123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100 |
- // https://wren.io/
- Prism.languages.wren = {
- // Multiline comments in Wren can have nested multiline comments
- // Comments: // and /* */
- 'comment': [
- {
- // support 3 levels of nesting
- // regex: \/\*(?:[^*/]|\*(?!\/)|\/(?!\*)|<self>)*\*\/
- pattern: /\/\*(?:[^*/]|\*(?!\/)|\/(?!\*)|\/\*(?:[^*/]|\*(?!\/)|\/(?!\*)|\/\*(?:[^*/]|\*(?!\/)|\/(?!\*))*\*\/)*\*\/)*\*\//,
- greedy: true
- },
- {
- pattern: /(^|[^\\:])\/\/.*/,
- lookbehind: true,
- greedy: true
- }
- ],
- // Triple quoted strings are multiline but cannot have interpolation (raw strings)
- // Based on prism-python.js
- 'triple-quoted-string': {
- pattern: /"""[\s\S]*?"""/,
- greedy: true,
- alias: 'string'
- },
- // see below
- 'string-literal': null,
- // #!/usr/bin/env wren on the first line
- 'hashbang': {
- pattern: /^#!\/.+/,
- greedy: true,
- alias: 'comment'
- },
- // Attributes are special keywords to add meta data to classes
- 'attribute': {
- // #! attributes are stored in class properties
- // #!myvar = true
- // #attributes are not stored and dismissed at compilation
- pattern: /#!?[ \t\u3000]*\w+/,
- alias: 'keyword'
- },
- 'class-name': [
- {
- // class definition
- // class Meta {}
- pattern: /(\bclass\s+)\w+/,
- lookbehind: true
- },
- // A class must always start with an uppercase.
- // File.read
- /\b[A-Z][a-z\d_]*\b/,
- ],
- // A constant can be a variable, class, property or method. Just named in all uppercase letters
- 'constant': /\b[A-Z][A-Z\d_]*\b/,
- 'null': {
- pattern: /\bnull\b/,
- alias: 'keyword'
- },
- 'keyword': /\b(?:as|break|class|construct|continue|else|for|foreign|if|import|in|is|return|static|super|this|var|while)\b/,
- 'boolean': /\b(?:false|true)\b/,
- 'number': /\b(?:0x[\da-f]+|\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)\b/i,
- // Functions can be Class.method()
- 'function': /\b[a-z_]\w*(?=\s*[({])/i,
- 'operator': /<<|>>|[=!<>]=?|&&|\|\||[-+*/%~^&|?:]|\.{2,3}/,
- 'punctuation': /[\[\](){}.,;]/,
- };
- Prism.languages.wren['string-literal'] = {
- // A single quote string is multiline and can have interpolation (similar to JS backticks ``)
- pattern: /(^|[^\\"])"(?:[^\\"%]|\\[\s\S]|%(?!\()|%\((?:[^()]|\((?:[^()]|\([^)]*\))*\))*\))*"/,
- lookbehind: true,
- greedy: true,
- inside: {
- 'interpolation': {
- // "%(interpolation)"
- pattern: /((?:^|[^\\])(?:\\{2})*)%\((?:[^()]|\((?:[^()]|\([^)]*\))*\))*\)/,
- lookbehind: true,
- inside: {
- 'expression': {
- pattern: /^(%\()[\s\S]+(?=\)$)/,
- lookbehind: true,
- inside: Prism.languages.wren
- },
- 'interpolation-punctuation': {
- pattern: /^%\(|\)$/,
- alias: 'punctuation'
- },
- }
- },
- 'string': /[\s\S]+/
- }
- };