructor(result) {
  93365. super([IE_6, IE_7, IE_8], [DECL], result);
  93366. }
  93367. /**
  93368. * @param {import('postcss').Declaration} decl
  93369. * @return {void}
  93370. */
  93371. detect(decl) {
  93372. let v = decl.value;
  93373. if (v && v.length > 2 && v.indexOf("\\9") === v.length - 2) {
  93374. this.push(decl, {
  93375. identifier: VALUE,
  93376. hack: v
  93377. });
  93378. }
  93379. }
  93380. };
  93381. }
  93382. });
  93383. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/starHtml.js
  93384. var require_starHtml = __commonJS({
  93385. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/starHtml.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93386. "use strict";
  93387. var parser = require_dist2();
  93388. var exists = require_exists();
  93389. var isMixin = require_isMixin();
  93390. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93391. var { IE_5_5, IE_6 } = require_browsers4();
  93392. var { SELECTOR } = require_identifiers();
  93393. var { RULE } = require_postcss2();
  93394. var { HTML } = require_tags();
  93395. module2.exports = class StarHtml extends BasePlugin {
  93396. /** @param {import('postcss').Result=} result */
  93397. constructor(result) {
  93398. super([IE_5_5, IE_6], [RULE], result);
  93399. }
  93400. /**
  93401. * @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93402. * @return {void}
  93403. */
  93404. detect(rule) {
  93405. if (isMixin(rule)) {
  93406. return;
  93407. }
  93408. parser(this.analyse(rule)).processSync(rule.selector);
  93409. }
  93410. /**
  93411. * @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93412. * @return {parser.SyncProcessor<void>}
  93413. */
  93414. analyse(rule) {
  93415. return (selectors) => {
  93416. selectors.each((selector) => {
  93417. if (exists(selector, 0, "*") && exists(selector, 1, " ") && exists(selector, 2, HTML) && exists(selector, 3, " ") && {
  93418. this.push(rule, {
  93419. identifier: SELECTOR,
  93420. hack: selector.toString()
  93421. });
  93422. }
  93423. });
  93424. };
  93425. }
  93426. };
  93427. }
  93428. });
  93429. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/trailingSlashComma.js
  93430. var require_trailingSlashComma = __commonJS({
  93431. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/trailingSlashComma.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93432. "use strict";
  93433. var BasePlugin = require_plugin();
  93434. var isMixin = require_isMixin();
  93435. var { IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7 } = require_browsers4();
  93436. var { SELECTOR } = require_identifiers();
  93437. var { RULE } = require_postcss2();
  93438. module2.exports = class TrailingSlashComma extends BasePlugin {
  93439. /** @param {import('postcss').Result=} result */
  93440. constructor(result) {
  93441. super([IE_5_5, IE_6, IE_7], [RULE], result);
  93442. }
  93443. /**
  93444. * @param {import('postcss').Rule} rule
  93445. * @return {void}
  93446. */
  93447. detect(rule) {
  93448. if (isMixin(rule)) {
  93449. return;
  93450. }
  93451. const { selector } = rule;
  93452. const trim = selector.trim();
  93453. if (trim.lastIndexOf(",") === selector.length - 1 || trim.lastIndexOf("\\") === selector.length - 1) {
  93454. this.push(rule, {
  93455. identifier: SELECTOR,
  93456. hack: selector
  93457. });
  93458. }
  93459. }
  93460. };
  93461. }
  93462. });
  93463. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/index.js
  93464. var require_plugins2 = __commonJS({
  93465. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/plugins/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93466. "use strict";
  93467. var bodyEmpty = require_bodyEmpty();
  93468. var htmlCombinatorCommentBody = require_htmlCombinatorCommentBody();
  93469. var htmlFirstChild = require_htmlFirstChild();
  93470. var important = require_important();
  93471. var leadingStar = require_leadingStar();
  93472. var leadingUnderscore = require_leadingUnderscore();
  93473. var mediaSlash0 = require_mediaSlash0();
  93474. var mediaSlash0Slash9 = require_mediaSlash0Slash9();
  93475. var mediaSlash9 = require_mediaSlash9();
  93476. var slash9 = require_slash9();
  93477. var starHtml = require_starHtml();
  93478. var trailingSlashComma = require_trailingSlashComma();
  93479. module2.exports = [
  93480. bodyEmpty,
  93481. htmlCombinatorCommentBody,
  93482. htmlFirstChild,
  93483. important,
  93484. leadingStar,
  93485. leadingUnderscore,
  93486. mediaSlash0,
  93487. mediaSlash0Slash9,
  93488. mediaSlash9,
  93489. slash9,
  93490. starHtml,
  93491. trailingSlashComma
  93492. ];
  93493. }
  93494. });
  93495. // node_modules/stylehacks/src/index.js
  93496. var require_src18 = __commonJS({
  93497. "node_modules/stylehacks/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93498. "use strict";
  93499. var { dirname } = require("path");
  93500. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  93501. var plugins = require_plugins2();
  93502. function pluginCreator(opts = {}) {
  93503. return {
  93504. postcssPlugin: "stylehacks",
  93505. /**
  93506. * @param {import('postcss').Result & {opts: BrowserslistOptions & {file?: string}}} result
  93507. */
  93508. prepare(result) {
  93509. const { stats, env, from, file } = result.opts || {};
  93510. const browsers = browserslist(opts.overrideBrowserslist, {
  93511. stats: opts.stats || stats,
  93512. path: opts.path || dirname(from || file || __filename),
  93513. env: opts.env || env
  93514. });
  93515. return {
  93516. OnceExit(css) {
  93517. const processors = [];
  93518. for (const Plugin of plugins) {
  93519. const hack = new Plugin(result);
  93520. if (!browsers.some((browser) => hack.targets.has(browser))) {
  93521. processors.push(hack);
  93522. }
  93523. }
  93524. css.walk((node) => {
  93525. processors.forEach((proc) => {
  93526. if (!proc.nodeTypes.has(node.type)) {
  93527. return;
  93528. }
  93529. if (opts.lint) {
  93530. return proc.detectAndWarn(node);
  93531. }
  93532. return proc.detectAndResolve(node);
  93533. });
  93534. });
  93535. }
  93536. };
  93537. }
  93538. };
  93539. }
  93540. pluginCreator.detect = (node) => {
  93541. return plugins.some((Plugin) => {
  93542. const hack = new Plugin();
  93543. return hack.any(node);
  93544. });
  93545. };
  93546. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  93547. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  93548. }
  93549. });
  93550. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/insertCloned.js
  93551. var require_insertCloned = __commonJS({
  93552. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/insertCloned.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93553. "use strict";
  93554. module2.exports = function insertCloned(rule, decl, props) {
  93555. const newNode = Object.assign(decl.clone(), props);
  93556. rule.insertAfter(decl, newNode);
  93557. return newNode;
  93558. };
  93559. }
  93560. });
  93561. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/parseTrbl.js
  93562. var require_parseTrbl = __commonJS({
  93563. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/parseTrbl.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93564. "use strict";
  93565. var { list } = require_postcss();
  93566. module2.exports = (v) => {
  93567. const s = typeof v === "string" ? : v;
  93568. return [
  93569. s[0],
  93570. // top
  93571. s[1] || s[0],
  93572. // right
  93573. s[2] || s[0],
  93574. // bottom
  93575. s[3] || s[1] || s[0]
  93576. // left
  93577. ];
  93578. };
  93579. }
  93580. });
  93581. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/hasAllProps.js
  93582. var require_hasAllProps = __commonJS({
  93583. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/hasAllProps.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93584. "use strict";
  93585. module2.exports = (rule, ...props) => {
  93586. return props.every(
  93587. (p) => rule.some((node) => node.prop && node.prop.toLowerCase().includes(p))
  93588. );
  93589. };
  93590. }
  93591. });
  93592. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/getDecls.js
  93593. var require_getDecls = __commonJS({
  93594. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/getDecls.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93595. "use strict";
  93596. module2.exports = function getDecls(rule, properties) {
  93597. return (
  93598. /** @type {import('postcss').Declaration[]} */
  93599. rule.nodes.filter(
  93600. (node) => node.type === "decl" && properties.includes(node.prop.toLowerCase())
  93601. )
  93602. );
  93603. };
  93604. }
  93605. });
  93606. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/getLastNode.js
  93607. var require_getLastNode = __commonJS({
  93608. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/getLastNode.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93609. "use strict";
  93610. module2.exports = (rule, prop) => {
  93611. return (
  93612. /** @type {import('postcss').Declaration} */
  93613. rule.filter((n) => n.type === "decl" && n.prop.toLowerCase() === prop).pop()
  93614. );
  93615. };
  93616. }
  93617. });
  93618. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/getRules.js
  93619. var require_getRules = __commonJS({
  93620. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/getRules.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93621. "use strict";
  93622. var getLastNode = require_getLastNode();
  93623. module2.exports = function getRules(props, properties) {
  93624. return => {
  93625. return getLastNode(props, property);
  93626. }).filter(Boolean);
  93627. };
  93628. }
  93629. });
  93630. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/getValue.js
  93631. var require_getValue2 = __commonJS({
  93632. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/getValue.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93633. "use strict";
  93634. module2.exports = function getValue({ value }) {
  93635. return value;
  93636. };
  93637. }
  93638. });
  93639. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/mergeRules.js
  93640. var require_mergeRules = __commonJS({
  93641. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/mergeRules.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93642. "use strict";
  93643. var hasAllProps = require_hasAllProps();
  93644. var getDecls = require_getDecls();
  93645. var getRules = require_getRules();
  93646. function isConflictingProp(propA, propB) {
  93647. if (!propB.prop || propB.important !== propA.important || propA.prop === propB.prop) {
  93648. return false;
  93649. }
  93650. const partsA = propA.prop.split("-");
  93651. const partsB = propB.prop.split("-");
  93652. if (partsA[0] !== partsB[0]) {
  93653. return false;
  93654. }
  93655. const partsASet = new Set(partsA);
  93656. return partsB.every((partB) => partsASet.has(partB));
  93657. }
  93658. function hasConflicts(match, nodes) {
  93659. const firstNode = Math.min( => nodes.indexOf(n)));
  93660. const lastNode = Math.max( => nodes.indexOf(n)));
  93661. const between = nodes.slice(firstNode + 1, lastNode);
  93662. return match.some((a) => between.some((b) => isConflictingProp(a, b)));
  93663. }
  93664. module2.exports = function mergeRules(rule, properties, callback) {
  93665. let decls = getDecls(rule, properties);
  93666. while (decls.length) {
  93667. const last = decls[decls.length - 1];
  93668. const props = decls.filter((node) => node.important === last.important);
  93669. const rules = getRules(props, properties);
  93670. if (hasAllProps(rules, && !hasConflicts(
  93671. rules,
  93672. /** @type import('postcss').Declaration[]*/
  93673. rule.nodes
  93674. )) {
  93675. if (callback(rules, last, props)) {
  93676. decls = decls.filter((node) => !rules.includes(node));
  93677. }
  93678. }
  93679. decls = decls.filter((node) => node !== last);
  93680. }
  93681. };
  93682. }
  93683. });
  93684. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/minifyTrbl.js
  93685. var require_minifyTrbl = __commonJS({
  93686. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/minifyTrbl.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93687. "use strict";
  93688. var parseTrbl = require_parseTrbl();
  93689. module2.exports = (v) => {
  93690. const value = parseTrbl(v);
  93691. if (value[3] === value[1]) {
  93692. value.pop();
  93693. if (value[2] === value[0]) {
  93694. value.pop();
  93695. if (value[0] === value[1]) {
  93696. value.pop();
  93697. }
  93698. }
  93699. }
  93700. return value.join(" ");
  93701. };
  93702. }
  93703. });
  93704. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/colornames.js
  93705. var require_colornames = __commonJS({
  93706. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/colornames.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93707. "use strict";
  93708. module2.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  93709. "aliceblue",
  93710. "antiquewhite",
  93711. "aqua",
  93712. "aquamarine",
  93713. "azure",
  93714. "beige",
  93715. "bisque",
  93716. "black",
  93717. "blanchedalmond",
  93718. "blue",
  93719. "blueviolet",
  93720. "brown",
  93721. "burlywood",
  93722. "cadetblue",
  93723. "chartreuse",
  93724. "chocolate",
  93725. "coral",
  93726. "cornflowerblue",
  93727. "cornsilk",
  93728. "crimson",
  93729. "cyan",
  93730. "darkblue",
  93731. "darkcyan",
  93732. "darkgoldenrod",
  93733. "darkgray",
  93734. "darkgreen",
  93735. "darkgrey",
  93736. "darkkhaki",
  93737. "darkmagenta",
  93738. "darkolivegreen",
  93739. "darkorange",
  93740. "darkorchid",
  93741. "darkred",
  93742. "darksalmon",
  93743. "darkseagreen",
  93744. "darkslateblue",
  93745. "darkslategray",
  93746. "darkslategrey",
  93747. "darkturquoise",
  93748. "darkviolet",
  93749. "deeppink",
  93750. "deepskyblue",
  93751. "dimgray",
  93752. "dimgrey",
  93753. "dodgerblue",
  93754. "firebrick",
  93755. "floralwhite",
  93756. "forestgreen",
  93757. "fuchsia",
  93758. "gainsboro",
  93759. "ghostwhite",
  93760. "gold",
  93761. "goldenrod",
  93762. "gray",
  93763. "green",
  93764. "greenyellow",
  93765. "grey",
  93766. "honeydew",
  93767. "hotpink",
  93768. "indianred",
  93769. "indigo",
  93770. "ivory",
  93771. "khaki",
  93772. "lavender",
  93773. "lavenderblush",
  93774. "lawngreen",
  93775. "lemonchiffon",
  93776. "lightblue",
  93777. "lightcoral",
  93778. "lightcyan",
  93779. "lightgoldenrodyellow",
  93780. "lightgray",
  93781. "lightgreen",
  93782. "lightgrey",
  93783. "lightpink",
  93784. "lightsalmon",
  93785. "lightseagreen",
  93786. "lightskyblue",
  93787. "lightslategray",
  93788. "lightslategrey",
  93789. "lightsteelblue",
  93790. "lightyellow",
  93791. "lime",
  93792. "limegreen",
  93793. "linen",
  93794. "magenta",
  93795. "maroon",
  93796. "mediumaquamarine",
  93797. "mediumblue",
  93798. "mediumorchid",
  93799. "mediumpurple",
  93800. "mediumseagreen",
  93801. "mediumslateblue",
  93802. "mediumspringgreen",
  93803. "mediumturquoise",
  93804. "mediumvioletred",
  93805. "midnightblue",
  93806. "mintcream",
  93807. "mistyrose",
  93808. "moccasin",
  93809. "navajowhite",
  93810. "navy",
  93811. "oldlace",
  93812. "olive",
  93813. "olivedrab",
  93814. "orange",
  93815. "orangered",
  93816. "orchid",
  93817. "palegoldenrod",
  93818. "palegreen",
  93819. "paleturquoise",
  93820. "palevioletred",
  93821. "papayawhip",
  93822. "peachpuff",
  93823. "peru",
  93824. "pink",
  93825. "plum",
  93826. "powderblue",
  93827. "purple",
  93828. "rebeccapurple",
  93829. "red",
  93830. "rosybrown",
  93831. "royalblue",
  93832. "saddlebrown",
  93833. "salmon",
  93834. "sandybrown",
  93835. "seagreen",
  93836. "seashell",
  93837. "sienna",
  93838. "silver",
  93839. "skyblue",
  93840. "slateblue",
  93841. "slategray",
  93842. "slategrey",
  93843. "snow",
  93844. "springgreen",
  93845. "steelblue",
  93846. "tan",
  93847. "teal",
  93848. "thistle",
  93849. "tomato",
  93850. "turquoise",
  93851. "violet",
  93852. "wheat",
  93853. "white",
  93854. "whitesmoke",
  93855. "yellow",
  93856. "yellowgreen"
  93857. ]);
  93858. }
  93859. });
  93860. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/validateWsc.js
  93861. var require_validateWsc = __commonJS({
  93862. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/validateWsc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93863. "use strict";
  93864. var colors = require_colornames();
  93865. var widths = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["thin", "medium", "thick"]);
  93866. var styles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  93867. "none",
  93868. "hidden",
  93869. "dotted",
  93870. "dashed",
  93871. "solid",
  93872. "double",
  93873. "groove",
  93874. "ridge",
  93875. "inset",
  93876. "outset"
  93877. ]);
  93878. function isStyle(value) {
  93879. return value !== void 0 && styles.has(value.toLowerCase());
  93880. }
  93881. function isWidth(value) {
  93882. return value && widths.has(value.toLowerCase()) || /^(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)(\w+)?$/.test(value);
  93883. }
  93884. function isColor(value) {
  93885. if (!value) {
  93886. return false;
  93887. }
  93888. value = value.toLowerCase();
  93889. if (/rgba?\(/.test(value)) {
  93890. return true;
  93891. }
  93892. if (/hsla?\(/.test(value)) {
  93893. return true;
  93894. }
  93895. if (/#([0-9a-z]{6}|[0-9a-z]{3})/.test(value)) {
  93896. return true;
  93897. }
  93898. if (value === "transparent") {
  93899. return true;
  93900. }
  93901. if (value === "currentcolor") {
  93902. return true;
  93903. }
  93904. return colors.has(value);
  93905. }
  93906. function isValidWsc(wscs) {
  93907. const validWidth = isWidth(wscs[0]);
  93908. const validStyle = isStyle(wscs[1]);
  93909. const validColor = isColor(wscs[2]);
  93910. return validWidth && validStyle || validWidth && validColor || validStyle && validColor;
  93911. }
  93912. module2.exports = { isStyle, isWidth, isColor, isValidWsc };
  93913. }
  93914. });
  93915. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/parseWsc.js
  93916. var require_parseWsc = __commonJS({
  93917. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/parseWsc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93918. "use strict";
  93919. var { list } = require_postcss();
  93920. var { isWidth, isStyle, isColor } = require_validateWsc();
  93921. var none = /^\s*(none|medium)(\s+none(\s+(none|currentcolor))?)?\s*$/i;
  93922. var varRE = /--(\w|-|[^\x00-\x7F])+/g;
  93923. var toLower = (v) => {
  93924. let match;
  93925. let lastIndex = 0;
  93926. let result = "";
  93927. varRE.lastIndex = 0;
  93928. while ((match = varRE.exec(v)) !== null) {
  93929. if (match.index > lastIndex) {
  93930. result += v.substring(lastIndex, match.index).toLowerCase();
  93931. }
  93932. result += match[0];
  93933. lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
  93934. }
  93935. if (lastIndex < v.length) {
  93936. result += v.substring(lastIndex).toLowerCase();
  93937. }
  93938. if (result === "") {
  93939. return v;
  93940. }
  93941. return result;
  93942. };
  93943. module2.exports = function parseWsc(value) {
  93944. if (none.test(value)) {
  93945. return ["medium", "none", "currentcolor"];
  93946. }
  93947. let width, style, color;
  93948. const values =;
  93949. if (values.length > 1 && isStyle(values[1]) && values[0].toLowerCase() === "none") {
  93950. values.unshift();
  93951. width = "0";
  93952. }
  93953. const unknown = [];
  93954. values.forEach((v) => {
  93955. if (isStyle(v)) {
  93956. style = toLower(v);
  93957. } else if (isWidth(v)) {
  93958. width = toLower(v);
  93959. } else if (isColor(v)) {
  93960. color = toLower(v);
  93961. } else {
  93962. unknown.push(v);
  93963. }
  93964. });
  93965. if (unknown.length) {
  93966. if (!width && style && color) {
  93967. width = unknown.pop();
  93968. }
  93969. if (width && !style && color) {
  93970. style = unknown.pop();
  93971. }
  93972. if (width && style && !color) {
  93973. color = unknown.pop();
  93974. }
  93975. }
  93976. return (
  93977. /** @type {[string, string, string]} */
  93978. [width, style, color]
  93979. );
  93980. };
  93981. }
  93982. });
  93983. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/minifyWsc.js
  93984. var require_minifyWsc = __commonJS({
  93985. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/minifyWsc.js"(exports2, module2) {
  93986. "use strict";
  93987. var parseWsc = require_parseWsc();
  93988. var minifyTrbl = require_minifyTrbl();
  93989. var { isValidWsc } = require_validateWsc();
  93990. var defaults = ["medium", "none", "currentcolor"];
  93991. module2.exports = (v) => {
  93992. const values = parseWsc(v);
  93993. if (!isValidWsc(values)) {
  93994. return minifyTrbl(v);
  93995. }
  93996. const value = [...values, ""].reduceRight((prev, cur, i, arr) => {
  93997. if (cur === void 0 || cur.toLowerCase() === defaults[i] && (!i || (arr[i - 1] || "").toLowerCase() !== cur.toLowerCase())) {
  93998. return prev;
  93999. }
  94000. return cur + " " + prev;
  94001. }).trim();
  94002. return minifyTrbl(value || "none");
  94003. };
  94004. }
  94005. });
  94006. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/isCustomProp.js
  94007. var require_isCustomProp = __commonJS({
  94008. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/isCustomProp.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94009. "use strict";
  94010. module2.exports = (node) =>\s*\(\s*--/i) !== -1;
  94011. }
  94012. });
  94013. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/canMerge.js
  94014. var require_canMerge = __commonJS({
  94015. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/canMerge.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94016. "use strict";
  94017. var isCustomProp = require_isCustomProp();
  94018. var important = (node) => node.important;
  94019. var unimportant = (node) => !node.important;
  94020. var cssWideKeywords = ["inherit", "initial", "unset", "revert"];
  94021. module2.exports = (props, includeCustomProps = true) => {
  94022. const uniqueProps = new Set( => node.value.toLowerCase()));
  94023. if (uniqueProps.size > 1) {
  94024. for (const unmergeable of cssWideKeywords) {
  94025. if (uniqueProps.has(unmergeable)) {
  94026. return false;
  94027. }
  94028. }
  94029. }
  94030. if (includeCustomProps && props.some(isCustomProp) && !props.every(isCustomProp)) {
  94031. return false;
  94032. }
  94033. return props.every(unimportant) || props.every(important);
  94034. };
  94035. }
  94036. });
  94037. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/trbl.js
  94038. var require_trbl = __commonJS({
  94039. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/trbl.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94040. "use strict";
  94041. module2.exports = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"];
  94042. }
  94043. });
  94044. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/canExplode.js
  94045. var require_canExplode = __commonJS({
  94046. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/canExplode.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94047. "use strict";
  94048. var isCustomProp = require_isCustomProp();
  94049. var globalKeywords = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["inherit", "initial", "unset", "revert"]);
  94050. module2.exports = (prop, includeCustomProps = true) => {
  94051. if (!prop.value || includeCustomProps && isCustomProp(prop) || prop.value && globalKeywords.has(prop.value.toLowerCase())) {
  94052. return false;
  94053. }
  94054. return true;
  94055. };
  94056. }
  94057. });
  94058. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/borders.js
  94059. var require_borders = __commonJS({
  94060. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/borders.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94061. "use strict";
  94062. var { list } = require_postcss();
  94063. var stylehacks = require_src18();
  94064. var insertCloned = require_insertCloned();
  94065. var parseTrbl = require_parseTrbl();
  94066. var hasAllProps = require_hasAllProps();
  94067. var getDecls = require_getDecls();
  94068. var getRules = require_getRules();
  94069. var getValue = require_getValue2();
  94070. var mergeRules = require_mergeRules();
  94071. var minifyTrbl = require_minifyTrbl();
  94072. var minifyWsc = require_minifyWsc();
  94073. var canMerge = require_canMerge();
  94074. var trbl = require_trbl();
  94075. var isCustomProp = require_isCustomProp();
  94076. var canExplode = require_canExplode();
  94077. var getLastNode = require_getLastNode();
  94078. var parseWsc = require_parseWsc();
  94079. var { isValidWsc } = require_validateWsc();
  94080. var wsc = ["width", "style", "color"];
  94081. var defaults = ["medium", "none", "currentcolor"];
  94082. var colorMightRequireFallback = /(hsla|rgba|color|hwb|lab|lch|oklab|oklch)\(/i;
  94083. function borderProperty( {
  94084. return `border-${parts.join("-")}`;
  94085. }
  94086. function mapBorderProperty(value) {
  94087. return borderProperty(value);
  94088. }
  94089. var directions =;
  94090. var properties =;
  94091. var directionalProperties = directions.reduce(
  94092. (prev, curr) => prev.concat( => `${curr}-${prop}`)),
  94093. /** @type {string[]} */
  94094. []
  94095. );
  94096. var precedence = [
  94097. ["border"],
  94098. directions.concat(properties),
  94099. directionalProperties
  94100. ];
  94101. var allProperties = precedence.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b));
  94102. function getLevel(prop) {
  94103. for (let i = 0; i < precedence.length; i++) {
  94104. if (precedence[i].includes(prop.toLowerCase())) {
  94105. return i;
  94106. }
  94107. }
  94108. }
  94109. var isValueCustomProp = (value) => value !== void 0 &&\s*\(\s*--/i) !== -1;
  94110. function canMergeValues(values) {
  94111. return !values.some(isValueCustomProp);
  94112. }
  94113. function getColorValue(decl) {
  94114. if (decl.prop.substr(-5) === "color") {
  94115. return decl.value;
  94116. }
  94117. return parseWsc(decl.value)[2] || defaults[2];
  94118. }
  94119. function diffingProps(values, nextValues) {
  94120. return wsc.reduce(
  94121. (prev, curr, i) => {
  94122. if (values[i] === nextValues[i]) {
  94123. return prev;
  94124. }
  94125. return [...prev, curr];
  94126. },
  94127. /** @type {string[]} */
  94128. []
  94129. );
  94130. }
  94131. function mergeRedundant({ values, nextValues, decl, nextDecl, index }) {
  94132. if (!canMerge([decl, nextDecl])) {
  94133. return;
  94134. }
  94135. if (stylehacks.detect(decl) || stylehacks.detect(nextDecl)) {
  94136. return;
  94137. }
  94138. const diff = diffingProps(values, nextValues);
  94139. if (diff.length !== 1) {
  94140. return;
  94141. }
  94142. const prop = (
  94143. /** @type {string} */
  94144. diff.pop()
  94145. );
  94146. const position = wsc.indexOf(prop);
  94147. const prop1 = `${nextDecl.prop}-${prop}`;
  94148. const prop2 = `border-${prop}`;
  94149. let props = parseTrbl(values[position]);
  94150. props[index] = nextValues[position];
  94151. const borderValue2 = values.filter((e, i) => i !== position).join(" ");
  94152. const propValue2 = minifyTrbl(props);
  94153. const origLength = (minifyWsc(decl.value) + nextDecl.prop + nextDecl.value).length;
  94154. const newLength1 = decl.value.length + prop1.length + minifyWsc(nextValues[position]).length;
  94155. const newLength2 = borderValue2.length + prop2.length + propValue2.length;
  94156. if (newLength1 < newLength2 && newLength1 < origLength) {
  94157. nextDecl.prop = prop1;
  94158. nextDecl.value = nextValues[position];
  94159. }
  94160. if (newLength2 < newLength1 && newLength2 < origLength) {
  94161. decl.value = borderValue2;
  94162. nextDecl.prop = prop2;
  94163. nextDecl.value = propValue2;
  94164. }
  94165. }
  94166. function isCloseEnough(mapped) {
  94167. return mapped[0] === mapped[1] && mapped[1] === mapped[2] || mapped[1] === mapped[2] && mapped[2] === mapped[3] || mapped[2] === mapped[3] && mapped[3] === mapped[0] || mapped[3] === mapped[0] && mapped[0] === mapped[1];
  94168. }
  94169. function getDistinctShorthands(mapped) {
  94170. return [ Set(mapped)];
  94171. }
  94172. function explode(rule) {
  94173. rule.walkDecls(/^border/i, (decl) => {
  94174. if (!canExplode(decl, false)) {
  94175. return;
  94176. }
  94177. if (stylehacks.detect(decl)) {
  94178. return;
  94179. }
  94180. const prop = decl.prop.toLowerCase();
  94181. if (prop === "border") {
  94182. if (isValidWsc(parseWsc(decl.value))) {
  94183. directions.forEach((direction) => {
  94184. insertCloned(
  94185. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94186. decl.parent,
  94187. decl,
  94188. { prop: direction }
  94189. );
  94190. });
  94191. decl.remove();
  94192. }
  94193. }
  94194. if (directions.some((direction) => prop === direction)) {
  94195. let values = parseWsc(decl.value);
  94196. if (isValidWsc(values)) {
  94197. wsc.forEach((d, i) => {
  94198. insertCloned(
  94199. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94200. decl.parent,
  94201. decl,
  94202. {
  94203. prop: `${prop}-${d}`,
  94204. value: values[i] || defaults[i]
  94205. }
  94206. );
  94207. });
  94208. decl.remove();
  94209. }
  94210. }
  94211. wsc.some((style) => {
  94212. if (prop !== borderProperty(style)) {
  94213. return false;
  94214. }
  94215. if (isCustomProp(decl)) {
  94216. decl.prop = decl.prop.toLowerCase();
  94217. return false;
  94218. }
  94219. parseTrbl(decl.value).forEach((value, i) => {
  94220. insertCloned(
  94221. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94222. decl.parent,
  94223. decl,
  94224. {
  94225. prop: borderProperty(trbl[i], style),
  94226. value
  94227. }
  94228. );
  94229. });
  94230. return decl.remove();
  94231. });
  94232. });
  94233. }
  94234. function merge(rule) {
  94235. trbl.forEach((direction) => {
  94236. const prop = borderProperty(direction);
  94237. mergeRules(
  94238. rule,
  94239. => borderProperty(direction, style)),
  94240. (rules, lastNode) => {
  94241. if (canMerge(rules, false) && !rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94242. insertCloned(
  94243. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94244. lastNode.parent,
  94245. lastNode,
  94246. {
  94247. prop,
  94248. value:" ")
  94249. }
  94250. );
  94251. for (const node of rules) {
  94252. node.remove();
  94253. }
  94254. return true;
  94255. }
  94256. return false;
  94257. }
  94258. );
  94259. });
  94260. wsc.forEach((style) => {
  94261. const prop = borderProperty(style);
  94262. mergeRules(
  94263. rule,
  94264. => borderProperty(direction, style)),
  94265. (rules, lastNode) => {
  94266. if (canMerge(rules) && !rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94267. insertCloned(
  94268. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94269. lastNode.parent,
  94270. lastNode,
  94271. {
  94272. prop,
  94273. value: minifyTrbl(" "))
  94274. }
  94275. );
  94276. for (const node of rules) {
  94277. node.remove();
  94278. }
  94279. return true;
  94280. }
  94281. return false;
  94282. }
  94283. );
  94284. });
  94285. mergeRules(rule, directions, (rules, lastNode) => {
  94286. if (rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94287. return false;
  94288. }
  94289. const values ={ value }) => value);
  94290. if (!canMergeValues(values)) {
  94291. return false;
  94292. }
  94293. const parsed = => parseWsc(value));
  94294. if (!parsed.every(isValidWsc)) {
  94295. return false;
  94296. }
  94297. wsc.forEach((d, i) => {
  94298. const value = => v[i] || defaults[i]);
  94299. if (canMergeValues(value)) {
  94300. insertCloned(
  94301. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94302. lastNode.parent,
  94303. lastNode,
  94304. {
  94305. prop: borderProperty(d),
  94306. value: minifyTrbl(
  94307. /** @type {[string, string, string, string]} */
  94308. value
  94309. )
  94310. }
  94311. );
  94312. } else {
  94313. insertCloned(
  94314. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94315. lastNode.parent,
  94316. lastNode
  94317. );
  94318. }
  94319. });
  94320. for (const node of rules) {
  94321. node.remove();
  94322. }
  94323. return true;
  94324. });
  94325. mergeRules(rule, properties, (rules, lastNode) => {
  94326. if (rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94327. return false;
  94328. }
  94329. const values = => parseTrbl(node.value));
  94330. const mapped = [0, 1, 2, 3].map(
  94331. (i) => [values[0][i], values[1][i], values[2][i]].join(" ")
  94332. );
  94333. if (!canMergeValues(mapped)) {
  94334. return false;
  94335. }
  94336. const [width, style, color] = rules;
  94337. const reduced = getDistinctShorthands(mapped);
  94338. if (isCloseEnough(mapped) && canMerge(rules, false)) {
  94339. const first = mapped.indexOf(reduced[0]) !== mapped.lastIndexOf(reduced[0]);
  94340. const border = insertCloned(
  94341. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94342. lastNode.parent,
  94343. lastNode,
  94344. {
  94345. prop: "border",
  94346. value: first ? reduced[0] : reduced[1]
  94347. }
  94348. );
  94349. if (reduced[1]) {
  94350. const value = first ? reduced[1] : reduced[0];
  94351. const prop = borderProperty(trbl[mapped.indexOf(value)]);
  94352. rule.insertAfter(
  94353. border,
  94354. Object.assign(lastNode.clone(), {
  94355. prop,
  94356. value
  94357. })
  94358. );
  94359. }
  94360. for (const node of rules) {
  94361. node.remove();
  94362. }
  94363. return true;
  94364. } else if (reduced.length === 1) {
  94365. rule.insertBefore(
  94366. color,
  94367. Object.assign(lastNode.clone(), {
  94368. prop: "border",
  94369. value: [width, style].map(getValue).join(" ")
  94370. })
  94371. );
  94372. rules.filter((node) => node.prop.toLowerCase() !== properties[2]).forEach((node) => node.remove());
  94373. return true;
  94374. }
  94375. return false;
  94376. });
  94377. mergeRules(rule, properties, (rules, lastNode) => {
  94378. if (rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94379. return false;
  94380. }
  94381. const values = => parseTrbl(node.value));
  94382. const mapped = [0, 1, 2, 3].map(
  94383. (i) => [values[0][i], values[1][i], values[2][i]].join(" ")
  94384. );
  94385. const reduced = getDistinctShorthands(mapped);
  94386. const none = "medium none currentcolor";
  94387. if (reduced.length > 1 && reduced.length < 4 && reduced.includes(none)) {
  94388. const filtered = mapped.filter((p) => p !== none);
  94389. const mostCommon = reduced.sort(
  94390. (a, b) => mapped.filter((v) => v === b).length - mapped.filter((v) => v === a).length
  94391. )[0];
  94392. const borderValue = reduced.length === 2 ? filtered[0] : mostCommon;
  94393. rule.insertBefore(
  94394. lastNode,
  94395. Object.assign(lastNode.clone(), {
  94396. prop: "border",
  94397. value: borderValue
  94398. })
  94399. );
  94400. directions.forEach((dir, i) => {
  94401. if (mapped[i] !== borderValue) {
  94402. rule.insertBefore(
  94403. lastNode,
  94404. Object.assign(lastNode.clone(), {
  94405. prop: dir,
  94406. value: mapped[i]
  94407. })
  94408. );
  94409. }
  94410. });
  94411. for (const node of rules) {
  94412. node.remove();
  94413. }
  94414. return true;
  94415. }
  94416. return false;
  94417. });
  94418. mergeRules(rule, directions, (rules, lastNode) => {
  94419. if (rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94420. return false;
  94421. }
  94422. const values = => {
  94423. const wscValue = parseWsc(node.value);
  94424. if (!isValidWsc(wscValue)) {
  94425. return node.value;
  94426. }
  94427. return, i) => value || defaults[i]).join(" ");
  94428. });
  94429. const reduced = getDistinctShorthands(values);
  94430. if (isCloseEnough(values)) {
  94431. const first = values.indexOf(reduced[0]) !== values.lastIndexOf(reduced[0]);
  94432. rule.insertBefore(
  94433. lastNode,
  94434. Object.assign(lastNode.clone(), {
  94435. prop: "border",
  94436. value: minifyWsc(first ? values[0] : values[1])
  94437. })
  94438. );
  94439. if (reduced[1]) {
  94440. const value = first ? reduced[1] : reduced[0];
  94441. const prop = directions[values.indexOf(value)];
  94442. rule.insertBefore(
  94443. lastNode,
  94444. Object.assign(lastNode.clone(), {
  94445. prop,
  94446. value: minifyWsc(value)
  94447. })
  94448. );
  94449. }
  94450. for (const node of rules) {
  94451. node.remove();
  94452. }
  94453. return true;
  94454. }
  94455. return false;
  94456. });
  94457. directions.forEach((direction) => {
  94458. wsc.forEach((style, i) => {
  94459. const prop = `${direction}-${style}`;
  94460. mergeRules(rule, [direction, prop], (rules, lastNode) => {
  94461. if (lastNode.prop !== direction) {
  94462. return false;
  94463. }
  94464. const values = parseWsc(lastNode.value);
  94465. if (!isValidWsc(values)) {
  94466. return false;
  94467. }
  94468. const wscProp = rules.filter((r) => r !== lastNode)[0];
  94469. if (!isValueCustomProp(values[i]) || isCustomProp(wscProp)) {
  94470. return false;
  94471. }
  94472. const wscValue = values[i];
  94473. values[i] = wscProp.value;
  94474. if (canMerge(rules, false) && !rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94475. insertCloned(
  94476. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94477. lastNode.parent,
  94478. lastNode,
  94479. {
  94480. prop,
  94481. value: wscValue
  94482. }
  94483. );
  94484. lastNode.value = minifyWsc(
  94485. /** @type {any} */
  94486. values
  94487. );
  94488. wscProp.remove();
  94489. return true;
  94490. }
  94491. return false;
  94492. });
  94493. });
  94494. });
  94495. wsc.forEach((style, i) => {
  94496. const prop = borderProperty(style);
  94497. mergeRules(rule, ["border", prop], (rules, lastNode) => {
  94498. if (lastNode.prop !== "border") {
  94499. return false;
  94500. }
  94501. const values = parseWsc(lastNode.value);
  94502. if (!isValidWsc(values)) {
  94503. return false;
  94504. }
  94505. const wscProp = rules.filter((r) => r !== lastNode)[0];
  94506. if (!isValueCustomProp(values[i]) || isCustomProp(wscProp)) {
  94507. return false;
  94508. }
  94509. const wscValue = values[i];
  94510. values[i] = wscProp.value;
  94511. if (canMerge(rules, false) && !rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94512. insertCloned(
  94513. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94514. lastNode.parent,
  94515. lastNode,
  94516. {
  94517. prop,
  94518. value: wscValue
  94519. }
  94520. );
  94521. lastNode.value = minifyWsc(
  94522. /** @type {any} */
  94523. values
  94524. );
  94525. wscProp.remove();
  94526. return true;
  94527. }
  94528. return false;
  94529. });
  94530. });
  94531. let decls = getDecls(rule, directions);
  94532. while (decls.length) {
  94533. const lastNode = decls[decls.length - 1];
  94534. wsc.forEach((d, i) => {
  94535. const names = directions.filter((name) => name !== lastNode.prop).map((name) => `${name}-${d}`);
  94536. let nodes = rule.nodes.slice(0, rule.nodes.indexOf(lastNode));
  94537. const border = getLastNode(nodes, "border");
  94538. if (border) {
  94539. nodes = nodes.slice(nodes.indexOf(border));
  94540. }
  94541. const props = nodes.filter(
  94542. (node) => node.type === "decl" && names.includes(node.prop) && node.important === lastNode.important
  94543. );
  94544. const rules = getRules(
  94545. /** @type {import('postcss').Declaration[]} */
  94546. props,
  94547. names
  94548. );
  94549. if (hasAllProps(rules, ...names) && !rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94550. const values = => node ? node.value : null);
  94551. const filteredValues = values.filter(Boolean);
  94552. const lastNodeValue =[i];
  94553. values[directions.indexOf(lastNode.prop)] = lastNodeValue;
  94554. let value = minifyTrbl(values.join(" "));
  94555. if (filteredValues[0] === filteredValues[1] && filteredValues[1] === filteredValues[2]) {
  94556. value = /** @type {string} */
  94557. filteredValues[0];
  94558. }
  94559. let refNode = props[props.length - 1];
  94560. if (value === lastNodeValue) {
  94561. refNode = lastNode;
  94562. let valueArray =;
  94563. valueArray.splice(i, 1);
  94564. lastNode.value = valueArray.join(" ");
  94565. }
  94566. insertCloned(
  94567. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94568. refNode.parent,
  94569. /** @type {import('postcss').Declaration} */
  94570. refNode,
  94571. {
  94572. prop: borderProperty(d),
  94573. value
  94574. }
  94575. );
  94576. decls = decls.filter((node) => !rules.includes(node));
  94577. for (const node of rules) {
  94578. node.remove();
  94579. }
  94580. }
  94581. });
  94582. decls = decls.filter((node) => node !== lastNode);
  94583. }
  94584. rule.walkDecls("border", (decl) => {
  94585. const nextDecl =;
  94586. if (!nextDecl || nextDecl.type !== "decl") {
  94587. return false;
  94588. }
  94589. const index = directions.indexOf(nextDecl.prop);
  94590. if (index === -1) {
  94591. return;
  94592. }
  94593. const values = parseWsc(decl.value);
  94594. const nextValues = parseWsc(nextDecl.value);
  94595. if (!isValidWsc(values) || !isValidWsc(nextValues)) {
  94596. return;
  94597. }
  94598. const config = {
  94599. values,
  94600. nextValues,
  94601. decl,
  94602. nextDecl,
  94603. index
  94604. };
  94605. return mergeRedundant(config);
  94606. });
  94607. rule.walkDecls(/^border($|-(top|right|bottom|left)$)/i, (decl) => {
  94608. let values = parseWsc(decl.value);
  94609. if (!isValidWsc(values)) {
  94610. return;
  94611. }
  94612. const position = directions.indexOf(decl.prop);
  94613. let dirs = [...directions];
  94614. dirs.splice(position, 1);
  94615. wsc.forEach((d, i) => {
  94616. const props = => `${dir}-${d}`);
  94617. mergeRules(rule, [decl.prop, ...props], (rules) => {
  94618. if (!rules.includes(decl)) {
  94619. return false;
  94620. }
  94621. const longhands = rules.filter((p) => p !== decl);
  94622. if (longhands[0].value.toLowerCase() === longhands[1].value.toLowerCase() && longhands[1].value.toLowerCase() === longhands[2].value.toLowerCase() && values[i] !== void 0 && longhands[0].value.toLowerCase() === values[i].toLowerCase()) {
  94623. for (const node of longhands) {
  94624. node.remove();
  94625. }
  94626. insertCloned(
  94627. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94628. decl.parent,
  94629. decl,
  94630. {
  94631. prop: borderProperty(d),
  94632. value: values[i]
  94633. }
  94634. );
  94635. values[i] = null;
  94636. }
  94637. return false;
  94638. });
  94639. const newValue = values.join(" ");
  94640. if (newValue) {
  94641. decl.value = newValue;
  94642. } else {
  94643. decl.remove();
  94644. }
  94645. });
  94646. });
  94647. rule.walkDecls(/^border($|-(top|right|bottom|left)$)/i, (decl) => {
  94648. decl.value = minifyWsc(decl.value);
  94649. });
  94650. rule.walkDecls(/^border-spacing$/i, (decl) => {
  94651. const value =;
  94652. if (value.length > 1 && value[0] === value[1]) {
  94653. decl.value = value.slice(1).join(" ");
  94654. }
  94655. });
  94656. decls = getDecls(rule, allProperties);
  94657. while (decls.length) {
  94658. const lastNode = decls[decls.length - 1];
  94659. const lastPart = lastNode.prop.split("-").pop();
  94660. const lesser = decls.filter(
  94661. (node) => !stylehacks.detect(lastNode) && !stylehacks.detect(node) && !isCustomProp(lastNode) && node !== lastNode && node.important === lastNode.important && /** @type {number} */
  94662. getLevel(node.prop) > /** @type {number} */
  94663. getLevel(lastNode.prop) && (node.prop.toLowerCase().includes(lastNode.prop) || node.prop.toLowerCase().endsWith(
  94664. /** @type {string} */
  94665. lastPart
  94666. ))
  94667. );
  94668. for (const node of lesser) {
  94669. node.remove();
  94670. }
  94671. decls = decls.filter((node) => !lesser.includes(node));
  94672. let duplicates = decls.filter(
  94673. (node) => !stylehacks.detect(lastNode) && !stylehacks.detect(node) && node !== lastNode && node.important === lastNode.important && node.prop === lastNode.prop && !(!isCustomProp(node) && isCustomProp(lastNode))
  94674. );
  94675. if (duplicates.length) {
  94676. if (colorMightRequireFallback.test(getColorValue(lastNode))) {
  94677. const preserve = duplicates.filter(
  94678. (node) => !colorMightRequireFallback.test(getColorValue(node))
  94679. ).pop();
  94680. duplicates = duplicates.filter((node) => node !== preserve);
  94681. }
  94682. for (const node of duplicates) {
  94683. node.remove();
  94684. }
  94685. }
  94686. decls = decls.filter(
  94687. (node) => node !== lastNode && !duplicates.includes(node)
  94688. );
  94689. }
  94690. }
  94691. module2.exports = {
  94692. explode,
  94693. merge
  94694. };
  94695. }
  94696. });
  94697. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/columns.js
  94698. var require_columns2 = __commonJS({
  94699. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/columns.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94700. "use strict";
  94701. var { list } = require_postcss();
  94702. var { unit } = require_lib();
  94703. var stylehacks = require_src18();
  94704. var canMerge = require_canMerge();
  94705. var getDecls = require_getDecls();
  94706. var getValue = require_getValue2();
  94707. var mergeRules = require_mergeRules();
  94708. var insertCloned = require_insertCloned();
  94709. var isCustomProp = require_isCustomProp();
  94710. var canExplode = require_canExplode();
  94711. var properties = ["column-width", "column-count"];
  94712. var auto = "auto";
  94713. var inherit = "inherit";
  94714. function normalize(values) {
  94715. if (values[0].toLowerCase() === auto) {
  94716. return values[1];
  94717. }
  94718. if (values[1].toLowerCase() === auto) {
  94719. return values[0];
  94720. }
  94721. if (values[0].toLowerCase() === inherit && values[1].toLowerCase() === inherit) {
  94722. return inherit;
  94723. }
  94724. return values.join(" ");
  94725. }
  94726. function explode(rule) {
  94727. rule.walkDecls(/^columns$/i, (decl) => {
  94728. if (!canExplode(decl)) {
  94729. return;
  94730. }
  94731. if (stylehacks.detect(decl)) {
  94732. return;
  94733. }
  94734. let values =;
  94735. if (values.length === 1) {
  94736. values.push(auto);
  94737. }
  94738. values.forEach((value, i) => {
  94739. let prop = properties[1];
  94740. const dimension = unit(value);
  94741. if (value.toLowerCase() === auto) {
  94742. prop = properties[i];
  94743. } else if (dimension && dimension.unit !== "") {
  94744. prop = properties[0];
  94745. }
  94746. insertCloned(
  94747. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94748. decl.parent,
  94749. decl,
  94750. {
  94751. prop,
  94752. value
  94753. }
  94754. );
  94755. });
  94756. decl.remove();
  94757. });
  94758. }
  94759. function cleanup(rule) {
  94760. let decls = getDecls(rule, ["columns"].concat(properties));
  94761. while (decls.length) {
  94762. const lastNode = decls[decls.length - 1];
  94763. const lesser = decls.filter(
  94764. (node) => !stylehacks.detect(lastNode) && !stylehacks.detect(node) && node !== lastNode && node.important === lastNode.important && lastNode.prop === "columns" && node.prop !== lastNode.prop
  94765. );
  94766. for (const node of lesser) {
  94767. node.remove();
  94768. }
  94769. decls = decls.filter((node) => !lesser.includes(node));
  94770. let duplicates = decls.filter(
  94771. (node) => !stylehacks.detect(lastNode) && !stylehacks.detect(node) && node !== lastNode && node.important === lastNode.important && node.prop === lastNode.prop && !(!isCustomProp(node) && isCustomProp(lastNode))
  94772. );
  94773. for (const node of duplicates) {
  94774. node.remove();
  94775. }
  94776. decls = decls.filter(
  94777. (node) => node !== lastNode && !duplicates.includes(node)
  94778. );
  94779. }
  94780. }
  94781. function merge(rule) {
  94782. mergeRules(rule, properties, (rules, lastNode) => {
  94783. if (canMerge(rules) && !rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94784. insertCloned(
  94785. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94786. lastNode.parent,
  94787. lastNode,
  94788. {
  94789. prop: "columns",
  94790. value: normalize(
  94791. /** @type [string, string] */
  94793. )
  94794. }
  94795. );
  94796. for (const node of rules) {
  94797. node.remove();
  94798. }
  94799. return true;
  94800. }
  94801. return false;
  94802. });
  94803. cleanup(rule);
  94804. }
  94805. module2.exports = {
  94806. explode,
  94807. merge
  94808. };
  94809. }
  94810. });
  94811. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/mergeValues.js
  94812. var require_mergeValues = __commonJS({
  94813. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/mergeValues.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94814. "use strict";
  94815. var getValue = require_getValue2();
  94816. module2.exports = (...rules) =>" ");
  94817. }
  94818. });
  94819. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/boxBase.js
  94820. var require_boxBase = __commonJS({
  94821. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/boxBase.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94822. "use strict";
  94823. var stylehacks = require_src18();
  94824. var canMerge = require_canMerge();
  94825. var getDecls = require_getDecls();
  94826. var minifyTrbl = require_minifyTrbl();
  94827. var parseTrbl = require_parseTrbl();
  94828. var insertCloned = require_insertCloned();
  94829. var mergeRules = require_mergeRules();
  94830. var mergeValues = require_mergeValues();
  94831. var trbl = require_trbl();
  94832. var isCustomProp = require_isCustomProp();
  94833. var canExplode = require_canExplode();
  94834. module2.exports = (prop) => {
  94835. const properties = => `${prop}-${direction}`);
  94836. const cleanup = (rule) => {
  94837. let decls = getDecls(rule, [prop].concat(properties));
  94838. while (decls.length) {
  94839. const lastNode = decls[decls.length - 1];
  94840. const lesser = decls.filter(
  94841. (node) => !stylehacks.detect(lastNode) && !stylehacks.detect(node) && node !== lastNode && node.important === lastNode.important && lastNode.prop === prop && node.prop !== lastNode.prop
  94842. );
  94843. for (const node of lesser) {
  94844. node.remove();
  94845. }
  94846. decls = decls.filter((node) => !lesser.includes(node));
  94847. let duplicates = decls.filter(
  94848. (node) => !stylehacks.detect(lastNode) && !stylehacks.detect(node) && node !== lastNode && node.important === lastNode.important && node.prop === lastNode.prop && !(!isCustomProp(node) && isCustomProp(lastNode))
  94849. );
  94850. for (const node of duplicates) {
  94851. node.remove();
  94852. }
  94853. decls = decls.filter(
  94854. (node) => node !== lastNode && !duplicates.includes(node)
  94855. );
  94856. }
  94857. };
  94858. const processor = {
  94859. /** @type {(rule: import('postcss').Rule) => void} */
  94860. explode: (rule) => {
  94861. rule.walkDecls(new RegExp("^" + prop + "$", "i"), (decl) => {
  94862. if (!canExplode(decl)) {
  94863. return;
  94864. }
  94865. if (stylehacks.detect(decl)) {
  94866. return;
  94867. }
  94868. const values = parseTrbl(decl.value);
  94869. trbl.forEach((direction, index) => {
  94870. insertCloned(
  94871. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94872. decl.parent,
  94873. decl,
  94874. {
  94875. prop: properties[index],
  94876. value: values[index]
  94877. }
  94878. );
  94879. });
  94880. decl.remove();
  94881. });
  94882. },
  94883. /** @type {(rule: import('postcss').Rule) => void} */
  94884. merge: (rule) => {
  94885. mergeRules(rule, properties, (rules, lastNode) => {
  94886. if (canMerge(rules) && !rules.some(stylehacks.detect)) {
  94887. insertCloned(
  94888. /** @type {import('postcss').Rule} */
  94889. lastNode.parent,
  94890. lastNode,
  94891. {
  94892. prop,
  94893. value: minifyTrbl(mergeValues(...rules))
  94894. }
  94895. );
  94896. for (const node of rules) {
  94897. node.remove();
  94898. }
  94899. return true;
  94900. }
  94901. return false;
  94902. });
  94903. cleanup(rule);
  94904. }
  94905. };
  94906. return processor;
  94907. };
  94908. }
  94909. });
  94910. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/margin.js
  94911. var require_margin = __commonJS({
  94912. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/margin.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94913. "use strict";
  94914. var base = require_boxBase();
  94915. module2.exports = base("margin");
  94916. }
  94917. });
  94918. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/padding.js
  94919. var require_padding = __commonJS({
  94920. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/padding.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94921. "use strict";
  94922. var base = require_boxBase();
  94923. module2.exports = base("padding");
  94924. }
  94925. });
  94926. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/index.js
  94927. var require_decl = __commonJS({
  94928. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/lib/decl/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94929. "use strict";
  94930. var borders = require_borders();
  94931. var columns = require_columns2();
  94932. var margin = require_margin();
  94933. var padding = require_padding();
  94934. module2.exports = [borders, columns, margin, padding];
  94935. }
  94936. });
  94937. // node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/index.js
  94938. var require_src19 = __commonJS({
  94939. "node_modules/postcss-merge-longhand/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94940. "use strict";
  94941. var processors = require_decl();
  94942. function pluginCreator() {
  94943. return {
  94944. postcssPlugin: "postcss-merge-longhand",
  94945. OnceExit(css) {
  94946. css.walkRules((rule) => {
  94947. processors.forEach((p) => {
  94948. p.explode(rule);
  94949. p.merge(rule);
  94950. });
  94951. });
  94952. }
  94953. };
  94954. }
  94955. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  94956. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  94957. }
  94958. });
  94959. // node_modules/postcss-discard-duplicates/src/index.js
  94960. var require_src20 = __commonJS({
  94961. "node_modules/postcss-discard-duplicates/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  94962. "use strict";
  94963. function trimValue(value) {
  94964. return value ? value.trim() : value;
  94965. }
  94966. function empty(node) {
  94967. return !node.nodes.filter((child) => child.type !== "comment").length;
  94968. }
  94969. function equals(nodeA, nodeB) {
  94970. const a = (
  94971. /** @type {any} */
  94972. nodeA
  94973. );
  94974. const b = (
  94975. /** @type {any} */
  94976. nodeB
  94977. );
  94978. if (a.type !== b.type) {
  94979. return false;
  94980. }
  94981. if (a.important !== b.important) {
  94982. return false;
  94983. }
  94984. if (a.raws && !b.raws || !a.raws && b.raws) {
  94985. return false;
  94986. }
  94987. switch (a.type) {
  94988. case "rule":
  94989. if (a.selector !== b.selector) {
  94990. return false;
  94991. }
  94992. break;
  94993. case "atrule":
  94994. if ( !== || a.params !== b.params) {
  94995. return false;
  94996. }
  94997. if (a.raws && trimValue(a.raws.before) !== trimValue(b.raws.before)) {
  94998. return false;
  94999. }
  95000. if (a.raws && trimValue(a.raws.afterName) !== trimValue(b.raws.afterName)) {
  95001. return false;
  95002. }
  95003. break;
  95004. case "decl":
  95005. if (a.prop !== b.prop || a.value !== b.value) {
  95006. return false;
  95007. }
  95008. if (a.raws && trimValue(a.raws.before) !== trimValue(b.raws.before)) {
  95009. return false;
  95010. }
  95011. break;
  95012. }
  95013. if (a.nodes && b.nodes) {
  95014. if (a.nodes.length !== b.nodes.length) {
  95015. return false;
  95016. }
  95017. for (let i = 0; i < a.nodes.length; i++) {
  95018. if (!equals(a.nodes[i], b.nodes[i])) {
  95019. return false;
  95020. }
  95021. }
  95022. }
  95023. return true;
  95024. }
  95025. function dedupeRule(last, nodes) {
  95026. let index = nodes.indexOf(last) - 1;
  95027. while (index >= 0) {
  95028. const node = nodes[index--];
  95029. if (node && node.type === "rule" && node.selector === last.selector) {
  95030. last.each((child) => {
  95031. if (child.type === "decl") {
  95032. dedupeNode(child, node.nodes);
  95033. }
  95034. });
  95035. if (empty(node)) {
  95036. node.remove();
  95037. }
  95038. }
  95039. }
  95040. }
  95041. function dedupeNode(last, nodes) {
  95042. let index = nodes.includes(last) ? nodes.indexOf(last) - 1 : nodes.length - 1;
  95043. while (index >= 0) {
  95044. const node = nodes[index--];
  95045. if (node && equals(node, last)) {
  95046. node.remove();
  95047. }
  95048. }
  95049. }
  95050. function dedupe(root) {
  95051. const { nodes } = (
  95052. /** @type {import('postcss').Container<import('postcss').ChildNode>} */
  95053. root
  95054. );
  95055. if (!nodes) {
  95056. return;
  95057. }
  95058. let index = nodes.length - 1;
  95059. while (index >= 0) {
  95060. let last = nodes[index--];
  95061. if (!last || !last.parent) {
  95062. continue;
  95063. }
  95064. dedupe(last);
  95065. if (last.type === "rule") {
  95066. dedupeRule(last, nodes);
  95067. } else if (last.type === "atrule" || last.type === "decl") {
  95068. dedupeNode(last, nodes);
  95069. }
  95070. }
  95071. }
  95072. function pluginCreator() {
  95073. return {
  95074. postcssPlugin: "postcss-discard-duplicates",
  95075. OnceExit(css) {
  95076. dedupe(css);
  95077. }
  95078. };
  95079. }
  95080. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  95081. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  95082. }
  95083. });
  95084. // node_modules/postcss-discard-overridden/src/index.js
  95085. var require_src21 = __commonJS({
  95086. "node_modules/postcss-discard-overridden/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  95087. "use strict";
  95088. var OVERRIDABLE_RULES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["keyframes", "counter-style"]);
  95089. var SCOPE_RULES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["media", "supports"]);
  95090. function vendorUnprefixed(prop) {
  95091. return prop.replace(/^-\w+-/, "");
  95092. }
  95093. function isOverridable(name) {
  95094. return OVERRIDABLE_RULES.has(vendorUnprefixed(name.toLowerCase()));
  95095. }
  95096. function isScope(name) {
  95097. return SCOPE_RULES.has(vendorUnprefixed(name.toLowerCase()));
  95098. }
  95099. function getScope(node) {
  95100. let current = node.parent;
  95101. const chain = [, node.params];
  95102. while (current) {
  95103. if (current.type === "atrule" && isScope(
  95104. /** @type import('postcss').AtRule */
  95106. )) {
  95107. chain.unshift(
  95108. /** @type import('postcss').AtRule */
  95109. + " " + /** @type import('postcss').AtRule */
  95110. current.params
  95111. );
  95112. }
  95113. current = current.parent;
  95114. }
  95115. return chain.join("|");
  95116. }
  95117. function pluginCreator() {
  95118. return {
  95119. postcssPlugin: "postcss-discard-overridden",
  95120. prepare() {
  95121. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  95122. const rules = [];
  95123. return {
  95124. OnceExit(css) {
  95125. css.walkAtRules((node) => {
  95126. if (isOverridable( {
  95127. const scope = getScope(node);
  95128. cache.set(scope, node);
  95129. rules.push({
  95130. node,
  95131. scope
  95132. });
  95133. }
  95134. });
  95135. rules.forEach((rule) => {
  95136. if (cache.get(rule.scope) !== rule.node) {
  95137. rule.node.remove();
  95138. }
  95139. });
  95140. }
  95141. };
  95142. }
  95143. };
  95144. }
  95145. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  95146. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  95147. }
  95148. });
  95149. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-repeat-style/src/lib/map.js
  95150. var require_map = __commonJS({
  95151. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-repeat-style/src/lib/map.js"(exports2, module2) {
  95152. "use strict";
  95153. module2.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  95154. [["repeat", "no-repeat"].toString(), "repeat-x"],
  95155. [["no-repeat", "repeat"].toString(), "repeat-y"],
  95156. [["repeat", "repeat"].toString(), "repeat"],
  95157. [["space", "space"].toString(), "space"],
  95158. [["round", "round"].toString(), "round"],
  95159. [["no-repeat", "no-repeat"].toString(), "no-repeat"]
  95160. ]);
  95161. }
  95162. });
  95163. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-repeat-style/src/index.js
  95164. var require_src22 = __commonJS({
  95165. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-repeat-style/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  95166. "use strict";
  95167. var valueParser = require_lib();
  95168. var mappings = require_map();
  95169. function evenValues(item, index) {
  95170. return index % 2 === 0;
  95171. }
  95172. var repeatKeywords = new Set(mappings.values());
  95173. function isCommaNode(node) {
  95174. return node.type === "div" && node.value === ",";
  95175. }
  95176. var variableFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["var", "env", "constant"]);
  95177. function isVariableFunctionNode(node) {
  95178. if (node.type !== "function") {
  95179. return false;
  95180. }
  95181. return variableFunctions.has(node.value.toLowerCase());
  95182. }
  95183. function transform(value) {
  95184. const parsed = valueParser(value);
  95185. if (parsed.nodes.length === 1) {
  95186. return value;
  95187. }
  95188. const ranges = [];
  95189. let rangeIndex = 0;
  95190. let shouldContinue = true;
  95191. parsed.nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
  95192. if (isCommaNode(node)) {
  95193. rangeIndex += 1;
  95194. shouldContinue = true;
  95195. return;
  95196. }
  95197. if (!shouldContinue) {
  95198. return;
  95199. }
  95200. if (node.type === "div" && node.value === "/") {
  95201. shouldContinue = false;
  95202. return;
  95203. }
  95204. if (!ranges[rangeIndex]) {
  95205. ranges[rangeIndex] = {
  95206. start: null,
  95207. end: null
  95208. };
  95209. }
  95210. if (isVariableFunctionNode(node)) {
  95211. shouldContinue = false;
  95212. ranges[rangeIndex].start = null;
  95213. ranges[rangeIndex].end = null;
  95214. return;
  95215. }
  95216. const isRepeatKeyword = node.type === "word" && repeatKeywords.has(node.value.toLowerCase());
  95217. if (ranges[rangeIndex].start === null && isRepeatKeyword) {
  95218. ranges[rangeIndex].start = index;
  95219. ranges[rangeIndex].end = index;
  95220. return;
  95221. }
  95222. if (ranges[rangeIndex].start !== null) {
  95223. if (node.type === "space") {
  95224. return;
  95225. } else if (isRepeatKeyword) {
  95226. ranges[rangeIndex].end = index;
  95227. return;
  95228. }
  95229. return;
  95230. }
  95231. });
  95232. ranges.forEach((range) => {
  95233. if (range.start === null) {
  95234. return;
  95235. }
  95236. const nodes = parsed.nodes.slice(
  95237. range.start,
  95238. /** @type {number} */
  95239. range.end + 1
  95240. );
  95241. if (nodes.length !== 3) {
  95242. return;
  95243. }
  95244. const key = nodes.filter(evenValues).map((n) => n.value.toLowerCase()).toString();
  95245. const match = mappings.get(key);
  95246. if (match) {
  95247. nodes[0].value = match;
  95248. nodes[1].value = nodes[2].value = "";
  95249. }
  95250. });
  95251. return parsed.toString();
  95252. }
  95253. function pluginCreator() {
  95254. return {
  95255. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-repeat-style",
  95256. prepare() {
  95257. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  95258. return {
  95259. OnceExit(css) {
  95260. css.walkDecls(
  95261. /^(background(-repeat)?|(-\w+-)?mask-repeat)$/i,
  95262. (decl) => {
  95263. const value = decl.value;
  95264. if (!value) {
  95265. return;
  95266. }
  95267. if (cache.has(value)) {
  95268. decl.value = cache.get(value);
  95269. return;
  95270. }
  95271. const result = transform(value);
  95272. decl.value = result;
  95273. cache.set(value, result);
  95274. }
  95275. );
  95276. }
  95277. };
  95278. }
  95279. };
  95280. }
  95281. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  95282. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  95283. }
  95284. });
  95285. // node_modules/postcss-merge-rules/src/lib/ensureCompatibility.js
  95286. var require_ensureCompatibility = __commonJS({
  95287. "node_modules/postcss-merge-rules/src/lib/ensureCompatibility.js"(exports2, module2) {
  95288. "use strict";
  95289. var { isSupported } = require_dist();
  95290. var selectorParser = require_dist2();
  95291. var simpleSelectorRe = /^#?[-._a-z0-9 ]+$/i;
  95292. var cssSel2 = "css-sel2";
  95293. var cssSel3 = "css-sel3";
  95294. var cssGencontent = "css-gencontent";
  95295. var cssFirstLetter = "css-first-letter";
  95296. var cssFirstLine = "css-first-line";
  95297. var cssInOutOfRange = "css-in-out-of-range";
  95298. var formValidation = "form-validation";
  95299. var vendorPrefix = /-(ah|apple|atsc|epub|hp|khtml|moz|ms|o|rim|ro|tc|wap|webkit|xv)-/;
  95300. var level2Sel = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["=", "~=", "|="]);
  95301. var level3Sel = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["^=", "$=", "*="]);
  95302. function filterPrefixes(selector) {
  95303. return selector.match(vendorPrefix);
  95304. }
  95305. var findMsInputPlaceholder = (selector) =>;
  95306. function sameVendor(selectorsA, selectorsB) {
  95307. let same = (selectors) =>;
  95308. let findMsVendor = (selectors) => selectors.find(findMsInputPlaceholder);
  95309. return same(selectorsA) === same(selectorsB) && !(findMsVendor(selectorsA) && findMsVendor(selectorsB));
  95310. }
  95311. function noVendor(selector) {
  95312. return !vendorPrefix.test(selector);
  95313. }
  95314. var pseudoElements = {
  95315. ":active": cssSel2,
  95316. ":after": cssGencontent,
  95317. ":any-link": "css-any-link",
  95318. ":before": cssGencontent,
  95319. ":checked": cssSel3,
  95320. ":default": "css-default-pseudo",
  95321. ":dir": "css-dir-pseudo",
  95322. ":disabled": cssSel3,
  95323. ":empty": cssSel3,
  95324. ":enabled": cssSel3,
  95325. ":first-child": cssSel2,
  95326. ":first-letter": cssFirstLetter,
  95327. ":first-line": cssFirstLine,
  95328. ":first-of-type": cssSel3,
  95329. ":focus": cssSel2,
  95330. ":focus-within": "css-focus-within",
  95331. ":focus-visible": "css-focus-visible",
  95332. ":has": "css-has",
  95333. ":hover": cssSel2,
  95334. ":in-range": cssInOutOfRange,
  95335. ":indeterminate": "css-indeterminate-pseudo",
  95336. ":invalid": formValidation,
  95337. ":is": "css-matches-pseudo",
  95338. ":lang": cssSel2,
  95339. ":last-child": cssSel3,
  95340. ":last-of-type": cssSel3,
  95341. ":link": cssSel2,
  95342. ":matches": "css-matches-pseudo",
  95343. ":not": cssSel3,
  95344. ":nth-child": cssSel3,
  95345. ":nth-last-child": cssSel3,
  95346. ":nth-last-of-type": cssSel3,
  95347. ":nth-of-type": cssSel3,
  95348. ":only-child": cssSel3,
  95349. ":only-of-type": cssSel3,
  95350. ":optional": "css-optional-pseudo",
  95351. ":out-of-range": cssInOutOfRange,
  95352. ":placeholder-shown": "css-placeholder-shown",
  95353. ":required": formValidation,
  95354. ":root": cssSel3,
  95355. ":target": cssSel3,
  95356. "::after": cssGencontent,
  95357. "::backdrop": "dialog",
  95358. "::before": cssGencontent,
  95359. "::first-letter": cssFirstLetter,
  95360. "::first-line": cssFirstLine,
  95361. "::marker": "css-marker-pseudo",
  95362. "::placeholder": "css-placeholder",
  95363. "::selection": "css-selection",
  95364. ":valid": formValidation,
  95365. ":visited": cssSel2
  95366. };
  95367. function isCssMixin(selector) {
  95368. return selector[selector.length - 1] === ":";
  95369. }
  95370. function isHostPseudoClass(selector) {
  95371. return selector.includes(":host");
  95372. }
  95373. var isSupportedCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  95374. function isSupportedCached(feature, browsers) {
  95375. const key = JSON.stringify({ feature, browsers });
  95376. let result = isSupportedCache.get(key);
  95377. if (!result) {
  95378. result = isSupported(
  95379. feature,
  95380. /** @type {string[]} */
  95381. browsers
  95382. );
  95383. isSupportedCache.set(key, result);
  95384. }
  95385. return result;
  95386. }
  95387. function ensureCompatibility(selectors, browsers, compatibilityCache) {
  95388. if (selectors.some(isCssMixin)) {
  95389. return false;
  95390. }
  95391. if (selectors.some(isHostPseudoClass)) {
  95392. return false;
  95393. }
  95394. return selectors.every((selector) => {
  95395. if (simpleSelectorRe.test(selector)) {
  95396. return true;
  95397. }
  95398. if (compatibilityCache && compatibilityCache.has(selector)) {
  95399. return compatibilityCache.get(selector);
  95400. }
  95401. let compatible = true;
  95402. selectorParser((ast) => {
  95403. ast.walk((node) => {
  95404. const { type, value } = node;
  95405. if (type === "pseudo") {
  95406. const entry = pseudoElements[
  95407. /** @type {keyof pseudoElements} */
  95408. value
  95409. ];
  95410. if (!entry && noVendor(value)) {
  95411. compatible = false;
  95412. }
  95413. if (entry && compatible) {
  95414. compatible = isSupportedCached(entry, browsers);
  95415. }
  95416. }
  95417. if (type === "combinator") {
  95418. if (value.includes("~")) {
  95419. compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel3, browsers);
  95420. }
  95421. if (value.includes(">") || value.includes("+")) {
  95422. compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel2, browsers);
  95423. }
  95424. }
  95425. if (type === "attribute" && node.attribute) {
  95426. if (!node.operator) {
  95427. compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel2, browsers);
  95428. }
  95429. if (value) {
  95430. if (level2Sel.has(
  95431. /** @type {string} */
  95432. node.operator
  95433. )) {
  95434. compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel2, browsers);
  95435. }
  95436. if (level3Sel.has(
  95437. /** @type {string} */
  95438. node.operator
  95439. )) {
  95440. compatible = isSupportedCached(cssSel3, browsers);
  95441. }
  95442. }
  95443. if (node.insensitive) {
  95444. compatible = isSupportedCached("css-case-insensitive", browsers);
  95445. }
  95446. }
  95447. if (!compatible) {
  95448. return false;
  95449. }
  95450. });
  95451. }).processSync(selector);
  95452. if (compatibilityCache) {
  95453. compatibilityCache.set(selector, compatible);
  95454. }
  95455. return compatible;
  95456. });
  95457. }
  95458. module2.exports = { sameVendor, noVendor, pseudoElements, ensureCompatibility };
  95459. }
  95460. });
  95461. // node_modules/postcss-merge-rules/src/index.js
  95462. var require_src23 = __commonJS({
  95463. "node_modules/postcss-merge-rules/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  95464. "use strict";
  95465. var { dirname } = require("path");
  95466. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  95467. var { sameParent } = require_src5();
  95468. var {
  95469. ensureCompatibility,
  95470. sameVendor,
  95471. noVendor
  95472. } = require_ensureCompatibility();
  95473. function declarationIsEqual(a, b) {
  95474. return a.important === b.important && a.prop === b.prop && a.value === b.value;
  95475. }
  95476. function indexOfDeclaration(array, decl) {
  95477. return array.findIndex((d) => declarationIsEqual(d, decl));
  95478. }
  95479. function intersect(a, b, not) {
  95480. return a.filter((c) => {
  95481. const index = indexOfDeclaration(b, c) !== -1;
  95482. return not ? !index : index;
  95483. });
  95484. }
  95485. function sameDeclarationsAndOrder(a, b) {
  95486. if (a.length !== b.length) {
  95487. return false;
  95488. }
  95489. return a.every((d, index) => declarationIsEqual(d, b[index]));
  95490. }
  95491. function canMerge(ruleA, ruleB, browsers, compatibilityCache) {
  95492. const a = ruleA.selectors;
  95493. const b = ruleB.selectors;
  95494. const selectors = a.concat(b);
  95495. if (!ensureCompatibility(selectors, browsers, compatibilityCache)) {
  95496. return false;
  95497. }
  95498. const parent = sameParent(
  95499. /** @type {any} */
  95500. ruleA,
  95501. /** @type {any} */
  95502. ruleB
  95503. );
  95504. if (parent && ruleA.parent && ruleA.parent.type === "atrule" && /** @type {import('postcss').AtRule} */
  95506. "keyframes"
  95507. )) {
  95508. return false;
  95509. }
  95510. if (ruleA.some(isRuleOrAtRule) || ruleB.some(isRuleOrAtRule)) {
  95511. return false;
  95512. }
  95513. return parent && (selectors.every(noVendor) || sameVendor(a, b));
  95514. }
  95515. function isRuleOrAtRule(node) {
  95516. return node.type === "rule" || node.type === "atrule";
  95517. }
  95518. function isDeclaration(node) {
  95519. return node.type === "decl";
  95520. }
  95521. function getDecls(rule) {
  95522. return rule.nodes.filter(isDeclaration);
  95523. }
  95524. var joinSelectors = (...rules) => => s.selector).join();
  95525. function ruleLength(...rules) {
  95526. return => r.nodes.length ? String(r) : "").join("").length;
  95527. }
  95528. function splitProp(prop) {
  95529. const parts = prop.split("-");
  95530. if (prop[0] !== "-") {
  95531. return {
  95532. prefix: "",
  95533. base: parts[0],
  95534. rest: parts.slice(1)
  95535. };
  95536. }
  95537. if (prop[1] === "-") {
  95538. return {
  95539. prefix: null,
  95540. base: null,
  95541. rest: [prop]
  95542. };
  95543. }
  95544. return {
  95545. prefix: parts[1],
  95546. base: parts[2],
  95547. rest: parts.slice(3)
  95548. };
  95549. }
  95550. function isConflictingProp(propA, propB) {
  95551. if (propA === propB) {
  95552. return true;
  95553. }
  95554. const a = splitProp(propA);
  95555. const b = splitProp(propB);
  95556. if (!a.base && !b.base) {
  95557. return true;
  95558. }
  95559. if (a.base !== b.base && a.base !== "place" && b.base !== "place") {
  95560. return false;
  95561. }
  95562. if ( !== {
  95563. return true;
  95564. }
  95565. if (a.base === "border") {
  95566. const allRestProps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([,]);
  95567. if (allRestProps.has("image") || allRestProps.has("width") || allRestProps.has("color") || allRestProps.has("style")) {
  95568. return true;
  95569. }
  95570. }
  95571. return, index) =>[index] === s);
  95572. }
  95573. function mergeParents(first, second) {
  95574. if (!first.parent || !second.parent) {
  95575. return false;
  95576. }
  95577. if (first.parent === second.parent) {
  95578. return false;
  95579. }
  95580. second.remove();
  95581. first.parent.append(second);
  95582. return true;
  95583. }
  95584. function partialMerge(first, second) {
  95585. let intersection = intersect(getDecls(first), getDecls(second));
  95586. if (intersection.length === 0) {
  95587. return second;
  95588. }
  95589. let nextRule =;
  95590. if (!nextRule) {
  95591. const parentSibling = (
  95592. /** @type {import('postcss').Container<import('postcss').ChildNode>} */
  95594. );
  95595. nextRule = parentSibling && parentSibling.nodes && parentSibling.nodes[0];
  95596. }
  95597. if (nextRule && nextRule.type === "rule" && canMerge(second, nextRule)) {
  95598. let nextIntersection = intersect(getDecls(second), getDecls(nextRule));
  95599. if (nextIntersection.length > intersection.length) {
  95600. mergeParents(second, nextRule);
  95601. first = second;
  95602. second = nextRule;
  95603. intersection = nextIntersection;
  95604. }
  95605. }
  95606. const firstDecls = getDecls(first);
  95607. intersection = intersection.filter((decl, intersectIndex) => {
  95608. const indexOfDecl = indexOfDeclaration(firstDecls, decl);
  95609. const nextConflictInFirst = firstDecls.slice(indexOfDecl + 1).filter((d) => isConflictingProp(d.prop, decl.prop));
  95610. if (nextConflictInFirst.length === 0) {
  95611. return true;
  95612. }
  95613. const nextConflictInIntersection = intersection.slice(intersectIndex + 1).filter((d) => isConflictingProp(d.prop, decl.prop));
  95614. if (nextConflictInFirst.length !== nextConflictInIntersection.length) {
  95615. return false;
  95616. }
  95617. return nextConflictInFirst.every(
  95618. (d, index) => declarationIsEqual(d, nextConflictInIntersection[index])
  95619. );
  95620. });
  95621. const secondDecls = getDecls(second);
  95622. intersection = intersection.filter((decl) => {
  95623. const nextConflictIndex = secondDecls.findIndex(
  95624. (d) => isConflictingProp(d.prop, decl.prop)
  95625. );
  95626. if (nextConflictIndex === -1) {
  95627. return false;
  95628. }
  95629. if (!declarationIsEqual(secondDecls[nextConflictIndex], decl)) {
  95630. return false;
  95631. }
  95632. if (decl.prop.toLowerCase() !== "direction" && decl.prop.toLowerCase() !== "unicode-bidi" && secondDecls.some(
  95633. (declaration) => declaration.prop.toLowerCase() === "all"
  95634. )) {
  95635. return false;
  95636. }
  95637. secondDecls.splice(nextConflictIndex, 1);
  95638. return true;
  95639. });
  95640. if (intersection.length === 0) {
  95641. return second;
  95642. }
  95643. const receivingBlock = second.clone();
  95644. receivingBlock.selector = joinSelectors(first, second);
  95645. receivingBlock.nodes = [];
  95646. second.parent.insertBefore(second, receivingBlock);
  95647. const firstClone = first.clone();
  95648. const secondClone = second.clone();
  95649. function moveDecl(callback) {
  95650. return (decl) => {
  95651. if (indexOfDeclaration(intersection, decl) !== -1) {
  95652., decl);
  95653. }
  95654. };
  95655. }
  95656. firstClone.walkDecls(
  95657. moveDecl((decl) => {
  95658. decl.remove();
  95659. receivingBlock.append(decl);
  95660. })
  95661. );
  95662. secondClone.walkDecls(moveDecl((decl) => decl.remove()));
  95663. const merged = ruleLength(firstClone, receivingBlock, secondClone);
  95664. const original = ruleLength(first, second);
  95665. if (merged < original) {
  95666. first.replaceWith(firstClone);
  95667. second.replaceWith(secondClone);
  95668. [firstClone, receivingBlock, secondClone].forEach((r) => {
  95669. if (r.nodes.length === 0) {
  95670. r.remove();
  95671. }
  95672. });
  95673. if (!secondClone.parent) {
  95674. return receivingBlock;
  95675. }
  95676. return secondClone;
  95677. } else {
  95678. receivingBlock.remove();
  95679. return second;
  95680. }
  95681. }
  95682. function selectorMerger(browsers, compatibilityCache) {
  95683. let cache = null;
  95684. return function(rule) {
  95685. if (!cache || !canMerge(rule, cache, browsers, compatibilityCache)) {
  95686. cache = rule;
  95687. return;
  95688. }
  95689. if (cache === rule) {
  95690. cache = rule;
  95691. return;
  95692. }
  95693. mergeParents(cache, rule);
  95694. if (sameDeclarationsAndOrder(getDecls(rule), getDecls(cache))) {
  95695. rule.selector = joinSelectors(cache, rule);
  95696. cache.remove();
  95697. cache = rule;
  95698. return;
  95699. }
  95700. if (cache.selector === rule.selector) {
  95701. const cached = getDecls(cache);
  95702. rule.walk((node) => {
  95703. if (node.type === "decl" && indexOfDeclaration(cached, node) !== -1) {
  95704. node.remove();
  95705. return;
  95706. }
  95707. cache.append(node);
  95708. });
  95709. rule.remove();
  95710. return;
  95711. }
  95712. cache = partialMerge(cache, rule);
  95713. };
  95714. }
  95715. function pluginCreator(opts = {}) {
  95716. return {
  95717. postcssPlugin: "postcss-merge-rules",
  95718. /**
  95719. * @param {import('postcss').Result & {opts: BrowserslistOptions & {file?: string}}} result
  95720. */
  95721. prepare(result) {
  95722. const { stats, env, from, file } = result.opts || {};
  95723. const browsers = browserslist(opts.overrideBrowserslist, {
  95724. stats: opts.stats || stats,
  95725. path: opts.path || dirname(from || file || __filename),
  95726. env: opts.env || env
  95727. });
  95728. const compatibilityCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  95729. return {
  95730. OnceExit(css) {
  95731. css.walkRules(selectorMerger(browsers, compatibilityCache));
  95732. }
  95733. };
  95734. }
  95735. };
  95736. }
  95737. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  95738. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  95739. }
  95740. });
  95741. // node_modules/postcss-discard-empty/src/index.js
  95742. var require_src24 = __commonJS({
  95743. "node_modules/postcss-discard-empty/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  95744. "use strict";
  95745. var plugin = "postcss-discard-empty";
  95746. function discardAndReport(css, result) {
  95747. function discardEmpty(node) {
  95748. const { type } = node;
  95749. const sub = (
  95750. /** @type {any} */
  95751. node.nodes
  95752. );
  95753. if (sub) {
  95754. node.each(discardEmpty);
  95755. }
  95756. if (type === "decl" && !node.value && !node.prop.startsWith("--") || type === "rule" && !node.selector || sub && !sub.length && !(type === "atrule" && === "layer") || type === "atrule" && (!sub && !node.params || !node.params && !/** @type {import('postcss').ChildNode[]}*/
  95757. sub.length)) {
  95758. node.remove();
  95759. result.messages.push({
  95760. type: "removal",
  95761. plugin,
  95762. node
  95763. });
  95764. }
  95765. }
  95766. css.each(discardEmpty);
  95767. }
  95768. function pluginCreator() {
  95769. return {
  95770. postcssPlugin: plugin,
  95771. OnceExit(css, { result }) {
  95772. discardAndReport(css, result);
  95773. }
  95774. };
  95775. }
  95776. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  95777. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  95778. }
  95779. });
  95780. // node_modules/postcss-unique-selectors/src/index.js
  95781. var require_src25 = __commonJS({
  95782. "node_modules/postcss-unique-selectors/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  95783. "use strict";
  95784. var selectorParser = require_dist2();
  95785. function parseSelectors(selectors, callback) {
  95786. return selectorParser(callback).processSync(selectors);
  95787. }
  95788. function unique(rule) {
  95789. const selector = [ Set(rule.selectors)];
  95790. selector.sort();
  95791. return selector.join();
  95792. }
  95793. function pluginCreator() {
  95794. return {
  95795. postcssPlugin: "postcss-unique-selectors",
  95796. OnceExit(css) {
  95797. css.walkRules((nodes) => {
  95798. let comments = [];
  95799. const removeAndSaveComments = (selNode) => {
  95800. selNode.walk((sel) => {
  95801. if (sel.type === "comment") {
  95802. comments.push(sel.value);
  95803. sel.remove();
  95804. return;
  95805. } else {
  95806. return;
  95807. }
  95808. });
  95809. };
  95810. if (nodes.raws.selector && nodes.raws.selector.raw) {
  95811. parseSelectors(nodes.raws.selector.raw, removeAndSaveComments);
  95812. nodes.raws.selector.raw = unique(nodes);
  95813. }
  95814. nodes.selector = parseSelectors(nodes.selector, removeAndSaveComments);
  95815. nodes.selector = unique(nodes);
  95816. nodes.selectors = nodes.selectors.concat(comments);
  95817. });
  95818. }
  95819. };
  95820. }
  95821. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  95822. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  95823. }
  95824. });
  95825. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-string/src/index.js
  95826. var require_src26 = __commonJS({
  95827. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-string/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  95828. "use strict";
  95829. var valueParser = require_lib();
  95830. var SINGLE_QUOTE = "'".charCodeAt(0);
  95831. var DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"'.charCodeAt(0);
  95832. var BACKSLASH = "\\".charCodeAt(0);
  95833. var NEWLINE = "\n".charCodeAt(0);
  95834. var SPACE = " ".charCodeAt(0);
  95835. var FEED = "\f".charCodeAt(0);
  95836. var TAB = " ".charCodeAt(0);
  95837. var CR = "\r".charCodeAt(0);
  95838. var WORD_END = /[ \n\t\r\f'"\\]/g;
  95839. var C_STRING = "string";
  95840. var C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE = "escapedSingleQuote";
  95841. var C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE = "escapedDoubleQuote";
  95842. var C_SINGLE_QUOTE = "singleQuote";
  95843. var C_DOUBLE_QUOTE = "doubleQuote";
  95844. var C_NEWLINE = "newline";
  95845. var C_SINGLE = "single";
  95846. var L_SINGLE_QUOTE = `'`;
  95847. var L_DOUBLE_QUOTE = `"`;
  95848. var L_NEWLINE = `\\
  95849. `;
  95850. var T_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE = { type: C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE, value: `\\'` };
  95851. var T_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE = { type: C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE, value: `\\"` };
  95852. var T_SINGLE_QUOTE = { type: C_SINGLE_QUOTE, value: L_SINGLE_QUOTE };
  95853. var T_DOUBLE_QUOTE = { type: C_DOUBLE_QUOTE, value: L_DOUBLE_QUOTE };
  95854. var T_NEWLINE = { type: C_NEWLINE, value: L_NEWLINE };
  95855. function stringify(ast) {
  95856. return ast.nodes.reduce((str, { value }) => {
  95857. if (value === L_NEWLINE) {
  95858. return str;
  95859. }
  95860. return str + value;
  95861. }, "");
  95862. }
  95863. function parse(str) {
  95864. let code, next, value;
  95865. let pos = 0;
  95866. let len = str.length;
  95867. const ast = {
  95868. nodes: [],
  95869. types: {
  95870. escapedSingleQuote: 0,
  95871. escapedDoubleQuote: 0,
  95872. singleQuote: 0,
  95873. doubleQuote: 0
  95874. },
  95875. quotes: false
  95876. };
  95877. while (pos < len) {
  95878. code = str.charCodeAt(pos);
  95879. switch (code) {
  95880. case SPACE:
  95881. case TAB:
  95882. case CR:
  95883. case FEED:
  95884. next = pos;
  95885. do {
  95886. next += 1;
  95887. code = str.charCodeAt(next);
  95888. } while (code === SPACE || code === NEWLINE || code === TAB || code === CR || code === FEED);
  95889. ast.nodes.push({
  95890. type: "space",
  95891. value: str.slice(pos, next)
  95892. });
  95893. pos = next - 1;
  95894. break;
  95895. case SINGLE_QUOTE:
  95896. ast.nodes.push(T_SINGLE_QUOTE);
  95897. ast.types[C_SINGLE_QUOTE]++;
  95898. ast.quotes = true;
  95899. break;
  95900. case DOUBLE_QUOTE:
  95901. ast.nodes.push(T_DOUBLE_QUOTE);
  95902. ast.types[C_DOUBLE_QUOTE]++;
  95903. ast.quotes = true;
  95904. break;
  95905. case BACKSLASH:
  95906. next = pos + 1;
  95907. if (str.charCodeAt(next) === SINGLE_QUOTE) {
  95908. ast.nodes.push(T_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE);
  95909. ast.types[C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE]++;
  95910. ast.quotes = true;
  95911. pos = next;
  95912. break;
  95913. } else if (str.charCodeAt(next) === DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
  95914. ast.nodes.push(T_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE);
  95915. ast.types[C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE]++;
  95916. ast.quotes = true;
  95917. pos = next;
  95918. break;
  95919. } else if (str.charCodeAt(next) === NEWLINE) {
  95920. ast.nodes.push(T_NEWLINE);
  95921. pos = next;
  95922. break;
  95923. }
  95924. default:
  95925. WORD_END.lastIndex = pos + 1;
  95926. WORD_END.test(str);
  95927. if (WORD_END.lastIndex === 0) {
  95928. next = len - 1;
  95929. } else {
  95930. next = WORD_END.lastIndex - 2;
  95931. }
  95932. value = str.slice(pos, next + 1);
  95933. ast.nodes.push({
  95934. type: C_STRING,
  95935. value
  95936. });
  95937. pos = next;
  95938. }
  95939. pos++;
  95940. }
  95941. return ast;
  95942. }
  95943. function changeWrappingQuotes(node, ast) {
  95944. const { types } = ast;
  95945. if (types[C_SINGLE_QUOTE] || types[C_DOUBLE_QUOTE]) {
  95946. return;
  95947. }
  95948. if (node.quote === L_SINGLE_QUOTE && types[C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE] > 0 && !types[C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE]) {
  95949. node.quote = L_DOUBLE_QUOTE;
  95950. }
  95951. if (node.quote === L_DOUBLE_QUOTE && types[C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE] > 0 && !types[C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE]) {
  95952. node.quote = L_SINGLE_QUOTE;
  95953. }
  95954. ast.nodes = changeChildQuotes(ast.nodes, node.quote);
  95955. }
  95956. function changeChildQuotes(childNodes, parentQuote) {
  95957. const updatedChildren = [];
  95958. for (const child of childNodes) {
  95959. if (child.type === C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE && parentQuote === L_SINGLE_QUOTE) {
  95960. updatedChildren.push(T_DOUBLE_QUOTE);
  95961. } else if (child.type === C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE && parentQuote === L_DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
  95962. updatedChildren.push(T_SINGLE_QUOTE);
  95963. } else {
  95964. updatedChildren.push(child);
  95965. }
  95966. }
  95967. return updatedChildren;
  95968. }
  95969. function normalize(value, preferredQuote) {
  95970. if (!value || !value.length) {
  95971. return value;
  95972. }
  95973. return valueParser(value).walk((child) => {
  95974. if (child.type !== C_STRING) {
  95975. return;
  95976. }
  95977. const ast = parse(child.value);
  95978. if (ast.quotes) {
  95979. changeWrappingQuotes(child, ast);
  95980. } else if (preferredQuote === C_SINGLE) {
  95981. child.quote = L_SINGLE_QUOTE;
  95982. } else {
  95983. child.quote = L_DOUBLE_QUOTE;
  95984. }
  95985. child.value = stringify(ast);
  95986. }).toString();
  95987. }
  95988. function minify(original, cache, preferredQuote) {
  95989. const key = original + "|" + preferredQuote;
  95990. if (cache.has(key)) {
  95991. return (
  95992. /** @type {string} */
  95993. cache.get(key)
  95994. );
  95995. }
  95996. const newValue = normalize(original, preferredQuote);
  95997. cache.set(key, newValue);
  95998. return newValue;
  95999. }
  96000. function pluginCreator(opts) {
  96001. const { preferredQuote } = Object.assign(
  96002. {},
  96003. {
  96004. preferredQuote: "double"
  96005. },
  96006. opts
  96007. );
  96008. return {
  96009. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-string",
  96010. OnceExit(css) {
  96011. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  96012. css.walk((node) => {
  96013. switch (node.type) {
  96014. case "rule":
  96015. node.selector = minify(node.selector, cache, preferredQuote);
  96016. break;
  96017. case "decl":
  96018. node.value = minify(node.value, cache, preferredQuote);
  96019. break;
  96020. case "atrule":
  96021. node.params = minify(node.params, cache, preferredQuote);
  96022. break;
  96023. }
  96024. });
  96025. }
  96026. };
  96027. }
  96028. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  96029. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  96030. }
  96031. });
  96032. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-positions/src/index.js
  96033. var require_src27 = __commonJS({
  96034. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-positions/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  96035. "use strict";
  96036. var valueParser = require_lib();
  96037. var directionKeywords = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["top", "right", "bottom", "left", "center"]);
  96038. var center = "50%";
  96039. var horizontal = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  96040. ["right", "100%"],
  96041. ["left", "0"]
  96042. ]);
  96043. var verticalValue = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  96044. ["bottom", "100%"],
  96045. ["top", "0"]
  96046. ]);
  96047. var mathFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["calc", "min", "max", "clamp"]);
  96048. var variableFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["var", "env", "constant"]);
  96049. function isCommaNode(node) {
  96050. return node.type === "div" && node.value === ",";
  96051. }
  96052. function isVariableFunctionNode(node) {
  96053. if (node.type !== "function") {
  96054. return false;
  96055. }
  96056. return variableFunctions.has(node.value.toLowerCase());
  96057. }
  96058. function isMathFunctionNode(node) {
  96059. if (node.type !== "function") {
  96060. return false;
  96061. }
  96062. return mathFunctions.has(node.value.toLowerCase());
  96063. }
  96064. function isNumberNode(node) {
  96065. if (node.type !== "word") {
  96066. return false;
  96067. }
  96068. const value = parseFloat(node.value);
  96069. return !isNaN(value);
  96070. }
  96071. function isDimensionNode(node) {
  96072. if (node.type !== "word") {
  96073. return false;
  96074. }
  96075. const parsed = valueParser.unit(node.value);
  96076. if (!parsed) {
  96077. return false;
  96078. }
  96079. return parsed.unit !== "";
  96080. }
  96081. function transform(value) {
  96082. const parsed = valueParser(value);
  96083. const ranges = [];
  96084. let rangeIndex = 0;
  96085. let shouldContinue = true;
  96086. parsed.nodes.forEach((node, index) => {
  96087. if (isCommaNode(node)) {
  96088. rangeIndex += 1;
  96089. shouldContinue = true;
  96090. return;
  96091. }
  96092. if (!shouldContinue) {
  96093. return;
  96094. }
  96095. if (node.type === "div" && node.value === "/") {
  96096. shouldContinue = false;
  96097. return;
  96098. }
  96099. if (!ranges[rangeIndex]) {
  96100. ranges[rangeIndex] = {
  96101. start: null,
  96102. end: null
  96103. };
  96104. }
  96105. if (isVariableFunctionNode(node)) {
  96106. shouldContinue = false;
  96107. ranges[rangeIndex].start = null;
  96108. ranges[rangeIndex].end = null;
  96109. return;
  96110. }
  96111. const isPositionKeyword = node.type === "word" && directionKeywords.has(node.value.toLowerCase()) || isDimensionNode(node) || isNumberNode(node) || isMathFunctionNode(node);
  96112. if (ranges[rangeIndex].start === null && isPositionKeyword) {
  96113. ranges[rangeIndex].start = index;
  96114. ranges[rangeIndex].end = index;
  96115. return;
  96116. }
  96117. if (ranges[rangeIndex].start !== null) {
  96118. if (node.type === "space") {
  96119. return;
  96120. } else if (isPositionKeyword) {
  96121. ranges[rangeIndex].end = index;
  96122. return;
  96123. }
  96124. return;
  96125. }
  96126. });
  96127. ranges.forEach((range) => {
  96128. if (range.start === null) {
  96129. return;
  96130. }
  96131. const nodes = parsed.nodes.slice(range.start, range.end + 1);
  96132. if (nodes.length > 3) {
  96133. return;
  96134. }
  96135. const firstNode = nodes[0].value.toLowerCase();
  96136. const secondNode = nodes[2] && nodes[2].value ? nodes[2].value.toLowerCase() : null;
  96137. if (nodes.length === 1 || secondNode === "center") {
  96138. if (secondNode) {
  96139. nodes[2].value = nodes[1].value = "";
  96140. }
  96141. const map = new Map([...horizontal, ["center", center]]);
  96142. if (map.has(firstNode)) {
  96143. nodes[0].value = /** @type {string}*/
  96144. map.get(firstNode);
  96145. }
  96146. return;
  96147. }
  96148. if (secondNode !== null) {
  96149. if (firstNode === "center" && directionKeywords.has(secondNode)) {
  96150. nodes[0].value = nodes[1].value = "";
  96151. if (horizontal.has(secondNode)) {
  96152. nodes[2].value = /** @type {string} */
  96153. horizontal.get(secondNode);
  96154. }
  96155. return;
  96156. }
  96157. if (horizontal.has(firstNode) && verticalValue.has(secondNode)) {
  96158. nodes[0].value = /** @type {string} */
  96159. horizontal.get(firstNode);
  96160. nodes[2].value = /** @type {string} */
  96161. verticalValue.get(secondNode);
  96162. return;
  96163. } else if (verticalValue.has(firstNode) && horizontal.has(secondNode)) {
  96164. nodes[0].value = /** @type {string} */
  96165. horizontal.get(secondNode);
  96166. nodes[2].value = /** @type {string} */
  96167. verticalValue.get(firstNode);
  96168. return;
  96169. }
  96170. }
  96171. });
  96172. return parsed.toString();
  96173. }
  96174. function pluginCreator() {
  96175. return {
  96176. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-positions",
  96177. OnceExit(css) {
  96178. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  96179. css.walkDecls(
  96180. /^(background(-position)?|(-\w+-)?perspective-origin)$/i,
  96181. (decl) => {
  96182. const value = decl.value;
  96183. if (!value) {
  96184. return;
  96185. }
  96186. if (cache.has(value)) {
  96187. decl.value = cache.get(value);
  96188. return;
  96189. }
  96190. const result = transform(value);
  96191. decl.value = result;
  96192. cache.set(value, result);
  96193. }
  96194. );
  96195. }
  96196. };
  96197. }
  96198. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  96199. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  96200. }
  96201. });
  96202. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-whitespace/src/index.js
  96203. var require_src28 = __commonJS({
  96204. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-whitespace/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  96205. "use strict";
  96206. var valueParser = require_lib();
  96207. var atrule = "atrule";
  96208. var decl = "decl";
  96209. var rule = "rule";
  96210. var variableFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["var", "env", "constant"]);
  96211. function reduceCalcWhitespaces(node) {
  96212. if (node.type === "space") {
  96213. node.value = " ";
  96214. } else if (node.type === "function") {
  96215. if (!variableFunctions.has(node.value.toLowerCase())) {
  96216. node.before = node.after = "";
  96217. }
  96218. }
  96219. }
  96220. function reduceWhitespaces(node) {
  96221. if (node.type === "space") {
  96222. node.value = " ";
  96223. } else if (node.type === "div") {
  96224. node.before = node.after = "";
  96225. } else if (node.type === "function") {
  96226. if (!variableFunctions.has(node.value.toLowerCase())) {
  96227. node.before = node.after = "";
  96228. }
  96229. if (node.value.toLowerCase() === "calc") {
  96230. valueParser.walk(node.nodes, reduceCalcWhitespaces);
  96231. return false;
  96232. }
  96233. }
  96234. }
  96235. function pluginCreator() {
  96236. return {
  96237. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-whitespace",
  96238. OnceExit(css) {
  96239. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  96240. css.walk((node) => {
  96241. const { type } = node;
  96242. if ([decl, rule, atrule].includes(type) && node.raws.before) {
  96243. node.raws.before = node.raws.before.replace(/\s/g, "");
  96244. }
  96245. if (type === decl) {
  96246. if (node.important) {
  96247. node.raws.important = "!important";
  96248. }
  96249. node.value = node.value.replace(/\s*(\\9)\s*/, "$1");
  96250. const value = node.value;
  96251. if (cache.has(value)) {
  96252. node.value = cache.get(value);
  96253. } else {
  96254. const parsed = valueParser(node.value);
  96255. const result = parsed.walk(reduceWhitespaces).toString();
  96256. node.value = result;
  96257. cache.set(value, result);
  96258. }
  96259. if (node.prop.startsWith("--") && node.value === "") {
  96260. node.value = " ";
  96261. }
  96262. if (node.raws.before) {
  96263. const prev = node.prev();
  96264. if (prev && prev.type !== rule) {
  96265. node.raws.before = node.raws.before.replace(/;/g, "");
  96266. }
  96267. }
  96268. node.raws.between = ":";
  96269. node.raws.semicolon = false;
  96270. } else if (type === rule || type === atrule) {
  96271. node.raws.between = node.raws.after = "";
  96272. node.raws.semicolon = false;
  96273. }
  96274. });
  96275. css.raws.after = "";
  96276. }
  96277. };
  96278. }
  96279. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  96280. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  96281. }
  96282. });
  96283. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-unicode/src/index.js
  96284. var require_src29 = __commonJS({
  96285. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-unicode/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  96286. "use strict";
  96287. var { dirname } = require("path");
  96288. var browserslist = require_browserslist();
  96289. var valueParser = require_lib();
  96290. var regexLowerCaseUPrefix = /^u(?=\+)/;
  96291. function unicode(range) {
  96292. const values = range.slice(2).split("-");
  96293. if (values.length < 2) {
  96294. return range;
  96295. }
  96296. const left = values[0].split("");
  96297. const right = values[1].split("");
  96298. if (left.length !== right.length) {
  96299. return range;
  96300. }
  96301. const merged = mergeRangeBounds(left, right);
  96302. if (merged) {
  96303. return merged;
  96304. }
  96305. return range;
  96306. }
  96307. function mergeRangeBounds(left, right) {
  96308. let questionCounter = 0;
  96309. let group = "u+";
  96310. for (const [index, value] of left.entries()) {
  96311. if (value === right[index] && questionCounter === 0) {
  96312. group = group + value;
  96313. } else if (value === "0" && right[index] === "f") {
  96314. questionCounter++;
  96315. group = group + "?";
  96316. } else {
  96317. return false;
  96318. }
  96319. }
  96320. if (questionCounter < 6) {
  96321. return group;
  96322. } else {
  96323. return false;
  96324. }
  96325. }
  96326. function hasLowerCaseUPrefixBug(browser) {
  96327. return browserslist("ie <=11, edge <= 15").includes(browser);
  96328. }
  96329. function transform(value, isLegacy = false) {
  96330. return valueParser(value).walk((child) => {
  96331. if (child.type === "unicode-range") {
  96332. const transformed = unicode(child.value.toLowerCase());
  96333. child.value = isLegacy ? transformed.replace(regexLowerCaseUPrefix, "U") : transformed;
  96334. }
  96335. return false;
  96336. }).toString();
  96337. }
  96338. function pluginCreator(opts = {}) {
  96339. return {
  96340. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-unicode",
  96341. /**
  96342. * @param {import('postcss').Result & {opts: BrowserslistOptions & {file?: string}}} result
  96343. */
  96344. prepare(result) {
  96345. const { stats, env, from, file } = result.opts || {};
  96346. const browsers = browserslist(opts.overrideBrowserslist, {
  96347. stats: opts.stats || stats,
  96348. path: opts.path || dirname(from || file || __filename),
  96349. env: opts.env || env
  96350. });
  96351. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  96352. const isLegacy = browsers.some(hasLowerCaseUPrefixBug);
  96353. return {
  96354. OnceExit(css) {
  96355. css.walkDecls(/^unicode-range$/i, (decl) => {
  96356. const value = decl.value;
  96357. if (cache.has(value)) {
  96358. decl.value = cache.get(value);
  96359. return;
  96360. }
  96361. const newValue = transform(value, isLegacy);
  96362. decl.value = newValue;
  96363. cache.set(value, newValue);
  96364. });
  96365. }
  96366. };
  96367. }
  96368. };
  96369. }
  96370. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  96371. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  96372. }
  96373. });
  96374. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-display-values/src/lib/map.js
  96375. var require_map2 = __commonJS({
  96376. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-display-values/src/lib/map.js"(exports2, module2) {
  96377. "use strict";
  96378. var block = "block";
  96379. var flex = "flex";
  96380. var flow = "flow";
  96381. var flowRoot = "flow-root";
  96382. var grid = "grid";
  96383. var inline = "inline";
  96384. var inlineBlock = "inline-block";
  96385. var inlineFlex = "inline-flex";
  96386. var inlineGrid = "inline-grid";
  96387. var inlineTable = "inline-table";
  96388. var listItem = "list-item";
  96389. var ruby = "ruby";
  96390. var rubyBase = "ruby-base";
  96391. var rubyText = "ruby-text";
  96392. var runIn = "run-in";
  96393. var table = "table";
  96394. var tableCell = "table-cell";
  96395. var tableCaption = "table-caption";
  96396. module2.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  96397. [[block, flow].toString(), block],
  96398. [[block, flowRoot].toString(), flowRoot],
  96399. [[inline, flow].toString(), inline],
  96400. [[inline, flowRoot].toString(), inlineBlock],
  96401. [[runIn, flow].toString(), runIn],
  96402. [[listItem, block, flow].toString(), listItem],
  96403. [[inline, flow, listItem].toString(), inline + " " + listItem],
  96404. [[block, flex].toString(), flex],
  96405. [[inline, flex].toString(), inlineFlex],
  96406. [[block, grid].toString(), grid],
  96407. [[inline, grid].toString(), inlineGrid],
  96408. [[inline, ruby].toString(), ruby],
  96409. // `block ruby` is same
  96410. [[block, table].toString(), table],
  96411. [[inline, table].toString(), inlineTable],
  96412. [[tableCell, flow].toString(), tableCell],
  96413. [[tableCaption, flow].toString(), tableCaption],
  96414. [[rubyBase, flow].toString(), rubyBase],
  96415. [[rubyText, flow].toString(), rubyText]
  96416. ]);
  96417. }
  96418. });
  96419. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-display-values/src/index.js
  96420. var require_src30 = __commonJS({
  96421. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-display-values/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  96422. "use strict";
  96423. var valueParser = require_lib();
  96424. var mappings = require_map2();
  96425. function transform(value) {
  96426. const { nodes } = valueParser(value);
  96427. if (nodes.length === 1) {
  96428. return value;
  96429. }
  96430. const values = nodes.filter((list, index) => index % 2 === 0).filter((node) => node.type === "word").map((n) => n.value.toLowerCase());
  96431. if (values.length === 0) {
  96432. return value;
  96433. }
  96434. const match = mappings.get(values.toString());
  96435. if (!match) {
  96436. return value;
  96437. }
  96438. return match;
  96439. }
  96440. function pluginCreator() {
  96441. return {
  96442. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-display-values",
  96443. prepare() {
  96444. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  96445. return {
  96446. OnceExit(css) {
  96447. css.walkDecls(/^display$/i, (decl) => {
  96448. const value = decl.value;
  96449. if (!value) {
  96450. return;
  96451. }
  96452. if (cache.has(value)) {
  96453. decl.value = cache.get(value);
  96454. return;
  96455. }
  96456. const result = transform(value);
  96457. decl.value = result;
  96458. cache.set(value, result);
  96459. });
  96460. }
  96461. };
  96462. }
  96463. };
  96464. }
  96465. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  96466. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  96467. }
  96468. });
  96469. // node_modules/postcss-normalize-timing-functions/src/index.js
  96470. var require_src31 = __commonJS({
  96471. "node_modules/postcss-normalize-timing-functions/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  96472. "use strict";
  96473. var valueParser = require_lib();
  96474. var getValue = (node) => parseFloat(node.value);
  96475. var conversions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
  96476. [[0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1].toString(), "ease"],
  96477. [[0, 0, 1, 1].toString(), "linear"],
  96478. [[0.42, 0, 1, 1].toString(), "ease-in"],
  96479. [[0, 0, 0.58, 1].toString(), "ease-out"],
  96480. [[0.42, 0, 0.58, 1].toString(), "ease-in-out"]
  96481. ]);
  96482. function reduce(node) {
  96483. if (node.type !== "function") {
  96484. return false;
  96485. }
  96486. if (!node.value) {
  96487. return;
  96488. }
  96489. const lowerCasedValue = node.value.toLowerCase();
  96490. if (lowerCasedValue === "steps") {
  96491. if (node.nodes[0].type === "word" && getValue(node.nodes[0]) === 1 && node.nodes[2] && node.nodes[2].type === "word" && (node.nodes[2].value.toLowerCase() === "start" || node.nodes[2].value.toLowerCase() === "jump-start")) {
  96492. node.type = "word";
  96493. node.value = "step-start";
  96494. delete /** @type Partial<valueParser.FunctionNode> */
  96495. node.nodes;
  96496. return;
  96497. }
  96498. if (node.nodes[0].type === "word" && getValue(node.nodes[0]) === 1 && node.nodes[2] && node.nodes[2].type === "word" && (node.nodes[2].value.toLowerCase() === "end" || node.nodes[2].value.toLowerCase() === "jump-end")) {
  96499. node.type = "word";
  96500. node.value = "step-end";
  96501. delete /** @type Partial<valueParser.FunctionNode> */
  96502. node.nodes;
  96503. return;
  96504. }
  96505. if (node.nodes[2] && node.nodes[2].type === "word" && (node.nodes[2].value.toLowerCase() === "end" || node.nodes[2].value.toLowerCase() === "jump-end")) {
  96506. node.nodes = [node.nodes[0]];
  96507. return;
  96508. }
  96509. return false;
  96510. }
  96511. if (lowerCasedValue === "cubic-bezier") {
  96512. const values = node.nodes.filter((list, index) => {
  96513. return index % 2 === 0;
  96514. }).map(getValue);
  96515. if (values.length !== 4) {
  96516. return;
  96517. }
  96518. const match = conversions.get(values.toString());
  96519. if (match) {
  96520. node.type = "word";
  96521. node.value = match;
  96522. delete /** @type Partial<valueParser.FunctionNode> */
  96523. node.nodes;
  96524. return;
  96525. }
  96526. }
  96527. }
  96528. function transform(value) {
  96529. return valueParser(value).walk(reduce).toString();
  96530. }
  96531. function pluginCreator() {
  96532. return {
  96533. postcssPlugin: "postcss-normalize-timing-functions",
  96534. OnceExit(css) {
  96535. const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
  96536. css.walkDecls(
  96537. /^(-\w+-)?(animation|transition)(-timing-function)?$/i,
  96538. (decl) => {
  96539. const value = decl.value;
  96540. if (cache.has(value)) {
  96541. decl.value = cache.get(value);
  96542. return;
  96543. }
  96544. const result = transform(value);
  96545. decl.value = result;
  96546. cache.set(value, result);
  96547. }
  96548. );
  96549. }
  96550. };
  96551. }
  96552. pluginCreator.postcss = true;
  96553. module2.exports = pluginCreator;
  96554. }
  96555. });
  96556. // node_modules/cssnano-preset-default/src/index.js
  96557. var require_src32 = __commonJS({
  96558. "node_modules/cssnano-preset-default/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  96559. "use strict";
  96560. var cssDeclarationSorter = require_main();
  96561. var postcssDiscardComments = require_src3();
  96562. var postcssReduceInitial = require_src4();
  96563. var postcssMinifyGradients = require_src6();
  96564. var postcssSvgo = require_src7();
  96565. var postcssReduceTransforms = require_src8();
  96566. var postcssConvertValues = require_src9();
  96567. var postcssCalc = require_src10();
  96568. var postcssColormin = require_src11();
  96569. var postcssOrderedValues = require_src12();
  96570. var postcssMinifySelectors = require_src13();
  96571. var postcssMinifyParams = require_src14();
  96572. var postcssNormalizeCharset = require_src15();
  96573. var postcssMinifyFontValues = require_src16();
  96574. var postcssNormalizeUrl = require_src17();
  96575. var postcssMergeLonghand = require_src19();
  96576. var postcssDiscardDuplicates = require_src20();
  96577. var postcssDiscardOverridden = require_src21();
  96578. var postcssNormalizeRepeatStyle = require_src22();
  96579. var postcssMergeRules = require_src23();
  96580. var postcssDiscardEmpty = require_src24();
  96581. var postcssUniqueSelectors = require_src25();
  96582. var postcssNormalizeString = require_src26();
  96583. var postcssNormalizePositions = require_src27();
  96584. var postcssNormalizeWhitespace = require_src28();
  96585. var postcssNormalizeUnicode = require_src29();
  96586. var postcssNormalizeDisplayValues = require_src30();
  96587. var postcssNormalizeTimingFunctions = require_src31();
  96588. var { rawCache } = require_src5();
  96589. function configurePlugins(plugins, opts = {}) {
  96590. const { overrideBrowserslist, stats, env, path } = opts;
  96591. const sharedProps = {
  96592. overrideBrowserslist,
  96593. stats,
  96594. env,
  96595. path
  96596. };
  96597. const defaults = {
  96598. colormin: {
  96599. ...sharedProps
  96600. },
  96601. convertValues: {
  96602. length: false,
  96603. ...sharedProps
  96604. },
  96605. mergeRules: {
  96606. ...sharedProps
  96607. },
  96608. minifyParams: {
  96609. ...sharedProps
  96610. },
  96611. normalizeCharset: {
  96612. add: false
  96613. },
  96614. normalizeUnicode: {
  96615. ...sharedProps
  96616. },
  96617. reduceInitial: {
  96618. ...sharedProps
  96619. },
  96620. cssDeclarationSorter: {
  96621. keepOverrides: true
  96622. }
  96623. };
  96624. return[plugin, opt]) => {
  96625. const defaultProps = defaults[opt] ?? {};
  96626. const presetProps = opts[opt] ?? {};
  96627. return [
  96628. plugin,
  96629. presetProps !== false ? { ...defaultProps, ...presetProps } : { exclude: true }
  96630. ];
  96631. });
  96632. }
  96633. function defaultPreset(opts = {}) {
  96634. return {
  96635. plugins: configurePlugins(
  96636. [
  96637. [postcssDiscardComments, "discardComments"],
  96638. [postcssMinifyGradients, "minifyGradients"],
  96639. [postcssReduceInitial, "reduceInitial"],
  96640. [postcssSvgo, "svgo"],
  96641. [postcssNormalizeDisplayValues, "normalizeDisplayValues"],
  96642. [postcssReduceTransforms, "reduceTransforms"],
  96643. [postcssColormin, "colormin"],
  96644. [postcssNormalizeTimingFunctions, "normalizeTimingFunctions"],
  96645. [postcssCalc, "calc"],
  96646. [postcssConvertValues, "convertValues"],
  96647. [postcssOrderedValues, "orderedValues"],
  96648. [postcssMinifySelectors, "minifySelectors"],
  96649. [postcssMinifyParams, "minifyParams"],
  96650. [postcssNormalizeCharset, "normalizeCharset"],
  96651. [postcssDiscardOverridden, "discardOverridden"],
  96652. [postcssNormalizeString, "normalizeString"],
  96653. [postcssNormalizeUnicode, "normalizeUnicode"],
  96654. [postcssMinifyFontValues, "minifyFontValues"],
  96655. [postcssNormalizeUrl, "normalizeUrl"],
  96656. [postcssNormalizeRepeatStyle, "normalizeRepeatStyle"],
  96657. [postcssNormalizePositions, "normalizePositions"],
  96658. [postcssNormalizeWhitespace, "normalizeWhitespace"],
  96659. [postcssMergeLonghand, "mergeLonghand"],
  96660. [postcssDiscardDuplicates, "discardDuplicates"],
  96661. [postcssMergeRules, "mergeRules"],
  96662. [postcssDiscardEmpty, "discardEmpty"],
  96663. [postcssUniqueSelectors, "uniqueSelectors"],
  96664. [cssDeclarationSorter, "cssDeclarationSorter"],
  96665. [rawCache, "rawCache"]
  96666. ],
  96667. opts
  96668. )
  96669. };
  96670. }
  96671. module2.exports = defaultPreset;
  96672. }
  96673. });
  96674. // node_modules/cssnano/src/index.js
  96675. var require_src33 = __commonJS({
  96676. "node_modules/cssnano/src/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
  96677. "use strict";
  96678. var path = require("path");
  96679. var postcss = require_postcss();
  96680. var { lilconfigSync } = require_src2();
  96681. var cssnano = "cssnano";
  96682. function isResolvable(moduleId) {
  96683. try {
  96684. require.resolve(moduleId);
  96685. return true;
  96686. } catch (e) {
  96687. return false;
  96688. }
  96689. }
  96690. function resolvePreset(preset) {
  96691. let fn, options;
  96692. if (Array.isArray(preset)) {
  96693. fn = preset[0];
  96694. options = preset[1];
  96695. } else {
  96696. fn = preset;
  96697. options = {};
  96698. }
  96699. if (fn.plugins) {
  96700. return fn.plugins;
  96701. }
  96702. if (fn === "default") {
  96703. return require_src32()(options).plugins;
  96704. }
  96705. if (typeof fn === "function") {
  96706. return fn(options).plugins;
  96707. }
  96708. if (isResolvable(fn)) {
  96709. return require(fn)(options).plugins;
  96710. }
  96711. const sugar = `cssnano-preset-${fn}`;
  96712. if (isResolvable(sugar)) {
  96713. return require(sugar)(options).plugins;
  96714. }
  96715. throw new Error(
  96716. `Cannot load preset "${fn}". Please check your configuration for errors and try again.`
  96717. );
  96718. }
  96719. function resolveConfig(options) {
  96720. if (options.preset) {
  96721. return resolvePreset(options.preset);
  96722. }
  96723. let searchPath = process.cwd();
  96724. let configPath = void 0;
  96725. if (options.configFile) {
  96726. searchPath = void 0;
  96727. configPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), options.configFile);
  96728. }
  96729. const configExplorer = lilconfigSync(cssnano, {
  96730. searchPlaces: [
  96731. "package.json",
  96732. ".cssnanorc",
  96733. ".cssnanorc.json",
  96734. ".cssnanorc.js",
  96735. "cssnano.config.js"
  96736. ]
  96737. });
  96738. const config = configPath ? configExplorer.load(configPath) :;
  96739. if (config === null) {
  96740. return resolvePreset("default");
  96741. }
  96742. return resolvePreset(config.config.preset || config.config);
  96743. }
  96744. function cssnanoPlugin(options = {}) {
  96745. if (Array.isArray(options.plugins)) {
  96746. if (!options.preset || !options.preset.plugins) {
  96747. options.preset = { plugins: [] };
  96748. }
  96749. options.plugins.forEach((plugin) => {
  96750. if (Array.isArray(plugin)) {
  96751. const [pluginDef, opts = {}] = plugin;
  96752. if (typeof pluginDef === "string" && isResolvable(pluginDef)) {
  96753. options.preset.plugins.push([require(pluginDef), opts]);
  96754. } else {
  96755. options.preset.plugins.push([pluginDef, opts]);
  96756. }
  96757. } else if (typeof plugin === "string" && isResolvable(plugin)) {
  96758. options.preset.plugins.push([require(plugin), {}]);
  96759. } else {
  96760. options.preset.plugins.push([plugin, {}]);
  96761. }
  96762. });
  96763. }
  96764. const plugins = [];
  96765. const nanoPlugins = resolveConfig(options);
  96766. for (const nanoPlugin of nanoPlugins) {
  96767. if (Array.isArray(nanoPlugin)) {
  96768. const [processor, opts] = nanoPlugin;
  96769. if (typeof opts === "undefined" || typeof opts === "object" && !opts.exclude || typeof opts === "boolean" && opts === true) {
  96770. plugins.push(processor(opts));
  96771. }
  96772. } else {
  96773. plugins.push(nanoPlugin);
  96774. }
  96775. }
  96776. return postcss(plugins);
  96777. }
  96778. cssnanoPlugin.postcss = true;
  96779. module2.exports = cssnanoPlugin;
  96780. }
  96781. });
  96782. // lib/cli-peer-dependencies.js
  96783. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  96784. value: true
  96785. });
  96786. function _export(target, all) {
  96787. for (var name in all)
  96788. Object.defineProperty(target, name, {
  96789. enumerable: true,
  96790. get: all[name]
  96791. });
  96792. }
  96793. _export(exports, {
  96794. lazyPostcss: function() {
  96795. return lazyPostcss;
  96796. },
  96797. lazyPostcssImport: function() {
  96798. return lazyPostcssImport;
  96799. },
  96800. lazyAutoprefixer: function() {
  96801. return lazyAutoprefixer;
  96802. },
  96803. lazyCssnano: function() {
  96804. return lazyCssnano;
  96805. }
  96806. });
  96807. function lazyPostcss() {
  96808. return require_postcss();
  96809. }
  96810. function lazyPostcssImport() {
  96811. return require_postcss_import();
  96812. }
  96813. function lazyAutoprefixer() {
  96814. return require_autoprefixer();
  96815. }
  96816. function lazyCssnano() {
  96817. return require_src33();
  96818. }
  96819. /*! Bundled license information:
  96820. fraction.js/fraction.js:
  96821. (**
  96822. * @license Fraction.js v4.2.0 05/03/2022
  96823. *
  96824. *
  96825. * Copyright (c) 2021, Robert Eisele (
  96826. * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
  96827. **)
  96828. cssesc/cssesc.js:
  96829. (*! v3.0.0 by @mathias *)
  96830. cssnano-preset-default/src/index.js:
  96831. (**
  96832. * @author Ben Briggs
  96833. * @license MIT
  96834. * @module cssnano:preset:default
  96835. * @overview
  96836. *
  96837. * This default preset for cssnano only includes transforms that make no
  96838. * assumptions about your CSS other than what is passed in. In previous
  96839. * iterations of cssnano, assumptions were made about your CSS which caused
  96840. * output to look different in certain use cases, but not others. These
  96841. * transforms have been moved from the defaults to other presets, to make
  96842. * this preset require only minimal configuration.
  96843. *)
  96844. */